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'-',,': ,"f - -.4 -: ~"; * - , - 7 •••,' -:-..';-'•ii#.lli.X4.oAW:::7:•„-":"1-;"' I. , • • .. . _ il - - . - •••" ''''' ,e ~;;,.- .*,T.. -- .*..--',:=4. 1 . 5 ; .., "'i.,i :,-..i•-• 4 , t,.., . . , . . . _ • . .. „ ,_ • ,-., '1 - .- : .-- - . , -32. - 7 - 4.•_,,, 4,.... . . • '.. - . 1 : '-' --. it : , -•-..- -.-: .. . - . _ -. . . ,-,.. • 1 - - ~•--,,, • _ ~,,,,,,, ~.....,-..v , - . . .! • , - • !. , - ......,•4 •,,,-, .115r-,,-.......1 .p.- -, • .- .1. , ~ -- .. • . :: 1 ~• • ....., • . rp .- -.' '-','• ;•. . -..-,.,-;... '=4: ,, :11;,. §.-,, --- , -z 4T.t, • 1- . ••,, • -.- - • • -- -.--.- ,-.•-, ..‘•••• .-.''''. . I'- ' --' • .`, ''.-•''''.. • - .5 . : - . C ik? . .'.'. - : ' .' ' .; ':, '''.. • ?,:- .4.1 • " •' 4.- , . _ . . • , . ' '• .11, ',. • - . . 1 ,. - %• • •.. ' , ' .... •:', ' ''..... ': .• , ' -',. • : 1 ,- ... - -,-, • • ..,,....- '',-...-.:- -.4: 7- .. 4. .. --• -4. - 4,,, , Q.V.'••4c . i . •'„, - P..?.......... , . • . 'flr 1 • t . . .. 4 "-% : =• : ',`:7,- : .. .t;l'''''..7:' " ' . , ' •• 1 . • . . . i . •1' - - ' . 1 ' • ~. . , " . . . . . . * - ' ' - - - . '• ' --..-: •'),:-.---........-.-.,' q - ')- , ;•..:"±- • •-•,...1. -- . , .. . . . . - . . . . . , ' , • ~.., - . - - ' i ' -•• ' • • f • - 1 ' ' . _ . yoLvg.g, - ,A . H..4vg-i1i_.:144: .Firopi . the Anierian e llttioN %Wishes !IT Jame a. sAxs. Of all amusement, for the mind, ' triton IdgicAowt! to There isn't one that you can find , •So very ch4p' •••wishing r A`ftiicy choice diversion,' too, . If we but rightly - use And not, as we are apt to do, , • Pervert it and abuse it. - I wish—a common wirklindeed-- :My purse wartsomethifig fatter, That I,mightCheer the child of !mi. • And not my pride to flatter,' ' • That I might =lke oppression reel, v rio n ly gold* can make: it, I • And break the tyrant's rod of steel, • A d orgy gold can break it l. wish . that'S.YmPatkf and Love And everybuinan:pasaion ' • That has ita origin above, 4, : pi , - **mid come and keep in fiudtion; . 'mat scorn apd.Jealonsy and Bate,. And every t i alefinPtinn , • • , .Wete buried fift y -fathomed re p •F• Beneath the waves of ocean • Twist that friends were Sir tij-itrue, motives alwais _pure; ' I wish the good were not•so few,. I Iwish the bad were fewer . : • I wish that patisons ne'er forgot To their:pious teaching; Iwish that practicing witinot, 8o different. kept' preaching I' Iwislt-that modest worth might . bn , Appraised With truth and - candor. • I wish that innocence's:ere freo From treseheri and slander ; • .."`" I wish that men - their vows would - - Tbit women neer were .rovere; I wish' that wives were always tin And husbands always lover's! I isish—in one—that joy - was mirth, • And etery go;lideal, , ' -May coin°, iriwhilethroughout the earth, To be the glorious /teal.; , -*.. Till shall every ereaturehless , . With his supretnftt blessing; And hope he lost in happiness, . And wishing he poiseasin;' • :31140114000-4.ikrtiitit4...: - Twilight la th e Villaare... .•r HriwltoftlY falls . twilight in the village The woods are crowned with t ed, and the hills fade from crimson to purple. .A . radiance ahines.in the blue transpartMcy ofthe 'skies. The bitds twister bits ,of. song, as they fold their phnnage for rest. One star, out betinies, to light evening through its clnudLpat h, trembles at its own beauty..miriored• in the placid .ln peace the sun is' inking behind the @Us. Peace is written on field ii;purer and leaf.- Peace seems'falling: from Heaven like t hts• dew that - sinks in the heart of earth. ;The IoW hntn of human ' voices is rather'• the melody- of - siience thin its disturber.. . . • .-- Down the hilly mad comes' the. loaded wain... High perched in the midst. of the fragrait haymound,. sits'a yellow haired child--trickey - as a. sprite, an oat plume in his brimktst,hat, and a bunch of gaudy burs is his hand: - Ail - life" will weave Ore "eine croirtitaf thorni, my boy; even tiaore , rapidly, niare surely, than thou thy field treasures; thou must not throw- it by, like those. _ . . Black Pomp frisks byi his plait er'sside as he guides _his lum b ering. Oxen. The old Aran', is died; Abd, who • shall say what unwritten poetry - swells his bolom wife and he sees his wife and babel; in the -mel low distance: Sure of Wekin oe---bepPy 'rustic' he I No city spl endor_ for him— but large shires of heart and home. . : In a hundred kitchens the:Snowy cloth is spread., On a 'hundred;',, hearths, the' boiling kettle babbles ita.inerry -, mu gin.-- - - Out go mothers to gather-in j.he strag gling children from the'garden and hill side. How the.berries hare stained ththem -.:--rii;cheek, frock, and ttogers,,tind whiat boots chiding I They will do the same fO.morrow. From,hillaidestreains come the elder; boys, their 'hand's .full - of tiky fish, and little girls haste frOm their. muo - gardens leaving thair broken twigs; to shoot into trees as they fondly ► hope. 1 Neighbor hails :tieiihhor; iiii 'he - shake the dust from bis shees; and lifts the fat el l from his gate, driving to ...their shelter 4 crowd of hetuvtu3d chickens: Here and' there a white beaded . -*triot puts linger 610Y from hiS sight hii ,oewapaper,"folds tbe,Jold horm-rimmedveeteclee away in a ease, worn :likelitinself, and bobbles in to the Mill ((sapper. - - Yonder,- Where a metre luind white Wi, death, folds back , the muslin etirtaier, the fleor'en, g; niumPti.ve"; !Now thezoid sweet breath ofesertinasi .It cornea with, staisja .t} e;e.‘rOWP: of re-; Now, on litillneis floats theastred song.; Childish . ringiets„ are crushed betwee i the ditnPled liOd' t eed eheelt; grey 16e !Mien : with .. -- theie.ailYerr o utlines sti nt horny flalute• - Ileade.,Are-beet ieverept iyoand' *tough • the isoleirm -bosh, up , I the angels,' - who' inibister, in the .g , _ . 00, homes. are walted -;t siteple'4o.T r e,litli4 , they bear ibeas.iiVlhe i'a*.boi-, ~ : Now. _ . _ .. , . , . . *Main* We ..- Ungaglititid, - and , •ihugers . lo eked,.betl,between'rack- , :ited :er e .ice . •g 6 ster - otip P thole ,ealow:nsy - s---f'rpir i - t ib si - ck roopz - 7fiine.the.:kitchn;iiik - 0110!:4; 4 "441 1 .7.1 -0 9taws! ,11 011t Y#441, -1-131 iiiitT.*; alight, , _*4l:Aiiiiiiiiin iiat::.,..0,3.,..) er, the white*Meess ,:bier.;tWhrt*oeh ,gc_. "P'cleir Oiraugh:4ll6 - ;ii*?* W 14.:,.... .a., them that, st.i.iflibotivthi, - eilvel!--Pviikq' tirthei.iiioon,;tbirr ittiasye f.lO- 41 lii te i , : ... t iii, the matte hredisiyilibteklij- - theiti 404 , - y!' ' with -*a - ahadPiii.:44. 4:st*Oafeijli -i4 i :Irolist thuici , aotir-iniG 1 1 1$4 1 :.00.i. 1 111 . 4 6 e nded.--7044 , 8rai1ek.fi..c:4!:• -, •, .-:-; ... , „ F _ Me Wpverley Mao:int. I 11 , I OUR - - I DUNG, 'DOC TOR mea l 1 . .By . tairi.r 11. CARRI)01.1::: . * ';You can read her hiiitlikci an open book , • Through each cluing*, senile of her innocent look." stle is 41 simplicity. ' • • . ~ ~ l ava tore soft and mild; .-- , . Th ugh en the eve of WulnarliKKO N :' 1 ... • 0 heart a very child." !-. [ A brigh t . : i aughing, rosy-Cheeked,lsun ;y\ hairecil b lue eyed fairy,. was Susie ttywood, ll rrthe, time my story Cominen cos; which lust as she was entering her: eighteentt innmer, that ." sweet poetic ; age." 1 Anilionly child, and the idol of her parents,wgS. sweet Susie Maywood;ind no wonder, her parents idolized , lier. l fur who - c uld look urn, that innocent child like c ufiterien i e,or.gize lute these soft, beautiful blue ey&i,-- and not love her 7- , She If d any quantity' ef .suitors for her i i hand, too'; but still site answered then)), all.,Witliln 81 7111e, - 'ibititill, - -and al firm, 'yeti; . I pale . ahalie eflier'Aiir hod,: which set thatloldep curls to 'dancing all over it .1 . and every eightthC }nano in fanner May wood's parlor,rang a merry ..accompatii- nient to the, blithesome old Scotch song , , [i• " Iliu o'er yeang, I'm O'er young to marry yet,; ,l'in o'er young; %would be a sin to take Me from i •.: my . inatudv yet,_,_ - . lPerchance,"to some the father's broad adesm Ni,;ere..a• additional recommeeda ion 4 lioweve all . agreed that - the fair , 1 Su:siel was a 11 !lune in herself ~ and-sa trutin she Wa . }Jut sti - a ge l° say. n of the,, villase i . beaux hat succeeder niking any "impression on her, ge ilhe rt,,and she.had reached her eightec 1:v . i'" faller free." - I But Jest abou t this time change seem - Le " - come o'er the s iirit of her dream." i t - little whl efere this, young Doctor everiug came .tote village of Rose ale. PP a ,viiiif, and i as so much ple..a ith it .tha t be concha led to make it his rtnatient i"csidlince From the very t, Doctor 'Lever-in seemed to take a ncy ti, Susi:S. and it, vas not. very long •fore the hright,lblit eyes, that used to sir so mischievously ,ui. all around began: droop. an& the res y cheek - to groAlr 'll rosier wl eneOr the glances of the '' uPg docth fell upon her. .It was a 1 rysniguifir ling, and, one that we wo'd :. ect fully übmit to the consideration medical g tlemen, that almo-a im me ,ately afte 1 Dr.:' I - r evering - had settled 4 1 mse 'f in tint village-of Rose Vale, head hes and neuralgia; became alarmingly eval • fit among t lici single ladies of. the ling: i and an equally asteni,hing fact '• • gold Doctor .Black.-.llad no pow i w lever over these -distressing coin taint , l and consequently, young-'Doctor s• vg Jig had. to be called in'; audit was ;airy wondertul 4:I A behold how .tipidly p tients improved 'under his skillful ateut. . . , . Ili ,- Tent us; '0 ; ye wise gentlemen of the died' college; d i the young doctors rryi . alitifit. - with thein these diseases refu ly corked u in phials, and*: then. '' ' iii m. loose up, u the female part of d i e popular inn 1 '.O•, why do they invari- • [ ly appear', whenter'• a young doctor set Iles hiniself in an place?' rSusiellaywoodjas, in fact, almost Cite onlio le in the, Hinge that escaped these dis ressing ornplaints, and yet , . reiv Itrange - te . say,'D for Levering seemed in think that she 'aired more attention ihan e '" rest the iest . j irked to ther; -per liarii li e tlittight t ha t , lire • aryin g color , •e epon her c leek Was the precnrsor of some 4 isease ; at lall`-events,' wherever Susie I‘faywood Was,, whetter at Church, or singing schoel, quilting pa rty,nr sleighing frolic, you 'Might feel pretty well satisfied that Docter Letering was not very far oftlitinlesi he was attending to a patient. I cojild aver account for it, to myself,_ 'whi joist it this part'Oar time, Julia . 504 II it mild 'be seized with ouch a vio lent frie n dship . fur Susie, Maywood ; but so ii we 1 , and 'f tri henceforth the, walks of our yming do ttir and Susie, were al ways enlivened y•tter presence, for how, could such int ima te friends. as she and Snite.. be`sepa ted? _''lf Susie felt any ( I le anetliyance at th ' interruprionaishe wee' w . se enetigh-no 1; to show it,- but-:.there= W retionie among the village gossips who iad that iDecto#l Levering's brow occa..;" si nally Wpte.a . cloUd upon it. , - • : ';' illia. Smith wialhe antipodes of §u4 e. 111 i. ~ ywodd, in . almost everything. Sh e . had reached her,vitenty-nitith- year in a tante of sinklibleisediiess,* seine said .be-_ cause she had Ri , er bid- an offer ;-:( 4 'e said, hesalise AO - i liac' 'been 'so hard i t please However like did not own to snore "than -twenty-two aOn mers. - - Ifer parer i s -had both - beet delid solne'yeara and fro in hob- father she inheited a small fori one, biti-ely enough to ci - 'ep her in very plaih • stile,' but as no 0120 but herself kueiv d illy bowmuch he did leave;she tried 'to -m• ke peop le beli that it- was just, fonr ' lilies lar r than _" w iliali in ; reality. ' Slie -, v1.41 - very hangliii i and i ldisagreisable, in e i e he' ii ;Man rs toWards } hose whom she' cOnisider her inferiers.r 'ln person alie was. tall -andiliiii,:with a palelad m Pilli e* Co-"'. plexiolli a profusion of . long i iinglets which-made tier, face, loolrlon*r. , rd ilia .ner 'than' it 7944 was. , Slielffeeted the sentimental , ' yle,-and Was in' be,tabit of 'repeating' c c ips 'cif - sentimetitiiii4onetry. and'singing . l e ditties - ilia: harsh discer- , 'dent Ivni 'I elived' with 4 - eld , maid.: t i) eiratint,:i . 6 laniall:. white , ttipaiii‘i over ' 4f;tivtt - wit . Sea , aiad; hdoe,teuiflties...; a cAi i Utiful Ipit - place it wa s, small ar a en -k e pt - serh . tiini.4aderi-iedt.4 . oll flow ft ly no n,'-fory the old : aunt . ,was very tetitid-5) ,finvio4444 . ; spout - the r 1,4 ,or her Aloe 4e - 44e 50r404--. ~ , J , • - . 4 When' thiak, I.evering.caDe to ; our ite ,wi ' geiJhelnic 11..idhv - btgr.l,:; l 9 4PPV. '' a lif ropiet "to . . her tia!lid:,,A4a4kl6, and to., lia g in e; a: 4 l * A h o Nif: o l lo ' o fdra ; ill' liort,-.it awes e,ltidisti* X 41141 iikAlt 'Or,:wv , a , ty.ing.hat44*c4os*P.,,Aurr4oll 4 47, ;' , i , • , !:tt1it.t , 00,,P9.!5 ,,1 4: 0 4 , 1 ; .E. ishr, him- ~. 4h0 1 0455t PPr.i.e*E 4 7 42 7*] ''. -.— ', - 10 , 4 1 4200:14,1ick:4., , 1 -it'e . neur Wilk 3F4: : il i nf f -' s. 1- 1 , - , ::',7Z.:'---:;,... - :: , i_ ',h.'', .. - --'.."'-'.;1 , - - .;, -7 - ../•' ; '-i ; ',.--- ' .:,. ' -,::- - - , 'THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IS THE 'LEGITIMATE SOURCE, AND THE- HAPPINESS OF .',.... - 14 . 0-T404,..::JA-, -. ; - : '.. 1 .01 . 131RPAT ,:)',i:ORIsTOT.G-_-1()IT:,. great hurry. Me found I her_g, „fully reclining en a sofa in-Alte - best - - parlor, ar rayed inivirgiu,white„ . and vy k t h ,h( r long ringlets, arrangettto Abe.: best - advantage One heed:-supported - hcr - head, *64 ,in the other:she held liandißTehrLbound copy of Byron's Childe gerold : , 'tidying the young dpetor's, xisit, She took occa sion to inform hire thatisho - ,was;_ an: or .phan, just twenty-two years of.', age, pos sessing considerable property; thet. -her. spirits . really. anfrered .for v . t . reet of p. coo ; genial companion, therelmfere f scr few in a village like Rose Vale k c apable Of A9der standini or appreciat r ingla mind „like hers. She then informed him tat she doat ed on poetry, and inquired if e,_ also, , admired i r it. On receiving an, aus et: inte'atßrm-, wi v e, she handed .:birri tibe„hook,'saying that there was.a certain !passage that sbe had been trying Ito read, but the pain in her head was so severe. that she could not do it. Would 'he be kind enough to read it for- her i ' ' , Dector.LoveringWas tkbeautiful'read -et., and he read.thePassage, in. the poem - with a gooldeal.of reeling.. • Miss % Smith was enchanted, and 'begged him to Come often : to see.lier„thats p might etijoy. : the' privilege : a . h.,arin g . : s. ch beautiful ' reed; ir tag Croquet+. - ' : - Doctor LeVering was not long in:_find ing.out' :that Miss • Siiiitht.it 'disease- was an: imaginary onekand.'preseribed.aeCord ingly.; and . notwithstanding she contrived to send. fait Idyn nearly: every : day, on. some pretext or :other, he, made his visits As'" few and far het Weep" es pessihle-.--- Iliensall a; once She. conceived .a' . violent.. friendship for Susie Ifaywoori.. - .Perhaps ifshe•could have ktiraVii - What a : le - entrust slieformed,witlherettifiCiallinplexion. and -affected ,wa •s, to the lovely, innocent,. child.like . SuSie shewould not have been So arations to - b re. and thought herself a : eoni.. ...4.1..-tfer ; hut J u t;.... -ris.-A tn: . Sweet Susio I.a.ywood ! no, borrraVed , color needed th ~...with herl h ovely flower like eorriplexio ;' no' lily was eVerlairer 1 / than Susiet : - no ' bhisltroF,e .eVer I bore'. ti liiVelier . iint the 'that . which, . glowed - o n . lier, you n g Ghee s f 'and ,111:3 - viol . teVerbore . - aid4pe r, loveli r bluer,' than t at: Which ...) dwelt . in . Siist's - eyes'. - .''....g .1 ' Wonder. e ll then; that . ..Doet Irteveringlevip.to Intik upon that siveci *sunny,facniiir : .that ho t ?rood away with b'diAgust from , Izier:artiti cral Trie-nil- after I leo" ing itt - Susie' : ' 1 • . .... .. - ne . ,day ationt this tirne,.-there Carrie a ,terC.i• -Do . 4ter LeVering.sreqUest big minediate presenarTat- the death-bed it distant rebtave,. , siwl.ro . .brid. express it 'great desire to: - see him before her b: . He: received this letter just: be ;lie .. sib ge , :at art ed ,- . and . ad .. barely t ip pack up a few clo th es, and write .1 to to Doctor Black,. requesting him, - attend tolls patients 'in his absenee; l !firm . lie left Cho village. He.regretted; ry much :that be bad i no tine to. call up a Susie Maywood before he . left, ~but msoled liiinself with The ;.thought .that is. absehee Wi mid mot: :be_ of long dii ra on. .Tru e,' he hsd '-rieter spoken in. orris of his love to . Susie, baL every look,:. i'ery action had .e:spressed it...- . ... _ . .. . . .. - , He found his relative.. apparenly dy-. g. bui•day. - afterday. she hogered;, and ill they' thopglit that everi day:Would mtainly - -io -the . last,.... Size survived feu ..arly:three weeks in 'this manner, ,and ill Doctor Levering was. obliged . to re- . dim . . , The preparations; for . the - funeral,. lad 'some . other.,.bnsiness':iliat..be found Tielf compelled ;to attend. to;' detained in nearly. three- weeks;. longer. ;When ewill : was read., to ins - surprise., Penult ev . dritig. fotind thet..,she . had ',lea 1 f,rt ythOUsand.dellars, nearly three:6 al much Babe - supposed ` the . oltl.l . adY , worth. ._A thrill of joy Abet ; through heart: . as he . beer 4 the . vielconie. 'ric ;fur. he thought-that.here_.woUP: - Itom Ind,ot•stucle.iri Ile, .:w ay_ of .6is : marri .. . Iwith . Busie., • , ; ..I lit tic nth ed dea for - , .• i • With i r happy heart ho made prep tions to returti borne; and as the Tr: ;the village church , hurst upon his v he - could almost , have shouted aloud joy.. When re9ched iis he ..bome_` informed that.. s Julia Smith had a amssage for himlo come ,to t his irnniv lately on, ,return. Thin] that pe rhaps she really was sick now, know n I s g thai, from her he Could oh .news Phis beloved Susie,' Doctor Leer- Lig likened to remove from - his clothes the v estiges of his joarney, and then turn ed hiS steps towards her abode. He found 'Miss Julia in her usual health, but n enquiring for Susie She . appeared ex-' tremely agitated; and at')ength 'exclaim ' 0 Ido so dread'to infliet such a pang on, your, sensitive h; others art, Di-. r. Leverio, Wit. re c ollect , that . the is are others fairer, lo velie rfar; still left whose minds I are, m ire. capable of { appreciating en in- - .telleet like yours ;, others, wh:ose great est joYwourd,,4'—' . '-' : • i . . ',or ;Hean's ti,'.,iinpatiently -in terrupted:rvpi. Levei• Ng . , tell me, is Miss Maywood dead I' .. .., ; - . -- - rD d 1 ail,. mil w rse than-dead,' trs:g- ' callys claimed-_ Miiis -Smith .;- she is, raise ;-• e'has 'forsaken you . for. a richer . levet:. , _ ';',.. • ' • ' Got f irgive lei then '': said 'Dr 'Lev eit z tring, "i'for'desiroYinit titn,hrikittest dream that ever bleSt)etl-tlielieert of man;- but. she isinimeeof ;. it is ri . 'l•Blbne ' am':who m to blame ; 'ldol that - I.:'-Wits =',,to . leave +et With Out hie}void - 6(l'6're:: *,riCherlor efsaY-yptil i'lltitr know you that I ' If it be tielieli tliai`itheliikintVi rhave plenty.' I hare:Ciime'liernectieli,sr - und,:9 l .;wretich, ed - reiin'thUi l'itini'''nifdeireet ', treasure lei lieeti,atOleri'r": ' -- --, ,''': - :i ' -"''. - '": .- ''''Aild:lirt4ilivired his (dee , withllithands, whilgViiiiii;`lit!i:iirgife'liiiicilillipit'-`ftirOtid tke,jr Wi.lr Mir,Pygh - , 41 44{3 . 1 . ,,‘;(0 yihen - it' man Fi.epsit is 014 06.fit:tiV4psrour ..r4g1);44),'Iiti.''.1.146:1:"':,T6:41(ittien: tears- ir9,q104:4'.r.t,,4 / 0 1 1:itOri_:-Viii4ii:ii::. 6 n!9'ib 4 3 :40:0 04- :"Y;i4kiiii: . 04''.San ''''i4i!i)g''llioie diop.g,..ki:roi7maat.y'..g-iii:,"'P4,iiii Doctor X.ilie s .r*Ar:llll(iyeilitkiiit o )4l4-ifi;* trii.t*liiiiiii,liPitatteta to - iiiiii. , iiiiiip:?, i... ~_.".k . 1 . --.1.;1.... 'Surely, f 46 1 • • • gic" nem. ~ or , su 1 , it. prize as , me he might betergivea those tears. -- -' a .- 4. Yea distress mei , ... '• rid. , meas ye, toeetar Leverintr,la ,_,. LS Sinith';- c i sho is_ unworthy of this e . Otion: ' - 1 ':lt is,over iioW,' 5. 1 4,1, ha; ' rorgat' that . you have seen met give way , ti thisina ! manly. weikn ' . ligid not think .1 so much of a i iiii. 'Tilt Ane nboutle.G . OW ; - where did yo get yoni” inforinationt -, ' FroM Zgi May* , Eiod,' herself," 'silid the deceitful u!ia. ;,''.Fria. very day, after Yu -left,:a- y Ong me3chant -frtim New ork, a..,Mr. limire, come .on a'visit to Lawyer Ada s, of thisiplace. Just 'he fore you came to Rale' Vala to re side, Miss Maywood sat ii coupla of. .mouths with an aunt of- rsiirho 'lives iti'Xew. 'York; and ere that - she bee4me e $ acquainte wi .lifrtMtiore, who fell ivio r 'lent!) , in I ive with .ber.-t- -He owned 14:1)- liclv'that fit Was fur her alone thatthe made the Iviiiit to this 'place. • I spoke to her about; it, one day i ,hi a. jesting roan:-. -net-; she made no attempt to deny it, end in fact owned that hert; marline .wciuld -soon take place.' --1- - . , -- - •- 1 • ' Then it is all true, and there can he no misunderstanding abott it,' said Dr. Lev . ering. . •i • • - .;! '.None whatever,' replied Miss Smith, and again she ventured: to. intimate that all hearts, were not so 'inconstant . as. Su-, i .48 may be-supposed, our young doctor was not, in mood to listen with patience to anything of the kind; so ; leaving the decei:ful girl to rejoice over - the success ocher falsehoods; he hastened to his heme again: :;: on It •was . rather, - a • bold undertaking; her part, ..fr she knew, that :if she.Shoeld, be found out, she would be dis 6 reret.litar-' .crer, .consideretf rne - Worst part of her task :•over . noW ; Susie, she thnnglit;- woOld..be:easily inxn aged: • -4114. give. Susilta . hint-that lion tor"-Levering bird 'been trifling- witli her feelings, while, he was really Attached) to 'herself,. aiia'sh6 knew ithat Susie iyeAlll die sooner-than let hei•-.l.irebe known:. Citify- let her feel .that • Dr: Levering has been .trifling *4 her; said :Miss Smith to hervelf,arter Ihe had left ,her, let her but be Convinced otthis; AnclOe will:marry Mr. Mciorni - out of spite, , of i :make , the doctor beliee shel never cared • Anything aheut him. What ,harm if Lid() tell a few tilsehoods 1 She ,get 'rich husband .by it,:atl I, 'Shall get.i he t idol Ottnyrheart, and he the, wife of the - young. handsome, Nand talented " Due,tpi• - Levering:.. • , .- 1- • -"Thea I recall thy looks' and taw& and thiuk !How could they wear and/ true such: teitdor, . seething; • • ' 4 I think till I can bear no more. and shrink; . 1 And mock - myself for allinch idle drearing:'. • , . --)its r NO; one doubt -of ithe-rtruth*of Miss ..statement entered; into - Neter Levering's mind. Witen:•l3e returned to his ,office ho _sat down and:tried to *eli te-his mind every, encouragement that, Stisie Mayvrood• bad: e'er given him !for. believing that she returned:his love. : t he More he thought. shout - it • t he, more' emit vinced he became *hat wive- had really loved : him,, and the *more provoked; he felt at himself for not. haiing written . teher. But pshaW l',said• he to himself; at length,' what . ,:a Tool I , atitsfor thinking :about her so much. If her love • 'ivo4ild -net:stand the test . of a fete, week? • 'sem!, it mast hen very, vVenklin deed. • .Imill banish her image from thoughts:' : i i. • Very well. esolved, ianc.,tor, LeveriUr ! The only- difficulty in-, the way: is, t at g ood-resolationi arc Soinetinieshardi '2 keep..and the more be strove to ban per from his thoughts; ;the .niore\ k . ')t . thinking, about. her. :Strive .as he:WoUld. those bright blue eyes would keep haent-* ing,him, and. that soft; sweOt - voice ever lingered in biaearit. .• So went .0ut...t0 -visit his patients; eareftillyaroiding.golog ,anywhere Wear •In.•thwtrieantiine; poor Susie, htiOng heard of hii-retUrn 'awaiting a visiti , frorwhim, btit the' daylfa dud -into twilight, ftttilight.. into , night,. and still he did not conic. •::Litisylongues •were not loug'in - earrying:to her. the ;lows that he hail 'been to see Julia Smith!. as . soon Oahe got. home.• v ws, be ge ltier atn , • . What' irk was Julia - Smith that he ' loved all along. inst ad'of her ? No I, be thought was too readful ; ehe %sr id not think of such a biag fur a motile t he had probably b nidetained by sol o of his patients, and would be around to . see het early in the morning.' • . • 1. - 'So Susie said to herself, and thus 'llie - tried to cairn her .f r..% - hut, nevertheless, Ilter pillow''was w 11 - Watered . with -iber - to ars' that night, - t.he next •mortimg, her eyes looked's° edi and swot len,Oat her good parents f It quite: uneasy , abOu t her; but Susie said hat nothing -ailed Ler but a hmulache wh oh - would. ,soon . iiass* :off . ' : ': . 1 - . • The morn og slowly t dragged itself It n to noon, noon into evening. and. eventng: iota - .:night, and. still tDocter. Leveling ; came ,net. 4l, week passed: by. and: till he . carefully'savoided 1 ter;, and i Su e's - headache, instead of getting:better g , w r r. worse,. while heheekst , lost-the ibea ti st ' , luUcolor they werewont .to %nail , . Still' Susie_; aughed away her parents". fears, and sa d that she Aivouhl soon he - we 4- At la .She-put en :tierfherinet and -went 'round to Julia Sinith,- determining to find o t from her whatiaile&Doctor Lev trin g . - ' -.. .;; ;- -. 14' r .-, ,,; l,, IJar - 4 4h4 -ith -- im —, F receireit /et with - a openrms, —ad told h r that , She wail the Nory • peritipn that slpeewanted:to sees' as she wished to. 4 Cittliat Iter:onia Matter:. of peat iinilipr lant.e. She , then Infermed-- Susie -quit' Doeto 'Leveret • ' - had heconiev,ery •itipoh atta to: her; : aid abia bad 'every tin/Wi ll te belserethat'lhe o n ly. thiet that Vein hbri trem.merryiug - hoe:- wai:the fee .44 at: - hiSOrerietis attentik4:tiv Susie , iiht , beveled 'her to - believe icylibatfi.,o 'ir etioes 0 '=. - 4 31 - -', 1 '- : ~. .., ~ „• ~ . ...). _ .. ~, , .-- . - :,-, 1- T.- --: ~-•- i ~. . ... , . , .. -CILAPTgiI - . HE PEOPLE THE: TIME END Or G'VERNMENT'r ` .g.i3.,Pi,4 . .:,;1. - 1031,J.: ' ad.- I knoti my dear•Sitsie,' said tho artf I girl, • that ifDrietiorteveridg had the. east 'idea Chat belied won your-heart, or b, d given you reason - fur Supposing his Rite tilting to be serioui,-14 is so Juittora. ritle bathe "would not scrhplein . - sacrifice` hisown _happiness fur the . sake of {Sect', rut voUrs. ' ' • '' • • • ' '-"- • . • _ell 'Doctor Leverin g •for': Me,' h'aid" =Su _ . e,.lwhile her lip ended, proudly, ". that 4 . he 1 eed.haVe nufears, on my accounti., Tel hm that Suitan MayWnoif, is riot' to be s si , lightly= won : as to glyo herlaffeetioha unsught to the . first men , Who PaysTeT a . few triflint , attentions. • ••As.., far as ,nm con ernef, Doctor:Levering is -free.to y whoever and whenever •he may 1 , se. . 1 .• -• i 4' "'ow I rejuiceio 1 ear,you say so my ,' exclaimed-Miss - Mith ;". thenliyOu 4 - ling .to marry mr. Siocorei, areyou Susie ? "Ah, you little rogue ypy,.' ght so from the first .' , !:- - ' • .'nu are "mistalten,•Juliti,i ,mid. - ....u5ie . , eavoring to speak calmlY;•I have told , jell along-that Mr. Moore is nothing! ie - that I do uot, Mid' never can' love ' 1 doknow- that -' ' " k ' i not know-that it ts•altogether ralde td telladything 'of; the kind; feel assu redluli a that y nl%iiiile eotionit;gainlpl)6dill ie me an offer of marriage;whlch gsedi most'positively. !I 4m too young i narryyet. ',have no wish to leave i parents ;- so, please , dear • Julia, lutthe . iectdrop.' - - ,' '.. 1 l:: t was a 'difficult . matkeefor Susie `to i i6 4 ie her calmness to 1 t lio, end of. herd r, but she did do it. • When Sh- reneh-• . time _again, sect told her mother that. did not feel well, and would lie cloWn , ' ari ImOr or two. When her mether LAID. to Sepg sheaole:-.5inizi,..t.t.t.;,,,,- d tier ' deltriou4. - Old.Dr...Black was t for, and lie said"it was:a brain fever. • nearly three_weeks Susie ' evered be nt:life and death.. AL itO3 . sb,i , P?'*. 34 tly extinct in the breast 4 O . those Who mailon•her, and - old Farmer wept over his daughter and':w i Lept like, a t ' 'lt was pitiful td iit.ar ber,l beg to take.her and laviher On thifrcool 'ltd, where the dew drops might fall silvery shower around.her.land..npon turning head ;_ it would, mike het feel tel• add pleasanti she said 4 .1 , then she . ' lid cry out that JuliasSmitih wasfkill er ; Altt.she had put a weight upon teart that was crushing her 'ld'. the. ~. lam sn' young, young to Pier. irouTtl eXclaim ; 'cruel, cruel Julia','• length, the fever left her, and. She lay elpless and. feeble •as an infant. 'I And felL.Doetor Lexeriug'.All,,thia.-,tiule4—,l a mad 'distracted,ltt first he._ watched he in her delirium, for' it was i SOOLI 1 1 In cessary to call in 'his assistanea too. .m :her watches over the: sick bed.,of nly child,..so he watched over Susie; he i ed :o have no thought for anything else.l Icnit,tant wish - -was— . • 1 '), Viat• she : would only return to l'oin isitess Aim - AR:might know.how .I-jhare dea are n 1,4, . too iug her ear as hqw over foun A I her. ~.i,hpi• r - .. . i' , . . e' l4rned enough from Sasie'li wander ing - xclatnations talitioNv that, she loved him still, and . that Miss.Sibith had, deceived! hi ni. Wh n .10, len;rdi her fever , was hvokerl,' the stre g .11-: that: had sustained :, him throeig„h' the 1 45. . . flange 0 part of her illness, gave way 1 1 and, tbrots. ng himself at, Mrs. Maywood's.feee, he -laid F. is head 'on her laic maid wept like' ' a childa., --,- --T "rsy:- . - , -i-.- - . %vliile - tha•goix.l •oidia4tS-ininglect-Aier . teArs . , vitt • Ills; . fii.r . O.te bad - .ll.:liriiiid• td .10%;i-' liiin .. :t son alreiay. ' .- ': .- 1.. ' -''' - I`l ii. ' Fli three weeks fie had wittelied ovei'll sie,_ nearing ; all Ler medicines, and . A4ving them to her with :his own hand. iliiill& al! i nios withoutfood or sleep,4ll his 1411.tes emploved on the One object-7-restoring-Su- sie to )ife and health. ,- --- c 't . - A b?ut a week-after she had taken a *hinge for the better, she ivii-afilelto:it iii) ia-bed, prop edup with - pillows. She- looked :in delicate and fragile, that she seemed -gairee ly ') ,t 6 behing. to earth; but the; . riithee, as she . quietly arranged the roork '&l4i:brill OfjOY everV tithe she looked on the 'pallid face' of her' daughter, to - think tlutt flisiv, all. 4.linger was past. . ‘ :11.., ' 1)r. Levering i Will soon be here, ii - iylgN:e,', said ofe - kind Mutter, as she sepOpedte 'l,,ir range more the pilfows ; coin fed:tidy. k ' 4. faint smile brightened Sfisie's lace, wlilO' a. delicate rose t :age stole to.'her. 'sn6WY c,fek. 'Dr. i The' next moment k. Leveringr:wria ann 11 . .000 -tA. lie held in his haud a' beantiful bap t of tness:roses, with their. halfppened buds , -..-. : - - - ' 1 ' l', , ~ 1 -t; , ''T ese are for the fair invalii,',. - Qui d I,' its he approached. the bed and took . S, sin's' hand in his. He felt her ;puse, 'and- th en _said gaily, iyou are so much :betteet day ay dear patient, that rthink, I May . ; feip, I venture to make a Opfession AO _you. l Do not leave the.rporn, dear . mother, you haVen, right tcr bear it too . ; and you_nif ,dear . pa'pent, !anus, remain perfectly, quiet, andinot, triter .rupt ie. - Stay, 1' will hold this little and, so I. n tell . .b your pulse "when - f hay -said enon ;11. - ' - i. ' '.. .. 1.:. 'N ',hen I firstsari Yon. desiiSuSie,llo44, you, fondly, tiliderlY, in ly; ferie Of, ak ever woman was loVed b _'intro .'and froiri that hour to -this me love:, iris -never iiiver4= 7 Wh' n'T was: unexpectedly palled itriylliinri t in here'tE, the death-bed' of it -- ' distant 'relative,- it wa .so suddenly thaa had no time to mike-;,, any, se ntiments knoiriftoloii;"l,Ahould havr4,, - writ tan you -while away; Pltl was 4po.i, ing t return homelevery day.- `,..CiWror , :ra l , turn home, I..foind a nmingic.swititinciiia_ from :Miss Smithaild sitppesing thatiahlt *ftei .. _ sick, I hastened tolviliii her,,i", - .• - 'Y,O4 canilnye-: Ito i ea .00T 1 iY:Nelj911a..*er 6 0'.0 1611 alie:lP forri:' Me that diirilfg -- Piiitbfe ' nZ* - - - 41 'l* cL I had Abed int; i'ifiii) 'dot; tlyi!: my 'phk,r!mls Su*i was 494 out, ; ' 6 914 the-1 1 4.1 4 ; ; Ar,",:. othe 4 1 , -, a : - ',',... 1,_," 1 )' 4 / - it pi),Elible 'Ai it stiq ti l ild'lmiii• 3 4 a': Vitt', , , 1 3 :1,. hoix .1' intet e r;ptied Susie . : -4 liiititvt - .0 ti . ~ ,_ „, , 1..... • v 'zii , ....7. „' i me on loi.l 'her,' iiiir lraS :On 40 al 43, from proposiq to !ler, rom the-.r ha 1- . . con's defect Toll bOund itinfi:!‘ii '.:- il l-,-- -- ..1 • . 1;;; , 4 A t*iiedieft r, exdairolv Or Iv -1101. ino ,bat Ti an tOcliir. beliere th, 'Ake! . '`our4 , e '• j'hfi'-...*lirwil, ad, o•it , . :iwb fib jilt fold:' -:- '', bob* toldAtellotc- ii' to , 44. 01 , Ott. 411 . 101011Pii304ithIliro tiii: aiidir ~,, 1 , - e ,-(1.4,:ii, trd . ,6.4t1-It.-ie,,t-, ii`tr??, i14;.-, , , ..,,, ~.../„, - , - 7 ,t,'.,, ,-.,,,', -_ - _';'-r::' ~J.,Tl:',zi-',4i'•' goon takepice. !. hail no, bought ordisb e . I R u b,. \ fop , a , r -. : , lieving lier,,and her w•ardi:neariy diove " mei -t.-,_ -, ;- ' 7 -'-"'"‘"to 4 l"‘` ' 0cii,,,,-_ - : - ,. - i,', • • ,. '0 • - '- to despair. I resolved to avoid you ; as Much i Ti ' ',- ~ ..emu' : , ,u i . '', as possible, and Was iriaking.preparatioris *to , . • mi d t ° ,, pit r°ll° f . w . l .l7 4 l o. , P. L e r *.9 l s ___4 , ltY , leave` the village forever, When you \vas taken., '• 1 - 7.1 - .7 q: g'"'••'""‘ ciu•s- - PGFieut - tXtr.?.-- sick. In your delerium I lea d ill t h sPi - ci°u. ' P ° l itie4-i° eYe l l4'c 4 at 444 fold%W .l ‘,47 ''.."--- rne . a _s }le • - • ... ',.,-... ..,,,, ~ ~..vi,4 2. ...,„.1 * -4 4 %--,,, , ,,,, , ,,,, ,, , , ,, r ,.' had deceived me in re d t gar '0 i ttra ections, -.;11:.. , ~.:41,, .. , 4` ''''l and from your "dear mothei IIJ learned that, 'Y°, a",!nnit'inenkateihiriikeeettait , „ iisliArAiltiat,',`r:; , " I.3'°e. rejected Mr. `•Mtiere.' `;Aii4` iiow -- ; dear 'nueciinnn°- '- •It .I"°kri - 1 1,1 ',47**- -• ,- " , F-4 j Susie, laM rieher.byfiaitythielisand dollars - ? re i te'lt6ieili l l w, i .'g il : dauei ' t- Vf t-i,. ;: -' 1 than when I came to ROSe,Vali t lin3t. , Will :Your ellildto - „al,vAtr:ioi4 'tit iria,t7trtAik - '`; - : i Y°u marrY,me and be itti,own 1 dear ;;wife ='t menn i -,-einegi I 'l l- 10,4r - dtiiiil .4.,..,:.:.ti..,,,,,,...,;__,.; r ita 1 will. y ou accept a hearrthathai tier rioved • --3 /lever •iitoatiac,„itheart u inittiVgAii,.Y., 1 before'l one little *Ord;thy'darlin S us i e . You a v e : sure 3 hat.l.„Foi;Alttlx&eflukuLlElittf''' 4 "- 4 She I eked up info he!: lover'slfee with'a you *r.,Sr#P,•-•.,:, 1 7 1` 4 , i ., ,- -;",-S a p, , ; , ..jelAi ii ,' - 1‘ .P,,,f 44 fr,....,; 7 ;`,.: , [< - happ ; blissful smile:a &then laid - he bright . e • ..i.r •Tinl 4e 11111 •Mtull C . 9 '4-4 ° 4 "F-g° it - ' l Dcitr '' Ahead'rustingly_on: his breast -, and, hough. 1 ., 11° "! 111 m ild i# :-14 ' 11 t - iind 44. " 7- - -7 4 011- 1 - • / ` was ; spaenDoctor Levering:must °man: _I- '' " , ;''''' ,.; a 2 i f .r'-'-'1,41e , t 1ti1,,...,c - ,A,i i' , ...f,81f, •"." - have een hard to ple a t ' i if he Was riot sat:s, -' 5-: :Al s "*S.P4nl 4- 19 1 4 , nlitit4raliii.. ;Ai* -: 4. ,r,,, . t fully disCheyingyou Vitt iie.Ve i r44 - ipirkk - '-ni fled. Froaithat time Su *e' ' _ 4 l s reco%erv. 0 , ger , . .. 1 .. 1 - , v ..,,r,,s • ~.-i . -,/ 1 1 0 -4.1 1 4' :... -- i'- 3 i health NV:t3 Very rapid : In ti couple 'of months • ...„ ..,„; ' - .. L. ~_' - „ - _ :. ...,..,,,_,"i i , 1 - , 0 ,: ,1:....;"4 -- , -- ,'-'_,- 4 aft9.rw rds what - busy timeti-iver bad iii.clibse i 'l' '- '"e!nr` le t -Lulu° I le-lA. l w" - s "u 6 2r:' ': -I..ti' "\ 1 1 i iMe, Such a bustle'as 'there was ill-Firmer 3 . ° 1 -' 1 or s „;,.thithe l Ytiblockse'yilitii*C. , 7, 4 ,',",. s : 7 'f , l Mayw oil's kitchen ! ...iSnch .4 baking of 1 .• it'uleY'Rve - iii#4dputuiso* , plifitrt.,,,.; weddi g• cakes 1 Such a m 1.•• e. - f' "..ir i per, wait,till they are ;Alm ntsii then' OW . , .a in,„ o je , les . . - . - , -, . - it,- „.„ A „. ..„ .--,. 1 Seel • preserving of fruit °fait kinds ! Sucli reason with;them 544.:•.,the -itpproprfietys: - -.ot ----, a squeezing -of lemons, 4'ras nei-' - eif Seen hefi;re - b,.,, - intnirfatl," ; - 1 2,'.' , ''' 4 "...' . ,"`" '',.. 4, ,;' ;-''' ),_,;:._ 1 - - 1 'or since ! Then upin the best reorn• what , a 0 : -.1ternetneeit.ti4?•alitu,epeakuttioinvosW display of wedding clothes, whilleon the bed Molt, when-'the' .- ' 04 :60 - I, . harp 101thar ~:itAiiiiigii --:-.-,--,! Jaya snowy robe of india muslin, trimmed in ° re eire° l64o tang the4reattlitigAftignollr - ' with - white lac..,- and by its side a wreath a -cr4ll° " l 4 tit4 ; fiu4lt-b 9l- n e-t e 4 s ; '''' .4 ';:: .l'-- k --- I; white rose-buds, and a mndsomely 'enibriii i ii :: : 1) = Ne‘"l'' iiTe L voYribltdren / 1 97thlt4'" dered veil. Tlien what agatkeiing orgUe s ts _cause theY Crr i dt - jt; '', l '' 3 ''' -4 ' 4 '; ~ „",-.0., - . ---- • rt :i ' ..1. -:' t --; - . e.....-v,i , that , i. . 0a ,...i . 1:40: Oti _no - aced - fiat alloirt,tremetalwgc . " 1 1 there was at Farmer Maywood%, 1 ing I and just as the clock ; ' struck nine, our ° e ' time wh a t Y °l/.;liav&f°i ' biac i ett i l i ill " i-- I Susie; lovelier thde eer, intl. adOrned with- .t re like ei.re,llmstaileWAtta l 44#* < i'iz44 fi.' • l the snowy robe, rose-bud, wreath and „veil, • 1 1 - Teach ..11ifrn„tl t at, *ill 44 1 3 1...t._, 3 '4:e5ei1, ~.: entered the room' leaning \on the flit of our ? I T *a± l b 4 .'iii+e't *r ti'doOdcfiSci'lki• El 4 4 iol , ..", - 1 :-: !.. yonno. doctor. ''!pen" u •11 theguests ' ' . ~p rose a .. -, , n 2. A - euitoin-th . eriV t,Wriiii . , tie4-,_ktitift . . 2 . • 4 while the Aged' inister - i.pake., the 'holy rinitalsrvillb Perfeet 41 :titbit'F'''''-i x " - - - :" 4 r 4 00 1 '-1. 1 words that boundl that youthfut 1 couple to- '''lf 13 - : N e ver - 1411 9- 1 r cf*,:t!.. o- , 1 *,.4.**; 11. 4 2,;;: gether for all their fu_ture life.. 1 1)coutl, 'and . 0 '• ' •:= --:-., _...:- ..-,7 4 ,i,,ii - 4. - ..„; - ...:4-11 . 4T'1i,e . e .. ,41041/- -'- ~ i 1 --r-r-r ''-"a : 1 '- ' 7 ` ; ''..÷ .4 " t "r`''ltallig.= -.4 ~ ,, , . 4 isibaiSiiintitteaV '.-- . 'l gentle wire bY bi ‘ t . slde; while hir face Ifits Th'".„,, ±. ' . , -'- . ~...- '_7` -, , I'g..' - ; -1 ^ '" 1:. ' ::4 - ' :- 1 = perfectly milient ith happiness. l .- , `‘. „, =., ,1- ' i tine of tne - '&istott_'§lnsetinetibldilizttrilll:- -__, j it IS, perhaps oeedless te say, that Julia e e d-cbrres P ° .,„l4! . ., nts ,;__m - r.,._ "liar, 4, ,* 3 * l ii', ll-64 i,TAtt` - '' %Smith was_ not a the ,wedding; - Xprtilied ' '' , `"'"g '-`.- 1., `" °1 4" - Slvite- 1 ".. -I nnr 6 l: PKllVllet - i- 4 r# l s, - - 1 and disappointed at, the failure of . her fits ding from.: ' lneksonvi r lie to • „eecin,i%thik ' she kft. J.tose Vale - fureVer,An O l e g rea t i v State, and 4 . he Nytt . • *lngol7 - aini- , ,5 - 7: of most of its' inhabitants::: When we last' the roadside, hPßna.Se4;n4,,b4de-e---7: - heard frdm her, inhabitants.::, was trying ' i to captivate boy,, of- al ?nut,‘_eight.yara 'artiget'---With„'„liiii a widower, with seven ehild ren , A nd...th er e ii ,, as eyes and no' hit, dregiedlitan filitift6747 - ii - :, 1 , some provect of per success ' ' Pair aids father's irc;igerli i „-Wvitiibititif t ,„_. - Doctor Levering built a very large, , and h ' iu " e ' t A ' n the 'c e P ii n t ° • '' ..4° P - t-l'f l l 4 thickliti: - -- II:Indio:nil' hotn-O,icalled, in the:village,. the sttlin.P;l - -- - •-i-1 ,- - -74- ,7 f , "•..).z , ,. ":•'. 41... , • - •;L - ,..i4 - :=::- *tr r e l t. !lolls„' Our s n •;" th i i ore fop the purpose oh b re aking l- ifi'' l ' - ' , ...sie la now e appy • . - ,--., i . ~,_ . ~.,419w ,-- I notonr of riding - S.li ifkyl.,Fith,: t itii. • siied* - • mother of two loVViy.children, a boy 'and girl. Except that she ik a little stouter,-she booki 1 th a n (16,0111)itiferiiiitleifillir:-.Eii,fd-'7!Alila-il------ as youthful, and the-doctor says, ii} ' great. Ins v l r rs „ e s Cl , P, _tcl-thixfCrenee'lltida . ainl . ei . 14; ,/ deal hamboiner,t lan she did an her weciding , - ,... - Th I:___lPl_t____ l4 e : W.,„:/ . --Clin kcia , Aen•itie lioltAki - iteik i day. lie alniosti olizeihisloirelyniife, 'While to Sangamon A1..,,,„° 1 t , ,mnf, i, -, 4`: ,, ~.1_,..- t i.";:•,,. - ,- 1 1•"• . --„? she regards him • With a proud trust:off ' ' '11341 . w.Y 'C'Pened'flife , ,yestii'thiii - el-z--: e"- s s- en Iln reP utr- - .‘: - - • ' '. "'''-':' 4 "'" - '- - ''''r I otis love, and `You 'would have - to :search 4, ' long tithe before yen *etda gnd iti'hartrlsom- `` 4B " t ' sii ' m 'iee9 -I :iifeke - e , ' ':-"-..'''' I :_''''''''.7 4 e' C': - 1 . et; bi,a)Pier, von piL th.tn'our 7oting dotor 1 , ._-_.‘ J /5°16 - 4 - 11 , hi ' ii#,,.' aritisel in - iurred,..., ri' , : ,.. -- ' a i l & his jeitte - sli t e — , - \-, -- - -._..- ,--,- :. , ..ott-u, f ,..:..,_t , r ;,..„,..1 - ).: ; ,,,i.,,,,5., .1:-.45_ - `:-..,4-4,, , I . w „.„--L,-3 1 , - . % .1. reCken,'-wris ffie reply. - . '' % 77 '''. ~,,, '....: 1 I t ' I Rille3eller 4 s • Adiertisements - -1 - i - Do y ou e njo y yourself _ outs" here ~m- --A tie [ ' FItiENDS ASO NEMeeoits—lliiying just ' ''''''" id ,' '-- - 4 '('' '.-:. ''''''-'' ''-- ''''' •,',":'_ ; opened a comnindicms sbep for2the - s al e • (a T' ' zi , ilea!). ' , - 1 , . - _.,.4-:.;:45.374.!•.',--17-''i 1 . !J1 4 .14itt Fire.' rtake this 4ariv oPinortrinitv o f . ,-\,!'rl'uq,,i,is your P Brits I - $ 4 .4'A LOillil- - =--...:-Fi'..j F yiforming ysMthut, Oil Satllt(1:1)", tiej,,t, Ishii!' -'" 'ere - elm.' was-the liennte'4lhiviaA:-- - -7 " . commence the business .inc inaki [Pi, drunkards '` ' Findi f n g th at' /fa bad behl'ef a genius lriti f ij- -- - paupers, and begears,for the sober, industri. - i i .. pu .. i t t: u 4 ._ . t '} ) :P U l : 9l . oss . - 11 ,r;A:kimiki..., :' ''..*:‘, ---, urnii4 ous, and respectable portion of ieeminuidtv "F" J to 94 p art i, but i r "is rt" w ain -' - I * ---P- `---- to suPpart. , •'' t .• : ~. - • •-', V the" beY,:s - WWO in dlitiif feluttinetaiii4ii,=,„, ,- ; • , ei l hi l ea.-. -..-F • : ''' ~. :Z . i P 't-'o7l:''', :-4. ' 4 , 7. ` ‘,';' a s- ' . i - shall deal in ..familiar spirits," which `, iv kn i.,..." ....., = f .".' _, ,'" .i . „,„ .. , , r.....j . 1' - '„:;i' -, will excite Men to deeds:of, not, robbery, and\ 1 i' ..,' ; :. "_7 . ,'" u r,'Y ° ' l ''' . an ' tlwil -" 4 ""; . -'''''':!-1 r blood ; 'and by so 'doing: diminish the coin- l ' --14 , ° r“ . , ~nastufeleP Y 4-,7 4'.A 4, -pL,T .1 .- ,Qiii-- ' forts, augniPtit'the expenses, , Una _ en dan ger " . 'Lie boy ; here grimed. 'ni! Rri,f i c,el fl p f :M - :,,,,_:- 1 the 'welfare or the - - coinmunit.y i - ' • ;', • ' t i f i e ~w4'4a.ltkqsfip his f.4,:itA,..4% . 11T.#e5, An i .4 - 1014iiif f.,- '_,--- I wilt undertalre, at Alert - notice, 'for a' "T' a Y a l" 1 0 s a Ptiresal,# - ,bread . 'iiil4.oe;:t snill suip; and c lyith - tbe greai*expr..ditfon ‘ l. l ) ..s l ,! sieiti P"%etti k tshia'likitel 4 ,.o - eatii4 - :: to prepare victims for.the atlvluin, the Poet P A - ne ' dhean k lhe ntiffhObefthe: t " - -' ,l ''viti , .!'' - % , haesis, the psi on and the g,allows: , _ - ‘/,,ea I have redlitd4hot3lOrtligitery l 44: - Wl':. I will furnish an nrtieles that r iiill increase " 4e-ata i x '" r ead a i b O li 'Oti -- / 2.- ~.,,.- ' .: - -'•-"`-F:. . . the nu inter or film! eel dents. Mufti ply the Lord 'Rut * aP .." te .his Nine; ittiOn '''' 1.., -, - c.s number of di,tressit is diSeM:es,' sand ;render ' evell ' l - le . 4ered .t ' 444 ' 1 " t9 ' :- ' l7l / 1 -* -- .- --- '' :: - '7: those that are harm ess°, in6rabie. s_ -- - , dent_ eYSJ' is '' .7, l v -. 1: 1- AP t J u k i lt! ,0 !*- 0 44 :'-- ' huts ( - tom snrcherinithroudingitllink4.o -- r. 4 will deal in dru 'that Will d '• - ' Of life, soMe Ot•I':tt1 If, ltiOit Of pi-ip.gtv 'ind. ts J c n' rne Y'''' '' ' -'' - '. --**P- ' ' ° ' 4 "' - - - - ;. -, . 4 1 -- 4. ~ A r'. ~., ,t . , i : . ."-.. -., ". :11l °C Y eat:v; whieli will e:ttric fathers td , -b, ;-- 7-- - - ,', 41 °,7 - , , i r -;'-;',',.-V-'-- ' fiends`: wives, widewS'i ichildreniorplians :. ,' ice'- Onb- : b ' ;i. ; , Ef t * and ill niendieltitg - ' ' ''-` ' ' '', ' 1 ',- ' man was:disportinklittiselfilVidep' - ' - s - '.: --' , l will :citu.re the rislug generat'son tsa - grovy" Iftelitiag.M.,# .6 7 4,01!' Orq VWt'M - In' ikßll"i''. ,cllG . '"' , ij . v.in ignOrance, and prove 'a bfirden' raid ts - , PP l l9 u s 1 -0. 11) -P °0 ( "I # 43/le **L' *; i l it 4: p u i t z ame r t e t h e nat i on . , , -,..- .: :., : - -: : n4 - #, sailing. _befordlhi-iviical 1i4.4.:!:1aat , .-:;!-:-,.: I= %off &use Mothers `StO„ftirgeftheir'iticli. and • '.: beatnik eli - ; . *iia -- iata*ttiesiA - 1 - ;:: ,-- -- iing infinitn.- virgins_heir prlceresa l inao: and '''earawrthk with • Sja - erafV4'Wite '';:"': cetioi: ,- , _ -.' -‘ .ti f t - ', ' been 4 1 favigite-elune.r.ATl' Illati*Olig , ..'2"-r . : i' wilt corrupt theministers o rOigion,:ob: came aware lhat..a ettrinikkp44-Idar: l 4 -- e r c struct'the progress 0f:6:2, GesPert defile'the, .DCIt quite go large; ' as bit oii Of' AT, .;' . - ic - '.. .:'`.., purity ofthe church, and,cuale temps:4l4d; spi-, mile aWaari,We-keatia. Sdo Wk - ..,4p9114;f, ritual . and eteraal.aakh ,; and if sfieuld- lettl.bi ;be thclol;(‘`(l4e.the - Si ! iiisier' - g . be soiniiiertinhtit'Ato` nik Whyl• have" ;the' 'craft:*a..l di4k4•ea' ttlltia t illoor - r --,... -- . ,, ~..,.. 4 ...:,- Psl'. •- :#. '' a. .... •,• . - - %%/ 1 •1 IM,I."? audacity to lkirspesucli:ficetimplatetlf.htiiiiy. ii-ailitsiconiparatitilihalitfiffecislii - tfir lnia--; nett toPitia—t-MOTi,r•• -. t,:: . .i :':7". - : -. .::: , Who_spirit . krttile IS locratiNe, afiesaierprik-'4 - &keit% 'chilsitiatis givt;lt'a ilteei fat counte• • 'uance: . ':- •-' - •••", - ' • Chtiie• a lie.eisse, and if I do not , ."-- bri ng •thst.e 'lstupon you, sone b dY else w i ll i, I livila &land of liberty: , '• , ~ ' 'tfriviii)ufeliated the right to demolish 1 dui thiiiiiCtere . - destroy the healtli, lhorfetr: Altellielitikiid ruin, the souls of, those - who! ahckii& ft* liiinortot*ith their custom. - : ~f . . .lole d ge i ' IttO..'d& ill-1 have: hefele ; pruard!• . litilvlikiarish any, of thifiVtt ' • -tdmvet. ' s ll4.eili,,l)VOngl)t• 91 - 1,C , !.thet 1154111 , fir'their dert.sfriends;*atereigiasted.to'nfcet , • 111 4 Al.* bhi; ‘ihtra'l';‘ , tit u itiii-.livivilfolts \ tiiikiiiii f tTri with'iliediiiiinia*cirifoltig: '7, - ;.;,,t,i 4,-,<••• :,.•:. ‘,......-'` .,......,,' " , , - 13tat.teiv'ekri c ho epeel '1 t ' ' 7 .• A! ~ 1_,..-- o - men ot original criticism Keever heard wife". io ll ke,kafg4tVatirvitig... 4 0 -Ber r t EEdgii4 1 Three oft(imffitittalkia_i*49ll,l4iienlgt-4, '•bisi fall:;;i , !rh,'OetnilOrllfaatiiilttit-Wioi;t IT - APPintintriOpolailijity. ;hat a iwrfeet. men_ aike.sAaani,Altild niirn mit. :sin. ~- ' ;.-.2t.etit , lte woso't perfect,' said one of the , thcea. • . . 4 , 4 ~,,t*Ta i n't„,p.aftect r , wo- ejaculated itt -41011_0"ent• r,4. vr ~-.. ',f/NK%ir. he %rasa' tftwerikilf: •repeatod our ci)nament a Inro 4 1 :-.1 , •'„ A fk.e-, ,-,,,; ~ 5 , Whet flo yourniiikiii'' , WP - itiOlt• .4- 1 , i Well,' 'a usweirel, the authttrit„,iri , t %lei. was triatie perfect, I adroit, hut lie diaul. stay fop feet.' , ' , ~ , lr. .- A l Arify, won not, one or„tillopin teruoyt-, 'sill 'r• If he %Lai perfect-;wiibqittithe 644, he was not perfect, afterhisingone ) wit s be I Say V - -,-- ' ' i , ,:'.- 1 , ay, ttaa-alleare. , -,- Oar- ii )Wiciiitirg: - oii 4 ~ , n$ TiucOltketri oa4 -- ..v i trliTil 1 1,k 6 atkiir l of mait'sorlginal lingo: -` e t • ', - ) 4- `^ r;.' ".'''' t..;•;' ?..:. - ' ''..•., ° ) ':- ' t.'3 , ; , -.1.5 . A. -,;.-- - A .•:', ...1. .:-.., '.-,. -- • - .. - •_ " '''. . 't l :- - -' ''' .' ' .:4:.-::•,,,,,-;,,,,---;:gEs,i--i, . . W -- -- - XIIiMEW4I: -s' .... Ay. ...F ,. ..,,,7 - , ..,:-.,v -16:ta li '--:-tt--g-.,-----iiz,,.,11,0t.,-v.,...1--utdep.*2,,,,-„,..,..,_.., iv.k!i• ti,l ' 1 1 4ictri . p , _* ivit , ist Vtg-'ant *Pcilt ,- eii I 41 :4 1 !ft k .iiiiikkjif — it ileitifiew'i -but . the...ttg 41,10teXtli the togst.:)f . 14 - by .. scome"nult: 4 44 a liatfOn_to p 0r , , ,, ya11 0 h o fitrled - fiiii.sdP, add / made all:fi l s!,`*l4 3( l- - v p is txboiif.'io -gii dticiiteio'grilli,'whiiitaiiesiiiko earn ..4 fr(itn`thtiCeirtie:ot thesiittt!„,r6Wl:ifg ; _ IL 'n.iittixeclittle,sehoasei limit - ht c9.4-#14544-9: POP ofxll a y 7116,11rapper4went, Ilayrag ........ • P - J*4l -411 .,-:°* ) . Vinall-...., dee-- 1 . ~:-.:, i.: .- •:::.' ;''F.7 - -, --- , : 1 - ' 3. 4),<. 7 .'"" . gt`i;76-1. f 4 Al t P•i e li.We ler aVe e l l tigt.t*tre/- •-" ..:.*1 *l.Felk - i niiih.zlsaf. aveVitiikilidsWiryact s t ot.,tiOnV4l Al_itOrsiallatiW':Bl4-'1040ii , ,,, ilivlerAbli, 46041SiliCurreir 44 :ii i - j ea pvtOkbefi v •e-' - ,OO L -4 . -;+i - t, , , ,, ,4 0 1_ .:iMitgonottlrz t FelA X.ve-t l iAlvi t- itrOf t *gittAkatiiklsii 4 ti. 1. .9fAitaii44ol iiVi'AirVIAA,I4III4 .2 -': . .. _ - .1 . ii • Xi . ;fir 4%, lEEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers