1 ITIilitia Expenses. In the statement of the Stale Treasurer, the gmn of $19,151 is charged as the expenses of the Militia system for this year. We are in formed that this amount, together with at least $35,000 additional, will be paid into the State Treasury. The militia fines are now collected through the County Commissioners, and over 20.UUU nave atreauy ueen received, it is sta led that from this source some sixty to seventy thousand dollars, it is believed, will be added io the Treasury. The sum charged in the State Treasurer's account is what is paid to Brigade Inspectors, on estimate of B:igadj expenses before any collections are made. KP-RIGHT OF SEARCH." This seems still to be claimed by Great Britain with as much determination as before the last war. Almost ev ery week we hear of some new instance where oar merchant ships have been boarded by British cruisers under the plea of searching for slaves. They pay no respect to our flag on the African coast, but treat it with as much indignity as they could the black flag of thu pirates. Shall such things be 1 Shall we allow our rights to be tram pled upon I our commerce subjected to insult and oppression? No, the spirit of a free people who own no master, will ere long be aroused, and make tne.eye of the British lion quail beneath its power. Much better would it be if England would turn her searching propensities to finding something qaal to Dr. SHERMAN'S MEDICATED LOZENGES for the relief of her subjects. They have now been before the public for more than live years, and there are no preparations like them jo be found for searching out disease, and banish ing it from the human frame. Worms find no reluge or hiding-place when they are used. Coughs, Colds and Consumptions vanish away, and Headache, Palpitation and Nervous Affec tions cease the moment one of Sherman's Cam phor Lozenges are taken into the Stomach. There is no mistake in them ; they will cure the different diseases for which they are recommended sooner than any preparations now in use. Be sure and pet the genuine, as the spurious article will inva riably do more hurt than good. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicines just received, and for sale at the Republican Of Jury Liist. JANUARY TERM, 1S45. 1 George Labar. Pocono J Jacob Dershimer, Chesnuihili 3 Peier Trihle, Smithfield 4 Peter Huffsmith, Chesnuthili 5 Benjamin Dunning, Hamilton . , 0 Henry Custard, Jackson .. 7 John L. Staples, Stroud 8 Philip Gearhart, Chesnuthili ,r; 9 John S. Transtie, Smithfield 10 Melchtor Buzzard, Hamilton ri 11 Joseph Kerr, Siroud 32 Silas L. Drake, do. ' t 13 Edward Engler, Ross 14 George Hoheusheldt, Stroud 15 William Drake, do 16 Thomas Woodhouse, Tobyhanrra 17 Charles Shoemaker, Middle Smithfield 18 George R Labar, Stroud 19 Peter Wolf, Smithfield . ; . 20 Fmdlay Bush, do. 21 Adam Kresge, Chesnuthili 22 John Arnold, Pocono 23 Peier Ace, Middle Smiihfield 24 Benjamin Place, do 'I '. PETIT JURORS. ; 1 George Houser, Hamilton m . 2 Samuel Price, sen., Price 3 Frederick Kiser, Hamilton : 4 Jonas Bartholdt, Chesnuthili 5 George Heller, Pocono 6 Solomon Rtnker, Hamilton 7 Patrick Daily, Chesnuthili 8 Smith Price, Price 9 Henry Weiss, Chesnuthili ' ' 10 John Gower, Hamilton , 't . v 11 David Ackert, Stroud ' - 12 John Kunkel, Hamilton 13 John Mills, Stroud 14 George Flyte, Rois, v 15 Adam Angelmoyer, Pocono 16 Jacob Smgmaster, Stroud 17 Simeon Schoonover, Middle Smiihfield 18 Jacob Brong, Chesnuthili 19 John Pope, Coolbaugh 20 Jacob F. Kemmerer, Siroud ' rV i Philip Kresge, Chesnuthili 22 John Pugh, Siroud 23 John Lessig, Ross 24 Henry Smith, Smithfield 25 Peier Snyder, Hamilton 26 John Rice, Siroud 27 Joseph Johnson, Ross 28 John P. Dowling. Coolbaugh 29 John Clark, Middle Smithfield 30 Benjamin Price, Price 31 Michael Aliemose, Ross; . .. 32 George Bond, Chesnuthili Jacob Ruih, Hamilton ' ' , 31 George Rtlberl, Ross ' ' ; 35 Joseph Frable, do 36 Martin O. Mosher, Middle Sinithfielu 37 Jacob Siarner, Chesinuihill 38 Adam Srnilb, Smiihfield ' 39 Jacob Miller, Middle Smithfield 40 Henry Fenner, Jr. Hamilton 41 Samuel Heller, Jackson 42 George Overfield, Middle SmilhfieloV J feier Shupp, Chesntubill 41 Peter Learn, Pocono ' 5 Jacob Frantz, Ross 46 Samuel Myers, Pocono 47 Charles Williams, Hamilton- r 48 Richard Gregory Obenuilull. 4 5 H JLOOK E3EIIE. W n have josi received for sale, at tho JefTer snnian Office, a supply of Fenner's Oderifcr ous Compound for strengthening, softening and beautifying the Hair," also of Fcnncr's Den tnficefor Preserving and Beautifying the Teeth, preventing Tooth Ache, tj-c." and also "Fenncr's Pomade Divine," a preparation for curing chap ped hands, bruises, &c. The articles are all of the first quality, and the high reputation which they have acquired in the ciiies, and wherever else they hav been used, cannot fail io recom mend them io the general notice and patronage of the people of this place and vicitniy. A number of our citizens have already tried them, and pronounce them excellent. We invite all who are in want of any such articles, to gjvo us a call, and we are sure they will not go away unsatisfied. December 19, 1814. Worms Kill Thousands. CHILDREN arc most subject to them, but per sons of all ages are liable to be afflicted with them. Bad breath, paleness about the lips, flush ed cheeks, nickinff at thf leanness, pain in tho bowels, joints or limbs, dis- uiuBu siucp, irignuuioreams, moaning and some times a voracious appetite, ate among the symp tomps of worms. Many are doctored for months for some other imaginary disease, when one box of Sherman's Worm Lozenges would effect a cure. Dr. Ryan, corner of Prince street and the Bowerv, cured a man of worms that was reduced to a skel eton, and by only one box of Sherman's Lozenes: he is now as fat as an alderman. The Hon" B. B. Beardsley has saved the life of one of his chil dren by them. The sale of over 2,000,000 of boxes has fully tested them. They are the only infalli ble worm destroying- medicine known. What family will be without them ! Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Coughs, Asthma, and all affections of the lungs, will find a healing value in Sherman's Cough Lozenges. They saved the Rev. Richard Do Forrest, the Rev. Mr. Stteeter, Jonathan Howarth, Esq., and that worthy old hero, Leonard Rogers, from the consumptive's giave. They cured in one dav, the Rev. Air. Dunbar, the Rev. Mr. Handcock, "Wm. II. Attree, Esq., "of distressing coughs. They are the pleasantest cough medicine and cure the soon est of any known remedy. Headache, Sea-sickness and Palpitation, re lieved in from live to ten minutes by Sherman's Uamphor JLnzenges. Persons attending crowded rooms or travelling will find them to impart buoy ancy of spirits and renew their energies- Those suffering from loo free living will find" a few of the lozenges to dispel the horrors and lowness of spirits. Mr- Krnuth, of the Sunday Mercury, has repeatedly cured himself of severe headache by them. Captain Chadwick, of the packet ship Wellington, has witnessed their efficacy in u great many cases of sea-sickness. They operate like a charm upon the agitated or shattered nerves, as Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster does upon rheu matism, lumbago, pain or weakness in the side, back, breast, or any part of the body. Mr. H. G. Daggers, 30 Ann street, Henry R. Goulding, 351 Chatham street, Moses J. Henriques, Esq., and a multitude of others have experienced the wonder ful effects of these Plasters. Price only 12 1-2 cents. Caution is necessary to see that you get the genuine Sherman's Lozenges and Plasters, as there are many worthless articles attempted to be palmed off in place of ihem, by those who would trifle with your life for a shilling. A fresh supply of these valuable medicines just received and for sale at the Republican office. December 19, 1844. ISesS Feneet & Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Umbrellas, Parasols, & Srua SJiadjjjsj No. 143 Market street, Philadelphia. Invite the attention of Merchants, Manufactu rers, &c. &c, to their very Extensive, Elegant, New Stock, prepared with great caie, and offered At the Lowest possible Prices for Cash. The principlo on which this concern is es tablished is to consult the mutual interest of their customer and themselves-, by inantifaciu ring a good article, selling it al the Lowest Price for Cash, and realizing their own remu neration, in the amount-of sales and quick .re turns. Possessing inexhaustible facilities for manu faciure, they are prepared to supply orders to "any extent, and respectfully solicit the patron age of merchants, manufacturers and dealers. A Large assortment of the New Style Curtain Parasols. Phila., Nor. 21, 1844. !y. WATCHES SILVER JEWELRY. .Tames Peters & Co. No. 105 N. 2d st. corner of Elfretli's Alky, ' PHILADELPHIA. J. P. & Co. continue to mantifaciureauheirold Maud, Silvt r Spoons, Spectacles, Thimbles, &c, on as low terms as any manufactory in the citv. Thev have on hand and ker-p constantly f.ir sale, beside their own manufactures, WATCHES of all kinds and prices; SILVER WARE, JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, in their variety, which will be sold low. Spectacle Glasses filled to all ages and sishis. in Gold, Silver, German Silver and Steel Frames, with convex, concave, periscopic, blue, grey and green Glasses. JJj3 Watchmakers supplied with nil neces sary articles in their line, such as Tool, Ma terials; Glasses, &c. JTj3 Watches repaired al short notice and warranted lo perform well. . Rhtladelphh, Doc. 12, 1841. 2m. 250,000 Brick, just burnt, are offered for sale by the subscriber, among which may be found say 160,000 Hard Brick. 75,000 Soft and Salmon do. 10,000 Jam do. 5,000 Square Hearth do: All kinds of produce (cash not refused) la- ken in exchange. Milford, Nov. 21, 1844. C. W. DeWITT. NEW VAILORING- ESTABLISHMENT. The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Siroudsburg, and the public general ly, that lie has commenced tho Tailoring Business at his residence in Jacksonville, one door above Robert Buys' store, where he is fully prepared and determined to execute all articles in his lino of business, with neatness and rlsnnirh The public may rest assured of being as well sutieu as to prices auugootl his, as they can be in anv other establishment in Stroudsbursr, or in any City, as he has done business in the first shops in New York and a number of other Ci ties, and has a thorough knowledge of all the various styles and changes of fashion. EMANUEL PECK. N. B. Cutting done at tho shortest notice and on the mo?t reasonable terms, and warrant ed to fit if made up properly. He will also give directions for making up if required. He therefore flatters hiiiielf that by strict attention to his business he will receive a share of pub lic patronage October 17. IS 14. NOTICE. Estate of ISaa'jjarel TSioiuas, Bee'i. Letters of Administration on the estate of Margaret Thomas, laic of Smithfield township, Monroe county, having been granted lo the sub scribers, they request all persons having claims or demands against said estate to present the same without delay, and all persons indebted aro requested to make immediate payment. JOHN T. BELL, ) . . . . , , JAMES BELL, Jr. ) Administrators Experiment Mills, Sept. 5, 1844. 6t. LOOK AT THIS! The undersigned, not being prepared to car ry Wool from the houses of his friends, takes this method of informing the public generally, hat he will CARD all Wool brought to his machines, for TWO cents per pound and it will be done with, neatness and despatch. N. B. Wool and Cloih will be taken in at R. S. Staples & Co.'s store, Stroudaburg, and re turned to the same place. JOHN P.. QUICK, At Kellersville. Hamilton tsp., July 2, 1344. INDIAN QUEEN HOTEL, JOB WORK Neatly, executed at this Office Has fined up a commodious and elegant Ho tel on Elizabeth street, nearly opposite the store of G. II. Miller fc Co., and directly op posite the residence of Daniel Stroud, Esq. lie has every convenience for entertaining strangers and travellers. Persons from the ci ties, and others who wish lo take a pleasant jaunt in the country will he accommodated in the most satisfactory manner at his house. THE TABLE will be supplied with the best productions af forded by the market. HIS ROOMS AND BEDS are such, as will, ho hopes, prove satisfactory to all reasonable customers. THE BAR is, and ViIl continue to be, furnished with a choice assortment of Liquors; THE .STABLING is new and extensive and surpassed by none in the county for comfort and convenience. Will) these advantages backed by some ex perience in the business and a determination to keep a good public house, he confidently ex pects a fair portion of public patronage. XO3 Permanent boarders will find a quiet home and be satisfactorily accommodated at moderate prices. Sttoudsburg, Sept. 28, 1843. 11 (t T COUNTRY MES2CMAIWS. The Subscribers respectfully invite Country Merchants who are about to purchase Fall and v inter Supplies, to an examination of their re spective Stocks, believing that their several as sortments are as complete as have ever been of fered in the Philadelphia Market. With Stocks of Goods in their several Depait ments of the choicest kinds a determination to sell on terms which cannot fail to prove satisfac toryand a disposition to please old and new cus tomers, will, we hope, be a sufficient inducement to purchasers to call at our respective establish ments. Silks and Faircy Goods. W. & R. P. Remington, 80 Market street. Asnnurt si Kemington, 50 Buck & Potter, HG Yard & Gillmore, 109 Domestic an d Foreign Dry Goods. Reynolds, McFarland & Co. 105 Market street. Burnett, Withers & Co.. 1Q0 " " Scott & Baker, 150 " , Wise, Pusey & Wise, 154, " " Hardy & Hackers, 4G N. Second st. Importers of Cloths, Cassimeres. Ves tings, 65c. William H. Love, 147 Market street. Lambert Duy, 108 " " Hardware and Cutlery. Michael V. Baker, - 215 Market street Edward S. Handy & Co. 5)3 " " Importers and Manufacturers of Saddlery Hardware. Horn & Kneass, 215 Market street. Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Caps, Leg-iiorn-and Palm Hats, cjc. W. E. & J. G. Whelan,, 158 Market street. Levick, Jenkins & Co. 150 " ' M Conrad & Co. 00 " " Manufacturers and Dealers in Drupes, Medicines, Paints, Oils, &c. Thomas P James, 212 Market streat. Potts, Linn & Harris, 213 1-2 " Robinson, Collins & Co 87 Edward Cole. 51 Thompson, Pancoast & Co. 40 Hats, Caps, Furs and Trimmings. L Kenton, 176 Market stieet. John Sauerbier & Brother, C2 " " Books and Stationary. Grigg & Elliott, 9 N. Fourth st Hogan & Thompson, it ; 30 do do Importers of British and French Fan cy and Staple Stationary. L I Cohen & Co 27 S. Fourth st. Henry Cohen, 3 do do Importers of Hosieiy, Gloves-, Trim-miug-s and Fancy Goods. Setley & Sevening, Parker & Lehman", 23 N Th;rd st. 3 do do Combs, Brushes. Brooms, cjc. Thomas Cooper, 3 N Front st Importer of Tors, Fancy and Staple Goods. A F Ott Monrose, 1G South Fourth Street Manufacturer of latent Lard Lamps. Ellis S Archer, 33 N Second sttce't Manufacturer or jratent rioor ana Furniture Oil Cloths. Isaac Macauley, Jr. 6 N Fifth street Manufacturers and Importers of Pa per Hangings. HoiVell & Brothers, 80 & 142 Chesnut street. August 22, 1844. 6m. PRICES CURRENT. Corrected every Wednesday ARTICLES". Wheat Flour, per barrel Rye. do. do. do. Wheat, per bushel Rye, do. do. Sole Leather per pound Corn per bushel Buckwheat, per bushel Clover Seed Der bushel Timothy Seed per bush. uaney do. Oats do. Flax Seed do. Butter per pound ' Eygs, per dozen Plaster per ton Hickory wood, per cord Oak, do. do. Mackerel, No. I Ho. do 2 Potatoes, per bushel strouds- burg. 4 75 3 50 90. 02 25 50 50 0 00 2 25 40 25 1 2 12 10 East on. i Piil in 2 25 2 no .'5 00 12 50 40 4 50 3 25' 87 70 21 48 4 00 2 50 40 30 j 1 20 U ' i 4 on I 5f'0 i 4 00 j IS 00 10 00 1 30 1 00 2 87 90 . 64 25 " 47 00 00 50 33 47 12 10 00 50 4 25 m on 8 oo BANK WOT IS Ei a ST. corrected weekly fur the Jeffcrsoi'ian Rcijublieart. The notes of those banks on whir .i nimtnMi.nc are omitted and a dashf substituted, are nut. purchased by the brokers. ni.n... . I . . i uiiiiueipiua , Ban of North America. Farmers' fe Mechanics' Western bank Southwurk ban Kensington ban narlPitt.blirr ilupVayiicsbur; do Bsownusvilie co Eric bank do do do do do do Bank of Northern Liberties do! Mechanics' Hank do Commercial Dank do Bank of Penn Tow nship do Manufacturers' Mech'ns do Moyainensmg bank do United States bank 22 Girard do 10 Pennsylvania bank par Dank of Gerinautown par'.Chcmical nan oi Montgomery co. Bank of Delaware county Bank of Chester county Doylcstown bank Farmer!?' bank of Bucks Kaston bank Farmers' bank of Reading Lebanon bank HarrisburgTjank Middletown bank Farmrrs' bank Lancaster Lancaster biink Lancaster countv bank Northampton bank Columbia Bridge Carlisle bank Northumberland bank Miners bank of Tottsville York bank Chambersburg bank Gettysburg bank Wyoming do Honesdale do Bank of Lcvristown 2 Bank of Susquehanna co 35 Berks codnty bank rowanaa uo Ittclief Notes Wow liforlv.. CITV 1SANU& America, h in' nt American Exchdnce Dank of Commerce Dauk of the State ofKY Butchers' and DroiersJ U- d. di aa do I par dt Citv Commercial Iciiiitoii Del. and Hudson can -si co Ory Dock 1 Fulton bank of New York par ureenuicn Lafayette Leather Manufacturers' Manhatten company Mechanics' Ranking A3so Merchants' back Merchant' Mechanics & Trader Merchants' Exchange National bank ITnrk. Bank rf 2iNeiv-York Banking co. I N. Y. St'e. Sfk Security b. par 1 North River do llPhcEiiix do 3ibeventh Ward ,!. do- do di d. d.v In. da do da ; Tenth Ward Tradesmen's Union B. of N Lum. bank at Warren no salc.Washington 10 par d- 50 WOOL CARDING, Weaving, Spinning', Fulling and Dressing of CLOTE To Cous&lry Eifcrckaists. In More, Foreign and American Broad Cloths and Cassimeres, of the various descriptions adap ted to the approaching season, among which are twilled and figured Cloths and Cassimeres for Sack and 0 er coats. Aho, new style and plain Satinetts and; Cloakings, together with an assortment of Pad dings, Silesia:, Canvas, Serge", Hollands, Twist, Sewing Silk, Bindings and other trim mings used by Tailors. Also, Black Saiius, Plaid, Figured and Plain Silk Velvets, Woolen Velvets, and other new siyle of Vestings. Our assortment is extensive and terms rea sonable. LIPP1NCOTT & PARRY, Dealers in Cloths, Cassimeres, &c., No. 57, North Second street, Philadelphia. 9ih mo. 2d, 1844. 2m. BLANK DEEDS Eor sale at this office. The Subscriber, thankful for past favors, re spectfully informs his friends ami the public generally that he still continues at the former stand of Mr. John Keller, near Kellersville, and that he has now commenced and is ready to carry on the above business in all its various branches. As he has new Fulling Slocks, Shearing Machines and additional Cards, and by doing good work and strict attention to bus iness, he hopes to merit a continuance of the public patronage. Mimiifactssi'fEig", &c. Spinning will be done from 10 to 15 cents per pound. No wool will be spun unless carded by tho subscriber, which must be made known before carding. Carding will he done at the low price of cents per pound. Wool will be received in the fleece and manufactured in to Cloth, Satinet, &c. at ihe following prices, viz : Cloth at 62 1-2 cents per yard, Satinets from 40 to 45 " Womens wear from 45 to 50 " Blanketing at 37 1-2 Linsey in proportion. Wool will be picked and greased at 1 1-2 cents per pound, if required. Wool and Cloth will bo received al the establishment, and will be taken in and returned at the following pla ces, viz : Richard S. Staples & Co's. Store, Stroudsburgh. JOHN P. QUICK. Hamilton, Monroe co., April 29, 1844. BcWitt, Brothers & Ilagerty, Have on had 1 50,000 feet Hemlock and While and Yellow Pino Boards and Siding, at their Lumber establishment in Lord's Valley, 14 miles from Dingmau's Bridge, which ihey will sell cheap for Grain, Straw, and Iron, and will not refuse to take current money or Pork. We respectfully solicit a thare of public pat ronage. ' . , - it PROCLAMATION. "Whereas, the Honorable Nathan iel B. Eldred, President Judge of the 21st Judicial district of Pennsyl vania, composed of the counties of Schuylkill, Carbon and Monroe, and Joseph Keller and John Merwine, Esqs. Associate Judges of the courts of Common "Pleas of the County of Monroe, and by virtue of their offices, Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, an'd Court of General Quarter Ses sions in and for the said county of Monroe, have issued their precept to me, commandintr that a Court of "TOuarter Sessions and Common Pleas, and Oreneval Jail Delivery and court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, fo'r .the couuty of Monroe, to be holden at Stroudsburgh, on Monday, the 6th day of January next, to continue two weeks, if necessary. notice Is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the said county of Monroe, that they be then and there with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and other remembran ces, to do those things which to their offices are appertaining, and also that those who are bound by recognizance to prosecute and give evidence against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of the said county of Monroe, or against persons who stand charged with the commission of offences, to be then and there to prosecute or testify as shall be just. OLIS B. GORDON, .Sheriff. God save the Commonwealth.) Sheriff's Office, Strouds-) burg, Dec. 19, 1844. Dissolution oi Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, as publishers of this paper, was on the 1 7th of August last, disMihrd bv mutual consent. All persons having demands against the said firm, wijl present them to Theodore Schoch for settlement, and all who are indebted thereto are requested lo make im mediate payment lo him, he being authorized to receive the same. THEOJDORE SCHOCH. THOMAS L. KOLLOCK. P. S. The JefTersonian Republican will con tinue lo be published by Theodote Schoch and F. E. Spering, who respectfully solicit a con tinuance of public paironage. THEODORE SGHOGH. F. E. SPERING. ; Stroudsburgh, Sept. 28, 1843. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers