...What..the-Preas Say.. .. itc o siii.'s'!::`,-Exterbiiriatore invaluable r e medieerfoeeleisiitiehliuspe df rilFecirts:brver :::,„:4l7,4ll- ell I , eentike . nee: we ; , recereMeml thern,Ari , eccosrse's" 'remedies bi- all.domeatle pestsi suehlailtatei'tMechesiTed , buge; - A.nti,,Flees, 4costelnkeluable;; we , can ,speak:freui , actin' knowledge. , :of , ;• meritei- : paiMeasirs , end DEALERS' etiould send their order's earlyril theY would sde'gre 'aqrade'in Jeurnat. col shall writesomStelng , ittiouitycinr•Exter; Minato:kris; tel Can do' se Witipippriety:, -They . are selling rapidlreere,andidestroYieg-ell yer. • `Meath . tp ail , As . approaches .... • '• " • ANTS, u ,and.ROAcsSi )". „' • .• ••• .• Fro m come out;'. • •: ••• • • .••,. INllPE'land • " • •. In spito'4l:-C . atii '• • • ' '• , Gaily ship • about, , ~; , • • - • • You,. in the night,: Ay( Otilthe. bed you, slumber; • ')Vhile•lsszars.erawl , ••- ,••• %.Thro'.ehamberand . z••• .In squads without number: ' • IT:; 'IS, ;:TKULY ...W.OIII3EREUL;. Nyrrn •what •eertaintr,ltats,;Rottelms . ,l4fice, •.Moles, Gsmind• Mice, lied4yugit) Ailt4t Moths, Moequi 'toea, Yleiiii,,ltise - ete.on . animals, in, abort :every species-pf.Yeimin, are atterly destrayed and exterminated:•by .; • . • ".Costar's"Sat.:Road:3l.o m. ixterminaton IcostiteC,Bed-bng Exterminator; ',Costar's'.' Pomider, for Insects; Supplied direct, by. mail; to any ,addressin• the • United States 116 SUOMI: ". '; • On ieeeitit, of t ' voof the RAT, fioAcli, Eic., . '•`•,• , ! . r • • " ' • .00 receipt of $2,00, a,..box each. of . the ROACH, 46, , EXT:, RLECTEIC. POWHER, (sent poitage . paid;) suitipieny .to .destroy the veimitt oin• any, pr,ernises: • Sold 14.13ftupours and rtsimuu.; every. where. “CasTs.s.?*" PRINCIPAL. DEPOT, 920 "BROADWAY, • •. • . S.—Uireulars, terms, ite., sent by Maify.iti application...' •• •• •• ' • 071VIIOLESALE AGENTS 'FOR. PENNEYLVNIA: . . • OtiSTAR'S BNANCH IiEPOt Northeast corner Fifth and. Aid' Streets, And Wholesale Dealers generally. 1/ISgOttiViitj NOTICE is hereby given that the .firtic of Msots Si.WnWtyr'fs this day dissedred by mutual“cciim'ent of parries- the business trf be hereafter conducted by B:F. %MIXT. - Smethport, March. rOth'.iB69. • -.. • • EMPIRE N 0.3 OTAV,AS', ..',..N.-:.,:.- WIWON-&:EATON - pp EG . LEAVE TO .ANNOIINCE that their. *I) heyo:iichiliect their .flrst . stock'of. SPRING.St.SUMMER GOODS . . Ant! are , now iireparedfp"riv their friends and instomera'and 'offer th'errf a. nevi and desin ; able , sfackt-of • Coantry Merchandiie IN, ALL ` ITS VARtErr, SUCH A S fAitCY ANii.STLPLE DRY .:.GOODS, .BOOTS: AND ; SHOES,. .i11AT . .: . .' 'A - :.., ::-O:AP's, CR9CKER'Y' I GLASS ,WARE Arid sfotk- of Family Groem4es, We will : not 'weqd Ythir fintinee by'dntinie ritingi but ourktoe4 in, very, Full end Complete. pleeee you•bitkie:to fluidity:anti price•". • WildtAdvertisenieroo..wiii 40 for some,. but ttte7 milliWetir'llittie4lo l l - ape_ only risk an erratninetion and!are conAtlent 4wo can do you' &ad.' ' • - -• • COME AND SEE. Olean. , , ..W/LCOB. ,& EATON'. , April 18; , 1.8.59.. . -.. • SPLENDIU'LOT -"OF 'TEAS;.-at WILCOICSITA.TON'S Olepn, N. Y, I'OrADE' frolp'poAL; . With 14AMPS to. barn 1.11 . t4:'slinie; . WILCOX .EATON'S Oleab; . . , PAPEE.:RANGINGS; - -- . ' Ao . 6,lsE,..A , s§OnthrgiT , if , '"•:-,.'.. .4...:.,.--, ~.:-.,!,'',,1111.te.00,7C8c'EAN'.19.; ,Cote,iplk . ii .- . 1"... , ::....:. ,-,'.:. ::;?:, ..'::,'. :::'".,:', • . NEW . CARRIAGE ANDiVAGONSHAP,; oiti•ifdiad . 4ls' . •;outa;„ f 4,„6.::t6;,„uti, - r lic that helm fitted uo.:tr ehop at the loyver end of town; On. the -.p retta lees, re, ce rrt Iy, pee u pied :by N. Medeury,.ae a carding. factory,, aud:;,is prepared to builduakinde,of„ „.; _‘., . ' CARRIAGES.'ANIY.WAGONS-.% • • . At sheit notice/ in a s ii.ork'rniin , like'rniiiiiqii, and afreasenable,prices. Haiiing had a lame experience iti• the feelCientielied, that, his'vArk dill fully. tneet'the requirtiiiinte pf al! fro* himj elth their patronage rterialring promptly attended to°.: •- 3methport t April; 10i n 1859 . ;•' . .:'':' . .r.:, , : . . , 2!.0't(,- - .-A WOAD ,:. TO - THE ' IN F IW/I,l ! AT ''' BUTLER 81, CO OLEAN , AitE RECEIVING ONE or THE. SfRING4IBVAMERtOKIS ADAS'ED:: TO. VkIE WANT.S CONSISTING 17.111 E ;LATEST 1)4,F,.5;,:::,..pf,)Qp . 5-; Which 'neither time ricir , space can'Flescrihe. SIiA.IFLN ; MILLINERY 'GOODS, cLOTES f „- HOUSEKEEPERS'. GOODS, KENTIJCKVJEANS,. AM) . Fai-m ers' at Mechinic' C'ASSINigfiES", SUMMER STUFFS, in . great varieties, LACES, AfIRRORS WALL IND PATt7R, GROCEHIES % PANTS, -01 LS. Le4ther? 4ke., ,4&e. And a thousand other ._things . they can abd . : 7; , :1111.,011:1%,! 'Ai ; to defi,..`; as everyboilyfias'seen - for the last year:, 1111 IF; the'only ‘tily to spll,goolli; with romp' t dttentinri; ~ wi~fion! ': deception'or; hu'in= bug to oue. Knowing .that th Pefopie' est '' ;`,T udges, , w& caiidiallyl • akotF.:,.c A §4 1 . , pu.y.g.13,q 1 ...T0L00K i ' '" • ..• • ,. ..•: - ' .. ':.; 2 ;` -., •' . : - :, •.J. , W5 . '..:. , , ,, :... - ... , .; ' Irnna. Stock ilikiire,puighising efiewheie, aiid , we *III 9 1 rE niEg• THEIR':•MoNEY'&VORTH • • x, p.Diiii > is; • : - N;II.IIUTLER . Iic '•• e. „ One .Price. Regulatpr. Ptistic. ' .. jiiiicisi' i'i . !,:i6.**.iit-' ''.:; Evrotrered fdt.sale.in Western Nei-YOrli;Nvi!icii. is jest Of fhio liefiod Of Con aril. STYLE. AND PAM-if& 14 ; 5 RNDLOAS, , t4tRIETIEg Of every descriptiodi VESTING S .cASSIMFALS;, DOMESTIC GOODS, GENT'S & LADkE;§ GLOVES FARMERS" DRILLS, -ATS; •EMBROIDERIES YANKEE. NOTIONS; CROCKERY BOOTS Atm SHOES, any . s*ll:4tock,to .ompAe With us, Believing still that the PRICE SYSTEM AT OUR PIKE'S „PEA IFLOORED! ....',!-.1t1ki':::: : :''•;' . ....:: , ; ,, , ,- .... , :'. , ' ,- ';'. ,, Y;.'..' , :.': -: :::' .c' , .„'. , : ;. . : : . . , :.::•:.i.,! , T:0 1 ...,PR0Rit,::.'...: , .;:... - :. -, ::,.. ~.....„,: - * :,,,, : ,•:..,..:-:,,,,,, , ,-:•-,,?..,,, ,, :::. , , , A-....,-• , ..,, , ... , ,:... 1..-:. 7„,...,8• DE-• , -11. - ILL'''' I ..... _ - .- ‘,.• ..•: ~„: .-,,,_....,,..,., • ' • c o _p_vg, , _ - IMPORTANT DE y'4O,PtOICTS, TcY,TyE crftzErtiop -moKEA IMMENSE ATTSACTION,, A the New HIGH, PRICES RUINED bLD FOGYISM DENOVIkCED, 4n .High E'ties kicked' out tif doors. . . , . - :.A.'brightei day fias .tlaisiird'ittrerr itttrits df NOrtheirt clouds of the Ciedit - Systemtsfre'rOtlitrg to Idly away; for th'e ' ' •.:. CASH SYSTEM IS BOUND TO TAKE THE LEAD! • . There is no Use in talking.' Ready-Pay-is the • . the. ONLY . i,,TA - UE .- • , . • • Systett; arid with that fdr dur 'motto.w . e,tllng; • . Our banner to•the braeze, acid boldly . ' proclaim that, •• " = -rirr VV E Carr NV ILL SELZ, GOODS ' CHEAPER - THAN ANY CONCERN THAT Takes TRUST for PAY. And vi'e .would. here venture the: assertion • ' "that we have daf,a` the', 7 •NICEST LOT or Groceries, Ever brought Into this,maket . Bring on your BUTTER, your EGOS 'and CHICKENS, you; P.RODUCE,. and, fact almost ANYTHIG BUT, TRUST,: 'ad ive are a Trade.. - , . ••• • • . 00 7 . E. .4.4:-CALL. EXAMIN.E and 'PRICE our. STOCK; and • then the'”SIDE • HlLL":lvill•ccgiease.up" and • • ccalide aut':''oftawn .' • the first dark . . . • UNDER• E. S. MASON'S STORI.;,' Wtat We of .the Publict,Bipsare. • r .I'. NorfacE. THIS is to certify 'to 911 fel 'whetrithese prey= • 1 ents 'shall Crn oe r 'that Edwin .Breee, -the' person named in a certain Certificate 9r notice, of ttle,fortitation'of a certain' limited.paitnef ship to 'be E'nflticted 'under the name of Bryant Tilden, in tit q, township cif La fa y ette; cern* cli - 111'gean . ,•and Stare' of Pe99sylVahia,, which :In:Rite is reCoided . in the .Recorder's ofnCe' ' ; said, county, in•Miscellancoes'Records,Rooltß; . page. rcold,'.its4lgliedland.ttaast9r- - - 'red ."to each',of,t he' three `persona' hereinafter: riirned, to Wit;...i.Chn;,. Tyler; of Boston, irt.the eouni . y'of and Co:urierfwealth of Mass= . .ache'setts' ' resure • rieeGee. "IV. , iipard,' Merchant, and Robert Farley, both IpsWieh',''iti the county sseitrand Common wealth; >,foreshid;.and ;their' legbd tiyea`, and assigns,.oni• part,: twentY4Ooth.., parte. hi' 911.4' this'. aakalrtice'S interest ne special.parllini*the 'partnership 9foreiaid; 'nod , that sa4l.'Yler; Heard; aiirterley aresnoW'speobit, partners in: said 'pert nershiP •and 'held each :one twenty}_ foueth part of the 'interest thereid obtained by said Bruce, • by:lhe . .,:pi,yin'ent of, • the..setn": of three thousand dollara, , ,in said ,certifilitste men, tloned.';'' Made:arrseilerallY;stgnt4.by the'said pat ties; if Bdriton; 'aforeatiiil, , for the 'purpese of cOrnplyirig'ivith fife:Rims of , the'State.efl'entt reference to the ' laws 7vvhereof. the said parnerahip.establishadlthis.first - day of ApriliEightienitundled •andififtypine:. • • 'BRYANT,.P. TILDEN:. '• . • •-• • . . ' Vr:HEA:RD, , • • ROBERT. 'FARLEY: ' •-• abo - ve Ttecerg.. er'ii office. of M'Kea'n county:',':,, " , •••,- • '•SmePiport;*iif . -•- 4-Ow , ,Arrilval ,au J),epar are ,of Nails. -, s3isTn PORT POST OFFICE..., •. -.. 't 04271,--Leaves every, morning at 8 (:Oelockr ar , 'rives every evening.',' '"1::,..1:•:, . - COUdo73pOrt -- LtvAres' Ttiesdoy.rantt • r Saiintlay '.• mornings r, arrives IVlondarand ,Friday el/i.e.,. B iiiPtien -1- Leateir TuegdOy, Thursday, and.,Sat., • • urday,mo ening i; arriYes • IviOnlaY) Wednes-' • day',and•,F.riday, evpnings;r - .: . ~, ~ • ••:-...,?-, 22illgtbay---Lenves y; a Monday * , `Wednesday i', Fridny m nings ; arrives ,-Tuesday,' 'rho s ,' clay and tnrdity evenings.- • . • • ~, . , Warren—l eaves Tuesday mornings and errives „Thtirsd y efeninifd. ..- ; ''•••,'. ": , - 7 . ':- n, ': ,' '-.•,1 S. SARTIV....ELI4: P, ,:.M:-,.,; . . WANTED;:" , , rpm) ARKS; •Enich •one, 40- feet. long,• 16 :1 feet Aviil,6,t•Wrid.•3• feet suitable for River .tinti:'„Potato; Oreek, qnd Git;V. be ; deliVqre'd. in Poiiiin_er,e,elc, be:PAW ‘,Oll in k & fo sti • Adtir'es"if• ' •BRYANT P. TLEDEIT;, , .4.#t;! FP4t,e. oolll .°T. B . :4114 7'k Bl l-BOARDS, Y l'4ili;ltiop::stieks, Bale- Vl' ratui and Choice Imported'atki Witnes 4 M Cigars at' tvhctlesale or ri.tail,ae the Side HA VoFt . rA.T.) Olt • "• n t ', • - , , .7. IS- THE TRUE kNTENT -ALL' AIEACkITiLE „.,...,..,:.:. ~•:i, i .., , ..,: . . . . ._ . ... . ~. EAFr:.,Bltor.:.or.;clrOV .:PPRIL;XO- kIITARE NoVethbOV,:ol:BsB:' JOl3 PRIN'TING, OF. EVERY'DOCRIP.T:IO.I4, WEATLY, . PPAPLY r AND iiiIiiII.T;OI7BLY, BtEOURED AT, TAE trENIOCRA'I' OFEICJID. , AtlVATitneG.to emigrate tb . a imil,.andlne market, eee'•ntliertiteMen,t, cif.Hammontoti Londe. • • • • 02.0.0/::::-.,-- . .IPZISAt NEW GOOD ' S L: . C.• ::. ..IIQTAIES'; .Rait-':lfrinoteii.: TOOHIS NEW . 061tE-, : olsit DOOR EAST OF...THE. ASTOR HOUSE,. Now Reeiirio - g A LARGE AND C(4l'4E:it t \ STOCK OF GROCERIES '.P:.:kti.- . : : v.:-li-it'i . i,: - : .1t. : ' 1 .,- . ; • Vhich, •• • .. intenilq to' 4cll.at prlbes :Defy., Competition HAVE;, ADOPTED:THE,- , READY-PYA SYSTEM . nd can, assure tlte . publWthere is one 1111, place to 1)4 goods 'where•those il3 No .Toorzynio';' Wkere,,ypv,n.pemd.yo,q orders ap4,yo!Ar Cask! X,q4F Goqd - 11 d 8 ;0°4 1. . 1 !s t_bpgh- Y,c,,Y.„catTie.Y9lr .*? : • .SUGARS, from 9 1-2 to 15 Cf.' Aoco ; r4Assgs,•sl3 , oi. i , .'u,A.4,;p5. ; ,:iiiiri ,, ,::..,,....., • .:-.. ~„ ...y, CAMPHENE, GREEN' pit, IiT I ACIt T AB SPlC*dOrail: kinds, SAtr,I3,4 I .TI.TS • @.cts,i A. Chett4 of that 4.); ..;, .T013.4cc0 flf all kinds,. RAISINS,_• • rnrrs 9 An(l in fact .everyiling.,nenall3r kept . # Grocery.. Store: - FLOUR, PORK & SALT A 1 :"W- AVS N . 11'4 '.• -PirefatoPY.: Pree't , ;Whiter Wellsboro Co.qal,. • `Associate dg es —.ll9fic.J Rarling, - Sthethriort,• Holmes, •'Sherif 7 -Joseph Morse, Bmethport..:• ,••'• • l'ivihenetarlizL-SinioetC Ifydo,;Briiethilorh,'' Pediste?'''citia'Reflordir-=-P IC Sitlt S'rtitith.; Csiiiimi'sSiasers l ;...tialniel ICf:teliii' dOtegiiive 'lCOrividii` Nelson Penbokyi Ceres. ConiniA"siiiii‘iii 4 Tolefrk=„Ts. ' Corwin, SiriSfhpoi'r; .V: .P. Carter; Gores. J 141 rict( o:r rii.--46r en cOvltles,s'mechiott., Coroner. Jhni/os . Bond, Lnfoyette. • • - , ,::- ..: SM.ETIIPORT P) • AI . 4:4,11„:L..4,,...-:W.Q..,1,::,K,.r.5.; ? •:-.:, :-. -'.,:, ...... A3x".l.:::l:,2:'Ff§H., 1 . ;:::',.;:,:',:;:',::: 1 7yio;'.al ~' e*.i4t:cif.oi!iLi,p . xi' Ofi:oloiiti:liiiiii; it...l'. CP2 c . .A" cA . . , .---':',.. •"•:•-• &0::"4 - ':'• ..',',''' • • : . ''' .. .&...1';'-.-•'..' --.''.' '' 'Fri , io. - Fi :'IN-:A- : ' SVi!j - Eiiioir:- . ..". - miiiiitr.ii ' ''...J.6.ie • iiii',,,. " ..44'.'.'4';',.. - i,0 , .• - ' . . •''..-'• ,, ,,-...: . . - 1.'.:- , ..":.. ~:,.--, ttONt otNiotiEff .co OVEAN, ..OARTARAUGI7I3 CCIVNTY, • BLVAIIMACTV,I2ERS: BLINDS,,:DOORS,' WINDOWS, nooDflio, ozILINC, AND. SIDIN G AND DIALERS 'Fact'ory Tani Mid Ofhte, neaf the,Altigini Olean , Julh 18584,', T . . , . O The Honorable., Ciuirt of. Charter Ressionti of the Countpor M'Kean: , . The Grand Inquest,•restieetfully report, 'Abet they.hive visited and **unlined the. Ocittnry. .fail and present that. it •ii.in. a.• cOnllititsit unfit for.the perpclur for - Which' 'trill •Intendedi: that it. id badly . ,v,entifiited, 'end that, the • air. Jangerrierit and . Construction.. of the', plirferjs !limb act° endanger tire healtirof , the prisoners and of .the Jailo'r's family. ....;• :, .. ...f . ,. • i.. That this sabject has burr, brought . to the. attention of the. Court by presentment of , for- 1 pier Grand Juries; but that to this time nuetP. 1 forte;have been made by the pounty Commis,. stoners to ~remedy the defects, Complained of` Weihave, therefore to report the; presentments heretofore made ;and ask the %I-Ignorable Court to dikeet ter. proper : atm*: ttkAtieve each: i in proirenriatc` made as are onittire,d f , - .••• -. :- - : 'ThiSbutdjacpreif ‘tlir th ir - Pieiientt Abet the CoutiW , ' 'age xtverlthe•Alleiheny,River, near Limb nnsafe and.darigerous to.the.livei iind.p!oper tpsitingers, and that it should • " I N flotiVetim itiWattentionand repairs. ..-...-:*: *TittEGr4itfl, nquest also • present: : that :the lipolit of . .the .Qpnarnissioners , Office - do •flor oh*. ihet.Cotintrkcaountit, in an .intelligible *ntf.turtisfaciovy, Twiner; and we respeicttully. !uggetit•to•thei Coorp.sorne • action . in •the that pitt eiclierkrtho.appointrnent of a proper. : : ex. inVination, or spoil, othep method ,as to the Court "v ileetnAiitlieiii..';'i .. ;,: .: • —,. .`MarchBmethport,2, nit3i:. ~ ,- - • r; ,, FLUID) • BitADFORDATIOUSE • • • •, • NORTIII 'SID If 0r• THI. 3Q OARS, J3rjidlbi:il > :` itirrE undersigned baVingrkelyisedipo above •PeePeetYds 1 19# . 1 44 fPie, 0 44 0 'ihieFtele the ireveliN eeelawpity,:ond,ifoildttni boarders on t O sOlialit‘Oteynpr. Op) • ' ...:1 2 A 131 e.g.::6)A r E/Ar .. STIPM/ 11313 / 3 :' , l' L'Ot.thi:coutitiy afirbribp: retTeiii • Wtait :Whs . ,•• • ••• .2. O: t: ore ConnantiCiitb`• the pcniwaiirkjakaliit hostler' will a)trsyd We: in tilaiirn b'oi)es; 6rikio t s ijViiing I to the' or-bequests iall.ilvrii;tuttAtiir I age of the pubii~ . ii-tr; • ' ' MARK OLD IRON:I'iANIPANItiiii:, -.; r r ‘.34 Nin account eha6 4.° for • :1 .11 NOMMWZ :i,i; ., -;'; ~1. . . 7:77:,1. '... ,, ii n . : If OLEA'N EMS Widoh 4( fiNPO L —, •it ° Tt i r REAL EiN f i . KlrFAh. ft, 0.,tpk.,4„t;.,09 goe:gloen - i:nd I r lsbing - pyt4, l pk..l4,4PP.„ l oo(4.C.lliiit cheap no At, any btliorl'eAtablipbyplitiVoi f .:OYEI , '- 4 • rok giball .69 .any Tbeni prat:4 of no_nlorpsthtur 1MR441, Onlled gating Iflnvied; ptit stive . • ly•buyliig"ctierkti:for dylayyl And thwf..794 `wol, 0.1 . n Sprit, 94 kt A lk '/• 'O s "Sn YiPUT* AND , IRMO* rH . f,, , *Ait ,T v et paiishigniirtritl;itit)t ,4).? Aiiid nialw ville - oid 644 41 - * airy, aittliessi;*ltitiCArt 1 1 4 ,q40., • ferr 4 Al.-: - *. ikEYICittE4AY r • iftt AND 140# '4'ge • Eiti 6 cl,...s§tAa . ' ' rioo .0 4 4 - &Bust., Thvaari e • O•,O•oN 0 Er or lirrpoO:rf• ..nop r.M D l ' .‘ DMOhiS ai Tit AATP,r494fasi• OA s (i itor „ or , 4 , • &, 4 ,, tNg N••• • • • t (17 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pit9rrivtilit_':of A 4 4 104, G A n i ta Lank:4 o o'9l4rP#4 lll lA /silliatetl)9Yl\e'. loss of Hoo,rgyi ity, Disease of , the. S,exual k ctrslll4-,* mente to:Mit.rrogPl a'rfirPl43*-11,144411Ftqki, ally romoVea hyt the ataboi,',llnovetoti l m auecessful: mode ,or ztreatroif/t4 l . 1 1, 4 . • whigh tha Ovultd- caul regal!) , withopt h ay in g ,reeot ioa 4 te\clotnll 4 l,4,olollllf ' pensive inOiciqes• 0",:54411;0444 - #O, ( Frot P :t h%PonsiantiotWgP 4 ,4t ;O 4' 4 The;beet ,treat(qe ov et wkiltent,os-014 ar-, vital importance la ;,all„waikt. Ifor,t4N author's exal lo4, TVP ll lqtign.f , :il4 . fitts* c titi' lAlldre,sa Publiehetei . 4', s R/KAREIrs, tat. Avenue ) ear. ,19th-4trestfiT4lf`lll4- Now,Yigic Cit.V4 vpi„ - " • 1....4 .10, da g t e=t .0.16 6Q WAGQN MID i OLEOS ifiNit . ?It"- , rap Ataisnikaiticto thi eat. , ti ; I : :: , n s oV P steinWt siteirpiiii ',- mai ji., has OP blie./e,a 't! i t ti go.s4nctcsoll . .. .fortiterty-ocut6ditqtlOrt.flttn'w A k le,' • , , ,r, Sh inli, o 9l•Ms o44 , ll Fttier;l7,,vettsgv% VI: ilk w ed to do 411 work .iii, lAN n t , EgAPP , '' i iens , an d lb ri'work risplike :4111144414 Particular Ote,At1011,0010;04-141.PFO •:' and ,tt) ti.i !tiMitamlorltismry,lol, mitt:44W, Sleds: ''-'`,''';'" , ,". , r , '“ - '.. 4. , k.t _ y fq.., 4 4 001 11 1„ 0C,,011, ia#ol,..tlke# r#o-4/94,60,: ' WOrkr ' . '*" :.. "; '7%,":,"t.g'ilt-tAt. rpr - .7:toiiia•"eol4l/ I Slm-- , - 04- .... , „.....„, „,,,, ••-, 1,,, i , % ,. , „,,,„, xii • .SztlPtivorr,9,FC . r.gli.' , -ip,tte:i4,**4 MA ' T " ' a ' .-lh•'' L . O L-u;...A.l.AitWot' v La s7:—f-451."4i t4t1•,1 .4 g . . k ,4 1 i. ,. . ; 714 7 44 i t f l liz slii , , wiiil,.. 4ft a McOongoA gotiggisook***, stvigauwoßT,A./411,71tT,1041120ka ~,- ',, ' , Vile . he , Wiaiiiii'',knitiiik,Vooo)l4 ~ --„, , . - --,-----„...--.- -,,,..,,- 1 4 - Oentletafetet:Aal*lhre rlik an e „1:1 -,, , ,,MA . n'svo ftik maimfr • 0fi1r, 1 9,x4 0, 1-E cor,f.fiwpkkAr,,... c# l4 4 goi k. 6lerchaAto gutting ,to - ciii7aii him, a a FA, hIW tiacNi , eilOpkiiiite' : . ',. ' 4. •• '-, , iikertod'oro,:dA '',,A.,4lo*Wt, , '? . , . Tgrr mapair*Eit'. i 4124 , 11 --::, ' • In tilt thd`4l,Ercit4i bralip4Os c6.t 1%,, _.,' ~ ' ::-.,.......: , 1:011.: LL7' - zh9FCAVPitrp;itql,liAipckq , ,i.:. ,,,' • Stnetl43ll,l4rell'24p,-AtiStii 041. `1 0 0.001010:: • Pdi ?f 414. M a t R 4 l f cow nexl low to'vr WO' void awl spry' eng ottui) efpi .1%,111x) .oorni N `''ii ~~. .-`
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