' • . - niptaillkinotrat, - 1. , • ~'<~, a ~ l-': ::`,'~ita~%~ f.„ . ‘ tioit_ iitt.4.,..1,,r...!..,.,,,.,;..,.§7,F.,:.8..,7r.:11.43,,,4ju.11!::," .i _,....,-;:; ~,,,.....;,,,,..i.,.,4. .1;:to-i-iitr ' ,-.- •-- The,.ircartiekriru 110)1 . e • tpAet:,to . t he 'pal cse. IA k?of rradring-mitue!...:-..,. ciodiot tteCk.)cponi..onci 'ielieoiiii,Al:l-itiaiate!,ere:,COOven!ion;rtie (rain thilofeteW 4: 6,ei`jei Di;triesf: Roth: . ;,oclgellf4474liiiscoi . i . Colo'ne). of •Iot h'. Pe n Kerr . is Colone) 'of W i ur b.a friends think' of op strikin. gly ,ilNsirit4l4 kcy Oak follo , ;. •, At `a .the...flussian .detron. tism. while• 11:usi* U. 0411" . • Theteisit..pcilitieetLreeoletion In thle.State. . Sheltie ,teehtle lone - Demeetat . te - ,lh the town 4eleelihttChrftfty . thohesn4 rhejority. . . . ••' AstikoOli,Stetitittio , geotlitaiiny ~ othan'isaw. the:mari that told it to lom.heOgiven;tolhe 'Washington ;co rreapond • eat of She,St. IMuitt t he tot lowins rust. intorthyteihiedntis etmer General .iYleelellan.— It hisiitioPle . t - iiippeared .•in the, Tribune, but, • sieillOwidne cqurae -the. large number otstririJs of thisaltiotelcind which .that , honest piinar ha s hihiChOintiinavaidably prevented its pub. . . • • , 7 .• • •• , - - 4 4 1i , hitilleini:aseertained here. that General litfcclellait;: . •ftlir **leer' he ..was:superseded . by :Gerierratcternsiiit, went down to Richmond in. 'a halloon'anicha - do long- interSiew • with Jeff. Div,ll4 , llhtit ihe res ult. - or.tbis interview was tinit:l4cCiellan; in' disguise as the rebel corn tea attfet t lought end: repots eil rnsidd at Pied • orieysloirg 'Odd, Hooker , at Chancellorsvill.:•• Hciiaie;'.Griieley?ii partiality for McClellan has induced4tirrtA . ci be silent . • *O , if EoxiiiElts 'AND PUPILS,. ' • . . •of . • , I ,wistk jolkuldress through .1 he columnr the ' lffirrsr, *Jew %'ords.io the kesehers..anil pupils Ivilthatt•Ciunty. la: hehalf of the United. Stet es Sanitswy,Cominisiion... :A fair lor. his humane • orgenistakinti. will be held in Philadelphia'-early 'in lonef end-the, schooli in ilia several eoun. ties.of khie Stake ere celled upoh.to send in con. tribukiore. , i. Theta is ko a'Department eic•— 'clueiVali fd.c thweehoolao and.vtdien the, toll of k hel:cauntitta :kiVoar State shall. be called, it InoitV not 4f Aaf: IVl'Keah • County shall.. make no•••• • ritipckse.oliled;:,havo goner forth to give yeast : At toikithd hkirtlihih••,and . :even • lits De v il ',•10r.t0 . ; end now •Vre art LAO to give' some Kanay, alleviate, " sone: degree theliteondition. .• • ; I' r • • • Pohaps can' riptserye tbe•iase better .1114n' by lubluitting.the f4llowine communication: • ' • -..:PtyLarkisLPut'A, Itrarch, Ist 1807 SA:Romer:Sixth a nd .%Vainut'Stredti.. TCi PORNFOltril Ithe,F f xecotive committee of the. Great Cen; trall'Ar t 7itVaid of the . Uni.led-htittes' Sanitary Corinmilisior,.6:pa airipOwered me to' ppoinf such Climmitteie4e I may ftlitemindioinits, in order to aniiirt gictive;co•oP !ra rion• ld.theTritate:Sehoo)s. of the 'St atO.ol Penn•yi - ianialth ,, thespolleetion prPparatio'n t 'ides for sale, or for Soldiers'. or Sett men's .n se, 'to 'be exhibted or disposed Ofa t: the Gr . east : Lent• taLratr, , te . .tield. early in : Jane next, in ' the thiiCeity4,; , ,ttirsuasit.t6 the,duty thus devoted up/trant'.;lizhive appointed yon as:one , of that Corrtmittee represent . loar county,: in the •Piiblie , Settcipl.Peparlment. If you hee . .fit to 'extend yatir , exertions bry.iind.thim spechtl up. poiritspent; , the greater will Ile the good'proLlic.- . : Ad ':etarnesty, to entreat that yen pro. aennhis.subjact to the et tentirin - of :all pupils lit any Wise•within the.scope- Of your jarisdic• tied rbearing• in mind, that the iiiose..in . fienif tO those braVe trien who havejeft,t heir houses and . families.. Buil, gon. forth,„tov'enilure the • perils apil.tirivatiOns 'Ol a spialieriletile,,tilat, we might, lie , prciteeted in Oitii'properlief..and that par National ti'Vtkneirtpight.,lae,preseryeil, • 04,0*erppowe'rec.1., to take •suieh measures wiitin,you,ispunty•as you may, think best cal. eul . atiad:to aecttrelactiv4y.of pupils in the cause raPattit.le:l6 me, from time to tirne',..your sue.. eeaa-r-And;here..,let roe sagest . hat, if.the head of each!jappeof t was.apecially designated by you its.otie ot.yoer Committee,; to haVe the diate.supervisorof the same it . would etintri; 1.1.114ia Jalige4o t.s o..uceess. • Whenever. box orpickge:,is:reaily, let. it,befOrwardedaccotil. inct,p,nit'dfrentionif herein giVen. '. • Pleiakcause,ihe circular en thin sheet .io `be ndk reiduilf your ; erbor4, end to.do th e favor toAcknowledge Atm, Feceipt ; of. this letter.. yery, reepeftiony Sc , yotirs, r:, ' • • , • aeds!.. •• t • • • EDWA RDSI-I . IPPEN: gbitrarienof bomatimee on. Private and•Pitb'- lie'Seti*q. , , • . • •:lkfo.rmrii t rdirtg inntributions; please to. ob etrYtt.:o4,4ollcrating,diiectierts: . , • Asli•aiierk• ,eacb, box,; : packate or bundle , 1410 11 i 1 •1.,." • • ••••: • .'• •- • • •.• • ',I.4;;PIPFA'ID,.SEITP.PE.N, • • . School committee, • Great`_ Warebouse, • w.; Ph iladellihia. }2ti r last onevorner !nark ydur name and calm . • ilbSead.bi. Eipiess or railro,ad.Coropany, or - private:baud; bat do• not .! rep gy Ogrgac , • f.,aditig Or. receipt frowthetsgipreett ,Of 'FLA ilroall.Compapy, and skit* Hat op,rticlee, together . with the doner's maiatia:•A- .; • t&L.liet4all:Contributinno.he forwarded, so as ..tonbetioliverett.et the., Warehouse in, Philattel , Plidit4h . yforelhe:4lteetith day oflilay—the ear-, Itair; th e 4.41!;ei ••• • • , • r...r,44;- Litt: each :tlrlicle-ibe• 'labelled or ',marked wink reationable abut. „. , , . . ° .,2;llofalltsuary,:bMr; , parect cm package be well ';iud iifuril put Up ,' and qmiontenta",carefully :REVIEW OE THE WEEK . . warliews : the present ireek 18 p :in con pitrienn ' wit 4 ipast weekly:.riippris 'since the, ppening%cif thrE.war, r;1 . ne..g . reat. ' importance'o :rumors, of . .iitroveistelits,'+ corm - visa the whole. To be sure',llath 'aildhwourie.s tire the.lni:iarjahle eon ccinditants'of eA 7 V.i : ;calfair," h weyer' tanfin its prilitary, : result.q.but the people have' hecome'sa.well'oectistotneil tci the thislructieto orlife and the mutilation of humanity. through thri'metliiiin of iyirro hat:they care : little or thi;lgoittless , iracrei'ed,,for h.sses;.and_rrgreat, tittlp,i.eillriting•lists, of killed and o wontleil; .14 tne .noir thitigi Which cat exci•e.lheir rfier! . st altentiSit:: : Happy we are:uttable'lii : fitiiiiii . a.fsensatioPPcif that soft. .AlMot.ten..thcotsand' efAteti.vo troortS been added' to Cimeral.,Thayer's command route for Texas, nittl tinder. Oeneral Stenleonoving•in 'Mother diection in - Arknitsailll'frorn3o,ooo to 35;000. Ottrilet'flOtlenns ce s rinikrldetit - ening that „ the 13:M briitple ;a heing .ei'nenated by' thn! "na -0001 11.000; und . that.n'inneral concentration !oiforees.is . .l.dting.made io General Hatik'i Goleta - 1 'Gold occupied his:time nt 'Fattris Monroe:on Friday in visting itie•fort,ifications 'and. reviewing enure' or( the' ttoopi: . . .• A, bill will In reported : rit•frw tin ys .consOl i Ant iriz:4llthn" nit tllit . r . y, regiinriits 'tke rrrmy into eor.pl,:lo..l)4:compa ded 'by 4 . .miljo r•get'e- it 1118Uppcmed thdl General: W. F.Smith will wiper 104 Biitler•nt, Fooress Monroe. • It is aiinotincpii tiinf Gpniqal Biii , ll is to mom.; rriaq-the A•r! . 111, , 61 I.)ie Gikri , y(tVs: - Nitg• Nl'Cook Crittemlen t tsreivtork, and.•Syi o•s have beeei 'ortleriM. to lerpri. 'to'. Generdl man. • • . . . . . It is saitl:hat JOhnsrin . aerikdery e With Jetlaa thce.cate• . opinion in the wherein he that the Presiifent she; she;l retain the power to to.summarily disiniss otlioers of rho, - army an I and iia'vy; the Senute Commit tee •bar e reported* ail vesely to the bfll, t.a king . ..lrorif, tbe i'resulent sn'eh!poWor... - ••..y, • , , • The. portion rif County, Kentaelry,., was' destroyed by fire .. .on Pollard!! ' , Southern 11islnry of the, Aver* 11,1(1101 tither boolcs . based southern inform.. .1 ion - have been seized by. the Provost•niarshal , The diode is l a nddinDecatie.State Central. Committee, have, made their enrhinittions for state officers, a lecting. George ,11. Browneof 91odeester, for goveinor,: „ • , A (Colloid is. being Tad- , to prociir e ti e.post • ponement - of. the June )2.4publiean cariveniion. nrttil: , Atigtist • pr'Sept ember, t rion4 n ench a entirae:will - ilimfuidi.the chances of -111 r.. Litteoln'snorriiiiii lion. . • • ; French, war st eatrie,Cs are daily expected •at• the tniPith' of the f in.Glande forlhe pirrpose•pr onattack.hpon rrni taniorar. • Gori Privy prnelaitni his' intention oftoirina t•helield against the Valleys. • The'peppls'a re transferring their ent• ton in foreign ships, in' order to save it from the . . . . . Ci):"INECTICTIT ELECTI9Nc.—As was. folly ex ..- pectin!, the. election hi Coiteecttviit lis'At one egiticist . the D'oinoerntg—a risult. • whictl his hardly her fl - 11011 I) tNI ? R illi•f! ihe • result of the iS!,ew kja mpihi re Clee t ton hag-been frini..vit. ..l'he Democ re 1. of Ce:iinecticut',. however, hove iriaile. e noble fight lig ! ilthq 'the coon:110os . :Wye/If ,, ees their i,iiinnentsargiiirei.l:by the !in , . sc:rori'ilotts use of gpvc,rpmetit powe'r.anil patron- '.(tount Johtianne.,. 'the • Tim riot Andprnphet predicted, prei•li 111..rrnade lnit ni...tht 'in tlio.Coop , r-ln , limor, that i 1 S 4re.• tiny Sewn ri.(l4l.nnt . httmbly upnlnt . tize to the French Einpetor fer the resnlittion . ..pasged in. 'the. House lest .'lllorth y,' in ninety days . the' tralithe raw er9 rif lb: oh world ‘rotil.l..i . e— . : engilite the t.net hitt n vithieder.ney . . 'Lei See ve tary Se watd .hehr and heed. , Ch'ililrert .and look 'norneti !hes siry thin2s . • thnt . even. W . lse men In think oven' • • . " The' rprefi a . n rlection was anne . th - routth .j!i" 111;try.tarv1.•ye4te'rilay. Baltimore', •a s pro-slavery a by as ffieli . rtintictiTlll.ll ashy far y.o,j vo t es atr.Airp,l vi , condittonal,',9llCDrfl• rprisated einA nripal inn. !.I'll . o. it,;uini , s.of Mary will lie fre.(l., no' emit ihe . I y pople, of 141 DlCClelau 'Mnaus - traitor! at. Itltaca [Fon. waat.a] . . •, • • . reIIACA; N. Y:,...kpr.t1"2 This evening mieurred 'in this. v Mag.- . en: in- cidenft hal not, only Snrprised, bait it : drifted eve• ty friend . ,of his country 'here: .- • About B iechiek iii the •evening,',R . liiilolphs• .M'Clellan ban were treating the moving path linto.sione of heir mtagnitieenC music,: on the corner of Seneca...and Ting a; Streets.... Ale age number 'of people; attruet.4l, lay the "harMony, soot) mitheieal around (be , pet filimer2; In 'a Short time the throng tiepin swell more and' more, u.ntil 'an 'immense crowd .hail assembled, throOiiing Hls streets.; and . hlneking. op the avenues in the, „The Town 111all.stands on .the carnet 'of the above .s.treets,•antl:'when. the:band. struck •rip“ Hall to the 'Chief," anal. .had therie went. up !tree:deafening cheersflor' 111"Clellan, Then it 'was that yotee' . from, the' crowd.' was heaidi '4 , 1.,et. ire fOrio a .MTlellan Club, here arid now ; ? , ..rn l i i i 'inthe talk;'' all'gn lit;" :11aa!! our !wank" Mat burst-libm . linnalreds•ot throats. another rousing there fur "the tnamthat..we love." •At tliis.monierit'thi door's of the oldall swung open; the:gas suit out:ns..by +lndira a tontnerat •the great , hall crowded to its attino“ cap !c- . ity..The Meeting was Organized by the ehiuce of is temporary chairman and secretary: A . itorp'mitiee.of two from . ..each wart 'was appOint e4 10 - Cepor t a Meeting on Thursday n-xt per-. mtinent officers of the Club" of lihaeat.alstioa committ e e was. Made to ,report ,spristituiiiin and'resolutions. •.• •• ' • From.t his-xpoiltaneura gathering you will hear. lororie of the jettge'st.and.'most efficient voikittgl, organizationS springing:that will he. sta'rteal , in the.' western'part. of the' state• to_ aid, a good Catise'.•• :The meet in . gi was-addressed by several gentlemen 'vVillt.epirit find g'rea't :effect,lanal .t he !.14an' that We love" woe •stking 'with -applause, by.itennf ? .tho celebrated.' ' or pack be sent, Bradford,' -ssic,h and land .a box. ours, h ale io act !as ihe means let the crezt Sanitary the tree- AS . ATTACK 071 TUE etiOTVS S/0- 10ek'whipi'vrith head erect - ,with honrst,'penple niiriglei ; ;ShOuld Cent=e to shave his :frilow•men 'go% Shaving shin2les. •• • - .The i lawyer Woulci be better. off, his consci ence,far iess,pliatit;.who-:owneil a liitic farm in .fee;ntitilinatte,that fatmliis client. • 1 We haye . seme 'lecture in our midst, whos'e taiWatithey. should nse; by practicing the- heal = sag heeling beoti and shOes.. ' ..•. moralminister;. whose sago advice . , a • useful teachesothituld'tnind had watch ai well as prilyvartst pieties what he preaches. Tholatti.ltiot Case in.Pikelosing p - . Preyiots Pardon--Aboljtiorii.o3 . .-4bove the LOR—peinperats*Fiarewarted;..... :Our;reciders are...generally •aWare (kit .thr ygOitg men o:t curiv,eos v or Pike . ;Aowriship, - .were tried 'intl. iinvicted of a .char ge.o.-Riot thelantb!fy . .,Vrit of :the' Qttuiti , r ..oessions - ot. this'eounty - ,, - and tir . et their' nerrlene'e ficisli poried until--thii.M.Steh-Terrni . • They, %%0,1 deelitied)o Bak any: I biog . - about the rneritsi the cafe j -for .the. ,riroemr •thikult.pal prnicee;:ipgs.had .npt yet- term.ipated: This , hislory 'of thec ane .11 about ,this l'he . Domocrats held a ijleeting nt Gorerensville . the Afternoon previous' to the hist 'October elec., t.ion.:, In - evening: oh iiiirr . •day .11 figlir'innir: place bo 1.V . 0 ell George -and. A Iderrna ii returti'ed'eddier. sidio had :been• Gettysburg,' ._No r v.idence relating to his affair setis permitted to bc. giveti o the - ti tell prefer to stifle the fart. It. lias - iot been - eharg, that this affair - W.:6 son - ;;ht by Blootri.• Ailoorn . ,-AviTh I . os . tvif. ! , irides disr.jut, hont 9 o'elorizoinil imniertiatP ty"drier put I iniz his'boric's, red lied to bed. , Soinetiine nct'Siqwnr'll he vva s: it/on - sea from shirnbern. ti' n 'demand for nilrniminee; when' t he, it'indows north-4ns neeouirbiiii,i . d . li7ilh dischariie of .firt;.aer:oß; to . t i ininineot da niti;r - at' ihe •T he children; kis jilleged, Imvinglieen severely : in-' foiled by ti Idor (root'. a stone. Mrs: Pippin, in her fright or 'gni ret.feindow,. nail eel:dourled for help.' This ill:milt-41 the neinlibrlts; n whose - npproach t lenving' n ling of leniliers and a. can' ol'inr, In. 'testily as to the real piirlinse el-their noetuiunl- . . . , ..ParisborM-Pyles and tv . ere..tirrenfril, 1,0n4 over; and 111tiniatloy .11'1 , 41 itiitt eonvieted an nboV , e - slated. EVerrlititiele Ivan; give,n fln ilet.mitantn, ' , hie'' , trial.. No. !Tort • . tv , an inadelo them t6N, most triltilti of jhe timjoryi won roiripo'seti of men of tollpiirtiOsv tri men, oti2hr hi I; hit I'h:6 purpose of prevent , ing pirtidity in the Ver . iiii.r.oi . .the jitst. r!rt:e - v; c4ni:ge9'ng.ifost. h fall s to the orohl f. • , Jp.l;:te T,ltur left tict, h, . his c se. of -a 1ve,... 1 1ct 3'4 e t 0 .. the. , l4 , ooLo.ti''ree(Wfll.lAlPe 10 e-' 4l ' efin dnue,Orllait•iVef called up, whet;. the ile.rendetits' 'cowlvel pre-, . s . ctit at, I , u - t . pa N , UM . flou iGuy. Cur:lth:, •• there•vca.. not. -apattiel,! of: doubt. as to . the toil! of a: least' ftio* , t.. the p a rdon ernht aes. ivholethree.ol them , Ain] lay this say.; to Aboll tinb..fri,..fids, of, ukas-lay owl molt Dotroceats nett their aiHlfa,mili.p,..lo! he O'niriinent Blnger of . the,lives'of their sviv;s und chihlren, 6,1 - 11t.4 roy th:?ir . pro pertY;ms mcyou think'. they deserye..atol to your hearts' vtitst -nt, will .48 long its I am. tinor Cat yen:lov I wall , heep yon hut rfniess from th , ;,penalit les of the pl,tin.hjeir of th - ts out ra,t,eaus :act of ex,.rto ire- intorposopn. ..)11(1.riow, .haye to stfy' to y Y ou here 'ha VI / notice. thm you 'can expert no iitst ice. at .1.11,!..band5,01: the clvil courts itiititutrol (Or 3;oor,prOtectibn,-it your as,:ailant:lielrUilts TO: 4 different fsehoOl„ot ruilit les.. We exhort yoo:to•be.rnore 't hap over obse! Vani ot the' la wf . ,!tivit •no •,off-oire;, conitoil in assauls; hot: elefeffil-yoUV'riA4c, your, prim ciples and youir - inat,h44o;—anil , i 4;4, if . 'yoiCorp 11$;4110i1,CIthl.r in yeu'r percori, font ratnkly, rr . yiwr pil o t.; ni . ,,niber ',Flfed I lie' rv4i . rit /a'lll, , ce et:qr./14U a , iac r . ol, :will a, ffurd you . ;In BOTH SIDES OP THE PICI'IIRE, now` of the (3 . volite'ntgornents 'of Lb! ,Trilmut tutatnst Coneynl whin not tetttlL . Faroe baaites.. slander, .is to thr-efiret that all•the copp..rhootk, peace tnen,-aint'senti•st;yes itronist.•nish•to 5.0 Alia , rreQiiienl•• If it tin t .anythinit partiett'attli phi -etiiitinfile '..any 'op posit ion:p ,per the i rribiiiir quotes. it anti then ex'cliti,ne; .1 riomploot rj•.y "TiLit . . r ia r e ! • (or orA tot) w •onport fn rt be' prein : iletTry,•!' a. ..if that provea unj thing again s t. the otject 'of it.. di likr. • : . • ict lis 17,i/ii;;;ii is so' Gina of predi a.tingevil of nie.n . rolitlote ht -, e'att.io of 1110. , : rxitentionable ,peopti tytio 1114inn-i.e . , to 'Fi-wort him, it can not ol.j.t;t ent'ttii•it2. a.small list of . t1)11..(1:ff. t;rent ,cln . sips • who will .ineyittilily[ ; Fttioart its eainittlate for . the Sti here noes: • • . • . . .• 1. All . 1 anafics froin M•iin, C9lif7.inifi: . .. , 2. F:very . blasp!letnirig inflict anl:a , lieist. in , 3 - , :The: filth 'prai'lic:ers of the.' doctrine of mi , Cpy...hai.lhh; l' V . .' ry - rine pt I hen. •.. . 4. Ee..ert' idle, iind di-snitoe' ne!tin; • . . -. 5.. All t'ie khooldy coo r.ortnrc— , he, vnl , nirs (en on 'the . wit,sre*Eirid the- atntr,. ' , 7. Tile great" - Err), •t•tt ception . :. ' . . 8. All the Foectllittrrs:nntl eionrrinnerq . wi•o. nrN ;ohniilg, tip . prices the exponea, of the. -D. mep 'Who pn,y poor sewing *nrrien 4tarvn , inn price. I,r wni nn.nririv. ninth big:, This list might it will the Tribfine like this sppliention of- t itS .•, • '.• An n(licnr'i" tinsar , Pil in t ; r rorent tictitrs as •lollaws.to a reintiv; iiY thi's city: .•• .• • • • ' , (r.have - hrullryiy font shpt . off 'and 'troy 'arm!, tin rt Ire, all ;far. &biz js f jeJizat d m „Psi mill %cal ianuentioh Abe Lincoln' hdd in :Porida," • • • . • . . •, • . MARRIED. . • • At the M. E. P.O.~Onnee. in Smethporf, on. the evpriin.u:of . Afrial .31 1861. by the,Rev.'L. A. Sie . v.ens, Mr. Da , :tr.t; Acta: jr.... t;l6 Mk JOANNA CHAPIN, 0:1 of Keating !aw ry : hip..." . BENNETT HOUSE comtnedioushause • is hoW p'utt in the very best order: 'The'rooms are reeeivini new Watts new. paper, Si paint,'' Proltriefor , does riot hesitate to gyarantee.hii guests;:a etran and. hie table will be at all times .furnithed; with the besi.the markete afford. st,obicr. ." • A large.. and tpncious r.ei is • well 'supplied with a cboiee_supply 'of irnported:toinitt, :Liqu orit•land eigati; arid good order pervails.• 'Two. Urge 'Baum are conni , eted %t'ith' the house 'end well tilled; with oats igr. straw, . and Hootiknows how to eare'Tor Horses. Come and see us and be well treatcii.• IV. P. GOODWIN. ernettiport Apsil 1864. , ,ITNIVEIisA.L. CLOT.iIIS- WIONGOI. N. 7 , Large,Fpmily. iVririger; . .$lO,OO Nop.2,.Mptlium! '.• 7-,00 sc sc . , ' •5;50 8, Lire [Tool .• • . ' 14,00 . . . . No. 18, - Medium Laundry'j to rbn steam t No. 22, Litege" or bund 30;00 . . • 3:11a:v no. Coggse All • others 'No .2 . !s Oe'sfie geueridly used :in private Oniiige Build of 111 . e..Arrjer,icn A.gricoltOii.st UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. . ttA child 'ran readily *tvr•ing : out,a •eloffies.M ia*fesv•mintiteS.. Jr is ;to reality a. CLOFIIES.SAyEw 'A TINIE.SAVE.I2!•ii MI It . REM4TFISAVER! The itmving of•garineiits alone . per ventage on tht..t.i;sl. .We think the roaehine : milidi,inore : than . PAYS TOR ITSELF EVERY YEAR in the'saving :tartuftil , !• . Th'ete are several kinds, liearty it• likeln general constroetiOn, but Vve.eor.Side'r it important that the Veriliger.'he;fittedwith.Coits,' piliiirwise a mass'of •mcmentsmay elogthe.roll• e't 7 , nail thr rollersopon the eiapk shaft elij inul tettrih..elothe,tor tfie . rublier break loose limit the •Our iti.Sin is one of ,the first malce;'anil is as' goOit as nets• after nearly LOUR 'YEA RS' : CONTA NT USE."' • • . Every Wringer with Cog Ntrleels Is. Warranted . • in • , . • ovary Particular. • NO WRINGERGAN• BE •bURABDE.WITH OUT cog-wt-EF.J. . 'A .vii.i?.l.oAlsVASSEß:wanfed iii eery town. O. On Receipt .of •t he: pri6,,e'frbm.:olac,;g tii h t •re t..ti-onty 'is =riling, send For pit r circo)ars address •,R. C. IiROWNING, - ;310 l3roadu•ay , AND BURN! arid BurnH , E. , ... hal: . ck; a . n q 139 (ri 11 . I 'This Is the life of ti - go..y endareilby the sit!. fever (tett', rever • an."Awie. lIN ounde'rs like, an oneertain elLadir.v; neyeri know inj; what mo'T 7 ,",—nt he may be pi °sirs tn.!, ainl therelo • re . incjine;, tiive . any . setious attention to by , i, iipss. This the 'coiol:' , ion of thousands. .in triwn and sotititry., Jr i's noexaiera lion to say Lhat Fever tir!d - A vie kills • more 't ban any . tyventy:nili • er • cliseases in lea . • For •iire . nod Spedyi'tLire of this terrible P Lake ureat. IllerßoLo in r • eenminsittlitit! HOS• T UTERS STOMACH BIT.T FRS, whirl) haye nlienlly a, wide Li q 'trillion for . ropia 'm i d pa ,vertul.elrerisin.sletioytaing system pro;irated,hythis • Vol . sale 11' Druviits and deafer, generally, , . - coN t.44;seil oNs AND EXPERIENCE -it• OF A NERVOUS' YOUNG A N....-Pah• lish.ed as a ,warningantl•tor the especial. benpfir. of you'll , . men, Buie .1 . 11053,..P . iyi1n suffer -i.i'ithNca. vous . DEnit.lTY, T.oss MEAOItY. PItEMATiTitE DE . 0,l V, 44....;.'5iCF ~' by. pit. who has' cured him . - sirvple means, alter being. 1'1)4 to great ~ . .)Crwrce. and, i 011Vf II ienev; • through the..us..or worthless by learitnil.Doc, rus'. Single t'Opies . may lie bad (tree) ,01 . . the author, C. •A. LA M BERT.. Eig y Giee'nroiot Long enehmint; no achlie - ed 'l , lvelnpe,. Ad rrqiS CI.I A Li, ES A. LA . N.I RERT, [ANC; •I,y.i.AND,. New . • Yurk, . . ' 50 . T,1). I i-:,P,S IN. '4_' . l:l E: A il:M;I:. AND - OUR PEOPLE AT: HOME nre,,Kow offered an oppornnity 'by :which 'they en ohiniiCa • • • ~ • • GOOD AND DURABLE TIME-PIECE, VERY LOW'IrIG 'ORE WARRANTED TO KEEP TIME ONE YEAR AND Vi t . DUPED IS ALLOWED TII E PR) V.ILE:q.QF EkANIINATION D . Plori.Pa . y;liiitt is ni,jui,ed "DUPLEX I 1 FULL Pit BY- ACTJOAS. ••• ."- A first Oass siVver elPk'n - Ilse . plaied ' IS b. I..i'il; ,. mtisTiliirobly . wroug . hi, Moltiiitt the hill:a il-it' so foolileSs that it cannel dcloCieil•froM solid moretiol ,tiy the. most • enc-rienced ,Iges; acids •will not affect it. London .151.;ksix . 111.1. Vk . cION, aims SW..ep . sei:dods, arid is milli) he . ek: in•gcncro I .iiprieora Tllll9 v• one of the tiesT nitTict.na ever offered. lot Carol sirliculaiiirs.. ESIONE'. F:MEGRANTS, I ti roSiNs . .Tenvr:Litra, will find them seriritir alteratien' of climate will riot fit -1,1 their. ' aceuracy. , Price,.pOcked . in good. iiie-anil rood ronnii?T orier,,•enly,s3s, or:co se ,16 (or $9.00., • , . • 11,V1?.11.DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LEV lIEST' QUALITY SILVER' CASES,' over , . .t. I i•-11electro—frne::plated.181c.' gold; similar to . 41141 Imenovars Duer.vic,arl superior adjusted ement witil•t , stiv ? " to he sused' iti turnins .. to 114• s, etc.;' has Form Isnarcris for Wishiogten Green wicti time; sweep SecOmi, and all the povcmenls. All iii all, f tak4ng,its-beatititul utiltlex, appearance and' its superior move ri: tit into consideration, we'regard- it as deci—, the'che4riest article of 'the - .kind in 'ibe 'nal . het. Price, in good running order, $3•2, or r.s.‘s of Olfor $2OO. • .1 1 . 0- ,We ask rio pay - in advance, but will for— ts:old either of them to 'resphirsible 'Parties, tai any part Of the. lo\rul States, with -bill psy - able • expresman I,4beer' the goods are 'dellveridi :2' . ving 'the .bnyert he'prii4ilege :of: exa mina] inn, 4 : 41 it' aot Setrafrictorysha watch can be rut urn our.eicpense.- • : I'llo express cohintinies rettfie melting collec• It onsOldiera and othor parties in the dislok• at Wutet, eensyqttenq all such ortlefs'must he .i'• •otnpanied liy. the cash to ,insure attention 6ttelre a dednetion of two dollar+ on either %% telt when the paymenrie forwarded 'in : • lorney: maybe sent 'by exprees at our eX— THOS. CAFFERTY & CO., 9 and 05 Broad St., oppineite Ciiy Bank, Providence R.'l . _ [AMOR'!" ANT TO I:A bits:L-111.‘ thIVEY7B OisiSsis - PtiLs have neiter, yet' failed ikt.'terno,v= thkt frOth obitrukion, or ktop : . Ogg of attire,.Or iii restoring the 'aYatirri to perfect he:elth•Wheri - sittferini from Spitfal A PC firms, Prolapses,. Uteri, the Whaes,.: or, ogler weakness Ot . l:he U!erine OigtaWs:' The . Pillattie rperlectly•harmlesi on the.corktit'utionlend may 'be.titcati by .th; imist female : without causinitlisfress--4he'ieme time ihey.aet Bike a strengthening, invienratin . e. end . re , st.rinit a yaieni to'a , :healthy . cond!fion,.entl2 by.bringink on th.e iminihly l.t . rra . d • taa'mat Ter o N% h , arcause't he the nti , ; • qt however, Istpt.be•talten.cluritnz Or:futir toonthae g . l pp.n.arick,'thotigh safe tit any Other' Jima, as i'liKarriatew6llld..be'fifit .result. . . box- eari!aills . 6o Pii•Ce•S.ll'.:••• DtseaSes of cii rt'itt.te, I.lar'rifro•ss, Sterilityi Riipioultietioii, and 'A bust.= of Aatore, and eiriphitiealllt.the Dailies' Private Medical Ativ"istk,..a pamphlet or ...61.pages, sent .fiee' to, ririy.addrrss. Six cents reipiitiell to pity' post— 'Toe Pills.nnd honk be sent sealed, urpl prqmid, by , J. BRVAN..II; Groet,dl' A;;ent, ' No. 76 cedar street-,.N 1 ' 1)11i. 117 . .§e1d by ;11 . 1 . .t . , dritgAzists. - ' IicisTE . T.TERs CELEBRATED ST OMAC H R.I:TT::E.R:S: , . . .',Pore and rol.i.erfadTordn,..enrreetiva, :10 al• e. taf6ativ of wondnif;nl efficacy STOMACH, LIVER.AND: BOWELS. Qurri -Dyspepsia, Liver, Complain?, Fleadarhe Grnerul Nery.ousnys, Depre;Signrif :pipits, Crinslipatina;, Culir, interrnirteht FeVers,Cru.nps and Spiisrns;truil:ulrC-om pidirrrs:ol either Sur;•il risina 'from i!y:Writkness whe ther inlieerrut , • . ,I,ll . e'sysre,rn nr prociticeri•lv ape, ial ..Folbin g that is not wh.oleSbine,venial and te• ..:toratie,e 'wits na-to', e ,o,terc iiitri tfie•roroposi .lkm of HoSTETTEmsSIOMACII,I3ITTF.RS. This P o pul a r preparation b'oot . disk no mineral n o deadly botaniraf e!et r Ow ; no (*toryexcitant:. hit it k •einphination: of the ext raets•of r a re.bal s amielerbs•ar,lplaots the p u rest and mildest, of all It is %veil . to be forearmed against:*.diseasit, and, sp. fir is the humor] System can be wotect .ed byltionan meons againi roaledies•engemtleit arritnwhOlesotne at tirosphere, impirro yva tei other extertitel citoses,llOSTETltlZ'S 13ITT•Efi may bc relied on pc a safeguard... in jittricts%l;;lestod with ‘ 'Fever ant Ague, it has becofoortti l ot ;‘lllble.ait a • preventive nnri ireesistible 'as it remet.'y•atid IhoOscnds Whn.re— . sort to it .udder apprelifins:im'or ary.tittack Cape.•tlig.sanorge;. an!l th o li sti „tufs Who ner,lect to a vail -themselvet Of• its prote..!ive les in advance, are cured by a..vety brie: course of thir triaixelcus 'medicine. riivef and A Pil ttents, .aftcr dieing •pltc'd with • qui'aine . . J-r months; iii. (Or) , s,aturatt•tl . with that dangerous allzaloill,"a ..nnt „Jinfreglielfly restored, to health within it tar days:l4ll/i. us! , of.I.IOST : ETTEII'Sj3Ij`TFIZtii •• The v.-eak stornach'israpidlyinvi'grated a R.l tLe'op'petite'restortol'hy'.t agreeable Ton;e, and hence %yolks AvOrolers in cases of Dispep• conllinie4 fOrriis of Ecyf ?gest nil!. Acting os•a' gentle and pa:rnPs Opfn , rient,, as well d's upon the liVer, 'it ai,o .invo;iably rr lieves:the ,COnstipa fat ion svpo regillar action of„thc digestive and sectetivv.nr. .Pe,rsons of . feeble hiMit, to,Nfrooui : A t tacks, LOwness of Spirits atitl.Ftts of litogtair; lintl . ,proMpt , :aat!.perrnartem relief' Porn lit!! s; Thit I e'st imony,oti .this: point iSfrtm.t conclusive, and from both . • . Billions,'Colic,is iror . inliately o.iisuagiid by q. single 110.e' qt the sOrillilatit;anil by ciecasigna)ly ifesort . in2• to it ,:tre re,Lorn tit thi , coniplaint • • • • . _ _ . • As.O General •Totiie;...IIOSTETTER'S 'II.IT TERS . .troduce mint be i•t:ecl ai.‘yiroessr.il b'efOre ihoy.cark prer.iated, In.cases'Ol.C6iistitzttio6;ll•l%'eakqess, Prprritrre - ,lle'ray•aml lode tiri in_ from.oll.Age; rt.l..owit,'!s. In the roiti , af.•srtuit S'froe, of all . (li* , riises.ii•opPraids . u4 a ddlgh I It'tfro.tkr.poiv . ers.of ti;lior,.! t . ehtx - ell., it o pi...iatesN, 0.11,1,11ce e:stit!lish them. :Last.hut not I , t, it is-Th, , 01.!y,S.aft- I in"' hot, I . ),..io . a . riploofac iroo)•spood mitt into coolis mntrrialp, u t entiplly 11'PP morn or loss•in-ull'th,. of (qr.. : .iy.tonirS and tomarbii.s.ot farni;y:rio.tlieiiie has-hr , o, so . universally 'nod; it mi,y . 'ho truly athirol;llll.•elk;i!dty pOliuhi with .I!jr partici,' of the :coom;unity as HOSTETT.ER'S. Prepiii•ed BQSTETTER & S:I,IITH, Pitts • Sold 11olt Druggists, Grocers and Stdrekuep. era Cverywhete. • . ' • FINILE, &I.N.ON!S . •••: SEWING .MACHINES. • Thesi•Marhines . : make the loe - e- eiß P eh IICP •im hot h.eides, and use i P. 55 11,ati.kii!rtte,threai, anal sills that : the single . or double:: ths !ad : St itch Mo . (' h Meg do; •wW . I-le in , 6 4 (tmr Cord, Braid, Bind, 4;e., and are heiter than any other,Sewiog - Machines in use to the frequent changes and gieat, variety. - of. sewifir required iii a family, fur .the.y will sets' orr' one to twenty. thicknesses niAlarseilles without steriping, and goalie every stitch:pet:feet, ar horn the, imestgatize•to the . heaviest beityei hot even*: the S . totitest' harness • leather, 'without ehanging . .the teed, needle; or tension, or indkin.e . aoy.atijiistmentrif Ilfachine whatevOri ! They are simple in,,eoestritetion;•anit.ensily ' understood;'and it any part is broken ,by acci. o..nt, it is inadOy.r.fTillefa: '• These are peculiar (wets, and will 2n hirth r to dekermine the chniee of anyjntelligerq, . . PLEASE CALL AND Ex AMINE . , OE SEND FOR CI COLAS.. N. B. Local Agents wanted in sections nit yet occupied. Addre . ss,, , •. PINKLE & LYON . 13. N. co., No. 4113 IiIittADWAY. NEW:YORIC. 11-Et'AMBOLD'S GI N LUNE. PP ErARATIQNS . , -OM fiOUND. FLUID.EXTE.ACT.BUCIIV,' Positive und,Shectt c'RPmedy'lorditeeasei ..of" the' vel, : an& Dropsical I.llos itic . rens?s the power df,Diges.: lion 10 , 1 excite' tite.AbsorberitsArito-.hertlthy 11 - 6. tior); hich t he - %1.. a t'ery or Cplca.r ,, ciui ilepo sitlitts,.afid ohnt . tiyal, ..F;olitygmf nt 'sere' ' re= du'oett, as well as Pai l! 'att.! ltifluglitt ipt; ' • • .. . . • . ...._, .___., . . . : .114E1...31BOLD , S1 , ..iiTRACT JEITICHti.." .. .Foi - lVeiiJcileses nri.titig i 1116) I.;x'c'esse , i,Llab., i ts p ropi s , l pii!iciii; y.:iinli, liidisire'j lob 61 Abuse, ial tei,ele it W , iIII Ih . , liiliiitv.ii.i&symiliiin.;::_.: • .-: I t . ,disiicii.ii ici6.to_Erre'r ion,' .. : ; t..c;t: , : - .4 Pi,%ei;r,' 1,,,, 1 i.i i i Mi . ;inory; .: ' tialiciil6 - , oi. preialltilti, .IVi.;,k•Nervt..s,-. • : .: • •..- ~ Triiiildiu4., .. . ... .. . . . . , Ilini or 61:Dison“iy - .• . , • ' . . IVidielidlievi, .1 Pain . in [Nit Mt Itaqs, • •.. o f th,i• y ss. 611 Iv akin Y, ilul ( u'nti uyi,nci hildn.ved v9.'nn,.i% h'eb !his .16vat LIO):•r.;roo . voc; noirl•!lu c& 111 . PcIT, Cr: . 1 , 12 ATI . - hi 'op!. of ii ! s - 1 ul 11 , ,y .f . x1).1,?•• •- At'h" II ut ihilj.l , l. .11 ' 0 110( 61,q.511: ‘ : 1 I y•f01; loss ecl b)i hor•,.' •,1.)1Q2' • • • • “INSANI l'Y A D . 00.r.c:41iP:rtp..N." • 11. iiy ale award ut.the DCT HONG W1 . 1:,L.,C0N1;E5,9:111 . E . ynqoy.v?; CF: THE And fiebr at!.ph• to 1110 . 1, - 11011 01.11 o; . . I'heCin riPntinn ti('! ell.et.p .1 with • ;i .-01 to I t.. I h.• Sys' prn,. . NVidch 10.1CliU la - 111 co.n.triii.6ll.ll,'.,,:vc:st.slieritieal I•'T.3LILCS---1 MALI!S---PEMILES o. rn 11 r.y A ll . 't'tffl lr. pecilliitr .10 11 , 11141 P-3 OP! F.XTI:AC (..310Orps:,s uI . I . :t.re.von..lrie,.. , 'Olority, Cal-IogtRTY Uleer'Attql , slit• iit thit for All r'nrripirkotts arHirP!..lrpoi io ; ti,cretirin it Dirsijlmion; . . DI.',CLINE OR OIiANO . E OF ,LTVI, T . dize-no nr • 11; , (licine , for nni loa.ant s 'andtho.f.i«trins ., ll.iiQoA; 1 . 11 rCT Buctir A Ni) PROVED LOSE WASH (117 RES.• . • - SECRET DISEASE'S • • •• • In all • AI 111 E . Nrlf) , P Link!' Or no uftnn2r.;rl P . nt • So.inconetlienee An i jio..Expo'srlP.... • .-* •It wit! s e,a 'id gives sfri . iiia.St rici,trr o . bra, allaying ncl 'ln 11 .1 m .so r Ili., class of diiiias,s, c siii rx, ellill alt Di4paspil and wnriiou Thtol/Sdilik ti.lol:iaptiti 1! holicivfli,een the of. riti , l* who hay..'li id:l'ieavy fees 'to be cured_ tn, a shell found they has:tix t use of Povi-ertlll been :dried the spstt.tri, ie'liretil,:*o'itt in tin . ted fel tni and' . ===l nEhmcoc's It:key !Nem; for thin! , rt.to!.tikt.ase t Ircyli.lllNAßY ts'ne•fiter i...xistii4; to MALE or . FE.NIA from. origins thug aria. nt? 'flatter s . .1.);.. ,,, a , •rs of tlipse.T.):4anc r,e t tiiros toe Rid of EXIT:Sc . :T:I3U— * CHU la 'irt-;E GREAT Di URE I ant - hi ce'r• tail t o have kfort • hi .. all Phsea.ses• .for ,wfih•it it:in I,cm,:.tite.n(l,ll. • E....it:knee H' the rrit-i4t rettable and. il.ponti. 7 elm rajti.f mitt) iecon:p,i.ny , tirr unetlittine'. ' . . . . Price, 5.1.00 per bottle's ! or Six for Sr! ! 00.• • nelid:red to ;toy 4..i-:§s, S7,te.tli:i:ly pad:ed trOrri ohseiNat ion. Describp .s,yraptoin's in ail Communientiqng . , Cnrrs Giprantred ' 'r' 41:tiv9ve Gratis • , Adilress tn,r, inlprmation to ' 1111 13.. - 110,:\ 1 - 30.1.0,.e1epi4t• South Tenth bo.,Cilestoot, 1!„11,.. I) , pnt. - P.11..D Drii;i rot 'Cil.binica.lll',lreknule fig} ninaaNv g y Yoik 111:',1VA riaOF.COLINTERF . EI: AYD uN- PjINCIPLEU' DE,‘ Won r•udravor ti "of their ovvii".anil Ilic rej,iitat iqn alitaino , l 6p Prt:parations. . ]:::,iact•Cnit:ii . {V.'slt %%11.; , <•:.: • A •ic.for noCPlwr •- .s:TioN AND. SPECIFIC4II.I.6 . —:-WAntiANTlit.tm 1" . 0..0e!.. N. t.itr• l'a.l to I of o.•e.se4t-.! Are t itert‘,.o . elo..eg . .;•nt. diet- lewd. edl. net. inter(, o •,, , t, C, •:ttylet .' used . .wit 11.. pt (leteet.o. Ulits.ll,l of 9..00 rure4 in pri-.1 month •—orip of I turn veir s;er . ere Over one hordised tilivs.iriar ! s hose. irt•il * therm in . ..their et,titely regp.t.olde, arid hatirtless nn thesystrm. II umireds.of : crtltli -cittes van , , • .are -tire • htieinan..anti only eenrtine :41)er - in.. fill. 'They are opl or and .Ih . e . out t. reliattle . reint.dy (or efE•et lee a ti ,.. rotanent.. ant' !Fierily CUTE' in of Spe,,rteltoi [ h. a, or, ierninil.Weal.tiess. with a,ll its !lain of euclt .14 Utetimil and V.utioal 0 schti . tt t t• F ,Giprt, Nivitly or 1nv(46!10, - y ineriotinetirr... Genital I).tlolity.s.l.lllll.9,lliility; Impateitery St'.thliPe:s or I..tss of Power, Ner— vous Debility . ..B.ra., &e., all-of wirteh asi , e prin• 5ex0 . ..1 Excesses Or Sett Abuse, or • sortie cnnslitrrttonal tler.tnsettiitot, rind itt,copte itie..? the S tiffe'rer from the ilkies of toarrietl lift, fo.alf cliSetlSeS.'os .Dtittor— rhea, (.11.t, nod St rir t . res,". of tli.e . .l3ladder and Kidney. they r;et a. it charm Reliel is.esporie . ored. by taltittg . si • Sold by all PrieriPsl itra:.;sic . tsy IPitee $l. ' , . . . . 7 . l)ri ivill.bc sent by inail., u secrely' .Fealed, and n confidentially, on roco;ot, of flip Toney . ; by; .1.• BRYAN, M. D , N'0.70 cel iir .si r eo, New'Yotic. - Consulting.Physii.ian for iha.treatmeot ol Sem , inal, Urianiy, Fie . i . l/?1 ;61(1 N , l'VPilg Di s ceases, ...who - trill send„•lree:fri all, th.;•rollOwing val noble woik:insPnled. erliFt' i nP^i • • • ' Tne Pr. riliatt TonosmvoDtz... TELL'S• TREATIA. ho Seir , Alloo',.Preonatore — lX.eity, Imptitertee and lOss of Power, Sf.Xlial Seminal Erni , sinnß;.genita . Pehility, pitmphtet of. 6I pifzeig cotitninitig- impoi :id vice to the . niftietect nrul-Whlrlt should he ientl by every sofTerey,.ns the in . etnf at. eui ret in the iet;eret singes is•plain. : ly set required . to pay poit.• age, '• • ' nlOssyl, • : :Po .!roiott't;ti 1 c'ef
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers