JE PFERS ONI AN REPUBLICAN Thursday, Itlay 15, 1815. Terms, 32,00 in advance: $2.-5, hair yearly; and 2,50 if not Datd befaicthe end of the year. V. B. Palmer, Esq., at his Real Estate and Coal Office, No. 59 Pine street, below Third, "two squares S. the Merchants' Exchange, Phila., and No. Ii0 Nassau street, (Tribune buildings,) N. Yisauthorised to receive subscriptions and advertisements for the Jejfcrsonian Republican ;and give receipts for the same. Merchants, Me chanics, and tradesmen generally, may extend their business by availing themselves of the op portunities for advertising in country papers which Ins agency affords. To all Cot-cei'iicd. "We would call the attention of some of out "subscribers, and especially certain Posi Mas ter, to the following reasonable, and well set tled rule: of Law in relation to publishers, to the , patrons of newspapers. the iiAv or NEWSPAPERS. .1. Subscribers who do not gie express no itano ihe contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their subscriptions ring the winter. We, heard one of his speech es and, 0 Jupiter, what a speech it was. He began with "poor Dorr," he continued with " poor Dorr," he ended, crying about poor Dorr." It was a wretched failure. A, Tew of ANOTHER BLAST FROM THE BUGLE. Answer of Ma. Clay to the Address of the Central Committee of tlie New York Clay Clubs. Gen. -Leslie Cog nabs. This warm-hearted, impulse Kenluckian, whose devoted patriotism will long bo remem-i bered by the Whigs of this State, and who has' . lived for his Country and his Friends, received,-; The following letter from Mr. Clav. in an the faithful w.mtd in rrncL- it nr n annA .. m tt. nm.c ' we are mol hanov to learn, a substantial man- speech but it was no go for wo overheard I mittee of New York was rend at the. Howard ifestion of his Country's gratitude, from the last). several of them declare that it was even twice as bad as the one Jimmy Wahon made at the hickory pole raising at Chcsnulhill. And that was so poor but we must stop, Jimmy is only Prosecuting Attorney, and has not been hon oured with an office by Mr. Polk. A Valuable Work. We have received the first number of " Dr. Lardner's Lectures," from the publishers, Messrs. Greeley & McElrath, New York, and take great pleasure in recommending the work to the favorable notice of our readers. It era braces a vast amount of information on the sub jects of Astronomy, Electricity, Heat, Galvan ism, Steam, &c. &c. It will be completed in twelve numbers, at 25 cts. each, and form one of the most valuable and entertaining works of the day. Subscriptions received at this office. f Free Negro Convention. A Convention of Free Negroes assembled the other day in New York, to take into cn. sideration the effectual means of securing a clause in the constitution to be framed l.y ij,B State convention, allowing them to vote with, out the qualification of $250, now required by House, on Saturday night, and was received j Congress. with the hveliest demonstrations of delight. j -PI'" -1- "J " f A mafe beI ; to Col. Duilha Ashland 25th Anril 1845 ! Thomasson, from the Comniittee on Pensions, 6 j ' Ul Alba- asiiland, otn April, , . ' , , . T , ,.?nv, recently trotted 101 miles m 9 hours 4 Gentlemen The Hon. Willis Green deliv- " House of Representatives, thai Leslie - ' -, . . . . ered to me a few days ago at this place the ad- Coombs, when a youth of 17, entered the North- dress which you did me the honor to make the j Western Army at the commencement oi me I . - i - it- War oi 1812, as a olunieer; that tits intelli gence and gallantry soon commended him, first lo General Winchester and then to Gen. Harri- 'son; that he was employed constantly in irn- Rcl.gions Anniversaries. During the past week the various religious societies that annually meet in New York, held 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of : their celebrations. They were all well attend ed ; and the reports show them to be in a flour ishing condition. We will endeavor, hereafter, their papers, the publishers may continue lo send. iherh till all arrearages are paid. '3 If viiliwi-rif-iMra npnlnd nr rfilit In mlro t their papers from the officers to which they are 10 -ive a sylPs's of iheir doings directed, they are held responsible till they liae settled their. bill, and ordered :heir papers disconiined. 4th of March last, enrolled on parchment, and I enclosed in a silver case, manufactured by Mr. W'm. Adams for the occasion. I received it with emotions of grateful sensi bility, which it would be vain to attempt lo de-.; Por,anl and perilous enterprises, in all of which scribe. Waiving all consideration of the causes ! he displayed coolness, courage and perscver and consequences of the recent Presidential ! a,lce: ,hal lie rnse 10 ,hc ra,,k c,f Captain, and election, of which it treats, as a past and irre- j distinguished hirmelf on several occasions. vocable event, on which I have neither inclina-' His health, from privation and exposure, was, lion, nor would it perhaps be fitting for me to 1 however, seriouly and permanently ttntfermin-' expatiate, ! lake pleasure in expressing my pro- j ed- He received, also, a wound in the bhnul found and Grateful sense of the sreat, nerseve- der' wllich disqualified him, forever, from phys 48 minutes, doing the last mile in 4 minutes, and without appearing distressed by the performance. N ring and efficient labors of the Central Clay Committee of the city of New York during the canvass which preceded the election. And I must express also the high and lasting obliga- ical employments. With these facts establish ed, the Committee reported a lull granted him a Captain's half-pay pension for life, which passed all but unanimously both Houses of Con- I i i t i lions which I feel to the Committee, and to the . ress- ong may tie live to enjoy tins uearty Whigs of New York, for the ardent attachment ! purchased acknou ledgement of his patriotism and generous confidence towards me, displayed ' a,ld gallantry ! Albany Eevcnfng Journal. at ihe commencement and throughout the whole ! ra-r-. ,......-... ri-n;Mi ; progress of the campaign, and now manifested A new impenieIII ()f terrible efficacy has just , in terms of fervid and touching eloquence in : been devjsei3 in Encand bv'Bnmen. It consists of a liquid similar to alcohol, in which Generous Pfailadelph-a. We observe that the citizens of Philadelphia , ihe address before me. 4 If !- M .T " . r . t rni 11 -t.t i. it suosenners remove io oiuer ptaces wun- nave aireauy lorwardeu turty-jive ttiousana dot-; i ne patriotism wnicn animated litem in tne ( ,j)e oxj(Jen js replaced by arsenic. It ignites wit informing the publishers, and their paper is iars to PiUsburg, in aid of the sufferers by the coniest could never have been doubled ; but this i . ' " pn, :, u pvnn,'i ,n lh ' -r if ariV -ent to the former direction, tliey -ara-held re- , c , . . , ,, . , . , , f, A f , , ' lue moinenl w io me air. u any sponsible 3 H' j late fire and that they hope lo swell the document, presented alter our defeat, bears con-, vesseI fijled xvi,h ilf ,ike a gjass or jr0n globn, 5. The conrs have decided that refusing lo j amounl 10 upwards of forty thousand. This is elusive evidence both of their patriotism and shou,d be thrown upon lhe (lecks or ill0 lhc take a newspaper or periodical from ihe office, ; a generous and noble gift, worthy the inhabi- disinterestedness. My situation is peculiar. I p0rls 0f a ship, it would ignite the moment it or removing and leaving it uncalled for, is "pri- j lants of the city of brotherly love. have been in spite of unexpected discomfiture, struck any hard' substance, and the inflammable ..... w. j.. trie otnect ol Honors ana ol compliments usual- : .i m u ;,. tk ivlarvland naner announces thai Prfisidenl i i i i - , 1 J j r , iv rpiiriprnii nn u in innsR wnn arn snfr.flssiin i i -n i i r ' n it u . J J mospnere at once oecomes utieu wun ctouus oi i , !" r and viftnrions m t he trreat RnlernrisRS nt man- i . . i - l i n.. ..-.. : Lale intelligence has been received from ovm m.n fmm nffio ,W5 nn, 7. , . " . ! wnuo "seme, oy a ueau.y poison is Wxiro hvwhiehii anneirs thai thp Pvci.P ; - T , V kind -to say nothing ol other demonstrations, evolved and inhaled. Being heavier than, and iviextco, nv wnicn it appears mat tne excite- nav up his newspaper subscriptions, and who u i l 1 1 i W in iliai country in relation to the Annor ' , i a ' v(r , he letters, the addresses and communications insoluble in water, it could not he extinguished, tncni in mat country, in relation to me Annex- is, m any respect, care es3 and indifferent in u- u t v. -i-.ii.-ri -nin of Tesa. is as intense as ever It is thP ! : if- . i V, -p.- - , whlch 1 have received since the election from and of course, it becomes fatal lo all wiihin its alien of Texa , is as intense as t is the , pay,g his just debts. This will operate with fom . bn(ies nd . dj. ' implement in ihe art of subject of conversation among the people, and great severiiy upon some of ,he office-holders. and m . sen nflneB"- ,BI,,nMt of debaie in Congress. A report has been. , . ,. , . , , Borough Election. menis ana leenngs oi me warmest regaru ana : President Jones, of Texas, has sttiamun-,1 the Congress of that country to meei on Mlm. day, the 16th June, lo lake into eon-ideraij..,, the Annexation Resolutions of the Congress uf the United States. r . Some down east philosopher has so fixed Xi hens nest, that when the egg i;t laid n ilr, right into the skillet, and is cooked immediaie ly. - f A Russian, named Ermett, in 1S35 risited Cincinnati, a poor, ragged cobbler. He cotiM not make a living, and therefore, went Sowh and engaged in the manufacturing of luctfer matches. He returned to Cincinnati, a few days since, worth $20,000. N A counterfeit $10 bill on the Orange N. J. has been detected in Philadelphia. Ts U. S. Gazette says it has shipping, &c., fur ignette. A female on the left end. Pnqmrs to be engraved by Durand & Co. I pa I Affairs iai Itlcxico. Catching fleas with a shad net is sai.l tn h rather an unproductive business. The harpuin will probably be found more efficient. itiauo iu uum iiuuacs uii 111c sun cui, 111 hiiiuii ....,.,.... - - -w - ' ! . . .. . . , , stroncresl lnendsiin. and den orrncr the issue o ' i -youtwr .iiai ssj.n juiuiru.N. our government is compared to that of ancient i Al an election on ivionuay last, at tne female . " ' T1 , . , . . r ., , o : ..: r .u u u the election, would h i a large volume. I have Rome, which in the name of Liberty and Re-! Seminary, the following officers for the borough, . 5 publicanism subjugated ihe world. Much is also said in it about the outraged rights of thai nation, the courage of iheir people, and their determination lo sustain the integrity of their Mr. Thurlow Weed's last letter from Vera . been quite as much if not more affected bv them ruz 10 lne AHrany u. vetting Journal relates me of Stroudsburg, were duly elected for the en suing year : T T O ol djui evss ii. o. ouiiuuiiui er. r ; r u t w o ui i i Among them, gentlemen, your kind address will , territory unimpaired. No declaration of War,' Charles B. Shatw, Stroud J. Hollinshead, Wm however, has yet been made, and until thai 1 S. Wintemute. 7 comes, if it comes at all. we mav remain ner- lown Clerk Samuel Rees. .fectly quiet. A large American squadron is now in the Gulf of Mexico, which in any event will be sufficient to protect our citizens and commerce, in that quarter, until additional aid can be furnished. High Constable Joseph B. Cramer. than I was bv any disappointment or personal j following marvellous incident in a notice of a interest of my own in the event of the contest. ; visil 10 lhe es,a,e of Docl- Stephens : 11 W hue enjoying our begars under a broad be ever cherished by me with the most crrati-' spreading Tamarind tree, the Lizards came 'fied feelings, and in the durable form in which down as usua! t0 keeP lhc Alusquitoea away 1 you have had the goodness 10 transmit it to me. from ,heir P"'ecior. The Doctors kindness D i it will be preserved as a precious memorial, 011 for animals has developed instincts and awa em' wl.inli mv rnmmosi ,lA,f,.,lani o,o no l ! kencd affections that would not discredit a race There is a slave-stealing society in N. York, have perused ii, with proud satisfaction. says the Belvidere Apollo, whose anniversary came off last week. One of the speakers, a! while man, named Jas, C. Jackson, said, among; Wo War with -Gnglaud. j other sensible things " We want them the j It appears that after all the blustering of the blacks to cross and improve our race. We , ; loedfocos, in regard to Oregon, and their deter- j are not more than half men we want negro, others inination to possess it, with or without the con- blood to make men of us." Great applause. . sent of England, Mr. Polk did not mean, when j The assembly were half negroes, and as to the ' T 1 i am, gentlemen, With high respect, Your faithful fiiend, intellectually endowed. His beautiful fan-tailed Pigeons, when he returns from town, come A Strange Decision. Some days ago, says the Mobile Hera!!, Judge Bragg of the Circuit Court, now Minns, decided that Texas was a part of the l States. fhe question came up by a j'uror petitioning t be excused from the performance of his assign ed duty, on the plea that he was a citizen of Texas. The Judge ordered him to take hi seat in the box with the other eleven, giringfor his reason, that Texas was a part of the Uniiw, and all her citizens liable to be called upon ti do duty as citizens of the United States. The Whig Almanac. We have received a few copies of this ei cellenl periodical for the year 1845, which raj be had on application at this office. Be.ide the usual matter of an Almanac, it contains Washington's Farewell Address, the Gondii tion of the U. Slates, the Declaration of Inde pendence, the official, vote of all the the late Elections, the Tariff of 1S42, a Regbtfr of all the officers, civil, military and tiara!,! the employ of the U. States, and much oiBff with their greetings to his carriage, and perch valuable reading. It is valuable to men of a. i i- ill ii:t i- r uuiilca, iiuu nu unu auuuiu uc niuiuui vt,l; . upon his shoulders. His Lizards lump from u . the trees into his hands. A year or two since, H. CLAY Messrs. Jas. R. Wood, Benjamin Drake, and when several of lhe ofHcer8 of U- S- ShiP Fo' I DJ9 WESTMINSTER ABBEY HOLDS tomac, with two gentlemen residing here, were lne earthly remains of many kings; but & at breakfast with the Doctor, a huge Lizard that are tney .nen me soui nas departed? Their had ihe misfortune to lose his tail by some cas- bodies become ihe prey of worms, alike w:i id ih rlaim of thft Umtnil Siir, m ib',i,0- ,u;ni. ,u m;t.r k ;m. 1 UL '8'aiure oi iuiouc isianu conveneu uany, inio me room, anu up 10 tne ,he noorest bepaar. The ?0 d and nnsri a - --. - - w.... ..ww ... ...w uiubl nail, tw auuuju .ill 1 1 i iliu T 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 . u Jill" - oc I C Dorr's -Liberation. whole of Oregon was unquestionable," t0 stop proved mentally, if not physically, by a liberal u" vvuu,,ebuay 01 ,asi weeK, ai .Newport.--, jjocior wun me uismemoereu nmu in nis mourn, iheir coffin lids are but mockery to their grtf negotiations for the amicable adjustment of the j cross with the baboon species. The orator re- Drr'S ,,beralion wi,, 00 donb, be made lhe j This ,(,oks. 1 c0nfess' 100 much ,ike a " Re ness. They ruled their people, and were boundary, and 10 plunge us into a war with j ferred to announced himself to be a democrat. gFCat 8ubjeCl f ,he Se8S,on- The P'idence : markable Snake Story," but it is nevertheless, shipped. Dr. Sherman is a king, not f ap England, but merely said it for effect, to tickle thesfancy of lhe locos, as he used to do when on the stump in Tennessee. The Washington XIriion, the organ of the administration, says, in alluding to this subject, that " the President of the United States has no intention of closing the door of any negotiation with Great Britain on the Oregon question." What a vast amount of patriotic assurance has been thrown away by the locos upon this subject. It is really cruel 4in Mr. Polk to speak so ambiguously as to lead vhisfrietids into suchierror. We insist that he must not do it again. IT! ore Appointments. The President has "honoured our neighbors of Luzerne couniy, by making the following appointments from among their number. Hendrick B. AVright, Treasurer of the Mint, at Philadelphia. 'Benjamin A. Bidlack, to be Charge d'Af faires to. New Grenada. Mr. Wright, it will be remembered; was -fPce.ident of the Baltimore Convention. In Franscript, in considering the chances of his a well authenticated fact. The maimed reptile, nte or kinpdom but of Medicated Lozeo? Nauvoo is hereafter to be called the City of i liberation, says : 1 under the influence of iustinct hiyhlv excited. 1 h -i-- o miW L-ins. Joseph! The St. Louis Reveille exclaims, j " It is to be hoped that the Legislalure will" sought relief from the hand by which it had wj,n his Lozenoes. Headaches, hearito' " May the wives of its Potiphars disturb not its ' adopt a prudent and dignified course on this been fed and cherished. The Doctor himself palpiiation, lowness of spirits, coughs, tranquility." most important and deeply exciting question, regards the circumstance as a tribute to his skill asthma consumption fever and aue, ant! ns fa t II j IAI 1 -v . . . I email tne tate 01 Knoile Island submit to Uorr, in surgery 'i'nmmnn ullh llio rpsl nf l(iiPonno..l...-:. A I ,'""'1"" " " x 11110 irauia uci egatjon, he went to that body under a pledge to support Marifn Van Buren. He joined the fac tion, however, which defeated that gentleman's nomination, and secured that of Mr. Polk. He has the reward of his treachery, now, in the .hape of an appointment in the U. S. Mint. St " We shall contend against an unjust and un equal tariff. We will support a fair and just: rex'enue standard. This rale should be mode rate in itself, and sufficient to raise adequate means, along with the proceeds of the public lands, to meet the expenses of the government, &c. &c." Wequote the above from the manifesto of the new Government Organ, the " Union" be cause it speaks "by authority" ihe sentiments of the Administration in relation to lhe present tariff. Those who live to see the next session of Congress, will unquestionably witness a des perate onslaught upon the Tariff of 1842. What the result will be it is difficult lo sav; but it is certain that no pains, nor management, nor cor ruption will be spared 10 effect its overthrow. Our manufacturers and mechanics mav as well prepare themselves 10 "stand from under." Belvidere A polio. A decision has been given by the Supreme Court of this Stale, that "if a man has reason or shall 7)orr bend his stubborn will to the Slate ? This is lhe question now to be set tled. "The recent election is not an expression of ihe people in favor of Liberation, and we tiust the Legislature will not for a moment entertain the proposition which Mr. Simmons, with his coadjutors, will endeavor to force upon them. The people in this Slate are opposed to Liber ation, without some conditions are attached there to. They are not influenced by ihe motives which prompt politicians to action, and they will hold iheir Representatives lo strict account jUpon high and patriotic principles. The ladies of New Yotk, have resolved" to marry no man who does not lake ihe per and furthermore they won'i allow a fellow to look at them, who owes ihe printer more tlfan one year's subscription. ! of our common ills, are all subdued by ibf Louis Philippe sending for 'American 1 Portraits Mr. Mealy, the artist, came out a passenger in the Hibernia. The Boston Dai ly Advertiser says he is commissioned by Louis Philippe to take the porirainis of Gen. Jackson, John Q. Adams, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, and some other distinguished Americans. He will proceed at once to lhe Hermitage, as the precarious health of Gen. Jackson may render him 100 unwell to sit, should there bo any delay. A good story is lold of Professer Humphrey, of Amhersi College. One morning, before rc- to believe or suspect, that his life or properly is citation, some of the students fastened a live endangered, in consequence of the lives or pro perty of hjs neighbors of the same country, or Mr. Bidiack's great services in the cause of j persuation being endangered, he has a right to locofocoism, may be summed up in these few words. He made a few slump speeches, last fall, and voted for the annexation of Texas, du- Are upon the assailants before assault, has been made upon himself or property." A new and most dangerous doctrine. goose on the president's chair; .tyhen he en tered the room and discovered ihe new occu pant of his seat, he turned upon his heel and cooly observed " Gentlemen, I perceite you have a competent instructor and 1. will there fore, leave you to your studies." Quakers Reproof. Sometime since, a sai lor on one of the' wharves was swearing most boiMeVously,wheii onoofihe Society of Friends, passing along, accosted him very pleasantly, and said, "swear away friend, swear away, till thee ;gea all ijiat bad stuff out of thee, for -thee cajv. never go to heaven, with that stuff in thy heart." The sailor with a look of astonishment and shame bowed to the honest Quaker, and retired. and in a very little time. A poor worn1" '..whose son had lost the, use of his limbs, had been perfectly helpless for several mon notwithstandin she had emnloved lhe a - K physicians and expended all her money, bought a box of Sherman's Worm Lozen,' and, to her unspeakable joy, he had not more than one box before ho could walk 3C the room, and in four weeks he perfectly I: covered the use of all his limbs ! Anoihrt stance of Sherman's Lozenges saving tl'e 1 of a fellow being. They, are truly a wow! A fresh supply of the above valuable medit just received, and for, sale at the Republics: fice. More' Iffornions. The steamer J. M. While, brought up last' evening 173 English and Irish emigrants; the greater portion of the English are Mormons, on iheir way to Nauvoo. The steamer Champlain arrived wjth nearly one hundred Germans. St. Louis New Era. Tn Stroud tnwnshin. on the 8th inst., b' Rev. Baker Johnson, Mr. 'Adam Asdr-. i Miss Blandena S. Jayne. . , , In Hamilton township, on the lJin 111 . the Rev. G. Heilig, Mr. Charles Trach, Miss Catharine Keller. DIED, cn n rucunu luwnstini, iviuhiu.o v'-w- Dth inaO, Mr. .Samuel Cramer, aged am years. ,t JOB WORK Neatly executed at thisOm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers