STROUD SB URG IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY. 'The subscribers lake this method to inform nhe public generally, and Millers and Farmers especially, that ihey have taken that convcn eni 'Foundry and Machine Shop, adjoining Jacob Singmasler's Tannery, and would be. thankful for any patronage extended inwards thorn, and respectfully announce that i hey are prepared to execute all orders in their line of business in the best manner and with despatch. Thev will manufacture MILL GEARING for Flour and other Mills, together with Cast ing of every description turned and fined up i she ht"i possible manner. We feel conli (d"t in our atulity in execute all orders with which we may be. euiiusied in a woiktnan-like - ikkhih r. Particular care will be taken to eni plny none, but good workmen in the different oepuriiiieiit uf Hie csUiblithnH'nt. and no pains will be spared by the proprietor to give gen eral Mitisfactinn in those who may favor litem villi niders fur work. KKASS CASTINGS, such as Spindle Steps, Shaft and Gudgeon T5txe, fcc. will be made in order. Old Cup per and taken in exchange at the highest -prb-e. Patterns made to order. Ttiresiiitt;; Machines & Horse Powers of the most approved construction, will be fur nished to order at ihe shortest notice. Wrought Iron Mill Work Avill be done on the moat reasonable terms., and all kind" of smith work. The best kind of Sled Shoes and polished "Wagon Boxes will always be kept on hand. Ploughs of the most approved plan will be 'kept on hand, and an excellent assortment of Plough Castings which they offer for sale to Plough makers. HAY DEN & SCH LAUGH. April 26, 1S-13. FEMALE SEMINARY. The Spring Term of this Institution com menced on the eighth day of May last, under the superintendance of Miss A. ill. StoIie? and is now open for the reception of pupils. The branches taught in this Seminarv are Reading, Writing, Geography, Grammar, Rhet eric, Composition, History, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Botany, Logic, Mathematics, Draw ing and Painting, the Greek, Latin, German Lans'tuges, (c. The Seminary being endowed by the Stale, instruction is afforded at two dollars per quar ter, inclusive of all ihe above branches. Board can be obtained in respectable fami lies on reasonable terms. The Trustees with full confidence commend the Stroudsburg Female Seminary to the pat ronage of the public. JOHN HUSTON, President of the Board of Trustees. Mav S, 1843. if. E ASTON BOOK BINDERY. The .subscriber respectfully informs the pub lic that he has removed his bindery to No. 19 Northampton street, a few doors below his for mer stand, where he will do RjEiiriST and BliKling in all its various branches at fair prices. 3B2&ASff2K ruled and bound to any pattern at the shortest notice, also BOOKS AND PERIODICALS rebound in the best manner. The following blank books always on hand, ay Books, Journals, ledgers, In voice ami Receipt Books, also Memorandums of every description, COPY AND CYPHERING BOOKS. All orders from the Country will meet with prompt attention. HENRY HAMMANN, Easton, April 19, 1843. t owes: . W. Be Witt & Brother, hare ju.t received a large assortment ol Stoves, con sisting of Franklin Parnate 3 and 4 boiler Cooking stoves. do do 9 plate stows. do do Parlour do. do do Bvx do. Orangf. County 4 boiler Cooking do. Manys Albany 3 do do. Dcgrojf Sears Albany 3 do d. Spoors Patent Coal stoves. .And a large lot of Stove-pipe, all frf whicli tlmv .will 8c.ll cheap for cash or produce. ' Milfurd, Nor. 10, 1842. A. art WORMS! WORMS!! JjjIf parents knew the value and efficacy of Dr. Leidy's Patent Vegetable Worm Tea, ihey never would be without it in their families, as children arc subject at all times to Worms. Dr. Leidy's Worm Tea is comnosed of vey- - o etables altogether, and may be given to chil dren of all ages. Directions accompany each paper or package. Children stifle r much", of times, from so many things being given them for worms, without any efl'ect. Much medicine, given to children, has a tendency to destroy their eeneral health, and they are mote or less delicate ever after. 1 o avoid the necessity of gtvmg medicine unnecessarily when von are certain vour chil- dren have worms give them at first Dr. Leidy's Worm Tea. It is all that is necessary. Reference miht be made lo several hundred G7 parents in Philadelphia city and county, of the efficacy of Dr. Leidy's Worm Tea. Try it and you will be convinced. Price 12 1-2 cents a small, and 25 cents a large package. Prepared only, and for sale' wholesale and retail, at Dr. Leidy's Health Emporium, No. 191 North Second street, be low Vine, (sign of the Golden Eagle and Ser pents,) Philadelphia. Also, sold at Win, Eastburn's store, Strouds bnrg. Jan. 4, 1843. We have tried Doctor Jos. Priesley Peters' Ye getable Pills, and have no hesitation in pronounc ing them the best Anlibilious Medicine that we have ever used in our families. We are acquaint ed with several families in this city who give them the preference to all other kinds, on account of their mildness, and at the same time, certainty of action. New- York Examiner. More than ten millions of boxes of these truly valuable Antibilious Pills have been sold in the United States, Canadas, West Indies, Mexico, and Texas, since the first of January, eighteen hun dred and thirty-five. Hundreds and thousands bless the day they were induced by the persuasion of a friend, to try vlBox of Doctor Peters' Pills. They are in use as a Family Medicine, and all who have used them give them the preference to all other kinds, on account of their being a safe, pleasant, and easy aperient being mild in their action at the same time; though, in their operation, producing neither sickness, griping, nor debility. Doct. Jos. Priestley Peters, Dear Sir: I have used your valuable Pills these last four years, in cases of Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, and Sick Head-ache, and have found them, in a majority of cases, the most valu able Pills 1 have ever used. JOHN CASE, M. D. For Sick or Nervous Head-ache, or Bilious Fe ver, I would recommend Peters'1 Pills in preference to all other kinds. R. H. ARMSTRONG, M. D. The following from the EM MINE NT DOCTOR EMMERSON, is considered sufficient I have used in my practice, these last five years, Doctor Jos. Priestley Peters'1 Vegetable Antibili ous Pills, and considered them the Best Family Medicine I have ever used. A fresh supply of these valuable Pills just re ceived and for sale at the office of the Republican, Stroudsburg. Weak Backs! Weak Backs!! 1,000,000 SOLD YEARLY. DIP Price only 12A cents a piece. JJl Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster. The best strengthening plaster in the world, and a sovereign remedy for pains, or weakness in the back, loins, sides, breast, neck, limbs, joints, rheumatism, lumbago, &c. &c. Jos. W. ILtzlc. esq., who had been so afflicted with rheumatism, as to be unable to dress himself without assistance, was enabled after wearing one, only one night, to gel up alone in the morning, put on his clothes, and call at our office with eyes beaming with joy, and his tongue pouring forth the gladness of his heart, at the sudden and signal relief he had received from tnis best of all reme dies. Mr. Datul Williams, of Elizabethlown, N. J. an old Revolutionary Soldier, was so afflicted with Rheumatism, that he could scarcely help himself these Plasters entirely cured him. Thousands of certificates might be given of their wonderful pro perties, but the fact of the enormous quantity sold, must be the greatest evidence of their virtue. For sale at the Republican Office, by T. Schoch, sole agent for Monroe county. LUMBER! LUMBER!! Prices Reduced. 100,000 feet White Pine Boards cSlO 00 and $11 25 per thousand. 50,000 feet White Pine Siding c$10 00, $11 25 and $12 50 per thousand. 30,000 feet Yellow Pine Heari Hoards $13 00 20,000 " " " Sap c$9 00 per thousand. 40,000 feet Hemlock Boards c$S 00 per m. 40,000 Pine Shingles from $6 50 to $10 00 per thousand 4,000 fern Panel Boards 3-4 inch, 1 inch and 1 1-2. All kinds of PRODUCE will be taken in exchange for ihe ahove, at the highest market pricn, and good money would not be refused. We respectfully iolicit all per sons in want of LUMBER, before purchasing elswhorc. to call on DnWUTT & BROTHER. Milford, March 2, 1813. Brass ?A) hour Clocks, WuodttO do do . , For sale cheap, by C. W. DeWITT. Milford, Dec. 8. 18-12 BLANK MORTGAGES, For sale at this office. VICTORY! Who does not kxow or mr. leidy's BLOOD PILLS? a component part of which is SAR SAPARILLA. The reputation of Dr. Leidy's Sarsaparilla Blood Pills is so well known, that comment upon their virtues is almost unnecessary. Suf fice it to sny they possess all the PURGATIVE AND PURIFYING properties that can be combined in the form of Pills. NEWSPAPER PUFFING is unnecessary to their success. Their efficacy, in one case, is a sure intro duction and passport of them to a thousand. FIVE YEARS Employment of them throughout the United Stales, have made them as they deserve to be VICTORIOUS! Whilst the Proprietors and Manufacturers of other Pills, have been endeavoring lo humbug ihe people in various ways to introduce their Pills, publishing columns of matter and bol stering them up by MADE, FALSE, LYING CERTIFICATES, and attributing to their Pills the powers of ef fecting every thing, barely excepting the RESTORATION OK THE DEAD TO LIFE. Dr. LEIDY has allowed his Blood Pills to become known by their effects; thus establish ing them a character that can never be taken from them, and which is proof incontrovertible of their qualities. iMost uther Pills have gone out of use since their introduction; many have fallen into dis repute, and some are now altogether unknown; still a few hangers-on endeavor to gull the ig norant by plausible (though false) reasoning of the extraordinary powers their Pills possess; but the public arc fully sensible of such impo siton. DR.-N. B. LEIDY is a regular Physician and Druggist, attested by Doctors Physic, Chapman, Jackson, De wees, Horner, Gibson, Coxe, Hare, Parrish, James, Robert, Adrain, L. L. D.; T. L. Biddle, esq.. Rev. W. H. Dalancy, Sec. &c. and well knows the nature of the ingredients contained in his BLOOD PILLS, and knows loo their adaptation in all cases where a purgative is re quired, or for purifying the Blood. There is no risk or danger in employing them, they contain no Mercury they do not produce inflamation of the Bowelsthey do not produce disorganization of, nor do they injure the digestive functions they do not produce the Piles they do not produce irregularity of the Bowels, or costiveness, as do other pills; on the contrary, they will be found to obviate all ihe forgoing, besides being efficacious in all cases where u purgative may be necessary, and for purifying the Blood and Animal Fluids. So many recommendations of them having been published from lime to lime, certificates from the North, South, East and West, editorial comments on their character, eye. c. thai it is deemed useless to say much more of ihem. Ample directions, together with recommen dations from Physicians and others, accompany each box of pills. Price 25 cents per box. They are prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, at Dr. LEIDY'S Health Emporium, No. 191 North Second Street, below Vine si. (sign the Golden Eagle and Serpents.) Also, sold at F. Kiel!, corner of 2d and Callowhill street. I. Gilbert &, Co. 3d above Vine street. J. Smith & Co. 2d street next the Red Lion. Also, sold at Wm. Eastburn's store, Strands burg. Jan. 4, 1843. As Usual No sooner does one of Dr. Leidy's preparations become popular, in consequence of its success and efficacy, than it is counterfeited or imitated. To prevent imposition, Dr. Leidy has now pro cured moulded bottles for his celebrated Tetter and Itch Ointment, with the words "Dr. Loidy's Tetter and Itch Ointment" blown in the glass, be sides containing his written signature on a yellow label outside. DR. LEIDY'S Teller and Itch OintmcnU has proved more efficacious than any other pre paration fur Tetter, Itch, Dry and Watery Pimples or Pustules, and diseases of the skin generally. It has been employed in schools, factories and on board vessels carrying passengers, where chil dren, as well as grown persons, contract diseases of the skin from their contagious nature, with the most unexampled success; certificates and recom mendations have been heretofore published from them, and numerous others might bo obtained fur publication, but for the objection most persons havej to having their names published in connec tion with so disfcgrceble and loathsome affections. In no single instance has it ever been known to fail. It has been usftd upon infants and by persons of all ages.. ? Jt is perfect! v sale, contains no merru ry in'ils composition, and may be used under nl! circumstances. Price 2a cents a bottle. Prepared on'y, and for sale, Wholesale and e- tatl. ntN. B. Leidy's Health Emporium, No 101 N. Second strefit. bolow Vine, (sign of the Golden Eagle and Serpents) Philadelphia. Also, sold ?.t Wm'. basrtwns Store Strouds- ! - - . - b-Jrz Jar. i, 181S. Wright's landian Vegetable Pills Oj the North American College of Health. This extraordinary medicine is founded upon the principle that the human frame is subject to ONLY ONE DISEASE, viz: Corrupt Humors, or in other words Impurity of the Blood, and noth ing save vegetable cleansing, is wanted in order to drive disease of every description from the bo dy. If the channels of our mighty rivers should be come choked up, would not the accumulated wa ters find new outlets, or the country be inundated! Just so with the human body; if the natural drains become closed, the accumulated impurities will most assuredly find vent in some form of disease, or death will be a certain consequence. WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGE TA BLE FILLS are eminently calculated for cairying out this GRAND PURIFYING PRINCIPLE, because they arc a purgative medicine so justly balanced and withal so natural to the human constitution, that they cannot possibly injure the most delicate; at the same time, if used in such a manner as to produce free evacuations by the bowels, and re peated a few times, it will be absolutely impossi ble for pain or distress of any kind to continue in the body. A single twenty-live cent box of the above named Indian Yegetable Pills will, in all cases, give relief, sometimes even beyond the power of words to describe, and if persevered in for a short time, there is not a malady in the whole course of human ills that can possibly with stand their astonishing and wonderful influence. WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS are a certain cure for COSTIVENESS, Because they completely cleanse the stomach and bowels from those billious and corrupt humours which paralyse and weaken the digestive organs, and are the cause of headache, nausea, and sick ness, palpitation of the heart, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body, and many other unplea sant symptoms. In all disordered motions of the Blood, called Intermittent, Remittent, Nervous; Inflammatory, and Putrid FEVERS, Wright's Indian Yegetable Pills will be found a certain remedy; because they cleanse the stom ach and bowels from all bilious humours and pu rify the blood; consequently, as they remove eve ry kind of disease, they are absolutely certain to cure every kind of fever. So, also, when morbid humours are deposited upon the membrane and muscle, causing those pains, inflammations and swellings, called RHEUMATISM, GOUT, &c, Wright's Indian Yegetable Pills may be relied on as always certain to give relief, and if persevered with, will most assuredly, and witnout fail, make a perfect cure of the above painful maladies. From three to six of said Indian Yegetable Pills taken every night on going to bed, will, in a short time, completely rid the body from all morbid and corrupt humours; and rheumatism, gout, and pain of every description, will despair, as if by magic. For the same reason, when, from sudden changes of the atmosphere, or any other cause, the perspiration is checked, and those humours which should pass off by the skin, are thrown in wardly, causing headache, nausea, and sickness, pain in the bones, watery and inflamed eyes, sore throat, hoarseness, coughs, consumption, rheu matic pains in various parts of the bodyj and ma ny other symptoms of CATCHING COLD, Wright's Indian Yegetable Pills will invariably give immediate relief. Three or four pills taken at night on going to bed, and repeated a few limes will remove all the above unpleasant symptoms, and restore the body to even sounder health than before. The samo may bo said of difficulty of breathing, or ASTHMA. Wright's Indian Yegetable Pills will loosdri and carry off by the stomach and bowels those rough and phlegmy humours which stop the air cells of the lungs, and are the cause of the above dreadful complaint. It should also be remembered that WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS are certain to remove pain in the side, oppression, nausea and sickness, loss of appetite, costivencss, a yellow lingo of the skin and eyes, and every other symp tom of LIVER COMPLAINT. Because they purge from the body those corrupt and stagnant humours, which when deposited oh tho liver, are the ciuise of the above dangerous complaint They are also to prevent APOPLEXY AND SUDDEN DEATH. Because they carry off those humors which ob structing the circulation are the csuse of a rush, or determination of blood to the head; giddiness, especially on turning suddenly round, blindness, drowsiness, loss of memory, inflamation of the brain insanity, and all disorders of the mind. Those who labour within doors should iemern her that they frequently breathe an atmosphere which is wholly unfit for tho proper expansion of the lungs, and at the same time owing to Want d oiercisej the bowels aro noi sufficiently evacua ted, tho blotfd becomes impure, and headache, in digestion, palpitation of tho heart, and raapy Other dhapweahle Ryrripi6ffis are fetire to fbllsw. Being a Cleanser of the stomach and bowels, and a DIRECT PURIFIER of the Blood, are certain not only to remove pain or distress of every kind from the body, but if used occasionally, so as to keep the body free from those humours which are the CAUSE OF EVERY MALADY INCI DENT TO MAN, they) will most assuredly pro mote such a just and equal circulatfon of ;ho blood, that those who lead a sedentary life, will be able to enjoy sound health, and DISEASE ()Y ANY KIND WILL BE ABSOLUTELY IM POSSIBLE. CAUTION TO AGENTS. Country agents, and others, are respectfully in formed that, owing to the great popularity, and increasing demand for the above named Pills, a host of unprincipled persons are busily engaged in manufacturing, and vending a spurious article in imitation of Wright's Indian vegetable pills. They are also further informed that 1 have ;t suit pending against one V. O. Flack, for counter feiting the above named medicine; and are cau tioned against buying or receiving medicine front said Y. O. Flack, as he cannot by any posshtv have ihe genuine Wright's Indian Yegetable PiJl for sale. All travelling agents, with genuine medicinp, are provided with a certificate of agency, signa l by William Wright, Vice President of the N. A. College of Health. Travellers, who cannot show a certificate as above described, will be known as base impo tors. Shun them, therefore, as you would ,i Highwayman, or a Midnight Robber. Offices, devoted exclusively to the sale o Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail, No. 109 Race st. Philadelphia; No. 2Stf Greenwich street, New York; and tUS Tremout street, Boston. AGENTS. Chaklks Boys, Struudsbtirg, Monroe cuunty, John Laxdbr, Cr;igs iMeiidows, Mvkrs &: Edingek, Tannersvilie, " CtiAitLES Savlor, Hamilton, 44 Jacob Enclk, Bartonsville, " September 21, 1812. ly. NOTICE Or those who avc aSiout to build or repair. The umdersigned respectfully informs tho public thai he is duly authorised to sell tho Highi of ihe Johnson Re-acting Water wheel, to the counties of iMouroe and Pike, patented the 22d day of June, A. D. 1840. The Johnson re-aciing wheel is the best now" in use to propel a saw mill ii excels any other wheel in the United States Under a low water head; under a head from 5 to 7 feet is stilii cient to cut from 2 to 3000 feet in twelve hours of inch or any other boards with eae. The wheels require, Under a 7 fool head, 140 inches of water and so in proportion to any other head. Under a 7 foot head, the Saw will make from 200 to 250 strokes per minute. The advan tage which those wheels have over any oilier wheels is, that it requires but lour posts to make the fioont or bulk head; the wheels are hung on tho crank shaft. Two wheels are what is re quired for a Saw mill; aild the posts planked in side the same as a pen stock. I haVu built one. of those mills this seasotij on the Roaring Brook, in Lbzerne county, fur Mr. S. P. Tetn- plin, under about a 7 foot head, which will cut Irom 3 to 4000 in twelve hours ol inch tmarus; therefore, 1 can recommend them as ihe best wheels now in operation. '1 here are several more mills in lhat part, all under low headsi which answers the same purpose as that ol Air. Templins. Fur further information, please call on the subscriber. FERDINAND DUTOT. Agent. Lower Smithfield, Monroe co., J November 9, 1S42 S' Sherman's Cough liozengres, Are the safest, most sure and effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Consumptions, Whooping Cough, Asthma. Tightness of the Lungs or Chest, tyc. d c. The proprietor has never known an instance where they did not give perfect satisfaction. .. i .1.- ...;.k Uvdr 3,UUU persons nave given uicir names un in the last year as a reference of the wonderful virtues of these Cough Lozenges. They cure all recent cases in a few hours, seldom requiring more than one day to entirely eradicate the most dis tressing ones. Mr. James W. Hale, No. 5 Tontme Buildmgsi Wall St., gave some to a friend who had not enjoy ed a night's sleep for several weeks, being every few minutes attacked with such a distressing cough, as almost to lake away his life. The Lo zenges made him raise easy, and enabled him to sleep well all night. He had tried every thing ho heard of, and nothing else afforded the lea3t relief a nother instance of saving a lellow being irom ail untimely grave. The Rev. Darius Anthony, of the Oneida Con ference, was given up as incurable, believed to bs on the verge of ihe grave frorn consumption, with out the hope of relief, till he tried these They rolieved him immediately, and in a few weeks restored him to health, so that ho could re sume his duties as a minister of the gospel. Ho recommends them to all who are consumptive or have any derangement of their lungs, as the great est medicine in the known world. He has wit nessed their effects on several others, and always with the happiest results. He says so great a remedy through the blessing of Divine Providence, should be the common property of all 4 and in eVj. ry family on the face of the earth. For sale at the Republican Office, by Tckce. sole agent at Monroe county. NOTICE. Sherman's Poor Man's fhsfers, uouga jiiozwges, m ret2JV Pills; WRIGHTS INDIAN VGJ,TAtil:E ItO at ims office.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers