M=Bs .•- - - _ , pain , ' fialiateiiikitetke, n4A1,010 i.' . - :::: . •--'i';' 1 ° .i.i.a.tkibj* - - r - - 'l'; i .... A fayikrieit -,, ; . ' ' - .li'o ll ec teent' aevetillkar : ila 'Ott ift:li inem‘tt'..,..i '-t .1:1 iti 11:0 mr., ng 1.,.. . , . ilir fil i s „ l . i tnflite z p:- Biand i ggnin .., iciad Con. ti1it,,,..2.., Davis ..,,....„......: ~.". ..,....... . :r_. - . ', • r. Dills onertn - ppletnettla . -to Inc 1 "seviital4tctsrelattng to Collateral Inher- i - i -4 tinces. . -. . . , - . AktcrPti - eir-e:tupplemelit-tnthe - severitt . : no r dative to the latia diction. of ~.Tuiti-, '`cii t l f . v Ck• , --,i;.: • i ... 't i• t t (the Peace '.., :` 1 r. ? ,L.i. c l •if,l: .. •' .Mr. .Mr.McClivocic ()lie stipp'lemeniark to limittdotA. l .444% , ~ 41-Uftg4n, . l 4- 4 a tt;4 , s, liiia:bjr_Coititiiiiti Schools:' - - 1 - ' . - - 'ld`r73atitiaelli r :iti l ia r mtlir tind 'ieblii4 'dons vructing our Senators and Met Vii . alCoiiiite — stilii opitaiia.'nfr,dlictipii ,ofitka6ti iiik liatil? - ---,.."' -,: . - .': ...,' :- . ' '''eliirt .iliPniil ' ilia cliiffer of 'the: tli Ftintilin'tinat 'Clingidrif lihin iatifeßp' o tokii 4 fin a roi ss i i 4. - . , 7 . --: . - ---- : - ,„. ... 1, strilidoilliw: aplltitit4-0 - in , hia '1104" - - - 1 tilis*iiiiitilitti jind':"Aifititillii liositi . OW'iti •tlifielAV-Ileteferred - to'iiislibiente dull : rifigVie discussion'of the sniiket. I y tiii , t - 4 - - dafriiii!l t!i . *vOltse - bitd` been said . in 'refer er463l2f.lnalreaire to speak tilsOnlit. -- .Re • baddealied:fo'exainine - isoine of the leil e pbintllaybliied - 'in - it, - bat'4vi4" tinableleo chi: isti ! far 'want' of tiltiO,;'' and' for ibis rest-: afilisirtuallitt prepared: tit voth on — ;it;laltd - * asked li)::bei `ekcfnaed front' *vetilig: - '11: liiiirefiartietibirl detaird td be heard - rinr: - t,: fr tattgOldeStioli, 4tid Nibentbar;eante lip . hokikgild L ti+O i llis views ail& thewiti ';door and preprietypf the aft eftheli , iii -' teileion,r repealing-I.lqt: g e neral ,=Gauge L ioir : - ... ; :-- , ,:f.,'.-1,.=.4.-;.- ... -- - ''This iinbject - we further discuased by 1441144rk'Prke:-Crabli'ind quiggle. ; ,--•-' = ot4e..4Pricetaitde ail able speeeb. Vriii- - crpitllfieviawinAlliel'iubject` inn jodi:' Biel iind'retral pihntzkif - :_riesatid ranking it'N'irt able - - iirgument` to %to •‘; ' ill g the . Ctimpany ',liiiii initiated its'.:‘pliane.r, t and f3ifette 4 1 eieti •shttdow of right to the: piMlegreV 'Oliginally i granted . `'it.''-' itea raid thebonefof PenniylviinielbsoluteS; 1 ; ' demanded this.' act at the hands of 1 1 i. Legislature.. Ile "ated :the subject gravely * Oultlineerelf end .darnatty. dis claiming; any intention, Or desire a to do. In jj4ilie tony t. body,hst in a s l yiriim ti_` 3 A I in i . 0- 1 if i: POP lii ii‘ :al/1 a 'ilia Stanld 1 .3 7 , her,, rights "and chat ~r h i t ni heer, shall be, her" guiding star. _He was, ilstetied to, gifougll:, without . -13 1ai0 atlentioP. ~ , .' Va " 'notion 9r3‘fr. qui,g'gre , "all 4 rana - • , t ifie r cit was ailcipta,.proyiding,that no ,Oth-,, es: cOmpany ffi . - lieretore'chartered' shiilV construct rt railrOwl , `Over the'rule of th • 'o'otkliiii-Oad,,_`pr Parallel therewith,: to th.:qhlikiine; wit bout a special subst. ' itlent` iiirafit,.. .'' - 1 ' ' ThepreaMble also was slightly amend r 4 ed:' : . . . ' - . b ' The bill, then.passed fi nally By u a nari- , ,imoul rote, as follows :ll ,-- . , .. '`lfissbletsrs. Bar ,Cress-..„ well:Dan',: ; #4 iel t ,l" ergasoa. Fcared , Pia, - rrY, Goodivin;paldeman, Ilarcil tiiii,Heister, Jamiton,Rinzer; ll'dlin%. tOaT ß lNeVarlarla, PiAtt. Price; Qmiggle, Skiner; Slifer, WhErry, 31'Casliii—:24. , '', • The till) goes to the House for'Concur secs j< .On motion of IV Goodwin the bin to ipcorporate, the Flpme or, i-m Pales oliildrerii'io'he ' iqcit,ed in, .Philade Philadel phia. c'eAnii wa'_itaken up and passed it. ser: iratreadiagsr ftiii..,,illslitution is , to IC initialed chiefly by ti board of twenty fourladitis., _... , 'l"ci fo ~.or, three_ other local bills,pas , sed, when`hie "Senate ad'ourn d ell 31 'day next at:two o'clock: Aletrsts e*: ligPßEsysTiiiiTs. - , , The Illuse,tnet at 1,1 o'clock. , After rimier the journal of the prece diaglday ..waS rFad...` ~ 2 - - , i The spilier announced , that Messrs . flirt' Dougherty and Bldred were aril' pointed additional 'members of the Corn iptjteesin Railroads. '34i.liart on account of press of litisi-.1 nOneodalreadyjbeing a member of ser 4 ,: eitil Committees,' asked to ~ be._ excnsed. tronl . serving initheCommittee on Inland ..*,Tivigation Ste.• , , ~ - r il : :.The.FLotise UccodinglY excus ed. hi The COniinittee on Estates aud E r cleil tt r,reppited that they had adoptedce r , tab? 411*.forthe transaction of busin eiiiraleit ;before : that -Committee.. Te_ .9 I*4ll l tte,ivill not act on any bill author- I tiag. rtb !. - i' urc k aie . mßrtigage , 3 re.i 4f F ustefo, where thecourts' hare ant 4-, priti,to act in the case. And that siS r factory eildence:must be laid hefore he il 11 Oiiemitta:that thecourts - have no pa 4 , 213 suareasp., A 4.nd-they inusealso be- ai isfiedilat - ii bill is presented with ti 6 concurrence of all .paties interested, nil patrltenlirly of those' who may be hci ite to it;', with their objections. 1 i t i Mr: Bighain presented a joint res§l - Fht4ciag several amendments,; : ad' P tiK.7.s le,OslatiYedistri, i els , Preli lif tlneocaLtipectals and omnibus legisla on • probibi:tiug ttie traffic in intoxicaiinglli, ... ‘uors,,andtilaolishingthe death impish r Laid.,on‘the table. ; . - li ,Seieral gentlemen exclaimed tin . resolution atself,wai an_ omnibes. Mr.,Roberts, offered a resettle the Speakeile authorized to apps , ~ _ • Coounitteeuf _fire:ambers, to be ._ the ; Comtaitte on Reforms, to who, be tot laillS,,jointresolutiol sisigiAng illse . rations Or aniendail the,conatittairri, 'Agreed to./ . i40. ' •':4 6 95etjre 1 4. 11 . 41 Place* a hill zpe4iry„tuopt act incorporating the ' 1 1 1 41hauci-s4eAbenvilie Railroad Col tiv....*, ri...„. , ~T -. , -LA*Patterscitt:o ll o-toll*peal all - t. 11054_ . 1 4 01 1.N1, l eir--.uar i 4sle. 'one; to Aneorporate, ti ••...,rsleii%Afigh Schacd ,of : Penusylia ' 4 , --IMr:= Stxokug„a ;: bill= supplementer .., tlpgaitlacorporating the German Ca h licSociety of the Holy Trinityof t P ilp delphia, with an accompanying me cr . 1 pill. [This is in a case of disputed s isiski9ll'„,„ _achtirebP"Pqrriq -- 1 ! , 73§111500-11bird iead'mg then coming litiift% ll lAu r '',Firther'Supplement: to' 'ti • act en =in act; to encourage mannuie fink' iii ' titans in this Commonwealth, j a=siakbiisaientir , darof At/fit - et - inn ' 'ga -- thattsand - eight:hundred- - a i ti ee.f, egnviup-for finalpassage.- 0 ' '' -r, taisispisetisi.Tbat the i Lrteckbohleie i ittfidboxispenieszter4r*iniiorimritea, idinittiitace`iif thefii t s Of the ;oa - ftionneb • ibto***ppiesnekitil Analti l i, lisaraissTattpplinntiatilheretoshagbe-loiot.:! *slid aswaiali3ittbligliiillele iiidividdat ethatailyAtaldebtitillaettl:llllofra: ,_ 42si o iwir ; mi d, f „ --,.othiti4;itiblittitHisioklOM - 11 1 1411111dECCIM PW W*04 ' abd ' forry , -ad- dibigrowiteo4,lteiiiiiaAhrifi,4o4ll ••Ole Orovisions men t - i "lel to 010 pr fstone, gener+l. kr_ -..tA.-tiebittet . 'cid oil 11,11 debts.i., er' day,• .0 . 0 - pit t aiol adiqutl44l one: 1 1 1 ;4) , ,•,1 1 ... tiiiii —. : l - . 1 1 lrigal - Pilko.p ill iiio: 2t::185 4, I r I ''''''''''' 1-.".":-.SetT4te: t.v.::4,:...: 4„ 1 ,,. I _ ' Their Wen ate. re-titii'f inbiti'd '1102:o'clock to-3;lSi; tptfranflllt; t.c' 44iPtuFifi 2 u;.°!!. Fri day latst-I . :1 , •;.!',-...t.i. --,-- , y.:,:.il(ti -, : ',,. -'. i . Th peakei • lires ittini .:In - . . - nuniber" of ,petitict4r944t4o - .. tififtkii3f tind.foun-. 1 1., - <, ir ' ....• • . ~ l a '`,..“1, a , ty . ofPhilalAglphia,..to fi#o',l orcpo,-Ra sage of the Consplida'tion i ill,'''and . 4sOtt nu tn 7 her. .of 'rem r.iiiit rtine '' Itaiirsr t hiiia flan '. ' A 1 r. , Fonlitr94 gals, , t i)rgilint g. 3 - remon 'a t r ances of lik e . in - ii;' it ,Tti.irli, ieitliein of ft lii:Distric ' t Of-T>e nt..;).41-t,t; -,..‘,., `''-, . .. . - Quite a number 0, othetittnitiont &c. :sere •also presente4 ~ ,„ - , • ~. , The. Se - nate - then of motion 9f,Mr. Foul 'k rod, T aocceded- to \be , consideration of the bid rep?aling..- t ' fit inintii! act. ~%iiiicli atigi"Otisia; :big ;40.0iitg; - '''finssed le :finally. .:Yeas, 171 t in.ss - ,`6" . . -'' :-.'' The ' idll - regufati ' '. the width -oftr-lrecn street, in IllilatYlo 0,-4.11 - ,tki!ii:lll6...ltreet -OC . uoiforrn til t alk.':fri tll,,tiviit.:l)plixiare t. 131 road at,cegt, yv .. ..tifei r t,, tait'44;•-.1,q) on mo t•4p .. i n f. ,riip.' - :e; e; , Alstrini.-4,fialmtssed throtqgh a !seCon3- r , aing....- - - , 1 T .mor i threg,pt rjoca..l, bills,wer*pas .i . ..... Bed. ' The, ' '' "' . - ''' • '..Behp.te 'tflerikuljournQd. --..-i • ~.11 :tit' :, , ,,,,,,i..R. RESE:FTATJVIS. ' 'et. i bn'e ~,,... -:- .7h riotie: 4 ink. f i;iie a'i'.l(icii %rhela i a_ . `tite !In itth c er: i . )t, ji ) i tl'ii p 3: it-0,(4,-',,pi-eso. te '-''' t e . ,l'ptid i•dretYre;i„,' „art ser e rfal IRri v 4; e :ii 'Air.. -1 "6Eilhii10: 1 '0:Pil:0 : 14 "l i 0) 1.3 t - CP . rnrri4t,s s ; j aptiltithol.,:eeno4r 4 ~,:01; t 1,e. p aic, (1,: : : ": ; The., .hill';'hoorpir4tip.g . :the : . Northert,k, qa s :o9 . !*pe.nY wailt4o? uP and fi'llaPYi R E k si,e4,, milifi L ttlit'4r34 ameno)ls,, . = .•:..I'4 . ,ie'hill inctirporat, i lig the - Vr.; rt ir k 'it' .".. ' - 1 'f' at - 0 la•'" -- ' - • '''Pr''' orrte, Or , , nett, see 11 ren rift laderi) bid Ni•-;11::alio fin Ekily 'RiAseti. . . The Ituuse thenlia younted. . ' ',From, the' lc- Capital. • - 'li ' - ill kin( URG" * .lati;2o; 1854. : ' .rldfili4Niii - s - : l ,h:ic e -tali a lookii bn attire ‘LgislatA doings hCre for some s i l I s lays_ i past, and ,I.ar i been surprisi t ed to Wit Inesstlce duland Up terettitig moVe'of the House;whalter eitu ir.bi th'eSpealer or'the r l a ~, sleggiihneis i- in - the enibem ge to t - to Work; 1 knOWilet; 'hut ce i in it is, that the lower 'bi r ankh are i :ir. behi theii business CMore so than I hi. have kilo,. 6 for Seats.''' I - am . tohl: thaqu/ e earl one-bal 'Of the cOrnmittets have net as yet - ,in.oig. hued, or rept:reed - ' \ i: bill committed :i their ,lutr k .te.• • • , , Feeling s I :do, : deer ' interest in. COn 2 i sblidation, ;I - this -, , ,oriiing 'called - on' Mr. 1 Tilul:Chailinian of ' he - o.4nnOttie ; of the; CiV i :anctr.,..kinty ... 'embers,' to "whom Was' irefi red iniil hill; a . d' - Was Inforined - that he was ItiOe'only ;refidy and Willing .. to : call tlii: i committee' azaiii to 'ethtr; but • *A' j anxionii• so' to' do. : 'lie was . - Waiting the convenience: of Ortain.Metnhers hatWere'seiviag k:xi. in i v& - .`tiiiiiiiii, , tpri ' , 'ot. I- edimmittees. He ex-, • p:fesr,ed a disi to :ari l a- 'gathering . 'On this . or. Sattirdai•af ern •',17. when they could take . ti up the Senate 111'; this statement satisfied _me -Oat - there ..s.g , a :intentional delay ed . thelmrt Of tti 'chi rinati or others of our is i ' '7o iffy ii') se, i a littie after 12/o'cldeli' . to-'day. a resol GoI was ': - Offered-' ttf) . 'ldjotirn thillasuie,ove luri an nest, at 1 O'- clock ;-: and doia'. an .in thet . 11:.;uie f to-Wp . pweit.' hut yo • r 1 :rtried And ili:a:.l-1 - 4:1) resintittivefro '• t 'e City,' who MI weiftip, tlie abstlidity'ofisu It procedure: i more liecially r of those' hat " weripratingirefcirm," bisbeeeeded ini d eatirg the resoutioi: - - irit'i's had.-Inirdly'b ili accomplished loWeier When one ofiv:3l:. .im - ty -members it:trod:le ; jpi,/ ,. id another, •aud a nilar resolation,inds , ' e,eeded 'in- ficeoiriP shed his objeeth?th Of the per-lone so c itation int the ; you: irjbrin: city 'e nders.: Thus; ,. ,reforni, and thru s h . tich for their I,Coniardittion. - Illart and ' . believe, are :thecity or tatiVezi to be-seen ttinilini -,tees or. utiei- th is- fteene hibit - of reforniatio l ' 3 ' the frailty •of man sires.for a - i.Nilidav I. these:Mode*: -rift, / and legislatlutifor totht dOgeir ,-- - Your edit):Or wh the lot sets' and tulVaut.p o t to misled, and , e - , I the Manly. and: - 4.1• • :pence w14'1 1 ,1:1' ':attempt , made to : i -a] chairtpiOn I.le= ia , h 'ha. te-by ed •gnitlly*da., Fitlbit'Clinal;; ' of an imimimarta •, adjourned - 4 m 6 Et His . Eseillette3 ttbfforeipme d R men; it 1i5`11. 16 4: 1 4. 1 :-d'' ftien.Pieri:e:4if . .• , L- new tonneeted w - the Ps•cild 'fo; : deritood , 4 1 "keeli outer pate "bat; for tb4 cars irith rid ;with :att,endic our' Patco . 416%, w °Tug 4: orndtuur t -o•-• tit:l2,-- • -?--. 'tom 'be enf~ e 4 . . is a - st, plc *ne he tet r yt ' I ? I .sitettlC4ite* 4144 tie id dit-deqal .0, ual ! f• the 'het to which >anal hereliy , an 'arriendtnent 'ietzirifzExtetia; - :: -ioi•ce]iiin, iron earthenware i l l P.Pmt n : 6k tri* - 1.1 Iliipliai: . l tiers. :.certain iiirii.r,' oiiti!iith ,rq 11 ...i . . t1;;nollse bad it'v-Paat • - - • Al L -11,.1 th • aid art • of . uch'for erlion'for r, - Ssrone; ...Linty represen theirionirnit- n. Whatl an" ex:. haVan illustration of Even thc• sehoollboy de muld, not lib ~+itl~stood-b9 , mers,,and -ConsOtidation' Lhe'titnebe:ing - are thrown ocenpied a seat here for s, 'with 9 much «alit'y ' hisl-cOnstituents .k d &6n in *vain for .* lite?, 'tones of' his ela . del phia i 'assailed' 'or a.n tertjde 1114 piny, - whose n i .r, the peg seasob: very"tlecidell:.vote„ , relatite pc. - t* . ith some: . other '..ineasti reis pliaracter and then itS 'Monday nfterntion) e Gtiveilior 'has keen I innn -the State.Pepart isjon' -a- visit to jris Oie's'White'llonise on` bug: the apiilleation'i4l6' to Atla IktilV , Nem,: [ -lA . ' . pmpoiNA,. On' ' hinds; tii flirn ose: is_h enitiiee tit Th ndizei'. Kirot Ws issers ll ,3 ll ,o, ‘ l3 veY SlirVied 'muleS,jitiOr d fair sti4ditit'ei ` iiiiiceirilikialie; lliiiilid‘iitiViiit, `ei r Y.,l:l*l9ll 3»T\.jjfl4 Ices 1;3.6(14u304. 'idfcricatfisitmdc. liable. -.'''' - ' '''"' ... -1 7 1.31'"e, _.40:10,:0.14..004:P Egiet*lt";.l.tkr(o4 Thurs4y _Moran a ' 44 1 104174 1 ,5e1l f' 4 r?ivp i Pplllo,4„.P'aid ' 'No D'oltienenifefi .cei— _. , ,pfc1..... t4r'itiV'alAriltioli gt 'l,iiii,l. •-•';':•:!-. - : F :.: o f . i 71.1r 4 1 6 intbieriPt. 'willisevenskitted.lapniutiri tuisettierlianket thirav c tlro yet" • ' vr., • •17, 1 •::-..c ,:i ~ '. A tasfolitimsativar??Pf41 1 4.1ikik, , P5 1311 C til iikkl)r!,!grArifgr :—' ," ~ , ..- • --.-, . - „.., , ..I'5ATE's 0 t ,„ ADVERTIsItsG.. - square,-60e oics3,oel,* - . 1 . 7 . 1 ;;',::: -. . -...; f... 7. WI • -,-' 616. siaiiiiiit6iiiviW,..-.'..:".: .1.'025 Business Cards per unriurtr, : vith•paper, ... : 3,60 A liberal . ..4isquottptAttadil toyearitadyetttiers. • VOllft troceeeings,• ..: tt)e. motion :of! B.'S. ' , ll4intleik:E4.• F: , ,A ,. .-Catet'• itocinforol l adinitiedzach 4.ttoroor and Counsellor at -.. lottor•iti:tbi . ..-,seviiial lOortzti 01 *Susi:is:lll=w - Coxiniy, v-4!...::i r. 1i .. .s :: .1.!; a , .: pintock!rewtotloip-Ntr. Jessitii - toOtt44. ' • Qui*. tiop ottottlottOnt oll'it*r..•••:••UTiOn'the bearing in tills case, Court direct that the•ottlisr-of; 'remosol ber - evirse4 "'and - •,shicated) and titder . .th ai! Jesup 'L4;644036 Cionertited 'ssiCuit ;the - sSuioo . rt -.kir the '- - - 1,4, viirv) ,, -t, -,i, • ~., i , .., Commonwealth' rio: I '9 itleOn . ,1/. Swisher. -. : . :In , - diettnini tit- Perjury : The jury find.the , "defen4- 'Atli not• • guilty,.;lntt :,Iliat te foty:thet' cos' t'' it: 'Sen . : tenced tO'ftiy titi3'4ts or pile _security :therefii.r., and toTstitnil cininnit tea tili:it is 'sentence ‘e . cimi= VOMMOirtrealtla i.S. oiolin - Ccounstoeft: 1 Iti'd iet= rdeiit ' iii...: " ie r. ep,i'ug' 4ip'plin.- .12(int: I;sefetidttnt' il,leinis . . lilt 1 ''' S - imieetl; ‘ ` 16 ''''fitie Of ivienf • .. . , o. g ,' ~.1, , ‘..T.! dollars' for tlio-itso of the coon ry tand"etisti . of . liros- . , ecithoit,'and tsstand,cenituitt 4 till this • - 'senicrke 1 isOrn•pliesc with: - ~ • . • -,- , , • i i rl otnitumvcaltlts. johß-Co, ,stocit.: ludiettuent, far looping a tippling' IKii3F...' , Verdict 0-pilti : ~Scutenced;to. pay, a fine of 0tt",.t,.), and .ct:sts,ot ~.pro;;;e1 eution 6 nil ip., .9 - tand. committed unlil thLs sentence 'be.cornkolied with, '• ~., • , ,„ ,-,„ ;,. - .. •.. . •- I 0 . Comiuonwealth vs. John ,Comstock. , ledictmen, fq r 411141 t guiltP4 Si nteileo,l.9 ' ptty. fine,of .thirty_ dulhir4 ; tor .the 'use iof ; the elnyity. tq,imiy : the." , ets pUpeuecreution, teud:fo•stand ectenutted'Aill this eeutence be eorn-• . . i `plieti* - .itlt.•'7 -•-• ,- .:. - -. . . .. . r . • Ceretionwasislt ev.7-.TolureOmStock.>:lndictntient ifor-.3.issmit and. - fistfiery. , Verdict not guilty, and !prosecutor, Henry. Ciits•Ch to pay the - costs. ; 1 Commonwealth -vs. *lobo- Comstock -and •Fideliti :Come:elk, Indictment for As:3l'ldr. .and' , .Thitterv. .\ - erclict •ttritty: lleii- trial' grinted - as to Videlia 'Comstoch - ,-;ishei.euptih nolle-prixteqUi entered as to i.Fidelii- Comstock'; • ittid 3 dim "Cornsteck Untended N. . ir ' and costa to "pay a fine of tiventy dears of prose-ctition; 'tin& tnlstand ctitnniitd Until thl4 sentence 1 , .. irkontplied Iva. b i Onarntiaa• - .ealth vs. Cii4 diiitnent - for As-cs'elt'an, groat f; aad-i l 4loi'a prPIL paw the c015t.4. -- _ ' '''' "' 'l h ' ' - ii^ . . ' ''v•Robinson-Ixia: t ommonwea t vs. .i..ct. t . : .c - 'n! ' t for Grand. /Aree.OY. il! s taaiiag' a pair of Idaßa. D‘ i n • , fendititt , pl4s 'guilty., ~"§entenicd,- t o restore, 01 - ptoperlyitSlen, oi sliay.the ifalue thereof tO pay 's "fine of one dollar. aidtha . ces4 of prosecu; titin, anti to titylergo an inquiscintnetit.'in the. Ett.St : . tint yenitenti.iry, in, the County. of PhiLtdeipltia, at- slittary confiuetnelkst, hard 149,r, ftir the term of 'orie l-ear rind - six months.: and Aim' committed nu-. ti; this sentence is complied with. 7 -'Tare ; Sheriff to - 7 conv4.tlg• prisoner to the:place,' of.. centiMmteu r t within BO days, and allowed one asslstant.'' - .. _ •••• Chauncey Coe TS. Sarah, H. (oe. Libel•ft yams. Divortefrom the Dond# of matriim cited:by the Conk. - , ~- .• . - rairrettia. •Olfrien- vig - Ili - Oitts 013) foi Dliortyc. Divorce decry d' by t ) ). _ •: .631fti eli mg Hiraaie vs. Hanna 'filt. diViiree, "Divtirce decreed ' '.-Alt.ert G . .taine 'ye- Sur vorce. -Divorce decreed' - illmiria Ward iit.: - D;voic.c." : - Cnitit dr (.. y de , • Libel t Court.: . • ... •Wiracle., . Libel fy the Court. Lone Libel for Di ..y ibe Court. , S ders.D...Ward.`. Libel for „, , t eed 'a Dttoree, r • up ix uksbeli .i :0 ; A'' taiPP , tic it-Ptiblicktions: - ...ilvumac.—Lthe publiAeliclnive-fur• .4ii valuableAlaurnic for 185-t. ,It: con ~'signal,a great-many nsettiltablelN and ur,-, I.l?; l .o l 4.4 l :Piditi OP. ilcl ,War between. _pia andAukkey, tbe. Crystal : l ; o4 . o,94a rurd-. 'the *diked Statesote. 'ite..- Pries.—Sing-loelipies, 12teen4; :fl. kr dozen ; , 87:per : hundred, *. GriOrnit'sAfagazine.- 1 -Tbe;Febtaaty unmber of Gral4nr gentrrin.s - the - . korunieneenieut of . kljfe of. Oenefal Winitington, by, ,J: t.BeaJley,' profusely: embellished; .whiarprianiser( to be a 'work of great.: interest %a - her:care taany43ther: gobs& attielei-in ..thir'- inamber.::..*lt inn.% be seltrararledged, by all,: thri'G ram* gets up is Superb irut,garin .. • - . • ' Pinstralot Ocigarine of I A rf. l —We 'viete . tr!ych _ ' eiriprised,b day or turo.since;.by 't be receipt of the Deeinuher and January - nritribors of this work. I f 'tee luistiie not, -they Septeuml,er number tras:the 'list'%re riteiseir . pirifionslY.*: '.'yfe'brid'enrieluded ...that 'lir. liolitisitnery - :. detibritil - Our fort. het tie - quair.anek; :but if be will ,send la the _magazine; Iltbilii,6iitiriu'i, to commend iticiaiteali, both 1 tA press arid' ilfaStrationi; ailoogas they ion t t l 4' t*Ptli.,,ryitr: ai' scOlds .. at Preet: -.Pub h lied ;by 4Teinirder`4ll6ntgonery, %a. f.l Spruce I s relit,' flew York., at $3 a y4ar.` ' A _Or The-IShepherfir of the Valley, st.: Rosium • Catholic paper- published in St..Lo - , Isasing as. serted thit: tbe'ettlebrited .i.:Brocpson, isbUis now this 'city, has for years'and years bees' 1 - ieeliing'as eidestiary id debate simnni.Prrit-• esianti. Alit no Proieiita4 bad been folpid that _duiitt Meet PM - test:ilk Clergy of St.louis' • coilMitri ng Mkta`chineniei6 Dr.Brimenktestiayt; . hive addressed him, accepting tbe•sthallenge. and - liaming. Rev. L. X.llkiise It. D. as - their elsampi9n. '"Dr I3u;a?osina tea in Tifili t ihntl. 6- 0 ii*Val) - ci)rAyai the . spiestion that br coneentiiig 10 he,aboold *bias u:alegniiirs - *itsie by t that CiittAreiti PrOteitantifib in some sense ziana'z4 (lie sameleet.-4 ioneeieo;ii •- error.-and an y .-, w hit e .and that ha has %Mashed An hat Quarterly thiiing,the bias74 l ,4kii!44 - : l 4oit?Onitei o kialaggitiOa t o cpku:4l: 6 ;:grt4 11141° yeti *91,4 fore clitt eagiagbim to .035*tehile;,',T4 .4itki..o4 witfAPAwnsau l ,l"ii, 4)rilie 1,1 2 t OLS e - 41 1, 0 0r- 4.0. 4 04% . . A ) Liklicfn‘bi - R;tiete. that which is not debatable. • - • .__ M ~, ~,, . - ...„-:; ~ 4 .-_..,,,,' • J: -... ..7-7 , = — ; :. - .,.. 4 ., , ,, rmr,iktu-Mt:lr.l3:-,Seanins, l'eac*.r . of -... ,L. ~,---... i v.; % i ii,-iii ii - i i,i iii i i ci . i d ~,, i tia y. , ,! . :k i i i i ii *ii ; ; . h l f:q.4 ' . ..tr: • 2'.. i • : ,. ..:. Z.-fr.l ' iiiii i .liii is J1 i i .i . 14 , " . • . P I PP J . I4 ! Dr .. g li q n g InE rß el • t.gin . I ll.ilke= 11 ": ! °•llo nil iv l.4o -7 : ,4•761 f 5ei K.: - .i - -0.1.7 r .„- 0, ) r I j eliflik w... ~:. i..". 4.....-. ....n.twmp, TIF . - , . . . .- .... WER2 Jottr. FiBi"-M3M I A - : ":V:efdiFt trot ntor, I:lista:T. Tiffany, r i.",i.6.,.! cirirtartiftaiii" - cmisiOrig as it dmil. urrard a , 6 /ei+hundr 4 T i ....: A ' ' ," . rajw . tir E of uraaorM I: • title i fill' 10 titt,i . 4 The fol -!, ' ,:. iiotp '•2 1 . Ar : diets ' ' of iis i t L 4 :fut(Of teed ,. . 'l ' l ~ ; I'l i f : ~-1 : topolati‘../ 'D well' 4 -:- P • araili , U.r. Siam:. .1 l.6s , , 6.3 _-146' 006 5 5 1' Gt:A ni t 20 6,8 p. i' 2.61011.341 - -fi3l;. 8; - 1.0410.6. . gi Au itria , 38.51007 not pvea 1 8.213 WI- Prutaia - 16,831;187 •-. do:. ; - 2,691.055 iif the talk:it - 4 - tleystenitrregritatkow - rorlis .(1114.!PAtiMbti,"!.1. the-f4fdl!; orate tinder ilia said tale intreliablex ' Iltat',..Ktl4:n llll 4 l4 m reP tirt 7 - ..noder,eaatleadia,,tr, ,anall;,..3lloTilgtlber of ible:Z. li l l4i .fPA 4 1 ,P i tedS t # 4 1 8 ;I i4 .:4* 1 1 t tb4B.B:s k bianiagmk, 107.0291 bra11ta,241 1 .896. n ' togiinu 4.44-NAWrAin4, .' iti .r •-•14-4704q3:4V41444446W.4' DeiitlaiT3 - 6 - 8:9,86.„ r - a.4 - !;t,isilii:ih - a;;:,013 6 T: blariiage3A4DMrifteatist,4lfBA4'.. r T i ' -. , • 1 - 7 / 3 P ilumberbt ' P e F 6mi j i l. ti*-Vi* 'eligaiOd' • pi- Voramerte: , ,,'lnute4suad illapilfaetaretc - - is pat xiovit3'(atll,A9iii2Btt ;'obrjAgrk4iltutv,Vr l 2;4o4,ls,6B t3overetn*t (So x'2,966 ..=-' lii e- app . iiil Britain tbwl ectairtifo "oitha people:arc Ae . idedill,biss•i:CoPt-' e l u taree;T d e fo mantiractui*,.l3,o9p4B l l-14tri - ' Oplbire.l; 90,788.; Cloremitient 0f0ccii,:6,865."` 1 '. Tile er n aiinabrul,;o:-•• . 11 iiiiii n liy 'tidy heed TA:trap' ori.tbe d : q ofAile'lfirriberi 4if - Co t 4e5;....4ft 1 abidgcnient mere - itinientiiiit, had Otte ai oiefOl: to`' tiny; liia• Pieparsiticia. .*( l lx' member will., -pare for distaiiiiinfivai l fy a' - ilteustitidioPree : lif l ttiO AbhtrOei " This 4iill'tPaltt - la 'b obi; Of iblial, ' , 6001,0etaT0'1314,6'7,i4;54tii....1': „ "ii ‘4te .:aM --,- - Llt ....,.:- a ~....v r..:: JA: ;- - . , The Ifirriibe4 Dein. tic Lrisifm4slys that the . prokihitirt7 liquor Ikeir i likely- le] fall.; to Ow; groluukitt the lieuesyl!ani -..l.4egishitere; , early. in; the:',uessioriv ‘ lt . : the) ,Tem ce mernhers', froth', Other luirts , ef theStitte : - like-theset from hertit;; nobody 'need- leotHtler at . 8 , :i result -A . re!olu., tioU wiii: intredueed.iatill , , e Louie calling fin' il i i , commit to to tinverie the 'tAt,e'of Wine, and as. 3 'certain the oreeticial , utor ingU - of .thei. liw, there; when the Usioit 'says, the *bole' thing 'wag turned= irit(i ridicule: ' '4•'' • • ".: • - .', 'l - 1'"- - ' '' -- • • '; lit - lt'is:folly'te Suppose -t ~ I. ite.trong- Dertioerntic ititilitiare,3roUltl ever Be ss Burhii ')air. 'it ivould like titriii the mo s t 'poreffut'iriutiictit l ef theli - politiciany,• - at the clectionit. ' ;',-- ..-- --' ' -•- '' - r • • , ; . 3 ,; ,-• i t ._ • . News. And liettreeil the bofta Congte , ts has 6tnntileticed;: - Tlteman who borrmicd - trotthle; has.retitrri:' ecllf, • ,;N7crrnont, pClaware,'Lltia plOridatar c-the only stateSiailktl76lou (ice frutit'detit. - • Ilartiu Kneata-is said to be iA astAte.of great -Maryland_ Ceal tt•atle.tite•preseat..',:year has•arnisintetL to•oVer l, lls9.,33.lrietr; . thirtyLgirts• - ',who set type hr• the DaY • L'eicik Office on an' avera e,:earatadollar —The - Washington, Union and Many of the .1)c-, tnocracv are in favor of the . reputl i if, .IriSsouri CcAnlirTnYe;- • 1 —Aman ,Ixe!4 up• in a balloon, frotia ISfarlrt a,' short time since, and came.de*n two hours fter frozen 'to death. i ; • •.; . ' • President - has- Ids pr lauratien; • i denouncing the penaltie.'tif die latv a• the Tilli buster:s•of.allifornia. •• • ' --The l!Tetv rfOrli city autli. ties hare resolved to heep the, streets of that ty lighted'from sun set te - daYlight: • '' " ' • I —M. Alexander de ' ..isee, the Russian ter, die.l it his resi nce C i eorgeioiiu, D. C., on Sunday last:. • •• 1 ques decided 21 1 Mrs - i [-' ' - "... .-_ of; the constituthmalitY ~iif we /Law nos' been raised iii'llichr , :iii and ..itheraffirmAive: - -- i -..*:' '- -" - - . restructire - fire sircurrfil in Rochl , ster on the_ mst,,which deistripsed an*, eatire-bloo.kpf hid iiv:. The lnas: is 4.4tjulae4-,at tpojaoo. -4, - - .-' .. - i.. —The Ptcairoac thinks -that Louis Napoleon 3 is so 1% - orn out:wish ibLminzie ties of hia pnAtion, that he would giireanything fin. ii-little'.kap I .-'- —A..writtir in .an IriAi neWspaper, - after -irin t...t.h. r - - iixs -, ...evelg i.,f ft, roef , e4 near skorries; rejeir -es that all thei crew Were saved exCept:fyitt ho'p-: hea4of niohfues. -- .' : - ''l . '!. - ' 4 ' ,-. -Captain. Ericson is still sanguine cif; success, arid, haing-.' - ahOut.com - pleted - his: iinprnionsents,' expecta thal,hii caloric engirsn will i "srisimequal lsis n3tsrsianimin hopes: : .*',•• - .- i, •: -, • -ii ,- • -L-..itlexand F r' Smith W . " . .sis "the assiwneknarnepn deir _which Koesithsailed _from the I Visited,'Stit es foi.England; Msd the tbec4has heenstrirted that Kirainithia the autbor_ofi Z e . Draima. :. .' ' • L . l' ' .1 .1 t --Mr. Stanley, one of 11r. tevens a ;party, ys. that the dati4ice*froiri 'the ississipPi to . the''' a t cifii 6 tgeoiniksi; .that thri sountry - is rich' Sid leyel,and the grade forty feet to the mile thro gh ali . entii's Prigs ~ *i . " '-:; . ' -: *. ' I, r\f-7,,--s - Six feet. M . his boots r : ' . exclainied : .lri". f' rt ion ington: ‘‘ What: will the . biportance. of this w, riq, come. to I wooderl, - -Whe, i they suiglit l a3.tr ; - aptly tell me.thist.the man iskui. f six lie..scle in lii.SllaL," • , ' ' . I-. , - • I-.. " - ,*" ' I.—Tbe Adniinistriition s* determined: to;' pat through Deuglas'Nulorka ill bef l ore Puhlic:4Plo:' '. ion c.ciwei'the tirnid, - The President. and eahret • are•-wilied.iti its. itlioi. E erett, i'eai:e4;iiid':thi... era. will sirenk.agiinst it: - "_ . - The ship Three tells, under, command a , 1 the . galliMt;Capt:Creighton, witch rueilf.a Su v..rif, ari. the passengers of the San rancisco, is in iroii l res-- sel,Owneo by three lirothe : named Dal, in gins: 1 1 goli, &Winn& Ilse receipts;of the N tlie month ofNoveniberi 1 Receipt! N0T.185g,...",.. • Inerenie; 4 • ,„ I j ",:••., . '.iii . ' Y. k-;Erie Itailro4l for i 53, were-4543,41:50 , ~„. T ~.,..•.:. f 1 0:1,4 'lSt , —.The *riter :of those cilaseili, . artiofo i, ithe Tribune, upon European litici, iw,i,ich are iinpe-, tier in point . uf minute inf rmatioo to,thOse cl , ,Ethe Lollop 2 f inme, is pncleha . ! to be Count. p_ iirc T.., sky. a Nish oOhlemoo.'w '-Ny os i for mo4.lOlird. in a high ioincialpusitioh• t - at, cii,id•.a personal friend of the .Em - I'4.- ir. :. - ti-1- .i!:,.... at - - -John Mitchell, who h ' last es aped C .' , the . exileicifliceecf hprhat We eonsidera IlitiAT army 1 ' :of/irtaifi says' in , ' his lie P 4V ie tit; - t. - . We,:for.oUt'OA, crieh e'had 4Oodi4in citron teeil ;toe*. *th :health -, . - et)es, inAY b ca? ticit'a'sentinipt,utiea yc4:tilrutireat , ` tiara, cause_ a teneralcathuri ' ofincMiT .•L . - 1 - 1 -- - -The , mo a t' interests ,: fett:ittfr i a.cif this.: test . c I,lfurnia titiee,:in - . the -. rat -iron 1 iolg• - , 4-of Lewer:qall4itihOu:4lini'iiitimet*: 1 !flir i ii'AittioOetilLig nicivetn!Untii : lii!ili; f''•ii ' ' WjaketillOroditis, 64 4 t Y•iiir.,° i141ii 1 4.4 . 'rakes' * their iniii:hOuee,` iuni,Prbp.&eir rat ' : - 1 !'' otve - . • - .- - ‘..-"'','.- .. i . :... ' ' . ' , 1-''',,!' . `” -- ; -!. I- : - -: " ,t-'-' ...i..-:' !. :-."`• :' .. h'..F.::::&-i.M. , = 4 t• f r. - 1. Th-,'l l i r as i jing4 l 4:eCitir4' o o 43 ncattl4T, '34* 3* --, lsimAti4l) l Y:444PV4 thatAk ''' BiilE er lula itll . 4red thti.PPrersident tbiki* Abe * i ilited tilditili , arsaltl - ,,.514111i-I) . ropiaitta 414 i 404; tie. of PoilooilroPhi W s in s#4horge 0; ii; l ties 1 0. 211 0- - : , 9 0 OilliwiasiO'the - R*lgiv ii•-i ‘cki«l iobbitak . itroris:ifi . o4 . idaPit; '' ' - he :Wiwi is* weight lare 2 4lorieZ ifi; n',..i . : i.i. t::!..f:.1 ' ':' 4-05 e of the beek 4 Olibter : *iievii • -A T 4Y!tbe.„, 7', . inw rri!!tni V . :by.- - 4. iaerjoitil' fief hit)iitOsitit t ' 1 1. , ,: L. , , :„. • ~, .. :,1: , ,: ••„'":, - :.•: ',-„; AI ; I d ..,..-, - 44" .`",..! ~`,. t;." ~f Clinstion wanes Wintr miple rho Ting tbe. r d ‘ i . ;tea • VOIO: of 131 • *fitle; - T turned his otieniiOnto . -P9P444-.Y:11604.42#1 . 10 q 1 ?:e. firiar44.4Pr°Pe .A.iiefatil u 1 . tiusiti .. long pei Halifax." "ewits - J3l4 ' l ' 4 4 449 -1 - lin -- 4 - ungor, a nte r - r- -- gencettk-thnrtffdatz'aretilifely t ort i leAttU , ' tlieliptr Confer 6 nce l ittNOVll°_k i nn ' ''' t4wedlyf tecesestfo:'retigii!ii . l4WOOttf" l ilpler 44 iltlati iit it tittitteri , leitWennYtto4siii t i and-yurkey. thb*- I "Fientli 'Gaterhaft4k have iniblisliedlity=idteial. sititi*eotttliit ~ I hoz :a I liea 'fleet el' liiiit!benit *id eFed i iiii'o; the 131a`ck - :i3ee t 6:14i-t;teilti ittlackk"itf'-' the } ittigsniti fleet tryilitifthe - shi s l'' Torknyt , And it Is 1 11 UtillititilltialX Leh, C t iiii C tbfe l 1 'same Golvininclifiqs 'millet! ii ii67 ,, Atie l :-1 itiaitt! co,optirto Witili'lhelY‘iles erri,,Titivig '1 ers - io presefe_itig the:sedrtit4tioli StirEoriel Franco il't;lso'• fireptititt -t4 se d 70;0013 1 troopi,varitiy. , L*iii ', T . ,ii ietkft.,.' l * - 1 receiving 'the' "A'inbassador'k _ iti ti 'liireiiel poivere` blithe' 'i sreir JantAlti. abcrd - d f.,,f they Avhile he li 4)i) ; t 4i) rt i O) V 0 )1 e,pe:dcti '1 of Ettnep`e,' hil "'' - fitithieit'l ttil "sdpfitirt• I ilhod d ; be - given t i , t be' „Sliltein` Itf-Eng 2 'l land' thelexlitement? bettitiS ribc:e. Alz.,' hi't 'epi!'eOrs to.* mbre'urdkint " -- Alinit itv•l 1 1 er ;'hb is 'char, :With hett:iiiing ..!..the:O4l. erects of the Brit. sti'Ciihitki.tti ititthe'Res-'' sten, Aigtr . hm-e. d'Gertneti tk ,r . , os 'T '' . ' Pti ig'l,l'' aiThirwill come lifore l'arlitoelt in Pat , uary. At Canitentittopie --the l e %vim a I riot: ,4kclatape4,l,ll4 cottsetelc . c.s4 tbl Goernmetit's , a aniresting,, d sikosiiion - to regiti'd' n cis'. f;-npbsii to ns , ' • ft; "..de - g-oi iti tines With favitr,,eitil e partsr olifhlarittes, Were; lentted fro the French ' ittql. EtV 14h:faeces to m. " Serve city, . bait no 'di till hence f, cetr i rred ond itypreve'' ' 'int to' .sr .re 416' ike d• , anti!. itiiti . - -,,,. 0 , ti 111. 'afr4ti, ._... ,•. ' l. ' . - Coniressioiti . 7 . • T .: it. (.= I I D .n ...es :- ..,:enate, I. ; yester y, tJ. r o k ut4 , . _. liS, :ft:urn ,t be uorarnittee to i.! 3 ~1. !toles, reported.'a_substitute for 914 f fro ez . --.57 I brasf;a - bill: . [Tile hill beletol or, repor;• ted laid *dtiwoo the &Anhui-1140 ,to nry, of Nebraska at 36 degrees 30.nain: te ',:tiVirlch woulddivide the Cheroketipq pi ry.,...aid. , to avoldliiiS the tonionittefe i r co iniendi 37 . degifees as dui. ~ Btintliern, h 0 If 3 l oll , - and that the 'Country be diTitie._.,iiAt‘,lJ woo Perritoilies—rote 'Nebraska" ~n n A he- ,!,1. 1 _,, er,.lilSoias Territte ry.L._ 'Apei iytt. - qr ft vp . years ;half pay,vai grinte4,,tu-, he Av:' . al) y. (It . cap . Guniistm, ,wlitij we . ' :kilted:by khelti(ll4ttS. The Iklilitary .4; . ilein''.4p , ;,. pr,,,pciltOols bill WaA,palsed.4..:A respliu ion ,was ado int e 4 - talking for , Dail y..:Melits'B ., ,insirtictitlns and coorrespot4ene while se eret diplo orna tie aggit. IR, 111.11), • ; i .. Cuss ,toffered,,a. resOlutien.,...,Wlieh, was,. adopted, asking the - rtosich.otitr,-, fi wliai_ sa 7 , pact ty .' N. : .1 . 30.414 ... the ',Pope s i liuticito-;-, cam ,e, .t 9. 'Vaillington,.itia , tnat)e,i i. speeph. .clefendingt he N,ancio . , and . want 0 . 4,Pc4 74 . veal , protection. extended Ili htwt:., l , Or, Fish introdueed.a bill whir.b.Wastpassed; authorizing i t he 4..ocrertary of:the 1 - titerior its prOvide suitable t huildin . ...7.4 1, r4 1 ie.: : r-T-. States - Cotrts.and - Ofticesi. i iti*tiwv.-Toik,: . ., and 'ln;4;hig4a.y. prttess:re!,n,rtiable_lo_tfie 1 ld,,buih.ling s mayi'be s providetl;' Afier a Atsy rt, !le,- , ,. "'e.s utive sitatti,:the Senate, litljt)4l;nedj -- ' --In - l i the House-ft( Representat,ives,,:rillie-, COmtnitee. on - TeiTituriOwas,regited, t e imoluire irkto ;do 9 of of,!E ten tug 0 , 1110. provisions , of the, pi4eitp,t t ato4.-' Law . , P .,L ! l•.ilt'll- I:ll6dP9g:PitAe.P ain 't i. Agt . o l r9. IYaP..illsti' l 4ct(Tji); i . ;!944P 1 4 - Flo . the,..d.xpeiliency,of ,establi:skingan:44.- ;'-icultural Bureau, tp ' be ; lo`tonettedi with ?he I'DCpaitinent Of, r, , Abe 'Vinieriii ... r.4 t , _Thee:_ lousethep .gut'iiko. CO r nniit44, Ihe -Whole, when ashert bu MarPAPIqF arose on the subject : ,of Ihe;lriietrilubles -ivhich lasted until ihelitilise - R. - -adinutaid.:, ~..:'.5 .., - ....5. .• AwY," I°. 112. A 1 : 1 P :/N 0.9/f9771: 11 4° 1 4 ' -: kgr!;: it 7101!;ipkiip.;sion.:12;,,ts54.,---.144;44 ' atter :: , triton this sePtiOn 9f:clic' e iin4t.r N4!I" Titttg by .the heaviest sptin...ot ind, siri x .t tinder and lightaing, that, we hav . .gs rien . 4nea 1 52;8...j,-,4 perfeg,tol4 . ru4_(l. .1%. ilia .i** -- 1 sotne'stx ;utiles : south ,of t. .0.,..,.. ilia ,y(11.p . i., 8,ra0c140.. was alneat .e tiN . .clil nYed,„ Ix ' - ' 3 e4rfulY 4 1 i 611 .eb.e.i , ,ng 10' 'to , ttr4- 1 1 9 -friN-- t `of the place.,. jir.',..Whett .. seriously,,it,syns'if not-' ' '''' f 0 - h ' ' fatally injure rs, ru#t was alp.' !KJ_ -,b141,y !tur-t•- - - -3114 Writ . 9 ,:: 2 t 1 . 11 1 „ Ut'4 4 4E.. a ;tni/e4:witler't4ricik:.6p t 9y.tr 'thio jP.-14; 1 tr44;l l ;;llLtheP llo C.LerAl4f,-, t !Rill* 0149 f ‘lig , -, h4S9:PlYt;Yefo bk 1 .4., 1 0a0 ciaTa, - -Ourlk*l.4k. harp : ,overflowed:their... l3 .4 ik`Y:l atial- kAlett*r. jetiki4 „ - ' :while,atttein ' itti „ Ja cros.,Aria- ; `strop o'river Cs - Ibis bogy ajko.l,4rownetl..: ,lAlualtingbaiit,itad. Co's stable'was struck by. Aiglii: Ile ding arid.dis'. /. .troyetl - hover part, , . n' was al, , , 1.r..7•::..f. ' •4.. IticiSt,ifiundatect . .0 . y.„ . - ,t,il,ltrelatlidt.ouco3roalltity 4. .r..1 . 104 . ih , - al,:feli; 49i0 - 111.rito is ..iktj#re liki:tivers,t,ttf:.t4j:irouslif:4l. - w; ~ 3 1r#741,1)0 wait* vei, - 11o'eavi,ras . „_1. se t'onjhrupgli! 1 . which,itia'Sturiallasleirr/as t - ctivteitke'l ~,= „,....,, =.; ~., . ~.: 1,. , ' ,h„ ---- ;77,f -,.,, , i -77:41 7r , ~, , • m -.., “' - .M 1 ..ttic . 1,Q146 - 4pbll, vir'..lY:bik'4l,3 - ,iiik' ..cr4o,4Wheife,o . l , i c . pfackaily,„:pgortiiiicea - by, .tiiiY.torAio - eeding - i.*ife—rit i ffi l l„a i lki•,„ - F9 1. 4, -1 (1.9 1 i4 1 ,r, - ..', •'3 ..- ' • ,.. 1- ' a . r- ~., t I .., fr A .!? i i i i i ~ tiOii for ti l it3 con , tg? orthnrll-nf. e ,;.,'' . - a.-ztt;Nr: l fie . i..o9.9y - 4'ili:4 4. fiiii efi. 1 4 104;9#:t OAT Oiii'f'*A* :VOA: x OI Y , 'ti' 4.11 tkatitiiim:Pg4tiii:,kl4)4llooit . ., LLong jaititAi fui 04 - iimor 444 'ilkirMitit ,f i:FtP)TP4eii i ,i!airA ‘ til" , jl:uPlx,MPiitt i ' ; tt l k! , 7 '..-Y,'&li,°:u3.;*.tsurA.liiltisOrTi: the Kt : 4 iv,6:9le[Al 04i! - --IM4t)i - e - --11'412F 7 .fi1,,i; is t ital 4 . - etindu Ci;::: and tie: - . , iiecoiii;r:ot-4, -- ell; *14%-0...1:9,ticg1;... - ., -„i I's ; c :::._ ..,; ~.- -; .-...,.4.'-,.. - 'IA 4 ` ..t- ' - : : --,--,'-'''.:. '.. .'-', :. i' 4 tti'litOdisi 'kt4' is it#oitiA - 14.?_fti.ii?; 'dii sariiigli".tik i ri&iii: i* , 4 4l43 ,:iiraitek”" 4'6 ' 4 0 4 '01 4 16** I:'.',4r.::EnAtiiiVvlitt4 4 - I:4 tileigiOniittO . itintiOtiltViiil4.i'Ae r otii:iltisViiii•Whf . isAge , rtliiiiliWiWi' `.. Itirifr:lii!!.igl,4 ifi..' , Pl7s44ili;:ii t itii.gold:fpit. iibikietiveitts , Foiti t e .,, i7f-,,,-._l% , ,tne d.v.,..icyc.sl'll.ll,l;t7e-t3-tlv . i . 1.. ., ct • , .- - ~ \,- . .' 'l,.- .- : 1 ,- '. • --. 1 . Pisani. ill '_.•:-.. . as . i . , ::-..x... , ,, , ,1 . , :: cArii4 . Bs3 Land 4-; = 1 ? 7 - 9 4 . 09 HAI co Is l i. i •„-. / 18,1 315 Xcoon dui ' 9,747 05' rrivon ban 4..- . I e'• di .1 ' . 1;004 33 op cor du, ten' ~ , 4 ~ -' , 1,189 912 bil real an 11 es , -: ' • 91 ,. 5 550 59 Tarti!rn licren, 96.992 3 _Retailers'_licenses,_ _ 177,03919' Sample licenses, 5,712,.50 Ped rs t 'lleeciseis, 7 / ;.' 1; 4 ;' ' ° 1,9'3 65 Brokers' licenses:': , • • 3,020 43 Theitre, eliiiiiii';rnd . tne.nageriti - "F''' . 7\ ••;- liOnies. !" 1, . 3,501 ,5%, • Disalleir tikid brewery slice : 1 ,- ,-, .1.A#6.1 : pw, :11iIttis' . rcl.rooin, bowling sulaini iian1.. , .. 7- .:::,.:i.:i:. - sago. tho • 4 gatr i t c h...- ~be- e t; pr ! .: .a. r ike..•ft ; ii lot - P • .. :. 4 : '. - tw*tri%. - ..*-4,,...4.1) :-.lrNly, .e . ., Vile ink 1 91 4 ki!!!:,?1•.:h1,' z : it'x 7lll palik)) l lt,hivitiii. f '• /kip ! Ars taw, .- .. • : 1,• - :•, , . I ;:it.-- v• NA4efiktitiiiiiii!_ , ptlrl i , 1 atairitildiiiinlq a sp.. .:,--1 osiAiticte.,-- - ;i;,! I . 4uitalubigis- IL.wc,-iii •d "- ildiiiiitruitii#Tollvy -, Itrit . ........, rgitarin crbillii6.or6lll/111f4;4 piqg')Filfri i ,l:iii - `l2hifrterre - j ....t tott4:: Nets e•Te.','. -' diniiitioti ` i . if . - r: l e Tki .I*6o • ;. , 1 I I iih ih.4iAsll 14,:t . , ! acra-IcAtiu!k7.- •.'• 11 . • ..,Tre*Oyar, /44:41;49f1,1‘,17. :: .111,./.• - .4t!if , l f; 4r • - . • -1.. '' . .: 20 4 338 5 It:itrelit= . old . "ojr. , r',. lowil .14,k..'4..fi.1-,1. I Water istraw• . 1 ;',.....i.fT ..-s. !q.t . : ftiii +;;:,.-- i. iiftlit. ke t i" - • .: , e . ~., .., t 1 21 . 4,41 . ~.: ~...: e,.:,.,::-.. , : -:•-.... titf -:•:ort 3 ;t . ' .g -416ilirtlre;P4: .r l l : 1 L 14 1 :;: : 11 :2 , 1; 4.74,11.1411 iii it'li'll -4411011i. ;ill ' ''. 5 •:. ' ' i 7 3 5 .. .'0.0 .-- • , : -.,'. 1' ' 1:41t '. MAI) bridge ' .41! .:_. ~-..: ' • „ • .. r i • •.. Is i ki •.: • :.1.- - - 374,79 , -)' -.t ti414 1 int. Aiiiiutt i for tit -: • .. f .-'l3it wlyrl ::: -41•0 - :- :- 10;000. 00 , - ti' tt . . - I?fA(..Wl: l '' 1 :i.lc:;"; -2,484 7 , e , ' - littuided : ' it 41 0. 6 - '.2';260 4 . Ikitiallitti.ei3ii: ; : 1 . 1'f',4:: : .,-. 4114014 t 4, ' . rt: 4 '..' . ?,. = . :::"' ----3 . 0 ,4 47104./4 IlliilittitOiti t r qt:eAz .'!Wiitylieeitl•Bs2' 7 ...: ,e t l-o _ 4 : -.. • atitilitt,l4;. t=.l.•-, &it). 434 , tr. i 1 il .: .ft -; . t Nitkeikit ,1! 11 ?419 / - 7.• TrvattigrY, l " 17.; vi...:;1„;;;`!.A:::',:;i) • •.,,;"114.1-1,:. . • , '••:: le de Gen: 4ii . d • a remain 7 1vi ifi-' axe, ...- t.'w... 7 *:'. 4 ,, 4 : 1 ;" . Te:if.r.l-5, •-,-- ... ~ ~,_:„.citvir...1.5.:41 . t4,14)4 4 .1.i*_ Eiptsiitthito In r fwg. 5.......,.:-..;1> t..,....,......., ~.....„?..4...:4,,-;:i- 4 1::- i',.;,_ Z'••::.;." , :i?.4 : ii': ,-.'," r :11 0 1 ),44 . : imPrreiP:e*, i 4...... - r .!-. :: ;PA* 30 . P.' ) g., _l4 ) enSO : IA guYOKI,fit,I I V , 7:: : i 2a00 . 709:, i 51 40i f f ex:PP.D.,e:s , , i:i4 . ;.; / ' ' lr ' . i*: . ••2:25ti . 1.. 37. PebAs3l vat) i_a ,vullinfearmk.. - lat:e war -w il:4*Ft•PCs f ig 4 1 Pepsions., and grapsAiw i ,: . ;• i . Cliaritabi inst,iioii•46 ...5::i., 0.1 Pginsy Ilea Culuniza iirl . 'Pen u):ll;4tnia Stnte A iricft 4 Societlt ' ~- ,'.; ~,....:,..:,,.? M :-..-t. Co in intiu .5 . 5pW.5 .7 ...r4 '..:4•:-:::::- '• '.CoAo4 l is:l l 4 6 ost :.tittlit Aiiliii a !rise 1b r?ln erptitt- , t f the • fund; 1, LOalls, , '., - , iterest on, loans,. , - 4.;uarautecd iittirest, • I)o 4 l4l c:_credjUbr, --/' Pntm ig. on. il4;iiiii:)lic nr'eri,. SiFFigi:Pq!ll.;rik'i°l'gllA,' '1 use.l 4:04* . *A :0 'fliarriag., ?AI • ';and „ eaubg •- , , 0,. ...—• -,,, ~.; . c.,...1 .btLte Sig ~- - 1 •.-; - : 1 . 141 ii . ilildkAp :114gic.F.1114: R;)- .o(Reruge, i'cuiftitititiiinc --- /C.OOI:PP9 ; lands,` ' --.--‘(;;*':" Estlio; l * - '. -;.; J. ~ :: .74, 4XI/01441 ikilloi4l3 an'd te#nkyla • •,. . • ! fatija Asetii'vee- - - I L . - - 11 288 - 52 ItlOenau!SuiliPA 4 lCl i r it i , .:;.,,,,.' • L On, :.1:4,1 X -- 1 .:.:;;!:':iz..-,. -. e. , ; 21 Y. u°. (40 1 0.0c#:smiTepi4;:/. ;,)•:.;:::'... , 8 ,437 '. ‘9 *Aliitteittof.: of i.#4:it.iii-, . : -:.- i 9:952 " 4fi •Rq'-fistiing riliet uotOpi,_, i , ' -.- 1 ' . 3,14.' kPz. .11301i4kp - ,irmidgAPiittim.. I: 1 ;i..14: 6 0:00 . , Sla4Ofilkii,iiptgi , liquiti!iiiiEkrilikti;:, -`;" ,:t—I Y ;O:41 '81 6:. fei*n* 914,atifffolitili4i.iit6 I r . .. - ,1/ 1 'ili9::;r0" giifige;Stis. ! " 1 :1" , % - i•••"? :. ':7B - 44V-Th; •- -•-• . -c , --.., .. v it , -.igi-AA.P.-:31re.e..! ,- ....p,,, !...,.. 0k.e.% ' • % . s 4lr -... IW y S 13alart?ninik i , , •::tiati::liiiii:" .. • ..;,,,-- .- .4 : . r ) kat-y, '....: ...,u_li,.! .. hi, r:/..3 , ....6 1 4 :4-Ck: 1 ,0P..i,A,' ,. !:;.:; ,- ..;.. -..( .. szliallabie: ~ .:-.10.4.411„,,...3/ P, „,.......,....„....5y:.n1.,..f.P.--y. t.7.le?P'i P.ref.. a:,.5,. 0 -,.1 1 F1::i.-fli:ixt--• .: tunth 1111 Iner.•;.:' .....;;;;;,... • . TrvisurtAnf-.:• - f*ze....: • -4-i . .... . 4._ ~.... • ~ ....raw " itrayhtbie • ' 3 - 1 - 41041 e ' ... •- ~..., h4-,.,...,-.p.a 4 ..,,rp. ; 're rkp ,naytifti. dig*. p Tue The :Cit' s ' kii i iiif.4% , I , : iikeiil ‘.. .qq.ol. 1 :friitsviii . 4:,4iiiiiiii4TA '..::::, . ..4iiii., , .......ig 1 iviOrt: it' .. lid :: :iiiio,F,sii - ..:siiitle . eir ; ; . )4Ai1e . ..1 ' ie.iiti D.rs , "/.l7liiiC l #iiiki . 1114 . *:! . " ... Ilk aviiveittliiiiieliiSiii . - Z.:l**A .: ia: I.J.ial: , e l . iiiiiionisr, , i' It*liiitOP ' lAilliolo* . iniiiiq tiiiio , :; . . :.,:i.w..:41,04.1;70iii:1441#.0'' U4l - I ! .. • Tbe • te : . ft' . i , 6 . 04i1i . 4gir 1id44* * 04. :. o:feiell iiiiei in' iiiii :-. nvi..iiiiletiviO. Wili.4***.giV' ' hi . ' . 6.• V • ii' . '.' ' . i tli . itilitit . • E . caft e;c—b; orwompvr• .... _ : .. . A ; 61 . : - i! . -Tit ei In ti - illiiiiii* . : - .i:bf.i.tll*, : iiiiiiiirik lts-liegp.;B4o4,4l)**-. *achip.ol#:#ol beinetA4oity;tiko - ** !*, .;',4100.L,i_:..-; -. base i•eceived.::44414341,.. 10100.41.;000 - .4lo:Vimpleinno;iiioliiii!iiliitrotiiip i tigii,it i tli I fabliiii ... . - Otij extti . :1i0t..4; - igegA:44::iidia:: fillibee 7 rillitifiiiiiii .. , r ii kW. .ii:44 4 4 isiii.! abso6itie...ait.iiiii, ~.. aii:ili th ifinir oiidi i •t .41,. • - •: , t • 1 - - • ---,,.. ..w.—.l.- •••: •-wv, 10:',„"ms, ept.t men_ ~......tft,,,....:i 't _,Lit ~.••-u1,,,,, c-Tite-brimvl4nedA WMPPMPT. ; •••i i i% 6054 owei v 4 4 ;•• - .d.."* .-- las" r ieleilii ..1 t f i 4v•ittaAh iiiik-------A. . - Prn II l ' - -. ' '. r- . - N:.ifiiatii.iii., • wit 1 there are bOt fey! 9 b.11v„,..?...„„„...„.... • ... iiiveri,hitioby: . r t. ,..., ~..tr. , „% 0 44 . : . : .....w0. ,: . :,,, upsolitee thoita . 1 e•i,..;,..:.1.7-!,• ••gi4 l itii:- . ' lli - ' 4 • •We' ONOUrieg 41 :"V., %•• .7' .a::' .. V iw jai xn.;-7airllieirrittke - - , •. l it ith r • ii . •,xili. P oite6/ thi. 'ai l o id,, r..;*: :1 ... •••,-.•,.....,..,.. : k•• .. T 7' -,11 . • .4, •deli ool a ' 4 fee*Trk; ' 0 : 04 4 004 ' 11 0 40 1 0! . : 1, sii - A fit ._ t 4 4. l tti . .driwe4 - Apifeiliilt coma., ;Ira he:mepriCio , ~.. , z - a& , . , o. . 0.0 ,1)111• L Wect i *liitte: V, - t''' , '"'-. , . . to: 19 ... o r *iiibict , 6 3 -- ,it --`.- k:•', :•: .rtiiiritpt, l'Aintita stilt :Y t 1:(- 4.' •11* - ZPVIL., 1 trait ...t• - ffc.J , ,.?r,r,.11. , : ''''en 4 , -. ;,...-Y4:-...-w. , ! 5.1,1*. -- .: -..`, • „:_,:.....:,,tir, ,--, f4 . 4iiii4l4kaivoilin - 1,-444fAsotiederit , 04 A7104.6%160' laogitii •ittWtotiiiiiito I b ctekkife w* ihii:,- '.-igrifilt4fAii v 1 , Wfl'.- . 4 . ... .i it - .14' 'it#T 44 : 43 4: :'' .o - - kb 1 0 11 54. 4 0 - en . ' .4 m ,", ( :- ;.....po ..r ''')"' :21e.*Y• .:.tti . '"o lr7tc#ll4,EPf :11p1101 , 40 1tt1:*040w7t..., .iqsilf;‘..sl .....iwk... v 46 tid '' ,. k.`l . - 15 1 00 / •',...12' 0 715)0i . 11; 4117 .1:1.-:2 , -.. • t • -. ..i,;•...1.::5;i-ors• 10' P:26 - ; ~ . .. 1. 11 l .:- regit*si.i.„ .. p;giPti t .0 207-31 f ..e.,-64Iff ? ' , it ..,... p..5.8' x 4 ,.l,.6it t ci - r 1 -;;'':' -' ' Pi: ...!zpi . K. ': .• :.P... ' ; • ,.. .. 4,3. , ; . 4 .2pAii . : I lio 4 f ~, .. 1: - . 1 1 ..m . 12 4 43: . , .i.e6' . z"Vi . : :4 ? : : -.'/;' ... 4/95.;09. 7 - s i : 11044000 : ' 4430#SPi$4 . !.;',ll;;Adb"." - oe - , - iT , ,z , - 441' 1 (E. ...... , :rz , -.: -4 4 . 15:.: il./ ..i: 7 / 41Vi 6 . ,Li; 1, c...t0i 1..., ??.. :1 , ..!. • V2'..l.'fFr,b;g; -.., 4 •P .. ...;ir A s 7:5'. 16 sN i rj3bo' ..? ... 4. .. 544d --9 0 I s, 7... 5 ,,,tiii . C6 9 07: ; ....,:,.:.21083 . ~ I; ' - ' , 7 - . ~,,): .'. - 643- MEM 41Vit44 - A43: 75 :+4 . 61.1 ?"1 . • 1 -,;.,,i5..,....,.-iiir,...)....,: -sa &03: g.? S • .~YB~~~o:;~~~~~=~as ~,<.. ~ ._._-, zek.., . % 11 1 - Itit ~.f.,4 , .it,, i •iijoiiiiiivg': j 4 ii:, ie Vieals - ' .., -, ..c):: ., •.i.#-•!..4.;. ..f. , ! 1 ." - xyz.;k04.71:04 - MAtii.hi.' -6i ...--- , I ter --,-. 7 .--,,, 4:: ' of ji , Aeet. I:„ , 4. -,, 1 4. , meritts 01 gi ,tIP . ert.T . , ; , she e t _- beam 4 . A .- tAkr. -. .1110; Doikist env: t to, -.--, • • (..„..„ , ill-, .r, n l, _ !,, _ ter, 1 , ,:11, 1 1 1 % 4 , ways'4:4) l l 4 aglaillig - 'l4 ea160 4;.!, 1 ,- - ilereti kittieigirstlefir . % ' .R i 40 8141 ; : . Piave it in'ibitt poirir46.o . tpit l `fnimitia; by meat* yvherl!cplivtiii - ie, :mt'it s. nii be _irti in e41 T 1 4.! 1 0 r t urc68 . 4 .. “. .,„.. 1 "!T1P-IKes: by prior' and Coittr, it4isplitsc 1 r at zwpfeLt r : tieff. ' ---,,5) • - i 1 ' , • SgAiok I I- All deetili - - dliti . zOtyciratt...'- -1 n this: •prii 2 - It- 1, e 4 with_ • r nue: ing any .-y t_ ri 0 an& I e uenienteb ...ieliedlt tin:ints ip thfs l and sir` whe nr St z the ea 'lr.* -U r ' 11n4vriear4?" :, ..... 4rty:'ltti -: • ‘kt. l lPiitilitakOltio - 4Vt4tr.auton ''...-:. **:... - triiiiii*.Okiiit9ittift_4l,.... 1 2que t ur,trio x e - - ' 4,eiwaik&iii,biiiir Ali '''' - vr , *=,;ii'i . ' — 4 . ... 4 . iii•iii ' •. : ....... •.. t • 9 . ;. - upreme• ••-- ' 1 4, ..60riti•e'nuii A oig ow,. • - .1 - - ---- ' Cgtii; .6 7 4, atoli -7 i. k. ikt;td4l - - itkit Ltifif, , ..., 4:P . ..!%1k,:.'1..,...' . .„,..1..7-4•••:, ~.!...." -1.444, ,!.Vt..•• :-',. ' , 6, .1, - •:'- .:,.. .: ,R9l.lrt. -.cot-. pill ITIO 54rie...15 •:oilhe_court.,,. :: . r. ....iti,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 1 / 2 , , ,,,,,.,..„,,,..::„._ ...„...„,....„......,_„:,,,:.........„....„,....„........i.t.,„„..„.....,. v .....,....,. ~ ..._(,,„5„,„...:,.,:,„,:„,,..„.,.0„,....,a,,. ....,.....,..,.. ~,4.,4:.:,,, , ,e.„.-,,,,,k . .,„.ih,,;..,.,„ he.„.........,4,iji gi n t e. i r i d Ut t it . !,41,,ip :io hs slit triuritliitift:LiAtie.iii‘4liiiii.o6t::::4d, V on -- dee , l9 an iy.4446- ~. ..i.„,,._,..,„,.2fatr a_ ,...- , - . ....K . ,...:, - . 1.• , , , 1, •• , • •, ~ ,xr : _..,...11-::::-„ ,i-g, 001t:; , ....:,.. - ' , .: : ; deed aliq - ' . qpytt. ip5ej1iA42 . 4 014)1404 . 0z:- '...... - 7 . 1 :Mitre a ft-er ..t li; - v , ibliiioiiii:iieritifliiida - •:' , ... f , ‘•72 and eiecak . -, r.:*lik i twtiiPli::: l 4llW:lit : :: , :-:- ...- o(ivefi 001 . h. C'ffidd.;ii \ ;Ai:WfiliiAAlitgibli" . : - - ;:'•- 1 , I f 0 Ireli - e i - itir.aiitir* 'l - i •-• " -;- j 4( ge ~. .1 - 11 . • , '.., i,.- . , . US - sty: . f i sub4.Ngelfilli I.* .400iY',t0iYiiii*1104 - ifikc'.. -.-•;:: v.4140461q4 • .tietitiihiAtt.* Ckite . t....! ,• .. P• ll2 'ktk ii t c :g . • 4:01•1 4 4,00* . it,004; , .... : •': : ... 3ier4C.tbt • otiiikAuirliltikcira ofiii , •:••-•-• •::#46a; •iii: r: . . vq.40011.:49 ,r - iy . OucLseids .,, ; . f ... • • - • :; .. • •-.4... .. , ..,-,- , -.0.: . •4•::•••-.7 , L. , -.1% :sus it'.4* ( iliq li 6 i•ottAlW. 4 tt:ii*lti464 : lfiiiti,..." , :::' scraliii',:•••••••;t4:4 ; 141 ctterkits4illOk,l4l7Ailiil"'',...f . I 3 45i... 3 4 6 :_.-. l tOsi.psgig::;o,44 - 4 . .. i. l 4•S:•:ti . R; 4 8 - ,r4-43:f;;•••:1.....;:;:14:41gKiL".:'?:•-:- 1 : iS A . &It. All such Deeds andyo?Ovpy- •,•;... •pi leets,W4d4 ..sh ull lie!,:tilaqi'in4'ooo!ecis ......t., ' o ov of this iipl - vi pc:6;: . .iio:eit 4e.bikbliiittion"-:: •!... iirthkiat, 'a - Pa it eliticiigteil ge4., , olr proved li 'ip,pfler.' as; d 460 WtffiSr::t.h ii . ,1 - .. qi . 4011:1 •••"ere- :, 1 :: q . ..../ t foi4= for chat . put44iitq7o4l,-;iir;. i to-97,ted . .:1: ; . 4 • • ••tiui . or more ..ufgpiit fiubikeriViiPgNsit-:. • .. 1 jle;40; 'befPre npy.iuirreirui_ jtl•dgp . .:9llthis'• .- 11-4 ,v i ke, 'i 7 hal I, lie -...• i'ecoli.lei.l ititlifip' - ',efficer;. .; Tor the.,:ilfokii-iiiit of (..le - tqliri!-I,live , .uuty.,.:::. 1 - werilkfie-liktitissa aul .hereditaii3citimpeci.... '....:'. OA liti.roili deed or`.;leel4.44o44o3riiititi :16e splidik•iifiivelia•iriiipt li 0 lifiro`..ll* , :eace... 41 ' ~..' it i: )1i ' . sli6iiie, ,441 * i 414 e 0 ..' t *"6.,:1,,fe4' .: t eecl , ef t tir....itlule j a. uud. 1,-.44 1 1#4 2 , 2:4 1 .ipit;,361, 30 5.'".: cluen;:. pu . i:PiSp- , ir'Pli . ::fAirsO l i -- . :,...'4flir,:_yaluii 7 :;: , 41e. ip en4c.lpraticiPi,:,:pn . t*c: 10 . 1 1404: or , 40p;Te.y . ..ance,.kier.tep , 441.044*...iift'fiiiii;;. :1 4 07 . 0. i be,4*4 616 0:•:•9 1 4 1: 14:i4iii,. iiii.;;iltAtgicic 'aecilZoe: l *iiii#yo.it.a - Ni l l4o - o*h . 4**4 l :•:.:' ititl . l464u . iiii:iiii , oliiie.i.,:rikftli - ifteitkiikori: 414i . .34 . ,,;;,[ - *O, - .At:4l;i:et -, wists ...i.: , ~.... ,•-•,,, :.,.. .::,. 1 • ''''...' . giltie‘ . •Tietisurir t:-::- MI- i e . The:, struggle'. rt ? ggle...i4-..tfds offic e worer, : a . 4t,at0.1.45..5.aai . ! 11;a11,, , ,; E1t-Senat )17.fr0*.... l' .-rrt f .:sl l oiiiioW.i . likilP%Pfeolo 6 3loll44oi'; 1 , 1 'i'eaOlii .; Def?iiie,itviltii!i'll f. itifiii# l i.t.aikiig;;li. ',.. ' fi tk . caiiii . fii p tun for iii4.':o_ ifitf:::*4 i L iiity.:•*i . i .. k lid- iii t id. itiel..t . 1 7 eriAti!elt,°:;.::kiji.iltiotip' ii.`?...ff. ... " i ery,:'.. f ligi)).'e-ii.rao: - 1i61 1 ::41%i1eii01,41.,;:P,•'; Ittii ; ;#l:iilth; -nirchluoa*fas... ,:tifik . iiteth . , . ~.,. .. ... _,......, ~.........,., 1. 7 „.‘„ z „1: fi.L...,_i_4273 • .7. .1 liiA r 4,4 .l An• . / W 9 a '__ OP•...15 13 !1‘1 11 t1:-.. iiit. .f" la.l:l7taa.,a re i• Mr : Bqle,ixivila T mi t i .. ikiwuFpiise•:ve ‘viii •do :as •r !.41 1 :14-,gi . k ti Vier . 'c,cpc(,eo. lAibAt. mei'tlilii;fhliel- i '1;,;11 'f - (;4i - Li, if •arnon 'erthe t'4..4 1 fit I , :i - i4 t.d. , - we' 4l4 !okiMtt l iue' I 'l -: irk (.rthe'srpit.."l4l,* : ifi t toilft ;‘ , iiiiieis ii;ero-itipyl); a Auj'itfite, ahrizige-1 : mils, vbicti. ! flake -j L afat o'ffic.e.' '_Orlit • lii #,:i , e elrt a i ti._ the s a l e r.y.., T hscer ce lv4 .•u x , re .) ..i.fm i ntly, - ,yet.e.v e ry . ,tice_ml ) e et e f.x ....1.: -: If il - 44 , T! ' g et. as rich. as . a J or r,, , aft er i i pec lq i nlg ,4l l .._,f ? r two, -or thiec, Ybari f 1711 We re 'inny:be 119 occasional exce v tlc t i,.. i. iiiiid' t v''maSi; h e y,e)oiiiiiiii l l:6l(leoe J. Ball,:ic : . 11V big but :the reliVilf:liottf . i.ColA li $ ' ii .. : I= l ' - „•i . - - ' ~. ..zr -i-4.1. 4 gnefal tb:zi-_-Ar. Baitey:_r4 not so Pdc 7 ....... riot ic. 'lwo inqtrie , - 41° 0.12C.` to 1*.i... nitaiu -here tli f -vt g . ny three . 'ir e j l ;`.,",.) - intq. iqUittiot4l , rkt.teS f ttpi'llViktiOljt . llo,loC I 0 g lioEnWilijig , i6rPlP6vie"..*llW:'firififol.ff il , We arit..7sl : ii :y to part - •ctiritiiW..,l;itkiglwhntu *-e - ii-jiV i p A iwa : o co n 414iiifect: a l O . pqa: to 13,, and as lioi te it as I;l 4 lCiirii, c *lge#o.mll4 _ afe.-i'eni5 , .:2144t,"44.: - '„.I ' ,- .• - i. - ,... ,.. .. 7: :-.. :... • 111dtei - Niiiiifilti/t.tiiti' .: Xiiir44 l l lie li : it,” f elte 00 `5O 61 lliiiiititio 4l 4sooe riikkWi444iiii*l4ltii'.. t,- - - '.., ' - . . at)) II ••400.0.., ber • o f t - • ' - "fi s tii; . fiSiiiarYeeleViiii4VrViii-' ; : 'cipiip - :f. 1 . ..ftrnburner4):ol*V'iv e !'" ' . ••• . P. 7 0.•• - .:4 1 1 . 1 -- ,.ftniii4Art..l6.i., fo . i g i)iiii. , ..., ,: v ii4At iw i r i li. i. , 4 ..aiiio r i'eist4itriss4,ll4i - " -- 1 ' .. i ; '' .',.:.:. : „ • ..,....... our,t , ts 4 itStlirr: 111P•iffitej.:**1104piiktiiiW' ' . f' .'' iiil . : i..r4 1 1 6 .0 10.1iiii.g;-10 - 1.*:101 11. 0 At. i;iittil'' :. I T !?4ff.4?pi..oiiiit.galitAti43-:q ii w.ii t: . i.S4 - 4 - 1 -- ' r #if.o -6 1 0 :iclioq: '4.iitiiiiiivit iv: :-. :- - 0‘.4 644, vii - ,12w..61.03 . 00045 , ale - 'irtliet -- - ti.4otie4o . fi l ittlifttii*Oic i*: kiiini .oi. "0 en ; 11.•iiiiii . ,:44 . ..7.1ifej4gite" ' ..Wre..' i'.'f-the **;.#o - . ll . 4 4 l o.ttifitii '. 7 Mkt :Aliie • .§sl4:to.4o*ft:in*iiii"i4 Ail.'fi : , -** l ' .-4 /ii: . : 1 lye ttliity4:oloitiCi 64. it!tlol4et.. , • c otki : - Ifitoitaiithiiiiii6lith• ' l '44 tiC3ret .. • „Cibilev • iitZticliglaed . " Ili*: . iid.Vi' ...I . Wiiiiil . ..:.'#•: es: ,, i , :i• -. -tfi:iiik LE _ Ord: ~ch.s. . il . 1 10 1 ...* a : f ca idtdittk pi . : tt- - . * "..§:f4.0.i. ~',1.": . . ::. 1: 4 111 1 !4441i: ~:j-li. '• 1 1 . .. : 54 - . tii 1 r . rigii. , ; Viiiigilo6filflUi*O. ill ** 4 : -- 4illifi4.4*Atiikmiiiiiiiiiit4l---. • alb' 'r or .t .. ,„.,ibc , : #;p*singotelit4; e ! ..0:,., 44. •T'..'fiA-6...'Jitoof#iifveitelitiffi:l iv . itiiirf i heats' 4itit.itkrapciaiecoo:l4o ... . • 1)-:. plod . ".iii'd'itiiiity." .- . . -.- 4 L-.. '" ' ' •-•2----.=-24'.* f.ii%li i'-';!...i2 .. -; -- T lsieint . ,TaAtvii r, ix.rts :Masi . ~k4-114 7 1)° 111 , , fit X line, uilder the - ileW ti' .-. .j,i with, - Nietci 0; 1 t.-is - euid - will 1.4- crriiii; l'its - fOl- 4:ir , -.-,...= - :: --, - ..',--•:'-..-.0 . : ;-. H ' ; - - .- .'".. 1) iii Intel nn thatvin p front ,' - a .._ iioint• 4 , A...,,,i10kp-!Ci4=4)Pl Pusql ' iti: . l', 6'zinn t h 7:, Ac ost ertyl" di ' 'alai,. 7 ta Iheailitirliait it% I) , lnh:cl,.,. tit fere , :;t:Elo.lo=lWlt ( _kt,tt, , !. . : , 4 IA " _WOO ~ ~ .A ptiet-7--. , th ence tt.:-ww• i-Py - . -a. titi -. '*;"htiOiletri , ',lnt two-miler' a biive the j3ny. l iitt:Ciiii -. ''.ia - ;, , ilia: ihec. ilea , t llonin du ry i . ll . looitilt; IS tihibiladi; ilic:flii.; ' t litote r6)lfiiiieria.l ligilaiiro - ii. e f oreis i6thi r n o : I ii.part -4 .10ta a ()Porsannt.:!'ll'hiainuilter ii swill *impact : --. n mineral wealth,and / IVA nag—'l - iciiledialTeliources:'-' 4 ?,':),,::----:•-' - • - J L :'Etivil i aiitiviaiwOOKiliiitiatl-4110/4" o f 2l 1016 Wibliiiii4Atliitittiii****4 o *- 4t . vitiluel4fig fitiatifiifif*iitetaii - lige* : : j aw iti*ncliadfriliaApit viri.lMlertiaft4o,;6 64 o l s l ':.: !.#eof - eaittlgA*nitiric 6).4 0040: c ii4iitfriiiitiei - i;iati4l; -- dn - the :1* ..Vlill':. iiOiiitrok4iiilda: in Ihq tend' z : f:f . ...--, t,rAit - tdctinio -*Ai prObet4titii*llkt liai,t" f t / 404 rut itie ivirµll crithelfeiti`: V: 4 3 i i iiiidiati* &a e,114 liarrie beins . ' ' ' ' t:ft:iiut*i*iiiirich,:rniiieitr tilwv.i' giroit.f.4' , 2-4"4' - •:ri', 4 o.P'* , , -, i - rt,.7.-,rtnlVA,l7-.(-,';-, ' 12 . ,U15 Z
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers