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' 1 Y.1 4 , 4 ;•,,, ,r k , : ;1 4,t d. , „1 2, 1k t ';' ,, i :, • 1 ', ~' , „q :i.:••:, :; •, ' „.•.,,,, :•;.:,,.:•:' , , . : '•.: :1 , , `,...:,,,,....,,,,,,,,.: I .: :; . : !.: 1i. . , i ;;;?.„. .. . . ;3. , !,,,, ~ ,t i c •, ? . ; ,4 : . a. ' l': ' N'k ' h4 , ‘ ,- :,:, t-: :': ,. 4i: . k?'.'4,11 ~;*mt,:','., ; :, , 1, ,:a.IL - ~, , ',.A;j..r,v,. ' , . ,. .t..=..f- ' '..a,f . i.i. , ~.: : : ' . '' . .. - -i A ' 'i t ' : :4 , . .14;.:, ' , ;•kt ,4( . ' ....'; ~ '';- ..-- ' ', •'- -. •' ' • '' -- ' :-A.'—' , , -.' • ' ' -r. .. ~' . ... • • ~-,' .;'; . ~,, .:: 77 ~'.7,;, 4;' 4L. A.. 1 ,1-.4 . ' '.s•; 4 • • • 1 -' -',... ".7.1: -, •. , :••.1••• , / 4, . ',, a,..6e 4 ••. ir ,..'?• , -, - 9,• ~. :4Ay'l '' k; . 41, •?,' - .'J'ile , •4.• 'I . ;.-,•,' , ',...'•,*'`i .• : i '',V il:' l• , ' • ; 4,-. '' 1 4 1Vrcan CoitittnElnitacrat lIVI3ItY TIIIITMDAY NIWININO, • '' J:'s. By OVIATT; , WKRAN COUNTY, PA. • OPFIGE, .8. E.COPNEIt ote rinn4c'scitTAftm -• !$i 60 itc/layance , • .. Rites'. of 11.(1 . 4ris' yuiir ,1 ... .. 4 . . 4 • If• • .. . ...... . Otiefiquare.till2lined or. les4';ll iliserOvus„ .Bach is,ubseque,iit .. ..... 13,44ineakcnolii, . . . m Itsln.or gor e will liii - docirlii'llis alkive. rates. 'Tirolre lilies lirorioe type, or' iilght. :linos ' noupttreit, is fr , TlieeeTerinii will bo Strictly sdhered to. ill '• • pueblos clirectirl). BENNETT. HOUSE, netlwort,il , Ke:in.,Co.,Pr9Prielor ',—pppasito,tho'Coort ; A tiow, and well rurninlott house.' .„ • GEQ.,. H, 31-4solt, , . . . . . . - De4ler,io Stover, 'r.ih Ware, Joofutotot ore, itc., treet N. 'skin of :tho• Ptitdie.2qll...re, Sinet . ilprirt; Pa. Custeila '4:4ete'lliine to Order or the . lstiortest notion, and in - llip '. ''' moot dkamtatitlar mitniiiir.. . - .. . ' . : ...., . . • , .: DENTI9T . RY .. „ - . .., . . . .p.A. M., A: Ben 401m : would r . eepectfull,ZrA 'nnounce to tbe . ' ' intizeni of Sinetltport und vlidnify, flint he ill q. fitted up an office; and iu' peenared to e fiend to all business ' . In .11k . profeusion. Attifleful teeth' iniAried -urn. 'Ad eptille tudriclulcg, Anitun - tt to.preserve tlfuniau eat ex . pr'elii9u of tlie face, All operatinnAin bental.Surgery . done inn. skillful'. niannei . ' • r. • • •.• ,•' , . . ' lot A. J. ITOIIRSE . . . . . 'Doalei in Sto . vee, Tin {Pate, Jiippnned Wa:re.k D.' witm . 0111 inf . . the Pithlic '8411e,r0,. Hnietliport l'u„ elision work done to ()Met ontlir Fbortest notice, and In th most substantial manner... , .. • • . biEAS ROUSE, . . . , . . A. Piaui Peoprietor. Olean, N. Ir.:,' Omnibus runs , - to and front tlie.Nety York and Erie hail Iteatl. Stages ' faittipet.hport, and eirett . ' ' .'.' . • -, '; • HYDE ndpsE, P. / OitianD Psepriet9r. 111,10/ay, Pa.' This lintel is new and furnished in . trsalorn style, haaantple scene.- ', 'roodatimis, and it4,alirst Class lintel. •, • fitagtiay, Elk CO. Pa. May 2i ,1560 . ' . . .• ELDItEII HOTEL, . . . . . . . Jogs {Seta, Proprietor: . : Thin linage is aitnated .bal Way between - StnethpOrt and . Olean.. 'A, eooverden ' ma cotnmodious haus kattentive and obliging' attend , ants, and low prices..... • ' '.. " . Eldred,'Mayl7,l6l3o . ., , ~ . .. - 7 . : . . . . . . ' - A:' D. HAMLIN, ' ' sirferni; Draftsman *.convej-aiver*,-nna .Real ..Estitio Agent. - . Stnethnott, N1 2 1inan county,,Pa% , • • . WILLIAM Practical 'Mechanic: •Mill.wriglit,. ',..Pott Allegheny, 14'Ru:1n - county, Pa. ' ; •- - • ' L. BROWIii, • Ell DRAFTSMAN, 00NrliY A NO ETt- and Heal Estate Ant OMce, lyill!ainsvOu, Elk Co.; r,enn'a - • • '• - . Chopin 4: Boylo, EF,n!d., Hon I.`lionnts Strnthocl, W. S.: .Brownell, Hon. IVircox, . . . . • " • . CAB*ER •HOUSE' --• .. ! . . .. . .. .. . 'J . nriv FL.ll.o.l;Piopriotorcconter of Wator and Hickory ' kroots, Watren, Pa. 41enVrai Stage 011ico EOBF.S ROUSE, f.'renting: • the. Poblie'Ssioarei. Olean, N.:N. ..JAmns M. Proprietor.. The FORS llonse la entirely new ant boil,tnr brick, and is furnished ln modern style. The proprietor llauterS hitusetrthnt ;his iceemmoda, tun aro not surpassed by any hsrtel, in Western Nair. . Fork. Carriages run tO and from the,New/York-4ml Read,' • BYRON D; HA*LIN;. . . . . Arroit.7l tilr AT .1. - . 1"W;• S mall Do rt. Wlteau. County., Va., ,:gent for Ttteasrg. If eatin t . :& Co's Lamle • 'fittinls li4pliCially to the Pollontion of Claims; : Examination of '140 , 1 Title; Payment: of -Tates, and alt imy!neser rola.: • tang to Iteal .Watate., , Oftion in , .ll.amlin litue4, • , ' .. E. BOtfiIHTON ELDRED, .. . ... . • . . . .. . . Attorney Alfa Couniellor',;tt lw, klotelmort, Wlioon -Cotinty;' l'a. ' Itniltitrts . .entrataint td atio ...tore for 11,0 'nottutio4 of )I'lf..oon • Potter rind. Ink will. be promptly aLten...lfid.t.i 'olBOo'fal,l4oi.otrt llortoo,,rtionif.littyr. _ . - . DR. L. R. wisnß, . . • Physician, and ddtgeon, Sinctitport, Pa, will attend ' to All.rrsire.4si9ll3.l Calls with promptness. •, Odle° second flone.'• ; . • , • • • THING & .MILLEH, . , . . . , 'Wholesale' end ketnl'l>enlerl in ' gtar;le . .ninl VItIICV I),ry Onnalll. 6l rPoline, Itendy• I%lade Olothine.. ninl iretsere.l • • 4'urnigh ink (10bilA, Boots and Shoes, Wall. and 'Window, . ..Paper I.ooldng (.11Aise.'.61e: At' Olean. $. Y. - ! ' JOHN 0.. BACKUS; . , . . . Co Attorne,s hod Couueeller ntlitte . ,-Rinethport, itt?,Rfth , of to pi to all bosineloi iohii profeseion to the ' iountiee'nflit'Kettoc Pater end Oilleo over Brothere'.Stoie: ' .„.. HACKNEY; HOUSE, . . • • . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . Cothe.r of Beoim.l and bibortY'stroota, .Worro-t; - I'n. E. A. itinooni proprietor. 'knivotoro will find good no .. . counnodationm nod reOgonoblo.ollorgust. • . • ~. LAR&BE.E' S. HOTEL, - . • .. . . A. 1111%110a. 'l , rnprititor,—Alloglierty" 41ridg0, liIICPao Co ~ Pa. This bouoo is sitivitod apont, on miloil from Solothport 'on.tizo road.. fia Cledn, twpd will 'l;ofound 'a, ~, ~ crinvelijoilt stoppiog-plaoo . ;• • .: , • ' • . " ..'• . _ ......_.—.... • • ......FWILERS' VALLEY HOTEL,' ' • : ' fly 'r.. ThilbouSe.is situated n.bont (ice nine :from gniethbiiii oii the road t6.olenn. ';'Pleasure pectic -and *the; s can be accommodated on the sho rte et notice W: `S:.BROWRELL,' . - - - . Dealor in Dry Ono.s, Oroceriei, OrockerY,.flardware, Boots;'811oei, Hats,..oapS, Glass, Nails. Oils, &c., Rost nLlebl the . Publia - Squarei.Spiothpart,.Par. . •EMPOitIIIM' ROUSE, . . . .. Shippon, Jil'Kein Co., P. 'N,I.: DYKE; Pi•opilelor - A commadioux and - well4urntsiiett - bowie. Strange.ra .and taatelers will'Elnd.go9daccominoilations.. - • • . . PORT AT,LEGANY, HOUSE, . , F,Nonn B. D • oct;tit , Proptietot; sit Port Allegany, Ma-, Kean County .14: Thlellotellgeltnated at the June ' thin of, the Stnetlipeo and Allegany Elver inade, nine ntllea east B tet inethnort. • •—•-• ' - - • • • . , -•- • ,'• . .., . , . . . . . .... , ASTOR - 140U E: -.. . . ..'..-' o ittnpowr, m.,,,..5.,, , Co., Pa. r ... , . , . • ;WM,' ' HASKELL - : • :',..::',--- •Propnetot. ' Thin' 'lrmale le will 'calculated for: theadeoneniodefinh .of tho Travelling Poblloi hoeing .recently been Melted and remodeled. Good Berne and Stebloo. Charges reo . , - eonnble. .Btaireo for Olean, f3 . llll)pen and Itldolvny.' ,• - Smothiort, htly 2;1860. • '• ' • •'. . • .. • Thoad Tiltereated.ln Miiung and' . • ..' • ' • IT. Biltl4E4,olToiii him .;.moryiceit for tho examloti : of Blitqlrtil Lanly! iq til'Keetu anit.Elk - coon- Um', and . Me hpinloa AalO, itarYMAili..o}l MiN)l3,, &a: - ,Tk o o o .amining, him, servitleOrilt reaelvO sit necommry,iihd 11 ,itormatlon. - Iteisidenot! at the - Bunker)llll , .Miziei.. • , WAslitiCro4 . :Jiitie 300859: • , . , • Arroaxer,:xe4ate,A3Metlmore,- Itt?.Knan .e. 0..; Pt; Col.' tedious promptly attended to. ,• •. •yo • • =M=a ITTER . .VROrd A.M7RT.TY,LF,,R;EK. . . • . Tuck's co.,re h ,1 5, 1•561'.: • • • • •• , To. jaarcAs G irol:tS, • .••• • jlty . Peat - I . rece . tvetf : `sece:ral - days • a - go, and although - It, .would .h av e given tra:pleitsure - to ai•knowl . edge your favOr at ait4tirJier moment, , 1. have- not found lu 11 re . iti-do Until rno th is•rning„.: - he substance of .youf•sinquiry Suniter as'tha'llrst•itep;in~,the'tliti,. . -Peace initiated•by,t jOint•stflorts of Illessrs,Sewarsl,.'Donglati, and Crittondett;• hod accenti‘d,-aa 'it ja SUPOOSN I 3:in - ct titititter7.ol,:ttitl - at i tti,:t ? cence. by'the Linerdn Cabinet, (twill nrecent•lthe secession of the, twider . ,Sliftte - States and lead' to reon§.t rtretion'-of the IsiO:doubt,l his, .moi.ernentis in-tbe,right d tree:- tion,•shice it would avoid an•otrierWis . e ironic dirtte collision at Charleston 'and' -but must 'frankly atbl,.. a. pt....conifer yotr,• - hace - arigbt .tO•oxpect,'.thal -I, (hi 'riot be,• love'anytbittc: crintetrfplated-to.im 'tine in ryin;:nni, the ••peacC: filan art antt,id, its 1 have reason' t othink, by ilie.distincuisbed•g'entlemen -.I have' named; leaf .tencl. in the shlghtest degree to' a i-eecyrstryrtioii. of the or dO should:the' pebple of the,. Free Btates their trues il7 B(7:l,i,tig • olliege; thtiri 'paixih/z/ t; Lord the, ultimate .teeession Of the go'rri , r Sioim ciigoo 3..! 00 ou ou 50 seems mo to ..be obv . ions..o'n :Pharr statement of ' the- :ease. It .said that - Fort. Sumter to be surrendered; nnt ass . anae - t of deverprileiit at WashingtOnbut as.ri Matter..of' Stern' ccriiilitary- . ..necesSily:7.-- - - •13ut even if it, :were Aurren6rfid of. free choice as act of intended conciliation; , I could not escape the concluSion- that its . surrender would only he ;regtirded as . a. gratifying. treatment'of an incidental point in the present cant roVersy. l It is manifest to all that the ei•aetraii,on Of the Southern, fortS;•the'abandOnment of. 'the, coer riVe ideas of 'the Inaugnrai.'ni..regards:the at tempted . of the. revenue i!t pores of the seceded State's, by force, lbe:acknowledg,;. meat df .the independence 'of the ooVede , ate would 'still leave initonched or unsettled .ihOso original I,Aztes which have - prOdurtyl our ,dilictilties artil eliinifons. Thei . e meet he over Come by a scheme of Conc'ession .. ana' comprn mise equ'alro.the urgeht exigency of. t hc nce.n elan. In the 'event of . the. recOgnitiOn ;of' the Independence of the Gulf'. States; . the .doeern ment.at Alontgoniery inight.eease . to feel 'any particular interest in the mode of Setiternint of these issues, hut, you. cannot: fail ',to' perCeive that the Border States; being thus:weakened in the 'lin,ion,. would necessarily - become more deeply interested than eyer:in.thej! proper and satisfactory disposition, looking to their f utufe • 'peace and security.' • . • .• • Now; in , kny: judgmest; without , criticisieg motives, the pseudo peace play Of Messrs, Sew- . . aril, Douglas 'and 'Crittenden only proposes' to temporize Avilh the, real qtiestiops that tnust•be met, decided and' seillid 'permanently an,d •an perfectly ; fe..asks..• With the,feebly expressed ive of snmecenititutienalamendineiwtbrengh the' dgencY.of National•C'onvaitticin, I consei= entimisly think Its chief effect will be, and per-. haps - itS first object is; .to clementine the people of the Southern section,, if it be poSsible to 'd.; it such means;' to. mislead them 'with false .expectations,.anci to prepare them, when thus rendered incapable of resistance, for final , shb.,* mission' to • Squatterisrri or • .botli s . I confess; licviveVer;that Ifshall be quite miStaketr,•if this pelicy.of atteniptingto'ignorc, vital. :by an ingenious pottponeniect of their , just demand or.cif • cetime," . asl have seen it.someNykat complacentfy stated, be productive of • any A other titan evil' and danger- . oils res'ults... It is frue that: th;4C IS a .S‘d<nils.- Rid gwAy; : )Varroli. Smetimott, VIL !tuella Viptik; or.ettiantipation.partyin' iri.tin ht. and the othei border State's. Jt.is also true that the Federal - . Patratake planed - in- the treacherous hit lids of thospbmissionhiatler's may be stecess fullY., used to corrupt n poor. datil ortWorivll - .spoils'or,.praermetit •frorn tionsi . party,still'itan . cling.sqoarely, on the rid cazo platform of outrage and itisult,',.and has arisen in , powerly the bitterest and tnost. unsparing abuse of .its : instikttious 'and its But FfeeLperfectly aSsured• :that.the,rei4 mall of the:citizetiS of the 13or-. der Stales can.fieither Oil - Ices, - en, Poled b y . soft words and indefinite, promises, - or . bullied by threat's of coercionand . war. • I can not tloubt this unlessprepared to belieye that majcirilk , of , the' people bri.the .several Border' -States were desiron g: s of 'sacrificinthe 'great 'slayeboldinz interest in those Statesi; for eco merely . Political 'reason'. lie absurd to suppose the majority of .the people . to be so unprintipkid or ed insa fie as'thie; in the pursuit of partisan. po:wer.. •..There would be on . Pree..edent for ranch a silly anti' malevnlent . act in the hislory of rintiiiMisinee . t he worbl began. There are.betiveen'a.millidu and a.hall afuttivo millions af::negroes in the boider. Siati;s,• and their loweSt 'value may . he 'reekoried at nearly' . „ thOueand million of. dollars.. The, lands and houses: pdsiftssedi posseßsed. by thes .. owners of these' negroes are 'probably: ennal to,t hree times the Of the Slaves.: :.The slaveholdlng in terest thus embricine•tiie..enormpui value of teree orfourhilndred thaushilmillioniof dol lars fir transcends inlinportands in importance, any other.interestwithin the limits of theimr- der States, topking to their.wealth, : prosperity, 'stabipty.:and strength. - ,It has never pencd that any 'political party, ia ptirs'oit'of platforms'oeOfficea, ading at the agenti'or ally .. . . . . ... , of n i „foreign Usurpurp' has'ever attempted . to es, tallish. an infamotts .supreninel; ..byr I he unpairi: etic sacrifice, of hitch an interest, as that of the. slaveholders_ f Virginia _ and her sister :Conic monvrealthli.erit such an attempt :•vvere• ever Tittle, It iuds 7;U elnuld ean'fronted with, figuring steel,. and on the hatile-fieh , t.. . .There . .are two: Ways in,;which ,the seceded. Southgrri.Stiitei . ga6 1)6 brought into Union with us, and by .which the border States .enn be kept in their present intimate'relations,with.us. The first, noNi ,. be . 6ome'a hare' ftn'd remote pos te , sibility, is,by satisfactory amendmen'ts, explan atory Of the tiun Meaning, of the Constitution of Ake .Unitetb State,s, which .shall-ilistinctly anifrantee to the slave Statea.nsnao and safety,: independence and equality; as Sove reign , States in'the Union..'; You are jusi'aa nbiT to judge (4 am; „Whether it ik within - the 'hestinds. of the most sanguine; calculation , ta ever 'Obtain-anal necessary' amenduienta.. .Ac;::ineornorate amendrneni into the ctiMptiitition,'Ocinntiut.the seceded: State**. as, Wif hitt the .CoOfederacYi wlfl 'retjtiirelh'e assent, of: the . I,4islatures.of all. the . romainimi Slates both slava 'ding , and_ S,IIETIIPORTI M Y KEAN ,, COUNTY, PA., Tilirll,ShAY, .MARCH` 28 1861 non-slaveholdin 7 e.. NVhert'*ei - ,r . oine to reflect tliat . .Feven States in.,the , Senti.to'n,Litijogt . 110, • Curnvit riniendnotit;.a t • sixty,;four Repub . -, Ikon I'6o eseidativei in.. the 'llonie;: . bei:oti a . so. m'ajoi ity.orS Represent tiai ves thn . t t party ; id recorded ; their voices in the . nevitive 'of that .cornparatlvely - -:ti•orthless: ProPogition, it must be confessed that..l be'pro 4 4peCr of hovit!g pioper'and snilsfabfarininendineOts to the e. O O • . . stinition is 'hopeless' in the' ektreitie..4s it not folly; inkagine the possibility.qi sneh a thing ; ?: Convention,: corripaked . of slaver and of .7 f itjetrin-rnendnyehol4ing State's; would be.nrt ' rathey 'l6O in.fayor of - 'n §Outher'n constiuct ion of the Constitution:'.' , • • , ,• . . ' while -. S tlieonstirotion ionnt , heproper, Ay' ainentled. ty . a 'Nor? Arm ,V er y England inoventeni . , there fortunatf;fy 'anofhef way in whichireconstruction . rnay.be'cliscovered to be •is "it *Southein . .. rhoyement;• ;and . by'ra . kfttl:cho'clottlitttliott'LWit 7taitT'Aeint at ready ;:ntnendetihy the Sonthrrii Statek. •They havil adopted "the,Oinstitution,,amenOed in Otte or trio partiCplars for the hinter, (rap/ au far he' ciiterr,9 is oottre'rniti, • nit . tiltd.r. always . Leen ron .strneit Ly.'the true Dettio . c , Otio iorti . i.; Should the. Ranier State's . ; jriin_lito Southern Contederncy: within one, t Wo or three yearg.,, it would'thew . beC6me a rnosi'serions `question' tietermine, the status Pettrisylyintia Jergey in that relation„' When:ilia;.•day.come4, . Prioitlepee:-shal) so Order it, , l shalt hope To hate 'word to say. oa - the: silbject. , . '• 'Very. truly you'r , friendi' . • • ••• • .• ...• ROSE.R.I.' TYLER.:;, . . . . • Ortionv os,Ono-Fat.ows.—The,origin ... of the , order of the Odd-FellowS is of .itricient origin ; .it , was established the Raman :soldiers in caMp . it (ter the Order of the Israelitesi; during , the reign' of Nero; the'Ramtinf Emperor, who commeneed,his , reign'A..D: at which time they were balled I'elloiv=eitizens:. rihe..namo• of Odd:FelloWS.was.giVen•tn . this.arder:ofmen 0 • 13 :7 9 ) r Tiftic . a)Far, ,tr . nnernrof.llOnte,' frein their sing Omit y of nations; and frorn'their k . nowing' each.. Other by night as well , ashy day, -and frir.their fidelity,io hirn shifaheir country. He not Only, gave them the :ttame'of ,Odd-Eel. • Jaws, :but al. the same. time,. as .4 pledge.qf friendship, presented them with a dispensation engravetloo,the . :Arch of ;rims cwsar, the . .frit ' of the . Covenant,,tho ,Gaidencrindlesticks; ) the Golden Table.,(weighing. one great..talept) the sun for:d. G.,: the meanand .stars for - V. O.; Lamp for Secretary ,, t he. : Lion forMnattlian, the Dove for Alreiden' : and . the emblems oPMcittali-* ty for is very prinhable that the first 0.41-PellowS made their , appearane' in North 'Wales about that time as en tnvasion-was made by one of Titus geiiifals(Agr.ool9ori. 'North Walea t and shortly. afterwards on the is:. land of Minna, noW called ,A . n'glesea.:'•Vhe rst • account we have of thp. ordei . :Spieadini • loin other .eountries is the tith , ienturt;,.•••wherCit was established ,Spapish domi M ans jrn der ;the. .Romiih dispensation and in ; the 'centary•by Portugal and in-the 12th.century it,.was •established.in .Franee, and afterwards in:rigland by John de \retitle, nt I ended by (tee knight s . from Fre net;',. Whcilforin 'ed a.:*Loyal GrabillLodge of'Hanor• in Londoti,. which order remained until the' raign:of..George IJI, vilien a. Olt of them began' to; forrn.then .- selyea into a union, .and a_pOrtiotf: . of :thprn Main: tuitoithraday ihtilliiisecoantthelodges whiA remain, n re. verintirneteqs through out the,wOrlii, onitthemserves“LopaliAncien and 'ltidevendent . lion of the original In pirrstniice of its plan to.breh,kliip thO.Utiioti Tril++ , ?fre assails Jitfirri' . Do ocir:ai. wi h , fern cious'.rniiilznity, iis•Satorilay'ti . twohiVS . 141 soccesSioti Att.. •floiNii,ls, a. . ttin.t Greely eautrot a pprecialp, deielided the Irinu,ural pl . ...Mr—Lincoln, from . Oa' peiverSioos of secessloa . ists, 1%/0t , a ' I ican • raliaci his'yoicti reriel' tha . .Slaoilers of . . Wnwitti.'nfid his assncintes,nn the'poltiTtiliod oived . forth in. the . ornt. Dlr. ])oino4'. te ink' their assaults; add vindicated tho •Presf: dent frBrn the miseo'nstrtietinii ploge3l. upOtt, hrs , lamivai , ,e; and for this • t, he ...nitifi,,;.:is.enrageil against in, a nil:bec:tows.upon thealietin;nish ed.Senater ~trdm Illinois 'a eolninti:Dl: abusive epithets., :-IYees this save the:Union 1,. Does . it•nk bet' ay a Ic;.at, t hat. the effOrts ma I) . t mo'ilersate'man., of all rti iii duding: Seere.-. , . tie file" issues priori :which'ilie,couptry',was di 'vid4d'in'e wily lontorabiC'to hotirsections uil be successful.? and.this . the lifooti;thirsiy ;Cleherbc! depri'veti ,if••the. seitisfaefion 'of seeing the, peonle:4ll ii coninion ceniltrk. 'butcher each other like savages. - • l'heipetives of dint jilurnetare:now.'si) well . . understood, that tbe're is tio possibility of Its'rditer'rln imeaune soured kYpe liticel ppolotokrif.•'lle 'Wilmot' Got. SEWto, Auo with his -tualitfe, avid 4fetited..his•uoulinun tiouACChicago.-. Exasperuted . ...liecauie .rtl7.• was rsclected. to. fIIt -t he post of 'Sec retivy Of State; the.7',./bmiq.*ill, if . _it,can, destioy the Government ttself.—Elmira.Gfizelre: • •• .• . . . .; . FOREIC;7I A reoiNTA F:NTs.=Citarle's - Francis .Adams; Of Alassachesetts, Mibister.to F i pglantl. •: Wjilia no 4. Pay ton, of New Jersey, Minister to ninCe. . ' ' . Cassius lit. CU of •Kentitcky; Minister" 'to Spain. .'Ncirinnn D Judd; •ol Illinois,. Minister to 6oiwin; 'Of Mini - stei• to . Mex • George P. Maroi, of.Yerniont, Diinisti r Ace dent to Sardinia; • - •.. . _ 'Jacob S. Haldeman; of Tenasyfv . ania; tei..,Resid'ent to Sweden and Norway. Jamos:WattiOn Wolk, York; Miniater . 'llesitle'htto Turkey.: (Sirica declined,) :Robert 11t , Pnlrner, al I '. ennsylvgnia , Minister Resident to Ecutidot.. . WilFiam S._Thayerr Consul General . to tgipt: PIII:VfOG . ILAT , III,4I THE 'DEAD W ,pe tate, 'cortesporidani of the ,Railwayrit4cyiew says that nn the Chicago and Aiihypirkeo .iail road.a plan 'llea been'. 'Weiner, - which 'enables conductors to ascertain if the holdersof 'sea'son priiaes and' runmotatiori -.tickets,' who are ruling one train, are the parsons to wham they were isseed.,. P.hotograph portraits about the ',Size of a postage stamp, of the real . owner, are 'pasted upon .the ticket, and the cMnririctor ,Can thutrietermine at a glance whether the holder is the'person runner, on Ono ticket. NM= • . • The Coal t Rays, that . .thc,.detintmlinty tate ha.s. a right to have every sucii fugitiVe deliver. 'ed tip f . 'flutt the §iate'of Ohio• has no.,right to 'Cater into the question se .towhether. the act of the: fugitive steads. accursed is dritni.• nal 'or not in Ofilb;.ProVided that it was a ciime in Kenturky; and it is ihiAuty of: the' GoVer . - . !nor..of Ohio to deliver : up, npOrt 1 he propel:Proofs that the act charged is a crime by the laws of. Kentucky . ; :that the aet•of.Congreas of 1703; determines .ivhat evidence to be suhrititted: to the. §ta le of Ohio, that:the duty . of the' goi , ernment js ministerial only,:like.that ofrt.Sher iff Or Marshal, and 'appeals to his good faith. iit the-discharge.of a Constitutional ,tarty; for the reason'. thht . Congress cannotlMPose any Fed era.L.a duty on . the Oftecrcof a , State; and whereuch officers: are, called :upon • by an act of Ctingreaa, to perform such.thay,-itsis concei ved to be good sense and good faith . so to do, and on t hese -groMurs.the viandantus . is ref usedr . . Trr 'volt Tst.—At St. Pant recently,.. a . Rev. Mr. Pisk.deelared that••"Jbhm Brown :was a seconik.Tesiii Christ." Some sensihle men as= sernbled to consider certain 'nolitical' matters concerning the domestic interests of Minnesota at.d in view of the : ahoveadopted the folloWing : • 'Wilk:gess.' The Rev. F,jsk, of St.. Paul; hal declared from the,pidpit'4 , that Johnlirovitit was a second Josa,s Christ," therefore' ~14ieieecl, That Mr: Fisk do•hirriselfa Jr,cond...rlqlctariep er not h- Mg herein roatainett is intentleirto 'slandcir the original ass by intimation that Mr. Fisk ia his lineal'ttescantlant, . . ry n i o : o m e Ai s mt r w m poii i i ii Y ah A r i l i e t t i rt u ee l i t . o ripoi k t : t tir l ye t elld t i s eg t aeuslrea in d ro Po t medical. department of ;h1 of on :Ball Washington,'ha've been deraoh's iomthands may he ordered here, the troop!' dxpected trom •Teias.. Major , 'A n leaned art barricki for .the New' York Volversity, ..thei.lal4 • annual. commencement took'occat4on•toiondertirk fi e .inctpleased'to term Othit the ghyeinment •pretere to have it sen: to Fort 'duct of•cjvhization, shaving; ;which rlieflored Monroe... • ' t t .. the faie.and reduced masculine appearancrO' - • COTTO,IPAND ITS SUPPLY. , , , The'ma nufactnriiiti !Mire:is : l eommuni .. ies a re^ deeply ex.ertised tn.etß:n t, • rer:peet lei the supply, of,entton far tnanulacturini:pur 'Very. lerg.e.mekings)lave been - held re cently in I:ngland; and iteliim mieusuret . tele!, to encourage thacultivation: and ; develo}rinent -of rot ton in several of tht British eolpni . ss; a n ni.L ' ,o in va t e 0 . q cotton .bas'..baery . - theme. on( discussion:.. - I.What the cause of ihl° eAciternent respecting' enttnnr l'he ntiivrer 'to be found in !lie ,cotton-grossing States of America.: Fears..are . .entertained rrianu . fneture - ii '1' 1 .61 ton goods that canting . fMcies.May - arise by v. hich, the col- . tiv . ation of the plant In these States maybe in.: terfired..ii;ith.; and tne regular annular anppli bu greatly diminished. Sm^h remdt t'Jot.only. raise the price:ofcotton, but, tryirfg to the . diminished nmonnt r furnished -:to theitSiinds 4-4. • rope. andAmerico . would be' deprived of .. em pleymenr, and avast arnotinf capital invested in ,i)eildings and mechanism would be rendered , un product t ve, T4E:whole cot ion ern') of knier lea lest 'yearovas 4.,675,779'bak5; 'and of ~ t his; 3,697,727 ,balea 'were .e . ...cnorto, and 078,0.45 . used at borne. England , alone Cook 2,562-,006 bates, which arrionnted to about lfeur4iftbs. (if her t;ntire . conStiropt ion... -.lt is tie Avonder that thiss question,eatise. considerable excitement at . 'present, and espeiall . V in En2lanit, where four millions of persons are itated.tO, be 'connected veitli„and dependant for: suppott,:on the cotton manufactuie.t . . The great desi!e of eetten: !renuffie,tureri . . to.inerease the supply of cotton' in many differ: t ent partS of 'the World; so ,that they ThitY. not be ao . depeinient upon one•particidar Section of the, globe. Several erroneous views' have lately been propagated on.thiseubject.,. Tne.gr:owers of any material ire hist astlependent 'upon con - - sthnersas the:hater nre upon. the former,: .The. laws ortrade regulate- these thingsoind, there is no carthlyanode. di controlling ,the,iitfluence or the cotton-growing'region of -the:car of Florida raising - as good qualities 'of cot • too ,at .lower Prices, 'iToiher.'sections-.of •the. IsTow,ibe question arises: I , ean this be accOmplishedr'.Sor:ri . fos helve knowl edge of the widens' climates, we . think- it, can. not; without new agencies being'. brought *to' requisition..., 'Cotten; requires a warm . 'Moist climate;. it is :sensitive ,to droughts as to !mists, and so far as tve know, the warm hreCzes of the 'Gulf of Florida' -supply : that • moi s ture `to' the Amer which cannot: be obtained in, any 'otherwarm climate without arti .cial irti ' gation. Cotton is rejSed in Egypt, theland of no-rain; 'but the plants nre 'watered ,bs' urtifl. cial• agencies', from the Nile, at .o greatcost for labor. in lindia,'Arrica; 'and China, Wet and•drviensons prevail; there are.nb gentle : • showers - of. freqnent recurrence, as the Southetrr. •States; therefore the droughts those' totint I 'ate. unfayorable'to [he cultiva ,tiep of cotton. as compared with'• America:— ,The dev'eloprrient•of . ' the Arnerienn COtton.lrade hffordsAevidence 01 .greatmatural ,advantages. The cotton fields of; Arnerica'embrace on area . Of 500,000' Square miles,:Mid.the caPitalinveri ted in:the.cultivation of th6plent . amoinitslo . $000,000,000'. - Seventy yeats . a go the exports -of •our .cott on were Only . : ~120 bales—not ':one tenth of the amount furnished' by several coon.' tries to' englanil. • Nov, 'Arrierica firrnibires five-sevenths. of the surplus -cotton countries "have decreased, .There must. he is : reason for , this, as the best American herbaccons.totton'is Is not indigenods to the soil; ihaseedwas first imported..: We 'can onlyattribute these results to:great core in its - culture, nitd the tinturared van vantages of climate which we have .described. , :117e• do' it.it is hrpoSsible to ceitivate , • ~• • • . .c'ed ron.a . s.cheapl3i and ie . raise. as geed as•Amerksa cetton-inji . thor eeentiies,.yal ive dn-asiertjhat hetit great pia! 'new.improve. rneriras..gmeia( ! ry . . rot. 'etativating,•. irrigating' qnd ciennieg it, so - ss,to iesse,ii, the ceSt.for ra•- `hoi-;.-sitat`tesitits..suenot =MEI . . CA,sl.-,;-I' . he telegraph, his alteady infoithedh4: that ' the.'.fienteing. Court hnd'decided the eefehreted . i , , cas'e'in In- Tunes , delivered.the ion,, 'tioniding 'the t it. was ease of je riadietion; andi' in effect,, one State 'tittainst, tkiipthei, On& therefere.: t herourt 'had Lion . 'Tinder the Constitution. ''lt . is '. ciso to notnrial the Oovernor of. Ohio, by. titandatmis; to tiorientioi! , .a:fegitiite: froth justice.froiri lien= STRANGE. PATRIOTISM ;; • The lenders. Of 114 Repiailieen'party in . Penn 'ffyit<tigt4t stit‘. n ii ) nd -clectiohs: claimed to be bet a ejcclusire,frieiids t rill—a nii , t houidiniti or •VOtee . Wttr: polled . for thcieCtinilidntits- L soktly.infiuenad hy t krtitiiiat ... t *no crat on this . 1442( tariff' i•irati to he'en tint:atitlout' frec•triideij, end if ()co ea, erg, no , rti . cr. e, „ii,tari ; n1 this_ 'Character xc'onlirlict q inanted \ peoie ,Vl' °tilt! just ptt.iliHM in; end tniti"out - tie oettitai ., Wel);thii.e . lectiotti Ceme;titur'-'the. mbctacy:,wern defehteti; ..rGOtt. enctitinpnonM• cedin his it:11162011 that in hitc,eiectiOn.: . , people bad deekited AnleSor.of each a tariff., Mr. 'Lir!oln forgets' the subjeei lii his: inauenral,niter anyidg' '.Pitt Omni' that" lirt! woultl`•ttopk,. into ,iftdr ha oulil': resell „iiroabMgirin..''',..Fromyarious jrulicationki 1,3 , 6 naurb tear that ,this great interest is about to.be eh iely. forgot ~• . leallydayithiMg Zir7fsier,, stir oedi for is doe 'a' the grontes:, teritrlcwind stiap,s" . bk - fh'e: State,'edmits, to substineo that,ife . urged Mr. Cameron ear, Seer fit ary \With the'llope oe:getting strong taiiii - adt,raeate to suceed. the free ; tinder. Cobb; - : iri r ' s orderi,that the interests . .peakisy . l sepia tnighst,,be protected.. Out . . When he ,neiv ',Met' waafh4ing, format!, A Wei'disemt.red , that the interests of :144...,}0ihy, epmpfillecl Mr.:Ca meran . misled the wa partment,.whera he couldbe of:no:par lee to thci,....t.'nritt me n of • PariNerkonfd,.... Chase, of Ohio, ea 'idtre:a free7ti'arldr: Mr. Cobb, - Ctas put in chnile'...of .the:Treutiury.:Del. . m , . •It t h us" sees th . l4 wlth-ttne party.Whertaver the•intereS,o3.of the country collie in',.cortAict. withthe internsts:6l. the Repobtlean tinity; the, countir.mnst always ,tre driven to the Pony first and country rtfterweedirmith: - them: Again the : recant election of , Wilmot 'l6:the United ,Stateir-Senate another'evidenee 0: plated faith, or of 'the insincerity ofolleir lessonslessions lillfntot is no less ultra as ati - .AIiMP ,tionist, than% he is is a tree 'trader. •,11:4' the whole Pennsylvania delegation ',ln Congress; Mr. Wilrnet was the only ontn.wher voted for' 'the tariff ef It is true,. 141 . r, President, gave .41le casting -vote. tn laver Of :this in:lite:Senate. lint, unlike; Ikfr: , Wilmof r was the'r enrriScrita rive of the .ss•hole-Ilni s oA and not Of' a single r§tatecor, part Of , a Ali; Wilmot thus won' the srmitnifort of being the•only idyl:tante of :tree trade .from Petinsylf .venia in ,thni Congress.: That he • virtertains the same sentinients •now,.. we linve not' the least :doubt., Of . cotroo he was not selected es' ,an advocate of the tariff. We: belie've'one , ever made,, any Fe pr.qtehsinnit:%. It' was a condderatiku due.tcrOte A helition: wing'of the Repuhlican ' ; :Nothing Mori—nothing lose.t. And like. the tronsfer.ot• Cameron.trOm the Treaturry,-tolhe:War. Departntent,-- thedin terests of the country had to liiasecrilleed :tor Ills benefit of. the; Republican party..- 2 0feaijfeld Ftep«Llir stet,: • ~ . . . . . .Tait -FLio x i T o t • Cotpier bee.the)plioyeier,touqhieg the 'late lie: giroof “Olti Aye;,,,.. • • . 3' . . . 'l.ancoln spaaksliko an old cranny. nod runs from. the. Baltimorean 'cOnstituono 'Of' D. 'NV.. Davis, as good a Republican as,liimself, while. Jell Da r i's speaks - , like a Bistearrion..ind•a sok Mier,, and Juns to ace if • Major ; Anderson is not .WearyOf: faking Oaro2of SutntCr for lbc Sotit he'rn Confc.d . c . rat ion, • . , 21 fe lays .telo" Lincoln to o , :foit waking fifeaches:"ri r Lincoln would t: quit ; And Sewur . d.seut; is7;on wit ii ti . C.O'ck:ainit•n-lo s ill..i:oryto frighten .in .06 Hail Split:cr.... Set.i.ortl . tticteedlietituf will : do it of . 11i e . Biwa kitig him self. .• . .., - • In a recent speech. Lineoln premised fo , pitt his !foot •qlown firmly.•".. % When a fellow rump, he pufli's font doten.•firmly anti isiddbr. ; fie 'mint 'hove alluded: , to. 14 . intended . .1 . 141,14!‘i Washfnitton:. ':. , .-:.- : '•• -- :' „-.' .. ~ . . . :...:If r 4 I neplii liail begun 10-nsir.his . legs ' as 't 001 f al.helell . hanie, and, gone straight : tip, Washing i ngitr prisaibly . the country„*lor yet, awhile tvoultrlia.ya' tlisroveied 'nal( her his ignorance' • . .. , . nor his cowartliee'. • ..' . :'• . .' '-- ' ' . The. Rail Splitter should now' be calle.if the. ail Rider; for he• rodd theraila of, the railroad irotigh lialtimbra wi . th more agility ihaalie •er exhihited in' rail spliiting.-: • . , .. . .. „ , 4.IIpCiI,V)!,Y AIATCiI.,-- - . A young' cu . iple,frbryi t lid vlOility:, of Louisville iciok it into their liendi to. ,marry recently, 6itt the nnele of.ltie:Y.oullg lady not being , AVil lit,g,.they 131104 rpr 'l44yutto.• Being feni:itirof lniing oreltiiken, , tliey ooppeal . tit ..a . town . .on'the railroad • lieti t ynen there' orill: •the.city,.enga.ed the sorvicei.of a squire, and y.. 44 maik Lafayette - Cen.rier says the newly inetle'hoihand heniing that cle had gone to'Latfiiyettp in parsit . it:ient 7allotiinspicyrid~l'le:,hy"the , porimar donpuCtor : BEDiorm, Feb. 25, ISGI Damt trricr,u The thing, is did, - and. you •need riot ten!: your linen.. We,' tra," Co-, tliaf is Sally : arid your lanntde servant, will return to morrow. is good to, be here,• and wil , lo.riot.eare:, id' endure, the . fatigue of. the journty;socincr, . The carriage promised, Sallie, if she me tho ;you' may Sand if you .like'; as, the times are: hard ..stipOose you wait:a Year 'or Iwo, and'then AtTeetionalely, Ilny.lieriry Ward, Beecher,- in:ri,:feeent Abo lition speoch.at Rueheater, enid.Whiirieb• :invented the cotton gin fur theSOntir, Was'ehe-• ated out of the' reward' of his toil; end...died:li iTor.man.. A''. friend of 'Mr„. %Vliliti'eV• writes' that he llaiteri worth ltiro died riaus . ?init.Dllars,,is'Oiown try the rec(); of the ProbateCourtthat the hospitelitrof hiS -- widow, flow living in efiltiepre 7. o . opfn.enjiiyed by• Dr.., ;Lyrnan-Beeelier and. others:in,embers nithe fienobet by: 1100 y W ard . einl :that • the lat i fer,'gentlemen - mut he'e knowri . lhese facts ri.gnd iti'epetiking!!-10' did of 'Mr. • •WhitneY, unlit ',have s knowingly, .uttered a.malicious. ' 41Jouk • Waited iti 'hie' habits ent e ate ,? 1 ,0 k br,7l, w on) de lie - te: the:g,i'eis ti st'iSitfk#sfnly:lii" , aue s 'ifsic!i ' .:•- , ''•'::'';' , "N'e:,'',;;;; , ,,,,:',, • The conliiirf or-i Oc, , iititi‘yel 9 `. l 4'i l o , 44'4:ooSlit‘ V. ,, ,41) r . IN' th' biiitic l ) ll ',oooAfeilit'iOtlllittti,,Pli i , 1 . '-, s„, troublp , iFlB4s4i-,f : A t il rilfbihl'* o 4. l !itt*i ' in his 'ebnich;onitiii Elebb'ith''l4o'"fOr.ht*-Piirt' po§'. or coneyl4,l* ifr s -6 hir• to, •LiiiY ,llllo . iti#nl" to Jciinsoti for, t 6 4 . OPYRolid:,4iVilittoiithi Ittirtr Illtinari," he ' 'reinitititli! , 'retfisicr lip ibeilltVl ' airret's rifle ,rlivelirOrn!)%,"?C'rel,,:agilif7..„44"fis' there wsi' snore inerirpower iii,e,flehr.ths., 1 - , ti . linle,t)tstir'' o :fir if tii the,' al iii4Wojiliist„, it'll" ~ i;, ' *e'r 'Collte,r,4.4,ifitxp.:lt'UlliffrOttfiti 1i. t.,, 4 ' might Weivell V(Allihi;Ani 4101 tt+ '' Vo n such tnen es ki,ehline,;saill Stlltigt 1 ,i,' 4 ,rt ' Sf .t. ,.4 fher idite 11, eilifieri42,r`risOi . " t.,'torAlisiltrigleaittigi,.„,l tosNd Ili Sburpeie tilleic'ltaliVilie:*ll4;Vs pence meth, he bed, i,iiii` peffilit. l4 4lVlVlc ',Tilt'': ' swpefi tith.i' ) ; aid fk Ole 'PitkV,tYieliiilliftl, ,' tneeo Ni i ;r , lllttliliii"rniti,rsi'tiiriAhige' , , ' l ' l lc' x b This fs en p*troot" fec4n*OVlWOri4l4ii'fial:':'" • by tbili re 1109.4: ro*iifililidiktii . iimii i ll4o:: , t2 leg With r ( titnliotiiiiiltithenkili)ltteeid ftiiiii,: '.?. pulpit daring hit lA:sublet lalriaistil:7 Thrilkset ''.., the instrinnental4l4v,ttlii ili v aii t , iliiiiiiiKe i er' ~' dollar's were s e nt ,, to ftili4, ll.l kritiitifillitltriest!, ~,, pilrposes• ND wi" Whi,:n s ,:#leooll4.:4lliikttilist :- ,sentatleini 4 nl the Ernigrtso 'Ala, Ffitelloii l 4 '- peopl e are ' In a, eitlVlntialiajilitlii`.,hli ' P i li! ii kt,, ' t • hrepy, seems ki shkoo o til t ilitiii n k i a,, 4 l,,Sok i i, the e ) ceire!llnl An I ,ifisrg',o B 4 .. #l344l l ditiOn) ) • of Tort Sumter illiithSSOOtcdliikili,S!etith, hilakt,• iiiithetiOrelY 'jot' liwi'.tni i mir, :toitot•ioo.,tio,, bt.lo Apiteir , r6.o6,r-hik . iiion ','3(roviiptdiits end, as is Intuttl'itasint:Weii i ii# 11 7 ,fiilicil 4 ; tire ' ' ':. ~ ,„ I, a ( 1 of 'it./tiealotor:ste ) 11 ,0 41 lei,i 4 ;ti 'O4l T , obteiniink 0 ler:OsitinoiSltimitslehls jmot ' tt. { . 'ly ,sen i ,te It? elor Anderearti +704, ' ';ip„c'l , ,rpt of wbith ,the gall - isnt Velar itirediatity recur)); 1 i ed'thit'sstine tiiini*fitieileer6lk v ii,olnit4tie .' they hod plenty of evenythinx, and slid net MIN , himtelf and his itallent•!.band to, bt:coneldated ' asObject*of eherity; `stbit'altilo''l o ` l 4 ,R'il aid "teritleairr"thjt lialiidsGthiali* mine properly ,applied'ht the riaihity'ist Ni* terr)i; as he bellerad`fit the' dr:retain), thit'criiitarrty'il.' ~, ,5.,,•4 - • wort begins'Ot home i r '','t 4 ,„r‘', ~ -,. ~ We hope IWO 'tenths, hint:trill'l l ol4'o,l: e,?," 1 ,5!„ benefit en'thls rellgioui bratskar,t;, lad bri: . l, ol - : lent eropie ;entigragatifilil-', . 1301 0: '4 hirifik. Iti i : for, crew/es:B'a 'meld filatt4il alits:il' ''',' - ' Prtisnoist. DliresssAt :14761trie4" if one :•.peculliiiiik4l44':ikti'' present - fhjeneist reilifaion been . ovetlooketrby , the . jOurnaliVi, ...Vilifier 0 1=1 ' ses end revUlsione this irettittiA fore been, local and trineltbry ler,theireherec ter.!'' TINS t he , "efreetX' , a 11124_- .were fel rehlefly land; noints-LNew'Qrfaini t 86447: the West`was the'dhier York wai.stunned. by = .the, blow;;;-:but *Ow covered; , Tiiii:South• seeicelY,'''rift ;The ' `.' tier; its thrielopoient, it,.progress Snit iy-ex tent .• Springing ehtirely iron political'ellOiel,'` the. revtilsions •of 1801-62 t ill pe meats `, thrinikh the Whole donntrylt ii . not , That any nation 'can co tinauch'tvitli t flan such as that Whielilini.:Repelifilin t Piny has taken theeresponsibtlity , o( creatinie;:evith%. • out very serious dalleliEo to itr.coontielal and industrial' intareetse".Ne ' avoided; but in oily event the'reanit ;,sve-,heve" indicated is .inevitable- ,, ,: , itturChentiAh , '' mer h fll IC . 16 . pinfootictlint!irian;thik , •artist; deed every indiViduif in the comniun tyitnue befit' his or 1)14. elisid.'of. thegtibelt , !: , ,repablican;r cross. 'Phillips li& Co4:.deelatit.,thatita'Atein4 such a ;cause,' titt ahit:di#u &go. bits of, tiro North.. ;pa, tho-otherhandoha..X.l, treinists4 the South '. , glory, in.' theft , : attituilei - , , r and deelure'thut they Will sturt*,itiponew , lhan,•:' . give way al inch.. *Thil,l3octreriii,omy then • adVrineed : wings of _both:perfiel!ir , '.,B4nis-con. vertu are gained,on either midi by tjw*.fitssioc,::. the . purtienn.piess. NewYeerk:,coXrespon tv of Soathern , `papers tteilitpr Sinitheir side , , at We tire all'. /a. dungerot:befintritrtimieditt .• our'beds by:the iteraingiMalit'othk4titentk: to :t °tick Wall etreet, , iduntler Roma One: .CorreaPahriettrdick`. , ' ,clares that the:re, are in ocr44ededhen fifty •thonsenttpersona licho.atO dependent charity ,lbc daily] . .bread ' iThr ; i!ii:: tikte- ,- : . ments era Met ';httite. l,l 4r lo ; - itaPiit,4 l o!gdfAir-...'" nals with tile cool aseartiatribat;ttipor.o s 0,0 flif.'"- tress, that , ihobbdylii..hartii:.that,,-dt*ploypient-,:: is abundant and:vagea'rtondt :':a,nd'ihii4"thcr fifty thousand 'mendlCant story "is - rrionithipit-;.trnefe, than prepostetOull: it;ttne:hqulterliiai't ) '• The fdcts , quite to thOl,'Coditrary.: meat..The', 4,4 . A esoclatiOndOi . thejmale,at Of the ConditiOn'er f.ihec f a st -.. week in un : 14 appeadin behalt:ok,"our °suffering poor." „TWeetrthouitind. fiye hundred and seventy-tWo perqons .ate -now f . eceiving fiom this association; night, thousand. nut-dar.t.t . poor dePenti upon 00,Commissioilet4 teti, a ad, Correetioni, and'evety ,church doAd ,t.", t • city bus its quota , 'of applicanta.....Wilt,thesii„,. cruel' facts before us, we shoulkl, - , j u dge that the • liftydhousand statement; woe a.,lciw t - estlrciete: In the siutb,,..we have ne,lioubd theie,,iedike l wiscroasiderable penufliaiydistfifo47: . ent character, or, ruttier 417)04 is iliffetenclextt.. • of persons. TheSontheiiiplesal l ' aOr,et,rrt, coals the (acts, and the a.7 1013 .fA.4 wltrrtling,on both': sides al efria#9!l- 1 9:)501,54P041*, lino is not "atone ipasj,aohti3Oktjfintyko . r, t h e limos.-+IV I"; It!ra,tl., 'A SUUTFI-sine os':;2;4,lW.PidrorstrnAdle Alamo complexion' - Of•tiffairti gleaned dji,dlOited.f.e.hadikedi:o4lloc,liPte and ruin: heeli of the.secesaittAt-OiakteihrOtPtlikeran evil genius, lititt4ll4%,llll,o:;;PriOrNlo,:'- vrSii famine eild who chid rethutil huirtaki'dliiallood ert, ''Aird!?e , A , li,.e•'rula,i ) .tflia,utii'vo'fattilOina co 4,141;01# if rrow nl,aribel'yi o tott:;,(4?o4iiitt;oolll.;Cclitys*y..:.!4F Pettek.';',;' ?!.:1,4 ,'MP'.7e4e • G EOICG E. ;..,~. 4 .9'*' ,B •'6 l F# 4lll .9 l :: ,4l A o, ; ,,, J i3 bri;, , §hernp a h •we#e:64 - hok'bepn...pociljrtt;d4ty,the,ttpiblica,i4!, o 6ok,i , 0 4 1 0.Z.W•bitolloxignitegt,Pltka.Sita!itof,•,irr , A... sevent.y-nisie,balrois;:: - ,", _ , T.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers