it V .9 S6- IN VALUABLE FAMILY COMPANION. Six Lfectures on, Prevenlion and 'Cure of Cdtistimption, Asthma, Diseases of the Heart, and all Female Diseases, 234 pages, 28 -engravings. Paper 50 cts. ; 'bound 75 cts. Mail to any part postage 9 1-2 els. Shoulder Braces and tJhe&t Expanders, S2. Mail to any pari, 50 cts. postage. Inhaling Tubes, Silver, S3, by mail, lei'er postage. Abdominal Supporters, perfect, S8 it $10, for 'all Ruptures, Falling of the Bowels and Womb', and Weak Back and Chei ; eni by Express everywhere. For Braces or Supporters, or 'Kiipuire Supporters, give height from head to foot, qnd circumference of person neJti the sur face, just above the hips. If' Rupture, mention "which side. Ayents wanted for the sale of the above goods. Address Dr. S. S. FITCH, 707 Broadway, New York, post paid. Match 16, 1 848.-1 y. GREAT NATIONAL WORK. A History of Use Revolution aiHl Lives oJvt3jc Elerocs of the War of Independence, P.Y CHARLES J. PETERSON. An elegant volume with 18 fine Steel Plates, and nearly 200 beautiful Wood Engiavuigs. "This is -a splendid book. A valuable ad dition to the Historic Literature of our country. We nr much mistaken if it does not take rank with the wotks of Irving and Prescott." Fank ford Hearcld. It surpasses any similar work yet offered to the American public." Neal's Gazette. "It may be properly considered a popularised Military History of the Revolution, extremely well aitd judicious written." A7. American. I he present Work ml the Revolution and its Heroes, is superior, both in extent and design to any i hut has heretofore come under our' no lice." Inq. , A well connected History of thai eventful period, Ledger. . "Decidly ihe best popular History of the War of the Revolution and its Heroes, that has Vet been given to the country." Snturddy Evening Post. AGENTS WANTED to canvass for the above elegant Work, in every county and town in the United States, to whom the mosL liberal inducements will be offered. Price only S3. Addresst(post-paid) WM. A. LEARY. No. 158 North Second St. May 25, 184S.3m. Philadelphia. ft'cir ITork & ErxeJRail-Road SlLTSiUER. ARIWLRfGEMEXTS. From May I, ISIS until further notice. .FOR PASSENGERS Leave New-York fmm the foot of Duane Street, at 7 o'clock a. li. and 4 o'clock, p. M. for Piermont, Blauvelt ville, Clarkstoun, SpringValley, Monsey, Ram apu, Monroe Works, Turners, Monroe, Oxford, Chester, Gos-hen, New Hampton, Middletown, HowelU. Oiisville, and Port Jerris. For New York and intermediate places, leave PORT JERV1S at C a. j., and at 3 p. m , Oiis ville at 6 35 a. m., and 3 35 p. m., jliddletowii at 7 a. m., and 4 P. m., Goshen at 7 20 a. irf., and 4 20 p. m., Chester at 7 1-2 a. m., and 4 1-2, p. m. ICJ3 All baggage at the rik of the ownef t nnless put fn charge of th'e Baggage Masters. Fifty lbs of personal baggage allowed to each passenger. No Freight tarken by the Passenger trains. FOR FREIGHT Leave New York at 5 o'clockvp. ji., per Barges Samuel Marsh, Henry Suydamjr. and Dunkirk. -Leave Port Jefvis at ! a. m , Oiisville at 10a.m., Middletewir at J l a. m , Goshen at 12 M. and Chester at 12 1-2 M: MILK will be taken morning and everting llV trains running expressly for that purpose. H. C. SEYMOUR, Sup't. Piermont, May 4, 1S48. tf. Saston and Mitford MaiFliine, VIA STROUDSBURG. Passengers in this lino will leave Joseph Hagexbuch's Inn, sign of ihe " Black Horse," Easton, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, passing through the following places, m: Richmond, Centreville, Willjamsbtirg, Dills' Feiry, Delaware Water Gap, Dutbtshurg. troud'aburg, Bushkill, and Dingman's Ferry, Hiid arrive in Milford ihe same day: Distance )0 miles. Returning, leave Samuel Dtmmick's Hotel. Milford, every Tuesday, Thursday' arid Saturday, and arrive in Eastbn the same day. Fare from Eastori'to Siroudsburgi SI 25- . " Milford, 2'S7' N. B! AH baggage at ihe risk of the owners. WltUAM DEAN. 'Sirnudft'burg, June 3 , rei7 Proprietor'. Q'ood news for the' Aged. Spectacle Glasses fitted to all ages'andsighi'3" in bold, Silver, German Silver and Steel Frames, with convex, concave,periscopi0, blte, gry and green Glasses, to which he wbuld'in vite particular attention. No charge for showing' them. For sale cheap, ai the Variety'Slore of . JOHN H. MELICK. Siroudsburg, January 1, 1846. K. & I. IS. 1SLDRED Attorneys and Counsellors at Law;, MILFORD, PIKE COUNTY PA. ' Will attend promptly io all buwineKsnirustrtd to their care. Office.oppone;the'Preabyierjari Church, on Broad.sirfiet. f , ..February 10, 1848.-jly, -. j . "Vive la -Reptablique !" VIVE MS PILLULES VEGETALES 1N3H ENN'ES k'E WRIGHT ! -y a O 2' w I Long live the Republic ! Long liv's Wright's In dian Vegetable Pills. Another crisis in the affairs of humanity has pabse'd ; another fever turned ; the hostile elements have met the battle is faught and won ! FRANCE IS FREE! A long struggle it has been first bursting intoi the wild excesses of sudden political emancipation then relapsing under a victorious leader ; then snaping the chains imposed by the. allied powers and acain -yielding to time-serving conservatism But France had lasted the sweets of Liberty. Could she forget it No ! Her perfidious king was, in the splendor of his power, driven igno miniously from his throne and France glorious, liberty-loving Fiance, has again taken her place in the van of nations. VIVE LES PILULES VEOETaLES INDIENNES DE WRIGHT. Napoleon said that "the stomaph governs the world." Nations are distinguished by the quality of their cookery, and are indebted greatly fot energy of character to the nerfection of diaestion. While the ancient Romans lived in simplicity, they were invincible ; but when luxury crept-in, physical and mental enervation followed, until they were no longer able to resist the more hardy northerners. By improving digestion and removing morbific humors, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills become a great moral and politicl engine. They clear the head, and by the ' buoyancy of spirit which they impart, improve the heart. "They thus exercise a powerful influence in favor of civil liberty. The energy- of a People depends measurably upon the health of a people, and the maintenance of their rights depends upon their energy. 1 herefore give health, and you give energy and sustain pop ular governmet. Let all,'then, cherish health, not merely for the enjoyment which it brings,- but for the gigantic in terests which depend upon it. Let Wright's In dian Vegetable Pills be used in the spring, to prevent disease in the fall. Had Louis Philippe been a man of common sagacity, he woulcj have ceded to the people those little reforms for which they asked,, and would thus have staved off a rev olution. But he not only denied them, but added insult to injury, by curtailing the- few privileges which the people had. Matter and mind are gov erned by tho same general laws. Abuses may accumulate in the human body, which a revolution alone can remove ; whereas, by moving in time the evil day is postponed indefinitely. VIVE- LA REPUBLIQUE !" VIVE LES VEGETALES PILULES INDIEN'NES DE WRIGHT ! ! MONROE COUNTY. George H Miller, Stroudsburg John Lander, Craig's Meadows Bell & Brothers, Experiment Mills Henry Kintz, Bartonsville - - - A S Edinger, Tannersville George Keller, Kellersville -Charles Say lor, Say lorsburg' Brodhead & Brother, Dutotsburg Jacob Long, Snydersville 1 "John Marsh & Brother, Ferlhersville, -Lewis Sox Chesnuthill BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS A.VD' IMITATIONS'. Remember, that the original and only genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of WILLIAM WRIGHT on the top label of each box. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale oiWrighCs Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale arid' retail, 1(59 Race street, Philadelphia : 288 Greenwich street, New York ; and 198 Tremont street, Boston. June 8, J848. leb 24, ly Dr.Le Roys VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. The only known medicine that at the same time pur ges, purifies, and strengthens the system. DR. LE BOY'S Pills are a new medicine which has just appeared, arid is fast taking the places of all others of the same class. These pills are composed of many ingredients, but the two principal ones ate Sarsaparilla ag Wild Cher ry, so united that they act together ; the one, .through its admixture vith other substances, purifying and purging, while the othor is strengthening the sys tetn. Thus those pills are at the-same time tonic and opening; a desideratum long and eagerly sought for by medicinal men, but never before dis-! covered. In other words they do the won: ot the two medicines, and do it much better than any two we know of; for" they remove nothing from the system but the impurities; so that while they purge they strengthen ; arid hence they cause no debili tation, and are followed "by no re-action. Dr. Le Roy's Pills have a wonderful irfluence on the blood ; they not only purify without weakening it, but they remove all noxious particles' from the makes impure blood an utter impossibility. As1 there is' no debilitation, so there is no nausea i or sickness attending the opperations of thifTmost; excellent of medicines, which never strains or tortures the' digestive functions", but cause's them to work in a perfectly natural manner; and hence persons taking them do not become pale and emaciated, but the contrary ; for while it. is the property of the-Sarsaparilla, united as it is with oiner ingreuients, io remove an inai is loreign ana impure, ij. is equally the property of the Wild Cher-' to retain all that is' natural and sound ; and hence a robust state of health is'the certain result of their united operations? Agents in Stroud$buf; Dr. SamutV Sio'kes and ,T. iSchoch. : iulv'29; 1847. JOB.-;WOffK '..' Neatly executed at this- Office.'. mm J WSM vegetable PAPER HANGER, and House and, Sign Painter, Monroe Street, near the Methodist Church,) Stroudsburg, 'Pa. Respectfully informs the citizen of Strouds burg and Vicinity, that he has removed to the bullae formerly occupied by Abner X3!6rden, on Monroe street, near the Methodist Church, where he vill be in readiness to fulfil such or ders in his fine of business, as he may be hon ored witi. Being thoroughly acquainted with his business-, and having had considerable Ex perience, he is prepared to w-rrant all work done by him. March 30, 1348.-ly. ' MASS, MEETING AT THE NEW AND CHEAP HAT AND GAP STORE Francis S. PauSi, In Stroudsburg, at S. Frxtfs old 'stand, Where will be found the. largest assortment of ihe'best and cheapest HATS and CAPS, ever 0ffere(j m tr,js place, and which he will sell on . v ,cf,nuu iv for. r.nh TUa SPpnlPfl nn,i illst h kn.,1 sni.P.l to the present and approaching season. The supply of Hais'on hand embraces the following: BEAVER, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, Also Men's and SILK, FUR, ' BKUSH, white and black Boys'sJ wool Hats ; glazed and Montery Hats. Fur and wotfl spoiling and Ashland hats. A gen eral assortment of Caps, such as oiler, fur seal, hair xrial. muskrat, &c. Men's and Boys' fan cy and plain velvet, red plush, and glaced Caps. The subscriber hopes by strict attention to business to merii a liberal support, and assure those in want of Hats and Caps, that every ef fort will be made to please, keeping a supply of the hest and most fashionable articles on hand. Persons in want of articles in his line, will find it to their advantage to call on him, as ha will sell at the very lowest Easton prices. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere ; he will charge nothing for showing his goods. Remember, Frey's old stand. FRANCIS S. PAULI. N. B. Furs bought at the highest cash pri ces. Stroudsburg, March 9, 184S. 6m. F- H. SMITH, Pocket Book aiad Morocco Case Man ufactur cr , Has succeeded B. P. SISTY, at the Old Stand, 52,1-2 CHESNUT Street.Philadelphia. Pocket Books, Bankers' Cases and Portfolios of every description, Port Mannare, Ivory Tab lets, Card Cases, Dressing Cases, Segar do., Wriiing do., Backgammon Boards and Chess men, Gold Pen, Snyder's, Chapman's and Saunder's Razor Strops; Fenny's Tally ho Ra zors, Roger's, Wade & Butcher's, Jackson Chinese and Egyptian Razors, Pen Knives and" Scissors, of every description, Bowie and Dirk Rnivesr also, a large assortment of Fancy Sta tionary, at the lowest rates. Jobbing done with neatness and despatch. April 6, 1848. 3m. ' Look at lliis, no Httinbu; but Reality PIANO FORTES FOR SALE; A copy of the report of the Judges of Mu sical Instruments at the laie exhibition of ihe Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; The Committee have awarded C. Mjeyer with a premium for the best beven octave Piano. The ground of this decision was iHe general excellence of tlie piano, and especially iis pow er, brilliancy., and delicacy of touch. The judges did not' give premiums for the best fin ished instruments, conceiving ihe bent palpable teals' of a piano to be its musical' capabilities; and not its originality, its mechanical igentiiiy, or that elegance of finish, which effect neither the actionnor the tone, and is only designed to please ihe eye and not to satisfy the-ear. Another copy of the report of the judges of musical instruments .at the last exhibition at Boston:--The committee have selecied No. 591 a seven octave piatto made by C. iMeyer, wor thy of special commendation! No. 591, is a'very fine instrument, "particui larly commendable fti'r its elastic and ready much, in repeated trials by different hands The keys never railed of certain repetitions in ihe shake. The tone throughout was even of great beatity and power from ihe lowest note to highest, and the damping' was perfect in all caes. The North American of Philadelphia, Janu ary 4 1848. contains ihe following nonce: A Compliment to' a Philadelphia Piatto Manu facturer. . Our Bohton. neighbors know how as well as we do to appreciate a good ihius. I he Massachusetts Charitable Mechanical Associa ion, af their last Annual Fair, thai of the au- mmn n847-awarded o ComradMeyBb. ilie celebrated Piano Manufacturer l. ibis .jiiy, a diploma and silver medal, 'for the bet sen octave ,ptano a coinpliutetti no other piano manufacturer of our city ban received. The subscriber, kbeps alway- tin hand a sup ply of C. Meyer's Pianos, whjch he w'ljl dis pose of, either for cah of in exfchnnge for sec ond hand iii8trnmeni,'ai manufacturers prices. A. ZUILCH; Agent for 0. M. Easton, March 2, I848.'-61ir WATCHES.. A'good assortment of Watches, for sale, al reduced prices, by JOHN H. 'MELICK. Sfroudsbiifg, Jan. 1 , 1846. , - Fop' sale' at thter Office. A ARB. T)R-J. V. MATTISON renpectfully announ cesioihe people of Stroudburg and vicin ity, that he has permanently located at Strouds burg. for the purpose of praciiaing medicine, where he hopes by strict attention and grea care to merit ihe paironage of those who may employ him. Dr. M. also lakes this method of informing those who are'alHicted with d"is eases of long standing, that he has,' for a few! years past, deyoie.d muph time and attention, and has had ample opportunity, such as only a hos pital affords, of inveiiatiug diseases of a chron ic character, and he flatters himself that those calling upon him laboring Under ibis class of disease will meet with prompt and immediate relief. He will be found at his rporn al the Mansion House, ready to consult with tho.e who may favor him wiih a call ai all hours when not ab sent on professional btisine. Fashionable Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY. THADDEUS SCHOCH, ai SShis old stand in Hamilton street, lin2 Easton, W., opposite T.& P. MiX- selrs sinn, continues to manufac ture to oder, evry description of! Boots anil Allocs, for men and boys ; aUo ihe most fashionable Gaiters, Buskins, half Gaiteirs, Slippers, qc, for Ladies and Misses, which will be warranted to fit, be made of the best materials, and .-old at .small profits for cash. Also on hand a large asuri tnent of which will be io'ld cheap, ahd can be recom- ;. ', ,. r . . , . . ,, Ihe public are respectfully to ca leave their fnea.Mires,. or examine hi ready made slock before purchasing elevi here, as he is confident they will he suited with'the style, . . 1 c i ' i quality and price of his articles. ALSO Just received a Iarjie supply of GUM SHOES, for Ladies and Mioses of a new sny.le, very su perior, together with a stock of Men's Gum shoes; also Children's Gum shoes. . Call and try them. Easton, Oct. 7, 1847. PURIFY THE BLOOD; MOFF A T'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS PHCENIX BITTERS - The high ami envied celebrity uhfch these pre-eminent Medicines have acquired for their invariable efficacy in all the diseases which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of puffing not only unnecessary, but unwor thy of them. They are known by their fruits ; their good works testify for Ihein, and they thrive not by the faiU of the credulous. , Of ASTHMA. ACUTE and CU&OSIC RHEUMATISM, AFFECTIONS of the BLADDER and KIliSEYS. BILIOUS FEVERS & LIVER COMPLAINTS. In tho south and west, where these diseases prevail, tliey will bo found Invaluable. Planters, farmers, and oilien, who onco use thee Medicines, will never afterwards be without thujn. BILIOUS CHO'LIC, and SEROUS Loossnctt, BILES, C03TIVENESS, COLDS & COUGHS, CIIOLIC, CONSUMPTION, Used with great success in this disease. CORRUPT HUMORS, DROPSIES, BYSFEF3ZiL. No person with this distressing dis ease, should delay using these, medicines iinmuliately. ERUPTIOSS of the Siein, ERYSIPELAS, FLATU LESCY, FEVER and AGUE. For this scourge of the wes tern country these medicines will be found a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of tho disease a cure by these medicines is permanent. THY THEM, BE SATISFIED, AND BE CUItED. FOULNESS of COMPLEXION. GSNBRAL DEBILITY. GOUT. GIDDINESS, GRAVEL, HEADACHES, of evert kind, INWARD FEVER, INFLAMMATORY RHEUMA TISM, IMPURE BLOOD, JAUNDICE, LOSS of APPE TITE, LI VSR COIYIFL AXJtfTS, . LEPROSY, LOOSENESS, M K 11 C U It I A Li DISEASES. Never fails to craiKcate entirely all the ciTocts of Mercury infl citelr sooner than the most powerful Reparation of SnrsaparrJIa. NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUl DEBILITY. NERVOUS COMPLAINTS of alt klndt, OUGANIC AFFECTIONS, PALPITATION of the HEART, PAINTER'S CHOLlO, FILiBSi The original proprietor of these medinines was cured of Piles of 33 years standing by the use of these Lifo Medicines alone. PAINS in the head, side, buck, limbs, joints and organs. UHE U.M ATISJI. Thoso amictftl with thi terrible disease, will be sure of relief by the Life Medicines, HUSH of BLOOD to Ihe HEAD, SCURVY, SALTRHE UM, S IVELLINGS, SCROFULA, ort KING'S XJVIIi,' in its wont forms, ULCERS, of every description. u W O R IVI S 9 of all kinds, are eflectunlly expelled by these Medicines. Parents will do wetl to adininistcr them when ever their existence is suspected. Relief will be certain. THE LIFE PILLS AND PIKENIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. A single trial will place the LIFE PILLS and PHffNIX BITTERS beyond the reach of compe tition in the estimation of every patient. The genuine of these medicines arotiow put up in white wrappers and labels, together with a pamphlet, called " Moffat's Good Samaritan," containing the directions, kc, on which i a drawing of Broadway from Wall street to our Office, by which strangers visiting llie city can very easily find ns. The wrappers and Samaritans are copyrighted, therefore those who procure them with white wrappers can be assured that they are genuine. Be careful, and do not buy those with yellow wrappers ; but if you do, be lathfied that they come direct from us, or dont touch then! 1X7. Prepared and sold by DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway, cornet of Anthony street, New York. For Sale by THEODORE SCHOCH, Stroudsburg,. solo ageni for Monroe couniy. December 18, 1845. Country Produce.. Boiler, Egs, &c. taken in exchange for anj? goods in my line of business. JOHN B. MjELTKC Sirotidsburg, Feb. 12, 1846 Violins and Flutes; At from, $1,50 to $350, for sale by JOHN h; MELICIC. Sirotidhburg, Jan. 1, 1840. ., Tioni-$'50 io S6 50, for sale by ' ' TQHitf it. kVelICK;, iStTrtiidbaKgV V3; 1B46. LOOK HEItE. Wre have just received for sale, at the Jefi-p soman Umce. a sunnlv of "rentiers OAtr;r en1. jvmpuuna jor sirengiienuig, tujiemng beautifying the Hair" also of Fenny's ft trifice for Preserving and Beautifying the Tee preventing Tooth Ache, fyc." and also "ienneri Pomade Divine " a preparation for curing chap. - 7 r ?.. .-. Jr' ped hands, bruises, &c. fI he ariicles are allf .1 f!. I? -! . the first quality, and ihe high reputation which tney nave acquired in the cines, and wherever else they have been used, cannot fail to reconi mend them to the general notice pa:ruii3o,v of the people of this place and vicinity. A number of our citizens have already tried them and pronounce them excellent. We invite all who are in want of any such articles, to give tK a call, and we are sure they will not go awar unsatisfied. January 1 1 , 847. ASK THE SUFFERER FROM n , what has relieved him in suL'h a short lime from his difficulty of breathing, Cough and surFocationl He will you it was " the Olosaonian, or All . Healing Balsam." Ask the Consumptive what has allayed his Cough, removed the Pain in his-Side and Chest, checked p his night sweats and placed the rose of health upon his cheek! and he ' will tell you Sherman's Olosuonian, OR AL.Ii-HEAJL3IG fclALSAOT. Ask your friends if they kri jw of my thing that will so speedily cure a long and tedious Cough, Raising of Blood, Bronchitis, Dyspeptic Consump tion, Hoarseness, Influenza, cind diseases of the Throat, as the Olosaonian ? and they will tell vou No. There never vet has been a rernedv intro. duced to public notice which has been produrtiro Qf s0 much good m so short a spare of time. Head j the following A Stonis!lin Clll'CS T,r b , . . , : ' ' vm. Bond, the celebrated lioston cracker Iw- , - Rmnklvn. stato. .K,, .... j wife has been aIHicled with Asthma for 30 vn.-m and could not find permanent relief from the bet medical advice which New York and Urooklvj uuuiu jJiuuuv-t:, no muui uu in mis great rem edy. She is now nearly well. His daui-hter,. who was suffering from the same disease, irfeo it, and was also cured by it. Mrs. "Bond is nmv so I well that she is able to rise from her bed parly in J the morning and attend to hc-r usual duties through the day without any annoyance Iro'.n her distres sing malady. Henry Jackson, 13th street, near .the Catholic Cemetry, came to the store for the purpose of ob taining a bottle ot the Ulosaoman, having been af flicted with the Asthma for more than 30 years and was so exhausted on his arrival that he couirf not3peak. He purchased a bottle and rode home. Four days afterward he walked from his residence ! to the office without fatigue, a distance of over j two miles, to tell of the wonderful relief whighhe j had experienced from using about one half of one bottle. Consumption of the Lungs. Mr. Comfort, 35 White street, was so low in the month of December last, that'he was given up by his physician. His friends entertained no hope of his recovery. He was persuaded to try the Olosaonian. atfd to his surprise it has so far re stored him to health that In is now 'able to walk about the streets. Mrs. Altr'ee, the wife of Win. si. Attree, James ffarman, Esq. and George V. llavs. Esq. can all bear"testimony from iheir own experience of t,he healing properties ot this Great Remedy in ivonsumption ot the iuns. Spitting Blood. Mrs. Thnubourne,352 Monroe street, who had been troubled for a great length of time by a se vere cough, and raiaed quantities of blood, waa relieved by one bottle of the Olosaonian, and de clares it the greatest remedy in the world. Dennis Kelly, 25 Water street, was also relieved from the same complaint, although he was verv much reduced when he commenced taking it, hav ing been under the caie of his physician during the past winter. Although he coughed constantlv and was very much troubled with night swealaj two bottles of the remedy enabled him to return. to his daily work. He was entirely relieved. David Henderson, 60 Loight street, George. WJ Burnett, formerly of Newark, N. J., Henry Lis! bon, 199 Rivingston street, and numerous, othei persons have been.speedily and permanently cure! ot the same complaint oy this remedy. The Array of Jfainqs, which could be produced of persons. wio, hav: used this great remedy would more thanfiliacol titnn. Among the number. we.are permitted tore-i fer to A. M. Jiininger, 1Q2j ijirclay street; Mr Wilson of Hoboken ; Mrs. Bell of Morristown, N J.; James B. Devoe, 101 Reade, street : Mrs Mel Caffree, 50 Attorney street; F Smith, 02 Tlii: avenue; Mrs. Wm. H Attre, of ibis, city, and Mr, Archibald, 35 White, street. Be,, not Beoeied. The only, place in the City of New York.whew ShermanXOLOSA ONIAN,ot ALL-HEALlXm UALSAfif is. said, is at 1Q& Nassu. street, cpi doqr, ajjov-e, Anu5slreet. AGENTS. Hheodore Schpnh, Stroudsburg-, Monroe qo. James S. Wallace, Milford xike county. "W. F. Brodhead fc Brother, Dingman's Ferrj Pike county. November 2fi. 1846. LOOK HERE ! , ToothAqK-o!imierec3. m I l l l " r -i -..i. itne suuscnner oegs leave tO'iniorm inr pu" lie, that he has; after spending -a, greal deal lime and trouble, discovered a compound, vhit trill-instantly Cure the TootfeA che3 Kv l1Sl.rnvinrr iVia nnrvn nnrl to Yirin rantnpil 1(1 b perfectly innocuous in its efi6cta upoji the oe T,rok Tk m:,,wi nnnn ,n unnn ilia make use of these Drops, by which the' be nd4 of their, pain and keep tjteir.ieeih. VV. J. B'REIMER. i ne centime article can oe naa at ocu,' rrinting Ulhce, airoudsburg, wholesale a:u tail,-general Agent Jor the proprietor Jfcf'PriceSb cents -per b.Qlib.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers