HOLCOMB & T Y, Publishers. voL. ~~- Bradford Republican Is pal)lislwd Evry Thursday, : r • TOW.kNBA, PA., By HOLCOMB & TRACY. $1:50 Per Annum', in Adrance .Idrertisingilates — Six cents a line for first r, rtl. , n, an l live cents per line for all subse ,llt,..t IM,..rt I 3:18. Reading notice advertising rcr line. Eight lines constitute a and twelve lines an inch. Auditor's t;e,s i 2.50. Administrator's and Execu:or's 2. 00 . Yearly advertising $150.00 por MID REPUBLICA* is published in the I lacy; audN i Ales Isleck,at the corner of Main line streets, over J. F. Corset's Boot and store. Its circulation is over 2000. As an I.,:lcurtibing medium it is unexcelled in its fin :l,l:ate tiefl. , zuziness iTTORAEYS-AT-LAW. rII HILLIS. Attorneys-at-Law; Me :*1 rt k I Fl' J. N., °flick , ' in Woofre Block, south I,tst Satiunal Bank, up stairs: Juno 12,18 SoN"(X C Elitree and L Elsbree.) . ()Mk , to Merciir Block. Park St: tpayl4,7B A: )11.: RION' (Benj M Peck and D A Or-r Oillee over Market 49279 nvE:croN SV. , amisos (E Overton and .7. - . An /•'.`'..l r; Jerson . ) OfficF , in Adams Block. j ulys Ts 6:wELL. WM. Office over Daytona Store iY aprill4,7G WILT, J. ANDREW. Office in Mean's Block :apr D . kV :dARNOCIIAN k HALL, (W Davies. WII Cgrttocilan, Lif Hall.) Office . in rear Ward Entrancoon Poplar St. (je12,75 Air ERITIZ, RODNEY A. Solicitor of Patents. Particular att.mtion paid to business in Ortlans' Court and to the settlement, of estates.' montanye's Block 4949 c S: YOUNG, (I. MiPherson and LYL W. I. Young) °Mee south aide ontercuen Is!Gek.febl.7B. . . NADILL: KINNEY, Office corner' Main and Da Pine at. Noble's block, second door front. c,:li,ctionOiromptly attended to. fob 1 78 WILLIAMiI, ANGLE & DuFFINGTON. (II N trirtia,* E J Angle and E D Buifingfon). wvst side of Main street, two doors north of Arjus All tusiness entrusted to their exrt• will n!c..i.ve prompt attention. oct 26,11 piAMES 11.. AND JOHN W. CODDING, Atter . and Conuseliorsat-Law, °dice in the •r• over C. T. Kirby's Drug Store. • .july.3, 'SO tf. ELNEV: J. P. Attorney-a;-Law K ll.A.ltanyo3 Klock, Main Street. frt i ;it 011': , ON; W. 11. and E. A., Attorneys-at Law. T, , wafida, Pa. 01.11ce in Mercur Block, r C. T. Kirby's Drug Store, entrance on Main nr,q stairway north of lost-office. All promptly attended to. Special atten 1. •t.: ..iv•Au to claims against the United Ststea ~ r Bounties, Patents, etc., and to -I:,..ctik us and settlement of decedent's es:ates. . April 21. ly . HENRY B. MiKEAN.,- • ATIORNEY-AT-LAW, :-.3:ieitor of 'Patents. Government claims at- Itifebs2 turdt. to 111 YSI CANS A Mi t.W.i JOHNSON. T. B. M.D. OillCO CAer Dr. Li. c ortrre•e Drug Store. feb 12.78 LA - Tos, Drs. D. N.& F.O. Office at Dwelling I u Itiver Street, corner Westo'n St. feb 12,77 T ki)D, C. K.. M.D. 0111 c? lst dour above old Lt I:auk building, on Main street. Special at given to diseases of the throat and ju1y19,78 OM ITC7o.I)IiURN, S. M., M.D. Office and i.resi r v dence. Main street, north of M.E.Chnrch. I.`ianiiner for Pension Drisiatment. .11'NE. L. D.. M.D. Office over M•mtanye's P (Mice hours from 10 to 12 a.m. and r. :a 2 to 4 F. at. Special. attention' given to of the Eye, and Diseases of the Ear. oet 20,17 Tt JWNER, I.I.MO:OPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. i:•itavlles and office just north of Dr. Corbon's Street, Athens. Pa. 110 TELS Iliat - ESBY HOUSE. Main st., next corner south et Bridge street. New house and new ~tri.iture throughout. The proprietor has avared neither pains or expense in making his hfirst-class and respectfully solicits a share 3! Vullic patronage, Meals at all hours. Terms rea , 4quable.' Large Stable attsched. Zuar WM. HENRY. SECRET SOCIETIES Vr ATKIN'S POST, SO.. GS, G.. A. E. Meets every Saturday evening, at Military Uall. GEO. V. MYER, Commander. -I; ErrruinuE, Adjutant. feb 7, 79 CitYSTAL LODGE, O. 57. , Meets at K. of P Hail every Monday evening at 7:30. In $2,000. Benefits $3.00 per week. Aver nual cost, 5 'years experience, $ll.. • J.. 11: KITIIIIDGC. Reporter. ,is.s WALDELLTu.. Dictator. feb 22.78 Tzi:4,E. )111) LODGE, N 0.167, I. 0. 0: F. Meet to )...d Fellow's Hall, every Monday evening Wanny.s. Hitt, Noble Grand. , . 110 r SEAND SIGN PAINTING F. E. No. 32 Second street All orders receive prompt attention. June 12,75 EDUCATIONAL Qt': 01:1IANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE LP • si'ltlNG TERM will begin Monday . For catalogue or other infor k,71, addres Fl or rail .on the Principal. EDWIN E. QUINLAN, A. M. Towanda, Ps. PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER tT7ILLIAMS. ET:IVO-MIL PraFtical Plumber and (;3.f; Fitter. Ilaco of busineeß fn Mer- .• 1;;“,k next door to Journal office opposite sql.mre.. Plumbing, Clas Fitting, Repair- P::mps of all kinds, and all kinds of Gearing r..n.ptly attended to. All wanting work in his mould give him a call. July 27,77 INS URA NCE C. 8, Oeneial Insurance 'Agency, :lowan,la, Pa. Office in Whitcomb'! Book Store_ July 12,7 G SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT JAMES WCABE h.\llntOVEn me GROCERY BUSINESS o THE ' tiOCTII-EA.ST CORNER - OE MAIN .Vs;1) BRIM:E STREETS, WREP.E HE ESTABLISHED ' Read Quarters FOE EVERYTHING IN THE LINE ,OF R9CERIEB, PROVISIONS, &c., &e. CASH PAID for Deshable . PrO duce. Fin© BUTTER and EGGS a specialty. NATHAN TIDD, iSuccetsor to Mr. McKean,) DFAVPII DT • P.ITTSTON, W ILKESBARRE AND LOYAL SOCK ©ALA FOOT c, i INE STRFET, NEAR COURT ROUSE. ToWANDA, PA Ai- LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. "Sli 'a' The patronage of my old friends an the public D enerally is solicited. 9sep:l3 . . . . ~ .. . . .• . . . .. . . _ ..- 1 . • .. . • . . .- ." ' . . . . • . . . , _ . . . • . . . ~ , . .. . . . . . • • ' . .. . , . . . ' . • , , , . . •B' .. ..:. • . . . . , • . , .. • , ~. ~.. F • .... • .. . . .. ~.,-, ._‘......... ~...., _ . ._,. ... ..•., . , ...., ... • ..... ... .. • •.,.. • .... .. _. ...... . . .• S'. : :!(;.: - ,:' .: -.... -.' ,:..7 .- ,...: . :-:..: ~_.•,. :.' Ai r cN 4 rI MMWAF - . - . - -l'. • . -.:: '''' - .''' . ..''7 .. .. • n - .. . . .•• . ..'• '. , ''..)'it: -, ~ •-s, ..,• :. :- ..- - .:_.. -,- -. - :' 4 Cinv i tr74' 4 - 1111711-1 k: -.11 : 1 -ACi r- !: 7 4. 11h1 ---- -1 . 4 :1 7- iN... , S- •-- . - ' . 1 . _ .. . - . „'• .. .. .. . . .-. " . -• .. • -,_ .! lAP: , .... - . '.- .. • „ . _ ~ • . . .. . :.. . . . , . . ... . .-. . ... : . :. . ..- • •-: :, ... . .. . : .-- . • '- - IC ' ' .. . ,-. . . , . : . , , ...A h. L . . • . . • ; . . . . • 1 . .. . , . . .. .. . . . • •• -• • . . . . . . - . . _ . . .• . . .. . . . . . . . " . • " . . 1111.11111111111111111111111.1.1=11111.11.111 • .. . _ . .... BARCLAY 0. - 11. TIME-TABLE. TRAINS ; NORTH.i 1 - 0 4 Way Ace MaU. Mon: i Efi3 6.20 t 6.20 Ar. Towanda '... Dep. 6.03' 9.05 Dep. Monroe.... Ar., 6.02 9.o4tAr. Dep.: 5.58 8.55! " .. Masontown .. 5.53 8.54 " Greenwood .. "• 5.46 8.46, ' .:..Westons *5:39 *S•3B: ," Summit.... *5.351 4 '8.351 5.31 8.31 " LongValleyJtmo " 5.201 8.15 Dep. . Foot of Plane. Ar. * Indicates that trains do not atop. • P. F. LYON, Supt and Eug'r, Barclay, Pa 2mrB2 1 EHIGH VALLEY 8& PENNA. AND A- 1 NEW YORK RAILROADS. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS TO TAKE EFFECT JAN. let, 1882. EASTWARD. • STATIONS. 1 • 15 9 -I 7 -3 • ~ . , P. M. 1P.M. 1 A.M.4.11. P.M. Niagara Falls 1.2.051 7.20, , 7.15 Buffalo • • ; 1 2.50; 8.25, 0.20 Rochester - 1 5.15 , 10.05' ....: Lyons , 13.601 mos! ..... , Geneva 1 a .5a 111. so! s Ithaca 7 i 8.33! 1:00' . ... . Auburn t 5.15111.05! .. -1- ••• 0weg0...... ...... . .......1 8.501 1.351 Elmira ; 1 9.10 t 1.451 9.601 8.45 Waverly . ..... I 9.451 2.'.10 9.40 ; 416 Sayre • I• • 110.101 2;30,10.001 4.30 Athens • ',t ' 10.151 ; 2.34;10.051 4.34 Milan • 1 ' 1...1..10.15; miter 1 1 ' ;10.25 'lranantla ' 110•46r3.0010431 505 Wysauking • 1 110.541 5.13 Standing Stone 1....: 11.03 , Rummertleld 1.•...i11.101 5.26 Frencheown .....I ....111.19 Wyalusing 1 3.36,11.301 6.43 Laceyrille .... 11.42 3.57;11.501 6.09 Skinner's Eddy I 11.53 • 6.07 , Meaboppen 4.12 12.10 6 .23 . Mehoopany . , 12.16 1 6.23 Tunkhannock 12.231 4.35! 1.00 7.10 LaGrange ' ll.lO 7.20 • • Palls 1 1.24 7.35 4. & B Junction .. . .. ..... 1.05 5.101 1.45 8.06 WI; k?a 41.arre 1.35 5.30; 2.20 8.35 Slaucn Chunk ..... .......... 3.451 7.35 4.50 11.00 Allentown.. • 4.44, 8:29' 5.63,12.00 Bethlehem 5.00; 8.45; 6.05112.15 Easton - ' 5.30; 9.00 ; 6.4112.55 Philadelphia6.6s,lo.lo; 8.40 2.20 New York ' - -• 8.05 f 1 9.15 3.35 - A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. how York Easton Bethlehem Allentown Mauch Chunk..... Wilkes-Barre L s B Junction... Falls ......... Office in Latiran_ge Tunkhandock Ilehoopany Nleshoppen Skinner's Eddy. Laceyville Wyalusing French town Rummertleld Standing Stone. Wysauking Towanda ....... Ulster.. Milan Athens iay re . Waverly ...... Elmira 'Auburn Ci 0116V1 Lyons Rochester Buffalo Niagara Falls. .. TO\VANPA, l'A No. 32 leaves' Wyalusing a t 6:00, A. M., French town 6.14, Rummerfield 6.23, Standing Stone 6.31 Wysauking 6.40. Towanda 6.53, Ulster 7.06, 5111 an 7:16, Athena 7:25, Sayre 7:40, Waver ly 7:55, arriving at Elmira 8:50 A. M. No. 31 leaves Elmira 5:15 P. M., Waverly 6:00, Sayre 6:15, Athena 6:20, Milan 6:30, Ulster 6:40, Towanda 6:55, Wysauking-7:05. Standing Stone 7.14, Eummerlield Frenchtown 7:32, arriv ing Wyalusing at 7:45:, P. M. Trains 8 and 15 run daily. Sleeping cars on trains 8 and 15 botiveen Niagara Falls and Phila delphia and between Lyons and New York with out changes. Parlor cars on Trains 2 and 9 between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia with-' out change, and through coach to and from Eocheater via Lyons. - • WM. SMXENSON, Supt. I'A., Jan. 2, 18S2. qa. & N.Y. it. B. QM Miscellaneous. Advertisements. QUEEN 44..C0. THE•GREAT,OPTICIANS, 924 CHEST.NUT STREETI srpr.Rioit ;: ;1 7,1 1 v,r, z Lt., • i t;IE. LENSES and . P;iitlCß FACILITIES . Fcrurnufat: in er.nilinctogiveourSPECTA. r..V.ti I:YE-f a,APSI:S a national reputidloa. ;. , ),!GliT NEVER RETURNS. , • • • ~• —Part 1— it : :•••1.• :Tr $1:01:t Part t—Optical : - •• P•lrt 3--Macie Lanterns. 112 ; • leal InrtrunientH.l6o pages T6'vand_s.ct.,...Store 711A.1N" STREET; Is prepared to offer a complete assort ment of DRY AND FANCYIGOODS, Crockery; Glassware, WHITE and DECORATED CIIINA. MAJOLICA WARE, BIRD CAGES, For the coming Spring Trade, we adhere as heretofore to our established principle—that a quick sale.with asmall profit is better than a slow one with a large profit—and therefore our prices in any line, of goods will compare favorable with the prices of any other house. April 29 ly 6& We. endeavor to sell the best article for the least'possible money. myG•tf ill N. NELSON .*:: • i * 1 , 2 , -14 DEALER IN WATCHES 9 CLOCkS • . , '. ' A ' FINE GOLD AND PLATED ~1..., - - JEWELER . 1 ". 0 of every vsriets.and Spectacles. ppellarlicsuar Atention paid to resitrins. ' Shop in Decker . .ik Vought's Grocery Store. Marl Street, .Towanda, Penna. ' , sep94) Railroad ifirrie.Tables. TAKES EFFECT JAN. 2, 2852 STATION'S WESTWARD. I 8 30 1 2 12 STATIONS MMa= 6.30 ....; 7.4111 3.40 8.00: ....; 9.00; 4.15 . 1 920 , ....;10.151 5.50 . ....'10.451 6.15 ..10.65; 11).541 6.24 11.55!, 7.25 .. LOS 7.39 2.031 9.45 1,35! B.ol' 2.25;10.10 8.271 ....110.32 8.45! 110.46 1:.551 3.01,10.52 9.20! ....i11.22 9.27: 3.27;11.29 9.43 -. 1 11.45 ; 3.02 9.50! 3.4611.50 ;...:10.14 : 4.0312.07 '10.37 12.24 Ea ME ! 19.31 • 3.a.1105, 4 43 19.46 1 11.17: 4.55112.57 ....:11.26 1.06 4.30 11.3. 5.10, 1.15 4.40:11.41. 5.201 1.2.3 1 4.45,11.50 14.0 1.30 5.25 1 12.40 : . 6.15 2.15 c.as 8.30 ...., 9.35 I 1. 1 411 . .. -• 1 6 A2 I 8.401 ..::1 14.50 9.501 6.10; 9.40, 11.401 44.10,12.05 1.031 9.251 CO P.M: P.M. A.M. PI J~LPI I.&. - - • CM taking erSUIT -1;I. r. TILE (NEXT DOOR TO FELCII k CO Latest designs and patterns of SATCHELS, 4C. LOEWUS & FREIMUTH. first #ittinuar - r ant,. , TRAINS souTU. ! 3 9 Ace ; ay Altf.' P. M 6.1• V 3.15 6.35, 3.30 6.411 3.31 .6.47 1 3.35 6.62 1 3.40 7.00. 3.47 *7.11 t 03.54 *7.151 , 3.68 7.19, 4.02 7.371 4.16 CAPITAL PAID IN • $125,000 SURPLUA FUND...-, .: . 80.000 Ell This Bank offers unusual facilities for the transaction of a :generil - banking business. N. N. BETTS'. i J 913.. rOWELL; Cashi6i. - Preßident , tab. 11.-'7B. THE POPULAR CORNER, GEO. ROSS, Hu Oiled pp the old MONTANYE STORE with 1 full and complete stock of FRESH GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. • • . Call here for your Grocertesi .After you get prices at Boss' it will be of no use to try else• where for his prices aro down to rock bottom. , Farmers can get the tiptop of the ; market a Geo. Ross'. All kinds of Produce taken in ex change for goods or for cash. " BETTER TO LEAD THAN FOLLOW!" A - GOOD MAXIM,. BUT -NOT H. JACOBS • The old and Reliable Dealer in Ready-Made Clothing, From his old' stand. (No. 2, Patfon's Block,) to his NEW LOCATION in the large and commodius store,' ; No. 123, Main Street, formerly' occupied by M. E. SoDemon & Son, (one door north of Felch & C 0.,) where he is now open with a full and Complete Stack of Fashionable SPRING AND S,UDIXER HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, TRAVELING BAGS, • UMBRELLAS, CANES, &C. MEN'S, 'l3 0 Y'S' YOUTH'S and IBEI CIIILDREN'S fall and complete suits ()tall grades and prices. While he aims 'to lead the trade, he asks his old friends and everybody else to follow him to his new location, where he will fit them out in the highest style nf.ort. orowinno new. r. early. H 'JACOBS Towanda, Pa., April 6, LST.2;: 8.00 9.40 A. 311 EUREKA. vil.„ MARBLE WORKS • YSAIINING; GEORGE OTT, flag Marble. Works located at Depot bear of PioDot's Brick Store. and is prepared to•far nMb as good quality of Marble Ai there is in the country.' /girl manufacture MONUMENTS &TOMBSTONES Grave Yard Posts, Railing;,, ctc. And I gall fifteen per cent. cheaper 'than travel ing agents do. Good satisfaction guaranteed, and all jobs put up properly. I can furnish all kinds of American and foreign marble. Itm enabled to sell very much cheap or than any other ARM because i do t my own work. ! Those ',Jibing anything in my line are incited to call and see for theniseives. Feb. 16,'1884. Wago .t oso&Ca!! b iages OLD ESTABLISHMENT. JAMES BRYANT, would call, the atten tion_ of FARMERS and • others to his large and complete assortment of • ()pen & Top Buggies AND PLATFORM WAGONS all of his ovm MANUFACTURE and warp ranted in every par ticular - Bryant's Flexible Springs used In all Platlbrm Wagons. The easiest and beat In ,nee. NOW IS. YOUR TIME TO BUY! , ,Look at these figures. Two Seated Carriages from .. 1150 to 1175 Photons, one seated 125 to 150 Top Buggies ..:...... .. ". .. -.. .. ... .. 125 to 150 Open Bogen 80 to 100 Democrat Wagon. 00 to., 110 Remember teat the above are all folly ivarrant ed. liret-class'or no pay belo w . Repai lut ring prompt/y attteniled to at 25 per cent years prices. Oilice and Factory cor. Main and Elisabeth Rs. 211eb82* 'AS -BRYAN?. BEglibcannsi=ientnooweaeyro re tet tb r a e t p w u o b Y c loi o ns u I than at anything Capitol not needed. We will start you. $l2 slay and up- wards made at home- by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to' work for us. Nowt, the time. You can work in spare time only or give your whirls time to the business. You can live at home and do the Work No other bullies. will ploy yon nearly as wall.— No one can fail to make enormous pay by en gaging at once. Costly - Ontilt and terms tree.— Money made fist, easily and honorably. Address; Tatra it Co.. Augurs, Natne. Dec ' 1 4 - • DR. JONEEVOREAMOADIPHOIL IS THE NAME OF the pWar Liniment thatenres Ilhematism. N o • Swollen or Stiffened Joints, Frost. Bites. pai n ; In the Face. Head or Spine. Chapped hands, Brnises,Sprains. Bona. Kosguloto Bites, Sting or Hite of an in sect, Poison from common Poison Vines eta., for orbaser. Always -and almost instantaneous in iss relief. Holzman agreeable odor. it is pleasant-to apply. Sold by all drug gists. Price 25 cents. N.B.—This Liniment received's Prise Medal a the State 114.1819. Yaw 20 IF LETTER HEADS, ; BILL HEADS, icon NM*, &a pistol la the beet .ti • of the art at theltesostacest office. • TOWANDA. BRADFORD' COUNIT(- THURSDAY, APRIL 113 'lBB2 - - Nt<PW-7"-'7:; - * New Advertisments. TOWANDA PA. ALWAYS TRUE It is better to follow GEOhGE: OTT. , .130 , CRIMPING ITP ?ME swill: In the softly-falHog twilight Of a trkary, weary day, With 6 quiet step I. entered I - - Where the children were - at play, I was brooding o'er some trouble That had met me unawares, When little voice came ringing; "Mc Is creepin' up the stairs!" Ah I it touched thetender heartstring With 'a breath and force divine. And snob melodies awakened As ni'ore wordi can ne'er And I turned to see our darling, All forgetful of my cares, When.l taw the little °radar° ' !only creeping up the stairs. - Step by step she bravely clambered, On her little hands and kno- s, Keeping up s constant chattering Like the,magpies in the trees, Till at last she reached the topoinst, When, o'er all her World's affairs, `=She, delighted, stood a victor, After creeping up the stairs. Fainting heart i behold an image Of man's brief and struggling life, Whose best prizes he must capture With an earnest, noble attire, Onward, upward, reaching ever— Bending 'to the weight of cares; Hoping, fearing, still ezpecting— •We go creeping up the stairs. On the steps may be no carpet, By their side may be no rail; Hands and knees may often pain us, And the heart may almost fail; Still, above there is the glory, Which no sinfulness impairs, With its rest and joy forever, After creeping up the stairs !, C.APTAIIif 84,411 7 LErS BODY- GUARD 'Well, yes,' said my host, Captain Stanley, as brave a soldier as ever drew a sabre, hare seen some hard times since I have been oat here, and so have we all. A man in our profession can't pass five years of his life on the plains Without getting some hard knocks, I tell you.' • We had jest finished .a late supper, and having drawn our chairs about the wide fireplace, had filled our pipes pre paratory to indulging in a social smoke: There were a dozen of us in the room, all except myself wearing Uncle Sam's 'honored blue,' I. was at that time a cor- - respondent for an eastern paper, ,and had been ordered to the frontier to 'write up' the campaign which General Cook was about to undertake against the Cheyennes who had broken away from their reservation. Finding that a detachment led by Captain Stanley, the commander of old Fort Prazierl was expected to bear the brunt of the work I joined my fortunes with it, ac companied it on a perilous scout of fourteen hundred miles, and we had but just returned to the fort. Wo had got back, too, just in time to escape what western men call a' 'blizzard.' And a. tut. & 1), 10 611 11111.11,661.•••••••••ar New England snow storm a dozen times intensified.. The wind blows us if it would sweep everything before it, the cold is so piercing that one shivers over the.hottest fire, and the air is filled, not with snow, but with sharp needles of ice, which seem to threaten.destruction to every living thing exposed to its fury. We were all snugly housed; our jaded horses were munching their barley' in their warm stables, the sentries were standing grim and silent in their boxes, and those of us who were fortunate enough to have no duty_ to call us out into the storm,; spread our hands over the cheerful wood' fire and congratulated ourselves on the safe ending of our te diens acont. • I said there were a dozen of us in the room; but I must not forget to mention Captain Stanley's' body-guard, four magnificent Scotch deerhounds, which lay stretched out in front of the fire. They were large shaggy animals, with immense bone and muscle, and bore On I their bodies numerous evidenees of the battles through which they Il i ad pima They were terrible fighters, and the ease with which they could overtake and pall down an antelope was surpris ing. They accompanied us on the scout, and I could not imagine .why it was that they were treated with so much kindness and Consideration by every member of the command. On this par- Healer night.l was to find out. 'How the wind blows 1' exclaimed a young lieutenant, from his seat in the chimney corner, 'I declare it will tear the stockade up by the roofs.' 'Yes, it is u wild night; and I hadn't been on the plains as long as you have, Jack,' said the captain, addressing him self to the lieutenant, 'before I was called upon, to face just such a s'orni - !4s this without shelter of any kind. ex cept what was to be found in the hills, and under circumstances that were calculated to freeze the blood:in the veins of the bravest man- that ever stepped. ThoSe hours of horror turned my'llair white as you see it now, and made me an'old man before My time, I cannot recall them without shuddering.! The captain' uffed vigorously at hie well blackened brier root for a few minutes, and after making sure that it ' was well lighted gentinned: - 'I always was fond of horses, dogs and guns, and I can scarcely remember' the time when I did not own some of the very best. My pointers could not be beaten, my pony would take a fence almost is well as any of my father's thoroughbreds, ,and my little fowling piece was sure death to any hird that got up Within any reasonable distance. When I left home to go to West Point it almost broke my heart to part from my pets; but my uncle, who was an ar dent sportsman. assured me if I would pass - a creditable •axaminatien at the end of my school , term be would pre sent me with a pack of dogs that would more than take the place of the _one I , left behind; my father, a veteran otthe Mexican war-and a great admirer of the cavalry, told me that if I would fit my self to enter that branch of the service, he would give me the finest •hcirso in his stable, and my mother said she would give me another. Encouraged by these promises, and ambitious to distinguish myself in my chosen profes sion, I worked hard , and stood among the first Aye at thel end of the course. - . • OF THE PEOPIZIHrThE PTOPLE AND FOB THZ PEOPLE." Here are the dogs my uncle gave .me,' said the captain, his stern face soften ing as be gazed alinost lovingly at the splendid animals before 'him. 'and the horses—:well, one was killed during a fight on the Sweetwater. and the other —poor, Gipsy she was my mother's gift. 'As soon Us I received my commission I was ordered to report to the com manding officer of Fort Scott for duty. The officers were all lovers of the chase, and at the sight of my horse and hounds they received me with open arms. In company with the neighbving ranch men we hunted almost constantly; there was little scouting to be done, for the Indians were qbietly 'settled on their rwervation, and when winter came and the first snow coveted the ground, the sport we had in coursing antelope was simply magnificent. 'Early one morning, while r was re turning to the- ost with a freshly killed antelope slung across my saddle, I no ticed that - My eyes burned and that the surface of .tbe snow, from which the bright rays of the. sun ' were reflected with almost dazzling brillinney, - seemed to be coveted with floating speds% Now and then something` that looked like a chain danced across the range of my vis sion,and this would be followed by multi tudes of miniature pin-wheels and sky rockets. I knew that the glare of the 811t1 on the snow had affected my oyes, but I tboaght nothing of it, for I was foolish enough to believe that it would wear - off in time. 'When I reached the fort I found l i i there was a runner from ' t e Red Eagle. Agency who had brought information which rendered it necessary that a cour ier should be sent With dispatches to Fort Morris. The dispatches were ready and the colonel was. waiting for me. I changed horse s, ; received my instruction and cent otti of Anna with 4. my Henry rifle stung at m y back, and my hounds trotting along before me. For twow or three days. I had noticed a suspicions bank of clouds hanging - in the northern horiton, and the colonel had warned me to make baste for a storm was brewing. ' Acting upon his advice 1. pushed 'ahead as rapidly as possible, shading my burning eyes with my hand, and' now anti then calling to my dogs which seemed inclined to turn about and give battle to te pack of gaunt anti hungry wolves that was fol lowing along behind me. I saw with no little uneasiness that although the south wind was blowing strongly, that threatening bank of clouds in the north was rising rapidly against it. The Arctic King was coming in his might, and I knew that the storm would over take me long before I could reach my destination. I began to feel timid. 'I did not like the persistency with which these famine breeders linug on my trail. gust before dark I reached my cam ping-ground. It was a sheltered nook among the hills, bare of snow, and there was a 'spring of good water close by. After putting the blankets on the mare and feeding her an I making her as comfortable as I-could for the night, . I built a fire under the he of a rock and with my dogs around me sat down to eat, my slipper.. Just then' the war of the elements began. With it roar and a rush that were thrift°, the advance guard of the Arctic forc;_s struck the south wind and drove it back: ! Then there was a lull, such as sometimes oc curs in battle when the opposing' forces are gathering themselves for a decitive effort,, and with another .mighty roar the , final onslaught was made. I The - blizzard was in fall blast. The air was literally tilled with ice. .It grew c o lder and colder every minute and my: fire seemed to give out . no heat. I could not look at the blaze for the pain in my eyes had increased until it was almost Unbearable. Finally I wrapped my , blankets around me and lay down to sleep. , 'How. long I slumbered I do not t know. I was awakened by one. of • Any drgs, which came up and licked my face.' I starfed.up and threw oly the blankets. It was pitch dark. The blizzird was still raging fearfully, and the wolves had approached so close to my camp that I could hear the patter of their feet as they ran about among the scrub oaks, and my, faithful dogs,' now and then gave a growl-to wpm them oft. A Mapping among the brides told me that my mare was rendered uneasy by their presence. and I.thonght I would go out and speak tri her. I loosed toward the place where nay ,fire had been kindled, but could not see a single coal. It had burned itself completely out. Groping my way, on my hands and knees to the pile of fuel I had gathered before going , to sleep, I picked up a stick:and began poking around for the ceals 4 . Presently a sharp stinging sen sation in my band told me. that _I had fcrund one. I could feel the pain but I could not see the coil, and; yet it must have been ; a live one or else it could riot have burned 'me. With trembling bands and a terrible sinking at my heart I took out a match and lighted it. I could distinctly hear it burning. but . I could not size the blaze, although I held the match until mr fingers were scorched. Then I dropped it, and with a scream of terror jumped to my feet. Great heaven I - I was anow•blind.; . 'With the experience I now have' I know that my situation would have been desperate if I bad been in full posseasi of my sight; as it was I gave myself my for lost. I.was pamlised with horror, and jor a time could not move. The `actions of one of my dogs aroused me. He hounded forward.- and began a ter= rible battle with Que. of the wolves. With another cry of terrorl groped my - way back to my bed, and catching up rifle succeeded after a desperate scram be in placing myself on the top of the took. But this time the battle between my dogs and the wolves was in full pro gress, and ti Serie one .it was, _ too. I area shot after shot, into the air in the hope of frightenio the famine-breed ers, but they, were'rendered too despe rate by hunger to fear the smell of gun powder. .:HoW earnestly I prayedf that my noble doge might named in fight ing off their savage feed. I shouted .to them words of 'encouragement to which they bad never tilled to respond during a hunt,. and finally I knew that they were gaining the victory. They drove 'the wolves away from me, but the rave nous animals were not to be cheated. They turbed their attention to my horse. I fairly cried as I stood there sightless and helpless on my rock and listened to the struggles of the frighten ed beast as she strove with desperate energy to break her fastenings. To my great• joy she succeeded, and'-with a shrill neigh of terror set off up the val ley. I heard her hoofs clattering over the bare ground and the snarls and yelps otthe savage paCk as it followed close at her heels, and then all was still. I called to coy faithful guardians and each one answered to his name by a joyful bark, all except Major. whose response was a mournful whine. Poor fellow I He had been - severely handled. 'I did not delude myself with the hope thatl had seen the last of the wolves. I knew 'that my steed, fleet and enduring as she was, would in the end be overtaken and torn in pieces by her tireless pursuers, and that having ivhet ted their appetites they would return in sufficient numbers to clierpower my guards and make an end.of me. I bad always prayed for a soldier's death, and the thought that I must give up my life in this horrible way was agonizing. cannot tell how long I stood there waiting for the wolves to come back and put tile out of my . misery, for f was dazed with terror. I fell into a sort of stuper from which I was aroused by a bark from one of my hounds; and (I know every note utterel by, these ani mals as well I know the sound Of my own voice) it was a bark of welcome. •Help was near. :My first feeling was one of amazement, and before I had recoveyta from it a rifle shot and then another and another. The whole pack broke out into a joyous baying.. I cooked .1 my rifle with my benutabed hands and fired all the remaining cartridges into the air. I tried to shout but, could. not utter a sound. My head 'reeled and I fell from the rock. remained a full mouth at Mr. Butler's hospitable :larch,: before I was able to returh to the post. He and two of his heighbors had been out alter black-tails and were caught in the bliz zard, but knowing that they must reach" home, or run the risk of being snowed up in the bills, they boldly faced it, and a fortunate thing it was for me that they' did so. They saw the wolves de vouring my mare and took the back tiail expecting to find my mangled body. When they di=covered me lying there behind that rock surrounded .by my bleeding hounds no words could gmrsstss 'their astonishment. 'Close by disabled Ones that were - tiling bi'erawl off. These they shot. Th i at these dead and wounded members of -the pack were not devoured by their comrades was owing to the fierceness with which my brave dogs fought thein. They were badly cat up, but they. received the same kind nursing, that I did. and here they are as ready for a fight as they ever were. Do you know now why everybody, in the fort thinks so much of my body-guard, Harry ?'. I ' thought . I did.—Hmutv c..tTLE ilos, in Our Continent. The Fox Calls a Convention. ' A Fox who found tiard picking in a certain neighborhood, one day visited a farmer's' Dog, and. said: - 'I have lately undergone a change of heart, and I wish you to make known the fact to your Master's Fowls. . They treat me as if I was a muiderer and it really hurts my feelings to' See them hurry into the coop .at sunset. The Farmer, too, seems to distrust me, for he has made the coop so tight that I cannot find a single knothole. What sort of a way, is that to treat - a . Fox who is doing his best to earn an honest living ? 'I pre sume you would like to state 'yonr case to the Fowls in person ?' observed the -Dog. 'That's it, that's the very idea, re plied the Fox. 'Say to them, that I should like to meet them in _eel/versa.' Hon under this tree, tomorrow, at noon. I will then explain my feelings to thetn, and trust that the Fox and Fowls will hereafter live in the greatest har mony. Indeed, the'dnly difference be tween us, is the fact that I have no wings, and they shouldn't hold me in suspicion on 'that account.' The Dog agreed to act mediator, ediator, and at noon . next day, the Fox crept carefully through the weeds to the rendezYous, and crouched to await the coming - Of the Fowls.. There 'was presently heard a great whirl and clatter, and two score of hens alighted in the branches:of the tree over the Fox. 'The convention I willow proceed to business," said 'an old Hen, as she , peered down' upon the: Fox.' 'Just so,' grinned the Fox.' 'Please - come down and we will proceed.' 'Thinks, but if it's all the same to you, we'd rather you would come up here,' replied the Hen. 'But lian't fiy.' And we are poor runners.' ' The Fox not being able to fir up, and the Hens re fusing to fly down, the former was 'skulking off when he met the Dog, who said: My friend, the difference between undergoing a change of heart . and de siring to undergo a' change of diet and position, is III:i obscure that many peo ple never stop to fish for it.. r Att a fox ' you were respected for your cunning; as a hypocrite even the old Hens des; pise you.' , - i . 'Learning,' said a down. Easter. 'is well enough, but it hardly pays to give a . Ave thonstind aollar education to :a five dollar boy.'. ° .Why may an assessor of taxes be said to be the most appreciative man in the world? Because he never under-rates anybody. 4 ' 'NO; ma,' . `she said, 'Charles can never be.anytbing to me more. He bas come out in last 6earion'e overcoat; and Oh, me, if it only matched my dress I, wouldn't care so much; but it doesn't, and we hare parted.' . j VIM MELANCHOLY HUMORISTS AND OLD JOKES. ''Gravity of demeanor' is, we appro. bend, littleif atali inconsistent 'with a genius for jocularity. Democritus who, next. to Diogenes, said perhaps more good things than any other philosopher of antiquity; is described as 'very melan choly by nature, averse from company in his latter days, and iamb given to soliiarin43. l .Douglass Jerrold,' one of the keenest wits of the Victorian era, was not only grave but anxious in de meanoriland Thomas Hood the elder, who could'make 'screening' jokes even out of the complication of maladies which tortured him, was facially the picture of sadness. When we turn to the two great `masters of humor and pathos of miring et, it will be remember ed that the !-habitual expression of Charles Dickens was one of concentrat ed sternness, and that the ordinary mien of William Makepeace Thackeray was of extrajudicial gravity. There is a host of good stories • in the • 'Table Talk' of Samuel Rogers, but the out ward and visible appearance of the banker-po i et.was the reverse of mirthful. It was ghastly aio cadaverous to an alarming degree; so much so; indeed, that a French footman to whom Rogers had, on catering a room given by mid tike the card of Thonias Moore, instead of his own announced him to the com pany. as .'Monsieur le Mort.' It is curious that criticism should have taken so little cognizance of the fact that ‘the original Joe Miller' should liave been, in spirit if not in substance, neither See himself nor 'John Mottley, alias Jenkins, Esq.,' but the `greatest, meanest, wisest of mankind,' Francis Bacon, .Baron :Vend= and Viscount St. Albans. Loid Macaulay In bin review erf Dail i Molllngu'S Life and Worksef Bacon, incidentally men tions that the. illnstriens philosopher itgetated,from memory, without refer ring to any book, on a day.when illness had rendered him incapable of senores study, the best collection of jests in the world.' Hard students of the three Inindred and. odd 'apophthegms' dictat ed by Bacon to his secretary will fully indorse the justice of Macaulay's ver dict. They show the amazing depth • and variety of his learning; his wonder ful memory, . his shrewd appieciation of the goo l things said by his -contem poraries, and his own keen sense of wit and humor:. There are few lees' equal to the joke related by Bacon himself of the 'plain old man at 'Buxton, who sold besoms,' and who,:on a young spend thrift coming to him,for, a broom upon trust, made answer_ to him, *Friend, bast thou no money? Borrow of thy back, and borrow of thy belly... They'll ne'er ask,thee ecaini,Lahall.he dunning story of a witty rogue who bargained with a lace man to be "supplied for a I certain small sum with as much lace as would. mersure 'from ear to ear,' and who went on to 'explain that one 'ear was on his head, but that tho other was nailed to the pillorrat Bristol. Then there is the irresistibly comic story of the impudent thief •in the dock who, knowing his case to bodesperate, cried Out when he was called upon to plead, 'IE charge you' in the King'ti, name to seize upon and take away that man in , the red gown'—meaning the Judge— lor I go in danger of my life for_fear of him.' Those familiar with the modern American 'Joe' of the suitor who had lost his cense, and flinging down a five dollar bill on the table of the court, ez clnimed,-'Fine tile that for contempt,' may be interested to read in the'apoph-'' thep,ms' the story of the sailor who, be ing fined two , shillings for swearing, asked what the mulct was for Cursing. He wait answered sixpence, whereupon he pulled a half-crown from his pocket, 'and cursing the Court all round as a com pany' of knaves and fools bade the clerk keep the half-crown, as he never liked 'changing of money,' American hu morists, have indeed incanted, albeit perhaps unconsciously, a heavy, amount of indebbetness to the old jest books for some of their newest and driest stories. There has been recently paraphrased and calmly appropriated by Mark Twain an anecdote of a Scotchmnn en ters an eating-house on Holbord-hill and calls ford penny. loaf. Then he says that he has changed his mind, and that he will have a pennyworth of heer instead. This process he repeats twelve times, and hens then goicg on his way, reiliging and full °of beer,' -when the coekshop keeper demands payment for . his beer. 'I gave you a penny loaf for each mug of beer,' answers the canny Scot. 'Bat you Have not paid for 'the loaves,' continues the incensed Boni face. But I ha& theta not,' replies the Scot. This story is to be found in an old cheap book onblished ; late in the seventeenth century; and it is very probably a . survival of some mediaeval joke current among the schoolmen, since its humor binges on a false pre miss in logic. For the rest the original jest may be many thousand years 'old; and may have been one of Julius Caesar's collection of • apophthegms the loss of which Bacon, 'in the introduction to his own 'ante Joe Millerism,' so pa thetically deplores. There is nothing new under the sun—especially in the matter of jokes. - Pleasure is:frequently greater in the anticipation titan in the fulfillment. For example the pleasure of wearing a new pair of boots]-or getting a tooth drawn. - Never marry a poor girl whose broth ers are rieh. If she doesn't think you a miserable failure it is because she is a perfect lady, • and , you are a nobleman in disguise. . Guitean 'The jury'may put my body in the ground, but my soil will go marching on.' If a Ompromiae can be affected on this balia, the put•lic will be satisfied. 'There is no accounting :for tes t ae. Nonsense! 'What is the work of a book. keeper, in an eating home; but account ing for tastes? 111 r THZ' BTRZA.M. Sweet tangled banks, where ox-eyod elatelea • grow. - , And scarlet poppies gleam; Sweet changing lights, that overcome and go • 1- Ifp the quiet stream I Once more I see the flash of splendid wings, 'As dragon-flies flit by, Oncemore for mo the small sedge-warbler sings' Beneath a iapphirn sky. Once moro I feel the simple, fresh content ' I found hi stream and soil,. 'When golden summers slowly came and went And mine was all ttspoil. I find amid the.hodeysuckle Sowers, And shy forget-me-not, Old boyish memories of lonely hours Passed in this silent spot. O God of nature, how thy kindness keePs Some changeless things on earth I And he whd roams far oft and toili - and weeps Comes home to learn their worth. Gay visions vanish. worldly achegup m 2,7 kn. 1 Hope proves an idle drgint, 'still the blossoms notuisb, led and pale, Beside my native stream. - -The Sunday Magazine. BSONAL AND HIORI CAL SKETCHES, N .2. HRS. T. B. 'DAMN'S OF ATHWiS, was.born Feb. 11, 1803, 'r at Cherry Valley N. Y. Her mother's maiden name was Sena Wright. Her father - Moses Woodburn, was a grand son of Geo.Woodburn an English gentleman Of fortnne who married the only daughter of Lord Carr of Dublin, Ireland. They emigrated to America and settled in Mass., naming -the place' Woodburn, since called Woburn. They suffered many hardships and when , the town was sacked,by the Indians they were the only ones to escape death. An Indian whom7iiey had befriended saved them. A hrannh of the family mitten in New Hampshire and were the ancestors of Horace Greeley . . Moses Woodburn en listed when sixteen in the 'army having . to stand. on his toes to pass inugter; He served daring the; Revolution and be came one of Washington's Life-Guards, being present at ttie execution of Andre.' Upon the return of• peace be and his bother Nathaniel bought several bun acres of land on Wyisox creek•. in Bradford County and erected the first Ew mill therein. Their• decendants nsw eccupy the farms. -Mr. Woodburn having purchased land in what is now known as Ghent passed the remainder oil his life there and at his request- was buried upon the farm, having died Jan. 29, 1832. His wido w . - married Rev. Rivard ~m inister Bichmend, 'a Baptist minister of Ohio. Rev.•Heiekiah West at the close of a 'sermon 'Jan. 24, 1822 married Miss .se4ath_ Woodburn and Thomas R. Davies, that being the customary man ner of Celebrating a marriair' n ip thnse Moses Woodburn, , and • Mr. Davies - a son of David Davies :of Lowes 1 county =of Radnor South , Wales. - Meetings were held at the home of her pa , eats, - they being mem-t hers of the church which had not yet a house dedicated to worship in the Valley no 7 so, well' supplied. ' Mr. West was al minister of great reputation in this and adjoining counties, his la bors-being successful as were those of Miner York a Presbyterian minister. They were the pioneers of this section. Mrs. Davies and her husband settled in Athens where 'they have since lived, respected by all. We do not 'purpose in this to give a sketch of his active life, but to mention with honor the name of her from whom hundreds have received assistance or advice, not attempting to recite her virtuous deedii. She is a lady of cniture and well informed, and has written much, chiefly upon religions subjects.. Three sons and seven daugh ters constituted her flintily of ,children, of . whom , eight still live. '' . Enstace Davies died in 1844 aged 22 years and Thom - it Rodger Nov. 21, 1866, at Tide tint Pa. ag i d. 33. • He served in the sth Regiment ew York Artillery, suffering hardships that founded disease which caused his - death, ' The-- campaign in West Virginia_being the severest strain: He kept a interest to' W. thd child is in at home, years ago I /journal which was 'of much 'friends and others. Eugene •maining son . and ;•youngest business in Athens, and lives aving lost, his wife a few "la Williams, eldest daughter, S. Elliot of 'Canton Pa. and Elizabe. married •F was left a widow in 1859. Adelia, mar ried H. A. Phelps of Smithfield. They le side at Brownsville Colorado. Nancy. M. lives at home oaring for 'her aged parents. Jane Frances, married A. 0. Snell of Athens• Apr. 14, 1859..! . They now live on a farm near Milan Pa. Sarah Estella, married John Rose of Caledonia, Canada West, May 14, 1859, now reside at Bay City Michigan. Eloise Flower, married O. ,P. Hyde of Groton, they are residents of Ithaca. Minnie M., married E. A. Marsh of Groton, they live in Ithaca. Eugene married Sarah' Maud Wanzer, whose death was deeply : regretted. Of twenty-eight grand-children six have died. Mrs. , D. has five great grand children. One grand-child Minnie Victor i a Rose was born May 24, Queen Victoria's birthday, and another Willie Roise July 4th, 1876. In 1872 they celebrated their golden wedding,and January 24th of the present year the Tth anniversary of their marri age. they have the bes&wislies of friends that they may live to celebrate many more years of wedded blies. Children and friends look foriard with pleasure to these social, happy reunions and `genuine will be the sorrow when - they tease.. IMrs. Davies taught the princi ples of virtue and morality to her lanai- Ir and her influence is manifest in the result. , She is now honored by them and reapected by . her acquaintances. • Wegive herewith a sketch of her religious experience and life as , written by one 'of 4er daughters. April 6, 1 : 882. W. A.P. It wasgilder such jadieiona training that her sPiritnal life I was expanded, and'at tit , early age of Seven years she $1.50 a Year; In Ad ranee. 4.6 MEE felt it deep conviction of sin. Frew hearing the Calvinistie idea of 'saving faith disenssed by the eminent Divines who visited her father's• house, her childish fear Was aroused lest she was not one of the elect, and was destined to be endlessly lost. Her fears, her doutits and tears, made her, for a time very unhappy. But faithful prayer, oft-times beside the path on going through the woods to school; once morning and evening beside her hum.; blo cot, soon opened to her spiritual vision a broader light ; and a bright faith; and she felt again happy in the assurance that she was a child of God if she believed in Him and loved him; mid she wished again to be _ baptised and unite with God's people. She was considered altogether too young for -such an important step. When at a suitable age she made pub lic! prntsadou of her faith, suit 'tutted in full fellowship into the Baptist churoh at Wysox, of which the - Rev. Hezekiah West was pastor. She re mained a communicant of this church until she was married and removed to Ithica, when she united with the Milton church: Later in life she embraced the ,Universalist faith and is a sincere sup " porter of its doctrines. The poor have ever found in= Mrs. Davies the generOus hand to relieve their necessities, and the sympathis ing heaat to feel their sorrows. It is site to assert 'that no person was. ever turned away from her door without help; asper motto has always been, , "it is better to hely the undeserving than to pass by one that is really deservirig." To Mrs.. Davies the words of Rine Lemuel in the Proverbs, can be truly applied.- "She stretched out her hand to the poor; !ea she stretcheth `forth her hands-to the needy.. The children rise up and call her . blessed; her hus band and he praiseth her.- My - mother early showed evidence of a piety, and regard for sacred_ things, which has been characteristic , of her whole life. When three years of age and leaning to:read she Was: given a Testament, when alio would_ find the name of 414 and, kiss it, and every sawtime sire the sweet name in print in any book or paper, l she kissed it "be. cause she loved . Jesus!" A little giri with golden heid, _Asked mo to read a minute; A pretty story, as she said, For. Jesus nape was in it. The pleasant task was soon complete,. Bat long I pondered o'er it, . That Jeans name should be so'sweet, That e'en a child should love it. Oh, sweetest story ever told, What - torrgup would dare begin it, If it were riven of its gold, And Jesus name not in it ?. When she was a little older she came. out. Jay It, Lca u+vLLcr and told tier she siirtreletr her "why she wished to be bptised" "B:cause Jesus was," Was the quick re joinder. 'How do you know Jesp was baptised?' questioned the aston ished mother. 'Because I read it in my little Testament,' and . bringing her precious book, she turned to ono of the Gospels and read the whole act•eunt.. She wan a child of unusual intelligrince and thoughtfullnes from her earliest childhood, and when other children of her ago were romping and playing with their companions in joyous sports in the air and sunshine, she would be found seated wetly beside her mother, listening attentively to the comersation of the Ministers, who in those primitive times visited their parishoner, and con- , versed with them 'on the subject of their souls salvation, and who never departed from the humble home :until prayer was offered at the Throne of Grace in behalf of the fancily whose hospitality .they had enjoyed. .r. F. S. Snow/ edge In a Nutshell. A cubit is two feet. A pace is three feet. • A fathom is six feet. A palm is three inches. A league is three miles. There are 2,730 languages. A great cubit is eleven feet. - Two persons die every second. Bran, twenty ponuds per bushel; Sound moves 743 miles per hour. - A square mile contains 640 acres: A barrel of ice weighs 600 pounds.. Slow rivers flow five miles per-hour. A barrel of pork weighs 200 pounds. A barrel of flour weighs 196 pounds. An Sere contains 4,840 square yards. Cits, thirty-three pounds per bushel. Bariey, forty-eight pounds per bushel. • A ,liand (horse - measure) is four in che e. A span" is ten and seven-eigads in _ ohm A rifle ball . Moves 1,000 miles per hour. A storm blows thirty-sii an hoar. - - A rapid river flows seven miles per hour. Buckwheat, fifty-two poundu per • Electricity moves 228,000 miles per hov. The first Inciter match was made in 1820. Al firkin of butter weiglis • fifty-six pounds. Coigne ult. eight-tive 7 pOunde per bushel. - - A tub of batter weighs eighty-four Ponds. The average 'human life is thirty three years. , Timothy seed. forty-live pounds per bushel. . ' - ►1 We.regret to observe from the re portu made by hand organ' manufactur ers that 'Grandfather's Chronometer' is to be the fashionable. tune this year, The only reason that two adore never put ripe job to have a fight in the street and get advertised by, it& that they never can agree which is -to be licked. I 1 C ~ ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers