I . . • . . • 1 ...--..." ...-----•-•-• . L.- LOLCOMB 81, TRACY, i'abllshers. ..• . VOL. VII.. • . • . . . i • . . • •.. . . - . - . . . •---. TRE---.-.. 1 .. - . Railroad Tirne.Tables. . - . - . •• Brathid Repu b llcan BARC T. LA t. Y- E R F . FE CT R. TIMETAB BB LE. - • . ' . . TRAINS i - , TRAINS NORTH„ f ttoUTK. Is' Published , Every Thursday, _____. 10 4 STATIONS. • ; 9 Way Ace' I lAe 3 e 1 ;Us, 1 • AT TOWANDA, PA., BY MR. Lion, • tion ' l ) Nall 1 • .............1.----p......._........... PAL A. 11.4 . 1. -•; . iA.11,1,P.1A EIOLCOMB & TRACY. 6.20 9,201 Ar. ...Towanda ... Dep.l 6.17 i 3 ./ 5 • 6.03 9,o3:Dep. ... Monroe.- Ar.l 6.35 i 3.30 6.02 9.l4'Ar. ......lionroe.... Dep., 6.411 3.31 $1.50 Per .4tanntn, in .:11dranee.. - 5.58 • 8.591 " ..:Masontown .. .• J 6.47 j. 3.35 . • 6.53 8.541 " .. Greenwood ..•• "._ 6;62 3.40 . i 5.46 8.46: " ....Weston.... " , 1 7,0 0' 34' • 1 • ' *5.39 *8.381 .... flmmo •• 'O7 111•3 54 - .I(leertising Rates-Six cents a line for first 5 5.35 *8.35! ~ . L amoki :::: .. :41:15' it3:BB i iiAertion, an 1 five cents per line for all subse- 531 8.311 " I.; - .;ng1ralleyJunc •• 1 7.191 4.02 , I nelit inserttins. Beading notice adverti s ing s .W 8.15 Dep. . Foot of Plane. Ar. i 7.311 4.15 toii i crnts per , line. Eight lines conetitnte a-. • Indicates that trains do not stop. ' flitarerelre lines an limb. Auditor's ..f•• F. F. LYON; entices $2.50. Administrator ' s and Executor's - 2mrB2 . . Sup't and Enter, Barclay, Pa. notices $2.0 0 . Yearly advertising $1143.00 per . . . column. T • EHIGH VALLEY di, PENNA AND Ter. ItxrnuLtcart is pub li shed in the liiacy, LA NEW ,YORK RAILROAD!. ;doors and Nobles Block; at the corner of Main and Pine streets, over J. F. Censer's Boot awl ARRANGEMENT-OF PASSENGER TRAINS. . Shoe store. Its circulation is over 2000. As all TO TAKE EFFECT JAN. lit, 1892. Advertising modituxOt is unexcelled in its lin• : to,.diate tidl. i • 7:wanla Busina,ss Z EASTWARD. ireciory. . .. . STAT/ONS. - - , 115 1 9 1 1 1 3 ATTORA EYS-AT-LA - Ir. I . ‘ - .! LL , -- - -- . , • - iPi.11.1A..11. 1 ,A.51. P.M, i NIIIII .s: HILLIS, A t‘torneys-a t-Law ;- Oißc - Mager& Falls 1 2,0617.20 ; 7.15 ;•1 over Powell S: co. Buffalo • 2.501 8.25' 2.20 .. _ ---------- •,• - Rochester ........ .. .......1 5.15;10.05' ..... t t, Lyons . 6.30111.05! ..... ..... riSI.IFF. J. N.. Office in Wood's' 'Block, sou -6.56111.301 %-1 First Sational Bank; up gratin,. June /2,', li Geneva . - Ithaca. ' '' 8.3 3 1 1.00! ... _ riL•tititEE A: SUN IN C Elsbree and L Elsbrre.) Auburn - , 5.1511.05' - r_l onict, in Mercur Block. Park St. may 14.73 Owego • '' 'I 8.501 1.351 'Elmira . ' - -411 9.101 IASI 0.00 3A5 K &•., DEC OVERTON (Beni St Peck and I) A Over- Waverly ' 9.451 2.101 9,40 415 / tool. (Mice over Hill's Market_ 49-'79 Sayre 110.10 2.30'10.00 4,30 . --- OVERTON s: SANDERSON (E Overton and ,y,an ,Blau - f ......110.15 FS,z,ufrrson.) Office in Adams 13lock.july5'78 (lister ;10.25, --- towanda 10 .46 3.001043; 505 1 ‘.4 .. AXWELL , 11•51. Office over Dayton's Store wy asu ki ng . 1' . 1 • 110.541 5.13 LYA. . april 14,16 Standing tone.... ......... , ...... 1.1.031 - - - - - Rummerfl ld 1.....111.10j 5.26 WILT, J. ANDREW. Office in Mean's Block. Frenchto h I ALM,. . •Pr 14 . 76- Wyalnaing I P L 1 3.30 11,30 ' 1 6:43 . . Laceyville it ' ' 1,11.42 3.57:11.501 6.03 Dk VIES, 41RNOCIIAN & HALL. (IV T.Lavies. Skinner's Eddy 1... . 111.53 6.07 Wll Carnonhan. Lhf HaU.) Office in rear Meaboppen.. 4.12;12.10 6.23 i 1 Ward House. Entrance on Poplar St. 1ie12.75 Mehoopany I 1 12.16 6.28 -- -- - T r . 11 , n_khannock . ANL:I:CDR, RODNEY A. " Solicitor of Patents. 1 112.231 6.35 1.00 7.10 I.‘i ?articular attention paid to business in t:qirillle I I 1.10 7.20 I I 1.24 7.35 orpLaus'-Court and to the settlement of estates. `'" (ghee in Montanye's Block 4940 x. & B Junction .. ; . 1.05 5.101 1.45 8.05 Wilk se•Barre - 1.35 5.30 2.20 8.35 Slanclathnnk 3.45. 7.351 4.50 11.00 Air c PHEILSON tr. YOUNG, (I. McPherson and i'll• W; I. YounJ.) Office south side ofMercur's Allentown 4A41 8.29 5.53 12.00 P.1.),::>. , • fob 1,78 Bethlehem •• 5.00, 8.45' 6.0512.15 Easton - • 1 5.30' 9.00 Philadelphia... .......... .... 16.55 10.401 8.401. 2.10 New York - . 8.05' 1 0.11 1.35 A.M. P.M.P.M.F.M. NAME k KINNEY, Office corner Main and 112 Nue at. Noble's block, second floor front. Collo:Lions pro = mptly attended to. feb 1 78 WILLINIIS,IKNOLE it BUFFINGTON: (II N Williams, is .7 Angie and E D Buffington). odic° west side' of Main street, two doors north of Argus othee.! All husiness. entrusted to their „Ars will receive prOnipt attention - . 0et,20,17 rAMES 11. AND JOHN. CODDINO, Atter •J- neys and Couneellors•at-Law. Office in the 11,rcur Mock, over C. T. Eirbre Drug Store. July 3, 'BO tt. 12-EF:si, J. P. Attorney-at-Low. Calico in Molitanye' a Block, Hain street. s..ot. t.. 'sl-t[. TilogrzioN. W. a. and E. A.. Attorneys-at Law. Towanda, Pa. , 0111ce in Mercur Block, r T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on Main street. first stairway 'north of Post-office. - AB business promptly attended to. Special atten: given to .claims against the United States or Pensim.s. Bounties, Patents. etc., and to ,dlectione and settlement of decedent's es Ltes. • April 21. ly • HENRY B. M'KELN, ATICEMEY-AT-LAW, solicitor of Patents, Government 'Claims a tended to. iter.,ns2 PHYSICANS AND SURGEONS TOUNSON. T. D., M.D. Office over Dr C Porters'e Drug Store. fitool,7B EWTON, Drs. D. N. A; F. d. Office at Dwelling /I on River Street, Corner Weston St. febi 12,77 _P.M), C. K.. M.D. Office lilt door above old 4 - 1 bank building, on Main street. Special at tention given to diseases of the throat and lungs. ju1y19,70 - - S. L. M.D. Office and rest deuce. Main street, north of M.E.Church Medical Examiner for Pension DcNarttzient. tab 22,18 1. AYNE. E. D.. 11. D. Office over fil•mtanye's Store. Office hours 'from 10 to 12 A. X. and !row ,2 tog P. S. Special attention given to I , l,eagea of the. Eye, and Diseases of the Ear. 0ct`20.77 TOWNER, /1.11... r 11011tEOPATRIC PRYEICLAN & St RGEON. livPidence and Mites just north of Dr. Cornon'S Street. Athens. Pa. 110 TELS TZENRY HOUSE; Main at., next corner south AA- of ilridge street: New house bud new furniture throughout. The proprietor his apar,d neither pains or expense in making his 11. ,, tel fi rst-class and respectfully solicits a share Dt Public natrouage. Meals St all hours. Ternai r . , asonable. Large Stable attached. mar Val. HENRY. SECRET SOCIETIES . -- - -- - WATRINS POST, NO. 68, G. A. R. Meets every Saturday evenipg, at 51ilitary Hall. GEO. V. I&YER, Commander. cJ R. Krrraux:E, Adjutant. feb 7. 79 , nRYSTAL LODGE, NO. 57. Meets at B. of P. V Hall every Monday evening at 3:30. In atrance $2,000. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver f.,,e annual cost, 5 years experience, $ll. I. R. EITTRIDGE, Reporter. J 1,4,4: WAILDELL, JFL., Dictator. feb 22.78 --- RADFORD LODGE. O. la, I. 0. 0. F. Meet B in Odd Fellow's Mali, every Monday evening at 7 .'clock. WAitusli SILL, Noble Grand. June 12,75 - HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING PisT, F. E. N0.:32 Second street All orders • will receive prompt attention. June 12,75 EDUCATIONAL ► ;;;;I:r.,R .EIIANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE The s PRING TERM will begin Monday, Apr;! 3, 1N.2. For catalogue or other infor t,ltl,.n, address or call on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M.,; , Towanda, Pa. ]7,;w PLI7:VBER AiD GAS FITTER WILLYA3IB, EDWARD. Practical Plumto and Gas Fitter. Flace of baldness in 3fer ur ul, , ek next door to Journal office opposite inkic Square. Plu m bing„ Gas Fitting, Repar t•; I'umpe of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing r ,, n:ptly attended to. All wanting work in his 'should give him a call. July 27;77 INSURANCE RrsSELL. G.- 9, General -Insurance Agency, Towanda, Pa. Office in--Whitcomb's Bouk July 12.76 1) LINK BOOK MANUFACTURER t) , BOOKBIND'ER, P I IPER RULER, &c Alfred J. Purvls No. 131 Genessee street, UTICA, N. I Ail work In lila line done well and promptly at ioa eat price. I•arues harilikvolunies incomplete will be frir nlsbed mith any 'Missing numbers at coat price. All orders 'given to J.J. Scanlan, Agent' for Ilradn , rd County. will be promptly executed sc. '' , rding to directioria. sep9-tt NATHAN TIDD, (Successor to Mr. McKean,) DEALER IN PITTSTON„WILKESBARRE AND LOYAL SOCK COAL, FOOT or PINE STREET, NEAR COURT ROUSE. TOWANDA; PA. se Lc, wEsr' PRICER FOR CASH. "VS The patronage of toy old friends andthe public •eneraily is solicited. iisep:B 0 , ie \ . ~.i... , 1111 : :. ' : ...... '44-4: - : i ':14 '1 1 :: - :•'-': . , .. . . . , . 1 . . , . ali#-,40 . ~ .: .-, : \ l lasrall. , , Ark.! 1 4 7 4,, ', ' l l . - i . , --- - • .„...., _ ..4.,44 , _ e.....,•, . ____________._____. .• . , . ~...:, .- to.---_-_, , ~ • -:- pZ,4 4 -ii,..4,•? , _4.1k , . , ' . "00111301111ENT OP TEE PEOPLE BY THE: , 1 r! ... ~ _.. New York Philadelphia Easton Bethlehem —.4. Allentown '' ..... Ilauch Chunk... .... Wilkes-Barre. B Junction Falls •••- LaGrange • Tunkhannock Nlehoopsny Siesboppen Skinner's Eddy.. .. Laceyville ....... Wyalusing Frenchtown Bummerfleld Standing Stone..... Wysauking ...... .. Towanda .r meter Milan Athens Sayre., Wactaqi Elmira Owego ... Auburn TOWANDA, P.► Ithaca Clews Lyons .- Rochester... Buffalo Niagara Falls No. 32 1 eaves W i yalusing t6:00, A. M.. French town A.ll. Rnminerfield 6.23, Standing Stone 6.31 Writauking GAO. Towanda 6.53, Ulster 7.0 f, Milan • 7:16, Athens 7:25, Sayre• 7:40, Waver ly 7:55. arriving at Elmira 8:50.. A. M. No. 31 leaves Elmira 5:15 P. AL*, Waverly 6:00, Sayre 6:15, Athena 6:20, Milan s:3O. 'Ulster 6:40, Towanda 6:55, Wysanking 7:05, Standing Stone 7.14, Rummerlleld 7:22, Prenchtown 7:32, arsiv mg at Wyainsing at 7:45., I'. M. llama 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping cars on trains 8 and 15 between - Niagara Falls and Phila delphia and between Lyons and New - York with- Out changes. Parlor cars on Trains 4 2 and 9 between Niagara Falls and Philadelphiawith- Out change. • and through 'coach to and from ~Rochester via Lyons. 4 WM . STEVENSON, Siipt. ' Batas, Pa.. Jan. 2, 1882. us. ft N. Y. R.ll. AND WESTWARD. STATIONS , 4`..M...A.1ti.:A.31. P.I. .1 0.30, ....i 7.40, 3.40 1 8.00, ...., 9.001 4.15 •1 1 1 O C. 10 15 ' 50 .., .... . ....1 . I a. .1 9.50, ....'10.45 6.15 . ;10.55; • ... '10.54 6.24 .'11..05 ...., '11.55 7125 1.081 7.30 2.03 9.45' .1 1,351 B.ol' 2.25,10.10 .1 ....1 8,27:....110.3 . t .... ' 8.45 .... 1 10.4G 2.15; 8:55 3.01!10.52 ..I .......,.i 9.20 ' '11.22 .1 ..s.! 9.27! 3.27;11.1.19. ' 9.43' '11.45 , 3:02' 9.50 3.4011.50 :t ....'10.14' 4.03,12.07 ~' ...'.110.27 . ......12.17 . '‘ ....',10.37. ....12.24 • ! -• . • 1 0 . 4-1 .-.'—'12: 3 0 . .... 40.54 :12.37 5.251 t 12.40 f 8.15 6.25, .. '8.30 9.351 630 6.40 • 1.41'7 8; 14 • 8.40' 8.50 9.50 6.10 0.40 .. ..;11-.40', 8.10 12.05 • 1.03 9.25 , 1.08 P.M. P.M. A.M. Miscellanecuz Advertisements QUEEN Itc CO. THE GREAT OPTICIANS, 924 CHESTNUT STREET, "BITIL.A.DM 14 - P lA. - ---„,. -4 4"-- - 14 -- • -..,_, -- .W - 7, -, - SUPERIOR KNOWLEDGE, . , SUPERIOR SKILL, • SUPERIOR LENSES and SUPERIOWFACIUTIES For manufacturim all combine to give (liar SPECTII, CLES and EYE-GLASSES a nationalselintation. LOST SIGHT NEVER RETURNS. DI not trifle with ynnr eye by taking UNSUIT ABLE GLASSES. Catalogues as follows sent on appliration : — Part 1— =dela instramentg, Ipaa•ml. Part :—Optical KO, lif. pages. Part a—Mule Lanteros.ll2 des. Part 4-7Ph2OoOPllled. inStrUMentajeOPegeb THEFI Tunoda 5 d. Store MAIN srrn..El7l', (NEXT DOOR TO FELCII A: CO. „ Is prepared to offer a 'complete assort • ment of • DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Crockery,. Glassware, WHITE and DECORATED CHINA. Latest designs anti patterns of MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGES, SATCHELS, H. For the coming Spring Trade,, we adhere as heretofore to our established principle—that a quick sale with a small profit . is better than a slow one with a large profit—and thcrefoie our prices in any line of goods will compare favorable-with the prices of y other house. starWe endeavor, to sell the best article for the leaSt posSible money. LOEWUS a, FREINIUTIL tuy6-tt .. .0. A. NI:IIELSON y: DF 4 Lyn IN g s t .114 . WATCHES, CLOCKS, FINE GOLD AND PLATED -• 1e... - JEWELER of every vev4ety.and Spectacles. it Partictd Atention paid to repairing. Shop in Decker ... Vonght's Grocery Store. Main Street, Towanda, Penlls.a ep9-80 -, AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY OF BEST AND LEADING KINDS, R. M. ou Ana naequa— Jgh prepare. tion of all plowed ground for crops. They will cover broadcast grain nearly u well as $ drill will put it in. and should precede the grain drill in Deeparation of the soil. It should be used, by all means, upon fall plowed grOund. They are remarkably adapted to rough and stony, as well as for smooth; soils. Send for - Circulars. Town ship agents wanted. WIARD -CHILLE D PLOWS. These are the very bnilled plows iii the mark'et for general purposes, and upon all kinds of ground. 1 ask for fair and thorough test-t.lals for these plows in competition with the other lead. chilled plows. The Wiard Plows are warranted to be decidedly the best. and, greatly superior to all other ploirs for hard and s tony ground. I. believe nearly every farm& will buy these plows when he becomes acquainted with their real merits. - Farmers' Favorite, Champion, and other Grain Drilla. If you want the best and cheapes t Drill, give me a chance. AUBURN FARM AND LUM- With either thimble skeins and wood axteg, or best whole-piece •• Anchor Brand" iron ha les. well proportioned, well finished and painted, easy running, best in quality, cheapest good wagons in the market • best brake, and warranted inevery respect. Call and see them. Enterprise Adjustable Track and Other If you wants drst-classChurn POweradapted to ycur wants I can supply it. POll6lll delivered at any railroad station. INPROVED TOMPKINS COUNTY These cultivators are unrivaled for conven ience and utility. Are of my manufacture. For sale wholesale and retail. Buy the Best." "The Best is the Cheapest•" 51,301 Thomas Smoothiug„ Harrows.. Achme These are valuable implements and cheap.:. 1Y Star Hydraulic Cement, By the barrel'or car-load. Good and cbeap. Imported Imperial- Portland Cement This is stronger than the beit American ce ments by three to eight times. For sale in any desired quantity: Side-hill -and Improved Reversible Plows, Clipper Chilled, West On eonta, and other first-elass - Reversible Plows. CHAMPION BARBED PENCE WIRE. 3. 9110 413 11.17 4.55 '11.26 4:34 11.3 5.12 , 4.40,11.41'. 5.20 12.4 f 12.57 1.06 1.15 1.23 The attention of farmers is' called to this superior Barbed Wire. It is •fficieut. yet not dangerous. .It recordmends itselfat sight: Bend for specimens and prices, .E.l-p tfeE 2 . l. lititrTur' BUGGIEI3, - of best styles and make. All warranted. II OA 2.15 CARRIAGE, PLATFORM WAGON and MO 01" FOPS. Good and very cheap. CHAIN PUMPS. . . Good and cheap. Easily set. Send for prices. MIXED: PAINTS. First quality, 'cheap, war ranted. LUBRICATING OILS. NEAT'S FOOT OILS, in any quantity wholesale and retail,- good and cheap. Pulliam's. Wagon Bolster Springs - very desirable. THRESHING _MACHINERY 8.00 1 9.40 A.3i Of best and leading - kin - ds. Monitor Traction Road Steamers, Miller's New Model Vibrating Threshers and Cleaners, Harder's, Wheeler's and Gray's Horse Powers, Threshers and Clean ers. I would call - the attention of threstkermen to Gray 'B.mi:whines. I SULKY SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, LEATHER • and RUI3BER BELTING 'and HOSE, CORN SIIELLERS, FEED CUTTERS, LAWN MOWERS. TOMPKINS COUNTY LEADER WHEEL RAKE, For either one or two horses. and interchange able. These rakes have no superior, and are adapted to a greater variety of work than any other. They are well made, durable, easily hand led, and good in every particular. Warranted to give satisfaction. N. B.—Will deliver free of freight -the most of my goods at any railroad station. I CaWand see'my machinery, or send for circa- . Tars and prices) R. M.-WELLES. - - Towanda, 211ach 22, 1882, 522 TOWANDA. BRAD New Advertisments. WELLES, Wholesale :and 411 De'sler, TOWANDA, PA. " GRAIN DRILLS BER WAGONS, Best Churn Powers. OUI 4 TIVATORS El driows And'; Lad One of 25 CENT DINNERS feb2Um Wago . ns&Car t riages OLD sitAaLzazimst,r. JAMES BRYANT, would call the atten tion of FARMERS and others to hie large and gomplete assortment of. ()pen & Top Buggies PL EtTFORM WAGONS all of hie - • oWn MANITFACTURE and war . • ranted in every par- - tieular . Bryant', Flexible Springs' need in all Platform Wagons. The stalest and best in use. NOW ISYOUR TIME TO BUY! Look at these figures Two Seated Carriages from $l5O to $175 Photons, one seated 1451) 150 Top , Buggies • 125 LC. 1501 Open. Buggies Soto. 100 Democrat Wagons 90 to 110 Remember that the above are all fully warrant.; ed. lirst-cluss or no pay. Repairing promptly atttimded to at 25 per" mit t . below last years price,. Mooted Factory cos. Main and Minis* Sta.' imauswatzfr. 2tieb92* THE BIRD CHARMER. Alt night the spots bad fallen. Bat morning broke serene; And in the sun the Mystals Were sperkling white and elem. Our Army called the snowbirds! to-sweet I so sweet 1 so . sweet 1, What do you in the snow there. With'nothing on your feet?" She hastened out to meet them— Yon should have se - en the child. tio lithe and light and ,air.v. - - "lElcangel-like and mild. She called them—oh. the wonder I' Theyknew the word. she said. And came until they covered . Her shoulders and her head. - Upon . her month they ►iesed her, As if it were a rose, And in her 'golden ringlets TanglAi theirlittle toes. Her fingers clasped and held them, Hat never gave them pain, And when she loosed them, gladly, They flew to her again. We called her in, the darling, And closed the cottage, door; The snowbirds,, pleased with petting. Came atter her for more. So tenderly they loved her, Those brig': and blithesome things, That they can make us jettiona With chirps and whirling wings. And carefully we watch her, With wonder. fear and doubt, Leat from her snowy shoulders . Wings•white and far should sprout! —Edward NEVER CAME RACK. Last year I watched while the waves of gold • Bose gently and fell with twilight's tide, A barque sailed off from life's gateways cold, Bearing the one I have loved from my side. And I watched for the snowy sails-once more I'o collie back again o'er those azure seas, The precious freight they had ta'eq to restore And quiet my longings, my sad heart ease. . But they never came back again, _ No, never came back again. - I watched through; the winter icy and chill, And my heart-seemed as cold as-the clouds in the gloom; Through the light of the spring 1 waited still, With the buds all glowing with beauty's bloom; And still I watched through the fsvered heats Till all of the':roses of summer were put; "On the shore'Of the future," my heart re peals, • • "I shall find the immortals when life is past." • But they'll never come back again, g No, never conic) back again. FALSE' AND TRUE. Why am ,I engaged to Walter Clyde ? Do I love him 7* It is all the same, - Ihro — amonny , ~o— u , very handsome, very fascinating; and perhaps I adore beauty all the more because I am a . little pale. faced, insig nificant creature myself. To be sure, have euormoua . brown eyes, but they are my only redeeming feattire, and thu fact that my nose is 'tip-tilted' can not be denied. ; We have a certain amount of money, mother and I—there are only we two--so *e enjoy ourselves after our own fancy.' I, Just now it has led us, for the summer, to a breezy little village among the Mountains in Cumberltifid. Mr. Clyde has followed UR, of courses We have been engaged- six months,. and are to be married in atitnrun. Mother never liked him. He is twelve years 4111er than I, who am eighteen. She ways he is' attracted by my money; is a man of the world, pro bably with debts of honor that his wife's money will pay. My poor triarama is tut wrong, and her only daughter is very willful. I shall marry Waiter, for I love him; so the matteirests. I am lying in a hammock in a shady part of the lawn; presently my_ cousin Celestine comes oat' and takes is vacant chair near me, Mamma has invited her to stay several weeks with us, and she has been here a day ur two. Celestine is a thoroughly accomplished beautiful woman of twenty-four. Walter was . ;very much impressed when mamma introduced them; I Could see that, though when we were alone, he only . said: marvelously beau tit ul your cousin is ?' She is dangerowly beautiful just now, as she loins back in tier chair. Her gold-colored: hair is coiled in a thick knot at the back, and ripples all over her head. Her blue laWndress is not so high at the throat as to conceal her faultless neck, and the s!eeves are not so long that the, roninled white arms are ;hidden . One jewel—an almost priceless anuthyst=glitters on her perfect hand. , yerily, my cousin understands the art of dress. t .: Presently Walter comes-nu the steps and approaches us. It does not occur to me that Celestine has from bar win dow seen bur-approaching, and: come down the stairs to !neet him. lam not easily made jealottS;.besides, I am not well versed in theof a flirt; I learn some Offtliern later/ Uri I rise iron:, the' hammock, and , seat myself -near my consin.l It is not a , wise thing to do. for my plain face makes a splendid foil to Celestine's superb beauty. . - do not think Of i this now, however. • Clyde,' she exclaimed, 'how can you venture out in this beat? I should fear speedy dissolution if I at terapted it.' 'lt wOuld not be wise for you to ven ture,' b answers. 'I should have hard ly gone Myself had I realized how warm it is. - I bave been arranging for a sail to-night, if you: two ladies will • honor me with your company'--for the first time looking at 'me. • 'How good of you I' cries: Celestine, 'I have been anxious to have a sail ever since 1 sae -that lovely lake. We shall be delighted.' •Isay nothing,' Walter remarks, care lessly. . 'Be sure and be ready'at seven.' 'Thank] you,' I replied, guiltily; 'I 'don't care about going.' 'How provoking you are, Majorie 1' my cousin says, pettishly. 'Yon said this morning that you wanted to have' a Hil 'My dear,' I coolly, reified, have —Sdrali R. SW BY .1. F. R. , . tit ' changed my , raind; but th d not hinder you f rom going.' .i - •,,' 'Certainly not,' save Welty gerly. 'Marjorie takeil whims sotgeti eti.l here engaged the boat; aural both ladies will not disappoint incir Celestine hesitates, appaiaintl finally , langhingly replies: - 'Well, if Marjorie won't le j ous I will go:' ..,i -'Even I can see how mylor ' l li 'face lights np, and I answer, calmly; -!• 'Why should I be jealous, Oeliatinel' She ilushel 'slightly; and just then mother calls me and I leave 'llieM. . After tea, Walter and I *ere ,in.the in drawg rood', Celestine we, np stairs getting her hit, wlien preseitly Walter remarked : • 'You had better. change your Anita; Marjorie, nod come with us.,dti' 47 " ' * 1 I felt that his 'Words we:elipt - *boom —that ho would ranch rathtir,l did not go; so I laughed and said: . { • 'No; -I am going to finishlii book this evening.' !. t• Anti soon my eon , in came down stairs, and they went without me. After this 'flirtation progressed with astonishing rapidity.. Eveiy ^ one in the house was talking shout it, and in pure self-defeuse I ecceptek the atten tions offered by -other inen.,, There !is a certain Spice in - flirting i: with an engaged girl, and Om plenty of devoted cavaliers.- , ' .. \ ' Mr. Clyde did not interfere with me, nor I with him. Celestine did not mention his name to me, and I never spoke of her to him. ' \ Sometimes I wondered what tp i ey in tended to do, anti if my recreant lover intended to return to his allegiance in course of time. I was soon , toHad out. It was an excessively wain 4y,and I had woutlered out into tbt -woods not far from the, house; bail foigud a (tom pnrativelY cool place width the trees, and endeavOring to read,'lied fallen . . asleep. :•:- K I was awakened by volias kti the other_side of a group of salfiingli which hid me from the speakers, ifeati immedi ately recognized them. 'lint. Celestine, my doling, I love you! You won't tell me that my love is hopeless ?' 'Really, Mr. Clyde,' my cousin laugh ed ironically, 'yeu,are too Omura, and considering Majorie's claicni;" are going toil far.' -,, , , 'Never mind 3lajorie,' he:ieturned. can she be 'to me after having • nown . you ? I tell—yott !love you I Do yon understand'.?' • was deep with passion. 'Majoritliiiill forget me in a little while.' • -•'..v; I was too angry to be (Act any lon- Mi l l i ti&tig; ha r, my feet. I walked round the interven ing bushes and confronted the two. He took • Celestine's hand in his, and waited for her answor hreathlessly. 'Air. Clyde,' I said; and he dropped herliand. and faced me, 'allow tne . , to return your ring. agreed with you "Majorie will forget, that you ever ex isted in less time than you can imagine.' He was too astonished to speak; and the ring dropped at his feet. As I turn ed to leave them, CelPstine laughed softly. 'What a little tragedy queen it is r said she.: I went up to my mother's room. • have broken my engagement,' I said briefly. While l lwas telling her about it my cousin entered. Taking my, hand, she forcibly detained me, as I tried to leave the room. 'Let me go I cried passionately, 'I hate you !' l 'But you won't, after a little,' she an swered. 'Listen; lam going to be married hi a few weeks. I know you were out there in the woods, and know ing lgr. Clyde was going to try his old game, I purposely took him where you would oierhearlis offer. Brother Tom knows him of old. He has beard that I have a little more money then you, hence the scene under the trees. As for love, he does not care one strew for either of us. The only woman ho ever eared for died years ago,- a victim to his treachery. lam going away next week awl Walter will surely come to you, and ask-forgiveness. j came down here at your mother's request, on purpose to open your eyes tt the true character of the man you loved. If you choose to take him back, you will have the oppor tunity. I have flirted ell my. life, and certainly never with so praiseworthy an object as now. Some time you will for give me.' I got away from her -and went to my room I was beginning to learn some thing of the ways of the , world. That eight a delicately tinted, perfumed note was brought to Me. It read thus: Injured' Darling; ' • Only let me see you. kneel at your feet and explain. Waurg.n.' Bah 1 it sickened me. I tore the note into fragments, and wrote: 4 'How dare you address me?'_Don't presume ever to write or BO to me again. Henceforth we are strangers. Mamma.' This note, with the presenta that he had made me. I put in a package, and sent to him by the chambermaid. J Then went,back to mamma .and urged her to leave the place at once. She consented. lOar maid packed-, the trunks and- we departed by the 'late train. 'laid good-by to Celestine. 'Some time 1 may thank you for this,' 1 told her, 'but not now.' , * * * .* * * It ;, is my twenty-first birthday, and three years and more since I last saw Wafter Clyde. e I have heard he married a widow Several years older than lim- Self,i and snob a life as they lead Celestine is married too, and I wor ship her boy. She is a most wife and Mother. Such girls do sometimes mate the best of lives. She says she feels that theiod she did daring that flirtation co nterbal• armed a multitude of sins. Oh, well, I have forgiven her; but my heart is bitter toward men. . Mother and I are living at home in Bristol. . . . . . ;4`4 -7.;:z".-'-':.;-',.--'c :`'.': -'4 .... —;, :r'''; . - ---- F;..:'- ' ..... ' ".'- ':,- ', *' -,C" .:- . '1.- i":,i , l - ;'.. , - ' ' ' '',r l _,! -':. ;:;"_,.: -1! ', ' Ir. - ,-.- '; , i - .7' ‘..- -...:,- . .. -: _ - ',... - ,. - ' . ( ... ~ , 1 .... • .....,- ,-:', ..' - ' • ' - ..., .. .;:',.- -. . , .., • ' ' -." - .',:: -- - -- 1:,.. 7 .-1 - . - ,i 4;;.- - . 1 -.... 4.2,:,,,-.----.,rn.:24-.....''.i'-',.....,!..,--''' ---.- '-' , --- -. .• - - . . ' ' -•-- - -' ' ' ' - ' , - - - r --;',.- . 2-.. . - ; - - -- -- - - - - -- . - 'n - .-." - . ,- ..:.. - .7 - * -- ..i. - - , .,.' , .-..A%; , - , -;..., 7 r.;'.;:'.- - --- r., ..,'''. . ' : • . - ." -•' .. '- :"... :i1 . :-. .. -'' 3: ', .. 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My reseurer-ial wealth.* batehelor, a friend of my mother, handsome, atatel*.gentlen)an, on the 'sunny side of forty.'_ I never dreamed of -AilArai i s ; lover; be was Spinach older tlia It was a long, •tedious month before I could walk again, and Hugh Cameron- was' a frequent visitor. He read to me, pliyed chess with me, and in many ways helped to make the time pass pleasantly. , At last I got btrong i again, . and able to go out; but be still visited at our beam and was sometimes my escort. Ode day an officious lady friend in formed me that it was 'generally under. stood that we were engaged. I was annoyed on hearing this, hav ing never thought of him in that way. Next day. Mr. Cameron asked me to be his wife, and gut an angry refusal. 'Why need you have said this?' asked, impatientiy, 'I like you very much, but not in that way. We were having such pleasant timea—yon might have known we-could not be more than friends.' 'How should I .kaow ?' he asked, 'Became I don't love you—never shall I replied. 'Well, you will.some time, when you are my wise.' Hie audacity nearly took away my breath. 'But I tell you I• *ill not be your wife !' I repeated. 'Yon may change Your 'mind, • little one,' he•replied, coolly, and then left MC. How angril was !. As usual,-I went to mother and recounted the whole story.- Mother said -very little, merely remarked, •Mr. ,Catnetson is ti- noble man, and would make you an excellent husband. Bnt; 9f course y ou know your own mind • j I left her rather more out of. huinor than before. • It she could only scold, 'or do some thing but take matters so iiinietly, I should like it better. 1 don't take mat ters qui-_fly 'mysei l f, and it exasperates For a week IF, saw nothing of Mr. Cameron, then I learned that ho bail gone away. I danced and ° went out. driving; but missed him very much I He was so dif ferent from the society of young men with whom I wai l snrrounded. I dis covered a thousand excellencies in his mind an diameter now that he had gone. I did not love him, but . was lonely without him. One night six weeks after his depar ture, his card was handed to me, and I went down to find him Waiting for • me in the drawing-room. 'Well, Marjorie,' said he, coming for ward and taking my band in his, 'have you reconsidered that 'no' of, yours ?' What should I say ? I was tired of the wnrld and the life, I lived in it. I Mr. Cameron; respected him; I had missed him sorely,' but did ilot. love' him. These thoughts flashed through my mind as I stood there. At length I drew away my hand, and said, Mr. Cameron, I respected and like you, but I do - not love you. Years ago I was engaged to a man whom I thought I loved.. I learned that he was deficient in all traits of character that go to make up true manhood. Since then I I have never been able to clothe any man in the robes of my ideal lover. Knowing this, if you desire. I will be your wile.', He stooped and kissed my forehead. `My darling, my dear one'—his 'voice trembling a little-1 4 "willake you so la happy. I will love you_ so tenderly that surely some time yo, r lieart will answer to-mine.' . , And so the were , engaged He 'WAS a strange man, this Hugh Cameron. I Few C9en would care to win a wife so; and I often thought, as the wedding prep i'ralions went e on, , how great his rove' must be. We had been' married three mouths. Everything that money", could buy was mine; but I wasn't happy. Hy husband remembered 'that married without loving Ifitn,:anfi this , stood be. tweet' us. He seemed - to, think thatexpreis t ion of affection on his part, would weary me, while eviry day he was growing dearer to me. ,pi L • - It was not po ible to see , day after day what an unselfish, noble character he was, all not love him; but ho was strangely pronki and waited for my love, not annoying me "meantime with demonstrations 04 his own. There, came a dey! at last when I knew loied him evens`be loved me. ' I was sitting at the piano playing some dreamy old; melody. The door was suddenly throura open, and my French maid, Marie, stood before me, wringing her bands and sobbing. 'Oh - , madame I Monsieur Cameron- 1 he is killed ! tie ill dead I' - The room seemed to whirl around me, bat I commanded myself. 'Hush your criing, Marie I What do you mean ? you tell me what you saw ?' I said, i sternly, grasping her arm with a force that frightened her. 'The new mazision at the corner 1 A stone—it fell on Monsieur as be was passing l' i ' Her. voice sounded far away, the room grew very dark, a "voice rang in my ears. 'He is killed_! be is dead and I became unconscious. 'Why, little wife, open your eyes. 1 am not hurt l' . The well known voice, and the power- • S. r -.T` • : " 2f ;:` f.,\:..g&V,.?i'::SAFil DAY, - APRIi 20. 1882. , Id ammonia, which I hate, brought me to my senses again. I was lying on the sofa, Hugh was holding _ray head, while Marle applied the 'amnia. I sat up. 'What does all this mean ? I asked. 'Only this,' my husband answered 'I was passing :the new building at the corner. when a marble window sill fell. I should have been killed, but by a Strange circumstance, at that moment I tripped on a loose brick and fell. The sill missed me by a Mind's breadth, Marie supposed, when fell, that I was killed, ,and (looking severely at .her), without waiting to ascertain, ruihed oir and frightened you into a fainbng St.' Marie began to ory. • ' 'Never mind. Marie.' said L 'There is nO damage done; you may go now.' After she had gone I turned to my husband and said: "Hugh; it would have killed me ! Ob, my husband, I love you I! And I, too, began to cry. ' A. wonderful light shone forth from his eyes. 'Msrjorie, my darling, is it true?' laying my head on his shoulder._ 'Look ing into my eyes, little one, and say it again.' _ I blushed like a girl, as I looked into his fond eyes gazing into mine, and re plied: 'I think have loved you a good while, only' Marie was the means of• showing me bow much.' 'At last I my darling, my darling !! We sat therein the twilight, the bliss unutterable of perfect love filling our Hearts. And so it is now. There is silver in my hair, and my husband's is quite gray; but the love that was revealed to Me that day.haa never grown less. • How CERIAMEN BAEGATS DA WIVES. —An . Anstralian Chinaman, when anx ions to have a wife of his own nation, sends a letter to an agent in Hong Kong. The following is a condensed translation of one of theie epistles: 'I want a wife. She must be a maiden under 'twenty years of age, and must not have left her father's house. - She must have never read a book, and her eyelashes must be . half an inch in length. Her teeth must be as sparkling as the pearls of Ceylon. Her breath must be like unto the scents of the magnificent odorous groves, of Java, and her attire must be from the hsilken weavers of the KeLi Ching, which are on the banks of the greatest river in the world—the overflowing Yangtse-Kiang.' The price of. a Chi nese woman delivered. in Sidney is .£3B_; but two Chinese women only cost -.£52; therejott th_e_jmtheD_Dhiliese _impost sees his. women hefOre they arrive, 'and hen he generally selects the best look- ing one. The 'other is shown around to a number. of ' - well-to-4o Chinamen, and, after they halie inspected her she ie eubmitted to what may be called auc tion. At a recent Rale at Sidney a young girl, aged abOut nineteen, was offered, and', after some spirited bid ding, she vas purchased by a wealthy Chinese storekeeper, whose place of bneiness is in one of the leading towns of - New-South Wales, for £l2O. The melancholy aspeft of the Celestial girl . `as she went away i n company with the man who purchased her. was deplor able to the last degree.—North Mad Herald. • IMPOETANT ACTION OF THE LIMEKILN Cvnts.The Committee on Astronomy submitted their regular'monthly' report as follows: Ntimber of dark nights since last re port, iwenty-twO. NuMber of comets . discovered, three but too far off came any run on the bank. Lime-Kiln Club estimate of the dis tance to the sun, about five miles; to the moon, about the.saMe. The committee farther announced that they had changed the name of Venus to . 'Sarah'; of Jupiter to 'Charles Henry'; of Mars to 'Sndrew Jackson% and of Saturn to 'Sam JOhnson.' l Astronomers throughout the country will please tak4 notice and govern them= selves accOrdingly. Firther changes will be made as spring opens and , the roads improve. 'I notis,' said Brother Gardner, as he looked ,carefully around him with one eye half closed, 'I notis dat sartin eall'd 'men of Detroit demand rep-esen- tashun on the pnrleece fo'ce, dat a meetin' has been called to take axshun in de case. I . doan' want members of dis club to mix up in de matter nohi?vs. If de time has arrove to put black then i on de parleecc foie° t has arrove to put em in dry goods stores, city offices, and_ all odder places. Mk attempt to bul doze de-white people will be a failure. As black men we have our own field of operashuns. If de. whit 4 folks, doati' interfere wid us why should we interfere wid 'em?• No honest, industrious call'd man has any lack of work or irietas. Bewar' bow you _ let de half dozen black shyiters of Michigan use your paws to pull deii chestnuts out of . the flah. We will now somnambolate to our homes. Let de ,band play 'Twins in de Cradle' as we go out, an' de pussou who takes' my, umbrella by mis take will feel dretal onefisy befo' de week am out.' POULTRY NOTES. —lt is generally con ceded by the . majority of poultry breed ers that a meat diet is essential during cold weather, when worms, bugs and insects are not to be found by the birds. Bnt though considered necessary to atone for the lost insect food, it should be used sparingly and not feed too of ten to young fowls. _ In - winter and early spring, to- keep up egg production, the fowls must have something to wont on. The hest way to supply them, if there is not enongh of waste meat soaps from the breeder's table to meet theveguired demand, is to get serapsfrom the butcher or slaughter house. The, waste meat, offal and the bloody pieces which are unsalable, can be bought for a cent or two a pound. MOEN . S -.Xf ME 4t, inhuman Son. Thomas Plummer, once a welt known and well-to-Ao resident of Herrick Cen tre, Susquehanna county, died at the residence"of- Lucius Curtis, in that borough, recently. A man of fine in tellect anegood business capacity, with a genial nature, his: social traits: had led him to frequently tip the wine glass un til be had become . a confirmed drunk ard. Finding himself in the village - of Great Bend a sbort time since, the Hon esdale Inikpendent says, without money and friends, he attempted suicide by cutting his throat, but pis injuries were not necessarily fatal. The poor eom missionnrs \ learning that be bad a son at New Milford, took him there. The son kept 14M a day or „two- and 'then uonveyedlina in his wagon to Herrick Centre and wanted Myers, the tavern keeper ? to care for him. The son ap peared to be under the impression that his father having spent moat of his mon ey in whisky, the trade was bound to care for, him. The affectionate', son. finding that Myers would not assume charge of his father, took him as far as Lucius Curtis' and threw the old man, in a dying condition, into the road and went on. Mr. Curti" tool4im into the ,honie and sent for Dr. Habler, who sewed op the gash; which lup to this time had been left 'open. As soon as death took place the poor authorities took charge of the body, lint him. into a hastily constructed coffin and buried him at night about 8 ti"cloek like a dpg, without Christian ceremony. Bach was the sad end of a once prominent citiien, and the treatment he met with from the hands of his own child equal to any heathenLarbarity. - A man who carries eccentricity to tho verge of dementia bas just married off -12-und a 'chambermaid in ;a St. Louis hotel where, he was staying. The idea of matrimony seems to have occurred - to him suddenly, and he took the firgt chance of carrying it into effect. , One of the housemaids refused his advances, but another, after once repulsing him, accepted him. His dress. and - manners were so strange that everybody.thonght he must be crazy, and it :was the uni versal opinion that the girl was , . But when it was •learned that he bore the honest name of A. F. Brackman. that be hailed from Nebraska, where he had accumulated a fortune,'and that he 'lad bestowed numerous costly gifts upon his bride, opinion changed. He ian flounced his determination to be mar ried on Wedn i esday last, .and -the bride was ready at 11 o'clock. at which hour he started in search of a; clergy- Man. As the day pissed. • and 'ho did toOrara 'evening ine'lmpfession necuuth general that he had backed out. But alikut midnight he returned without a creidman. However, a justice of , the peace was secured, and shortly after ward the ceremony was performed in the hotel parlor in the presence of a crowd of spectators. _ PUTT DAYS Our OF SIGHT OF LAND. Only think—fifty days since we were shot out from the sight of land except a short piece of the broken levee in front of our cabin. All we can, _see ie water and driftwood. Large' breaks have been made in :the levee here, through which•the water is beiiringlogs and all manner of drift that is covering our farms. The distressed condition of stock in many instances is, too painful to relate. Hogs have taken refuge on floating logs, which they have walked and gnawed; or a week. Cattle are starving in herds on little knolls, which they have tramped into quagmires in which they,sink up, to theit Bides. If you go in reach of them in your dug out, they will endeavor to eat your clothes off you. A- few have reached he levee at this place, anti lam feeding them along with mine twice a day out of my scant crib and small rick of hay. They will not last much longer, bat I esonot bear to have an animal to starve to death' st my door while I ,have, any thing to 'save its life. I have not en• joyed a meal in a month, owing to the fluttering that I know is around ine.-- 1:A11er/rout Osceola, Ark. _ . RAFFLIXO.OFF A Pmq.SYLVANIA EARN. +We have heard of the grand rattle for the 'foine fatvpig,' and the '4lpuble barrelled gun,' but we have not 'seen the dice thrown for a big faim. Such a raffle, however, an exchange says, took place in this State ,a short time ago. A Pennsylvania farmer, living near a railroad station, wanted to sell his farm and adopted a novel method. He sold 188 tickets at $5O each, making a total of $9,400. The farm was cutup into 188 lots, varying in value and size. the larest and most valuable being the farm b iildings, with twenty-three acrea of land; worth about $3,000. At a stated time the ticket-holders assembled at the farm. The tickets were numbered and corresponded with the number of lots, hence there were , no blanks. Every holder drew a lot. The wife of the proprietor of a hotel drew the lot of twenty-three acres with,the farm build ings. One gentleman was the lucky Winner of a corner lot suitable for a store. The gathering - was an .raccasion that will long be remembered in the place whet() it manned. It because a woman is exactly afraid of a cow that she runs away and screams, but it is because gored dresses are not fashionable. 4* 'Oh, by the way, dear; have: you cos gratulated Lily on her engagement?' asked Miss ,Flouncer of her friend. 'Oh. yea; of course. I went' 'round yesterday" afterhoon. . I told her she couldn't have done better—and I don't think she could, the horrid - homely thing.' • Very kind-drug clerk to little girl— • Now be sure to tell your papa to take this medicine according to the direc tions on the bottle; an overdose might affect his brains.' _ Little girl---'Ol4 I gnats there's no danger of that, for I've heard mamma tell hint lots of times he never had any brains.' 11111A0 a Year s is Ltraaaa, IFhittioos Childhood. little hot inPennaylyanht recently wrote to the poet Whittier salting him bow be meat his days when he was boy; and Mr. Whittier'wrote in reply: My Dear Young Friond:-4 think at the age of whiCh thy note lugs:dreg I found about equal satisfaction in our old rurar home, with the shifting pano rama of the seasons, in reading the few books within my reach, and dreaming „ of something wonderful and grand somewhere in the future. Neither change nor lose had then made me realize the uncertainty of all earthly things I felt secure in my mother's love, and dreamed of losing nothinft and gaining much. Looking back now, my chief satisfaction, is that I loved and obeyed my parents. and tried to. makti, them happy= by trying to be good;, That Idid not succeed •in all respects, that I fell very far short of -my good intentions, was a frequent cane "of sot• row.. I bad at that time a very great thirst for knowledge and little-meins to gratify it. The beauty of outward nature early impressed me; and the moral and spiritual beauty of the holy lives I read of in the Bible and other good books, also affected me with a . sense - of ray own falling short and long ing for a better state. With every good wish for thee, I am thy sincere friend, I . Jote:4l. WarrriEn. SOILING Cuors.—A correspondent of the Co'untry Gentleman Writes that he intends to remove all his division fences, and soil his . catle,' and asks informatlOn as to the crops for this purpose. *e reproduce below the brief and practical reply: - - Winter rye sowed the previous an- tuoao makes no excellent early green - crop. Clover, started the previous year, is also excellent. Orchard grass, when established, is one of the best crops for soiling. After these corn and corn fodder crops, :the smallest and earliest sorts to: be sown first. Amber cane is excellent for a late fall crop. Alter the ground is plowed, harrowed, and put in good condition, furrow it With one horse three feet apart, .sow from a basket by hand at the rate of, about, two bushels or more per acre, and , cover with a 'common borrow, rnnninj across .or ! lengtliwise. This mode is - better and gives more fodder than put ting it in with a wheat drill Or sowing broadcast, and if cultivated two or three times leaves - cleaner ground. ,'• • PASTS THAT WILL KEEP A YEAH. Dissolve a tablespoon of alum in a quart of _warm water, and when cold stir in as much flour as will make it 5a . 14.44ia1r.- as *IA inn - in! ILI' iumps. Add as much powdered resin as will lie . on a dime; and throw in a dozen cloves' to give it a pleasant 'odor. Put, a tea cup of boiling Water into a tin'dish, and pour in the - flour mixture. for fifteen minutes; if cooked in -another pan to bbiling, 'it will be less likely to barn.. Let it dry away,' and when needed, dissolve a piece in a little boil 7 • • ing water. ' - PAVED WITH EXTINCT a recent scientific paper Sir John Lab rays: -. !Like the rand of the sea, the stars of heaven have ever been used as effective symbols of number, and the improvements in our methods of obser vation have added force to our original observations. We now know that oar earth is but-a fraction of one out of at least 75 000 . 000 worlds. but this is not in additional to this luminous heavenly bodies, we can not doubt that; there are countless others, invisible to us from their great distance, smaller. size, or feebler light; indeed, we know that there are many dark bodies which now emit no light or comparatively little. Thus as he case pi Procyon. the existence of an invisible body is proved by the move ment of the visible star. Again I ' may refer to a curious phenomena presented by Algol, a bright star in the head of 'Medusa. This star shines without change for two 'days and thirteen hours; then in three hours and a half, dwindles from a star of the second to one of the fourth magnitude; and then, it another three and a half hours reassumes its' orignal brilliancy These changes seem,certain ' iy to indicate the presence of adoptive body which intercepts at regular inter vals part of the light emitted by Algol. • Thus the floor of Heaven is not only thick inlaid with pqtines - of bright gold s ' but studded also, with extinct stars once{ Probably-as briliant as our own sulybut now dead cold as Helmboltz tells us that our own will be, some seven teen millions of years hence. • There is always. ore 'or less ring about a matrimonialngair with a good deal of boss. When a young girl falls on the ice her new polonaise may be said •to be on the very rink of ruin. She told him that she could read his mind like a book, and then softly add: ed, 'blank-book.' - Why-in a certain kind of window called a bay-window 7 - Beemise people go there when they look out L e o see. •Oh! for a better half!' said - the sor rowing widower whew be found a coun terfeit fifty-cent piece among his change., Why is the money you are in the habit of•Bioing to the poor like a new-born babe? Because its precious little. r An editor wrote a leading article on the fair sex, in the course of which he said. 'Girls of seventeen or eighteen are fond of beans.' When the paper was issued, he was bather shocked to dis cover that an unfortuns.to typographical error made him say, 'Gills of seventeen or eighteen are very fond of beans.' 'I tell you,' aaid the canvasser, 'you haie no idea of the bard work_there is in this business. It is either stalking or walking from morning till iught.'"Beg pardon,' replied the victim; 'I have a pretty distinct idea of the talking part of 'yonr programme. Now please favor me with an exhibition of the walking part.' The canvasser exhibited. NO. 47 la II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers