' , 45 0 giloquOnunit trgiottr. •. _ - El. - * IL iFiLikZIER, EDITOR. iIiIONTROSEIi.PEMPA. IMES rartithiy 1100,11m, - 11ov; 10, 1853,: One &obi per annum cash nein alk.fakedvanoi, . -- •_- two Vollars irpaid ;within :the - Tero 'Dollars and fifty cents if nut-;paid until al . ter the expiration orlhe • - subscription will be permitted' to remain unsettled longer than tiro - yyears: ' Disaplineetmes opti ona l with thapublisher, till all - .4fatiri. kiOs are Plijd ! - •RSTilig on - .00,50" • each eubsquettt _` eek;' Bminees Garda Pei innunOrith MeralAlikxiont made to.yearly-adverti PaPer , • • • • itLyptrly - advert: t _ . WOOD:: ' •. - : : Iftbete are any °Fent - subscribers, the region roundabout, whO pre `to pay f9r thew piper in Wood' we beg le no to hint $ intha most delicate Manner the ',world, thAtiee - wftit some' NO Tr.s.and can't cell put Of making' a fire till "'sleighing comes:" lei, publications -Itaketiraockeiilf(44zine.:=-The:lfovenn bef number enntains ~,' In" Search of a Place," ..." :14 tt s * -tie ; Wing !L White Black is Bilyt: ---)1 ~ Manners , and MOuntains," "Trip up II eolunil?ipi" "- Th e Story of the Peack,"-! . .4 . - inoyingi 'in Spainl," Literary nottees,* :: 1 1ahte, and ; many interesting ailf041: 0 0 0-` , -... Whoever wants . a:. lively, spicy, - laugh er-mivving,:. =skim iile,- and one comprising it great - variety of elegant literal ti!vi cannot da'beitr than to sub- seribe for' 4 Old Kniek " Published be Sam uellitictiton, 329 Nassmi Street, New-York; at s3per-azigunf.-_ - - Putreanesl4.—Our readers are al ready aware that:we consider:this magazine second to none:, ti 4 a!,is published: The No- Yetober by some countel,t. the belt Allot appeared. ' : The Rork certainly aherws'no eigna `of flagging in inter est, Or: diruiitiahing in ability. The lively an'Vign'tty --- 7 Moosehead Journej," the stpeci measpfprotouncl metaphysical analysis giv7 ed under the head of 4' *mks of Sir Wit-- lion: Hamilton," the; sixlving up of some of our fashionable RklliuS,..ini"The,Potiphers in pans," tha-AOgllifui and s ugge stive . g%= oil'. The Anturimut: ideal. Weimar. the acute critical - a 'Aide on Ur, Colliers 'Shakespeare tenfiectzOits," $f Characters in Bleak Itou.e," "Weraile,y,7 it ‘,t 7 ttle; .- (eontinned.) intl the eOtaniencetn . ent - , of a \ strangely interesting' story entitled " Bari] eby, the Seiitener,"to getheigith several other articles , and some good Oetrit, make-up such a magazine as • iiotdd . hare astonished the world in( the days of our grandmothers. -.Published by G. P. Putnam & co, No. 10 Park Place, New Yoik, At $3 per ainaum. • 'The liidepexcli i rns is a wPitly • religiona and family newspaper conducted by Pastors of:Congregational. Churches, and_txlmprising• among:its aialedi contributor?, -Rev. R. S. 13tomsjr,- Bev: lleorge B.;-Cheerer, Her- Ward Beecher and Mrs. Baniet E. I.34cifrer Sfnwe i'ew papers can hosst; Ski tariant skimp cif contra:Sit:ors. tiaable, Tigortous,Jadepeadeat newspaper the " Ludt pellaent.," has acquired a. high reputation, wideli the Editors and proprietors promike to &their attnost 14stettain. The Indepestd eta tliaisbeiti cstallished neatly .fire =Sears: andits subsciption lisk....*as never so large akat. present, and is daily.inereating., 4d dress': Publisher : of the - /isdepeockiet, :10 Spruce- erect ; i: - Neer York: 7 ' Terms, $2. per 11111113. M., - • . .The.Peastylvaaia Telegraphaa d TVAigs State Journal.—These t papers, publith ed et Ilinvisburg,,' hai:e - consolidated, A edrlll be herea ft er lined one ?aim, by L i-rattelson* Co., upder_ title °f Pie :Icl 'iss - ylv *viSia Telegraph' a Vh:ig State iga l Jouraakf Mr: Patterson, the Editor, is an ablelititei, Std .& firm ' and". honest-hearted, linig, and wilt donbthlss make this a value=' 'l4CPa 7 per: ^lt is intended ./', -() rtiY' t o c9 m - - - meneilgte_PuhlicatiOn of a daily as well as 'lrCelaY: an eeterPrise , that we h9pe the Whigs of the State will sustain. - ''' ...-- 17te;" Zittic ' Pi/ “ A sirim. 'G ram Green weed!' -wlio iiiber few jimenile\volumes :has Succeeded ritaarkahy , well in adapting her- ' Selfrkt the capacity of childh ood , has ;just . cautzneneed !ii 'monthly paper, ~ under the • to me Ofiillic_ Little Pilgrini,": at,t,he very . *Undo' Pn . 'ee ••of - bil Cetkte ,i.e Yean - - The fletAcicherislnlie interesting. She pos "swainithe tact, taste, and ibilitylto, make a ' Bent - for.the little All . mod 4Xte - paper ones. efibeie - Who liiqc - Mad ,the - history _of hef ' ''-geti; wgi• be eeZer. to become cegosicted witit,t4te,- Mlle Pfigrim." , Address Ik.' ig.',UPttinPotti at the office of - the( Saturday'. l i c i itiP 7 3 ,400Phi1': ' `-- .•?? I P:4l:*: i str,,, HThis is a', aide awake,: _ Lillwiticirslti,oold. And indePendetit new*. ril•,#.**4 3 i'lli!-Icf CTlling under: the con- 11 t 4 Or- - *;B*Ti.'ite'frotect •Editer, -has ..-- - iiii*--iiiitlimia*3 popular &Tor- We like it 1410444 less lie - fearless opposition ` ,to thijecuiiii•knstitidoko l * , aga, 3 PLions , p.,.. , =4:-. .-- , ~ --- -,-, and otimicOnee444o tb,:.. She Edi - 'toy*YitibeAeguterv` 4 ,-wig****arly . _ . .. .. ~.... . • . =OW te-iiwZrotical4ndlest' inewure -. . ...., - _.-., • foilefs:rulS . L . .erloPOlSl*Priovrkoi! l . - 1 14 1 1 - 90! .o iii44 s 4l::Pia*ei../4 . 041%*:i1 : ' _ 4iti,*p*a*;e.;asidtike:--:r - o - fir.alPf-kfj .ifiLeigust-4-' Mikilkiilyjiireto'-lisk beetoAtitib:kittliSt r ett 'hi fteille . 7iii'd •'!.iksioli, ..... , ....-5eF,,1v.,4 . :i i e,5 e. ,!..7 ~I,' ..i.. - 4,i, pritited*lr .Y 130,501, We7t- lifCk . A. WI% - - , '-,9.;4i-.. , -W„tz. ., ,-' , - L ; ; ',- ,1 1 ,X=4' --,-,- " -`7,-4- L:.: - ' ,-* '', , •:7: , . -c :1111-.9 MI F' -4 4A 4 ) 91411. 911 rr-i' . 1::;1 4 45 4* : #4 1 # 14 **0--* * * 1444441 0 141 ' Ilittial 7 4. 'if 4I la - • 4 . 4 • 40* . I*k I' hit ilik4 ids** -•- , -..r. , .. ; -- i -4 .:' : ~ - ,e,k'.',.:_•;•:::- . 4, - .;1i4„."...,,4 - - „,,,;:;!= -,- . _'•',.,?-. ffi rnr ,'l l3 B l * - -,PUOMIKI ,'l-1 - e2l ic?1.1 1 . 1 ;S - ,:4 - 4 , re;;,f... br - :ildi'+` 'l. - Y' 7 '4Vf - ':: , 0 t - , n; f Ar* •'- 1 : % .. : * :, 4, :is ' y r ' L.V ,„_ ., -,l ".. ' e , „a'- - ~- 5.a.",z, - :_ : ;:y; r:!_i,_;.:;'n,i9i,4s,-1”, ' f:*:;;:lV ,,, r,n s y, : j7-T:'t":- i'34;.-1,. -4 14 4act- 6 4 1 ,9c at 42 :a year Address, Barney,Daily . Register office, Plulad Iphiti. mi. Harrisirar 6 , ..Deitatalitic ~ fought a t gidnst general Scott so i e) mg. e last rest entta - catnpa , on, 0- ground that he WO a - ".rank bolitioniist,'-' has* not a-Word tosay cciticerniu PreSident Pierces affiliation with ,the 1' ilmetri. But as that paper :foretold :such awful ' co u . sequences, should - a President be elected whii would-tolerate any thing that looked lik:_ hostility to shivery, and as President Piero is evidently just Bich a min . ; we in f o` th t grief,' horror, and - despair have sealed its if s -77 -1 4 t 'ite. feelings are too deepfor i,teraPe! We would like t".) learn the Union' ' opt ion , as ta whether the" Oftglish,Abolit as Pak -- ,-iit,'- wldch it, , forewarned , as , agaiaet; liaq collie to pass. -Also as _to Whether the deiti ocratic Editors hereahout, that t i ske sidei I a ag• t Collect 13 and ° 'i - ..'d i. : ainst` Or ronson, RI ell 1.11 - ly a little ' Soft!,- . arc traitors to theGorilti; tution an d -" the; party." , ' rir" A_ Bradford: County Farmer states , id the Philadelphia. lickater, that'Bradford County' in agricultural resourcei,ls tile ,ifeh- - est tounty in • Pennsylvania, itud.,.that the has , more arable land and of 'a better'quality than any other in it I Ilwa f f i rmsthat more goods are sold - in that than any OtLercoun ty in the Suite except those - whick contain Philadelphia and Pittsburg. ' The ',opula 'lion is principally,, made Up or CounectiCut people and their descendants. 1.41 1 e gnarl title§ of butter And che«re are se n 'to the New-Yorkmarket,-and there canno be ess . than a million dollars worth of cattle dri eii .out of the county annually. -The mere!, nts . . are high-minded, honorableand' rich. N ., id, mere could be asked for I -. . it t TIIANKSOIi'ING . ,,-The 2 th . day - o be L o vemr i has' been set apart , r Thanks in Pennsylvania, : New-York, New-lJertey, Connecticut," Rhode Island; Massachusetts, New-Ilarnpshire, Maryland, North Carolina, Alabataa; Kentucky,. Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. In Maine it is the 17th. 0— ... w ....b... of:iirv-Iftr' ..".--- . NICIOLSO , N,MyOIIIing Co. Pat I _ , - .. Nov. sth, 1 . 854.. - f FRIEND FRA , k i iit :,- --,A - Matt leisure ll34l l Ceg me once more to send you a few ' lines, albeit they inay be•cif little interest.' The late erection was held in this teWnship: Where it ever has been, here at bacon: l s, and pa4S ed off With unusual quietness„' though Only a small vote was polled, the Democracy tint Wing out in full force. Their onents tn ever make a•sall show_ here, and t e' Dem ocratic majOrlty. itinally almost ~ 1 e q uals the eis i entire vote. The Temperance question which was so much agitated elsewhe, e scarcely elicited any ' interest here: ' I ihi i lk the Maine Law ...would find very fewl slap T pOrters, though there are many who e kw , - t -their. belief that samething of _the so t will ere long be enacted in tbe-PimmOnyi , alth. Every days .observation convinces! m e..that there_ are many among us who teen some such law,' and I fervently trust so great a blessing may, not be . long delayed. _ The against' the law,' are that 'f the sale of liquors be suppressed, Taverns uhi not be sustained; andthus the r travelling certimniiity_Wonld suffer . ;.• t e Price L I of -would decrease , and this the far -1 metWoul(fauffer ; - _ - the Oistille ri esheiP el bun*edi'wOuld be%thrown out of ern loy ment and all the, property: invested in, this business would be sacrifice . -It won .be . very hard for.the man who appened to ave . a large stock of . liquors on tand,at the *me i the law went into force, and if a man s Uld - be found Violating the law, it mini(' • rageous—unconstitutional.-.-to'enfinixsi punish the hapless transgressor. .1 . -The passage of a prohibitory '. laW is tined to meet - strentions,oppositiga fro , who lovestreng drink, but chiefly frerni to Whom the liquor traffic : has long itime `,brought no small gain." -Their influe ie in some places will be ' irresistihle, fo rt ey begin to feel that "not only; li, their ' ' lI t in danger,to be set'at nought ; 'hut al so at • this great goddess herself should be desp . arid her magnificenee • destri!"Yed, whom .is nation and . the world sirAshippetb."- - e friends of Temperance 1144 Vetter bili re, there will be gs no 'Mall stir" anioni tikeiii . nieniAndthey may find them 4 fullnf-wiatlil -i• . • i that catmothe so readily appeased as *as itf aticient time, that of the meit of t Ephftiti Ili theirtown clerk. • Cinthis, .subject` din; peo4 pie must be and_cOn4inced4thby ; never will_submit to even-earibhuce,' of the l ~ .. coercion; -' ' ' 1 -i' ` ' I ,'. -' i! Shall riy next, them.; be of the weather , That was`.; next after & eleetioni and to i i couple of weeks of thli pie:its:lst kind.l Glorious: October wea er 1 such days as Te r joice alike the sons of it and seekers - of pleasure, begetting within .. ,ths:sp the wi r e to me Lbw like . again. But all -earthly' good With an end, And so had Alai 4 a ions i snow-storm snesxmded, and t the rain until the waterSOf our lately s k 4r hi t i !ern eif h inikii, d sw eeping'tote 0 ow t e IA on . nwaY)4 oll q l th e iirert part ef th e Ati eet , now in process of construction at T ha t ". Dock. , The stOrm is oierl'and we bar - wow lin geed *either ie AnYbegY • 'h lake friend &new bee la to n discern:, the Signs of < the Ai tn i nind on -thie , point:Permit tne men °I fallen 11 / 141 ff ; riff- ' , Own obeeivillthii. ' A I re '`?U es below here, there is namidi i l ls :: -..t AO ,-- ~ , hut Presideutial . ilection,A , ''' ', -r , tire vote:of thi,pinee andauber; ;gag -Pr the presept:iinillebent: a , - , ii t , , z.. 40 7 4 i i ir l andin ecnninew" . ..sk 4 ,: -.7 : 1"" a: n*1 011 1 A Aetopvik ~..A largo ~ - Oga -,,,,,,;.-„-- - ~,- ~ ,-- . iTo l :** l3l6ll 7 . Periled, l il' ' ' ' t - Ono' : c iithat.firo4 .2 `, 'bill . ' ' ' ' j ib ' • 7 ::11!0 4 iiiialikat ras i he' ', ' if-the - g, h,,,,, , ,, ....,„4 1 . i11i444.... - ;Nsizititig,g , ~,ITA:Auc,sIJ mp si-_o94y,a ) . ii ~ 'Z.,fiT..7 ~- '1 t 4 i‘'s47l;4 l e;t•V -,,, P'''z'''.. — "C'. 1 , , , f--)...;,: - -A.4.- - itT*--ir.lt.,-4 - ,.....-f .t . :: -§-- ..:- ', - 1 , :t..,..t 4 ~. '.., Mil ;ili lf ' In li to the credit of the artist. There are of I ts d abont it .which benvrar deieription or tni tioo, but the style of lettfring, as yo' ire linter; May.please you. :A few miles 'turtle .1 down, there is another sign by the' roaOside, whichreads thus: . . - i . ' ' "t Cl iINAIKIIIITT *OD' . - for the:ba ne t o a 1 perso n s travel . mg ,the reek road. . -to Tunkhannock ; -and dm', the . ayfarerl ight make ,no,- mistake in • his - arse, he as only to follow the direction , o the spelling, thus" o Iviating the 'necessity o frin-...M': Den't the Signs. of. the times . , in dicate that we :are a p-ogrm-siVe people I = - Wis exrect..to have •at holel through the t T nnel sometiMe this me i nth. The work in n On eitheii side are so near eac h other , th t they. Plainly. hear !the-blasting throUgh th tock..ASoine of the men met with a nue row eseapel a few weeks since, by. the burn ingoca part Ipf a keg of powder. The blasts were just ready to be net.off—butfertunate ly the safeti-fuse, ivas uninjnred, - and - they escaped unhurt, except four or five _whoSe faces -and Ruda Were badly burned. Cas ualties of his ' kind have been occu r Mace upo this work. of. rare • •: : . Please o se t that. your Devil 'treats .rey -manuserip with' proper respect, an d wit h kind regar to both of you, , tremain as ever, thine truly, - .'' ; • - 1 " - • • 1 a 3 -s• . . 31).tlito 3(la Belgium there is a nunnery winch contains nine hundrvd tuns! . -'-Let no -man b i d ashamed of doing what:ever is necessary. in is situation —The you in isS who ould nit" alioci-, t!, ate with farmers' daught -, has run aWavl With a blacklegs appreti t . ce. Very well matched. - +-Of the Sevin sloo_ premiums 'avTird ed.at the Springfield Horse exhibition, Verment tookilfive, and the " rest of Men -kind"_only two. - -.' ' • -" Father," said ,an ambitious Shaver . . about the size of a pepper box, "I: can 410 without shoes, but I am suffering for a bosom-pin.,3o l • —Mother Earth geti more ' she' used to , `twenty years ea co, on Monday, she sucked U barrels,lin on open and undisg 1 1-- - - racticalmpplication is th Only mor• t' dant Which will set things in ti e memory. Study without it, ie gymnastiess, and not work, which alone 'will. get intellectual `bread. • I; - • - ; - • '. It is curious how tyrannical the habit of reading is, l and 'What shifts we make _to escape tbinking. There are few brains that would not be the better for hiberoa tin,..--,livirg on their twin . fiat • u little . § while.. - -- ' 1 - 1 --"lhere are not less than three hun dred, thousand slaves who , profess Chris tianity-land arc usually exemplary mem bers of the - different bra t ocbe# otte So therm Christian Churelf.— . -Co/ iza ei Heialti c t_ on . the Colorado and its tribut j -wil 'cattle, in large numbers - are lfound, notwithstnding the spread o iilization into theiTexan wilderness 'fr uently they get among the:tam ' ima , anoccasion much difficulty. I i • • --4 Southern per says, " General Jackson's cabinet 'was a unit; bait the cabinet of Genera Pierce ~is A cipher."— 7 A western editor, however, thinks, that I" it is composed_of ndiar fractions. —"_Might tea., well prohibit , the use of axes because some , men use.them to kill.". Clear as mud! When has a man acquiel .d a morbid appetite by the use! of - an' lie ? Chekiang cord woodiis not' a hub i t which grows badly upon most men.. --Intelligence froth talpariso annotni ces the arrival thero of the ship isabe , sent out,' t,y Lady Franklin in search _ f her" husband, and the abandonment of the eicpeditien on account of a' disagreement ' among the officers indereti of the vesse . -Thy . mackerel fishingseason is -. -ly overiond the arrivals from the &nun - s report the catch as very small indeed, 11 e fish tippear , to have...taken upon 'the ! selves the settlement of the question' Where they shall be caught byernigrati - - ~. to parttas yet.unknowu. - . it is said tharMr. O'Connor, ,V. S.- liistylc4ttorney of New York; has wrii ten.to tpe President, asking why - any. dis itinctio9P houl a S be ,made between Mr. r0t40,4 and Lim .in the matter - cf office. tisea * :that - Mr. Pierc - as dare of-re n _ I over h are fear of losing Catholic sup port to th e ministration. -. s, . ,• - . --Tit Fre ch. papers spealt , of a nevi 1 invent' weal ed a maned re . 6nsirti t a' f. a l . ' be 'P ies l i °f,th9.,WY .? causes t perforTaace 0 opp ,or more operas.lSeper4ing= t 4 thi length "of, the: „%' shmiber." .kiiio a place . at the facia ''f the bed, With it - intillati. .014 i 3 O bi !It i the - hour the,,Sleeper*lslies I r*.'in#!•*oo 6- :0 1 -F 4 0: 1 * 1 /4.0ii - is 61i . e, I, *kb itnitattOus= , -ketiliWrums iufficieutlif at only to waken but to ~ , ,ttiorre ieSityAtA. t up.- - roam oud r tivety, , , . litterleatc:- .. Citizens' hiprlsoned, .1a •1 .. . Foreign lands. -- - - . TO. the Edito r of therNatip74 otEra i.. .. , ... . ...;:?`, The - pitliiic minit eppears to be •tery isenaiti6 'oil .- thiaSubjett. - ieVeit When; an t i indivi ual-Wii 'seized - Who wok not a citi e; ti ze, t. only had declarer intended to. become: su h. One of our commanders threatened-t • rescue Min :by'. force !.- and Yet,aciltwitht eliding all this 'bluster , we tainely.sukmireo have a niititie -born citi zen( of ,the :13:Weed States,-•-ein' est hpable man • and . a: wa thy citizen, .inear i cerated in - a jail in 'En land, - Wit tient Making any -1 iiii.tempt- to prq - ure. his releaSe.! Out cup- . on. such. peitirioism 1-euch riation - al pride ! that- would be ready to •go .to Wan-for -a-. run %%thorn, vra do not knew,:iand •refuse ,to do tirbing..to release a - . lthan Whom -we, de.-know, and. who .: is : lord and e steemo.wherever be is knot n;. We-al-.• .lude• to George'Catlin,,ESq.,l-t he, Aineri: can traveller, whols incarcerated in pris: on -in England - for debt ! -. . . . ..• Our Governinent Should boy ' his cal lection- oflndian Curiosities : at. a liberal price, idlowint him ample..ned reasona ble rermineratioti-for' all. - the lime, and -tronble,_aa well as money, spent by :him in' making.. that col ect ion; -and- bring him -and-it home i-,trin '' phantly.'•• This tollee- -- - tion- - pi-ritierly arr iged in the-Smithsoni -1 an lustit'Utioh,• wa ld . ndd greatly to - the many. attractions a ready ,in Washington . - Hew much be ts i'Would it be for our Government" to purchase this collectiOn, . than .to sPend.o2,soo f;r a Scotch carpet' far .a single rod** it( ;lii, White House! if President is the .patriotand repub lican- whichheis believed to be he would rather sea Catlin'7 . come hrime from Erig land', than to see 'a hundredcal petA'come . froth! Scotland. - ..• • :.• • -, .- - • . 7 -- Btft. ,the- . relieiring of Mr.' Catlin. -need' not prevent the purchase Of .carpets - , or anything el:se, that majr - *,be -wanted. -We have; au, overflowing Treasiiry, and, -can do both ;. but whatever we-de, we should not suffer that worthy citizen to remain. iii a foreign jail. • - • 1 .-1:• - - • Vox POrni.t. . if the facts" be as stated 'by our. eorres . . -pendent, -the case of cat ji4is a bard one ;, butWe should like more information con cerning it. What is the amount .of 'the - • - i s . - debt for which-he imprisoned, and how forighaa- he been imprisone d 1 It Lie case - rather' for ' - privat i e , sympathy than' Gov ernmental -• interference—althobgli ._ the Government has at o good a right •to piir chase MS_ colleckiai of curiosities, -as it' had! xri - u pp,' 7 . 04.0 v irt23l3e.t; for Powell's' .Picture, or Green ligh'SGroup, or Clark. ..... Mill's Egneserian . Statne.•E'd. Biz. lon. . . . - - .. .. Literar y Blunders. Wo,onct.; heard of- -a'youiw- Indy who t 'a s e cast the “*Pilgrims'Progressr With contempt, because as she declared, it was so: ridiculeusle think ofgoiog to heaven on foot: , -It •seefni Ssbehas, companions in' blunders almost .equally, a ! s - great, -and some of theseeven atnonzthe - learned,,as we areadviied -y - the' , lollowine, which •c clip from ill ''.Parlor Magazine:_ -- .) , - "When Danteliublished his "Itifeilio" 1 the.sitniolicity.orlhe..finies - a C6ept Cd - it as a true narrative of his - descont into hell. • - ':When . the* ,Utopizt- Of Sir Thomas Nri . ore vas first .publiShed, - the learned Budaens and ° others took it for a genuine history, and consi4leredit •as . highly et, pedient that rnislienaries should 'be sent thither,in 'order to convert I . so _wise a na-. „film to Christianity.. ‘ - . It Was ailoNg while - after its pUblication, ! that many readers were convinced .that* Gtillivees Travels were fictitious. . . • .! The " liermippus Redivivtis,". of Dr. Campbell, ::iteurious banter on.'the her 'metic pi ilosophy and - the universal riled- - • -icine, deceived, for a length ' of time' l the lean •ted of that day.. Ills notion .of . the -- tirt ! of prolonging life, by inhaling-the breath of • young' women, , wns 'eagerly . credited. A physician, who himself had . composed - a treatise on health, was so: fiul' . flue - need by it, that he acivallytook lodg ings. at a..-fenle:' boarding - school, .1114 lie niight , nevtir be: without a' constant supply of tholgeatli cif young ladies. - '. ". Ida catalogue compiled by a French Writer Of WorAs of Natoreflirittor!j,'he has inserted tiro. well -- Ictiown essay on Irish Bak by t4e . Ecigetvprths." , . • ganr. than .' In Sa- rigletept ised man- ries stil eiv and an- IZEPThe..impressioa exists here-among observing Men; that-President Pierce is - bOund by . some written tie to John Van Buren, who h a s had an with him in making New York appointments, and the belief is, that the bond Was:drawn prio' rto the Presidential Election.. .One of the 'conditions , was that.. Dix 'was to go. into.his - Cabinet ;— but the President wait let off from that, on condition, that. he put Marcy in. Dix, it is believed; Las beep •cheated'generally, in conseque nce -of - the hot war. made upon him from .the Soak . • • • .. • Fat-her Ritcbie, despite the Richmond) Enquirer's course, speaks out hai t il a . gn Inst the Coalition ofjt he Administ ration witlelhe Free Soilers n Now York, And the Sacrifice of snehtmen Dicl4nson for Van 'Buren & CO: Father Ritchie's political wisdom' will left sootier, or later. : . - The denial that Mt.:President Van Bu ren had -received the OpOint nick of Um pire in England from. President- Pierce as-but an evaiiota of fuets. It is a mixed commissiona l ppointment. 'Others have . a hand in as Well as -himself. We afe see - whatberi Mr. Van "thieen fills the place,--an then we Will show the baud the Ada i nin stration Will have in it. • • The Ad 'Migration idur an agony °veto New Yin- POlitics• It. can't sleep &- nights for ear Adarnantines well get' a respects ilia v i otelTriesh:iiitins Corms pintikni of the N.'"Y;:ExPreis. A 'FEMALE CHIMNeY Saw:p.—A wo: , man named - Dubatnel, was on Saturday placed 4,!J14 'liar of th -tribunal of. Cor rectional Police,•on •th •charge.of raga bondage.'` f'lWhat. is y ur occupation;' said the President. ._ *A c imney sweeper.' .iTirhat I a*Onum V...?i a; and why not ? There are. Men who ma e shirts. ao that a woman may be allow to sweep clam aem..-Besides you . see hat twear men's clothes/. -..,.. f You .. turre - o- regular reek, dancer -, 1, :bawl one at Doody:, . In. quiiiis hive- boon-mad about you there,' but 'nobody kno it you. :, -.No liiitibt you askid for me as itVir . a ' , though I' am only known . as IL quid. "_Aid : : lam not , a -lakr fi - i4 0 "6 either - 1' n;tell4ou;; '-1)u -ring, the aumtner. wit -there -was - a OiniusYs-4 6 -sweePvt . itliiiPlnirielf ' iialtilsk;lieric, 'mirk '4'o more wfn.k dal tbk ; a3lo: l „,,:Asi how ' i...tbe-goed elt -, 4.47 which 4bli - -igtoilii* ga.o6' , ..beesalfl. 4! : / mit ialitivelartronl-*, _, l e ~., 4 1111 ttet she - wastendemtie4.l, It month a - ttn-7 prison ~. ; - , ,, ,:::Ert , ,-..t,L :. . , , , ; i,;. •,_ ,:-.1 . _:, '., 1. ,- , n l Pqt : ;"'' 4 .4ng :VP _ '?.. sl. 4-- ---:-4';.:,-5:44, I=l MEE -- 17 '' -- 7 -- , ------- . - , i Bfi#lttsi*:.l*.idelis .. • There is noisthingthat strikes a Strang mare foreibly t if he : visits Sweden at .th seasen of the year When . the -- ilaYsi,ttra th longest,:thatilthe.ribeenoe ofthe bight:-:.. Our countrythan;Di: Baird;ll.elli us thatt , : .he had no Cot:eel:Alen of tho -effect pro duced, helot-6 his arrival - at, Steekholmir five htindred Mile - S . :distance fretn.Ootte .. burg. He . dirived.in:the morning, and' n • the afternoon-went to sectssrne - 'friend ...: He had.not- taken.noto .of iiiiie - , anti .. e turtles] rilioufisight;; it . was is-light . :as . t is here half an . hour before: •ststalown. l ,-, You • Seedistinetly. But pall was qu it in theitreeti, it seemcdasif the inhabit ants. had : gone. away- or were : dead. • No* sit;ns• ante ;. - the• stores- •cltAed. - • ' i • 1 0 s • .. in - . The su Julie goes iloWn. in Stec :-- - !mini at alittle efore.ten. O'clock? . 'l l ere is a.great it um nation all night, its th e sir passes rout d, ti e earth toward. Is the -Ivor , Is Pole ; and the efraction . _of Its ays is such that you can': . ec. to r:ead at mitlniglf . , without artific al light.. There is a mene t:lin at-the head of Bothina,Aiihere on the 21st of June the sun, does !Pat go. dOWn z, . at all, • Travelers trretcs see it LA ~ - -steamboat gods up fri rn stockholni , a the purpose efcarrying.:those who arc u • rious to - witness =the great i•iphenonien in, l o occurs It occs ny' one o isialst. 'un . When the ' .. . ,, - ~ ti goeS ttowu to the orszonotiou can see be whole face OfAts and ih-fivOninutes it e• gini.,to rise. --. . 1 . - Atilie . NOrth Gape, latitude - 72 degr . 45 the dOsunes not go, aowo . for, several weeks liiiJuneit would be about tw n. .t kfive• degrees above this his Size's! atid rr night. The way. the ..people there kiow that it is niidnight, is, they see the un rise. . The; from in - theAti high ..1 :t.i ti tildes, - . frorii summer . , to winter, are ad `grpSt, thatiwe can have no conception - of them at all. In ilie..witstk• time .t hellan. 'disappears, and. it is not•seen• for We . ks. Then it comes ..and' showSi, its face.' Ai', terwards, it . reniaiiis • for. leis,.fift eenl,or twenty rJistutes, and then ilesecndsind -.finally it • dOes tiot set at. alt but trria. al- . incist a circle around „thelseavens... r.- Baird :. waS. aiked how they . manage in. I D regard to.-hired persons,. Ontrwhat...t they consider d!rt day.: He could not say, but Oppose they worked' by the hour, , and . twelve hours w;ouiti• he a r davis• work. • clay 's• Birdshind animals take theist aeetistoni, .. ed rest t - .the usual' hours; _ The .D for did not uOw how lhoy 104r06a-thq ti --- • but. th e had ; and . go to rest whether sun go clown or'not. ..The liens tak the-trees about .seven 'o'clock p. at stay till the suit- is ,well up in :the rn, '45-,.5, -tout ilic people get in the . .Beebe late - rising:, t 00... rheitit.e. smornieg Bird awo ke •in Stockholm, he was priSed- to See the sup Shine.into his rt Helleoked. rithis watch,. and 'it was three o'clOck I .:The. next. , time he ate it ‘Vis•,five, Wclocki but there ,was nil son. in the street.. The 'wedes. in cities 'are net very: iptiast . iious, - ol 'probably, to the climate. -----7-7-"•-- ,_ ---. .-' 'Gen'. Pierces Notuitiatitn. -. Ilon.,lt.dniniul, Burke:Of New. II Shire, WhO,Was the intima)e.friend of 'Pierce dtiring the let a.Presideritial vass, -las also turned, :viOle - ta ly -an him, and is letting out family secre;s , in' tbe•paper i which be publishes at Co' cord. He-has-given n long, acciint of the man ner in which the President receivsithis nominatiOn, and shows that it, was )y no -means. the spout aneous afrair:whicb some. simple-hearted people-have-believed He stares that bet: Piercer was•uotifi d of the project to nominate him, and,t - at be 'replied:, advising that - the . New . l amp- shire delegation should not cast a' ' nite4 Vote for any one candidate, but. tha they should sentter at first, iir ;order. ti) fo 'ward, [ his view 4: The plan 'was to. keep hack until it Was certain that Messrs. Cass,: I Dougla ; s; &C., • wOuld - fail - to., see ,re.. t, a, nomination, and then to , have. (4. neral .Pierco's :name introduced, by a m- tuber - of the, Virginity delegation, %O'er upon . the NeW!Hampsliire. - men were' to'f - 11. in. The. Bridgeport.ontlard, in rent rking .upon: the developments;..truly spy :that. the, thing vas very -.well:contrived ,and the reason Why Oen: Pieree did iill., an . swpr ;the well •known letter _of Captain Scott is ,now quite avident'. • Instearl ,'o i f • neglecting to', answer -the:letter, -baptise . : . (ashis.frientlS have 'pretended) he dtd not.- . consider j hitnself .- a 'candidate, •he litne%‘ • perfectly;, well that his 1 nanie . wail. ilikt to be. brought f4ward;;l:lint - he keptflile i - :becauSe 'that, .be ihoileit,.vitts..•th best policy... 1 .:. ... • -iti - ' 2 . 'I:.. -' I\ -- - 1: - Mr., Barke States that lie, in eii-p'perla liiin with a . distinguishertmat uralitzed ci izen, aided . ..in Obtaining-I, the: 'influence 'f 4 .. KosSuth lin' favor. of-the - Penlocratie no J , :nation: fiit,:il . a 1. - renaarkable age. ' What next 7 -.. .: : , `,- rrThe Daily Times says : ' 1 “ And ' the Herald now confirm our p vious,susnicton tharthe administrattou ha ,aff.i. H ooking into the-matter !some.' t wl at chip ly,.discovered that the . T ime] tl wit , after all, ihelbest medium oft.ecnt nit nicatin important intelligende o the pu lic at erge.' . . • - - hat is hardly satisfactory., Somi to ela r quired,td acquit the Tit the charge ot complicity with the I ist ration: It is reported and with probability of truth thatlbefore the was selected .as " the liest -.medil COmmaniCating impoitaOt intelligei . was ascertained that thtit sheet -wog condition of being so selected, incic ly if not 'otherwise atipp'rt t he Pre and, his Cabinet'. _ The Herald had tinder the displeasure 'of,: Mr. Marc., the Centring secretary, knowing th deepest. ;wound,- that : 14 could .giv nett *auk! lie; to deprive the ,Her its prestige as, a newspaper, 501110 Times, 'fuund it willing:to be : eery and tient. gave it : impoftant. intern fromthe.departrnents to:advance . , er mediums ' rind espec i ally of 'the York ifitmid.--Day ilirok; • FAiLV i llti O*,TILE Owith Baktot!. Nein. re ached Ohl Ow e on. Wednesday astiof• the Eli hire :cir. - . auspensiim -of the o wet°, Bank.thO day preirious;:,Creiatingo . - litire. ixciteo3Ohtt as this Bank kali Aiwa , `bean: re rd __ d as :o a , the soundat-4tV the', of liew,:. York - ..ThO••intusisi otiho 4 e 0543 D stis Aron wleari-ficirri , ruttier- to have: b - n :the'failu r e : of z.hfri,biright,--*lTeir.; YorianAcer;twho owned anifir..ahare : °ruleaOck of tiff) Bank:,thet iini .pWuro in,the moneyinarkitseinharrat Whollasi diasr -dpOll 4 ) , itioatlit turictiiif thP Ban to ' TerYlatgecaniothit. 1it;: , '... - ; - ; iptii'..lllo. ',ha OM**. PrObliklti _ : ** l46 ± . l l o 4l Ale thiietiiina ' 0440!: meIOPY (? tPitiOfficeutiok*!-7. Ort 'ltei4r wt -:::1"::: '! . . l " e i/, l 'l !. ';' 4 3`' . " l :-Z,b-ct.-- - i" , t , -* 7 4 1-: zq -:: :44 ,. ..-,t . .:.441-1---` , f i ''' ::,:, 2' 7 :4:r:iff - r-i;Vit . ' . -;..1 -- ~, -- -;:;:ji.54z._;',, , ,- 4 :',•, . - 1 - . .;l';': ,:.-i.F.;=.„i:Zq,i-fg;i6:::-.4-; 4 Pfximthe, s orforit4Thitritta** l ?ouseenit - a-' -• '• ri - - - I Garland , for- Mr. Guthrie. -.---- Mr. Gutbriebastilanted: 'wall liberal hand in And public tiatna' L tlio needa of con tempt and distrest4l It ykiuldireqUire a literary reaping : - maebieeitp aather &tithe d' them in, but , we Omit ant.- sickle into _yesterday's daily issee, • 'and 'Full the follow ing flon.eis;,,lye.begiti tr,tli the COuricr und Enguir&.' : It, saysil— ' ' ' . 1 " Mr. Guthrie is • ap unskillful beadsman; his awkward brutal backing disgwits eve rybody. • To:arraign and leetidenin Col ;lector llroason forlthe cat(ses stated in his first. dispatch, N'iolqted iilldea. of right ; to put,him out iif L 'fli;ml existence sit the style just exhibited effon4 every sense of "decency." '. i 1 1 [ Thp j2ourital of( Tonzmprebas tbe follow- i ingstrong but guarAed exression of opin ion:, - We trust that some -More! stiligap:._ tial mark of PubliC raver han a• 4 4dinner" will be given . ; neverthele , ' :its a collateral , manifestation of optnou, it :: might be of ser vice to the National caus e : .- •- - , . 44, The loss d'su l ch a. mapfrom the pub- . lic service will; be Much- regretted 'by our merchants and;it 4Otno, fopial expression' f,_ . of this regret Weratnau ife fed in `t he slintie of: a public dinner cql: oth rwise, the c.oni- . pliment would be 1 - Wort hli y -bestowed. , —;; •At any rate. he will,retire with bonor from the sphere•which iriel hioccupied So well, and none the less ;for the' attempt of the Ad mi Ili st rat intli tot discredit ;liirri. ' • . Thelirrald couimeneqs,ita leading ar ticle with this• corPpt e4osition o , i' . ,Ve haye,iwof l ip tie, at length, inAltir - - r rem, val of GE31:31 eC - . l ..lltonsoti from Il?P'.• Collectorship of Islren , Tprk, Ole last act in the coup treiat It the ciabinet, by which the Van - Buret:ls 4 e restored to , power:-- Governor Matey can neW exclaim - With Louis IV. : 4 The State—il'am the . tet.4 P. The culminating *Ant i: , 4 the free sPilOs bas •been reached r' '• 1- • '-' • Even the Daily, Time, which has en-• deavoied to trim its lit tie sheet-to every'' , ptiirof the Cabinet; bellows; confesses thati unless the Primi4,nt it oksco aisavows the act of Mr l ;Gitthrte, tile National Democ : : racy will have to include bim also , ' iii'the. war Aeclured against . 1 tW "Spoils-Cato- net." -It says:- 1- 1 i; • - 4 ' The hope ,of bre:Mt:iv up The Cabinet mubt be aim d+ed. • .The . assault now must b&upon It President es well as his :advisers i an it Cill, onl that - account, be far less effect ve: ' ; _ , • • ; ; I The Sin adoptn a bolder utterance.— Hear it : [1 - : . t - ' - _ -,, With Mr. Cr-1016e a 4 iffractoiyofFt cer' is one whiff :will , not . dente - an himself , 4 bumbly amit reVerenq' towards his • an- . Periors. 4 RefraCtory 4 in thevocabulary ' of the Secretary' o'f, the treasury.does not rucan 'refusal to "perfoOn' legitimate or eclers. Oh, no. ;'r It entails; snnply refusal I to sink the American 'aticLtlie freemap in ; the oftice-holde "•• • • • The Day! *ii: havoc." in _the Billowing, parng . pb,: : 1 , - - - ' • Adis c " Other Adiist rations have venl . ared on experimennt ! of , ,dintbtful propriety; auditave been sternly, rebuked ;"' but none received from any ijultrter,•frout former friends as well tis. fromi former ' enemies, such seathin a 'fr. el i t pressibns cif .contempt •and scorn. [An the indecision and fee ,bleness and insifyidity of their few defend= era;' by contrati, rnake4lieir condition still rt - tol'e ridiculou I - - - .s These are fi, Secretary. of ,' . to anti rn t of Dr. lily (Ace per the Late NE , • The steainsh, rived at the S vice.s to . the II later. I' i- . .1 " Th 4. Webst •! brings one; hundred and .ti seventy. passe ris,' end: fifty thousand d...)llars in gold -ecei v tec- by , the steamer 'Sierra, Nevada (' from ISan Francisco on the 16th.. The I Gold n Gete and Uncle id) Sam.sailed l r tin 6ti sa 'e :day . for , Panama. ,* The city, of Sonorii; was' destroyed by ' fireoOct. 3; and the h.ss:of property Will ainouut to . a. thilliOn a ida half of dollars. John Mitchel; the' Irish patriot, who I recentlrescape d from Australia, arrived safely, w . ith llis amily at-San Fr4ncisco can the 12th of,Octber. rite hit came from: the'-Sandwich:: sland&l ~- . ... - The Stipree„Court ef , ,California has made .an . ttnp rtaitts decision; ',declaring valid all grant made in eecordance with theldexican,la v.. - alie effect of this will trl . be to oust ihu dreds ,from lots-,keld by theth for years,,and'i4store , t hem th 'the I original. grantees . t is' considered - a tleath-blov4 te .the'natters, and - - will 1 t3i cause millions of prop' rty to change hands --1 by the mere oration of law.. , - Bigler's maj rityt k Oroughout the State of 6ilifcirnia; is chly.etghteen•_bundreti;: t and . five 'tees. _ ' ',,, . I -•- ,- - -:,- i . -- From:' and ich Wands the news' is highly irriportant. , 'Pr. Judd.- has - ,been removed' froml the o(fice oehlinist .4-. Finance, and' P 4 lishtill. Allen, late , :-.S. chtisul, appeiatedin hil place.- . I , . A decided Itep . bed: been ' taken' to wards.anne:catian to Ile United statea. The French aid British Consuls had pro teSted to the*ing . .against such an act, and the A.Meriean-ComMis.sioneri hid re plied in a ".firm. - - but dignified' thaneer.— This movement, had .Catised i the 'greatest excitement in .the Wahl—TV/bust& • • - thing es of !dmin Isome limps m of ce" it /Itl on s r, WslentT alien Anil the! Ilea 'ld of _t4l3 cable, .I%.itssu:rit has-wtitten a Jetkor in reply to'an f te() ri ntlitation to attend`a meeting, a t Site Toni k Ito mealize her .-Majesty w,ith regard te- .the RuSsian ; invasion rof the ljurkiSh- ll're - Vinees.l - 'He; makealev= eral rbritaricS very severe upon dui British, Government c argintii with haiVingpurr 41 a . oi'y ilsot 7Hi 't - ei dt;i -though sued a p 1 a s lor t , not in Its rnottves,i and as anti-hberal in principle. r' t Al , :that` t Mbei . *nisirqst not so much a fett _of the Cifir as-a roan_ and ;hatred Of Pitin tracy'l lad ' he uayi he eitn. it rtvie, if rtOd kthat hill-lhe exertiensof ;English diplo bey' I'osW'East bliVe beeri" not so, much prompted brtlie_wiill te.'6'i what is i edvan 4 - g o o - 4 to , vitkey; 'us ' - kik i l the emreidektit tie - ef-`,iftti' . tni - ght beleist itnbitrritaifig ci Austria = F -- - --'',,:: ''' -'-'' ' f , The :tuna i Tit tire- riiiiiilfir it'lvith' Arcing att4esm forks 9orT;sTris u , gt , t . tpst. the it'ott`e+64ittient..-WithitfiTeltiuusanil ,ml of. lt9itg*i!iihic*diliwgivi; in:i_niti i I l*sY , ni.' - T i tle EttgliatiWTOOPeriOnief:' ill totPlo#4.ifit iiiiiiitpew of impbilliitlc :en% iutdifeiyebett*Wthwpkitish Etirvirti..: m i mid ides pecudir witnuptiTuti ac= , ledtaffiblitif 114iiiiiptr..v'1-1 6 ' - ': -, t, -- - : 14g, %,,, t ...i.,, ‘-4-... , ,-,, . ' ' ' ' - i . 'l.:' '-.,:tt '6' ''J '•c _'' i - •'' iritalk!:'''':**9l44 . o l, l,! L i r fhi r 'iotllft#' .i i riiiiilthe:l74 tiiiittAl4ot4 ileiiiiii.iiii' '4 l4 ibt'ilii4- ;1 ! tiiiiiitNYAiltitiC-MOVltitil' : 11 4orticji. i . 0 -1 - .litigtfitht.t4'lo o **tc)V "fr, 0440 )' Stl'atols l ßZVl: 4 f ii - ,Sdn ui sktifittiOft iv in .., L t .. l'in WO ~ W. -- _ .k-i - fac'eldii L C' , :viihi. ptho3.oiiiiittA • ~ f ti ,- ;':70*,:: • . **,tiiwittitaiolitiltT,. - L 1 44pW41 - 5.0P)44 , ...1? .- 4-:v, ~ ''_-4:,2,-IfiE-f,!*4.ctfig=g-rell'AV:kazs,:i.v., (MOO Goth_. otl,l 4e - rn'a.s4i‘.-e. _ maia. - ,ov. 6, 1853.. p Dabilel)Wehster has ar uthvieSt Pass, with ail th Octoher----a fortnialit --- Fmkiin , ,Whigarjacci) 831 °"ti' ''' j6sh ‘ Vantian, Henry Mai, and 'Willi:int Tl' IttlFotnn , Deanotn4s=,ln' 011ie of tbe districts the 'kb igsPresented, nO, cantli&„ .. ,' r- I . - , The: idgewill have . a m . c.eitY in Imth; brancbes of ;the Siate:Legi.s ature, which will enable then to elect - a nited Statel Senator and it -State Treas re r:::, In , th 1 1 present contest_for Ole 1 1 1.. e islatnre they have gamed fonr Senators and ten inern;, - bens of the Houke of Del .e.-gat.es• They';' nominated no. LegiOnt;tr" ..^ket tn tilt c 1 , 1 .; ty, of . Baltimore; In the tic ei sot forth by the lai he Ma mit' Law, containing '1 an equal . number of Whigs 1.,5. Thilt , t icket prevail6do1 4 I . vs - " e m + -o crafic nomination! 1 I ...., -- : "P - Another Victim !ranee. a An awfid deed Saturday Vesta,. , night,the sth lust about eight itles ig e . 1 lio hearts, not: on 1 y of women', scent to bave ! gr..a m I ' mer,e. callous. It appea - a WinanS an old resident, or 'iTitstal,laffit a wide*: hod oo of some l yearsimairid a - man by thd name of Stephen diane. 'oon after thei*. marriage a iliSagi i eement occuired; Inia , up to. the fatal bO l ur of ractE's &au*. they continued to eluarrel. 1t,14 rumored th a t at one time. Mr. Crane was " bought off," by Isis' grtnerus.wiforand ":ithen told', th a t he might depart for ver: . ct:. pans:bad a tlaigher, who lately got iner , .. Tied also, to telymirg `ma whose patio 1 ye . could pot ascetain. o this dough- - ter„Xrs. Winans, (alias r ang; assigned :Tier. erect iii:tillk, hn?Se in Irhicir th!Y reside. Mr. ,Crane, - tate an absence Ix sob time firm home; r turned on. Seit nrdili,- and ;attempted= to crier what he considered hi owhhouie but Iwas wattti • ed off by the ! ' Pi.vion-id-1 w. pi. per- s.. ct. Ling to enter,llie Was "told,that if he did he,would, be L eerta'illy shot - &fettled . lift '' tirnedl riga' ' ,- in a state cif intoxicb,.. tit is-. 1 said, ' . a tempted to! efiteiAbo Ire ni totiseritind , itain repulsed, He per tinaciously I sist 1 (1, 1, in Ids design ; then the wife, took pr ed and charged a pis-/ t 01, and tol d `t p si ung man, to do his. dil -1 ti ! In snot, Cttnrrient Pnnr'Craa! - wa4 numbered a . cog tb dead .ii ,, Th e h a ll passed thrturob his head,entering the Aire- - head, and lod( ingatehiml the oar At.first 4 ' .. , it was. theme, tlYiliat - this t as the o nly;' wound iliflict d';,lbitt alter e emitting ilici bodY,liis hen, tvs found to, cnntain sev eral severb gashep—incleed, torriblyMu tilated 1 The- mudetei4. is t ow' in retn ,ely. . 1 - .; [ 'lt ' - 1 We refrain from cot= . nt, unlil: co hear from the Ctt ul-oer's• 1J uily'. - The rate of Crane was, in' eed,A Orea4fUrCone,; in one rnpment,llan#ehett firm tr state din tern penance; intn eternity, to confront his Creatoritted4Judgel—Broonie Itcrubli. can. -1 1 I It __ '.._ ;-. ;The Cldnese ire huying up Amer ican vessels an# searneii for the war.-- The San Fran4co llcr4ld • -says: "la ad dition to tl4 ship , I - laltilton s we learn' that SeVeral large ves.se s brift::" recently been purcha-secl !IT Chinese !;merchants, and are now; being fitted out in this port s for, the opPositell coast f ' thp Pacific.-- They will be na4,, ivied Y American sea men. bat:Will iail under the, Chinese.— cf .,. This ivill,enhblef them tovisitJapan,'and we are disHsecll , ,fo think such IS the pur pose of tbeir owners t. is said 'hey are desirous of reachinetJt, do about thetiinte Corn. Perry s septaelroninas broug,lit the Islandetis to 1 terrnsi. 1 ' • , , 1 ~, --4 i I - - - /1" '1 he emigration Ito Nebrask i a is stated bribe St. Ilsouisi Detioct at e be surprisingl)l great, midi front! - day t day trains of wagon"nay be seen adva ring upon the territory not nl 3 r from Missou rt but fom Iti.entucky, llinoi•=, - and other Weston West Stlate#. The civilized - Indians p residentN inebT•aska,coltivate their farms. are edu at e 4 and Speakptodi, Et iglish. and are de. iron eft becomin n.% g citize eif!- I tlip i t Vatted statics. Id No fuo return of the tate election li yet been received. •• At Belli view 358:6 te4lwere polled for 3 - ohnson n for Deleadt to C o n g r ess, and, 304, 0 votes for 'William vernor. . . I.lrWe lien,l ;l ,. _ ... fellow ',4Vlici relat'cd.lria ,e3cOnvie nee when .t Ile: .N. 4. ahati t honk-failed:: ' 4 As soon as - I heard of it mr-.heaitii inpid right into my m uth.7--" 1. Nowslhitilislklepose I've got anf ,: ills on" , that 'ere - bankl3 - I.'M a goner, t at's i n , : Nei.. Siii mrree; I p.nt:on my c neand put :for-ho p e= as fast. as .my legs] Would S he I got..carry- me—,ruo - fill - the way.", ow , n there; {I lOnlecd, and: fband I hadn't any till - on.thati bank;--nor , any Wit - :I : felt a , littln, easio! -1 . : I . ' ~. ' : . - i~ ~ i . - 1.. ' He "gums Belic.: - • . Ihe followinz are Bish6l; Pntter's Vint , . .. . .. ine fa:for as and Bradford milt ties, 1 . 43 ‘ t..1-3.0, 4yel, I New Milford :--1,,. A; - M 2 ersiiille; (.E.fyi g:oreer-Stona A Ere:, Mg trose .:1./ 7 pigy. M. 'Spring - villa : -1 giel lod 'Pik I 18,Evej Td . aida ; 20; Troy , 21, Ere Athens.— .I?Zlit C WIALES /7. .- ~ T,,1.[ - , ~ _nutlet it . NO:wells:I hereby gil to, teach ..in,l3, Micmac ink : t ivilltlrt, 4'l' meet 41 house on - vii6r the o'..elOck, for:; ippectionl -.' -.;' ;-,_ . - -..- - Per,i -. Is64l2ll;dilo' 053 A IDMESt 1 .; :' $llOl le . 0 true mittuune, a the word "Il'ef*K'?.4ktl,t*ltwo•-oreek worif,s , frotd which-04s detive4. ?This is the signi6aint - aud - ap; flPliiiie 400.-.0 ' truoNDignstlio huid Of 06- It vii Ir' ailieo , Prep.;* by Dr, J, Houghton 41%11- ,ml !PYi:s;:frtnitlio, 'urtlr Awns& of the r, Psi • the entil - efindiOst bri An. Dytpsiit. - I is mt. Aure's 'own ionic* ': tutu, Melt 'y emu -Ne art ortniutnit to ' itssu tiivit 'powers. At ran. tiers Good - Elting! ' eginsisteittwith - osith , 4 W ul Ur r C11:1111Yks A 1111 achers.. In to thosL dgsiring iteiteOlit ) ;ouse l ' tlleitl"-arh • Sehoek 11911 iestant l i Ai one . the Up•ert:..l.l, 91av, ) 1 , cno tinat ot it4roteiep 1 D; i/Pg* ee,af Ar nstv saw is ;9!- - , ent -,.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers