j. , y ji-a-rr .-J&FFEttSONIAN REPUBLICAN Thursday, August 3, 184S. 1fms,$2",00iiia'lriince. S2,25hfti'f yearly; and H.50 i'frtot paid inforc the end of the year. 0?" L.-.BA.RNES, at Mil ford, is duly author ized to act as Agent Tor this paper;to receive sub '.se'riptinns, advertisements, orders for jobrwork and payments for the same. IE?E. W. Caur, Esq.. of the city of Philadel phia, is authorized to -receive subscriptions and .advertisements for the " Jeffersonian Republican." Office. Sun Buildings, corner Third and Dock streets, opposite the Merchant's Exchange ; and 440 North Fourth street. WIHG NOMINATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT, General Z AC II A IS. Y TAYLOR, OF LOUISIANA. " f ' FOR VICE PRESIDENT, ' ;vndui ITIIfLARO FJLLmORE, ' " Ul' KEV YORK. Gen Cass a Land Speculator. Lewis Qass has now been nearly half a 'century out of paternal guardianship, and in that time has probably done les"s than fifty days' work at any largely as a? land-speculator, what mrglit he no$3e I expe'cteU to do with a still higher omc'e.and a sal- j -Gov. Morehead havingS;at&Ienth received2 arv of S25.ti00 If no sense of bYdorietv could I . s . - ' ; , ' , . v.i. - '! usS.lf .i..'c.u. . i -' restrain him 'from connecting hiniself with a secret association for the monopoly of public lands when t, what could be bona fide Drodueftiva labor. Hi has been nearly Ihe wasa member of the Cabinet all the time in office, harinir chaneed his politics relied ctii to restrain him ftom a sintiliar proceeding t tt j , . , . , . . i he were rresident f Look at this thing, fellow citizens, Whigs and FOR tiAcAL commissioner, ft'EIt MIDDLES WARTET, OE UNION COTNTV. SENATORIAL ELECTORS. "Thomas M T. M'Kennan, of Washington John P. Sanderson, of Lebanon. DISTRICT ELECTORS. 1 Joseph G. Glarksoh, 2 John P.Wetherill, ' 3 James M. Davis, 4 Thin. W. Duffield, 5 Daniel 0. Hinter, fi'Joshtia Dungan,y 7 John D. Steele, S John Lamli, 9 Joseph K. Smucker 10 Charles Snyder 11 William G.'HuiIey '12 'Francis Tylr, 13 Henry Johnson, 14 William Colder, Sr. 15 (not filled) 16 Charles W. Fisher, 17 Andrew G. Curtifij 18 Thos. R. Davidson, 19 Joseph Marklej iO Daniel Agnew, 21 Andrew W Loomis, 22 Richard Irvin, 23 Thomas H. Sill. 24 Saml. A. Purviance TIic Compromise Bill. Tfre Nalioiial Intelligencer of Satuaday last, i says: Quite contrary to our expectation upon the introduction into the Senate of the bill generally called the Compromise Bill, (from its leaveihg the question of free soil in newly acquired Territorets of California and New Mexico, as well as in Or egon, to the decision of the inhabitants, and final ly of the Courts of Law of the United States,) that bill, aTter harin passed the Senate, on coming up in the House of Representatives yesterday, recei ved at once the coup de grace. By a yote of 112' to 1)8, in a full House, jt was ordered to lie upon the table, from which if will not be taken up during the present session of Congress-. . at an early age to get in. He has become very wealthy in two ways first, by official salaries, holding for a long time two well-paid, offices at once ; yet, not content with this he trumped up a claim, in 1836, when his friends were in power and the Treasury flush and open, for extra Services to an enormous amount services alleged'to have been performed while he was in the receipt of these two salaries-which cla'im was lobbied through Congress and the amount paid over to him. At this time Gen. Cass was a very rich man, having made one fortune by office and another by Land Speculation facilitated by office. ' The Cass farm,' just below Detroit and now mainly included within the limits of the City, was sold by him for more hundreds of thousands than it cost him hun dreds of dollars. And it now appears that he was at that time dipping into farther and gigantic Land Speculations. The Louisville Journal of the 20th brings us the following : A Financial Operation of Gen. Cass Ex traordinary Development1 Look at this In 1836 Lewis Cass, Henry Hubbard, Francis O. J Smith, Francis Markoe, Jr. and Ramsey McHen ry, all then at Washington City, formed themselves into an association under the title of the West ern Land Association," for the purpose of Specu lating in Western Lands. One of the Association certificates of stock has been sent to us. It it as follows. " weslern land association. "Be it known that Lewis Cass, Henry Hubbard, Francis O. J. Smith, Francis Markoe, Jr: and Ramsay McHenry, on the 58th day of April 1836, enteied into an association, with the combined capital of 220,000, for the purchase and sale of Public Lands, in certain Western States and Ter ritories of the Union, according to certain articles of agreement bearing said date, and signed by said parties ; and that is proprietor ot thousand dollars of said capital, whereof the ag gregate sum specified in the underwritten certifi cate has been paid ; the said thousand dol lars being, a portion of the capital assigned to said in saia articles oi agreement, ana suojeci BNo intelligent man, who feete an interest in the welfare of his country, has the right to with hold his vote at.any important election. One gen tleman of this class, and only one, we' have heard declare that he could not vote for Gen. Taylor ; and that he would not vote' for any opposing can didate for the reason that he preferred Gen. Tay lor to either of the nominees- of the' other parties. There are, doubtless, others- who entertained si milar views, though we hope the number, after lull time is given for calm and' deliberate reflection, will be few. It is the duty of every qualified elec tor to exercise the right of suffrage. No sufficient - excuse can be given for withholding a vote, es pecially when grsatund important interests are in volved in the issue; and ine person who refuses on slighfand untenable grounds, or because his particular favorite did not happen to Be" placed in nomination, would have no just reason to complain if he w6re debarred the right of voting ever after wards. N The following extract from a letter written by Laroartine in 1838, explaining his motives for en tering political life, tells the whole story in few words. It may be read with advantage by those who prefer Taylor to Cass, but who, propose to uMthhnM thpir fntos hprflisH -Mr. Slav was ru nominated'. "When the Divine Judge, shall sdrhmon us to appear before our ' conscience at the end of our brief journey bjew below, our weakness will not be an excuse for our enaction. It wjll be of no avail to reply, we were nothing, we could do nothing-, we were as buta'grain of sand. Ite will say- to us-, I placed before you in' your duty, the twoj scales pi a beam, by which the destiny- of the hu man race was weighed ;. in thd one was good in the other-evil. You were but a? grain of sand, no doubt ; but who told you that that grain of sand i ..j r ir i ji . VjOUiw navnave cause a ine oauance lo incine on my side I Yx)U have intelligence to see, a conscience io decide, and you should have placed. this grain f sand in one or the other; you did neither. Let she wind drift it away ; it has-not been of any ut-e lo you or your brethren. Broome Republican'. Gen. Ca-Ws presni position' may. be very well illustrated by an anecdote told'- by an old lady ho!e bors ran away with her.' n rela- t .1. l r. i. i. iing ner seiisaumi, sue saiu sue ieji very nurnJ alarmed while dashing over hillir and through alleys, "but she put her trust jn Providence iUlihc britchin brokeranjJ then she didn't know v,Lzi -io do." Gen. Cass was quiet nure of his Aacivm, and pot bin irusi in Providence uniil v hard that Genwal Tavlor was nominated, and then he gave up in despair. That nnmi' k nation "broke the britchin." Abahy Journal. Democrats, and decide for yourselves in your own honest minds if this landispeculatirig Secretary of War. whether guilty of the crime-, laid to his charge by Hon. Henry Htfbbard arid his cither as sociates of defrauding and swindling iliem is the man you will elevate to the Presidency. Scraps from Prentice. We say, Cass and Butler. forever. iV.' &u?f. We say, Taylor and Fillmore for four years. Louisville Journal. ' The Wmg Leaders hereabouts had better look out we shall wake the rascals up1 in a few days: Staunton Democrat. You wake up a great rascal every morning. lb. Gen. Cass's philanthrophy is as comprehensive as the over-arching sky. Staunton Bern. And his prospects as blue. Ib. Where is your platform, gentletrieh Whigs 1 Give us a platform ! A Platform ! Key stone. That fellow needn't bawl so lustily for a plat form. The hangman will provide him one at a proper time. Ib. Chapman of the Indianapolis Sentinel says that Mr. Van Buren has "the mark of Cain upon his brow." Chapman has the mark of several canes upon his back. Ib. Major Polk was in this city yesterday He Was not half so much caressed by his brother lo co focds as when he ws here three years ago. There's quite a" difference between the brother of a President just .inaugurated and the brother of a President about td get out of Office. Ib. Old Father Richie and several other locofoco editors, not satisfied with attacking Gen. Taylor, are actually assailing Old Whitey. It won't be safe for them to il assail him" in the rear" as they did Gen- Scott. He might kick their brains out. lb. to a deduction of one-third part of the profits ac cruing thereon, and to the payment of a propor tional fraction of the necessary expenses of the continued Agent of said Association, and to no other deduction. Be it known, also, that said stock is transfera ble in whole, or in parts not less than one thou sand dollars, by an assignment of this certificate by said -: or his Attorney, and record there of being made by the Secretary in the transfer book of the Association. Washington Cityy -i 1636. t Secretary: President." This Association for purposes of land-specUla-tipn was formed when Lewis Cass was Secretary of War under Gen. Jackson. Cass himself, the ciflef of the speculators, paid in $20,00, and oth ers paid in S 100,000, making a total of $120,000. The contemplated capital of 220,000' was not ob tained. The plan of the Association was to enter lands in the West and hold them up for a vast in crease of value. Cass being Secretary of War, and, in virtue of his official station, having import ant advantages over private individuals, the Asso ciation gave him the control of the whole business. He appointed the agent to make the entries of land selecting his own agent and agreeing to be "re sponsible for his acts. The- agent went to" the West and made purchases, all undei1 Cass's direc tion, and the latter, directly and through his agent, continued to have the management of the lands. After several years' delay, the members of the Association began to have strong suspicions- that there wa3 little or no probability of their ever get tins anything for their money. All their applica tions to Cass for information' were of no avail. Nothing satisfactory could be learned from him. After consultation with each other, they appoin ted Hoh. Henry Hubbard, one of their own num ber, and then or since U. S. Senator from New Hampshire, to look after their interests and ascer tain if Cass and his agent had dealt by Hhem fairly and honestly. Mr. Hubbard" opened a correspon-i dece with Cass, but1, failing in every effort to get any satisfaction from him, he wrote a final letter in forming the Hon. Secretary of War that he was a rascal, and the Hon; Secretary was quiet and si lent under the charge. Mr. Hubhard charged him with swindling his associates, and the Hon. Sec retary, instead of exhibiting resentment or attempt ing to prove his innocence, admitted by his silence the juitce of the accusation, apd even to this day the Association has not been able to gel anything out of him. We are authorized to make this statement by a member of the. Association; a- gentleman who paid S10,000 into the hands of Cass or his agent and has never received'anvthmg whatever in conside ration of his money. Our informant requests us.-j 11 me viuainy is aenieo, io can uir xiuu. xivmy Hubbard for a statement of the truth to demand of him a publication of the'letters that passed be tween him aid-Cass, particularly the letter to'the Hon. Secretary of War, charging him with viU lainy in all its forms. We shall enclose a' copy of this paper to Gen. Cass, and, if he ha3 anything to say, let him speak olit ora'uthorize some of his organs to speak out for himi Mr. Hubbard; the public are aware, is a prominent Loco-Foco,'and was the man that nominated Mr. Polk in the Bal timore Convention four years'ago. It was bad enough in all conscience for the head' of the War Department to become a member of an association for speculating in lands lo usie the advantages of his High office, one of the very high est in the Government, for monopolizing lands, through the use of an immense Capital, to the great' disadvantage and detriment of the poor emigant. Such an operation on the part1 of a Secretary of War would have been m the extremest degree censurable, even if there had been nothing dishon est or unfair ip his treatment of his associates; but if it is a fact, as charged, that, to the monstrous impropriety and sharrtelessness of entering into such a speculation, the Secretary added the crime of cheating or over-reaching his associates, he de serves an immortality of infamy, Ths-man who, as Secretary of War, speculated so extensively i,JV Wester lands, and who, by that and other rneagsr, has accumulated property to the amount of a million- of dollars, i now a cand)iate fr the Presidency If, with a high of fi c and a srilary of $6,000, he could' operate thus Wiscoiiiii; A meeting, was held at Souihport on ilie 1 0th, at which the name of iMarti Van Buren was recommended id be presented io the Con vention at Buffalo on the 9th inst. as the favor-it-' candidate of the Free Soil " Democracy" of Wicon.in. J. L. V. YAtes, Chairman", and Theodore Newell, Secretary. Several spir ited resolutions were passed, and the meeting was addressed by Messrs. C. Davis, Hays, McKinley, F. S. Loveil and others, who were heard with gratification, and cheered with great enthusiasm. The Walworth County Demdcrdt will tfot hoist the Baltimore nominees. The nomina tion of Cass meets with a cold response from the Badger press. The same may be said of nearly ihe whole Loco-Foco press of the North west. The Rock County Democrat, which will soon drop Cass, thus notices fce reception of a proslavery speech of iVrr. Brodh'ead, franked by Mr. Lyhdc "We are rather surjVrised that Mr. Lynde should send such' a sp'ech under 'his frank. We unnerstand' him' to be a pledged Wilmot Provi so man, and yet this speech of Mr. Brodhead is in every respect hostile to ihe Proviso. The sentiments' of the speech-', so1 far as relates to the policy of th'e Federal Government in re gard' lo Slavery, meets with our decided5 disap probation ; and we have Only io repeal what we have elsewere stated, that the public man from ihe North" who stakes his fate against the prin ciples of ihe Wilmot Proviso", may as well wrap his official robe around him and prepare to' die. We have known Mr. Brodhead' for many years, at least by reputation; and we hazard nothing in saying that he has' been disjinguised more Tor his subserviency to' the' South-, than for any thing else tha letter of acceptance from": General Taylor publishes it, together wiih ihai of Mr. Fillmore, received some lime previous 1 hey are as follows : , Baton Rouge, July 13'h, 1848. Hon. J. M. Morehead, Greensboro1, Guilford Coun ty, N. C. Sir : I had the honor to receive your com munication of June 10th, announcing that the Whig Convention, which assembled at Phila delphia Oh ihe 7th of that mouth, and of which you were ihe presiding officer, has nominated nie for ilib office of President of the United Stales. Looking to the composition of ihe Con vention and its numerous patriotic cousiiinenis, 1 feel duly grateful for ihe honor bestowed up on me for ihe distinguished confidence implied in my nomination to the highest office in the gift of the American people. 1 cordially accept ihai nomination, bur with the sincere distrust tif my Airless to fulfil ihe duties of an office which demands for its exer cise the most exaltfed abilities and patriotism, and which has been rendered illistrioua by the greatest names in o'iir nistory ; but should the selection of ihe Whig' Convention be confirmed by tlie people- I shall efideavor (o discharge tile riew duties then devolving 'upon me so as to mee't the expectations of my fellow citizens. and riresorve uhdirniiiishe'd the prosperity of our common cuuuuy. 1 Have the honor ib remain, with the highest respect;-your obedient servant, z. Taylor. Sir Mr. Filhiiorc's Reply. Albany, N. Y., June ,17, 1848. 1 have the honor to acknowledge 'the receipt of your letter of the 1 0h inst. by which I am notified that dt ihe late Whi" Convention held at Philadelphia Gen. Zachart Taylor was nominated for President and myself for Vice President, and requesting my acceptance of the nomination. - The Honor of thus being presented by the distinguished representatives of ihe Whig par ty of the Union for ihe second: office in the gift of the people :an honor as unexpected as it vas unsdliciied coflfd not faif io awaken in a grateful heafi, eiriotio'ns which, while they can not fail io be suppressed, find no appropriate language f6r tiitera'uce. Fully persuaded that the carise in which we are enlisted is ihe cause of our country ; that our chief object is io secure its peace, preserve it 'honor, and advance its prosperity , and feel ing, moreover, & confident assurance ihat in Gen. Taylor (.whose name is presented for the first office) I shall always find a firm and con sistent Whig a safe guide, and an honest man, I cannot hesitate tri'assume any. position which my friends may assign io' me. Distrusiing, as I well may, my ability to dis charge saiisfa'ctorily the duties of that high Of fice, btrt feeling that, in case of my election,- I may with safely repose upon the aid of my fel low vhigs, an'd thai efforts guided by honest intentions will always be charitably judged, I accept the nomination so generously tendered; and I do this the more cheerfully, as I am wil ling, for such a cause and for such a man, to' lake my chances of success or defeat as the electors, the final arbiters of our fate, shall in their wisdom, judge best' f6'r the interests of our common country Please accept tbe assurance of ni"y high re gard and esteem,- and permit me to subscribe inVself voU'r friend and fellow-citizen. MILLARD FILL-MORE'. Hon. J. M. Morehead. Itf&ssac h n'sef ls Yolrin&ersV The Cleveland (Ohio) Herald of, Saturday week, says that a vote was taken among ihe Massachusetts Volunteers, on board of the Sar atoga at that place, on Friday evening The results'. w?.s as follows : Taylor,- 279 Cas, . - . All ihe rank and file 'Were for old-Zach, and all the officers but nine. Volunteer Voting. A vote taken among the volunteers of the 4'th Kentucky volunteers that arrived here yesterday morning on the steamer ArcherV-restllied as follows, Capt. Lair's ' company Taylor 60, Cass 15;- Gapt. OVveri's Taylor 52 ; Cass 9. Capt. Barlett's Taylor 32 ; Cass 33: This last company Was' recruited from" the Locofoco counties df Henry and I nmble, and' when' they started for Mexico" more than three fuurihs'of them were Democrats Three officees of the 4h regimem,-hereto fore well' known as strong Democrats, always voting ihe Locofocp'tickef', have openly avowed their determination- to void for Qen. Taylor. LdtiisviU'e Courier. Th'e volunteers are all down on Gen. Butler like "a thousand of brick." They say he has been fighting 'against them for the last two or three months, and they iu'end to return ihe compliment by fighting against him for the next two or three monthi. Gerr. B. has precious few friends in ihe 4ih Kentucky regiment. hich'8rriQdj here yesnurday. lb: The New State' Art nij nisi rati oir. We perceive that the Hon. War. F. John ston, acting Governor of the. State, has been duly sworn" in, and' has entered Upon the dis charge of his official' duties!. Mf. Johnston is a man of very superior abilities. He has" great natural shrewdh'ess-strong common sense :ery acute perceptions a discriminating judg ement, and decided firmness of character. In ihe Senate no'one wielded a larger or more de served" influence. Familiar with; every topic lie undertook to' discuss, he Was always listen ed to' with marked attention, and his speeches, Brief, terse,- pointed', yet comprehensive, never failed to' make a deep impression. '.In the. new position to vhich he has been called, Mr. John ston will give general satisfaction. Wise and liberal in' nils policy thoroughly conversant wnn ine interests commuiea to nrs'care ana ble in deportment and easily accessible to all his administration' Will be both beneficial and popular. Mr. JbHris ton has selected as his Secretary of Sla'ie, Townsend Haines, of Chester Coun ty.- We regard this choice as eminently .for tunate. No ciuzrn of eastern Pennsylvania enjoys iii a higher degree, ihe esteem of the public, or has more justly earned' the respect and confidence of ihose who' know him most intimately. Of wide attainmems-amp)e ex perienceenlarged knowledge extended in tercourse with' public men arid public affair's, he will bring io the aid of his chief a mind richly stored1 With useful informationa pen at once ready and eloquent, and a reputation of unsul lied integrity. With' such men as these at its head', w6 may safely congratulate our glorious, but long-sunenng Commonwealth, on the pros pect of a new and brighter day in iti political nisiory. N FOREIGN NEWS. ; Arrival of the United States. Four Days later from Europe. This fine American steamship, Capt. Hack stand reached her wharf in N. Y. on Tueseay morning soon "after 10 o'clock, having left Havre ar7 P. M. on iho 1.2th ult. making a passage of about 13 1-2 days without touching at Southhampton. Her Paris and Havre datea are io the 12th and London to the 1 i ih ult. Mr. Caussian, ambassador from ihe Republic of France to ihe United Stales and family, with Mr. Jules Marie as Secretary, and accompan ied by Miss Rush, are among the 112 paiaen gers an unusual number by this steamer. The London Times announces thai the Queen's projected visit lo Ireland has been sus pended "for a more favorable opportunity. Her Majesty will not visit Ireland this year." Her majeciy'a marine excursions will be con fined to the Channels and neighboring Islands. The 25th ult, is the day named for .embarka tion for the trip. Chartist Trials Joseph Fussel hasbeeu. tried and found guilty. Vernon the lecturer, Williams the baker, and Sharp, a painter, wero subsequently tried and all found guilty, but Wil liams only was pronounced guilty of the whole of the charges. The other two, like Fussel, were acquited of the charges of creating a riot. The sentence has not yet been given upon the prisoners, who are in Newgate. Mr. Earnest Jones, the most conspicous of ihe Chartist, was tried at the Old Bailey, and found guilty of attending seditious meetings. More Arrests in Ireland. Mr. Chas. Gavin Duffy, editor of the "Nation," and Messrs. O'Doherty and R. Williams, proprietors of the Tribune had each been arrested under ihe Fein iiy Act, with their papers, documents, &c. Ball Was offered but refused. .This trial is set down for the 8h of August Mr. Martin, ihe proprietor of the Irish Felon, for whose apprehension a warrant had been is sued, voluntarialy surrendered io the police au thorities. He was brought before Mr. Tyn dall, ihe sitting magistrate at College street, m custody, and committed io' stand his trial at the next Commission ai Oyer afnd Terminer. The Austrian Government was preparing for a more vigorous campaign in Lombatdy. Returned Volunteers. The New York Her aid says itjat a vole was taken a few days ago among the returned volunteers at Fort Hamil ton, and that every one of ihe privates voted for ben. I aylor, but a majority of the officers voted for Gen. Cass. This will be - foond lbs case generally ; ihe ojfce holders art for C'lif, and tne people lw Faylor,. t .tHree Days later. Important News. By ihe arrival of th'e Europa at Boston we have dales from Liverpool to ihe 1 5th. FRANCE. Another plot for an insurrec tion had been discovered; in Pars by iho gov ernment, and suppressed. Large numbers of arms were discovered and seized, and the most rigorous measures were adopted by the gov ernment. It is considered certain now thai or der can be preserved. Every precaution is a dopted to preverii or crush any attempt at insur rection. There' are rumors of differences-a-mong the members of the Administration.' f RE'L'AND. A crisis is evidently approach ing. The government by way of prevention is arresting the leading spirits on charges of Trea son. Mr. Duffy of ftaimn," Martin of Fel on," O'Dougherty and Williams and Hoban of the " Tribune" newspapers are among those arrested and committed to puson.., Mr. Doherty va arrested in Cashel, on Mon day, and Mr. Aleagher in Waterford, on Tues day, on charges of sedition, and' will be tried at th'e present assizes in Tipperary and Limerick. Mr. Meagher's apprehension caused the ut' most excitement in Waterford. The chapel bells were rung ; thousands of confederates as sembled, and it required all the authority and influence of the gifted and chivalrous captive, aided by the Catholic clergyman, to prevent ihe people from falling upon the military and police. As it was, they stoned the authorities and cut off one body of troops from the other. They erected a formidable barricade which impeded the progress of the escort, and for miles hunted and harrassed the procession, but happily no lives were lost. . During the week, Messrs. Darcy, McGee and Honywood, were also arrested for seditions but the bills were thrown out by the Wicklow Grand Jury. The " Democratic Worth" breaking- loose from Cass and soing for Van Buren Pennsylvania is safe for Old Zack. The following ariicle from the Luzerne county Democrat, ofJuly 19, ihe Cass and But ler organ of that county, lets light in upon, the disorganised candidate of the Cass FWfijt of Northern Pennsylvania, that heretofw aywaya reliable stronghold of the Lpcufocos in this. State : Disorganization. The- Bedfprd Reponer and Northern Democrat oE iMoniraae had bet ter douse the Cass and Bulbar fjpg, and strike to the enemy at once.. We- have, no sympathy with party men whotruckle io.he.mad schemes of northern abolitionists. Slavery in the ah-, stract we oppose and will oppose to the las but we cannot join in ihe wicked tirade awain our southern brethern in the confederacy heatU'dj by Martin Van Buren. He is in bad buiint and the Bradford Reporter and Northern Dem ocrat are in worse business in g'mng him co?n tenanee. If, gentleman you are for Van Bu ren, haul dowivyour flag and come out open. y. Show, your colors and don't deceive the honest democracy of the land by carrying at your mast head Cass and Butler when you are throwing open your colum.n.s. wr.eekjy to, ifyft abuse of them. ItF A young child was. piched up on Che. nut street" this morning. Nobody could found, to father W.PAikMpM JTyWe, Send for Mij. Burrts, ho fathered, Ger Pil low1! Leonidis lever. SV2 A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers