JEFflERSGNIAN REPUBLICAN CAiBlNKT MAI&MG, f The subscriber hereby informs the public hat he still continues the Cabinet Making Business si his old stand in Elizabeth st., Stroudsburgh Pa. Where he will be happy to furnish any per son with Cabinet Ware, at low prices. He in tends to keep on hand, and make to ordei, all kinds of wares in his line of business. JSide-Boards, Bureaus, Centre, Break fast, Dining and End Tables, Wash Sia?ids, Bedsteads, Wardrobes, Book Cases, Secretaries, c. ALSO COFFINS made to order at the shortest notice. CHARLES MUSCH. Stroudsburgh, April 4, 1844. 'VtSl 'fr IpdV 'Sjnqspnojig 'HOSflK S3rmVH0 pau3isjapun -eqi Xq pojuaoaj Xjjnjjjunqt oq . sjgpjQ Suipuj )nq si lAitun jeoiS stt qn.vv pojcdtuna 'aAtfj oqi jo isoo oqj, '3N0J.S SYIVOHJ, cd SjnqBpuojfs SAOa MHOf 'osit til aou aiaqi oq.w "patiStsjapun aqi jo jatjiiii uo 2utB3 Aq sa.ijj aqt jo AWud aqt jo paysiics aq uua suosjaj pajajajd vt ja.tu qoiq.u 'jolt jo 'Xatioi KitphnR ojjuui ui yw. 01 ida( aq uca Xatp jo 'sa.iu jwbjis jo xoq uouiiuoa aqi u; op Aaqi kc 'ss-WJ-j ttfiaqj ui j hick oqt saay oqjj asn ait ajqjoiajat( uaaq set; isqi ptnjj aqi jo Sujqi jCiik oi joudns jei pin: 'tuoji niajanip .lajiiua ajdiouwd c uo paiatutuoa ki a.i aqjt -non -iioauj aqi 01 aiqnd at(i jo uouumie aqi jcn 01 OAtaj sSaq 'Xiunoa aojuoj. joj u9aifj sag Sui joaiojd-fps paaoidutj rjo jo jqij luaied aqt pascqajnd SutAuq jaquosqus aqj oMivLoaxoHJ-jias 'ggag HiioA hays CARD. CITIZENS' LINE. The Proprietors of this Line having made tich arrangements that thev will be able to car ry merchandize from Philadelphia to Easton via the Delaware Division of the Pennsylvania Canal, cheaper, and with as much despatch as any other Line, respectfully solicit country merchants to give them a call before shipping -elsewhere. Persons shipping by this Line -will plean send their goods to Heilman & Bafnei, Willow street Wharf, Philada. All igoods shipped by this Line to be stored at Eas ton, will be stored free of charge. There will :be one Boat leaving every day. BAENET, HELLER & Co. Proprietors. AGENTS. Heilmak & Barnet, Philadelphia. Barnet & Heller, Easton. Philadelphia, Feb. 15, 1844. -)J. STROUDSBURG IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY. The subscribers take this method to inform he. public generally, and Millers and Farmers especially, that ihey have taken that conven ent Foundry and Machine Shop, adjoining Jacob Singmaster's Tannery, and would be thankful for any patronage extended towards them, and respectfully announce that they are prepared! to execute all orders in their line of business in the best manner and with despatch. They will manufacture MILL GEARING for Flour and other Mills, together with Cast ings of every description turned and fitted up in . the best possible manner. We feel confi dent in our ability to execute all orders with Tvhich we may be entrusted in a workman-like manner. Particular care will be taken to em ploy none but good workmen in the different departments of the establishment, and uo pains ym .pe spared by the proprietor to gtve gen eral satisfaction to those who may favor them with orders for work. BRASS CASTINGS such as Spindle Steps, Shaft and Gudgeon Boxes, &c. will be made to order. 'Old Cop per and Brass taken in exchange at the highest price. Patterns made to order. TbresliiMff Machines & Horse Powers 'of 'the most approved construction, will be fur nished to order at the shortest notice. Wrought Iron Mill "Work . will be done on the most reasonable terms, and all kinds of smith work. The best kind of JSIed Shoes and polished "Wagon Boxes will always be kept on hand. Ploughs of the most approved plan will be -kept.on hand, and an excellent assortment of . Plough Castings which they offer for .sale to Plough makers. f HAYDEN & SCHLAUGH. Jpril6, 18-13. READY PAY. 52 DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, lH HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, q3' Drugs and Medicines, Iron, Nails, Glass, Boards, Shingles, Ceiling ILath articles &c. CHEAP FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. POSITIVELY NO TRUST! The subscribers having adopted the above method of doing business, feel confident that it will be beneficial to the interests of their cus tomers, as well as their own. They have just received in addition to their former stock, a large assortment of Dry Goods selected wish care. Also, Groceries, Hardware, &c. which they will sell nt prices to suit the times. All persons having unsettled accounts with the subscribers, will confer a favor by settling and paying up at their earliest convenience. Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us, we respectfully solicit its con tinuance, and pledge ourselves to use every exertion to merit the favors of their friends and customers. C. W. DeWITT & BROTHER. .Milford, Inly 12, 1813. 1844. WOOL CARDING- AGAIN. BIDD1S & DEPUE Will have their Carding Machines in operation the coming season, under the superintendence of Mr. Daniel Buckley, an old and experienced workman. They solicit a share of the patron age of the public. All work warranted to be done in a workmanlike manner, or uo charge for the same. Wool will be weighed on the receipt of the same, and the rolls guaranteed to hold their weight, natural loss for carding ex cepted. BIDD1S & DEPUE. Biddts' Mills. Milford, May 9, 1844. Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, as publishers of this paper, was on the 17th of August last, dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having demands against the said firm, will present them to Theodore Schoch for settlement, and all who are indebted thereto are requested to make im mediate payment to him, he being authorized to receive tho same. THEODORE SCHOCH, THOMAS L.KOLLOCK. P. S. The JefTersonian Republican will con tinue to be published by Theodore Schoch and F. E. Spering, who respectfully solicit a con tinuance of public patronage. THEODORE SCHOCH, F. E. SPERING. Stroudsburgh, Sept. 28, 1843. GODEFS LADY'S ISO OK, EDITED BV MRS. SARAH J. HALE, Has now reached its twenty-eighth Volume, and is tbe oldest and leading Periodical in the United States. It has never chanjred Proprietors. It is a Magazine of LITERATURE, FASHION, AND THE FINE ARTS, With the best list of contributors in the country, and the largest circulation. It contains Mezzotint and Line Engravings; Fancy Works of Art and Utility ; The Genuine Coloured Fashions ; Portraits of Distinguished Characters, (by artists of the first class;) and Views of the most Celebrated Places in the United Slates. In order to give additional variety, the Publish er has engaged the services of eminent literary gentlemen, familiary connected with the Literature of Continental Europe, who will furnish Transla tions from the Literature ofFrance, Germany, It aly, Spain, Sweden and Denmark. It has been found impossible by contemporaries to compete with the gigantic strides of the Lady's Book, and they have gradually given up the at tempt 4n despair. GODETS LADY'S BOOK, is emphatically a Family Book, and can be read aloud to the fami ly circle. It is also an American Book, and the writings of those Americans who defame, and at tempt to sully tbe feats of arms of our great he roes, are not admitted in the work. Constant novelty, consistent with the character of the work, will ever be the effort of the proprietor. L. A. GODEY, Publishers1 Hall, Philadelphia. VlF Postage to be paid on all orders. Hoe. Brass 30 hour Clocks, Wood 30 do do For sale cheap, by C. W. DeWITT. Milford,, Dec. 3, 1842 DeWitt, Brothers & Hagerty, Have on had 1 .TO, OOO feet Hemlock and White and Yellow Pine Boards and Siding, at their Lumber establishment in Lord's Valley, 14 miles from Dingmau'ti Bridge, which they will sell cheap for Grain, Straw, and Iron, and will not refuse o lake durrent money or Pqrk. We respectfully solicit a bhare of public pat ronage, JOB WORK Neatly executed at this Office neaenasEseasi SHERMAN'S LOZENGES. MOllE THAN SIX MILLION OF BOXES OF Dr. Sherman's Lozenges HAVE. BEEN" SOLD in the" United States, Mexico, West Indies, Great Britain and throughout the WORLD, in the Year 1843. Hundreds and Thousands bless tbe day they were' induced by the persuation of a friend, to try Shei man's Lozenges. CONFIRMED CONSUMPTION. Onondaga, May 18, 1843. Dr Sherman: Dear Sir As I most ardently de sire to benefit my fellow men, especially thoso who are the unhappy victims of that dreadful disease, Consumption,! will lelate, for their consideration, the astonishing effect of your Cough Lozenges. On the night of July 5, 1S40, 1 was attacked with a violent cough, which threatened my speedy death. Under the advice of two very excellent physicians, Drs Parkes and Rose, I was so far relieved as to be able to ride out, and once I attempted to preach. I rode 20 miles, to Cazenovia, to attend the ses sion of our Confeience, which continued about ten days. I was able to attend the session every day for a few hours by confining myself the rest of my time to my bed. The Pathers in the Gospel told me I ought to arrange my wordly affairs and pre pare for a speedy death, and consequently put me on the superanuated list. Very fortunately, and I may say providently, I heard of your Lozenges, and was prevailed upon to try them, and to my ut ter astonishment, after taking three one day, they allayed the violent attacks of coughing, and ena bled me to sleep for hours together, which 1 could not do before. I continued to improveunder their use for several weeks, when I considered myself' well, and able to resume my duties as a minister hundreds and thousands of others, who have ex of the Gospel of our Saviour. How many will; perienced relief from them can be referred to as to soon enter the gloomy vale of death, that might long be a blessing to the world and a comfort to their friends, if they could obtain your medicines! May Providence favor your efforts until every fam ily in the civilized world can procure your medi cine, which I consider the most valuable ever dis covered by the medical faculty. In conclusion, may God bless you and prolong your life for use fulness to suffering humanity. Accept my inex pressible gratitude, for to you and your medicine, through Divine blessing, I owe my life. Yours, &c DARIUS ANTHONY, Minister of the Gospel Spitting of Elood, Night sweats and pain in the Side. Jonathan Haworth, Esq. the well known Tem- npranffi T.pp.tnrpr. vv.-is nUnrlrnd with a cold frnm ionm,r 5n mn oi,DOtc in tlio Tvintor nf i rj i Un. neelected it at first, but'soon found it assuming a I somewhat alarming aspect, and then resorted to the various remedies usually recommended for lung complaints. When one thing failed he tried an other, until he had exhausted his patience and the whole catalogue of remedies. His cough was al ' ... - . - i most incessant, so that he could get little or no sleep attended with pain in his side, spitting of; blood, night sweats, and all the usual symptoms of Consumption. While at Home, (N Y) he lelt that his end was nigh that in that place he must soon end his journey of life. Providentially, a lady who visited him advised a trial of Dr Sherman's Cough Lozenges. He accordingly sent and got a box, and the first dose gave him more relief than all the other medicines he used before. By the time he had taken one small box, he was able to start for the city of New York, and in three weeks' time he was perfectly restored to his usual health. He often announces the fact to his hearers, when lecturing on Temperance, and says he owes his life to Dr Sherman's Lozenges From the Cincinnati Daily Times, of Jan. 4th 1544. Coughs The variableness of the weather this winter has caused an unusual number of persons to be afllicted by colds and coughs scarcely a family has escaped; and with many, carelessness in attending to a cough, has laid the foundation for consumption. Our family has not escaped the general affliction, but owing to a remedy, used for the first time, they were speedily cured. Sher man's Cough Lozenges, which we were induced to try, proved what they are represented to be, and affected a cure in a few days of a troublesome cough, which appeared so deeply seated that seemed doubtful if it could be removed at all. We have not written the above as a puff, but as facts which the community should know. G F. Thomas, No 147 Main street, is the sole agent in this city WORMS CAUSE DEATH. Thousands upon thousands have gons down to graves from Marasmus, or a wasting away of the body, Epilepsy, r its, St Vitus' Dance, Locked Jaw, Apoplexy, Mania, Dropsy in the Head, Pal sy, Consumption, Pleurisy, Dysentery, Convul sions, and many other supposed apparent diseases; and many have suflered for years and years, and have been doctored for some imaginary complaint without the least relief; and others are still suffer ing, when all the trouble arises from worms, and worms alone, wnich arc entirely overlooked, and when the proper treatment would have saved their lives, and restored them to health. Every obser vant mother cannot but sec and admit the truth ; but still many physicians shut their eyes to that all-important cause of disease. Persons of all ages and sexes, 'from the tender infant at the breast to old age, are all liable to be afflicted-with worms. Many a person has suffered his whole life from them, and never suspected it. Different kinds of worms inhabit different parts of the body ; but a long dissertation on their particu lar locality, origin, &c. is superfluous and unneces sary, so long as a proper. safe and certain remedy is at hand. That is all the public; wants or cares for. The sale of over two millions of boxes of Sherman's Worm Lozenges, in less'than five years, places their reputation Jar above all other worm medicines. Evidence of the Wonderful Virtues of Sherman's Dr Ryan, Druggist, corner Bowery and Prince st. was applied to for advice, by a man who looked like a living skeleton : he said that in early life he had been remarkably hearty and robust, but for the last four years he had been gradually wasting away, till his coat would wrap twice around hirm He had suffered all but death, and had been under the care of nine different physicians, and not one of them had done him any good, neither could they tell what ailed him. He said that hi3 appetite .was so good that he could hardly cn enough; he suffered from palpita tion oftheheart,,pain .nnd occasional numbness of ins iiuius, iiiiu uiways jeit iiuigueu; snuoiing pains in and a constant desire to pass something From hie bowels, and daring pain? n djfferant parts of ma uuoy; gnawing' seusiuion ai mi; !iuuiai;u, sugui. chills and flashes 'of heat, drowsiness and , dizzi ness, "frightful dreams; andso miserable was he that he had rather die than live. Dr R. told him man shook his head, and said it was impossible, i mat tic nun v.uuiia, uiiu lie tuuiu tuii, mm. mo but he would try; so the Dr gave him a box of Sherman's Worm Lozenges, and told him to take them according to the printed directions accompa-' nymg them. He returned m three days, and said he felt like a new being that the first dose bro't away a tapeworm 70 or 80 feet long, and the sec ond dose brought away 28 feet more. Thus two doses of Sherman's Worm Lozenges effected a cure; and although but a few months have elapsed, he is now as fat and hearty as he ever wa3 in his life. After years of misery, swallowing enormous quantities of medicine, and spending hundreds of dollars, he was cured by only one 23 cent box of these celebrated Lozenges. Headache and Sickness. Palpitation of the heart, lowness of spirits, and despondency, are immediately relieved by Sher mans Camphor Lozenges. Persons travelling or attending crowded parlies will find them to relieve all fatigue and give buoyancy to the spirits. Af ter a night's dissipation they dispel all those un pleasant sensations so usually following the too free liver. Temperance people will find them soolhingto the disturbed nerves ot their new con verts. The most distressing headacha yields to these lozenges in less than ten minutes. The over-fatigued mind or body cannot find so great relief from any oilier article. Capt Chadwick, of the Packet ship Wellington, J W Cochran, Esq. the inventor of the manv-chambered cannon, his excellency John Tyler, Joseph B Nones, Esq and their great value Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster. The best strengthening plaster in'the world, and a sovereign remedy for pains, or weakness in the back, loins, sides, breast, neck, limbs, joints, rheu matism, lumbiino, &c, &c, Jos. W. Hoxie, Esq., who had been so afflicted with rheumatism, as to be unable to dress himsell without assistrnce, was enabled after wearingonc, onlv one niVht. lu net nn alone in the morning, nut j j O I rj ' on his clothes, and call at our office with eyes beam.- ing wiiii joy, ana ins tounge pouring lorui megiau- ness of his heart, at the sudden and signal relief he had received from the best of all remedies David Williams, of Elizabethtown. N J. an old Revolutionary Soldier, was so afllicted with Rheu matism, that he could scarcely himself one of xhesQ Plasters entirely cured linn Mrs- George Nixon, one of the managers of the msmuuon ior Ageu inuigeni romaies in me cuy i rv ' 1. , : . i I ... j ... n . .1 nwn. from these Plasters; they being very liable to pains or weakness in the back, as well as other parts of the body. Mr. Geo. v. Spencer, Street Inspector, was cured of the Piles by wearing one of these plasters on the lower part of the spine Caution The great reputation these Plasters have attained, has induced many unprincipled per sons to get up worthless imitations. Ask for Sher man's Poor Man's Plaster, and see that full direc tions for use, and a fac simile of his name, thus, A SHERMAN, MB is on the back of each. Trust none others, or you will be deceived. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicines just received, and for sale at the Republican Of fice, Stroudsburg, Monroe county, Pa. March 21, 1841. 6m. OH We have tried Doctor Jos. Priesley Peteis' Ye getable Pills, and have no hesitation in pronounc ing them the best Antibilious Medicine that we have ever used in our families. We are acquaint ed with several families in this city who give them tbe preference to all other kinds, on account ot their mildness, and at the same time, certainty of action. Ncxo-York Examiner. More than ten millions of boxes of these truly valuable Antibilious Pills have been sold in tho United States, Canadas, West Indies, Mexico, and Texas, since the first of January, eighteen hun dred and thirty-five. Hundreds and thousands bless the day they were induced by the persuasion of a friend, to try a Box of Doctor Peters' Pills. i hey are m use as a 1 amily Medicine, and all who have used them give them the preference to all other kinds, on account of their being a safe, pleasant, and easy aperient being mud in their action at the same time; though, in their operation, producing neither sickness, griping, nor debility. Doct. Jos. Priestley Peters, Dear Sm: I have, used your valuable Pills these last four years, in cases of Dyspepsia.. Liver Complaint, and Sick Head-ache, and have found them, in a majority "of cases, the most valu able Pills 1 have ever used. JOHN CASE, AT. D. For. Sick or Nervous Head-ache, or Dilious Fe ver, I would recommend Peters' Pills in preference to all other kinds. R. II. ARMSTRONG, AT. D. The following from the EMMINENT DOCTOR EMMERSON, is considered sufficient I have used in my practice, these last five years, Doctor Jos. Priestley Peters' Vegetable Antibili ous fills, and considered them the Uest i amily Medicine I have ever used. A fresh supply of those valuable Pills just re ceived and for sale at the offico of the Republican, Stroudsburg. BAR IRON. DOUBLE AND SINGLE REFINED, Sar Iron, Car,Coa:Ii&!Vasoi Axle SAW &&2, CHOW BAR, SLEDGE AND PLOUGH MOULDS, Axle and Gun Marvel Iron, And a general assortment of WAGOIV TYRE fc SQUARE IRON, constantly on hand and will bo sold on the most reasonable terms, by MORRIS EVANS. Analomink Iron Works, April 6, 1842. Attorney at iLaw, Milford, Pike county, Pa. ((OFFICE NEARLY OPPOSITE TUB PRE8SYTERIAN, CHURCH.) September M, 183, u: rr ': J;. .1' i if I THE COlUMBIiVN Lady's, and. Gentleman's Magazine. EDITED BY JOHN INMAN, .--,. -r . J And Jilted mm wmrwuuunj,uu, re,. tnent and accomplished writers of the country. The motives yvhich have led to the commence ment of1 this undertaking may be briefly stated It is believed by tho proprietor that there is iii the United States an immense provision of literary ability, for which as yet there is no adequate en couragement, or field of display; that besides the numbers of clever and successful writers, whose productions are weekly, and monthly, and annual ly read with delight by thousands, there are yet g'reater numbers constantly arriving at matuuv of power, who have only to appear on the st-p.-of publication to receive a brilliant award fame; and that the powers of those whose names are already pronounced with respect by lips o1' wisest censure, are capable of more and stii higher exertion than has yet been called forth. 1 is'believed, too, that the demand for literary in duction in this country, especially in the perind. cal channel, exceeds the supply in a very larcr proportion, and that new supplies have only to 1,.. presented of the right quality, and in the rii i way, to ensure a hearty welcome and profitavitf reception. No doubt is entertained of the Amrr ican mind's ability to sustain itself certainly i its own ground, if not abroad against all i comnetitiou that the intellect of other lands r bring to the encounter; and full assurance is fr t that "among the millions of American readers there can be, and is. a cordial welcome for all tl.nt American writers can produce of excellent a:.! interesting From these premises it is undoubtingly inferm'. that there is abundant room for another Magazi:.t. notwithstanding the merit and success of th m already in being; that there can be no lack u' ability to fill its pages acceptably, within the ip.i ofcapital and liberal enterprise; and that s ru periodical will not fail to be greeted as awelcoir.. visiter by thousands upon thousands, who as r -: have done littlo or nothing toward the sup;.i I aI1d development of American periodica' h: n j ture. i Another-and strong motive ha? brrn i'ip cfz ! tint v.- VnrL- ttio first ritv (if the L'niniT. tv j lllUk u a.vhw-'-- h)e tjie i)(",me of a periodical owning no superior :t .either merit or success The Columbian Magazine will be published on the first day of every month. Its ar rangements will comprise the best of paper, ue. and workmanship, that money can procure. Its contributors will be sought for amongst tie ablest and most popular writers in the country; and no efforts will be spared to secure the aiti of the most distmouislied,sucn as John L. Stephens, W. C. Bryant J. F. f'oop- er J. K.PauldinjrF. G Halleck iN. P. W ilhs . II Herbert Nathaniel Hawthorne H. 1 li.rker. man H. V Longfellow J R Chandler C lb ff man T C Grattah T S Arthur J C Neal II F Har rington V? G Simms II II Weld Epes Snrgcn: John Neal Theodore S Fay Park Benjamin 11 U Griswold R H Dana George P Morris Rufo Dawes Seba Smith R M Bird Mrs Emma 0 Era bury Mrs Mary Clavers Mrs Ann S Stephen Mrs Francis S Osgood Mrs Seba Smith Mrs E F Ellet Mrs II E Beecher Stowe Mrs Volney L Howard Mrs Lydia II Sigourney Mrs M S Leon Loud Miss Eliza Leslie Mrs A M F Annan Miss C M Sedgwick, Miss Hannah P Gould. With many of these, arrangements have alrea dy been made, as well as with others whose rep utation is sure, though yet to be established in tLe public regard. The proprietor entertains san guine hopes of accomplishing an object to which he looks forward with pride the secured ro-rpe-ration of regular and occasional contributors, ti ming a list unequalled in this country. In each number tnere will be two or more en gravings, after such artist3 as Chapman. Inglnc, Inman, Osgood. &c, engraved in mezzotint, fir.e. and stipple, by H. S. Sadd, W. L. Ormsby, &c. Lbesidesa plate of Fashions colored.and occasion ally other illustrations, so mat every suoscn t.. will receive, in the course of the year, at Iea' twenty-four elegant productions of the cnr'.-.' art, which could not be otherwise procured three or four times the annual cost of the whi Magazine. In each number there will also be twoppics Music, original, or judiciously selected by a cor potent professor of the art. Proper regani . be paid to the current issues from the book j:e not so much, however, with a view to notice : the volumes that may appear, as to the express' of matured opinions "concerning those whidi be deemed worthy of the public attention a confidence. The aim of the Editor will be, nt. er to furnish iudicious criticisms, on which re: crs and purchasers may rely for guidance, ilmn " present a mere laudatory chronicle of new pli cations. , , The Columbian, Magazine, one year in advance. 3 Cft s two ,!' Two copies one year, cl t Dealers in reriodicals throughout the Uu States and the Canadas, who wish to becor". agents for the Columbian Magazine, will p!ejN nnnltr tn ttm milili$hfr immfidiatttlv- The Uu5 discmint will be made to them. , w u I T - . - J - In addition to the above, the publisher sun; adds, for the benefit of all, that the wotk wu sustained by sufficient capital. Address, post paid. ISRAEL POST.Pubhs 3 Astor House. Stove C W. DeWitt &r ISroihrr, h- just received a large assoitment ol Siuvls.o sistiii of Franklin Furnace 3 ond-Moiler Cooking stetfil do do 9 plate stoves, do do Parlour do. do do Box do. Orange County 4 boiler Cooking do. Many's Albany 3 do do. Degroffi ears Albany 3 do do. poors' Patent Coal stoves. And a large lot of Stove-pipe, all of w1 they will sell cheap for cash or produce. Milfoid, Nov. 10, 1842. NOTICE, Sherman's Cough Lozenges, Peters' 'Pills ; an
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers