Time! Time!! Time!!! CJock and Watch- Maker, STROUDSBUItG, PA. Has just returned from the ciiy wiili a new assortment of Goods in his line, and of fers ihein a litile lower than can be had elsewhere, for cask. Having adopted ihe cash system, and by turn ing goods and work into cash, he can put them 'very low. Particular attention paid to repairing clocks, nvatches, music boxos, jewelry, Sic. CLOCKS. Brass eight day Clocks for $10 00 Do ouo " do SO 10 7 00 Wood do do 3,50io 4 00 "Warranted good lime keepers, for 1 year, if thtiy should nm perform well no charge will be 'ir.ade'for repairing them. WATCHES. Patent Lever, Lepine, English and French "Watches, for sale very low according to quality. SPECTACLES. A good assortment always on hand to suit 5ny ago. Silver, Steel, and common Specks, wid Gogglea for weak eyes. "Violins from $1 50 to $3 50 Fluies from 1 00 to 2 50 Accordions, Violin and Violincello strings, best quality Fine pen knives, razors, scissors, razor strops, having brushes, soaps, thimbles, ever-point pencil", hair and tooth brushes, hair oil, spel ling bodies, pocket hooks, pearl bullous, spec tacle cases, fine gold finger rings and breast pins, common do., toilet boxes, and toys.- To geiher with a good assortment of notions, all for -cash no credit given. . Old gold and silver taken in exchange for any of the above articles. August 22, 1S44. READY PAY. DRY GOODS, 1SIL GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, (Drugs and Medicines, Iron, Nails, Glass, Boards, Shingles, Ceiling: Lath articles Jfcc. CHEAP FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. POSITIVELY NO TRUST! The subscribers having adopted the above method of doing business, feel confident that it will be beneficial to the interests of iheir cus tomers, as well as iheir own. They have just received in addition to their former stock, a large assortment of Dry Goods selected with care. Also, Groceries, Hardware, &c. which they will sell at prices to suit the times. All persons having unsettled accounts with ihe subscribers, will confer a favor by settling and paying up at their earliest convenience. Graieful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us, we respectfully solicit its con tinuance, and pledge ourselves to use every exertion to merit the favors of their friends and -customers. C. W. DeWITT & BROTHER. Milford, July 12, 1843., 1844. WOOL CAR D I IV G AGAIN. BIDDIS & DEPUE Will have their Carding Machines in operation tne coming season, under the supenniendence ol Mr. JJaniel Buckley, an old and experienced workman. They solicit a share of ihe patron age of the public. All Work warranted lo be done in a workmanlike manner, or no charge jor uje same. rooi win oe weigned on ihe receipt of the same, and the rolls guaranteed to hold their weight, natural loss for carding ex cepted. BIDDIS & DEPUE. Biddis' Mills. Milford, May 9, 1844. Stares! C W. BeWitt & Brother, have just received a large assortment of Stoves, con- KtSllllg 01 Franklin Furnace 3 and 4 boiler Cooking stoves. ao ao g plate stoves, do do Parlour do. do do Box do. Orange County 4 boiler Cooking do. Manifs Albany 3 do do. Degroff df. ears Albany 3 do do. poors Patent Coal stoves. And a large lot of Stove-pipe, all of which thfiv will sell cheap for cash or produce Milford, Nov. 10, 1842. Clocks. Brass 30 hour Clocks, Wood 30 do do For sale cheaply . .l'V . G; W-. DeWITT. Milford, Dec. 3, 1842 Hi CABINET MAKING. The subscriber hereby informs the public that he still continues the Cabinet Mnkins; Business at his old stand in Elizabeth St., Stroudsburgh, j pa. whero he will be happy to furnish any per son with Cabinet Ware, at low prices. He in tends to keep on hand, and make to order, all kinds of wares in his line of business. Side-Boards, Bureaus, Centre, Break fast, Dining and End Tables, Wash Sta?ids, Bedsteads, Wardrobes, Book Cases, Secretaries, c. ALSO COFFINS made to order at the shortest notice. CHARLES MUSCH. Stroudsburgh, April 4, 1844. 'J't'Sl 'V ldy 'mu.spno-US 'HOSfllV S3rIHVH0 pouSisjapnn aqi A"q poAioooj XjnjjjUT;qi aq jji.w sjopjQ oui0i.ii mq si 'Xitjiin icojS sit qitM pajEdmoD 'OAif-j oqi jo soo oqj, d'i pnojig H3NOHO A3HGNV 'P '3N0J.S SVIYOH L Hj.'Sjnqspuojis 'SA03 MHOf asn u; aou uiaqi 9 Acq otA 'panSisuapiin oqi jo jaqija uo 3uieo Aq so. aqijo Aiiiiin sqi jo paqsnus aq uuo suosjaj psjojajd si ja.o qoq.i (iou jo 'Xauoq siqdjns ajjcui oi iio oi idajj oq ueo A"aqi jo 'saAtij AT3Jis jo xoq uomuioD aqi u; op Aaqi sc 'saAif-j osaqi ut ouius aqi ujjuas ia so ay; oqj( osn ut ajojoiajaq uaaq srq tsqi puiJj aqt jo Suiqi auc oi jouadns jbj puc 'uiojj iiiaianip AjaJlitia ajdioutjd u uo paionjistioo si aAtt-i aqj, uo;i -uaAUl aqi oi oijqnd aqi jo uojiuanu aqi jjca oi 8ae3 soq,AiunoD aojuopj joj (ll3atf 93C Sui joajoud-fpg juajDj psaoudutj sjlDjf jo iqSu tuaiud aqi pastjqojnd SutAEq iaquosqns aqj, ssraa moi bays CARD. CITIZENS' LINE. The Proprietors of this Line having made Buchtarrangements that ihey will be able to car ry merchandize from Philadelphia to Easton via the Delaware Division of the Pennsylvania Canal, cheaper, and with as much despatch as any other Line, respectfully solicit country merchants to give them a call before shipping elsewhere. Persons shipping by this Line will pleffee send their goods to Heilman & Barnet, Willow street Wharf, Philada. All goods shipped by this Line to be stored at Eas ton, will be stored free of charge. There will be one Boat leaving every dnv. BARNET, HELLER & Co. Proprietors. AGENTS. Heilma.v & Barnet, Philadelphia. Barnet & Heller, Easton. Philadelphia, Feb. 15, 1844. STROUDSBURG IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY. The subscribers take this meihod to inform the public generally, and Millers and Farmers especially that they have taken that conven ent Foundry and iflachine Shop, adjoining Jacob Singmasier's Tannery, and would be thankful for any paironage extended towards ihem, and respectfully announce that ihey are prepared lo execute all orders in their line of business in the beat manner and with despatch. They will manufacture MILL GEARING for Flour and other Mills, together wiih Cast ings of every description turned and fined up in the best possible manner. We feel confi dent in our ability to execuie all orders wiih which we may be entrusted in a workman-like manner. Pariicular care will be laken lo em ploy none but good workmen in the different departments of the establishment, and no pains will be spared by ihe proprietor lo give gen eral satisfaction lo ihose who may favor them with orders for work. BRASS CASTINGS, such as Spindle Sieps, Shaft and Gudgeon Boxes, &c. will be made lo order. Old Coo per and Brass taken in exchange at ihe highest price. Patterns made lo order. Threshing Machines & Horse Powers of the most approved construction, will be fur nished to order at the shortest notice. Wrought Irosi ffliii Work will be done on ihe most reasonable ienns4 and all kinds of smith work. The best kind of Sled Shoes and nolished Wagon Boxes will alwavs be kept on hand. Ploughs of the tnosl annroved nlan will hp ept on hand, and . an excellent assortment of Plough Casiings which ihev offer for sale to Plough makers. . HAY TEN & SCflLAUCIL April ?6, 1843. WRO, riOTTRTS jl w Let them call and satisfy themse ves, inal IIirv ran apt liiohpr nriepi fur nil I,' I nils r mA.,'A r?,mi ' i,0. , Mil. ford than in any oilier market in this section J . country. The subscribers have on hand and lor sale at their yard in Miltord 50,000 feet While Pine Boards,S9 to SI 1 00 50,000 " Hemlock " 0 50 to 7 00 40,000 20,000 20,000 3,000 20,000 120,000 Pine Siding, GOO to 12 50 Sap Yellow Pine " 8 00 to 9 00 Heart " " "11 00 to 12 00 Panel boards, Ceiling Lath, Pine Shineles, 4 50 to 8 00 ALSO About 110,000 feet White and Yellow Pine Boards at Shoholy Fall's Mills, for sale at prices to suit the limes. Gall and saiisfy yourselves. C. W. DeWITT & BROTHER. Milford, Dec. 14, 1843. THE COLUMBIAN Lady's and Gentleman's Magazine. EDITED BY JOHN IN MAN, And filled with Contributions jrom the most em inent and accomplished writers oj the country, Ihe motives which have led to the commence- ment oi mis unaertaKing may oe uneuy siaieo. it is oenevea Dy mo proprietor mat mere is in me United States an immense provision of literary ability, for which as yet there is no adequate en couragement, or field of display; that besides the numbers of clever and successful writers, whose productions are weekly, and monthly, and annual ly read with delight by thousands, there are yet greater numbers constantly arriving at maturity of power, who have only to appear on the stage of publication to receive a brilliant award of fame; and that the powers of those whose names are already pronounced with respect by lips of wisest censure, are capable of more and still higher exertion than has yet been called forth. It is believed, too, that the demand for literary pro duction in. this country, especially in the periodi cal channel, exceeds the supply in a very large proportion, and that new supplies have only to be presented of the right quality, and in the right way, to ensure a hearty welcome and profitable reception. No doubt is entertained of the Amer- ican mind's ability to sustain itself certainly on its own ground, if not abroad against all the competition that the intellect of other lands can bring to the encounter; and full assurance is felt that among the millions of American readers there can be, and is, a cordial welcome for all that complaints. When one thing failed he tried an American writers can produce of excellent and other, until he had exhausted his patience and the interesting. From these premises it is undoubtincly inferred, that there is abundant room for another Magazine, notwithstanding the merit and success of those already in being; that there can be no lack of ability to fill its pages acceptably, within the reach of capital and liberal enterprise; and that such a periodical will not fail to be greeted as a welcome visiter by thousands upon thousands, who as yet nave aone nine or noining towara tne support and development of American periodical litera- lure. Another and strong motive has been the feeling that jew lork, the first city of the Union, should be the home of a periodical owning: no superior in either merit or success. ihe Columbian Magazine will be published on 1C mat uay ut bvbi y uiuimi. us iiiucuaiucai ar- C.r A f I. T I - 1 I and workmanship, that money can procure. P Its contributors will be soucht fir amoncst the ablest and most popular writers in the country : and no efforts will be spared to secure the aid of the most distinguished, such as John L. Stephens, W. C. Bryant J. F. Coop er J. il. l'aulding !'. li liallcck i. r. Willis W, H Herbert Nathaniel Hawthorne II. T Tucker man H. V Longfellow J R Chandler C F HofT- man T C Gi-attan T S Arthur J C 71 IT V Tfnr. w n o: it tt nr.i.i t. c bury Mrs Mary Clavers Mrs Ann S Stephens Mr -I?,- s Oe,! M-o s.Kn s.;,v, A. F Juliet Mrs H 15 Beecher Stowe Mrs Yolney E Howard Mrs Lydia H Sicournev Mrs M S Leon oud Miss JMiza .Leslie Mrs AMI Annan Miss . g 'r lianna ' ouio. With many of these, arrangements have alrea- dy been made, as well as with others whose rep- uiai uu I3 auic, iuuu jei iu ue usmoiisiieu m me public regard. 1 he proprietor entertains san- guine hopes oi accomplishing an object to which he looks forward with pride the secured co-ope- ration of regular and occasional contributors, for- . . . I uiiiig a jisi uuequ,uieu in mis country. In each number there will be two or more En- graving, auer sucn arusis as onapman, lngliam, iiujiiwii it vj ennuis xl xl item jijps oaroeni . i i i " , i John Neal Theodore S Fay Park Benjamin R W SfnTr11 f?1 sf ,!hat Griswold R H Dana George P Morris Rufus ?v e douJtful. f " ju!d be removed at all Dawes Snha Smith R M Tlfr,! Mr f! wT We have not written the above as a puff, but as luiiidii, wbguou, acj, engraven m mezzotint, tme, lives, and restored them to health. Every obser and stipple, by H. S. Sadd, W. L. Ormsby, &c, vantmothei cannot but see and admit the truth; besides a plate of I ashions colored, and occasion- but still manv nhvsiri.mo hm ii.oir oo , t, ally other illustrations, so that every subscriber, will receive, in the course of the year, at least wBuiy-iour uiegaui prouur.uons oi me grapnic art, which could not be otherwise procured at J"Ui "'ca "iC wi ut me wnoie Magazine. In each number there wnl also be two pages of Music, original, or judiciously selected by a com- for locality, origin,&c. is superfluous and unneces petent professor of he art. Proper regard will sary, so long as a proper, safe and certain remedy be paid to the current issues from the book press; is at hand. That is all the public wants nr raw not so mucn, however, with a view to notice all "a: "' wuri ua iu me expression of matured opinions concerning those which shall be deemed worthy of the public nttention and confidence. The aim of the Editor will be, rath- er to furnish judicious criticisms, on which 'read- ers and purchasers may rely for guidance, than to present a mere laudatory chronicle of new publi cations. TERMS. The Columbian Magazine, one year in advance, 3 on " " two " 85 00 . Two copies one year, 5 00 T4i- : r..j:i- .t t l( . . apply to the publisher immediately. The usual discount will be made to them. In addition to the above, the publisher simply adds, for tho benefit of all, that tho woik will be sustained by sufficient capital. Address, post paid,' ISRAEL POST, Publisher 3 AstoKHouse SHERMAN'S LOZENGES. MORE THAN SIX MILLION OF BOXES OF. Shei.muns LozeilgCS TTAVE BEEN SOLD in the United States II ' ' .tllB Movinn Wool Inrlii lii-fnf Mrilnin nnrl l-i l . .i. nrinT r -.- -i... V 1010 inroucnoui ine kjwuu, hi me ikii ioio Hundreds and Thousunds bless the day they were induced by the persuation of a friend, to try Slier man's Lozenges CONFIRMED CONS UMP TION. Onondaga, May 18. 1813. Dr Sherman: "Dear Sir As I moat ardently de sire to benefit my fellow men, especially those who are the unhappy victims ot that dreadful disease Consumption,! will i elate, for their consideration the astonishing effect of your Cough Lozences On the night of July 5, 1810, 1 was attacked with a violent couch, winch threatened mv speedy death Under the advice of two very excellent physicians Drs Parkes and Rose, I was so far relieved as to be able to ride out, and once I attempted to preach I rode 20 miles, to Cazenovia, to attend the ses sion of our Conl'eience, which continued about ten days. I was able to attend the session every day for a few hours by conliniri" myself the rest of mv time to my bed. The Fathers in the Gospel told me I ought to arrange my wordly aflairs and pre pare for a speedy death, and consequently put me on the superanuated list. cry foitunately, and I may say providently, I heard of your Lozenges, and was prevailed upon to try them, and to mv ut ter astonishment, after taking three one day, they allayed the violent attacks oi coughing-, and ena ,,w mft tn fn-i,nri, inhr 1 nn,,U not do before , conlinued t0 imp,oveunder their use for several weeks wh n i considered mvself well, and able to resume my duties as a minister of the Gospel of our fcaviour. xaow many will soon enter the gloomy vale ot death, that might long be a blessing to the world and a comfort to their friends, if they could obtain your medicines! May Providence favor your efforts until every fam ily in the civilized world can procure your medi cine, which I consider the most valuable ever dis covered by the medical faculty. In conclusion? Qod bIess vou an(1 proiong'your life for use fulness to suffering humanity. Accept my inex pressible gratitude, lor to you and your medicine, through Divine blessing, 1 owe mv life. Yours, &c DARIUS ANTHONY, Minister of the Gospel Spitting of Blood NlGIIT SWEATS vxtj PATVTX tttf vStdv bWLAlb AiNDlAIN IN TULOIDL. Jonathan Haworth, Esq. the well known Tem- perance Lecturer, was attacked with a cold from sleeping in damp sheets, in the winter of 1811. He neglected it at first, but soon found it assuming a somewhat alarming aspect, and then resorted to the various remedies usually recommended for lung whole catalogue ol remedies, liis cough was al- most incessant, so that he could eel little or no sleep attended with pain in his side, spitting of blood, night sweats, and all the usual symptoms of Consumption. While at Home, (JN ljheleltthat his end was nigh that in that place he must soon end his journey of life. .Providentially, a ladv who visited him advised a trial of Dr Sherman's Cough Lozenges. He accordingly sent and got a uox, ana me nrsi aose gave mm more renei man all the other medicines he used before. By the time he had taken one small box. he was able to start for the city of New York, and in three weeks' time he was perlectly restored to his usual health. He often announces the fact to his hearers, when lecturing on Temperance, and says he owes his life to Dr Shermans Lozenges From the Cincinnati Daily Times, of Jan. 4th 1S14. w;p f ' ariableness1of wther this ?S?d V3 f Persons r . uy coius ana cougns-scarceiy a "..l".: ufcapea; a?Vvn 1 many, carelessness in attending to a cough, has laid the foundation for consumption. Our family has not escaped tho general affliction, but owing to a remedy, used lor me nrst time, they were speedily cured. Sher man's Coush Lozensies. which we were induced Krovva w".ai mev are represented to oe. ana nu J I A A 1 .1.1 1 attected a cure in Th " 1 nomas, JNo 14; Main street, is the sole acenttn J WORMS CA USE BE A TIT Thousands upon thousands have gons down to graves Jrom Jiarasmus, or a wasting away of the body, Epilepsy, Fits, St Vitus' Dance, Locked Jaw, Apoplexy, Mania, Dropsy in the Head, Pal- sy, consumption, 1'leurisv, Dysentery, Convul sions. and manv mhe-.r " -w-wwvw tl'MlllLlllk UIOLiUJl.kJ and many'have suffered for years and years, and have been doctored for some imaginary complaint without the least relief: and others are "still suffer. ni, when aU t!ie trouble arises from wnrms. nt.rl worms alone, wnich are entirely overlooked, and when tho proper treatment would have saved their all-important cause of disease. Persons of all ages and sexes, from the tender inJant at the breast to old ae, are all liable to be afflicted with worms. Many a person has suffered ins wnoie nie irom them, and never suspected it Different kinds of worms inhabit different parts o the body ; but a lon2 dissertation on their mnirn. for. Tho sale of over two millions of boxes of Sherman's Worm Lozenges, in less than five vears places their reputation far abovo all other "worm medicines, r,, Tir . . , Tr. jVlUcncc J lhc Wonderful Virtues of Sherman's Dr Hyan, Druggist, corner Bowery and Prince st. was applied to lor advice, by a man who looked liko a living skeleton : he said that in nnrW lifn he had been remarkably hearty and robust, but for mo ibsi iour years lie had been gradually wasting nw.iv till !-. y. r l.l i s w" at vvuuiu wruij iwice arouna mm. ...11 -I 1 .. - ' J iuu wnai aiiou mm lie said that Ins appetite was so good that he could hardly eat enough; he suffered from palpita tion of the heart, pain and occasional numbness of his limbs, and always felt fatigued; shooting. pains in and a constant desiro to pass something from his bowels, and daring pains in different parts of IT1 his body; gnawing sensation at the stomach, alio;,, chills and flashes of heat, drowsiness and dizzu ness, frightful dreams, and so miserable was h0 that he had rather die than live. Dr It. told nsa that he had worms, and he could cure him. Tho man shook his head, and said it was impossib'e. but he would try; so the Dr gave him a box of Sherman's Worm Lozenges, and told him to take them according to the printed directions accompa nying them. He returned in three days, and said he felt like a new being that the first dose bro': away a tapeworm 70 or 80 feet long, and the sec ond dose brought away 28 feet more. Thus two doses of Sherman's Worm Lozenge3 effected a cure; and although but a few months have elapsed he is now as fat and hearty as he ever wa3 in his li fe. After years of misery, swallowing enormous quantities of medicine, and spending hundreds of dollars, he was cured by only one 25 cent box of these celebrated Lozenges. Headache and Sickness. Palpitation of the heart, lowness of spirits, and despondency, are immediately relieved by Sliet. mans Camphor Lozenges. Persons travelling or attending crowded parties will find them to relieve all fatigue and give buoyancy to the spirits. Af ter a night's dissipation Ihey dispel all those un pleasant sensations so usually following the loo free liver. Temperance people will find them soothing to the disturbed nerves of their new con verts. The most distressing headacha yields to thft.sR lozenaes in less than ten minutes. Th over-fatigued mind or body cannot find so great relief from any other article. Capt Chadwick, of the Packet ship Wellington, J W Cochran, Esq. the inventor of the many-chambered cannon, hw excellency John Tyler, Joseph B Nones, Esq and hundreds and thousands of others, who have ex perienced relief from them can be referred to as to their great value Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster. The best strensthening plaster in the world, and a sovereign remedy for pains, or weakness in ti.o back, loins, sides, breast, neck, limbs, joints, r'leu matism. lumbago, &o, &c, Jos. W. Hoxia, Euq , who had been so nlP.-irl with iheumatism, as to be unable to dress h rr.s't without assistrnce, was enabled afier wenr- "om-. only one night, to get upalone in the morni i, p-jt on his clothes, and callatourofTice with eyesbfani ing with j'oy, and his tounge pouring fort'ithcglv ness of his heart, at the sudden and signal relief he had received from the best of all remedies. David Williams, of Elizabethtown, N J. an oil Revolutionary Soldier, was so afflicted with Knsu- matism, that he could scarcely himself one cf these Plasters entirely cured him. Mrs. George iNixort, one of the manacers of the Institution for Aged Indigent Females in the city of .New York, says the old ladies find great here from these Plasters; they being very liable to mm or weakness in the back, as well as other parts of the body. Mr. Geo, W. Spencer, Street Inspector, was cured of the Piles by wearing one of these plaster 'I on the lower part of the-spine. Caution I he great jeputaiion these Plasters lave attained, has induced many unprincipled per- s.ons to get up worthless imitations. Ask for Sher man s. Poor Man s Plaster, and see:tliat lull direc tions for use, and a fac simile of his name, thus, A SHERMAN, MD is on the back of each. Trust none others, or you will be deceived. March 21, 1814. 6m. WOOL CARDING AND CLOTH DRESSING. The- subscribers are now ready for ihe re ception of Wool and Cloth at their Mill, at Bushkill, where work will be done with neat ness and despatch. No pains will be spared. Their prices are as follows: For Wool car ding, 4 cents per pound; oiling 2 cenis per lb.. CLOTH DRESSING. Men's ndigo Blue, nvisible Green, Wear. per yard 4. C:j. 35 31 31 Bottle Green, - Olive. 23 2J 20 Black, It Snuff Browa, All shades of Brown, 20 20 25 All shades of Snuff, r it All other dark colors, Drab, Fulling, shearing & Pressing 2i Fulling and Pressing, i 3 Fulling and Napping, Women's Indigo Blue, Madder Red, Green, Black and Brown, Oiher dark colors, Olive. K Wear. IS '20 15 12 14 Scouring and Pressing, " 5 Scouring and napping for blankets, per yd. & COLORING YARN. Indigo Blue, prjb. 25c. Black, per lb. 1-' Madder Red, " 25c. .Green, " 18c D1MOCK $ STIFF. Bushkill, May 30, 1844. BAR IRON. DOUBLE AND SINGLE REFINED, Bar Iron, Car,Coacli& Wagon Axle CROW BAR, SLEDGE AND PLOUGH MOULDS, Axle mid Gnn TCmitl lro3l t And a general assortment of WAG OUT TYRE & SfcUAR I3Itf constantly on hand and will bo sold on the mof reasonable terms, by MORRIS EVANS. Analomink Iron Works, April 6, JS42. Attorney at Lav, Milford, Pike county, Pa. OFFICE NEARLY OPPOSITE THE PRESBYTER' CHURCH.) September 14, 1842. BLANK DEEDS For sale at this office,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers