'F4o•llEit' -'• isrla PAM suNARIL , Arri t,a qf tke AraAia: al Halifeci - ..:;_lfro 4,44_ tle yet.. Cottoti‘an4 Biendstiirs #diaisixfit lIALTF 444)1i1,14,486CP - „Th e Royal Moll Judkins. from. Liverpool pi' 8 4turilaY 15thlust., arrived:iiire av . Clook?fhis, m omin tr. -; - APrif 19 ? ' s . P• *liii-A 9 l . ' l6 iL• 32, saW , - brig w i t h m olds of -thstrott. i - Alyingi: bore down to her, and kkund - her ,tOlae the. Hannah, of Whitehaven, itt, a - sinking condition- 7 400k offher. erew.,.toiet* With' the crew ofthe brig Helena 'oft,iveriool,- , t3ipemeii in All; 16 of NN: 110111 vrere..anick. - The view orthe ,Iletena (which foundered in lat. 51,/on. 51) -bid been taken off_iiy .the‘Hanah. • The Arabia tailed at' O'clock \ A.ll. fdi Bosion„*here.A6 will be due...it early to . xru i mm , 2 -, aireduesday) -evening. - THE - WAR. • The interest this i :Weeh eente'rs more in. no-' otiatiesiallituk fighting;although the, inipor taut Imitatlnmitient is received a•molatio 11 o fServitat territory, hy the -Russians at Ra dejeYat- , , !Austria appears fo be acting mor e " , in,: soit.with Weste rn ite - in Powers, whileisPru&sia •leans more to Thtsstai althougk,lemP°rizil i g with both parties. „ • On the 9th i t the protocol re-defining the in teerity` of the Ottoman:Territory was signed' - at Vienna by the 'Four ,Powen ? including Prussiy but simultaneously therewith ,Prus- . lila introduced into, her mutual alliance ties tY with Austrity -conditions and litintations' which would_ render the treaty a, dead leiter, and which Austria consequently .Lrefiises. to aecept. The military arrangements arising ,out proposed : treaty have been re ferred ton Commission presided over by ihe PriuFe "of PrirAa. It was' announced <that Chevalier ,Bunsen, the Prussian= minister at London, had been recalled and no rea-49n assigned, but the whole story was Subsequently cOntradieted.. ' 'Hanover sides with the Western, Powers. - All the minor German States except Bavaria, do likewisf, and will support Austritieln fore-, ing Prussia to declare herself, should the subject come before the Federal iet. The. Independence Be* announces posi lively that a treaty Of plinianent Alliance— offensive and defensi4-Lhad just been Sign ed between France and England, indepedent ly elf the treaties ofibe present war. The TurltiSh _Government have , ordered all . Greeki who will not consent to Place tbem selves under the exclusive protection of the Porte- to leave the‘Turkish Territory'Avithin fiftani days from March 3Q. This expul sion, it is said,• was determined • on by,. the Porte- contrary to the\ advice of the Wpm , sentatives of the Four Powers. - April 12.--Admiral Napier, left - . Binge Bay for Gothlandit being, reported thitsome cf . the Russian ports were, opened, and that a Remian Squadrim was off Faroe. • Also re p9rted three American ships s.toinewheie in the Baltic, with stores for. Russia, and an pig lish steamer was dspatehed after them.-- There was lnit little ice' in the. Gulf of Fin-• land. • - ,'• A. deereeof the Senate of limbUrg forbids the export of grain at Lubec -and Bremen. All offhe allied fleet; 'excepting the Char lemagne steamer, Weie at Var/la Bay on thet 26th of Itarch. • Eight French line of Battle ships and six stirners anehored cast of V:r nal and further Cast Were ten EN,Aisli Yule of battle. sliips and six ,steaniers. -All the' marines of the fleet were to land" to protect Varna. , • pundas had signalized hiS.eniis ers to take,:lkurn and destroy everything,— . :His fleets were in.-communication with. the Turkish land force; - • Ptipee ‘ Pashkie*iteh arrived' at Bucharest on the sth April = Gotehakoff retains controand of the . ,MY, but subject. to the brders of Pashkiewitch.— The latter ip investedwith the same powers as he had in Poland. ' • On the 30th- MarA, imPiirtant saY was made from Kalafat, and a'..smnguinary en-, counter of four hours duration took place.— The Russians were routed;and were purgued for' a.con - sidprable dit , tanee; Frorit-March,3oth.to there were,. engagements of greater or less severity. ft wasyeported that an important battle was fourrlit - Hear Kassova from the 2d to The turth of April, but the result: was not stated e Cyclops British war steamer arrived at Malta on the 7th with important Amis. ` The Turks left a r'ree.passage fox the Russians to Hirsova, and then attacked them in the 'rear. After a hard fight one half of the Russians • were cut to piews and the - ,Ternainder retir:gd across the "Danube. N,4ate is given. The Turks had evacuated' the Fortress of Czemaluxia,.in the Dobrudscha, Which, was ,shelled by the Russians. - - It was * further _stated, without - date, that 30.000 Russians-. had" crossed at - Galatch, :without opposition. The accounts, of these occurrences are very confused. From Malta, the 7th, it is stated that. an English Brig from the./. Danube, and the steathe.r Crescent, which was towin it, were fired into by.. the Russians.. Another Eng lih brig name inknown, laden *ith - ,.grain , was sunk by the Russia' n batteiies on the Danube. Gen.; can6hret, with. 3,000' French 'troops, arrived Constantinople ; April 3, - - The aeclaration of war _ France and England was known in Turkey,. and caused immense enthuSiasm. - - , . , It ' was reported" that the rreneh C 01..; Drew, a meritorious officer on the staff of Omer Pasha, was killed in ' a reeonnoistmee. . m t.l'etersburg was illuminated ; and, aTe De sung in honorj of the .pas,.sage of the D label - • . .. ' THE ontrx IMMIUVECTIONI. AecountS from • the Jajina of the 3d, an nounce 'that. the Greek insurgents' had been reptlsed:and Armiro had been sUrrendervi Turkish reinforcements had : arrived .. at Tre6erti•Abi Bela. The insurrection makes no progress. An !Austrian - mite of remonstrance : ` has been fqrwarded to Athens, holding the Greek Govennuaat liable for all mischief arising • from: the insurrection. ". • LAITIEIT—[BY TO„LEGRAPEI.I Copenbag,en, April i3.4-Four steam-frig rates.„ under Admiral PlUMriate are: 4fetue/R-41 ,frorn Sir . Charles. Napier's, fleet and . .sist to • ~the, 4 ulf of. Finland. The Britisb frigate. Impericuse had _chased la - Russian cotA A ette into Sveaborg. 'Berlin; ..kprd 9.—Prince Barclay'Detolly _proceeds to London on a sp:wial • Buelmr mission.= est, !April 9.—Up the ph!krit - , tune no battle has been,fought either. at Si lestria or t at Rassova, in the Dobrolja. • Odesia, April. t 2.—A1l the French and Enzliqi have.been sent out of port. Constantinople, April 3.4-41 ka Oat _Cor reapondi:nz has nivounti from St. Petersburg; mad% that the reserved battalion find been 4•A 041 out, and a second reserve battery for alelitorps formed Itarseilles, - April l4th.—Adfnir' Brust . will Feplace Admiral linmelin in . .the Black Sea for the purpose of giving Admiral Dun -4' the chief command of, the oindbined - fleets, uhile” Gen. St.-Anima . 'souk 'hoye the conunand of the combined Jandforce,.. London; SatuidayznorningThe Arews under clate "conha f ei l , 4LI V eve - - . • . - ' - ' - ''*4l4o'"''"iiiii - '-.. -', ICI& • !:: ~ ' , . f 1 01.8',.. , . -,:_ •—• • • _ e• . :!- • phipp; 34 0.4 i, 4.:481ipre1ii* . .1).40,. and' ill . atelote.o - '-*O, - go*jorboe , 'hili , ol?rd .. - .,..-?.. - -..i.,.::.1 -- - - J - 37•. , -,:7:„,,, -- , Itie:_iii.6o;4ri . im' i' i_ 7 :loiiiiii4.oo;.'ic . 49 . ,p .'lluittAdiiiiii4 4 . l 4 :jit', l 4iing*el - e - ItOr Ill*. -fii.itir,r4l4.!Adiiiii. • - ,.:.ll*iiifiejliiol.itt.* _l4"iiiiiiiiii '4liiiii'.'iit ar were ii* . hoiiitt4it'lleli. 1 siii&siiibi*isti . Ai? . giiiivffie . j:pclit.of Itiyi. - . , i Ol; .is-making .. to La* thein; - -' : . _.. ?,,., 1 diet] -A4 Ik '.'.'iliiii ..English:' and - lienoh a t_ 1 vessels , of ii- on ' 114 Ooost of !.11losiitli has e, 1 - Oider4 AO :swat: alti-esels }suspected .of Inii.r.,: 1 int.; mipiticksiif ' `', on , lib/if& *I-- to - 4e* t r .t.ls*lti *hielf , ol' iiipay ., lr d i s o ferod.:... 1 - liiiiiiiri.-*61L4i311,'. ' ty ing passengers . :*10.7 1 • , . • ~ . 'Olt' plisspst* . . 0 . !)e_, 11. ~ Pions, _ • Saturd4 ~- litiorpipg;Ther.c'.BOOrso i.Oi3teid4, - ,Volivy- . 407iiekeo*icteiablefiivi:; 1 . rim 4-.. - Ile - 3 ' 1 004. - , . - ts'elosel,"„,' l . ~!. A O, - i: 144.: co 06.4 - 14 : per c! : 'iit, - 89.31. !.:-..-" - --.... - .''... , 4, - .:. - .. ..- . Portsmouth;.: Aptil: ').4- - ::7.-.-,}ler. , . Majesty7s steamer Sitinlxred , fiefe to - tri* ing,-vgio -. : .f4loii.it' arcs-: of 12th . *O4 .':':: -.- Thit rtif4illrito thati : fififfe4:** : Porti: - in,oOtli ppdli*l4kfheaid - of 'at, fkiOi: was ..= k '4l,.ie-,theie ,, , ,.- .?-! ,- ; - i [i;,'. N.' . . - .t, :.;;.•.,--......, ~i4 i .x..... •• !i ... - ~. ', ; A . / S.V#ol.l4tfillid i ,)8 stated .' . thit . '•Afr.-"Siiiile -received . his, fOittrii, tic . * - - to''• doiniuid - - I.:Opiii.o; tion , foi• t40.:431a0k: ... *.irriOT.'. of :on the_ sth. :hut.,.an4.,Oif:thO:(3 `,..W0§,6 and.*iiiii*iy,.tee thr.l**;.'losifles ItOinling,.:ViO:.--;e4p4iin-.G„ii..' *era! -of .00.* *l4- ,OniltiOtt .1 , ,. .;-„. : .:-. •:, ... • .:-: tikE iiL'illoteElL - . t : . Whilst the': filos , powerful' and the most tivilized,ntitiOns of.ilths-Ola 4 Werld, are pre- - paring' fordstratagle which may he called it world's ,detater. J aliont ..‘. ,Auestions growing out of thei A tioly Places , at JernSaleth ' the guardians and :neenpants - of those plaeeshaie . taken the stint of the Crier and•theallies,'and 'w \ hilst he and they ' - tavelliCen-negotiating,and .humbuggink, those! Most, interested iirt. the matter haltaken the law and the Gate' in to their owl hands, as the — follo*ing, extract of aletter from ap'easteri.correspondent of the Lond9.7nnes:informs us : . . . "The' accounts from 'Syria are very - unsatisfactory, and the whole country';seems to be in a state of anar chy, owing id,the withdrawal 'of the trciops ',for the War with Ruleia, `and the pashas are left without the. means of enforcing their authority.. The Greek and Latin clergy at Jerusalem - have renewed theii,shame * ful contests about the lay places, while the Turkish officials have not the piwer to prevent them' from coming to hlO ‘.s. It admitted heivever that this time the Latitu3 claimedter Prlrgegei thin they *ere entitleclio, and th e. tin Patriarch au4 ' , French y Consul, (M. Ittotta,) findin themselves under; the ne cessity of yielding to the. reeks, left Jerusalem for' Beyrobt. - Selend persons *ere killed. in the various. affrays that took place.' • .. . 1 .• ' - . The Grells, it seems, have hid the best of the scale, and are. now .apparently in. pos session- of the holy . places, by .. virtue Of the strong aiin, as ..the CI& is of the Pii4leiPali ties. . Their retraining in posseysion 'depends upon his:atermL If he , is worsted, they will if be ousted, for Louis Napolecin will then take the - Matter i nto . his own 'hands, he being the Proteetor. 4 the Latini 4 at Jerusalem as Nich olas is of the. Greeks:- - 11 - But is itlitot a scandal otChristendom and to Christatitty, that ", such . scenes . shouia be iwitne:si - ed at the very sepulcher of the found :;er'of it l is there no remedy for thissltame ' ful 3iiiregaid, not only of what is decorous ;and deeen4 kit of that which - is . held to be most venerable and sacred amon.iChristianal This ii . notithe'first time though that such 'shameful eontests'. have . been witnessed at' the same places, for the muAereasons--relig ions hate 'and intolerance The two- sects, ~ the . Greek s and Latins, .have come fo blows before now, and 'their squabbles have been 'Petierally ended by the Turks stepping .in as moderators, and by - their using blows to en force. order and plee. Can there be anyre ligion where therelk so much violence and vindictiveness.?.:lt, is . impossible; Inip*deitoe Badly, id 'Togpther. The editor of the Beading &azette, in his fast : paper 4 says that he4s received the fol lowing...letter from a person to whom the pa per has been.sent for six. ,years -past. .The . impudence of the writerlis:not less apparent ' than the fact that the schoolinaster must have left - the:vicinity of Lebanon-county many' year.s ;.age. But_ how come the - editor to trust so hearlesq a creature- six years I . -1 3 1nsd bemover, Lebanon County, / .Dear sir "[April 17th, 1854.. -I Mr Lawrence Getz I inform you that y ou bare bare send me the Gazette news Pape.z: this • ig.tirne and you know 'harem:id subscripd forit nor not Lift it mid ad all nor I. will nod pay-a wend ter it Because I have nod sUbscripd nor I dond Lifd, your Faber at all if I.Wand -your news Paber onetime' I Will call Fbr it myself , . so I wand you to keebe your Paber at bonze and not Trobel your self any more. if your Blease or if your over Bleasea kbe your news Paber-at home excuse ing and alieling. ISAAIG L %mut. • \ THE Sramannor . BarrionEs nr-RessrAi WAts.at.--7-The Paria correspondent of the LOradon News, Writing on the sth of April; says :—•lt is. said that the inventor of the in. fernal sfonarine machine ,, stated to be inthe pc•ssessron of the Emperor of Russia, for bloWing ships out eft e water by the agencyof a l electric wire,iis Frenchman ! and that WI ,he conrintniifa his invention to the- Itu ' n givernment r a ccinsideration, be 'exp . ... y stated tha t' case of war between F • cc and Russia, h 'should be at liberty'. to g . his own'country, the benefit of his &S -op • . It is furtherj reported that on Fri day. act this gentlenfan was received at the mini. -of marine. -and, in presence of * 'Du , • and a lxnud of naval officer, explain ed e fearful means , of destruction!which he elsi. Is to bare-'originated. The board, hi cred ,ous at first, closely examined the mat: ier, • • • in the- end were very, much struck byt,e:demonstraticm, and not a Tittle alarm ed. Stir Charles Napier, on the adMission Of the • ventorywas wady prepared for what he • ight have to • •counter. A. telegraPhle des ch *as imm 1•,:. ' • tely sent off to A i ral areel. -al i :-.- r • es. I give this story Iha é heard it, f in very respectable an mit. -,-; but (Woo • : all accounts of mysteri oiA Ong lunge' . • 'etive inventions muSt, be r.. nod with . .tie cautien. - _ Mhe n ' — ' 8— , i4, ' LDeOideh to - WowNi it Senate\ in edthe.,atidsde. doevote. iii 00,000,0 t9ry,.,nd Act] iFeitty-of [•44EBY p ot' • e*au (131•50 ss P C PAN FlWAtir 6 ton;, *lto remit, br` the imp 9 eV • ' General aim the, Twat d,, *it jle atP 4 ) 6011 4 0 n roPe• states are ripe fo asffirmed, p 1,1 1 Treaty Ratifid. ' y 2S-itune: • - I Icy fiveada y, April 25. !iv:calve ,- !maim to.day :treaty, with vuendments, treaty Da:stifled fIAVOS k I I ; ? whims the extt,.---01 • .the enth istaoe ignores 1 1---- 11 - 4va,te charm hut d security to , the - Wert)" , • across Tehuantepec tip cot thestii "Febiusty 0 in:: the Conkling . *dent vill API 4 - ••• • - Qut•i' alai slave '• • - S*4lo9.o.s'o*k'th. -,---::,:',':-. 4 , ~ , ts iiii3P00121610.111131/08•1110 . 1 y•94,01e question 0t,,X90 1 41 the 3 C 44 ;* :. Ceeil;i 6- • llierer,irmgd eivatigicki : fa Anityetine . ,l'itxte that,tiatealtuml vottrat.. ticii4lectiott 150 -tif`pri* thikrl'et ; /-'-srckee;*o 4 2,.te:'4ld - the-Slave P l oom .:4:Vira hopa,;atif?ietideroi" , Wilt-,endeitv4. tolai,beeori.4eir n!ighbor*.whollesire tat 94 lOW' , atMextotision of 'olA• t ry;th e 'fi l et il which*. t 6 shew thaVi, vote for Bigler . ' ill be a vote to repeal the Missouri COmprinnise. — For lastahee the adininistration -papers - - ad- 1 nait t i lui t the elections inNew Hampshire and Connecticut, dangigibil the NebraaNebraska bill very serious;y. Just so it will :bean ... .. this State. If Biglerls elected by the usual'inajority,tbe advocates of the Douglas fraud will claim that'll* **pie of. the State,' 'have endorsed this iniquity . , and soa - vote -for Bigler will bo, a vote for, Slavery. , • The papers in Pennsylvania which advo= sate the election of Bigler with' hree 'pr Tour exCeptiOs; ativocate the passage of the Dong las PlOl The only-exceptions:to the rule sp iv as>WQ know. are as tillows'i. the _,M0171. rose BraJford Reporter and War .reae*l I t edger. One or two others are on the fen eliberating whether to - serve the peo— ple or the adrain`rstration; But the great , mass of Papers , that diaPlay the Bigler Pig, als6 Carry the...black flag of slavery:;; Now,it is certain that theefourth;s_ of the voters - of this State have no sympathy with this iniqnitous scheme to cheat freedom out of the boOn- conced - ed to her in colisideratiou, of the athaissiOn or a . . slave , State. We-13e lleve that a large majority will enter their &oast - against it at the polls) if the friends of freedom. do,their 'duty, and place the, facts before the people for their consideration. 1 Rea der, this List .is .a work. in= which . yea have something to do. If. you d es ire-the suprem acy of the ,prineiple.s of freedom; let Your acts be a living- witne:ss.of the strength - "of ttuit.desire. i You havea''neighbor_ who hai Paid :no attention to this subject. :Reason, with'hirn, and get him to take and read some paper 'that advocates the maintenance Of plighted mid the overthrow .of the Slave Tower.— Coudersport journal. . . ' The Sacredness of Marriage. - • The Nalionarinielligencer of this inorpin contains theTolloi - ing local item : . . - - •`. l l'he Criminal. Court . met y . sterday morn iug pursuant to adjournment and-several ca . .s-Were disposed of . by aubmisSion. On Saturday;lasta free colored' "man named George.'Paines l •.wai . convicted of • big,amy; hut 'yeSterday. the Judge. -diScharged Gaines on the groundl that :the prior marriage was voikone the parties having nheen a slave, and Married 'Without the eonseotnof the own- . n • . . This-announcement :iamade in a leading_ and dignified American newspaper, published in the metr . opolis of the Republic . ...The met is bad etiough.ns "stated, but . not, as,bad as the ', ifrith the eoasent.of the ownerthe marriage. i'Ould have The - law does not recO,gnize the marri* of slaves ,der . "any 'circumstimps ' and .any Man of col or,. or white man disposed" to interrnarrrwith women of Color,. may in the city otWashing totthave. as. , many wives- aijoe Smith or 'Brigham Young, provided they are all slaves. Ourais.aometimes spoken of 'as a. CAkist . ..- ihn country. tat. Era ^ Ar‘ Anothei Victim. • L. W. Thompson committed suicide by 'hanging himself in a .brewery . at' Oriskany Falls, ThMaday.morning..:lle arose at four o'clock,' and at five he waS.fotind h a n g ing and quite dead:... z. • . . • Mr. ThOuipson resided. here for the past f Iry . years; sand waS known . to.nearly.all our citizens as an active, ntellfgent and . capable man, possessed- of many ,:amiable He s had however,—a wakm...,s some • would all it- 7 -suelt as has - ruined many men et-more-distinction : had an appetite for .troiatg drink which. he could. neither control nor'overame. Ilia. habits of.internperance unfitted:Win for -businass, and he Wasthrow-n ont,of -employment in consequence.. • 'From ,this time his cOurs4.??was downward at. a rap, finally he d• - troyed hiinself in the manner stated'above, - and. added ! inother . to 'the. long list of victims of the curia Of. intent- . perne6-a curse GoYernor Seymour tells us it ia'funconstit-:tional to abolish.,Oneida Chiej WASIIINGTON, April V. - (Coirespitdinee of tbe'.l.l..,Y.."Express.) It i13.710W conceded by the fiußily connex ions of the - President, that the Nebraska bill was - for l eed on him by the management of "Douglas, whom they regard as a:levying an attitude of hostility - to the Admini,stration iii spite of his professions of - friendship. ,They .accuse the little giant of the Prairies of a desire to break down'the Administration,and with this instrument of .Nebraska. - They frankly admit that the President was oppose(' to the measure, and that, he only give it a • reluctant approval through fear of - being to tally abandoned by the South. - f This is un doubtedly ,a correct statement a the who]. affair. It 'was a 'share set by the crafty whetein to. catch a 'Presidential' ftudgeon,.who was hardly expected 4o bite. The gudgeon' did bite howe - ver, and Was _caught; and . being eaughtthe fisherman with all his craft dom not know- whit to do with him.. He begins to think he haki eaughtl a Tartar, Itho will neitheriLet him go nor take hiniself off; . but who seems di teratined stick to lint as the old man of the sea did to Sinbad the. Sailor. • - • A SANCTIFIEDPRESS.—T _he'Caiwin .144xtgne is responsible . for this '.A. Sanctified -Press, well supported, is . A Sampson in his full. strength, dealing death to his enemieS. Every paying patron of such a prmit. furnishes the giant hand of this - Sampson with a jaw-bone forthebeating down of his numerous foes. Every slack, Nifty, uttpaying patron of emit a press, is a Delilah Axt this Sampson's ictlm‘ 'cumbering his person with his or her lubberlY weight, And shearing him of the sources of his - Mpg slang_ your jawbones (.6etitS ; we want no Dellittbson our laps ply us the. weapons,' and we will leave 'down your en-. emies before you as Sampson rowed his way, with a very 'awkwatca scythe through the ranks Of the ,Phirtstitmt.is Vwro.--The 'President. refuses to' sign the bill grantiiig 10,000,000 of of pub lic lands for the benefit of the indigent insane,' on the ground It is said, of its beinguneonsti tutionaL Yet it is; perfectly emilitutionnt to give hundre4s of miliions.of.:acres to Wot an States to build raiirqads or almost any other purpo s e they desire., We believe the "indigent insane-have no - votm to give. , NJIMIASIrA iIiDLILK6.--NMPACCiI Indians- of. the Delaw* an&Shaymee. tdhes, aompa-. nied by two, interpretent, arrived in this city last evening, the : object of their:visit being to make treaties : with our Government, - for the relinquishment of part or whole. of their lands- in'the ifaitories• of Nebraska and The areaccompanied their a gents, 14ajor Robinson, andlareneral who isomiteoted with the Plinth Indian' 4106e14 1 17 4 4 21. -- 3 •11W1149, APlxibli?.,PtlelOuilatiati AO: I t s. i Ito,ja ~ .. - . l446oimaon;leitkyiliptia' t .- t he l i • ';',.._ ..• . -..,:,.. ~ _ - ..,„ .1, ,4., " - ~MAJITLIAG-ES •-- - • , Aiirittitkat ills htitsale iimittoise,lotev. qiip*Aissoivetheols fEAP~3E3i ':_ ^ r_l ,F119311h; APO' 11" th, li t ANUot.tic9rfp7c. ion of Dikiiie) ; and Fanny ear, .IvvAT,T.4:sl7.**o; - .j- f .l ASHIoABLE.TAiLOR; Motes`Sthre. sprlag . sad ßaaiaier '1854, just received.: . = - ' ' • .Administrsitiix I\TOTICE is hereby given to'airpertiens indebted . 1.1 to the , estate of Andrew Giddings; deeet . late of Herriek, to calr 'awl settle taikaccontitsAuti !ine(ilately, and all:persona tutting : damage'," said estate - will preselifthens duly attested foe set MARGAIIHT 8. . GIDDINGS,:I. , .' , I 4T., • Herrick, 26,-1854.6 .11(eww 11114111ord.DaT andillohillitiig l e .: tiChool• ''; .. - , t • '.'. Qintliiie riii. begins the 4114 vrotilitszr. -4 , ,0 i ruidon'from e1,,50 to (o;ooperivar*of ciwieks; usic,. drawing, k,e4 '. extra: ' Board w ith; , ' SO' *fishing $1,50 to:ii,oo per. week.. 1... . ~ E: , _ . i :, ... • 1 ' • Rcv I. OSBORV. .. - ifew Milford, Apr. 113th, 1854._ , I,„ .. - , ' thel . E Sum, ' Good .Ne. other goods Gio6elfeif this copr Beinuie, r frtesit day of Mn, One opal together • on, .1 ono 1 double holdFurni TERM:, all over, Sale o GOODS: -- t tow.:receiring An luantniay, stock of . , • ;ulsinier.Goods i which the ~ to offer to. , their = ens,' nnd the people of (this stnintysenetillioti exce ding ply low.pricee. They were bought for Cash:, a ..itonsiderable • . deg= in Market, and wffl _bi. sold . lat. correspondingpricer. Want of time renders it nee L matry that we Shspuld refer onr enstomera to *the ad vertiQemerits of one nelghbori,for iertioti .of the variety kept by na Suffice fetcriay. tmr itsSort meat 1r3,9 never better nor more extensive.. , *- - * 'BENTLEY ik READ. Clover and ThnotliY Seed, Butter BENTLEY _ • • Hams* . sind Shindderslor sale by. niontLyar.sak READ. ' I *.• _k• ,Sole Leather, npper* do. and .Calf Skins—alsO*- a good:stock of Boots and Shees,littet * received .by BEN - 11W Et READ; r. In n. large • . :JUST • ILIMEMED; , ANEW eupplrof. GODS*. which vfartoe sold *cheap lbr Cash. -'ABEL Abel Tarrell, • - - "VEEP'S !constantly. on hand nfinit rate snot' iment .Drugg.:6l beit,quaßty,-sUpply Phriicians; and. :chef: ere generally. Ake a- great-'mirk* *of Patent if . txacinea, embracing twirl) , all of the best kindsin market. .1 • • ClAtinkals, a Ad; supply. • _ • Draggists-Glanieare, a general' assortnent. Lire" a choice viiriety for medicinal itirpoini. Masts, Supperteriini Shoulder Bracer. Paint* and Oili, . a first rite istaxtmerd of' hest St;io )f: land& Ettone-tedre, Dire , ffa , oh. Groceries; a fall-wort:neut. Dr?, Goods, all the koding and .staple 'sickles' in, this department, and will be sold cheap. • - •1 ifard-teary; a emallaSsortinent of tar° kinds ''mast used. Pocket Kiveres, the best in market. Yliiikee Notions, a large.arid frill assortment. . Jewelry, a general variety:A resistinery,[allsorts. Instrinnenis,. and Fixtures, embricktg all sorts of strings for instruments; • ..ifaterintor for Ligg -;Lamp Oils, Oanaphene, Burning Fluid; Candles, Larips, tc. ' - • Stationery, • Itirrors, Spectacles, , Spoons,l ;Brushes, Shoes, Well Wail raper, Umbrellas; Whips, ite4 and near.l ly everything wanted in this market ; will 4 f'onmlati the Store of • 'ABEL TEWRELL. "Mineral Fire:Proof Pafat. THE best quality in market; of a variety Of colors, forsale by • • ABEL TURRFAL. 1 . Montrose, April 27, 1854, - ' ; '• I Fanners take Malice., HZ &Ibsen - hers will pay front 25 p:o 44) ets(aecord. , , ing to quality) in nub fOr 2tb,GCO deacon skinade livered at the Hotel of Win. K. Hatch in MontrOse,i :befOre the ittlr day of - Junfi next - : • Montrose, Apnl, 20th. Nei 4‘o . • • ~ W G ds and New Arrikeigemeall • I undersigned the Ready Pay Ilitbre. ; undersigned - Would respectfully lanitounce to Ti 4e public that they have entered into men; m shi . the kercantile business at the "Bead of Navi T ga n," and than the business welll - hereafter be con, ti. 3 ii ted under the name of 'flawley ik Mott.' We bir rite our old friends and the public geneMliv to give us, a call hdore purchasing eisewhere,and See`hoir cheap goods tan be: bought for cash. We have • just reserved 'a -good assortment - of New . oolch, - which makes our stock completer- which we pledge MuselveS -10 bell as cheap as the cheapest. . .. - ... ' : . 1 • - - G. R. HAWLEY. ?dontrose, i, 1851.] C. W. MOM • - 1 NEW .11E,RA.NGEMENT 11.664. . I Wilt DS4k ife.ifILLEN'S Rail-Road Fieight :: I- : 'Lint- before* ifasitrose gigot and- 1 . l i p\ - Alm Port, ereTN.dotA's!" l .--' .. .. . .dayt -i•ceitted„ .: - • S k McMlLLEN„hayingnmie sirratigemerits for forWar,ding freight to Tree-York in the care of ;Capt. - U. R' CA - DWELL, of Orange County, will bd in attendance. at the Montrone Depot-every day of the week, to take chart °bran& freight and produCn as; maybe entrusted- to, then. " Returns for the 11111 e will be-paid at the Store of William McMillen. • ' .• Groceries in genera}, : Flour, Pork; Fish, Falt.,.ke..; ' • „constantly on hand, for ask at the= lowest: Cash P 'am,. or in aeluinge far anintry . prcidtice„: • . L.ll. HINDS. - - .', 'Wn.t.tsm Maltu ns. • April 18, 1854. .: "-- ' -- " - LATEST EX.CITEE T. ' - tut 'NEBRASKA ' 4S BILL tiIt,SZTiLED. - Icon, .TonfigrOltic Co., lie now receiving from New 'York a generat answtmenT . off Spring. mid Stormer ginbds, and we cordially invite all,' that ' Rim to buy goods cheap to give us a caN as our Stock is . j large, and we pre willing to sell for,; small profits: 4-- I.m b You can find here almost every article wanted, and we are willing to compare goods and pri *Rh any store in the - county -- we haie taken t s ' ' as to find nice goods to the ladies;` such: as /dick. Figured and Fancy aka,' Silk : Tissues, `Beram :and. Berage Delanes, -Plain and k'anty.LawnEk..Frericli= and Domestic Gingham, Figured and n Musruk Embroidered Curtains and Paper do., "ea Collac' l Undmissmikerchiers . and Sleeves, - Hantillas, Parasols arid :Gloves; Straw and Fancy BOnnet;s, also tri4 l-1 sing* to match. ' Alarge 'stock .of Dee d s for id" *in" BoYn• niin iron, Seeds Nulls, 44 80 e5 , " d Horse Nails, Ploughs, Salt, , Fish, i ery; Grind -stt'n and Stoneware , St ove ,pipe , :-ri),l.Gla r ,- Sash, Leather,. Boots, Shoes; kc.,l to, . iPlembet give - ull a Chance of showing you our Stock Worn-Yon buy. ' :.::Yours trubr, -: Mart "OHNSoNA CO, Springville; APrk•i B • 18 4. :... t . " - . , . : - - $lO,OOO WALNTJED ,; • - 13iotionals will be leceiveit at 'the ~Commiestionek -1 office at *ontiolifor - t+ig a loan of Ten dials. and 'donate .stitliaritedb of ilily to be hii:r• „rowed by, the _County of for: theltior. Wee , of bonding a new Court (ma'. =a eutdic - om. •c:es for sphil County;.until Ai Whole . amount of said Loan,shail here been takeh.l I - The sold loan will be talich for, the 'Whnle amount or in smaller sums, as may puik i thinietWishing to , in. vest money therein, and foe pelt may cult the lendet. at theinte or 4 twr cat per ante rni which county . Timis !till beXisinult in donfoitalt-' the act of assembly.- . II • - • Attest. ' - 4 t. ,f;:; cfrtliPENTEtt, ,1 **gsai Wm.: CROM3KAN; Ox!miillll44xws Offiest =MU GOODS; 1 - • brige 'stock of 1311thig H.,-13UTPHHili!.. 4 • yar at• 51 4%eatit_,,e'l •nd t, H. SUTPHLTL. L . 'LASSES, Teri", ind 'other this or any othbi taira.in "4- A S 7 1,k1554. ' iou Sailer' 1 . offer f u r saleat .6.netintrit his Lake ou 6th wing; property, to it: aid Mares, 2 Cows,44 Sheep; Storni:rigs, two hots* -imp " :Fanning *ll4l Horse tem, g• lot tir#o4Se trol,ll3 to mention. . . _ mis ;under . $5 ,eash dont(' with. good Pecui O'ckiek .A. 114 ' ; Ristrci. a. 11. THOMPSIDN, C. FOOT.' • AV P, . t izA _ ,;boobs to &atvita ;41.114k -Ck" . gad Biistilonerp .11:otiet rad clr'c' , Ukase' The nrY 'kite § kOnsisi . _ rich' antilla meta; • • 1 Striped F' ted otiets, b.- ll at a loreejt. j f. 'Gin cuvlett; . :4 leading _. ..., tr.., Yell* .. ' i: Dry' !Mack Sill silk and l Wilke -hishop' Una,. Cm Wok*, bet edgit, ...,ulintkitiozs, . Lace do.,:kloui4)4l , Wekrailihniab*;cliecttess 7 0..1., Sleeves; Ccihras K &c., - the 141:*4:atetit; ' Aiiiii,. and,- at . very low, piieds:'. - 13sretM kk: 44 1 4 green* blue and brown,ltlackliMe;Vells,./M.; ~. .- .-:,, -, - - I: rui;otoras—Livw-Att: a, GOke .. . (liZa, 'is*lP iept, of . he - he'll tiilliiii.., ,- . , '..1• ...:::.L.--, . aritti—ion and short, blieb,. nn . , _ ,Misit sib.: . an&ll.;, ©logss.:4,. link.whipe;tuid i - 1 4 hdo.,thread d cotton' . de , IL- t,f:--,11-.`,0-:7,;.-:l3"„tiz,-4. ~, ,•,,,.,.,-", :,,,, . . , t ' ll6B f O U --4 : 111t 4 a 8 ,r0 1 0 0 for , children• ois.ge4s3 and.. Rabintiri fine'ruismintent ikir'iiiinteisi. l liq .o ,l kit ; l ab ita and jAiiiihrig; ia,a4.witltha Mtdiev: Icchor, , , : ' : 1 • ',.Dorseitie Giodif;—Sheetings, :hl r i fled 'i "sad -VM ":bleached Muslim,. Ticking, Crash, VS . r . ,l'ltable Coll.:, .cri Afi.o,Nalthhik:*cd in het; : 8 41thal _ id. Alless., la this department' ' - : - IShmels-i-rrinted .-Reline ?Mock'. tibial ~ Wool, printed Cashmere, . Ftre,; Black; ,' am., : ' : ; a'-Bice L stock of them :..... - .- • . :... ' °,,.. ,: I- • ~ ''," ; - , : .1 1 ' Ladies' Shims, of ever) desc_ iii,b.tion;l low . priceit.— Pt's'. Misses', and child n's Shoes, in great' varieti.' iGenti' Room, coarse= and l fine. - -1: , Th , ' • ; .1 i 114.21* (I.4PS. , AkD STRA ' . 00,48. '1:: 1. .We bare a very flue stock of - ihsiss , , Capri'', Cmui.; Ida Straws, Palmteaf, Curaeda, M*o; i , :, ~ , Cana, !ton, Leghorn, Cassimere*e.',"fOr - ••• .. 'r 'Wear, Which tare 'very - desirable; and itirmg -ebeitp. : i gocid :Merck . - intent of. Ladies' Bonnets Misses' and- , ildren's Flats, "nabs &O. :,, • , I -,. j • , \ - , ' . 1 • i . ' • RE...4D..r...1fit.D.it .CLOTH la ' ._ Yn thii-branc'h of our iiliebiess we suit.. Our t stoek of Oohing is very well made Op, late tuid,desiraMostili especially invite our friends.desiring ai She, to give tia a 041..' -Gentleite4t; f of every r de s cripiitini. • -'•*. ' r 'A large stock of WV 'Papering Md.• t BOoks,s Stationery, trod-Yankee 'N • t.'aruceries..=Teas, Green and Black, fresh, Atli* prices. ...- • , I Coffees.—Sufierior'Sti Domingo !tifig wide - of Mot white-Su :lasses; Spites. Soap, Candleit, Lamp ' A- rerytoupetior article of :Cavendish' tits per Round. • •-• • . We,are store;ornierly oecu SAM - Wiry,: and More recently .'by G polite Searle'Sjtotet 'ts.oitlil deed to-see our friends:tit time • boiserio merit- our slukre.of the pull' IC°64 . .. 114611° -• n "41° 7 '3fonttliw, April. IQ, 1854:4 - NEW 11511X1D14,.. , - D.; R. LATIIROP 6 40,` .; - - ftg now receiving of-(loOrlafor:flpring :11. and .Suttu:ntr ,trude, wlrieh• thei offer *at kirer prices tha' ever offered in this marketibefora.: Thank fat for the liberal patronage they fin.V.,.rcelvd, 'they will endervrcir -by' strict attention to• buspiess; and by mart. y,irew hoduiiwreata, to Item, tiiet t urger Share of the . patronage V. those whri wish to buy GOODS CHEAP. Call and eiamine 63r yotirielves, and a 0 if ciur.goials and prices will not bcariii out in afire have said.- . TA)IEST DRESS 0' Ai.. _.,-;.., ... _ _...,90P/3- 1 . . 1 , of every style.' Thirty . pieees. figared••PLaid and chargeable Dress Ms, some as low as - lis . ; eents,..-- .. Mock Sias', all widths ' awl qtatiatiti a goad,'article foi t.*... Lawns; Iteragels, DeLanes and _gingham, goOd and cheap. Fine White Goode ' everidtpxtrip.., tion rßrown and Bleached Shirtirgs LinettOoods of every..kindi PnbiOideri..% . and Lace Oodei Bonnet Sill's and fripges. • - -: .. - • ' 4 l• i .'.' , -, •*- . - •,* , --- : ' C.TO,TITS- .. - - ' ,' ' of every ginde., Black,, tomtit; an blue IlroadclOtbs,", argalui, all of which being boned at b • we tin ing ! sell C.. 4 6 4 , SLiteRE . . , c of every style, 'equally low.. Con t end exainine. our "stock•iff these goods, as we can and frill sell th the.vety lOw6t rims. , - " ... ~• ° i ..• 41. : LIN.RA''.DUCR; , 1 . , - . -.. a new, article forEnnuner wear: Suminer . ClOthsTilik; ings, : Striped Shirting's; Blue and : Brown. DAD, !ea ! Ind:7Jeons, and Tweeds, i complete assortment.: . i] 'HATS, CAPS,- AND BO.Y.IVET6I a large assortment ;- and of styles to suit all.. .Etoot'it ik 'Sheen; Lppor and Sole Leatber. '.. ; - -• j. CROCKERY . AND. GLASS TV..4 ig E. •• The". most, eomple.te and extensive:' assortment ever Drought 160'11mA:rose, Full setts of. .White 'Granite . and - Blue Ware for a very little money. it t irvori:of all sizes and of durable plate glass:: i. • • HARDWARE, IR ON',..A.ArD RAU& • 0111 and examine our prices bettre - yotibity. /or, Alroodenqind Tut IlTare•kept 'consttuitlionband. - • -'- GR OCT.E.RI67i 1 '1 'of all, kacts: Stig,r,)folluisei,telo, 45:414-less than' per. Ashtou barrel and Table Salt.. Flour by the , melt - or . peloMi.• Co fi s h, and Mickerer,T'or . it, Farming Tools of every kb4 Plottglu; and Cultivators. - •.• • ' Igersin .4q , rest'of mankind,'..______ ______ ____Ales-411 has t Just shot off the li ghtning *Ault- iiininute; if you please; I want to n fak to yon, You ,doubtless recollect what old Bu ' told the House, in Commit. - - tee'of the Whole, that e would dq, in a single hour l with the Nebraska bill and its.. author, the. Little Git . ant] Well, I eulipeee hi , has done IL • 441 right.= lAnd y let the, loud cannonade' of i indignant . :treedoit. . thunder on . against the blooileetnented; hretwtworks of. oppression and , outrage die werld over; shaking 'ihe,einpire of Tyranny with earthithaliesjahaffering I in, pieces the red altars where holy Freedem Needs; ' and the red hand that holds the fetter and the 'peciiirge, _ and hurling Pespiits, toppling from their._ thrones, down, -bellowing after Douglas to—whete Bullion said{--Excuse me, fellow eltizaii 7 I diifix* 'mitt( to go off in this itbipsoily on. Li. ,-4,' and human 1460, when I began, " but simply to lay before you alit& 'matter of business, and as Iluzil* - ipriafeasloo neither ,orator nor staLL.gmaii, 'but only that sort of Necessary eriljn - it Dentist, I will drop n op o riotisin for the pre:icily which most lipornitouslt ' forAtists :dais ipt - the for it"inuineet,- of ley intereat4 - And - coe-' elude by 'saying that I have resutnal'lny residence in . Mc4t - rwse, And may be Nina nt4eatitrite,! two`doors 'iou l lit or ;Seth Mitehell7s Esq ., pailte-; Ow Baptist. Clis fell. , I drill`'wait On ,you at , ; :your residence, kin `toWii,) if . desired. Those lirinist .ft distande, desiri ing 1 plate teeth, can board . with nio../.o,eVYLelkirifl while the work is being done:Lily charglir are AO, kria dtat ! I make them atridti Ortfidrgifoit , ..., :I -': i ..• Yaws - prokSidooldlr -. i s ' ' C. P.;:irtßal t "'hide t_Pentist-,.' L ii ..iiiintOlte, A"pril, 18.54. iiii _ . I . l i iar t ; GENERA 4 FINDING !I • ! IN FULL 135A5T.. ,, ,', ___,.,_ NTEIr GOODS .comrkG: IN I -FOR /% B PRE'I II 1.3 11tADE—coik do Rhiae, k r Be p l 4 Gm; Itsdalits; 'Prink ste. ; Bieck Sil SW $lll4 Ifiedie Vilirk:colliws,.Chardietts„ Thread La c, vet Rib: boss ke.:. ;`a general aseol4melt aerecketi'OAce: l4 * and Hard Ware -, Carpenter. Pin 031alkei DoorTOUs; Carriage Dohs, Plaint) Bebe; Axle C lips, Dish Fnuneei DO* Saw Setts, American and iNnglish Had Trona, &e.; ; a general akinixnentef Shciait anTriniinings aliWa fat hand and for Gate - by 1: O. 5., 1 W ILSON... . '.)4coutrPAL.', April 4, )#5.4, _,i. y,.,_, ~:.., iEtECVTOWS 1114 LL', persons Indebted to Owe -LI- tea,; tate of t 3 lVAP4Beildidi Peiinett -make immelitato ,p agiiiustidd duly,e4theilketeil for ottllnuent. 4 --: . ;:ktrzAuTlC 4 1, ... • .:.i.-;?joint . u-- -- ertiiiitiaikrebitWA-10k L 4. 1 - : •••';;.- .:;.:•'='.':-..-:.?,('''',:.'' .::-i'''''i 4.--+P' 'tithed lelli, (iidn ; I'lledinl Acta Wil t 21.:: 1, , _:..i.. Iliiiii ifr ook - Lk t'. ; l Ail., • w_ukatow, Is ' ' , y., . 11Iikl 14, „; 1 ~ i do ' EzniMegei* 4r, gt.. ii: xei R: T'',.' 4 AA*;l4:?••• :li •I'rid'i-' — ' •- ...,,,, • . --- btntiv, . -,tzwrc . = • . Itrelsortillhuy,--:- •,, • ~ - ..... • , , • ' William klultlfe* t`,•:!/[ifiga: - .lr:. J.C Lee, i-- , 1 .-4'..... - . loconlli, • lArtnig QuiMlk• •'-: -.,' ' t.4t. ' - ' 'fford,, - John & ht:liritOk ' , 1 7. : • ;:t. - do' - ' ' Brundage & Winton, 4 r *.' ;, ''' Ihmdair -403. - Cone4Co., -...:: do . 1 • , .... & BAliells,. - ,„., _ do ~., . ,":• t m.. Pithmey, , do '': " • Church & Phinniy,; Dimock, L. /I:'?iromfrulF, . ';'='; Frleodsville, ' A. Wickham, — ,'.. --"t . il,l.S' GNson, 3 - FaraoYi , l ";e.N., i ,_- d° -, N- F*- /C44 1 4 03 r1.,_i1t-t do f . 11. Buttorinj,i,v:o.' e s''.. do Asa l , 11krnyard, - , , ; k1 . •• • Great Bend, / Benryrititioy, -- '-' i ,'Y do . W. Dayton,s,' • " .1%. do ' Joseph LlAkols, . - , _;,4, dp, -, John McKinney, _ flAci Thorns, & Vaiting, ;AA': .1 -' ' L. ILLantilin ‘ , - • •.:' f-An, -!' :, 11. 1 11;.1e3rail, • ~.r. -' ' .: 06 _ -.:Aganei Clark • ' •do ' •,, Tayloe I Juno, Earnmuy, Fi'A.iYone, do D. A. - Lycms, do " ! ' - B. R. Lyons, do i , Brant & Cbiager, • ` flaaford, B. F. IL R. H. Eaton, do Carpenter & Sibley,,,. do ' Johnston" it, Very,_ do* , ; S. Seymour, '"...."' lkrrkk, John M il ler, --- r- " 1 Lenox, A. B. Merril,. , .' • 'do_ RR. Grow &-Bro'., . f ...dp" Shutts, Eaton & Co., :Montrose, G. R.llawley, ' do W. L. & S. H. Mulford;;; do J.Lyorti & Son, ; do , ' F. B. Chandler,,, A ~., or fail tto ,sted We woeta Ly.thing in i tt& rnishint go dO , ~:, do.; George Fuller,' l4 ....Isaac L. post - )1. S. Wil2on, • " 13 • ' - 4 • 4-liknUey & Read, 11 - Lig. 8 s lop Abel 'Puma, , 14 Lig. 3 44' J. - Eduidge, 14 14, 4 ' *D: R. Lathrop Co., fa luddmoillts.- 744. RolEster 14' ' 4 Aki - • *Wes Camp b ell, 14 'l3 leriPli• *nits. in g*t. 03:4toice_and . Ithx. ,,. A beau - cht4p. ' No -Theid, Ali.-- Tobaixect it.llt ed bi Lathrop: `Ora Fulltr,"oW, very hippy . In ger, non, and Oitmnagei bj'' g;Frf!LER. do ' ,di•Jr:, .2 • ;..I:.Nopf.k. Bro. dti'• "I'lriyilik•k Bro. 40 . Randa:;, Charopioo. ...; do. N. Granger a Cooley, .Jarneg Tupper,; Susq'a Depot, E Carlisle; .: do.' . C.B. Bennet, do .;-• S. B. West, do J. H. Smith, do Thomas Ingstrum, do j 4.11. &I.P.Bubbour do A: White & Co. do 11. Cohen, • do A..J. Seymour,. do , Edmond Stark, do I A. B. Edgett, Silver, Lake, R. Chichester k Co. Springville k White. do - ' - J. Smith, do , Scott, Johnson & CO. do 1 memillan A: Paz* do - 1 S. S. Grover, C .Tackaon, J. J. Turner, Jessup, Depue & Cooper, Franklin, J. L. Merriman, do • Fuller, •fikt oaf Groceries, Beet 3 At4ium, John Rid?, \\ Appolacon,. Harry Etarney• do Wm. Buffum,. gridgrrater, G. N. Allen,: Duniha! . Enoch Chambers, , Friendsville, John Robby, . ,•;,__ Great Bend, John Comstock, .'- do I Lucien Scott, • do I • Corwin & Nagpaugh, do , M. X. Moe, do: - Daniel Evens, i, • ' doI L: • Carpenter, do! -. •••• • •.WriLStnith, • Harmony ' Whitcomb & Newlin Liberty, -A. A. Beeman, Mtnitrose, ' ' A. Merriman, do E. Bscon, .- • . do F. IL Fordham, 1 DI 1 " d¢ ' I. N. Bullard,:• • ' • '• New Mil& Mitchell &1110314,1 'i Daniel Knapp, ~ . . - 1 L:s. Skinner, . • .- -, . 1 : .Wto.llstick, . ,_ . ' 'Thiikei &nit'' , :•-•.!S * .' s ' . • '' .... 04 4ige_EEglemoN i • ; James Belt, . • ••;:: " • . -::.' N. C. &D.W. Na t'' ?mine & Son, - 8004 OPemtire 1 ! do , - Edward Tfartw '. I" 8 1,4% do • Frederick Pi '--8 i .t. ,- --.. •;, d o Bissell &*ottiii.., .: . '. .. , -014. •-,-.-: And the Judges ortheC'edri, • Claim* ' l said County, will hold a Coult at . p- - ..iktlie Ifoisse in Montrose, in and fair • '4y;toti- f nesilay the 10 day of Ikay , nexti:' - " . 09 4 10( k n ' at which time and place any at • gerebeatik deSeribed, and 'classed as afOrki: . ' iii ilieli ; . ''" attorney, may appear and..aoPeidlrOiii said:/ meat if they think propei : , ..I f • • ''" '-i••• G. WAXINI3,II4ir. Ar Dilm*'*ich.*Lits lo 4- I ' - • , - NG G J ' tile; iirgesi and of • 13loodii the county, Is no - to be Ibniul SI the . CHANDL E R . . 4. 0. 1 '2:0 19135- piec ofoitt24 every ` vuiet~ and syle," 100 *dm of Popliz' Giran Plaids; sOpEe nes of Linen, Defiage \anti Gingham Larts,iwithi many other patterns of Silk, Taiametta, NW. ike. in variety suffielent to suit any WOO: and gill be geld at the Luiresi Taws: 1 1 , - Groeerieli:-.. TTAVE been, and will continuo. to be sold lower II than , at any other house in Town.. _A-little mOe of that • excellent Tea, for 50Ctas a pound , &Prime art le of . angar, 20 pounds for $l. At ' ' '• 'CHANDLER'S. -- , T , ----- • Shoes. - 4 VERY Aaperior lot Women ',, Magee, and f: dren's, aboe, Men's p4lllpatirogazia find boots. lifh i ll el Y 1 - ' o'..-144 51. •-, CIIANDISR. w Rtoiea SPrinE % !rrliCe ke.;'•'' ILE& --t -101 liole --: • _. • • itret-Waite . " 1 'MALL STO CKlCiderable more Creeke . tQWt w ire : Wag atii Glam, plenty. - reit ysi F i g ;..pki4be r p rag Teeth; Sprout's F Iron Beach Sett‘% Bed: I ''Xarn &hovels and AAA, / be add y, CTILIND . Ready, 31114C.ClotkIng and CI, Vratirj. rand itiaty.riot so/lasted intik kokantiiii fiwiriat, a I sok thit-th,,_ wM be goedezerol to nail andleont' • Books 011APLEIlls• i s pool. Books tiPdtitoi‘'*rxtin,i ii 1E44 >ii_ *O-StlrlielOg_ll4 Itesid ,. t ...o TORE CHOOL Books ot liliseellaneous Books, talk's"), Note, Wrapping Panting ~ • Articles..._ _l_, T.ARGlCANKRthient t Gbina, Xar th en, tibuot, Stubbs) Tin, 4 1 444; Psplerdische, 'Leathei, otheeraz=pt , lxiSalful tieslgu sod 1;146'1 clocks,,P, %Mu* Boiea. ac• Ac 4 4 l kir 1 4 , 1* VII ANN./M. LIN - fi v eanS lotwo It 7' nOr •' ereatarajo. " ' 80-64-{444T 'il4/1 very imircdantib. . *here th e theitokitothit____„, ot kz► k• Commutes or the city,' miming-1e the B°ll3 'oritergi wie mike itielio Mad A- - 1 d spreia Ilt.1"411' all 1 And for axle toTONS 46a Jun recorlv`l 7, • eii .(Ail - • Rioair. ''‘ riONSTANTLY on, hind, the. I—/ txureig and racius, wurarated of the best or no Qala, Pew linn4go' Wagon or el eat latiatanij Ito sale claeaf by F B. CHANBLEk April 14, 864. ' tteYr ose t. them piEN . I-aim- - ' 4.- 1.44i:N. ..--,'AR ':::-, ' - H" -- ' `- <A . ' - ' 4 : -..-" "i" ,,: :: -. ...7....7, - • ...;;.--:•:-.....' ''. ..',.. ;:'..-. :1 : :: :i4-. Z7:4 1 4t 1 : ' - '4 7 :48 4. ' 4 . 7 . 4" : 1 ": , '•4•5;i 4 •f . • ' ,P . V•4' '''' '; ' li, -:- 7-' -„ , -••••-• , .• y i ...._,...,::•,. 3..:. -; -•• • ''*. .... ,fri -. 7 ' ''''i .. .-• '-:•: . ' ' •••••::;'''' ' t ~ - ' '- ..., ~ - .. , ~- ...; 5i...,. .4,-.!.:e. , ...4--44::: -.., • .:- .. '„..,4:-. '.-...,..ni1,1 .- ~., r4q . ...7'.-- , -"'.--- - '-' '-'4.1'''.''' .. .2(06- -_ --'- .. -,..i, -,-.7:4,..:..4 . ..,;. ..- . . , . 1 1s. ~.:4-=', , 1,44 .14:-.,7, - .1A z % , .1•r 1 :* i - ,phl :4.1471:: .-,.-, .' ..„ : : 2 r:1T7,7? - - "•`• . 7. ":: • - P cri F L __r 4 " , ""' , .; , . l !•:"lZ Bts ~,,,....,....,,,,,,„.4 4, 1 , ....: •,..., ..,.,,..,.,.,..„--..,,,.....,, .„. ~,..,.„4,, ,;,.......„...„,,, ent.nlin. ' . , : ; -.441F.-:tt!.... • .:, .......:, ..,,... .. . ~.,4 k , Parai. • 4 ...3:... iiiiit..,..sti 5 ' -4 , P•1 .• 1 . . (14t *MO :Wl*: ~.03: A,IYOKUni 11"400:Te 1 44414 I gat. .1 • •••' Nrolk 1 j4,7o4:tit , .4„...-: . 8 ~, ....... 3 , ...--. - ....• . 4 . •., 4 - ~ ..,...1 : . j r L ;RA:. IV TICE is 1. I e estate Pma, Lake;ill and all Perseus present tbein_di ela - •-• irtyrrtrt*lFilke 7 . 4L ' . -izAßWitcgrfifirit - , 2140 lEddletcsmaebenail - .21040 - ii - r44404. ; •‘:::;" . 111 . . .111- 7 n , t „ A. LL persona -indebted tatlikitileti,, Park, late of Brid,gewateiZgeeal,,stepereol*.t tilled to; ake immolate Paime4; and lb:lac* l * -JS : claims against 's aid estate will preserit tlientleated for settlement.: r ' r -- !1g . '%= . 2 • • , . " MontFose, Feb. 2; 181$4,'_ • . • 'ILL la• . • 1 1 4 %E. '' Ltqlt. 14 lig. ••4 /4 "-: - 14 3 14 " :JL ., ; ,... ' ... _,.NEW COT HUN . plai.... ; ? :-.. , :-;,,'!,f1,,ii ,. 1 1, ..;. 4 13 :7DROruSALS will be reeelred4' ..: 1 . 64/. . , ,:,, M o . - e ra Office for die 'ereetiott.,ol:Ag, :, . „... libookivei fikAtson:thalio=tro.., sot' -- .... ..9F.4 0 q.1':4 na t lil theA r - 24 - mond aiellskr n elgi . ,_, / ,,i40 4 *. __ . ......,. r ,74 1 44:' '•-..., .' ' ..,;,., '4 Maki.propokitionn will :'addreas: 07w•Fm7#/i.',' . ••.:,"te..r..t thi fkannifiakiners aged cour4,.lim - ' 4l rAotorty7 - ', : 4BP - 3 - r: time above Mantis:Met The plan - and: ... •,•-'. '..:... ;4.70 . of said building can be seen at tne,wootheicekikrztq4 . ; c€ , at any time. --, -.7; HANCOM :.-:,'' i tWi!.:f.'.7.7 4 5 A. WILLIAMS._ --,„ ~.: ~ .v,f-.:Nlz.v.S Atte9t, 1 ' A. CARP274P.T.- 4it ..q S 4 I A If3i. A: 'CROSSMONi Cl : ,'. '1 7 , : L1.1.4* .! Cominissioner'sr OM* Maittriiii4MateliklBsV"'k't '--- - . - 4 3 • 4 • , o :.. 11111t risTE , Plaster Ai* e. - .-.--i -;,. -4. ..v...,„7.--v, ~ •._ ‘..' IATE are now p wrogpmfseapeckirgow ••••..if r ..4:-,.. V v lir or • 1- • - r;' , i.m55:.,:%.,,,, -.-..- •-•,,-. • ..' I:;e4i.:', 4c.... • - ..- ---.-• ,• • •,.,-• •••:-, - ~. •• --: -;# - ;...:•essik g i t ; ,'•:'..' 1 - GRO IMP: • /14 ',-. ' " ' ' " 4 .• ' • - '3 3 ,i. ' ;al - . 6 :. . ' •,e . ~!..e ...*......i: • .. ~ , • ",.A 4... 2 12 4.2141, § .14 in MIMI and` in•eny• . .... - • .. :: -... ...0'••• - - - ;. , 51'4',. .` • ilkatring . that the ';fornisa4f- Paniquehasts .7g:A I,4lwOl oo gi aide own: , 7:lliinil iid4t& ~,:... -'-i•-ft ue arittiwOdnethieness- of - deli tains by ' : - neigjOit. q ,,-, ..- . v a t ,vah,*_fertarkitinore freeii;dou . i they bifilii ' :,?,.'•,7:1 fore done, we take pleasure in ee l & .- ;•-1. 4 ) facilities for obtaining lei and . i1...;;‘4.4. sullaint nib,' thar patronage. - - -•'/":-" ',, , i - - -. 7 44.-:•`:•Ai344gi • • . .....;. DA • 1) :a 1 1 • . _.. _l, 4 ixii , ir--z..... - .... , •4. 1 , 1 , ;' , - . • ..' J. It. '-' ;i• '' t `- -1 tres'••• , ',..s4 - --11 Summenville 6 -•i t- - , Feb re.-'`‘ a -1%74 u - -g•....1. , - - 12", -" -Lig.. 4 13 14 112 • 4 [l4 13 l.lq: I I 14 !Aq,. ;; "13' .f iiq. 14 ' Lig. 1 1 - 1,3. . 13 • •• 1 • ALL ilik• ii,"6,... _ ,-. ,: . 4,iti , 1 11, ~ .....--,. ,, : , : , , , ,, , T.I, -„,:,,,,., s'A -, AND -,.=. WARE „go - illtit.i*.;.n. ' ' i . .. -. PkOkr.E. - , , `'.:.:ibluo• rr - W.....26 , ? . .g Il r . , ....,,,,,. , ...... ~.......a..6,-..t . , ...,....,.. ..,...,...., 4 -. 0.. f. m• likrl ll 9Z+Vc.o:llj4e - maiiimiNiad- - -:-, %.4. si large illieirin. 4 iiii*liiiiiittrat,lbi. 4 . .-'- ivaii k • ißeeis ' and'''. ChfditlAk'.i-lettirC#l4 - * ; .. iilltiel• 4 - PerePgi &c - - 4 11 400 16111 4 1: 60Fuled'inintitir e a u pipes ofan :41P.::•ke- - lOW ._ .. 1 410nia wigt ; ness arid d '001 : ortienr. - f L tit+anAjli: Sl i rOltE 8 & It' - ..._ ' ;s'- 'l'l.'4,- ~ kept constantly' tin Una, a large asaarhavent, - • , ; of the:latest ixtiprocid'inid ippievedipittena.:rO a bati s ` - •`• :.- experience in the business ehablesnslto ticket moat that we can mibly warrant to give, entire sathsfactfok ~.. Aniongat our numerous stock can beOntridihi- • , J . ' ' , 2- Para! 1. I air. tight . ` - Star ofilikiviroliz- - :Erinitia --. -I - - New • a rid, ".- ‘-- Clinton, -r- ..',..-Loven; , ---- Ate, •' " cdthcator, niooriix,- ~ 4. • - ,r - treFliir ~ , ~...;,,4‘, , ,, . t. „ Three. States, " Yeßiere Ciniellt„,.' ;7:11.- Globe, " Ariviziimn- , - - : v . c ri. Lartiaor. 4 S. .... YrOOSSUSS. • 1. 14 j . la:: 12 14 • •- . 14 - • 4 14- , ' 14 14 .4 j 8 Liq. . 8 8 8 j 8 8 8 Inv 8 7 . Er • •:!;t4.1,. 8 ' 13 • Liq. ' • i 8 7 . 144 8 _1 A Select Stock f SpHitiffikiod hi. . .4',:: - /aii 1 ! received , and for'imileby frts 4.f . :67:7.43 , 1. , L. posT.& ; po: - ....,„ !,ifilq-lfirt.• - I_3 EA It YMA DE'' OLO7//liftk*:t4t, , ..., 1 , mk s -44 J.. 1) Co. have just received it fiilliintilOce ... -',- ..stars Spring and"• Summer Clothing, oausimink i3r t -- -t*;' ? .-6 V. fine Finch ga _lr and Frocks ;,..lhasArk** &dik % . , sL, .g.;', , g and cheap; Cassimere; plain, „mi,iiitiiod. " : aid "•.:A: fine overetattc.i-All stvAs pant:o4oA * ' '• - ". -- - : -. o'is l of Veista;; - ii*K"- MR; 13aradt*.Tiiitilieqtt.,.. :•114 atik and Manailio,.,.lll In the wry bait as 'l . ::ia'f_.2 4 1-7 t; a good anCinibstantial- numnee.fi:.,llF; " , .it work to equal if not superior to or. •, , ,q . ..77 . , fered in this market, and sold at the 10,* !pd. "Sf..a .:•,..:. , t7,:_c;.44.,_.,. - 0 Api11..4.. - , , jr ;' , .... ; ;: zi.,E..tizii- i ,l-.1. -...-.-!-"i7 ... - --....,...fr- n.- ,•, ...;\ Li 9• =ITN fILOVES AND zt673111! , itittradiiiii - so.. kit white and colored itidTiloineeof the)* '-, ' , ty ternLetei A larOassinmentel . , ~',- "'. . --' j err brown end idate,laisat t lid. I hose 4 . 44' : ''.' cottaa, laile th read; Berlin- n- and lilayiak ' ; ; l4 * - - 7 : ' - and tiic*. - - . . .. . 101[100T845113.811018-rNew fine L .... ju "Boots. -Ladies Ilinilfi lerNtik= .. 2 ler shAiiioiitikkail4 , ::At.'44k6*.Var.4lo* .0! - ea Shirtillgii . ir: V . .: 4 - lifiliiVJ • 4 :a; Ewigi awl •-. Viiiiiikamiiiiiiiir -- Biaboitra and Vingaia giiiin4 l *-lao-X4 1 -_ k . • HINGLES AWGIUNDSTonsu, ; , • , . raRQ :7 'ILA :1• .- .... - : --. :, '... '-...,-:....... , -t;'...::...:f.'....-'.:17...1,:1t'. .':'.:. - '4. 40 : ' I, .1 Oak:WRAC- TIMOI2M .TARISf4 ti o o l -6nkicifi gen; tlingbaitts, Lawns • A .1.-tkpi and Ciplendid at* - STAPL'F'Goode 6C the /Pr CYMlS.s ai ga tti t.,PA" , suid erericheap CHANDLER. T APIES reo.r.rA:lo 7 l„ : 11 1:kinds l .che9 at ribiliiimit4ND VkiAkiintrat the knrest potisk .4401•1418Wy,.. I- L. roe* , _ sO . M:-..LEArHER, - ngtti 74 , IkA.V.,D;i:4 .= - cuur://4 TS, 01Ni* -1110.2V1,11.711.::11ditolit, smsfl at -7. :TAROS rit , adverb - tho Ited 'es , .. 1 -..)7 t ‘ IT:F 4 Jii vt r `rLs v i :. . PRQOA74I?..AND GLASS GRAIN BA GS'Oirthi l &Mk Q4Zir s Lime'ind -, - - for which we wllf-eichoo . ;April, - •1 . . ' •?:,..i . . , t,:.;".'.. ,, ...“. - •:'.:.';.:7:•' 4 ' ; ~~~; i _~- ~: -_ =-;; -x1 A 4-1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers