i==M=g===== . From th e 14111410*mmawed. •'. PhlladelpidkAndil mut". :• , Butettitto)*,:Feb. Ith, 1854' . 1.- , - ' -c;--1--- -.: .:.. ,: -'I ! Mr, Editor 'l l 4.My ! atleirnin :swan acci , dentallsAra m toi,..4he--proor Mr 0 a Ineetilakit ibe x Sio;Okhnhiera:.g ,Ole ~( 0-tii Pennsibitnialtai*&Ctiiripany,' held . ne Philadelphia 7 4iitt. ' bth, :113bC:= .At 'the Meeting !. o n motion of, the Prtniticut r ot' • Wild ICoterittei,'tiiio . - supplements te - itn 'Act entitledt..an Aet.' tii . tncorporate the Philadelphia,- Eastim & Water-Gap Rail ;Woad- Conneany,-*(passed in-1853) were atiopteti. I lhen„a ikir, .arrittel M. Mer trick ltaTing . yii eSii..fixed 00 Wit+ly, 7 en She "tbeline of e Nevi York'nnd.Erie :Rail " R 9 44,, 0 ircr0, a series: of ResolutionS, at }t, being the - chief Speaker - on 'die OcCasio , , undertook tit enlighten the Philadelphiani Avi!enililact, he threw a veil of darknes 'oetal:his iminediree and: .tnt :interests :of ' • the'peaple of gbiladelphia: - ' '," %, . Wai this' Idtr. Merrick ignorant of the sicti.that - a Rail. Read is now ..c.ompleted and iduecessful op6ratinn from Sofa u toni•Pennsvlr.ailia, and.'• the rich anthrac ite Coal-fields there(lucateci,' , to Bingham' too,—the .. , central!, and ,Inost- importan ' . ,'et.; ott: the:, New York :k:- , Erie lie' . di - =Was he ignorant. of- the fac -'that tho torantou :Rail Road Company a , now 'extending o their Road to ts e Wat Gap, on • the Delaware,-which .exten'aio I 1 %will qbet Coleted- the' coining season.; r •-• • '' !Nal; this Mr. , •Merrick ignorant of , the - fact. that Pennsylvania had but to extend, her, Rair.R6ad . fr:on! Easton, to the 'W.titet ; Gap (less I believe. than 30 miles) •and by thus - .making tiiis'sbort,- link, it- - would ripen. a dired • communication:- by Rail :.Road: from Philadelphia .to Easton, the . -Water-Gitp-Saranton„tO oPeningtbareby a coMmubication y Rail Road from filingbamten to . Philadelphia. almost, if not (pith as near as the distance from Binghamton by-way,ofihe - W..Y, - Erie Railroad, to the tity-,of NeW.Yoikl Wait Mr.' , Mertickignoriat of the , filet that 7 1lingliainton has a population -of __Over 90 1 00: inhabitants,T(whereaa Waver alluded . to by Mr. Merrick with "so much interest, has, a_ population of frpni 1000. to 1500. only—ana having-410 al - Railroad - leadiug ; to that; Bingham - ton is the i&rniuus of ilits.Chenango -pal—running to the _City of; Utica, on Iv Which_Canal-tbS e•crantoti 11..3r. Coal Co., haye, fortivo‘seasons past, transpor led totbe Northern part of. our State, -immense quantities of COO ;Was he *- vibrant of the fact, that 4, Rail • Roacl is now-being. constructed. 'and almost - ready for,tho iron roil,lrom Binghamtop to the -,; "City of Syaciise,, and the dity Of Oswe- , go on Lake :Ontario? ..That' : a.rl9 her -, • Rail . Road" frOtnlthe .eity of:Alban to l i d Bingharmtoo is now onder contract, a .in ,: - progress of construction 7 .That. als , a : .hail Road C0...,.h0s been formad-4ar-the :purpose of maltinga"Road, from the City : of Utica, through the [VII, Talk.* i of, the Chonango River, to:Binghamton, and-that ;.the Directors of, Said Company are now about ready to put the, - Road under con- . tract.? - - . ' ' - ..Was this'. Mr. 11,Ierrick ignorant .of the fact, that Philadelpha". could yeaoli :the . Oxide of the interiorTof New , York iq , Abe Canadalv.thrOngh the .osWegn,'Syra ', euse- & ,Binghamton, _and the Utica & Oinghamtori, Scranton St . Philadelphia Rail Roads (as will,"be seen , by reference to the Maps of . Pennsylvania and N. Y.). much nearer, - easier,, and with less 'ex .. p'ense,, than by any possiblbline of Rail - ,'Road throhgh_PO., to WnierlyY , Is this -- Mr. Merrick ignpront of,the fact, that by Philadelphia connecting 'herself thus wit 7 h "Biligbairdon, *I e could . compete sticesi folly, - ith :the City O . New York fur a: `Norticy. ; ''large p ortion P the t roe brtheWest'ood N ; will the Philidelphions lose sight 'of v 'tliti.important foci,:f repeat, -that they have but to Make a short Jirie of : . Rail ''Road froin : Easton', ,tb the:Witen:paP, Iless than 34 Miles) to i*ptectibiely, reap all - iliti 3 Odslanta&es; above :.set..fOrtlil Will they barb their-aire4tioil` drawn oil! *to a prOject:mi4Oly in embryo,.-4o project liirhi - 0 will lead, theni over, high aunimits ,frointaitoo to theSOsqUebanna tolley.. then:following the,RiVerin its Mani :wind ings ' and 'turnings, arinnicrlito AVareily, a cogiParatively b m wort ant poiticon 'the, :NeW" Ycirk - -& Erie -.tail .Rpaa;-' 7 -a dis itino lint& further in Philadelphia than troaißinghainton io Pliiiidelphio,as above - 'kited 7; Let, the Philadelphians-under-, stand." that with - the 'Rail Ro'ad Connec-• :ion wi' • , Bingbarnton, which 'We 'nava-. eate.=-ooi'lilterests; 'far- :trade- is.. concerned; wnabisoiin be as much idenl . tifiedwith Philadelphia as'tbedity Of N. Y. tet.,.Philicielphia usdnistana, that by - COninction thus : with ` .Diatian2C4ao.".an . tanense smolt* '•ofl..travel (now; tsking othei'diiections) wayla:trod 'its" way ihro'• '• the ititiiinV'of•Penns'ybrania to . Philadel4 - bitiei Of the Sottih: Ho! t.abin,forptihdelphiaTauxi ,Bingbamton - • " . . -The: Witt' Telegraph ~..., , -,- The Telegraph bring the report - Of tte - fii: nal tdeciAn - Of the great; "and long pending ease of Morse .se t .: p'fleilky t to:teat - the 'wall& :iii, orj.4: T espectit:e. patents.;. The dedsion fwas, rendered by the U. S. Supreme cierrr4 1 ) 1 '. in. W . "ngton. The decision ; : sustains Mr ,Monin'e: lefin As ,to , - the first' discovery nod ,oppliOat = of.: bis mode 0:, e c vi e eau:ld i ot% 'and "des Ant it is valid. ,But it also de: Cldes.thailltr.Morse's Stit specification clahns ' mere iben-bo 4i-waif - ea, which ' l enders that -: invalid. , I This ,egablishitte, 'the yight of the ~ Bain; nouse,and other •modesi and zestricla liforae - to,the-„itie of his Oirn,. mode, 'The. • contest: ntYr.enn. these gentlemen.' in which a vast amountof,propertyWas at.stake, and in ' which it WM - tO be decided : whetherone-mat should enjoy the monqvly, of all the tele „,, , graph lines in ; tile 'United States, has excited very_geeertd interest. ;The decision-is ,bail- - :. 4.,,, 1 one .oa,t, will .tOnefit i . not only en: -01- P9, l4 .44gonillanYiktg4,l eventually th e *h o l e _,,.., pM,ple,!_lt.liiltp,,,have atendency,.ulthruite ': ly.to rid** thePriee of ton/snottily ; eoni, mutticitiow,:and, wo r k it benefit- to the peci. : , Pl,..7Pagi- •- I .4:leter- ,.. -- '' -. .• --•' : ' - ° Siti vir 'ilia Pitiimo: XV:oßks.,..ln itt • ' may her_eitarded As ,e lest question on .°°' Oil subilet;in,the Senate., was raised. on; ':iilie'l4is - ,rnikt.. - 0 'a impilsill , : to refet* s - 1 'Vouch `iif % the Goier,lioi!,a °A.re.iogo As hoes to it to a seled "coiniuittee. - • " ..; The in4toß. carne .T ,L,l tbrAe,rnajorit - 4 41#4*i4.cpcT t sta, young - foivit.,4ii: : Hi. itit_ek,a,Pe!.ks.l4l/lexpah,ofroiii.tio ... ; 4 4 ,* ll ' l l 2 ll' :9 1 :::1 11141 ,'ChRiPP;'), ) ficlistriet. -... This ~•, 1,47.-c,yrk.litigli74B;;A-n/OoritYS",•l:he.• I, : r !'"..! le iSePt4C4trovidtelt,'. l3lll -'l 4 ° •t0t.1.4. 4fllettultiiVeeiht fu med. '• •,,.' ''tV!it ' e s,#lgth of the measure: in the il e -11.0400 43 6l own = 4Blt- Ahem .lis rut'? ~.rijiai349 Ito C3r its passage ,tl _te r ve; in ,::..4lie ruc l e at lar ge democratic Int4crity , I wad the hostile views of the Goiernor WA 145...' ': _ The year- ; ; tierinittetl to rot:nolo . !! two 3riare. gionalwiththe publislier, till 2.11 : : • ter:* nspiration aulxlcripti uns/th4l lOner:tha iDulcontinuinices.or ii4iirresuakes are u lit*res a Oie equate, one imp 1 . - • 1 each sul rig? .ADVcitTuuNo. • • y • I neat week : 1 :2 50 nnum paper .. -300 made_toymirli.ndvertmers. tines*. Carde•pet discoutil . . .. . . ige': Deolhied: in class cif our sulscri*s , ii to 'swop off,' at Any . time: 4' h at Many of them; : we is ,iThei are droll pebple dlexisting in 'a civilized y seem to' have .no idea, 'Otis of property—or the m 9 4. m and tuum. 'The hi ;wilderness, who sliarcs . ailiered with a neighboar' l en to him; might instruct.- eh'of political economy.,,, . . , • e have sent the Register ly. two years. , T.hey. !Ace Pcistoffice. - rreekly. They ' '.and chihlreti read it, - raild ', Patron ! : - There is an cer aL vre are vrillin _ here are not a g ere *Are. none. ottalk to be fo* . 'I rn nutntv. !Th 1s uteverin erf thcs ti netioril betty tes.t, savage, of fruits he has o has before.. m tA this bra .To t fete men' gala ly Sot. ne horn from the ad it theiryivirti ... . . tlien-O e, number .. eeornes 'a pattern for.DA- '-' bb's roundabout, another wraps up &bun. die . tic.. ' yarlys' against_ time of sicknes s, anoth4r still 'if` high in 'the viorld.ai part' and .pktel of a y ungs' ter's kite, or flashes out , bri , rlitly,. for a m pieta, as a fire;.kindler,- or is put to whale 'et. use is requisite._ to t the 'ilkifillt ant of its astiny.. .I.lere these 4Or it . thy pa. 'tons sem . content to let the matter! end. : ` Possibly t ey - eonskifr ts slightly in debt . ' to ;them .f r the'notieofhey Gaye iak , en pi us in rea ing . .our paper; but they don't' ntend tio be mean, and will not set that e down gain , sttti . si l , . I ; .., , .. No o ,A hat wd were - goinrr to say • is, that ??ssib y . we. may notr - look-,attMs matter; in thesa ne, -light tlat these indiiduals da,for,: astoni liiiig as it maY seem in themi'weiresdly -think' hit they aid_indel;tid,io us ! dio Sav: ' il • b ' • .'- 12 a nd ..- aim ' ei. v owe us - etween t ree an our . ars,. .. ,U • . State?, Currency, :which- they, . ek _in' bound to , fork over: ..I.f, they think vise, t i hey will readily perceive: t the ;fir c. not be a true ciponent o their . pies; and they will therefore pr bably 'u 'it as due to consistency - tha they 14 their patronage to som other iI, friends;•ii You mint go so be Uot'be'false to otir cony , • sake Of your tpatrenagi luvert-,-y9u to ,bzir faith; o E. houtd..be ;glad;- other ...We must,pfat company,: can be filled with tho! - on this important questi all' * uoiloso Much by •tl Stsfr: vther Regis przncl" conce hoo]. RIP • fer the uld col fines tl'a s 'i if:).o •tree-tiitk. ,' : ' : JN, braska Meeting: . The'liriciford county papers of last ioontainett 14all for a meeting to be . h thatourt Flouse in o Towanda,n 'l'l ,evening theil4th inst, to protest loth vt'Qlation of the SliFseuriCompromi call is signed - by 'David Wihnot and Williston, hl ythalitora , 'or both l h papers . ~ e - nonniy, and . t'Y In°r three hundred nther citizens, aititOut . - :All lotto to Bradford, * *, hose pecip ilia - ye aroused id sense of the dagger : an d 4e a•' i i datiau,thit. Ilreatg Ok llo 4 4 ind 0 , UPi°°- . -Similar meetings should be heid - ,at od e _ iti;. every. county in every State drog. t - the.. 'North; that' thattaitors to'Preed6M . ho • in=: tend to support the iniquitous Nehr ka,hill ' though -no foiling rnf •hnnor or ,Pa :. alin ;co* keel') themin the path "Of -,aut , ,may. 'yetlse made to at th e . .vojeJ , l 'of :an ‘lii ' diei;tili people . ; ' .• ' ' ' ' ''' ' 1 :. StallnOt the :46ci4 ' suiii'liebilina):00 :. be heard on the: •side.c.t.Fiettlous i. 7 Thal ties. ofl eparty'esin ;scarcely bind= any tongue to silence, I at`a tithe, like this. - . • '-' 0 ; - '.l -liforcousey's PiciutitxLlTEars. ' ineol I.be'osriing of Barnines -- Pletoili i!xo'bug, in 6 * li°l A• Pi l t9 h . al , thi4uOic 2 o 6 * aew , e 4 4ceekki - hiso beea .43 0 i/ nieliO4; •in New York by Alexander liontgonsery, , who bas larval) , toixinie liip•Avn the publisher of the' Illustrated 'Ma azine of Art, lbe / POpplao,Edneon, r. valuable ',..T•eiiodieils: "Pietor6l- bidet fair to be a nioris,:dai*erons ri to GrlewiOlt" ;alt. Banlanfs r. only;half, 11e;,pFy* Oro l pison'st. , afixi yery - meA, got One `dollar . 11,1mit -per annum. P biiabbilyA;Montgoroery; 11 Sprnee stpe ;Wewlorlc; ' . , • . t ' reiti Sen-' Tki 7' ih.iiileirk D6T)4- ' •,, i v Tom" ---- -2-- - ' -, i. .reitePP• r . ' .. i i' s . SPU 'it little a cowl-- i p 'ifoi na l • '_P dui pill-glig ' ...Ku' htlit IA - ogenit—Or.l 41 act -18 'i k De - - send %oast' ing _ ii i -1 ter.-- . 616. are ii __ Ai d , 1 - "-ato vr .,. I ._a • - - therstnPe'l •IL ~ - - ft• snow ~1 .-..,,t-- , i-,:. 1 by p.O ~ gan°--. .1841tOcet° ...P ,1 -inv -4 roes : 'I'?.. • -(l4;ri,,but ~! - ..,• ti!-. q••-- bli P-e*Ye4r4P tory- ' 1 4 0 arising __. ‘ bei e < ol - ° f . 'l t 9rga and thetibp' ogr 3 l ,- . - - - iiti ca l sins , ~ fdposof OFirl° ,y i i h. , ti, lib pa ) : l 3s:' .. - ' ' ' '''neland-'11111 ! 143 %' 7 1co tif'lt sco - 4 ong ). ea *idtlilg , '" d:,W rii4,e- twit -'llo,giltrll-."' , 7 ;,, 3 11-,-- - - °their., ~ -; .J - . 1 ... • -' .on ',bit4lll ' ,F ; ..- $ !,1! lOr 'n -..-. .. • •I.'' -'' Iffiss. ' ''''. '' ' 'ic 04-.. 11" I.'-• lie.4oeunieliP)*°"k'' ;v,* and'Pli4L--.olb ' . Wirristirg4 Meethg arm':trapezia OF StlentrElliffOlillirar. 1a44 of rge assem age me a ,13.„ United Stales Hotel' in Susgitiihniiut De - potifinAt+day evening, Jain;yiliith;,lBZ, 54.1 i Thtmreting was organildby4iecitingl Item;,:fiskr, President of . the .414 dinde .ItobertNicol and I. C. York Vice Presidents. Themeeting being thoa-argatlia§d: its abie,ct: r-$i5P6!,•17,9 11 5 - M,Adekilown. by reading the, folhiwing • theinidensig i nek residents of the_ 13e, roug'h ofiStisleehanynsj)epot; a• large imm-i her of whorn, this -day;!have -been served- With- a summeps, of ~ ejectment - .from our,' homes;in favor`of Dalld Taylor,of Harmony township :. Mid: believing. the aid to he unjust 45. against ouiseliei; , and More partic't nlarly the Ilew-YorklErie.Railroid Core', pany, from Which source `we derive our. subi: sistenee, wiliereby r4olve to - meet_ at the Hall of the!Aluited . States Hotel." in . thii place,. on Saturday evening next.; and there confer and expreti Our, sentimenta in regard to the above snit: Dated --Suiquehanna liepot, - Jariuiry 23d; 1854, and signed by. over 200. names.. A. letter . from- A. Ward,- ras then read, informing . , meeting , that. his duties at Court would prevent Lis presence at the meeting. Ind 14 ins wer* i invitation sent him, he sent a statement_ giving 'a brief history'relative to the meaner the larOs were willed .b 3 .31arrnaduke Salisbury : tolliS son, Joel Sabsbury, and 'the deed from Joel to thd York :& - .Erie Railroad -CoMpany, and - the pretended claims to heirship which had been set" up - ; al' o the - mati- Uer , ia Whieh:the Prekent . plaiinant had under taken to establish-his'claiin. Several • persoil . .prtisent were-then cal led upon, stlin addressed the meeting with much zeal, and . were r6panded to with hearty tip- Pause. :After Which, rriM Coitteeyeensist i I - I consist ing - of It. .II: ne,_RObert Wall:Lee, - Ward Carlisle, Ilejrry Perrino - • and 'William appointed to draft resolutions ex pressive of the sentiment of the meeting.—•— After a brietalisenee, the Comtnite report 'ea 14 : - - . -.- Whereas, :David Taylor; Martin Newman, and William Wicks liaie, in our opinion, in ritiunworthy. manner, deemed proper to tra vers, the western *wilds -to seek or, ferret out it , supposeti heir to' cert ain lands purchased in god faith by-the New, York Erie Rail iird -company of Joel § a lisbury, at this time in psssession thii.tiernbers of thiS.ineet 'ing, In. order to extort, as we believe; money . from. tna Said Ne*:-York di=Erie Railroad ecitniminy, it, is therefore , - .-Rosolvedi - that we look with. indignation irnd (unmitigated - contempt: upon the trans actiens _of these men, feeling that an attempt , `,of tile 'above nature is najast and unbecom ing the name of man. r • Resolved, That we as- a hody, will ever Ourslelves itvreadinem, if in our power, to aid york & Erie. Railroad Coal . - - pany in substantiating their rights, in a legal mainer,io said property, and to:the carne uutnoleiiteil by 'such persons as those : who now attempt to.defend them.- __Resolved, That conscious of the.r`cetitude of our purpose, ive deem - it .a lileaSure; to Make known the doings of, such men. as the' above named.- ' - - . . The here adapted:.:On m.o. ti?ns, If i .. this tion it was ;'resolved, 'nit the thanks of this Meet - inn.: be' 'tendered' to . t".` A'. Ward for the in- , 63rtuatiori furnished us concerning ;those - - • - Rwolyed, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the-yonfrosePem -iicrat, and Snsquehanna Register. ' [Signe& by the Officers.] who.< n, we - ; .The; Washingtoa correspondent of the Slorth - Anieriean, in writing of the Nebrns its bill, .taakes thaulluwing.queries - and re- , meek eld "at esday st. the - The .1 Where, by the Way; is - r Our Senator Coop er it this time 'I Why is he not in his seat ? . .tiFelY heOught - to be preent: et such a time es .this:: Senator BrOdheid is • fur. the bill.- He says' . Pennsylvania cares -nothing about this question' and is 'perfectly . willing-1114 slavery should -; go 'into Nebraska, or any where eise-itpleases: How iS this I Are,. the Friends' of Pennsylvania really i ndiffe re n LI ! in such i n case as this ?I- do not , believe it..! `They are •not . .pi:•liticians; , 'but they are phil-.1 anthropistsAnd I believe ivili Mark withtheiri lasing indigtation - . the man .who use their! for '; the un n ecessary, ' uncalled for eitensimi of the area of. slavery,, in terriiory) 1(0544 to the . 'exchtsire , Prisdiction "of Con-'j 'cress. ' lio* is - it With the farmers of Penn-il, sylvania whose sons look - to the new lands of .. -tbe great.west'for their: future fortuw and fi l homes 1 .; ' : Are the ready to esta'blisb,, in Ad , : vaticeAhe'coMpetition Of] slavelabor, witg all itii degrading' influences I; . I :do not be 4 - Revolt.- Their silenee 'springs not:from apail - the,whateVer-elsemay be the cause. But if . tfey limit(' not dedicate the vast regions of 'Kensai:lind 'Nebraska to -the gloomy, del, oraliiing-endenervating influences - of:. negr . slavery, they -*ill 'nei4ltO,giye'iqstint expreSt :sib! of - their sentiments by means - of 1 publi meetings and rem onstrances asiastthe re' 'peal of thiMiss6nri Compromise ." They ai._ in.datiger cif -bei n g betriyed by .- the vote, o dne'to - wbOm'they have aright to look fo -Il i a - vote of a freeman; representing a freedoni lovinCeiinstitueney. , r- -, •1" - oracf ;41itical: I ~.t T N ,18IlOCt- .. tarilio dWellinghouse owned by WidoW i "Wilson, and oCengio by, Mr. Samuel Gann' , in,Franklin' township ;was - consumedly fir ,04:1'010:sdairl gm. Dq! rnii, - apthe'r withal'', :Contents, : including io,busbela of Grain an between' 20 and 30 : dollars in Money. , _ 'b e- origin "o( the fire it , pot, known...! , ja , "-Aktvitnr- fcir' ihcmee Niho.are so: .re,taia thew libertieip their t - fatke4 ifouthttlfor :" itiroicecl, That it be 'recommended to 1141 es-evil Legislatures .the U. S.' ill) me- Ail!teitto p aste r l vs the most . efTeetuil for p?tting an imiriedidte stop to'- he pernicious Part fi leff-of dis O lkiiik;" by -which - the most ex likqy dtaisodk' not :',olielity'prerietedl4:44ria/ of trTtin:speielvoCriroman &nit of: CounAir the,-V. - 8.-:Seuatermi;:Fsidtiy.' on 116 Nebrask* bill,' adds, ;istiotlnit-,distin ituishing: mirk -tinu4by the ;i3inittslamily tnthe oUtfier ninjonal tbiewiater. is !the Most Wi11i..., witty, • ifatiiieal, end . .eaufaicwipeedlC yetis made; Mi, , Everett4it,,is right to the pint, and nob Ody will mistake It. News and Nino aei) 'batmen con 1 TT - -411Cleu ..,..., . isterioien:- ; iMa; :.)- ~ 1 . t--ln," , Boatnntectil if ten dall and Acinri aireiree'dollars per I i ',L=Sehtoi ennperis stroll A f a n'aiefie theldissouii, 1 1 r • •••—* The Erie i inters hare- of ellief obi ct—ilie locatitm Of at Erie. -•- i •- : . —:•Th Elmira RePublica 1.9th,-gireS the populatien of city, a5,§,631. S. Dickinson's brgan, - is ou the. Nebraska- - the whnle United St `ritories there are 284 Colleg ,teachersi and 27,154 the recent consoliiia - whble county of Philadelphi in Ake etirperata limits of thi =The - experiment of n t glss at :ChOldre,J . Berkshir Is said-tote quitpbuccessfui • . • = l .llrs.'Partingtnn says tl 'so 'fast, tbet:e isn't the I "Milptinge to making'breat ThPrprtland f Adrerti a genet al suppoSition_that giyeu to the popi are re-cor . —lt hai been satisfactori that ducks enter the water sons, and vorne Out for sun Punch _ defines a: cou place where 4-penny's.wor purchased*ith a shilling's . T.hc Sen at e of Penn: vote ofig.tols, has refuse filutions - protesting against bill. -.• One -million two hued thousand letters passed tlir; York city POst office on S nry 2lst.- • '; .- -It .has been proved tit, ...i . .- . ofthe..pOor-rat es, ~ in some towns• in eOtlaOil . .barm b inteMperae. rl• I ' * ' ...... Fern -to tlie passat l Law:-., the yearly . poor: tax +1 Fair old, .Me... was .$l.OOl pass. ge $300.: t has been discorere wish, lfully or imperfectly into - beds, are deadly lo 'p 'lungs sleepiUg upon them. pews_ —The late e from the success of the rebels ": 411 littemiiti of the impe l take Shanghai ~have entire —The Plough; the LOo7" , for Febriary contains a g tnterestmg articles, as is *Bictilient publication; . -'l'lle:•ntialher of stud, ntali dance upon the lectures, at thd fottr:raedi• Cal colleges of -,Philadelp la, Is lietween thirteen and ftittrieeit ho dreg.. F• the tree of -k e,7 ex :Clnimcd yeung student . ho :w.sittrug 'Ong to climb some / of the itrreptal . branches,.l why hadn't .A ark-axer --r-Durint-the past- %re r the e were: eficted in Washington ci y; 55G -houses, !i22,shops,,and - ,51 additions Of the d wet lings 216 Were of hack,- a d 34.0t,f Wood: . • ---ThoLegi'slatureof .1k sine hasOlect: ed Hoit W P - .Tessenden (Whiff) astlni; texl . 'Siates.`Senattir, to uccr J. W. .Brady 'whose term'e - . last nary, U• • •—t• i • .. i —Miss. N Susan ppur Russians have an avail resting'on ilium fur killinv ry - Turk Who is killed Widowtt, . • —The most stupendo world is . oun in' China, -w tivo thousand - tnile.s, and' les . : It was commenced turn_ - =They are .abmit• in merican railroad car int • admitted to be, in every to,the cars now in coax English railvvaj,s. ;---They had a hiby , Mass.,. on Wedneaday e ,eight specimens were prernium:of three Jolla Mr. Hardeker. —The New York- Se .resolutions opposing th The vote on the resolu and they were carried b presiding - tifficer.. • Thirty-three tons o Philadelphia recently; Orleans Ont. It recitii i l six cars to convey it - . rio • - ---In Warren county tions of the'upper part potatoes .are selling fo , per bushel; In New Y. ed at - 83,50 per bairel. - understood - t 1 nut by 'the" Arabia; 'fn i return .horne- Briiish Sillps4X-Wari on Weit"ltulies and the T , dint -of. twenty tlunnia ;the Newgricans. Italie,: damages:sustained in Ili band, who was .killed the road ; in question:.. ) „_ -=itriacong 'the petitt !ented to this. Pennayl . 1 Was one iigned by a of 4ucks county; ongb praying for. tbe - po:fAtg , ..Liquor • were I; twenty-nine years, afte Was over in this conntr =Waists, riere'neither last Of: those who bel _ ', art e - . eiglity-eigj , soir,eritt fi`yo:.bare arga , societie4; `and held. fltii 1 fri.r. ,31re.edie .th n Stite to ilia n :Uiill).u_.,- . .6tatoi, 6,'cionteeli' bait) • - --ThiLlDetooiratic mittesiat !Tammany-11 ed respiutip,n# fully pn im - sk to epeat . the , iss. f This r,;is . item li T.lll groan 'that . tbo.cointo I by.ofkee-13MderttrAorh , chief . titl...or- man 4:ti gee, . '1 —When, We r,ceeljeet that - -Ver . "moth- eir has children ,cir,,,,,,..rishig. l eiaiii, , it - iii: :!iniagte. - f - prioricittri,4 l ii) ,.... ketitiokom , tirdmkryitieti came f •ni w. 6 oit*but `pa‘lusi in eor t eq - att7 hrebk:' t'':' .. 4 .,i flf 1:`; _4 , era ~ ~.trr-,- 4 4: —4 4*...treatiiNaP!es: a et that: another *x,ifint tOir,fillaiii,;:,_- ? ' , 4i#:nieri-; :6#3; OT.graPTeeciiiiiidijOliii.,i,. - 1 - 0 - et‘on Aie.rncf.. and '§4frai4:7,ilt is- ' 40' ' Kitit - does 6ot 'resemblifllerealana t,,:lic . P o o l :, peii in any respect.,:= - _ ,- ,• , - i • ~..,-. ` ,•• . -,,—„The. Bratt)e i boro, . • • ',-1, ;chronicles the 'death of Miss 'Louisa . • tt;'4li6iliiii just commenced her 'one _4 i ndeeith t ert i i of school teaching. .ilaren ,s, 'clinar . 66,:" and in'siricinatancesirand ' l hildr,en,Llid passed successively 'udder h , r cre. t ' - , --:The.Crystal Pal to ..p oves, ..n. total failure. - Ou examiaa ion in e :til a condi.: tirin of the 'company, tis h niu . ll that this' Capital stock 'and all the re 4tipta Of. 01- 9 company, have been. Spent; leavneit - :in debt t ot) thetimbunt of $l2O, i' 06: i - .. — 7 The Sitnelay Pm:: give t s a list , of the 'loather' of members in, the R"enasylrania arepe; • rrel. 7 PP ' *ro ,tattled he "b •or.of ter -1651 tes aking Cd., ito Ilse of Represonta.tives theAilTerent professions and litnong therolis one styled,' Can any one tell' : us. itrito is mati" of the House l at Nur rises east offied of . ~...„ • ~., ;).., ~. _ ==..c.a. Benton Is reporte 'to Inave'saut .. ,i,, to a friend, while', onversn g'on tbe-,No fit ahka question, .. Litile : l)out,: (Doug-, i lati,) sir, is dead, si ; 'little DOn is alit imilly dead,sir:' .1 be 'fail to carry his bill:the Sou_th: Will kick hiiii in tile'rear, sir;and if . he .doeCirri - It t o'Nortb will heat his-brain out,‘Sirj" -,--`• - There is an +aordinaf; for whiskey , in so e parts i bf present. bi Gah ay, two 14tge les [cannot fUrnish he requisite t • . ys I I • ; •• i • ..° or sat -is )ras '4l wood /4 above. 1' - !. - i l y aaee ,tainel air divirs reat dry motives. a ) rhouse as ‘ 1' of ja 'ace 4 yorrh . of lar:. -ylvani ,;by to p s rei.• the Nebraska an4 . ,a COrk paper states that fleas` is becoming daily more in the South, - -atni that. the iT Nit e Nelie Janu- movement h be r come -ati l sut everytir,bt:ro. I lea 1111 • ugh tl i ; turtla Tribune' publiyh4 a qrawn up liy . Daniel WeWei; quest; orOilizens- of Massa'Otitis vain of the 'coal pro I . thiit'mpakite was under AriOctie • Milord ceased- to bel a .1, i t:nine tenths -of 4h larie en ea sed by eof th 141 e f the t' Fyn f Attei: the .athers nd qt f we k wlio glori'eil in liim'as thetren . ' • —The National rntelligene, Uniottare gettipg into the' Ne cussiun in earnest: ' The i for copies four or . fire :editnrals tinlOn of as - many .differetit most effectually answer its, 4 1 gu rn cnik fur the .ccintempl4tE !• , , that !cured - i rsOns t IffE9 - . ----Gen. Houiton in his,lectu e at Provi &nice - on Tuesday evening sai 4 ~ - -"".,.F rom, early ..boyhdod I have lived ',o tile-.bor ders of civilization,and have,, seen much of Indian life and , character ; and- fiever knew ini.indian trpatY",violat ill but ligiat When titled to its boporn: it ivadoUnd that the first ,'Violators - Ayer - . te'•*Att. n t . L .7.P . , • '--The Elie tioubles - app - ea.r to, have ceased with 'llie presence of,Aftd Gov ernor,-who has taken posse*icat'.oNlte . Franklin. Canal Rtiad- - in ti e.. name .of the State.. . The two roads:a n. tiroi.v Te paired,.but are. not, allowed to . ,oonneci, running to opposite sides. of . plat fortri.. I , .tegt,itintiorsie Pro pOt?laingtor itt itulitulLiio- Settlement of Ole"whole-diffic it'y... 4 - - ortair.f ' to re ialists' , sank' eat. ,suai !e rioty J ,!£ ith -that . The-NowL-- York Ileraid . ": . ayS-74 1 . - Nte. . are. i nfr - oMed .• It bat:•. ne - ;less:- than ..-`elev en vessels are fittin g out tnai • &rent ports . : of Cuba fovlhe 0 'east. ,of :., A fiii;,: - I he'oii . ; Sect being - to: lead.' . 'and: - reterii:'.lVith . A9-: • grOes ;, also that 'seven • veseis haVe •a4ll,ed - .' ‘iiit bin - six . Or?eight -Vreekifteiri - BaltiniOre i :r„ •-.BOSicin; 'and 'Near 'Yeik . .rivithil l khe direct" intention iiitentithi:Of beirig•ei4lOYed•,'ps'iliVeri.. - • !. -John Vin BorenaS op4nlyi.repedt7 , • eted.Presi A dent.l 3 ierce uoa '.:OIL-lits'viorli.-- -. It is stated thai bp. hits vvyittettleirmt.ualT friends of the President - 41 i a - -'14iiii!5p1t,..2,,467:: Mmneing the sebraske:bill;Aidhe.Hci 0 . -tin! 'iiiieity of .th e.-: .B . :t eentiVe = .l. : fiVitii; Senator Douglas . on' that measure:`'."ll!ptnder-:: . - - foOtedness of thO . l . riace.on•l is :proeeed-, , big. has-Aeen . forseen,' :' - ii'ic.l . .' .4is_!oicOopl!!, from Tammany - Heil wraSime,',Of-•,,t he . re e... 7 tires of-bringing . it'forward: -.." : • ••..-: i:.:•, , • - • - • ;-- 1 . .. •' 1 - . i• - ..f1•-: - : •:';'.''<c- . ' -, - 4 , 4 . talifernia editor reeentlY-received -ti nu mbez; - Of.doen*enti fro" l -. the - §e l ere-4 levy- of somi . corporation' at- iCrq.moo,!: - - with fa polite s requese - -thet.l !•Vriinkiiiii*, the seine a foV•insertiariktin ethis,: s edite7 . Hit head.. i He complied wit ;Abe:re - 414st: 1 - literally; by inserting 4 ii§'. - *hol* - 1-iiicica:o - : tbir• three weeks •betvreeb.••thi - : - friltrAv'e; 'kt n - - der his ,bead, when he went . cilbed,i!and: - sayi-he - - - truSts -that the insertion!,..i . viligivei Satisfaction. - •• . ti' - giTo:i- i p r sii . g itii#:iitheii. ivini;wish their biiiinesS.edv - rased &iiiii • will be' aecomniodated: iti jai 1 ''same -. Verair'..:. —Bill Thomas,.. the •. y a lle S g t ed - fugitive ; slaie,' ; whese.atteMpted'ere;iiiNilkes. 'bam°, created so. utieh . j.elcOteinent:tietrie months ego; has instituted :. ctrl Oii.'fo. ,darns es in :.,tile•'.. BuOreine .:, 0;,K;' , ,,:;:-".eybo tb. 9Mceri, - -41 - oii4Tii,..oios- in . I - , V0Y449p4 1. .-who .are charged miitir.bret. - liliMel:tre,ati.,;,., 4 ip,gpp!!! -. *er.oikpiii,a.4.o:4lffEt*.iieyS, . ago o poi, a 'ee pias . is4ue4. 4 .oilthi4l•l*: : : : tiOt: : . ion._ - .. Judgig - .WoadVraiddireetekilibein to . 7 :41 bait.;n:lss,o66:eeek : • - 4-itarniii - abe: - *. corpus . , . has . ,.:AOirever,-;:iiektit.-.:gfranted„Ay.. Judge ',Kane, an4lViiii be-dap I:2.O'oOeli;',in . ,t he riiciiii:ccu . K.'4o6 - 0:,,T 1 ~- .,,. .-:The:*reacii AOetaken possession -- ef •the•beeutiful gronp-effßeeifie-iileS;}ealtedi --IsTew Caledonia.. Noir . ,realliilonitiii.:alingt- -. ,, 9.00 .miles•-esit gif:Aust ruliiii- : ..trltc4.4S i -..i1te. ! ,- : :covtired,:by;Pnekinl7 . l4 - ;.:it ia264l):mileei • long and 70:iiiiis. - ..wfde. , :a 4 'ifchititif#4-- : . dueta are -yame.;_end :ulnae'. :, •.'l7lie :-•:nett:ies- lare,mild and • - ..Very'skillful'ici4bejaititiira4::. tinti. ofthi Soil.. --- Cotritleriliik;:..k,Ari : ten - retie I exteirsieti- ,-, 0f...i Pre ieiiiinfrtionee., over: the Society - Itlendai . •: Jilitl'etriefOri, •- - GrOup;.and the Aferijikeitta, .',:thiS - -..eeiZeie„:: ~. •mistimet! an :importauceliniti tielitieattniint7 ofviec s v, 'and is - itlicOtisTr:c - i p ,t,ir'e . ,!-'4oiiiittis .: .of A hp •:Fiench. - .E :.. Mperiii. '.'-, ''.::::.: ;' '•• :„..-';:• --• ' .:: -.7-C,14. , -,Walker,- .-the-•.,:rilklbizaktie-'-'l"reei de‘nt.-cif. Lower :giiiiNiiiie 1 . -- *Oerdiair• - • ; t4 -- ' the 'latest ..nee4tititii:,ii!'iiiiiii;e4r;,.:Viii-,O; #4 :gra!rov.4‘...rit . :Va*qo:4kltSi.:*, - -4 1 q: efailt - ,0 - t6; - .4 . 46475iik0i qt(tkec7iiiiwi -, stli,t . loo*:' of trUSt . ,44id:!- Oi l *: )iibiliti,;, - 11 7 4 - liar' p*vtil4: - iiiiiiiiir pie I:yi'',46Urittri:.•W tUriiiiii••iiiit . ii..i0ni? 4 34 . 6 lvititi4iiiiiii eS"OrY..-jaPg4Pgo:44o*;:io 1 8 'A,bii.tidOt.!..; : e . Y,-. liiiiiiiiik4;* litiii.nii".--iiriii'e:.ooiliiiiyo4 ciiiiraiiilt44-;:f 'tkifidrOW-:414 . 0 ';:iiiti:,,ii.4i W'4ttiosih* ' re44iiiiifil s 'A* 6: ,o 64 ii': :i0: .`;''-'o;:iti,'" : ** . dc flitiO4:lli.ekanic44:;tii.. 'oilii4-*li.* a l - ,:qfikl"",t4. 6 r.rii-4tifi'..iititilo4 - o.* -f etiltiiii 'rtinelieroa T elferiSkii'•oo64iiitetliStAitiOti, • i a*Oas'kjit i JOlnC: 7 ".W.iiik:::„o„ , •:V: , 4...t. , -, .: : . . - . ,-, , ,,, , , :i..;:i:,1w ,-, i , ::•j , ,:: . ..•_ , , ,, „ - ; , 4, , !tz.,,t,i.:t . .4- 4 .-.; : .,. !. ., , ..- .: - : •;, - 7.• - 19,X4t4Iiti.elikl..rICF4A10110 19 - :Topreserit; , t4i ti- OP!****'4WiP:4lt *:'.:f91 1 (004• t1 0; 00 .4*-.0. 6 v_0 1 E'OCA&i}Z , ::1 . 4 . ,; - ': 1.--- . 4, tit;i*Ako,:'4*;:o9.o:;•4o3it.; , *o - :4lt , 00* tonxiii_.4 li. - #1 Ilia - licilf 1101i0iliiiiiht. • J Aired lasi aays' that the it resOnSibility TtirksObi , ere lea : % - -ei-ja. deice ,\4 canal in We: passes.oTai o forif-one . eit n ,the truth gen-: • . . . . •1 • • r E ad a ;l ig d lt is - espec perjor nonuse - .on 'Abe Palmer, !, Six or and vardell to low i a coning xiiibite was a% adopted l aska. bill. - as a /ie, ,teofthe . • I ate n ! i ons Neb !tons Isdver mired at from . his; New ed no Im . than ..'1 Pit abara. to , • and ;tner por: ! .f Pen. Aylvania, 37 ; and 40 cents irk r_.•• um ,are quot i at o I r I thi) 1 pis came mmediate y, it11;:lhe •- • ;tst i - in tlle, tht e cifi teeny red a Ver.-- I 'jail T'S• against ad Coinpany, fur - . e ulnas of her has ' y aft tiecident on - 1 U.S I ; re ently pre : ia Legislature, d Iddy , a resident ndie,d years old, of 'a , rohibitory, -I .. -.- , i• : - ' Ilk- 14 :: England. t 4 illusive error • Massachusetts • theiftist' nor the eyed, in the delit, r - 'co, n4es ie 014' - i - ea '' e grietiltura 1 . 1;14 Yetif.- l'hii . , r In • any,. other •I' tbts thiity ! .ene tiiii airs:..'. '', . 1 f i t .,-.. 4. -._ ~, :,Bait= hellcliotu.,, 11, tiee4inlY'lldoPt ; (11414( the, prppo-; i 4 i OWL .Compro, rite .! ,fot' s en: the tt#. ie iOlitrelled,. irsele/Wrtlit-hat., the g#t1. 11 .44, Jetfilin'ef-i - --, - . ',.....,:-...,..1.-......,: sin °rPtidtti'i , :iiiedeis is forbidden t seek. I l e ,of iisF ki thirrgtt . lisl 1 .1 11 4ity neva itjtaiit ' ... 'l:4lalibi to coni'o mi . '' -_, . ~, e 4 01 V. *,' ... I :ft IIP ILI ,1- X agoplicaLa i iskya..Pr_pryvOetss ~.., ', liii:P?pe Oikdetinr* I..,.Tvelt ) :...preq tennt!nto - psininunl it of darktiest.: :1 - ' .whigiCeputyllef ty Committee, .the .met at the Court H of Towanda, on Wed I'l3th, for , the purpose , ,t 0 tue State . Conte - IPttliA.urg'' on the 'Pekt.• . 1 . s On 'lni? ll 4;tiz i itogers' chair: On 0010.6 E. T. Fox, After a:brierstat the'aieeting'by t'he. of E. G l uier: Estl: , ': C. TAOrn.4. - iTepe'' 1 rer;ree4tat, ••• ,iVii , ' c, .Ccattv*t ion, ' 1 - ttii. notion of M. hickean iind,l3.,y, '.- , . , O , ~ edSenaterial : onf to• support NY:O. a:: iiii d e legate: '• :"'. '- On knotisin, the': to. substitute in.ens - ' • ' The - following .. - .read by. V. C. 13P i l being - Supported' in' dresses by:l-I.atiot : ams,' - Esq., were ":' thusiaim. ' ; , '- .17iiotecd,, - Tht.' defeat or rejoicing same - abiding On for - the - Pliockiles' Whig party ;, that 'mint our country... pecially was - this - 0 our own Comyrie - admiaistration of X that-the'measures'. ,'neat: SttlteSll3an; es (ion of our> long prevenient's, - and . t I !lie dbt, are alone is % i s doni-and sa ible e idencri that kel o t 1 Pi 10 ' tt7. -1 1 they were foetuses thee p.eopl, isre - saf edged 2 mOnstreus nal - Board, and in the tlislairsenietes call aloud ,- for a t -, • , teaches' us can Onl orihe'adiainisteitt: 'ing - aut'the; liorde rupt inen.who inf Tient bf 4 the- itwer 1 ••Resolred,•• That tnade to•overside: solemn compact o ; I as the::. 1 111/ssouri• the4ias6ge of a the 'United State 'titirdai: 1 , . Bill to of Nebraska ,'' by 'of said act, prold I- ry noith of 3p de , ; thereby extendin E . slivery over a. to extent litgee tha combined, is an defra,ud the -:Norf that --act:.i that originetpra of thi' „promise; of 184 Q ;:sbid't. act.'; 01 182. feunded'ia4unblu .ferny, and -deserv ; 'thatiOn or everx.r , :.rßesoleed.'llin ,theirdiffieulties` 1 ,ether states, Isavill tides and best wt manner we-will g " - fort iii obtaining just rights.`;:Eric Erie.' " God .`sac ' , ;-On motion,' , "/ eeeditsga of Itliii• thel-Whigpaper, tricf. " 4 ~,' -. . -_, `-- On`motion; =th oseeting:ticljonined 4ine• die., (Sigkiet ,loy . t.be Olficerstyf,. "AFFAIRS hisi:l,oEnstsviin.-,-AtlviceS have reached Pnris - frot&st * .:l - Pekoi : sliorg . 4fthe 12th hist; Which cle - aeribe-.‘the, pe sition of affairs air.aff9riiiiliiiilic,ii9pi for -the - inaintenanbe - of peace. The Es:ripe... - I ror is described :by thosewho have an Op- 7 , peitanity;of obseridng;hia mny:ements,--as., bring in a state of ieligsbas'exaltation re-. gardi n,,a'' h ire self as the chosen instrionent;', under:: the_"hand bf.G6(l,_ to driYe Vie',, s' ... i Tema front , Europei: ti,d . --..oiity ~ regrettitig, i `that he: shrarld -hive% allowed ~ s o '',rnanyt years inpuss, Ovir,lwitlinet fulfilling destiny. .' ... . '' - -2 -- -- ' 1; - 2 - '-` Thg Pnliul4r , e cit -:- §.t-Irig4§ l 4arg; ha t worked , themmlve'S'L' , up, Icttb.P , -...,4igh*, pitch or fan aticiirk;,ebeßriPgl49:grnMr° l :. wherieiOr-hf a ,pears ill.f o l-Ib ll 9‘ , lvitOd f „wildest '-entlius 44 ‘iii*-,. d enouncing_,. o . s. : traitori , ;oll,v:l l [ l4aiii-ii . 4P.ctili, k , : -Pr: peace • : l e 'MO ?fill Mirli B Pr" 04PPPu .; t Th erP C 1 #41; a peaceful coy. -,i s ,:)P ; 00 1,1 1. s lgg s f 9l ! : ,, ,, i. - And; heh.a!iftPti' i1i14 21 :bi4 11 44 61 re W. 1" :, lltikkOPoriki TO, t.py,g.;-4.1: : - :•„,-- - -•tz.ii; - 5-1.-- ,, : , :'.. lQplngt:9o,4, -, ..T4w;i:'t llo, l'P'OPFl - Rei!' dearest 'friend: s i*gler, ,•-•hri.mr*.;•,!).,- . .' ..Eu4siatiCOurt. OraFe,COll4lo l o.elY,ltierlll , - .(Iw-iiki - aitiOi?Auov. o -1 (1 7,t1i1t., 4 4-.9P4 'Franeo s .‘ nO:i: e kii 6 49,-44i:NVY4*-/n7: rented: ;i'. l )',.. 1 ` 1. 4 .- ' , .#1..4-:•'s ' *..i.Fa: - .'”Jt*T . 4 reiidei,..,—,, 04:tii00 . 0„. i 44VA , Y )• tfc , Tokteii`'ve aIKi!§ , ..ACjA - aA;:teani'lt tha- - ;'Ntec.,:iiik . '4 . s i altgo:Vo.4, ti 4 iiii l 4; n i qruk 70 .6 e. 111 4P 0 , ~rAihr4l ll ;iofil,?,lnPf o ,o ,: Wet the East itisl:thiii,':Xfimre sF.,° l. '!'i)' Waist: L:Li -* itiil 'l:iiiii's;',,fol,y(:-- ,`; f-: , - ,: --- ,;. - f;:?-:::: - - , - 1 ,iii4 - 41:\iiiii* - 441)..,th0', ' ' I :M44 - 4:i l S ttiVfl -, *" ;C - oilliattiii r. ol4lltelfri: iiiiitiß if i lPittiiabillie: ail: ' yi4;itiitimigihe' 'o', - .lkfiiil il :tali, -'itil, sevv, , liv*llii:i i t . i , . l ,l,l 6.ii t t ai t o-,..14-1 ilk :Milt it 4 ,4 5 * l 9l‘h i ''i44 , .. , !tl3o7'itr i littclet: %sty 'e , , - rdiiK - cy: ~ - - vgkf • ' 1ie,4.4 . ;Tigookaz y ff ': f i a tie t / 1 i NOti- , .lk*St 4 f : iieti4r * 1 06004 1 *i: elii4 l 'TiiAiliaa Oioiiiaetooiwot ivii6l4 - * iioailoa l o*, q : f L Atiiiit44l , iiii-*II .. 1 .1544,40.00000044 k iiiiooloi - --00000:0(03:i:: ti4it l 44:4Pie'*4*AseT , ' Wiiiii4siCrtifooititian ', - -,:.- • Th.': ,-, .., . L , : to Tsars i gent P.rFLIT., dernallai reland.:!tt supplies,; rppetane 1:-Tailitre !niethorial t fa= , Ise, wot: , ion. Has, to tliuse expound-, ';'r. and ith. Ircpk3'4i3•;' iier,piirtier friiin - ',..t)iii ye,'''iyiiio p.,ietie.. : :iii 7 `ii•-e4liet'Y .'`.EM NT `• 11 S.'Siemiaini ported' riiiiiti 1 ittattilpillig i 7 rtgAlpi Y iii ilifiviiiinitil friiiiiil:l - iint 1 IcovitilieNks-1 afietti.7 , 4kw . iiifroifiTti ‘diiii4eitinai: ditikiniV bets:iditi;:lB4 bill lallawililie litierlll4lo- ' Licialial: .',.. :00thOtriti..":' ..istahigmoot4 nuitoiiivio I I iti**iiit 1 1 engraiisiri4 - •theAtanstat ti3o PoUSCi` 1 , . ~. MMUMM!!I 1 .....N: ' re.,:7, -- z — 11 ng 40, 'no -whit( Tile criinderr -ition -Cit.: that 'a 7. , .. , .!i. , , 4 ,tici, i nd to 1 1 -.1.,,,.. 0 ,10-abslve h,clig,iqriend, to, i 1.4 . „ lon can, that in a ki Vi c s . tnes , of 1 811. .. ' ... .. igrPten idea. Wif e spir- -Bradford. (if fbo Brailftird use in the Borough eed4Y evening;!'sk if*aptink. delgates 161 h - day ofjtaFcli' ' '-. IttakilI I (ii. Mier) : . d t ~ wai ',called tii'..,tbe ''Afitd..igercnr, 'Eiv, , eir: r AZiciviari..;'' ' ' iilalit!a'llio object of jliiiiiiiaii;Ort mot lot!. Ni:".o.-lie'col- , and It. iiiiirimOd )'yi 'el&teg galea - to 'thO State ~Mercurl Col. Allen owe.ll, ivdre alipoitit• - t6iio, and iii;;tru . o . ga ir obbin9, 0)r Senator- .elegp . tpsliare power "+~fiti ihty to attend: . - )liitiope-.we N e then akigiicnt''and lead C. Ad - Opted wlth- - griat ed- irkV 4r-inlthe'te' idst of iiiiii)ccess,'ireboo tlie ditieti ipt4n4 ', reiaiir qind - tfiiiiiiiirl64 of 'the when these ' are dmi ; prosperfouty that:es-. te e eas.iti ct e atrso ! wealth under the . lafe:. • trillium F. Julipsetiii::: , irifr,i nat ed b y:t 141 ; CIO: ' ecially for tliii•ionsiAts- . .. ...i)cglec eti : piiitliejtiir te payment oftili4tit:ltil lasting' mmuiieitiliiti : ga!glty find,. otti4istoki:::. Ipt!or. the , pefelhanitialti;' rob......iitk!Wpiipeipies .3.h*,toiF'f9i,etest,ief ; I VTltht: the ,o'gkeeivi- . corruption's itidtho:Vit= 'Aarly every biiiiick_of : of -- -ibo : Publik i K in f llbeyt : ' , ..r.thi'*itiitt.ipiricil4e: ..Ittiottein.44l)o - 06iIg. siitiOilittliittl , istOr\ itiol; , l ioldiiyo . i . tpu 034 - , e.cinC . :altniaiF,ctitidfii*l4:: fikifil ...4 . ! 5 . , ,-..y1. , ,;:;:,.:x.;.--•.,: .: li ~. `it , T : l, 4 4 l .f.tlf;M 4 0 4 1' tiniiiiitiO' :iii . ohoied- t!at, 18f10,ciitrirmAY: k noviii• Co!tiprOiititioj,Att;" by o iill , nw c petaieg: before Sitiete;g•etid 'known: l . us' organize ; the l'erritlary i irkic ti4ie . .S t-iell4tion iki4lsluT.erY ifirit*.eiato "......60 , min:. , .i3fe00.441:. the blightlrteeiirseOf 'tort' of Chts-i4tnetrie i .iffat *of the Oepltii!ei i;fgirpous crmisisirO:cy. to• 1 i or ' _liArilitits., ,under lb° 11 4 0 0igitIli-ii rn r tht 7tOtt,itAttre:lttioi -the po r rep eit.ldil..t , Teim - . part. of I favokill'fi:O.e. thorn, - i:4 king 4 reliefsti.:',alla :in , . 1,- . , lS*AiitilVistigell:mt?-r° - - ht:initided- 0410- the people. of,Ene Ith thApt?yp9ratiotts of ?sym pa - skits; .and in all . ' ; legal ,it)4 : and , slidtiti‘ipmig4b.pir "cif ---' 'tt4•.-2;kriVii: 4 7--„,, ' • . , - ~., ,;.' -- ._ -..---.:. The NehrAilkits' .- ', -.: AO 'I! c.,00,--,;. ~„, : _ c ~: i - - 1 f....v, , 4 3 ,z. ~ , y......„.... i __ _ lin . w 4ylfor ti! iiimal. r q.. ::. vii . il'°w•' rrie er O i ll•V-" la C. '..; t %," '----, t, -, 1 91-t is it'-.l l .it.it '. iffe 1 . 1 f; "-' - 4 2 ' - fib -....511Pik Aiiis - ilfsiiiihe Zl-.. , itilik4a; 11 p4l . , en gi!iigqii t iioo.lslvi i d*i . ' ', ,In - h isOrable notice I ` 'Why *ill -a' yret Soil i g Democrat sii'tinmore4 nii - eit: the . mlissO!ri POMprornise - is to be repealed, and all t that fr e territory north of 36 degrees; 301 mi- 1:., , ,.. ,;.„..... , • . . ~... le' .• .. ''-. ' i...--` .. ' U , .giverk o% er to ardave monopoly 1 i wtfy .. 1 AfeiqiicAlleili(kt3itisii ii*las- thi i atio : ll;iiiis'es; E. .Chn",:se:'llll' '4 dlilifie, 8 -.'. fc and hide away like. l 3 " 141 "lo - ges s filon4 - 4iving eve a'despairing whine, kedge free toilin millions' are ta, bt, fu I - 1 0 1 - iitut out froni the beautiful s Nebrosis n a. 6,1 Kansac territories by the corrupt Dong. 1 1 and hi 8 bill of. AristocraC6*; Monopolies, nil 'r Itte nigger giants 7" Why; oh s -liy 1\ in Oily , ":of the aliOti3#Asle i outrage a lss sibout to be Ornmit.ted, is_ :ix i€7:1079,,n01e or Warning sounded by t4e:ft*elYer*ltoc,l-bt 1 6 ;free district ?,, (retire:44W iloNi:fllflthe !lon. q. A. Grow, ' , (0);3- biiiisted .24q .a ie ,!J ..t', , the lir stump . at. Lis first: election Of hein . st Own Who ercr introdneed-lVihnotiirortso Itesolutions in a , De7nocratii coneentioxl?! . sei;iilitisna coiljtin IYhy; l *os: ilence • on a sweat luestion, now agitaiing. n a roctipi:ltiA a '!:ery nation itself, from an • ' ~i"in s , liilo,.p l iii,o l 4 3 in c h,rni g hty itdl,4oce, . .. such detotioliff.kftee4.947), an d fl ' Ls )9 '..- ' ..:ti.' care of the right**; th'elaboring millicsksl...:::-..--.; Let; shause.„liliafh; - let the ine*?o,dirty : [wretch who lirei4nd dies by eisttoWth- -. ,ein;(iiitiiiia; taac his head if - #41 1 4, and. tali-iliac '164 at d rile acknomilidt ..#..n.....5: s. • . ... 4 .- •:, . .4 . - of. .. ~.,. i 0 '-,41ci......2 eellTs'in t P.Mence a dirtier ,' I_ 7.`..11r‘a 1 more vile luid still meaner!principle,,while the Isnssire'r is given' to:theo I:.oie* . 'Ill" "Ina - iitions. The MontrosePernrm44ll4Ytt ffound out Ashlar is - ,71:;1# to be a f f,ttalAt eqs , - . ii" advocacy of or oPP o3 ii!o*,..c ,- . 1 1 1 e# 1 1 1 :1, i Brehm - tPromises ! -:' - As sceciii*' : as:: pul)li lik•ittioit h .. ttqcertaineii: then will-the man` in ionspitentlote.aels a common school to New yeili'State, bui;(4lli.,4hii:fict';''S'pejil9r,- 1 of the Pennsylvirsia . 46use-oftopm" Ttst, - 1 ti rex: ibacome , ;:4o4ii Itic"....j - ,y - I(‘' - bgt4o : . - raoa tilails of the_maj rity. 1 1 , 69 , 1;,, ,, T5e13%, le ~_. ... .slace of the 'popular I cling, hi& y4,r.,0 1 4- : tel. such as I?entssvts: its delighti* ..„ •-„,::: ,-...,...s -,:.. 'Q .' -1. , nilir • .1* - .lf so, then c.oriapti# -1‘.11:Allie r5!.4.,. v .„ • , - the Deinoeratie pa it itii4.l."..t*lt'Oe/.1:tlxl::1.11:, 1 pligiept to .1 1 Pr at..)/ilPe4.5-4,94-V-,*-1214,113. .I : 4lisi that:'o!!4 paid :to PeT#l‘l7-„,4.*, tir is litlifliskslr ' sehglit it';irlitaliill: F . SQ . I. I :;% ,.......,,. . • ••• .. ' •-•- -43 1.,•::,4 , .. ..' :oftus'. 4 '' 'lt so, lilies' if ennisylyatfi a bot!or p .I,Y,isc'ciiiid her ,i,iiiii4ztraiiiiild'itf, 'c.-o:*iii the filth= of men stiOsoups . : . ,*al, princ.sp e. • •,-....:,-.,... : .*Tillysti4ini6o:' ~,4.1.,....0.,.,7-4,- . - . , .-•- -4..f..**A1• .':::;,...:- In ou r . State Senate .t ‘ lit egjitUbs 44it. .ll . ,• law ' liras up on Sat urday4tall346ll4*:-=.l: fii - * - g • ise.:- Aim; p iohibi ling: the taapu. e(um . --,c i , Ale of lig ours. Was atl444;Witigiktilth:, •16 to 14. , The next .. SI X ;:i4CtiO t ik.,;o. ail). ' • On the:Bat-sect ion, r. antlicirkiimf:.:. ' 'aim rch ; of '' Pitiitiieit:i•for• -.litiocii4. - o:lR..titia. iq.:. - ; Trice Otul'HiAter - iiiii 4 o.ooAlittAtiVt:Wl..- : , k el- su poprl ed • it.'c q...heryituiti'it6s*ifil::' t ton of 4he billf.ly as theg - ,tiost,pon9 - ../.4- . .-..1i he GovOritot bas •sitki .. n.4ltini . 4l,-, - jai tris*.4ai-eiti ihe lipeisliiibie: ifi;i*Tifiod.: , ~ - --:...y,,,..4..* s . . . .i,„.,..- . ,x••., id s • ... .. . i o the O YITIPQP-neltbi#;ll:l9Pg KV.Vigi9n of tilt. railroid'Of ille.l4lik.' . linOantire4spi:- . -- .0 nil) 4 Tiioi* , rk:aoyi,:-?-#4l],itat ei that. Ak. , , o al . .... re4tolniiiiisHris net, :124.rityerred-thiir.. - . att . .Oki:Ma-of cant est2AA he. s ,l,m .t.Cpeahlg. .. I 120 1 i.iiitlie;'lietitetaitr$fi prolliSCourt: The. Message is - atii#4ll•itEifiver of the break t?f, gauze in'tliiir r . i'il - f4itltiat Erie. PYI4V - ..jtilifinn,' To'ri:4'rTi ,l Attorney Getieral of tir4.Ptate,A,Minjtiit in Wash , ineiin; DZP7,;:l4F.Hilgt!oi.gl)!- He; ha beconio a .itftliriitAiikiaiperafiee, sa i d 1 I had 'beu inifitis4eii 'aiiivegrlllti.: iA a- I, ="ot her plea for aVrirni)ibitloij4kie..;-:-.' i ' -. '---,-' • 4.- ' ..' ,- *.-.v - ' ' ~, . ' QUI°, ,i(f.4.4c gE itp.--SOM A 6: a 4 - 46 . 0471 . :a ,-. l‘lembers of G i viiii*ifint 014471114 . 2 40.. `AI a bbli ng in - t, he . c on t rimer fly pf - Xititeiglil,.--. the-Nett' - retk ! anti C.!dielt,;•0101011;.k. •iieililiiilfie' Very' fonAtjlitftwOittgPl4.' - Pennsylvania with ,thel;giVinakiiiiiitel4,l 7 t•e . "lion of 1,79 As. ". ,- !.f hiets, 41 - ;IA*1 1 : 1 1014*t1 3 : . Ur Ohio.**lsolit,-...5*44#4111-4"l** .77. tintesi--411en' 'it he '• ywo Az4 . l4t.ii 414 . : . - ' aiide.w.-....-y.. ...,.... Western Pdti lig } , INiiicitiis: , .ives . ....mOl , b4L to icamfier OfKlinici<c:# l :?llkittil'il4i"4 - iettiteglAthe re itm.ttliiApi_iriiilith*--1 „ey, hot piartmii - --- 1 . c , .,,.,..„....,72,,„;,_ ii: silge, VV". '. - Noted 'Bikrtio r t Vil q ,,,,a„.. ~,,,,, •;-. ) o ,, ue , of ;the ---.441:41...w1f)*i.,...7.2::', '''' tl-; Witte's'''anciiaY, ,. --. So u ...- ~ ' ice; for tkiirofn .„.. ,Irde-PaiTi6ts on_, feir;:jl, \7t7 left "the! ''Kul! , ..ze',..,:!:,......';:. §tone .. .e,6 is 40 .„. , . 411,1.", ~ I •shadraiN*"4. ' -iiiiliiitiliieimw 'l4.ith %gto . .., -law, chPr!, , __., - .01iy- ...4c J i ii . r%,.,,fittirjes b . tatet I 4• f • 4E l 6' iivla .. -.;.&_'‘....T.--i, .. id-.. -‘ , ..enve to tiNntl" ; ""itibeili4sl4. . F ; i'' . iliit‘tgli#,439riii:jail .0:434150fitt.4411-°F Wariiiturtne,- ~._,A , L.t. le Viiii!**olo% ' 'iAll-wv t‘.....: 4z. -fiord':.: ite-Pll Ismts • a•-iatiettittr.4ol-li- , ,,k. '... their Si ill ,11 , 6 ii _A i-••f-1;iiitkit444104:111311,71;-.• g df. iiti'6Willri#,C9tl; 1.144-Att/i,1.1.1*"..:-..... 1104'4t: .. - i h i." : Biiitilitit46loY,Flft •*. iil laii.,itisy liiii6 ... .,.; .l si , 4l - 1 - 111 --..--;4 4 .x a ie e1aiiii 4 1ii i.0414, 4*k ,:, . : , ,... •,....: • ,u:-.1,11-01,-2s". • - ...,•': itie lT uw.t.,,,,,, weset l iiifiget tc, aid:"-, .. : .,..,.•.-. - .- f: - . 1 f 4 1 . - b ' ITIR::::: J : ' ?;- _..:-..... :.: , ..1k . :i:,..1. • ark,4ttiik..;. 3 k tretiii#l4*-7v, -l'i tv.. Tut. e :.- -,.....4aie15ipi0Tr..,. ..".•,.:-7 1 ' *lac s • 34 1 • .•• 'i4'wii 4rtitiPt:,, 'flea 3 1-Sri V.;eitlicg,ne.• n - •'• ' .'OO. - 4-gliyak4::.; iipligi.dSiVt it-0%64.6n ) : ,A,4-11.;•4:11414':: 6tv riY -- 7',,, -,.-. * - ' , 4•15,. et : , e0 1m5 1::..---- z"'•:' iir -ghlimk-yeAalk ..,..I.roitkiiiknei : '..eip . . , ,- - itgatikeluted-4, -.1--..,...-;goli./: (fi4P(l . flr'r:C Y? :-- litrlik: ft.tOTY 11 .= - ' 1- i :. Artiliblifr'ja4t9. lifiAiiiialfibu, nn) raret-°;',,-.,,k -,'..cr''-tteiriio 0, . . 4-64.4.404e0ti 'e. e, -4 .. , 21- th rue ...,., - ..„.,..-,, p. :.: T e., ', , Iti*. D, OirtearliX .P."•= . :- ..T . 5..iii;;;•' . . r e t. ;ie:t4.; ... 1 ..1 , ° -11 -4,ilr-itTti,eTieMir "''''' ,- 4 i - l 'i;:':'-• ) r li. ..itc - . l '.' , 1 0 - •";:-,1/4,,_1-1--,iii --":;;--: . 1.14V._,.-.. 4,„.„-4 isolook*:• , ~,,,.,-egu, ..,,,--, ~., „.... • t,,....a .. • I:or — as: , ~ •• i „ d om • logoosor.. ~,.,..- a. . , -4•11,..tk0k-,r..,.....,.....1 • !`. iffietitpi...-; i 1 htirkirjr.lt.-Are ..,... 4 .* • ~,„?......,., ~ .„„...,..,,....,,....Th, f I , . „,,,....,......c.E.,ii„,„,....,.,., : . 1a111pe.... :,...witoiet!!;:: ..0440.r.03 4 . 4 %,,, i . -- - loovaimiytk*itbe j . ••-,•4l4Mkeeto 4 .- .' IS .1•.:-..,7111timsv$11F.4.11-iii: fliaaitge y „,lllt ii .: . 4 ,JAI*EY4I4,,II!r-;.. tAre,11.81.410046 :".:' • I? Itikiiipppnr . ,cl '1 1 ',..CFITA"NtrII : l ~-...., .4,-.lliesi7:ithei .1111 ..... ! 4 :: , .. e 115t.2...t. :, . •-• % lir 4.:.:Zice_,,l. lirikCligfaii " .4 iliOrfielYl.l.4.-PA' , r. • , ratia t 'o:l l ., ... a ,7 iiiii3abiurikro Eakt - cirmirit..o.-,- - gait Inktulow-.2 ..... 11-31i1.7.7v,m,..:.44_,:,.... .: , :4-.=- - ---- ' , A . 5 . 4...i :f.i., 'tz - - . ......;-t lti.,loAtit_r=2,, tgelh :.. r=:.•'-','. r{ 0" ~. a ... .- -.. ..--PArtee- ~...pc._..., e • . ~ ;7 x. , •N , Alto4l7.'' -i '..111 , 3: 5 , i t --.. ...N- -61:41 , ia,0 11 . s''''f . t rfrt .- ; ' :" V -k, - --;C: ' -;:; 1 5-. .:;: 4:-.,.. g Cl -:,.-.;:-,.I.4',,4,3411.:Ez.4::::5&:-.:; sqVl?--k ,-.d....*.,.-. 1P:;.. , ' : .''..1;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers