. rr . . . j. .. ? . .. in ... . m,. . ... . msm-. . ril j&m& s n r J. The whole art of Government consists in the art of being honest.' Jefferson. j VOL 9. STRQODSBURG, MONROE COUNTY-, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1848. No. 3, "published by Theodore Schoeh. ni.c -,(n dollars "per annum in advance Tto dollars Em?rter hl verlUnd if not paid before tl.c end of aula q"' jollar and a half. Those who receive their :hc year. w" or slagc drivers employed by the proprie VaPCS U clmrgcd 37 1-2 cents, per year, extra. No papc discontinued until all arrearages are. paid, except aVeiK?scmente no? exceeding one square (sixteen lines) ffiwsSSl three ueeks for one dollar, and twentv-hve TX fa r cSS-subscqucnt insertion. Thccharge for out and ihrec insertions the same. A liberal discount made to yearly (-aAinctters addressed to the Editor must be post-paid. Hivinc a general assortment of large, elegant, plain and orna 1 menial Tvpe, wc are prepared, to execute every , description of Cards Circulars, Bill Heads! ffolcs, Blank Receipts, JUSTICES, .LEGAL AND OTHER BLANKS, PAMPHLETS, &c. Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonablp terrric, AT THE OFFICE OF THF ' Jeffersouian Republican. Description of Liberia. We take the following description of the Re public of Liberia, us exiem, population, seitle- iiieuts- products, &c. from a pamphlet just is-j Mied iu Philadelphia. A very general inter- est is now felt in the succe:s sf this Oolony, and the visit of its President to our City has still more excited public curiosity. It will be een that the soil, naturally fertileproduces in abundance a large variety of tropical plant and fruits, and that products to a large amount have been exported within two years. Educa tion is not neglected, and the report of the re-1 liojous aspect of the Colony is very flattering : ' w LIBERIA. Extent. Liberia extends from Digby at the mouth (f Poor River,' on the North-west, in Cavally River, on the South-east, between 4 dog. 20 mill, and 6 deg. 40 min North latitude, ....A T Aon 90 min and 1 1 Vftt lonPltude. nil" i . tj a- - n. ...... Pko lutwith hf mast hnltVPftU l),..l,y and the Cavally R.ver is about ihree P must nave oeen accueniai.j urawu u.iu u.e Lundred nyles. The territory df L.bbiia extend?, current while loitering near the shore and ne? irom twenty to thirty V.iles inland. The' right , cw.anly taking the fearful leap over the caia of iHis.essiun and jurisdiction overall this line, ; ract-had by one of those seeming miracles, (with the exception of Young SiMers,) has beeri ; escaped alive ! purchased bv the American and the Maryland j A letter from Niagara Falls to the New Colonization Societies, and larther purchases i liave since been made. Population. The inhabitants of Liberia, emigrants from the United States and their children, number three thousand five hundred ; , , , t i i n n i J it I ... : am Ueven hundred occupy the Maryland Colony at Cape Palinas. To U.e.e may be added about , i,ve hundred natives, civilized and admitted to , heprmlege8ofihepollsa,,d.her.gh izelp , general The nanves res ding on , and owned by the Colony, and dirtec ly , men-; : nnn "'Jf8' "f ""T T , lo,000. The population of the allied tribe, to the interior who are bound by treaty to a b; ;. Mam from ihe slave trade and other barbarous , practices, is not accurately known, but may be estimated at 150,000. . Towns and Settlements. xMonrovia on tthe south side of Cape Meurado, near the 3iorth-weistern boundary of Liberia, is the Cap ital and chief place of trade. Population L"i. n fPJ .1 ... .. .U.. ... . K vvv. 1 ne omer pons, iich cinuuiug uhib m -r. 1 ne more mianu towns ana tneir ai'iuniiu t. -i 1 . 1 . 1. ; 1 etilements are Caldwell, New Georgia and Millsburg. . Pjiofuctions of. the Soil. Coffee, sugar caoe, rice, cot tori, indigo, Indian corn, potatoes, yams, caasada, bananas, arrow-root arid nutJ maybe produced in any quantity; fruits are various and abundant. These are all grown in Liberia, i Exports. The chief exports are cam wood, palm oil and iyory, to the amount of S 123.690 in two years., ending September, 1843, accor- iltng to the official returns. These are hrUgh fr im iIim inlftririr ... v .... . ..... as above, amounted to $157,830, 1 ' . religious Aspect. Churches, 23 ; wiinnti iticaftts 1500; of whom 500 are. natives audje--C3ptured Axicans. Education. Schools 16 ; scholars' 500 ; f wjhotn 200 are native AfricaiiK. The Sun uayhoolb embrace a ar larger nuipber. , Tletisc8.ofthe iMand Colony at Cape aluias.axe not given id this state.meit. On 1 'he.4thjtistMwhilelr. xm5'f WIii'mHn a friend "w um pllI1I1Illffl. frt the 'OW" f M'llll "u a menu o um J,UIUHJT, JJunEtaDLe, J,H.', pear theBOinnwhat ceiTt ted' pniifiK, discovered late.blaclc mwUh hlc;ly trawling along ihe grouml. Mr, Whitman iiro.l, wounded. ilie.Tepiile, wJiiuh, htsuipg, stjr ed;ftiriouily.jowar(d him. when a shot from his Irteud brought him lo,- but it wn ijpi tipni a 'Inrd tdf(iuMhvvchgR -had beeri, givi.lfim. 'tiat ha- succumbed to Jus, asatlanis.-Upon ! uieBKiiring nim, he was Jouiid .tobe mnMeot and seven inches iriiiigth. tliu V1.irrlrrrl Cr,r,nT aru MnrVinll fill thl IllilU ) . .... ... . deIi hlfu, lrip up lhe Gulf and Under Jiiver, xiiuiua, reAiey uii uib 01. juuu c wu, - . r ' ' . J .. . 0: i... ! &c. &c. Of course the attention o Dassa uovfi, ana ureenv e 011 ui oih;- in- , , , . . ... . . urs who hear he converat on is . Falls of Niagara. The Buffalo Commercial Advertiser of Thurs day last says Among the numerous " Guides to the Falls," both biped and quadruped a large black dog of'the mastiff species, belonging to Mr. .Wood ruff, the Postmaster, should not.be overlooked. He intimately acquainted with almost every nook and corner of this world .of waters, and- oftP4i may be aeen fearlessly leaping among the wildest crags and aboin the fearful precipices. It is said, however, that upon the erection of h new Suspension Bridge, the. dog being 'in vited to a passage across, cautiously stepped; a few paces upon it, and then, stopping laid down and actually howled wih terror With some hesitation he at length backed out, and no in ducement could since prevail on him to make a second attempt. We were much amused re cently to notice the dog attach "himself to a party of fouf , about starting for a jaunt across the ferry i " Watch" started ahead, descended the stairs, and when we arrived at the boat at the foot he was quietly sitting in ihe stern, wailing for us. Upon our arrival at the Cana da side, with the air of an experienced guide, he preceded us to the Table-rock, Barnett's Museum, ihe Menagerie, and other points V interest, and on our return, re-entered the boat, crossed over, and, arriving at the inclined rail way, having apparently satisfied himself .that it would be much less .fatiguing to fide upv than to mount the two hundred and odd steps ; grave ly seated himself upright on the cars and rode up with the rest of the passengers. Such scenes ashese we are told are of almost daily occurrence with this sagacious. creature.. He often makes the voyage up ihe river on the Maid of the Mist. A few days since, while one of the Guides -l it "l C was conauciing a genueman mm me mnye 01 the Winds," behind the American Fallf) he came upon a full grown hog, alive but qripljed two of his legs being badly broken, and- his bodv bearing evident marks of having ' suf- ' fered some." How he came there rib one could te" and the fair presumption is that his pork ftork Express relates ihe following piece of pleasant and ingenious Yankeeism : " A little bp stream from the Joridge is the a. 5 UIC iuui ui tills lunu me aicaiuci oiciiio aitu anv. . lhe Gu,f and ncar lhe Greal hoe I nf bm I of he moglj QW lQ , a 5n w & Mmue b a recilal of hi tactica in procuring passengers for theMaid, J . boards al seats herself in ,he beaU. if , u Ju-a ;n uiui panur ui me oaiaiai; iiwuac, uotivcu all her 4 best.' Anon Mr F. appears with his white gloves on, and in strolling leis'urely a round lhe parlor happens to discover Mrs. F., with whom he shakes hands very cordially, and enters into a conversation in a rather loud ev, the burden of the discourse being, of course, ' the splendid 1 14 tie steamer, and the the r alls,' f the stran- drawn to the same 'delightful trip which they resolve, doubt less, to take next day. Is not this an in genious refinement upon runnerism. A runner 111- -white gloves in the parlor of the Cataract, and a lady to help! Who can compete with the Yaukees in any thing they undertake V Harden i 11 s Hides. The following patented process of hardening hides, extracted from Examiner Paga's ftepoft, , will be found to be not a little interesting. The hide is Hardened and rendered transparent as It'' T . 1. tZi . 1 1. (i nra ollhmlttori In lh 111 Hie 11T31 UIUIU IIICV uic ouuihiiivu w.v. sweating operation or the liming, for removing ille hair. They are then submitted to the ac tlort1 pf powerful' astfingeiiis, uch' as sulphuric acid, alum or salts of tartar dissolved in water at a high temperature. During the operation of clearing the hides of the oil, they are rubbed, fricton is applied in any convenient way, whereby the hide becomes thickend ; and af ter this process is finished, they are rinsed in 'w.arro water and dried. After being dried, they are subo); Jo lhe action of boiling linseed, or any othjer diyjngojj, and retained in the hot oil until a yellow Vjc.um appears upon lhe sur face of the hidesj when they are withdrawn. If it is. desired to jmpart color to the material, a8 staining it in jnpiation pf. tornse shejl, it is j done, i'6 n lQ PH bath, and when removed j froip the Ka'h 11 j8 ubmiited to pressure in, mnuldft ijr 'be formation of various articles, as; ,knif hais. &F-. Fr the article, erhen U pliable, bHt'fr hefl aUod toxool it becomes .. , ( B uc ii a Tisla. Steady., Boys ! steady, ' . To meet you armed. band: . We've followed Rough, and Ready. Far from our native land. What though with bristling lances ,0ur foes obscure the sun, Along the barrel when it glances Each eye can see but one. 1 Y Steady, Boys ! steady, . .One, soul pervades our.band-r-The souLof Rough.and.Ready pne thoughtour native land . ; Brethern of Indiana! ; . ,And of. Mississippi's-shore, Bear aloft, the starry banner f Where the connons. loudest roar. ' - Steady, Boys steady,. .1 , . L'What heart will not expand When the voice of Rough and Ready Gives out the ste n command. "Attention !' and the throbbing . Of each heait echoes the word; While the eager hand, is robbing The scabbard of its. sword. r ' Steady, Boys ! steady, Their onset we will stand v . By the sfde of Rough and Ready For the honor of our land. "Attention !" and the rolling Of the drum repeats the sound, . While each brave all fears controlling Marks time upon the ground." Steady, Boys ! steady. . , 1,.- ! : On .their backs the name we"ll brand Of the Hero Jtough.and Ready, " , Who .leads .our gallant band. "Attention I'.'and, the clicking, J. , Of.a thousand locks is rjeard? , Every, eye a ioe is picking, .p. Every finger bides the word. Stea'4y,.Boys! steady, The.eAemy!s..at hand ; ' , Three cheers for; .Rough and Ready, Nine for one Native Land. The Character of Zachary Taylor. j ,:,.BY WORTHINGTON G, jSNET.HE.N. The character of Zachary Taylor approxi-, mates very closely to that of George "Washing ton. It is full of.all ihe attributes of human ex cellence, j It abounds in moral strength, sym metry and beauty,, j It. stands upon.ihe broad base of honesty and is crowued witr) ,4he. lory of truthfulness. ,Like: a ugeDorian-column ihatears itself aloft, it is marked by simplici ty, repose and firmness. ..It is a pile-of manly glories. There is no ruin, about i or near, iv, no fajling stone, no bramble at its foot, but, all is fresh, new. and perfect.., The. study, pf auch a stiucture will .amply repay the jabor. ., t , The bseuce from Zachary Taylor's charac ter of ine vices that ordinarily disfigure ihe life and actions of public men, enables the observer to enjoy in an inteuse degree the contemplation of ihe positive virtues which this wonderful man possesses. If regarded from afar, he is like to some lofty oak on a mountain peak there are no forests no obstacles to hide it from the sight of the beholder. If seen from a near point of view, he is like to the statue of the Father of the country from the chisel of Gree nough an embodiment of a man without a blemish. , , The corner-stone of Zachary Taylor's char acter is honesty. Every other stone in the structure is out of the quarry of of pure morals rough, askless pf value. Honesty is the. source, whence all lhe purposes of his life spring; ihe channel along which ihey flow; the sea to which ihey hurry their waters, A' with the thoughts, words and deeds of Wash ington, so wjih those of Taylor no man carr mistaKe ineir origin, xuey are ib cumuduuus of a pure mind, having no object in view but the public good ; and about what constitutes the public, good, honesty never cavils never disputes, 'riever hesitates. This grand moral principles in the heart of man is like charity. It recognises as quickly What the public good is, as the latter principle is quick to recognise ur neighbor. Taylor's honesty has passed in to a proverb among'those who know him. Ii is-e shining light, illumining his character. It is ihe sun of his moral and mental world. It throws its rays upon all men and all things, with whom and with which he has to do. De void, in almost a superhuman degree, of ihe stimulus of personal ambition, or if he posses-es-it, successful like Washington in suppress ing its influence upon his thoughts, words or actions, Taylor presents, in his person and in hisdeeds,a glorious example of the value which a truly huflD'e ftn honest man is to the age in whjph he lives ; for without honesty, there can not be humility, and Taylor, as well as Wash iijgton, has shown lhe truth of this philosophy. Honesty, in all ages, has been justly regard ed as ihe paren.t of alUbe human .virtue, and if a man be seen to possess, In a large degree, tliese, virtues, he is sure to tje set (JtfWU a3 a,n honest man, ,and correctly too.'. Vices, can never be the offspring of honesty, any more than a limpid fountain can pour fourth muddy waters. In honest Zachary Taylor U found not one of the human virtues absent. They a bound as the sands of the 'sea shore abound. They bluster around his brow in rich profu sion. .ln his intercourse' with men hei is just, merciful, generous, kind, and forgiving. In the discharge of his duties, he is firm, 'steady, patient, persevering. Iu his personal bearing, he is modest-, accessible, frank. So high is his reputation1 for justice, that men have been known to prefer Zachary. Taylor's voluntary 0 pinion upou a disputed -point to the decision of a regularly constituted tribunal 'in ihe prem ises. His tender-heartedness is as proverbial as his love of .justice, and sheds a halo around all his actions, even when duty demands (hat its promptings shall bet silenced. He has a kind word for all, and or him injuries are writ ten in-water. -To wish well ajid to do well to his fellow creatures are the prime purposes of Zachary Taylor's heart, and his whole life has been one example of generosity and benevo lence. . -His courage is of the very highest or der ; not merely pnysica(, but mental and mor al. The courage to do evjl, to'do wrong, to do injustice hehas not, but his courage is, to do good, to .(Jo well, to do righj. It is the cour age of honesty. Hence. h is never, alarmed, never trembles, .never knows fear, never can be seduced by promises of favor. It is a courage that is no.-respecter of persons. It is a cour age, that'tiever shrinks Irom resnonsibiljty, nev er dreads its presence; - It is never rash, though adequate to everyemergency andjduty, because lo be right and to do right are- the controlling determinations pf Ins, noble mind. . With humility always goes simplicity of manners. Taylor is not an exception to this rule. His simplicity of manners is the admi ration of all, and it is further evidence of the presence of the great virtues, without which it cannot exist'io any extent in any individual An' humble man regarda'his fellow-man as his equal and is accessible, to all alike. This is Taylors rule; of. action. There is a charms bout' his whole personal deportment, that inva riably. -pxcites respect and love in those who are brought into contact with hjnv This char,m which is the legitimate operation of so many virtues centred )i one man, is the secret of the confidence which his presence and his charac acier. have infused so .largely into' the public mind.; L hasr.heen said thai a -man may be known by his dress.. . In, this particular, Taylor-is true o his character,, which is, never to run , into extremes. , .While he pa,ys every respect- to the.- conventionalisms of society, he never .exhibits any ofVihat frivolity of mind that loses sight of the kenial in contemplating the. husk. , . , -' -. f.The possession of .honesty and of all the vir tues pf which honesty, is the parent, is invaria- bly accompanied by the existence in lhe .same individual ol greal intellectual capacity. 1 hese plants cannot, flourish in barren soil. Strong intellect is necessary to their growth and de velopment. Nor will they grow a'nd develope themselves unless the intellect be cultivated, and cultivated diligently. These truths are veri fied in the person ef Zachary, Taylor. His in tellect is of the highest order. He has culti vated it with great assiduity, and 11 has proved, to be a fruitful field to the possessor. Every seed sown in it has brought forth a vigorous plant that has grown rapfdly and yielded rich fruits. The powers of his mind ar(e equal in every, respect to his moral attributes. They stand side by side in their glory. Signalized by a wonderful, grasp' of intellect and exiraordihary powers of intellect and ex traordinary powers of generalization', he never fails to aVrive ai a Correct judgrrient! of men and' things because of the extent of data which ire cap command, almost intuitively, upon a given subject. Herein his honesty1 of purpose avr.ils him mightily. There is no miserable and pet ty personal ambition present to obscn'r.e his conception but, in the pire light of ie pub lic goodj he sees every ih'ing take ija proper position, and the result becomes known to him with mathematical certainty. Oified with the power of writing the English language more purely, perhaps, ihan any ot noT man living, he has at his hand's ihe means yf announcing the deliberations of his migh'y mind in words that burn with 'the1 authority nf truthfulness. By nature a'rid by educaihvlt Zachary Taylor is a law-lb'ving and law-?'h.iding man. His honesty makes'" him so and. Ieeps hurt so. His career has been with men, and with things, and they have left their im.press upon a naturally right mind, which m its turn has re-acted opon these objects of active lifes and mastered them and made ihm subservient to the master's use. Herein is the philosophy of Taylor's loriqut. character. It has been formed by his mighty mind put of materials provided in abundance 'oy the God of his nature. In one whole com bined, it stands lhe proudesi monument of hu man excellence that now fills the national eye. Fortunate for the country, that its possoss-or, unconscious pf his merit and his glory, is about to be lifted by the popular voice to. the, chair once pevupied by the onjy man iQwhPSP' char acter he approaches more nearly ahan any oth er individual living ! Washington. July 8'h, 1848. . - - Presence of miisd iu Children. A'moro interesting cdse of true pcrseuoe of mind was seldom; if ever, recorded than the following, which Occurred some time a'go. iu one of ijie interior, towns of Maine. A gentle man who lived in, a beautiful: villa,, a IiiiIh re tired1 from one of.the charming villiges which every where adorn New-England, had gone, w.nh several members of his family, on Sahiiath morning, loaitend worship In the village church, leaving only three small children at hiiiue.--Thcoldest of themvaa ason of thirteen years, the second eleven, and the third a daughter of nine. 1 These childreh were considered every waytrusty by their parentswho ejiiertalnd iiu fears' for the safety jof home during their ab sence at the church. The lime of the litilu ones was occupied with mural and interesting books, as was .common with them when thus left at home, till toward doon they thought they discovered symptoms of. wood buttling, and tin ascending to the head of the stairs, ouud ihe whoje upper part of the house enveloped m .smoke and flame. On going out they saw thu fire bursting out of the roof in every pari, threat- ing destruction not only of the house but to eve ry thing in it. There was now ho time for deliberation.--What.was:to be doiie.was to. be done instantly; quick as thought each child, was at, work as. if their several parts had been assigned them ny the wisdom of age, after mature deliHeraraitsu The elder boy mounted a horse and rode lyith. all possible speed, to the village to obtain as sistance there. At .the sanie, tune, and wnh.a. discretion far in advance of their years, ihe. younger lad and his sister set about clearing: the house of such articles as their strength wa. able io;reinove. In the first place they secured' their father's papers. Next they contrived to remove an elegant, eight day brass clock c" much value. To accomplish ihis, ihey placadl twp,feathef beds iu from of it on the floor, and! throwing it over on ?ts face, drew it out un our? of.the beds, and thus removed it beyound! i-he flames. After this they got out the jetb. a.ii bed clothes, and next secured the c-omtiw of their mother's wardrobe. Her china autS i&ver waje were then put into baskets and pJotfetS beyond the. reach of harm. . Thus they kep steadily bill calmly atiisrorlw removing articles, giving each article-; p.jnriy according to its value, till ihey -were- sehevsd from, jheir anxiety and toils by the arrival of the family and neighbors from vh& meeting, one ot two miles distant!. Nearly a)3 rhat wa done on this occasion was accomplished by ibe cool demeanor and Unflinching; perseverance of these, two children, as, when the people ar rived, the fire had, extended o every room in the house, and rendered access almost impos sible. Several limes they risked their liv?s to save articles which they thought would be high ly esteemed by their moth er. Boston Traveller. lunpron.ptii BuUer. Wfe yesterday saw, says the N. Y. Mrrror, seet milk converted into butter in four' min utes, probably a 3ush of iced-water would have brought the butter in less lime. This wonder ful effect was produced by one of the most oimple chur'.ihig machines thai we have ever seen. It consists of a square box, having a. hollow perpendicular shaft with two hollow arms or tbes at the lower end. The shaft, rests on a pivot and is turned by small crank and -cog wheel, the motion causes he air to rush down, the lube into the milk and produces a, co.njmotion like boiling water. The butter be EPm 10 come immediately, and after it was nvide '.he-milk Was as sweet as hew. By this pro cess gdod churn. butter may be made For break fast by any family after the milkman ha come in the morning, and the luxury of pure fresh butler enjoyed the year round. While the cakes are baking or the muffins toasting, the head of the family may be amusing himself by churning tho butter to eat with them. Something Rich We find ihe following adertisement in a Mississippi paper ; TAKE NOTICE., ' With Mr. Ginn ihe crowd came in Some took whiskey some took gin." Uriah Ginn takes this occasion to inform hits creditors and friends, the public at large, atuK ihe community in particular, thai it is hts: in tention to change his place of residence ky leaving Rankin county in ihf course of ii two or three weeks, as may bes suit his cn venience. He is induced to be thus particular,, beidg like ten thousand of his neibhbors not exactly prepared to shell put the corn, and wipe out ail old scores ; at ihe same tune he. will use every effort losetile all his debts wherein he has. goi value received ; but he wishes 11 u be em phatically understood by those who hold paper with his name saddled on it as an endorr, that he bluffs the whole arrangement. Those who hold' claims against, him upon thai fooui'g can turn ihe screws and grind, QJt.,.and j,Qh'T get-the money before Giiuudpea.iheyrc.aiiing put . t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers