g;000: . 1 %,.qlOr u...ERNATEn, Enivip . t - . ... 7 ni*itliMdfigifeb el k lBs4r -- --._One - tiollar and ; fifty ;cents porannuw,cash ado- IV'Laval:M.. 7 • - • , *Ulm if paid within the'year. Two lloilars`and 4fty cents if= not 'paid until at ter:the•expii*tion of the year. • - • Or No subb*iption will beperinittect to remain unsettle longer, than.two 3-ears, - • • :Diseeatinrianees optional - with the publisher, till alt arreariikes'are paid. ,111ATF.8 Or ADVE,ItTOII4.4 , G. quare, one 050 , -each subsequent week,: Catdszper _annum, with paper, 4,90. ; A iberal discount -made to yearly advertisers. - article on our first- pagecntitled 1' Thiliulelphii," is well - worthy the-Careflit perusal, o f 14V - P6naylyanians . .. Besides s r - ; Ing many., interesting facts concerning our 'lttetropolis it tills some wholesetne, ,'dough unpleasant. truths,. with regard i te ;the - malign influence -sham_ clemocracy..has_ -',exerted en the piir.i)eritY of the ,comninn= l , .IF these things are so--if the _rote tefeuusyl!ania bus almost always been east - - against', the' interests of l'eensylvania—is there :not enough otwisdom -_and patriotism .fsmougi,lto make our future history dif _ , - feet from our past! - , Elizabeth W. Rithardi'• School. Weh : ivebeen gratified to learn that - ElizabethWl Richards, the sister of our!, la . - c, . erited friend Jo seph T. Richeris lisq., has. m . , opened a boarding ' sehool in West * 1141 ester, Chester toUntYln this . State. - Thehcation ...is one, whose 'reputation for,intellectuil cul • t.ure.' ,and high scientific attainmentsi is -_probably equal -to • any in the Union. par friend-will: be placed in competition With the highest:and best schebli. - And young Pm -. ple of . l).i'th.teies will have as many advan -lagesin an intellectual moral and social point _ - "lirView r as 'they can obtain in any othe. 10-.;catio,n. -.;catio,n. We belie no doubts of her acq tit. ling herself with credit to herself, her pn Als *and the neighborhood she= has left. C ibi nets of atuml science, philosophical, eh in / \ , iota, - an astronomical apparatus, are ail rc ~..vided for the improvement of they n 1 people :.of , the . vicinity. . And all tes - . - • her scholarawill have their share of the n efits. Lectures are regularly delivre.d a - in large cities; and when we reflect po - the attainments of the - distinguished ind ri d :;.:`pals: of thaCcommunity, we recommend th - ic.hciol with great confidence to all h ' .'hsrre - Children. of a suitable 'age -to place ei Tim, BASER - F.1:111LI : Tliese' ce ic;I:, vocuOists . gave one of their charming co'' iu this yillage, on:Tuesday last. Unusual).* laige number of per - sons atte for the ripiitatiOn of th6:l3aker• . -'l'piowettin their arj. is so welt' ' all who hara a taste for anus) to. enjoy llP:elegant-eat 7 - hare , beard - hi exprttssed as to eacelfenr tomato). — • the nituse. ...fi is g;iii - : Qii---.. 4:. ea of ere . The N-- . readers som e_ -I, is the ive . our ' n ta % ' To u. Nebraska 1).!..... we. pro t ;,.44,i0E1 t"' \ f cougre'al, " ' • —1- '_popular h renel/ ° several sire". lesfrom die o • P°P extracts from Th efirst IS. " • ` ake - ... ri'Dem . d e livere d ~ a e ' I soli b ': • ly kr. Fc“tent of mr r . - 4- m i ta et • eiunrks . • a 0. sem , reply WA. ... ganirau° I . fa ..... A .,„ n or , - rat- -Es.r.-- I-- '.,. --0 c... i f the . -- ' °F i;i t . _! .be; saYs' I ._ in 18,48, so r d.' ne , ,-- -,,,,"...-. - eoece - s ~ . Izetto It, mien was o f .the •< *"::Theft °lilk slavery ; e xtension tiinefita• echo to - the see ' e ' tame echo of but th ; -11eusbut the blip; iP,ws- , ho, froh-n , . was of the Rein', , men Iv ,i_hed the fathers -,,,,Anta OI l'u "'• a est-sin 5 of senti---- - titutio , o erisarc of the. ..af- the Cons d bUt a e°ll ho, in /8-. the SPITIL of 1,187, "-. tie men w . pm' trio .. • cern ordinance o f ho‘e Pa d .lits-soun f tle -2011.°fltht oe - le - e'refienttioll •°1: -7- - 20, formed . d---iee it ;xis but_ iii 18i71-1.-14,4 . . .• An , i , se nt inept th,ire rp2 - - 1 , ralse.hole.ll9rtbarn atitke.a°- ' ciP l6 s cf ' 7 the w.- - - her Il i- ilti the Fa , connect t' reman3 d w 1 :1 ypii.T. _ ' kfore A n d in this ' .a4iuti - . becn -- „visa. 'on ino , bad. -itoot pr. 4 sato meet' eolleag'e the - W 1 Id no* ; friend a" ' h " had ,I wge ' 'ilia 1 and tY ° , ~..iotv - ,listiegal. Walskl tu ep not -• :-.91:'1w-7 'York.its•Mr' y rit liegia o ursen-- - froinii°w ti e 'ew - a •ns to t ...„` -- hOnor,iti . 1 ~„ instruct)", 4be - Nvihno • . .- 'io/!. to vote 41 Lafio favd' e i -' no d I I in -111 e *DI Y -n accingre4 t ' - ne s • ,- assumed made the 5t9.0.-/r. the-d9e ri -- - I ie, lie • bil' ' I ' - or ' t, Ihele , 1: degts i :...„Foyiso. itian,,hn _, lor ~/ kct -1'" ;-\viariot P r° _,..l d e in :the N ew ' wili reca I of : • eh 211.411, -, yo u „ 2.vidani fast sPee favor . And ,ilea 1 ntil • , ,e, - its„..-41 !guts • the Sens tote in t hat tint' ....t.'.4 in the. sir, was then . _ .raded 2, ~s 1 -.,-iroil, Wh.?, „.,• althmtg,l,lkr i ple4dilLgt ixce!!:`,t,B .'Dick inson; .. of special ' tiarea ,-; 'Daum- S. - • - ;species . as - pre. , - , t.. instructions b y la ion'titat he w.- analain the., iew that mew- d ' rrivei ik - ' char • -.ad ; o n ;that loul 21 , initre - fir-- i time 15 f rovls°' - the -1 h ou t to. ~ ~ . maim°. p ineotton , - - 'Of tee ...,.,_.,-. , not ` . R. H. -,,,a6.0-in , ,a . • 4 'l neek! n. :Don- d., ..,:„.,..- orilastrtie. ~,.: ,Biv,nso ..... , o h i oi an :=-01% 1 'Greene., --t' Wood' al a lt over the • -''' 111111-- -,'.ol;l'er.Pnted Olen i 'Wit-, ,;.!:?&V.4a'artilf;iisiiti4ll.,!, '; 'avowed lje *tiu.i., 'fl 11:4")., ithirwalrte4 i gte d, by WTI ,e/.. 11-0021,1 114' _ _P. or jiintollY-t!B-. , ort.hiTery o ver. - $ 0.;:, ....,41-__„..,-1,,i,0-fillof , .1.iit*11.41,„-,- ~,..4, pim,, iteung-;flit-:„.7.,.. lin,: -4;..---- ........),...1.h.: etr,l4-7-1-'„, who.it,vorke,...7. - 1 "If the . ~... ~w. .„.; . 4,- ta..tu.01.,,1.,!..,= -,4 ..e..mie! -- -4-"......- li tett: 7= - fi lor ej?'''',...u...41...-h—' ' --iiii=t6247-, shrOwnw • - -' • ~ th ..14416 shop 'is fire/ . - ...Ita.._-• ---irlii_itt, , -iilit il, • ,l !,1104#.0.,” ;,,,,;,' 2 Ikiti,of, • ,i4—colid ing' 'N 1:11., t. idibe 4?1111*' -in 4.101 pie Jun -` he _. ..- - ‘4' iiwolo t . witnessed ' e b ~,. .11003 partfiek lois • raj tin= 44(44us___, ..i.iinitlio,, --ditrered ,4 7 -.7.. :ilio d.,' - its udoi,k,4lf. -4 iitivirxr i - have - o lA° - - iesti, of ti`gu-sikel. 4ity14.1 ...-.,.--,rvre,, ~-ti.,-. • ',' uhloreu - -jiiiiNsi Pk - :, IffiligiAsk,.-'!ll4lalifie4T° la 4tioi a l'‘ l , t '„,-,,tlo7lfr',L-"T-..... :2 - 1 ! 4 ' 4 '.?.1....i.„-cal 011'1 ' • a441,c.t0r, atronfid yodel. nal 'ir*Pe _.___t_____l ' ii -to th• • : - irawrimag Wrid, 0 1 , '• "T‘' / EMa:we, met, and mingl , our ~co.ngratalatiftr yi.-ows, .ind , . ; red up the ,sincere thanks iA3°You i tPiti s gr our happy. deliverance from ptusflittn antlesulted in _the bright prospeo 4 future Peane r f With this under standing; ,his coinpacr, i r e e nt ere d ih e field of !political conflict, In. 1A52, and achieved. a Most unprecedented soda glorkmi.victory. A ictory lushert.d. : ;itt 111 most -favorable cii eurnstances; and one .04 gave more prom ise of coming;glory te tbif democratic party, than :any .since the triturif,hi 9f the chie.est anion g tea thtiusittid.r; the lamentid =Jack sun. After these ,tifo victories- -the one of •the'cciattpl - otniit*i the o her of. the election of 18:2, he giant. peop e lay down to sub limeit repose, and 'the g . t army slept soon , dly4--slept under the inipression that sleep laseand fiitbful aenlinels Wm* on-the , ..wal.ClP , tower, ding.. Willi • 4 1 *" aAng 'tvigilatiPei gl a!mocrm; 0 - freedetn., ;Thits-they slumbered from the trife of agitation .and the toil' of :batt-4,(ilreatiting of long years of utidistUrbed eujOiment, of freedom'S progress inthe-IN ' mocratie empii.e. - But, alas. rin the Midst of Ilitxse pleasant drearns oiy_ %Veit k larptued. by' the cry of treason to •O "r camp. A trusted Offi . ron guard has.li ened to the whispers of a bition;the seer ',r tel.powi'or has " been .. ' -pees nted, in all its.att.• dens to, him, while j ac the pie's evew-ven4l6Eo ,in Sleep, _ and t.t . he li fallen 'dealt t o 'worship it ; _ M M I Wllet.iri 0 ‘sprpt,:ised„ when be Gatti . ut downr ot frotbe . pouutain and 'found his 1 este in ,ttimnft t than' dust artily of rnili _ ions lof freemen, when 't.walteited by the roar of ram ei:l contiio `anti .:.the_ , heavy. tread of ix / 3 armed i waders: Wh fi le We slept lltfr. Chair `mai a idolatrous imligei w s attempted to he s iittted for ihe l true ,od ; but. allow. b e to - redicf, that th. rebul4t, adminis.tered 1 ..0. A th it os r4 o n w a h l o td : b t ra t:::_t v o e s u a re r:ttn a d za l i ti n ni : te, Was s not 1! Ore Signal - mid just , Itt! - will be the defeat •t'' ith the lion; or-tired sleeping/ energies 'of eonfidirig, but , whelt aroused,- indignant freemen.. HitherfO v‘ have acted on' the defensive; , bet let me I tell-gentlemen, a sen tiatent exi ,et the N . rib, call it; what. you will•,.phila. ihrOpic o fanatical, which - will its justifylitse f ti - y . this / ant - . of „good faith in taking an ag4res.sive ttitude ; and if it. do not carry i - war l int° t e. Vet:y camp of A fri , cal, will:enterttfip out te sta; and clear what. L it conceives ti) lie the , int of slavery from the territorial siiii, wl kit, by the spirit and igeniifs of-our institut ions, and , the great base or.the superstrneiur ' the inalienable rights of•tnan-l-should be ,`deoted \ to 'freedom's 1 uses. ', I - • : We give - corpora-et ilemai'svernark's, howl 11'4. alriderstaliding r.th l i u d rkconsideratio ;.1 . . .. ,liii .. 4 said, sir, tha this is affirmative I gfelation fu the wea of•slaverY: How . id - that to - be ror 1 I nswer first, because ~ slit% ery has n eluded _by positive _enact meatus, and t er • eal Or susensiou .of said --, enactments *v licente . to slavery to ex s, ist whcie it id o , before. • iliecontingen, oi r cies of its re eel on bv the people . in legisia; n _ tire . capacit y in he; territeries by no.means . precludcsi th pc -ability ,of its entrance. It c ". _is - now ptol bi s. d ; you pass this- bill, and 'F.'• it may ;lava ce nd plant .its standard upon W thai Soil._ ~ t l ' - I . ' i- - • .i -app rehend t: Routil is i dertakiug tc prove to klik 41 1 ., whp . heat iiiii,, that'slaver i aSttinee in any ortheTerrit 4- . , slapa purchase. '' . -. le prior to its cession to, the United .S.tat - s, ao • lklavery viis•abolished in all tbeTrerfch T r.- I._ : e. ,ratones and that. of course, spoke freed a _.. 'to all enslaved ' in - Louisiana ;" and Iha e it ". lieen.unatAe tofind an v exPre - sii statate . u-• .. . al. thorizitg its : existence Or creating slavery is therein. You vrill find the iciomproinise of 1820 • perr.:it.ing it south of 36 deg, 80 rninut4s; 1 . von will fiiiistatitt ` mover its , eiregulating e-- 1 l' ineofi and pointin g the relatiyO duties of •master and slave, Ihigh statute's ,:a.s.suane, ill .ofiherri, that the i nstitution legally" exisibd there at 1b" 'dine 4 the !lurch* from the -French.' . Ay, sir. lit did exist tau. existed - On ly ly au l arbitrstiy , lexereise of power, -ansti is n t 'lw -4inful ti . athition 'of titer Condition action ,agedlip his argil.; ie'Fillyix-' tee. of thi y. .v ali l ue ludicati3d positi've, it - Was 274. eve ~totee!.uf -:... .0( I ; submit dat, llPO_r4vi.%*s leo' uisiana. - .1 . -- 1 Hencel sap th bill under conaideralion altheugh negative on his face, ii.- - aftirmative 1104 character fit the', spread of slaverk.-: .A. - princiitle - :si-, I inriot su'tain, Or will, :1. believe'. the cola): of 'this country isnstain it. ,„ 1 1 1*nel-a ' r , that iiineteen'outf 'every twenty Of th . v,iiiient *Of the 'free Mates are opposed to . e illeaStlie. , Moro:lll'believe if this; measu Was . concoeted . ::ftir the - :kg= grAdizkien .of any individuahil or set of me ~they liss- 11 find-- 7 perhips whOs toe late tocave troip - wildcat' bankruptcy-L-they are, eon ling irit °tit their hosts, and•the ladder, the hate- tiu, It on which` to climb to power 'willibe Ifilind too weak to snstain . :him or thein, aiid they will, ere 10ng., , be, found in xligit smells-table poAtion incident to action bar4dn:)ati the'ikre3cidipes redid, than on flse Prio4 l , 'or 111 0 - :- ' ' .1 4 - Mr. M • Lam, of Virmoutp made : a kirei • blc4 ~on the • same day, of which we , here giro the concluding-passage: / ~ Yon b - voas_yet heard but littlerepon-, strance. 31*,reissini _is plain ...The, people' . 7r .struc dunib by the reckless; audacity and perfidy f , thfi , ProPmilloo — m:out no - lieve l thit : ithed been made, and took,refue: lnin lity. . But;'dePend On. it. they will awake. Pas , ithein bills, and- yen Will rouse asyou: , rand - inore bitter anti Sluvery` feel-; hig *ha ha s eye!' Wore existed . ,;iii- this rise 3ii t n. : ou Mai kb:dare-lint Shivery Cannot go the -,heitse'afo,!4ate 6 : 1 iirixitiotiiM.i !but : i. i I put it.tiraa .hnne;it . and practiesl , lest: , " '- Uhk'oPO. dAtegstioi are 'mei of 'groat itY :lioif ion:nt.r;' they,lire 6n the ' horde . And can extiress their own ppipiiin..l it any fau.-"lpmeetiling Idiessiiiii -helievesl 7 that O r very 'will 00:••4 0, tO: : L.XiO:u 7 l, ~ ) O dill Om* '9f thiS biV now iikviti tiro to 4vit s -0 -- - ,' -N ' -denial. . '..-'..- 1 1 1 1 1 Y-,.*01d . lii not got ma 4iie9); -. w ell: wk'to,Deiennuri. na thikinine par::: ~,i ' 014 fatitilde 1 4 : Piss :that 'bill and : the I Y-Y*;:*l).. l *ii , 11),§9 CIA along all the - litreauta;! ,-,;- ..stnitif jarva•-•arilklai -donsited LipLall.'-the; - militi..,l ;lin' if*Oh j -S;j!' " We l 4 l #' '0 :V i l a il je istP" . I ..seeO ..bOOfriooliiei.. -) ./lia W lera 60 and' . Oig, - • l ititili4:**li#44 ll #:=bifOiil the thii 'O: - dilii:a,M l o ; :4*l.' Bait-ipuht . et'n . lief bidit woird - ialitil:ail IrOriiiriv,iiiii i !' itvai .. y to - ext*o4,o l ,` =irea Of- ?Pkressi9n:= la-1 ha theAeliberAte*ll, of Ocnsitzon t . -. -4, Awkiev. - not. • I,l,t,thefiieWcis,ottbeiS bills sd& 4- " IL ' se Y 6 ivbAt ', , WooitiOSto! ,144:./aoh: sod so . ' a rwilly proyedibouid not,* do - 0i: - YoP !!ig fir* s a dist pintLeti. 1,0 dice f I . to Coe.° r r " fOrei C LSDAnd 11% *Jill. , 1.1 act f ,oiii the den ng-to some extent, matn`re of the, Bill inn difficult tin satisfaction of .01 hUs nQ LeuAL orits of dhc Lo - repeal' of _the Previous,exist:i ,-..- , ~ • _ - - _ . ......, - -- - ~.. . ~ - • - tso a party ; n one Bidet , the p a ssage of. he billy`. ou do it by banding together in A isalid`p nx on one side of the Joie: ~ . I Do - I t that, and Ur- esnuiple, will be ' foil() ,d'eti on tho' other: 'de. No man, no combination of meti=ng rty, or combination of 0010- 7 can prevent it ; • and I. beg of yon remem ber, that:by this.act you exhanst„t e specific for allaying agitation. - Is the ldisOurt Com promise be repealed, .I hone!tly bilieve that it.is the last' compromise . that - will ever be . made between the dulling intereite of dif ferent sections . % 11 4 P.e.Publie i - . lll Pd / 1616 "' riously believe itis not the last:compromise that will be rendered null_ and void. , News aid liptions . ; , - ; ogaloSt c4ituititio to Peoria upon CiAngren; • —"obit Mitchell's pew - paper, The Cit izen, is our in favor of iite Nebraska bill. ' --,The French Spoliation Bill .inussed the,U..S. Senate_ on , the isth inst. by vote 016 to 7. be —den. Scott is writing his own biog- rapby. He haS abundiutlinaterials ,for an interesting work, * al .. . -L-11.ereafier passengers will be carried re from. Philadelphia to Pittsburg; on the it Pennsylvania' railroad, ; in fifteen _Hours.., li 7 :-The Whigs hive': a Inajority, of the # n , f Board ofSupervis.ons in Browne 'in . c N. Y. Dr. Burr being betted in th. tt town of.Chenaugo by 350' majority. . , ' ;---'A.n bidiana paper says, that of th one Imsdred and ten newspapers pu - 11Thed in that &Ste, all except ten advo• cats the..Prohibltory 'Liquor Law. l c —Thero -is a:, man in Tuukbannoc ivh &se, voice -is so. husky that-he:is alway r s suspected of ..being corned. „The - other day he was threshed to Make him . slicll out-- ' . . --11On..Jamei A. Pearce, wing, has been re-erected to the United. States Sen ate from Maryland, by a vote of for hiro, - and 39 fur Hon. Albert 'Constable, Djin. • • Bigler hasa - signed the warrant for the execution of 3arriesQuinti; of Ltv ;erne. - county, for the murder of - Matilda The xecution is fixed for-the 7th of Xpril nuke. _ • . _ • of public leas fOrrail ruaas,-asiked from-this session of -C origt.ess sCcordit4 to the bills.iOtroduced or pro jected, tmouuti, to the . enormous sumof S356,000;000. - - . .. —Somme of till papers look , at the ace-, thin of Fessenjien to the : IJ. S. Senate, from Maine; ailithe .result of the Nebras ka agitaticin; a9d the desertion .of Demo-. cratic memberkin consequence. . '-' —A .Califoinia met gives theifulloW- 1 0 ; ing aka bill . ot - fare.at a Chinese_ estai rant,in that city :.'Cat cutlet, 25 }Cents ; griddled rat, 6 cents; dog soup, I, T cents.; roast dog, 18_cents.; dog,pie, G'cents. • ---The LowellAdvertisernsks: j "What is the difrerence between' an attempted.- homicide and' a Cincinnati hog butchery 1 j 'One; is an atisault rith an intent t 9 kill,. and the - other is a kill with an i tent to --kis sa'id—but can it be trim ?=t*t a- member of Congress who is known to be-,eomMitted against the practice of du-- elfin, is more liable to insult, at- Wash iogton,.than one who haiuti scruples on the 'subject. : _ 1 . .. .. -. The' Washington correspondent of the.Neyv-York Times suggests that Mr. dadsden'a new 'territory to which the fanciful . name of Aresenia has. been given, be called Fagendia; is it is apparently' the fag end of creation. - . .: . f. .a--•An Australian; from - the number of murderi committed in that auriferous r,e- . g ion, thinks. 161EO:inn is' the' Place of which Shakwpeare prophesied, when he - spoke or , that -undiscoveted country from: whose hzcrne no traveller reinrns.'. - ' 2 `.; • Thect Citiciunati'Gaeotte in spealiing - . :of the resignation of his ,Cambrugei ro fessorahiP by Pfesior Longfellow, says it is rumored tist e accepts . an invitation "of the Trustees 6 • Antioch* Cullege,..at Yellow Spriergi, Ohio, tolointhe .. faculty of that institution. :•. -., ' --; Seveiml ituisian offir.' ell - visited the Tortstnouth (Va.) Navy . Yard and the United States shipiPennsytwinia laiely, and:ivere received 'vrith - the - usual' salute. The phject of their , 'visit - to this, country, is . to exantine put' s Ips .and ; to purelme. ; 'vessels for their no y. In ; the case of the. Commonwealth ra. John Hausoia, indicidafor:-Manalangh ter:in.Bradford county, the: juri,.'.On.the - : I.lth '.inat.. - ritidered'..e. , terditt: of !‘•,/161. Guilty. " I t will be `remembered that - thedefena tit ; inraliiiiddin 'gnarl-64.1track a' . .24t..Waftsird fist,,,and.the tin*: tqcirred fa . : , : - - n . 4vo. to;1 the you in kii* of the prohibitory priiicip e and main.Seitarea (if the anti liquor law Massachusetts '6l . whOm fire loind fr-and.:'fiiity*/* 04.F0rr4 - and : ..I.=lf we -are >ri rightly infOrtneN . , every Neinbei.nt.dongi fromihe feet, - States, ;*kin,,ifntid - in;:alhiii,:BlirOJiry, id-1.000a; Soh Ettpiii4iiii:.l,l4o.o4l_ fit 47 . . tiyes; fiiwa the ;Ease . Nvnh and, •.ieMitabW4hat:', whili. the i.401,14.',14:: 'Sr*, 'ions; yet they a1..,.,,0k5540try S. 4 4 ter, Oicilelkrb!*ikli4hi);o l ;oo.*44 l Lii , nose ;t hroat , aTun ° el fo ° c3tio `m eans . ciftitiikiniftliiitnanpr,M4riMlit4 - niniel.Will, , . .501. illaittrititm Stao , very !tow Atakes Preside - : trans4bstantiation, as a Roth) cunvyrts an ordinary bake: 's w god 4. When we vont. a Pre South takes a piece °rat:4%h he question or enlargitig thL 11:ew Yur . canals was submitted to a of Of the i ^ .itle inihit State on Wednesc l ay; the --ult is in favor of the e arieent by • verwhelming majorities alth ugh the otes in all the districts as ere ed ingl, small. The - costOf :t a fin' 'men ,is variously estimated a from , fir to te . millions of dollar& , 1 - eagle,tneasurieg rr feet int • tiff -- , , inch 'from tip . :to tip' Of his wings, and' wei : bin_g ten and a quarter . unds„- was kille. un - the sth ittst., bi Mr,i. l eter Par ~ w, upon the farm or on! Bnja min tins, at De Ruyter, • Ma isoU'cOun ty, '. Y. It was of the ape ies ikr s t e brown eagle, and is to ho I. se! le . ate Cabinet oftiatural 'Pater a s uffeti and exhibited ,in t at ' ci -1 3 - We are p' allied to tearn . oses PoWnall, E sq., who psi ence, in the village of - C iis eoupty,.lon -Saturday ev • [r. ..yile 3 representative i I for two sessions, and a - hinted as' the whig - ', !it al Commissioner. tie toeel hy bis friends and a ..e. the State, and his kiss i ly - litnented by his - immedia andlriends.—.Lancaster :Da • P. T. Barnum is now wrii.ing - liis own life and - a Wive thoustind.dolfars have offer.ed fOr the cokright. - tiuo (says_,tho i lSTorwalk •Ga of he.cleverest fellness.' in intimated that he will reeiv onstrationlhat there are at million of persons r ady to , he firat oppOrtuni that is -'td- -i . . We d o n' t doubt hie courage! but tit rather reckon he'll po c k e t - the ° ixrdi, does _generally. 1 . 11 i —lt is stated that ex-President Fill more is aboiat toilead to 'the ' altail Miss Elizabeth Porter, of Niagara• Falls, only daughter of the late Gen. P i eteri -. E. - Pon , ter,te hero of the w ar of 18 1 12, tit 4 Sec: , retary' of War - under John 9,,Orner Ad= ams... Miss Porter is 32 :yea i- qt age, and a lady of superior intellect, higli culi tivation and . large- fortune. Her,hrothei• and herself 'aro the sole heirs of their fat ther's great' estate,, including IGOat 14. laud .and other.lucrativb , property] at Ni, agara Falls. • Miss Porter-has !long been: a reigning belle in Western .Newl York. ---lii Circassia. Georgia, Persia, and In dia, one of the_mother'e earliest cares is to - promote the groWth 'of her children's eyelashes, by. tipping and 'removing the fine gossame'r, like points With pair of scissors, when , they are asleepl r :Ey re peating this 'every _month or "ix iweeks, - they become,-in_ time, long, 'close',. finely curved, and of a. silky , : gloss . : The prac tice never.fails to produce , the Oesired ef , fect, and it is particularly useful, when, owing to inflainmation.ofi Chet , eyes, the lashes have been thinned-or stunte, • —A learned 'London editor, sitpposecJ telie partieularly;well postedup n the geography of America, In a recen tarticle 'intended to illustrat • Abe grasping spirit_ of the Yankees, say .:', "The - acute Yan kees do not wish to t last entirely to force or diplomacy - for ill- accomplishment_ of their views. , The a 1-potent dollar is the weapon 'on which , hey _west rely ; and they.hive 'already archased ft rn -the King of 'Mosquitia iMosquito) al met of il country covering se ral rnillidos' f acres, to, tchich they here 'rex the: xten4 -at Ne braska, and_ which.' to he folithWith col onized by the A.n . gl Saxons." ' - ' - 1 —" The l little gia Lin apr di m aent,r- -is the ,aubjectof -a: telling c aricature -in ihis-week'sPlettye e. read tii Doti as .is rei,- . .. kesented staggering and: fll un derii the weight of a, age I t kurthellabelled " Repeal of the :Mi . - ouri Coiri'.Ontile" A savage 'Seethe eil'it• bra l nd;shing:_ a huge bowie . knife i ' I2ls fttc% while at his rear at ,all giait is liee trail - foot and -a_ clinched -hand raise to aunihlistp him att. cliscretioe. A . fai retilizationl- of Old .Bullions remark.- ' What, iiii i, l i think of -Douglas's bill, air ~.Why, tf he don't carry it, the §outh %rill k`ll ltier,'.land if he does, the "Slettli wit :beat : i histi i -Lin's oat:" ..- -.. . ' .i -. -., 41 Wailkingto cern*po 1 ent - of die Courier ana l -- Eng firer .. iraya t hat land- st eating 'hat; becom - 'popular and hullers 'hie: lt-is„.ptrliaps a nations l f 'Ring end We come by . tvin a:very,hori way.---: The. Viliblptof the North were heorig- Innis -or our Pithan and Calif° tie :Mill eit busters - . Tbe Saxena,'Danis-4ind Nor 'merit, spring from the. vain° S+e i lin t ivi. ail stock r and were all landed rievers.- Walker and his 'gangxre new - 1 succes ri sore of He 'es'. t and Horea, , an there is so genera l - sympathy: sympathy: ineng tur pupa— 1, lation.with.the propensi wine furnish ed `incitements to- their rirU 1 eiq: that-; shall be compelled to pay for r9tber than punish their excesses-,-asi a' dott tig faiher empties his - purse for ihis 1 scape-grace vcitt;•in pretbrenceto using thetbirch;' - for ` - reformation. : .--.- •` 1• • I". 1. - '", t? it C i' ? - 'Wli T "illritiE, !WWII I 0)11 ROMISE - - .. . 4 • .• • Simplrt .'s : that in, 18.q.0,. when Misaini ti waikadmi ed,iuto,' the Unrn; after an arduous strnggly, the bill wl id Provided Tor her adintssion -named -bit; To 10i%: , 5,i-- ~. Provitted, Tbat 1. aill te ' ,* , 4- ,ceded: .4 France to t a in -d. t o es.: noder ' the name of Le isiani,-Vv • north l a if 36 deg ClTrirl!ti. northl kill !.. e, riot -in= , ciuded within - the lintiiiilia*t ie We Con - .:; teMplated by thus act,, save • ; :b. invol.' umary servitude, other;lse t i-.t .an inlhe punishment:ofcrune4 he cot,thaia ttes shall have beeti c duly . atrvicied, - shall , be and. iik: bin:6y, -forever} Prohibited: Provided always, That any.Oarann:einnli ing_itito the samefm : vrhorn IOtIOF OF 443FiliCeislawfully c hi n med' in, 1•6:1 . y . '§tate or Territory_ of thelnicedrSiat e s, Such . fugitive May be la wfullys rep . ] inra; and conveyed lathe peraim,claidam Ina labor I or ) servicesas-alorrsaitd., : , i .. -. : . - : - .teinai. osiotior - Td , tit. . - rOi..=—Ttiti • , , ... , .. . .. .• . Ytidgei ot the Stiftettlik . .rt 6 this State" 'liiiOliir4tofoii tritioilkd'otp6iit ti: 'Vold - iost,-, 4 0:41.'•at . four 'potits. ,- flbijr ,- am. f .fiithaid igitii Oilvig4oriii ) Ire - I° ' daili . 44 - .., ,be - ger9iiired'tii'ficithe'le - ii`sisnif illitvilar-. risburg. - . . , On'i'iiii `..ilieir *iiiplii tit': it . t; ihit:' tisi kx,,. they err in Opioidtr•breaukii dot ~ uage . p., errant. , "-lito opionooto 4 f -,. et lliac at 1 , .. - - -tharjustlce` ., alteadyll3 tOt ", lnitch. ' ' - .iiM connteact to the - J d_golgoluirrie s . .niedli'j'-.Plit :' 1 4 went . Abi n ..' l . 3lol otaiDi': . - wheit•tliit- ~ . . otoialid,ilsiol - mit: to: , bin jt rik e urthitiiitothionitOt: . ltitoitutt; it splits le for - fi ve to trav I . loi thousand. -=.p 'ter. ' '. • : • , - - - . I '-, ,I i pri.fst O. 8: ,ide,t, the tkd midiOs s iiiiiititti4iiiii4iii i iri i, ll Wes a -' -.• h 'l4 . t it `ltt . n in t e New , OT Po,E, of thii Vilti itiii, the ; filial 1 , ;et* to, ilia - gm:oak - too 'of arra tor Otilllpetipt 'iicPpilt Imi , York CitiitO protest igtkinit i, 1 lia bill. Itlkan , able, and eto merit, and ip chkr,jii4gt.noo*, 6re4it upon its - iliattior*.,„ l j!_:_ 2 : ' In referring io it tbi.hPiwttnd, "In the . 'struggle %.vf 1717 4 - tiii profligate scheme has awakened.**.le r.. lite cal hope but for little -aid from pOot,eld spiritless state of' P.enusylra ill\ l -c4ii all political cctntrov,ersies-:.of : i iporva g o, r ennsylvanitt, as represented i Congrea,., _ generally44r7eitx:ol* in th wrong.— , The . PO1)116668 of that ;state. , ern,. ati* gageral• i.a1. 4 4 11 91 ha ,•linfainaie. *1.4-1 , 0 . j**o,_. theigetierat 'Character of iliel• Itiiiii); and even when_ pretending to be ng iro: the' democratic party, the r a y t ept.' to oppose its het nieastires,lati -` itiregard .its hest-settl a imexime: , in w age - i wit -2 mot's distrie , litawavOi, the, PPai) l P` are right on the . ebraskii,qacisti n;'• , .. ` , ' - 'Frit.; 4, 180: " • Gra cti.kst 4 -The. letter' o Inritat ion, with _which ow,lonored - crilo attend -a_ Meeting of- ho _ f kiaoto as se,. Y ork.. without disci im) of- party, : Up . e 00iti• ultlrtio, to .p rat* a, against: . , iCt) lion:of. ilv 111 the .6lissoutirim ,Cproiniser-.,,cact f:4 thia place.ddring . mr absence•freat•Paste. ilia; wasnotirecoved.by me mid 1 liiitevpn-` ing. Fearin g my silence mi lit' . 0 ,Coii-. t - strned . into hiapprobation. the objects -.of tbia mecti g . I am constrained -eirepli . ' even at t his ate day,_and to. , Fail myself 1 1 Of the epPer imity.yourinvit: 'llO affortis`,. to place on. ecord. my con innttion.of the enormous wrong - threate Fdt,..0.4 01 07 pit try and posterity, by there al ti:ceni pact that has been 4111-invi tab* by the American-people for twinge eralona., It. 1 1 'is nowsic co ~that one-t bird . of a center , compact was atified, under circumstan ces of impo sing, solemnity, that gave to it an obligation, scarcely secoinl.to-the demands of the constitution: itielf„Ats .! . repeal Would be•a virtual' mange. of that 1 „ . . instrument;"as it would:reverse. the mit torm interpretation it-has ieceiyd',,iti.ev fry department of the gover.tim i tit, .from cg its organization down to the'Anau oration of the present administration. - ; . - Whence -ciatnos this i tinePa . !•ec l and startling; -assault upon the .vt.sl, nierests mid guarantield right's of •,tilti fre -states ? Through what instrumenidalities iir it F ac : pected to consummate the„ deed of ,'wick eclnes:s and shame?, Slaverr' - em opened : by.recent triemphs. and al;ulating upon; the broken, spirit of the- North, strikes this deadly blow at the p _ogres4and de velopmentof free inst it ut oils; instigated to the attack, encourage and i, ! .lou by the treachery of non ern I men, who would : baker their count `yrs ,f tare and the highest interests of ulman ty ' furl a brief day of official power...! -17 e I demor-' aliziag• temptations of future' p eferment i 7 ---•the,_ seductive appliances' . Present ' patronage- r -threateningsl ond .. enuncia-J tions, wherewith `to oyeraVve,the :timid. and irresolute, are the pot entiaagencies upon which slavery its confident. 1 hopes of - success./ It is -believe . that. all (those Of the free states, ,wboael integrity land moral strength phiee ' their, :beyond, !the reach of these influences, - caii be over - -Vvhelmed by the reVilintrs of :alter_ erted , / • public opinion ;- that- the, voicel ofmanly ' ' • ' ''•- Jprotest agatnst aggression ~th e 1 mast:. a- rgltioUs, can - be. effectuallY silenced . partisan clamor and a subsidivid &est: . Were it believed. possible.th t the free '•men of the: North could be. - : roused to that- indignant energy'--that': tern,,- n-, 1 handing resistance, so' urgent]. -.Acme id ed by the crisisr•-•the authors a d aboit rs •of this conspiracy against' Goa and ..tn it kind would skulk from the i n ending ,e; 1 • buke,. and - call upon the mounts!, to c r:- ..,. - . . • • or their shame. - Inc proposititon tp- -e -peal the M i ssouri Compromise s;iti-its'elf,, „ i s . - a burning :Mfamy ; and it •catr ',wilt it au infamousimputation:upoot &there c-_, :ter,and pattiotiamot our peope. - _- i., .1., . 1 :..; - -Tbese cnvenant-breakers ac ' 'upon 'the., 'assitinption'thar we, are: so , d moralized • by_thespipt•OF, Mammon, Alia we. ialutt I material above moral interests so debits-. eel by .Itriti t-and selfish desir ~ that ..iwe _love ,the luinors and profits `_of.; ffiee - Anore, than we lo ve -the- glory and,:,- ; elfare: of , our 'ac;a9trY. - '• -. -:' '- . .. . ; ,'• '-, ..„ . . I have read with deep inter at.the pro ceedings. of the Meeting held a i i the -Tab.: ernacle.:-:' The character of -theeien , who piltf iiipated in - it..---the 'dignity' Oad • firtimess of its resolves, tiffitrd grounds: of ! encouraging hope"that: the .No Ili 'Will'at-r length?beeome• - " aroused- to• tle defence! of itstiO '' righ -. Tbivrna g nitu . of the ii -1 ai i t -see 'cannot rbe over-estimated; . --!. ; --1 ';--::..-1 ' ' The - result will ? fix the' zch' racier tincll condition of our country for;all -:coming time. • If thebarrier erected i against ala-1 very id theilllissouri'COmprti tact bee'bro-.i ken down, then in cid', Wilt:- hei taatital I 7 tions, established 'b - our ifath i er.X ; he'aah-'. 1 i 'vetted ; and ott th iruinaiviillgrow, , _,aP a ' loi4hty--. Slave - . oligirchy,lovershadowlag and centrolling the deal ies,Of the.Contil nent.. Anninexorilble i nd, ,i ,rtimOrsele.4.Sl ' despotism will rule ; es _. thi rod 'ofirita.• i .That land e:otisecracea,' . ildood.•l6,fre:o4 i dom ind ol ipressed bo Oki:. ~ .!, - , i a,..' j-I :-1 have the honoi. to `,I gealleninn,i ] :• - ',' Ve4 'nsspeitfully '` , ..-1 :',: ~ '.: -- 1 - Y our atedi i servant ' ''' ' - :_- - _ - • : --. _- ,c - D :Nip ".,S ILMOT T r 4 , .To - SliephOrd, 'XnaPro,Edi :;- and: °them - '-' ` - - 1-i - ,--- 7rf ,- •! - .: - , ~.,..-77 ,i; - ~. ',_ t' _-' • - :11leetiag4 - ' Wale. --- ; s 1 ju i -.. A Oorrespondent-AC- enesdx4, - Penn.,, sends us the proCeedings'u ;,..a h i - rge; And: (Ink: tliusiestie. Iliusiestie,_ anti-NOiaaka,iiueeting 414 'til, 'that place lon the 'evening Qf 'the ~lib ilia,. Therearera trier 40p...preseut: - . - 1 1 4 be, , ,,ne;. tin g was called - to order lir S. RDitemiek': il 11 Esq4lv - •P:romin'eni*pficirt ; o -1-:eavie . and; Kiugduring tliii cainpalgu'of.l giina no);i. a•meniber ailia Denicgiiitil; antv,,Coini, !•• 'MO. --Abra : Ssvart; tscr, Itiloth;rle4- Ant *thoerat, preildeti.f , iSiriuitl Ali*** I so: a:: . . I.lthriern TeorOcrit,:, AIM a -, likalilk4 supporter . f" iereiTanctifi L ki * - -!4 2 , Ile* I aa:Ona of the?_VieePretti .4itit,s-•`fliOloMiiin: _to y to llec• the It]el ease, aieil at his. . • • rtstistm, In . 1 meg lttl the egisJ, as fastliear i ndOut i for s trh 4344 quaint 'tees mere leep e nei g h bors Y• -1 : engag, vet e • .Iready Idien - 4 1 ette) tl be futiid I ltt - awe, lea St.. I take hi givi3a but tl a in •ep.-- bten Bar- it is dem iulf a • life" them: eu We He i red -- -- - --. 11 , r der of the Officeets °Utile:in:l*i , . ,wOll l3 . the-Cornitteeon itesolutionii ~ a 4gedi I t o. the diffeienttolkieel partie!l.. ;: t The wroth*, - was iutd ' hrDr.; Elder, , *lii AdelOpa . . • atio.:0111 lha , eerstatO -M541, itti .h e r o .I* . r . porte4-: lif.r.,Diitacoickew4lO :1• 41 1 - 4u4 w4 b t and lad tett Alquek.X.t:- D 9...: tail , kill, l'h . ..ciai:re 1 iiithoi.ißmrifco .*9, taii- AC. tee - ' .. a . tibutatirrlairAPASCA i .";•-- Aski., 43 74rg0...,,,1i5it...a741h- Aliersittrt4aneale7lo l l4Y(i4P which .7c4Aire4 14 90 3 (4,1 #4 • 4 M14.11 :sylvan', tr ,. 44 , SeiIe4PP 4 4AP 1 9 41 4 4 ;' 4 , ~....,...,,,,,„..,„„t64,,,,t :0....,.,..,.„,„..,,.,,c,„ 'astiadds r-... ..-:, ..-: • -,..•A :•.-t•-._*%::: •.;le; 7,-;1W -1. , ~-, id: _ 4 111 , 0;4010011.44*.Mid c : Iv .. ; :,torivrzfliill-ltepWAYoAilte k ItV hiltir, .--. -13tiktaiiiiitere lonifitafthlkk 4 PeltOtof . • mit toul .11191 the Democrat • in: s'y , ' - ••':-- I '' 1 i iii.do f Aids •th:4;olifisidioitti* 'alt . : , 4 , ' .5.4 1 itt e S4TO'Weiftojidi iin 4' *s.iagt4 6 iideig '' ' 4 ll " 1 ,-,:., 'i. - t .-• .;^ 4.4 " 4 ' '- ' - 4..?: -- - X.' .„....., . . 1' v, ... t „7 1 7,,, , .e... ve r • _... slee4g, ria 1 • _ vo 7-:zimiset e.i.A, a'y tie -,ag.) 4a' , o , ...:of. Ti• RAO, si g nal . 'to' 1 , il , , sof Our . Areenii, of, akt - • ice - , ice I. o itilem 'MY' "Of the Alreilabekk 11111 ‘no of the larg est and most mice; hi: • ever. convened 1 in that pace. It * i".` , ltititinished by Ile earnestness winch p: yvatled the as semblage, as if those who Kid Met there to protest against the perpet t hatiou of a i groat wrong, were fully sensib le of their"! highA t iAtotheir country, and of the se- I tie* *mighty birsinees in , hickther . were engeb4l. There was was= tso much of 11018 Y petlousiesm wbi h usually . -merits political gatheiings; as there' was "Ofi t tlitt earnest but I deternii ed *action enact iflemconstrates lb P fain • 4 :0 9 f t . :Ii 4i .. and the disposition lii.proai,e: i Meeting beingstrem_izp4oVl,ytisok , Mitie r Esq., wast,OttliO4:foriAildAvidsti , , bia a fice-aintdst,appiao• • Ai* rik' Park • tt•k • aa i gh bile. rein) - 040Kpil!kTta . mom '' wand were' re i eceiTil r,ith, Raii • i i i - e d. . l ibation. , t4ilif:a...s-< `31,,.i.;;1, ~ 1 1 , ..i11 el-PlLVid.Wilillet virals'hilit 1 .011E4 fer, • ilithejappearanee4pf tht‘tior-t„tied starer of Preedorrisorought.ast. I T -a tit.o .9 ,epplause which fairly orb the so. -.Hos address occ l pied:neariy two-hours. and vtas listened to 1. ith in interest by tlur.audi e t .. ...4 all tom eloquent and earnest. e rtroyed die rowing ,streog h off th ht e. inter:. l est* ad daidatad l • /Nigh • g ialkteara upori the .piosperity of 04)., aut FY- ' The' scheine to extendft every y repealing 'the Tilissouri Coop mise,.l3 aenounced in eloquent , an iddi naritY , age, us an al xt act of nefariom !!trescherytt the North, i of faithlessness an the part 0 ---the,SQulht and a bold i and.lefOilous bid 'tribe Pres idenev. His exposLre of I et falsehood . . r that the COmprorsuse of 1 ~ had any reference to the Missouri: ornpromise. -vi , as i seurching and ttarcaratic, and scatter.; 4d this unwarranted astiton tion to the • winds. The closeiwas an eOrnest,appeal to reemeto to thick and licit, fur them selv s, as beclimo thepolrer , gas of a free and enlightened country • ''. Stich aro a few of the topics Olueli ~.upon in his ape ch, whicl has neiter.„ n surpassed illet in oquenee, earneskness at • argument, 1)y ny, of Ids former efforts. "lir ,Boloth, , Esq., "yra next • called for an'd `iiddreisechlhp - - m tin" in his us 1 able[ m inner, whcfn - t1 =cello* . g.a. jou ied. I ~ ... you no question . o , • ~ 4 _ f puhl t tt has r the re ever :Wert 'ascii sentiment as in regard( tc?!'. repeal of the I‘lissouri r era advocates are the seer i f those who heve Matratoed the . South to participa litit t of the territory, alarm andobhorreiic . e , , len t , solmn covenant, and he disposition to trample'. wide pitomises when they, a - tail state against the flee pry ---Bradkord Reporter .(1)4, t' -, -:-- -. 7- ,- . Dignified (t ) s . .egl i s. on thetas ) , iii . apa toc tioh 4 tlMlbill:forlhe slap` manufact4n? and iiiliC..pf I uors as a Iheverarr, Obey .i' ce of the mambont fill a arrioOnirg t atid at. j ri tors to watch the' OPP. 1 li 1) iv Into,Comitnittil V . 0 ,of Telexes iT. f ) Sir 'Osten of.:Northil or gilasit Orthe aellauleffei tng let nts, 10 ip II .Z112',; r:-:-.1,:',, / . 1 ‘• • rOff.est; That Ino . uer that such a ei I— • . •• nthaila ' of. tigeota,aci as afo .. uifisfa.rPllo o 9Wk - a4itaialiagu i s he a ati tiloilliernAhroughOutZ ilia, Com - pt .iir . dltilii every .sueb agents Eliglbe ,re ii 10:AV..eic:?4-tr,ltagt•AT4; 1t'.4. - Olir, of WO 1 .ia. Plitl'a^t3o*. "o:lltee.q.ziiii - y0. 1 4,.., on ea oga - bacitgi-krar!*4 4 tees , sii - SV: lie • it L b9tiigd..ied.l.l, jreno .. tlielf sbOti . :Ili • YfrPiA*4 l o, - , 51 , 1 ,. , - I . BIOIPeP - a -.. AnoA#44)/litiirit.:4.46.o*fil.:itild - Ow ;:i4het iy i l,cAiiii WA' ViiiiektAraf; •; h . :., t hi4 o. .i . f.;paient-:1 ' t he.:.t-tief g(? ) **t i c 'ii• 1 3 3 4- ; , : ilythip_fruut. of %v . h,icli shall b 4 I a i n 'ticl.;, , ,littiit tho i osAn.lor;:.ol a cockade, W.44,06 . .wit.:10,:i1i . : . 'itibieen, bich s L ii 4L 1$1!1 : ;! . .14:14: 114 I#l i t *.ltrass plalp . )11 jii rftecttliercon,; ( Law and its Efi :; I . ll :.Mult_reo , 1 COca at and . r 9.1 in iiii 4 :::;P". . 1). 4 . 01 • , E..Rillei `rim!! Mi r' - - R-Iti o ;,,...: Ili of •Beilts; sc int Aiii:vii:lit4 11tj f .fsfi... to raise a laugh, trleilhl44 . 4:: :v. l re .. - 11 -..g s, . e f l Aq l9l4 :F. l kv!t i. i . r . * ...i . ‘••• ••••••••; : .T AR.llol.llll3so3l.ltAiined:lfp this act: VII 1 1 , app •i a Aril , persiin 9!. inn!olks or p l ar except he,who votos,*StVVie hl clt tick - ti r ...'• le I actiufi r linown tii:.lthael,ig i.li". (lei , t • ..,. I t. , :,.. _ , ..• ' a s • •i. .,'... : _: .0 .. . 1 . - •'•-, : :- 4 I C "' ::., alp o f coorse,wal4lloolw, c,t"- : • : :- .1 4 d4r, - I)ut tlicscOn4itueutaiWill'ese' l ill :* temen must feel,piond* 41ii.slignli,wr anal inglyjeglidattve abdt . ..Ortifeit r cpr sentativekr- , ..1 ~ .1 t Tide Yo - I T : et '•'''eflttt.- . ' ; .-,, r ,..„ - ~,,...-,: f I 611 Tiff , skittammi , vit.Yo.o s, fa Wittitiiiiapplitiiiit pr wkai44 t0.,1 q Allikilie.Aintlit= anit a fe4vAittie qiriii • - .'...t.5„ b ~ . .„..1„. ~. ‘...,13 f tlie,l;a'titn , ' rem9y. natio!! i n r ift. I : krd 111 TiVIA : ' of . tlierlrelOgii r fr till , * errs, the piei s tiOtitc ifie'rreti' Sijit -, bich is 'lint IliCAtitlialligrii Was inv. tid Published to orderr:The f .tf ~ la i f tiremotis aisent t ietliati fraud e:t '.--- i s iiiirriltirlOCiatretentiioo - ., killlni . 7u : ; s 1 Vi i ati; C Wis or t iliat de, a . ,Ctilifii,ii, t.„ , t 6t o p Part. the New -11' cakishi 4; '= 1. e t P lariadel ph ta Pelvis yteepstats, p ,1i i"they are 'bid: ` ' i -'-`• --' \'',-' ';-"'.. 1 " - • f.' : . 13 '' 0 A :ks. th ',. ° iii ° m Pt ei b ' r - ti 1 1 16 es t h e it Pl 7 P *ti t jhe free : ,expressinn pf thrOtt : - 1 , !Deng all'ilarties="Lwinlillier eneiiLiei 0 . • e:a 6 nii'll ibl kt l :t 4 t7 v l, o -,. ~.4 tletittiOißkilt.ArkiAlie tip- ear est v, 'il.llll3tir9tol.,:grAjlerstilgt4b)i filensti ; .- Tee tiiiilly 34 4 yOitillti exam. 0 kts l663 l4l l l ii tr s . tkii 4 lich t!lfs m 1 tr 11norwyeii : 7 Yillieli4jou, 4 c 4 rn - A • ' iiiiiiligglt4lbr e ie lid ljeitt of the'll . ,1 Z 11 ;4 1.1 r. OVA tiki* k r4e e* -un'v a, h. 4 49o4:Aitkikttee'llna t if,* ...i . ' 144:1 ittottiNtadivilii t,P elliein • ,s IC f patr ' i t iii lariej 4- r ofi_nd,iii ji j a 4011iff in t iiii ' liqw - ext • tiv.iy t.l- ‘ kalif 4 1r ViAlgliage. The ?t. .'' 4elrttti' . 4 ibee i r.= . ..4: 1 ,.. , -!.• .rw .rug ? ° WI Ittiltbig liii ; e:fty tire in Ger-1 ; k_ lc .- .60,7 •4- .. .air to +v-A- 1, 4 ..- ~ - ; requi v. ,....,,, 4,,,, , ..„:. ..., . , 0 , f !:4 l : ll P a O tif 4 4 , " A I s n w r" 4tizgeriki.ini -`" I* - 1 *iiikbi c ice) iiig titool ''.. liiit,l' , _ , - Vit , w eat ARP —. ..:, .r.k.„,, -•` , , ~11 --.1 tioA•tsfo wt....lbw = e 4,1 1 4 , -•:-; -- ' [• ' - 1 '-. ~? ~ ~". .---,r7 ,- Fn. - - •* - -' 7 sj;- •, t -- • 4 - 1 1 '47reif - - 2•Pri , :c9A 4, t l'" ' ' Italia February 16r ' - The Cunard "mail ' teniatehip,Panadi ' • from Liverpool, with ateXtcf„tlAit fth#ttat. arrived hero this eve itig, iiitiffiiir.luftfe i I ak,l7l 4 ingikir o.(ilit,ssagi!*this ses - 'soli Cif , Witittir, only twelve 1: 1 'i41i'...,1 .-- . ErietLitin.c--Tlie opening- ofctn Perliarmentt tookplaCe'tiiji.',3Ja(pf Jannitry,:-1 1 be; Queen,,on her • aniy.::'ihrough thei, citl7.tO . thsParliament,was greatly cheered,i4ile l'rinco Albert - was occasionally Itii4ed. The 'Haase of Cominotti will - ohniiiilly• full, but-the• American Minister was not_ present,Z . 1 ;,-; 1 .:; : 1... - ' ,\, - ', - ' '. • \ Thii . -Citcen deliveri her ..,speech in -' person ;,It .was modoliatein r in I Shst. i .. - alyideirta:ilietkeitertfailftcnlties i 4.101.- of regret, tut,says thai.her exertrons„ in „, 1 4.ilittqc;ign• 4 i it 11 ,. her i'l!iel 6 , in. it *O.-,94-Aii;:2l. -'fiiliiciiiiiii settlement Wiiehteqli be Perna- ' . : .-i: A-iitidlttl ' She con likilstiisasent i ;s --. upon tbeellii;ncOwtth Fein further-, puce of these effilr4ifiet; the' opinion is -;,uxpressed that-fheAlgater.of War_ is most 1-iraminent froin 'llotti;',E.A hoer. and She- - thinks it roquiite to "make a'flirthei ass,- mentation. of the nairittand Itailitall fol . ' ' ces, with the view;iit,..trio effeethally •','-? '''"qoutributing to thalicsto - tion - of the • iii 4 ,.. .1 statesthat. *li, a r .-., t. - -, revenges of thet•Pietleit.hay#'heatis:' " rtythatrthe ric: e*Pen:een erfite:.kifirtivitin.' Bte` refer 11 t(! 1n ‘ g he th h e ll r i n 'ti q l st a iog .,. 4 . : ra lf e o lie- a ir tr ail ic 'f l4 9l: ariii2 olioe . - to a;1 friendltpations, aod."ins forward! i with satisfacttoa' to the re ' 6 - 481 of ilia Oust legislative`restriction upon fdreign • t l'hipping 7 :- ; ' ' • tieri3 I- - Af t er the delivery . of t alarms, lc ..debate ensued upon tiiirE -. qnestion Eit: nothing teas elicited;' ram Ministers. 'excepting a. statement b ak . all parties iweie no* awaiting the Cz t9lAply. The, ritislt army and 'as,y,fare to be irrne4 tely increased, an _Ili& - Queen's. ' IPiociaiii tion ' wits shortly ‘rtn` ticipateil .•. ' i " openini - hi . enripilment for the navy. The', afei• of :Englana and Franca I .. , to the is i geintartpspecling _the en try of tiia . ..allie ifeeta into the Black Sex was cleli*eie4..iiriztlie Isy.nf -February: to the kussiitu.,Mietstersr in London anitra . '• T 4a- hle tr :the-:lis- it,ty, of lost es pee- Tri- / ite -t ep y'-was. unfavorable to ~,...„ rrianAirtif the Czar,- and the de partu r* liiiilttti 3 Olin'tli . niaters from London ' , Piiiifisiin:iieitt)ilitoked 'fOr - :',:•: -- "- - . - - - lii4.leici.ited , :-.(bat....' oiderlfzliane - ea .sent teAheSOtiek . ..titrid - 13fittikA,n3b us ,cite tiora.:l4.*::..!atilislititito Wikhilia*. - 1 - . Fratita.la I to tci, 80,000 men to or : keY,iiltile Sii ' land. will contribute • r . I Ito . oci6' apay-half . 14,i _; a- , . mien , ; and the t 0... ital eipences. of the cntribitied:forcea.l . .',••Ti.4•ltipds ;are quiet and notlnitich de ,:prdliiiiil;:- -; • ---, . r t ' ' • , ,-.,-,' -;- . The - crisis is evidentlyclose . at hood;. and every t hini- now .depends ! Upem the _position taken:by.,ltussia- ~ - ...'.;,:- - -..-• ,It •iti-reported that Austria and,.:-,. a lii Will eci-operate ;with' France and:Etilitiiii,. ,but the rumor:is 'doubted.' -' ••... ' Paiiteetlkiapoleon hat been fent. to Ba l -. glum to.troli•ess upon the Kinkthe beas,- sity - of acting,fi'rrety with theniliell;ifTqr;•• l . key, as Beig . ittreFannbt Waitilttin . neutral-- 1 ,icy Nrittioui incurring the ' displeasure of $ l- iii4o - • • • • - - - ~- -, -. •. ; - : -,::- :- .:_-_.: _;:,,,-- •. ,-.... 11i# - t-iiiricii . of the -French Cabinet, hekttit - the_ Tuilleries-.,0n - the'.3oth! alt., -:: tl . elelideilsolthe report goes -tn - send : :•- J3_o,ototroppi,iin f.ut.:separate'bitAina,in.: -.. .: - . .t0 T . ikey;ppiipr t,kif:cOmn 2 iti4..iii;9.!....4:o4*:::t ; . ertil;gliturt'Aiii . ~144iiiiiitatMe3.i0#4 ' ....: ,i' .. .:•ei*lftii.:, - ;"!W.g...tikr.4 3 ligg''':.: : : , i:! I'. .,.'• .. 40 tcssiA.,-,. , .„..:.=:.;5:.c.,-.....:,,J.,..: , ..,..:: 'Count;::010-. .s.,iiiiti*i:teVienna'is siiiit:% . ..t.d.bilifoi,thkiiirriol*o:(tiskink ir rinirOon:j! forall iissitilVffivq..:(ti'itiss through = Hurl4,.:g i gory : . • It is .. ,r 4 4streirteir.tat if ori otiliii:4 4!ii . : : obtain this panyitt•' . theCvai yvil l I'l.*! Vienna peWtl_, -;i _ A - lissiat 4igtiient of toa d s ia43 - .' ;• been iiiileied:Aillie Baltic i POrrtk,es ' bi ' ::: the ISi..ef . 44:: ''. -..s'-' • . - :....r..--, , . ..:- _ ..._ .. ...... The' Riiiiiiiii" Vice'' Commander of St.. - ',... iiiiinpol 7 hAtki !'etishieriiii for not' ' % - entitig, Ilia , Etiglish - frigate-I . ltetributiatr from enteritiiihiltpoit. ;,,••-...-::',:-. • . • " '-' C6uht,OrliVitinteiview . with 'the Ear , ' ~ . a l: peror of Ati44lo.'iitta'brief end iinsitisfli- . j. • toil; '!'".l . ho.iielipie'' favor a western .idli• I.4''' --- • gr; Dell ;rho: Eiii,oish .engineef;iiiro • 4 wWeitiatirill. in the battle ot.Sinopes.i:inr. • 4 i.,, ,c), 4.- bOkid:RlT9riiiii....oiparner and- imp : Red- fl' at.:gelitil4C,ipiir.-:JititS b4iii' . etised.- ::- .-i. , ' , ' l- . ..','This'itussittii.hiiiiitiiiiii; = *c.. pro 1 i . 4, gratied:the . Oppliea:ll " :010 ,p11t...41ni - it., •co!"“itit.ip-acei . implere6g.. ckpf*fl9i, i-: ' .5..',.• . ..-4 , ..;',..., 1 - #4*t* 'ii , .-,,k., A iii i::,.: .: . : ... - ..F4a1if4i,440ki93 '. - - - 74.40)0#:: . iriiloii,.444olo/1E,:::: . lobitit4s4 , ''::: : , • ..., . ti 6: a itiOgifii'.ba#:'. 14Eig ., " ' . 4ltrilitlii*.- - -\ . - .1. f. -It itifiliiii:otiiiii:Ciipiit 0 .i.' ; , -4:a;' . ..' . :' , ' = .. -1, 1 4 , -.:,. .4--. i.. -,.. • :,-. ~.„,.,,,,, • fit. ': fii 3 4:r4ir ~„,.ritalr.tVt4' .-. TP . 8.415' ... ' I i . !*i)iiii = :rt!Pf)ooA.:**.".:" ?,-;''' i Aiiiiiia, will., x 4kiiiii .4 4llo c . " " • ,iit . • .... - Danube .b5 , 410' , Y11* yttfr,lpoßylii, ;gli, !mV..t7 Iptit to It de: - ......oifi•/**!..;:i!'::i.:*!.?4' , :::i':'-.Y..-, =. = ~ .. TT .. 4qte . .vrerecarrent;:ttvyy. ., e . PkiiiiVa I . eneigeinent in : r tliti t tla l,. • Ykkieln.:' --.. • • • "-.•0ti:1t.te551i , r.f,..f.,•,... r . :oificptv. the Ittiesian . fleet : vrttenty.o.y.Fu. ... ei 'This I l ioveverr.neade( l ..'cOnfr,OaVOtZ`• - •:. :-.... :,.. "A., p 9 rioil;nr 'tie TtirkiSfi l .44l(tafgotier to tgvFiiiikiitlii - Tti,rir posii,iir„illiirV ' . _ .., . ... ... ~ 000 ;Wu ll f 4 rained troo pa, "itich}4l A .. - . ..:.!..! :,.......: r ,_,...„....:.4.1, , c. .... f,. v , 1:- . 111,.. , ..... , , , i,..... , :....,117_, , s , ii , '. l . < 11 2,-, .. 14 .4;;V0 1 ..p.P! iV Y IT tilt L r !.iP,l.,:=.!'. I .'•?r !!" .., ...titrtite igen: ,= ...;,,' .;4'.. ,-..•-• ---- :: - .2 ,- ,.•'‘. - -. , .: - ? -7 7' -- : -- ... S'e - wi.:±74l-iiiiiiir,'llitlklististeinieira - Aiger t• :beep engage&m.exami ing . sou nd ings i. ..)iHt: ttin'iti..ti.t.rit ifiiti)i al t lc:: -.-:-- -•--- 1A i ;.. . T.• • ': Alti.tiiiiii4:ll.44tC! 'ave . ...iotr_ttei to -- . their .former unchain in. t' - : - .Ristpol, * - .F . I;ttinsitlg-rnueh astonish as tonishment - #lO4 I . lr It , V: ;00:ien known.: - -..-., .;- -.1,1 , 1; • ~i.... f-,.,, , ... 1, - 1 : ;-': .- Ciil. Dein; 'who viliV! " Tit'br... , :;6;i ~..:-:, d .. iiiV:initient , to: , ..rell:o#; Tlhei l- 1;':! . .?•': • '';,.,°' if the . pf . iiik!sii' ai4t.t . s4*.tb* -I :kazia 0 naii4o:it af-tiatibro , #7 - , - ; iliithi4u, i . 4 '; itt'efeai.Ar - li - . - T ., fik:t.. 'ef'btii .salAi:' , .* 3 ViTiii:giiiii4id‘ficiiinow,:. • ivalry.• •• •• 1.-', , • t s 1444-i4.:11'141141,2*it ".'` 'a:4lllva - ~ alikk two ': tliiii cO. i•Oiiii, - fulitiie ii general. eondi - --.- Itnii hied eitringtlilU:tiii',Tarkiidi-4,aitt! •, i . for . - - .. c.i . .. • . - , ::: ,:,7 -: - I - ---,„..,.-..,, ,: - : , .::- 2 ,!,.: , : :-. - ;5 -, -- , .: - . iferi f ':.".1 - ; ' 1 ::: -1 : \ :•7!'• < - f iwzrit*...p... , ..; r . -: T - iliti'.-lernper, of ' thig. 2 , 1,4" '.. against Russia is fit..,:k.'„ '• - '', .'' ' ', l' 2 • '''' , : ::` S -4 .',.. .*1ii4i 3 C . :5 1 ,r,.* ,4 ,f;:i: 4/ 4 The 'at ettlit&igiovo*... ~,.,. iit ., .•tyjolit.) inft**tifil;tigpi ..: . 0:-. ; ",-- t a_k..i-44,14 , -f,"7 ,- ` , l- - ;i: '.... - tt r tP6 •,,' .. : ... 1 .7:41:01ifiii":" - ",-. , • - ' , " , iii=4;;_'*"l"l"4•if i , • '"olitt : Quip klitbilt licil r. 7 . 1. !!.; feklii:•' - fttiiii*andati . .aCtlivaiii. •_' .- ';'. C.- - .PRO "iiii4iiitaittb6en pub .,' 144 1 iiiiiuglii*tiSiiiiiii ''' iiiiit - tbeilopi r • "fittt.frel !t!tiggilusiio*ctiiettio_is,-, growing ~,:": , A ...4t;i, " : 4*{.3, - Il*.i•- ,, ' • 'iVoi:o4"::i'":zi , j.? ' ''''' . i.ii , -:1 • i .• :0 ' . l..ii i i • liiiif i fillimughout iiiiiiiiih . 4: ''';', Ilia an nntbrelli. ia-tho't toiliattimi .. . 7 . . 1 ~ .i.,...,... 1 „-_, -,... ...,...4:. ril t01,,:i1.00.0,,u:Fai 4 *• , ,iiiteOitiii , 4l4.l.tia"lalisui 36 4.fitfirri' - •i - ' avki44-a.itifriii-iivit,'..sam•-docrm I!.° P giiiiiar.Yforead ,- ; - itaiiiocy , tat tqeA?_litto ••:,:i• tin*inry bonds, ' , • 1 . \-_-.--,--,',e!.x!. . c importance nito!ty ,r. . . !h. 6 - ProPikse.4 • romise::. ? !..Us: , • - ions. I f xen ! he' riof 'l;i3'occulia#n positionlritil vinlation'Of a ,ndicatin Ara ir foot alltSile : posed to l tntl-... 1 d-,,0f Sla - cry.: ';-) -, :.:. ... . 1 : ...• -,..... ./..-';.-, :iationi... -,:-,.: he deg - Chi= ress l s*. 4 ? •i!-ii! Ittekica.4.in lit ; ' ...*(all.iitteu4 1 I : . .toweii ; l3;s‘aci. : 11PriPki 1 . n ieditsga.::.4 .be I :ofthe. V'l ele . n'.iliktebtitt :lid mptfi39l:-. lte i ilieloll • !' . .,•,,..q....:'.:•i y 2 1... ,... _ • , ;A i ii.. , .. 1 •.'.' - ;-.:', 1 ,'. , .: . . - .,.: ~,. • ponder: - ItOt'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers