iTim ti Tinmnjtr A Wonderful Phenomenon. A singular pl"",om'eno!1 was brought to -k -po yesterday, in ihe townsnip of Green ehhi miles from this cny. The facts are very "ear,y . :ls follows :---The Mea ftranzers, m boring to find water to sup i ihpir steam saw mill, sunk a four inch hole lo the depdi of 70 feet, when they struck a vein ir caWiv. As 'hey withdrew the auger from the hole, i l"e'r greal surprise, ii was fol Jrtvved by a violent current of. air that, throw tip siones as large as hen eggs, ten or fifteen fee hioh. For a few moments, when the hole was first opened, the air was accompanied by a stream of water, which was throwiij ten yr twelve feet high. 1 he water, however soon ceased coming, and the air gushed out with iirh force that the roar could he distinctly heard ml 4 fifty or sixty rods distant. On touching fire to ihe atr it caught, ami the flame Hashed temy feet hih. and came near burning the budding. rnreriii" ihe machinerv in which ii is located They finally succeeded, with considerable, dif ficulty, in sloping it, by forcing down blankets. and driving a spile lino ihe hole, which wa their only means of stopping the air or gas, and extinguished the flames. For several mometits after the hole was stopped, the eanh trembled and shook for some distance around, as though an eruption was about to take place. The people, who, by this time had gathered to the number of ahout a hundred, .were greaily alarmed at these symptoms, and scaitered with all possible rapidity, supposing that Milleristn was about coming to a focus, or that they were about to be blown tip sky high by an earih quake. From the tune it was opened till U was thus closed, was about six hours, and ihe mr oushed out all of the time with unabated furce. " It has been opened several limes since with ihe same effect. The power and force of the ir does not appear to diminish in the least. The Messrs. Grangers are proposing to secure it wnh apparatus so as to shut it off and let it out at leisure, and test its real qualities. The people in thai vicinity are all confident now, ihai n can be conveyed herein pipes, and suc cessfully used in lighting the city with gas, from tins greal natural underground Gasometer. We learn that scientific gentlemen of this city intend visiting it soon. Detroit Advertiser. Indigestion, Weak Nerves. Lowness1 of Spirits, &c. Wrights Indian Vegetable Pills are a natural, and therefore a centain cure for all kinds of nervous diseases ; because they completely cleanse the stomach and bowels of those bilious and corrupt humors which not jr I r ririlrra f i tv a n L' u n I li a ill (ioit ! Vn nrrr'inti hut are the cause of weak nerves, low spirits, &c. Wright's Indian Vegetable frills are .also a direct purifier of the blood, and therefore not only impart health and cheerfulness to the mind, but also give new life and vigor to the body,. Beware of Sugar Coaled Counterfeits. Re member, that the original and only genuine Tndiah Vegetable Pills have the written signature of Wii liam Wright on the top label of each box. , For sale by George II. Miller, who is the only authorized agent for Strdudsburg ; see advertise ment for other agencies in another columrf. Office and general depot, 169 Race st. Phil'a.' WORMS CANNOT EXIST IN THE S YS TEM, if a liberal use be made of the Click ener Sugar-coated Vegetable Purgative Pills. ; They not only destroy the worms, but thoroughly cleanse ihe stomach and bowels, of the mucus or slimy substance which supports them. Their .peratiori is so gentle, that they may be adminis tered to children of the most tender age without producing those injurious effects upon the gener al health, which have always constituted the most serious objection to Vermifuges. Their metallic base is generally so violent in its operation, that the system seldom recovers -from the shock until the patient has arrived at years of maturity or ac tually outgrown it. We know several at this mo ment whose constitutional vigor has been so com pletely paralyzed by the injudicious administra tion of metallic Vermifuges while young, that they are almost totally unfitted for the transaction of ordinary buisineess. The Clickener Sugar-coated Vegetable Pills, on the contrary, have never been known to leave any injurious effects behind them. They rather serve to invigorate the sys tem, and render it proof against the most inveter ate ailments. For sale at the Republican Office, by T Schoch, uie only authorized agent for Stroudsburg. MARRIED, At the " Franklin House" in Belvidere on Thursday the 29ih inst by Wm. R. Sharp Esq. Mr. David H. Tillman of Pahaquary, Warren County, N. J. to Miss Elizabeth Dietrich of Smith4eld, Monroe County, Pa. 85,000 BRICKS Just burnt and for sale by the subsbnber. These bricks' are of a large size and of a supe rior quality and ClII be sold as low, and lower According to the quafry "han any other brick in the County ; a porlt'ort of which are prest or from bricks, jamb and cornice of different kiods. Said bricks are composed of rnafrials that will .Maud the fire with impunity, W ine V?" "I building bake oven &c.t all o whic" wl11 be sold on the most reasonable terms. N. B. All kinds of gram taken In excl.artSe for bricks at the highest mailiel price. aJiJ laih poi refused. WILLIAM'S. WJNTEMUTE. Siroudaburg, July ()ih.-T843. Thos. A. Boyp. Morris R. Strppr, BOYD & STftOUD, SUCCESSORS TO ALEX. READ, Importer of & Dealers in Chilis Glass & Qiceeiiswai'e, Four below the Merchants' HoteK- . . . January 20, 1848. 6m. Most Extraordinary Work ! The ITIai ried Woman's PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION. BY DR. A. M. MAURICEAU, PROFESSOR OF DISEASES 'OF WOMAN. Sixth Edition. 1 18mofpp 250. Price Sl( 25,000 Copies sold "in Three Months! Years of suffering, of physical .and mental an guish to many an affectionate wife, and pecuniary difficulties. to the husband, .mighthave been spared by a timely possession of this work. v- It is intended especially forthemarried, or those contemplating .marriage, as it disclose important secrets wnicn should be known to them particular ly. a Truely., knowledge is power. . It is health, han piness, affluence. ';. Ihe1 revelations contained in. its pages have proved a blessing to thousands, as the mnumera ble letters received by the author will attest. Here, also, every female the wife the mother. the one either budding into womanhood or the one in the decline of years in whom nature contem plates an important change can-discover the cau ses, symptoms, and the most efficient- remedies. and. most certain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her sex is subject. Copies will be sent by mail free of postage to the , purchaser. Over ten thousand copies have been sent bv mall within three months, with perfect safety and certainty Un the receipt.of One Dollar, the "Married Wo man's Private Medical Companion"" will be sent mailed free) to ahy part of the; United States. All letters must be nost-Daid fexceDt those enntainino a remittance) and addressed to Dr. A. M. Mauri ceau Box 1221, New-York City. Publishing Of fice, 1:29 Liberty-st., New-York. l lie 'Married Woman s Private Medical Com panion, is sold by booksellers throughout the Uni ted States. Julv 6, 1848 2m. Temieiil'x Washington -Gallery of DAGUERREOTYPES, No. 234 North Second street, N. W. corner of Callowhill street, Philadelphia. The Likenesses laken andlbeautifully colored at this well known establishment, for. One Dollar, are universally conceded to be equal in every respect to any in the city. Pictures la- ien equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A large assortment of Medallions and Lockets on hand, at from $2 to $5, including the pic ture. The Subscribers respectfully invite the citi zens of Monroe county, to call and examine specimens of the latest improvements in the art of Daguerreotyping, which will be exhibit ed cheerfully and without charge. T. & J. C. TENNENT. hiladelphia, July 6, 1848.--6m To the Voters of Monroe county. Fellow Citizens: Encouraged by numerous friends I offer myself as a candidate for the of fice of f , Register and Recorder, at the approaching, general election, and res pectfully solicit your votes and support. Should 1 be so fortunate as to receive a majority of your suffrages I pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office with fidelity, impartially, and to the best of my ability. PETER NEYHART. Pocono, July 6, 1848. To the Voters of Monroe county. Fellow-Citizens: Encouraged by many friends from different parts of the County, I offer my self as a candidate for the office of HIGH SHERIEF, . . f at the ensuing General e!ecii6n. Should I be so fortunate as to be elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office with ridel ity, personally, Impartially, arid to iho best of mv abilitv. Respect full v, yfiur friend," CHARLES SHOEMAKER. Middle -Smithfield, July 6, 1848.--te To theSVoters of Monroe county. Fellow-Citizens : Encouraged by numerous friends I offer myself as a candidate for the office of . t HIGH SHERIFF OF THIS COUNTY at the approaching General election. Should I be so fortunate as to receive a ma jority of your suffrages, I pledge myself to dis charge the duties of said office with fidelity, personally, impartially, and to the best of my ability. Respecfully. vour humble servant. JAMES N. DURLING. Stroudsburg, July 6, 1S48. To the Free and Independent Electors OF MONROE COUNTY. Feldow-Citizens: Almost three years jiave now expired since you did me the honor to elect me to the offices of Register and Recorder of this County. Having, to the best of knowl edge, faithfully and impartially performed my official duties; and as I have received many en couragemeuts from my numerous friends in dif ferent parts of the County, I therefore take the liberty of again offering myself as a can didate for the same offices, at the ensuing general election. Should I be so fortunate as to be re-elected, I will perform the duties in cumbent upon me, (to the best of my ability) personally, faithfully, and if possible, to your elirtf satisfaction. SSh sentiments of respect, I remain your public ervant. SAMUEL REES, Jr. i Stroudsburg, Jung 8, J 848 -e. Di T&wnsend's 'Compound Extract of S4&S AP ARILiL A, For ale i the HAT & CAP STORE of FRANCIS'S. PAULl. StrourMuf;, June 22, I84, To the Independent Electors of Monroe Count j; Fellow-Citizens : Encouraged by many of my friends from different part,8 of the Coun ty, 1 am again induced to offer myself as a can didate for the office of . J . ; SI I & 51 S II E K I F F I M at the ensueing General Election Should I be so fortunate as. to receive a majority of your votes I shall endeavor to discharge the duties of said office with fidelity, and to the best of my ability. With, sentiments of respect, I remain yogrs truly, ' - PETER LANDER.' Smithfield township, June 29, 1848. To the People of Monroe eoiinty. Friends and Fellow-Citizens .Encouraged by many of you, I. am induced to offer myself as a candidate at the ensuing fall election, for the oSfce of Prothonotary and Clerk of the Courts of this County, and therefore respectfuly solicit your votes and support. -If elected, I will endeavor to per form the duties of the office myself, with fidel ity and to your satisfaction. Respectfully and truly, Your friend and fellow-citizen;, RUDOLPHUS SMITH. M. Smithfield, June 29, 1848. To the Voters of Monroe county. Fellow Citizens Encouraged by numerous friend, I offer myself as a candidate for the of fice of ... . i Prothonotary and. Clerk of the several Courts of Monroe county, at the approaching general election. Should 1 be so fortunate as to receive a ma jority of your suffrages-, I 'pledge myself to dis charge the duties of, said offices with fidelity, personally, impartially, and to the best of my ability. ' ' ' Respectfully, your humble servant, M: H. DREHER. Stroudsburg, June 22, 1848. Tenfders of illerchaiirtizc. . Names of persons engaged in the vending and disposing of Goods, Wares-arid Merchan dize, within the County of Monroe, Pa. for the year A..D.-1.848, as assessed and classified by the undersigned, duly appointed appraiser of mercaniije -taxes in said County, for ihe year A. D. 1843. i , . . , CLASS. LICENSE. Chesnnthill township. . ,. A Lewis Sox, liquor, , 1.4. Charles Brodhead, liquor 14 Patrick Daily, liquor . L4 H. D. & J. K. Shafer, liquor 14 S1.0 50 1.0 50 10' 50 10 50 - ' 10 00 15 00 I Hamilton township. ; jacoo n. reinerman, s t la. John Marsh & Brother, liquor 13 Charles Savior, liquor 14 14 14 10 50. 10 50 10 50 tieorge B. Keller liquor . jLtllULUC tJ'flUfyiGlU, J. ijJ. Miller fc Mackey,; 14 Polk township. . ' v j Philip Kresge, liquor., . ' 14; Peter G. Gunkle, liquor v 14 Pocono township. Henry Kintz, liquor . . I4j Adam S. Edinger, liqueir 14 Jacob gauffer, liquor 14 Samuel Meyer, liquor , 14 Price township :- ) Morgan & Brown 14 tRoss township.' , ' , Joseph Hawk, liquor f - 14 Joseph Johnson, liquo " f 14" Smithfield townshUi. . . i Henry Peter, Jr. & Co. 1,4 John Lander, , 14 Q. R. & J. V. Wilson . 14 Joseph Zimmerman, Hquor 14 Daniel Zimmerman, liquor 14 Bell & Brother 14 Brodhead & Brothers, liquor 14 ; Stroud township. Brackley & White, 14 .7 00 f i 10 50 10.50 l . a 10 50 10. 50 10. 50 10 50 7 00 10 50 10 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 50 10 50 , 7 00 10 50 7 00 Borough of Stroudsburg: : Samuel Stokes, 14 7 00 Charles Boys, ' 14 7 00 Geb'rge Malvin & Go. ,14. 7 00 George H Miller. 14 7 00 Stogdell Stokes & Son. 3,4 7 00 Johtf H Mellick, ' 14 7 00 Wallace & Willefup 14 7 00 Robert Huston, liquor 14 1() 50 Robert Boys, J-4 . 7 00 Stokes & Staples, 14. 7 00 An appeal will be held at the Commission ers Office iji the borotfgh of Stroudsburg, on Tuesday the 11th day of July next, at which time and place all interested may attend. M. H. DREHER, . Appraiser of Mercantile Taoies. June 22, 1848 ' AGENTS WANTED To canvass for some New and Popular Worksru every County throughout the United. states. lo Agenls, the most liberal encour agement is offered with a small capital of from $25 lo $100. A chance is offered, whereby an Agent can make from $10 to $25 per week. For further particulars, address (post paid.) WM. A. LEARY, v No. 158 North sSecond Street, Philadelphia, April 6, 1848- 3m. BLANK MORTGAGES - For sale at this Office, New aiid Cheap Hardware, Cuflery amlSTool $tmS& ' sOUTHEEST CORNER 0F TO COUNTRY DEALERS AND WILLIAM ELWELL, Having-purchased the. stock of F. Wf. Noble, intends keeping at the-shore stand, a full as sorttnent of Hardware Cutlery and Tools-of all 'kinds. Ho has jusfrbceived and will continue to keep for sale at low pricesand "tn liberal terms, a'large, lu,-and' complete assonmeni ol American and Enijlitfh shelf and' heavy Hardware;' Purchasers are respectfully ln'viied to ex amine his siock, consisting in part of the following articles:. For Merchants. Braces and BitSi iron Braces Carpenter's planes and plows Shingling and lath hatchets Glue and Glue kettles Iron and steel squares, Bevels Guages, Plane irons, Atfls Screw drivers, Auger Bits" Firmer and mortice chisels Files; and rasps, pincers : 'r Brick.and Plastering Trowels ' Masons' and Chalk Lines Carriage springs. Iron axes Sand and Oil stones Shoe thread, coopers tools, &c. For A compleie'lot of American door locks, -with different knobs Thumb aud drop latches English-knob and closet locks Iron & brass shutter lastenings Sash springs, sash cord Window Fasteners ' ' ' . Frame and screw Pullies " ' Wood. screws, and Clout Nails Brads, Tacks, -Finisning Nails Cut andvrought Nails Strap and Table Hinges Blind Hinges, Iron Castors Horse Nails For the Public Generally. Table and Tea knives and forks, . . Pen andvpocket knives, scissors and shears, Wade aud Botchor and Roger's razors, Chapman's Magic Razor Strop, Iron, German silver, aiid plated Tea spoons, German Mlver and Plated butter knives, japand gothic Wallers and Bread trays, Snuffers and trays, Coffee nulls, Shovels aud tongs, Coal hods and sifters Brass and plated stair rods; Lamp and Cjindle.Hticks- of aH kinds, Japand sjfiitoons, Tea cannisiers, Powder llasdcs and shot, belts, Curriers knives, Butcher's saws, The attention of Farmers is particularly called to his stock of farming implements. EaMon, April 20, 1848. 6m: Its Works Praise It. Bums, Scalds, and all kinds of Inflamed Sores Curvd. , Touscy's Universal Ointment, is the most-complete Bum Antidote everfknow- It instantly .(and as if by Magic) -stops pains of the most desperate Burns and Scalds. For old Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, &c. on man or beast, it the best applica tion that can be made. Thousands have tried, and thousands praise it. It is" the most perfect master of pain discovered. All who use, recom mend it. Every family should be provided with it. None can tell how soon some family will need it. , Observe, each box of the genuine Ointment has the name oj S Tousey written on the outside la bel., To imitate this is forgery. Boatmen, Livery Men, .P'armers, and . all who use Horses, will find-this Ointment the very best thing they can use for Collar Galbj, Scratches, Kicks, &c. &c.: on their animals. Surely, every merciful man would.keep his animals as free from p'ain as possible. , Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that is. required. Iry it.. - Biles of Insects. For the sting or bite of poi sonous. Insects, Tousey's Ointment is Unrivalled. Hundreds have tried it and found it good. Piles Curred ! For the Piles, Tousey's Uni versal Ointment is one of the best Remedies that can be applied. All who have triecf it for the Piles reccommfnd .it. Old Sores Cnred. For old, obstinate Sores, there is nothing, equal to' Tousey's Ointment. A person in.Manlius had, for a number olyeors, a sore leg that baffled the skill of the doctors. Tou sey's. Ointment was recommended by one oi- the visiting physicians, (who knew its great virtues,) and two boxes, produced more benefit than the pa tient had received from any and all previous rem dies, Let all try it. Burns and Scalds Cured. Thousands of cases of Burns, and Scalds, in all parts of the country, have been cured by Tousey's Universal Ointment. Perliflcates enough can be had to fill the whole of this, sheet. Violent Bmises Cured. Testimonials on testi monials, in favor of Tousey's Ointment for curing Bruises, have been offered the proprietors. Hun dreds in Syracuse will certify to its great merits in relieving the pain of the mosi severe Bruise. All persons should try it. Scald Head Cured, bcores ot cases ol bcald Head have been cured by Tousey's Ointment. Try it it seldom fails'. Salt Rheum Cured. Ofallthd remedies ever discoered for this most disagreeable complaint, Tousey 3 Umvercal Ointment is the most complete. It was never known to fail. , Chapped Hdnds Can be Cured. Tousey's Uni versal Ointment will always cure the worst cases of Chapped Hands. Scores of persons will state this. Sore Lips Cttfcd. For the cure of Sore- lips, there was never any thin made equal to Tousey's Ointment. It is sure to cure them. Try it. It is &. scientific compound, warranted not to contain any preparation of Mercury. Price 25 cents per box. i'or further particulors concerning thfs really valuable Ointment, the -public are ref fered to Pamphlets, to be had gratis, of respecta ble Druggists and Merchants throughout the Uni ted States. , Prepared by Elliott & Touseyys, Druggists, Syracuse. For. sale by T. SCHDCH, Agent, June 29,-ly Stroudsburg, Pa .Fine Pen-Knives and Razors. A good assortment, for sale low, by JOHN H. ME LICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1818, 2 . THE PUBLIC SQUARE, EAS.TON. OTHERS 1 WANT OF HARDWARE. Farmers, . . .lt.'For Bn alders. Shovels and Spades r fs. Hay and Manure Forks Spade and Fork handles ('row bars, pick axes Grub and bog hoes, bush hooks Buck, X cut. mill& huttd sawf Salters' spring balance, & steel yards' fc Bellows-, sieves, oxtips Halters, trace and log chains Grain, grass, and bush 5C3"thes Horse brushes, cards and combs Sleigh, hotise, and hand bells. Chopping axes, &e &c Donr scrapers and door knockers, Coach wrenches and bed keys," Motive and rat'traps, Pails and wash hoards. Long and short handle Frying panv Brass ketilesj Eciammelled sam-epans Patenl metal lea kettles aud boilers, Grid Irons, Basting poons and ladles, Flesh forks, kimmers, flat irons, Choppers and Mincing knives, CheM, till, tiink, and Pad locks, I -Axe helves, chisel handles, malletSi etc. V' Malleable Iron, Hub Bands, Carriage springs, Wagon boxes, Iron axles, fcc. REGISTEE'S NOTICE. Nonce is herrby given to all legatees ami other persons interested in the eia'e o! the re spective decetideius and minors, that ilif'adiniii isifaiirin accounts of the following K-tair havr been filed in ihe office of the Rfgi-UM. ol .lcu roe county, and will be presented for confirma tion and allowance t.o ihe Orphan'' Court, i he held at Stroudsburg, til and for the aforesaid county, on Monday the 10th day of July next, at 10 o'clock a. si. The first and final account of Thomas W. Rhodes, Admitii,iraior of the estate" of Mary Helleri.late of Stjoud township, deceaed. The final account of George Shafer and Ja cob Williams, Administrators of the etatK of Goerge Shafer, late of Hamilton township, de ceased. The account of James H. Stroud, one of the Executors t)f the last Will and Testament of Daniel Stroud, late of Stroudsburg, deceased. The final account of Abraham Depuy and Daniel Depuy, Administrators of ihe estate of Aaron Depuy, late of Smithfield township, de ceased; (by Abraham Depuy, one of said Ad minisiraiors. The first account of Michael Walter, Exec utor of the last Will and Testament of Georiro Walter, late of Smiihfie.Id township, deceased. The account of Charlea Bovs aud Samuel B6ys, Administrators of the estate of James Boys, late of Stroud township, deceased. The account of Daniel Andrew, Guardian of Rebecca Heffelfinger, one of the daughters of David HefTelfiilger, late of Ross township, de ceased. The account of Edward Siorm and Samuel Shafer, Administrators of the estate of Georg& Hood, late of Chesnuthill township, deceased. SAMUEL REES, Jr. Register. Register s Office, Stroudsburg, u June 8, 1848. Administrator's Notice. Whereas letters of administration to the es tate of Ferdinand Kleiber, late of 'Iilford, Pike A:ounty, deceased, have been granted to the sub-" scriber ; all persons indebted to said estate aae requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same, will present them duly authenticated for settlement, lo j JAMES S. WALLACE, Adm'or. Milford, 8 June, 1848.-.6t. BISHOP &. SPERING, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 14 New Washington Market, And 55 West Broadway, , DEALERS IN BlUtcr, Cheese, Esrss, Pork, Poultry and Game. Liberal advances made on Country Produce. Storage at reduced prices. May 18.48. 3m ACADEMY, The Spring Sessionof the Stroudsburg Acad emy will open on Mo rifts y the 17th inst., when Reading, Writing and Arithmetic will bn taught for $2 per quarter of 12 week-. Gram mar and GeograPHY,wh1i the u id' ihe ohuVs and maps, $2,50 Algebra. AsTronomv, B6t-j onv, Mensuration, Book-kSjkimng, Philoso phy, &c. S3. Beginners in Latin and pu eek for $3,50. , All pupils charged from the time they enter ?z;i til the end of the quarter, except in cases of sick ness. x The principal hopes hy propeily and sea sonably imparting instruciiou to he young, pa tient endurance in moral traiuing.'aud unwea ried diligence in thevarious branches of hi;s profession, to merit and obtain that patronage and support which the arduous duties of an in structor demand. THOMAS HARRIS, Stroudsburg, April 6, 1848; Principal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers