mtmEnw -}. :::To la.' ruiers h .. ~ • • • ' 11 - o..fulit')i ing remarks l'. ;y the Icon. Sam )hAlvirer, in au addre.i, before the Agri- Ural Societrof Saratoga county, N. V., ..of Nyeeinl impOettnee tO the people in the ridi' genefiilly. Reading and study hare irn toolongtieglected 12 . . y, our farmers, and .il . l4ce,the..bullt of work is done, and win withfits long evening at hand, we trust r- - )Crs'atnkboults will , receive due at- !lfortunately, the, opiniuh has too long, itfiged with us.that learning, that intef are• unnecessary for the tat to iilentgli; to fence, and to feed, is enotter. If we see a and we du see many, %vb . ') :ticredticate his tun, to lilitee him n'ii:ieriintfivaity, he educat T, Lim to r iiVt ! Von the tiirtn, instead of ttir.l- iirOTi and his cultivated mind to it. Kira :have lived to see this deep-seared edneati. in, that iiitell;•ct are unite ary to the farmer, giviivs, was to a more , zliteited and ciirrect sentiment; and tiirtS- ive: he assured, that a: education intelligence g out, upon our farms; will farmer rise in his station. Intelligetice— cid:ivated mind, with pure inorillityigive whenever and wherever found. tit rank alone is nit all the farmer is to by intellectual Cultivation. Ise labors .of state and comity SueltAies, l a by the exertions of munificent enlightened men among us, and the hi of scientific mot, as u - ell iu 'his coun throughout Europe,liale d.,:intneArated importance Nand even the uece:,.nty of 1, of ochmation, of xcoence, to the succesl altivation and ma na t reinent of our farms. w,th hundred: of fitvorable experi ts and result: before us, in supp o rt of po:ition, there are too luanv of our own who are daily teni:P. ns that our frrri ural hoot;: an 3 our agrieultural 1•al cry wt worth readin , r, aNd tiara a ri.:eultiiral co is a "huntbay." To such I tall (Ally if you do not •look about you. nod do end, ytiu arc in great dangil of being, : ue 00045... alone, without practical -ation, would be slow to make a good NVAB:ihttru ;k..1.;0,. . A IrANIIPACTURERS and deii.ear. ivhole 4.T1 and retail in Hats, Cap-. Muff.. AM le I'mfe' - ' ( '' . of I"ati"infilic'i directly "Hobe:. Trunks, Carpet Bag& Ladies Saiclnils„ , the selouls, with all his books, would COL Ili Sr., BING II A 3.1 ruN. 5 Utmals EAST OF 1 lilies% make a -sorry fi gure in navigating : BI NIA! AUTON: HOT EL, - ship in a storm, and might receive useful Have the, pleasure of announcing to their 'frier. - I and thespublic that their stork of Fa-11 mid Fa-111\ - Ins front the less cdtMatell ship-mate. Geod. for 1.819 is ready for in-pec:ion, and tlx . \Olen the science of the re-pec•foil-v invite the attentian of all dealer,- Ltled to, the practice of the sailor, ale ac-' Hats. Cap, Muifs, iikc., and the public at larj,e tln, lAisleilinvig . ,:itur is produced. • out this I:chile of country to the facts herein Is , forth_ 1 ' it: prit tical former—boa-tits 'eall+ l, ,s Th,.. raft irt l ert.i!iise of their bu iiness has compelh self so—may, if tie lias fall -ii ttpon aLi X ein to iirently tailarge their store and date hat !e spot, succeed for yeas, ai,,.1 gi•t tole- now the largest and beg selected assortitien I 6 crops,lA- following in the old track, Beaver, 'Nutria, Brush- Mole-skin. Silk. Califo ii 'in I Wool Hats -, ( - liter. Seal. Nunia. 31u-k- a 1 tit the, lights of t icience; and prolmbly i..) , Silk aid 31ohair, Phi-h. Silk it Cottiiii•Glattze, \ iIC relsou that he Itas mi-id 'wally int y et at: cl ot h C a p. ; 1411.1:1 - ., Boas, Capes, Vintori e ! the very course that science would in- , all : in fact all kit) I- of Furs worn. Buffalo Bitlk i . ire- But in a large portion of the lung all kinds and qualities. T i Audi., Vali-es : Weliiin *ated parts of our c,tuntxv, the fortilltv - 1 B ru ss e ls and. Ingrain.earpet i Digs, ladle's Satchel. 1 i th tc e .. e tt: a •e ntr, ..tered tothe 1111.1-1 'Gains of this part! i.) s. Xe soil has been exhausted by those here - y systems, if systems they inny be call- i Their Hats and Caps are all manufactured ; by and nothing but science and intelligence 1 them-elite., and their other girds selected vitt!' produce rest ,tration: 1 . the man without reading lnd with.out great care from the large-t manufacture: and iiii . porters in the tinitedif State . ; which enable, them , to sell from 15 to 20 per cent. cheaper than tiny la, 9tl fin& w his croil.failing under a : other establishment of the kind. we 4 id New Vtirk. i and exhatrtt•d course, can be induced ! WASHBURN & Cti. l 0 10,Frel inprovesia-iit through expert- I Binghamton, Aug. 28th. 1849. '.., lie is as likely to make the wrow , air 7. N. 13. They issued their Fall, Fashions for Geld' Hats and Caps, on Saturday. Au g. 25. tiou as the right.. He has- seen his I I - I ibur restore a field by the application of ! LANEISBORO.I".A. CI3W OATH STORM! 1 , and conclude , his field: hit% e the same ' On the New Fork : 0 1: Erie Rail Road and Stoline Ge, mid must be caircd le the saine rein- henna I . eicer. 200 mile,' front .Ist,, York, 2;5 milt-4 ne front Is'lngltand4n, and 19 mites front tlloni'rot4 1-.. is s out 114-money to make the I rerreinoirai be ;Mountain,: and' the. Old rix,s tent. mid fails. Another neighbor i Bridges.' i -- I r.r d-d with 1.1-e ter, and his money i-J A T our store the following may be found: Ong rtit upon tl.a!, WI I I lOU t., and . ..."1. h-t. French land American Dry Goods, Bon un on eOlitti-qing the cahilog,ite of ne t s an d Rib. o l, a q ParLsol ki s &e.. , t ia - tufirellos, Carpet d i, and exhausting his i.ut-se, uat,l he :cl, ' • -l e n r d y, CI 4 f l j a:'ss Wia - re l ", (' ii ss W e' 'are l3. ., :I" t intlow I in despair, sell: out to a reudiagy ...;8a1....x7.,........ Crt, Gla-s and tint-1 - 1, Dross and .Medicae:, Groceries, and goes to Vti , coirin' or Texas, Mackerel, Codfish, Mess Pork. Superfine Flour, to can bight azain his exhausting pro- Nails, Stone Ware. Jappaned Ware, "'Mi t ts, Oils. tuffs, Butter Firkins. Candles, Sand's and Townsend tun a new an ' Pert le spot. His read- . D i e s -Sarsaparilla, Books, Paper, Inks and %essimexanlines kin m oro out soil, or Quills, Cooking ; Parlor and -Slap Stovt.. Stove one' or a fe- - iv shillings, and finds il, I Pope and Stove Trimmings, on hand or made i to exitatisted and destitute of the essen-1 order. t - • 1 tidut of potash: He applies a few EaglC Foundry Ploughs—warranted: Wank* ik. of . asile.„ , in,teaci of !_area in w i ii ,., 'ii Tmiveimg 13-ags;:Shing,, Clover Seed, Carpet and Cotton Warn, AXOS, I:Undies, Buck Saws, Slarrik.-. to soil already abounds, and his.crups im e .,,,4,th e .. Scythes. &,. ,E,. I doubled. , For the very liberal pa.!..roa'tgv which We • have ices similar to this-are occurrino ( j a i_ receivellthe p.t-t year we tender our sincerediatiks, titi its. and trustwe-'sltail relieve- a still larger share of iyablic patronage the present -season. Having re tace myself with the rest, when I say &teed the price of our goods about 25 per cent. - -class of then in this country kow sta from Ipt year's prices, our motto is now--saiall the business they tldlow as du our I profits and quick turns: Situated as we are on the Itailr4l-,-,we am sell lower tlout any other esthly lishMent in the county. lawyer spends one-third - (3 . a life at . ' LYONS tt CHANDLERL • Is, to fit, himself to enter 'his profe, 1 . ifoldshoro, July 18, 1849. id then studies by ilay and by night , Beak A% e , n.- • . t-stand his bu-iness and do his linty. i'EAR.S". PIC7'ORI4II, WORKS, disine isAund spending allthe - days LI U. FORD/IAM !taring procured the age cy tithelitir l f `it his boas., to tintint4n his I: • for theiewt;lebrated works, will canvass :+‘ it t li,nd-distilarge - ifis thttii-9. . . quehanna co. during the present month, to true , . . .. , subscritairs. The value of the-e works is too a ell so : - !Musician al- enter) 111 1 4 P4 lll ssion known to the literal,- world to need Comaidnt. it•Ou;ili ti luny course - q severik4,ttly, Itlo.ntro.Fe. Joh . 'lti„ 184-9.• - ' .i - ni :all his life, while a "'podia/4 1 4- '..npends every spare moment nt his to see- what the skill .and experience -oerg'tireiloing. - Ilie -- lenn/ittercial man and the mantlfictur,. ' ' s ti their timea,,,the basiiness, and their Aistitudving the courst 'of trade and .‘ • 4t*of The markets: . er=nitizati, of every craft, after years of • tieeship, -spends his days at his -work is, tai; his atirit,books,.th learn and pro-, ntielfitilhe . mySteries e lf` his-an, laid ft,, land the priee,curtentJef his wares. t the is thong - 141V some, t( . cbe i `1.441 the tnonieti4 1 ne:168...411* or log t . ; {tort},Llin earppo l lan 1-cience Are, ca4o/33heatillnKlet.trcitible them 4elv - , . when inifiictliondittle idyl we-- know - 1 - gr)(47o6ol — ccalartintig,..wsay,iipth-' .:.., ' .i .: ''.•• 4114,4111. t W:111;37 Inow,'-iir the - iiiii4o-' . 04s : a,tirielAca I* .-cul4vAte, -ii}: . :*4la t. P4:44Ciilit;•4indthc...l**st and ; _best. ~o.oolf. inteh-ditthion'Oes r ithd.Syllat 4Liiisii- of the plinelittien ..tutiitilies' constantly'twig! • we, 1p) on Lleu 1 St ' Tlll4 kt n, eat. espub ,o we Ai iarq I tlindt ,I (Va ppl ring, -and, iiniiin7l,lle. one the oPter, spirletitues . Aith good etKct, si Itiniesi with:bad, and sinnetinies with ut I feet at all. . .:- i . . i 1 What should we thli kof the man I should elitv* the latirntory of the Olen 1 ataLprocq4 to throw tog-ether his alkal his ae:ds, and his metals, without aq j kM ed:A.e of their properties or of their afftni land then tell us he expected certain :rest' We Should, expect to see him burn i'is 1 gers, at lean, if he did not get blown] up 1 yet the admixture of soil, the appliottio t manures, and the cultivation of our crop a constant but enlarged chemical process', I Again, what, as a class, t .l) we knoe correct systuris of breeding and »nitro! farm stock ? 571 f the anatinny and physiol !of animalsl of their di - senses told their,. er treatment f Enlightened, practical a culture; aided hr the lights of sciener chi ily solvin, and settlig many of thestt q tions which are of much of importance to 1 but questions which, in' our contid awe ' we know all, have never once occurret] many of us, Rut thanks to the spirit af the times. dark tl:lt's of azrieulture are passing aw j and lig,lit, i breaking upon it so clear, - f he that runs may ieadl ? " and he that ‘ i not read will be run away from. ;." To 'Di:mists mid Decycrx in ..3/4citie, • Dr. W.udar'e Balsairiiol Wild Cherry This celebrated and infallible remedy ,for I cure of Cot/gumption, .d.tths,l4 . . and Lieer Codnpls was discover Ai some ten yiltr , ago. Since I time it ha+. be it. own nierik be e n ra pidly, sil l and safely working its W4y brough the o r p o ..i of cpuyks and counterfeiarrtl. until by its true ue :old Muni.* excellence 1t has gained for a most enviable popularity and in the confidence of an intelligent tml en ight pnblie fiNan one end of the continent to the ill The tstimony of thousands u Ito have been real ed and cured iby this valuable article, will that it stands unrivalled—at the head of ell medicines for the cure of diseases for which reeomineivh:th The genuine Dr2Wloar's Rd. of Wild Cherty is now for sale• by duly :ippon afirri!.. en I all rezpectlble dealers in me - liein all large eitiei and all imp orunt town. ilinaugl the United States, Cauadas, and BritiAi None gellUine unles signed I. BUTTS ,uu wrapper. For sale hyl AB F:T. Tr F 1 Mrr , r, "if ' ..I...G.GILIVEILT,' •'. No. eI:S. Pearl .Streel, New-Vor• . OFTERS for sale" ROLA, ILlNomos and; Fr.: .u. 64 - Ctufas. A large - assurtinent of Am ri ran. Frenbh, an :My German Paper Ilangiiiv. lir di 1 Borders to match, fur sale in y quantity.;at' he 'lowest tu r wheCiates. Merchants unable to vlAit le city of New Yiwk Cain depend upon their') 4 ar, rs brink - filled at the lowe4 priee4 by seuding e'- seription of style and qualities. Oil by elhth ut to suit the reluser. , aptint 'New Yor k,AuguEt. 24. 1849. • • I oIS.4OLITItION. TE exiAtin; b • Et‘c the sub Tribes metheMeaseihhhit, twirl is crissolved Iv mutual couseut. • "GEO. F.E.rig,l Monttmat 7. 1849; PATRCO.E. Notice. rrEfEimiiiOiber bits- been-nppoinfed • Atto4ley ;1.-F t let4if thetartni - ofHobert' ceased; irk!) frill authurity Yniettle and adltisti - Lousiness of the 4e.-tii_te. per sona indelmeir: the estate.iiilliiill-144 office . Montrpe4, softie atia tie Brune. 061:1:1849: ;Miff: " WOO X,Br Limbs Wool, asclusge for Hats and o_lo- at the 117 1 Cl ELDRED rizWOOKEL MONTRO.SE -. 11,13S1NES,5.:DIREOV Vith, ef- 3. 11. Dl3lol7,ll:—Afloino# hC Late--eirice removed to Fault Nolan re-hienee. two dixini east of bia former location, in Junliiikc street„thini building from corner ,if °nue. and nearly opposite M. S. 'Wilscaf* - Store. June, 1849. . , . A. BALDWII N— -Saddle, Harness, Carper. Bag and Tnnik Manufacturer. and Carriage Trim mer. Shop. on Turnpike street, opposite I. L. a. Cos , IQ. fin-. C.M. SI 31 arliX—Fa-hionaWe Boot and Shne Maker, over A. B.tld in a Ilanies:.s shop, Turn pike street. ROSE & PSON—Dealeri in StnreA, Stove trimming . .. l, Tin. Sheet Iron and Copper %1 are. Dry Gosi.l., Grazerie., &c., Public Avenue. ELDRED & i EWCO.IIIII----Dealers in Hats,Capa, and Fur.; ; oppwite the " Democrat Printing office. foot Public Avenue. LINES & BINS ELL—Fachionahle Tailors first door move J. Ethridge's Store; where they may be found ready to execute ull oa:der:P. for cut 'Ong um* making garments hi a rati_factory man ner. u ,, ,, bat tu 401111( GIROVE*--Fash:onahle Tailor; over Geo. Fuller's B ok Store, where he does work in a style altogether unsurpassed. • Ithe cay, ',bat I.,Jes PETER STEVENS—Cabinet and Chair Maker; foot of Public Avenue. J. LYONS---Dealer in Dry Goods, Hardwrde Crockery and Tinware. Grocen6s, Book:, etc.; ALSO, Carries on the BOOK BINDING Buti nets Public Avenue, Nlontro,e, Pa. N. NEWTON—Attorney at Law ; Office a few door:, SLaitit of the Court Dou.e. the int BENTLEY it READ—Dealers in Dry Goods, Drug 4, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, from Clo‘ck-i, Watches, Jew elry Silver Spoons, Perfumery, itc.tec.. ABEL TURItELL—Dealer jellies, Chemi.ils, Paints, Oils, Dye-Studs, Gro ceries, Dry Goods, Hardware/Stoneware. Glress ware, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Spectacle:, Musical instruments, Trusses, Surgi cal lirdruteents, Liquors, Perfumery, Mirrors, StaticAlary, Bru,les, Shoes, Yankee Notions, um -eif :self ' New Arrangement of Stages. Bet Keen .21 t FOUR Warm conaisvritt tenser Ise: J ews in Montro.e for Great Bend twice eve ry day. (Sundays excepted) viz : at t oclock A.M. arriving at Great Bend in time for the day train of ear. 4 going eat and the ,night train from New- York going., and at 3 I'. M. arrivino• ' in tinie tl.r the night train going east and the day train from Sew-York going Nve4t• • leave Great' lkild on the arrival of each train of ear. from Sew York. Careful and aecomino.lating driver , and fir:t rate team. are employed on tin- route—and the pr.pri ann. pledge thein- , eive4 to ti , e every exertion to make their line plea-ant and expedition , . Fur seat Apply at Searle'. 110:el. in Montrwe. j" M. TIICE:SDELL t CO. . United St at s Whollsale Cloth • ir g W , rehous- ! ! • T EW IS & HANFORD, No., 252, 254, 256 nod -11-1 258 PEAtu. STREII4, ( Behr, fn Fulfr=ir lit. and Burling Slip.) KEW 'YORK, have on hand the lartre.kt assitrtment of Ctoruiso in the 'Med St &les. ad.ipted to all markets!! In the article of Shirts DrawerA, we keep an endle4s. variety. Also, the tno4 exten-ive manufacturer!: of Oil elothiwz i and Covered Hats in the world. Plain and Fash , - ionable Clothing, of all kinds Ca'altrguett of stock sent by mail. Order= prompt lv filled. LEW L. ek HAN FORD, 2:1-641 Nos. nsn 254, 256. a 4,4 Pearl st., N. Y. New Arrangement. CBALDWIN would tender thank• to his • friend+ for past . favors, and would inform them that he ha.s sold out the Saloon. Eating and Drinking department, and truce thy busine... all be kept up in goof style, and that he ha 4 taken the tiller room on the ea.t side, next to 3L .3; Wilson's store, where he has opened a front Shop for his Bilking. and Candy hu.mes., wholesale and retail Montrose, July 18, 1349. C. BALDWIN. Baking and Candy Baainess CARRIED on by C. Baldwin in all its: %Irina , LJ brauche.. Bread. Ru-k 'and Gin;.Ter Bread, Cookies, Crackers, ikc., kept on hand for . whole ale and retaiL Candle: got up in the very i best kyle, New York not excepted. Pyramid and lan other fancy 0011feczionen s gat up in good style, and kept lin hand fur wholesale and retail. Please call on C. BALDWIN. Montrose, July 18, 1849. Gentlemen's Furnishing Ware HOME. ERRICK SCL31)1)Ell, 95 Williain Nov 11 Y.irk, Mituufaczurer.,, ImpurterNand Dealer: in, Skirts, Loressing Rubes. Linrn Collars, Storks S/:ou'der Braces, Cravats, Opera Ties, Scarfs, J 1.4. cg .Betta, Liteen licesonsie. Handi-erehile, Hosier, Bucks, .Setxp 7alera, BoneGazineee, tLc. dc. ' The above stock will. 011 exatninatian, be found not only Attractive. Extensive and Full. but Cheap Our long experience in the bagiue=s and know' edge of in.inufaettiring. are such that we are ein ria e nt we cart oiler itilucemeitts titAt Cannot be cur patsed by any Hou e in the city. Partieuiar attention paid to orders and the pack in; of goods.' it. SCUDDER. 29-61 u • 95 William street, • (Opposite flan Sired. Nor Pint.) ()AVID A. lIEILILICK. tAILALL 1,14:11110E11 Hatch's Celebrated Chemical Powder. r PHE nineteenth century has not witnessa a 1 discovery of which the direct eifects will be so universally appreciated, or so productive of conven ience and comfort as Hatch's Celebrated Chemical Powder, which is warranted to give a keener and smoother edge to Razors, sawgival innruments, and all tine Ctitlery, in one minute. than any other Po Met. Paste, or Strop, now In existence, This is no [minting. It only wants to be tried to be ap preciated by every one. Foe sale by ABEL TURRELL. Montrose. . A 4 min igt rat er's Notice. - - A LL pet 4 stai4 intlehted to the Estate of Clvirtes LI, Merriman, late ot Choolitut mute hip. deed,' are requerted to make immediate payment, and tho.e having demand' , again t the raid Estate to present them duty ette:ted for settlenueut. H. IL FRAZIER, Adair. Illontnwt., Nor. 12, 1549. • 46-6 J., , LYOlll*, , .. pilaw opening a Inand,tune toportmeni. of D ry 1 Gboak Grocerie.4 - suul Hardware, Crockery,Dye 51.n11.4, Books and Stationery, Loup Oil, Brooms, Fiala. ad. - . Wanted-5000yils' of liannel. CODFISH; Rice, Sugars. Jr.c...a, fresh supplyjust receivisd-aud fur sale by J. LYONS. 'July 24th.. . 5 47C5 chanol of ASHES Wanted in ex. farPoeds, at th e -Grocery stor e of • - P. M. BARBER. =li=irii *T. ontroae anal Great Bend. Village - Lots' tor Sale. , lIE subscliber offers lots for bile ih the-lOwrr -1.. ship of tire: Pentl'in the iillage of 'Green vide, and directly opposite the ' vilhige of GieCit Bend, located on the, Depot of the New York and Erie railroad, and the t7reat Betid - and eucheetun Turnpike, in the valley,' of the Sn.quehanna river. the radroad crossing the said turnpike, thence run ning in a curved late nearly parallel with the sante at the i.Ettance of a few liundritcl feet, with the ground., gradually ri-ing aboie riilioatl and turn pike,:over.ookaig the river and the beautiful val ley, Cuitipared 1% all its healthy. climate. renders it a inost deactblt locatityl for btii~i'iug pure u:c -- 'I he depot growl,' of the railroad company being (located in the centre s of a rich and extensive agri cuhural 4triet, surrounding it calf every side with its many roads centering in, and i 11 other advanta ges combined, adord every advtuitage to a bui.iness population. - n E.rtensik,e Water Power can be brought from the Str,quetuunia ricer, ad joining the depot grounds of the paid rail r ad. f.uf ficient fur the erection of all manufacturing, estab li,lnnents. or any machinery required: Great Bend, 32.0 ' L. GREEN. N. V. & E. IFtailrondl Freir,lit Line. St( pow and T hompßon's Fortrafr-ding Line from Great B<-041—Ccipt. J. 11. Thom p.on. (.1T El 'II ENS & THOMPsON V9ll Ihr ward freight IJ from Great Bend to New York by Railroad Tuesday and Thumiay by the regular freight hue which leaves Great Bend every morning at 8 oclock nod . 30 minutes. George - W. Stephen., will remain at Great. Bend and forward all produce entrusted to this Company and pay the returns fur the sane at the railroad office. Capt. J. W. Thomp. , ou will remain in New York and give his personal attention to the sale., and make returns a: soon as the }produce ii di~pu; sed uf. 11d4 company tlatterili4ni , elve.4 by lipx ing a sale-man in Sew York wlii) has been'in the frieghting business far a number Of yeap,...from Or ange county, thar they can give hi gwd satisfac tion as any uu the railroad. A libeptl advance will buil a 1 on freight delivered at_ the depot if desi red. GEO. W. ST E.PLIEN, Great Bend, J. W. TnomrsoN, New York. ; - ,..'Preat Bend, a 3 NEW Hat anti Cali %tore. MEM cititett of •Ifontro-e ink' , vicinity are re spectfully informed that the .üb.cribers have comiuenced the numufacture-of Hilts end Caps, two doors beiow the - Farmer's Store. *here they keep constantly tin hand and for sale a general assort nient of flats and Caps of every varier- and price. All who wi-h to purcha'e a first rate article in our fine. are particularly invited to gitte u 3 a call before parch:vim: elsewhere. Our stcck consist- , of Bea.: ter, Nu ria, Brod'. Mitcskin. Silk. Ildu,krat and Orley Hats: a 1.50. California, Sp.irtint. Wool, Leg:- jren-n. Straw an I Pahaileaf Hats, kc...t.c., besides" a great variety of Men and Boys' 4 . 10 th and Glazed ( ar% children flukey du., -bort.. a large assortment of alino-t every article in-our line- By a s..irict attention to ba.dness and a de ire to please, we hope to merit an 1 receive-,a liberal sup port, and assure those in want of Hats and Cups that evcr , e effort-will be made 'AA g,et up the neat est and kind of an art Ne. Maw 1. 1811*. ELI)I2 ED e YEWCOMB. 0 /t i i+ ".i_teoi TO 11): ,SACED BY THADING, CHEAP. GrroC , Pj. u cfionarg (Ina (NO( r tier/non. rr HE railroad being conipleted. I now have, and Pl. keep a general a ssiiritnent of izrocerie: cheap —such a- sugar-, riaria-sc-, rice, crdrie and teas, of prices and quality such as will th , o, nut , , raisins, eau& and all kinds.iof trait the tharket can funu-h tins bused to -nit. fresh churls mid_ Oysters received in the shell, Ire; It fi-h trio, this weather—they keep very well-1 shall get by the railroad a weekly supply—to plea - c all niv eusir tiers' to-tes I shall try. ti00.,1 ossterr On inuid.b , . - ethe keg or the di-h,-----ervei up Ober raw or cooko -ed, wt-lL All nee lei refi-elunents prep,- red at a wink—call in, all Ye litinizrv. and plank down the third-. F.1311-ADLEX. , Great Beta Feb. 11. Eagle Steam Foundry ;& Mae Line &lop . IN FULL BLAST. W E al vti t on rwe ho u ct i f a u s l , ly i be in t e of a \ t < n i t , e n n .n o , or Castings of any pattern, Mill Geering., Plotters of variou,s patterns, Straw Cuttellr4,, Cooking, parlor -hop Irun ce stove Ware, shingle 'Ma: chines, WtwA-1 i Lagine Lather steam En g ines, triers, Iron Fences, ite. &e., to give us a call, as we are egattident we can suit thei ifio•t fasti lions. All work done at our Foundry warranted... Proprien ' - WM. Jdsrr, B. R. .6t()NA. ' .W ar J. IMuLtoti.e.). P. B. en.t.Not.En, M. S. Wit....soN, B. S. BENTLEY. 0. G. BARTLETT. Eagle Foundry, Mornrwe, Pa.), Jidy 4, 18.49. NEW ARRANGEMENT. Freight and Cornis:ion Line, Via. Sew York aid Erie Rail Roa 1. el APT. LO. Tiffany and Walter Fillet hive ‘..J formed a partner-hip ,for the .tnin-puria i n of freight and produce of all kind 4 between •Ureat Bend-and New York by the Railroad, by the*egu ha Freight line, Which leaves Gteat illeud every morning at tq oc!ock. Captain Tidally. who ha. been for a number of year, eng tgekl in the parcha,c and sale of produce in the New York. marker., will; remain in New York and give hi 4 per:until attention. to the divm sal of all properzy,cormniathl to in# care, and wake retunt4 a. non a--4 the property is di posed of., Mr. Fillet will he at Muntrme and Great tend alternately . , Orders for the lransportatiun of Freight, may he sent to him at either place; and will receive prompt attention. Our charge, over the regular freight will be a smalt.commi -situ L 0. TIFFANY. Montrose,May 9,'49. WALTIM FOLLET New Groc'ry Store. Oni door Soailt of .31;11s d littapp,B in the (Store formerly occupied by W. M. 'Post.) rrEIE sula-criber has received a urge and exten sive stock of Groc eB, ' consi-Lit ' s of Tea Sugar:, bbila4se‘. Coffee, Tobac co, Rice, Ground Spiced and Peppcl;Starch, Saleratu,=, Ginger, Notineg,o, Todaga; ch,, Fa ,- bite r Sperm and tallow Ilackerel by the barrel, half an'! qtnirter tortel and kit Herring by the lx)x.. Rai-in- by the box or pound, Salt by the sack or barrel. Clacks. stone Ware. Willow Ware. Fleur, Pork, d:c. &el do IVhule~flc dealer iu all kiiats: of 'tines and Liquora, • • . Ile can nnyl.toili sell his gook' chAaper than they can be bought at any other shore its Idontrwe, reader, if you don't believe it give us a call and we'll convince you. Don't furget tie place.. • EltAttl Pb S ROSS. ' .11ontroze. June 2EI. 1849 11.9.611' Coluinbf II Ink. JUST received at' the Book st4tl a supply • o this article,in bottle from one i r.4o one quart, and fur sale by the dozen, or, This ti said to be the brat article of writing int: stow in use. GE(). FULLER.' Montrose 3 t7t.. ' 840 4 • LIIANACS far th e year . 185 0 one car every . 11 ,Fa dill in Su-quelnuma County ; way be ob.; tab nid gratis, by culling tit the Drag -anti Variety store of • ABELitontroee. Plewie call and get one: ! VINEGAR, of bast qualitj' forke at EWS. r ; I .• Ls? ltvikorrsiOtrt. Reap Saft.neu'llii .hail. In r T.,sattsersl's Faiseparllts. NAL. (41::.4111'. surf AI tml net, r t a ,, l.ts ; irls was n . Hue' •,,,, he , p a. u ury.speri9ntint vs ;radii h -det. ett two medical rears ! !' , Now het;ujt day in h s lite ! *.Stieti . t 1 , Int;ks ba. to the tarlitcaerk mutt slut crnly, It had nevi ter or of md. t hen will n tul 1n la their dealings auk men! lie applied 'to tine itt lilac. urit4 tit Mixture; alit make. as , itti inducement to , men Wive been Mitultiwt.. 4 Torm.t. imorder t.t linprer the 01.1 I 11”ctner .I:arsaparilt Netranortrilla. mate 11 . 0111 tin pie. Tilt!'. Townsend mime for:97 a week 1. wi dime nne.sinele +titary I Thaillitmla. 'Skill nan & la:selinnds. simply made In the truth . ..lntim tti refs rd to pound. This is tit eluttinn II Old Dr. J ACOII Tnwitsend , 01.1 Doctor's tiknees. his signal tireacmes t he Coat of i . rincitial Office. 11:e Nturi TUE 01i141STAL DIS Genuine Towns , O!,1 Dr: T..wiltal n.w a lone hero Itnoteri"J - the A UT of Ow /74 E. 0111 , SA R S ,4 0.41? MLA ." R. 1111111 tiy whir ul mart:eq. and :tor Intle• ca,ett l hod pr-ve:111- wtirth and kn.. th e ear" Ihall•i or ,, rthP , e. • beru belle.A "I ape tiweauses. alined t4l*.zoiOrfitt IIi.;ALENG This GRAND AND iIN r.QI AI.t.F.D PREP AILATIC'S is rniiiiiliaci' the eo le. at is called for through out the leup ii h and breadth the I ti. especially as it is al 4,11„ fume! tiniarehte Of tlegeneratt n ter dete oration. Un'tke yootte S I'. 1 • ~,,s . ' ,P., it i t ir o vev wi•h age. aild ~, • i et Cli nitiea Wl' .". . ' tier: .beratse it wp epaecti - viii . ..i.ri , iisC pernif . ii , J .y i A . ientilic mon. \The highest al (-hen., try. and the 1.11e.t timenverieig Of the art. have ‘ all heent •- oucht inn requi-iniin In the menut.te tune oi the . Old n '..t Sast par Ila. The Sara pat iliA nett. it I. vre ..riawn t medical in n. contains Many metlieind propert.4a, run ecime prupern -it which are inert or °relent, Anil °there, which if retained n prepn;:ne it tor use. pre• tVireferiiteurroisip arid neut. • bid. is iniurioua to the =v. tenv Sp* of the properties i i Sarsaparilla are ea t saga/lie thattheyletritrelyievapot. •e* di erebten in the prriairetion. • it Tiny tire not preserved by a erenilfie proreire,littown on ly Iti those xtte.nettcetl in t p minithicture. Moreover, Meet• roklttle prracip'es. whir ity air in vapor. .n aa an ex halation. limier heat. are the *cry essential medical prop „,. erties .n the rote. which rive t 0 all ine ra'tie 1 Any pet - sit ram hoi: or Sue The Iv, v till they Eel a dark motored !squid. winch i. more anything et e; the ham the adoring matteNnp Iran non than Iro can then vision thW i in-liiid or vapid lititint. awes rn with sour motta..e.. an t i then rail it - SAItSiI'ARIII.I.A . EXTIiACT or SYRUP.” lint viieh iii not the article liiiiiVen as the GENUINE OLD DR JACt)B TowNszslys S A RSA PA 111 I,LA. Th,n in 'en rlVT4lreli that all the inert properties of the Sar.anardia mot lire first remptved. everything rapdlt•e A becoming , .eta ..r ferrneumwm is eXtvarleil and relecteal ; then cwely I il6 at Mettle:li virtue iii Pertired in a pure s ap • nut conrent tedlorm ; anti th iv it is rendered incapable at in..i n g a n y oh fp• VP11141)Ic n al herilint properties. Pre• 1 .., ell it, 011. W1t , ',,11_19 made 111 most poWerjui agent in Thin (lure oC insantne able Diseases. Hence the why we he , c..rortinten , lailocie on every ride hi )td:favor6.t men. eeme . and children. We:find it dotes wonders iu the cure C0.V8141/P Tit fI).V. DYS EPSIA. and LIVER eI)m PLA ENT, 4te an RI I , :trll.4rlsii. gonoF• L•LA . :pfr,c4. :YES'S. all CI I 7'4.VE, (it's ER UPV'TONS. P .IIPLES, BLOTCHES' ra- , inn, l'Y I. p ~ 4 4.0., e 1, , a niarvelloti4 elf Finn tn•rn ,/athgereiefr, from unequal 01c1 . 0411 , 11,. tiorICI . 01111:1 peen on of the he..rt. e..ld lee .'het 4r , • 1. It C.,arks ;.an , l la-pfneat.i ep: a , 1...1. relamnitartcturcs o her part. its t•xrc lien tint .n arahinl6 acknowlelged th:qt in ail ktnil* FEMALE CO. It wor k!! •tr• , 1111Cill in C-31.C. , r‘orin, or the truinh, On.trii,, M........,1¢ -, 07 , 0450ty of the rile and iiii etTeciunkm .:unite all ih Ilv removing fjil,llfUCflo.not. vssieen. it. etve+ inn. and stre Mu+ CUY." , 411 f frn} , 4 Of r We rs - 031$ Disease and Mlle p eveti•sint relieve+ adleY. a+ Spinal iu'rilartnn. .% S.rfrming. Epilepit/e Pee. C.l 11, C•r.1t,1.C. , Itle. 14.1... i. EXelltin t•me• the inumaeh. and give. bowels n' torpor •tnill , llolllrpaii rifiry the equal tree the r duelng gentle warmth equally .......-olf,f Ict I•.•Ft•vot : r-. ni,, ~,,j ~fmnif- f lonn. Runt ill •7-tem T. rot ill+ ttien The Markel to -you p Bun call NW of I ! ,e-•e thinge joi e . ni t article T hie vnuing ( 7 0 1 4 PA RED NV i'r I berati.e of Of, , 14i AND 1 7 %1 lii.E: /it 13ETE:R1 RATION, a N r . .VE.1 . : wt.'', the other 119 ES • snuria r h. n e uir r 4 runtaiiitne it loin liquid eettluding.and damagiii h or rthir compost:111 lie raieoft. I put arid inina 11:pow, nab endy ea tine. ilvvtweteini lee arid I I toad your:* in vier ' ffforaa , n . .. Wi ' eaftifellee, tinartnitru. vin t rit t n ii Wahl% ilia rrinya. ' ilv‘el l ierv.• r hire.ll %Viva in seTo:fli',. hut Wit o pro ',We. :0 •iw lifif , lorff , the Slim., 5e..1.1 ilead. Salt i s ue lin et a, rev,' Sort... and all i ?pr.:* 7 if ili ~,,, Nog! tinder II wine) +nue.. awl Om+ epoilv all •ir ie... 'What ettinie• Rimun non) whit{) inviolate. i•velf I wiieneArritatins. rind infiamin • which it Ref.', of nervous hi•eal. of !eon s. rtrvillatinn, 1 which millet human nature. • Note is it' not tiorrible to m teeter in line 'hi. 'tit - 111N6, I'I;I4IENTIXCL - . • if: P TOW. %nil yet he gni:1111 ( 1am not , if I v r u b T i•idicialhi ~ 7 11titte 01'4 . ITAThIN" of hi. inferior mita lied vein forbid gis t we - shot: i would henr the ll .distant seri•ra art;rde! We kvi •11 it torl4,nitorol. liemi that 8 it Irnwtrrtni'v article n Ssiseps tilt. are hrtirewsside s i'er: that th ee alai e. - • , /,....inta.... , thing inienmmiln. - • A+ S. P Tourttarnd in. no it rhen t nn. no iitiarmareumq—kni itiw•aye than any fetter enttriniin man. what gaturrimee ran the p reivlng a Peflllffie ielefillfie Mao i hie+ of Mi. nn seiel itaeth in pre -eonohte of rhitinte.i which Mint of I)iltenee, Mental! lif Itealidv - 1' Dm what glop • nutil be ay n ot hing ettinpara(i elf of titedi • a rayeynn tie annul xperienre I intmrnion decent nfeaL HOW ' Li. , 'be perinina - who mantle:tem WEAR NTONIAT'IIS AND , should hoilw:well Ike Inelies.l.L mootrr utifieeitril l atid ent r ant . ale an •Itioneive lowlelige of atreet the ' !Inman .PVlRelti, and these .li.att".•! It Is to arren I" tuts upon thi into wounded hu nitv. to king bosom. to. restore health, and croshrif and hrnke . and to'nanl JACOB 'TOWNS ND hi. , 11101 portunitv lintf m to brine hit Grand- Valli real Can within thereneh.'end to the - trr, tbst they 'thee learn awl knriw. Totweseininwellsant . 11 0 ABEL VETERELL, Ar NI II t 4 ,r , I I • ► 1 t (TR r Ply. A am" Trovea pa erns of manutka . nre an mating., sale at reduced . by 'New Milfo.L. prit 10,A Lisp,si aa • St• Kasisais, I, 1I ttli XIV . iteseuttt:—.l - titmi t ni to • .erinit•tatvitse • tnivertised tillt the 01111th Thie,TntenstlitiltihatOctiii "k worker un Ontroadsotat ihit Otte Tic h,ciur hirttif erdetuntletAlikeays.ntw • tt nil practiced lier fifteen rer praintionSil medicine a • klreetinisniptiettentatton aeity therinsur ! ;; ; l:wisit Ie tiesie. titatinnento Min.:, earn he-henite •end titith- ' , tont - se; Wilk, their' fellow C' 4 PP 10 INS* him , in lean, ; !lie tinge suncti *mild • mktinthidittneinion.c •Thal • itwllln;nitiu•atLpoSeibie public vtolt the belief that A not the seem/Me...rig:inn , I Duelnee Ilrigiscril Rees ! have enid the uve ai . Iny hint sgrivfjr he wilt pm. it sills. Ms statement* of omhine..-but a tissue or lye the public. and liFel) touring, fermenting corn ih'ic to purels.e none but 'marina. basin , / on it Mw twat grActas, and his treat. N. Y: City tAt•OLI TOWNSEND. • , wnsenti, OVEIIRIt OF TILE ' d• .rs Sarsdparilla. i 3 .U . ; no year. of nue. and ha! 'lo.ft:ate , l LUNCO l'E I? ER IA L " TO El - SWF, NO (111. r. he wa4 ~0 0lwile.1 to a 1111 , 111. at . h..' been kepi out n-c-ibe.l .., tho-r orrty who ot tts vatile. It 11.1 rtitetuul ~". alk tho-e penmolo,wfro INul I at stared Inun "afilaLL. UM POWER THE 'BLOM\ , irACV in alt e•nnpininta ail. itliiy.ef the Stomach. from •1,1: 1 or binmt to Oke bead'. t a:: I hail Is, cold cleill. and . not if. equal In Cold* and i':cc•oraiien and senile per. tile lungs, throat and every l e rrstre manifestly seen and land Ita...;ers or IPLAINTS II Fnyor Alhuit or Whiles ( •d. Suppresxed, 0, Painful t.trttil rerteal*. an I the like; torm+ of Kidney Diseases. .nd ref.rulattn; the Erneral 0.11 to the whole trody, and and Debility. _r-at ..1 ,thrr rmtl nrac.ia,S7 Vitus' Dance. kc. the limier to healthy. aetion, .taal direatinu. ratieree the m. allays inflommatot. pu •rcalt.Hon of the ell over the body. and the rlClllol9.wud llelPileS. to female" the entW..nerentea .-entinenity need raid of S P Townotend , s qn'e If uiil it nor to be TrIE 01.1) rt's. 'that the one in INCAPA GEE ..feemsnanr. and bta t orng tntametit. : .the our. se@ other snoly! 11n.t nut this .in, the system 1-- inat ! ism.wd with acid What . , x e n o , n it know that, when ' it mveliter it protlner.' , '. n or the heart, liver von- Mit. gni Cori - maim of the n heir, Manor in the 1.. 14, 1 whArti ("Ili'? 011 Eriinotinit tH Mine Me:ration• internal vont es. ren ,hui an arid vuh.tanen. Mr fluid. nlihri toad.. more firm hot same and and :tit/eon the )nint• and else. the ilethrate tissno.s upon- ItsetWes. of impurity of the and tiearli all thi siltnetus ki and aell. - and infinitely uf,I6MPOIINI)" i ran. „,,h. r .,,,,,,1 , inks OW Dr Ja. nal Sarsaparilla, ipt an 134- •Ilion , , . - - t 1 deal In an artt l ele whoeh i - militant* tn S.,l'. Tnwn. Will ?lir! Ithrmitite /mak nhillr - -ArrntiTrvispeml'e rt. pnd . 4l,ifteite./yels!iri. 07 partttitt4r. ttartrix ant I. inr:tinil never wan, le- no we nn medicine or unatiernitia; nrimmthanionat hit'c'her! that thee are re. iehsi. ennt#liiitio! nti the vie• ,ire it, anti which err renderrhem the AGENTS eyed i fmm one whn kirnwe irrenr thy:tit - se It trtwirtu , conk end; serfs or' even • FNeb 'mom , imitontoo is. it medicine drowned the SEIRRI.EWSVNTIVISL a:mantra of ptanin, the twat oinmltgit healing Yirtnee. the Vitrnor. di4ssso Which Sow to adapt' remedies to - . . unfenunate. to milt balm H. 4444 14 the - deffpainnt bloom. and-visor Inuv_t*. 4 1 windily 11Ai..01.13.101ta 1011rarid7011Nrok , .eiktriateut Reaskelly owle/tte 4f, 411 •er bn - F4441k inwfaii04444•644 . 4; ip s i: • tr an - . nt Snetneluinnn On. gotighs.of the mod ap e statßiughluntim irechicid arri for 14.14.TRR11T. 0:14 .841 , Ftry , putec TIIRMI/134 ~.:h~ ~ 'tte.V Alt A 4 am" , • I r i - : arll 4Eß Y: irtnre 11'10 me' ireixerionte thir• ni4zienst OW` ' ttr:lTikeetenst- haeleltpeestetirter.lllPlOutt thetest etght rim yerlWit. Sgespparilhs, *Web !bas-"litoiord-, ehn•eiter ehariepetatitiai -thisistehout the Unite& Shitot.:tuid St: ireiter part of lhieseerld—the sale beinunsolime s , This exelus.l the eephlitr pfeertalis oipt_locipled.wo and. as •1.1 - who lama seesitrd in r ico.- che ap puhliemions f•r setso . " „.. Th sams, is :limb Teielreist. ..poset to • 'emeherif lint to p l c essi.k.,sietir. Sir to sell the m * a o r his gm . mxt up u Tuor•browlio,.frl..nooperoE„toelec th e 444 , et , istrertt.hrz weal in mutter's -latt?he' h ive. i Ans.,. ot h er . a„ , - si spa n d Faq.:l% . 141 sc the Jamaica. Vallaan who artieumi Sheik prepre',theit lb. it 4 . L. A Noil nwei ftesn'sriv, Intel Ste, ,:r 7 tPters of th,4l.lSTEll'lr Capolif owl 'lriowseieifortlie glihmitrtftr_llo4 4 title Wpw , ..linvoy,i JO H , iilL 51 • 1 • 31 ". mat -I- WM rtiolll , l4ool,t, mister the • re of T lllol i ll4 §o7 l l.tpal.l.. MAN & Co, - Iparit'employ I this vhl "so. awl mem o '. as Iwo setidoestel•Oht 00 1114 ; s orttro l - par fur the son hiP nu** 711""tumui inga Ink all 44,a1,18A yr0 .r h. • , erote own:. 'o°4 _ t • S A •Iti•SA ails ice k et c *.pwl op it Cheaper. p!!liiiroafrr. • . s , sisiit 11 run pisr:rpiog, pfirpiiog, stril :I , Tile -great - 4Pokesty imill , rine aver ell .alhar, I.l.ligi est.• the .liseirte,' it hiviga the very haat 1 j argrNi; i tistrjr up:meorEs e ver hada 0 „fit' ran ON. 'r !artifice the vitsale oyster. •u,I •te..igth.ii. ihe 1..r....i.1.ut it ereas.;4 wee, pare alai rich:l4444aq a I 'pair", p4......44•1 14, 4444 Mbar 0t5..11. -ice., , A ant - gis ititi. ii-s laillivouni 1414:W.11 44 it. einallar. nil •I4eare it am. patilaiser4l.oll4.4 the - boo 1.44 :sate.. ..... ra Shan Ileitterh earn. 44 severe ca.a. or .11.. , i0.!# . ;; . t' : 104 VOW .r I•,rrii. atmei.1.4441 hire...l4lm ii alacvered tha live. e 1 stiaria thee 141.01 et the pad %ea . /44a ..,,.. sae. al she City oil New evk wt 011.,. . '" . II 11.04)11/ .',......• . orlf 4 ' 1 1111.1111011," iiii -, ,1;:?:. s• ogfair . Pll Mr, 16196 IR Wirral 4 . 7:' - •.' .,,,,, Z" . t . 11, T... ,ip.,0,1*.'14...bita ilia int sonata.. 'hair bele ..1-ii.' , ";' 1 ,“ ~,,,,,,,,,,niv„:11 T•• Va. shit tiara left' their um* . rat., ea.' ti 11 lia alirai ~r ~,."ii,•,im-- A r imie..—H.,.. c o, ......a ii- ID 10.01:1, .01 lit e11re... , (1, ilyiriiig.44,o 4 or the it, o .sioOt.. p ...I 4tot,e 411 On TO • I.l.tpirlil p.oalrel . ar iite . ea...a. wy.tria. tassitu4e. weal lit 41.4ttieti, . &lathr, opemy, ...... , juin ..... tarp ,le en, .0.1 ttlelili. iio.le.iallti 1t.0ra..10.:.)1114 tnt.l ,1,.....p. C0n.0.01.110. 0110;i0a rittirly ....100,1 I. 1qi..•..1.1v....511 $0••41 • 114111"/40,..) • . ... r 6 In.' ani.rri..• i iorlttil, .1 , ' Y t.'s - --116.1. w I yoral A. It Mile III• i • 011tra 1111.3(.1.1 s to e 1 1 .07 limlos, i ‘ nol ;el team in .• 8000 ealii , eoi.lii.a.) .l • 7//7;: ..***..y 1.... I stint. Oitnni, ..t1 :It. lax r 1.., (......44,:t0m tan $5 coml. 1i.....1510s li:ors...tapto /...r. , Catefirlwowl. 4.;.u.,, r.,„, r 4, Coioki.s, isih.ra. .p. , 1 iv Hlafa. Norf.* V'l in Iht (Ars{ firrtir VI st tVeirito ..reivir. thffiralial• P. afi pr.ot ICA'etut *now. rasa as this 3i4., Ac.. h.tes rt It ars aa( L1N144 At ~.. •4 • ...'.% w e ilia a ist..d. . . Nee lor Is, if te, frit Da 1 . °WM. WY/ t ..- I .11.11. turltrin. .p....r 1 .....111. 'ill. q.s, 1....,55: in., mrlllll.. lssartml. I • gati.lassra, ..t .runt in, fir, I h a ,,: ! . ( so ...tit isl I rat • Isl.l a has! Vents li II 1,..., i .i s ..i is s 4 la set.. .Al tail ' I rpsi...4 - hole , o „„itti,., ~1 1it...1, Itrd weld ••••••61.. Awl Viu _1,..i1f .I.4.ltialad ~.a ta.lneekt. ...I dist 11.4' .spiel to ilia I 1 5 .... .110, a5..4 'not Zlnt.ptiows ills a •P5...1 inn.. ;ad Ili,. nn• a .1..5. 1 . ..11.1 C. .14. 1....1 .1..141") Is. Ink. I is ., ii i . ils. ts. iss nib an •••••• lilt *qty. I I •iwe uf 14 I .44 nit ovisgb na..1.11 ma. • liens vitt • OM . 1., agsne 111 , 4 I 15 .. ; lisaul.full Use issose .Om eall• V it. WAIF. dicta Stl 1 aut..; WN.I It 1:14: 4 1.:1.1.. RS Lail...oat/ el. . i v ,-4 -- -.-- ---=',- --- • . .'4;t....rt;' ' . 1 - ...-.,..,-.." L 1, ....--. , t - -:.. -- -:•_? , ...i. ,7- , ry...,.• .. - 1 ' '11111.e“' iiii i.les TI.I. 14 nuly; ttli.. 14 il.ol ti.lll/1 6.fir littlMMtifl . t.llll.l. of II 1. ~. .-.,.. utlfiatta t/ittr;i)r. _Ti . tel I...tura igaraitimairillo Ile..,4 i l'i 1,,, ~si pro Pi!". 5.1141 elan.°l - troll., is,. vt,..4,11 pre..1h: , ,10411 1,, _ ii,..;,, it smr-kin,vi/j - %little ; C. ..... is. of if.. in lb* la. A., 1A.,. r. 1.614.1, 1. 11.. crndrm.• ..f .1, I (Olfian . l - - 111 '1•1..t i . :....t.1—...11... 11 . !Ii •. V. lotto out/rt.-1i bo r 11,1! G. , ,•.... • eery. A Ltli Ah, It hittonlimon ; triost..i.lorolqo or Not ,•....- I reehl 2.41 exit...len. .4.,•• Ott. 1111.4 the i the tr ....I.: 'MUM i add 0111!i Willi. 3.11 wry. he. ethl) elesale• • I ht., r 1.....1 Gmi1...1111....4 , .it S.ooniestithcaotid . thwt ilk , * ditour.ll.• 111..1".• lt•,1 • 111.1 , 1.• { stollor.. oitrill tiltstoslir I NM 0 i . .. or I, 64 t• r— #ll.l red I aktr ultt..4 . t••lir % Mi. V 41.111 NIS . 1 . al lil.ortj to .4... illsii. to,t il l b•lt..fii or 11....0fi1ir0l '- Vein re.ree fully, 3it %EIS 1 1:1114)11154111 4 i' i :~ ilitorusiii . lip .. it, . r..*i . ,.r.ii:r.',,J,i,:r.,A.,, r , .1, O.T 1.14 landO,Diria 'CI loi.sut , 1 1 .. n it,- ll'alilo.a. rst I...arm-01qm or tyltitet,.ottr ti tion. lunantini!nrir.of Uri llierrotf, /OW .61r:tiot itruer 11 0 1113(I.Cr vyttrilt4 thet rt.,-tt 0.1.1c.hl tit - lertr 4 ,..stat itv t It • .r - triOrn - poiritri-nie tlin tl.l. leulet,til truiflei:, *«P4111 I tuktut; tti , l 011 Ce her,. 11..1..1 •It• ,11.11!.....iC.L. , It I tit. t eh,. t i.i.i.i, .. - i-lt .....:111,61$ 1,0.. of , 41 1.11re0n. , •.1.. -1t IC el..4re ~7...4.1titair1. $.4 ll*, Cure. •L e 1.1.1a4 ed., 4 . 1 " r .. , iti.t..l. burr I omi,la ..I" 4 , ft..a . wile,. to. dt ,, s , nfloit gains 31 few Int rit.., Ints.:lty.:ll 1t?...,..c4 t.. 111 .1 bna 1.....1i ;aiitiv. 6l l. , p. .1 ..4. ' phal.a.. Pc - .., ?...„„1... • ht. apittmteltide: glitt: viiltrid 4hoacilal asetiril as ,thee ii. TO. ..11 a 16.1,..........,.... !I 5,,,.1... o r ie .;tijitirrllil! thl rya& it vttittitd 1: fot:iert llod Cie... .4.104 -•l . ,us. '. Il L. .sift. I. .1 W. ,,11.,,, ivm ti , it taltiotl ',..5.1 4.1 4 1. 11.6.:-...4.Nciiiietr WI ~......,... ~. - • 1;.• t!....05-r . 7 - - 0 0 oil 4k , iew 'lf 1 11.• 11`.:m .. ....1 , mul'•iiiksoliiiiosal .: Pk, •ial:siaix ii:Aittrilm;l:- /N Ol 'l'l...i.lar 1- nil - 1, giia It. td Om Ili: ' orAllosoi' preset Pa r . , 141 '1f ! . , ...4.. - 1, I. try .1310.4.1:111.0".!.004 vni. I,:i •. • 1 i' , - . .II 1. II ti 4 5(3." lii/ ,• Hit ii; tit:: )1, Illt. - . 1, 1 , :.r... , 1 , 330 - iv,,l ! i to. gpiwt . t !i.-.011. -1.1.4 sa l tuiaili.riorl....o( 111 P. 1 11'...t. , 4114`.. ,it.i.riimiiitrilte. liliitifiidvinr asr`Niv o r's-Ko *4ll C4Arsiik.i'y'•,:sigiir lAkfielsr,'ll4ll.c.ohailiAiuel.t.l oumhind ea , •••• p...iit. tistrh.t . . , :;l:limir... it 0«,..,. Egt f ,et. of Vtelluti D.*. kr.,,Tl rty.:mii - prcall.. •psi it lIII I i in Ilsi awattir shop: l t, •", lin •;' , .1tiii4i,406 1•11 . 14!‘.%. , ..t..i.t. ....0 1 "0 44 crt viir•-eirlirritli. ~ ; oh .: . 11414,... , ir, ! .. q. i.,- :IN 0 V i 110.5... i...a1.1"'" • Pit 4 -' 1, "7 11 4 P4ii4i!il.f!,!tl. • l'i•jui.inlisiomi ' wawa; sist....l- 41. ' ''lriii t rija I lille :- hill VI rit i.yloll ils rWii,' • ~ ' /Itir -111:014.i, : fi g N. ....r... lt,.i.litsit .11.. 14. i: ' 01111+;1!{- , 41.rort" 1i...14.125. ' lkyou . 4 S0.441:11 Ninih r w Il l,„1011 oir?.a.., .o.l ! NOpiphuil H. ti. More_ Iliritisi.t.:ll,4llimT.ll , ..t. 4, .c.....:i.. m.0.,* - i....: Writthi — o,c. feii:,',llhl quoilivi'liini'a. 'lle. it : II 1 lit:all: Pcsaal ittriiiV:4llll:anlt rr-i.' I In ili:- lbw' i snowi t ;•V i g..l, 4.:14(9 1 1iIii0 1 ; 1 1 ii! 41r,:e Si: ! h i...4*mi. Abet 11.1%. 1 ,,,, o ba .., L . ve,...i 110,1i;-1 Ay : : Pt:: i'" : * : ::. 4 ... ', • Pr. ...' ••:: ' ..i i't .1' II Pa1.r.7.6 , ,' :,:• .: 1•" i i . ::•as • ...I , lrot•ii: : • ..Ni!•••• r ',le, 4,0 w pi* ,iirs to 111.. 1... mg ) iirri iiimii4' l i ii.ttris I si ii• t ir os 111SMil S Ilircr itriettaula'l4.4l4k,.,l4-0... 4 .. i .,. 4006 . 0 „:1 0 ,,, 4100 .,_ Irbny : 11.0, :, r . %ism*, "Vs %ea .0,41,'.. fiats :- ,11•1101.4 , a.T liai i , _.::.. i 5 ...... timy_ g li;*!iviniy;'l44 - firla.4.lil l aelb4l,"'.4l•Alit , *ii) hisilebil p."- '' •—'-''' • ' '', - . ...' , ..1:-.:.:,.'4;:•:4''.1i-'.%.iii ;i4pisealfolly,,;.,• i • '": ." • ? ..-.1..1111A14: i Mike)" spa West!! ,016 , . '11140)4 ailli*ihtll6l%.ll.lo2l A It 1 I. I„t A. in Om ►\'.nia ctinirt Ibittl,a, it .s sir Wua d'ac rid avelsor aNeiti•ma remittal, 4ite s t Peareitt. arrtiority Ilk %wimps, ix... 6 m I. oh ~„4. meg 111 way, Ii is uPiit rag - Cure•ljai 1.• thy* 'll,4Ntini, jilves rmUttq ti, to wr antarekrise *yawl res. .• • • . ~.,;ptt.. • ..60 11133!!E /la IP a oellorltroolive and epee novouromin, limn vnillIPOP• r t . . r , w 1.. Ce . ,..... eq.,. 11'11.4. irilel , ll or iliScelt Illeorinos e; or inrolootarir diseh‘rjo • 110rnstratbso ...if tlul it% sistis.e ~. ~.r iolier.ot ettusit.-otoiluses liolosi or. se.iiletit.lllo4, ..f..'4 irk. itivigorntint elreiliNji*C:-, s. i'itsaP. welsh owns wind ljt , iitllr._,...,•Ml 1 Ye rollout and full ~I /111:1 , 4111*5 . : toneolabtr c0itn , ••••...1- 11,4 A. i. -fiats.. ir Welt is toe gr+fft:- . ,:'1,. \in sol iiit , expected of so; l'",' ire. 1100 etx.ll alit e ertifireetee of Loesl Nooeltot r Ih. sMict.,l. 1114 .4, 0 rep...t.l . te. IP Thaw. ~ Ole ' . , kayo iissi. iiioluilo slot. 1 Imo of (46 i15i0,•1.1.1.r7c - to.ll. kh r 110. 11...rieht oir.i.i.ser. II li n. ro.f.Coluetit leo frem.leg,rfflim_ iatiVrotow In 0up,......, 0.4 1$ r.i.0.1:., ••.-71, r tars of life. .ii 11 if a reeolxiso !ores 09.1.111 Tiel laeire able: , eli .. 4.. 0-11 , • 'ia ele • tune ear iir4: -, 7 hi. e -tha , 0, , 1 II•o; , . er,Psiros , 1111 to orofdiee , piet ibeeine . Wow liroe,Ifoielo!l000rl$ Vetalloind 1.0 oboist seeilierr; II i,,,, , ,....ti0i at. ryit.wi. ler -.41:,,1ir0t 4sliesll Li.Yt : I '. 1,. . . l * SiSTAgrosiiii. ..' 4 . .iii 4 r.rtoirisi hdi pl.ttlar 1 111140, ," I .*, W. airaoratipgiat Pby* t . , I.tra' 'or 111.64.0. 1 / 1 11 MIMI f ,10301.iiparillit. Aral Warps , . KI. 1 ' 1 " - r o i .an •0 11. oit 0. iinin 1. j kvitiatet,' suir; a. a rishour, It . Is 0.. / . April. lilt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers