i,;,; ~~`d~-i 1 ..,ximou---3 . --:: 3*--golityk .41:!:fil! Irk.'44 ..,-- ....A S , '"'• - ,-,:-.. Z......4', 'AIi:L. , ' '''' • ' Afil 4:Yi-Pi —,:•...lit_i;:l; A.' - 7: pokraist'in Oak Pitt? ~., ; , ,R;... , $1140; -Irpiactivaiuythc.,year --: 7.-',. , .2....110. r' .0 .f:i.-.4,v..,..* c la ;, —7—T---.77-'--\f--''--''A'" '''l:- . ..1 - : - ' , - 1-•47 , --' , .'44.4t., Fee thect**o44on, , .i,er: . ! . '- - . i v *..:iV Death': ' - , - r y, lr„ . . • '-' -s • '' ' ,6 - 5f: 4 ".4- : . - .'s ..-. '', ': ! • ,;:-. *tr ..,***":: " 'w - 4,':., - ~. N':l ,- 74; q.; 5 .,. :;i: , 04 , iti.4i;':' l , P , ::::k. .1,-)1 ; 71:;, kild eiethit*liihiiiii-Fridir k - -- j;,-7 - : iAti.:44 ,-, . .._... •,,...,--,:, -- ,i -... r. , ., 1 .,:- - ,'..,. And lhirricittilltre , AMOVit ~ ..:..--;" ~,' ~•::,,;.1 i ..1 4s• beldtitlitlitrie,,,., z , , To be:a witnain..4oheinieti.r.: l 4 2 :l p, • 4 . 44 In Buena Vistnaldatkratiir:Oit7-;:.'.j*At ,i .i;k`t: -. ' , .1 1 /1 -1 4-5,.Z.t:..''-it'f s ,'t 'TTne itllthatt . o* t # Bo MC l APPlkt .,l .4:47:if . , : - , Wliere rlet-oe*A - 4.. L ., ..,_. 0 ,0. ii; ll 4 4 i l 4 i # s- i,*iFtl4 OtAine#o l ...V't . d . llO - . PS* - :4 -.71) 1 - Yi tho feared tAt, :. , *Oer:4kigeM -, 4 % ; :if : ; - i''M . But met their, coel*.# ll .o*.fe#V,::-.'-;t-f. ;, ::. limed 'onyouTd*iber 1 44 i l j . 1 1 2 *eiiU;;:t m-: , ,--.4-..i, Each sobiler's : foln inr01rtdA309 . b,,i.1...T:!,•.....i.:.y. ~,.;,,, 41 scaree_seen Rise §Y.: - ;x4o4!'. l ) l ate:;;,': , :';' s. ' , '4i''''''';, As red it iscaswitti4iiiiiis:4l,. ; ~:".44N;..,.;4 'The marksiof t4-041 . 0*bc:i . I.it, .q . ;,4;,.,.'1":,A - Amid thevanieratriati*Stift-i:kitrii::ii..._4l.i:!: °D alai Vietlee[Siitle*:'.A:all7:l:t ;•,':11`.... • •-/ '.=:-F2:6 , i The ,1110#tA411:4 . - :••;:U °; - , `t- !0 . 4 . ' -. ,N 7, " 1:P 1 1 3:'c -, - . . , ! , t ' - : ::o if 1' '; ..'. 'i tnci*xiiOP i*Fo* -1 . 1::j;.:e - •411 Waxed 5 0;:i1eFP?4Ptt 4 4 - f F4elkchootfde4th beforeto. yielt, ~ .„ When gallant efilla 4*ic , ; 1 1.94 • Was seen tie ftee'peit charg4 . le sted. A,gainst the far outnumbering. f0e,.., That Aid.flis soateA,l Pink : 9 7 .ertkt-7., Whii--inerey 4Aeiriiion - Merc.F:P l * iacept dintfrezni* - 14 1 111. v c , isiiitzt tOtti Alia 4:t'i: - or&'-'tegeThrerel:ol, Is.heard. the. cantifes iic4 numic..crivh, Quick followeit s ki ~ Ilat- i d. That bathes the r,eka tit linnutn .- -40 6, 1 Like as the mOll4lll torrent gt74e, That bath its.i4ty harriers broke, And dawn the roupridlitissal steep Hung with its rn4 irnpeinrs .sweep, The isittle ragesltlo*stknitti.:R. -:11 - „ Behold young Chi's:heroic:3lCA *- !', .-'-') A , by the muskebi sheete;.l flash Upon the . Mexic Ida They dash ' • With quivering sword uplifted high, Ert its dmaiied victim - fails to die ; Then forced by nutuberatoretire 'llactnitrli.; and Vont - the carnage &re,' rtetreatini„, up *. hanks they p,.. . r• ~..1-it...w . d by lite sulien loc, i'ierced,by the swift death-bearing ball; Al/ I bravely bid liiis . koldier's fir, Ind leave him there alone to die: put quick a.guard of breasts and steel Around their wounded leader wheel, And seizing, Lear his form along, Still follow-m.l by the raging throng, .1s backward step by step they go, They face - and fightdhcir tirela foe; Whilst with every stroke they say, Save : oh save, our s - alhant Clay 1 The 14iro heard them shriek his name; And gathering up liis'cliMg frame,, cried, " poldiers t to you& duty . go, Nor Orire l fiiitire Me' from the foe-- A rincinieni;can but intervene My graviidiall dis .r dark=ririe Rut ere he r- bid the list `adieu ' Quick from his side his pistnls,drew. And saying, ;• if by chance you lire, These -weapons to Foy,parent give`; And likewise tell, Cilt'tell I" le cried, 4 :dy father; where and Iros i r I died r comrade goon, behold cone own How sad the fate he bravely lore; - Around the fallen wounded man quick rush the Imul, bletod thirsty clan, And like infernal - demons swarm Around his bleetlingArineform. - Mark that disdainful 4ealgnfd scoff 4ith 'wards them off; t % heaven! why no'' interpose Ere froba this earth the hero . goes I, Seelim upon his benried knee, Blood awning ,Ifaut his bosom free, Alas ! too hoe,: oaa-strgelY true An huncirepiii**Or•te-ilink through His spirit passing-far, away, Thus died the gallantliPlßT, %/AT} Franklin, Acaditiriyi,lB49;- ' ' ''t) ' 'Armati.'4lin , ' A-taisis• PLEAsrus Or dp, =IF ' e"," - pleadent of thelf. -totreseeeki - :*s 4 t4 from obi' bua under date of-ilia 4thlifili: - i3a710 ISitiO I *toted cre have bitho neat: . Mori*: three 611'47 once for proriiiiinikaadtWitie - for wafer. ttlie we were fireadstia , ivillidnt water =dimethreePti_re were six id* it witiawit .saytisityl:fe **sept ; a few.**ai and haWkiiiidetiolealtisiid.on thitioo and thot4? , we hive had tiro hard Vste with the '' ' il two of our tsnell`fild tight W"''" SI • ' 'ilia la made Ilia, y: lila* I zmir ground; Mist iiii,i "ams one biaakit,'and cover 'with mthoihse' liil iit : lied- soil'"iitsie4a; -liith tlfree Alshalii€Ormez, a lo 9 * .4..4.ravarA, ' drive nodes, kW - , ~,,, : : - ,,tipe. 1 41 11 ,1 fict..4 4 45 ; 1 7 : 1 - 1 P an T: l 6" 4l / 6 42.111 * 141060i 1 1 T , f ". 14 ..,. 6 F - 1 etms forlielielkinaTsoloo ,4l ,ll;t—..., i*Y i T a F 4B ' are law stofiny-140•00410AVN*4,- !•- , .1-, TEE ' " listse , 'Filkolotrft,o4oilig ,<„ FIC ,- *: -._ • 14 -uP•?• , - , . Ame1k,40,4150* ';- in whic:li - , ::. - 4,.:6o6.iitiitoAi . , =, x v etbr one in -- . ' iiiiilAil*Mkt: . .. i .— li ftitli r -... t'lli..*fi r ik:llll oictor tikeir - 4 1 . 44 ,i01013,' The W i t . i!*_ . , - ;91A.1 , ;._741 - 0 0' 4 , ii-.1 ; 0 4( Nanitatriaiielioar- ' -: tow - tit " 40t.14-i, '.-tilOW., • ... , - . :41 1 40:- -1 41 f A i r. NA. - - •',. 47'.•• , : 4-' •iit''''r ' ; n t: -'• -_•;- r'lt .1..:90•;40 • -7, - .1 . - i .. 7 ,7 : ,- .0 'I 3.-*.W.4.;*':--:,..:1-cYr.' .!4 • Aj. tEM 4111# kGE. 1, ., , ..: , :::`--f'-'i: ' I ; .• "-raii:ll'-"l4.fga.' '"' 4 ' !...I. Vc . ::;-/ 'l4 just escan6it.te. r rs one 'winter' •40-lacinliP64liiiliO:tlierFaibae iliAh.ltin,i's ilvi#titii lliftiOuid ii l ta :01'44 00- 4 -e4sc. !Apoti'*l4etkTert,„....4initin!'hivas trgentlil-iolieited;; -. l r. AoAV„,"eleileetit,eraWllrt;ti.lettei-whiiii.lt'eh&d ,beeilliVieite4,*delki'erbv alady, whii - had cadl-. ' - ":e.4).:l*tie: .Wob; - ",aiiiiii*it#.l l 4; fix. the li ur P e ' s ° °I ikeitl"g4ne4 ~,y4iit, aytkr..,integuitiOttli Is almost :Matelt4Olie:ie.tr*- from the„ hao, hastily" .br+444l4iiii;*4,4"-:43-:-.*utp;r6e, found ,it .w . ni train - irnr ;excellent frieii,,lS:trJw-ppr:llorple.s, of 04017:galt, , ;Aiii*IiiTe - . 7 .: , 1t 01 ili fq.ows ...+- r_17..,...i(.4171D4ii;;÷-_-.711i.e' bearer of this , note is a 310,4,OnajEarn" - :dp: - Airmii,:of seising to the utuan: - :t *44r-ut c l i f irii:4lotti; : :_Tliitt gin is really;. the ' %cid sk, illq_i:prlOeiSilerielli,to be, trod-het- son eon •-,,-..e,,,,qiient..y: heit.tO the magtTifteent estat4 now in, '.-.p,';0451.0.1--441.T.T.*Onles---yon .remeMber.how ","the„ftriktedlip- tulle - di at thehtit.eleetion, for Lthe - ,11;4-r-4r7 -/ . 4 1,- 1 : i - . 4 :-;: - „,TIWA' - u?.' liDraLti'(.4t,. , rfiateies,; - but whether l - ' Met"l4 . •LAna - .l?e , legally' estaliliihel tie' it 'ffairc, pk}will, tell TOU tli c . stfirilicits'4.7. It was :ii.lkitrilmik4 l 4os,s,.o 3 Ut:*fr.;lrail..q;**li ' g c k h4ci, iin,,don s , 11,04, - ,hrolmbis pp:3l;;M a...,iteeple,7eliase abOt . :*P ` t;*agfP' , " wain 4 1 4, ulla .. !#ig.•:;A:Y. advice;:" *ljok "..mtt ref,. a.,Aiirli; c lever;; perieve-' fing,"44 'e.: ; ,:lualkset'ltitittiptifiailiaiit fOr'odd'efice.. Y - lie -. - 5 4 . 0.0.X dnairtPlea ' 43- Pak:liTthf-a4 o l i 4us O d - TM.lnds:titeri"niitl,ithiWeitiallega . costs .., ; • . 'IA Tos d, .If;:optTfor-thaiSbidiould thitikl .' •- - : - 1 > :. • ' : 'i.`. YijuislYai . ." , .1 , ' -- :i ,,-JA '' *4l `' ' ,7)3°P:*ir ' i:. ' '. P..E4Einsilitle's s'on, :have! jitstheao-4eari,' ' feund their, impudence l-e-intends,:rtp_on.tllstrenelt, ;Int AhiS p*eqsion of propeit4 to sten - 040w eOunty. atakyst.fity old frienditth4lrsiitO*o - iiieb; imanop niaw„ be far 0(1 1 ::. If ..yow-traft'Vlbialf . one thous 4 pmmils eiiongli,..Tll-doublo it:C.,A cruelly. 41;4441(1v 1 and as to heiis,pp,.hq"4tibo ...ery.itia „, • age - Or. oe r fatqlbir. "Harri . V,Omploe:' 'xiitaste, , ' ~.. 4,,1 re • ."en 14e letter ttKenelose a..,gl4ck for ix 1 hritidrea i:i ~ Is„ - which. yeti - Win, Par.th6,'itterney J on =wont ";111ey'll die hard l you s. tapi-he sure:— 1 If it, coalitican -off net -atsti.:,Weillieetdil spoil them forithezoluity: : ~; - .., " ,.., , ,, , , , ,;1:, . . - : - ;:,.;, , n1 A.ssi4&;"-1 connty!ll:itri-coninT.oh:ll vol"-,,, untarily ratirts#re4;reti-faii*m4-The normal or my old frieuirslivAlerent3.4l4.le. " What. on earth , ea:Oho:O.-centric ad fot-hunter mean 3 Show the ladyjn;4 - added in a hitidtir tone,to the elerk.--: 'She.preselitly appeared., aoionapatiied by a remark abViLintisomel: boy about six. gear; of age,both at , tired in deep ninuruing. The hidr approaehed with a timid, or/1m step and glatee,as it s a t e wr teringth. den of,some grit }; ogres, rather p 93lieti't Y. 4 il.gis ; . ll 4o, l *Yß of - I .4turl 1 . A' n,s 4:: - - -4tOck.W i V ul ltit:# 4l4l, ,leyelineii'l,liat - e;netre6l , VIT,enA 4 completely reatzeit 1 0 - filigl.o-iXii 44o , ll l ) `. youtKalnstAtinljlieattliCifajtgatt rat. 7 anditilifiereiiii - 4 . 4! - -$41rir0w.;; ; :".314' . .. - Yeleell 4 *. , ~ , tle"ifel low; lia - 1.1.W . ;:tkik", , :,a) 1 . -i:eifit';:i4 - ,- 'Wit:. tta-e;-. 1, -affecting. - She r .4. evir , if not of high - titt..,•'. voted mind; and I soon ce.a.4l:tO niiriaer i at.ivirm:,, heartC,d old Sir Ifax:ter's entlitisiasm in her muse.: ,- t• fit , t I-lalaituallr-hinifrter. co: 4ll : 7 4oara ti. .- ... ini versions, I cortbouxly but cialy invited' her _first imore.' '111(rilll . relation of her i istofn44 3( ..l_te x ,," a _,.„,„ „„ , Int l - d i I.,„* • .,';_b er a fromth I letter of which trie wa -- A - trr":"." 2 1 — c' ..! t. plie./. l e, i anti I was soon ;in p.,ssession of 'the. following facts and fancie , ;— Violet Dais-ton anti her :4,l'er Emily laid livell for several warm in close and rotnewhat straitened retirement with ; their father, Captain 1/alston, at Rock Cottage, on the out of a village allout six wiles distant: from 1..et...41, when Capt, Dayton, Iwlio was an enthusiastic ankler. introluced to his , }maw a gentleman about twenty-five -; c-nts of age I of I:and-011w eXtezi..'-tr and gerAlematily Ittrum."s, 1 with whom congenially of trOtes and praitiits had made him acquain t e d. i . 11th stranger was intro ..... . .. .. ..!:.4 , '7. , -.-.1.1. , V' e ~ , , i, 1 4,,,,,-, ', -. :,:' - ';';:..lr ;:"1". :.:'::::X • . -1 9 kMOINTROSEi • :. PENN'A TifURSPAY AUGUST 23 1 - $47 -- -• !':!^ • - - :" ' • • i' , !:',r , Vt4 , - ,- I'i:' ,- f . -;:tfi : ,:',l t : c, ;..,:.:.4 , -;: , k.!. ,-, , 5,,,;r...'.-:-:hi,j:--,- duced toliol'etl(rav interesting client) and ber sis- , from a merely canine one, with one eye always._ - ter, as a Mr: Harry" Grainger, the son of a London open. Mr. Ferret had been, for mans- years, Hr. i note : merchant. The'object of hii 'wanderings through i Simpkins managing, clerk; but ambition, acid the : "DEAR in :—Z.„7 is the man! Fm off' 'to the English cotmtias was, he said, to recruit hi, 1 increasing, requitement, - of a considerable number i Shropshire.: Back, iif possible, the 'day after to health, whiCh had become affected by too close of young Ferrets, determined him on commencing 1 , morrow. Not a word even to the lathes. Iluzzal opplicatiori to hisinass, and to gratify his taste for • business on MS own account ; and about six months . 1 In haste, .San's!. FEIMET. " angling sketching. and so on- He became a fre- ! previous to the period of which lam now writing. What could this Mean? Spite,of Mr. Ferret's quent visitor ; and the result, after the Lapse of ' a brass door-plate in Cnrzitor street, Chancery lane s injunction. I could lot help informing the sisters, about three months, was a pruposal for the hand of , informed the public that Samuel Ferret, E.sq, at. ) who called 'soon after I had received the note,, that Violet. His father allowed him, he stated, fire torney-at-lair, might be consulted within° I a discovery; esteemed of importance by our ends hundred pounds Per aunt= ; but, in order not to 1 Mr. S.aumel Ferret was fortunately athome ; and sary, had been Made; and they returned home with mortally offend the old gentleman—who was de- 1 after a brief interval made Lis Appearimee, cuter- lightened hearts, after agreeing Ao repeat theinvis , tent:Lined, if his seat married at all, it should be ei- ' leg with a short professional bow to me, and a very it on the day that Mr. Ferret had named for his te ther rank or riches—it would be necre-:•-eiry to con- 1 profound one to the ladv, in whom his quick gray turn., teal the marriagetill after his death. This coin- , eye seemed intuitively to espy a client. As- soon On reaching rev chambers, about four o'clock in k monplace story had been, it !uppenred, iinplicity as he was seated, I handed lum Sir Jasper's letter. the afternocaref that day.l found the ladies there, credited by Captain Dalston ..!and, Violet Dahton He perwed it- carefully three times. examined the I and in a state of great excitement. Mr. Ferret, my and Henry Grainger were united in holy wedlock seal attentively, and handed it back with—" An ex- clerk had informed them, had called twice, and :-..not in the vilhige church near where Captain , celled letter as far as it goes and very much to the i seemed in the highest spirits. We had wasted but jPalaton resided, bbt in orie of , Ilte Leeds churches_ ~ point. You intend, I suppose, that Ishould under- a few minutes in conjectures, when Mr. Ferret, hay -I"he witnesses were the bride's father and sister, ! take this little affair r , lug ascended the stairs. two or three at a time, and a "Mr.' Bilstop, a neighbor. This marriage • " Yes, if, after hearing the lady's case, you feel burst, saps crrentoniq r , into the apartment, ~ ' had taken- place 'rather more than seven years disposed to venture upon it r " food day. sir. Lady Compton, you most nbe iiinee, and its sole fruit was the fuze-balking boy Mr. Samuel Ferret's note-book was out in an in- dieut servant—madam yours ! ,41.11. right ! Only Whin accompanied, his Mother to my. office. Mr, stunt; and the lady, uninterrupted by a syllable;burst in time, to get the writ seiHltd ; served it my- GrAmger, soon after the marriage, persuaded Dal- from himure-told her story. • self a quarter of an hour ago, just as hii lordship Spni to leave - Rock Cottag,e,and take uptheir abode j "Good, very good, as far as it goes, - remarked, , was getting into his ;carriage. Not a day to lose; in's: picturesqUe villme hn iCiiinberland, where he undismayed, Samuel Ferret, when she concluded ; , just in time.: Capital 1 Glorious !" house, with some'garden had' purchased a small/"only it can scarcely be said to go very far. Mor-1 " What do; you mta rm, Mr. Ferrett exclaimed 34 ornamental greunds rittaihed. -_'-• al presumption i which, in ow courts, unfortunately, 1 Emily Dalaton ; her sister was too agitated' to speak. i,Five jeers rolledaway—:nOt. as I could discern, inn t Werth a. groat. Never mind. .3fagrla eat vet:- : " IVitat'dn:l mewl f Let us all four step, am into too bappilv. 4 -when the very fiequent absences of i ityt-v, and so on. When, madam, did you say Sir , your inner sanctum, (and I'll soon tell you what I Violetshusband in Louden, a'i hetalleged fall her Harryi-Mr. Grainger—fust • began to urge emi- mean," • 1, .., , - /attars to him Were directed to'the post-office. St glutton " , 1- We adjourned. ac ' rdingly jute an inner and more ltarfut . ;tile Grand-I-till-called- for,) -were suddenly " Between two and . three years ago.", i private rootn. Oar ferenee lasted abotit half an greatly-Protonged'; and on his &tura homedafteran "shale the goodness, if you please,' to hand me • hour, at the end of which' the ... ladies took their absence of more than three nionths,lie abruptly the baronetage." , I did so. , .." Geod. * resumed- i leave; Lady Vompto , her beautiful featuresalter infetmed the family thatthe *fairs "of his father, Ferret, after turning over, the leaves coy a.few sec- I lately irradiated and}clouded b y smiles , und leafs ,wIM Was dying, had,foend to be greatly ember- elide, " iery good;n3 Elr 'as it res. - - It;is-tle - w just 1 murmuring ilia btektin. agitated ivoice,as Oie sh oo k itiasetl; and that . nothing 'was left for him and them two years and eight, months since Sir,:Harry sue- , hands with me ? , —"11.011eee, sir heintended at least hiititai;;ratiOn_te : America, whit such means - as ce..-"dtml. his uncle in the title and estates. .You would Itodo 6 justice." A ,' t ..' :-t ... r: -, - 1414-13e:satta from the' alder.Grahwer's property. no doubt EOM have, heard, =utak that your . bus- t - I The news that an notion had been brought ante- Al Anuelt,woaition and lii6ototron on tbe part band MO dcmd. -Truly, the heart of man is deceit- ; half of an infant sun ig the late:Sir• Harry CtoMp ar ,;,, 'I, - D,'jatid, her, father, it Was':,filly. fat above all-thingsi and desperately wicked; and 1 ton - against thd Earl of kali Pil,' ; for - the' recovery! '• ~.,`• . .ed asVioliti's htisbitad Wished ; and,the ann. .yetisticliconduct towards such a Ludy--=" Ferret of the estates in- the{ possession Of •that- tioblettian: ' ,_ wa k to hay? fakee„Place.On;g4e: - follgt* Intended no mere compliment ; be.was only giying produced the greateseereitement in the part of. the ..i; , Henry' 'OraMger; to.'follo#.theirt!thojastant -utteiyinoi to the thoaghts passing through/us brain 1 country, where the " property was , situated.-' We h e :: :: dish:vital - ) his father's affair, three?. —but hia. clients. diounting color warned - him to- assize town Was crow ed•Mli'llie . ';day. die inat:twas it the before their intended departure—thji vqy. change % the topic, i which 'he very adroitly' did.-- I expected to crime on, lifther•tenantiiorthe-date ' ,'; ~twelvetimintli'ai nearly I ; :may-be 7 .-Qaptitun "You. intend, of, Vita," .eaid he, adislYeaalog nae,i barronet and their Et ihes, WitliWhOtri the'. present' ,- :' 7,-•- •.i ..... /i. . - .*. .- yid, - - ;Use " fiiptodeed at Ia ,1.., T, rumble-tumble; through 1 landlord was by nip - cans popular; As likaiseil ...... .. , aed, the spiritual coulter ..---.-.-._ ,:. -... , ,,,-i , .: , fI up die t :Print - 4par" street , tOrlii: -4'1,10 'tOtn't 4lo * - ,curds ..--.-: '-t Certitinly, - if autFrani e vidence : t*.jilsOry,..,,sucl I - accothjand4: by: )iO - :Jdniorredeived='lTith' Grains,. a.f . courseicati , .be.ob4o4'!' :-- - 1 .. ~, )i: ,,, , ,, ,..ki: ~.-!.- ....',,. 1 i louirhunikinOei 'iriting:€l- , :d . .leeichierg, iiairidr :, ~, . ..;'47.044yJ:.D54.4,00e,'Air Co92lPl3;:OereNCEPsrl.thilitittir thoiiiiiii. - ;I" , : e ' " ''' ' kiiiiiitiii*thfiik do*iver Adak...... ..I' , e4msg. .:iikt - : . -- 10gOefikt4i 4 P.* . mus Okkiiillalknigh . - it : te4 - **iovelititt: , sn,•et , 47.h0 1 0w.,...09 , 0, - ,,.• • 1,.,.-;,,,.,..g. f t,. ...,,,-- el' 413 ttestiiit iliclueli"; - - • . -- ,!,s•te ‘ ce7 wpgikr, atif, spelt T. , -Ww4-' zfelkzfor*Doe; - Itis Ift***44.-tut4f-inktitiki*eliiiiieNic - • ‘ - swim - ri, 414 ' 4 4 : 1 1080 11 . 11 kf 1 44 41 0itala 0- .4 You; .. 00 lle' ::, ,AiLet , .-. i i iiiii.:` , lo 3 faihßid: ". - ' ' .."`of. - .theint#9i i kt•Wees* -;.."de,,. ::I;inlipti4i ~.'0.,--Jaoo.?#<..ll:-AlNe:' Ok.1112"0:11itkallialOia On - ' 4- pr10,0 . 4 - ees*. - ff .41* - ~_. _,liiwiAbs.C.ll ,B * . y44-, , a:.4l* ii.!ilift: - eovia,-' -- lit there •iiitenti, --, ~'..ir at. 4.:. ~ r ~_:...:.,..,.;0#01.4tif5g50#6,,,____*..,,,-;',64,:i....„..W.rY0d"*.'60.11114i5da '...4 , 613051aV5il ;'. : , ,f44,. ( - 14* 41114446Mu5te5:.; , 7=4;,1,1. 4 .0e 5.1 -:7Pr . I''....':'efr,..***,:the-iiisfirf,,,Tficoid 74 :0-0,01E4 :,..: :,!.+04.-:, c. - . 0.414404*.i.? . ' 40aget***Klxj - 40piuv , ' )!!ix.,t4filie.-41134;.f::Ndtzbat 000 - :I,'- i i , *,, 4.444:4'5.if .14 , .'i , ii.MiP:141.4;iii - ..-1 3 , u.':-...-.o:::*tiai,i,ioPO!thatidd Wobttd • .• --: it'a,:l'. 44 ;0 '' ' ' ;4l3lk t ' 100 '' , ... t.- #O 4- C . - ..." In': ..i#9 1 4.'40 443 $ r 'PectiPc.4, 4ll o4 , l!*'lw:th:gieta44 l . l .4i44o o :• - ..,- 1 ,,,, AZ • 1: • Iri f; ''' '...''•• • -.- " 4 0 i' '''.0 4 0 4440: -cf•the court preserved e- - -Offigettlk-n1eee.t!.', 1 _ 91 : , ,:,! i t 4 ~ 4v,:,: t iii.:3 ~ .I#4:e . - ~ " All* r ic#4lo4-i , ,,4 4 -0.-* C- 7 ' tirj 4 ,t f i l ai tS iA oi nt l # l4 , - . 1.-. - ' 1. '.-._, ...,:i . *i 4114 . '—' ll- '- -- -• - „ , g x...' .- .. '- r404t i ,„,..! . . I _,Hl 41... . . , .4tl..*Q: ....,_*: C,!:': :kt .Ali Ct-., IlwiFt4E, . -...! - 1 , w0rw!i1.,06iky1ik4,44,-:.? .t. ~ 'ArT.s' '-' •-•- •Y' ts ° ,l 7-; ;' '!.!.-',. ‘, g' , g'llt . r' --'-' .', Li ~vr iPt 111,0.14.., -..41,iis , . -:-.. - .t,.. ~.,-..ttlik„,: ' '..,..;.,,' ~,,1„ .-,...,.z..,, t 3 ,,.., Oh .%..::.,,M, ~ ...I*,7_ „,.$4,1-,::. ~1,..A .., i .w,'l'9<3. 4-f,:g!..-0, -•- ~,, -MT. ii , ,agp r , ''' 6 ',4s4., - 7 -'' - ' , zjiWt,i . r::'i'''Z''' ,. ;"-:: ' ;:-.-47N7-1,11,14.=%-T524:54,11,.Y.11.;,zt,, ixiri: . ' - '-•;:f4ff-4*7Aff. ,- ,w. , 14;4 4 ,, , J..1:4 , .-f .,,, - , ?`- , ..f,ici..7-1415:014;4 , :; , ;;;, , k, ,, r.k ,,,,, :; , ... - w, ,- :•1:1:s ,"..L -, .41t ,- ;, - i•v•-•:: - ',' - -f--., 'l - -'-'-' - - ---,-.4.A. , .; , «V - ::-Y-4,,,- , ;. - E. , :! - -',-,:;.--,- .- -'?'- . .. 4, 4:2,- . 1 - f4 -, 2_,;(4 - 14-7.:=.4-. , -tAx.e ., r4l - ',-. - ,±. -- 1 , ?: 71 '. , -tk 'i,t - - " -- ,' . 4_,ri:4:' , f'":"- - ...r .- l' - 1, '-:'' : -i - - . 1 , , - - T, '.:l - 7,. '1.1:-. 3 ~~x~y.. v ~.( Y ~ t Y ;k , :e rEO 2`E -SOURCE,; HLPMESt P_L FA R,lm m jamm , • DP THE PEOPLE THE TRUE ESii-og r o - • - 1 • t17 . 5 , 2* g ;.•• - x•m•qi - si • t-VaLL:I9F:' , tat ter s_rest r ,vr lie had alma unclerstooo c, - • ti t tlee rT e ti: - . , to intea half " rent No such it** waS, ' ' Yei ' iiaan , however, known t t _e.,. a examination, to %Which be *gals adVist..lll:e , V, the 1 " Conieraht - 11:tiree- . tors};' failed "a discover the whereabouts et the pre; ' tended IPTH oti merchant. lleart-sick'ititi spiriti.' Wenried,:-Capt Ditzton returned hate 'onit to din. A violent co l tlieanght by initiriidently nding, in sneh. bitter weather as it then was, on-the out-side of the coach, aggtavated by distress of mind, bro't hisalready enfeebled frame to the grave in lesti tluin.twO Tenths after his arrival, in Cumberland, Helen his ditighter unprovided for for, except by t1i:,15 - :a i dam which the eldest possessed on a man who, heftiared,Would turn oat to be a worth. , less itimtoster,,) The penalty he paid for consent* to so imprudent 'a marriage was indeed a beav,yi and bitter one.!. Months- p - ssell nwaY, and "stilkno, tidings of Vielefirhusband mailed . the SlsternistiaT and solitary Dome. - Atlerigtg t . 'annulated by --ap prehensions of approaching destitntion—wiutse foot was already on the threshold-and desirous of grat ifying tiWhim ertmily, Violet Coriiiinted to visit the nei,ghborhoOd (if Compton Castle , (the seat, her sister had ascertained, of the "celebrated' sporting baronet," as the potter called.hinia.on their way to London, wheretheY had relativeswho, though not rich, miglit\be I able to assist them in obtaining some decent Means ;of tnainterumee. They alight ed at -the " OUnapten Arms," and the first object which niet the astonished gaze of the sistersWs they enterel the ptici#Lsitting:rocainpf the inn', was a fidl;lengthpor hut if Violets husland, in the, ex act sportin ,, -* -' de:se:rated to them by theit fath et, -I.Anivoryitablet, attacDed to the lower part - of the frainecinfermed the gaiorthaf the picture was a copy, liy petmission, of the celebrate portrait by 'Sir Thomas Lairrenceoif Sir Harry Compton. Bar onet ' ;They ere coufounded,, overwhelmed and beWildered.ir Harry, they. found, had been kill , ed_about eighl months previously in &steeple-chase, - - ---and.the.castles'and the estateitatrpaSsed, in deft ultr.of diAet iSiue, to a distant 'relattve:'.Lord EFOale• '`. I %* tarY' was soon bruited, was con fitined beyond segisonuLte qtiestion by the extraor dinajt-likene.,*they saw, or fancied between Vie let's :am and the 'deceased baronet. Among others, 'SiiJesiergheruley was a firm believer in the identity oflreory Grainger and Sir Irenry_Comp tonami,Untottanately, beyond the assertion of the - sisterat the portrait of Sir , Harry was., o I.rmingur _Torj... , t, me - rearor - non,,n r mair is of die:child toil)is reputed father, and some score of letters addreecl to Violet by her husband, which Sir Jasper .persisted were in Sir ErariT's_luaidwri tisigOliough few others,did (the hand,, I cask at a glante, was a dittdied one,) not, one tittle* evi dence had, he been able to procure for loveor mon ied 'tee. %is • a. for sue murmured - mAliat gentle, 'PetaltlPZ,..T,Pk6,l,)„,,fiiholif.-'74.11Y - The tverdsii, whi4d/OROO. Pktor OW op P2iiiipngFie and I i&iaittafiitent; sivOraliiiii;iti* 4 "'..A.Tter all, I this lady 4sievideniltiincireln her e-- pressed convietion'tbat Sir Henry Compton was her husband. If the surmise be correct, evidence of the truth may perhaps be obtained by a keen search for it; and since Jasper guarantees the expense. --I rang the bell. "Step over to Cursitor street," said I to the cleik as soon :as- he entered, " and if Mr. Ferret is within, ask him to step over immedi ately." Ferret was just the man for such a com mission. Indefatigableiesolute, sharp-witted, and of a ceaseless, remorseless activity, a secret or a fact had need be very p r ofoundly hidden for him not to reach and fish it up. I have heard solemn doubts expressed by attorneys opposed to him. as 'fro whether he cs'er rally and truly slept at all— that is, a genuine, Christian sleep, as distinguished - ith e - ' alm - P- - half ~ "~ i ~~~ i:;~• ~. . . L -i . T ~ . . your behalf, I will not say to betray you„ but to.,_ 'abate his indefatable activity in fortherince of your interest. Attorneys, madam, be,assureel p what ever nursery tales may teach, have, the very_sharP-, est of.them, till , points of bonot,. ' The lady and her son ideparte •and I turned again.to thealtnost I forgotten "case:: . 'Have weeks bait nearly glided by, and still no ) tidings of Mr. Ferret ; Mrs. Granger, and her sis-', l 'ctier Emily Dalston,n, very Mrs., Granger, bag I nothing to communicate, they were still cori+mneit, to languish under the -heart-sielTess canted by , hope,sild foredefe p rr a ed p . c.i.an e. Atlast ,our " emissary made his ; 1 " Well, Mr. ferre,t," said I. on entering tay lilna lAry, where I found him compile - db. awaiting inyar-, , intal. " What su".*- - ss - r . i 4. WIN' ) nothing of much consequence,. 4 Yet,"', •• .. , - replizd tie . ; " I stink you knoW,-only, as it We cAttst., - T. , 'coturnenenig tie investigation. •i•The Leeds aeon that 111171Cti thbra ,is dead, and the old c erk' is paralytic Mid haii lost his fuerriory. , If, ho ever„ they were, both tdive and in so)md,bealth of .mind , and body, they 1:rld, 'fancy, help us but blttlys a Bilston tells pas neither the DalStons nor Grower, had eve'', entered', the church till' the moraine, ofthe i wedding'; and they soon afterwards. moored 'le I Cumberland, so that it is -scarcely 'risible I either, I parson or clerk Gould prove that I, tolet . Dayton) was m.srried to Sir Harry Compton. ' A very Intel- ; ' ligent fellow is Bilston ; he was present at the mat , I nage, you - remember ; and a glerious witne* if he, had only, -something of importance to dep4se toi powdered -hair _and pigtail,•double chin, and; six feet in girth atlenst ; highly respectablePital 41 witness, :very---c)ply, 'unfortunately, =he . only testify that a per Sou. calling himself Gluing i inar ried Violet DalstOn•—;not much in that r' ! ~; So, then, yout t h r,eetree.ks libel - has be en eri - tirely thrownaw y r : , • , .1-. , "Not So fast— to fast—you jump too hastily at concluSion3. e C r t ,,._..0 innberlanll fellow that ,sold Grainger; the hou nly the equity ofredemption of it, by-the way, ithere's a large mortgage en at-- ant prove nothing. Nobody About there can, e-7 cept the surgeon i, he can prove Mrs; Grainger s occoudirtitent—thp.t is something. I have been killing myself eft:lT) . kvening• this last week with grog and ;: toisteco-On,l e at the " Compton Arms," m toe company, ofcams r,a,tl4, fpors - watc, alma illonis-4.7 b e ad s itiliki:DQVClV-....ytL: s .s •7irtriat i i -r , mio - osi - I should haive wormed it out oU them. They, hai - e, however, kindly furnished me with a scrawl; of in troduction to the qstablisainient now•in town, sortie of whom I shall have the honor to nest, .in dm character!iif an out-and-out liberal,sporting gentle man. at • the " Alberitarle Arm- this evening. • I *ant to get hold of his confidential valet, if he had one—those go-ahead fellows generally have aStriss, or some other foixiign Miituar " Is this all t" t ' " ifhy,' no," rejiiined Ferret, with a sharp ttvin , kle of his Sharp gray eye, amennting almost to a wink, " there is one circumstance which - .I anent help thinking, thottgli I scarcely know why, will put us, by, the help•of patience an.l pc:moverance. on the right trek., In a tranpr , of tl=-irgtstrir or ' marriage, there is Nvntreo 7. Zjimbold letters. In no other part of the look does' this occur.. ,What may dais mean r 1 . 'Had the incumbent of the living a corateint the time ?" • - . -Z:. On that point raniiiiiturtunately toh *ell satisfied. Neither' arc there any names with such initials in any of the Le&I . S churchyards. ` Still this Z. Z. may be of importance, if we couldhut discov er who he is. But; how I—that is the question. Advertise 1 Show‘ our hands to the oppositelidaY ens and find if Z. Z, is really an, entity. and- likely to be of service, that when we want him in court he is half-Way to America. No, no—that would never do." • , . . Mr. Ferret, I sett, was getting into a brown stu dy ; and ant I had pressing business to dispatch; I got rid of him, as speedily as I could, quite satisfi ed, spite of Z. Z.. thht Mrs. Grainger Chance-of be coming Lady Compton, was about equal to mine of ascending the Britnib throne some fine day. Two da ' -.-ter- -rils I received the filth • • ' .; ~.. ' bishop.of York w iom w:c had. subpoenaed-why, i. 1 i ' ' 1 his grace had openly acelareddie 'mew net--WO also of course;EaccOrnadated with it' sent • on the; bench. A f* formidable -I*,. led- by the celebrated. Mr., .S.-------,. asklsaw, arrayed agsin4 us. thong ' what the ,case „they had to meet, so welrliadi otri Ferret k4 . t,, lit ,` . secrepr, they kneW 'no more thin; did theirlOrke-hairli*s.' Ferret bad isCiieninlyiii4. joined - the• sisters:to silent*, and no: hint, I need statreely say, is%'sts. likely to escape, mylips. Thu' jury, special of )course, were in attendance, and the .. ..case-,." Doe, demise of: Compton to sus EmstialtS, -baring beekealled; they' were duly sworn to try the issue: My junior, Mr..Franrptoin, was just-ni-it sing -"testate the caser as it is technically eallekt when a tromendons shouting, rapidlv - inrreasipg jai volunie and - dilAilielness; and' raiiiiled - IVith the soiind'ef 'carriage=tvheels; was heard apProliehing,l and presentiv - Mrr Samuel Ferret, appeared; follo w., ed,by Lady - CoMpton and her son, the rail, idmi party, brought by 'Sir Jasper Thornley, irliOserl jolly, fell-huntin ' Lice 'EliOne like a ffill-blo "peci.:l nv.' The lady, though` ainfully agitated, looked charmingly fun the timid, .appealing glance -shM unconsciously, , - ; it, were, .tlirewurciunst:the cOart,l would, irt a doubtful case,' ave ECCIATa' n raft - et:lj "Very.well got up, intleed.'!:sahl-,Mr..5.: 7 ---r-,4; in` a IVlCesufticichtl . lol3ll,f'or ! Ole jury to heat--";very effectively managed, iiPortMY wea l ", ' We were;:. however, in 'tee good:htimor:tolieed taunts ;•':and its', soon as silencet Mr: as , restored;- Framptoniniell4 stateaThe case,7tind . .trom.to.,suldres.s the jur,y,' - Myi speech Wa9,pUlPOSely brief, business-like,_and eenti4 dent. I detailed - dui circumstance; of the marriage a i Viole€Didst.am . pen . 'only'e4,liteen , lyeari,'itf: . rigo;i: with a Mr. , Grin*r ; the Unit:of, al son,•anslatib i sequent disappearance otthe husband; 'ceueltid;Mgi by an-kaurancelba the jury that. I Shoulidspreve - ,by) incontrovertible ;evidence, that - Mr. 'Ger!•wits . s r 'P no other" 'ithiln,the late Sir Harry Compton. ThiS address L by . ; no . means lessened- itlie ,, vagiiel apprehensions tif the other side,i'.,- A...:..c0un . §.011 t z t, whh s uch 13;utterkals for eloquence clisdainec, having. recourcd to it, muk t needs have afiiintifal4 bid case,'llte : miling,countenances,iof:l4l.S.- , -. 4 anal his lirelltieti became suchlonlyiiVOMsr anilAbel pallor - and agitatiOn_of Lord Emsclalf - -, serr4lityini - creased. • ' ' . • I- 1 . ...'---...--c-" - =l , Wit proved o' r ease clearly. step diy.„ - step: l ,,iliel manrive. _the ail nelierhent, :the hanil-writing.efi Graiffger,=llitstiki - proVid this.--k. the; lats - at tefri I dressed to his wife; were clearly establish&V - Vhic register of the marriage was produced bythe Pres;' , , ern clerk of the iLeeds church; the initials-.;Z.-,Z4 were pointed out); and at my-siggestion the ''bOok';' was deposited for the purposes of the trial with - the% clerk of the court. . Not a word of cross-eicridrui tiun'irufpassed the lips of our learned friends .on the other side; they allotied our evidence. to - as utterly _Mail - Meat. .. A change.wa.s at hand, . Our pest witniiss was James Kirby,groom to the - late 'baronet Maio the pre,sent earl. After ii' - fen 'unimportant queltioiv,l asked him . if he had ever 'seen thatgentlentan before, pointing to Mr. Ferret, who stood up forldic more facile recognitt• . 1 friend Kirby, 1 . _—_- . .. --- - - Mli,.yes, ti - e - r - fireiTu eieTil,e - gentleinau Welt 1. . and a nice, ood-liattited, soft sort of h gentleman lie - was. lie treated witness, at the 'Albemarle . Arms,' London, to nemneh brandy and water as he liked, out of ilspect to hislate master, whom the "entleman se mod imaimmon fond of." , .. • i- *Well, -and 'what return did 'you make for so much liberality II ._ . " Return 1 • very littls;; I do assure ye. I told - un how many horses, Barry kept. and how many races he 'pa ; b I couldn't tell tin much more, pump as much as be would, because, do yer see, .1 did lit know no more. An audible titter from the other side greeted the witleFs as he utt ed the last sentence: D . ' with one of his co placent glances at th jury-box, renmrking in a s tient?, loud whisper, " That he had never heard ai more conclusive reason for not telling in his life.l -.. , " Did von meptibn that yeti were present at the death of late baronet? ~ , • , ' "Yes,. I did. I told an that I were within almut t irce hundred yards of late _master when he lied fiat ugly fall ; and when I got up, to no he sort'of - 1-4,ulled me down MIA whispered hoarse-like: 'Send tbr Reverend Zechariah Zimmerman.' i I r.emera tiered it, it was 'sill an outlandish name_ lilrke - o& ~. .. - Oh, oh," th ou ght 1,. as' :414 8.:- 7 . ..4 "readied across the table the parish registerV r 'Z't. Li acquiring sig,nificsmee, I perceive." .. -,:„-;-•'- " Well, and what did • this g,"litlenian say to plat r Say? 'Why_ ri dog , particular, only . reeMed` quite jitYful 'ma :like; and when .1- asked-..um Why, he said it wai Such, a comfort. to nild his gond friend Sir 11arry..had - ,Sueli pious thoughts in his Mit moments." 1 'The laugh, quitikly suppressed, that felloWed these -word; did 'not come from cur learned friend's on, the other , side. 1,- . :- . • : • - . 1 ; ..',. . "Sir Harry used those Wir•tist"- - , " He did ; but agile died t ,co or threemintlfes after, it.were of corrsc nu use to send. ot":-00 'par. , son whatsomever h" . ... • , 1 . :f-- ,c 3. ‘ ~ 4 Ei=etY.Y. - Thallirill de: unleis - the 'other :side , nave any qiiestiz i s t i ii;ask." • No questiiint and the witneA3 - w t•dnwn. '"Call," , said-Lie 1,--die erierof the eou , nail the Rev. . merman." '., 'This was a'bombshell: Lord Fittaaie,+ e:iig terto conceal his • agitation; deseendedlAoMl_die bench arid aide WS .o.al beside his - manse'. ',-... The- Rev.-Zechariah , - Zittnnerman,, examined-:1w / Mr. • Frampton, deposeilhu-snbstance as follows :.7, 1 ",! Me was at present ,rectiir, of Duaby, Shrop:,,bire,,* 4 luta bcol in-liovorilers mned . sh ati twentir . years:- . =_ -Urns on avisit to die Rel.!. 31r:enunby, being mach indisposed,- requesteil him to perfornithef marriage: ceremony former- you ng .. couple then -..waiting in chin- r liecompliod, and joined in wedlockfTie let Ralston, an'l wifry.arnui4vr:, The !Ode; ivas - the lady ',"nosoltited Out tolum ineenttf-thii. briltle n .,'ffroont he Ikaithdisekveied ii,hnutitwo':Years , ago, to be'no other than theia*Skirary.:4 . -Optn s : WI, barone,t. - . Tiiie4 Z..Z . Verejtkliinn i .t l'it4 -5 tea, by him. Thep' `sli . ,;'clerk,..rit'-fidling RR linitn,, had pot officiated atithe‘.**iegt t_ro/nelPheit;qte tietfrred, b.Att .let.el.iit",•bhrrid4t - lad.ente re d_ the; qin ' oeirithe iitut :fca,ifikiWue ~ ,1,..; .. ;'. "' 1- Ho* . did'.ail, - bit4irimgali6of Grainger Wu the Lid s . , pton - -- '7,, 1- , ), - ' I was In ' 1-iii.lilii:lll-04-„Poinptoi! -iti. arr 4 on,•tit;thoi , ,It' 436F.ATC 1 0 61 39Pit Yoke'; bit is Onte'eh _ r-:; - .3..,• - •,.,,,_.',:..." 1 s. i -,.. .4.* . elgoer : :_the ineideAt: aistioetlYZ . , :Ir., F ! *, a -r saiti-hW ,fititilhe-beilett.'t4 -'t,-fe:: 1 0; ' '' i 4 DA ' I , A iiiejtii*, ' ' . .. - ittirlor: - t a liit , ptOint: " -- U " a -W14r0:04,0 . 'oi;,4ibtiOt 'eleileek.motiths'-_ . 811 qeilOtilhO. . : - 1iiti0.9.4t.)-T:nut4tl4rth6r, hi: 114004... tn. MYSI/14,0Plilfe ileiVY:iiiiiiiedititelYfteri ,31 Ae liiiti4icflori i , eywiit ,. iii islOdstrO int: o oe'litY, - ''t4lf*i."s-6/1427gWile'tiken 014 uAthat,..in .nflreak-V4 6l . l thr ', : ... 1 1. - .h.e_id,- Married 11j . In 11alotoikin-tha:•na_n* „rfinger;f43arbi4iiivi uncle's_ diiplaira,.4oul4l( 4044,....iiifi401i1bit id , exile *alma 416;404* — iitieti4t; after:giy n a g hirtit t ' . .4(#i -0 0** 1 .-: 4 *Ok .' liabllK;W4.# o 4, 1 , JP. 4 .lte? I ' s ' - Pw.04:14: 4 4.-P 1 4 ,. ...' ' `24ii;ioffiiit_pii #teiei l ik li r* . _,ult 1 34 11-6` 4 , ' , IPYO I- *o 2l Pe l i' .6oll fi rli fi l k 01 1 ,1.47 iii . , 1 .3v-.,::: -- . :. -- : l 6 , liiiiouitrinittier- iiii*Lit'l. ~ .i*Ef2 • '.- li,f 1: -?. I v i. ': ' e7lr' -O' . - } ' ..* '-5::- .d4'.74O:-VI4t4tl:I: i.)P-,,V40:.4,F P V 10,* i 4 1 ' 44(4Mtfi:'.-.-' r:4 ti ,4 T - t... i44'.- .'.1-.4fr1;1-.'' ,iIl b - ei i410 4 4:41*t 1 . , 11 : • 1 ''' - :- =-1 - ' 4-- -` 4 *,'-',.- '',:.;r4 - ?'. 1 3' , '..;•• , :' " .: • ' ~ ' .i'. WWI Bjkl4 ‘UMBERI-)344 : 17 ery,of.this ovidenpa,;-.MAmeattkiii* , brain in court. comprelteno4 - ; thiCthrt gainetli; 'and' a ' glineftsketi of Ate. 1.4.,. .„ _ 1 IA belso treksect Liting 4 thaigh'.W„ .e. ,,.. ,, NV•CIO Jon 11 echoed frank withot r eSSit. ta.A 'sounding h abort-ail as if bY : ic, alm l °. . - Z - e l 7.t:t ,rk7 , - 4- - -0 , jury - aiiii . eiiutlsel, ~l' f= l- ' Viiii-a40161111 1 1 ; Ourpleltle and 1 5,..„,_.., ,;...„„ nit the fee and about the pefeenteir4iar iloPy her il tei, who had . r- 4.E.147:.:=-4 1 atist tiops, aid ie3w*Df th,iiiilig,::ll:k l * , --, I.acia or - 44- bioadis *woffrtist4iVr. ~.. ,afli-_, i sibio-eow,=eli kti&f ,. . - ::e!4 - '.!"i' 'etnirse ilitTPWPtple , it*Pft t ; d''''N'.4i . •••-t)l7j4Ja*,. ;.', re . .*4.**k. -.:: - .ANOC' 1 1, 414.3.ii1:?,,e,4 ricrid,ViaitpplousiO : ta. tidri l id EitilailiPtlZat: 'o 3 ithek* , tlcellY4(i `ii-tinini ii6iildo lll . 3 # l , and!; hi therefoi*A4:ito . ;:: , "kit taikkor6i i.lfl;f.tifikTrfi;ollCl-#:-'9.,' 4ii, tli. OA !ail. -:,1 .--; - : ', e l:4i Pi •- '"you,l' t'e -- 6briselritrviietll: . t t irt 411014, "trehieri*Atie l lritr i d,„loW t fretttrit iii — 44Titittha4htititifVO4i `0 4 :14' 41i.0.1!:1114,449,04k2.0,w -, 4i4.ciog t*idediteitlf Ilie,:rflAt _ :litik)ii'dheriiiiot Aft,ii***i''eteil failiti'dfihi"*LiV:fteliv-tll44l*_YVW igfii:•Arfido4::;;'aiidAth4lo4"lll " 4 -4 1 ,:aithetArOgif.114-0 11- 4.4( . .Ait .4014 F% einarti-SteprJil : Slt , 'olB4lllo.r ': ''''' . 'il}ig ilhi d ti - -il 'et riVititthia • rak wat . -_,-. „_ 00, t P: - —.q.,,., Oidtfthl44l44 TIP tiii i l e li trf 04.1 '44'''l r' Kiiia h*** l 4 6 a f eo 4,l k l4l : r:iihdit Wianitiraido Or tit 4 hiinieki i =chariot tearld'Aii;clitsp.W4l.• - i :itiore - th* ' tie_mk' 64tsu* ,suet =me q4h-1.i.._ ktio: l4 **, L - #l:',l_* : ,A - 0tatw0i40..i.0. 0 921 , . '...ifyntnel-g4 44,,williAbq , iterfx . :P.;.. li, ` rot . alegliikriiinfkit iiiKftr'Silte ' 1361 1 104 ,s i!,l'.lifPiif' 6 4ikkilf P ' - ': . ijrg:Lzar. , b:...isktoqlipiuiti.,H4hsttpdo,t Of t1ic;,40 , .. by .:.* l 4, lelPetTn9l4 . % Wakifarsa , itutendeSea s q-11y,: 7 ' e# • a i ,6* 4 i s eti;' Atiiliagefor , K:O.wilil 31 4 14, - - "i;fi;id_ii 4 e4, 4 4 #4=l.) ,, t* *a.' ,,, i = iir.4.1 ,- 16 - s - cII - 00:iiiitcr44-:- . - iikirfligmik - -1 - 3' . i , ,ial ' ~: nort.iiiftp- 2 474 4 4.4 4 0iiit1A1a 4 c.,..-„,n0...,,,..........r e,-. , deemedlin" phteed-get*nr, Ffi'mttiC ' • ,:r.,";' 1,- ,'V ail i "'* I w oblif,, , ed le,„;pri*eett-' Oar ' : .I*ii , t ' l S, cironitifak 94 atVouttrt . t*LCit4ile..to,(ool4* ~,% e l i , m i f i u t e m. _ ,ailtforterPgeelinCii..fi*,,,,..4.Tilli-itoi hepostalla ion, there.::l' , lrita* . riltp,OrilfFMßT'l:s - and ntertainetr. A..*.t, : f. c .41144,,,A, „opit, , F; lag, her lad ship, after presSiag 149.070 e tt,i-%,,44401iiii i ring ofgrea ,yaFue, ma, whilselter eyk ib *,, filled With ' -. .;gfetful, "Yet:- . loltil` tetariti'4l%l.llEL:. forget-that , , .r9lenlKAtitentda,44 , - *41,0 , Justigp.' , • _ asperity , thought ...... _ ',7 , / womau,., it has not, as the * ' - .. :.i...st- - ' • '''4 ._ 1-: ~ Re oval of. Jollii4.;:ifsevietititi;i 1 It has al eadjr - been'i• - '7 ,_, , ~:.,,,... rel: 4.: ' Wauya, of hio, las been lutteedit(i, aa 2- nikisioner to run thelicnuning, • Vyt, S, , the appoint lent of,thifnfiP* 4 *.P , l' [to take cloth 'e of the Cilio' airitssiok T 'rnell. ;are as usual spendingr,' gOogi:aesf lotigole Inant thunde over this reutolaid;;boC`aajaV, , ~.... ;every other c ase these LocofOciodeititioci -, y : :complaints icomplaints ty . hava.the'lefreaorist4l4.ta_ ' ,) eildle e.nortuo ,defalcationaU4 aboieleof +of , fi ied officer. ,', `Subsequ tto i.r . Welier"s• aPpra - ''' l tiii4iiini''4 ll e 4 istirbriation f 'f3ao,ooo was blade .iii'Oakitet**o ~ the operatic+ of the fiscal year, :in isk4ititio*Likyf '.Boundary,Line betweOn,the .INIPAISta*ACt l a Nexiog, ana r. - 'Weller,•ll,.drsl. - 4iOCV: i ipipartment or more thai42,o,W - Of:thiiii: i before be re Cited Paharus; and - -batjetetaki4i. i f.teiretl wore • ti t , 20,000. -..HiTlasg4roffatiti. r pr eleven tb usands .dollaro.w . era rffivOlgullidtb c rdinedby tli ibPP.4rfla°l4...6l2'tb*.g6#4'44JE i,atisfa - ctory,, - not h a d been:6 - Ceitia)OrtitilitFor "lrithis'' expzu lire; ' . 4ncl:ibi.;Diiiist, i, riApt'iditt-iica' ce( choose to , stall-tbilito:4.4o,ftiitthlistil y , ii - „bdi_grk. , °l-431- 4aP%%Pt a l l . i a e r 9i *st? . .n: lit of, the mean s to .tbe , ouject,i , eon taa -- I';. - ' It la;1 ' lie: stlrki.teelatiitbOitcp',o4* :. - 14 An. tiable a Oaf) 6f " betn*enfey* sboulcll4l4ookTrio 4f, „,-iiia;i l 4l3'. i'-:44,YAraiiaaa a Seaf'tta*=. acka, diwli*., ",t'Atalf4,ainfuli'pa,,,tha - : - ati isltiw ' I .. tli'dlortun Of into.: '. ,"t .'C' , Natives ler ,anl his iratriotsihay'#l4irt,` , 7.. ~' Aashit il;ated dope s 'ti , :nbt elut&mg•fbe;- - ' ; ?_,:ssiiiiiitabi'+' theA., harO ea ;Slifor-eoligtat'ulathW -- •o4:.*,gitid -di' ' at least. j;40,0 9' bate vtseaped ,ffie;Oltfifes.ittitaAlai cle:Sam, Irol, ; .. - .o.liassacrbairouct-tkOA6ll6;iiit W: O 4 ~i6 * l - ''' . s.' : ' '''' 1"'" . ._•-• ; .t. ; - _ ~ .. -,,,,,, ,=-- - 44.: , .1t-4-4 —4. ,t 1 T .. - 4,1.: - -: .k.iiir 1 tith..:,c,,Lss, ' - Arkftealtioi,,,litigrAkik„fgailef - bi . 4it044,:90 1 fling:M.7l o46 W •t#9 l ?je-i;!*.iiii;, l l l : ev siiNects., L it : - fuko _g6i-iii-r 40 ,0 0 ,v 'ilit.wet , ! le :t y.,-,;.„); iia his.**l4.so . : , ekingt6ir , - ,*ohiti- _ ',.: vo t ethuali `4lii*'''in'itt 6 - -- t 4 PitaitAg -i-- FaAisati -- Tir '4-'teg ot %Ai* t' j 1004 :P l . 4 ****** lo . - - Igi4t:: litiv**Ok, id,..44.* 1 14 116 $ 4 Firltl9- If , - '.. ''P r i ° a i the _*o_:, we 'litter' kg iiiidtei Ja rqgit ' . ` 1141m)Oft . , ,Yed)in'itsf Ne*,,:lriiik..V4ulier l ianitr: ' Varin•47' riVAjit***** l * -1 1 1 0 1 ..e*'; , -- , titekt.utoca teditiOtikt4iit:kkiii4o:o3,6*__ imirg",, e'., the .party. ; M.-. ds of Oren:'_. i . iiii-;: , :: 110 / 00 0 41 ,t1,7, i ' Wkitingjt,. U•. have:- bee)ilik*iiilieiii: (t4:kele.,_ . - f tr. i t, lii:f . *me' r:. iho jigbliiii_lol.*i*iiiio.o 4 ool. forlht - Pi ' ide "t4f. , 745ti-q011..' , 5 , ,if - i' s , - 4!•?j,':7-, , r: . _.:.: - . ,- .... t ....= ,;'4,6-. ( 16, ,Z.)ALD:ItY,,, ' '4EZrahltii,;7., -;'Apinii9f , ttOPW• ,ArAO.l r-;:- - --: . 'firinigijitil4, 'til-tlitit:f:'irA•4 l iigiU'oftliiirbitl*.be - .Af . Niiiic:-iiitekid:. - its - :tiiiiiiiikbV'''" 44 tthit.flitr' _ iwg: - NgilOk ' :l th ii e I yremov t0,,,r --:, MA; that's--. _ ,__., iiiit;s* Vmor Yfo , k - set . I-':idf-4.iitt- irTivoid A*/ HOU) •J* 4. 4 ; 11 0 1, exoyttit4it, `lirDoUl 7¥ . 1 :,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers