In this pluo!koßAmondwthet.6lb; by 447,-A. i off: Jr., of J1M*Y.03,70.40 PAL!.#l.l,mmuoN N. •13nowN otitti, pk i t - F.: • . ..-•••.•-.! +1 - / r. • Dllitri/KOE*UCOneaning, tit * the VOO Velrt; •dr trive tiaviewworakfroui ~/i4104"1n.,-614-thesiguificant aad ap; praFaiiktl*4 - 1 12 e MirtdgklifirliAniZGas inc Ma* • ~:_3. 1 ?0, 1 4 5-41164.41tallethil adelidais, at , • : 7, u :'?"41, na- N ies OWl2 iljun#l Ins a dd mark de ,,G oo ds telly consikautlitth,liailth. s e e dit: figF' itpa.aradbridtisa dfr. , , tit , -; ,„ ,,.,.1,1;4=.,,,,,,Li• pein;.: utruseintapi--:.., NMI .cyc,),Fga,e4Ar, baton, hand, ntiful, j • Engra%l* Gilt ; `): 'Zitibs; IF* iityck 10,W0O o f O,?K Vsn. onellal;tgat`r , with Italian Zdatble . ..)ipa,:la);:oore - Ark. be.- sold at New Moutrinse,Dee: 184 " . `,` `• — s" Ca AI - ist '7 ll ~°_, .l'jtihi - ON& TEMPERINCE , GROCERY; m rrapnetored - ite 'Temperance' Giiiiers Twould call dip attentior , of the, public tii . thtmr goar Groceriek -r vityir':iitit . of - eitrithing kept in a.k, , rmery iliti-„ecreptian which au; - be . puielzied. lik-Frksii above Colll,l and_ try for yOtirselies, 7ro Imitl vuu with 'gmeeries fOr nioney, nithe'next. our stock consistek Sagni,Veansik.Filh, Coffee, Stara), Pepper, Sprde, SttleratU4 COl 853: F. EL VO ROH Mt jRAC.K.ERS tha.ll). erbarreLi Oysters . y the .keg r. quit. Nuts vinitesale erc. tail , Figa .141c1 Yankee Notious of sIZA/crri . 4l.6eui. 1 11 ,; , 1 - , - Fai. F. t; Ur DIV ' Dal DIE - 154"biart goodi ae the- 3owest: tit*, irri= tiff .f), 54 , z 0..9F x„ - ~500., Bushris It7hria, • -.: i 1000 - -Rye, - 1000 ' " Coin; •'• • GO ". Dais, _ • . • . 1000 . 4' Bck IA tat, . 500 'f _Props • - 500 I)6zen - All• Trued: Stick.l.: Dec. 14tit..1203..., G. R. lIATI.E.T. REMOVAL. m, suArest stiaylts *Stwees i fircutialbei wishes to mil - t3 l'inttelltion``l . T; hit; friends An - the . 44 vorx large sosintment'br. .r:..::STOVES: . . , .. • At ilitt-new Stem 11.(!om m LotterAiille. 'fund Jo S. .nii4 i}ieGreaL Bend Depot. Hellas Maddi l tion to.bis • former isug4 variety _ . (30 suld h•rlor Stec - e!.. numY N 1 7 ranits_4 3 , some ofwlucii are= - ' St. Sic.holat Ptac4..Br4utek, Fite - Ply, Modern Tro:4-[.,,li*utik,-; I 11 - kich togethilr with . his formerstock will be . pc hips the ntoit tensite and vase 4 assortment of telt selente4 Stoves in„ the cdunty. And'. lint to be .faiottelk . 11 the. CLINTON STOVE. Int .ireitterowi.ight. and betterf- material thaa these hawked . be vent - Airy by. uttlicens- Pi ices fur Ist& gze;,. With. laro furniture. of beg: minmlsl t - Fut-h lltuall size • • -- •- . .•• • -:t) Ttere Stoteik are not tietZeiritb mold Iron as rep= resented by Pedlars, nune. tLat . bave been sold by one litre - - rirAll'artiejes in his" line kept 011 . 114nd and made to orders* usual ; and order& received at his of gaud in Great Bend.. Lodertiviile & Givit.,ll4nd . J. COIATENi dealer la Staves; .T[e, Copper :mid Sheet: Inm 11 arc, LodeTsviile, ni:Ar Grid Bvnd Dept 4. Dcc,. 14, 15 5 3. . _ " &mee t ings can be done as *ell - as others.". - • , THE Snlkuritfer, 14'6E7. purchaaed the Ci f air manufactory of A.Nv..Orertwooci,lnTiarfaird, • cd- to.manufacture al: kinds of : bbnile -at Sad in a intiieriiir etykof ifOrkIRAIIShIpi .1 . 14 =Mg the different kit di, wilLmentiou . Beadm Rada re, (improved s(yle,)kinit of F~sry -asid :11 7 intisoi ckairs, Flag - &afa r . , Seuris. ice., Ur work warranted to give latisfaction for Sva years. - * 4 ,,tkleatbantable'Produen" will be taken in et.; change for- work, but NO CREDIT! satfartl; Dec 113+511/; JA°.IIO7tiNSTON. it , Belaimiausit Oighquago Tuirsarike - „:- Company. ,- : ,; .. . ,_ . , TITHE . stattitil .. - ehiefttit, of - Prestiderit, ten mann °3-• ient, Tseanrrer end :Sicse MIT with such 'other . ire as - may 'ha aft-, :try for itaiti Colutian-ii , will be' het& at the huuse,,Of 'Thomas L.jaduinfol; in .Behnont - limilhumilay, Jatt*y.‘ 6th; t 854. - 210 1 :: - '., 'lll.ClitA l 44 - MEYLEIVI', Sec'y: - . iuditor's Notice. rrHE andehrignetOan AudHar:oje ointeeihe.the as Celeri'liiiiistaiiite Ylie assets m tai gaWds of Administra tpts at& eatate IA Mut Simpaoa dee'd trill attep.d*, .I.lie s #attmAkt bis nice on Sat ' I:nifty - the 7th . diS• of If - n*lr nerd. ,persims itito*.tied itirited t6itipeir: Riever barred, ife; - . 'I4I.NEWTON, I 4ndita. Meethre, De'e.10,1143. • • ' , • . . Going ! 4;441 ilmostlione! T 1 bidante of my knelt will be eold - withM Mgardtto:Prufitillad hatviug' bee" bougbt when `goods wire from ten to , fifteen - per . tent lower in New : Torii than they now are. . I of imustdinduceniente to.all•who .wieb to tidy . Goode_ elms p: and 4ea for: younmives, and yoaa<itLfind y °neap buyalniosi at yo it own , pri ow": • - dew , 13, issa. t llNFkarmt4 election forAttcanaiers ef4te 'curl • I_ and Ilsittik•nyTsirnpV4 ROad C,Stnixiny, be held at tbe bonse..otJoel steenharl 30 Gibson', Township Onthe first Ittenday'in 'Jib - nary 1854 at ; ten - • • _ VitAfTED: -60:jcibrneinkr.n; Boot' and' S V ma i e Ott 411). , eriber. Sunseh ' • •r - • 1,11. PLC; _ . . • iintalin t s - Sale I . .1--yy yirtue, of i i*.i . ny the Orphan's Court ut t J-1 mid Or th e'' • - fry of Snstlitehainit, 'the cute' afr i scribers,' Ottanlis "iiithOge . 11, siiiikkit, t Charles .112 - ivel i-minjse l etfidten -- Of titarleg] 11. WAa dieesiel/Pikilliitrsti - te'ptlllic atilt*. - Abe,- - - t-'' ' Public House nr.fil, 091ernim i n' of _ Dtindaff,;ini _ **: -ay ; th e 11th day' of January - next' it twiriOttlitit in the shanties% the undittid: ad three sixth part of onitalf of 1064 Ago cer tain ,plecettA stassid7.- S'44Pitand #ift i Nt , o f eigifilie frefai,o& iitidatiziplii•"`P u Herrick abddlialoaded'an#4a-tetthd4 , lts followa. • to wit t'llegitittingstAhetidi ' y WilwChtir* - 44, ill'it) , !pdithesomigiTth 46 4 9 0 . 0 4 1 " 14 11=1 ,4 then c e -sonth: - -I**,i ;40.10444-11 an d,=, • k - Ibeperm - outkiWegrflri*i* *l3 - .mil *.--(st 14:0#46• itih a44no*l*g9, Pla ua.o4otaloby4eswo,P4l , yitra l 4iiit *reafi:i =o 4 '11 13 g der mit ilk,e,' The kw, 41 . 6 .0 4 ,,striensefehkrw .. 4 4 4, • . end :piece 'elthikte:lollll'4iteriehip essid. . beundedied4ifieribedisikfollesm,4o gat :Iliegin- tint - it - be !lathiest eciviii*:olliu* foreOrec-. aird'ail 3 f 4 : 3 4 - 4 1 #09WitillOcici 30440 32 + ,ilegverss4otidivAlisisi . .4o, 2 9o 2 *Kik Aibogic4., . -, ixerth:,4B-4teeios:**44ol49•;:**,'"° : e PO i "fEsii..; 4l igiii:.- 0, ' ,- :-Lit.: 2 4 -41 4***Itit-4 5 :410fft* ' II 44 - e'lli f i k i t4 9l :PO' " 4 1 WrF 5 Ar t _ 17 - filiil l1 44: to • ' I "Sl i f*l-# - :,:„s-f. ' atioisititiAr , . - -=Aelialiiflr-- !, , jo4 l 4 4l iffi 7-; , 0rke,**01,14,1104 11 04 *Pore --,.,, :', Tel:s l iirrolltbee'di' ,4**,. , :• - :,:, , - IsA - • - „i0;-WiZZO; '. 4 - i va mi t i s.4 ., ~ { ,1 34 11 f7 1 44 17,4 F 4 ' -..7. ' • ' •-, ,, , 1 , 4:r.4 - 44.00 ; 44 -, 1- aale .01 . 0 W took t alter:? -tt;• abotlitssuater, ottlicsanitt;4 next; At one o' .nxie» t r.INAL4i ;Dec: it; .1861 L dement' Lyttli mai titatt 4 fuitii4 1.,}200 1 -tor.s -N n . ce : . - susoctarina•ettnoty; sa. l' - ' .",. , 'i• -: ~ r r 'B p underjiigied harm tffieed appointed by J 1 the Orlihins Ctiart of id. Oeunty;` un.Atidi- Audi tor hi l dts• tributelthe assets I tinging tti •ofJnines Oakleyltleeti; in., ninth& ofAilbourue iiiitt.tnit; . A:Oattlet'adnerti., illotttend t6the att. , ' tiiii bf-his tippohtttnent, et il a office in Iticintrabe.' on.Nertdayitheteth'dartf anttary . next, nt ten' o'cjeck in the iiirt.thittia, at' • hich - timei and place,. iill;p4rieni ittteriet4ed Vitt 'p - cut their • clatins‘or -tielforever barretliPtr etiintt in foia btutre nisei& fniiti.' - - - - Ff.elS,NlifilN M ASER,' Audrten.., 1, 1 , 12 1853..:¢::-' ::" . i ",. .-..1w-: thTej. • -Au tors 'B:algae/wand Ceiiitty • - ca %HE undersittlied !owl been' appointed by . -.AL,: the Court erCotrunoiri l elaits of "fag: county, Anditor to maim diatribeition .of tbe #.4aets to the-lannds of Jiin-.l4'N. Groe4assigned for the bat -etitlif creditors o: W. Eagerrwill attend to the du ties of ppoinitnent his "oirtee in!: Montrose cn Tiles& v I :le: . "of. -January . . next at :ono oclock iheafteltoon, at - arliielEtime' 'and place . .all'perkus-intereited.. will preent.their, dahlia:or bebrezier barred from t-linre of Mid'asseis. FRAN KLIN -FItASEO4 : • Dec. i 2;1851:144w -4.- . < . i • t• Pio • r . ' • - ,• . . ... , . Auptor'g ticti: . -," —•- s , .• s Ssmitehuntia . f.:oty, re.% , , .< nilittE °mica-sighed hark g been - appoint id . try - IL *the Wm. thirst.)rphatts' Court of said empty.' iiii:44tttlitor, -. to itudit ' ihe -tier..omits' .4G uoitice . Thayer; one 'of.the Atiminfstrafpr's of's, 'the 'estate el gseek Thaylx deett.:, ...ow exceidions < filed t , 'the decree • o ;the P gister on raid - accounts; wills at-tend to tb duti . tif Ids appointment at his otricela Alontro 'on 1 otinesday, the,ll th Alai of lunar,. next, a "Ono o clopit-ht. the afts‘rntion- at, which 'time . and' laetili 1 i p ersens. interested ma:- 1 ele atte.nd if ttieY or, • - Der, 1•2,4 w. It AN 'LIT. FR AtErt., ..find'r. '.';.,.-; . 'f'.' •r- -1' 1 !. -.- ' Steam--7----_:-.1-F-• 1 . I. S in Gristtt Saw mill: IDOST BROT i i FRS banns pureltase4tbe above i em-ablklui/ebt,.:Niill iceep constantly "«u hawk Su . perfine an( fftedtlour=—Coni , 3lral- - . ' . .. of supr.ide (polity. :Also,. ••• :., . 1 I , - [ -•-.- • . (Whop 42441 . Bian, -. '' , - ~..- . • the lowest ..ill price Ciistota.:iveirk itill be done.*ith t!et:p.Ocb, tied iki all cases xcAttn.txrEp. Montrose, ~bl4-,•;t41.1.1 ... .:'l:Sltf - i , . i ' -- , F _____ : __ - _ - : ..._ A __ ''• - , , . ,---., i', - Farm -, fdr. . Rent.. rrnE_lFl F4gr iaittinpertir Form in. Dimdek torn, , • Ship„ titxnell by . ''ainin ,i'arke, is fin- .rent i ettlier fir • A fao•*st: or; nrtm: fitale*- . -eitticr 1 1 wlth iii +itlz'Ont sttiel: rth'ereiin: . -GoOti. ierrb's - will be given d gond wenrifr„rf:qpired. .. • . - 1 i For.te uisana - - 4 , eact.iie . of ibiutuicr ri .g '' irie:d. • ' . . ;43.E.'0. GATES, Agent. Di I: - 1' • • . Jnoe ,D. 1 ~IS4 .' 4 tc. :IF • .%.3-:- , . -••.--...;- - . ..8, 4 , ~•• :•_____. • _ ...- 1 . Di • „Tout._ • _ ItEit OF .NIKVIC - 4.T10N '- - - ' • x ' - , •I • ' • • ..Lir A.'"z; inn hand_ _.s. f,IV, asr:rtruent of ..I,fcvinprs.- lA. ;Paramittas, all ii6.ot Derc,iii"..x. - plaid' lir .. Lvize, IIA - ele and c.f,lo ell niia tlress S:t - ks, S'ATlN'Tippetf.; tlonlfigeri; D0z....D0t-xis. Eltrinr r STATE Li., I'.I:47STF,- wry, 'cheap, Dif.:.yrs., 1- liiti Glores. . ' ' l l ' : '' - . Sa.tinetm. RoB=A Deter:6l243%i, 1553. Winter Stqa of = Goods., LAST` EvI,4II,4RICET.I • ._ .: • •„. - : Decembttr 8 -1853 .. . • • '. BENTLE,V . & .-RtAD .. : • • • .lI4VE'Ibb ipleitcuth of anuouncin; , : to . thet : .. ititoreerg, turd tic Puhlie. idgenerni, that they' are orra'opening de?irable.stock of . • . - *intt Goods, . .-. .. . . . . ...,b, r ,h,:oled to tacir. , er-ea ...ul pit. rei , ',..47 . t heir ass!..%itilotnt full:and cop:Va..; :age( they. ul-e liiiw • ready•ti> sell nt!' a ii.uf•totai..t. mirai:cr.74..,.uu city I pros. , AVe.., con,..itler 1.1. entirel.Y unnecessary to endursate everji articl 'satisfied; its we are, II at if ap_upportunity.6 .i.. kletl, we eati . gireconvios. .ing -prouts,.thut, Our toc.k..; in point of. VAIL VT, Qn. I NTITY, QUALIT V .fir i ;cr.; is fully, equal 10 any I, pth .r i,tudi of-I.:mods it this iicinity": ' .., W 1 4 .1 iNtED, . '- • 1 11 eat; -Ri.e.,,: Oata, UrN"-.Buetwheal. Flannel,. 'den. goels, "Nilo' ~-, lard, :01164-.1- .5 - PpleF, &c. 'at the..i.0WE;74144 raters, F' ; ; BESTLEYAItEatI. _ 'et of r y agaz ne.. -. .. - ICF.Vir VOL SI mr this the oz..- wTekly pa-' I A ir pe-r, win -63, mace" on" first" bf Ihnuary next, This 'flees las no* tal t raid; srithlthii 6rtt publications of .the' day. It it eilitCd With :great -ability l: tin Rots Drz.,s.l.-6-an q' 'lfni& ability I ' printed' on, beautiful white paper. anti is iss :Weekly-at t:t low rate . of!2, i ' ' 'Jain advatice. , It entliains . inre than 'double ih -v e reading of crintri . on blowing ' paperii;. and the - -prig -igel ig'ouly-211 _exita in.adratice, paid at the of delivery. - ..i. .. . , • - iiiiikerjr . im tit that all tho3e who intend, i - ti er to talm the next' -( Me' should feud in their ord- I Winter Slisiwi& - Ladiiis Etil: c at , - viet"ri°e.s arid er. .. t.el.. ' A D voi . m .e ii ;so ccm, a. r gi e t(! tr secure , x ike mon eoi t ;... : , 1 1 x uff ,es 4 .4„ Lail . ie3 .6_( ! e nh tirali hei‘Boin.Sli i ., ris' and Over pi'i e.4r- 1" . in • ' ,SI • ' • 'lock If ' • if' . ''' ll3 4' - '' 1 -- ' nt an ne , r.sty -eft, ant. isn!lxv i 6°lY/it il l - 7*14. qn-ei " kU ' in !`t b `c ll .*!.sl ,6 I" tis( at 'r n vT 2 ie t tT'u l f l o r til u e r ti n Fi cr n i tr a1.:14' Stores, ci . yit 1, T - Ou w, "n 0 'don t NVIS . l : 151U. i 1 . gre . ._„_.. ._ .... ~. '., . 7 - e ., . e : _—.... 4 ... •Y ; ,4, - :*'- 4 1-L-...: - 1,.....' ...t..'..-- -.-.-----..... C•artneh Illitt - be sow IA me must lavorible terms to • whe t - el. I ' -Al I P ' ear 8)44 ~ _ ea.& and nne bnyer.l. ,- •. . , • 1,- /:•- r ...f.i. -.. .:;1,0 , pili • . '.2l§7e*.s/lftiyti, November, 1E 1 . 53: •- • -,' .-• • - f uw- i A f - ) tii .. _ ..._ . N_,the "first ~.f- entiau. tieit, "Cy - LEAS - 03S i ~---;.--• -. Pr 9 TfIRIAL7 ' 2l'ic.lTl-re "s Si til vPI- 1 - - Fresh 2iiiil"" ric -- G a ~. - - - ~ • _ :. •.. ~• .olew- oo 4: u Aunt Iria lie r trast4y unproved_ m all re- ~. , ~• . . ~, ..... .., 'a ' ti. SWAM_ .a OU seen hetiding , tie* tY•Pe'ilr -11. 1 it - ati y ur -d throughout; i 1ii". , 40)1 . lie - prated, .uptm), lite i ... .. . . - - I fit etst pa u$ :'.l4,it t a pinprietor ;of „the' l'ietctiinl , .7 0 ,.... , ..y. , ~ ~ . ;-.. , . 'I L -... , .... i purchased the ' tire goodwill (it - Virtni,m s 1: A E.E rUAL-receivink a variety' of St , * C*nnia. .'ls: .4- Yarloll.lll .r .If, . 101 t4 1 's•n4 11 " ine 'tired I IX,: :-Aht/iIV Willol may be • found;_liadies- lila chat jourina iii - thillhatarlah",,the. public will rip ', Gloves. only 31} cent. a pair. ileadv'SatieCleth thei.m.lcuotage.y thii cotr.ertratiantif the .1-ettxtlt'i ict;,,enloretlCariiet Yaru.DelainA, bel3.l,re, Cali :of 4 .the two, p;ipere Upon ,oxie, both in the ,ar I. 7 tit - mete. French' . EtigliAi.atuf' Saxony , Zermoes. tic. • iknti 'hiFrarz _tleptinentsl ...„.The ', Fame till 'inut All of winch we will sell as i•lieip if not chenpey 1 htiit of contribute and artists will he:_eta, gt, d ; than the cheapeg Rif Recalb:Priy. ''•• nn.'!-Cileasonli kiitailia 7.'4l,,leretssf4fe, and, a I#tze i - Mi/ilfii)46, Tii?v• ) 0 ;10-'; . "".; ~ :1 --" L ikadition 4 is s irintie t . the cir, both ,in talent itind . ..,• smuttier: - - 11; nu;s - libe ralarranz — estientitAiare twit votupteted.-art4 atielt as will enable 1114ro- •pyietur - to rproilicel,by , j:a - r - the giiest Iltastri i tted Jointial -- :vet. 0b1ii:1441, - nnd much superior to, the pretten issue. of ,theilpaper. ~ The .cOlunin4 =of. th e Pictiiritil....twill'imiaiitahtlylie)hijuntiti4lL by : tl a . lat,cin PlsouMiti i r aktrflet.,iu art44o Aaluial tnd , tti . lliretlio,iiii*faitot )I' lll ,g4 l ,kt s o*. th e: -li i l -. iiititiiil'infiflialt-tin t ong . :e . ,iij4etl: ' , ' ,' .t _17.4 page' 41111 asodst •Pietcieht - l!''' !will --: tarn "telpiiNic of o'ol . 00p ltpi elylio,:th kniiii*Orti:l; i ' all4atitailik ol -it re in we easiterit an'ititeitein ' : :""i4ibere, of ; 4 01. te.priocipal, tsbips. and stiam-' 1 r g.II of Ate ria t'y anti. , Ore fi ent service : with Ine'infl 1 rate portr - rote" , ev,et7 a -noted utraetei in, the 1 world , bothintle'l . 'if - female:. liketelieent beauti. fi1f4,1090004.; ; ' ! , ,life,'.-',witi:tgafo I*., *yen: with' liuillemii ag... , -.,.:.• a from-the - animal iriog 414an, the taros of + " ilitijuia '. , thEe fish' of-the . !ea, 1 20 will in ,tti2toechaniettlexecotiiii ittf ,61-, -o.,kittit *peOlieil of , . It *ill iiitntsitififteen 111,,m -'lrk . ettd:Aitty:f; • i *rare Irtehk,:giiiir :it #ftt itailliett 'Of , reacthig , ' matter ind:iiihottrittone,cand ''lip,g.ti l'o,, , , . - Isreekly-revperytehtteen-oeta; Ivo I.ogew . ,' ••=. t , Y ,-., ! 'I zpoi—•-Thme , liars:inn '''" -'- . '" 1" • ' rattiaheel every, &medal_ ill 1 , .- 1 4fi'llg'EttitirlSON,il .. - 11Viliterid7rMactitegicilrurclEadd--eta..Boatokliatw. . .- -- ^,T .... 7-7 4 ri7iiiiiiiji, srIIKESEE, 100 no Int, And 10 smoke ilipagne Sick = -- 'll . ' Si - ftliby' . - `A - it :LTOSSI* I 3O. ,-4.04404.4104-1. PAIL • . - c - ---' , 111,Np11E MACHINE ibciut 'ag tod iisinew, '- for,; . `b _ -.., -- , 'a. .4. vs:4o4 co: ~, untitmo-vea4.16451* • ,, , , k 4 , ) 44 .. - ... fial , u4wAnnvrattil~iiiiiithr Fees! Outi -eJ -41 FV 6 irbithse!feq . fanWt . ' ...,.. ir , ~„, giriroy#4 .. Pe e • Air OD una gonn .E•tionififiled rltik thcixtrties tutilialdivattintt yinsfedii,lttip ,s* leektP iL. at 414 Of., VRRELL,AiId'r. fttu 7 • t v • 4-;1 iT 5 'I dice.; • -• • . esting4, .Reutileky Je4lls, .tAtq:; - :::.fis-.;v: . • osp Tll4lllOll Us l iacti: Proprietoi ' Mfr s. D . - CAW etttr. ... - '.(e 8011 ) , - - O r r_. ii l l444 2 , l lYrerlq:irt -- . lit.ilav trot paper of,Jativarytkext.oce desgn commencing an. nrigmal Novele, vorintat irApres,- ly for our colmum, entitled The Brit 4 df the 11'.0- le"nie &I, by Ernemou Bennett, •riittlior gir - !. vittht," 'Clara filoreland,"'i.the Forged AV 111.7 etc. 'This Nouvelet. •by the author Of *•Clitris hirwelan • d..;:ie design folloWini by•ait Al•_cr e5., 1 . 1 ..! , 1 7171 i S top 3tolli or, be. Ws. Mary A. Detti - in, autlior . 'of !..40wie 1 . • ~..- . .-. , .. . i Pictures," ~.Gertrude. ltitssei,''ete.• • N_re have :din j '.". -' -' -' . 4111L -111711 - 411111,11[11111:28,0 . -• 1 i 'ti le p r o rn i f 4'nf a Munber ,Of, Sketches by brace f in ' r! m t-r i r l lb ocmetiod, whom brilliant and versatile pen will :41: PUBLIC" orux4.-__.-. BL I•>1; _•:, be . ,luia4, elbPliiNt i TP" 'th -C '' , fil '''- t i 't* it;FIE` exainine..i n h'dolloiilitig e.itialiitue;tula l andher ° F it .Al'"t'e 1. ' l ir""* S " uth " lll ' '3:. if Aott : there fi nd . nientid palytbmg. that t -' whose faseinttti; , g Walla are now being iei m b li-4 L' 3 .64: . . • irant.4ll ,t;:r gr the„totbsc . ribq ed in Eriland: ids.? ..will uiaintnie her h_yl:phicuil . nt i ...,./ mou c. .. an , i.:tai . ~ i .;ltiii.lori6e *al at . a .. pyi Commotion te lib' The . Poit. . The tIPIt Istoiy from *n oth u er . sore , iii:thicoutit.T. atiotty 6ividareif 1. , 1 her, gifted pen '4 l l be: cal f itk.d;-. lfirirhe A r r n i t " , In . the folletelei li st. tekeetlineraled IL O t t . °f ini•l I ei,or Ike' Bac a .37inc• 1). - Y :Piiniti: D. E I S ' bi2 ,l l ' . ` stick,-, .-r ' , -:~ . : worth, author of "The.,C,tirao- af , :ein.'°n,i"... "1' L I ,‘ pirisktig,‘ bilaines, Al' , C'rd*rge . . Borne , I „Lest •Lleiresa,' !lite Deiiirted A ift...". ! eTc: .. [ - P' u t ! i 'hazitis; l'iiplitis;Silks. Satiny. eu4linli;Lace. Edit /at—not least-=we . are authorized te P , o2l P, ° ,_ fin ,r , " i'll)o,Tati§rpitleiies:Litieil4Silki!ina Linen iralti v .ti, airiq. of - artic.r..ia from one 'who hag iiptuts l '" 511. 1 Black' late Vell's,, , lustin•Collats, Situ wltt; Oreseti, .Cery.high It poptittr- favor. They ail eaditted a 1 no . sieri. itzhc. , - . t _:. : i .., ~ - i Nese &cies ,oi- I.iketchti,4 yl'Onny .Fcri k ts.",f ; "Fern leivei4.. etc. ; We i.ipect, to•coiturtencO ; I - firoitdciiitlis ta4iine e4t.., Stitinetts, Ken tiro well: Jeans, Tweeds: - Vesti iga, flauidi.Zaile Sketches by Fanny kern -a- well ad t h e aeries. hy 1 ci d ifi n ii. eon.siing rif'diads.Vests, Shirt!, Draw Grace 0 reenwOod--in the early nut4btre of- thel stud .. i i, 1 ..: - _, r _ ll ,,_-:-T.... ‘14 - t k i i i„ m u ir s - . •113 0 4 4. •`°nling -Year. . •- • '••• l• • sho t , s, Trunio. 1 ravotling. Bit pit. t tutirenns, : tte.. Av. - ' lingravin,r, Foreign Correspomlen. , Wlta- , , nail . ...,j ett. sb e d t i f io . shi rt iw p :Ti c kol m .,, 'nil Article.% tha:.sexyir; dongre'#ioiiil the t t x t . iet 6 3 ifi n •i . Yarn; truwelling;.Dieper ! l,. r3larkets',.e: C.,Also' Wall .he regularifil.l„tveti. ''' '' ..' 'I Table, st ire 4 d ;'!' bil4e. '" c• ' ' 1 1 . Cur4r.Posranc.-- The postag,e, on the - 1.,',01t to .: wi ll f r ii i i ii cii. 4 . svi n d o 4 . 1,i0,4,. - i ,... ri o ur4 , nuy .. ' part of the United Statex, Whet% pit] quarter- . t hiri rly tn;adrattee. ta,.To'nly, '1. 1 6 'Befits - 4.Stear. " •••• .' ;;;.1';-= Bi,a., gii t v el ., Bardahs elt4 - 114.Pointetl; do , ,tlitd. - Itat.:Trati . e: l l?.zitiv Randlei%; ',Band •Sawiv 1.:613L? '" 7-me44trul"f he ` P°4 a l .; -. 4' l iel: 16'7 ' quite•a-nliittY avdniiiivEf nifts. • • - •• , , .riuni, payible.inlidennee. --•--- -' _-• , '-'.' - ' _ Auli , ointilikg , Ake*, nr ‘ kad Aleti; ' Adzes, 14 et q uei " —."'" " ' I: * ''' ;. P 6 r l) ''P Ani, - 171 tine" lrunS.lllinicli Si..jim;:a. Pmelleit CbOt• S - --• ( i And one i tri the getter up cif elub,lsAoo. 18 " ( And one to title getter up of club. ems.oo • et .Files, BaliPS, - Sfile-Sets, ,i'atett: Brad kirks. Patent Seising. ,ak`iiis'aiii Bind] es,B4it; and Pitt:l,' •20 ii ; ( And :Arne- to-tlnKgetterup•of 044) SADO s t ei s q ui re „ , siaa i n og r ;4 :cr. ,t' e ,:" -._ - •.j- - • The money-fur clutts, Hiatt atwxy4 be sent in ad, , ~Licaru ka; Latches. Dutta.Sorewstolts,lti,;•late vr.nce. Subscripttons May be sent at our risk.— ,Fastenings, Window ,ItEtid - gtitts, Door Serapiti,, When the, sum iA laic, a draft-shouhl be - pr... , eur. Grualsume..Langings, Lamps; ; Cantilesticks, Shot, cd- if Nesib.te—tbe cu tur Which may be ded: l - els and 'realm% Horse Carat% ,curry Combs, Steel. from the amount. Milre4g. ahvasis post P 3l ". l'rcts. : ).;.lll7l. Flax and Hemt. R° P c . Bed C " rd ' i ' • - DEACON: J. - , PE.ITI 'ON„ . t ,- '1 tine, Wire - .• Spittoons, White Witt BruAtes, Cou'Lliodog , ,,Qpnlieies,,oteietc• _ ?So. 66 Scout''' . :Vitird tr ees; . liil.ttlelphi:i N. 8.- . -Any per.t.On desirous of . treeivin,g a copy Butt tt 1 4 Tabs and PA :.. 3; ifirk 8b14.' .Sel of the' l' a R ain ple,etin he aeototitmodated by steads:lBriallAirdi,lllothdri Pitg-Woodiii Bowls, notiVng the putdisbess 4 - letter, (post paid.) . ITaikets, Brta;rns,, Patent Pailf„' etc. etc. .1 • tfijtlut, -.l'e in ts t .., Linseed Oq, Put ty : ; and. Coach .ViniWbesideg. a g - ciet'alisortnient- of c:itiketi', '''Stot we NV:are; 0 roserevpregdy , D.FeeNSkalicines, alai yanks* XOtions, etc.'etc.,,,, -_ , ,:- ....' -'. i,;•:• 'I have:determined ,to go,•T;it.; and .w ill aelft4Si ot irc .st o cv, f q rGRO . I) riy, s w it.LoPt regard ra . prrlt.. ~Thaiija .no• linirdlbg abou(the iaboye - ... lf. Yin Neont,sinyibi;ig in my, line, keit call,: and. Yawcint_l hies iiat_a btupit/1. i, --. ... - 1 - .I. • S;PTTLII! . I , ..l'i"ir 'Milton:, Nov . 10, IS5i .1.: - 'll NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS'! 1) . It *Latino" -ARE now retiring' a large and peatson4kle, a9rtinent •,- • • •• • F • 4,-111031,411:11111111) • irhi~L, in adtliicta to their, former raltt.r . they offer aQ tiiVei!of melected lot of goods to 6e f4untl in tine coarttry,and at t o. eiut that will not fail to suit thosO who wish tolqy LADIES 11I2ri;e3 .< 3dCSDa: Pine - silks, l:retich Alexi l'hittit cloths, all vetWl Def.nnes, plaid - and figured do., Eilk I %vat p - A pacc.a;, black arid ligt?xerl do.:olihinere.s.. ladies 'cloths. tor clunks. ' ' -CWTHS. Broadeiotlvii f all grads-and colors:A.4'llcl: doe skin co 7 ..sitners.. a:large ao.a%iritnent, ;fancy • and I ,lai tweed, Fad:ICUS.. la! ee P•• .gTaY li,..litocky, Jean ~boayer.elotlis-Ipilot- e lotli.,l,..:!tir, and silk yes , ir . - y`r est ing4, tailors tritri •SHEET I NGS AT AL U.1)11 r;:r _brows': :and blearbe• - .1. - lvirite goods of ki,, rotton vayn, hattk brown andlilettebed I cotton thnniels; -sit al white, all. wool I:linnets. ticking , and stripe., seainless.bags,.e.ti?et ' bags. oil, floor =and table • cloths; 11.mkets I bone. blankets. . • • . &c. troche :anal Bay State..letwls; corn fortere, winter g'...vt:a. liceciefy of all descritiorti. fall, i , t,y le i.k bate .Fats and cans to stateverS.. ane,l klt..F . .ant;* .- Ito,e•F., conTlete a(turtnient,..up, p t i and sole leather,cave :skins, over 1 , 1445, bon:: to rebe. , -A,!-Itnglibells. - • • 1-1: - 5C ELL AN EOLTS. Itroter.Q. wa;lt boar 4 baskets,' Win ;low ea=t of all kind". .tc. dc. - GROCERIES, HARDWARE. ctz.c. Scaia.r - s of all kinds and at all privii. lot of tlarAe geod teas, snip:J. lano.e. svi;c4.„ ou'ita4, , e - , roCeries of all ki coar.e and fioe le 1 pacaire; ir..a (4. a lt . to! ow glass of all sizes, crockery.'atul ' t . T lass.ware,. th e best .114-4irtynetit ever offered in . Mootro.;.e. tar mi these things. ind 'gieat man) more. see n ill sell , at the T er.. _..' :prices. call and -exttinine, is- we rilrn.: toil . T ill 'sell gtLls as cuz6r. wstlieylcan,be bougl,t In:an • .viresiuditee,orall Era's taken4O eskbanie fur g..ods rtfoisit - . Or Vie still CO:3 tinue to forward -I?.llo.trr;'riotit i till and Produce of, all kinds ,lo" All yf,ts .farrners :want liciets and quick re , tarns call upon , D. LATHIt.QP . 4k (XL G00d:.. - . . IT M w DU ITT is no rfcciving : anritlier'eencQ . • sfra: ,:f . -Failind wit ttr. , f t,nft4s;by:tv.lijcb Ve' fulls ieuleni-li•ed in il*nrtirt.r::. and UP usiially invtiink and. ain'ipltei. ..particularly in nevi lew of..tidies Dresis Gioda; RichiPlaid awl Fanci: . l3-etitine 'and Iv:tramettas, Frenell Neriti ,, , Del . :Lazes, 'ltiltair Lug.: trek•Enthrnitlered Itubes, Rieli Pniniet• nen- az-gtirinient-nf .ttt - ata's.Sale t 1 siursititice of tui.tsrtiet of . the Orfibtoie Court 1 cif Stavioehatakt-:CoOutl', *ill, he exp*eil to : ,Ouhlic;soc _Ou.Wililnegkila' . y. the ' 2sth.Auy. of p o - - ,Pe c ater.: t ei4,-,at,io . 4,,O'Clock the • folloi iug rye 4)!Cinioes;:eitUilte; lying t,oynship of lAtts 4 : !he , moldy )tuitl ,Ptelljs oo - I, P e ~and'4,0(1 1 40,14 ) *- 1 2 1 1..- i 44 . ~.*1 0 :1-isi, On ~NOOlll- V .14 •Ptn-414 Ai*ALPfrins • ilia of , Apx#4 , :lif.'po -4401, 1 ). *e n , .'e4niri4l*,f,l7l•Ai4.ope „k:44_ .icsi44Oil.pc..6,tli.eyeabOutii;Lot tLesaine rpm or. le:-s ac lei Urge.. • orchi4 of bantiotidlcoriihoUge Ceit4eof 7fratiike(X.larpenter; de- Tertns of i+_ lF WhieliwiU take r: • EMANUEL' C.filt,P - gh'l'Wf.''' • .7* -.* '""i itewiliiiinltt Epritio4ll6 fil i • a ItsSr*. 10 Hil§ol 411 Saglttati'LluMitg PW:c4oFed the 'wares/ t , f As?ettitoet hr th e 'fr. 4,&.tcand itockif' t a i e''' CIA* Prthad 'ei". As isamcv-i. tb4irty I, l ?er,on'aul,a(ple7o 4 itv4lf jar 8441Kik•OntigY • alien , Aciikalika tottot aid i4rcrusii gel tic' isittifien" t or, fp)RdkyoK.L will be SOl l lOattoper tha4sper., '. 1,. ,;• '' , Ourattnrtnietis'eirisigtillf - tliilattest selection bf DrY 1304AWbi e b; - 043 . eteYOfferill In .' ibis pliie...'"Wer44l.4%tii - thaiiirThit trio , 4itititi , e , us is'aill shall is* eu i sirithkiitifkit: - -- 1 ' Reluraing our thanks to she OWE Toe gist lib eral patranalre, we flatter OtirSatiell tbitewejball` t 4 1 0 1 1t.: . 403 it rag.ted: ) .mi!*,il.i*lrei, 4* e . *rester u)duCcrt(lll' to feg fr i d 4 0/18548.4 cam._ t 'OCOW. lottlclicgr ' ItyrisAitii,l4 . o. le, :Mk ' ' '•''` se - 44411r:4. 4. e q.n.fttrili 401. V.Ft4141 . 1144 , 611 , ,1,1.; 4 4 . ,(1•11 4 1 . • ~.•• 4 • ^44 4 4 4 4 1 pl• -...7 ir, i c , hiebds• ' ' •:. p.. 4 ' ...,7. n f`o . ' A ' -,'''. . 1 In additirto I ttiek 1140 4,, oc , - RfA.0.144h4 and ; W44fr 0944ktlAtipaynadli: - . iiiirgelytp. their , - ;.t.: ,'.......... —c. . . ..., . .!. r., A: t . .........,. ,-; n,,,...;.. -: . which its _equal to any in ill CountOy: -- ='6 l reeetini==iloottigockAreAsc eitaisforilln , ter- - - - -I:cota ativiShevar•ilyrthiliti—/init and Sails; , 41?seitio.Rigetr4fortnit 1 7:4 1 "Hasi lifc'e he il Scotekerut:Bon ssate:,,,-;... —.:- .... •1, .:1 . 0 3: ! • -=i is ..,/cira in,- WO4 Seckor7Wctill ilikteug.:244l3o ter. aliVayaimutitl.. , • ~. .-. • , 1, , ~,,,-,-, L L , , • *. I, -, 47.kittusual variety at , the lorvat pricey r triat be', Ind -at our SHAN CIL STVILIk limb trase PePc't , ' 1 including Limp Balt, and,Plaster, in quairitity l: ' ..ISluntrose. Isuv.•lCti 1858 , ,- , I • ~' - ' 'l-• 1' - ,, _ ABEL ry ITT ELL_ us Autumn-arid Winter 'titii -11 rof - 1111/ ara4CI.IIII::.IICID..z echo'' of nearly every oiing,wante - d'ip_ this market. übieli sold at prieei that cannot lap to plewe. The public anti ihrife:d to call anti examine theiu.. • , • . * -14:).12?43, :Mem icair..—A fiist rate assortiPent. neatly and, eXpe4itiou4y put at Vediteed and' Ore .criutions carefully compounded. The best qualt t.V of twii;:eg.iii this. dep&rtment will be found :Li. the Drug And variety, store pf, Mgr. Tuuncu.. ts. - Oils. and, by6zetbg4,..—A full 4s saitinent, amd of the best•qualitj: pitartfAc. . Groceries.—A ; general usisriTtrudni, and the best tbe;truirVetiklimils..4.ZiltittLee., . Dry Go.ocls.—A smaltbat choice. selo - of die most gtapleartielOof,Dri (oral, which will be sold at' prices Oat Will mike it for the in tcrest of 'Pnrchaserlt Oa - call 'at the rstore of Aaci. Tcaiti.r..4 1 ~ . - 1. 1 f Rilraicare, aid J.TOOII asscirtment of ['ticket lc.r.ive.&'Sion j.Drugki.cts7 : GlaJ . .i : ' • . Ligaa i rs.—A ch tiCe' To riet V: of Liqil4 . rs for medicinal pnrphs ,nt Manta's. , - :.4letsil - lifstris - 0:01- 7 -Aritsliir." 13,.. L it'd . all of fhe .- n'oir. . - .fixtures.`" A'ccorde na, .Firre.: rifev, - . Clatinetts; Toninio . Feitts, Inst ue-. tion PA-1n1.,i2, Mann Xuaic,'&4, 14 - Tvaartt!a„ - ~ . • Jetcrtry.i-L-A new stipiiily of Pa - shiona de .ioxi elry. Lailie's and. geriVeatett,; plea-se cal, .af the fancy it:ire...of A. Tcartiii. , ~ •• , - ~ : • - -:reifvnery.— k . ken4qiil,aortment .o choice! I) TURite r ee. •' . . :- . Fancy 00oils..Yankec-Naiions, .kc,-;- 1 larO•and first rate assortmentt -- The bkat .plack i buy notions fa, at tlityittore itf ..i.:-Tenattr.. --- - : Part 4 nt Medicirtes.=—A , ; e:reat vitriet y, a r embracing nearly all of the r. , )st ea !Arable kip at Trantit's: - • '--. - • ITaii.;,..Bliitiitie VI Candles. and a gocalmari!t Tuaust.ila. ' '' _ M ires, tt;nhieJirial i I Paper. Stationcry. , Fluid - il'italow-GlaSs, kutty, sal l Shonbler t lltaces ;-.. a good! elea„. Thimble& Pens, renc Plirca,*.cte.ttc., too rntmet low at • - - Montrose,'Nov. 2 ..185 :3 . $lO 00A oin GREAT AT Great sans for the M. • Gads It.-Etripn's. 'rag greatest araliakest stock of FancyllDo• I......Ancatiar and staple Glad! *ever brought into Susquehanna county: - . huriartid - cased Dry Goods; comprising in part t art 101147 s: • . Rich- • liartOrobiliti &!riril gripe •• .• " ; " .aid pl , Frencli,Plntnes; . • black •.:200plecus lkoniet Glas ? .aflionuct ' - thicirm, 11(inact Satins - - 100 pcs. fancy tit , do. MI Irool.;,1) - CLaittei „:. Velvet dress Button . Teri-init • do. • Fig'rd.divoled Plaid du - 50 Bay Stato•aShala Cl.4lded.dc Berge; `. CoAntete . • - do • English fictitious, • • - • • LYelre,Clut4 - 4, 1. .• Gleief,;lle4icry. etc., • , 'Cloths, Carsimerek , French ca,:l 'Vest • • Embruideretl - ITlarineYs; ••• - Gingham. rind Print -Wool Blanket's, Bceteb - - .1 sitkooglicabnize4s;__.; ls• 44. . trio t k do. etkrobris, d 0..., • I . 'Nick do: sot •at). . • Etc. tie. - EATCd trariord, oietttlt t , intim AL - 2'0./IW - sr ; Jr; ti .rtY. 4 40%.* T • tently' t 13e trill nl4O of soldiers,.their:ir I.7biteilStokef_goff , ,i,ions44. • - • V I P44II Iv 18th mt.; lam etaTitz ere le . : of i iiiitext:Apiti,.. be limbs knoi!tilirj'any I Mul ell : 184 ' - ,PF , M I Y4S- iti ost - Cf7,l"'?, 0:17 , ' • r . --I • `Cuikry-4mfwaciag a hco . e ;:e! - attql Waterl*ir Wiieo &c., Ititiss4:Bl s Wp.s—rA lzlrgr ba'ziliPiltileit 4 4 ,of Lamp Oils, 4L-, afitt.ithrkeirte, A 43t d I.ltim.ll h s.,Tras,%eo, Suppt e L as.collmopt . of S t 15,;Spotom and B tt ' l ons to mention. , - TURRET EWGOODS. MIK:INS!, I , =M ililtaSirt' - l'' 1 ceLlyo:LLoll.-44,T 4 . 4 Wi - 7:4o,Tit.i. . 1 ' 1 i r o tiomii ii tti to i 4 0 1 f 1;li siml iipir f t gei.7 04 .7. t :, I st/rAing_ori. 'ail' kip -4 - I - _: 4 mottel,ioc,%, ;' ; ,,,...,iii- • go t jv ft;iiiii!irseciiiion:at " lift ,thi*i' Lind' beii*," - sikaiOst - the ' ,x • 4144 fur . 4 4,qmv:Lanfl. Peu- Jr:4 4 . - - 4,A. , ; • 11/6101 ' N sifrAhi inch firtAVY ~:., . north of We Court Nei Ter* city 1410Normutp. Insures dgainst Loss-Dunnage'Firc. ..:;.t. ~1:: i .'.•44 : 1 : ~ ;..t . ..- 7 ,.."",...", ' ' - . 7 . i.. -- ?': '''' f. . aiii . .C ; iol4 • : . ' A. Q. 5t61344, 113. Broiutstrki; Peter..C.l34. lier :,1 - Sprnijc. street; Girt 4 Bander; 118:11rinulf tray;, 7'hiniaita•A - ndrews.lSG - .Cedneitriet; Saini G. Soutlinufyil. $77 West street;' Albeit, L. Cunk lin, SIA Gir. estricit'stre4: Jaitiee A. Cit , shv , 11 - 3 BrogiliVni'Clia's Lent. Xingihridge,N:•V.;"Lant ben, C;110 ; ChicagO, Ill:-.4:Bitililatobbic, !loch . ester:Net.; WPliion -W.Lehinii.Nitiw tiiittl, 145; ter 11. 1 1toich, ISB Banlt'airetit ;,Staitteiii,S.l34iill, corner Writ and Latight. streets ;;John L. Deem 78, Water street; "D. Van.Wrst., lIS Bicsidway; Bo ratio N. Gallup, corner Weir.and Barrow streeta; "Peter 11.1;pater; inn oinievoot and West; lieu , henßoini.Jr., 433 Kighth a venue ; Stephen Cront- Well; •C.nittclen/SAr ;•• " Albi!' Wadleiset. Philaileb, phis ;-. Boattir B. Brittan.'49. Water Street; Sitn tie} Sinclair. Tribune Buildings; Samuel 11: Shaw. C.levlottd, Ohio. . ... . , ,_ .. • ;' :. , • lr: '.. • .. ROYAL dieastutliiiN, Prnsident. Cuartuni, C.O lilts, See:Miry. - 1 otaR,LES # BR.N OW. Agent, 31tintri*;P:s. SNOT ER STOCK ..1 4 N E - •,,, 17 : ..,' !L e j ust beingiope . Yetntrotle. Oct.!: • ..........4........,—....._—. mcoac - 4. lirQoODS AD:..:,y,iNir;. : A - by, J. LION. t SON. Niue?' sett c.;„esnuers, pat Gala klanl , s, Al paeras4 Yarmettas, -anti fidka, long and square Shawls., d ai and fan ! o t 1- , : • . 4 raTONA . drSO r Ci K. Cat.htnere,-,ldlle thread, Kid and ißit-kisi 01 0 4es:for men. women and childrti.- B. • 16, , f ew :,paiis of La'LA ..Prenott Kid dloires nt , the witontOing - 11 - tr of 'ef !its par =pair' -C3ll and exan.Jl.lo '• . , • -., , .IriB a,SO S... ÜBBER o'er shoes, roa_nsci4ttric4 ' for 1 sale J. LVOISS'I,SOS: ilk Under Shirt's;` yerycoOforti4Te. priicie 'for C.1(1 Nreailwr;siild • • r- • Oct., 26, 185 X S9S4L - EHAN.I COUI I / 4 :717 Stove and: IrliFlTare DT:POS A. L. . WEBSTEtt, WOULD respeetfully info in .the. :people' of Sthquehanna county and:.vicinity that they have'erleneti an establishment of- the. - above kind in 3.lontrlse, at the obi stand of Sayre! one door] north of the Jrortirose:Drrnocrat tdOce.. wl)etv jill . enti to keep . o,m:tantlY. :ham' a .large,stc l sjirt mei it of Stoves, Tin, -Copper, Ziric and Pheet=i.rou Waft", , All .- 13f . :;rhich they jxfill *sell n 3 li: t wins tne snme-nrticit-cin he trupgh in -thi'i - coun?y,lio in ticr?rthcrti,Petufiylvatita, Amontr . the . assorttoonl stf..vezi. end ; be 'found the - It/11;AV. log. bes'i4esiothers too numerous to Mention: - N. Yi:&. Erie, Air-tight,:.for wood. i •- • Mckii.iwi'Elevated Orea Forest,Queen •.: " ..liev'§tone State, for w;Joil' or c0a1..:: Modern Troy t• , - , Buy tjtAt t ±,:for t'conci: Iron Wite!t, inipriAr-c.4, fur. woOd"." I A l‘0„ . 11);1 !or. Ofrice, 110 Shop - 'Stores,. Efol-air j c.„; - for' T 1)1114 . 1 c dun:Ches. private' hwliiai;', tic: Store tritunringi wltre anil,,stoye pipe f u - rnis h ed t-holesale row e.s the y .at: I)unght at the East, ;i • 2.• . . khils custoni wnrk dour„or Fhort notice and • All,'4ir?cii . .,ut.. i pe9 duet ,641:en in es lnunce•ftirwate.i:. . If vuu wish Au. faivi&tnoney., be sure anit us bertiri'rnrchahinee.issiwhere. - • , . , A: L. TVebiter:4 Co. . • Sew cypher 15, ISti.l , I , , „ '~ t OU:laqsortmer.t now compti ,lalmostevers iirtic:o tiinfed.ittitl loiiwiz re fear. - that Ant N9T 10:iTiD. V. tyewiii sell at Cast.:' au& fo* artieltO l br km-titan cost on. ttlat.saine .o;count 4 1 . i ' ' : ' IL StirrattV4leo. , •-.; cloht! flib4 ..„ October . 2B. 1858. ;.-,....', .•; t r; , : _ ! ' 11 , (Y j i. butulred il - 00/al,l Lo4 - Shatili„, ctitatt awl beautiful Patterns. a t i i.ritnely, low priceit . BUltli3O)Pa'ce CO.. , r Gitiatm, October 26. , 2 ' , ; 1 • ' FINE FRENCH N irlptfiLi., -, v,i(s. l ,2l l l , : iii.rf`u 2 fig . L's;Ar' - ' s'iii-6-. ' 11. -- -. DRESS:GOODS,. -, . A , LARGE mid -very. tleriratla - assoktmeat ' - „0 11l ;PretoGr,oodg, riry dap:.. . , 1- - 1 - .00.126.] - ‘: .. , U. pUR4O . W§ &Pp. - - ;,.`: ' j ' Gil EA I :DE 1: A - M . 4. ,:',-..:; ~. il' Ai ARGZ: lat. ;of likndeas aie: ''',. 0 a 41' N alai," t 4 . X!. , lam:he:kr, De Lanka. at Ist icent,r tkiYiq - y - ad - 6 i*ii, 0ct:26.1. . U. nuntt i psvp & CO. -.. 'lt .4- -4 - • , • ' ----; .:. _• .: Jokl.) FFAL 0' - ROBES -" A i Altp E lot. m'an ' e -of thew `ehoice:li•Ao4l4l l ;' 211.1 4 al a / ter hal I ad, ranee ()a Om. ,i . ;', , • GiVic.lo,loet 26:. .U. 41.4.110 w ,, ,t, pq .. W SHADES: r. --7A-Mlll. sAi4dei lot a hindsome; - t et ' t itußpipirciws,.4 ;,. - • - = lliat ' ills tg•F fan IS' re'spele!rutt*iplic-e ttié atiOltizal ot•the 4 ioa of >tick:* 004 vi inity, tO u e iniOiOu - tif bort liew, .Mil inOty loticy-GoinlNlii6lnpri.4iriz,Vel .So,tio. S4k . obit tritivtiota, toiii,,Wei*'4.llbiteriiibilker -6. ahcr*iiiiiiutliinOp Of F,.. i f ~,,,, ~.,,,.;,),4 ~c..,„., i 4 - - .6:-.. ;nal ly "liiit iiifirtri 0 ,pi - ... • 1633. - .., -- I- - - 1 , • ',..; " - win3butig - r-Qld FollOw's toil. I' ! ••1 - ''' Ltd 4 1 i .- --: : -,..4. `;....:,- .J i - d.• -' , ' t •'- • L,POTI , . SALE, ,t..._ 1,1 i .. Irdktra =.- - :tyitioL, , in - iO.; 2 1 )agrwq...AmpFovell. al 0 . ,Los widerect, ,L- 4 , ~ 41 , eivtwori, , Wit tei**4 l .l3 : ' palliient dowsv • - .Filr niPte. volitrY9Pni near the:pl:44- iioei.iii , Tfit,ill o 4a. l'i! ~Ig,• : ::)1,4 .•:.; 1, -- 1 1 27,71.24;1;5 . „., - . . t: - ifNpT.l . c&o ,,,, ' 4,0..-.. r , ~ .i.4:, 4 iiiiOiliOiii: Ihtilinl 3k: -.s* pipoigge4t;*EC' '' . .d4tbi.liot viiii rl and: l teekiiineiff"-ort ii and "`ti iitgait**!! decd.; All personri inifebiad'f iteliViiiiiife-irilli plefiee call an&eeple - tbe'eame: - i . xleitatel;;;.o4l, alli,t)eoitibe , lit*sitifai*Ea:' T . ',. . :,eoitei 41,61111iYfte04hemIdtiltiiiieit ' ,__e2*44, , ,r1 - -! , :. - kr , yr-r . i4 - _,- , : ,,, cakluelotiAlf.ll_lf , x4 - 4 ,- 44 - - 1 , ~ 4 .7 , . -,-1- - - -- . -- LAIIIRKButiIis.O“4,,,,. ~.,,, , ,- - .1-Fr. , . , I 74oolo4qtyk-Ao ; iBban - ci, , ,,,. 5 .ii ~zk, . .i4....-Tt e w.,.-.:,:- , ~ ~ b~ YI ~~ ~ ~, 41 0 y, aid' typileflAtitliektitthitt4o. ' , , 1,01 1 , 1 ,1-ittsult . ty.iifbmithind for Ali theii.o% , . ‘ ,- E-0 , ,;(-• --- ----- - . --::: 114 1 1! E r— AA , _,,. tict.w3tv).ip,Ds - 4 . ---7.•...-; 15 .4 ~,,i,•- .% - - . - 2 , !!..-'t'':' 1 .....4, .= i l';'r-t« --- ;XII p'• . - r - -,' -- :- .. r , rt , • - I.::: - ..._ .. , :... , .;,,i 4. ~:~-~::: et • "." ry 4.itetiof 11. •• I departing, leave beLinci:us tiaila; Pictures ishid. lan. i• 1 , --- • - IC Mal Tierliaps ati er, Sailing oer life'd turfoin =.secalik Ca l i a ° 4 qP ll ' l 4* t t . - •,..!1t'.4 St • p ttia r.:4;:'; . :31, .• ‘. ' ' , .•:::;,..4 ; nrit "" . .4Z 1 5 ,0, •Tik"l*Ve.;Vl .. itt' by . in4tl4:aid;:koPg rigAleas#4.lllPatittr" gilta,our ,:rtail4re,,l*.keeefit, of it.YeiwilOyi(ibizirillVevci wi4(*re . ust likii'.7olllff; A s,',stoat getili • 4;41”. r j • ~cormrikidt44,l,'ckes p .,, 're adeiplete;: girlie ;; -Autiireetpais; , .itecal- work aefileir • ?eliv:Ao.l;•tc.ip'd Soon., Moaltroue. Pa. . .1 1 113 7 0RIXOE A Co 9 ll-11mirpow4411_41P0. : .1_ cut 31eitimietodirT,1*.surectimes,ppFif . an dpower cf tone. tbeie-.. Wri#9 . ,titzi iiir,ancqua -.d- Priegs rolienefroni- UV to . $l5 - 0: -rieoim vri*hing to obtatitettne cof thibol)eauti ful,an LI p 9 .4114. kaitruratuts,c4t2 be accotamodated by cpy.l liiiite - • ' T. LTOSS & 'SON, 'Nogg. , . Ilinbtm4c. Nervember 1.`1853 . • , ... - z.7.1-4::1 I% ' 3 n it - ik .411i*Ji Ear .1 •-eA.- -- F- -, - - . I- 4 1 41 1 . . - .4 1 1.4 1 5i11y di! /100trose P.P0,..t.-1;. __ ~ -, I I :44,:PUSir,*-co,. . ... .. . , Cpittbirke.4l'lbef - ;:g, them pti - kukttllielk• - x° t----- - ''enits--plati.4*!ta".- - taki, - ....aitire:l., • dqgrie - gt l - 4 tiiiitiiiiii .4 4 44 Ytkl: le - the 4**,ei-,lo6.4totek . p4:.tift4- - -- -- --i-"'''-v-4,04,04;r'7:.!,?-_-toil:Tkii, "''' - v -4, 0 4 , 0 4;r '7 :.! , ? - _ - toil:Tkii , .f ,4i.rite.ibi-Aistoo , -gie4 - 4itiattiast#4. 4 .. , 2,4 toeiy.oo.4.kclotr,Or_Ptyp.:ol,lo? - 40' 1 conligaing,s!e:#4*,.744: 6 lii . i . ~. , ..-,a4-: , 8 - CiOralit;'efitiptuktli*nlialid*'l 4 l . t.V= s ".flP ' TiNt iptiJ6inte - Onirdiinlrel44l4l:4l444o,*T litie--DhairdOelSi:o4:atek. - .40, -: *i- , -; 1 ~ r : .Pti--X4iittfaiir l . I.OOI4*C'AK ~ Ladies iafterfrt kcidtlPala*OtksWaidliittillaasl4, illeldeasjaaadite: ail:l 4 3* - iieS;*iiioo.4;ll4 4 * 4 r 1 : bY , th3Fgreftt: rocs f-PillAt hi i r o l .lk4 ' te , 4 ' - ~5 11 - ,c .- : s, . 1 4 . . Tedimmi,w_ trcatinylegyv%E!..z. 4tbiiri, - c,,crkrihi,tiiiit,m*okmr4*ockr,_Atg t o titi'et**4l ; _< if:Fi;'Nit':ivi*f-it:t4:o***iatictW,g 4 l be, - the • greateA*upeay,:',Oftriat'M4'2ltiii'_.. 'l3: 4 and _j• itivigtoratentsitt.4lo , 43l 6 #*l*.o44 , 4 7 4*Di .• puhlic. Dose Swall.„Vtlesittir;po.A•pisoll4 l p 0 $ blalaitee-'.` •,.-Y.!:.. 1 :.. L .. -- 4 --, ;A;,,t , fi:' , 1:,4i'. 2 4A-AYS .-:-.. -:- . - . -Dr.:itikroff so l :i7t - 1 , . -!. - -, .4..- _- . 1z . .:4-* Its bettati and ifflCiteifietiVi7idligilt. ::.,V - ;•,'F'' Veisallv acknowledirsVbfliteiYl•,WVlW3llllll . Z,, t uscd •alid seen -it:' - itlii:ol, igilitivoy,,diii i 4taiWilt , . 1 anta,boavenenickit4u 4 .*Nyikiiit 11 4 **41C ,13 4 .1-1) 1 : 11 r 6 ": 0 0, 1 Tr i Oi aillol**Pftpok4iiio94l4:,..iTSPl:VJ t- and all &5eq . ...4114 -thi . ;'ittdowlitry,- - ,ria; iiafw.Q. , , ,. ,: , Ifrom tokl - .t. -...-- . - ,- - . - /=?•:•:;ii.. , .; -, •,:• - 6".. - 6:', , -*c. 4 ••••:a.•": ' - Its itationiti•sfteraibti.: ti•T:-tila'4',O s tlist47 . ,, , f,4 ' bitting in,a. higli-'diirfe "I.xpeit4i_ t00,14_ lir -- _SAWf.„ . ; c 4,... s'phoretiq arskilnicioo. 'Sri 41 6 orft,_ -11 1 101°1041 v? -, 1 - t"f - i' -, . ftiw _hottrit.., The' , 4 . 0.r,,, - , 4 , 01044 10.,kif-5 i t t :,,,,,, - , t, that'children will-ftestraAt i itt44:it,*,• it ' ~ lt k Sietans Ind :faittilleilitlifo-,,*.5t.44:,-A ~ n . ...i.,,,. - I. rendied andifiiiliciititify'ettiafriVireaii_: Ate or - :•testimontals, resit .genn - ~ ..-ek , ,, ,, ,,.,- l. lats . around :radii iiiStlt,• - • andtPi;Xelrisev. - 41. !ti*,: :lam -, Itii in 4 - ooOrity . k , roeitz,„nicftkuctioftw rtie.tltopi* . - reixte4y * - I*t*4t* 4: ,,'z,treet494s4, [ brittle.. . .-'' •:, -, : -?-;';'`„ ;' .- !:,2- - :: :; , .. 7 44iTitt, I - - 'Dr.'reiki t i P nriiini4ol4 4 ,i 6 . l ..,,- -1 ,- q. - p v . la, without do' . 11i_ tlilieTuost SOMA'''. itll ~,,_,=41 5.. .,,, excitant; itethitiie;:iestriiiiiiit'''FalOwp:i .red, and wall,'betataltitliftWabiabirife*Ost., -;?;;•-•-•• rbellmalivlL Rtifilisiliokid* 6 ;t7 ,l, ,M6k . . ,:* ;„,..:,, SO the, Ira'''. *:4-3i l baelc: - Piti : - .,§TriiillePitt7 , 4:ta,:•;`.:, , This vattill'l'l4:'liadiCi i rte Inffibinestltia - •;';:: ~. . .•-i,.. , •;i'.', w. I .'eiful - - Nisi Itilli i iiii;l2fdili-litiCeilV,ZT - 3: ido ,grens±,'n'titk -240 0%t*ildik 4 ;i' i '.i .1 44 -4 `: 44 :44.iA1 5 lenetrating.sboillink.... - 44'•'hesafeP 0 14014, - 40E4' 4 ' ration in in:- i nh4ortsint:Visitelsis-ai r tkairo. t„.", , ,, I; lisaltliy o ieere.trorlf r -, ,eo*V*lztt,,r, „ i , st mt - --, „,..„,.„,, 2 ---,: ar i c• - ; • Ftszf i li t ujit' • '. _l-- _ ': -..-- 1: ifigs in ditirt''ilta - e.;: -.1 .4 'CO'utignes,'_ r*tr ,;•.-,, , 1,• t•thati , atilr iimilirfAra4, 'irdiiitlli&iffiSnef , ,itiges 2- , lr:_t AS' lust receiv& . l his- Fiat aid Viittor\stock:. t will , •:eure' moireWling . 4glisjilt- 8 4 101 1 orMilt• ..iLI -61 ''. ''. ' = ' •• - --. '-'... '' '' - ' '',-, : •=- • L'' -' '' ; ._'any other _ ar t i c le cowfig fopig:ircw - ,; 0 0 3 , ''l _ 44'i - :rn --:;---, :-, . ITU it.Ye . la i ct-ff4-.:a3.4 14 ,17_71C9t,.. .%••';', . : dl r.' ' 11.. -: a ..- de :: 0101•111..lig . .1 - ' 'PL ll' l, 4l;liaOn'teeckllt 4_10:,!•e5•Pr....-WAIRPI4, . 71•;7 1 ' , • . - ••• • - -'•-'1 ' J • i - be reiliadect- • - .l 3 rfce -- ontY,"=„.&!" l 4l),!rWe';. ,-- ..1•t. e miraing , Oyer .e'<date(lt -4 11- ,T4r;tr..:Or'gra4. 64 . i' - 13r:Kiitei*ELiiiifhiazStiiiiltiif,f t ilre ,:g4K, Fri, :Sacks valid . ' Dit-1 4 1 Ortt 4 : :ll7 `".C ll -' 1? - 4313 ' } A t 4 } - - dually ouTiotin i - W.k.'itf - clitieWilt r telAgg* woilen Undet silirl4 aml , prinieii , , .F!ne - - II 'll i t e • I m itg l : of i'thel)li a . - " - , ,t ii..4 42.lo) t'l*alfais 44 W 4;- Ai r ti,' Fi n a l - ;•%:ir ts caw:iv Over i - #14,,,-, - ViVeri wucg i alv. i ,koirr44 4, ••• ~.1,4* . i i, - *o 4 4 * :.„-..,,•-• 1,,,,,, TTIK Stiipkiligg, vo* -7, _.;-;.. ," 7— .. , 7'' 7 ' - " 7— ` - .C .7.,,- r nai g eitioi,,Jia,ludicp::l ict-ciatiPtitin* 2'4 good tosort.Per4 0 . Li".u l °l 2 A, ,'. :It'. --. ''' .'''.,;..: ' t It . chs' ,lentiselle - s - ,:hiclio'n' kiitEs',l - 114 - 4, i..' 1. ~...11ili s i . - dir ir , --li PS,: ,-- i -,, ;.,- .: ~ . 1- „r airiirbere' ilkimifirry ---- e - T - ifehiti 4, .. 4 ., , 1 i , IA '.2- • 6 ' "‘ 6 # ' j". 4 "''' ... • '''' • • •-"f * ' 1 ttl'ebange.thsease '•ttetto.n4 ,.3 .-•• ,- -r'=;` 7 •••••;' , v• - •:• •-",?‘ Nfoas, Womenz,'SlisSei.,Buys !MI 61 4gar" 4 , 13 !Snts ' - : - .letnales,Stude frofensiinial'arieiOninfialle_ ik,, ,, ..: .. and! Shoes. • India 4ublyer ,S,Stits,..ShOes'ltatl..4o . • Irs who lead a s entaiilifei , w.ho:-ste:: ~:' 'i•k•-•:".5 J 1 1.- •• t • '.-• • • . 3 ,1 1 'A 't %with -.cOnstfputina iirf..lo4o,sram...,' ' •,_. fr4tri:pots• ." .„ 1 4 '11" 4 new.trapply of Wall - tuid Curtainj,! . .- - ;,..c,:ir•-,i • w ill'fin a thO s iji ,:s Ilii.nitist"; 6 1 1.44,01 s ir4 - ,4' 4"- der: ice. nts.lts and Stationery. . • . -•-( •• 1 ' an t ot n - ii, - ,,, y e t - - A :„: ' ''''ife . ati-:1111 - - liii'-ii , - If? lso. Trunk's. Gun', TraVelling lia:g - S.- - Abett 401, .1 in p if t ,:t pott „ thesi . ;, et . :. , n i- t i v i tig , : i ti l t i c i rsiv A r i* ... 4.,, (100.1...1,.; Sugars Teas, Coffee, ikc.,„ and . 4 . :va.... 4 .4 . }1,t)r:1 0 11 4 g igi r _ o ripi,, , ,.., c ' 444 2 4 wi viki i * i ikiii i wi t „6, Falcs - Articim •-• . ~- *,- ,:- '., ~ . _.: 1 1 iieilihy iiiiiipziee,s, ildc.e,arty,i.O..._ ay - ,-ip ', k,-.;il ; au 1 .1i 4 rYwtell iq read. it . oriel ; en' ,Pvce'• casb or: ; _ ll i o n, .. They' ifive - idrje'4l; the : 46l4 '''etr "ifiiiit '. .0 11 ',duce.' i rgr;' sl4 e I T'l x * i t e se- ' l "' i l iutel 'jea 1 ins ti. ail ONOtt,l lk . ,, , iftig',' . 43 - i•eis, inkid•• "liifitietr, ...4, ': ; 104 twz': - . 9;:t- 4 1 - 813 . 'I, - ' ' -•"- . '' , [ ".' ~ 1 titin, and.l=3.,t - lreiF , toOttliiilattietiC• ; tiriliftiq.. A 7 -- -- - -- -- - - ' - - -- -----s 7 -7 ----- " —T- ' .- 1 i iett Cti le - e thitiitia - relitkitly ' 4'-itfrar theltea'eeA have . piariSitl* - 4y.i,..Ftir - •t,i,t . „ box.-and as a general Tl4e-'4,lo' i tiOslr ':-.-, iNin ~ YerietllbleOctr4bkMP.Fcitillf?'"C 42 . , is - tio'hii:nercit :inkyetiiiit'ill tUittolllo,.-„,:e. ,_ ' Cdttiltrs:ithircif&ii.**4 l liioi - 441..01111#4 1, :tWi1k, , ~, pills tint Ainty tv,givt,, , vo.otEiwitkAo4 - . tfAtalaii,Af i f Otv: through o 4-taA 1A300419 6 4 9 l4 oll 6lti4tifr' - ! tr4lPite:•i'A centllier-.h6x.." --, -,:. r' , .l; '. ':f',.. - ;.4- • ..1- - • 0r:4 . 4 - filer f a : aii:diitiZC46** *l 44,,,,, , - I tb - N e e rtili' W OtifiCittiili:eirl:dt*itticibitlitid . ' tii r e most certain iind.spe4diSe'iiti*.tii..4l4 l i4, 7 4 , disentery,esiolei4intirtniti:;anA4=_l*44oo44 igijpiiii pink, 16ttiteitCY,iii4hri40 1.4 0/o**- •o*ltipiticit'4lltn;i9Vdtakkil . o ( # l *44k, , ''ic6l , l. ale; , .- ....-:::::,±',...:- .. , Y.1::,:,:,.."7• . :.,""'.•''•'5 - E , ' , 'i:= I Wordi add tAiigii,..* iall!--:In'intri .idion'- -- • ipi blei .- 4in,., 4 uliiai iiiig; tedietl'ilifibrat or hearts. and hume.;:lia*tittryl**ll ; **rice tCso-,;'Otat - :111: . (T10 . 011iX,A01104PIP 11611,powerrthl iii feffryiw,„ooo ! :;:ilt: ;Ind :drives disease 'away "; - ;is:•more"' t. ticititerAthim gold t4: - d,..iikie: , '.,...`l l iiidi: -'I kOnly #sestti4tixt.WimOgn"...a.. 0 l'illit:'Pf 10 4- 4 4*0 4 ,iy.110 v.... 44 4 444." eery I:o,o'ca•lei.,:. - /Vtil&PT - r.ifothe it il •t - nice fritio4. --- • . :'''''''' r P .- • I'-'. 1 .,t .. . - 4" P::: 1 ? -,- t'St ll: ' :i 14 o . ,iF6f< *liiiiiiiiiirlki.'*lN . i farmers. 4 1:e., - :willTlio,litolito Amttlijkr*ik itotcd for it if it (itils to - give satistitettt# I case. Will vou:pot: it,i 0ti'14414 4. 4 . . - itAlisii the !.ices:. of..tii4e - i4;4 - -.'opviep,': : :7:, i „.. , -, - :I) i-..'Keilre-,..f4 - i4tett.44o/ fififg remedy ote4-iiiiic4fregi4l oil ', , :iiietteA' or ixil. - nifel • TAit Aiiiil +4,4num ilia rilitamit.v.l:or..'ahlbOelat'.,ii. n - i . k 7* 14, 4 simi#:lg th e *lo4le4o-,, - rikit ri - 0 - 25 tet4=1;;; : 'Re featematUliistitW ; tiinieiee- A haaaa " Agents.l'.Pre*tiod*Ati.e.tll4", • Y o rkpund . l,ir "r,sda '-,by... - .=ilikaisAtr, thronOrMt iiii3 - •,tinilto:statts.,,i":'; Titattsii., -, SinoirOi - eir s TSo . .rV; S. 9 rovi . r.;:spiifiiiiiiiit'o toe eri*nter - tt .§ibley, - riar 14 - 01 -- ; Botti -,;.W•;•iltirnvw.s,;(l*.t.iii r ure:; ,, E,l lll o4.y;.BeWpt -7, Dutidiftf . §':. 8.. Weatismu . i4 -merchants tvi•llOyiii - ,:'- - .-- - ear t•upatar illautic.justlVPllA • ..Nyv -J. LYONS iii.SON'ht. ART* ReVisied SyiSmi fot:lstle Nov. 1.) := j.-LY01:744: SOY; . ! Auditor's Notice.. - r i llit sut'e riber • llPPoilMed to iiistplitttg the. .. .1. assets ,in tile Nuids or• Charles Thsittir.*l- tei n i.trator of the estele . Of Azel I:aylier;tlecesso.. eluting the creditors of the tlecedent..ntn:lit:l , . . thoirefo ikt lull o ffi ce tn Montrose, cin Stituirdill)r, . P . ; I .28th.tlat of lgovembefuezt. at four ci"eteteX.-W ..., ithen Aall . pekons...ioleria.te4 -can a itend . :.if. ,thly: Wilk' ;Fora; str I.4..tiil s irrectirom comi4.llll.Avoi said fund.: ' . • .'WsC . J.TtrfatiaL, Auditori • `,ll4ntsiise, Oct31::11 , 631 - . ' j- : . -1 2 • . . . .$. 958 171 171; ' l 'l • • . • :.. 2 , 4X)Slittn,cptiniy U 1 atittua . .titiu viakteComp- I • Qts* M "Aro ow.• ; . 196, • • • • • • • • B, LrOSS, - Amentl. • t • • . for F.i . niquettatinqi..Cuynty/ • ilrataboire rninifd.,nidfinfinqdi:fis-tblt mirk and. tonvilsionsof tint Orme% or . lioti&M . : 4ll To - to - the .Pirestntierhin Church iwthi.*.pl4o4 on tpie nfettitifaiitul .'.l.aftilieifllibrteDetnhet.:,••: • . :' ; t • . .:11',1g1:1Ctilt:INtxpiiit D'uncl4, Oc'4: 10. • . -A. I' S,.LI. 'GW(II33 . J.:l/..SLTHN' .. ''''• .I . itiVITF.S attenlimi:(o .. usually 4fjuArin .-!,- ,c° l f.lP,l4gasskFtlliibli.,.c..,!'"•*% : l' , ..•;i .....: - ,1-:..: I 1 NEW iIdtCSEiSTOR4 I .I - I ,•s hels now receiving . - - Ifiimfdititiu tuhii:etatal ,op • Piot Staple goidii:Orocirie , i; ard%t:are. - Storeit: &c:, luioflurs to this Lidieaa tic . iiiiielvof 1 ✓, • ,FA t;t; iAlit'D 47).NTE GOOPS.i •• • Satin and Veliet.'Bnitilotg, ' littitl•T; .I:ibi)pni il ! p anlllosiery, lAclies and' Ili': • - *!ilat.:l4a3 'awl • Ames, & c. de. To•the &Algal ,littrqffeitva . iiia: stuelLothest quality: . ',-. ..,...,•,.v 4,:zi•j• - • , ;:, . 7 •.• .: .!:. :. )•• - .., AEA. DY - MADETL THltg '.: -Ciobg,:Catlitiieret, Tireedi„,'•• cam e .N. 04. liztl. • lists. Cap., Boots and•sh:op,.Ae: : • - I: .. , .:Ilis sto.ckembrami.a.:raoriextOpsive,„a sat . .. c ; iied issioittneit i kin . 114"reiiitlii; 1 11tl herla : . - ar •piiirea to hold ant st-raittistronit To Toot; '4le,retpectfully Rillcits an .eaKt i rtiall tri t Isis , trif.Waoll \ail others : desii-ii.Goop.anitiajtliii: are worth the price asked fur the*l..• :.:, :' ' l l ' ' - 2000 PIECES \v4 LL P ER--: :PA : • all steles acid price,. til e * .s. t. i m a ta i er if e . •fati!l:in this county, just;iti#load -' -I ; ......... ;'...-.., ... le, • •,. ' .'"{•!?!.. , 4.H.LOSUTP.iii Iles. . ... :Pummel - STM°, Sept. 12. fll . 0.3 ! ;:. :',..i.'1".... - .1- ..,• • / A ••• • ew. a int er... Gualgitilibiti,intirkei!—liiiiiiirrrititharkt&%; - tututten, ind•the public general,**iit. - tutilikylit: Viiini;-Stik:Unttint and !aims Gingiutnia; hintsn*o :Dti,:ta0,;, , ?;;;; : t.: : ....t5 . i. •$ fi AWLS, GLOIt.tSIiI+IDIICSING . 'Broad cloth., and CaiOnleicii*Steuiltirablaj#44 :ptitinetts, Vint. deginiguitt Viret4andli, nwar.ank, Shoes, every ,P.ittrenr-tilitebbiirAlqiiies, Carpet utor t erv, Planks. Stieetuv; Yam and Bat. ;tfugd:G#tCt. •;' • • ICE*l)l9li ADE - CLOTHING— • • At large itiid well' selected stock. Coats front S 3, to $25,00.• •-ChOke ht of groceries. Hardware, Crockery, Tinware end Stoves. FANCY GOODS. • Clock.. Pont`- manias, Rubber Rat tip; and Guns bitters. litik&r:Chitta gocitli i ifidl;!ruulb riil *air brin•lies. - -.• 1•:* large • iny,toci or. atrta lionits7stAltici. : ' :1854; Utley' iii•fd-Bi_,Mel?PiOs'iWa r. --&c.- • so. italLauu sec,-4111-i s t.yo. • t get as hutch f4if YOUr *One' as ,11 - on't buy.. Oct. fitli 18 , 5.% - • • •-• .• oOLE,Upioei and' Kip Le hoc!, bit , brad salt, Calf Skins, anti Sfroitt Ppri We' cheap,- . . 'll. CAD ALE , jtrAtoor' • --caw . „_, FARNIS TOli.; i s e • ALE. . 9,11 E Futv,4critkera wiltautis Li 441 buying. • A..., And selling B.mi..Bltafil4. syjna;.litinle *and ... - Lidt-41 iicatt..d in Sumueltutnilk. ekciskt.f.444iiriit 1 ilfrirale, county : N.. V.. a54:44 03- WWlCP...ifid 'Vritriatini: All wlip,lyi.s,l.i . .o((titVetelfeliqr.t .f.Or *ale Tan , gi r Cf., il *lila 444010 1 .9ii.. 0 .t t*tr. l'Fig, ;diet' ftntkalSf4ll9 4 4:. -- . *We 0 1. 1 3.1t 0 w.; l u jultdi r iPlP. o #4 ailik Pat i t _ 4.*V*lhiliff#: - Qt° i Leblirkgr4tiqd ileco*now f • ,4-te:ot*e.... timt it*. i mid, siu m se)rto. i . firiii fir' 'tenni triiiiitikind;iiid 11.10ititeitlxiiit to the D.Vz.di t. ..lll;:lt:ltait',47. fike and to6l4liititi4ieflitat': - : I I ' rfrAll 'wild iet r Oo- ctn.- or sit.t. ReaEDitide, i wjitsialtii 4 ir;!;iii.Vi4o. o titin bvrcaklifig , 9ii..;q; ad., d - VMll . 4if elik.e"briinfitAlittivbend,Socilner . lant 1 •na fatuity, Pa. . .404:- p: -. , vitCon‘*yrilitfikpill 0 mat Bead /0 the verb: iles_free of iehargai;ti.t>': - ' '-. -: .-,.':- - ! far - office, onlerasn.itretetArithe_direlling lionso..: of S. B. clokaci 4toly.*Opiest.:l44: - v. tarpen .. . ter. ' , VI: 4 1 i...f - .44411.0*,DEM4a ..;:„.44...4::.4161.54kAri.V.4. 1 1,tr.;•;::_::'.% Great Bend, PgtfAns t .4sliffht`lij.::;.^....:;:"..i 101 T: lers.All WORLD'S .1111 . lit to their original life 6.)101. For sale by 411 Nov 17;1851.- • Ad I (siiil at Di . m OTIOt is hereby given .LN eAI to Uteri/tater:it NA 6, 40, 1 A 1 44 1 01 4 , 1 ,11 6 _ 4 * , PaTiC s it.*: skter- 44 4 1 .. 0.41 1 cot tkinw,L6414344: 0 - 11 # actliii ' ..=•' -',•*, ' 4 , 7 A Ge' • - s- - e: , i'..:;.-1.47,. - ' 7- -- te , . _1...-4,0t ii114:14114..,-ei r t' ar4V ll.le :f rpHE Haim, t . lievnikfard;r:Fd*dk► rough the iiit)iciibviaiittehretoc. tier, F.sq ' " a r ; July s„ o 04'1%2 i , •-•;i4o7;:%••Ett4 -404. . _ . ... NE 17 lIILLFO ' Shawl . 4,12,4 f V1:1-690! 41 ' 41:,.. i , f, , ,, I ltjujerpz- As wuLt t i:iti ol at ia , I ra •,..? fOck of Fad - 4 7 0 it t Bormets.c)f wAtyl#4-4 rlorges:" or Tel of i Genres-les, ' *1::1 14. iM4kiltoNiA. 4 l l ficit i'-', t ainttil~ '. INutik.9 l Kee--:* 4 el.l'o prit_ivlk:aM gomPleterat: m4titeV tv ti, terms, feet Vill:e:iviit ' roved t;4ld/t: "-' (15.. q. ,". noted. vaiy44 OW and-Mond. t Etrilvim4-,W , IfO4OI4Ie;AOWIRT erstrfor • -. r..'Aftifithiliki , • . . CCSAtIE, For pale h , . New irilroi4,bct.ll'_fsz., ION: : it ..i .f., 4641 , _iintrr_ ~.*iffire,,, ..kra, , t .,-, Pio t Itl§t 1, - B 7 kith' :~~~~;~.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers