eis • .. r. - I A. 1-4, '/ . ‘:, • , 1 ~ • „,:, . , gletuocrqt EA:r 111111 AY ;SI 011.N1 NO , C OVIATT, 'KEAN COUNTY,. PA., NEP. 41 - 14.7f0,10 ,Q,17A1111 'a .00 in Advance . 1 15 Oft .•. CO '1) 00 •%. .• 1:2 00 ,0 above rates. pe : or eight lines non rtrt'll is 1;e t!ii,tly nal.rel r3ivritorn. "NL ZiPTIO:inCeS . tn hi' Public d !,tock IL* Bak v. r;: \' , .;?i at.. Cfrel• • . ..• the iatiar that) •at firE.t EcTloNirti - rs, NUTS, r..Esi:„ .1 , ..-c..; & , ,c. -.- i - ,vrve , li . i.2:ol'Llyr.,.. Oth,n' tiu•ir on;lge cOinpiain;eitto:r 09 . . to .7.1., \VORDEN - 1.1/ iLiet •,..,..”4-:•••1 • I,,3••int•: - .; •• • ' YA . ..c.0' , 2 . ,•. • ip . ....\:-..r - E-T., CU ft, l'",! IE it. Co., Pa T.‘.l at !irie Alio.'Nortlieril 4(1 reims . 3lvatija to lir , city • •••••. : • L li !,a Boon leased by . tl - . e.. PENNsytNANIA R. thOr apoiint§ is beivg . tl!irov4,ll-not-iri r- 1 I .F71 .. 1)1 11,2 CrStZ).l ; , r) r.. 11:1)„ 3.r..~ rrsi; l`li~:i~ Siill)i',•;; c.l ivt. a 11a o:. L.' L.,: I TI ~'. i'l' l l . 1 j.' ~~~ 1... ~ ~. MEM op. ~igil :', F 4 xi i . vilsr Gy ..:'L::;.1C::.~ =ME '•i hryl'n;;,.. • • ••• • •i*J .1il••y . ttt •in,; ,the firj - .: .. Z. MRS. oil OOD, I.cn'.?, '*C EMNIII=N= • li or l',V,ll.9ftr'sz , expr9h,l3" for Tife in ty It rt.,),,tie,Coi. and .!ter, ic-rel- =EMI • q. ,01 10., , hity, ',vat 's,‘lQcto I r,ll:,.bik7C:nt ert: 101' Peelol.4l nt•'lirn .: shun d.l proeurre4 at flit ele't • lilo. why., 'MI,. r.proolurre-I:,A!pr thel. Talus. • werded its iu pap. r Ikt , i q• •1 :very per teed line, 'vith the 'money' prvir 1p0;;In rurl not nnriles thnnoy.iSixty aoll.trs,) is re.- forteardea ' ,V Vr.A.N . O $ :4 00 0 011 12 00 !i! 110 irf The Lnily's nt! 3.00 Attu in remit_ t it annual' we lay,. on their paiiiii•ro. , Kpq'ii OM: Mow' p.. 3 tllt: frr iLx 't.lay he , e9rnpo,ll erxr.lit• y or th e papor a ut partlyvq. it 'premium unity 1.11, .either nun per al . n.:ip4 bi .11iTe o'o f. Tne POO Aept, ON & PETERSON, AVM nulSt. • • - :-° . ADMItTISTRATORS NOTIC . E. • - ...Whpreics .101, era •,ot , admiciStration to the Estate Vookuus,. late Of li.eating. toynOii),-dec . gasett, .haye been' gCaniCti to the. persOns: indebted to 1 t he . .said .F.ta'te'arwre,iitiCated , to make .iromodinte Pay 'arid - meta., • d . tli4C having claims or. dromi,ds' rt;rncis - t the Estate cf said • Derielc Voorhes, inakeicLoWn•the same,‘cit hop.? Delay 16.. • . , . • :.. • A :J..0t7.0% • • . • " 'AUG UST US • DAY, • . • 'Fiumefs 'Vairey - . Dec; 21-1863: . • • COURT PROCLAMATION. 71 . 1.ERdt:AS.'-the Eon., Robekt O. White V V 'PresMaktt judg6 and the Hong. - Dar: ling and N. - Peabody AS'SOCI of :the Courts of gym . &if 'Terminer OM Ge . nakal:- . .Tait, DedivaiT, Q'u'arter' Sessions of the Peaaa, Or phans' and COort of - COMmoo Pleas far thoCoboty isatad;thafrpreoeflt itt4ring chat mfridait, the, twentY.seyakili day of Vat itary, in tha year' of our" Lord 011 . 1! thou,: hundkad arid sixty-four; and to me -dii - kteted, Jot. hOltlit4 . n , Court of Oyer : "and Tdiminet: anit Gel:e rat) . Deliyeiyi Qom - ter, ors=ions of the Peacc;', .and, Court of • Com Mon . the • Itortiugli . bf :'3inatimdit, on Minilay, • t Ite . 27tlr day-. of Julie next: and to contin u e one week, ••• Notice i therefore hereby given.to the Cpro- . Juices of the Peace' ailif:.confal);(ts within 0.19 county, that, they be then a pin lore iiiitheit'proper person's, 'at' 10 .6'clock m. , of qid day,. with tlnAr rolls; record., illquisitions,. 'examinations, and other remetnbiairces.A do thos , ;•thifrgi which.their offices appertain to.he chtne. • And tifos'e who a rtiliourd by their yet : 'octizances to Prosecol e't he prisonerstiiat are . or 'shall'be s in the jail of said couniy • nf 11PICean, ale to be 'then and there to prOsecute against thorn tiv.will"be•:just... • • - • ' Bated at Sincit liport, this sth, iinit'of...)lirich, 15,54, and the • 67th year of the iCiiiipcid erice of the United States of America.: . A . LILLTBIIID6t,..§(,r;V: E:ceciitor's Sale •. The undersigned Exectitor . .pt the J . :slaterof Jaenes ll'aylor,deoeased.latO yip Sfeße.an County Feurisyli•ania.;•%lYill liy vendure, -to the highest biddeni:all the, per— property,,hf Said decedent, ponsistirig 'partot Hons'ehold',lllut : piture:l'urning utensils, W4got•s; Sleighs,llarnoss' (3r'ain &c;, on the rueil'i.ises, on Weilncsdaol4.3oth dayOPAlarch, at ten &clads:. A. M. ~• •' • A. N. TAYLOR, •txecutor. •::•ilinethrort, March 11th, 186 . 4.. -1864. PHILADELPHIA ' ANI) ERIE AIL= no',v iluo 'lor Pas , ,vrrg(.tr i; , ..,w-ss 11'011 • 11,+nin , 11611.G .to I:otroiti+ i. 'the F.P.s:erh D:vis• :irol from Stii . :Fi'li:t.D.loF.tir.,'(7S on • • . ''• • • TAME 61 . PA TaXiNs AT rmronium.. • • • ' •• . 3,10 P. M I;.lil2* . i)i , r.%51:'Nr.:r.1: T.P.A INS NT 31',1 12 P. C S Lracr,;.ll'vstward ~;;,: «=, . ,~-.:~a:~,.. , , . • . . . , BiOtitnilre an'd Lock 51,t11!1`NG op.trains mot, artd and P6iladrlphia.. . irifiirtnaticp Pa.,sietigar.blisi fiesc.aPPli' at. the S. F.. Corarr.llrli and A ifilfor: bit6inoss. of !hci Coblpany,';.; • • ' . S.. Kin;:5(011. Cur , 13th ' at d ' . Erio.. • • 11.•13.,.Baltiinorf , • llousTos: • • • • • • ("en A. Phink; - L. Nor r, • • •• . • •• Ce;ril - 'riga Ag:'4 Plal:c1; • en:l .11;wagery Trill iivitspnlif ii 6, es CA' ,K 3, . . . E. "Corner of .Tenth and Chestnut Streets P LA 1 7 .) . E1,1'11. UA • - t-Nack ;a!ia,:%l:l;,;.l(i}:3lF:NT L. -FA IRB A NKS .fit, • -for the. last foot' years Prtneipal, arol chief Lust nossmariatzer of Brtr.v. , ..t . kF.TrzArros's* Coni meicial College. ..• . ..-MODEL ISCSrSESS'COLLEGE, Conducted on a KW sy'tem of Actual Business Training', through the estaldishment Of legit i— inlite'Offices and (...oenting,4lhuses;representing . different departments of Trade and Coinmerce, and regular Banic'olDenosite and rssue,:giv . :- ing:t he. student all . the advantages of . aetu'al practlce, andmitalifying him in the s hortest possihle time and Most: e . ffective mawr, for tlin viirioas duties and employments of qiusiness The Crinr.le nt instructions in4lieri4ololical Denartmentninbrnrei Book .keeping, conitner 7 cis! C%alciilations, Lect tires on Busin?ss Affairs, Pointriangilip; Coinmekcinl • Law, Forms, ,Cor— respondence, &C; , • .131.7SINESS DEPAITT3IE7iT ihr.'s adept enters upon'the'Grailunting;.Course, which iiiCitles a continuation of the above.sto• with' their practical np'plication.in ell their ..,.. ..,..,...... . ...:, .... :,......: ... -.. ft~ . , , • . • ~. , • • - . .. . .. • • , • • . •..• 4 , i, - • 7';' ' : , ,s l j: ~ , • -• ....: - . . • .• . 3 - • ' • . ••••. • . • • • • ••• . .. -• • , „ • • . • • • , . . • . • . . .. • . •' .. • • ' ._ . .. • • • • ' • • . • • • '• • • . . • •.•• _ • , • . . • • • . • • • .' ' • • . • . . . • . •'•'•• • ' • . ' . ' • . • • . . • . . ,51V0faIIPQRPIt, ..M'fiE.AINICQUNTY . ,, PA.;- . :. 5. ATV. RDAY;'41 -1 110,4., i...'1,564 details. Ile will:in turn-fill-the positionol A counlaut-tintlPipprietor in' f . intents 'or . neta Trdfl Porwar tl• ,in7i .Tiil!biyedii;l Aranwfitreitrinyy, ~ and will aches Bp9Z. 'keel* (lint Tel. hir in ths.Thhik, in eac • lt'ol - which positions *preiciiii knowledge will be put' to the :fullest practical test. • . .• This•ins.itirtionoffers to young men 'numei do's rirlyan'.4ges riot posSessed by h'nS , .. other corn. mecciarcollege . iii . the State... It is complete in &flits iiPphiiitmcnts. It is the onlylnstitutiio In the Stare conducted on.aetpal Inismeis prin ciples. the conrseof instruction is tmsurpasii• ed, and mily. be completed In.about one hi l lf timelusully'sPent in , other. instittrtions, sin CM,: sequence cif an entirely, new' arrangeinent,.atid .the adription of the new practical system. • • Diplortias awartleirripon the cOmplet inn of ih ConimerciatCericse, which embracei all exci•tp the .higher sets of Briokirr,s;, './ 1 / a ntrifacorting, • . Senci.foi a Circular. • .10m6; ..: 4414] .T - _ ALB OED .s. : ..:: GE.N:uINE PittrAltATlsi)NS ••CONITIOUT) V.T.:I7jI)•EXTRACI',I3UCII"3, PosiliVo'apd Bprcrlic Remegy:lor . trogoils'eq. of the EldOiler,"KolOrys.,.Gravvl; . . and Dro-psin'ol. This iilloilicineiiicreases fho poiver.Of Digos .tion,.arul,Nritc. the A liso'rbeot slot° hy arc ion,iby. which ihe‘yrikry or Calcare'noi.defio-: Sitions, and Unnatural Eillar'groonts fire . • dii 3 eLi, stall as Puitrand Inhumation. I(E . L;ITBOLD'S. hNTRAC.T RCCIIC . . For IVettkitesEOs arising, opt' Excesses, Ifob ite Otint's.:tp,ttion, attended with the following syronion - f..... Indisposition to Exertion, ..Loss of Power, i,o s s, of )leniory, . of Breathing, w ea k. Nyri:OF • Horrhr,ot • Dimnss of ViiiOrt, Pain iii the Back,. Univertil Loettutle of theMO-c'ttlar • Hot . Hands. Flushing of the Body,: Dryncs of the eruptions on.the Pallid Conith,nance. • . • These symptoms, it nitoweil to gci this mt , (ticiiie'ini•Ltribly rseoioves,'Foop.follc4s 1311'01T.NCY;• twis, . . one, of wbieb . t Pjitient In u y expirer„ IVlin can s'ay.'t bat they are'e9i trequenily fol 441.1.! by 'thee.'4 , pirettil ; AND.GON6UMPTION." Many nre..n . ware' of the eanse'o( their . . .. , . .. j Pg , '• . .. '. ' ....... PCT NONC WILL.00::11.:SS TUE RECOIILt OE:T11,11.1 And. inniancliolly deaths by consumption bear 6111 We svit tese.to the Thith ofthe: assertion.... • The .Cons'titiition',once eflede.il vjtli Urizituie. Wciakness... tiquires tile all of to. Stfoneflion and 'witty - irate the Sys'iopl, , • 11'hic't,HEI:MBOLD'S ExT.RAcr Li tie inva, . t E:ke pt ica 1: tu;llA.Lr.s;--FILII.ILES,-'7'FEMALES..:. . . pi,colior -to 'leinnal,s .111 e. F t vritAc."r iootionled fr:re , jmiiioiy, SorpresipiCof I,Tlc . r.ited 'or' S.citihnipc..,tiit, bf ar,t - r.li Nyllitoq.. S.te'r for krhiqiiej. DF:t'I,;.NE OR' CIL.; NGE. 01'..LIVE 2:11 P. M 6:1 1 1 A . 31 . morn )!of eory, or Irr H.ELIII9r..E ' S CT . 11 trN. - 0 (.7 ...A PRO V Ft) WASH( ' • • SECRILT• DISE.S..S FS• • , ' •. • • in a ll i-,ii , :Statu-s, httic Eklippe 'no cilonv. , e in. Di, t. Nn•inconvenience Fr•c4ocosi l (r quoit , lesire.arl.v.iFes'Etren:!th to I....rinato,..tfiere6y O'toructio . Os.; .Prt , yewlirgionl Curir.2 Slricniracal (no Lirtid a, Pain . aiof IntLimallon. so lr . rotwnti iu witl4 - •q)(....11ing all Po'ionotis• Disras, , (l and wornOot..V.lt ter. • ' • •• I.loim tl i on , and:s who have been the victim= ui.Qa:tck:, arid whn haVe p,id hiiiivy lecs to be., edied i, a ithinit time, have lotind they 'wee and thrtt'the,oPOlS,Oti" POvturiul A.st rin.stenß.,"..been up in the syoe.in, to break . ouldn• iiggrUva-': ter! tutu), airtipei ha pi afte r Marriage., • • . . •Use• 11E6173010s fOr . QII.II Ire ti on disease of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE or EEM A LE t:roin, whattWer'e . ause originating and no maiter. how . LONG STAIN:DIG. , . ..I)k . vrives of these Organs regnirev. the aidk of a DI unE:ric;H . F.E.ABOL'SV.,XTRACT 1315-: Cliii is TEIE - Grkh:AT 1)113 . fkc,,.and cer tain In have the.ilesired eff.i.c . t, in . all Diseases' for tvilieh it is reconiniCiiticd. . , F,stitteimp nf•the most reliutile .MM ntsponsi character trill accompany the medicine. • • Price. $.1 . 1:..00 pr;r bottl6 or riLi 'for sii.oo ' Delivered rd a fly Address,'§eeprely packed from • obscrehticin . . ' • • .. ' . . . . . . .Doscribo Symptonis in nil Cornmunicritions,. Cnips Vinrantrvtl.: Advlci•.Gratis : A tltlrt;sg•lor iolorroation to • 1 - 1,. i1...111/E.M.8 . 01.,D, - Chemist: . 10.1 South Tetith•st., bel. Chestnut, 11ELM1101.1)'S Medicalllebot:•,' Drutc ate! Cllbtriie'al Warehouse • 591 Broiid wa'y.New York. • • WARD OF COUNYERREITS AND' UR". PRINCIPLP:I) DEALERS who einleovor, to dispose cool their ciwn" aniktothor'!.aritOle . .s . on the reinitation.atiaineit by . •• : lielt : nbolirs genuine Peepariitions. • , . , . Exilat% Buolni. • , • • " - • • ' ' -Improved Rosel' Wash.. ;-• . . .. Sold by.oll Druggists Everywhe•re. • .. 6 1.f>le forlielmbold's,•• • , • . •Talce.uo CLtilcr ' Cut out the Advortir,ement:litul send for it. • .. AND . A vniii . 4if.oi.:lTioN .60'Exrosullm... TG CONSIINPHVES . . . . Consumptive sufferers %Vill,receive a val , uable preiciirition 'foi th . e. ..cure - '.of. (Consumption, A sthina,•Bionchitis; and. al! - Throat and Lung affeetions,(free of eharge,) by: sending their address to. . . - -,. .. ' ' Rev. .E. A. WILSON; . • ', ••• William;bii.rgh,' ••' • .F.ingg CA.,'New York n0 . ..1::xp,)!.;11 . r, 'LETTER PROM A DYING WIPE. . . The_fplldtving . triest. touching firigtrient.•of a let tee,from a, dying Wlfe •to her c htisband was found samtl unenflis..attbr, her death, be . -* tween the leaves of n jeli4iiies volume 'which slfe:.Wes. v(4y . • touir:of pertwieg,,' .The, letter; 'which was with tear marks, was writt.en lor'g before her husband was aware that - the.g rasp of fatal disease had fastened tip• on the lovely: o f ,his wife; who.died. at - the „ . . eally . age.ol nineteea:—•. , 'When . thcs•shall.reach yner eye., dear George, some (14 - , Wheri,you are turning , ever the relies Of the past,.l shall have, passed away. tprever, and the cold,,white . • stone will Ike •keeping ito lonely watch:overthe I ps you have so Olen pressed; .and the be green .that• shall hide forever:from your sight the . dust of one who husAleitlefl'cinoe to - your warrn,bieost:,. For:man'ylong and 'leepless, nightS, orlien nll but. my thonghts were at 'rest . ....l hive wrestled with the Consciousness ofnpriroaching d~rith, until at last it han . toyced itself upon mk mind:-and . all hoinih to :you and to others. it 'May now seem but the nefvetisjrnagining_of,ii •gii I, yet,' dear Geinge, it .is Many. weary nights have I Passed in the iintleavOi to reiln ei.le.Myseli to .leaOing , you, •whom I. love well, rind -this: bright world of *stinshine - 'arid • and' bard indeed it. is •to stiiiggle 'on with the sor?i'conviCtion that nm..alinnt , to leave all . iorev:er and down jilt() the ,dark valley'. "But Ilinowlu - ,whorml bare .. believed, and•leaning 'on bib 'arm .1. lest no•evil.":' '•• , • . . Po riot' Wcore - me for keeping all ..this :from yoi: • •HoW:c'ocrid.l subject yeti, of alt7athers, to such sorrow tis l feel at .when-lithe will make it apparent to-you!. tiave wished to.live.ir ly t o lie lit:ylifir 'side when the'time slrrll come and Pillowing.- year - head upon s my In en st 'Wipe the death dude r frem your. brow rind tither your: depatring Nriritinto 'Alultrit's presence, ithiltalmed woman's boll . But it is unt to be—a - nd l.suhmit. Yours it rho prit'ilego of watching. through 'lring)treary nights, for spiritls final .flight,. and ..of transferring my.sitilting head froth your breakt to my SayteurN,hthonl.• And yon shall - Share thly.lnstrthitightLand the last faint pressure 'of the hqnd and the Inst feehle kiss shalllM - yours and even Whenflesli and heart shall have tail oil me, my. eyes. shall rekt 'on y outs until glazed by death,-and - our, spirits' shall Mild one 1;10 communion until gently faded from' my view —the last .Of earth—ymishallmingle . with the . first bright glimpse . or the Unfailing glorieS ore le'tter•worlit, where partings are unknown.—. IVrll du I I:nioiv.the spot, dear 'George, here• .ydu will lay me:, Often We's.too . .l by the place, arid•a'S.we' watched. the 'mellow 'sunset - glanced in rthiseting•flash'eS thrriugh the leaves burr iahrd the mound around us with stripes or.burthstied.gold,.eadi per - lops; has thOnght 'that sornedaYione . of us.itimulit corne.nlorte, - . whichever itrnigitt he, your Milne troll l•be. the :Mime. • rillt:Wejoyell'ibi. Spilt fltid krthW von loi.e it none' the less whethyou 'see the same qiiiet sunlight linger thul I,l4.altionk toe' grass . that , :grows:oyer know yen it ill go there - . and my spirit. will be 'with you then', - :and whirth . e.r . a mong : the'' ing'branuyes;, , il,'arn not„liist;.fitti gor:e . before." NAPuLEON'S BRAVERY . . . . . -.. AT the 'first rumor of the emperor's 'return. to .C.Miniro t tile, the•AustriaM army, as if...s!.iv.if ,',.iiii., pa ot ait t ir,Sruele - itaine,lnol retreated. Vs ..very,ro.l.l from tl.mwalls, of 1-'.iris : •tis. Jar ' at, l TioYes'ond ild9ii:' Tile Eiiipi‘i• of Austria. 1-1.. , ... for ot.being sorronioleal,..even iii. the midst . l i 'of hi,.tioapcumk 'Mop; at Dion.' A lexa . tb.it - .MO the tr.. tf. it Pt ussialiml got beyond 'l'ioyis... Tl . “'" s'-' s ""Jelt!nst- Mat!iiifvorg the ilaneer' I k y the Tr.:Mory i!i' so piano"lforrrier ileterits; and. i lea i tut oti. ...n., re iiil h e very heart. of Franee, ivloch:haii tal!en gills sOe'r. app.ir mit lava . . ty 'into their 11 ., nols:agiet,:, to send. the.r 'resrctive Iplenipmentra. ies it th C'ongress • riT Chi) rillon, 'the'rumr . .pip‘sin . ; 4 bist runt iooS to efEtet a: peace. the eitTr(o - . Mot 1 iineht • notie.e of 't - he , e, ."teryois . ha.cioild , ha Ve i:,!fi , ( l b peace on n Euro-, 'Peon hats, at the moment that his own empr f? W!t. I, A ; rig: bent . a hi:, fret bilt , lie'was iitiniraol, 0 1, tht`fr.f..:4l ,, m)..d, On his owropart,at, the nimis cs erowilimt, ithveai mw.- him, he retreq , il to 'wards Arciasur:.l - ur,e, where lie unexpectedly ennie in mintact . Wit b tre . .arrov of Scliwattzen-• burg. ....V..an , , , ,iiinark ciiine;(ilitied, tinettpect eirly. . to hour getiorn Isl. bet tYvee'n, the Prowl!: and .., iistr . lanc: - Napnleen' tomr:lrt at - 'haiOrd, - without a ny other plan tban . . the •. neee-... - Fit."l of . • frltlit log, and . t!) . k?. reSolot ion to conquer : or:die. Ile, renewed in .this ar tiontliet iniincles of MM.- ery •anil.sanvit M.I of Loiri. and, .1 . 1iyoli;- and hi; youngest soldiers . 41.i.hed at the idea pf." , leser: ting-a chief who hazarled }mown life-with . stich invincible courage.' lie was' repeatedly seen - spurriaghis some to a eallopagaint the enemy' s . cannon, and.reappearing as. if' inaccessible to death; after the smoke had ,eva porn t ed... A live shell ha v ing . ,in lon in fiont of one Of his battal. lOriS,'which . reeniled and waver . ed. in expectation 'ol-the es - plosion - Napoleon, to, re.41.511 - e rhetri. spur:v(l his chartier towards the "instrument of diqt ruetion.' Made him smelt thermion ~ tmar-c-h-i-wait wait eirtinShakeir for the. explosioni and was blown on. rolling in the dust with leis mutrloted . steed, one lking without a -wound; amidst the plaudits of his soldiers, kt Calmly'fleninded another !prise. and cobtimied to brave the 2rape• shoe; and 4 . 0 fly into tke thiav , st of the battle. Ms' L. , tiriril at lenvli arrived, and restored the fortune of the day. ••• . ' "; '. . . . . Woili:ON,Y PLAY roil •Nrarchns.—.All the bandi iii New fork reftised- to play at .the :pre- Sonfation of -flag to •n 'negro regiment, and 'the tuanag,ers of the affair had to send to GOV 'ernoipS Island -and obtain a'eoveinment hand. Dr. -Tyng•made a speech nt :Cobrier: fire. Tuesday eening,,in which-he denounced the bawls •as eta. set, of. low-born drivtling foreigners." • • . :TngErriperor ofTran . ce, rays hissoldiers in American gold. Fonr.millions of dollarshaye ju=t arrived. in France for the pnrpog.e.-- , L0 . i43. ;411,1.Dentoeriit. • • . That l is more than our government does. • It pays its, sOldiers .in . .depreciated :paper—paper that is worth 35 percent, less than gold. The vvernonent, has a large+ amount :of gold: on hand,' but initead.ot paying it : out to, the sol diers, sells it to the speiulationr in Wall street at' n great piemium! The gold-is : tor the holders of s.2o.bonds'and-for speculations, .white the army is obliged to'talce d?.Preciated paper.: . . • •... Payjng Dear for tlie . Whietie. • ' •-•The - War Inftween the North and the - South haq now beeivivaged for tbree'Years; We mire calledlinto the.seivice I,73s,ooosoldiers. We have' now in the lield.say . 000,000 Men: . ',There 'heve - been discharged; nn . account of cliinbility'aint.sickness, - together With, the des—, eitions, say 375,000. .This leaves . 900,000 men now . ilead'und-butied. • This 49 a liberal ealeulation.in .04'1:favor, (or irwe critild:reoch the exact 'IosS. in our'aitiny the totality of dedtlis would•nor fall sherrofli 'million or liVes. We .have stalen and freed,. froM.• tor, Jsbels; from, 75,000. to 100,000 'nestioesf.admis it to.bp - 100,. 000., This war;'from the beginning, has 'been a war for theiiherationof Southern slaves:from '•their. - owners; in the' intent of the .iiistigators;' tho Ugh it has.cfnly been-publiclfavOwed for the last two years: ;To say, nothing or the injiiry, losstinti critelty.tn . ninetceh,twentieths of the. poor. slaves, to say notbihg:of Abe . des.trin'tion, 1055.01nropert.yi demoralizaticin. of our 'nepit)a—. tionf, the untold mi"seri"es of .'the Wounded, ,and, Helfer' clown . conslifittions . of the ,ilfsehrirgeil: solilierv,lo any nothing cif nil thi* • imis to 1 . 116' body:politic, it:has cost the f.lnited,• Sidles . in debt,. entailed linoh futtire generatiohs, already: To stiin an the Brost, nmouni we.liave; :norc)er to: liberate: 100;000 . alay.etf, and make them worse off than they sere while. with their inaStera;crented.a debt of $3,000,..; 000,006;.and sacrificed the lives., of 000,000.0 f our. lelloW . eitir s edst Fr not 'this, in . the lan—, guage of the ;mutts! Ben' Frankiin, rrPei 100. nssit Pon TUE fioLbtetis AND Tnurg., Dovv.--Geperal liose• crans; at t'.* Louis; has issued an order 'relit- , ling to lireachesor the civil law 14y soliders..— It contains :the following heaclrable, like and statesman-like sentirrient, which 'rvoi.• ry,truiepatrint and, lover of law and order 'will heartily endorsee • • ' “011icers and . soldiers..ar'e reminded.- that theiC.ftinctions beieg tti . establish law and: jos.- lice against armed opposition ton„Strong, for the 'officers of the civil power; their' unifoirri be— comes a sacred badge,'and •,whoever, wearing. it r eorrirnifs:nr permits wrong : oi:.olitrage . to .perSonit pr.:property, Stains ahni • badge, and stabs the cauntrY.he professes serve;• Niili tary•power is a trust more:snereilland: honera ble than O truSt'ol proPerty., He who misuses this.poiser to gratily•oelenefit himself is more guilty and dishonOable't han the violators - 61 . peunicary trust... Impartial ,justicestrictest regard for the weak. 'end defenceless arethelefore.tije duty sanirtke..grciry: of the true,• patriotic seldier,'TheY arc, also, the marks •,of . true 'nobility.. and courage, while crueity and injustice are the' sure. badges..of baienesS• and coWardice:" . • . • Abolition Dictionary. . . . .Dllllll'B ncl exact jiistko to on men . ---,GovOn meilt sFitools In! runaway cOOtrabands, and soos fOr whitO•men two Appose ..•. Pc.Ce.,.c orpirwrce, , and honett. . , !al . ! for nlintitionism , cotton speculdtionp with bets, and liaii•ed.olall .ivho do .not 'bend' the iiPe.to Abrahain.the"first . . . . , . . . . . The sitppral:Of Stat . e , ;tovernment in all.their rigiits-Porcing. them to 'change their , form of ge - ver,nthent, sn that they have no. rights. .. ;-:.. .. • The preservation of the . General Government •-:tt,..ting:it . in. one man. , • . - ',..... . . • .', A,jenlno! care 'of the rie.hi:cif election--Bnr. leia.liir those who- vote abolittor,i;inbayonets . for thy,.... who don't.. ... - ' ,• 2 ..... . .. . . A.:rnild and soft correctiOn bt . abtizes L-Ofri• 'vial, pasit ion Jar' t hose wlia•rarler the govern rifent, and, halterc: for thase:.l.oo dn•r i tt.. '.': • : , A. well disciplined . ; 'tnilitiaL-:A'Vre.nch..con- •The supromncv of the civil over judges, nnil pial..ofeitizer.s . by.cnOrt. mortild; • • Eroniimy . f . xponses, A. lavish cxpr.r di inn oflbr. p o d ', .t ie. rind s in nvery-sile pai ?men!. nf•thr • • . . . . . . i., The . diffirsion or . infoirra . tionLL•Politie . n I prfai eberii, and nbnl it ion !mein, rtniftlieisnpriressiorf, of I)ernberivie ri6espipers. .. • - '• .' • ... 'Freedom of religion—l'hn' liberty of going to hear (Thirst' ignorea. and John grovi'n: glo,r- Freotiom of the pr'ess- - -A .muzitett.ecliinr of.persOq the protection .of the habeas egrinis —Tlic'Goildess, Librty.• • -------. ¢.i..--__-~---- , The Latelamisiana "Eleetion:": The truth is gredaally coming nut in regard . todhis - so-ciffed elqcrion„evco•frorn.• tratiop . .journali and rulministralion Partiiiins tlremsrl'ves.... The Netv York Horning Post (Aid , : dition)priblisheiFome•extraets from a pamPhlet, purpniting to havc,bcen written by a eiriien of Lnuisiafist and a "loyal mita," setting - forth his objections to the•rcelrletioii "bold on . the . 1121'. 101. - Ile says that the Stare officers • sahl ter have befen eleitell are - , rirohoilies without a Legislature. They cannot ever, rrlceilre galary, oaf Is , their !drier design.. Ol the two the Legislature . should come first," and, he asks, ‘ , try what organic law : will :hey be , offieers or. 'the State?" anti answers, 'shy thar,'any nice of whose plain provisions' is,violated to . Obtain this..electiOn." ' • . . . . The reader can see how. . btavely : tiricOln's plan of ~r econstrect lon'!. goes on in LouiSiana as wellns; in -Other States, his 'own partkans 'alone being the witnesses. •end. : judges. The pamphlet thns'criti.eises'the election and : the conduct of it.. •-• ,• ' , - - • . . • • ental law of bob thellnte,lStn tee , and the . State o f Lhutsiatia is tians,gressall.- The. safeguards to elections arc, hrokeo 'down hk, arbitary 'power, being neither nor free,lhey have no la wfuratithori.ty, nor, moral force.. There is no frec;dom of discussion, With: out - which.vOting: IS a farce. Of some. seven daily j Mrnals in this city, three or, foot' under canons influences' of pr ssitres Athrocato Abe: ticket of the Cernmanding - general„.which not cOnitnanA th 4 favorot respect of otie.tenth part of the 'genuine voting ;population iri this part of the State; while 'tint ore rays a word fortlie :two other ticlret4; which divide between 'theiry the..SVMpeihieS of. the rest ,of the - voters. It is notorious that 'the prelerenccsof the iniii tritridrninistration and its 'strong desires are made RnoWn'tin . mank Ways; abat its employees are 'expected' to 'vole sccordinglyt., that- . the electionjudges and oftiCers are appot ntedby it; tha 'return, will be paieed , upon by ft; that it *keel thelualificationitof thet a ll a . the;peOpl6 fe unttot its obialute power;: - and that there hhrtilk, ititio who, Is :not 'sfrit;t:riti iticor . ..itS . displeasure. • t • • ..: • Tht;:-wiitei . *ttity oicossity".ronhel such conductu "then thou( civil' , ggv!rnlmeitt.'", He save' further: . • , • • ;. illelo . notori.ons that the,. mender hoe not only (node linoNivp hia *ptefer. once of a certain ticket, but ars° in ninny way* discouraged nthsreniulaite9; lhat:he has' in- fluenced;warm;il-nini_overawed• :the:presq that hs has . threafgpod the'riti4ens in his prOciams a tiono and orders; and tht ouch . offivial, jcittrnale4. that lahorera etnnloynd' by tho. militars,,admik istration (and- trirtning rvgiy Inrge elu . ss.of.:vot- • ors) hovebefin - ordereil to anoint eCriain.parfy meetings, and nlVott to undoistand that. , .theit voting necordingly.", . . . _.. . , .Thesesin sitrio'lis chn'rEsS, ssys the Psi . !; old' It 'is'eleoristrSine . il tO'sdil !lit.:lire iepilited••by . mien ollton4:loinity,i in'N•ow.:Orltoris, in lettett .to their irje.nps at thei. North." The. eviElenCik is roni..lifsiv. that the farreye.Pstol?lishitig ilsit, gOvernmentili Louishiria, Ilyllie ommnotranif itinir,r 11ie.1 , 9 - ror of milititi.y . power,' lies 14ep ;mll . ..tett by Lincoln and Biinils,' ns. ii:ir ..ossite . . ... • • 'The l'oh• , says: t. 11., is . aignfid . ant that..the pain'phiet befoce hears neither the tiiime of its printer nor ifs publi4bef. It is complafned in•the letfers which' %%:'e. receiva, that matfett . like !bust?, of width it trauts . .chnnot .freely discussed New' Orkians without 4angir of eicpuision,frorn the '•:. ' • • GREELFIYFOR•TitErtIONT: IVis call attention to the •rerott -ono ther cedistpn of tho meeting . 'held :in 'Room No: 20, Cooper Institute, I 4 . 4 nit hl. to innugurete. the . .presiderilial:canynss'in 1101a4.:rte Generii.l . Free. rn6ft," . This . moyement . present's •sorne very signifier:lt ~foo TFI first it' Is • started' . earnest. nti-sdat;eii, ..Repnblleana whi,;(lo not hold elldee t and whose woolly 'cit.- cittnstances a re:stich that they do not:cere• for . any. In the next pince, ib was: distinctly . nouneed 'that General Freinont was . in the field MOO . fo 'OP Baltithoie con 've'otion; and, in thoi, third place,. Mr: . Horece. Greeley inade n speech in •in effect, announced his preference for " any other mart". in the'Reptiblican ranks rather•ihart:Mr, Lin; coin, lie viitited the friends of the' latter: not . rn attack as .it :leas possible shut they milthrile . ed his services 'before the canvass was overt•• • • All• this is ver y co . rions'end sugeestilie, Mr:Grectey, first distinctly rommitt,Whinoself to the, fordnnefs of Mr. Cll.lFg:, tit it turned.otit . tha; is n i t has!{-hone in 'creerilitiek w hile it is ee . rtSia et! ire.preriateirEpnbitcoes 'timation rri . •Thi, Comittel of the .iTrion no.to F(e'mOnt'suggests.iiity.'ahnounce,s an open ipi4 . the party.. Mr. Greeley may,' (14tecete 'bitterness and disenssion.. anon;. R epublicefte as flinch as he: pleeses;' it 4s-inev.itable.t that wit I, Vreinont in thh•ield as:a stump candidate' tigallost the nomineolthe . litne cuoyentlpn,ati intrinecine•war is certain. '• It lids puzzle what these people, ire,-draing at. .•Mr:. Lincoln has done every .thint they • ilslced him to do: It That hie privntely . 64.ll solicited to adopt simie measure , which is more thhn even he can stand. 'Can it s be of, dectlre• own plan" for sciiritfa a I.rte'r other: words, tniscee,.e,Otionl • .Gne of the Menke of lie:Frertiont' plaffrittry adopted last night,,An.' • sis t ripon.theah3ohile e y . intity the:mll4e Hurl bins: rae. ? s . before . the lidivsi,loolcs very like it. ..fielhis the •"ins.'• and..the ~d lys!' of- I lir llepnblYan. putty are • fairly et. will( elich Other, 'and: all. Ihs d eornocras. have to its is , io )(ink on .with', very 'much the.. sortio . feling•r,i rite old 'Women. 'did . dot ing..the fight betwden her . husbantl'encl the beOr.-IV, - WitAr Is A It I:AD firkrv:OF MOR Fi . NAN.CI:9.-7-110 Whgt , ingtoll eorresii9ndent.'of the eine inmiti 6'4:who trues ns foltuseitojtuit r;ibill A holiiion .Inurmil, in ,ri...ferenee' to enormnus exp.mees of the war an!!the.inerease in . our inthlie debt: ' .• • . . . . . . "Net lees . clakeici! .then.ike telly of euppoe• •inri itie . waypraerieally. ended,. ' the, other fofly 61,soripoiiriz iiiat we can it a. Icing .es on the moot extrev.aant 'end reeltlees system of ex'-• . pend in the kv.hele history...of Wf• in:rib! 640 to - -day one. ioldier who 'does riot cost On, ppe..way nr sine' her A riouble what any - n . ,r.tion, ancient or iriritlrn, ever,paid (or iis, soldiers liefefe. It, is h'very cheap ; style cif-r npol . ar!ty iieekingto . enset .. .ttiat are worth all. we' .pa'y for. them; but: wheh 'themselves; and their chil . dreh; come to•pay . :Mr the debt we nie..:in'rurring. the •answer may sot seem quite' so hay's.emlifect,.(l the war three yeare.--:. Tdr thellr.l its exposes .. were,in round ntim- bers..about $269;Q31.,000. For, the second it swelled to, SSSS pi37,0n0. For the . year nearly elo4ing it'. will fe,ot . 4) (including appriipti4tieneittready post and estimates to, abati.t . s92S, 439,000. On Otis expandiniz spate, very sippit - irritiMiet: ieel isles tyith shoW Logy long it will, take bankrupt the• nation. 'We r ar,rret .strain 'add . strain our finance's..without:. limit;, there 'lasi cortie a tirrie when with sore la Nir.a man. * • • x-gethfieers we - hee.in. to pay the Ilebta we are .. so lavishly.ir.rorring; or depreciate' our. honde.,—, . ~ . . A Irqatly Arr. Chase bits sent in his.earneat pro= test. Id. I hpcommit t eeS, and has notified thew that he will not undertake tOnieet the new and„ .eirof inereaiitni :demands ;upon .the Treinfury, :. .untess they. prompay inaugurate. a system 'of .. ' thorough and' unspa log tairation... -When , that. ~,. begins to ress . ov • bh6ll se whether ,detaa;- , ..:;, gugues will- still insist that from month ' ; iof;::. , . month the expeos s of the tsar shall be sWelled.'' . ; to more ; and More; exeiting . preportious.lign • '. mtleh'lnr what lice shead.Of us—in the.way of , ~ fighting and of paying of bi)lti.P ~ ; ;, , , , e,,,14V.4', 7%. Ttit NOTLnY CTZEW.—Tbri 'Veen"- mire" says there will be found arnimi:t he . , ministration InipPortera: . ev r erY shoddy ,Contitict. : or who has coined the'bloodpt our soldiers:9'3Ni gold fOr,hift pockets; evetkmen,who;beit':got4:.,: . . diseaie end .death in the — fOrtn every man who . cheat.ett, . . Gov,eipMen.t.:. out of its money in itelling'..muttitiofl:q.;*4) . : ;-. ships; steatribeets and. other foitefrie,l; . b , l"fis vote of heavy, wit h will be sli the voteri they''.dtn top*. intojoining them. : .; NO. 21.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers