- „.....-. ." 1_5 345 '-nc , 7.''' .. Frz, 4/0115011.,,,,. - • -f ., ~. , TiA L A O ti de kive - - • i n v lie paper which has j us tlnad , fits:`appeari(nca in I!47en , V asil:4 4 a. twaiihnAkiknket` We 'are fisu k to ,tchnitfthat.nie iiire.been-dtwpitnnt-- ezi in tie pint #(thikjoirital. 4 "rl444iitor j o s nos Inssitten ichi6ii !Ali 'prbveltijur, i o ns ellifttik 013 1 0 DO te44St4teff•i,q l 4 ,l 3t e v* li i iii t i m„ .1 . e the following are uncalled:kw, 1 And ,kikaloll3'.l.,PrellelllolMAStogie staillif u t Y . .;, lite 0 . 04 , 14 t .)' .4 . 114,11, 4 •. i , ? ~ p ii,,o thiiii,*s„- IttiotiAlltitn 454 : -.t' ' • ' „:4Oilias 144 0 , • , ....- ~;,,, Christ. -W` '' 'Y ittlAtindt_,_lFlA wrong. or e 1., -,,. .. .to to o -,e4avois, - 49 . b u isloei,to ..r .4 _ • ii t ic ß sioitlA 1014 r Rork ki• illgging l . -- -.,.'tber needful If.`4.2.i.oet‘"csAi. 4By your stlence," d . treto,l4.4!ytiti will 'lib conic ii - .. , ' ' '-.• ilie - ri , * rimwsUlliit'we will, not be :ailentl Whin . - *casiott•calls for sp s eech L' . nt 3,i illeialigitir , o isi4l t e wrougA, , . writ ihqnp?,./ - i - 4W it-"goinTiloa tatioisitaketewith, ile,grylesilll"Atabariird' ' `.:Mici.tieirrYork irribratee *meets on• - ibe i, AL VO'reiiksii,ce s - peeca:Of,tlib Irish 'editor' in just teirnis When it sayi-. ,''.'..--:: :-,--': -I'', . "If liberty filr • iielanAL:tuid the::irisil • . is ' seight in the spinit , ,evitmed,4o4oll the prin-• 1 c iples avowed . by* aiiiiets; iettitt\ - hardly, I be necessary to say i than '' .the' the' effort ,will,be l friftless,antt. the :hopes , ef .its - einteipione a. mockery::„.Alits for t.liel , aspirations-;' , of.the wronged and oppressed., if their incitement. to':stroggie for liberty_is, tlie - fkg . Wrible desire , otbosiiig,seilingt aadjailite i eacii.pther! . I `.- ... ,/.V.is dm.iro,tolsvu asjitile to do isitii the -Citizea as cirCuraitauees: will warrant,' but -.'we - ranuoi-rcfminfrOtiimaking one iiiore" 4 11 0 tunas froakitS:eoftirintsit,#sho'w the heartles s . and - unmeginbigitidn whieh . the editor has selected.. amid the following: ~ -.. -::‘, "Ia war, erything that w 9&« ¥& 'hurt, Cr - ha ra en elay *pd., 14exs• b‘t hin it• il4kthlre iliPfikftsen , tc;\ hee,d.aa - bria tirictitni in 1048, linArif "4 wo'illW idthe 4 siaries t eir r o the'tnetnies, of!theii:, eneifattl;' they !-Avould . have 'Watered thir ; R:3‘ .l 6l - atidiiary 4:4oen - till - it bloskilaea " • iti TiAllost!-5.19N0 NAcnixr.,nion. remts2---The -1 of bane ; of yesterday • ajhys i 4 We • are iiitt surprised - ai,learni no t by a , ••.lel.tet - frinw, ...1N1i..-.J-1. - fr.'.l)p4s . ei of -.llionipiomille,-;-COn . neC,ticitti. that lie:has succeeded in iiive'itt .ingt-tn achine..!whicli i lie d • .itiateS the Spirit ttal - ,Tele.g.i-apli Dial, ,This al it tr=- atus is COnit*Od - vtitli a dial • aeon milticir': are 'euirked",t beleitera- the be; th e Ai-ohieitiiiiterals, the woidsl r es.. and NO, ajtd, : some,.tttlier.coni . ettiertt -,t4i ;A- nincea tile -band, or. pointer., is fixed' in the centre , f 4 and ,- when to' 'tnitiminiticate - - 4 ith tAI f r i e „d s '1) 1 d o btl4y;:ti , K,titat . is is for it in give . a gentie:e4. , .x . tch to t lip. poinp fer: and .t he rep el;itioii is accompli~iiea;.. - Pease states that. yviih - a good..tip, rtiedioni to,'facilitate the . m9yen - teinte • of the pointer by-, agitaiim - .,* thhe.t'alde,-lct`- ters • will • be indicated ; the tilsas..fitst.., as art';_a martuensi4 can. ,w t hem . ilOyt--n. .There is also . .an . 4 : aritittienient .the dial may' he citi - icea red. the sight me:ilitimc so that. be cannot:know-'. what .it is that is- being *aid by the gliost: - . - ; A.s. "the'ziasts.'ivit It the st ntlanatT rid the electric telegi-4.14-•..ihri•giory.iii- first t;g . ritb'or . -sating-ntacbinefy to i - itir•• • • it eta I - be ; clai claimed as' ex cla?•ii.ely-AmeriCa ~or at 'least the psi?l beAiaputed by foreign Pease's late!' is dated. bit Deer:Miter 51 b Hlast.,..but. - ' we learn from iti,- tit at .'its . .s No'vernber 'lst the .13arim Colonel Forstner had exhib- • lied at a•:- - public. lecture. in !hat- city, .a Machine ,ralied_ the Psyelingfra I the vet ition of a Me..‘Vaktlttr, whieli,-‘‘)#must , • say Seedas.xather _ahead- of the,. Siitritnal TeletiraPh'.Diat • • jhis,Grermin apparatus is so nrrangt. that the ahnios'nOt only point to the let teas of the alphabet,' but Whop: they feel, like it. can ' employ a pencil held by the, machine mler a sheet of paper- conveni- . eat for their - tn:e. It, is even said that' pnetry. (we hope it Was much abor . e'the usual letel of ghostly lyticsy - wai t littitteii thai way, and veri i ,:tolerablee jokes made by the machine-hefor ) e, a paw ' lic a tufience, 1 , 06(46 he :intervention: eevention any hnman hand; 'At - least; so ..it is rein: , iiVin'..iesptlctahle nun) . als, ti,graid of Baron :Lieut. Cot. Vit..M,Forst 7 . Der., we can ; tetify that he is a man of *charactis-aittiretiute. , , . -Pvciitrroii'AcnaN. 'tl £ ' Lou r 3 N'-it' 01,- id N. .-Itirp. c .Eirse v.ery posltiyely : confirms the story - iota 31,....ibi 3aeleprat dance , Ileige about the paTetilipt9ry Mes:agv - -lateli; sent. by .Louis.ripifeoti to - the Enftlish - do,: era ; ment.:-, , Itis, Says th'ia jeninal, perfe.ctly title" that FiiFiee ciitted , upqn "Or* Britain Ziff. 'ike: tie . •:csltirs4'ii!sia became lt,nperatively , noczs4aff:after thedisa4roo;affair-- of Siu- ope; itii perfectly true that Feance declared to Great Britain'slifit tfttle British-50 . 1 ; 11nm .did not riceic'e i iiiiiiiiedlite Oi'deV.s tte:Ail4r!tlie 'Black Sea cotuointly*lthitle.:FienehiqUad nr, the 101 et wotil4 -enter duke ,lo .protect: Tar/cry rifice&iotisitj.. , It is, moieereri:vr-; fert„ lv trite that. Lord Nberdeet!, - "fdisaiit eon tr'e fortn4 bon C'Mni.. 44: :.'tPtied,' - *ithc;Ui tei= . itaiiim, witliout d'elaY, on. tile - Teri the application was . ' made. by the M4.)st coMplete - ad hesioti tit) taitoriiiii- deolaritiim of s. The orders gitli, to' the , itmilicin are 'said to lay- - In4ernitie , iii"the - Bia . elt Sea-in in& a:: iviO:ii:tiioigtittite' 'a - Sort f.ti . i rli riltij bre Inaittrilii - tit ' rifeitiom : l r arni to Batton., not p ern otti l i k opic t ijkfrklatiut Auisian tleets-to erw the line, ,lik4t leivinT.eieliof4hern p 4 feet freedomofction. on t;heir 'owl! side...-- The :Pram argues that,-rarar on Or large, *is /AO% much: more irriProtabiellkita":'it. before: the - allies resolved , npon'ilfsiliest .. . Itli - licit A - iidmisrible - s:tipJx*4itm...ittil;. Ittia will . :44lryte her thank Sea ilia tci 6= stroction by provoking the united ,French, - English -and Turkish 'mit, f0re.A.,4:14 an triici qual, %Maim.- At*liolas*ill, ,t.llerefiVe,; - lie - placed - Ve frreen'tfleakl.isFoiklten.itli'Os - t i•liffOr • he must judefitiitAy prkiliiiiic a aituation - ei-: cessively humiliating and . 1 jueowenient to -, him. or. iMmust speedihrevnetuiteAlle Prin cipalities.. - The - - laitilr coun.e , :vrilellgrt his . p,rideless 6 ati .tOlet / liii fleet reirrsiiili*ti-` ti blooksul4 in the port of 8 n 1 : 1 09/kir . -1 7 - i. r . Tinge: ‘, , . -..,, :' tzrMitchell.in hi 4 lecture -.:it:l4sstOri the 'other evening. •on he,. positip4.3l4. duty .or-Euroimau refugees Arneriea,!-. agreed to ,phosy , Ahlit - ,, , to f , .:the 2 ,,,ennotry of their Elpiition their whole tind.:nrsclivislet! dutrbelovgs; irrespective t,f protlice-ior t roe,i.ititialies;;.ind.thiit pretend to be an ,4metic36 citizen without : such d . evo tioir With: ihis. derutiwit-inscoines ; the , rehlgees' dutyto• au-stain i* ii iipw, G f ur the protention•those_ 1awa..14 - '4.4. - ;444tt0 Irish refugees must ' !"t't I ;4*;bei*xt. the country .they ..hare let vnikhcimitier feeling than:l4l)l4lM ""'"' 4V -- - '4'...7 4` 4 - -- 0. --- '-- 7--- v s ,icatitnoi . 1 - 41=-- - 0. ,iii /di tlieit :country - .tl:etictii# "..nympar thigoVltli iliiigiiiy iir t itillre Ea s e fbile,l 11 1 4rriirtoti,i• — #A.viomrifene." inel iatief ti"litAtihiC.,ipp o9 :o 4 ,i 1 4 1.2 ei*frt i tOd• PUfirselit# elltliot i of ta oPtea-coun'' try • egainstt foreign , tins' Nl,or rassist hheir stiff ling friend ,tibro4d;l4B 'Amer ,lam vitizeni, twin ilm ifghCtii ii.Lii 'llilit the ol#,Pd 3 r ) .. ' l ,lo, 3 ,ltv v t ? Of f . t r ,! . e f fl 9 (ll k: detenuers. -kris', votfts anemia ho gtVelV wit h regard to the puillic , a+l. It:should be the refugees' duty to !!!iettliti torero-. ment, and:v i a ' wit+ the natives io t, ,zetil iO , its, support.,:Ale calletrip4 all to tibanl dnn religious prejudices and t inttreds, and:. `upinor ^elle treei al whose tliitter fruits. their'baliestirliglit'elit and dije:' .... 7: ' 1.. 1 . - -1- 4i i rv -w i l... r t ;' 1 :. "H ' Drukvitiall• itt;, *‘ ..-"' on Monday n i s h t .zd vo t ar itosi t oßcood Darius Ilininauitiscaptil frotit;# ll Piail' i ' of this i euunt v, by aawing . ntf,teltat i tt ,pf 4 1 11e_ win4nw of theireell, atyllca log alp wail per dte 'of the jail-yard., T y P,ro l t n thiPlled'asn , sistance from '' out: -= 0 ith; ‘is-' air Irishman, ab 45 y'ettri!' Oa. lilting 5 feei" in iteigitt , titlek:4i4 1 6:01dTa * vo - red, tather,stintly womplexionk 4, ft co:!.. brown', 1 ltaipia little grafi I large wit' kers'iighter Atian +is hair, thploils o t p e l raiy i ., , l4 , oj . t , a ' h ik ee p' s gf!LY, ~/11,:e°ati :; fli t k;'w 4l lukt;' 1 AN- . 9 : ~ for t . , ., sten, tg 's l „ . ' &iw ' Ilittman is an Americaneltput iti.years 01(1.-light comple:Zion.'rstlier,kiegfaccired smooth fresh {tee, lidt : I liale.:slim boili about` , 5 feet 949 iinshsti i i -igb, *Oro d shpop's mixed sack &lat, linstkpantalootei over blue overalo, hoots i5411 , -lopg legs) Wheimorisopeil • l or 8641)04er Oce. ,• Sheriff Witt e. otref. 4 . if'retioril ; ii i t 'mq for the arrest Smith and ii-C, for Ilinl' man.--Bingha , Dr gcrlt. 0 ~,~t ~~= ont;lan.: - :9th.; l, Attouerca ~,-.1..: ..1 rt.: i i ., - v:; . . - ', ::i.:": '. z 1 . 4. • • --.- At..a special,m tins' of )<,.0 on , Ll:lckes-No. 483; I 0 of° F convey ekat...l,ltck. rl,l4latt. Ictth 18454. 40 ~ . conequence o OM - tleattil (.P, . Augitsciii._ Pickering, *lto 4:1. 'artc4, this R'll,- ",. 9di;1854 ,•,- The_ following li..suliatiern - were . nanituously, adopted. '.' - ..‘.„ i ii..- ' ,- • -,- . ' • W hereas, •1f...1m leased: the Sop .. e *uter i of all . Worlds, in his' 1 ly.fand- wtt‘e rovidence tit". remove frottil Mir, Lia„ 2 , our e Wtoktliyfi,Pxtst:Grand awl esteems I tit-Mb r, August,tti Piclteritig,Whose i n Meetly and- qtristian deportmfnt rOit.+l4o /ISM : a. 1.. t valuable. , tul tidier ' f .s l :e„ ! ti s ,, :While a {conic t flow - of kindly feelingi t .showing diet. he was kat Utl ti n to his fellow, men- by ,the triple tie of • Frienila,tip, I .TriithiltuiLtit - ve.,- . ll . aie cat:lean:till - Ira to the hi oh- - ren of this lodge ma,- eMbalnied ; his memt.ry, iu our' heartS.-,'. •,.- , ‘; -, ~ .I- . liesoleed, lila the 'Brothel deeply Ilamenting. Om death,ol t.tqr heatttelt situpathy - to the! of the decewied, trireting-that NI ours, is to_ him intioine . , gain, I. Je-us (lifist: - '2: '' .7 -.'C'f 2:: . - ._'- . .1 : Ittwlved.s:liitt. the 11101.0* t C!litihe'. ' :' fiMeritl.?r6Ont pate :intl.' that .11,y-w.earlitit usual rm.-thirty:days. ,-: I- - t.,--=- Resolved, l'hat, a copy. of •. se Resol utionc. be. presentedi to..titiz-ilamily o f On "dep4rted-Rrotber. Also, that a copy .• be forivar ed. toll , each 'of ; „the Coutity-Papert: with requ _ for liablicationi.; . •• • .. -. , -",. 11, ...1..M. , ILO:S.I6ONi- .N. U. - L. D. 13EXEON; s - ee.......... ; :.. ' .. , i . -,• - —4 -"-; J .. . --., a t T rips.; intary:,24, 185i . tho Officr-sfond B othrrrs Miran Lodge, Flo. o i rr 1 . 44.3, I. f.).,41f 0-F , • ' • ..:: . .- , DEAR I.3ltotscrts-=-Iluist en' o contplv 'With Veer • , request, and herewith furnish y ou.,a j e - opy*.of.-tuy I address to the Brothers. and;. isterj o`.f . our Order, 1 on" the occaSion''Of the 'Funer Ob4quies 0.... Rio: 1-AUgustns Pickering.; whit): darer's, you are .at . i liberty to usells ytt o shall think piper. . And if 1• t:s ihall prove Of any benefir t i: n votirLod•te,'or -to I i . • the Order it. will .he a skove of ••ratificatioe. to your Brotherin F.: L. lola Ti . . - F.A. W. • i 'l l - • BROIIIEES: IN . o StetF csi:l-IWen.•-e. !main . convened 1 to perf4irnutl . last Old - sod .duties : kre 'l4c, a de- ' parted Broil -'.." • And "tgiatlgh' it nay sesta as " r .though a multiplicity Of, cinchi sr= • trotild liaVe'a. I tendency ni 's -. r, or'. el Pg 'the churn Is of sy l iltpa..J I n I thv,yet such is 'ot ibetta - se; u-.r tf we eiane 'ere lei.. Sympathy a unej Are we not he . with prayer- fill, hearts toward' thatiall-wise Pro idenCe, whose mysteriotis .worltings with • 413. poor it/ 'it alit has I I, brought tis together; Ott-ibis -occaito q• ' And when 1 baking upOn:.uar . Br,otjaer now, lb' , e - embrace- of 1 4 the•." icy tuo•ster deatha lirother . who -but. a' 1. few dayS, ago we sup , "-' was destined te remain I i .with: us. much Binger-; ; al .- e ounehl was 'SO. Often . 1 i .resiuired by tts. And Ite w om we. ntiver knvaiti s k it...l Ipiled` for- - Adviet,', may NA not coottide ouraelvt.l . with i the blessettthought,' .. d :cherished hope, that - 1 I 'though we Are- no nittreo - liave ids. preseuee in . .t our -Lodge igitkeiroi,.k, has' gontitd, %. spd is now. i. happy.in that matisiou ;.1, e; -whose ratiker. and , builder. is 'Christi)! :Ars 'yet .3trei!Matt4-;' rrltis ,-. family-.mow As)* afht l band Anti *ifather,-iiied . ivei-Protil.eis.: l 4ad ~ijtle4.l , - .4P tvill . Yb.t.ltitl ) 4Wi: , awe, n4,„ .. 7 a:,F ud atir . 4 err ua l if i ot hgog ;: 01.0 4: , e. a 3 .: ,, ,,, , , ,, , ,,r34 1 i . ... 2: 41: ?.. . i b 1 e i e liev -dila li. is trulYsa)d that !t. Aifo is' biS , -. 64 P07" i r •- is gaiii:• • . , f'erlil . qps the ..... , inzsl this . BrO(her frost I our . midst is ht.ha war .. ' to 11 , , that We, like - bitn,'lnny: he prepared' to receive the sus s as in. . , Thel'Oinet.thitt'tif- .eur:Bi t. other- Pcskering• With our Order itailiCeri 4 6;:i ' a * r,04 - iin,n."9"'ioi..vititite . 1 1 u4 - _to„ !ea* . ii,iii(E . apj ? i#liit. hi's - 'ii , er houkt_TUt.goed , 1 qUalitie.S. - ' ',lnd it .k.s.,li:s at sailsfat,tiou'.. -- 4i.know 1 I that :,lfe ling nitulti:-.ever „effOrt to opt 'and•', 1 sustah3,the pr,incip_i'keti•itt, '"i Cider; 'the great. oh- .1 1 1 ject of, *tic 1 - isl.tdr.iiiiie " ize the world, anti_ to unite- in oneihrtiffterhooci '4ll people, tcoguel and kindred." Wc haver Ee In liiin that exhibit of., Friethiship,,,Love iuul. i fii. - that we so ntudt,ad7 mire,,and'deAre'slauld iirit- iit ettr aciittiri4- . • To our Sister, the.w . a f oungeceasecl Brether, I weltrobld'saY, let r iotZtliii di tiladi4 ju-it broken east yea dowt4.,'reatetti,_ ;Re. all must_di e;' Old : remember, too.l tat there, e thitse left. who will, willingly freaks:my : ,Sifili you:ltitati-lals ",•... ',Mid troubles ' tl?jilite'- - -• - i ',.., - . 1 ,.. - . '',. "-' .-.'; :. • 4 ' 116 .y64,.ffrolberip - artd tsterS or..oOr' Order: I wOiikisky, y 4 4 . oiii: ii 4.4 b f .A4 an Culpiern of the 1 calm,itill d - o- i r thav vfi, a e sure to-andergq. l ' . Let it sink - deep litto . yoUr.ul t 5 s, fw. you lute* idot. / 30 *-soon it mirmaieria- u:" ;Let it ,teaeli fts all'it4egr. 6 4 l :Fi - ea. - , "saljk.A . 4i 41 Y- fierrPrnilug the : . t a duties we ewe 4iii, ..mu eer,.. , kindred.: our r loot/Ili:. e"ri mini our , ii404:444.,1-ci it;!. e s ( yir#. .. Therefore iecour-woiklogc:ho-f' . Y..perprufe4 . 'lleve awl . ' ~ ,,,yoitr hope is aveM .A ' ~,ibitoglt.youl.may be I n .often Cream : id. . 'd,oftco : pert-one S ,k ill . of- our , Order;hlino 'there. wit ; -.. r ather:phy illei.p. e- - . . . , . . . ... membermg.the yingpraVe ttf unr.S.ti: I.lr ylie42 -..be .stood' alone i ur.r,frie..n)•... cousOle I im.' . Alt around Ili* was but iiiir . .ii*Von . ; . yeci id he not Say,. '..,••• Falter; corgiVC them il thy know not what: tbey dor 1- May,Faith,..ligpis and ClOwit. ,coOleti'• will' Friendsitipi Loie'-ititt FLIt u di, Liaise. • iiitie and ever to, loe• citeriSheo frai r Flitles,':-*, . d remain. )with youaiiltiy*.'?- ',if!: , .. : .. _ -.-- • -- • leek Fr Ple'axice<o. “ I Dice* nsuo4 : it l -t le rye bleat:lllg . the_ li ward - ” Pe iir. "- or f - thif tab ri:ek''Nviirdti finin P i . , • which Itui-dertyed. f rti. 0 . the an ificant nnd bp 40pritte4fire 'bribe:true :Pige..tire huid or- Gas ', inci Juice; prepared ''by Dr:'3"s.S. troughlon Urphi-t -el; fadelphit, fromtir .. t # .-styma,c)i= . t?t...tlic - .. Ox: for , t ri he cure ondir, itn4 Diliietit. ; It it jt-, "t_ilre .B 9,llttelted ,:r4ri lei iiihigaibilltOtt:- 'I Ku art f man gii ( 1 1 4.4 11 40 4 i ile . -,ppwers. It r e fl . - ders flcii;iii, gatittg toetrect reittetielifith behk. ISeeffee'..fttile - cif t i he 4 initiiiii*ptrt: of this p%. der."- - '''" e- - - ---" ",':.4., - `, , -e- ::?": 1 "' :4- •.'l 4 - ' ' „ . . .... '114 ., i t „.1 - -' ••• :-.*;, rlrl4 rit li.Uarriarlitt f t , - . ~,,711116T • , 411.11 . 1rair, 115,...11P,111 . 31 IVEIBita S 4 4 4 :re'ciPA T' l l a* : 4 ti-ir i d ati 9 n i - 4 . ' • :M 4 )l • ' 11)tit 'land* Pad iiii, hilly. t} penal ' stitit ' ' ra toithec p, Villie - thit' og l e Part - wen' t:'.& -- f atiiita ' to' nit siOta' od'ieltie, 'billlPP.r. ItiisiclA*.,hilf**"."4o24lh.4 was oot the i”. . 'not - ;:', ",; 'm : :' . 4 " ' ' The D* 1111044 did PitimS'Ve• it - elitt . tikentiore, A live Otto* it to aso)litunore.- : - . -., DA j•AT1140,404.4)'11 - ." - ' ' ' -. c‘, •,' -.-^ I T'rt r Elol , soil Ez&ftiisiii*., ,, : Mrlo4o VW, ..IL.s: keirWlVViiiiisfa . * - - ;Piilk: 3 - 7 4` . -- 1 , . Itwoli'ootrohook -0. satortment , sare I ,I -- _:, -,..4 •Fig,lo - 4110.44 , '", • • li 1, — • ~. _ _ mat 4-• , t 4 . - - r. ; . . t.' ".. . 1., -:'"1 - - " r,,... ROOKS.' . TGAlf s oiteira'afilitbei lot of ifoi - COutk - saran' el' ' 1 F 6 561.Kr:61kt. FERN Leaves , arid I.lrrts. liq'taas.iikd . 40esti - iraiiety tot athes,,Boala4 Peck'et.. .Diary,ilii 81!kki: . 1- 'k F. 13 . CHANDLER. - Jan.;,i, 1 54 1 ; :, - .:3:';': `:lnr, . _ - .• . i.:W .- • ' '6" .. tiATßTnn'S' T:E .-- - - ~,,, , 4.- . .t ,..,_, , ____ .A..... .••,- ~. .„ . . .. . , iiiiiiiitc Dilative; Lackawanna ;, it . Weston Ain-, ta Fk - 1_ ;!riii4 ' l ig :have eeverak large . vilvonv, s:neiit4 641' . ' ceder , b r oilt.itM the - most als'l" proved)) ' - in :the most subatantial matinee,' witle , itow#ili 1 tiliffiCieW li-strung , to: carry eight :bins, itiaill" istenlated .forlaulieg 40e, and•witt be ~ , aiilikati it lithiain , by•app)y Eng loon at the officA of, 1 ~, ,* {J :* ft ! ..; , : tt, .-, !,-.-....,.. ..D.:ll,..DO2TE.R.kle,Sup't.- -, ~ ,S crititen,4 , Jailuary,lp:.l4:.;,,, . - . ~ - :- *w4 CO. ItElmilifgroff their itiock. iitGocala - cheat:let% thanikiret,; ordor - - 40' mike room for then..-. ;i4prnietiarebitie.' Call 00 see for youtielvet?. - p4.41. 1 )-P- 8 : 14 u1e5.9 1 4 -1 1 5 - cdjat • faatipary- I.4.TH.ROPA, CO*M.I IBA* 76--.6l4dre of that iSd Sugarle ft at' - ij& 10.1. Et: R. LATHRCiP a COIL Al •. • • . . EiWEEN Mentrose and the house of Owen , sers on the Olterangv road, in Silver e; on thelftltli paper 6ol.lr:indenting a num.„ ber Oft Lady's 'collars, 'handkerchiefs; breast pin,' .me 'finder - will :be ; suitably rewarded by leavin4 l -the same: tit 'Alit office. MtattroSe,- - jan. 12,1854: , r [1 1 Vendtie: *-" • ritzi;e'inlci at 'Alice vendue, n n Sattirdav _the 28t1t ..iostant. at . the l.residence of .the iubscrilVer in f ßadgewiiter,at tat d.'clOck; A. 14, the • till owing property v 117.: : • -One first rate piiuuf Ox.n.Vour COWS; Bechiond Bedding. One cookirg 'and 'other farming utensil kiniseholdlurnit 'fie; ate. • . • TEums, alt .iunis: under-five, &Barer cash down,, over .11%4 dallazA.sli iiith goad 'se cunt%' and inierest • ;1011Y N.. DEAN'S:C., ...fridgeWMer;Jonnori 104: The - litist's'Ariticai's Greeting P . A -- ND PATRONS-Anoth r F stet 1 - .)e61. i - eacqd on' . the - joUrneiy of life--atiiithi+ Alegree - -frAA t4en inarki:ll. •the itut:litr,tink ba: beeklietteitid- front ; the:ehain of the fdtere—another his liven I written in, the gr‘k„vtilutne iii the pa - st—und again We standat ale 'orienitig.ot Ness Year. :. , • And at itiv6arly_ dawn irit'nfeet you, • - Andi with a liappy. New Year" greet yoa.- or.: Ifuror • Lodge, ou!it;rother, tender Fit*lr ~ ,1::11.6 - tbfrir.lossatist irough:the nierjts of .8 1 9 f 11114...:L00ge Sit 7 tir4itie)V , it'inorrO7 0 4 tiadie - or 'tllteuttlllio • And 'n+w, as :rod review the ,-ear just departed, and int.'mory.dwell' upon its joys and iorrpw.w— it and its duties neglect4l, _p'erelmnre some of•you. pre* reminded 'than yoti ; bare unlected fci call on the Artist, and secure one /of those' • - - 46 triitil full Shniloworill' • Which and. Art, with magica. spell, • working toicther, minrateh *so - ell:- • • But the past may vet be_ retTeeme• As you 1.4 y your tflistaraucing year, let this oe eppy an* e.arly and. promine.utAllaet.o 'the .pro- gramme of you"; future intdoti Yoti'leare.a : LAsris titrittaSto:4 behind yOuh . ..Come-to. the Daguerr.... Gallery t'" Would Val see yolirselv - eis otheffi . f e 1" Come •to the. Daguerreati 'Gallery f .W tifal ynit make an iiPptypriate preient to a Cheri: led friend h Cyine 1.41 the Picture And •side all this, rouhl you elf; oilrake - Art,:and. make dad..the - Artist _ • *Then leflt 'appear. by pr miskghere; . ' That. during year r fty . .l.9nr, • , You .wiit'ond and fill. en -avor to eat( At . ~ Odd FelloWsl h ail,'secnnd floor. - :-W.B. DEANS. • • - • i THE attention of- ihe public .. . i 4 respectfully. in -1••• rited. r tiv the, assort - Tent of Goods just receirl. ed ut j_ • AL: .l i ILibes 4 111;6* Store; : . 1 ' consist - 41k ilf rpeeiles; I.).thgs, Nails, Shirtinks, : Prins,, De.Latleis. Ciisfimeres,' "J.eans.--rsupfurt ere: , cravats, Gtovc, Bose; Window „raper : . Stationery. ikee Notior - FancidoWs,• . 1 Hardware . Wood re, Tin.,iittFe j &c. at., nit of Which will in: Sold c.ieap tor C:A'sl . l 9r•hartcr.. • thstse: call. and exam, rue itorpitirseivital''...... -•'. . . : " - - Alontrose,pepot,-.lcouiry,• 4 2. 1854 ! i...., , . — • "Riot Corn" and '.!Little'Fernier T UST rectiied , • J (DE:e. 28,th,-!..63.) GEORGE FULLER_ • - • lray.- bit° imelafiire of tot. subsFribee; dark' brown:. mare.. Nc)Jblonefiwbite hied fobs arid a Sim. in )he forehead, :left:eta blend ; supposed to be a. dozen year 4 old erreloVa; The , owner : ra g:Jested , te-prove propery, oay:duney and lake : Aubui . n.Dee:..22,lB3: W. i!nrCh. • ~ui‘, 7 - 1 - • • .101iCe io Ike- Public. T_TAVlNti , ju:st retorled from New York ,I - wish 11 to 0011111 4 e :site:nil:mil of my old customers; and of the puP.it in gener4 to my . • .. NgiVaS 4 TOCit OF GOODS; 1- • • whichbeing. bonght Ivitls Itsli. at the lowest . prl- ' res. and wioliakto :sell principally for the' same,. I will offer-them at greatly: reduced prices.. • . ' . ..- 6 0clit'co Primal', irarnmtca3 cast colors. for OnitB ' cents a yard._ Gond Brown Sugar. 18-pounds _for' one dollar. - Bannon Nails; ackixiarlidged by all • to be the ,best Nail :in use s ;5,50 Or-keg. , Hats and taps, Boots and Shoes; Buffalo Robes' of all e l o prt ' s,all wool DeLitines. , Ortshrtieres;Tanamettas, bre Velvet ; Silk Vilvet; Ike. -.llloailin DeLsinci 1 4 Bing per. yd., satin, bonnets and Moleskin Bits, Brocbd tibias* - Double Long Shawls; 'Thilr:t" do,:, -selling at inoaneeivithly • law . prices... I'man -safely ivarra44- perteet satisfactiOn aoAll lobo wilt give liit, a eall.--- '.•'• .. - S.*A.• LYONS. • : Laliesboro' December" 2,2 4 1853. ' - - • ANTED-101i0 Hides, for which the high ' lAr cist.-prEice will be A.LTOICS: - • laneshiew„ . ,December 22,!54-, 1 11* 4041 an* W “Mbarlt):101r• - • . at *ovate - Depot. 't abt%6lA-N:. U ( . I 7Late Winerltic.niver than 6.vtr at . 1 1 .ai..llW l- •''' , :,::l W 3 4t La oCrird • 1 1 ', 0 Vonfroce, 4impary 1,:185 MONTROSp DEPOT ' AHED CALOCKS-:-Ouct, time•leepers, only one dol k_) : k r . • • -13.4•:LTONS. Lanetbrir4l.2.l.li., Art WINTRY TROD UC.S taken in =change for ‘../4soda At my itore. •". S. A. LYONS' .I.antOoro;Dectinbir 22,13: TOR - SALE. - -3rAlle.ll' containing 7s' a c res, thnoelt XX -township; - about 20 acres improired.a ,Ilonie thereon; hod watered.' ' • pbofe beltoi43 ie.asonabli terms by *acing toinet.bing of si paytnein . nit thote !particOitys,,enuire or.lobn Young nor tbelittini tses,4 Tosrandit, Pa. . Gig* • rip HE'fbsdsweepf ievittock of g+ de; will. be sold lalthisiut s re aid titm.tifitouia Loving 'been bought* svlietf ..."'geas - p wire (rum tois;to_fifteee dent low* ie NOW YorleibintliCY pow are. t of fer umisissl b i deeementslO Who _wish =• bey .Goods cheap, - Cell and-We' for iciOrkites; :and you will End you can . till:S*ll6st At L. er' irtinliri: New Alford, December 13, 1.853 11 L ;3 w -`- • - ' - '` i 1 rahlECPniri 4 W 3133:-/ " '`- • . . fra s ß -4 _,ltti illiwilesilßirg w W & Sf*O • JL: LW:War' tiotnl _tie I ,dispoll; 4l Cfp Op Arai' of 1ta611. 7 11 1 5t - • • All - peisoii 4" iiiettled eie- - , 'copinir,4fith tgitikliort nn fi ate equeiteid - tp._citli end thq: l o. l tnixt ils:as4bir slid 'mania tk , sattie the ia et.% ~ --; J 01413 MACK. j . , hirttose. 4 4l.4ll, B o;‘ , -OWL J4THRir.lit -1 g aft4BAILREL4kSUPERPTIN, VENESEE 111,1.1t1FLOUR,Abd400 liickor unizerfine Beck , ' lirhol i u 207salet by - -,,,A3, it . ix ifs a co. _ ; NsWiigf,L4Kputam — :011 airginil „ix ,.„ thief,L., 1 1, 114;.T# AtCaf. .z•, " 5401 a1ung.141 111111 . ' . . --': -!,- ' . , M=ol=Ml J; o LE~.. RIEMOVAU' I .81eves,-Stovel ' rriHt masa iber wishei to a4l,the titientra „If 11 big - Mend* Putdjq *e 1 1: 1 40, - astiortment:;of 11111•111 • ._ it Ili new S tare Room in inderitTilli;:neit. S. ',inhibit's - etaie t ancl He bas in addition, to his: for*fr Y4r*Y. Cashing and Nrtor.,toy . es,: many.... tunic of,Whichlare • 81:10e4olos,.-1 -Prig/A Bran*l. /We AfaikinTroy alliiitaa' Whic,l; togetkt.r• iirith . his. funkierstock will . be. :pen listps the meet extensive anti vnrAs.soruntitt:of. well sel&ted Stotts in. the:Coutity. And not to be.:forgottett, isr, the' 01,iINION. STOV.E4.of- greateriveight rand-better" material than. timse-bawked about the country by Intlicens ed P!( 11 4•1a1-4: • Prices. hie largest ;size, witli Mtge furniture. ~10' best material : - .. ‘t 2 .t! 'With such trimmings , as - Pedlars:furnish, ... Small size • Tl.eitiStoyM; are ,not 'made with old TrOA as rep merited,' kwy.,,,retilars, and none. thul:: ,heeti' sold by ine*ave-failed- , • • ; 't `Alt articles , in Isis line kept - on hand , mei made, to orderes usual; and orders receiyeil At lxs old stand in Great Bend. . •. :JOHN COI..STE.N:i great .11eMli . N+F - ; . Locleiscille, Hurrah•foi• Ilie.ilolidayt . • . .- i . . i:e OAR i STMAS and NEW YEAR'S a comlog, W and So is ailar*e, 4 - g 4t3,; of fancy". useful:emu. mental and btunitifut ' s eoWihrs- &Om •N: Fork; which we expect to Inice on hand : in feasm, so *bit old and young,'-litfle fulkstind big fidks"'nuty be supplied with' Fancy-Books, Ann's/a/a; A'ort . .ro lion,. Port .3fg . :tirs, Chiair. If it 1 ,64 '1 iin d '2. iirT o 7- Games, tine- Statinnery and ,Envelves, 'lamps`,' Vies, Shades, Clocks, BoxeSillrushes,&E, be: • . . - Rich. and Bcautifie? `L'inbioidery. Handkerchiefs, .Collars,, Darxis; Cli ff & S leevel, Edoiogi and Insertions, ,Stamped- CUlltuil, and , ' • a DazAt in great variety: . : ' . .._ • -. • . 7 .\-, - • .- ALSO, • - - '. ,A large idditipn'to niy, Stock 44 Dry Gnod,ssatta - ble - to . tliia se4son. ..Piaiti Silk. W4Olll-14 Delakne :foods; . Shawls; a. splendid steel; and . cheap ;--;- .3roadehmits land. Ca...dine res, a large also ; Laclielnalt Cloth, Satin and' I..)tney . - Vestings, 4.e. . • :. , AL•6O, • ,-.- f r::: puith:an addition to - my stock of Vlething •as ,trill make...it to the advantage of those want ing; to call and extupine. A great, vanety of other goods, all: ofovhich will be sold at. the lows sf rae 3 for ready" pay. . -- •'-' I'. B. CHANDLER. . 1 .11ontrese, - Dee. - .‘20,..1853. ', -. ' - i7r7t --- '' .:-• , - - • . ._ - ' 1% T e xlm. T'-- • at. Springville: Mlf ESS I S. JOHNSON 41: SHERMAN. having IT* , purpbased the interest of AnSon Root in the firm of Sc,utt andltOot . , take : this method. Of - an-, younein,,, , sr that tl7 may be found at the.io, stand of . Mr. &tat in Sprmgville, where - then : have a lnrge atids;trcfullv saleeted'assorttrient of goods, 'which vrill'he soldrheaper than ever.. Our a.<n - ortment - consists of the .larg&St selectiOn IA Dry . Goods, On:Oriels:4E6, everoffere&in - this -plane ' We are deter Mined that these tr.lio give ,us A call shall nut 0 away ivantinT - : --.. - s iieturning.Our. thanks to the Pablic for pa 94 lit, erat,patronaie, - u-e flatter, otifielyei that - Ave ;shall not Le forgotten; or, passed by, umv that we can of -fer greater indirctinionts than ever to on r old friends: Cite us a call SCOTT, JOHNSON & CO. ; ' 1 S rin..villt Noir..l.S, 15411.. . ,•: , 6w . • a . • A ellOteE lot just.. received. and - offered low tl by ' SCOTT, JOEIbiSTON.tt CO. - - Sprinfrville.terember - - . . - A Shawls ! ytsairix :' w Jut or Wool . Lon g very . eheap SCOTT, J 0111C.6F179N • Spriii.TiileiDecenber 3. ; • Coiatang!-_ _ B fX)K . S, Tors. and Foley Goals for the Holi -days jutt . :heing•Veceiyed.' Shaisilla—A; new lot just 'opened and selling at reduced prices by J. Lsoxs Setv.• Ladle: Rubber Galters, Btzskiiis and Overshoes at Moss - • Oil Cloth Traveling. Bags, Satehek4 and. low Dinner' Baskets, nil*. Psila, .Brooms. Butter Ladles and Stamps, . Clothei . rink tic ttc r a new aisorbitiuit at the cheap More r a J. LrluNs Ssor. - aaralunit : i..rackeso;qA. fresti lot of ,Gia ham, Soda, and Butter Clackers at Miss &Sox's. ' Ctilitriaseti-,-AArdrottia lot itt - 74d* yan3.4. Mousselien rieLaiWas limas trweentiotod other goods tlittally-chcitp sulti LYONSoSON:„ 4 Montrose, Dee.2l, IS.'S. ; '• - ; -• • • Some things .0 well • . • •. :. RSliherS. 99. . - • MHE Snlaidribek ha 'ing .purchi.sed the- Chair manufactcry of A.W. Greenwood, in Harford, is - . prepared lu manufacture all kinds 4:?f 'Chaim-at reduced "prices v: o4toud materiikhz, and in a -superior ityleof..worie hip. -Awiong the different-kinds, 1 wRI mention - . :,. •'. • _ ,', , - ••. . - BOsion'kwa . r.!, (in ;vrored atYle,) all kind* of Fancand - ,lll:indsai chair s Flog . • ' : . Sets, Settees. 4.. c.,. 4c. ~ • '.. : far All, _work•warrantell in give \ aatisfactien for five-tyeara. I • • . - ,. ".,,faterchantable Pr duce w . ill be taken in-4ic 7 change Rif work,lnt NO CREDIT!, ,f- '. . . ~ illa rford, Dec. 2, 1858:.::.JA5.. JOHNSTON. Cani Get Alcilag w!thont ONE . .TEMPERINCE :GROCERY. PrOprietors , of the Temperance , Grocery J- would call -the attention of ;be pal* to their stock of .Grucenes,.,wlurh eclusistS of . ererytinag kept in a grocery : with the which , can be' purchased for, caslva 'little attr w ui - et. 'Come and fui .y ow:Selves, ire[trill '1 you with groceries for as , litle money ( as the next. Our stick consist s of Sugar Molasses; Fish','Cuffee, . `Stara; Pipper.Bpice;Sale tug - Dec.l2, 1853. FOADLIKSItCOi). itl le . . (' RAC% 'VS •tur 1 b . t tkie . keg or, .quart, tad, Figs aud roam No i Gifts. w • C. FOR HAM. bas on build a few besutictit 1.111- • ).:ngrn - • gs in Gilt Frames.. .A.'is c te Ave* of Uittil • d. 7.! • bne b 1.114 ing Duieau,aiid Was!! Stand; Avid) , l . tAluta • Lie .110. above - be, *Ad at New prices. , • •- • . • Idoutrose, D 15, 1563.. . • • ;• ', --. • ' - iiiiiiiila' eat -- 1 . - 'lot, and will - -yak' low by ' - . • A ''''''"li - - - li-BURktrr. , ...... . PQATOt ,41,T: Foi iiiiiiiiy -; .- .- .-. • . - ,- 11 ;P. 3 A -1 7 1 ' New litilfW;Oci. li. i •- . ~, -.. . , . -•. -•- . tititax . ritz micro fix-bale:bi C 6RN 'dere can be obtakid or 2L r 'r Lyda:le:SO*. : QOLE sod Upper tist - 1 best Icißds, cow 4kvbipt,aitd - foi .11ENTLICIFAt VARD.P ' - ' WARTXD. . s d 4 en oisrqiiliii : it . 4 116 i .. br 01 , 41 , _ kbliattSCrilit• z ' • +fern , • sisv, Afraiiirer_T • j. N. 4 1 46 D:. ' IM=Mt: orbitrrel.' Oysters - by. whotagale ;or , re itkus..of aII tlescrifitietet. - - - . ..1 -- • , .. - - , ' , . V-:',Siigo,:rlaa*.ii: r i r ~.NE4 i.TI `a . '- 1.-4-X ~.w_Gr s, . ~.. . A . : 7- .4t # • - - 'l l . • • ',. ,:- , . 4 , . 4 , - ' ~. -r• .; lath Ai .N , . ::...,:: which, ha'Aiditiort to their m tti — eotialter : Stack: int they offefii one of - the la * la! ` selected ! tat of task_ to be bund..:.babelibid' ~ 'lariat Pi' , ete i that- . . aWaOtlittitlaliVaakirf . - kb * - terlY I gaaas. 44V . ' - 7 : ::,? ..-i. 74 , ; ,; t ..., T. ,. ., ,: ,: •2 -- -... - , • ~ . .LApips_utatzst , . Blacii - epkittitaiii4t*iijOkk . MO' ones, Thilmt .igotitit 1001 0 ,424iiiiiiVaid and figured crillineiiii4Aliiiel*blideliwtkuria do., sasilinerei;fiTteeidothiOr iliaTtif: l, 47. - ..:. . . '-''' , -- --- 1 --- 7 146Tlig:' .-75 i - . s . i i;Zilti-'` - ' Braidclaths Of all grades inditolors, Vick doe 'ski Makiamar, • aJaefie Arahartmeaki fria 4 ll, -ft* PlitiW crisehnere.4 - fweedi;icitin i etts,beißs_gwiik 'Kentitt-kY Veiue,r beaver ClOths,itfilot cletl#,Aatin; - abdeilk,riti*hiltiry*Asiblvytid!oielrbaalbite' . " ' SffggY-Zigd.§ r, . -47 K 'A triltßW . PSTI:.I, 3 sbirtipl - brawn ding bleatbed,imitt r i. of k- every)nd t stir 'Tartu : ':tti e Lbrirwlittna riathed 'cotton tonne l'ed :and: '''hitef all Weer Hifmtels;l linseys, tieltiNaliiii itii ' ~...4damletur beigivempet ..bagse oil, flans and tab! ~clriths,:- . roe e- 'blankets horse 'blankets: ".. ' g':ti--i- -- . - 3 • 1 .:•'.- ,-, a . _ • ' . .-- , ,-! SHAW. S;F:tic — :-Ct'il '• • Black 'ilk -brocho Ally State ihswie. , iota-. ; forters, winter glpveic!;.h iery of all descriptions, fall 'style .silk ,balsibiiti and cans to emit every one; boots and...ilithts,b complete assortment, up. - ' pee and 41.1e - stber;calveskins, over Apes; buffs -14'3 rutiett,lleWbelts, Umbrellas: - . :' ; . .. . - MISCELLANEeO. ~ r ... . i . 13rourr.it, pail : . tali ewah .boarda,bMikgb. win; • (kw email:if 41,11inds k: tke:4c,.. !I ~ ..-.. ~!!!„!;,., :GROOE.R.II:S.II"Aitti.WiIi.E:-&b:: - f -I Sugbreof all kinds.and at all prices, a. lot more: !of nthose . gund teas.,eugar.bouse syrup: , miktesei, gy-oceries of all kinds, coarse And fine salt, packing ; *kilt rbarrehri.asals: ! - brner ell. inds, window glass Ad. Alf eitett, crockery antligiataware;:.the best assortment ever offered in Montrose. .':i.,-'.:i . • -- • WAIF-these things, and-n-great: many more,- wir,sell at thq:very /ernes! prices. r ; Piea. e ,call and, examine; ale !we. ecti. 'and will sell goods as enese as they iiad be bnaght in ari3i place. exOlange far, gnats, fir cash pr i ces.- - •.• . -tar still - "to' fd'rtfiwd'Butter,'Poiil; try -- and•sPiodun'or all ' yet • faieners'who want Ott prices and 'quick' tarns call' opnn - D. t...,CATilltaf it CO. SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY Stove and Tin-Ware DEPOT. A. L. 'WEBSTER & CO. . 1,11, - rOLD revecthilly inform the people of Y V Su-quebanna county and vicinity that they have opened en e•itablrlitnent of the skive Istird in Miamase, at the nfil stand ofsarre Web:.ter; one door north of the Montrose banoerat office; where they intend to keep constantly on rani} •a large as lortint lit of Stoves, Tin. Copper, Zinc and Sheet-bon Ware All of which the y cat as low ut the %ante article can be bought in this coin - v, or in Northern Penioll yams Among the Issortment. of Stores can be found the follow. ing, besides others too numerous to mention: Y. & Airtight, for\wood. :doh tak I.'leatect °ten " rotebt Qtneh ". Kevstone Statp, for wooctor coal. 111‘;.lern Tioy Bat) St tte, for It oovl Eastern Iron WIWI, improved, for wood. Flat Top Premium. r 0 Ale° Parlor Office and Shop Stores, hot-air Furnace, for betting public buildings, chin-chew - hotels, private hmnses, fie . Stove trimmings • Tin ware and strneprpe funuellea citholetalo as they be bought at the Es t All kinds of custom: work thine on short notice , mid the most reasonable terms. All Lands of pro dt cc taken in exclumge for wutbs If con wish to save nione), be sure and call on us before parch-sing elsewhere. A L. IVebster 4- Co. .31.or4rmte, Sepiember 15, 13;3.... ' ' • ,;1492y • $lO,-000" OF NEAT-GOODS - • GREAT ATTRACTIONS Great rusk for Me Neu' annals at Eaton's ONE• PRICE STORE! • - • . TilE.grcliteet and largest stock of .Fancy, Do !nestle. find SsiplO Goods' ever brotight into Stfsspiehanna count - . y. One hundred. casesTOT Gets's, comprising in 'part as fu f illiw4: . ; Rich Cliangable Silks, , Fashionable silk &satin. ". stripe [Bonnets, e " I plamt ". French .1 3 1nnu.s, • black " 2OO pieCes,ll<ninet Rib- Glossa Bonnet • " - [bops; t ert; All yoelDel‘inex We!rot dree;Buttnns, PitriAnn - • . Fienl.kcoled Velvetti, Plaid ile,Cossi.. :150 Day, Siato:Shikls,. Clinided de Ber ge; Cashmere English ?delimits, j - do Pa.liunallo . s. • . • do Lyonete Cloths, ete.„ Cobury's. . Cli;l6,\Ciniere. ,, l /2 • , French chniible • • Embroidered Eobes. • Flannel!=;• . ' • ' (Clogliants and Wool Btaiiketg, Scotch Linings, • .. Whit* Gods. - --Ticiir,Rlo, - • Wrought Cbintizetts, - Pautask . spreads, ••Coliart, Linen. • , : do' do. Muslin Edgings., - Linens; • • Citrobric do.. Bl,ck Musiiits, • do. Lin:th - do.- Etc. etc. ...‘• EATOII._4, ; ilarford;Octotici, 1853 - • A WIL E • • HEAD OF- NAVIGATION; T_TAS 'pn band - A full assortment orircini;ti; 'll Pit rpnettas,. wool De/nines:44lW DE, LASES,' black and- epipred and dm. ign.xs, .13Orszi SATreti, Ttppets, Comforters, Boas,/loods."Eirtati._ STATE Su wrs, ' PRiNTS, • very..-eheap, Kid Glorei. . ALSO, A Satinetts. . Dec= OITA LO ROSE& QED ][...7disng s . s for goodsat the" lowest cash pri•l cer~ Buskels--IV4eq,. 1606 R.ir; 1000 2QOO ; Le .o**2fe. • .;:.1.000 , " kick:cheat, - • 46 Pan's, 500 Dozen A lllTl'rpol Dec. 14th, 106. . G. R.:. .1:1,4*1: Fresh - Arr,ivkl_ of lisew, Nods: S. - SAY E A RE just receiving a variety of i liarrllorris: g;"ima w h ie,lo l mi % GlUvesl e irAy IliV'tients. lir, newly Madit Chith, potorert Curpe Yam. Delano, DOese. mere. Frindi.Y.rvi Sitiptiy'lderinorAr t MI or lanai we,ti 11 - 411 - 14 cbeal► ,lf riot c filer, than the ehespeat ' I Wadi , Mtgitrose:'Not;l' I rap: ' ." .• ' • "" F lin Fraser' ' .- .0.0 ;1 ALTORN.EY ii• aL7IVIJNI:4O "'.AT t 117 • - - -21 extroe :.- a t - 1 -r, . ,:- , 1 - „ • • • v . , ~,e. .., ,.. .• • -1, ~ 1,11.11.13tien;1 iil;fl,liy to ill ' eett:entrusi*: , - ll LI, ed- tw him i - the. county,offil edema.- j- Otetreleociotr. ArritirCul: ,kinde will be done . neatly, and•c . s rooderete, ,- , _ ~ - ,_.., i :;j : i : He Isill,riltowt Witinkprosecution Ordain* :of soldirs, their - klows - and intins v 'against , th e 'United States go, loft* Bounty Penn . - ' i ?Say bind alilionrOtti the encatibilberly . n — _,,,...' "' ' •:,' W.T 4,ll l"ilrsigeti DK* Pr 4hnialiniX wen's. s*, • ,-1, , ;;;;, - _,,,.;,7,-.4 ~ : rt. -..,...,\ .-:. '-, -1. : : , 144471. . ,S g T ~,4AY6arrl 4, ..t ~-.,T 1 i• 1 .00 ..;,-R-- n P t ' 14`4 I TO* - A v "' r " o .4l is , r - . -- bie i w k d 4 p li . r i : c fo ,i r ~... =ME IMMVIMMIS "AitiL A _ 7 *.g."' AI.; ..‘ . ';. ": • ..iti r ite:A Tow i turieitiriiir:fikaisttiimi an i livinu t io* . t. ' l:* * -44 . : ;'•:i. •Ililt'ol?.. o *i'2 i. - ` 4 ::. 1 e7via1zi.4 4 ,04 ton - ingiaElMEMiEZEPiciorifflui: illetioe it:;aiialrs — thine mrousild, iiil4l4 01 4 4 4,0 1 4. 1 :7/1.11i.b0 itod ' carte" OM 1 4dtAit 4o 4.Pkol l l;i:kt ! t f ited . t° • 14 t id " ateet) .":' ~ : t.:" t. '...tfri:!' ,-;-.llredi itei ;find . Ch odic: 4 . . 1 4' firit•Yate,a '' - - -;lillypcians‘ bills _ 5 ,40; expedidoustitltistf `at 'reduced • jriiyie =intim" earefekly punded.,..>frikelosikti 1 ailir.: intik _ '' 4 en i n !a l '.-bl l - ' ' - toe Diug and - varie.ptore drAsiet. T - . -t.,. - Paialti 0 its ;anti Dge4ist.eroz-liefuTi as elortnieriVand of the best quality at Teattklett; -._ i 11 Gi'oeiries..—A genera) essnrtrne '204, elf belitilotcloorket affords, , t Teatttu.ll: 1 ,.:4; ,0444:.-X,snii) tut eln - ne' se tee t3on or die oOlestitßlO'4tici n(prx,p • A% 1 'irilliie :told at iiifees_Oisit 7 iltieiritti ftl; tre en... terestAlf purchaser. boical at theistEe t a Allossi T u i t i g utz , .:,.:. ~..4: . 2. 9.2 4 ::!. = 4 :.:• .....1 Fok4mi.P. littrdiectie, 'cart • Cti e79‘—e" inhittOjeji good a.wwtoient• of •tboso relebratedtWitefleitt PoclieVlEfilte.: ri3trone Ware de. at TbteititterLiJ. I D-„,-,-..:,,,,,v,..,,,,,,,a7bi - 47 - 17;- , -,, ~-......, v ....-, f ., ....- sortment at Tueezet. yr ;-..i -.. • , ."4 . . _ •- , 1 ,-, • I f iiuors.— .A eltAifry a rit43r `of- iitaiSire ,3. for medicinal piVit,Teiiiirct'irs Mimed Ei :ineitti.:—Vitiligiii: , iivra, and all of Alio itceasiiry fliti:u•ii. . - • Fltirem, Fifes, clainetts, Tuning , York's: ttlt . tioo tioblm, Piano .. .Millie,•etc., Id Tijtitai a 6 .0 ".^ :. 4T: ' f iCeir . V.—A.lthw supply ofriftbyrople ; .7.eirelrY• 4dies 'and 2.gent)rnek P1i5t.,,,A,....;iii: the fdoeYotii o Xofic.: l relookt.' 1 - z'''.',l; ; - .,:',l4'i : i 2 e P,eifunier(k ll 4' . gefielittifOOttrYlPPk Sit choice reitumery at Teesues. l• -. •; . ~. n ::. tf FancY_Poxtrs:Yistrkie itkeitnrb 4t.0.41.1 large and first rate itasortinetd4 .Thitte g aitipkiii tik; buy Patinae mambo store nf4JL fre, • 4... , ...: , ...e. t i e Paitne lifetclicines.--A gres rani typincl entbtOing.iiearry all of titositos6Q4 ' MA:" at rftoraw?,s... - ...,'-,,,_. • . -‘: 7 ';-, - ' Lied.—Bpriting Fluid;k:Catnpt Oswalt.% mai it.good variety of Lai9pOil Ttittetes. '., _ i' ...I , ‘: '.,. 1 )Shoes,lT; nbrellaa, Whips. llifirron Paper. Stitioneri, •Fluid and Oil Laiiipkt Window Ohm. tutly;ifoils, Trugges; Sul Shoulder', 91niies Ltegopil asmitaoot o f • cl,', ildnibleret i ens;l**KSepagßiani linives,;ke - 4 - e., too nurporoutilomentio , low at f . • • TURRI Montrose. Nov. 2. 1t333 . .1 ; T. , ..., - -i:. son_ pe'*..,.f.incidre36_ilo. • .-- ,F•••: - .‘ .. • . --- . 1 :; , •' . •,-::•'.. '..,„';.--. 1 - rPo itry and' Piptarei --' -- - • .' 1 i -,:- .1 :1..iii" , ; -- or.grititt niin'Oft'riniiluiLtii',:l•r, ••,,i.4:; • We ,-can =the Anikilvea sublime* J , •-: •.. - All4. deputing, leave behind-us T :_ . l -•• :- Adores which will last some lime !,. i.bcrrecs. which perhaps another,:, .• ..• il ..; 4.',..: Bailing tier life's stormy main'. - -:7'.'''' . 7; :; 4 - I. l3,llne forlorn and wsvworn inutheri:• , .., ~..,;.,..-. -Siein,g, 'on go onct get some more _,-". - , • ''• • flit likeih r • - • .e? -. c• . • - .. .! :e :.; -.• •,..' : Tin t ahistre. was sent u4' bj.i'fritint a • , ft it,ritiAl to thi ' int, -we give one Vtetdeetil 'benefit' of /t Loping Oat they will heed %Ito :le - stigtesTh': tion and - 49 akigets 11 . 1 . 01 3 1 3 11* 9 11i - #I 11 . 1! • :r- • OiriAlite/.1.01. t o eketi ll . ! k 4l l B :.if i i -44•L` C '41' varied' osideomplete,:and Tie are! tni ~ to:pet thetu all - vith "natural" pictures, and the rAT fur so doing. ; ~_ _- .: -. - ...:.1: .. ; i ; Qur mofto.! is, stood; work. and Mali -r•'•" .. f . : anz t -.. .., - : If.:ILD biTS. ti Odd Fellmqs' Hall. ceond floor Non • ;Pa.': FA L - GOODS. '', • . -. 1 :, , J. H . ..17T..P1irN . • TgVITES a tteotion to the.uousnallY large and .1. ,comi)lete,nattlista 'tit of .... • . : -NEW obois. OR P•Att : Siiitr; f t ' he.ta nuw , r4sosiviieg, =ln othlitiltai t obis' iltis" tatip , : , ply of Staple guilds, theories, Heitlaiake:. yet ie., be oilers to the Ladies a rielmock s at' ~ ' ..." ' • ...VA LL ANiY , WINIVAVGOO ir..: • • i .. V elvet, , . ~i . . .1 .... Sant and , . Roates./„ . ohsis, Itikoß ~ intall'r ' rytl.adiet and Mimes , Mille hoots , and s/boils. AV•te. To cike gentlemen he offer . - .a large: stkiek - ol.haegiesikti •t i :...11:', , 1.. _ . ~. :1; READY IklifUE: CLOTHING; •...-• Cloths. Casette -- , Tteee;la Jean% Vestimgi, t rtk. Hats. Capiillock - mai shoes, le.:: ' i ... ; • ~,I , Ilia etockint 1 it Mai exten‘ire aial•tla-* fled`assortment, . hoestofore, and,lio ii:lite4 pared to hold En* ituptitoalmbecestn-rs vo'cAsti He re s l4atha sitliel,ti , r) : eiilY ` fall;*l2l-11i9 friends,..and'aii '2,dieteir (tenth • , 0 9 0 1 t GOODS that are worth the 'PriWiskeittfei m • . - • 2000 PIECES WA LTA - PER, • all styles and prime. :.dierbes assertuiept eTer . (tit tered:i n this countogsv • -. siaiazi...,-re: , .. , i . .. . ...„R.,.,- :i ...1 . . u -sulTupen.:. .oin .imerop*grepcl.l., i , S. 1 . . • .••,...•.. - . • •- . 1 -• ' • , •NEt- TV: MIL . QAD .• ... Sha:iir illidai'6B3 t . 1 . da mpon tun-lberail fjBs3. :, •. *: .• • 1tyc131.1R4,. TT 1 . -. • "uuctrui :hivitilheitit - iioti of "As- fricoills T V and Alio. 'Public-sip hi Rely • an 4 sPlptidid P tOtk otnitinfr, it iutetrA - , ; • cicik Ribbn* aid Bonnets ortieVistilei,'w ~ •., :hi. conUee(6, withii largeutment .o f otapii c *nd fancy tiit Goods, G roeeriik - Cruciccii; gardtTite:364. Rafts, stove..: , ise r ^'t Buff ale' Robes. • DM* 'tliuf cbdeiLUitc -011, 7 . Caipeting, ,Paintedliqudimithiidictit:llY 11 : 15ipe . T, Plants. QIN t•il ,. ..ig;illinitlo4,l l r4i, in* e* te.naiie 'And •i 041,044 104,..*i1e1* ikt.l4.lli: We : . most fi%iablititenns'becaW . : t Vatatitif 01 ', duct , 'O's*t* 441 itOk " 7 : 1 : : .' • ' - 1 .." N:llp.'-'W,ilibut,i - Vittailift . Roo an Sachs' and 3Tociii."; ; l o bitirimid%Saft' - Ar . , . 131 . 11111d: ~ Nei ' Milord: '&0,1 9 , 185 i. . • • ' : : • : . '.:-.** 74: tl ; Issa ; , • 'Vitt:64E4 i; TIS PRINCE & CAW& Ina Proved Pat' elodeosi—For evreethelss;puriky, and liow'or'or ole:the§e.lnstron3ent, nre unequalt : 1 1 ticim - iingbit from f 45 to slso.l..rePras wishing to:obtaialumeof thawbeautiN•amkpap- - ; _ niGnnmodata-14114ply 'log fo'• Araiyozwi sc):4llo,i4s: mnionne.woVeniNef 1; leg& •••; 1- • • • CW. ti lute just teem vid by Nov •t 1 • , J. LYONS it SON. QIV TARIrs 1.7 ritQW:l:l4 zt:o: ai• '4 ~.. . . . . '2 7- 77:k• ,- . • •,... :. ..r. 14 Z e ifiv. i '• • , ..:',;.4..e; F....eaut r, nig gtilijose• ' - isielfii . ...,_ _ `l'_ ..-: RiiivitorthrEiFlektialita:4l*te in the Bo ,ibithick.illakpitrime„,:Forll:Fr tettolittitale, apply t o the miltimitito At OikegO ) 4 •Mcf.; or -tii 11. : iv' iii,,Ein,3iiintrotio.', ~ .•:- • [ i . ./ 1 . •11 . ::-; -,,- -.- . - ..-.... z .::: i•Ay . .. E. Raynsford. ,447 4 70 t .1861ti1v4 . 40tc. , 4 1 . Acrystfitrd. ' . . 1, 2 • .! , 1%;','...7 rvi nOlll 9: , arrtr , „ 1 ....,• : , ~_,,. -,-,„ - - AK:;:lik.-so!iiv-40,-_, iirt-J,:-. LYomnikckijott. ~- ~ , ~,,,,,,,,_ p c iopc.•* • „.....„.„.4.,..".r.v.„ . ..,„,,, ~.. .. ~.,......4 . . vs., , 1 . „......,. .. ~ ~ ~ ......,..,„ .. • TIOUT •.4 • '" I'• stv .11 ~ A. nW lut fresh flour' _ - t .% • 2 ' 5 44 kl; .11a. just reCCIVV‘a. Z I JiinUarY 4. '64/... • - . 1 IMO .. - ac..-...1. - ,...,, : , r i m ,,,t l4 sisi#l4-.ol#*-0,,1,,,t ir:....K.-„tifakork, ictp-7::*o2:w. 511nq00.fteeffia toral; : ..,r,er trotnnles_4lll. r otnn l es_4 11 1. drimu4cor ~..,..„.,..•....,...., ..s, frithfk . ....,... .. _ • ...---kitholiii*ll , „tnotbi J, ......„.. --..g r -e-z- ... , , , A.--i-?..,4-... , ----_-.--. • .04401y90 , : my-Leg,pkrae.w.-44, ...-.- eit-tirt , Pkt),,a „ fiVitrlttobel,4l,:-. Tr_ . u ;Chreuidltte ,"‘ '''' its I,74l_fti ~----- . Atj*JatiecskiiPithil.,ter - ' ll6 - - . 4 kstiW: • ,-,_ ,4••• .4 , '' :lvtii,•-•,, _...... %Join jihn... 3 •-• I sr I , ..., 5 ;. ttiiAtigifidebtsi - ioihe';4-'- ...P.54 '41"1.4t1 'l''.;'4:-, • ef : I '*'=' ,l "gi'-ifif . e ' ,ogw : ler's - A e ' #i 2 l s4 .*.illig - . : q l P - '4; .)17,- liffioMitreT l l94V-c; . - ; inni*dinikKiii#o4` . -:' , .- -'--- :- 'ffllki# l l4iC e. t ke, - - Peak*kr . e.**l44efit.t&-,',:::-:•• ,Y.,...}: 11 M , gr-03P•qr&FIC;°'4•% /4 -P..9•VP,041i4:4X - i ,- ;i'''' , 2 ''rett'htioiltus Trod, Plijr-sl i kia4s;li4altuidritdif nf!;,- '-,-;..., -ott*iii,retiiihilikierlittiitioli**ibietif ,- ; - -.:•1 1 '... rtliiiriniiptii ifarti`l9-, - - giSii*li: . 1 :00 - tiPt . - 1 .. : - -: '-tiley4b#:iicr.eiteo4e;Phenpitnt; . tify*Wailidloll6 ,- ...::::, it ' - " lii f ti f iind -in!ign,-iii*- - iit ;,t.beel . „tellK•knrf : 4ll 4 i",•4o,:f , . - --,.- xlin l3ll . : Voin- 1 4 . 4iP; - 440, f1 1 #9r!- 21 4 0 1t 4 ; 41 Pik.. : '• ' 3 - ' 6.-half i i ii i, 4i::" ' :: : - .1 1 ''':'• 71. ' - ' 4 i;;;7- '::" I . l` --- : ..t .. :',:v': AiekiMs'yr=k ienieJ ., , t , :'.t' , ' , s: , ~ - . i. Tikeliiiiiidiiiid , .effliisft, : rthfrinFei -:- ,:•::: ?stsallpfacknutriedgeik-.btiLeveliOnei' , A* 7 •7-`: 'l•isedli4 4 ier, o 44,o - . - 1 1 F4iiiiPnA z etifez'hrt,ilw,. iiiii'liniirenYeeslnnuenii9 ) (*,,,Pakit., _, ~ -- ..:ilii2- 7 , -- ..' tilT . 4;:csitnrilionOthlnaL - iill,,i'Ornm., ._ ":4 „ 1,),..1 - 4: - ...;., 'A , airdiosiii l :s of the P ritilferOy . y:ohio* - op , ..f . , ? : . ...:,.'-.,: r oe e u ld:;. 4, r 1:-•:•;..-1,?•,,, -•'....,- :IT S:9 :*:r f 4 , r ., .. %:- '''''''! . ' : , ‘,1 ' ... ' .'t": 4::; 1 1 ',' n''' ‘ .l' ~../pi#CijOriisAl*. S *ltt/5 4404.141 . _464171 ‘ - - : 1 7::: :':: lIIM in . :A high degreeq,„oooinlintxelintiTt.; , glf -:-. ' a #l l 4nretle;Eln4 tinv•c7. : aq - *lli'll*lxe*nelia; '.01:• ' •fe W‘liiiiirk. 4 ` 74e, d* le' iiiiitill n *le.44'4l,eiiAiir ...-';,-• '-' ' °t_leit.4.liibiren `ital. 4giiiiit:iifitiEliticiii*etiri si - ciaii!l L iirm.l film 'wit -i - eitOei L iritifildil'iliiiir prepared iindinjedieinareirectiio**o44'' : - 4 ,F . -' I f ii*,--,,twi.tirappiils; rhi4.lo4nliin'oneei**,.:44 i ~:_,,-,•'- t '`' lifirafolnici ',,iackhOttle.;en4'-Xtr:_ltenlite ' ' ';--;,:, ' ''' .'ltikiii'tiiiiintiti In'iliffintliliglifit ''''' ''''' - -- ' Ith(rkilii Oe'it',TemidY exaut cl - Priee ' 60; MY , : . 1.; - : ~,, - b c : s t*,.,== - • , .i - t•l , i• ° -:-••• •••;•- '' . ••••4C .i -q, 1 % - 7': - ; - ' , ' . 7.?°k';'t";V. , : = .- -, - - - - Dr. A r eeici,q-illianifitgelioiiptt ':•• • ',1-1; - il =•*.T. , s, I biliktikkoktdiiiubt; the:tnsipialletfult.ind mittitcrfilitc„, : - •-, ie#•,itglic . 0 ,nlinliirietiVibnfeni 0 0; 04104 i*:diA+3*.i R :e'reli, alid:Will.;l*;_huinEnn tnYiiitnt.ble*Lo4:7l9ri r rliioilitietti:.)itiftifeen' erlidniei:Yrt4*i. l ,"o ll ; i, - i, O ll 4 the- , head; ch4r;hiek;linCl'li.fiviiiiiiitr , -- ..:: . : -, ' , - , - -- :',,f•::"• - -. I Thle..ralnahle•ifiellieine 'Oombiiien'Aie ttini4linii . .. erful'; ; Bain.,lfilliiit iimidieir.limiliji.lii Ti.:::..pic:ni4 . gi*:.i . 101,4" . 4Pr,* - : 0 40.if:: 1, :s:-1C44:-.`4 , %41s4R 4 4' p ,e 4e - tra ti p 4., it o o )ting.: alitPileigni;:-Pl:c. Kinci4 - j". inntiOni`j'inthe.'zilbkillfent .vesizels;•finor.."tintianteli healillyzsectitioni.,:ctineequentitytit•_MdUceslsviell; . fogs' in, a shot litne:::1:‘, :- It;' - coinlibivieg ; lin re ;*.,i ;r1 --giii linitilztoYin,i Bins in.iiiedir;l)ei ntio lll -e;P.n4rif;' - I ,iiiill "cure ni .eni,iipilirile -ifi.it - ennrifni tinle.4lo# !ani,:other -. :4( an' c_ninliiglilini...Tn*,..nil4 - enfilO.,','- i s ni e I - Ti'ilt, le' cfilioted; - ntel thriittruway , iolir iirifdo us.l , -:. ! Tilqs_ giiiiariteetlt•i;relf',brt!io,tiloiliy;'l*?ll' .. 41* tl'ri _ceonly cep:teller: l*tle.-;•,`•• - ,LIA . -'Ttr - ' , - - -Keeter 4 :Liver-; and;,. find , Sano lll :7.:Pigifk%- lAre gi:adigi*, , stitiPianii 4 g: 4ll Avin - ::in-thi . ,eitC.',.. nii i t f,,, h . o r. , _ d i p . public. ' z The'y iit;e:Ad:•' l , „„i*!:tnni'A'i;,!,,' Inn-gativelniown. and illtveywre iiiiOon.tipo.lo-4,k, - - .)idigestfon,°jiiiirtdice; 'li Mr' chin ulnl-5,,,-Ithil:".'storn.'-:..1:-f -' e'elie:lielidecni*'-billioniniese, - iffl ; 11 nd. P 1 ( 1 ' itif.Ati' l ' t cirderitrhei*iiliinie,ll:cative•purg,etrve/inrciffik44-, : -li.? changes istaied uOtien:- - -,,-. -', 7 ' , . , . -, 31;"; . -1; - FexualeS„stnclents. professional r and ull.oth= ; ' "'• ..• eral4 l 4 1 . 04' ; -a. -sedentskr-1 i i - r , ti:4q ere' troubled_-;,-`;'. ..: ••Ntith 'ion stipaticin Or - indigestion' r • • Vein' innettiitY: '''', '4 will'Arid thesii - - pitfall*.tnest - leffeetust and pleas:;-:°="' • '-,, nit*, itfi'!yei - aiscorered. Their iietion 4 ia'aptn,- . in part iapo,t .. l4lip. lirei,rneving - ini*iiictiyeliA4.,,,„ . -',•• s l u o,t s b, organ, 'edepting 'Uzi seemlier* Ito'. tiforuz . .-. -: -- leattl4,,purpose, and carrying Airtiy*r bld_ e:''''., litzi•''•'°-•-::', - fl i o ' r *-• • • Ther"gir e - ten!. ,tniliejatcerilich,`Stript4Ner,, -instead _rifintakening, - cpuleioit tie yinin 'in-their Aiii;i,--L:- : :';'' .'" 4ion, and hy, heir-',sanatire influence Arithis,Liveurt *: ;••-• • and Isec bung leave the ;bowels, fels(ied lung stfieki - 0,-, 'their Se aid_ ljliCiii• he ve .Pasietl' itliay. ;Torii-, tali* it.•::S-, . hex r as `ti ginerillule'tWniqe`a.dOW.T...:litto ,., -- frorn r4OiLfe'eitracts 'prepared le reciiii: - 'l 4 lii*!, •'-' . ii . nn'iniueild ingredient ur tlieir ciempoaitfon„"_•.:l-7/ ( l'A*,_ • " 03tmi:Jnerthanti,.. - and tradem:ti'filf . find, ' theaki •_...- ,•,,": pilli not only to giregenestl. satisfactinn;.*tsali.Jl-..t- , . - „ able: thrlingliant," all" sections-of .the_cout.tri;'•'-.lteS`r. • '-":'..', lad price 24 :,;yit's 'per. b0.1.-•'''':'' ' '':- I ._ - 7 -,• . ',:-4=i'fl,'_ •,'...„ 1)1.: Melees.' Cordial: Car‘in itive: 1- i t v.:-.1; -- ' : • ::' ' Tile •!Nd.Plils Mira 'of inedical:d(kOverielV , it'd . 1 ' the .: most ceiiain And'speedtremedy: for ilhircereli; ...-,,.._;:, ' .dysentery",4olerarnorbas:eholerianfentuui;cliolicvji'i:, „, griping pains,"thifuleney and 'for diringenyetibt of the - stomach - andhoWelsingil i din tee 'f c , ! td,• v i.e.; •:.,... ~.:;••• ...• . r• 1, '- .'• • ...:-- - : ,- --•--;• ,. ,....:,..,2 -,,. ~, 1 - -- I i;Wordi and'hingringi • • fait In Picarquigitir*TAlP -, -", 4 ••."- , liessing-whi'elf this , - reme.dk afforili, and,tlinusisuldor,,:l_ : , o Hearts and. Inen'es 'Wave - been made 04,3ind'tik-7 rejoice.too, tlat a l'ineclyiumbeetilliund gii litiiiisy ,-.....! ~ and powerftiliti minoring diseasi.-Ifhring!thilth : . , ' and dri!es'diseaf_le away';'; is'' Tinto . - _firnelotteti; - :s' -•-• mothers•then r gold er-diarnonde: •• ,-,-- ; ,•-..:••:', • ; ..7 - -z- ,--- t. -- ;. , J3.-::. . 'groPlY(2 s : . cei!to 0- 1 ' , bottle; -Anflident '• to etiPs :1 , :- -., : • 9 cut of ' 10 cOes, soil it is Oaratecil to cure till' in, K... ; every_loo -Ors, Think -A this, InOthertclutheilli•:'•''• Itlid friends:%•. - „,„,,';'):• 1 ' . -'''.. 2- '-'''',4":-;•••• - :'.'-'- - - . --1 -- - EllrShiP ii.N141 .1 , alPtiti tis nr` - ' l * 44 rg i lliaatirlti' v : fanners. 410 4 -.wilf he - supplied . waltfil, about foliiiiir•,,, '."... piked lor-it if it fails to : ivi:Satilit' e:,*17 , -:':;;, - :,case.: -' 1"/".41j 91i, iliker it on these ,, :. -the - lirA, of those yen' COntrel 1•1 - , ':'''--:j--7 . ,,',:if:..-".';'••••:'Y'''''' "-_-. •• ••'-' frni;.-::*eier's 7e iiilf I,i `' fi tke g tip . - -- ;': 1 '.. 4- `* - ?'::' ... ' ,Thii reniedi tf'a Certitin 'it pecitic 'in 4L.iiiii'eylne•TL l / 4 . : :, ... all varieties; of Vornes..-f: Children I e. it, tlitithisik: t',,,i• , is small, arid . each bottle -Ceidii ne : fniii iiineS•-thitt4 . -' , .. , quantity nt,'• :Fiir*A.Odinines..,-.EKetlS,4l'neeil: '''' - - - 1 '.- ' rime. feriChini therm - inedicineS wilt tie foOd titie 1 .- ' TjYr it; -Trice tts' eente: - '-'"'-', ' - 4:: 'l:i'l'i- '.: : "'?iy•,?.i -:.-,;- - _For teetimonialitand certillealei;—nothing' . li _tip 'ne : •-4s pe Alinanaes,and Orolars iii thei,!l ,asoicissti,„ . i :'i , r AgOnia• 4 'Pre - pared, lit; 4o l•• , • B l4Pinni-etreetilline , :,,f..• ;York,' end' for elan -.hr-3fecifinilti ,iint 'rikiiggiW . ::: thrOngtout:oll te'tiitid Stales. ' -. 7nr'iiiln•4 - - Ann-i''''l; Z l . --- - T - culintl, - Monti‘ l ßo3lltritt';;New"Blitiordi',Wq:< - 1:• - •S::Grorer,.Sptitigiille:t.c:Griee*lti,:xitheTe; l •Lennit .27 , !: - • Carpenter h. Sibley t Aarkwilt. Lucian StottiGiiitt.T-• 7- -- - Bend ; . -TiMi' rr 0 .17 0 , Oita.) ,n; ; 41;:WitOkliniiliFf.iiiiii*:1;,..•.: ••ville ;'. RYi ny,Tionklyii(WelteChiiiehli,,eg't '- •2 ! ii Tinideff ;S: B. Wesf;=-Stisuelitituie , :Villiillei,;luid ;,, meichants' verrrhes,•6; , .- , :,! :.,,,,- - - -,, , ,,',4 , ,..;.,.. ,;.!,- , .:•"'.-k‘;:v...t-,7,:•,” f. 1 .144 1. pie si"ia: pArfers, • rel)eitik d seltin, • - ty - 7 ..- • - :-;-?1,... :q -7 . .ellis ~.1 , -, . -.- , iici, 11MT__ . 4 4Nre'.'''..:;: ," ~,,....--. g. , . ~fi ~z • . . . ..„ , ..,.,..„.....,4,l„teati-...1: . :A.i 1 121.§: I tr i t feCel!eif !lie Fall .an,d.::94,:: ~.x:61!„..,1nt<W,r..im..,5r,A7,ti.: _of ' ., , ,o:telz..-•?1,401,:•;:.:::e . „ • Ready - Rade , 10thing,..i4, , , 0,,,,, v. - --.t Contiv-Of ii : riiiiiti'iiC, grOckei-k 4 - on ~raentivi er , ,i t5t .•,_....,..„ ~, Frain'. . ' " inn 4- MIMI; - t c: I v as' "'' l i#,v Woolen Under shiria alit' . ifers, f ictiv:: tt,•,, ifv .... Shiite, }a u v .- .s• - rt' s: di hi.. *ids. '-'Alls, - ..Over.:-.:-. -sh • e•,.. h' ,- _. -.,..,, .. - ....... ,, ,-;...-..,:.., ! .p. ,, 4-% jalittfl.,Sii4ingts,Glovg:in. 7q . r.i .- '''. 5. :•.<.,... ~:; - ,:-, ; •;' 7 ;',. A itiOdqiiiiOtimint or f' - At4'.';-- ...;-,...•-, . ~, - ' • ....• - -- - -, ; - &c , f - fit.,:1rk;.•;.:ki1,,f,, , ... ; :5..- 1 Itii ..,R...--",..4 , -.. v .t. t. , .-... Men 'Cr rneno, Mona; f 39 ' atid-!Obilkinokit . —et "' ° a l ji - ' .Stine - a' itidiSin• , --• ani sha m ,. ? India An .` ! 1 4 - .._., ,:.• (Ws- • •• :c kir if Vurtain. per, i"lrOc': Xneviiilittity,of • a an , ..,, _ b „.. i . ~,,,, • -; • ~ • ,-,_ `der,,ilio. ' • Books'and f Milan -_-:. _,•, _ _ _.. Atia,Trunks. einni.' i r!'"oo l ing• Slgc - hlar-ker.. l _ '•". &LEO Awl* Tunai,col rae p rit t c., and. a variety-s - .. I tt " e!.l 'e .- " ; iiviin e ' ri cc‘oasliqr - - - ut 410,9014 V SlisitScitilleit-liotet-jirt."= prod" . Atvr ' ...°P e •',-,- r -- :-, , 1: takia 41114 9et . 744503. z. :.-- ,--,-- -', , •-.". ~ St: amH Giisi7t Saw mi11..- - _ ,,- , - - - , - : 13.05. BROTLlSii§lutirthealio:4 4 :,.4 I. estobiiihtletif.*Litt lielijilc . ."4loiiptly in,l. - Wird - ,'1;::::- i Superfine iin4:flige- . .74C1iiii;44 ti-- , '' v." 4 - '• ' : z - : ,....,,.... lf .'.5. 1 .-ii 6 ." p l.oi q,..i i .„i.i.„i,i_ i ~ '.; 4 ; . ..._ 1 W r_, , ? i '... i.: . O ,t,i riktreg: , --‘.` , rt.iikV ,P,M_F- 1 1;,'Zi r :t' ,- •,;_: i ;::' ' - ')"'....' - ''''''V, :4. 1-14 1 C l i t' 0 4 541611. 000 4 . 0: 4 ° #4 ~T.I 1! C 4 *'..19 , g 1 IN E.• -,.: . i4 cloiiiitjrith d tehriu.id'jilidroyseli Ii 0: , -17 - tlg: elea 40.„5.4. Mantra `;'.' ulypnit.- - -1., ''l'' '-,:. -, if3llltf ' `',',' 1 '':"', , -1.7:' 47i_ irs Incas's:, =-;--------, ' . 47 ... , .1 , ..,.......—, :.NT . : ". 4,,...:r1- , :-:.. r ..i: -1, 4.. . 4 ) .. •• , . , . 101 CI Min .- - ' s .• ;." .: ': ' -.• : WENLIANV BAAL' t 'ltztoriit" - i;, -, .:!•' , .‘; '.. •gthPa r —' ... antl46"l ' .but riever gaits to'rectors ' /ID , ~,, ,1 4 - • , '44 * *te - W.EVAIL. Gal l i tiil i '.. AV: KE I I4 li Fdi*erEy, -, iiiii ----, ~ ' :-.0.:Cr'.17....iii.1th5. - , tArtAtt(ol . ..; StirresA „Thitiot r,, t ;707,frrturi,i 7,Tarirawe3 ID .. ';,,,..1 iiif.;:,l,li" , gi p::: ,~;:' _ , MEI ,7 yt',l~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers