ConfeetJpiMjry, 'Frut, and GROCERY STORE. fyjLLIAM II. SCHLOlfGH, Respectfully iiiformV the ritteens of Stroudsbu.rg.'aml tlie pjiblte generally'; thai he has removed his Confectionary anil Grocery Store, on Elizabeth street, to ilie room formerly occu picitr hy 'Mr. :M. Eagles, as' a Grocery; where he'.f prepared to accommodate the public with af($kiul of CANDIES or trm lu-M quality. lie also lioops on hand FRUIT, embracing all i'hjj dVlie&cies of:he season, aful.NHTS-pf all Jrtntls 111 'oxlv ctiMis in pari,, of ' Qinger, ;: j '-' fyjrs. Crritm Nuls, -.; vtfMktmt .AHfit otitis , Cocoa Nuts, -hmit; r? .Ground Nuts, and a variety, of ul J kinds of Confectionary gen erally kfept'in .slich an osiblihmeiu, all of nvluch?.)rp!ll: very low lor Cash.. He has aWo 'addtS iti ih .tibovo "stockfall the" articles connected -with a. " . , GROG IvB -I, u. IGkmsisiiug in pari of Chocolate, Saler'atus, Nut Megs,. Allspice,. Ginger, Herring,. Mackerel, : Close Pins, Indico, Baskets, Dried Peaches, UOFFEESj Teas, Cheese. C MoL.VSSESj Crackers', Blacking,- j Cinnamon, Soap, 1 Candles, Shot, Pep'per, Dried Apples, ?geuher with a variety of Tubs, Bowls, &c if' Xobiucco, Snuff, and Segars, v$f (he Vest and cheapest qualities always on hand, and v. ill suit those who may favor him .twiih a call. .r.Poj-ler, Ale, iTIead ai2d Lcu:catadc ..constantly kept on hand. ... . .For the liberal support already received from hti friends and customers he returns his sincere . Mianks. .itid wrill endeavor in future to merit a "fcttumiMftncfe of their favors, liy sparing no ex--mir- Uj rWke his establishment ah agreeable S'luud-hi'T?. April 1. 1S.I7. P U 11 I F;Y THE B L 0 0 D . M O F F A T'S ; VEGETABLE LIFE FILLS PHCENIX BITTERS The hli ami envied celebrity v.liich these jirc-cmiucnt fuediciiK iia;e acquired for their iiitnnable eificMcy in all ' t the diseases which Uiey profess to cure, lias rendered the H u--,aM' ,rciice or puiTiu"- not only 4iuntccss;ir , but unwor thy of them. They are Liioxm by their fruit's ; their good ork testify far them, ami tlity 'thrive not by tlic faith of 1, the credulous. W ASTHMA, ACUTE and CUKOSIC RHEUMATISM, JAFFECl'lUXS if the. BLADDER and KIDSEYS. BILIOUS FEVERS & LIVER COMPLAINTS. In the south and west, where these disease jircvail, tlicy will jbe fuund Invaluable. I'lanlcrs, fanners, and o hors, wjib'onco 4-- Bfo these JVIedicmes. will never uflenvarils be without thrm. VIL10CS CllOUC, and SEROUS Looseness, JSILES, COSTIl'EXESS, COLDS & COUGHS, CIJOLIC, CO.N'jSU JU'TION. Used witlr tpvM success in lm diicase. - CORR.UPT HUMORS, DliOl'SIES, hm ZTTSI?EPSIi.. No jicrson with tliis distrcssinff rfis ' cas--, .hould ilclay using lliesc itrctiicinrs iiiiiiiia1ely, EflDPTIOXS cf the Skin, KY3lPEL.iS, FLATU LENCY, - -IIS VSIt and AGUE. For this scourge of the wes tern -cotniliy these medicines will be fuund a safe, sicedy, and certain remedy. Othw medicines leave the system subject to a rutum cf the dwase a cure by these medicines is jHjrniaricnt. - TRY TIICM, HE SATISFIED, AM) BE CUKCD. FOULNESS nf COMf LEXIOX, 5 'GEH3EAL DEBILITY, COUT.JiWDlSESS, GRAVEL, HEAD AMES, tftveri 'kind, JSU'ARD FEVER, INFLAMMATORY RIIEUMA-l-T!SM, IMPURE BLOOD, JAUNDICE, LOSS qf Al'PE- I'lTE, A IVHR COrvIPLAIKTS. LEPROhT, LOOSENESS, f t: 11 C U III A L 'D I SB A-S E S. Srtt ILiU la eradicate entirely all tlic cfil-cts of Mercury infi wialr sooner tlinn the most tKvcrfu' tr.'iwt'!, n of Sariapardlo. ..KICIIT KIVEATS, SERFOU: DEUIL1TV. SERVOUS ' COMPLAINTS of all khtds, O..GASIC JFFECT10SS. frnVXtXIWLTlOX fifth! HEART, PAIXTER'S CHOLW, P 2 L .'"1 S . The original prop ieior of these medicines .w55 curet oI" Viha cf 35 .years standing by tin use of these Life Medicines alone. PAISS in the head, side, baclc, limb, joinls and orjans. i -Ttenilde diRcasc. will be surejor relief by the Life Medicines. 15. US 1 1 or BliOOI) to tlc J1I2A1J. SCURVY. SALTRIIEUM, SIVELLIXCSS, 'SCKOFULAi or KirOTG'S EVIL, inia worst furms, ULCERS, nf every description. 3 , or all kimls, are tflectually expelled by "tbest; Mrtiicmes. L'urunts will do well to administei'lbein when overftliiroxitenca is subletted. Ilelcf will be certain. ' THE -LIFE PILLS AA'D FKfflXK BITTEKS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And lliusjemove aU disease frtim Hie system. A single Iru! rlll plate Hie LIFE PILLS and -PHCNIX BITTERS bejond Uie reach of comnc- tltion lu the cjtiination of ever' patient. The genuine of these medicines are now put up in vhile wrajipfcrs aui labels, together with a unjihlct, called " IilOfTat s Good SwnaritaJi,", containing -thlT din clious, Uc, wliich U a drawing or Broadway ftomlVll street to ourj V?cu which slraiigcrsHj(iiiug tlje city.caii cry ca.ily laid us. The wrapjicu aud Sainarit2us.-arc cop righted, therefore those who procure, them wiUi uJiite wrappers can -nun:u mai n,ey are euuiue. 11k earclul, aud do not buy those villi trite w viappers; liul if ou do, be satisfied . that they come direct from ul, ur-dout touch thciu , IL7" Prepared and sold by , . IMS. W I Ij 21, 1 A 1T B. IYT QT-T A 1". 'i325r Broadvay. corner of Anthony street, 'Kev'crkl 'For Sale by , . . THEODORE SCfHOCH, Stroudsburg,. 'boJe'agttni for Monroe courtly. Jj.ecernber 18, 1845. Ijood ne-ws Aov the Aged. Spectacle Giases filled to Till ages and sfojits in- oW,-' SthvrJ Sernian Silver anil Steel F'ramDs.iwiih con vex, concave, pbrlscbptc, blue, gray and green Glasses, to which he would ln MteVnictilar'atieniion. No charge for .sho-jrin'o therm For sale cheap, ai the- VVrteVSjore'6 Aood-assortntent of Wjticheforale; ai reduced pnee hyi'A Jo'H NIltMESl CK. : Pis. -THE UNi6Nm&Gi&ZfN& 1 t JL.4 1. - EDITED By , , I MRS. KlllKLAND,,, AUTHOR OF "ANEW HOME," 1 FOR EST LIFE," ETC. v AND FJLLED-WITHv . . Contributions from the most eminent Writers of the Country. ;.f It requires some experience in catering for the public taste, lo enter upon 'the conduct of a new Magazine with sanguine hope of success. To a mere observer, the field seems ' fully occupied-1 every advantageous position secured, and all available force enlisted. It would, appear, upon a casual view, as .if nothing could;, be added to. the fluttering host of many-coloured competitors for public favpr, which swarm just before the opening of each calendar month. Spread their light wings of saffron or of blue, and fly to the utmost parts of the earth, delighting the ladies'of the torrid zone With our comfortable winter fashions, 'and enlightening the dandies of St. Petersburg with our opinions on politics. The American travelling in Sweden, or in Italy, is aU ready sure of a monthly standard by which to reg ulate his notions cf foreign countries ; the gentle men. of the ward-room touching at Honolulu for supplies in the course of a three years' cruise, look for the 'New York and Philadelphia Maga zines as confidently as for the replenishment of the water-butts. Why, then, attempt the establish ment of another 1 liecause it- is the veritable belief of the publisher of the Union Magazine that much may yet be done for the- advancement of this popular class of publications. Every day witnesses Hie progress of our country in every thing connected with Literature and Art ; and ev ery day shows an increase in the number of those who take an interest in this progress ; a taste for refined culture will always more than keep pace with the efforts which maybe made to meet its requirements ; and where there was one reader able to judge correctly of our periodical literature twenty years ago, an hundred may now be found, not one of whom will be satisfied with a tame me diocrity", whether in literary matter or illustrations. Our plan for the Union Magazine embraces till that enterprise, industry, skill and cost can accom plish for a publication of this description. We say our plan, for we are shy of promising very great things before hand. .Our literary contributors will be nearly the same as those whose writings al ready give value to the other monthly magazines ; although we hone to add to those well-known and highly-esteemed names some which are destined to grow upon public favor hereafter. ' But in the matter of pictorial illustrations & have' a little more' to say. Our engravings are exclusively from orig inal designs by T. IT. Matteson, and of these we shalljutTqrJn each number, one in mezzotint by If. SvSadd or T. Doney, and one line engraving bv M. Osborne or John C. McRrae; besides illus trative wood-cuts by 13. F Childs and P. .Loumis dispersed through the body : of the work, and' a coloured fashion plate, engraved by W. S. Bar naul, which may be relied ons'tho true mode o the month. If there be any reality in the warm interest lately expressed in the' advance of Amer ica'n ait, this new feature of exclusively original pictures will afford opportunity for the expression of such interest; since those who know any thing of the subject will notjieed be reminded of the la bor and risk to be incurred in the course of such an undertaking, we are confident that the mere mention of the plan will secure attention The names of a few of those from whom we are encouraged to expect assistance will be found in the follow injr list Mrs. L. Mitria Child, " L. H. Sigourr.ey, " Ann S. Stevens, , " E. C. Embury, " F. S. Osgood, " Mary E, Hewitt, " E, F. Ellel, " C. II. Butler, Miss C. M. Sed?wick, H-tnnah . Gould, " Eliza Leslie, " Augusta Browne, ," Louisa Hunter, Annie Middleton, " Grace Greenwood, 14 Martha Russel, W. C. Bryant, II. V. Longfellow, Fitz Greene Halieck, C. F. Hoflinnn, T. S. Arthur, n. II. Weld, ' John Neal, CP. Briggs, . H. W. Herbert J. T. Headley Park Benjamin, II. T. Tuckerman, II. P. G rattan Edward S. Gould George P. Morris, Francis G. Woodworth. The first number of the Union Magazine will be published about the first of July, 1847, and after wards rerularlv on the first of each month- Dealers in Periodicals- throughout the United Stales and the Uanadas, who wish to become a gems for the Union Magizine, will please apply to the publisher immediately. All Post Masters are desired to act as agents for it the usual dis count will be made to them. When .published, specimen numbers will be sent to any one wishing lo see it, on application to the publisher, post-paid. TERMS OF THE UNION MAGAZINE. One copy one year, in advance, $3,00 One copy two years, 5,00 Two copies one year " 5,00 Five copies one year " 10,00 ISRAEL POST, M0 Nassau-street, . Hew-York MATTHEW T. MIJLtiEK, SUCCESSOR TO ROBERT T. BIC KNELL; , EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 8 outh Third street, Philadelphia. Bank Notes.---Notes oh all solvent banks in the United States discounted at the lowest rates. , - Drafts, Notes.and Bills collected on the most favorabJe terms. Exchange. Bills of exchange and Bank Ghecks on most of the principal cities of the Union, bought and sold atuhe best rates. Exchange on England in large or smallfsums constantly for sale; Bickne'Ws Reporter, Counterfeit Detector and Prices Current, is issued from this office every Tuesday. Itis devoted chiefly to the condition of the currency, the Markets, Banking institutions, Counteifeit Notes, &c. Terms, S3- per annum payable In advance. BicknclVs Counterfeit Detector and Bank Note List.ia. published semi-monthly at Si 50 per an num, payable in advance. This work is printed in pamphlet form of 32 pages, ingle copiei V2 1-2 cents. : . " "'Office open from 8 a m to 6 p M Exchange Jhoiirsfrom 9 a,m' to V p m . Kngllsfi mxi jG'ernian;. , . Frayer MaoUA'oi Chiidrcn. The stibscriber has'jO's.i published an edition ofTrnirirtrink'JcTJTairfifr the juvenile "read er, hearing, the i aboVe;,jite. Jt'js intended for families, ajul Sijhhath Schools. For sale at the office of the Republican, and by the publisher at Bethlheimf - PncVper dozen SJ.O-sinu'e .HPS TO ALiC: ." CGUnTTI&T HOUSEKEEPERS. vSeesfea You may b8edre. obtaining, at PlO all limes; pure and highly flavored By the bingle pound or larger quantity, at the .Fdiin Ten .Company's WarelioKse, No,, 30 South :Secon.d Street Between Mjarket and . Chesmd, PHILADELPHIA. Heretofore it.'been very difficult; indeed, almost impossible, always' to obtain good Qreeri and Black Teas. But now you have only to visit the Pekin Tea CdmpaiiyV Sdre to ob lain as de'Ucious and fta'graiH Tea as ypti could wish for. All lastes can here be sinted-'with the advantage 'of getting a pure article aPa-'low price. . ; G. B. ZIEBER, Agent for the Pekin Tea Company. Philadelphia, July 2, 1845. Sleep es djFcnmerY. ; EhHlvcI3asi Parasols, & SM.n S!aidcsr No. 126 Market street, south side, "below Fourth, Philadelphia. Invite the attention, of Merchants, Manufacty rers; &c..&c, 10 their very Extensive-- i. Elegant, New Slock, prepared wi'ih'-1 ' great care, and Offered ' ;j At the Loivest possible Prices for Caslu The principle on which this concern is es tablished is-to consult the mutual interest of their customers and themselves, by manufactu ring a good article, selling it at the Lowest Price for Cash, and realizing their own remu neration, in ihe amount of sales and quick re turns. ... i Possessing inexhaustible facilities for mantx facture, ihey aro prepared to supply orders to any extent, and respectfully solicit the pajrqn age of merchants, manufacturer's and dealers,' Phila., Dec. 11, 18-J5,---Iy. '. VASSU3rj SIX YEARS AGO the chPdren began to cry for Sherman's Lozenges The noise was not so loud at that time, but it has kept increasing ever since, and now has become so great mat me mourns oi me nine ones can scarce be stopped. Dr. Sherman sympathises with the little sufferers, and very much regrets that any 'of them should be disappointed. Know- ing the vast benefit which has been conferred upon uie community by the introduction oi ms lniaiiipie Worm Lozenges, he has entered into arrangements for enlargin'g his -Manufactory, by means of which he thinks he will be able lo supply ithe demand. And the same pains and care will be taken, that these celebrated Lozenges be made as they have always been, in order that those who depend upon them may not be' disappointed in their hopes. He knew when ho commenced the manufacture of the Worm Lo - zenges, that they would supercede the use of eve - ry other vermifuge, as the Lozenge is very j eas- ant to the taste, svecdu in its effects, as well as certain, and the quantity required to effect a per- feet cure, is very small. These properties in con- novin with ii10 fnot iK-nt" ihov 0 cniri fnr o.-, n,0 The they per Box, thus placing them in the reach of the poorest man in the land, has not' only caused them to lake the place of e"very other vermifuge ever of fered, but also rendered them popular to the com- mumty. Di Sherman's Cough Lozenges, continue to cure Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, shortness and difficulty of Breathing, and 1 HaaMniH.fflfi other diseases of tho Lungs, with the same, facility first' Chemist in New York, after a minutefeem they did on their first introduction, and the people icai examination, gives the folio vvingH!' have now beeomSpersuaded by actual experience, T have analyzed a box of Doctor SmithfcSmriir that on the accession of a slight Cold, they have only to either the Dr. office, or one of his Agents, and obtain a box of his Cough Lozenges, v. uicn are very convenient to carry in me porrfet, and to take a few through the day.' By pursuing this course .a cure is often effected in 24 hours, and the patient about his business. ,So. great is the celebrity of the Lozenges,,, that thousands of persons who have used them, and become acquaint ed with their effects, will never be without them. Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster has cured more cases of Rheumatism, Pain in the Back, Side and Chest, Lumbago and Weakness, than any application thachas ever been made. As the celebrity of the Plaster has increased, hun dreds of unprincipled rascals have attempted to counterieit it, and palm it oil upon the community is the genuine. lEr Beware of Deception. JTl Remember that the true and genuine Plaster is spread upon reddish paper made expressly., for the purpose., and .-in epry case the-signature of Dr. Sherman is printed upon the back of the Plaster, and the' whole secured. 'by ' Copy Right. None! others are genuine. Therefore' when you want a fecit jiuuu tJiieruicitib i our man s i lasier,-call atf the'-office;.'! 0G-'Nassau street and yoli'wilPnut; be; disappointed k - -tv ft ? Ht ' 'on : jKemenb3r!;the,n.umber, 1.06 Nassau St.. where all.Dr. Sherman's Lozenges are sold. , ' AGENTS. Theodore Sch'och, Stroudsburg, Monroe county. John. Lander, Ciaigs Meadows, I , do. J.ames S. Waljace, Mjford,.Rike county. w. V. Brodhead & Brother, Dingmanls Ferr.y,, do.' Peters &Labar, Bushkill, - May iflsW' v A W rii- . READ? "BE GUARDED ! . r-. . In.l843f;ItCommenced .tho manufacture of what "are, ijowv extensively kno.vyn as. Imptov.ed' Indian great deal in .means and experiments are said to be superior to a accounts. T hey are, every materials, -are 'extremely pleasant; and always-ef ficacious. The "Stirrar Cbatino1,"' which renders them still more pleasant is also aboriginal invent ticn of my own,-ns,s well, ktto.wn t ' . .dlaving brought these pills into market, their virtues might be! more extensiVely apRtecia? ted, I'did a work of actual benevolence; and where I seek to make an, honest livelihood after years o labor, I am, through these 'pills, improving tho health and strehgth-bf thousands Now ihesepills are made to sell-upon then rep utation a? a good medicine, and should-they not be distinguished -from -every imitatipti'tliat is sought lo be palme'd ofPon'their deputation! As you val ue: your life, and'alllr do not touch those pills which, are offered pimply from being "coated with sugar !" Have not several unprincipled persons put forth a Sugar'Goated" pill as such since" Dr. Smith's have, become popular? Now., all Ypk is the candid aVtentioh of the public to tlic following: UNITED STATES OF AMER'fCA. H'Oiti' . Oath before the Mayor? in ) .jA Stite of New York: - - n,2? City and County of New York; y V v. l s, G. BENJAMIN SMITH, witjiih" iTamed, beiiig'duly; sworn, deposes and saysVtliauhe is a citizen of the United States, and resides in the ci ty of New York: ahdjthatjie isilie. original inven tor of "Sugar CdatedPills," and thnt'to liis knowl edge.or belief ."SugafiCodted" Pills had'heyer been manufactured or sold by any person before, and that 'the statements contained inlh'e within are true - G: BENJ. SMJTJI, M !) Sworn before me, this 14th dav ofJune, 1844. JAMES .HARPER, - -i Mayor of the City of New Ynk The above was sent nlo Vashrngton!fwith!our specification, and. application ,forta;Patent-, :The following is -the rephr, . :J- ; . . Patent Office ., .Recjehcd4ljs 17ti clay of June, 1544,from Dr. Gi'iVehjaniin Smiththe fee of S30, paid' on his ap plication for a PatentTor a PiH Coated with sugar'- ' " ; H' L ELLSWORTH, - -Commissioner Of Patents. " - i-TH-B ABOY-E CONFIRMED ! 1 ! The following certificate is from the first Drug gists and others in New-York, which shows 1 in vented 'Sugar. Coaling' in 1843, before, which time 4Sugar Coating-' -was never heard of G. BENJAMIN SMLTHt M D, t New York,. June 26th, 1844 We, the undersigned, never saw or heard of 'Su gar .Coated Pills,' until Dr,G Benjamin Smith man ufactured arid exhibited 'them to, lis 'about a vear since. Rush'lon -Co' 10 Broadway and 10 Astor House Israel Randolph. M D SG Liberty-street Horace Ecerell. 8fi Hudson-street ' John Castrec, 07 Hudson-street. And also to Gen CW Sandfortl, 12 Warren-street N Y,. and Also, hundreds of agents G Benjamin Smith. M D Dear sir: 1 believe you" were the first by about a year, to make and j introduce 'Sugar Coated Pills,' and are foil ! your business with honorable and:praisewor owing orty ex- ertions Yours A SHERMAN, M D , 10G, Nassau-street, N Y Important Fact We, the undersigned, whole sale Druggists in Louisville, Kentucky, are satis t fjprl frnm iiip infnrmatinn' tvp rnn nhtnin thnt T)' q I3enjarain Smith is the original inventor of the Sugar Coated Pills. We are prepared to supply dealers at the' New York' price Robinson, Peter cj- Carey, 492 Mam-street J S Morris cj- Co 461 do ' '? Rupert cj Lindenberger, 511 do Geqrge Lapping cj" Co 7U Fourth street' Bull 4 Alden, 81 do 1 he danger of being deceived is now apparent; 1 Dr; Smith's Pills have become, very popular 1 mrougnout me country, imitators nave sougut to Palm ofF worthless stuff with a 'coating of sugar' ! cover up a most uangerous compound Dr. Crumbecker, of Wheeling, Va., says that a Ptcrs0" ,n u nmce came near losing nis me irom the' effects of the' counterfeit 'Sugar Coated' Pills. Also, a gentleman in Louisville, Ky, was seized with violent vomiting after their use. Get the genuine or get none, and see that G Benjamin Smith is written with a pen on the bot tom of each box . DR: GH1LT.ONS EVIDEJNGE.rl Some of Dr Smith's opponents have circulated the report, that the astonishing cures-these pills have made, are attributable to merenrv but th Coated Indian Vegetable Pills, and find that they do not contain mercury in any form j . james r Chilton, M Dt ChetaiSt jey York July 29 1845 Shv State of New-York, " I City and County of New-York, Personally appeared before me Dr GBenfamin Smith, and made oath that the statement of Doct. Chilton. above is. true and that these Pills do. not contain any injurious substance, but'they are en tirely composed bf vegetable properties; arid fur ther, that he is the inventor of 'Sugar 'Coa'ted Pills.? - G BENJAMIN SMITH Sworn beforo me this I3th day of Aug, A-D 1845 W F HAVE MEYER, Mayor-. .From Messrs. Post & Willis, of Rochester, N, Y.l ; Your Improved Indian Vegetable Sugar Coated Pills are very'pdptilar here, particularly among the litgher classes.' Clergymen and others have used -them, arid think them decidedly preferabhVto any other pills. We sell' more of yours than all others put together.. Yours truly - PosL'WUlis Principal Office 179 Greenwicrust., large brick block, N Y: Price '25 cents' a box! ' Agents mlMonroe Co. ' 'Theodoro Schoch, Stroudsb'ufgl1- o-- -": Drodhnad &i Brothersj Dutothurg; Jno. Marsh, Fennersville. t I , Daniel Brown. Chosnuthilh (LT And sold throughoutthe United States and' Canada. . may 20, 1S47. Fine Pen-Knives anrd Razors. I 4 .'good assorttoifnrX'allbV.By ' - V , JOHNJI. MELIOKr Stroudsburg, January Tro'G. 5 " .,. -pit. r' a. m m t&n iLOOK IIE;JEri VV havejust received foj sale, a;;thp Jefiet aoiuaiTCjiBce, a supply of Fenner's Odtrifer. a1( ous Compound for, strengthening softening and - - M J ' ' U he3first quality, and the. high reputation which they have acquired in the cities, and wherever ehe'th'ey have been used, cannot fail lo rccorn menrT them to the generM' notice and patronage of the pepple of ihia place and. -vicinity. number, ofour citizens. have already tried theni and pronounce therii excellent. We invite all who are in Want of any such articles, to give us acallfahd' we are' sure ifiey will tnot go away unsattsheu. , " - ,v. . January I, 1847. . ; ; ASK THE SUFFERER FROM what has relieved him in such a short time from hrs difficulty of breathing, Cougha'nd suffocation He will you it was " the Olosaonian, or All ' liealirig Balsam'"' AskMie' 'Consumptive ' wh'at has allayed his Cough, removed the - ipain in-his- Side and Chest, checked his night sweats and placed the rose of health -upon his cheek and he . , , "wrilte'iryou , j. 3 ! 1 er ' s f ty s ag ri j si n . Ask your friends if they know pf any thing that wilLso. speedily cure a long and '.tedious iCi u,L, Ra'ising of Blood, Bronchitis1, Dyspeptic Consump tion, Hoarseness, Influenza, and' diseases of the Throat, as theOfosaonian iand they wllUeil you No. There never yet has been a remedy intro duced to public notice whlch''en productive oTso'mubhgood in so shbrt'a ispace of time. Read 'the following ' - ' " Astonishing Cnires, 5- Wm. Bond, the celebrated Boston cracker ba ker, 98 Nassau street Brooklyn," states that his wife has been 'afflicted with Asthma for 30 years, and could not find permanent-relief from the lest medical .advice which. New York and Brook'. could produce, was induced to tryahis great rem edy;' She is now- -nearly well. His daughter, .vvnq, yyas UTTerrn jfojti ine same oisqase, ineo ti, and, was also cured by it. Mrs. Bond is now so well 'that she is able to rise 'front her bed early in the morning and a'ttend to her-usiial-duiies t'irough 'the day without any annoyance from her distres sing malady, , ; . . Henry Jackson, ,13th street, near the Catholic Ccmetry, came to the store -for the purpose of ob taining a bottle of the Olosaonian, having been af flicted with the Asthma for more than 30 years, and was so exhausted on his arrival that hecouil t not speak, lie purchased a bottle and rode home Four days afterward lie walked from to the office without fatigue, a distance of over "two miles, to tell of the; wonderful relief which he had experienced from uairig about one half of cue f hntilo Consumption of the Lungs. Mr. Comfort, 35 White street, was so low h the month of December last, thathe was given up by his physician. His friends entertained no hope of his recovery. He was persuaded ro try ti.o Olosaonian, and to his surprise ,it has so far re stored lu'ra to health that he is how able to walk about the sfreets. Mrs. Altree, the wife of Wm.'H. Attree, James Harman, Esq. and George Wv. Flays, Esq. can all bear testimony from their own experience of the healing properties of this Great Remedy in Consumption of the Lungs. Spitting Bio oil. Mrs. Thoubourne, 352 Monroe street, who haJ been troubled for a great length 'of time by a se vere cough, and raised quantities of blood, was relieved by one bottle of the Olosaonian, and de clares it the greatest remedy in the world. Dennis Kelly, 26 Water strqet, Was also relieved from the same complaint,, although he was very much reduced when he cornmehcecftaking it, hav. ing been under the caie of" lifs physician during the past winter. Although he" coughed constantlv and was very much-troubled with .nisht sweats,. two bottles of the remedy' enabled, him to return iu mo umiy wuiK.. no was entirely reneveu. David Henderson, jBOLaight street, George W Burnett, formerly of Newark, N. J.v Henry Lis bon, 199 Rivingston street, and numerous other persons have, been speedily arid permanently cured of the same complaint by this remedy. Ihe Array of Names which could be produced of persons who have- used this great remedy would more than fill a crl utnn. Among tho number we are permitted to re-. fertoA. M. Bijiinger, 102 Barclay street; Mr Wilson of Hoboken: Mrs. Bell of Motristown.N. J.; James B'. Devoe, 101 Reade-street ; Mrs Mc- i.ailree, 50 Atforney street; F -Smith. 92 Tl;ri avenue; Mrs. Wm. H Attree.of this citv, and Mrs. Archibald, 35 White Street. Be not Deceived. The only place fn the City of-'NewYork. whera 'Sherman's OLOSA ONI AN, or A LLHEA Lib G BALSAM is sold, is at 106 Nassau street, ocai door above Ann street. .... AGENTS. 'Theodore Schoch, Stroudsburg, Monroe co. James . v allace, Millordi'Pikevcountv. W. F. Brodhead & Brother, Diricrnan's Ferry, n t - - w lKe couniy. Violins and Flutes. ' JOHN H.t Mfi'LICK. Stroudsburg, Jan. 1, 1846V tmr !' mp" 1 Jitf T SmmSUSmfSSSBSS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers