0 .- 001';,1*.e flit; iitiaei; JOhti , -P., (e!g•Ceres.-'-lciihehip, it,deei* the ..premiees,;:on. '4,#l. 07.7 itegf, l iit" 1 ei'lbFk; alf.;(6,ll?vylng..deieribed.rial „ , 705'peitiinf land '•• In- Cares 4„.iiiiCatinty,,T4., lying ''on ;r ,Skilith", - ,Set,tieinent -Reedt nx ieery hawse 10t,,; the•'Whole , piece traded a& rallaWs:' , Begin 7 ilng at #litiiftwO^lindrecl and-seven OA* perches natth of the ii?ot A :crattent , N,o4, 3444', and, tifil*larreinty - thenee north 'me Ili i',A)nPaythea and, ilye-tenths '',o,:ket:,epriser,,,,.tbeneo ,ea a t ' hne rigy9,nifie,' Pnrd 4 aa' and , Orne . - iii,,!it*,ixia!'ciirneri thence'south VetAin),t ; 0 , 00 hnnked , anti tiannlY 9t4s,taitthe of a Odra to "a, pOet :vOit.,a iiiibilted, - end eighty- nl' dirie4entits .toili a Once of iliii,fiole - let ,containing. , one hun-, 'llnei4i. kitd'thrt portion said tr;iiig*.ad, containing '44y:six' titiifial*iiniere.•• ' • - , ,Ooeaii<sii liar Cat °Clan& ty r ing 416;4 1 'Keknaentint3ro 'Pa.i and' Wet jideboiee , Ow ri bell; bonntl,. I.*ellinine:fat-a.,oo‘t;'•-being 'the wafrati lot Conveyed', J 4, -John' Jeenfienf ,to;itit said Yobo i -1 4 1 Ev , , ~,''''' '''' `, l \,„„—tsit4 tin,0144 - end being part ” of said ' ' . :, , i ,:ifi*iii!,*oith:• , eightY,..krekes ta: a ika ss e . s * Eo 7.4titriSsi e '• hundred perches to a .::' ' ' -':* ''' eAtib '1'4410 1 4 ' perches ' fa, a Pasti ) '''"liiiiiktikerliiindred -perehei to : the plate ' ' " 'bar th" " inii'in -'t less .',,%, ~. illisOigiltiliilade kilowa it'ill e l ii r * log ' S'ill,A q'''''' . '` , ' ^,' ' ' • • •A 44,4 ,:47.40kTft, ,01 1 0:tArri • ( ii434oHN , e: tYggsi• in, . A xeets. .',..- ..... .4 c..,. .1400,43 C. Evy,Ns ~ • 'llooolo6allitilettamiCAL SALT -.1 411‘11)141011111U DISEASES- ONLI. ' ~,,, k l , -,-, ., .ON Ll.'`'. .A . .x:lifir at: iielf, !laical .Salf 1 ' ..::Th'Sl-p., 1 ,1 7""a r '. w ..- ......4; . L ' p • -'• : , q4 . 1Y.4.M4,hg5,q 0 2. 2 %1'10,(ffc.P7.:AL . 1 - Abrt*tittiniiiititoii - iiiiiiiiiesoigy. -:,- ICT , NED ll iiivittvg-NE, emeoY-, --' e t - -7-, tte,it,iik r;, 4 ., but tr A" > 1 titiOf,t,one,,,illi t'e• - tp.' w't' , ? Tp, eve r f:ki t ~ ova' t h m 9,-,..- r t;e lig ~:..,•., .. -,, • , , Itiboiclol,,z,,,, ~ ~ihillo-: iir,at, isp ,',.. **IT, iowitoi#Al t i e b .e." 11,,, 4,, : . , ' ' liiil4l9o- hOtili?''!)'.-y,,,',- , .' ' .' '40,01 1 - t X . i'''Ptiteirll.-.. • trt ar ee_!: lo se 1111004:- -that '44l6,quiiir producing -- - e ;the 4•400,41, '1641 fiits) ",!.vb ay, tu. 7!en, ~the tionl .'4;( laid, In. •nflincla '1014; 'Cl'h ENME • .• iginal and•popular , • • ", A . N ic \re : ' :, V\YOINMaId4I I4 11%0007C „ • and Sexual '''Phytdolagt, ordersisof everyl4n s failing , 'end ettrelot dleetz l e; i p ti l. i t pr ti } re i;.•Vate dekate. 'ehikrater* i.n , • lation of 'the 1.01:k of,Pfottere nd , of . 1`446 , God.% • •, • , fi l !;OPAlki rifirkirla ',P 1147.64 " . ** o l4l Eer: ,, Ptirchl.) 11 !",:eiOt 'COMrnon % Oat hyin nee; . The'f'author,af the, above' yr:dente ; 'lir and an iti '. ciettopid, - a tet Of el . eAttaiY : ',lO iivrillti l . 7 : : the 'siadY ea& jteitmOirt 4 .,4, 44 , e • ziof ;ilytibititJ"itnd 'latidied ~,dit'ordetet at a tiitaiality, 'ZP'' , hh.. b' '‘ '' ' • ~.,tu i l tc ;., 9 AvS treeme poutessOd Jir:ragat ~ .litialtiabler.inie'yroat ion .in-regardtb• the Pio*, 4e4. ii.ttitle'tb.co,Olja . :o l intifiadirmacuin °.i44 4 l.!iitio:fer.Y..fiiiiiintoogeti oe of Otedifaf.Oci4 .'encrt,„rittittk . ptrtioytartt..iiiltjea,r f' aorl ett'ke,': , int! ,'l4 the.'.7experiencif of 'the ,mosf 'eipinent physicians la 'F.,.urope end Smeiieit. : it rtioreagh deireinat rated ln: his OLFIr highly , speceet rid ptitetiee. in . thi.treatreent: or secret . diseases in many tbousands.ar. ecries'' in the Ot3r. Of Philo ,il._eliaiiit OlonO.f '.:'' . -:••': , ',-L': • :', • 1'..-:.. ''..- _ 'T.': . :Tettioryny orthe.Prof:: of 'Ori,vteriries in,' Penna.. . _ , //: , 412f0 he, Cori . 'stables DEM .Qi oisi tioni, es,' to do ein - to be heir see., OT M'Keenj *pllet t ' t, .185 ( 9, •ei of the 'OtkilfVt_P 4ll4 l' . - 11.1341.. Hustian's Msol'osr, .11.1.5.vum.." The author of this' vif'ork, 'the majority, of wh9 .- advertisd - to.:ctife` k the ..diseaSek - af Whieh,it,triitirii;;iSigrdefllete of one of the best 'colleges sin United States. ' It .fiffbrds me pfeattere tp reborninerid him to, the triijitn?ato;, or, to,lho wish* of.:molpioctio, as a .sdeens,epel practitioner, .'in. 'whose' honor and ititstrity-they may place' the greatest Con fidence.. S..1,0110511QR1?„, • :Woostrikopl, 1Y.,0f Minor ' • it gitea me Pleasore to a'd".l my testitriony to the professiohal ! Ohili4 of the,. Author of :the. .NartOroas eaeca,of the' G'efiitil organs, shine•rif them' of long standing; :have•cottio under - my notice, in 'rich his Skill"'ilinti';l3,enif,-'nii4lifest in restoring t &Perlin beatth;.l4 s .llthile" Hi - tunas •whe .t putient„ acoosi tie red bey,end Medical s aid: In, th e;,t reat Mee i` M I nej w . p 'tee or (I is.: orringeMentOo . ll4:`foooticitieltreduced by .14elf-. artfttpri 'do . - niits*tiow his inpeiip f 'in the-, profeSsion:, a have been tic tjuaiateoyith the ',Author:some' thirty .'yours, and deerri it: no more. than . .justicd to him as well awn kindnein.to, the* unfortunate.,.victims of early:indiserelion, to recommend no one In whose professional skill and integrity' they, may safely donfide.theMeelee. • " • - •- • ' ALFRED WICkODWARD; M. D. • , Oae copy etcurelyenvelopetvill heforgard et♦ free of postage ,to any part of , the United States .f0r.20 rents,'or,B. copies for $l. •• Ad 'dregs, past Paid.' C. OSDEN'.&'• Co.s Publishers, b0x . 201, Philaddlphin.. • ITZ"Bookieltere, Canvassers and Book./ gents ~Supplied.on'the - most ,11boral terms: - .• /IDS a 611low eV11?4laPemd. flOids Ps e.. nientioPPd; Gaye arejs ex' tojswitr, Iltain,Fever, 'and to 'the ' . Heik(l. and sys, oars, nose, lungs affections,Spiinal c E 1 7 81 P7 aPAYk Asthma,' Cout4i, Diseeses, ,Rbepmatista, itching and other ova; Diseases. a.Balt:ex -I~cr anxurnordp.• felSlikri asr Sri i .e - ea - r ep Oinelaf: iiiiinamakioyi *deb /lion resninei Its eatiniin and: fever:die- r•l'' ,),14,0 0 4Tmr;et , oji,Te*iciiting fryis he *4o,#4lr'Ostitietione,i: OfaimiiffirtiKei'!itiy• * 4'lll o l6“FitiediCiiiii -fo( B ig 4 r t 'NXWAtEb' !price*, g 49. ..,./Cai;t oren ern: 3,04' try the " • Cirt4r PRIOLMEBT 41 . 17 E (=TB El l ll l VILLA - • . PURIM TILE BPOD. riONTINUEI) pain or tinealineas In nog. or gan is generally cured by one or roore•dosea .Brandretli'a Pills."' Thirty .yenrs' riorsonal ermerience by tile ,untiereignoiljully justity thin Dr. 4'emets • Lull,,ef Potsdain, N:Y,, rays X • have - cured the . tnost deplorable Costiveness of the bawds. : , 13randreth'a pills, - when every other ramody , bB4 failyt, and the patient , was giyen nit, to . B.ilin . ditteasetrol an in veterate and pairifuls.chaits44, such as crysipe lei, salt titetitn,ltitier and 'summer-heat, I have seen`'eradicated'by,liteir , Vie,: pave _cured the . rheumatic, einle,ll,te:',oo , Pa.relyilc and' he con-. 'euitaptive • c jj4 ,All 'the' liver,. tiyipppsia, tlYtOtity-,,„e,rieditirrhint,t; pleurisy,. 'sudden: pairno-,aittt 41100.1AtiloolVibinale olistruc, tiOns,scorhutiedstric;sertiOlony, eyerr,gouty and affeseiitOrpOtaidli,tien‘wit to, the use of this niedicirik and "IfOW,',affer ttreolY experiedee," tny estimation of 13,randret h's 'Continues taincredse... - , !. „• . 013 §TRVCTION A.: young ' " lady; boaotiful and . healthy, '•teoak cold, which. caused'.a 'serious pietruction_ for two: years her health'.was liroken down and her beatiti departed. • At, length Bfandreth's Pills were tried ;;.eleven' doss; of 'from trwri to •foar' were : taken inifteeddays preceediag the usual ,period: Regularity. Was' -"restored,; , and . .hei health ancl . goodtlecilis redovered. .• WORMS. •Branrdetii.'s Pills :ire the best vermifugef they two infallible: .""N . , little child, six years old; for sotnelreelti yrai'droeifing ;Ate:Tether gave It etre of Brandretb's nager.eigited 'pills I the next..day...there carne away 'Worm Si.xteen ihehes.leng, and as, large as . ,a-ibiles finger. 4— The child was. well :PLEURISY.. A4entirtnati,% away from home; was taken with pleurisy ;Abe Was terrible; . every breath 'made idna writhe Witt' . agony:— Eightßiandreties-Pills - were Swallorred, ~and Warm oil: applied, locally 7 71* pill ., eperated, and- ;the ,pain ,was• - relieved uplent'r" . •of• gruel was.aken', and .six. :enure Pills; and thc' second day the patient weir . cared . — • -These;statementa,.should;hare;•:Wtiel pre4ent -.the •Ittie:of. 4 the sad •pracfic e ), , , 14,114 PTH. 'Brandreth's - Pills .arweri,biaa .; • 'Prineipm Office, 294 . , Canal street, , ath at .2S cents per,box;; arid-the!r*e, auger coat ed;l3 cents, war.ranted to keeKas , well'aa the • • ' ' Sold'alsoby lii'littrothg.Bg,,Co.;,4lnathpori. Cabinet .13hor.inlifechattigsburg. respectfully announces to .1-1:.,, -"the , notwithstanding these 4414tiTines,:be is nanufaciuring . ee lkeeps: con- itintlion, hand 411 Ichiati.*lctia itilte,,spieh- as IVANS 74 . :c.OTTPMAW:' ' . : T1N079...; AND • . ty - •• ll REA K t•Atz,t A Brg % Cl4lRt'scrUalt.. tondo' and-.-sty es,.Cane . and ; 0 , 4;mnann; , ll,inidiratitte tottinsi 0° .0., •. • •rri • • 4oriuir-;,;l'.` .o , l!*unq rrtfli-slitseitßEit ite c i;i:ciiChanA for :. sale. 7 - .1.k. Atone': Oirel;, "of the best 'polity; •at Abe in -Mechanicsburg. Grain or : nil (alon in exchange, , • - }• ; • •• OIIORDIS CORWIN -2 ,a4ACCOtof a.ll%liindo, xti ligo, N4ttnegi to l►ehboir the HITUF r~~ . ~~:~ Arms, see !I vertisetnent of *HiuM*l4:Aiailde;' AXONE EcTllB:4o . ft Siltf;* PENNSYLVANIAN, DAILY, : , • • TRI-WEEKLY, - . ' ''AND WEEKLY • `.The great events of the future r eci laiely , tleponding ueon,Oie bohlneiri. and .01- J),e.toetiratic':yuty . of the country; ealrtoi;the among tht. peoplevf .0.1 . 0. facts .anCarguthenis.'elucithiting and the' Democratic National policy; and the duty of an independent ' Democratic such crisis' of ogrhigtoky. can only, be ful ly ntiddisehargod the ,4 4 tp,r6-7co-kirieration of ail Who desire. Deniodtet- Ic.-41t0.ees,..in :extending. t sphere of 'its --• The - Poi;Aseutilila4 , . haw' for Vier twenty=f:6,iitirsYViitifiled:"-the -position' 61. d. central organ: winning by•tts boldness end, ability; :'the . Confidence'srid mirth. regard . .9f the DeMocrocY every''StSte in the Uniont, and thil.Ptoprietoi'. appeads . ",with teuilhe:befitnqiiigrattiip . omilltry4tg iir01g,..!:14.i1 o:extend Re • invites 'St t thin, to fh9. ability with . -whieh, his Ipaper - W.condileted, -- and the . care exercised in ell its :departitients, Aside . from its hio;:and "unquestioned: .political char;- aeter,- no paper enjoys in a Inrier' d6gree She confidence -'of cunnthunity.- Its COMmersial and Monetary .reports are full and comprehensive; its Marine List . unsurpassed The proprietor - .trusts commend :TEM PENNSYLVANIAN the- . besiness..end . • ding 'comMuulty-forits . ability. and eiccellence, and solicits a critical examination of its merits. It is his aim to 'make if a necessary' visitor in the toiinting T hotse ; an honest connsellor4n the , bank cif 2 .eVeiyitiading and business interest; while as a news Journal,. •it shill he., imam - Missed. , fOr - reliability; end •lie lw6uld alse commend it i t0.. - ,businesii men mediurri iictVarth Atiing. Daily, s Tri-Weekly 'and Weekly - issue iarKe'.pumbers into every State inllie - Tlnion....NO , POper, either in Philadelphia is so•largely lated andlerierally.'rea - din those, sections,. Which Philadelphia derives her:chief trade and whare, it is '4n:chilly inikoriatit 'that our -busi tiesi houses, , and 'interests should ke.known'and appreciated: - , . • . •": • The'T.R.I=WEEKLY PENNSYLVANIAN is . printed'evetY :Tuesday;..Thuisilay and.: at•ccr day, and`contains all the reading matter of th 4 4ILY editiOns.' rfhe - WE,TMLY. PENNS - 14,' VANIAtt; ';19: -- Printed 'e - V4ry. Saturday; and is wholly devoted to News; Literature; Politics, :Agriculture and Tricia. • • TERNS, .. . .. ~ .. Mats PP;NP,ItiVANIAN, :Viper annum;in advance II'ItTrIV:LEEt.i, ' •;'• '—'• S 3 • do •.. • do . .1 ..- The price of the WEGICE:Y P:ENNSYLIWILI,II.IS . ONlfi'DpLali'per annum, hut tar the purpose of 'farther increasing fits; eircidation, , , the .follow ing ...indocerinents. :ere offered ,to Agents . and °fifers : to;rataci Oohs. . , ... • .; .. •". ~, .'• ' . .0 . y. t . ono year,. •$1 00 Siic:Coptes; . - - -6 00, TWelva,COpies - • - - - •10 00 • ,: • fligh • teen - ?," 7.• - 00 • Twenty-fivo • •20 OQ • Larger Chiba in proportion. .: 137"..1.Ma1l eases,. ordere lor the paper mus be.aecompanied by the eiish. - • • . .C.C3 *• LettOrs : to be addressed; past paid', to •. •• . •, .•••• • W.M.RlCE;.Paoriterog.... — ‘ • • N0..1.08 South Third 'street, Philadelphia: iEFFREVS . pLE- A CMG SI:10'1'10N /fr. FORCE PUMP India Rubber Ball Vaves. lISCRItErt •iprin . the right to make •arni . sellthis, New :Purrip, s:lc feei ednfidOnce• that his efforts to bring it into general nsn,. in this' county; Will be Secon. ded by 4•11 . ,wh0 . . see.its construction and 9pera . - .Among.ths many advantages.secureci hy,the use this Pump,:the tolloviring pity be enu,. . . . 1. A double action, by -which twice .:the wa ter can b#,raised-at the same lime. - • 2. Great eit'se,in worieng, this adapting the Force. Pr4c:ple:tcr corntrion welis. • ',..• . . 3. The tra n sformation, in # moment, of. the Pump into an efficieot FIDE ItNi:INE, thus ran tiering the loss' of dwellings by fire, totally. un -4., Copability of waterinegardens; 'Lawrys, or aprinicling walltawastiing windoWS,. with the•utinost ease nod'thoroughness. POwer to raise .water'with slight labor to any , reasonable height, %as in supplying cham 8. Th# convenience of haviog the Pump in a kitchen, or other rooms of your dwelling* out regard to thd.location of, the, Well, o , The . etisy protection' Of the , instrument a gnitri I . rost. • '' . .• • ' •. Tliff,ease *ith ItMay-be 'Mounted. nn *beelsior in Other, ways'be made portable: . 'A ..qmp/isitg : . which ensures tretit 'dere bility, protects it . from being thre*n Out of .or der., and makes.any rephirs ea.sy and of little • 10. ' Greet Cheapness: for the l'first • time .bringing the cost of the Force, Pump into the ne*hbothootl' of the - .cortnim - . Suction:and Chain Pumps, inimeasitrably time= Manufactured and for sale by the subscsiber, only, at his shop in Mechanicsburg. .A. WOLTERS. • Mechanicsburg,.March'is,•isps.. •• • • INSURANCE AGENCY: . . Farnier , s "Union iitinennie"Co.., Athens, Pa.. • , • , Oash great *Oaten faustirsiteti oy . Philadelphia, Pa. ... ... $1,000,009 West Bennett) "(kutnitl)'tnek.:lllAveivira.... • • Insiirtinees ean be- effecter's:in the above ree poneible ,Stock Companies by the subscriber Any corritnunication ,*iirldressed tn' hihri, a pmethport; Pa., will ineet,virith romp attention • B. F: DAVJS, Agent. • , • triethport; Dec. 4;• En4citf. • TO. THOSP. •INTERESTEP. Persons,inciebted to E. S. Illaso'n 1.1:y. note or otherwise, are , reOestecteo walkup like a chick en to dough - , and settle the-saine . within ty days, for after tho Omi t of .Tapuori ,coliec .tionsynast be promptly-00d.? • -.• ,• Smotlworti pec:-It„ vraDiris.c! tp„emkgra.t.ki,o..ki .c .. 1 a o *good soil;aii!lfine HilintifontOn.Lnoils. .1* It/TILIC 'PANS; noi incti4inr7yoii;lpan ..I.V.L•see an honest man's face'in them as, soon as,ionpey over the dde; 1 ASON'SwI r r aN. CHURNS andhpann'ed WaieyStove . Pipe and Tin Cat Holes at, At ASON?S. ;Ir i tN ow iNg that' so;ne . '.thip a ea be done ~11:'es well:as others,mtlfe Side Hill will keep gOed supplrof Groceries . • a ndPrevisions. ' ~; ~:k~: `:•.•!:,..,; ';'''',::, JaiIII(ONTOR , LANDS - ~\ , 7- ` ,-- . ', •. „ .N. - q rv - E.104-AN:riz.*.gravitiOr: : OPPOUTtittn..': , - T.O •'il EL I XIV •Ti r .iI.4 I I2I.IVd,'SARIII i n A heitlOililitcO tv'ien,ii-jt . iii i'm' ilest from Philndelphiii • on , ilfe Camden:46l,ltlantic rr4irpott,. Nells ' SerSey.- Ad Old estate-hes recentlfbeerOpenedforsale and the first -division of ~10,660,. acres:divided :UP:into...NM s'itr twenty notes and ctipWarde. The'lioil , Wet:Orr:4oc ritraoy,.l?r the Production: Of freits, gralitsi*C. ,The price idt 14 to . $2O ' peragesi ; pAyabrA;in,•criny, Aisartpr : ;yearlY in :stall-penis, within.. a 'terin . ',of I:four:years,' with interost.* : :.• Tho:_lerms are , tiaide.pei,m ita• . order eo itistire:ihe: - . iiipid improvement of. the' land; _hy-t3tiablihgeverY iif d ?at ri .9 11 1 -,picin. ;,o bogie - larva.: it,id.,novir,beirlig '*xtenalvely . *prove ti: by : god, „rottda; and some or :theliest'Citir,eifs''from New England and' r the:oadlis •,Stittc4nre'-'ereeting.' large improveme nts.. — 'lt :is • , a - icene • of' the `greatest. improvement: 'Oat: - 'Of' . Philadelphia, •SitiaiY,fit,re.- honseti: , ,hage been .- built in ; our: months,'Prictical farmers . and. business" - .Men, from.,tholength and hrendtii . •of,the:Unien pre settling . .titere. it is •liii•:l;:rrniOrtarit . business :place; on:accoont of.: its heingin-the-rnidet , Of ,o. ',great•market., FAiery article raised upon thin jandiknild an . immediate., sate., i, water; is ' : I l einellent,:and no •suOkthing As revel:is' kiloWri. .; , ,rhe' ' k at :ii a, sitqf Or.clay loam with a" day , 044 tiilitid iviencive ni .. .rna'nuris.. ? lt.ie.freo.'Of stonefrAnd easily' worked. Ifabonnds laigelY in' the•-goOphatss,iinil:suck is, its . fertility'Jhat from .the ciops iiroduced.liotb:cipon. this , land and 'the large area adjeining under cultivaiion; it Will be fointd'bet tO,Oe excelled anywhere in• the. productioii.of crops Most adapted •to its market. -•:j ..,:...;• .: : ~ ~ - . .: .. , ~. , . ~. The 'reader may be well aware that the ear liest and tneliel3t-finits and - -vegetables come . fromNevilerkey,. which are annuall3i' exported to the amount'of , millions of ilollare.. The land heeide'being JrccesSibla, in every, way forlertilL ,izers, heti). en,abtindantsupplyol.,thehest,4ual ity Of mock manure. ' :•.; ... -. • -.- ' . -.. • , turriber andhuilding Mateiitits can . be had on' .the-spot at a cheap prices, froth. the mine. -Other' mills' ate.no.vir 'being . opened( and . hricicyttrels being. started onthe ground ; .' . . A .person can put op a frame tenement: for. Present convenience for :ode hundred dollars.. On ..accoonr of the, extensive, emigration, this, is,t he best-course to pursue in'cirder to getkplace to live in at first; Carpenters ,and' builders are, on hand to reit up house's. On the hist terms.' . Li settling here . the 'dmigranthas many ad vantages.. He is wit hin Crew- ' hours'.hours'. ride of the greet Cities in the Middle.' States , and . iqew 'Englaii4 he is . inn settled. country, where 'every iinprovement and comfort. of civilization 'is at hand;.fie.is in a healthy place,' and-IS not subject to-the Certainty of 'loosing the , gkeater part of his family . flfili his , own health by those .malignantfevers whirl: make the graves of s!• : - many . - millions. of the young and hardy in far . off . regions away from home and friends'. 'Be-, 'aids, he lade a mild climate and an open winter. There Fare three 'trains daily. to Philadelphia,. .and to all those Whoimprove. the:railroad corn pany gives a free ticket. ~ ' ' --:.• :•Thd reaciee.will at Once be.struck with ~the` advadtn'gei'herd presented,. and ask himself why the property, Was;not been t 4 tiketrup before. The 'reason is,' it was never thrown in the , ma ricet;; and onless the , . statements , Were .cor- .reet,'no one-IvOult! be, invited: 'to examine'the 1 land before Purchasing , : This all 'are expected to do, -' . They will see the landunder cultivation; they will meet . - persons,' . no doubt, from thcir own neighborhood;•they,will - witness the inn- Proverhents, Mut can-judge of. the character of. the,fhopufation.. Persons should-Come prepared to, purchase,: as 'many are locating,' and lora-, Lion are not held' on refnsal.: ...- ,' ' , Thegammonton Farmer, dmonthly Literary and•Agricaltural sheet, containing full infortna- ticin of ll'ammonton, 'will be sent , to each 1 goirer, and". yin .be • obtained at . 25 netns ,Ili ~, ,ndlspcttaLler'..TYarrantee fiee4s • Ricoh, - dear Or all inennah'eaitiei folgea, ,Route.to, the. land;—Lease TrOio. eireet .Philacielphia, for. Flcrqintoq tan: by railroad at lizt . ! past - seillm 4. M, and-half past five phehi thereingwre.lo:e ,Byritee'. Boarding eonpeiielices villthe found. Petere and ''applieatiot{s',soon be addreseed , , to ,CO7ighli.?l, 292 South..Plßtll Street beloi'a ,SPletladelphia, IPI4e, and injoyma4On cheerfully . • • ' . • • • . . 'LANTiB FOR 'SALF. - 2 . 5 MILES from Philadelphia by Railroad ; in . the. State of New ,Soll among the hest for ngrie.ltu ral,pii4oaes, being a 'good loam soil, with a clay bottom. The land is a large tract, diVided into, sinall fauna; andliundreda frOrn all parts Of Abe country are'MoW settiing and building.. ;Th'e crops can, be seen growing. Tertns, from'sls $2.0 per acre,' Payable within four years by 'instalments; To visit .the half 'nine, St: ',Wharf at Phila., at past 7,,A. Railroad .for ; HamMonton,:sor addreas, J. ,Dyides . ,,by letter. See full, advertisement in, .another .''.',-.. '. LEFT' FOR *COLLECTION'. Tu.' NOTES AND ACCOUNTS orlrona , ' .84.. Armstrong, and also other notes' and :neonate . of ,G., 'lrons, are,. left with .Warren COwleti - for ttillection. .:All those. indebted.aa - above, are..requested.to gall on. him and settle the same without delay: -. • - , ...,- li t . Smethport, Sept,• 9, ipas. . A 1.1... WANTING to ;emigrate to, a, naild . climate good soli ' Andfiite .market; see advertisertion of. . HammotitoiLatitls.._ . • VALUABLE' COAL - LAND...FOR BALE 400 ACRES of ;Co a lsand „Mineral Land for sale: Snidylfind le situated near. _the' .termiimi - of the Bultlo & 'Bradford Railroad: For further pa..ticulitri enquire . o : the' Demo TAILORESS. NIRS: FLORILLA RUMSEY is Orepared to ~I.VJL do S'eiving of all kinds at her residence on Main street,, one'door - beloW Williarns'.law Slie will Cut and - Make men's and •boys Coati and Pants, Shirti; &c:,.in good.stybe and Warninted to give satiefactldoi. ' . • Grain and . firmlime taken In exchange for work. , • 113,,1865. , UST .DROP Ist at„the Ilewl;ppenisig in the J. Side • Hill, wider Ed: • Maion's Store, and examine a lot of SUGARS'at .pricea that can't - • .. , H4,I4MONTON FAITMER; • ' , •A newspaper devoted to _Literature'. and Ag ritu!ti*e;:alSo'settiUg forth full accounts of the new seitleinent,olltaminonton; In New Jersey, 'n be for At' only 25 cents, per an nurn : • .„ - Enclose stamps for the !'amount: : —. A ddreeeito Editor Of the Farmer;ffammonton; AtlantiC:,eiiunty;:prew Jersey. Those'Wishing cheeP : land;:of quality, in Otte of the heillthiejitOd .4ermtjatil'clirnotes in the Untoni eee•adverliSeinent!af klemtponfon Lands. HEADQUARTERS;' . . ..., . ~ . _ ItEAD4TIVertil,S . ' :-.,:;'-..V.-,i).e•.;:1-;z...i.*'-§.:,...:',-..;.:',..- LATE"". ANR - .IMPORTANI`Fnom;3OE !,-:..z.,,;*tA0pp.Y.,,,F1ET:44§.;..9F-,ic.4.'NsAiy-..... Once more on tlielighthing track' Of the far .' reachial.wires, 'comes the glad of: peace and 'contentment, -instead 'Of the •• shrill scream of the deatii'dealing • . , • ..:: . niarander, or the chilling tale' • :• ;who has ;heen • , biiiinghishalls • in the blood. . •• •• • Yottngithe ••• • . • • beautiful,). and •• , thainhOcont;:•• . • instead.ofthe • dt despair' which -Ibut •• •eclibeil horn every hill &in& ) .• ' -. ) - 7of our . wide-spread larid,•liur ears are.. 4..: • flied . yvith the. glad 'stitEint . i. of old men and • maidens, Young inen and m atrons that are con:- tinually '- . . FLOCICIIiIa TO THE IIEADQIIAETEREI OF •.. • • • • . • • '. . • JUST O.P ENEV:BY: G. IRONS Under the Nsupervisioii.ind care.pf the in,- fatigable «MILS," NOT. ONLY TO SE BUT TO BUY portion'a. of the •111rh 1411i1 and unpreilent.edly HEAP:•:.GOODS Which he heS just -rceive . 4 . l . r.oni . Nevi• York. and Philadehihja MILES" WISHES rr Dislinctly Understood Thai he does not intend to ape after some of his neighb•ors by bilating of the 1ir5'i..a4;:t .. 0..4 FIRMNESS, DURABILITY, 04-1:.'E•••-.T-..N - _7 s'• OF HIS Goods, ' All.he:dslre•ks for Purehaths-to ~ALZ AND 113 K AT T 3411. ,knOwing',thiit o one Will . leave the St.ore.elnpty handed -after Oriae • looking at and Izarning the Price AT: Ht:sgt.Lppops :11;.::_,g' - U - ...M13' . ..':' , .R:j. tfit . piA - CET-Ci BV;it'. ~ l?eady.lllerde Clothing Of every deseriptioii,frorri eemmi'an Overalls to the 'finest cloth coit, WARRANTED' : AS; . REPRESENTED: COME AND EXAMINE For yourselves, as we can fit anything, from a boy of four yours to-a man . 01.400 pounds .11gy„- . ...,:00.0.1)..s., gIIOCEIIIES, CROCKERY, And' in fact eireryll'ing.icept in this section; is nr AT lEOl , O' STORE, JIG Carne sr 4;t . , Mils' nog' State Streets; ir...4"l'vvo doors, west of the Baptist Churcir,,FA i.,'4lqlETl : l' - , 0 per: .PA; • PALI% WlTllolfflirirSic , • , imp,* Nipi,volis Diseases. TURT.illiliahed, - thigtitlithOutiatid,ln a seal,- . ..ed.:envelope,spriedt cehter or - Sent postpaid by the Publishers fdi '3 !tamper . •. • ' A NaDICriL oti,Turi'Pnystukt.lExtrivs .' tion and Dectiy . :of the fraine'frern Indulgence' Infection, end the , injiriouti coniequenced of . • bferctify, With the 44611.1'in iiialtd of *MY.: By R. J. COLVERWF.III., • MeMber of the • Royal . P‘ollage of Surgeons -Arc. • fl7'Spertnatorrhther Nervous Debility,'lmpotenCY;Loes of Energy . , Depression of Spiriti, , Tiuddit)%, Diseesis of tie! Sexual Organs, and Ininediinents to' .- MarriagO generally[are; promptly' and effecthally cured by :the Author's novel• and .most stiecessful mode 'of treatthent,by•means of whieh the Di valid can rsgiiiSprist ine health withofithaving recodrse.to dangerous and expensive medicines. From the london• Lahcet.—“The . bst. treat ise ever written . on a subject of vital importance ro will worthy the... Author's exalted rem'. . . . Add ress tie pubiiehere. C. 3.• C. & co„ tst Avqnue; con loth stieet,•Post.:ltox 4586 4 Ne.v York 'City.:'' • ••••• •. '..3•6 1 '...in; • FIFTY DOLLARS FORFEIT: • .• , • , . TAR.• HUNTER -. WILL' PORFEIT.. $5O IF 1/failing •to cure any baSe if secret disease that may Come . Under his care; no•niatter -how long standing . or - afflicting- Either sex' are-in . - vi ted to •his, Private ,Rooms,- 4:4 North sty- St.; Philad'a, without fear Orinterrup tion from other•patients: -. &hinge:its - arid Others who have been .. .unfortunate. Ware selection of a Physician are invited' to call. ' -• . • IMPOTENCY,—Through unrestrained •in-. dnlgenee, of , the passiatis; „by :'excess 'or 'Sett abuse, the evils ,are:nutnerotis.',. Premature im potncyj involuntary 'seminal- dischaiaies; west; ing of thC argotic, loss' of memorY,, etc distaste .• for female society, general • debility,' or consti tutional derangemeat, are sure•to, f0110w.. - - •neeesCary, consult the Dector with eonfidneet he 'offers' epetiectcure. • - , : • .REAE AND. REFLECT.- 7 -The a ffl icted Would do Went° :reflect before trusting their health, and happinese; and in many cases:their livess,,in the fitinds physicians ignorant Of this .clasepi maladies. 'lt is certainlYiinpossi ble for ono mon to undeistand all the ills the humaii family are subject to. 'Everrrespecia ble phyeit:ian has his peculiar btatich s . in which he is more , successful than his "'brother profess ,ors arid ~ to that ,he devotes most of histime YEARS OF PRACTICE,. exclusively. devo ted io the study and treatment of diseases's - of the sexual organs; to*gether with,uleers•upo n the body, throat; nose, ;or 'legs,. pains in , the head, or '.hones,Mercurial rheumatism, sti-ict... urea, gravel, irregularities,, diSeasea arising from. youthful excesses; or -impurities of the blood, - whereby.the constitution .bas become enfeebled, enables, the Doctor ; to offer speedy relief to all Who may place themselves 'Unite: 'MR - Medieine forwetded . iiny part'ot ,the United biate,i---Pr ice Ten Dollars per Package; For sale,,- R. ,DICKINSON'S TED MAGNETO:•ELECTI4C MACHINE.— No acid or other ingredient required; its power being,obtained. from a permanent magnet.' No amilir'should be. without one. Price . only Itlo4 •. NRI:t.II.II.TCV , SLOXIDite• Patented Sept:, 9, ' .1856... Er RILE r. saring lT 'WASHBOARD AND 'BEATER are the two flist.and most:natural implemen ts everuscd in. Wushingtlothas. Notivithstand ing it:has. been the study. of inventors. to . do them away.; and` or, ..thnt.purpoie several. tired patents have beep...issued, yet it has Veen Of no effect. ' They haste,'failed in their ar- . . tetript.. Their machines have been .condemned and throyor awaii . ;and• the Wash' Beard and Beater again used in their steatt: • •• . This uniehine combines them'.tOgethef, at= tacbed tlia progressive lever: in such .a manner. as gives great power to •the. 'Beatery .while either may.be'used as the operator may 'desire. The • motion Ihe pester 1r quiekand • easy, the pressure gentle'. and' pewerful i 'which gives • .it. the' advantage over all other laichines 3 :. and is so decided by Competent 'judges,: • :Manufactured 'and sold' at,Mechanicsburg, by A. WOL'f.ER3. • • Mechanicsburg, March 18, 1858. . 110 ,IVALIM .. ..4:*s9o 1 A 710 JV .....i..... .....H.T.::4( A .p:. i zir ~ . .0:,4','. i . . ~ A Benevolent inatitetion.'estnblinha by. special . endow.. ment Car the rehePot the etek andAlstressedrafflicted . . with Virulent and. , Epidefilic dieeases,. • : • • ••• . • . . • . • MO all persous•allileted• With .Scaual Diseases , such nes; ' VERBIATOESIBC6k SEMINAL FRAJCNiSS, IM POVENVE ,•.'GONORRIICdA, : (FLEET, > STPHILIS,• the, vice of ONANISSI,.or SELF:ADITSE, &o. • ••• . The TiowardAseociation in view of, the awful destrc, 'tier] of huMen life, datised by Sextial: Dieeasea v and the deceptions .pragtiiied upon the •orifOrtunate iletims of 'such diseases by Quacicsi several yearsjige dixectpl•their consulting surgeon:oo 'a OIIARIMMILE MT:Avidly 0. .their namO, tb Open disrusary for till' treatment • o this class of disease's, ll' their' forme; and- give MEDIOAL ADVICE' GRATIS, to all wheapply.by letteri• with: deicilpilon of :their conditien., age,. occupatiop, ..habititefilfe..te4.and in ease Ofextrerne, poVerty; to fter 'nlah medicines cIIATtaz; It is.needleas, .that the association connbande the, highest Medical Befit Of the age; a . nd•will furnish the; Meet aPprcived - nsedern The.DireetOrs t ,.‘ a review:Of • the - pest, feat alurarecl that the Ir.labors id this spheraeftenevelent effort, have been orgicutt benefit ,tii.the Misted,- ellimefelY. to' the young,. and -they have. resolved to devote %themselves .with rentwed zeal to this very lumdtabutt much des- Just published i l •thii)legichitign, a RepOrt - OnEpardi-' atoribco, or Seminal , Weakness, 'the - floe. of ,Ottanisfe; .lilasterbatton,Or Self Abuse, and other Diseases of: the Sexual Organs, by the cnsultidOurgeoui which will be 'cent-by mail On a•sealed leter envelope) Free of charge, you receipt of two stamr for postage.. ,•.. • •• • • • Address, for ItePort or.treatroent, Dr. GEO. It, OAE IIOIIN Consulting-. Surgeon deseelation, No South Ninthltr . oet, Fhilsdelphia, Pa. • Dyerder of the Direotore,• • ' • • -EZRALL. Yr • GEO..PAIDOIIIED, • • FARM ; LANDS FOR SALE,,;:2S. MILES from Philaiielphia.by,.ftailroad in the State "I 5 New Jersey, Soil among the Ileatt'or Agricul tural purposes, being a "good loam soil, with a `clay bottom,: The land, a large tract divided ; into small' farms, and hundreds from all parts of , t h e cour ov„,are.new .settling, and building. The crops can besean.growing. Terms; . from $l5 to s2o'.'per *ere, payable within four years by. instalments. To•visit the place- 7 .LeaVe Vine St. Wharf, at Fhila. at halt past 7, A. M. byt,Railroad: •or address R. J. Byrnes, bY'lettei. • See full " adveraisement• In another column. ; ' • •• • , newspaper HAMMONTON FARMER. • ' A newspaper devoted to Literature and 'Ag. - riculturp,.also setting forth full , accounts of the new settlement ef 'Hammonton; in New Jersey. "can be,subscribed for at only, 25 coati per an.. • Inclose postage stamps fer: the .enriount. • Ad &cis of, the. Vernier, Hammonton, Atlantic' county, Neat/ Jersey. Those Wishing cheap land, of the,' heat quality,- ih ZITO' of the healthiest mid' mosf delightful climates in the Union, see advertisement ,of.liammoton Lands.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers