mu Meeting at the Chinese - sena In favor otthe lionfitenlV svivashi ailr ad., ~.. _ _ - q. v , .., i, -,..„, s l At this meettnethere 'ale e - a, ergo:: number`of . pers4spresent `amon g them a" unusuiannker Ofaulmest,ivealthy,,. intelligeht;:iind anterp' list g,e,-rnerchhnts.` The meeting wielialled to order By Al gernen S - . - Roberts,Esq.,aiel flen.Charlra Gilpin, - Mayor of the:city; was-elected President. e Mayor Gilpin, on, taking the chir, expoissed his bearty,ciacerence _in the object of the tueeog,, Edward Miller, /Chief. Engifiebr irt the Nor/ 11 Penntryl4ania -Railroad, explained the route:: and its advantages, 'illustrating his rei l lirles - 14 , - nre'rence to large *bap which hung near, the stand. He then developed the conuneribal aspects of the question in ell-realoned speeeleaboun ding in ` a'w statiitics. lie was frequently intPrrupted by plaildits. Mr. H. Conrad then offered the follow ing pieamble and resolutions : Whereas, By . the , imteediate extension of the North Pellfltly vatoa Railroad :to •the State line, in Bradford county, Phil \ adelphia wiliewn a route occupying nat. ural outlets from.throb great anthracite coal fields to the ocean and the , lakes, and passing through eight populous coun ties abounding in surface crops and un derground resources in unsurpassed vari-'I Ply and value, which will coin ribut e-10-. ) cal tonnage in, ample quantities in all sea- • ' sons, to ensure the abuudant profitable mess o f the work , and ant ennman le E nvoi of this whole communitY z i And whereas, while the extension of the North Penn- ' sylvania Railroad to the point named will S, secure to ,this city the aggregated local , trade of the range of busy towns and teem ing coal districts in the' array of mineral and agricultural counties upon its route, I it will, at the sanie time, without addi- l tional outlay, by' connections to be made at the State line with roads no* in use, open from Philadelphia ...the shortest and most direct railroad communication te the commerical cities and towns in Wes tern New York and Chnatla West, and also the shortest route to .shipping port s f on Lakes ontarßi, Erie, Huron and Geor- gian Bay, theieby furnishing to 'the con - 1 merce of thelakes and products of the broad region Of the northwest an iron.' l ac- enue to tide-water at Philadelpliii, 'slew i,ter and better then any route te any or+- . `er Atlantic city, giving to Philadelphia facilities superior to any ether seaport to send into the inland country cargoes and trains of imported and manufactured mer- , chandise and goods. I 41 Resolved, That the 'N orth Pelnisylva- - I nia Railroad, in its double r 4 aspect o a lo- cal project to regain the, trade of the north and east counties of Pennsylvania, and ass grand through commerical route uniting in bonds of ilron the .1,1. y of Phil adelphia with the lakes and - noithwest country, is eutitled to two-fold confidence and support from thisl l community, and should receive from citizens , of all put-- , snits that necessary mlterial oitll which , alone %yip effect its rig,orous vprosecution to an early comp - lea* Resolved, That a cerntnit tee to consist of ten persons;be appiiinted, to be fram ed a Committee on additional sebsczip firms, with authority to increase tlie num., • ber of said Comniietee, and takesuch ac-, tion as shall \ seem most - carl, ry into effect. the object of this T.-reeling. r - Hon.Hendribk B. WI iglit, ofluzerne no county, exhibited, in fo r cible.7anguage the reasoo for binding the nort'*ern coun-1 ties of the Sta.te to its. comm.rical me ; • .!ropolis. His picture of t the nconveni f ences of getting.fro m Wilk alii eto Phil a p la, the most spec ir route' being I via New York city, was 1 241 drawn::: Letters were read f m Hon. David Wilmot, of Bradford county, and Hon. Henry Chapman, of Bucks eounty. de daring their hearty approval of the con templated improvement, and expreang their regret at being unable to visit the city at this time. 1 A gentleman whose name was not • gi It - ml, but: who had travelled considerahl nicer Pen l titivartia and thought it a ,gre t 1 ' State, Imre peade a few highly patriot e remake, for the purpose of int roducit Senator Pit'cit. The Senator wit() li 1I just,come from Harrisburg, where had voted for the Consolidation Bill, - b - grin by a high encomium on his colleagu Senator:Price, from this city Hes ok of ~the respect and. regard entertai - ed for Mr. Price by,his fellow member iiis,crwmplireents to our representativ were: acknowledged by the enthusiast c applause of the meeting. Mr Pratt mad , a favorable impression upon the audienc . Judge Conynghate, of Luzerne count , presented the claims of Lis section of tir country, on Philadelphia', in a happy man. tier. He VMS follo*ed by Mr. Wells, of Bradford county, merchant,' -who made an effective speech, on thevractical parts of the subject. , But the speech of the , evening, and it is:high praise where there were'so many good speeches, was Made by ow- fellow citizen, Morten McMichael Esq., wink.was happy onaugh to expres's eloquently and truthfully the ftpirit of en terprise and bee.hich now.animates the greater portion of our business commu nity. Almost every period that fell frntSE. his lips worded se well the;feelings of the mass before him, as to call forth - ibe Most hearty applause. The reselutions were then put.iid untufirottuslv carribd. After which the meeting, - adjourned.—Dailit Register. i ' \JOHN lirrenat., iFhilorn The Irish ',Pit riet, but now.thni*b . uht lin Pairinrch, has come , oiit in e 16ng : lei 7 ter addressed -10 . Henri ' Ward . Beecher; .in =defence of • Aniericau Southern, SlaVery., . His; argu,- - Auent• tis:u ;rambling dissertation on the : lciveliness,*s - lesery # 'and an ' srgumenti -in ite-defetreeAlrawn-frorn..the Bible; and. th&exampfe -cti, Washington, Jefrumen;l ...etc;.!,:.. , There isluOthitir new in4t;- except! . ~ theipti:wented - 1 5 04-diSl O4 l" fctr Ai? e '' Oa ', triaicleal instittitiotil :: which • iseven ele r . -vated 'above a state of fiendom, is . wi11 . ..dp.: .pear front The followint Oaragr:ftph; Which . 13,iscortofium.thipg op:a-his argivnent ..:- "Thus the ideatof d:Slaveholde es -- --ro- ~ • sition - is `,&-tioe : patriarchate, He is the. •- ", titbit- of - 'anOiy . - itnall'dw munb high 'e-Aire-his, duties und:re4pOnsibilities than ' . thisier:ora *ernenaftlnier for money: wa , 1 gas'af,wiiiqm 4n4;.bis. laborer: -tlie `,sole'isexintUetti,h -pay nient I: if he do;-his 1 M A ut y. - N - 6,4 mticia , b4 . he* be sta n ds , tjn ' th . = ,icale-: o f,_ 00 0 :-,-,:e - reiruy* th an • the ' Ina - .' -i wliti - rrierelY - :iiiq*:hiii -0 04rliglen . .tear Aim '. • c . 1 408'01 Saturdar? , iiiiktiTatid - 7, ,lskisies. '' , :'-'4hOarto AO grog-61100,1Va:;E&3:, , '-''--:.? ..-, , '21-: --.' f' - .T - Iliere4 .4 lo* 4 l WhOititilitiliq,'i'llain - ,'liiiiiiiiiii4v.v*rs - ifter' , iii** :i*ni4i that hirjinaeinihe it IniveriOttilin-' , .. the4ole''et•GiAsilerenturelii.P* John`llitc;bell l .-Pitiabdri ccrizeur. -.. al Nol TERII and .- .- One Dollar fifty cent ally in oJY:take. . ',. ,•1, , • ji'wo Dollars:if paid withi t Two Dollani,ay I fift.tier ter, the, e':qiiiatied lof the kee, 41 J' ar;s74 sub9oiOtioti wilt lii !set tlectionger 4 iin,twt Diseen4auvices - opt i or4 ,arrea;agekere flail, 1 i ... ' 1 l'itATE4 Or - AA_ e strai:e; one * - eek;',:: ' 1 2 ach , liubAeliiie, Isipess bartlip4r annuun Ai Ilbei,al4iticolint math i.: 1 , l''Chase ant the Thps w 0,. t oug ''' 4' If h . I , „ COn4en!. ion . ha l , t i here 11 ~, .vp et dorsefl E. 1 i Maine ''a w ; ' man, ,ar . , ~ . . t leir' .e.Yetsiiiptjnky tiii • ~.4..,. .i.... ft :. .. . • 1 t..ust.4yi"is :reposed, fit but -:Case's rordri- - s ppt:a. iii:e ConA-,4ntinii lsbu i.Onwl.plainlyi ttr, 1 live . emtAlM -. cons* ' A ‘i ' • nm: n .t le .empm 1, 1 eeks tdExciitie his ii )I co lgi u l l i ,tl .l a :.7 tt Pr e .°'°. n ui l it p ijia t e . 4 t .t. o. lhag i l ti -°. fl e ,ny. gurgstion:tvitliou I ectiug it ivitl! pilit . L. • , 1 7 1 ' -• c i • ii - ilp: ieauers•p... , the ml i twortliy . of public.c. , l l ie..:seemed. 3113tif;t13 t r . ; • If than lait - Fiill. ::,. One . of the most, ei :aiiii a CraLpre,..i . ta:4o t. I '• IA -1 - ade.i's, and tiiis. 1 ,.. _ . • ' 'ti- 'to do lb 1. .i . e 0 •• . - ... e spylsl -• . 1 I am 'convinced! by I.e Most careful Obsc.iva ion:•—and .this is a g . . 1 i place "to observe the tovetrienta p 1 t itt !Cadet 'now;—.--I say jam con laced Iltat eer:' Many, •ho' are p.w placed .and •re placing..ok. selves ihe van lire Abe most 1 . , (ec ti k i l i t e i t i s i e ii t e o ti f ol v l l i tn ea e l ii . , aur ni .. o t t l: ,Iti e l V e t t u li ! s a g y ra b c ; imold thelvers regs of. nti-asaim ry, and. Feder ilsin in Abell. sirst f s,--tiigeth r with i a large lala wh.t . ilit : t72 been dri in: di;; , ,, ,,, e froM both )eniocrane at dr ,Whig p i ties,;and vhose• political ortunes are so idesperat 41 that the . arc not . recog .iiz6d b y tiny. reV , 'Ottable body of ', en anyvvhere. 'hey arel restless acitattoi . s----ambit ous of political avor and 'readi . to go t' t personal in terest may scem to dictate, .ftir.the will.l4e noth ing let the settle turn as it*Will:" ' i _ .. ,. Again, for: the , consoration of the many it• II -Ttel i“ i , t . win? ftx.fl. a deep interest: in•-thiS great titi ,. - ton be says : . •- • • * ie. Temperance gallon in this .State: bas n w - , - -sun ed a.inos r t i nP . O ant aspect: shall te '0 , in i le wa2,- Winch i - ifow Teem - going,.con- • 4 t.„o„,t, ~„'llse-sut f nun' ho are,endeavonng - to zet...oontro of it in the St- te, in order and f w the sole Ipar -0 of, me id' tit; it own daniaged.intl desperate- eolitiml fit tUil , the whole movement',. thiist sink to aldiAtt pored rave; It will go where, antrnasOnry land 'ill kin red isms have triz forelit—is s whicl -1133%! is_iraced .seciety in the .. Ilisfary'nf t eir day-:--by.r anon of the cinirupt anti uttrly deiloralisipgitAn uces throWn. around if , . by the unpiticipled. men WhO essay to &intro • uses and di ct IL' ' 1..* 1 , 1 .. 1 , 9, s ls:qond 4:111 -expect ':.1.1.1r, blia'se's aid . t'n ,2 1 13 th - .-'%laine ', Law-after this, nor will - ill' . ,1 - 1 T'm race men 'whei thought he wa . , , . . , . to : , tyukted, deus-. that, tneyitvere mu I taken. Pr !Mr; ..Phelps;lnf ,Vertnent,' elainsil y • 1•• ~.i.••• •• • •• •-• '• • •i••• • c b a : sea .10 - • the ,tinltetl States ! Senatn, ... Bxesi" tit* . • a ppoin tlinent, .4 Egned. his nytit eage,i - fire 'that- •-ie-betly; On the . itiitan , : :4ith_Surp.: iiing.abiky.. : .r' -'. -.: .: • i i e ••• -Tis rules . of th Senate illuit• lin:rails r las; a eottipared • • ith .th osof.theP •.! en i i avlvanta House. o - Aeptes tatives 1 . ,• r ire teen lleat that . • hen a g - tleman olle ,- ecl i jthe:,et her:A . 4y; 6 argue rOsis yight: i . to a seit• - •isi •the - ,,Jatt • • body; `,. our' talent - d Speaker •deeitled•.• t, at :the thibcsnOtild • :.lies . 4isi.:'-.• - • -i -::..... ::: :•.--.' .:: -i•• ..:_•••• .:• ' . . • - . .1:E- •• 1 •-, - :; : • 4 •'• '•- --•. ': '• • • : ,• .: • . • rir;We.-,Avtiuld 'T Cell:- the :attention ' of • :thoseinterest - 4d, 's the itivertieetnent .jef: - • ~ .- . L •If en: 14. 1 0: Tr i ei •_in - anOtbet l eelurrin I :- .. tt . . . oe:•liiler -'ll44itieen :16 4 . eltknotirti ars a . :txtetchant -of . is oroug • and :those , who hive dins: kc WEI:.111111. 1 . '34 ..who . ntay viAish`tii . make - Ts rebuses ;in the .etty,l fl I li ne: if 134' -- .. . with'. . - ' tlin n - um • wlueb •he has '.--'►'' - 'deal . connected' i tunse. .wt .. , i nglad ..o. ...i - iiii• - Aii ci r I:iiciii t :ltitince." ipjlivii9o they . 04i .rePos";g4 l 4 l 3 ce-.-- - L , ••••. -.• •i ~:....:, .• -: .I• , ,,,i.s.',7 l 4yeutitlerstats ! •'.4hat•.Tu4ge Tyler will H 1;,.. i ,... ,.1.., , .partly' in .New , Yark atiil' - tpelia.'ilii4iiiii' ,.r :,.:.,. . 1 ~ .p ly : ,11t t 131!!!! - 7; : --r :. • . 1 . ' ~..1 ' ^ 'rt 'Kes:, Home Gaze tt e ranip among.] 1. tt:- )qs;.: literary_ : iid . family ws- . :., ver y, •.; s.- , .. • ,-., . :-. •-•1•.:. : ••- , •.:• .••.:.-•• ;,• . pers_ ws n ,:whien. we are a i esivatnt .o.—"- , 1 -•-• §i i i Ait,f , ik; , its•:t.*lntel: editor; !s-.. .. , icl.e-. ly - ..kit,OW,n :a4.'•att..-atithOr•;] in: I .;:hla.p....nter-:: i :' :Otis' Tetin iieratice itiles; : B64. A oritsis'cof•ev, :: q±;•.daY!liftiLltiattY:nt WitiC L ts Reit; ~,' i t i.., , , 1/ 1,.t li,Tiili :'s ili ' rb i ..- , ' 11(;41B ,G/1* i : :1 1i)ii:'..14t , .. 4 7 1 A : 13r- au _e t.,•..Amrca .- e enc y ,n-- 7 ,• 44. tit ' s: Inc: : :Magazine_.we tl,i? 4iii.te-+ - : ,-•••- . - i". - • .. - • •• .- .: , • ~. . --•- -', :- . 0 . e . :, ;beit •Onderstana'lliatititi - *inilitriini 0 : . it:' 4 - ii - .ki4e : lo4i*(6 - ;..iio i - g -i 4iii4e .--. . - iii;l 1 .in r " . , ottirtielei'ir .Ip:sally _puthsbea• In •-:•tbe... eekl.f:•-:•,' .:-::••'•,•-• I :•••- -•:.•••::- '''.• ' 1 ; l'" . :-.:. B:•'o,:sit:.o' 4,:rtzotiiifl .:,ttn4l:o.-..8.ri, . - „ Car. 'AVC A? Eitze— E r i e and Nnitb -East Ra)lroacf are g .',l,ierettlfcTc—Ackv_ act - et*Prng . bernlt I!9 et. us tu'the great . ettiment systio•iiffile*suivis will beii,=: fixed • now - runn • l it• [Vri;i; 4)10-at-gra:JO 4 : In she AO rei!' DD .7711r_. : itt Air --1- r. ---- - - 77 - : -- 7F - Wiliii l .'it:'-' - ' ' - u - ""•'-'"'-e - *. , , i..,. - .obituars.,`. .-. ', -_ _ ~..,: .-i- . .7-•- . : ft -,. .. I ,Mai, aiiiisit :-'- . -The early settlers:of our :.counttarei3-.lost beecimin numbsihd'.with :th 4114 - n e dead. lave l, red,`' 00, suffered '' : ;ittiany•iiriskAotits:for the : :. : enefit of4hosekwho are taking; thieiiPlaces on he itagi 'of aalbii ; t :::. , • ... ~.....,.. „.. - ,;-:-.. '-, -,, - and for, this, Nvere nthere o other reason' it wool be a gross exhibit aof ingratitude to - let tit ir aleatory 'die. wi - their. - • :• - Pc 4-if yon ''please,; .. a tribute, in - `f e w s\ • • • .. . • • , , words. .o • the memory ..o7 Ass: 1 1 .'Aiur,M. D., who died-at hisr esidence-13ritlrettater on • . . , 1 - ! c...- ~, •-, ' ••. the 23d nit , ::'i ;" ....-t• . : The Dr:. . was - born" to Preston,- Conn.... TSePt:lf,l7B2, and - as, 'al esinseqUeifee' - Wa4"At: the tittle of his diath-sotitO four inonthi past seventy =one yeari orage. . - . ' ' "•• His, - father died r hil4 ; ,,' he, :Was yet. quite -young, leaving.bipl i tttli, little else than a vig-- -orous phYsical constitution; sadhlatiVe Intel lectia"thirst fiir knoWledge,:tind a reisolute de termiaation to a . respectable posi , occupy tion in i sobsety . with which to •work but the probletn of life. Through _many, einbfirraFr mount -he struggled on; until he succeeded }in 1 preporTglimself for the regulfr practice of 11tedieipe. ..He comb into: this county and took ins - residence in Bridgisprater, some forty iope years:ago. . Here, ,byhis skilti aryl faithfulness: to the work of Ins profession, hosves'er dark, the niOt or cold' the storm, he soon (rained an' honorablereptitatien and: au . estensive practice, wlitch ho retained to the tim.i - of ' his retiring with a brokelycousti ' "cation - -from the practice 'of-his profe4ion, to the quiet;and luxury of a farm.: He was the Mier of a family of nine chil i Aren t four of whom with his wife, the: motlier 1 4 4 those children; preceded hi m to the grave. - After re tiring • ring from the busiaess of his pro .fessiont the Bible - claimed. • and received- a Marge Share of his , attention and_ 41'14.-- Itrotwithitandlng his peculiarities, which led high todiffer in somit resPects ! from • others, the su blime and Ito_lyitrutihs of God's word ., constituted not merely a tlierne for -intellec7 tual:Apecolation. with hnn, bat the divine source of sanctified emoiioni of 'heats.— These'proved:a stay and inpport to hint_ in: ..• the stroggles,of dissolving nature, and were in Christ :the foundation of a . calm and peaceful' resignation to the,,Ct'eator's will. In short, he Hied respected and died .1-a rnented, not only by_family relatives' who are left to inherit the avails of his toil, bot a large circle of acquaintances. • :- His remain.s.werii dello:sited in the bury ing grout,tl,upokilie Ilonaesteadi c and funcrt al services were. afterwards attended at the Baptist Meeting House, in Montrose, where _ he Imil been ficcustomed, when health and other circumstances would permit, regularly to attend Worship. liebtrdse; Feb; 3. 1864. Feb. -9 !851. per atunusii Oeficar. ' sit pai d until aG permitted lo remain • ith the publister, till RTISING, tost. -... 2, 50 with paper, . 3;00 iryearly ' the : ntitne tam [ k . ast :Fail; ought to :Chase" fis a - " 00a rObablf getthl ime: .. , Where,nO., • - 1 ati he betrayed, 4i thd S 1 ate- Tern 6tiently bad at Har i l enou 4. gh what would uence :of - trusting I Ice question. He sertioti of the cause !coders. Are malt tien—as though we 1. (Ince rnen'.4 voles on in;"sorne way, con s—and denounces vernent as 'utterly l ufidence,=altbough , be Considered one cella] means Of : . ru - - •.q.e9y. confidence in r. Cliase.lS attempt- m ocrat of last week, RIME .. , . coi•tespoittlelee . lll the Register,.- • ' • • . • -. • . : trcnOtsON,. iNljorning,. CO.::PU . -..- ' -- •' ' Febrifiri,-7th - 1854.; ; j- •. ' . • - . FniFsn, FnAiitn :: 7 -4-litul .purposed:wri. ;ling_ to you. this _ long While,. but physical in- • . . disiiositiolind business Cares: buv - o thus far. pievente4.::TUfe is b i esidei a:general dearth . : of- news. down lc:re ',.., eycry thing . with - scarce An excgptionCanuyes - on-in its own quint- even One of ihoseticeptions occurred late last Thursday afternoon., I had just returned from a- long yule and passed, between the heuse.(BaC i onls) and: barn, three teams with. loaded Wagons'. going on a rapid trot down the (reek. Presently - - I beard the alarm that there was . : . a luirse drowning in the areer , k,a tdezi hastening to the spot, I found that the' last of the three' teams - bad failed to get the wagon on- the and was thrown off some' fifteen feet down , the steep bank .into the water: • One of the 'horses was corn . . pletely submerged, - and evidently .. in -.. . , • Nmortis," - while the other was. ma desPerate efforts t o disengage himself his naie, and-: e scapee O n e , of thn . spe ct . 1 1 went itito the water, cut:thebarne s . ai „ ... :a rope around him, by .'j which- means he rescued. - The defunct . .!borse has since- . hauled out, and his ,Ittort.ttl :remains - 1 lie 'upon tbubank: I know _not 'what di sition will bp Made ofithnm; as.we, le vored thad the good folks of yotir place, no Horse Heaveh.doWn here., . 1 On getting the'Dri4r out - fm . ro under the • . • I .. • wagopi we found that :Ills right leg was..bro ken about three inchetf;'abolre the ancla, and very providentially he! waii, i not'-otherwise in-. , jered.., The fracture ivas spseAily adjusted and the - next day the iloung man . was taken lionie to his itother'elfiVe miles beloW here. Slieis an estimable wdmait in moderate,cit . zumstinees.anddepen ant upon . this . son for .support:;.so this s aicident falls heavily_ upon her. 'bid the neighbors and friends are very kind 'and She will' ot he allowed to suffer:' , y It.seems alritoita tairacle that, the yciunn• - tnith escape-1 with , set little - injury: - Seeing the danger, be ha uit'tiine- to leap -.When the wagon - . an l ad of coal:Was thrown upon. him. , ;sro . bla ~, e ie, attached teliiin forthe accident. His'horle that was drotin :ed, had previously-acquiled: a runaway -rep.: - ntatiou, and 'the othe'r feints:licing directly in Ili path , he was tinithle-to c heck the sPi.ed : ofiliii ownteam: in time to aroikthn castial ty. I : .... . , -,.,--:, I, --.- . Thr :table . ; ' '.-tbaCreek- ere is *assidet and our baii have plenty ,e'spout4 'cutting hates. ia and,Lookini.Out'Snetersrand rsach . oilr'- er fish:as chance te'eqinP-alenit- Somebody is `after the, alai.' Oust goZ I-. ' - Thinetnfly,-. CeSemolftsLNeET'otwrzteArE mass ae. - - .The , Reading Totintal, in .not icing- the i.t9P414 1 00`1: of 'ihe , afif(44 4 i-jentryieZ: tci PestPelie . , ',the • *hii-, -, Stilei'rfeeVentlinic .Ctillea il k :weir at 4ertisberg,en , the.lsth of: Mnichi 104 , later: dap • saYs t " We are ioCeoliisize L that IC -iblUtires'ef the party, ,, vieeld' be furthered , hi ii . g4tilple . y. iiiecon4 - addle - in 'Leeci,Feecus to,: , Tit- is ;hetter te4iikee:,-.bohletilid.::- if , iicemom: *Lie IL first -111* *O, . siut tuil.ktopded. i Whik.i,there is -ne danger -OU , ) * ' , Ociin's ayeaght .eetlee-eartr;`-x- A 4 ° O 4 - aPt; 49 ; 4 hell' the bat;le. . , 1 : ' 1 Cdrnspo_ruerips:of ike..g , _ . . - Sins. - Depot,Feb. - ..1 -- .... l' - ', ,-- 1 - .- '", ..1. , - il.-I" I FRAnua — As the., 6,ii CoiintY *s4 : ;Yen noti ;--: Small rnkwaiPosr Ftwile9k ant sils( ietiii lee ifa) ::'-' a, ~,, . la ~, e ,, I , .. ! tih t' & S i • lii IV do . •: I ' ViliOUld. ' + "Kai - tiaLil l ACC* Ml A t f* PA sideration therefore - (if the abovir • I desire to corteet, together with .of minor inipo,O.,,anie,. Ijkrita -. d - ' f';' von you o e. yea ers o) . paper. - '-* ' ,-•,.•1 : ../There Aar nisi bar .4 case , 'or anything of the kind isiliiis • . wide vicinity forlthelast , four we and the Ofily'runtor of one new, 'or 15-Mites 'frotiS here, . - itwaill . talni of Ararat i tin a .lofie and -- where, -in the' hanguage of the, .. Thel l. stars that. rise,,.. .:-*- Ain the wild cats- eye There it issaid, far from hum one poor disease,l. -victim With . friends, is restling:with the w. , thelOathsntne pestilence'.' - . .. i •As for the retrieval •of the NI Lte:, to Montrose pepot, ' I tht probable - t:C they will ever be. this to any. other place; nnleSs 1 'lire driven away i by-taxation, or .. able to procltre a title to, the lan have bought here. Should the .I move their works,and the intere ple be - prostrated in this scctiot ty, (which I think scarcely poi i called rough iiiteple of this pa haiura county; know ~•ifull• well d ling spirit and en what perion tacit* The spirit that would energy and i trip rc•vetnent'beeatt aparticularloOlity„or fof* a few destroy a whole community, is 1 - •• .consideratiou, of those with who a_lodgement. .i-- . - Ily the way'' hard:shale. . aut I..FteerDeme•OntStind in these Ort.als'pplicosed!tn Doh Shiiutd-Hen. 0.• A. C th;it ; bill lie is : 400mq11,.itrid . jnry Otin:o4.inthein H I and think CrepW'Afiti . st4incl 1 . 014 ' Your, I . • ilia It Takes . . • , large nutiabet .of rapers .I parts: of the country,. !lave e. selves oivbsed'to -- the Terkeat Ctlnnpromise Iri, ttelpernoc New Yotlt . Yost, A.t .setts Snuilt.l4 Dully .Detn4crat, tern; 13uffalo.ltepubEcj and o .. Even the New erical , Yorli _ Crm riser thinks that this attempt o bre. on thicCmpromise is heti; wr sand tic oli i the part 51 our Souther i frii.n certato etlect will be to di Itearl i c friends oaf the Compromise o 18A I) . 4:Ord's' vrio - periled 'not •a li tie in lierino , ti) them, who endo :tea t faith of;the ,Sonth in tue In tter i , a eertainly ought not =thus to be exp taunts,; nd to be made a bu t furl by those . vitli whoth they ade i'\ . i l cause cal e it was unpopul. -to `do_. will go fi r to destroy confidet ne I t :trace; a 1 representations 9 __'the leaders, liould- the scenes of 840-'5 enacted. It will throw .t.te •. lame-, renewal of agitation exclusi 'ely . 0 South.. It. will nullify th ' great 1 a i inent, a hieved at such - cos , fu - r 11' tion of contract by ones p. rty, dxs the other: - from ohs. trihg it. TI 1 moie, th n NS, will b: the e ect' of tence in this [attempt to ler. de -ill Lions of mutual cent act i ; nd we ly hope , hat Souther politi r leaf neither impose such d fficnlt upon t protnise men at the . 4North, nor • si their, re peated. pledgc..' . Tile- Conrier_and nquir r says Comprotnisdof - 1821, like. at'of - binding. 'it cannot 4e vio ted vii breach of pli hied' f th. - t is in pretend that'. ' he one' supers ded t_ The'twtfa - re bsciluteli• inde nclen other:; they do not, ouch i a sin The one applies elg lively the ",ceded byFranm to. he IT ited S der the name of: LO isiana ' the plies ,exclusively to . e l ` territory.c .Mexico to the I.lni d States, tii *nwritni Of ~.New•Mex" 1.1 .. and Cf.lifer say...that - the tone dill .r'S *from the spirit, would 'avail othing, eve true. A covenant i:region to premises cannot aff.ct ano mato in relatiOn to d fferent ever wide apart the two m letter oi in - spirit, eitl er in. i policy. ' The man in privet pretend it could, wo, Id be tl Shall public tranitact ens.. of .not be subject to the same snits! - RHODE D T THE A HiSL, passed the folloirittg passed bothl.tr4ncbe vote ! "i. '.. - - Resolved,' That our Sena' be instructed; and Oni. :Rep qutcd, to use their best e the passage of any law wbq eby SI involuntary:servitude, ex ' t - for,ci under anycircurhstances lie foirE4 !üblisbed north of said par lel; 1 11, ,, 01ve,d, That - the Clor rum' ted to transmit copies of 9 , fore, lution to ou t '. Senators an Repro in CongresS; to be by th tit pre' their respective Hotisei. ' --- A..ieadinft, Denieerit; no in W c / . / says the NTH York:Cota ercial, man 'of intelligence and - discernin frieOd of the 'Administration,' th to - a frie.ndin 'that- city.,-=:the expi 'his sentimentli not b!ing designed cation :-= . • .. We anticipate 've i - COngress. ;Ike Nebr ask a a t break lip:%tb,e Democ ratic Man,ffi,outbern,nien ' o -of the .Misiouri Conl, in very w.ell that ataiery *1 into Nebraidta, and d ie - fel of Ai, einsiToadie, - *hi - it good, wilt establish a:plea ;real of otbei"Taws— = the: perhaps." '.--' ~ t me Le g islature of Nest hare resolutions ~before, :t1 _ the immure: - k -_ . c - - The NeyrTork..tviinas It.wiii lie hard : not A FRIEND. tie log Om een siill spa ,. fa , • Vat IMO work—ru a pubti l'aPt - 4 11 it Valk tfiii Z‘lritik -6 7e4Sr alw r tn*ari., oilt_Armi *tor „ UP url swell, South ill a,:185 ; bat of btrrem ports,T sons coo_ hick helm he al& Au, an . 13.1: Nal T sm Its-, or Gad G over :Stare;,l,.... vol"'_ --The Itost.ex,.tonsire prep 3 ittOti) ,making for: the- 4reat , ex!?,4)4?te ,9 1 to,talie phice next vycai.; - . ' rir t • r :: —A. csotful census or &h..113i a r et i t,e just heen, corepleted,! which I sho* nurnher of inhaiiitants, to .be,9 '69,41-. --Twcoty-eight.xesiels,w. re,wr on the Florida4eer during pr.,lusf an ifreniy-uine.arrive4 in - 4iA'Te.l. 2 timu‘ed loss, $2,082,500. .:, 1... 1 .. ,-.. . . ,- I,= 1 , • —A seientifie'egricUltUris says i should not- particularly select ;the eari•of torn . - lor seed, hot i rith -which grot./ Utarest the grOnna;' . - - . la "so* the .n a•il~t ti Tape- fain urxt. fu ho P s from pany t they . peo couu le so Wine meil r l ou al Iv find i hull ,•, body!: e bras- . to foil o I tho Dirt: Ifferey, I tbem.- issouri saelliv: 1 • rror, ..sire4. atic pa 11 Ohio) tliazeke The' 850, '•C110111...L vain to e other. LO ' f each ;vie iota: rritory tes.uu- t ter ap, ded by tier Ate. 'la. :T9 9tli* in were. it certain r ; _cOye 7 !es, how 'on . or in lo!liould, er pr preuti Y be , - xprirts )ifs ought this aw o :lunatic,' liaiaCter, common ! TIRE They. sentiffg L ,oint . with. GISLA futio ;ul= a pm in ~t ritati II rts ongres. 4.4 - be re ! . preyent yery or me, can ced or ts TequeS ing reso -eutatives- ientid `to jiington, regentle .ut :uld•a -! s' writes o Ifor pabli . .. • In -'r seance gating` i; entirely, '4ll.'' it '. - t e ii r. .0: • - ---. 1. 1 - L ; 44r iii,,:ii' ivPqa -. ~. 7:.... ; .. ' ort tart • , 11— '-'7 '.-'-'l7.d. liotr• ..._-,iicoal• I i'','tiii4. tne - . . tic* 1.. : Fdollien - • - ''ivil„:, -• • the 're=. I.'iliiii.'•,_.f.°",,iiitolti* / 1 I i i iti F9l - ,•. ; ;- •.,,, '.. - ' , ,-. rYjirk aiccglio - Y! ; - very; 'el .-I,lard '.. A long " train or circiimstanc Off the 't rack i .t he other clay; 'apot the plot-for a ',4rat rate "story. :es ilk . " tender-" portion f hpreof:: ;=:" • - —lit some - parts Of ' the count!. .maredied front, eatin 'cpt corn '1 he : main stall:thoul . rot-be : cut, .so unless it iS steeped t in . beilitil hefoie feeding. - • —'rhe - presclit annal 'WO to can farmers, by the, p 7tctice itf., t their tnantires to the tiction.fic , tli+ er, i4.estimated at trenty, Milli 4 lats. .. ;.• ~ rd . .....:::: - --It is . Stated that . a (in mute . found - -nea•r; San* :Fraueiseit -- -**-Ali - .‘ra iL Englend' are-; ice . th6:piii•ysOuree : , frotiiwhiehAe - % rires:tiiisyalti.il46, inet,a1:.:_,: ... 11: . .1,- • • - --:*it -is. 'prt'4')i,'-ei.l .t9-.fernO t preqie Court. of irennsylVan!a t to bor4, and- make las., seisionl.Tipi:.- mw :a :&a . poitiOns to *t -.'; eft- , . .bee.o pi ese !it e 4 , to- Oei.Legi44t u, . . . , ':- , 'r. 4 sum -$. 84,660.11631-be • tor ibeAninefit :of Ale capiaiiii al .of thp':Three #Bell, , .KilliSt, - -- .. . -andiLuey.Tlionitisori, : ithe • ri4eue *.bußrer.slof the...*lSan FraficiseO : ',`,:: : w . - ..A.-cotetrrtior:a.ry.syS ti?liit . D anol,--,..ohoiera ' .in.r litig n 1 ad 'i , rati - orr at lioine—WregkS• •-iii' . t av,e given . toi .. ti l e -Or e Ont : lv e pit :en-linen& a inong . disaStrotis- - Setnt. .: 2 -Thetinilier - Seized* sincel4i . 1 tlie !NV iiciinsiA and • Ciliiv6va, i' i i I n . li e 4 .reloniou*siV eicto * 0 . tnent !Audi , n inOunts.fir sikt y .ini, 1 . . i andis.valut d at -from, 0,56:000,t 4 -7 se The eon - unee of the Virg &Q . islature to Aviiteli, ‘-re referre4 perance petitiOns, h [ ave _repot tej ts inexpudient. ,to pis 3 a prohihil or io submitthe questionid.a vi, Peslll l e. .- ' , .-: .* '[l .-:, .. --The-'execiitive..einninittes" if 'ill:6 I P.enttsyfrailia, 'Agricultural Sc'i - Y' et, , :11 . aVe iiivitel propoiitioni . for die 1 eiron _of the,next State Pair', whieh: il - e _hal ..oti the_26th, th,2Bth_ain.l.29ih 0 Sep teinbernext: - .' ( ,-' 1 ''- 1 ' - - . -H-We get ;a §ingular -piece 1 gence from - .Kienna. .The'AlirtiO - erninetit, on s the,recominentimi Board of kleiOtli, bas auinori*e, .of horse (kit/ in the .butchei.s ; iti caiiital. , . • The: :Winter in'Eti, . ,• • , • been-renarkablefor two circurol the thermometer and - -Prince, Al both fallen, below - zero.. ,',Tekii just discovered that his model nothing but n,".sharrif° .' , - • -• ---Tlie benate only was ,in ession- in „ n . Washington o -Saul-day. "1 Th . Nebrai.' ka bill was fiirther debated; a illiplifi-ci , 7 ther•business was done . . The.' It rmpt io 'force-it. thinu,gb does not 'Suece,, alas well as its friend supposed: ''---. • • ',. ••• ' ''•l <- • - ri!-A 'cOrr egpondrit ' ,r , 14-qeneseo Fanner: raiSits . the, :sties ton .wlieilier pumpkins tend, to JrY uptj rill chileowe, - , When, fed to Oieiii. ;-I,Nrill u it S isielian:.' na county fartnerd, goie - us the re ult-,. - of their e•pericuee in the . intilerl p .- It: appears &din ~.the - las adlinsefts , register of birtba.aiul dent 's, t,,1 ati the (Ati ration of ithe,„lives 0 .agrieult.frists Was, thii t eon. year's- nboye the' geii erai .irera ge t neatly _nineteen- above that', Of ell:union ., berets, and inineteen.per eent iaboye,the, i Average age; at dcath_ef.meilr nips, J . ''-. —Success, makei. men ''wit ly.l l - - Sai'qa I, Anna, in.reply An Gee:-_Gadseif,s .propt oition: for a new: treaty; said';i4 - ai e'• di d 'tint see :Why the 'United 'Stil'es'!'-watited ii4othert` they had ,- . .alreadyJ' ne ' treaty ratified which ' they-refused , o ,Orkserve, acid two 'negotiate& which' 1 li, .y reftiied 1 tci ratify:- --...-';‘::--• ••; •l; •-..: ,- -•[-1 -,.' t.: ,',,...' 1 I.—Col. Benton 'being asked: kirhat reply could be Made to thespeech'4f 'Douglas, ' 4 ,, - • said t , Reply; sirt Paote ire' tiiiV•tn 'be: _ gbiniaid; - any one who says 't at` when 1 veted for- the_ Compromise of J..§50,• I, meant to repeal tl.4Cotrirtroris se'of;lB'2o, lies sii--he'rells a lici;'-'sirTh - . ' " ' ' tbat ria eix,teasi‘:e tra:4 lag allout 2 nailes . I)ereliae of Al use of, the - S t r ate riso timber to be • tools 'et: irar'iri'ai; Os. • It is Baia that p i ris4iritet4l,to eren out reads as ; Booli'zia reads - _ '• • '``Legislativ e -t ' ' -," - ' , - .., .•--,7 : c , ,- -, 1•-We keep tan eye; ns. thedinpgs of Pon , gress . and - ourSt ate; Le sla4zr:t. 74:Ir.: i n view tp: reVprt' soi!lfingl' 44 frlp,o44n . ...e that occurs in 0 1 1 . i .. - ;Pt1!440 , 04:45 , 3 1 Tast,Cpngress has done 'tti,tle - l kiat''"agu , " ,-. ..1- ~-`1 .=..., taie'-'- the slavery sueltion, _in : eigrant,-ii i-,;., , ._,, --.: . • , . _..: ~..., , t. olation 'of the compronme o ' Ipsou ,e, ou , -tte; , .Peansylvipia Leglslata: ',l#6:',lT,t isd ' bl' : l' - eitii- ''''. ' '''h - ,y sporeu a y emp aye , - p e a r s.: , -,-, ~ - ~ ' .': `..,";"- n *, -1 , , + .- ---- :,:!', , the following :-., ~ -...E ---:.. :Li, In- 't fr ouse„,ow t a j,:- . I , , Statit,i ..ri. J . .liari, o n leave,.m . tide:an:lSi* a*itiowieli . .ative - ti !ilb,4ses. thiti• - liidi'tr 'Peiittq 'lobse - • Ono f thpsimiiithi ; *l the=Loffcersli iiriiislahititi tilheiv - r=•witit candles.. W 1 W a IV I n •- - - - Yr g , k - - Pa ' 1: , )1 /aw. .: ., ! .:, .r ,h ,„ ~ ,,4 .:;, . .,::1:44 2, - 4:::: , 44 . f.;"o::ii.-:4::. Mr-Miller ffireCa," ',Olacicifildi 1:, big litatranofteet• 'who_ isho . iiigliqkcli .inta. ;-. the_ 4 lo ll 4:•eliidl'4lo4l 11 0;01: #braharti:iritivid4o- atiiead..i , :''iiii . :saAro . member- " after the word . 9.'4 er- ...- ' '` - —.----1--• .. 4 . r l. ''''' %, . .., ~,,,, I : ' 4.. ' ,,, '...„ 4 5 • . *l ' l 'II 72....0P 01 ' lan. ' rile: kl i. -iiiq i W l 'ltirititli:cg• -:r .. ,S, 01 ,*'_ ainadt , ot , a p ) , i7ote- .!I.F s' . ' ~4. ,:::14,...4beil si74 ti , : .;-. ,4 ti(7, ,, t , lfittillrits. 1,,'''' ' Theyne 3 - , iika '. grthei-iiiint i :- (itt,questio , 4 i n:- . oitittliegote: ,. tialFnia; '. `, ' ftd ..,Ktittiyaftifa4 , i p s ,j u ti. n,. at t -‘S • • eau 'l4FAliisi i r . . be :ifteete4 to C'',... e kir'', ' ~ 10 skiif!lte; :_i i riiem4rs an4Lt . et:'d . 13 - ; flrqii . 'Oltii.ii. l ai s -Vi 'Aies:fi,S•tidelir*.o..' 7 (lFArctithi #6440 n• I t & 'l4 ,-1,?4d.1icu.,:- fa_Cfulldwed. Mr. C, ,1? Vail bit - 144 e 'tvriifillhe 11%v re I.e . e tt . ,biltelsjiiit.,i'esjenfay rink ] found . a , tiltelBtli'sitetliiii • iliCia6d l fo r f urnish f in .: t 6,- sae tit,iiiiis sii ii light, Ivh ell has c e' so constiued to tnes ca files.----- ;''... • • 'aid the rnernbe of the ens C were . I d wilit'ligbt;• *ktie'eilu ileee. ''.- ie' 5t4 e . "1'Yi. 1 . 116,11 29 'o° o /4 -°.".*Atii la 4) . KfPles.B. Nr. rta: . - 4.. . - o.thea d:4lrl , ii , fii " 81 )ed with su? 41441;y i ttrir., : i 'k- I or, pa appeare.t. by raferOn -11; his' j c. ;-.1.:4r:/rigt. - t l 39!tgib; l • ll P. - . l lfrwie' Oa-Pet. .I •m: e- Ilitli•ik - V/ . 4 a )11-,; iti aarviikaillirX4o • T rr:T al ip l ‘ gas ' e‘ Pu.gikin-th,e , P# 2 l l VI prey 4 , . .Ymbetti, -, i tt, 'PII 3 / 11 .g jit•rialio..i4r2;4 , 9o: - • ~, iwihlo' inetnheri sinitild 1 3.4f0t.' ' - ;`,A 1 . 1 its • ~. - --,..:1 .-,,t .fa y •••;• . : y.,- , f ßi ki - ; 4 ,,t r _,.: - , • , •.:, Ms • 131:0;ana liada!Mlyik 1' - t - ,. ome re- .. CO fir the resPeet i tl,4iifY,or !. 11 .4, i enn -- BYivabia Legi.4atura::' ••',rite ; .., newgeppers • g liara,,itY•Veak of 9 1 enlAn.entititRM. ._se i a ound,relr, Parr) witting pe petty hirqinyilfcc . it d• Ile Ithought. . • it ;was , totty tolurnis , sins to aggravate sod}, pu hi icat i0n51'..... ":. Mr. Davis said, for hispaitc , fie.n-anie.. ; li ht. . -Thirqqatin i r of candles bad .m e. i g Re toPt; 190. ivill i r spreaditll , ,over•th yr - -.. .L. Inpontialth: - i. Hart Inew we li '1 'iv. cr. niattagel:-74 1 , got his_ candles firs )‘, .h forplieraisid the cry. - , ;, ,I ''... Mr. Ilails.was pained . at the light - I'i . t hick:A his:.ttiatterliscl been plaed: I 1%; s satisfied that *are was tio_afiernb- u °tit the floor - ici - ihrlinril tile eintimit t,-. C 9114'inlin.l • ,I`enn-iille./,,11 to n . . 416 1194 . 1: outior,ut would -haTo , kti• ' 11 .t e individual -'-i.ho' ipin-pe fr . !'... . h.. r- At e:1 ,t eitii.he .ri!giie.s. tifen: by • • r . s ny . n?,..con 1 1 f icy '1 ..Tins seriiiinOwss.., 5.1 posed.-of , ore nit ellect and boiniii'yvt , i. ..,14-0044- i g Legisititnt. .4. g,ent.te . .a ''ffkim Jiro - doh; visiting here :-., iliiikese 1 t rins of the present 14egiala if .r . .....:. ; Mri..ltlouazian, u;ai a bse CI patescjtiy, I 1 'd waa.surprietl- ajtou::i. se- it '-.tbe-prtk:i• f 6 tidtwof theAio4aTi.:a - stii: Ri b4: - •;,1t1e., lad auver-siou roma eg _tie', lit .this Hil f . and-sh kiiiel , t es ill- their;, -1 auds.• Ire WOuld pi :et as' 'inch light- as. ny one,. in a pare:.. rpt.:_4:::::-, '6..resolution _ roviaes for .fiva ~ 1, udit!,;co - rap - dies fore ic4.mqmber.' Nu .tha n e h e worth vrf !' be whole':' araottuift -Car i toed -in the Vine taken an t_stkinglibt-tiit, hem :Alep! .7 -. I.krs Aid -not wish •13tatitifoi' i vines ,4l.-pii itate. uses as they ate gener4ly siti)pliffd, tVith lighti'at !twirl. boa rdi 4 . 1 , 1015k5.--i: I t clitnie.ccinid not use one hal ityft y tt .... i pti l ll ..: or his:part ; :he could 10)4134.44/o:0 dor nri l rilha. hued . thir.-itiezifufl'OntintfihP; 14 ance konitlalii,s . truiik.:4? } ).l4loe.iil.kf I' " Allii'ailWiet•turiii 6 r.o 6 9 6 .ot - dieVOi . Ir.*Pliukayi said.**autertililigtoria 41 , I, • isteK bi - -ifitti4ll.l 9 44 l lkiV 4 44 . ii;' .. - atid•laiting-the tt - oecie-440.3.0tiiiitii..5.. , i .!. -1 . Mr. Dattningiellreac - iffi#oiiitiytti,t. iti,..! :tha.Clarli-liolautfui.4:o4.4tol4itiftruct . ii ei I )41.) corliit i 0 6 r 1: o fiirnials'llt*.iiionThia : 4 1 1*ka - with Ifiaikatia!es se aPaPikri - f9r ; 11 ir syn lise,durio; tilt!, sessiotc..f:•, '_ .;. 4 .. / .. , _ 2 ; -:* *r• Abiithanritti , yedi , thk - Afief,..".. ' kin and tha•aateud.trootaliblikid- on': 1,111)10i : whicli was a g re l iliiii[i • ' =plc& ly,l the, ~.~ 9 o ~ 10)11. 4 IVO tai 11t lihy die t r 1,!() ' i ,o 1 ie y 1 4 , 0 a . - . War `l4 are r !las - 'she _ - aced, year,. • 24_ triers ryaes those ( 1 1 ran 'iii IBtC 'cal I y vater Ime,ri. 'et i=: -f djl " orn Imast •Id d.:- 'l.t:'.'S . O't 46 ii...-: ised Itrews, 'lactic; of the- (Lon'the 'sea— Fee. y list, on wot - s, as 'I P 1 7 11 1" 4'14i,f4 . . 1 0.: .500,0,00.:* the I=- 014 it nti•y:la; . fl . int e11i 7 ., Jo1:00y_ u or ale . I :;1) . q„ s4l 1 ig :of: the: land • has, a ces-- bell. have 13a1U . has is' '. • 4 °Crat st,4B. liyija in tni ,: Ty- 1 - Litpoitei. libe l eYleilt: ,i'd'i' ill lit , al 4 CD; ri. rir i o ir r e - 6e' r ' - " 4 1 t li7 : i s% t e .,e :. p.. ti' t h e : a nntopn .en ' Vf linty 'et of I fro. ; M oust sed rads ho. I I.a< , . . ' One Week Lcilii fro - :E zil ; 111 articalans of thoiyar . .,11:1 :.1 , ~, ~,:- . ..-4 :::.1..: . _ , i, •- ~. L .., , rIIOb.,PECT OF_ GZ N . F.11.1 , i, 117.4 1 (.._ . •. thiltfax, Saturday, 1 o'cl ck,r f ai !..17.1 1 0,At141. §leirnsbip Arabi* .oiipt)ii:i idkiiii;4 . rnin Liverpool, atnoi . ;;::,Stii . .iffi iii ; ;l.liialst. of Januttryi,aki:iy ;'this al eynooli;:t)ringing 79:..pitialin gers. -, '''Messrs. RichardSrin Sii;B •others, in t-f 'faring tn. Bread Itiiirs;il4. limn : Y . :Tal l ev in. the fire 04 of the; ;k';• . ) . .;titylit tli. wlti close there-waft a better fee 'rig, and liri= esitittiriiv.ol . -, . `,' - .--:.Flour,"wheat, and coo old onFtiday at ihout the rates current' tithe 71b inst-: say Western Canal flour ,4 1 - 6ds-431 -9tlf; Baltimore and. Pliiladelph l 44s 3d a 44s .6il; Whiti:ivhittoaol2s 6d '4As.' li_ - 'Corn :was firm at the ra iiifrcittnnt, on. theilltlii; ( i ( :`..,1 ' i '.. j - bliiiii. Gardner & Co.iquole ISrovis i.tiii)•firni,-arid tattier Higher _'For For .lard ,tbere;:.irif ti! , .::144011 'speculative-inquiry, aiiit - imieis*ad..!yeati:Finade at &Ss, - .... . [ .. .7riiildintbeitit.kriarket was unchanged, ~. , 3 y4 bareifort . .iiir:, ! 4iicou ts of . Abe .bat:- teii:eficividei,vitiigi*ing, tl eaurki.`ibsuc egisiii. ' k iippeiirl that Pie,. it9i44!ns, were concentraci a • fur s t int Citide in 'ordei io r iktt sick' . alefat oti;:te 13th , y but on 14.644411 i - , hoiisaiid 'Turks mat-cli il li ed out 'a itiutio . At tacke4 and ' gc,o; c, 4 , Ritale; had a.coii fct]withi tbo !--Russ all . the field•oh the' Ithefind, ri'(e.weil tb battle,on-tbeStb,i ending i,irtile i ::e.vetin . with .tlicutotal; discomfiture or 41,4u.i . t0 ilians, , .Wti9 - i - Oitifes to 4,000 killiA at their getteiall,Aui - ep arta Tuinout. Woutu .. _ . • ' ' Oa the. 9th the Turks, having remained over iiikilvon,thifiela `eyonclicitalc, at. tacked the reieFit.'of t te;-liiiisiitealatid• d twits - them back itipon rain..l) 1 loss ofLottetion,andimmeiseiiittighi eiiii both sides.' ' ,l ,*- 1 - , : '-......4)0' , --‘ On the 10th, .the T ill *icing' razed ibe -Ruinitt4 :fortifictipii tAketurued. - to Kalerat::',. ! lrk:t.p. ... ,-. ' : ',.,:.:, 1 -1.;; , . : 5., . ..!. " 'Tlielit s were cop ''ili:lej in - tilt ' action bys: : . • liin . Pashtik 41dlinsky, - ' a .". ..I%ieltypedsT: ' ii a- . :tetielii t; ' )irrr.. , ..: i'Mehniefi L ;cis liiti.dtt. 0 , .4 1 f 1 44 ' - - , ..., . The•trhiii " .. * . e.."a ties w . 3 4 ofE 'ciallir - ,. •nounee'd to • he: !ranch a iil, l , - te.. , t hassles. rs ' - :' --, 1: i f - - '•:- '--- f;,.. , Ttiere i ery littlii nesVs from Asi a Letters atm ATrebi.T.ohtle of 6th - , P , 1 :.cember* ,, t_ay t'hii!fso4iatti :Wad prgatiiite ' .. . Polipk t . .ti. :iegfeliiiiit, I tit) strong. B,' 1 , bad Itile*tti glirOviiii*l" - •Ilinlinunitiai '. ..iiimkiWAikaiizlng a 6 tkinn - atljj 3 gbeie!.. - i r . F.M44; Ab'assia tis - a re in illi notiivittilbiixi;% ":TheiluJigal . PlPAantl . - Itisi?! , •viliiiiii"t r 1.44 b i" 6l, svi,lfiii ) o*...: .6 1 i 5 Ca 1 0 1 1 ( . 144 . : : 14 14 I• 4 ilre Pl 6 YritiOti-'w .. f.;4liiii****,: 7 lthektd):ti litituary'llir Ne iiii,.**tii..-7,!..K141i: . i der,lined all Ali 111i 1. '1311 l \ tCe'llio<iffo -1 t f IlaiVa la rumpti 1 '; 'l' r ," -t- f -? '' ' r % ... 4-, \ , i b t::•"'c'g''"'''i - Cin' i 1 . 4'4 il l' A li kili : 1 1 7 f *7 . l°llk ' JCll.:;lli 1 ; 1° 'allied flt!er)veits f n=s ;if* 0.1rAbi. , 14. 1 1.:1; =4.l.3,4*.ahip‘hti' ~ r : - Oiiiiiig*stS4:44.: 4 IcAiiiii4 t,16'1 , 4:trkill s tllif' r! AkiitOpol; i io: o 432. IllibtrAkqttlif.Oftff*M T i Alits,,ltiltat . 43 FT!. 1 .9P 1 1 1-: t i- , T11.,.k.fick,. I .9 l lQ.A4ii# -; 411 Ptittlkiikl 4 4 4 )L 4 P 00 . inoteliiiii CottOifati4 : -'l - ri 4 eor 4 Altos, c r .i le- t . .j . ; IF:liltPr r :It a view o . iv .. I'l --- . ' -. • .T.4tfaXiiiii-.., isys..l: 4:7 41:; illti s . istAii.:?relifioieiiiitgiliki6ii, • •.: )..4.., -.. ,_ _ i e ',N..' 0T' , ..4.31. z ,, ..., ' .. , .. 4 4- - A...-.. • -2_ .--, ''!r n !!l 7 n .r t -..--`,`'-, ,- ii.-'''' . 1 I '• -'",'s! an 'lt , 1.. , --• •-• ' - 11 L 11 Itoxic l ececi - itui_, .Irdliii_s-4 '.--11016 1 21d' feellAi" •-' ..."1,. , :t- '- 7 ii:, - .411et: ; .1 mated` b "' , 1 iiitiiiii ',....7 , • '144 '. + i 1 .i4ici)642.1 ti....,t„e,r-ilii..!.- :-,..4iiiii-.,, cups ...t. tii; lit:if...fa airi v it. - ... - ditikelid- 41R in: otfi t .wix : - : .* li:**;'• k r i; OVviate any iic&rinie. 2 'c*iiiailld ,gerrPeae• '. j- - ,-, (•- ... '-`.;.- -1i,,--4: peay RAiniapprr.;-, . I.' r- - BißAGt*:4litiliiiiii. __ _ 1 - : ifs first., te4eliatiir'-itic;sl%-. i i , t : l:,nly Int o the: lselcie.. ig-...tput - . ~z. 4 - curt eat thAtitial** - 41 - 4 ; - &bid ia - li&fenqi..getillailiii,lX .14. !ly tho - vvi.4iKiif.theitAisicl,fleet en-'-•-'i. .„..-- elweilAitbkiiitvtlitietbetietsviii'f• l lii i pi: • t -iiici - • 9 ..91 . -3 1 .! xo. re -etrTFt.nse, ----.: ilitlYe_igffiA:VintirCiiittli"e! To rk. -.'.". opypyrflithic,4 was under the. protec- • -'.... r' - 'llllie!,) . '-' , 'Cirryieg '15,000 m elf for : '... Merchantitaite7ist]ntinoplo . ' '..! l 1 4 1 ; , - reggrtedi / ii. Ot:',l4tkiitjtisefia the , _- Ili they : are --- C'titife l itii"`OiAly - siziposed .. e sailed. towards tustm. when i t rnaised; the Rtisisi'mktiittel4,34:floite:, - ,,' bound '- Sega.ittipot T ' titia.if,* -- igut :-., 7, tpata, the Rdisian4' aite,ortmttzlnit-,.. - -;1: . i i,and have eitiagni:Jiecl:till,Oie7 4 lik s ht--,.. , -li.; iiithe Mst of :.Pecember:t'tlie.Poita - e' _ the folhwit ) t*Okq c aceiii s l ,A4 ; Lb e e of the . Four Pei, , lira :..Firat4Quitisad • I he.evacuation of the Principilitiitiris in as possible, say: witbiti:',fiftii'ito ..aity days afterthe-- - acceptadqi,bi ilas 7 . • Second=qiiii-feiteivrall.of etreaties to vith special referencejo the integrity indetoiuledee: of _ .."Tiiikey. The rte '!eliot:ate , its administrative temßt).*kii,4ll 2 ,tpiniittapeotisly.d . ..f4• -, • :4- IbCs4ol44ffibii at . Vienna the g 1 is:ll_ greti4h;.-11t, iliNin and ' Pitiffiaa • , resetitittti,e;4„tiitAsil lii,a drew iii / ititrit.- - , 4 - iieti,9gtlititi ante's ter d add .- sati:ifeitli, i t it;7lThci , ,li L '? *- 2,-: i . - , , • ~,, - ,-, --. _ , •,....., .: tatefy sent Otri y courtet toot .. .e. f . i -,, , Id . i . e l ire... 111.0-, where the -t•vo LI 1r / V 1)":" , : ".. ttg a i; • • • ~ .• i-. .- : i ' • 'Z'- ; f Oi .:; Z " ' :-. - • tte::XS,ifte's dearbid is, that_. the ' tei f ;, - - t ill:biz/degait eIY- a ceept a --or ref ' 'end: : • alibi - forty-i:litya fi.o rn ~tanuary t i.;-_2 4 1,- . - . ili•liii: Prit#ipalities evacuated - ---;: , :. - iiiik5..1_ iitikir . ,et..i . ; to thirty a n) 4 f ,r. o,l l :'.',C*li!L'llt-e ,.. i4.l..fiiir's letter !.;f. it ccellititie4t::...-_,i - ': • macro is on. the way t'. St. .flyteefifiiitiii-. ,- On the 1.2t1i of Jinuary theol l ill'i ns ,*fig'.. - r Iklinisters at t St.Pcfe4lZik Viiii::. i dto th - li. op u r ! . c a te e tt:,t a _ _ ........,, ;•- r. : lieign - ,Affairs thegot"i• - y of I hi::aFt Aslet...f. - t 6111 e 'Black Sea.- . Tbe ~Ciikil* 1,. !,"*.--...-;-. / A ,i , ;114 . 1: 1411?W11 :. Wh du the; At,:,,kiliiii.`l._ irig t .,:‘, 1 ' ....11...g,nrope.mias.anxiousiy,,axitf . t tif;::. 2 I .ii„ . .l,:e'eit . ions had already, trailpiti!iit . .- . .. lib•iiqiiii.tai once iivigsdravi - hiS' iimisitUtf. lims'frdtifTriinceiii*England anditihm ill y decliire:- . ,„v-a r. , -; toi Ititt g eleprjafiniked dr. .L: .-, -: , . • I ' . --,.-- . pflii, the House, on the ad test., Mr. Deiciganread in.pluce•a bill to cooly?, the : btia"waie, .L a ntra acka-& Wea-ern rail r -- . • , .• -..t: -•,-;,...'• iia#, • :ccitilpany' i ro feii , q . .x.l4atl'iaq of then. , roa • ich .lie.yls .. : l ..T_T a -:, - .S ~.. asq -,,-ue ..h an .'- na,,.•• ` ,• c .1. o -„•ui' ut' , y, alsb a hill to itia A poate t he ; st. 9§ep e ' C4illece o f busquebatna.sounry, - ppo a , bili relative-I.n' the ',harmony . 46:,-lagnpt turn pi lie road coalparty: - --: r 2 - ,:- 1 . .., _ ti i i - ou o f . . 1 at i en 1 i . ,I 11,1 1 . 3 r: . 1 .• z • _ 4y•i•lkv a lr• . • _ • - ' i i." - • .""; Teach e rs The' qmn ' Y "Bi , ool== 6(414 11°1" Saturday Subject for the greo,rx ,1C be" niade~knorrd at_ 7.'n4le i d; -der k of Reform: • . In- tit r e lre= ...*:-..411:4 , F1. ..: , .. - :':''i:,..! :. l) , ':47311*',616i.4., spOetaillf..4nsti , K. 1 n ¥ ce it froptiabittiid;: , ;. , . tlie • - " 1 Diost-i7.:, ?log of - ilx wo_rd-",Perir:". .., tif,..0 1 42 frzga Nylikcil ititi deriv tont4rxl, op-, P!'tPrflite tj.! .5 . .. _ __ iiiidsiii - chp. :tan Juiii;lolWridtYti' X§l•ijoisbWorPha- ;.;• 4fifillitrpio theirdPrilill ": .. *- ~.I;lioli;RlFff4 .. .';'• 'iliOnie:'iflridiiestiOiti , ' i...Olit ..egtah - 4:qttausi..„ ,t#lN'ttwii rer*lifin*; s 080W-X.0 4 - 44 ;1' ,5 9; ..i • al - tif.oo l iFalkitfalaiSiti; 1 : bY,4 0 7.0 11 - :- 34eItt ''. .001 . 0 0 agatingWrfeet' - coilAiitif# - Itith.iiiidth: !gOertlii<fit4ol ilic.9:t in 4int):44liitnf-Atii'Oi!;.,/, A lei:-';'Lleill."--..VAPti", -1 1-i'. ft4t.'44.4tiVkit X. *.-.•-• ...- L -`• - ',ft:A i ..4 . : 1 ::: : 16. .i,4: ..- =. ,i -„' '.• i' , ii , .'. •Ikt:WklfrOlii l e .....4:1 '''t'il, .-.-' : " .-. ' :- . : 1"-Itlar tigtWejt' l 14 , ;:• r•i . i' ; ''\ 4 1. • • 441:x.,..,,, )4,:..r.c . V.',-,,,,.; r. -.• ' •-, ,:. : iit- ."-• ' ' -, ''s -, ;;•-...1.:1,Ctc4;%;', 3 -.•:-:3. , i : A i . -''. 4*, • ' & ''-&-:: t•'' ' • / ." ...., • . . • . , ~ ...;:i......., . ...,, , , - . . 4 , - , , - - - ----- 0 [,[• ''. '' , [ ji :. a '14, , , [ ;: ajn, [ l . tli z, .t, ' [' [ • [.., [ .; a. - rgt . lr:74 [ ' [ ..:i. [ - ' [ • • - .1.1" , : L• [ -[:,. '['. •- f, • -4.,[ . : [-, [•[ ~," [' -v. !: .. , ..#:ke.,-5 i f twAtik4:. On tbe,31.% t.;:ey . :.... ~.....,,.A Joiiiii,ri,fati! 'cle&ne*ts*ll.ccilukte j a - nnd 114 - R 1r; 0. -- :,/ ..e, 1te 1, 4,-;, - - -f P,E51i...1 - 4 1 , ,.. .. Broome Co:, N. Y.' 74-4qAtr,o,4- -, -: Aft . [. --- -.1,- ----.::-, - At the' samo . hole, lenthby - tire. mute.4l Scott ofSprinAville, , AncliAlisA EL-4.Atrt , `! 3.1 of OrilFtt fiend; l'a. , i. , : ,. , .,,,,, ~ • Dinka); ppriilatnim Colitity,7Jatt. 24th, co CAulso6.4*t3o.:l*Mri E1ZT 31474 1 rningelt 10 116 ; MlC;C : X:g ini i t i l l 1 0 1 02 211 itar , of hi age. Yonni man of 4 00 a P 3061 Wi l itler i .aud : ftfes, iukhtful and turn Pllolo44llhtaiittifthiq f ad notii'veri -hi et be rlc# e l - .16 114 1 .iest - 41"#()30itt*, -ceak - e;..rdi of obtaim .olikadePeo:- 4 : 40 1 4 1 /tyP ikkOK . li;it:a 1 '.‘'....*:031.141134 , 1iti11iab #ftdsitlie'4l- brow:;tisAY2,-,titgewrikt • :-'30'::10:44 • vt... “Ii•;:.. .: ~ ' .----•. : :.- 4.,,,,E-_-•f•-----sr-r,i-vai i • ~... FRAZIE ', :krit!.',C 4 iBE -6 ,(71. f, •Vouoselt , at. . .•. t ... 1 . • . ••.-- ..., ~ ~,. . ~L . ,..,...,,-,7 . •,- • '41' . ."•-••:-• - •.i— ,,, '-'s •••• i' • . •'; h''' Z ' ; 't sttami,,F...c.,-;.,.;.:.;.: 4 H ..._,..,.., 4.L,111. -. '• ...i . ' * 5. 1 4c- , .;• itt .1 1 !:. , f .-71. ..- . •-- -:- , s. its•-,.....•.r. , ...--:-;:..:1 •,,s , -,‘ .--,... ~... .- - t ..,:?... •-- • ,- •-• •- ~ ',...j.;i4T1-f..1-,;: .If t.- :• ' %/. 3 .,.., . ~-:. ... ,4 7 4•A, - --. , ,•_;..., ''3..' - )::t: lir,if4 : 4,-;f:,' : if•a.rtOtt-i ii- s' ,' • luerroteve .o. y Serm, One Ali a•gra_---, 7, , - , - ,41 0,:. Mhali , . 1 '3"7,14*..:. , • (171 . ► ' aoq - AA. - e ,..-.-:.t i ii. : . :•-•:-• •.. • r, k ;•.r:'...,......q..,i4:4 ,::.:-,•-• ~.; -,.- ,t , ~, . ' pt . : ••:' . .45 +.7c; . .! ; P,. 1 , .'. . „intr., WT. -, ..ii-ri.a,,, t - -,,,E 4 ..-.l<t• .4 0, - , .. , 4 . ". ..j. T , :i:: , ' Iff" . ;Ptivd y - ./ . 4 - ; " TT. -': stegro :.14„.. t • ..k , s•s , ttc4 , rl-: i:. , :--- • --t yt~:l,?w,~t, `` .~:4~.8 t ~. jliSrlidti tkveirg theza. MMI E . after,- riiit.frl4ll ftw steetii - l.t. c-E-4; . r.„4,4 ...* ?. 5 ei r . ,qe.o7 ..7 ',.::;:::: # *A C P S WV . - • 4%-- ":1 • - . • ..:::
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