UMI=ZEMSIII=EII . • --farm tieftrrrit• '! . --- ..'_ - Theiraft.ittroci . iption't. When Shall the World *lie,' favored With a history: Of the pulpit, and who will :write it I Such a Work is a: reat desideratum, and well ;` : executed, might prove of incalculable Value, inild is fail of material, which only needs to be tollected, sifted; and arranged. Let some one °Cour men of . night gird .hinkmlf for the. task. One chapter in such a work, or perhaps toore, should be given to: theorigin and his t‘try. Ofserinons, and curiozs indeed its developments ; especially if all:their se etit historreonld be made known.% Let us twevr three fads, Which may go to show somewhat of what we mean. One _of -the most popular - and' beautiful of thisermoniiif Robert. Hall is the , one Oeca sionediby the death of the amiable. l i rincess - Charlette; who died 18 I7—a sermon which had'not•-• ardn - thought of, delivering lxitiebefore its 'commencement.. Devoted to his _duty, this eminent man seldom looked at anewspa and was supremely ignorant of Tessingevetitsi so= that he Was entirely igno ritnt' of the time when the Priticess was to be :Wit:A. - The .funeral' ceremony: took place Oti Wednesday evening, just at the time .of Ittr.rtiall.s weekly lecture. , Royal bereave anta generally have attention paid them - from the polpit, especially at the hour of in-, terinent, but the' . thonght never occurred to Mrßallthat anything .more than ordinary eqvieetiould take pi* at ilarveY Lane. • arrival, there, as:usual, behold .the *hole house was lighted up and crowded.- 4 7 10 W 14 tins, sir I'. asked Mr. Hall of - one of the, deacons;. !What does all this crow& me nt' • .'Why sir the Princess ,Charlotte, youlaiow,is Varied this evening,and the peo ple are tome to hear your funeral sermon for • 'Well sir, I am very sorry ; but I.had entirely forgotten it ; ask Mr.—=----to in troduce the service, and I will. sit down in the vestry, and•endeavor to think of some . thing tosay." . The substance of the sermon on the topic, Which appears in the first _ of his works, was the result of half an hour's reflections_; the sermon nas afterward written, published, and , produced great effects. k The widowed prince described= it as the ; bast of sermons sent him on the oecasiow; iMd'atiother eminent Man,says that the pro ofsuch a sermon 'Went far to account of the mysterious removal of the princess - Mitch s.inallei events than the removal of thi,rat have sugges.tcd good sermons. The admirable discxmrse on 'Walking by Faith,' 'tie`' first sermon- by Andpew Putter, owed its erigin tow smaller matter.- It was delivered Mite annual 'fleeting of the Northatntonslaire Aisociation, at whose request it was printed. tilteita - 3 sermon Of his friend Hall, not a word •.efit WaS written till after its delivery. On _his :way to the AssoCiation the road in se v end places wee - flooded, arising from . itcettt rains, which had made the rivers over tor.. Mr. - Fuller came to one spot where 64 writer was very deep and he being a stilt/ter to its exaerdepth, was unwilling Vo go.on. : A plain countryman residing in the neighhor.hood, better \ acquainted . with the • Wafer - than the preacher, cried • out,' 'Go op, SIT, - yoti are-quite safe' _ , Fuller. ler urged on his horse, but the 'Water SPOil touched his saddle and he think; sGo on,.sir, all is right,' stio'uted- the man: Taking the man at his word, Fuller proceeded, and the text was suggested, 'We., not by sight.' - rtto Magazine. LIGET READMG OUT TIM' EAST.--The existing relations between Russia and 'Tur key-Vender every thing r es pecting those coun tries peculiarly: interesting at the present imomsutw..We, therefore, select the following hs from various works latdy pub- 11"8t 1M8§11.71-PE.A.SANTRY. Whatever may be the morals of the peas antry in remote districts, those living-in the towns:and -villages on the: Volga are more degraded in their habits than.any other pen- Plnamongst whom I have traveled ; and it - ay - can hardly be said to disregard, Since #ittylutve never been acquainted with the common decencies - of life." What better re alt -- tan indeed be expected from a system by - the upper classes are wealthy in pro ' pini*otOthe number' of serfs possessed by eUelkproprieter. The- rapid increase of Ake popubtrannits no less an object` with _ the valo - nnitawner; than the extensive consurnp- J 1, -tOiOf:lifilent spirits is desired by the govt iH77 -" ;stillvice• `" nit : is prmig'with especial ,patronage. " Marriages, in the Russian sense tribe term, _are ;consummated_ at an, early age,_ and are , Arranged by/the steward, with out inManlrmg thapartiesthe lord's appro necceisary. Our captain hid tabilt . _ Ns wife on . a lease 'of. five 3 ears, the ;,tieat oc that time amounting to, fifty rubies, waatibe privilege of renewal at the expira- oim3==Tlo3T or THE nrsa)ix .SERTIC£ When we returned , to &baitopal, not. ka*.afterward4 we heard. that:Abe Emperor hiaLieft the military portion • of the commu - /ft .reminiscence . that was calculated to. noe a daar ,im P re ! i s i °n• lie bad scarce= eompleted flying,:visit, and the am's:Eke ofthe steamer by whi Wie had returned to dpeiliastilL hung upon the horizon, when initimethered whiiper one soldier, imparted another, that their ranks luid feeeived an addition ; and when we:returned to Sebaiia it-waasaid7thiit the, late gevernor, It in - _llikplifiCala white custnme, was employed with - the rest of the gang upon the 'streets be had a fortnight hefoi:e rolled proudly through with all the limp and ecirettinstan sevtefittmg-his high positi ,dilatorY ;trial had . redueed .him •to the ditkinitC:w ..hich be uow appeared 'before - inhabitants _ofhis rate govern meat. The bad.gene ihrthi and the :ifeners.l zom man r.:l:iecanie the Axmifiet -sureeping.-- - l'wns un iftfirltituni to Aiscoviw wbat crime bad- been aitiia.*orthi sill4f-refe oro : ooasions was tine same inn son slingne4 - , so it was very 'Clear that no= : - sody ; ham! inid - -'probably .'no•tirie found it - 104:twAfficult.lhan the sufferer himself to Sin oue-jiiirfiudir misdemeanor for u hid! ', 'was?: The general °Pinion itivinid to *that the man;had 'ltem:4ollol4W security bilis; remote per •josklinoyiiig himself-unnoticed in this 0 1 0 1 **4 1 l" Atifgt_at*stonnio7;.nautina,tii'n - a0K00,1; : iii44044104Ati0r#141,6;44* .11110i*tchdift**(00 matta!no.kated: - :"' . akitti*. raltii'lasatttTete4Al4 Anorre-•Tho, VIM i authoritiekluttArpdn from the tegisteritept, the priesthood.bow many youthatheie are in the 'town or village, from twelve-Au:if. thirty ',years oft - age; and whoever hai fivnisona must _part with, four, the . .eidest only ,beiug a t t. home. - , I A; partyof soldiers surround the house or school in which the youth or yotithsnre, and then iake theta away by main force, tit only ii-few minutes notice, leaving- them an time tOsaY farewell to their friends...e Onejpui. tient= ease twoyciaths,one 12 :10.1 . .thil'oth_ei 14, were kidnapped in ..this . way ; from . 'the house of their grandnfothei aged they -were stopping on a,visit,iand p . e.rlifps the poor fe ll ows will never see their home An minimised in this cruet and.ab oininable. way cannot be animated by much love for its cotrifnander, or zeal for liVs . serrice. - It must hate the flag under which it, his to fight, and - beixeady to yieldnt aity.-time to a generous enetriy. = - ,j TUE ARGUMENT TEENED ,--ik cotemp - rary—the Christiaa Age- at Cincinna ti -thus turnsan argument of - the- 1" ' .1; of the same city,- whose editor oilpo.s d tn i the Maine Law ticket on the grennd of the right of every body to sell ligikor,' if every body chooses, and the' sun titriihe Bible gives to AUElfprac!ico : ' 'l. - . . . _ . om Tile editor' Of the Tithes - r.plaillg of inivitre mi lk,' 7 frOrn cows- fed upon still slop '! '' Hethi eke . the 'COnneitrhauldi not ) tie° this matter': 'Come,.,old Man;:s' here. do .vou ticl auy bitillotity for it),lyAlito- : ry in the Riblel '• Remember . Sir:_ you:are' oppesedto the .inventions of men' and trust in GOd : for yinte Salvation,' Nere and 'hereafter r: ' No . tailing'. upon 'the council s compel men to (10. - riglit.! Drink 4l o . 'intritre *lni/k; - . and trust 'its God for salvation r-- ! . . . . •.-. - . .-- 1 liatilaa Carito MILLER FOL, Itt • . eys and W • ER • o Coupsellork•at Lau . % and solicitors in chanceq, Office WI!): 4 4 Clarke . St, JOHN C. MILLI:R., CIIAILLES A FOWLitt. •• •-• Lines4,••Reyn9l44 • S.hoiiin Om room " . ley's Store, near - the Franklin • .. . • • TAO'S= HOTEL. - .- . riy....EN'tylCll_Sr.3.EET,(riear Proadsvay), ew •..)1 York.. A. F; Salisbury ,k, J. D. Wheeler, _ rn: prietorS., - In the ,vicipity of ,the principal "St tii boat tinitings. '. . ..- _ ..- :: 71 -'1 .Byr • ROCS-WEEK. WINTON : C 0..; ATANTIFACTURNIfS' and Dealers i Orate -CI- Good; Hat; Cap; Furs, tinibreil . , Faro-; got; labborisi ite. ite.,: . No 20- Coo rtl d s7e . e t,. isiaw-Yrnix; ttrty: . ...mrirs.:l - 7 - 7 7. ---- -1 - 7.:17 - 11 B ROCBW ELL. '..T . 11.01CAll D. - W •VilliTON . . ,-- . . - 7 -- . THOMAS . INGSTHEM Deal .r in Dry . 9 GilAs, Orocerins, Clothing,: Crocker , B°As and cl . Shoes, &e., Stag•tchavtnaDeiPot,l"!a: .. ..' • .., BENTLEY . & . FITCH Attorneys: at .. . Law. Montrose Pa. • .. t - ' B. S. BEkTLET. .. ' ;• - I.: F. FITCH. . , 4. • • • • • is. A, E. BALDWIN, Hainifael ers of Snalleg. Harnesses; TFunks, .-.' On Turnpike •Montio : Fe. . WILLIAM W. SMITH '& CO:; • Cabinet `Makers. l'hoy - kgepc4lnstantly on hainil a gOod as,-scirtment of all, kinds of eatinet Shop-nnd ,Ware. rooras at the -foot of Main Ed.,' , . WIN: JESSUP & AtM...II.4ESUI . . . Attorneys at.Law,Montios, e, Pa.'', Practide sq Suueliantut, Bradford , Wy owing , • Luzerne Counties. ' - .. . JOHN GROVES, Fashionable Tail° Shop-upder S6xle's Hotel /rain Stieeti . Rio rose, Pa. C. IC - SIMMONS, Boot & Shot M. ter, iiter A. Baldwin's Itarn6ss street. " " * . • • • ALBERT CHAMBERLIN, Attorney Law, and Justice„of the . Peace-4)ver - I. D. Co's Store. _ .} • • __._ • • , CALEB :WEEKS; Saddle,. Harness Trnnl: ti fact nrer—shop atlliadwellingn•, rods Birth of - the village,' on, Milo street, Mon L. P. HlNDS,4ttorney quebantia,Ta. Office on treet, One door east of Letleines.-- • / - ' B. R. LYONS & CO., I Retail• Dealer; in Dry. Goods, }lour, and Lanesb4ro' B.• 'CHANDLER, Dea, Good's, Ready Made Clothing, G. Stationery, - etc: Public Avenue, , . 11 + . . H. _FRAZIER; ttorn, Office over Bentley_t Reds Poblic Avenue, Montrose, Pa. V. 2.. DIMOCR, M. .1).----011Iiie and residence No: Owego -street. - . • -_•Montrose,ri,, - . ry I. L. POST iii L 0.,: In 1 Goods; Groceiies, OroC.kerj!. tlardittre, Lea. er,, Floor, etc. corner of Turnpike slave and Pu Ili Avenue • - ' • ' :l_ . _..:_ - ',._.• .., - - --L_ 1 - . , J. LYONS • & SON, De,alers hi ' i 7 il t_ GrKos,E(arthrtiri,trocke'ry,Tinwirre, GrO}..e les Books, etc.; Also, carry loathe 'BOOICBJIMING. business, Public AveunOlontroseePa. BENTLEY it•READ Dealers , hi Dry Goods,DrUks,./.11 edicioes, 7 .tx, :ls, GrOcr les, 13;trdWare,.0rocliery, lion, locks, Viraiebes, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, I'erf ery,- di.--Fisil ii., of Public Aveuue. - .- • ' • . - t 1 1 • D. VIRGiL, gutgeon.Dentist—Tof fice- in Odd Fellow's Hall, comer., of ellestn and 'Turnpike streets, Montrose, Pla work done with the beet 7uatcrial, and.l itt most improved style. 'Mates low.. " `WM. H. JESSUP; Attorney . at Lam • COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, • for 41 State of New York, with attend:to nIX nunlike(' to bi n aitl3 - pramptiles and fidelit; pace 'on „Public Square, occepl4kby . "W..GREENWOOD, r Mtn& F .4:6T U R E Ifr=Ateo 'keeps : etnistatall hand Cane 'Seat Chairs, and. Cabinet: Fnnufart',. ; at the Chair and Ware Shop a few • -rods north' 'of Seymour's Store,' liarf ' Pri, '{Jan: 2%1)2 SAYRE BENTIET & ,PER ," S. Manufitettirera of and dealers in ell kin-3e of Cast ings; Stovei, Agiicailtaral Tripleineitta, : ettk-of lice at Say re's Store,-P_utilic, Avenne—Manufai• tory: at the BagleYanndry,Youtat Cherry street Montrose Pa. r.- • 1 • I - - r ABEL TURRELL,'DeiIer Oheraicals;, _staidils, Ayslituffie. Orogerier h . Dry- Gqcsis. trardurait;'AtOewaisi, Glasiwaie, • cha-s, Watches, Jewell,:"Silref) ; • oPainscles, Musical e 515 147 0 04. 4.hiltruifteSits, Xliquo*.4 4 erruniel , irxerv4l3l, nr 66144 ,1301* - Tazdule 1 - , rr, -144, tatti - Ton .yviiti:Tot,ii: , : tresb *D cf lib OW se i s • ':04 7 4:14+iar;:,r,43a1t. 111 -0ki:944 - 13prat,';',1814. - • - ' • .. . "FLOURAO4.I**-: .1": - -- ::',-.7.::!.::„.1 [-*1ii50414.6 . . . Office oithe Susquehanna Register, 1 Ti - A, , , feeently_ added to our assortinent of J-11 JOB TYPE . tieveral new'and beautiful fonts l i near , i?U'Lgq, BORDERS,- ORNAMENTS, di we aie noie prepared to execute'every kind of LETTER-PRESS • ..IVZINTING,. anch - as ~ 1 PAMPSLETS,i' • CIRCULARS, 1 y" 'POSTERS; , „ - • • - CARDS, -,- ' - . BLANKS, .CHECKS, in good kyle, ,at fair prices; and with despatch.— ifarmithe advantage of new Materials through out, we can confidently protnive to give • . • . Entire Satisfaction - , • • o those fa v oring us with their patronage.- • - - - , • Qar SpCiial Blanks, School Tickets,l3ill Heads etc., will be piiiited orr short notice, on good paper * *All kind otl3lanks msu i rlly . celled for, con Ur!ly o,ii.hiind Tor sale.. ~ •••• --, . ~, ,_, tliose who have job Printing to do wiltlind heir interest to - etill at the REGISTER OF= % r. ~• - • `.. '.. ' . - f '• --: ' . _ •:- Sommer Arrange ent: . _ Delaware; lackawanna,, ntl -Western 1 , .' ' ' . ' RAILROAD . , ' •". , . I , - ---' , 'O6 Oct.' d,i tielltif and after Id day,, .t. 853, , it • ‘.l assenger Train . will leave Scranton at 10.15 ArHvcd at Great Bend at .1.10 r. Y. ' Connecting with the day express ' 'trains East and West on thelN.' Y. d: E". R. - ' . 'Bet*, will leave'Greatßend on ilteatTival theDay Expresa!from New York a.nd-Durikirk, aid _ e / arrive t ScrantOn at 6.16 p. it. ' 1 , . A I' eight Train with , Passenger Car attached, will 1 ve . Smatton tit 5.45 A. 3!... Arrive at. Great Bend 'At,•9.50 A. sr., connee.ting with the - llail Pass etwer Train east and nest on the N. Y-and E. B. e Ro ll d, ' I - . . . Ilettirning,. will leave Great. Bend' at 1.20 . at. and arrive at Scranicin 6 r. It. Passenger to *titc_ ibis-train will,arriv in New York early *in the Stages will be in waiting on the arrival'o'f 7.5-- k iger !milts at Scranton, to convey passengers to e arbondale, Pittston; Wilkesbarre,' Philadelphia via.. the Rea in BailroakEaston.and_all other • . - . I The trains, •e connect with arrive and depart from New Yo k and Diunl, irk as follow.: Day Exprcis arrives a$ New. York at 10.56 r. 31.. aild departs from do. at 4 A. M. ~ . .- . Sime train arrives at Dunkirk 10.25 r. at., add I departs from 6 A.II , ' ': !Mail Passenger. train4irrives at New York 7.53 - r. x., and departs fromdo. at 8.15 A. 3f. Same l 'tmitt arrives at Dunkirk 6.57 rht.; de. parts ft/XL' do. 8 .x. at. - • - - _ . 1. , I D. H. pOTTERER, Superintendent Scranton, Octtilier 1,-1853 ;,' . ' •19 NEON FALL: GOODS. • . '. • . Bentley IL - Read ARE now - eceiving, a latge and desirable stock of Goors; almost every variety of Dry ',Goods, Groceries, . Crockery, Hardware, Drugs, Medicine'N Paints, Oils, DyestnlN Iron and steel, Boots and!shos, and Leather, Patent Medi cines, Stoves and. Tinware, Perfumery, Musieallri struments, silver. Spoonia, Jewelry, tic. At., alt of which will-be sold vs:sr cntsr, for cash, woolen iMcks, most kinds of produce, or on approved, credit - . Montrose, Sept ' in and lileplumts,_ Tanners, Lin - Boiled,) Ca4itor and - Olive Oils, Sept BEN'rLET ik READ, ber 28, 1858. A./ kra' for sale by 4j fig Ida - . Trunins, W ndow and tig Etee;jUS A Lf ind bets, Clocks, Carpeting. satchels mbrellas, Hats and t Caps, Whips Wall Papers, Lookin g m olasses, find received and - for sale by . .BENTLEY 4 READ. - kls on hand - ,NTLEY. et READ.. Pt - h er derti t!.eril) Berms„ arind:-13tones, - jraD. R. IIiTHROP 4,00 v. • Aus .1- • tor just rdceiccd . aud for c. 'NTLEY et READ. 4r , 0rl 1• , 1 . .0. - •• 7. t :15; Ce ..allitiglterfr..l . ~. 4 lr O. q•. 4 .• /,,,- ' , 4,...1;__,_, ‘8 ., .a. r 411 0‘4 1 ....M•A i wR*D IFE:,•!.: .4 r . . ti ., .. 4 ..;.13 , :imar-tuffieethrtinimossur„ - . - f T- 1- : , - lii;iiiiffidly . kaiitagto tho . *Anti of the•goo• „1' 9irde. , itit" - ' - ''' - :-.: ;;' •Dit,;(iThr.ffir, TAWS''' . ' '..; - to ire of *lie psi itniet ; offiteat; liter ory:tol titii• td, front lritoni - as ill.. klettn. V.. ' Iler, 'T. S. lath '"Stri. s 'ThailSort; ilbsi. - .'M O. Limes* and Miter iiiise.e; Ladies'. Ychfri's.aoul Edilp ' ,tial . DeparteseNt4 are - under this mos& Careful supervision. and the steady aim of jts conchtetor •is to furnish apap!! for tofamfiy.%whiCh,-while it promotes leaned gayety and wholesome cheerfulness, Shall also en-- lighten - the mind and enlarge the heart."- neer grui:lo the advocate. of All the great , interests of, humitoity,- a friend trilstional program:, end : pro. needs - ‘zpon" tbe pnnciple that the Family is 'the true nursery of national virtue, greatness and glo ry. The temperance - cause, as, ono of.the most im portant and Most needed of risndern reforms, tom- Wm* 0.),P 4 :04 1 .,0 1 a.dv§a47 a, TM OIGAs! alkl • ill *portant moiements throughout - the country, in 'this belu4t; are mind. —' ' 't' ' InElbort•VIIIIC Oatri n by employing a IniAety-of bniliantlainds - to; its various dep.rn:!au_mi. and aiming waster:My:kr promote the enjoyment and highest interests of heirrunilyi bas ezteesire. ly'aecured;for itself &cordial iielcome in intelligent houelcAdN. as exactly the kind of paper needed in ':thet - Domesrm Circle everyman who .would gnitify, his wife and c h ildren, - a nd bare an efficient aid' raining up' lds family in right _ principles,, 1.1,,, i c, thou übseribe for the New York Firmly Organ. To , le all to subscribe, we o ff er to math it at • the w price of $l, per annum; in advancer , .:Thepresent is just the time to subseribe;lai we are shout to tiring out some of the best tales'we liaveyet published. .. . ' - . CUL nips of gic People's Organ. • •'inn: Otgan - ispublished in a largniusd beautiful . ouartolorni,iml mailed every ThUrsday,in strong wrappers, to all parts of the United States ,- at the following extraordinary low prices: . One copy one year. , , ' ,' ' Si 00 i - Six copies,—.... .... .. ... ... i. . ..500 Thirteen ecies, .- .*. ... . ' • 10 00. ' Tiventy-e" It copies,:.._ . .. :' . .. ...'.... 20 00 To' secure Organ at the above rates, the full ainc7 must. be paid in advance.. it tray - be erk• closed in a letter , with name. eddies, pobtoffiee. - .Coun and State, to 1 - ' 'HOOVER' CO.': 1496m8 - 118' Nassau street, NowlY ork .. A. intend stock of GROCERIES, ' which we rigs LOW kw_cash. y - J. LYONS a SON. , . . • . . - ..- . New •Irrangement. -•_• '. s . XIINGELA3III1 1 011 STORE - X40321 1- rilitSiriiiiiti, Pk. • - STOWERS dr THOMAI . - IXTOULD. respectfully announce to the inhabit v v ants of Loders ille.,'Great bend arm vicini ty. that they-are now reeeivipg a new sut.ply, to their already large st of Doods, in tbeir new store recently erected -David Thomas. ' The as sortment is extensive. .bracing every article usu ally called foi, and wil positively be sold, Cffi.APTH 'roe cull than ever 6 offered in this section of country, consisting of • . • - if, 1.!.....4. irl. •It atil*V. iron, Sted,..ll74tilt,' Boots aid oes. lour, han meet ,0... t., added to ten thousandnotions not mumerated.: '-: The subscribers : w' h .it generally: undcrinxid thiit Cisn is what the most want,and' for CASH will sell (not as cheap, but) cheaper than any other establishment west of- New York. - , - _ Please remember that what we tell you •is no fiction, but "stubborn. facts," which we.clin and demonstrate upon examination of our: Stock. and AB those who have been in: the hab to Binghamton to purChase geode, wil their advitntage to•eall upon _ STOWERS &' THOM before geing further, for we have w want.) - . - , - Australia, California , Or any place on the Globe, canna tpretesit . . ' (treater inducements than Keeler*. StOildaird 9 i ; BOOT. AND SHOE STORE HIGH is now filled with anew and eaten- W she 'assortment of ankles in their embracing *general variety of new and elegant styles of Ladies and ' Gentlemen's Wear, among which are Ladies French, , Silk 'Li and Pre nillie Gaiters, Kid and Ettamelett y l t ing kea, Kid Pat ent leather and broom] Jenny.Litals, Bnikins and Ties; gentlemen's'French . and Philadelphia oak tanned calf skin and kip Boots, btiuon Gaiters, Monteiey and- Washington Boots, ,toilet Slips, Moroimo, ealf„ and Coishitte • Brogatisoic.*- Boys kip , calf and cowhide Boots and Brogans ; all kinds of Misses and Children's Wear. a general assortment of Findings which consist in part,: of lasts, pegs, !parables, , .Etturt rian nai s, tack, thread, =max; -Thistles shoe. binding; awls rasps; sandstones, shoe knives, drc. Also, -tak and hemluck'tanned oat upper andsoleleather, Mor rocoq skins and linings. ' • Wbrk made to order alai repairing neatly done. • KEEPLER - A STODDARD. Montrose, May. 25, 103. lIGHLY IMPORTAN . . -:BOOT at SHOE MAKE: 4. Craft please take notice that ster . & Simmons are proprietors and manufacturers of H. G. Dewitt•-&Jornorees Patent REV*ing lost Holders;: By the use of which, the work of shoe makers is greatly facilitated This machine is circulated to preserve the health of shoe ma kers, by: enablinf them to - do their work which Strunling, or si tting, in• an upright. position. The utility of these M achines may be. tested by calling at the shop ofC.M.,Simmons, in Montrose!: The subscribers will visit trisquehruina, tradkord..l4- zeme, Wayne, -Worn ng and Sullivan Counties, for the purposed sel inemliehinei. Shop, Town, Or County. rights. All sndera for. machines thank fully received and filled promptly. Machine with rilliku. *01 , 15,00. • , - • I BREWSTER & SIMMONS. MuntrOe, August 17, 1853, ISSOLUTION: HE firm solved. day of April. 1 are requested' or otherwise. of S. S. Mulford A: Son has 'been die take effect from and after the 30th All those having unsettled act:Omits to call and arrange. the !tame by tiote • . S. S. MULFORD. - - W. J. MU.LFORD. :Montrose, p4125,185:1. • .t day of May. the business will be. the subai'berp, raider the 'firm ot . Mulford. Who Will endeavor by thee ueineas, co l d ielling goodsat small "t theirrhare of the pubtic patnxti J. MULFORD. SYLVESTER H. MULFORD. . prtl 25,1 - 1853. • ! tfer.thel edniell on by W. J. di - g. attention to pro4te, tom _ age. • Montrose, , . - Wool Seeks, *ed Apples tte. THEver it' market prices will be paid Tor Grain of all kind*, Berke, Dried= White Beans. &e., either as *meant or M t'''. Goitds at 61111111101:6. • •• - .T; H. Soapy's. Sept. 18, " - New Steve& • BURRIIT is eow voceiriog neer and fal .11.. 411soriticiit' Cooking, Parlor, and, skop' Steres i - forl wood. 'or °Oaten& in "cinninctioa with his previous stock, will make 'a select and coin; plete assortment of the most poPular sad impror 'ed *bids of , Afilitight, 'Elevated Overimium end. Plate; Stoves, store Rpi; sheet Iron, 'Ziitc, .etore - tubes; which sr - Blies!' tittle lowest prices for cash tor npproied - tiralt. , New Milfied, Sept. 19, - 1814; liii and -Plaster: THS - _-enbacribersi r are now. bernizer„ sad wilt keel coostiotbr 41atieddia very au alkt busf4 an V u , ttam at r ; It y ,q price: . Personairishing a leigetitteatity,,elta be, temai oil upon i - taisneableiimme. 'l. 1 45 416 0 r 10. 12 0 tiii-tgiriM be ker4,'01.7 "Glifispd 4e7 O ctober next. t. - • • ' - '.Sept. ei184,3•:, / 4 1 8 .0. 1 4RPEi • - • Wan"arS(XynISIOUPOIr:. g, (411 , -- anIITP/IINS; iiinmnitOTAleAvpui u , *us. - _ BIENNEM THE knbstribir id agent for the Mowing I nen , .I. ranee Diiroptinies, doing business at the .low eat safe Vitae. • • Stag Mutir,al atliarrisharg. Capital, 8350,00 0 . Cash Mistiai atilarrisburg. •S' ' . Capital, $2OO 000. Boors Insurance, Nero York. City. - Capttal, $500,000: • • r DIRECTORS.- yy - - 1 Simeon .L.toornia, Jasper" Corning, Thendore . MeNamee, .Riciaard Bigelow;, W.m. . Illiss, A 11205 R. Eno, Oliver E. Wood, Levi F.Storie, Henry G. Ely, James Low, Charles B. Hateh..J. B. Hutdiinsco, Wm. G. Lanibert4, Cha's A. Bulk ley. Lewis Atterbury, jr., Levi Eliforton,Amiis T. Dirightljohn G.Nelson, C'ha's P.llaldwin,Geo. Q. Militia, Geo. - D. Morgan, Lutien D. Doman, T. Messenger, David Sanford, Cephas H. Norton, G. Ely, Stepheri Bull: Alfred S. Barnes, Roe Lock Wood, Lliciaii Hopkins, .I.yinaii Cooke. J. A. Dwight, 1. H. Frothingham. John' li. Swift, Curtis Noblei Ward A., Work, :Nathan IL Stack- Jam&; MorpheY, Wm. T.t Hooker, Danford N. Barney, omer Morgan, George Pearce. 'F. D. CHANDLER. Montrose, ept. 14, 1855 - • STOY -.. Great Bend dc. - o ersville .. STOVE, :COPPER, -• TiN . i. &• SHEET - -I . 11{0 1 1- ESTABLISHNENT.! . .. - •TIIE subsriber r'fttieet fu Ily d fornis . the liu bli . • that be-bas received a larg addition to , his former stock 4: Stores, eousisti of a . yariety of the most ipprov.ed kinds, among bleb are - - :CLINTON' AIR TI HT,. ~. ' ' • • - . 1 i .. -.' . '.FOREST QUEEN, :' - - - 1 * 1 - STAR OF. THE WEST, - • '• - - ...eSTERX QUEEN; -- 1- '- ' , all elevated. 'rens. - iOf square air tight Store oa, re MEAUX, - PA RAUCALV. ....I - ! . , . ' • irESTERN E:tf I 'IRE • ! .. * - 1-- RANGE AIR WIGHT, 4 f . * V.ATITED 5r..4 TES, . - 1 ••-° . . • .: . . F',4 RRERS, UTICA. C0..4 Lt . TDVE 4 variety of Premiuicis, some of, new sty) ,the WALLKILL, AIR TIGIIIT, FA R.3I'RS. A 1., good and variOns . assortment of Pa or and Hall Stoi•ei fin. WoOd, and Coal, Box S ores of Yerious.sizes and patterns he is eindinually receiic ing, and .intends to keep as great a- rariety:Of the most popular Stoves , as any. dealer in . the country. Persons wjp4itig to. purchase strives will finj it to the it inter:lit'i to . call on him. They willfilid kis t.• . ' .; •• " Stove Furniture . • , . , .. . madeof the - strongest; and best imatenals and. as. cheap as earn, he - bought fir this' or Broome cOitrity and much beter than offered by pedlars. --1 , • . .1„.47-04....... pin. &Tin Ware.lept, for sale :and made to order.- Farmers win be ...."ppiledjwitli Pans, made of, strong' materials, .-at -Wholesale r pri ces, all orders:for work itr-his line- will be thankful ly received sinctpurictually attelided to. •• ' . l • ' .). r 1 .• , JOIN' COLSTON. ' Great Bend, July 1,185'2. • l - * if Li '.- • • -• STOVE S ! STOVES !.!: 1 • 5111 .1 111r0CM/"MV.M64 . .s*. • ,* i . . "T and )cllow leatT rentind, us Of the* fast approach of fl ail! -I;eep fro:4s *of1•01(1 grey Winter, When one of th tseunsurputtbleand .highly. a pprosied Stoves from. the inns exten sive manufactories in in the ,Union, ltles'frs. Shear th•Pack ;rd. become mdispeniable, to every family. I IWe would respectiblly announce to the citizens of Stis quehanna and adjoining co.untit.4, that we havejust received and are receiving the latest and bes t ai sortmeat of Stoves s.ver introduced into Ea;tern Pennsylvania-which , sold' at the very low est Pash fi g* ThoSe.whict are in want-,of Stbves willfind -it to their interest to call and examine our variety'before' purchasing elsewhere they cothprise .. in part. as follows. " , . ' . . • - United States ; *'- ; •- Oriental, Parlor. Eastein queen E. O. t. Venetian - " i • . . Fire •Clipperll. O. Fancy : • " i• National Air tight E. O. Iriing •-• " - Morning Star . • • Cottage 0 it, f 'Farmers Air tight: de. . The above Stoves are too Well: known to require any minuteltcription being the ; most poPnlarand approved S ores in market. All'who may choose to favor Us *th a call Will be shown through;Ou i p I assortment ith pleasure, _recollect then_ umber? 1 " Eattion's fa 'fumed One price Store." I lia.rford, t. 1853. - ' ; , ' . ,t of piing. find it -to S; t. you all tilt; 'OE SALE IN ONE BODY, abOut 5500 acres of Land i on the Arateris of, Spring !Brook,_ a branch of thi'LaekaWanna river; in' Luzern coun 7 . tyiPenn'a., titsiut midway lietviteen the' thriving towps of Scranton and Pittston.! Tlieselands'are covered, with !valuable timber, and being Situate in the,most_extemive mineral region in Pentisyl vanis±knewsi'to contain boa ore, Mid believed to abound in coal, and being also In ithe immediate vicinity of several railroads, made and now in pio gress—offer to the capitalist on cipportnnity , for theinvestment of money that 'seldom occurs. For further inforMation apply to N. P. Hosack,iEsq., No. II Wall 4reet; New York, or to the sPix-criber at Montrose, Susq iehanna county, Pa., the attor ney In fact of the owners. HENRY...DRINKER. - wxrc . n. REPAIRING,.. AT.HE OLD ST,IIIIID ; AGAIN.. n ou nbseribers, having resumed the' above .1 na ed tattiness under the management of Mr. Afire Sayre, respectfully solict from their old customer in that line, a return of their patronage. Mr. S. is a experience& anti Itkillful workman, having letu*dltis business and id many '.years worked it some of the best shcipe in New York "ci ty, is otattpitent tank any kind of work that may beentrusted to him.. Prottipittetti, moderate !char ges, and the gactraity of all good;Watchesi welrma' .will secuie a' ull share of patronrage: 'I '' ' ~ . Gold Rings made to order, and all kinds'ofiew .elry repaired:- F. -.-Irl . - . - BENTLEY It RED. liontrose;Nov. 12 4 1851. ; - I• , IProclamation. • • , ' • 1. . . HEAR. YES !• NEAR YE! I. .. •AxTHERF.As C. D. Lathrop& S. A.. Woodruff Y Y haye formed' a copartnership, under' the, name and find of C.IN Lathrop A Co., as dealers in L . tirG VES,I I './A7 ll'A R"' I E, &C. ; I' 1 - And whereas it 'is desirable that the same should : be made knowd \ to- th public, for tbe,publiegood as well as ourlowo ;=-I - '. i . Notice is thereforehereby given to the good lien- ploor Montroie and the regiOn'roumtAboU4 that womay still be found laboring at our vocati ti at the old gust ea Main Street, where we shall be happy to seer friends, and to Supply their Winds to ta best of I r ability:.; .C. D. LATR I Itor):: - 4 Montnae F 5 c,10.'33." 41. A. WOODR .IT , /- • ' Notice Agaiii i' - ' it , r . S. iwi, cni. I. a received a new and ken .13.1-O 'oral went of GOodi. and as usual is disposed to re: them distributed to those who 1 0 . t want. Call' and l examine them. i ' - - ; - -Maj . 18, 18 IL ' , , • I • . I _ phi . - War. ' Jared as . t ihe Taiks. - I F ' Yo tl - hate '.,di atfls;-“,piepil:e' to Ana ;theto nbw:' ' Tarktor*lglianikKOnoone.pnialters,or'Zews, bearded bane or; beardless hey!, ,Absaloins or , hald:pates, any and - ..u : who require :the serrires 'of a - sarimpr assou i ga pir,-drauter,i will. `Ol - egte bear in mind that ' - -; ' {,, , -. , CHARLES TILLMAN ,-; -- - ientinnea tOrraireiie .hip art it the obi it - Ike ,lnurnalit, of ii*iimies Bot 4 Maiirow,:,:iiikere lie will be geniis 'liippil,o eef-.the . . **4- ojd and new onsternen` -„ „„ ; .. „......, '.; • .. July .24, 1808. ./. . - , - 1 9_ - L. , oRs stalteir;—.' .irasailie j sioprio. ... n , 'mod for - Shoe" Pelts bit ~ - Ad Avg. 24.] -' n, D. &LATHROP Cc% nifiri re,: nsurallm S;! slioVEs ! LUABLE LANDS MMEMINM emorif kaki- --.-41 -_, 47.-•:. . ' ' ''' iliktir *- ''' - ' l ' . .' Jil r i l :s 44o7,4kg .: iff4 ',oiitiiii, 'PCSIVa;;;t«:: THE outiOcnlsitointait '4,- - Atite* fur- the peL4 - ..iatioala Of . Kitidel-:-Futoi4 - 11coosesigind Loto:--kocato& ini oileasoic cooulyitPa.:l- AR 44-ho wislibisollivirturchieelliad Irostaie:4111110 tieivO praipt'ittintiba lyv Y c'sLlll7 . sraddrtissiog wit*. ikketirciiii; , 'Erusqaol6l464- ;4 1 4: , - .iThe followint Farm( anal Lots; are , * ofirer,e&Tor No. 1. 40 ;at -,3o,.firn.,Traide Rimini and Barn no 2. 80 -116". - 50 ;'- -' :- - doe 1 1 : - no ' 3. 100 dos , ` .601 , " do:. 1 I : . i , , . PO . 4. 100' dm, '4Ol ~' .- , ,dolw , ] - ~.,.... - 40' • :d0:= - .40,i, , no - 6., ;96 •do _ 35,i ''-.-:: - - :do ~ 1 -!.. TO. 1; "More, Witre*OUSe . ,ll'llll,Lot,' .. i . -' , • ilo.. 8. 155 iteres' !km :framoil,bocui4 • and biro f l o o 9.424 do:, 85.1.ini.10g house and• 6arn* .Di -2!,- do ~.. good fiume.ll tied barn ... ~,. .. o - 11: --- house and lot! - .. 1 , Id 12.'100 acres .101 . 1itn: framed house: and : barn no. 18. 340 'do' 300,- int . do : .i,: , do* no' 14.. 56 do l', 50 . .im 7 ; :do'. ' ' , ! ' do*.: . no 15. 168 • do, 60 im: ' d& - ..., --1 • , do* no 16..120 do 1- 55 1 im* '. ` • . no 17. 100 do' Ici i im -' do '.' . d* no 18 21 2 - 11°1' -80' iirf: do ' , Ii t. 'do • no 19 WV - ckol 200, itir' s Ao- , • 1 . .I -_, do 'c DO 20 145: dir i c:loo iza';' , . -: do - -,I .dco" --. ciii,2l :190 do- 120 lac - i-: do . ' i" i • do._ to 12 40* , cki l : 45iim ii. .do • - , . do* K , 28.;445. 4 0 .•go [ ion ~ '-do • ' I-- do* io'24- 292 do 2251 im -. ;do ,:.1 •do , lo - 25-.125 do "•. ..,100! ~100! iin , - do -< .: .! ~ ' 'dot. o 26;196 - do : 140-1 iin ~; do • is .do* 4 1 o: 21 . 1- 80 do i . 45imiii. -. : - 1 . o .28 .1 11 - -good - ini , 4-inilUanci dwelling' . co 20 - 134- acres 901iin.iriuned lionie i barn * )30 115 do ', 100iiin,; - do. . ' , I , I-, do ' i 31.133 do . ':' ,95 int •' 'do - H do 133 •160 • :60 l im. .. di:o_..‘•- .'• I, ._ do. 134 150 do '7 , ,80;ini , .._ do :',.. . 1 , do 136 'l5O. do ' - 100'im •do ' ' ' , l' 'do _ - 36 300 -do 170 ; im.. ;do . • I ' - do., 37-';190 do , 140'ird ' 38-170 do ,_loolin ..i , . do - .:-,- - 1' -: , floii, ' , SS 175 do:: .90 Inii-:: ' do. '-',.. - -F - - 1- '' . .iio . „,.:•,-, 40 , .30 /do i s k.4s-irn .-, : .',4•. -,,,, • 41 ' ' • di no no no no 110 DO OD DO 212• to- 160 im'. : 42.1 92, do .50 im • , do • 43 4. do all intproved 44.188 .do ,im do, - 45 .300 do . ; - :200 im do - 46.1'10 `-do: , 80 int. GOA UHL ' •47 200 . •do 160 biproveti -; - • .• ' t4B 103 •do - 80 . improVed - 49 88.: do 44 improved. H 01154 and bun. 3 50. ,-83 do ,113 im • .. • , - - do 051 95 do CO im "•• •_ do •do 032 126 do sis improved . ' • lo 53..200 do ,do • • ' io 54,146 dci • f 100.! do / • I • to 53 60 o -40 i do: . . 1 00 ,5•6 50 o • " do ; no 57 230 do -- 1001 do ' • • no 53 35 do" •32 1 do _ no 59 ;160 • do, 140 r im. frame d hottiel:lxtrn. no 60 532 lo 60.6 ds ; -: 1 'do Price from en to thirty dollars per Ore. Persioni desiriUg, to purchase tin.y:of the above, by tiv.inethi- - number am obtain:a full.des cription - 1 • ; - ALFRED BA.LDWIN. , •• • , • E. O. BA.BCOOS. I, .Montrose. Pa.. October,lBso. - • • I N. B. l'hUse markeddins, (*) h are` en sold. .•,,, • • NEW LANE MAIL STAGES - Psom Kirkiiroolto Tilenttose QT I AGTS . wiltleave Kirkweod, passing' through 14,7. Oorlyettsville,;Liberty: dc. every morning af ter the r" 'of die. Mail and Night Esfress Trains of cars, reaching Montrose nt-ti A.M. Re , leave Montrose daily (Siindayi excepted) at 4 reachingliirkwood m time. to take the Mail trains of cars,botli Eastniid West, being the easist and most feasible' route' to reach the:Nei. Tor -.d' Erie Railroad'. • • • This line, intertects• a tri-weekly line for Dim rick, Springville{ Tunkhanilock, Wyoniing; and Wilkesbarre, which leaves Montrose at 7 A. M. ev-, ery . , Monday. Wednesdayd'and Friday. Also, a line to Friendsville, LeraysVille, 'Good. Teinna "put coinfor ;able .Corriagla are,,pr,o vided,'aud tbe proprietors will spare no p#us to acecimnindate the public. ' ' • . • - - • • W. K. HATCH. Dec. 24,1852. MORGAN CV WEST' • Facig.ftir the eople - x TOTWIT X ISTANT / OING the prediction of the J-1 r. e w Albsmy .Lefger-that Frank Fierce Will be elected fires:dent because the I Proplietisaiah 'says that "the Lord -giveth power to tile faint," it is univeinalliadmitted that the subscritier can and will - sell - I t BOOTS 4 -" SHOES, i CHE4P4R than an other shopn town, not even excepling the genuine'boot it shoe store down i town, N.A.—My tetras are cash or imp aciWn, and. I would !I:ere - fore inform those who are indebted to Merriblan A ratrick, that they must e4ll and pa;y up or! ' miff ced. A. 'MERRIMAN. lilontrese, Sept. 23,1852, ! • I I- _ . wawa azttau - :SPRIN ~ HE undersigned maving entered into, a co - part nership tittlebisinerat the old stand, of 5.,. trover,„; tti be conducted rigid carried on under the name an'd'' of McMillan 41; Park, respectfully beg leave to inform the . public' that of every description *ill' be sold- on ireasonable terms for cash or any kind of produce. -ltis our settled determination; to sell as cheap - or , a little cheap‘r Than anv'othOr house in tlM"Connti7. -We are determined - to keep a good, assortment, and hope by strict attention to business; to:inaciit 'a li eral share of public Patronage. . • " ' 1 JAMES MoMIT.I.AN: , - I A..PA Rik.. jun. May - Springiille, 1853. , • • , • ASH, BLIND, AND : DOOR pACTOR • • - Laneisbfro,'Peeira• rIMIE subacribera ftroish Sioh, 3311m* _E. Doers at their estahlitfhltent ithort , noti soil .reasonable terms. Painting and glaring 4643 Also; Planed, and Matched . iloorinig an ii Lath. NEW4I.II:II4YrIiFRS. lanesboro, March L. 4853 - . - ' •• _'.TOind lirir i t e PATRONS'; - ", • ..$ . business " f nie to titbit; places ,for" sevefal weeks at a thne;'fiir 41* efii. of those, of 'fliy:frietals 'who .live (Mt '4f. town particularly; whO 4fiotten.called and found me gone, 1 - shall in retire sorarrange it is to be bdiv itbout dad thtongli.eacb term - of Couit, xvi?icli time it will be ~y...pleasine to attend Mall ;business of my profe uni; litany thank.s„my f da,fier'paitlaiors. • C..A.VIRGIL,rDentia. 'Searle's Grist': mill A Tibia *ill. • lOOsted it Jones' Leke, will he kept eontitantly.. hinol,lrince of feed, rn ruerd,dt, iit:the,loweet lh 'price& _ Customltroik will 4 dene? - with diapatch; . end 13 all Twee warranted. din,giound in the eat • XS: SE:AItL% L4stelii*April6,.llBs3;. NEWt OD ACM 60011 S-C illy: - subsen'ber is 'receiving Andspent, of hi* lianike Dalsises, Zadies uoitais;,l7 . ndet..Sleeveir and skirts ;- Ikihttons, Inseti; tions i .Edaingtai - eta, Ate., of which, were-bought ? for grin " i ,20. wirtilhiput s iod shall =_ taddloir for the ready_ • B. A. T.YOI , Latiesboro : Ju - • „ • co - meitt -I,lAr gi a l st , baleit's niie De whirethpy will keep good U. 7 aertakietil.. Oaf `1110:0‘040, ~.a ta .. .3.,P1iee'11741,41-",- *PA at ilielioniratie --- ,r-rvposVa Depot- 4.4 •..„....,......,......., ..„......_. .., r.,,_,•,,,,..„...,...„.„:„.„...,:...,,,„, „...,.. ...;,,,...-..,.„...,,,,„,....,..,....,, „-„:„,.-pi..;„, ':.l. I-I 1 04 1-v..*i.4*, ~. - ,-.....,„-:,.,-._ . r We dal . ~,t , ,,i...„,„:„.„.,.„.....,..„...,.,...„,......: .........„-•: ,:.:,...„-,..,-,:t„,:.„„,, ..- 4. : kp .- 41.tvizi': ,- - • :Moottoesii3vli.' 7-47 ...'7 , t7. 7 'r , !::!5!tf...t., r tt , j, - „,,4 4 **'0195:A5 .- 404. • - ---- -,.....- - Y f.. - .7 , ---.... ' • --•;•*•• , : lt . ' l " , ' .: i.'4i'r'l4.ll-" l '.lciVirt ef "Mit= - . i, , ;.• ~- ;-,, :-., - .51 , ' fir e=iti f 7a7l-It,i; ;. a , entillitiroiderV ts, 'ICE. Prepared from ,RIMILT, :or ' &Mill iteStACR ; : ipf ui iftee'dfrettions . Kiraron • -- great' eh - engirt; .L S.- -. ton,,ti; Thin is Nittiirel'oniffetnei for an . tinbealthy stomaih. No arttermen tealifs cur a tive pow ere. -It cente*i nauseous/ drtOk.;.4.lAapOtetnetrtfree4lo9 the may, tiOnkeit,bi tife most feel?lif patientii it/14 can not eat 1/7i erneker.Nrit*iit actitj~ dim Beware of, .drugge4,.irnitatione.. ie . „1:14 drug: - : : • - - ; • *M ire circular, Caltolkt4e a gf ig • - anlge t i e nifie evidence, o *, g i v i ng sk . ifne !moon. setee • ft°ln LiCbig'B fni!`tultr..7ltiViiiPcl;:sZi:td Physiology;;. weir' Tailitiniverid• diet; Dr- . 1 °. 11 ! 1 ` • ' Tr. i i i i m v - WOE SMieurt e tY;'-P.rlL„..;/24Pg.i,t1i,:eon A ibisligokft;:.&c, o f Tate tioifegee, -- • , from part* of together mith. Mort! .9 , the United Stet hOi esi d e and Assi Tuttin+; M9ll`“"n7 ;-.. lige#t:r„. I • ' ' ~.,-,..,...,.?,.;,,,.. 1 ,, .. , . •.do, -;:i., 1 . . - --illt 1 'l'l -SAYRE,BENTLEY dk PERKINS , HAVING jp4clituied of Wilson ift Co the EA.- ix GLE FOUINPRY; are now prepared •to fill orders from the trade,- , .and - do work iathe'ir line t with skill nod; dbspateb,-They.will keeic#institut ly on hand I - PLO TlTS;tbesti_kilicli J ~ i- • - : . ' STOVES,(aII tincle,j !. . , •- . ;: ,. t uiTivA i roßi3 --- - r-: ‘_-: .. , . .. ,_. ..sTR4w:cTI is uTE- ,- - _ -' . _- _CO N: SHELL' RS, tir 4.C. We invite Inirtierilar. • attention i. to, the 'Plows which we Mantturn. .We manufiteturctempt , teip . The Celebrated . Plat chley P low. .1-.7 .•_ , •. . , . , We have' parch:toed. the_ exclusive tight to menu fictufe and-sell in this County, Wayne, Wyoming,.. and Bradfork: i. -, ~. , .-•.......; 1 . -,', ,-..- ~.•, -,,, ' .. "Rias - Pritent Ir'on Beam Plow nil Plow is made entkeiy of irtm,•'excepting'llsa handles. ' It is'c'elebrated- for its:esoy draUght, be ing one-third. easier than any now in .use; while its strength and. durability - 3 / - of all kinds manufactured lirl4 repaired by'eximii,•.- 'aced machinists., '' • ...., ''' .;• . 1.1. ' 'l. '''' ' SteamEng.inee,'CliOriVATor Mille,,r. - g1e..2.144ine5, r. - ,-,, • , Amon : the: Stovei which We nuniniketore, are • KEYS TONE,' .CoOking Stove. AO 'IVO 4 *.H. - ItEA.O Y. - 'do • -: :. • ;17 Olt EST QV:44.Np: do'';''' -:' --: ', r..kkorrux; - - -- . 4 .1' - 1 - do . ~,.. ~.- • And other kinds;.allarr*OgedT - oi Aiming WoOtrot coal: Also ' •'' '' ' . • • -'. •- • . SeY l- -gekulatpr, Parlor -Store. , -Coltd.7e - Parton - . E , 'do - " -Stanley'. • two ,iize s ': - ;do: - - and a variety 'of other Parlor Stoves. both wood and coall - harner*,!. We keep; also onhand Grind, stone trmuningi,lsl4 Churn trimmings, titabrella and Fs hoVel andi-,TopgaiS tandst:.d: &a , k:Woikd49e tii;order on - sfiorliantiee and attlie lo w est picas. . rer"Orileri Air SlavisrAtrici349rolinpleinents, &c. sire solieited!from these olthe trade;andivill be filled at reisimahle - Wholesa el price& - --, - .- 1 , - 1 ', ' ":: •-' 'A - - S.'i " - 11 1.- Silit . A. B. i ,. ..~' I , ' IS.i PERIPtI&-, , , •. ~ VALLI I IILE - 'REAL- ESTATE FOR • j . • '.: , SAL I 1 , - - -.! 90 Vi./..LA P. LOTS, United in thepfsitimuint . _est- parte the villag of Siniguefirmail•-isks 3 Houses and ts in the most business pait,tif the aforesaid village: , Also, - - ~ ~. i' .4...Fa7!,cputainiug 14, atre.r, ....: w Mile small' improvement, the remainder heavily tirnbFred; situate . :2 miles from 'said vitlage,_:- • ._ Susquelninna 'is the great Cent' Depot of, the . N. 11.4 E. Ititi/ And4ituate , althe footof the helix l icta. est. grade on t 6 mind, ninir: the great works- Of - Sterna:a; Cone - and the - de,lind Posies sing by nature' , l iug best watering Osceola - the route with the : loci iti-wf- extensive. -.bfachine shoisi - Foundry. ie.- , thipeiumna, • a/thOtigli numbering but„,ooo ,inhabitents, and, hilt 14,yeari ef,..stre;l2 destined'sour : fii ran 4 ,6,,,,, alongside 61 the Most dour' ishingTand populous twins on th(i'line Of this grail thoroughfare. .•-. :' 1, L. P. HINDS, Agent.... - • _," ' - Oitce.ono door 'Out of Lenheinii.', Susquehanna : pep:4,l;ex. 18 ; ;02. •tf .- IVilEt - RlEtlli - 6E, OOT • , 14AT-__ s -• . - - - -. n lIVAGIIIAnzIeOII N. Y.' - WOULD reipecifully info the, Gentlemen VV. of Bintrose, that they'are . provided with a "Hal Ciniforireature"-i-a machine for,taking the shr pe.of the. head, and also 'fitting the Hat to the , same'shaptr-tliud making , a bat liet,peifeetly easy] on the head, 'aiid'idio preventing the brim from being thrown' but of abet*. 1 Oentlenien leaving, their rile:ware, can always eider a bat whidi we will warrant hi vrr. t. s- ~. 1 ` The Spring and' 'Fill Fashions will always be fro dished , tievetid• weeks • earlier than the regular time for in .. laiingthi-sam'e in the city. - ..- ! A - full al . ent :of :Al the varietis - stylea and cpuilitiek a Hits. Caps, fancy, Tura Buffalo Robes',. Umbreniis, ite:offr.; idwaya on hand at low prices Bing e: .. ton;' May. 26, 1863, . ' •-•- I .. - .Itontrose, Ma P L O W =:s . ~ $ _ zw.ESTATILISLI M E T. , lig - Jr R.ll/OT'T !would reeptfull3• . inform tie .V. 1.• public that they are nianufactunniT, Blotch- -, tey's Celebrated Plows. - •The It i lso keepconatant• ty onband;• ~-' ' -;•' 7:' • ~ 1 .1 . - 7 -, • ; •••-: 1 - Side 1f1i11;-Miyaceoten44dad Ides P lows , eidiiiators, Dog Glum:, Brij rqi: 1 4 G'aittii, .W4.o4.6l./Voto • 1 - , •;•••.:$.l • •.., -• 2, olatf: - "-, ' • -: , mtrarioncicititrks teOintitar ne. to. mettlioo. Iri hope ).s'-'-itriet it ' BONI tol)liTeil to receive- nut iharg'ir ituttiik tionage.. annfaCtory D. Fairs Old ,at sod. - =Fop 1 ii:lfi.*iti !noir 4iirli'i gain- boi , 141raeit'lirlii done 4 t notice. ,- • . .-. .:••••7„ . .1; ERRIT, MOTT, ';,].---- '. l , IJAIL )1017._ - - ii!•,l-'z.,,,‘„,i,f, • - • , .. . - •,-,.-.' . . • __. refii. 5 - lea° TEMP ' 'et - SALOON; D • ;;.! . ; .-...., G . ,:ociißy.., f : --• : .. , Triggimaintit g olit baying I roei ed- illionP. lo . %L . ': OIeitOOKRIVS.:Aie 4e114 hiiiidon iiirea _ma b, le - . ,teTm - i(iiii:lfiO:t.. - riti liir bo r lit: thji, side of 'Tftitt Ydrki'Vrici:inri call .t4cria fir I **he°. i Tuitivikk - iffiiieKoitiliWiikot Of Oriii - * COx's Saddler - O*0 4 ;1000:4:j 1 r# , !: 01 *s; r i i ti , “Ailaiiit p2.oolefirliki . iiitsv ~• /44' *A. 806-...3 , '; 1, 1 1 :4- 4.49 - 41 9 4 :# 7 4 ,1 * ' `iftreriabwaiil,,-,Wit , 'l%,:iiteiia , tokat t i - ?rit'btikiadies*orarnen.P: ..." kia "vicinity viteiijiktfesV! *Ate ltif, Omit& in iliitt oOlititf sittntia .I#4,l77lorVeitig* . . :*irld -ftill:tfthi '', ... .... *Pt lil'ettikelAtixf :44 . 1 0 )fi1P,' ~ .., . .• .. -. ',Atsi Wiltdifitadget Pitt l' , , •'t :onto, ''' ' r *b. q v aoa.tsc r itliithi-W' -" .10 0i 0 : '. it . oo /ine ' s sod Atotileill theiet '''''', iiiittiog*lttlfrOW* l° iiivent - filtortitriii ' stititti , '''' :Ur 9,94Y-110:4*: lif - arointttWod to, br _itsiitaffiiiiit t .pc . Fit t i-'not, -- '• -- • • - - e ~•,,i-Ffi,—,,,-..',,,:-..',.!,--- EILEMI MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers