PUBLIC Thft subscriber will sell ai public sale at his Pnundry in the Borough of S'roudsburg, Mon roe county, Pa., on THURSDAY and FRI ni Y the 23d and 24th days of December next, ,bo following properly, to wit: A fine LOT OF PATTERNS of various kinds, Stores, Sled shoes, Wagon boxes, Plough beams, and Ploughs, 4 Turn ing Latnes, one circular saw, ana 1 up and down Saw; Line shaft ings and Pulleys, Leather straps for Lathes, ,mc pa' f blowing Cylinders, one Fan Bellows, Crane Rope and Pulleys; logeiher with many other articles' appertineni io a Foundry too tedious to enumerate. ALSO: A variety of Household and Kitchen Furniture,' one YOUNG COW, -fijc. Conditions made known on the days of sale. SAMUEL HAYDEN. November 25, 1847. ORPHANS' COURT SALE.- By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Cnuft in and for the County of Monroe, the following ReaJ Estate, formerly ol Jesse fchaler, late 01 J'ohvhanna township, in said County, deceased, will" be sold at Public Vendue, at the public house of Samuel Miltenberger, m Toby ban ua township, on Saturday the ISth of December next, ai 10 o'clock in the forenoon, all thai certain Messuage or Tenement and Tract of land, sit uate in said township of Tobyhanna, in said -county of Monroe, containing 139 ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Michael Krei der Dedrich Rees, and vacant land: about thir ty acrrs cleared, and the remainder is covered with TIMBER of an excellent quality. The improvements thereon consist of one Frame House, one and a half story high, and one. Loo Barn. Terms of Sale : One half of the purchase money to be paid at the confirmation of the Sale, and the other in one year thereafter, with interest from the confirmation, to be secured by Judgment bond upon the premises. GEORGE BUTTS, Adm'or. By the Court. h H. STROUD, Clerk. November 25, 1547. The urrdesigried, auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of 'Monroe dontity, to examine, and if occasion require, re-settle the account of John V. Bush and George V. Bush, Executors of the last will and testament of Getfrgfe Bush, late ol Smithfield,. in saidcounty, de ceased, wilf attendo the i duties.. of their ap polntment on Monday, the third day of Janua ry next, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the house of Jacob Knecht, in the borough of Strdudsburg, when and where all' persona naving claims are requested to present the same before us, or be debared from coming in Tor a share of the as sW John t. bell, JOHN MARSH. ... JACOtf ft. J3ILENBERGER. Nov. 36. 1847. Dec. 2,--4t lit SB OEPHANS' COURT SALE, By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court nf Monroe county, the following Real Estate, formerly of Frederick Michtley, late of Price township, in said county, deceased, Will be sold at public venduce, at the public bouse of Stroud J. Holhnshcad, in the Borongh of Stroudsburg, Wednesday the 15th day of December next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, a certain tract or piece of land situate on the main road leading from Stroudsburg to the German Set tlements in Wayne and Pike courfiies,;in Price township aforesaid, bounded oil the North by lands of John M. Dcibler,- on the East, Wes.t, rid South by lands of Samuel Grincomb, on' I ih South-West by Jacob Price' land, contain- j l ii j about 212 Acres and Fe relies, more or less, about 35 of which are cleared, the remainder i very heavily timbered5 with jrVat rate Hemlock and Oak. The .improvements arc' a' small .one and a half stories high, and a1 small ST A BLE. THere is a spring of excel lent water near the door. The Goose Pond creek, and the main or east branch of the Brodhead's creek runs through the premises; and there is a good mill seat on the same. Terms and conditions will be made known at the time and place of sale by PETER LAND'ER, Adm'or. November" 25, 1847. nWLt Pufefie Sale of Unseated Iiand. .A'L Will' be exposed at public sale at fBf the- public house of Stroud - Hol- SiSiijTNS.irEA1Dt in Stroudsburg, Monroe county, Pa-., on THURSDAY, De cember 16'h' 1847, at' 1 o'clock-, p m'. a part of a large Til -AST OF LAND', marked on the Commissioner' boks, John- Lee, Not 125, now known as the Dugvay Tract, situated in Cool biavh township. AJo.roe coumy. Pa. on the Befoonl and Easton 'jV'P'He oad, near its .1 T31. , irlflntita nrt R-ral ronEueflCO wan me x um- r... Btnd Turnpike, a few miles ;m siroudsburg, the county town ; bounded by lands, noW or firmprlv of Heatv Ransburv', Jhn Starbird, rlv ai Hearer Jesse Ford and Joseph Lee. containing three hundred and six acres and iweniy-setr.u percn es. with the usual allowance fur roads, &c This tract of land bw any inducements for those disposed to purchase, having die lNorin em Brach of Brodhead's Creek running diago nally through it, (crossing Jho turnpike,) ot suf ficient nower for mill or other purposes. Thei.e are also several fitve springs of water on, this tract, near the turnpike, which would make it valuable for building purposes. The land gen-. raljy js j'jTgM ijUalily; 'wll ililftlif&i&$ could be easily improved., Conditioqs n-i.jsa. WlUAM TRAlKEW. November 25, 1817. BLANKS. The subscriber has on, Kdnd and offers for sale, a superior assortment! blanks, viz: Deeds; Mortgages, Executions; Summonses, Sifbpcenas, l3qnds; c., , . L. F. BARNES. Milford.'Norember, 4, 1847. FOR SALE. An excellent VIOLIN, for sale cheap. En quire at this office. . Stroudsburg, Nov.. 4, 1817. " THE NEW WOKLD. NEW SERIES. Park JBcnJziinin,' Editor. 'TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADNANCE. Oft' Saturday, the second of October, was issued,- oti a very large and, elegant folio sheet, and on the plan of 'The New World,' formerly published in this city, a" weekly literary news paper, with the above title. It contains the new and popular productions of oil the best authors, home and foreign, inclu ding Bulwer, Dicffens, James, Leigh Hunt, Jer rold, Thackeray, Hcberi, Bryant, Longfellow, Irving, Prescoit, Sue, feeorge Sand, and hosts of other celebrated writers'. It also presents weekly extracts from new books, magazines, and newspapers of all kinds, of the most interesting and amusing description. The old 'New World' was so well known, that it is not requisite to enter upon any labored description of the new New World; since., the latter is exactly like the former, except so far as it has been improved It will be embellished with elegant and cost ly engravings. In consequence of the great economy which has been introduced into the art of printing and piper-making, the proprietors are enabled to offer the feV prfper at the low price of two DOLLARS X YEAR;. u( ,r The piopfieto'rs are making extensive ar rangements iti adance, to make 4 The New VVorld" the post unexceptionable and agreea ble family newspaper published in the-Unjon. They mean, al.uo that it shall be original as weir as excellent; and they are accordingly pre parred to make, and will make Hbenil -artauge-mehls with authors. , As an earnest of this, they commenced witd the first number A ;NEW romance, written, expressly for the New World by Fra'nk Forester, author of the Warwick" Woodfands,' 'My Shooting" Box,' &c.'o$c. They will also give a series of original legends, by Edmund Flagg, Esq. author of 'Lucretia Borgia,' 'Cavherine Howard,' 'Ieatrice fcc. ... For the Purpose of facilitating the formation of Clubs, we offer the following, (for par mon ey, post-paid,-in advance.)' EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS. 'i'hree copies of the New World one year, or ott'e c'opy for three years, f 0.0 Seven1 copies of the New. World J year l6' 00t Twelve' l' ' . V 15 00 Seventeen , " 20 00 Arldres., ROSS WILKINSON, Publisher 105 Nassau street, New York. ftovemBer 25, l:6l7. Fashionable Boot and Shoe MANUEACTORY. THADDEUS SCHOCH, at his old iand in Hamilton street, Easion, Pa., opposite T.& P. Mix sell's stofe, continues to manufac ture to oder, every description of Boots and Shoes, for men and boys ; also ihe most fashionable Gaitits, Buskins, half Gaiters, Slippers, eye., for Ladies and Misses, which will be warranted' to fit, be made of tiro best materials,' artd sotd at small profits for cash. Also ori liaricT a' large assort ment of . which will be sold cheap,-aW cati' be recom mended. The public are respectfully invited to call, leave their measures, or examine his ready made stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he is confident they will be suited with the style, quality and price of his articles. ALSO Just received a large supply of GUM SHOES, for Ladies ana Misses of a new style, very su perior, together with a' stock of Men's Gum shoes; also Children's Gum-shoes. Call and try them. .Easton, Oct. 7, 1847. SOAES. 7 Fiae scented Spaps for.washing'and shaving -alsotli cMkbrated shaving cream, for sale cheap;-JOHN H. MELICIC Strqu'diib'yrg. January 1,46.46; JBaston and ITIilTord Mail Line, trl fROUDS-BURG. Passengers in this line will leave Joseph Hagenbuch's Inn, sign of the " Black Hose," Laston, eVery Monda'y, Wednesday and Friday, passirtg through the following places, viz : Richmond, Centrevijle, Williamsburg, Dills' lieiry, JJelaware Water j Uap, Dutotsburg, Stroudsburg, B.ushkill, and Dingman's Ferry, ana arrive in iviiuora tne same aay: Distance 60miles. Returning, leave Samuel Dimmick's Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and arrive in Easton the same day. Fare from Easton to Siroudsburg, $1 25 " Milford, , 2S7 N. B. All baggage at the risk of the owners. WILLIAM DEAti, Siroudnburg, June 3, 1&47. Proprietor. Dr.LeRoys : YEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. The only knoion medicine, that '&t the same time piir- $es pu'ifies, and strengthens the system. DR. LB ROY'S Pills are a new medicine which has just appeared, and is fast taking the places of all others of the same class'. r-Thes"e pills are composed of many ingredients, ibu the two principal ones are Sarsapari.lla and Wrild Cher-r ry, so united that they act together ; the one, through its admi.xtnr& with other substances, purifying and purging, while the othor is strengthening, the isys tern. Thus those pills are at the same time tonic ana opening; a desideratum long and eagerly sought for by medicinal men, but never before dis covered. I n other words the.y do the7 work .of the two medicines, and do it much' better ( han't any two we know of; for they remove nothing from the 3ystdm but the impurities; so that while they purge they strengthen ; and hence they cause no debili tation, and are followed by no re-action. l)f. Le Roy's Pills have a wonderful irfiuence on the blood ; they not only purify without weakening it, but they remove all no'xious particles from the chyle before it is converted into fluid, and thus makes impure blood an utter impossibility. As there is no debilitation, so there is no nausea or sickness attending the opperations of this most excellent of 'medicines, which never strains or iortufes the digestive functions,' but causes them to work in a perfectly natural manner ; and hence persons taking them do not become pale and emaciated, but the contrary ; for while . it is the property , of the. Sarsapa'pllrf, united as it is with other ingredients, tp jremove .all that is foreign and impure, equally the property of the,WiIcVCher to retain ,all that is-- natural and soutjd ; ,au'd;,hence a robost state of health is the certain result of their united operations.. : Agents in Stroudsburg, JJr. Samuel blokes and T. Schoch. i7 July 29, 1847. Stroudsburs and Sew Ycu-k ; ' LINE OF GO ACHES, , Via Del'a.vvare Water Gap, Columbia, BLAtRSTOVN", JoHNSONSBTJRGH, Stanhope &Morristown . . . THROUGH IN TWELVE HOURS. Farejrom Stfoudsburg to New York S3 50 On 'and after Monday, November 2d 1846, therp will a Stage leave the principal holds, in btroudsburg, at 4 o'clock a M.,.ov.-ery Mn day, Wednesday, and Friday, by four-Jio.rae coaches to Morrisiown, lhencv by rajl-rpad to New-York, aruving in N.ew-Yrk 20 minutes before five o'clock P. M. -the same afternoon. Returning vrtll leave New-York eVery Tues day, Thursdayand Saturday at 0 o'clo'ck a. m by rail-road to Morristown, thenceby .stage to oirouasourg, arriving in. oirouusourg.ine same :'!. t...' o ...l'n A" .1 ... Persons in New-York can receive any ihfor mation desired by applying to the subscriber, or his agent, at 73 Cmirtiaiid-sireet. Merchants wishing to send.drders to New-York for small bills of goods, can do so, by enclosing t ha-or ders directed to the agent of the line, .and giv; ing it to the driver, jiud have H by .return , of sage. A share of public patronage is respect fully solicited. . , - JOHN L. WARD, Proprietor. November 19, 1846. Tin . . . . T"tT porrectcd. ;every Wednesday tiibmingi MANSION HOTJSE. IWts, Margaret JEiisIes Begs (eave respectfully to inform.her old friends and. the public generally that she has taken the above establishment, which has been, and is now being, fined up upon the most . approved plan, for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. , . .. - . - ? . The long experience w hich she has had in the business of keeping a hotel or public house in .connection with the favorable loqatiou and conimodiousness of ihe Mansion Ktouse, she hopes will afford a suflieiuni. gUafan'tee to se cure a liberal patronage. Persons visiting town on business or pleasure excursions1,.- .will find a comfortable, convenient and quiet home. Ju rors .and. ohe,rjs.,ii!erfdirig Court are invited. .to call, and satisfy themselves. . Strangers from the city, or elsewhere, who contemplate spend ing some time in the beautiful aud retired vil lage of Stroudsburg, will do-well by making the above house their home during their stay here; in short, all are invited to call. Transient and steady boarders, by the day or week, accommodated upon the most reason able terms. ARTICLES,. Wheat Flour, per .barrel Rye. do. do, do: 1 Wheat, per bushel, Rye, do. do. ; -rtf Sole Leather per jjoiind r. Corn per. bushel- 1 t ' Buc&wheat, per Jbushel Clover Seed per-bushel, Timothy Seed per busK. Barley di. Oats ' do. Flax Seed do. Butter pexpound EggSjpettdpzen Plaster per ton Hickory w.ood, per cord Oak, - do'. do. Mackerel, No. 1 Do. do 2 -Potatoes, per, bushel strduds- burg. 8uu Q0 30 90 25 60 . 5J 1 50' 3 00 40 40 1 20 16 14 G 00 2 50 2 00 !3 00 9 50 60 Easton. 6 5 0- 4 2$' 1 30 05. 53 CO 4.20' 2 50 40 42 I 12 14 -8 3 50 4 50 3 75 12 00 10 00 50 - racJ a' 5 2.r .jar "75 2 0-f 1 45 18 v 14- 2 12 o o; 5 sty 11 7,7 7 JO. -, BANK-nLOT. JLiSX. M corrected weekly for the JefTersonian Republican. ,.f The notes.o-f tho'se banktf.oh whr. a quotatio'n are omitted arid a,,dash substituted, are iiTtl. 1 . i t T purcliaseauy tne. orpers. Iss ibsvI v:i 13 i. AVest Branch bank PhilmtpfTifiiii' han' Ran of Nortil America, Fanners' & Mechanics' western, au " Soutlivx.irJt ban pai do do do Ho Kensinaton ban do Rank ol Northern Liberties do Mechanics' Bank. , . do do tio do i 22 par par par do do do do do dc Commercro1 Barik ' -Bank of Penri Township5 Manufacturers' Mech'ns Moyamensing bank United States bamc Cirard . ' .-qoi Pennsylvania bank Bank of Gennautowi ' Bank of Montgdmcry'co.' Bank of Delaware county Bank of Chester county Dc-ylestown ban Farmers' bank of Bucks Easton bank Farmers' bunk of Reading df 'Oieenvvich i.euanon aaniC' i JiL-aiayeiie iiamsourg oanK- j Pittbburr Waynesburg Uiownesville Erie bank , Uerks county bank t'ovvaiida do ni:-r i ttenei noics . If CIT V RANKS America, b.-mk ol" American Exphange . , uiujk ol Commerce v Bank of the State of-NY Butcher-s'and Drovers' Chemical City Commercial CliiUoit ,lt Del.anc Hudson canale&. L'ry l ock Fulton bank of New Yo-rS Mddletown bank Farmers' bank La 1 ancaster par do dr The ..Daily National Wliig, , Is publis,hed in the City of Washington, eve ry day at 3 o'clock p. m. cSundays excepted and. served to subscribers, in-the City ; at the NavyYard, in Georgetown; in Alexandria and in .Baltimore the same evening, at ,G 1-4 cents a week payable to the solo Agent of the, Whig ii. L. -Ljillchresi, J&sq , or nis oraer . li is also mailed to any part of the United States, for $4 per annum or. $2 for six months, payable in ad vance. Advertisements of ten lines cr.tess in-, sened one. time ,for,50 cents.; two times for . 75 centsj.three lime.s SI; one week for 51,.75;.Lwo weeks for $2 75 ; one month .34.; two months S7; three mouths 10; six months 5,17; one year S30 payable always in advance. . ,(TH NATIONAL WHIG is what its name indicates. . It speaks the sentiments of the Whig party of the Union on every question of public policy. It advocates ihe election to the Pres idency of Zachary TAYLOR.subj'ect. to the de cision of the. Whig" National Convention. It makes war to th:e kttife upon all the measures and acts of tlie Administration deemed to' be adverse to ;he interests of the country, and' ex poses without fear or favor the corruptions of the party in power. Its columns are open to every man in the country for the discussion of political or any other questions. In addition to politics a large space in the National Whig will be devoted to publications upon Agriculture, Mechanics and. other useful arts, Science in general, Law, Medicine, Sta tistics, &c. Choice specimens of American and Foreign Literature will also be given? in cluding Reviews', &c. A' weekly list of the Patents issued by the Potent Office will like wise be g'ublished the whole' forming a com plete fanuly newspaper. The Weekly Nat i onto! Wlriff. One of the largest newspapers in the United' States is now made up from the columns of ihe Daily National' Whig, and' is published every Saturday for the low price of two dollars per annum payable in advance. A doublo sheet of eight pages', vfijl be" given whenever the press of matter shall justify it. , The Memories of General Taylor w'ritten expressly for the rational Whig, are in course of publication. They commenced with' the second number, a largo "number of copies of which have been printed to suoply calU for back numbers. . 4 , CH AR'LES W; FENTON, Proprietor of National Whig. Washington June 3, 1847. P. S. All daily, weekly and semi-weekly papers in the United States are requested1 id insert tliiV advertisement once a week for sixv months ; noting the pried for publishing the same at the bottom of the' advertiemmt, and send the paper conlajnin'K it to the National' Whig Office, and the amount will be duly re mitted. Our Editorial Biethren are aUo re quested to notice the National Whig in their rending column. , September l5t.h, 1647'. 6ui. 10 ; THE GREAT PREVENTIVE MEDJCINEj. Though Wrtgt)t's Indidn VegetablePillsSywe achieved . triumph upon, triumph, ir. the-cure of obr stinatecases of. disease, even .after they had been entirely given up, and after all other remedies .had failed, yet their power of prevention may be justly esteemed their , -t CROWNING GLORY I Lancaster bank Lancaster countv bank Northampton bank Columbia-Bridge Carlisle bank' . " Northtimberland,bank . Miners bank of Pottsrille York bank. Chambersburg bank Gettysburg bank Wyorrifrtg do Honpsdnle do Bank of Lewistown 2 Bank of Susquehanna co 2 Tiim. onk at Warren no sale pai 1 1 1 IWB '- it d pur tU I p:i r du d do do do & (it! tTdK par JV 'Storms,' it is- said, '.purify; the air,' but stormst; do mischief also, and are. so. far an evil. Were it within human power to, maintain the ; EL ECTItlCAL(tEQ.U I LIBRIUM - -... between the earth and.air, there wo,uld:be no. occa sion for storms for the air would always be pure. So of the human body. . If kept free frqm mor bid humors,. the action, is.rerjrular and-healthy. , But if those humors are allowed to accumulate, a cri-: sis, or, in other words, a storm, will arise, which is always more or less dangerous- - ; -WJUGHtV INDIAN -VEGETABLE PILLS. . . are equally well calculaled to prevent the storm, or to allay it yhen it comes. But ;. , . PREVENTION IS BETTER T.HA.NCU.RE, besides' being cheaper and les troublesome. The delay of a day in the commencement of sickness has often proved, fatal, and always renders the case more difficult 'iq manage. Let the sickness be caused by ; ' CHANGES OF WEATHER,.., ; high living, want of exercise, close confinement, functional derangement, or anything else, the efT feet upon the body is much the same is. equally dangerous, and is removable bv ihe same means'. , . . JIAVE. YOU A COtD? , Let it not ripen into Consumption j Are you "Dys peptic ? Beware, of the hypophqndrja. , Tyo Pil)s taken every, ojhief night on an empt(i stomach, for fora short time, will in nine cass out often, cure the'Iyspepsk, and thereby drive away the legion oj devils blue." For Headacb, no medicine is superior to Wright's indian vegeatable pills. Costivenbss, that prolific mother of disease, is caused by a tofpi'd'.s'tate of the livery vVhich' these Pills effectually cures". By striking at the root of disease, Wrighj.Yindian Vegetable Pills prevefit' all and cure all. They can hardly ever be taken amiss, if used with common discretion; and we commend them to the use of those whb have not vet trie'd them. The following- Agencies have been estaonsnea r the sale of YVright's Indian Vegetable Pills,-iti' MONROE' COUNTY. George H Miller, Stroudsburg John Lander, Craig's Meadows . Bell & Brother's; Experiment Mills'5 Henry Kintz, Ba'r'tonsville A S Edinger, Tanhersville Joseph' Keller & Son, KeliersVille Charles' Saylor, Salorsburg Brodhead & Brother, Btitotsburg Jacob Long, Snydersville John Marsh, Fennersville, Daniel B'rown, Chesnulhill PffieeVdevoted exclusively to the sWe'orWrig'hfs Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale' and" retail, 16b Race street, Philadelphia y 288 Greenwich street, New York ; and 198 Trembnt street, Boston. February 18, 18471 Iy Gonntry Produce-- Butter, Eggs, &c talfen in exchange fdKany goods itf-my line of biislriess'. JOHN H. MEL fCK. 12, 1846. CMoetes From $V 50 lo $6 5Q or" 8aJe4ly , JOHN H..M:BL!OKnt' Slroudt urf Aug. 1 3J1046.- Leather fnhufacturers' Manhaiteij company v,h Mechanics' Bnnking ASio. vV.erchants'bank ercfiadt1 Mechanics i Trader5 - New Y'.ri;, J.3an'-i of Ne n-ybrV Bn n tang tS. J $ N. Y. Ste.-5t-k Security'b. r Nol-thKiver d. I Plurrtirr j C Serenth Waid Tenth Ward Tradesmen?. U:1ion G.of.N Y LOOK HERgj. Toofla-Acke Cosieretfi. The subscriber beg- 'z e.. U )..i.ui !;. r "jjih lie, .that he has, after,;;j a great t.f time and trouble, discovered a componi',. Vrhicli1 will instantly t .. ,.Gure the, To6th-Acjev by destroying the nerve,' and is gu-arameed to bl'! perfectly innocuuus in iia effect- UfJOR-'tlie oVlleV" Teftthr. , The .afflicted cannot do ihan, make use of ihese Drops, by winch-" ikey will be rid 6f their pain smd keep their lee.tti. W. J. BREBIER. The genuine articie can be had aV Schorb.' j Printing Office, Stroudsburg, wholesale and tail, yt'tteral Agent for ihe proprietor. JfPrick'2o cents per bottle. Stroudsburg, Aprjl 1, 1847. for AGENT WANTED. FOR TJBTIS' CfOf VY; . The business will to be subscrfbe7? for, und sell, when published., a. larae. new, s,pJ.erY(Tid township Map of the STiTTE" OF PENNSYLVANIA. The a nalification's re quired are a small capital r,f 'lOO, sobriety, in' iegritjj, dndusirij, energy, nnt active business taU xuiuimaiiuii ui u.e ern) of the agency (which are Tiberal) wiV, giverf on application; POSTAGE PAID, to 1 ALEXANDER HARRISON, t Superintending Age jit, 8 1-2 P,outh 7th street Philadelphia. September 17, i846. TOYS: A great variety of Toys bn hand, for sale cheap, the Variety Store of - . 4 JOHN H. MELICIC. Stroudsburg," January 1, 1846. A Friend to a? I ftalsdns', WAR Oil ISO WAR ! NE W LiNfi. The accommodation line of Stages betweeiv Strotid'sBurg and Ea8tori','will leave the house oir J I. Postons, (Washington Hotel,) in Strouds burg, ori" Monday, Wednesday and. pfidfay of ev ery week, at 7 o'clock, a. mm andaYrive at Eas- ' ton at 2 o'clock, p. m , ia time .for dinner rV turning on the following day, l-Hving.p' CcT- rior's American. H'otel, oii Tuesday, iTfiiitsday and Saturday at 7 o'clock, a', ai , and arriving m Stroudsburg at 2 o'clock, sama, day, The Bubscribers7 beg leave io infor'nVth'e' pub lie, that ihey have united in ca'rryfhg on thy. above lin'e of stages and that tiiey are now abltj 0 cafry passengers in as Comfortable and cou- venieiit a style, as any other route in the conn? ty. Fare through $ I 25. ROBERT StvEATII, . - J. J. POSfTBNS. : Stroudsburg, M'arch -1847" $ BiiATR: MORT.GA GES; f f For gate at this- Office.'-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers