J EKKEUS0N1AN R-E PUBLICAN.. Inciter from Ikey Smooth, to his Mo ther, at Sniootliburg, way down to Varmouut. Milford, Sept. 22, 1843. Dear Marm : Arter I left our leeile town of Smoothburg, in Varmount, and bidded good bye to all the Smooths and Slicks who wege tate in that ar place, I steered a sow-by-sow-west direction, as cusir. Zekiel, who sails in the Two Pollys, sez, til I run fowl of a town they kols Milford. Jist aford I got to this place, I sold evry darn red oak ham and wood on nutmeg that I had, so that 1 hadn't darned a spudgeon left mi the old waggm, and my boss, sleepy davy, had his pluck so nz by the flour barls I guved him, and was so oil-fired spunky, thai I thort I d stop to this town, and gel a load of notions, to kepe his dandir down. VVal, inarm, arter I'd bin here eenamosi a weke, I thort I'd bail oul for Varmount, but tho folks Jell'd me " Air. Smooth, you belter stay here a few days longer ; tho young ladies intend to have a Fair, and no doubt you will be much pleased with it, and you will have something new to toll the heathens away up to Varmount." Gosh Molly ! didn't my blood, which has runn'd ihrough live or six ginerations of Slicks aid Smooths, git ruffed when they sed this. My nose was jist like a big red pepper. 0 yankee doodle and liberty ! if I hadn't bin afeard I'd gt: licked myscll, the way I'd licked them fel lers. Jist to think wunst ! call the Varmouiu crs hethens ! But my feeloMify riz io sucker me. Sez I, if I kicks up a muss, I'll have to lorile out of the lown, and 1 wont see what kind of an anermal this fair ar. Wal, I disen tangled ihe quadruped from the wehicle, and stabtilaied him, as the dandy feller sed, what came a corijn on the Deeon's darler. Old daddy time locomoted like a louse on a snail's gallup, til the da)' tlm the fair was to be heed. Uut i he day com'd at last. 1 sol up all night wiilchiu to see ihe fair come, but I couldn't see iiothiii of the tarnation ihiug; .so the next morn iii I sed io won of ihe chaps Mister, I kinder kalkilate the fair wont be show'd io-day, kase it didn't come to town last night. Good golly, how quere the chap look'd when 1 tell'd him this; lie luffed and he snickered, and he Muck ered and he lafittd, and he stuffed his nose-ker-chief in hia month. I swow 1 Uiort the coot would la i iti. Why you verdant Yarmounter, sez he, Us in the Kademv now. Wal, 1 sol nglu off to see it, wonderin how the darn thing! got in without mv soein on it. When I cont'd ! to the Kademy, I seed a tarnation grist-of folks ! waikin about and talkiu so much, thai 1 thort thar war a swarm of bess sumwhere, (but thar warn-!,) but 1 couldn't tee liolhitt ou the fair. Wal, 1 look'd and grinn'd, and griun'd and look'd, but couldn't see nothin but a hul sight oi iineineo uxms ; so i axeu a iiansum young i gal .Miss, sez U. bowm very perlitely, can ou l eli me war the fair ar ? She made two or tnree curtshees, and sez she " Here ii J, Mr." Consarn the U-etle thing, doni you think, marm, she was verrv eagertistical, to! tell a splinter fire stranger she was fair? I do, mi on 1 do. 1 ax your parding, Miss, sez , but 1 kalkilate. you dont zaclly understand uie. I want to know where I hat thing they call a fair is, that they're gotn to show. Dear inn, Mr. Smooth, sez she, how verry exsentric von are ; all that you see in the room is the! Jatr. W he, whe, i-ez 1, (taikin parley voo j French, like cnsin Slick, ihe Attashay, when lie wants to say yes,) I reckin 1 see into it shall have full power to ratify the nomination of low ; the folks cum in and look at the thing-j the National Convention, and to make such ar n.ubol, and pay their fare, like we do down to j rangements for the conduct of the canvass as armotmt, to ride on the liyin bosses. O now, j ihey may behevebesl adapted io insure success Mi'.ier.Sinootli, ez she, dont be so dumb of t to the cause. . .iiipa'hendhiiig ; we young ladies git the&e J Further Resolved, 'Thsi thi Convention, in t-.iiig-.aod ell litem, and apply the proceeds to. iixin the church and edicaim the heathen, and i jim e call a lair. How tarual dum 1 be, sez i, out that's a good plan; the people in this 'ate be grate heihens. and it's right Jo edicalc Law me, Mr. Smooth, sez she, we have i uotheit in this country ; they're all out in 1 id Zcbedee and Feegee Islands. Wal l ow, 1 swon, sez 1, that ar somethin new, fur dominie always tell'd me, thero be more , '-ihen to tins country, than to peegee and tiiein Hither places; but I aposo you'll edicate i.iem, and then edicate our hetheus, that's goin I k lint injtiis jrtg, backwards, Dear me Mister nooth, sez bhe, how funny you are; but don't u want to buy Miinthiu? Wal 1" dont know, I, u- it's patty nigh seeden time, 1 wouldn't :inid gittm a kupple of plowaheers for feyther. AV hnvo none of those articles Mister Smooth, -z she, but there is sumtlnn I'd like lo sell .si, and mm1 golly w hat a grist of fine ihinosj sue s,liow il ine. U, IMarm ! II you d only bin :'iere. They had a kupple of nigger doll-ba-.f, and they were fixed so hansuni too. So, marm, when the tother gals seed this gal a try t i to ci! me stiuithm, they all cum up and coin i i;i:ced taikin to me, and O my how quere I It li to have m many puny gals so close to .me. Aly gizxard jumped eeuamosl out of me. They i uist have Uiort I war a good lookin feller by tne way they hang'd around me. Golly but they war nice and tlien'they coaxed so han-j-'imly, and now marm, conies the tug I hate tell on it but 1 mii.st,--ihey got all my mutiny. There war iiostaudin on 'em, they, would baye 1 , w ei her or no swon i think there war sum l-(lsttfn about 'em. But thats the way with the gate in gineral. If aiy thing's lo be did,! i all on em. The Bunker Hill tumsitm down to Bosiing. vfdn'i b do:ne if the gals hadn't look a hold on t? n. 13 ut my munny is gone, Mid I must-May lil yoi send me sum lo cum Kton on; jf you hamt gut ho inuntty send .ine ilu domuslic hams and nuiirieos. It did bete i-W how much munny thiy utd-Mi. There war. M1"' big-bugs-iharfroffi tire canhons and they I Ml il milllttv IVIlli irm - W I" II . I ' b... uuuoncon. . ui) Idler WHO , "had a 'big round Leliy '.tat shook when he.JUffed like a bowlful of jellv" fv m five dollar?, jjgl think o' lhal, nidrm, ui now cutrib the ltardeet pf pjl, (kjilapolalon de panion, as the Schoolnfarster used to say,) marm, you musn't scold, kase I could'nt help n, aim uu iimao i ici uony Know on it or she'll guv me tne muting. Here u be. Sez I to a leetle gal. 1 ou havn't got nothin else to sell have you? No Mister Smooth, sez she, we Jiaint notinn else; we used to sell kisses but we dont do it any more. Wouldn't you sell me jist one? sez L Whai'H you giv? sez sne. nere I lelt like a tamal coot, and list as if 1 could hide in a mite's shadder. for I hadn't a brass larthiu about me. I'll giv you this ring sez I. Dim sez she, but dont let the folks see Smack ! smack ! and Dolly's ring was gone ; howsumer I'll u Dolly anuther, and she wont mio, tunning on it. jjear marm I must stop now, or 1 wtint have nothin to wnth next time. So 1 remain your liu son. IKEY SMOOTH. Mrs. Mercv Smooth, Smoothburg, Varmount. Ballimore Wilis Convention. r At a meeting of the Whig Convention of the city of Baltimore, held on Thursday evening, the 21st September, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : .Whhreas, a joint meeting of the Whig members ol Congress was held in Washington, on Saturday, the 18th of February last, for the purpose of considering the propriety of holding a National Convention to nominate candidates to be supported by the Whig party at the next election of President and Vice President, at which meeting the following resolution was adopted, to wit : " Resolved, That the Whig members of Con gress, concurring in tho expediency of the pro posed Convenhon, and yielding to the wishes expressed, that they sltould designate a time and place, do respectfully recommend that a Whig National Convention, for the nomination of candidates for President and Vice President of the United States, be held al the city of Baltimore, on Wednesday, the 1st day of May, 1844, and thai the said Convention he composed of delegates from the respective States, equal to the number of Senators and Representatives of each Slate in the Congress of the United States." And Whereas tho Whigs of the city of Bal timore being deeply impressed with the impor tance of giving to the nomination of the Na tional Convention the most conspicuous and au thoritative of ratification which their brethren throughout the Union are able to confer ; and holding in lively remembrance the admirable service of the Young Men's Convention assem bled in this city on the 4th of May 1340, and ihe deservedly great influence of that Conven 'lion over tho country ; and believing that the canrass of 1844 may be animated by the same pairioiic enthusiasm, and be conducted with the same eminent success, if ii be commenced and directed under the same intelligent guidance : they unanimously recommend through their delegates in this body, to their Whig brothers of the several Slates, the formation of a Young Men's Convention of Ratification, to be com posed of delegates from every district of the country, whoshall meet in Baltimore ou Thurs day, the 2d day of May, 1814. , Therefore, Resolved, That it be recommend ed io the Whigs of the several States, io ap point a Young Men's Convention of Ralifica- uon, to assemble in the city of Baltimore, on Thursday, the 2nd day of May, 1844, who the name of the true and patriotic Whigs of the city of Baltimore, invite the largest ap pointtnent of delegates to the Young Men's Convention of Ratification, tendering to them as well as the members of the National Con vention, cordial welcome to house and home; and hospitable entertainment during their stay. Resolved, That the editors of the journals throughout the U. States, friendly to the Whig cause, be requested lo publish these resolutions, and to invite the concurrence and aid of the Whig's to give them effect. CEO. R. RICHARDSON, President. JAMES FRAZIER, r. D .. , 4 JOSEPH WJLLEY,.f 1 Kc Prcslts C. C. Lcerto.v, Jr. ) 4; Robert M. Proud, 'iccetartcs, Dissolution oi Fartaiershi p. The partnership heretofore existing between ihe sttbhCribers, as publishers of this paper, was on the 17th of August last, dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having demands against the. said firm, will present them to Theodore Schoch .for settlement, and all who are indebted thereto are requested to pjake.im-. mediate payment to him, he being authorized to receive' the same. THEODORE SCHOCII, THOMAS L. KOLLOCK. P. S. The Jeffersonian Republican will con tinue io be published by Theodore Schoch and' r . Jv- opering; who respectfully solicit a con linuance of public patronage. THEODORE SCHOUM, V. E. SPERhXG. Stroudsburgh, Sept. 28, 1843. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons having any demands against the estate of Isaac Bradt, late ol Wesifall lownship, Pike county, deceased, to present them, duly authenticated for settlement, and all persons indebted to said estate, are requested to make payment without delay. WIUIELMUS OA SKY, ' , ' WlLU A'M H'A.LLOCK, Administrators' of Isaac Ifradti Milford, Aug. 31, l'u ii 1 w. ComBMiSsSoiaers 'Sale OF REAL ESTATE, The Commissioners of Montoe County will hold a public sale on Monday the sixth day of November next, at the .Coart-house in the Bor ough of Stroudsburgh. for the purpose of selling all such unseated lands ay have been purchased by them at Treasurer's Sales, agreeably to the Act of Assembly, and. have bi.en held by them unredeemed for live ye:rs and upwards, a list of which is hereunto annexed. Sale to com mence at 10 o'clock, A. AL of said day and to continue from day io day till all is 6old. PRICE TOWNSHIP. No. 99 Davenport Moriet, 300 20 -" 309 George Kohl, 400 30 " 224 JohnCooIbaugh, 43G10G MIDDLE SMITIIFIELD. No. 77 Mary Meredith, 419 120 tobyhaNna. Silas McCartv, 103 .40. .lames Shaw," 424 102 Peter Leslie. 119 SO Jacob Cramer. Alexander Logan, John Berry, 393 421 82 59 00 penn: forest. John Schnall, , 441 Thomas Schnall, 415 Jonas Simons, 41 G 'Samuel Caldwell. 414 William Horsfield, 439 81 Ul 120 120 William Nicholas 409 ADAM OVER.FI ELD, ELI II U POSTERS, JOHN SMITH. Co?nmissio7iers. Commissioner's OffiVe, Sirouds- I burgh. October 4, 1S43. ' It STOVE-PIPE, At Reduced Prices. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS FOR SALE STOVE-PIPE, which he will sell at from 10 to 10 1-2 and 1 1 cents per pound, according to quality, for cash. WAND EL J. BRELMER. Stroudsburgh, Oct. 5, 1843. INDIAN QUEEN HOTEL. Strosidsburgla, Fa. Has fitted up a commodious and elegant Ho tel on Elizabeth sirent, nearly opoosiie I he j store of Gr. H. Miller Ac Co , and directly op-! posite the residence of Daniel Stroud, Esq. i He has every convenience for entertaining strangers and travellers. Persons from the ci ties, and others who wish to take a pleasant j jaunt in ihe country will he accommodated in i rlif. cntivfarlnrv nmnnur nf lire linnw i THE TABLE will be supplied with the best productions af - forded by the market. HIS ROOMS AND BEDS are such, as will, he hopes, prove satisfactory to all reasonable customers. THE BAR is, and will continue to be, furnished with a choice assortment of Liquors. , THE STABLING is new and extensive and surpassed by none in the county for comfort and convenience. r With these advantage- backed bv some ex perience in the business and a determination to keep a good public house, he confidently ex pects a fair portion of public patronage. )U Permanent boarders will find a quiet homo and be satisfactorily accommodated at moderate prices. . , Stiottdsburg, Sept. 28, 1343. I A Petition for Discharge and Certificate un der the Bankrupt Jaw has been filed by Henderson D. Harvey, Laborer, Pike, and Friday ihe 1st day of December next; at 1 1 o'clock, a. M. is appointed for the hearing ihereor, before the said Court, sitting in Bank ruptcy, at the District Court Room in tliu City of Philadelphia, when and where the Creditors of the said Petitioner, who have proved their Debts, and all others in interest, mav appear and show cause, if any ihey have, why such i Discharge and Certificate should not bo grant ed. ' ERA'S I10P1C1NSON, Clerkf the District Court Philadelphia, Sept. 20, 1813. lOw. NOTICE. ; A petition for Discharge and Certificate un-! der the Bankrupt Law has been filed by I Jo Mph Addison Brown, individually, and as - amber of the late firm of S'okes & Brown, j a member late merchant, late Innkeeper, now Farmer, Monroe county. and Friday the 17ih day of November next, at 11 o'clock, a, m. is appointed for the hearing thereof, before the said Court, sitting in Bank ruptcy, at the District Court Room to ihe City of Philadelphia, when and where the Creditors of ihe said Petitioner, who have proved their ,'Debtn, and al! other persons in interest, may appear and show cause, if any ihey hare, why i r: l' ' 'i r r ..... .1 11 . Mien uiscnare any , WPj'Uii -n biiuuiu ncu Oe f' FKx S UOPKUNSUW, Clerk of the District Qouri. Philadeljihia, A'.guat J9, 1813. PRICES CURRENT., Corrected every Wednesday morning. ARTICLES. Strands-Easton. HUIad : Wheat Flour, per barrel 5 00 4 35 4 87 Rye. do. do. do. 350 2,87- 3 00 Wheat, per bushel 95 85 93 Rye, do. do. G5 05 50 Sole Leather per pound. 25 .21 25 Corn per bushel 02 52 5j Whiskey per gallon : ' 25 25 Clover Seed per bushel ' 5 25 0 00 5 25 Timothy Seed per bush. 3 00' 4 50 Barley do. , . , , 45 50 Oats do. .32 ; .'AZ 25 Flar .Seed do. . 1 37. , 1 40 1 50 Uutter per pound ip ,12 21 Eggs,-per dozen 8 ' 0 15 Plaster perton ; - 4 00 2 25 Hickory wood, per cord ' 2.25 4 50 4 50 Oak, do. do. 2 00 3 50 3 25 Mackerel, No. I 15 00 10 50 11 25 Do- do 2 l2 00 9 50 10 00 Potatoes, per bushel 40 30 BAIK iV3?3 'SjS.ST. , corrected weekly for the JcfTersonmn Repubrtcan. .The notes of those banks on which quotations are omitted and a dash( Substituted, are riot purchased by the brokers. Pennsylvania. 'Wet Branch bank 30 Philadelphia bank, par Pittsburg 1 Hank of-North America, do Wnynesbiinj 3 Farmers' & Mechanics do'H'OunesvWe ' - Western bank do "Eric bank . - - M tf SoutJwark 6an! jHcrks coumy 6n5r . Eensinston bank do.Tdivandu do Bank ol Northern Liberties do HelieNotos 2 Mechanics' Bank dot Volt Commorcittl Bank Bank of Penn Township Manufacturers.' Mcchns .Jo - Jo! CITY UANKS d America, innk ot par du do i9 do do da t pur do Moyaincnsinj bank American Excliaitce United States bank Girard do Pennsylvania bunk Hunk of Gerintintown Hank of Moiitgoinery co. Hank of Delaware rounty Hank of Chester county Doylestown bank Fanneri' bank of Hucks Kaston bank Fanners! bank of Reading Lebanon bunk Harriiburg bank Middletown bank Farmer:-' bank Lancaster Lancaster bank Lancaster countv bank Northampton bank Columbia Bridge Carlisle bank Northumberland bank Miners bank of Potl-sville York bank Ohambersburg bank Gettysburg bank Wyoming do Hone.sdale do Hank of Lewistown Bank of Susquehanna co St; Hank of Commerce 1 5 Hank of the State f .V Y par Hutclii'r.x' antl JJroicrs' p;r Cliemicttl lo"'ity io.Ci)mmcrciil Io!CImton lo'DeI. and Hudson caml co. dotDry Dock I do Fulton bank of New York par 1 oroenwicn :l'Lafayette i.Leather Manufacturers' 2'Manhatteu companv '' do do do do do "o do do do c'o j Mechanics' Banking Asso. 1 'Merchants' bank Merchant' 'Mechanics & Traders , ljMerchants' Exchange '2iNational bank imnNew York, Bank of olv " r.. i. it I. ; ' N. Y. St'e. st't Security b. par North River do Phoenix do do 10 par do 50 ajSeventh Watd 1 Tenth Ward 'J Tradesmen's (Union B. of N. Y. Lum. bank at Warren no sa'e'Washington CLOCK AND WATCH STItO UDSB URG. r a. Informs the public getter ally, that he still continues the above bustnesb in all it? various branches, lie has ou hand at all times an as sortment of Scwelrv and FaBicv Goods, which he is determined to sell al such prices as will iuii the times. The attention of the public is particularly , caiteu lo .nis. assortment oi j spectacles ahfd glasses ! for nearsighted and old persons plain white. GREEN AND BLUE GLASSES. No chare will be made for showing them, if he cannoi suit, no harm done. ZiDliSg I 'U&mSL I Brass eight day Clocks for SM 00 Do thirty hour do 7 00 Wood do do from S4 Jo G 00 ALSO, an assortment id' WATCHES. all warranted good time keepers, or will be re paired gratis. Clocks, Watclics, and Jewelry repaired al the shortest notice. ALSO, an assortment of MjlPSot the Uni ted States and World, varying from 1 62 1-2 to 2 50---large size. Violin Strings of all sizes best quality. Call aiid see for yourselves. READY PAY. GROCERIES, SI HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES,- man 15 rups and ITIceliciiics, Jroii, Nails, Glass, E5oavIi. SlJinifjIcs, . articles &:. CHEAP FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. POSITIVELY NO TRUST! I'he subscribers having adopted the above method ol doing business, feel confident that it will be beneficial lo tjho interests of iheir cus tomers, as well as their own. They have jusl received in addition to thei- former 6lock, a large assorment of Drv fjoodg selected with care. Also, Groccr-e!ii:iiar(w?uo wliicli they will sell o'. j,rices U) suit ,ne iime8. . All perso;s having unsettled accounis with iho subscribers, will confer a favor by settling and paying up al their earliest convenience. t Grai.efuJ for iho liberal patronage herpjuforu f'X'eiided lo us, we respectfully solicjt its con '"iniiance, and pledyo ojirselves . tq Use every exemon to merit ih'o favors of their friends and customers. . . C. W. DeWITT & BROTHER. Milford, July 12, 1813. i : I'WIIOTjsSI I lis NO HUMBU TIc Bankrupt Law is Kepcalctl, AND WE MUST SELL. If Proper ty will not bring its full y.tnus, IT Ml" ST SKLI. FOK TWO TUIR.DS, aCCOKDI.VU to Act ok Assembly of PENNsyLVA.'i&.t. The subscribers havt' been for the last'riuji teen months, building and tilting up thoir t-&((k-ii!hmMit, with machinery for the priHonftiiyof their business, which tliey hav couipIiie'1i in full operation. They now Iwve on IwwifHml intend keeping a general asortnim of SJowh3, Ii53iJ3tr W;s355; got up in the best manner, whit-h ih-f cheaper for ready pay, than can lut pui-!mtfil at any other eaiiitshniciil in this eiry. - The following is a list of pricv. ilwy ttilfrt to the public, for cadi, approvii pjMr. or 1 1 exchange for F.irmer pnnum wrinri.i'rJv fflv at the highest -ah ptices. ILight and fancy sprtug wa gons, from $04) 00 to iQ 9 ) Two; horse Lumber, wnguns, 50 00 u KM)t) Do do do' " . with bodies, wbippju-tree.Sjt v and ucck-yok. from G$ fl-.ui . 70 ty) A first rate artit lt oTPhnfohs, f of all de.-criptions, in use in this' Country, from 50 "ti fj SO Best sid'-hill Ploughs for Q &i Plough Shares '2s. 2s. (5d. arid 3!-. "f?jk!l shares and .-barns with cutter- for ift. Bi'th -er plouh Castings al the same rate. v"'i ALSO : ' "v Corn Cultivatos-y, Plouci; Clvinw, leig!is SlfjJj SJioes, Vaj;on Soa. s, Ciaiirisis:,' I?Ia:Si2i;0, Ca?it i::gs a:i! Mill Irons of almost every description, both wrought. a cast, on hand and made to order. All ktml-. of TURNING, of wood and iron, and repairij of wagons, Carriages, terf,&c. neatly execu ted al the vhoriest notice, at reduced prices. These are the times for bargains niiil'.ii who doubt it, can atify themselves by entlmg on i he subscribers. ROYS & IIEirLE. Milford April 12-JS-I3; FOR XOVEMBFIR. Particular y 'umber. AUTHOR OF "CHARCOAL S- K5TCIIEJ," &C. &C. 4 . Will contribute one of his nest articles for the vember No. of Godey's Lady's Book. . . It is unnecessary for us to go into detail tpucfi'. ing the merits of this gentleman. There fm$'pt? haps no work ever born published in this rufcUry, from which extrart-s have been so frequently Waro, as the far-famed Cbaroonl Sketches. The Propridtor of The Ladj's )ook was j!e original publisher of ihese sketches, ami can voueji for their popularr.y. Besides Mr. Neal. rraee mcnts have been made with all the contributory f any repute in this conntry, whose conirbctwa will rcgulatly appear in the Book. The Embellishments of the number will be no morous, al least sevkx engkavi.vcs of difleren: kinds. One particularly ' .'"' A NOVELTY, - a Steel Engraving with an arabesque border, nev er before attempted in this country, and which gave so much eclat to Lockhart s Spanisbti'aMljifS; ' The Plate of Fashions anticipates all others, as we have received frumt Paris and London the plates containing the lates; fashions for winter qloaks, beautifully coloured. This alone for the ladies makes the number inval uable. Are the public aware that we never, omit our fashion plate ? This should be looked to whtjif subscribing for a fashionable magazine. T'iey are in every number, and coloured at a great ez- pense. It is pleasant to look back upon our long career, and reflect upon the millions that have received instruction and amusement from our work i; is also gratifying to know that we have in no in stance ever published a line that would give of fence, and have never excited the ire of our breth ren Of the press. This shall hq,6ur future course. THE EMBELLISHMENTS of Godey's La dy's Book are of the first class, both for se'lectio,n of subject and skill in engraving. They consist of Mezzotint, Line and Stipple," and always en graved by the first artists. We continue to Iwvu the largest circulation of any magazine ever pub lished, and we presume the course we have .al ways followed is the reason. . ; vi OUR TERMS. A single copy one year, Two copies Five. - ' JIM Hi Hi t4 n 00 10 00 Eight " " 15 00-i Eleven " . u . oq.qq, Any person forming a club shall receive for ev ery subscriber sent a Novel. t. . j "CODECS QiKXRE TABLE 0IU1EXT ' will be set to any person sending 3 for jcsinelo subscber. Address L. A'. GOISEY. . Publishers' Hall, PtOfo. v BAR IRON. j DOUBLE AND SINGLE REFINED. JarIron,ar,Coach&Wa,'ois Ax!e CROW BAR, SLEDGE AND PI.OUOU MOULDS, A.ic and Qmi Barrel Srosi, And a general assortment of i jWAGOiV TYRE & SQUARE IfROiT, constantly on hand and will be sold oil ihe'mqst " reasonable terms, by 1 MORRIS EVANS. Analomtnk Iron Works, April 6, 1842.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers