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' Nytl - • , f-i!f:_:;ivi•gyii::, , ,'?,:lc.: , ;iiazt.r .! .gg.flgi , eigl.,l.‘ii:-;i: , 4 ...,.„;F, ; , , ..!.:zi , • r. ..,.0 ri g. :44 4304,7 4 .1v..*: „ ... ._ ~„......,.. .. .„..A.!,..,-;:,-:,..-- - r -• `-- '--- ' -' --- -- - - a.''''''''j44...,'...i, ~ ,. ''"r- 1, ..-., ".,' - -.- ' : - .1: ' .. 7 4."""". :.. ,f , iit.'.... ''' --' ' 01 6 l' ''4.V'l7-,A.:',.., C i..± ' :. - ' .* 1 . vitirp; ; REGISTER.: , VB.ItY THURSDAY, BY E . W.. Chapma;:b. Adiineepar Cas per year, nentin h Irpu:d within the year, irbot at the:eud,of Foi the Busqueliiinna Register: '-4' , ' To my Little , Dog that barked at the TO*44 - sr; a Shower. What 'molt 'utplittle dog ? dest.hear That murmuring o'er theel iiiedtheqtliirk clouds lotveri.eg near, flitslkl?efore thei ' Dust roaring I Post see*tejitOjellOitiitiieries - From A licery***".t.i4k . :titiivard.suaritig, a10W.4 '-• 41 1 1 - ilatiSi4T-liSniii, tell the Oity;'o , o The thoughts thathre - thy bosom healirig';4 - , Why:that-Jou. grpwl;,that pondering brow, r§, That . tyOndering so uutielieriug i • _, • 'Ti3 nobli.fgraiik*Wthou, too, see - The glonous splendor? can thy heart Feel all the powerand majesty, Which scenes like this must e'er impart? awful,' fearful; dolt thou linow That powerOundpotent, doth guide The raging winds, the livid glow, At his command, will all subside I The lightnitigisrthe Almighty's breath, That low - gtrange thundering from afar, • Which steals with slow invading stealth, Is but the rtinlbling of his Car. ~ . , - Hush t little pe — t,ll-; ton sublime, For earthly euund to thar,--no hour In Present, Past, or Yuture.time, Can glory with the " Tursurn Snownt." ilarfurd, Pa. The Fress—;-A Song. Sung at flaa PUnter's Festira 7 . Ration, on S,ctur day Eucuing April 14. Lot monarchs - revel while' they may, And drain their goblets bright ; No hearts so fc.c, or gay as we, On this, oar festal night. 'IVe need no regal page~: it here, INn b:utnert wreathed wi:h fame— Far brighter far our trophies, are, Our history and o•,tr u..1.:11e. La Printer liyes blinfelf a Kinz, A monarch in hist.might; - ' -I And Thrones and Crowns must topple down, I When he i:• , .. in the r,iglit— And o'er- the v.-urld hi banner wares, • Wherefreeduni's song 'is told, ' The printed page-4.he truths of Age, The glorious songs of old! ti 'to !ha nirlile krt • -13 y kr the brighte6-t bent Mat ever threw its lustr , ,us Irce Frecdords diadt-iii I • E'en now it gieanF3 a t'ae g-aid:tg star Far ditztantVer the wave, When millions fight, to gain theright Of Freedom, or a g-ra Then, brother's let oar Be snag in festal gain While bards. shall Fi:i7g. our wo.apon:: ring On Earth's wide bank. p!;iins ; Or while One tyrant's troni. i= left For Truth to trample down, . Our mystic Art will bear its part Of glory and renown. Enrrou.tat. Cannrcarca.—lf suli=exibi-:s to journ als,like Church members, in stopping their papers. were required to produce an editorial• eel-excite before they could 6u'o-cribe to another, there would be sixtrie.turious developernents ; as fur:example : Wetertif3' • that A. 8., stopped his piper -because, Ibe-ditor refined M allow inia :is columns' fur, a tieraipa . , al vindication, which concerned nolicidy bin Ithriself. .We certify that C. L. refuses the paper because thti editor did not the obituary no tice of a relative, which wa_ never sent to hint, but which be ought to have detested in some Or his ex change laapers.t r We certify that E. F. vv-hlies lo transfer his patronage to another paper, becaui:e, having taken this paper six years without paying a cent, he felt himself Msulted lay having a bill set:: to him by way - of a reanintleE—We certify that G. H., in his own opinion. is a poet -of the first water but the editor, unfortunately differing from him 'in opinion, is regarded by him as wholly , unqualifakti for his office.—We certify that L J. has stopped his paper because the editor had the temerity to ea press an opinion on a certain matter without hay at; previously ascertained the opinion of this pat-. • far The WaAtington Union, the no r . htm4 Union, roars out thus : "General Taylor is destined to hear, from an to dignant people themselves, thunjCrs, more terrible to ltis ears than the roar of the enemy's cannon tit Buena:.Vista. And he need not hope to shut * ears from the nnwelcome sotmcL" - • Of course the Union relates to the roa of tW ` Loco Focos. Now we can tell the editOr'that,,if all the violent Loco" Focos in 'the nationi vrqe-n4- sembled at an 'appointed time, in front of old'Zitclil,s ' door, and gave.oue simultaneous roar, w#nldnit frighten hini in the least.—Loisiseille Jourrkstl.' . • ..,-- - - - ' • • 1 ~. The dangers of thinking the Ituchester INeWill ingrates in this Wise : • if - .11. "., rill thin -*oz of the time, Kate, when .i:ittntg . l* 1it144 . , and k :kicklu, g beaus, I gazed on 1.1114 ff aiV. felt *a:peacock s pride.- In silence leaned we n'er the pan, and neither spoke.l word; but the rattling of the,beans, Kate, was all the sound we . 140,-T- Thy, fubiarn - curls hung down, Kste, read kissed thy tilb,...„tby azure eyes,. half rifled witl4;tear , _l -7 ;41 - an i:spirit. meek.' To be so charw:ed-at.l i 1 : -- tben, -- .1tadme'er before_ occurred : when the rattlin - .14114, beani;iiits'ill fll6f•Valld I heard. I t4oug , ".' was not.wropg ,Kate,soienniug tier the dish, as 0a -fteatehed up a 10 or be;arks„, snatched lit n cr .- :-' lasi& 'kiss; a sudden shower made blind Meeyes '44 l i 6 ::Eiver .spokei l a var44od the ratt6g t t . . 41ii***14 , te, was the 1ie1y.•§6641-7,begr44" --4-.i.' . /t--,1 - : --,,,.... f,.; •„',..!. . I. 1,,, n why -lui g. • o cum oribit 1*41*,..- ki• yol 144.1ii-30004:-* - alio*. • - . 4 e fori l itieAssero' - ' ' He - 13.. "n . ,Otiptd. iiiii y• 40 - y at : to VP** .. . . . -..- ife =it feel ~,., , : that.' ea-ip." .4 •. - 1 A.: ":: ~. - I ' - "'. -.V ..."..--.• ~.. ; .'. 'or L'illetii: l -,. - t: , 411.-,,, l'FL__ —.--0____,1,A,ar k. _44,.., • -", '-:4.}, :, -_ , :..1 ; ..; ! 1„;,i...,,_, _ . li i . R 44 - ' -.461614 • - t ._' lamed - 7 - 4- , ,,... , : , ,.. i1ini. :::.„, ,:_ „ :: • . f,.„ -. i - I . f-• , ; ,- -Mixt ...,, ", ~.1 , :,:_; ~ ,:krolo , *ni .. '-'.I7I,Ir ti M.A , ! , t:MAI.: , ar c :- ;:- ' - -"- '....' '1 . , ,, ;'_` 1.,„, , , M:Pm , i ' „.:_,...Z .. :: , . 14* : , ::: : ,,."'" ' L ' '~:1 ..`,-, • _;.,,,-..,. - -,, ' '.%1 - . 4 ' ---,. ". , -'-. -• - , :tii '.-• "-.',' et , , ,, , -- .: , ..4.e. , wr,,,A.. 7, -Ft- - -,1% ,,, w• • - ---.~:A 7.7 - • ,; - - .-' .., 4. , ' - ''. - isaitiibleiblots *Ml*** ,-- • - , tz,igeo.:„.„„! „ -.24v.•••:k17..0.F.-v=vlt - o-4•• , :vie,•vk .•,:_ -J• • - . ~.4.4,-, ,'_, e, 13 , , 2 -......,,- . ~. -, - ----....-, P ill #f- ,01111 ,, , • ---,.. ~- , . ..._ ~..„,,..,,,6 *4 - ..„. - ,•--. Iblit „ ; . .N.,.. , , •:. . "•1104/1. ~,: .•A. • . :%. -.. i , I. AlOr, A' 4.' "''''' 44 r711." ' , "./.ke — '•.. i k 'Tt I ...ate .. .'1444-601144TYP pow -- A..t. , ' - '•=7.- . ' ~,. ' -t."'''. ' 1 '' '''.l.. : 7 ' . A i ll ' '. '' - ' rk , • • = ; ,, x-it-AtTeffa-v , ;;•' - -- , - -Nria,-.4‘-yaraltr-tvg‘,.4., - --A ..,•--:-: -'•-•,='• • :ri,..,,-;• ,-. :14.t.0.Y4i,e1--,41. 40 :.!'"''‘•-•40-÷`',7., „ .03".' _. 1 . 4. ..,...,-:,,:;:,t •-•,!---.• _,,,4 4 .`;'. • . '''', t , ..' ' . .. 4, ' ' '' ' ' - '4 '''''' " - ....,.- • ''' ~ n r - ,-,:. '.. - - - . 1-' ~ 1, •••• , -.•.*--r--......,-...%.,,, ~ - . -,.,:- ...., , ,n, - • -,..- ''./. '-- '.. - • -4.fr.... , -..-,`V.'7.7 •• • "l'• - i •C.a' • - YO '• - • . g f, ?n t r• ii4l l APIZ#4II-Si caPitial of si ill it border cot Xrgialature, suppwea ,t'ijoixiiii..4the Tact. At the - tizi ; .1,,,-........ z :,,-, iI . , , V4 , 1 1 ,..z;;; '- ---- ...w . .., ,' ----" 4."- ,- -. . • , ,,... i.r.„ •----, 1 —.... . . 4 ' ..-.... 4 .: , 40 4 ' 44 " ''''''''.-+ n , 4 ,, .. n. $ :r. t;4 5.4 4 ;.. ''''' ' ' : -. 1 1. :,. ni:4A, C 4' l(n z ..., . i'1 ,.:3 1 4 .,,,4 :, ::::. ! 1 / 4 . A. -. 4 f .. : 5' . 4., ! . •; iit , ::-: : ' l';Y' '''',:. 4 4 tA• ''...' ...." .4 ' ;lT ''''' '' .1.. . ' ' 4:f. ' ,..4 7 , ,, 1 ,n , 4 , ~i . r , - . .. ,;-f , : I 0 '4;2 ; ~.,..'.7 -4.:..1 • '4 - - .7.. ,:44 4 7 , 4 4 ~., -, :, .. :... ~ ~ -1 --:....,‘-.,:,,, . '" 3 , ,, i's r , Zt, '..1:: , :. -,,,, , •15,i'.. , ' ~,,:, I , 11 ' ~ Tt 7'. ::, -. 1 '—' -r ' t . '` •""',4? — , :.--si-', • ‘ '‘ ' '.- -;?1i , ,- - -- , . . , d4 , 4-,_, ~. , .._ .IF -- -_,L , 4,f- , - ,, T , .:-• ~, — , - , 5 , 4, -- '" .-. -- 'I..V. ..9 . , ''',; , .v..,,z - 1.. i ' -$ ~ - 1 , ,, ,..1 ,' +1" ' ..,....... .. 45.,; - • felt tbeithe.waseapable of rising above Lee prese cut ceinilitierr,iiiiidthecoming Fonigthiiig . greafei Met better thanTheUnttswaa. His mind beeanein ' dated with Ve*, - .•:•ainj 'strange emotionst . andlllike . . rnighti i tiver, turned 'frorii its course;, Ins though 1 " The school trui ,; am's coming . ..llle school, mit'ani's and energies from that hour sought a new di coming.," shbated k dozen voices, at the close of ; -tdcn ' viej - ;;;; •:;;, half an hour's faithful watching to catehit glimpse ' - (s e it Morning lie!was up with the daten,an of our tetieherYk s Vvery eye was turned towards when I.sa Westeott arrived at the echteil ; hous her, with 'the inos4.s:erutinizing glance ..-4or the she found Tom Jones there with his evergreens. children as wellees Others always form an opinion " Geed morning, Thohms;' she said kindly," and of n person, partieglarly of their teachers at first I so you are here before ate ; you must have - sheen sight. ea - rly,. and you have found some beautiful ' ever " How e tall idle iil" exclaimed one. eem, don't greens. e and now if you will help me hang . them, she look sweet 9" cr ednuother. e lio,l ale% afraid of her, nor a dozen le her, cried the ' big boy' of we will have the room all arrenged by nine o e‘u..k." " I have bouht a leminier and some naile," sell thel school." "Nor I either,'; cried. the big leiy's Tom J..ile".e -I t thought we should need some." ally, " I could `lick,' her easy enough, couldn't you e Yee. SO 'WC S11:111, lam glad you - thought of Tone(' "Yea, mid; I will, too, if she ?oes to touch them," teplied Mis.., Westcett ~ - -me.". "Hush!" cried one of the girt, "she will That .lay every iekeler Jo ;act. anerzedsto :see lata . e.yett." By this; time..sheehad dearly teached Toid.Joues actually studeipe; hie b.ck, end .b hear the door, retina whilth we were eleitered, and eve him e atiewer :several ; questeets eurreedy, d r iid• they rs.• - were se. ; ".l more' ceoreended nivel at recess Miss era' eye yeas fix.ed epee her face with en carrot yet ' hair thaehfel gaze, Uncertain, as vet what vcrdhlt to Wc-cntt tltu i l t ' //jun ' " Y ca wi'd take 'C'..r‘2 (.d. the ... it upon her} little children, v. di vim let. and no that the ;.• do . i t "Doexl morning., thildren," she sailin the kin I- uot tee.. bout: you must be their prelec. e." . - Chit; ;jest toice in the werld, while her fee,: wie, lieleed wcul ‘, l itB ,", l '''' ,'-'1,;•"° lamb:, of eqt•ti": a w° ll. to ! Rwtitll the sweet.es r .:,:i , ..„, ii„u g hiale, "'frail I , a gu., ..f,...,:x „: lamo:, as Tons Jones to take cue ;the-aft:if:ll mernieg oi ethernetice eelool is it nut's" . et the liele childreu. Ile " rknow I sled. lure her,' wld-pie ed a little pet . '' V; ell," exchtheed Stun Evans, "I never saw On MY ear. 1 6liell It ~ , -_.boulinfigua before•in all the day= of toy . . , Nfe all followed; bier he() the seised tie aO, exec et- hie; tlidyou Toni C' ii),,, , ,4 kcated, and then Caine in with - a swageerine lirr°lll:4nes. gliad laittilll ' Who W"e'l wail. Ihc re'- ` ' w:iii ‘ d ° L il li l v e e. P b li ...; i rek i4' cli 'll tl L- er " e b itt lt b. ;i ty N' t i i ' c li nt l N i i .r i . . l ..it ll l n l j ez i t ihnoiey gait, and a t ve't of dare•devile4ey 10 - ek, as new. hat I am going to study now. en I learning, 1 ?midi as to say ' Wile care for you r.•••'"' Frenething ; Miss Westcott says I can, raid I ma de !.l,Eiss Wescott loOlaid at them kindly, but at ;pear- tcr l ninc 4 tu try."e, i Ind iikt to notice ilk* further; after a short pro er It v.-as risrem• rung to oh ' , erect the ;elect that .7 , 1/$3 laud ;a 'chapter in lhe Bible, 'she passed road I Ithe reione end ie some inquiry of each vac in ‘Vesteot!'s treatment a Tout had upset the eelini c...rs t the y began to consider hum of route iitexne !regafel to thee: reltie4 and their etudiets.! ' ; taectt, :raid to feel a sort-of respect fer him, which 1 " 'ilti what is'eleir name r s hia4A ,lay i : , ; , her they- nianifeeted firet IV dropping the tie:Lem/m e Hintiu upon Tore 's lilt ad, while he sat NVi th iliS 11,. 3:1(IS Tem, and substituting Tommy, whirl, L a `e Ley ; ;hi 14 pockets, Ey-kering his feet backwards and tainly a more kindly feeling- toward.; li'au. „ • ,fe-aimi ;Is. ; In leie: than. a week, Miss We...tc‘itt, had her I' ' e Tom Jenee," slielited lie at the top of hi,, voice. ~'ll' r . ,riiplete l .:.. mill- her teintrel,'N et it was by „ ~. i rir,;-... araPrespeet that she eceers.e.l..L.4 eet- le; ei. ! . Lew old are :volt The:east” she asked. . . . . ; .• i• ; . . Just as old again as h a le t tielA . c.t . e ..i . Tom, with /1.4t1 rule!: she move. a.,:ong her 51510.41,1 6 :1 sera r a sailer laegh. - accede and yet si•e ;•-•, ;;,lined their euntiduce end " Whet do von stmly, Tlaornae r ~ c,tecut, that il. did not seem to them ..rAt....iiiti to •• Pcothir ~."- 0? . -, .:,:0.V0r . 4 v. ill, but the le,..np - in...s of. tl.rir ~...-a ~1.. - Wh.at book, have you i... • .‘,..r. to /,:a4f. rem gienee of her dark 'eye - a 4,111 d ' •, f•rt me" - . have queded;all tn.:a:el:den, and one -Ladle made ' • . Without appearin t .t ai all ilietmleed by - ; his replies, I " th'-' ,,iffil• l ia : ! l `i ' • i : rj e . e f' te ir m a t. d ji. '2 U - g . la school NA alt a •realieation Niles We cote egad,. I ani glen I ain't.) have one ' rif . the le pereihdides re-tea upon her, and she of two large boyislii my small; v. .0 cci; be of gi•eat asseistance to ure, 'lleer.as, and ii you v.:ill sLop ben: I. •r euergic.= t o 1..ddl them. c are f.do. : . oni d aTcw minutes after 'ld singer:erne:on, we wit!•-kilfelly she unlecked the soili - e thee Mel gave a .talle over a lit‘tle. plait I have formed." 'car:Jr. - et; glemet Wilitill, ID Urklet ii, LIIIIIpT , Ai4II , / its ilds wee a mystery 'to all; lied parti...u'arly to ..;_npabili; lee and then :dal ped her course atxtording- Tone who could me eisaiprehentfileey he eo„ld be '..* I , lc . de .' l " "n g and " c" ‘ c he ellcc-nra4cd ; tae . ...)-..t.1.na.e Ate ..subdito; to the yielding and eseful to acv one, to for the, fir 4 time hi les life he felt that lie vete ofismtic ireptirtauce in the werld, i ficieb she, taught a ignite; ectlf-relianee.. ' She en he do all the R oad -it A lie had had no liein trn.oitig, ; :to. c it e had ..ereiet• cau , r :TP - r., 1 I . e c .,_ e )P 9 • 2r f li n 't . ' ;2 ' - told! int he eould Wier eny n e y e t e'd a t,ieny geec titi , i,,0 0 .:91 1 4.• 103 4;r i _11.0-releuitig °rya t elle:torn:A tt here iL • the world. No eneloviiditim,and Of course lie flui d ' -11 4 th : 146. 7' rath'cr 'tthi ri c4rct.f and eava•'•l°:•°- loved ne one, lett was ore crehaiee who b e e e eeet i There ere in ee'ery'• :Itched some de re - ram; eitr he Wed goat toebully his way OirOilgh ;the world.— • tris- e end/4th if 0-ousted, ,tight slekku the world.— - Be had alwey - a - beeit ballad the:" bad friy" at :eland, , There are en-lotions and pa ~ j.,trywhich if let Leese, and he tciok a sort of pride andillettautpie bent I will, /*lke, the lightnings 'of leheeei, scatter ruin :eel f&uelti bY the childre and dreaded hYlltfe- n..-ee....,.,-r/,'.0........ 1 ...."-le . - te'.' .11 .-t una;:sliiet t be' " 1 , ' . 1 11- ..N.11,.'s NCestrott at Olice comprelleatittd his wheie cern. thlierneenger of thotilite„tie the world. hi character, anti be= -to shape beet plalis aceerein t et that bead that you icall.tietll .diriy lie sluinherlng It-. .. Site' maiatalued that a boy-, who at tv, e k e F.:Fel:me like bullet penteqi, volcano : open that vearf. old made hirusi!lf Peeredamong hi; set e ee_ cheed•crater, and arc if there do not belch forth fellows. *as capable of Lee/ mace spar'-thing of.— fift:llC; Whit]) veer Wr.ril bend cannot stop. Put flen?tofore all tu6ue4ce hed conspired to make lino helm man reel pilot to that: ;wayward min.! elicit tad,, ,t m . d perhaps a de...T, rate character, elle was flat •at the mercy ..f the ritual and wave in the determined to tract-ferns ins character by bringing widc sea of thought. and rod will see . it lestrim: its opposite intim: etas to work tufhint,t mid to cutter Cl)lll" , e t'flailtifUny upon the waters. and atiellorine this, she mast first gain 1a.., co p nfider:cu. which cock! at last im a quiet haven. laden with 11. e riches of be done in no better say than I '4 making him feet earth. Cell out the Attain heeds of thought that lie that•she placed eontidenee in hint. , lurking tinder the ti•ntielies or the Fel:int-room, arm When echreul was out, more than brill - the shot- and equip them for action. and g i ve yotice de t h e are li ngere d a b nia t di ? . door wondering w h at mi ss word of curl mand and lead me and see if there i e . Westeett could be teeing to say to Tom Jones.. tj. @ not vi- or eneueli to scale these fortresses Of knowl- Lad ufeen been bit to remain after !Amid, but it • edge which nor: rise like ;lark mountains before was always to receivb a pani-hmeat or severe - lee- them. There is not a school . .rook) where there is lure, and nine times Out of ten he weld' intop out ' hot energe an•l v i gor and thOught emitted], if devel h oaf the window, before. .half of the scholars wer e out one:!. to revolutionize. the w•le-Id. There Benin-es ; of the room ; but Awns evidently for a ditlerent • wl kit burst forth like a epriag from the mountain, purpose. that he was to reinnin now, and no one ; and there are alio streams Ms beautiful and pure, wendering more what it could be - than TOM hini- far, far dievn in the earth, which will flow on for ..ielf. a ' ever in their darkened comee. unless some exrava- I " Don't you think, Thoma-s., that o'er school room , tine har..l digs away the heaped piles of earth tyre:lei be a great deal pleaectiter if weelted smile abeve - them and there 111... -11 "5, 11 O en meal= well ererg,reens to beng.aruund it ; something to teak , -,„ tof pore arid sparkilifg waters. hive sculptor may it look cheerful I" mqUired Mies Westeott. , form the block of marble bettee him, either aneel e Yes'nn, and I know where I Gan get plenty of . or devil, to the soul lility, be made a seniplis l eitee hem," ;et a demen'e haunt ; and, do veu not know, parent e Well, Thomas, If tyou Will brae sonie here he teacher, that it l's emir hand that fa-hioas the abate, 'ight o*elcsel e to tweeter; morning, I will be here 9;1 : an I beektios thitherthe visitent ? - i elle you put them ; up, and we will gilin the Cud- 1 have -teen iefailier to- ani eater his besotted rev a pleasant surprise ; and here are some Woks son, to ben his own heed uri..:ese I first to his ehil• I's will give yote Tletieras t. son may put them in lips the hellish dr:night that set his emit. on tire,— Your own draeeere t hey are n-hat - I wept - you to I ha-re seen a pour len; mother weep as if her - Stade." - • i •. heart would break. over her ruined idols. Yet ." M" itut I emitistudy !geography and history,' cx- that Mothers smile been:eel first upon-the coming aimed Torn. conies:ed." I never did." footstep of the de'strover, and her voice warned - "That is the; reasub why you think you cannot," hat her dill of dartge ' r• In tentday,when(74 replied Miss Westeott. "1 am quite sure you can,. shall brink every thing into judgmentewill net the and you will hive them I kno w I courses which rung so fearfully in the' offeeder's ' "Nobody ever cared whether I learned e.nyething , ears in tin World, rill back with crushing 4i'eieht or not beferer ..arti,".fem, with eome - emetien. ; upon their! who fulfilled hot their responsibilities " Well I care," said Miss Weeteett with earnest- to thein While; young? Who knows that every nes.s, ' you arelcapaben of hecontfing'ra!great and murderer might Pot have been a nfiriieteralf mercy good man ; yolk are-nejw forming Your character for to witehod thousands 9 He wait not born a !nue_ life, and it depends erPon Yourself What you be-i dareras its baby . 1 ithat.sweet bine rye had no fiendish glare. come. The pborest ;boy in this country han 'as face rested' upon its mother's bosom— equal c h anc e with th e ; w eA lthieet. an d le s -circuits- that pi t tle hand bore no state ofbloOd as it clapped ' .stances. are mote favotable for becomingg emirtent, - them in t'all'ish glee. Mother, remember that for he learns tbilepenO upon hineself, I will aseest I carnet. t evte !which mirrors thine Own glance so low you -all I can in your studies, Thomas, and leknotre I inziv. twirl, ever reflect the light thou given it. A you will eticceed t remian, herthat lam your friend, skilift farmer first prepares the ground, and then and come tome in evolry difficulty." plan • ; seal!. seed as is adapted to the soil; and Tom Jones fluid not been bronght up, he bad shall .e beless careful to make a- fit dwelling 'nettneter - betatiee -he had been herniate the world place for lthe "thoughts' of imniortal mould" that arid ccuillfchelp it; b4t, as for any•mental or mor-' epri • _ Up-in the sotill and shall we not care - and alitrainime he -Was as guiltless of it ask veild.bram- know hat teed is sown in those immortal min 14 blb lenslrOf a pfulling knife. His fatheletwas• an which arell4.reafter tie be ' judged be their •fruitse - intentipelateLati - maniland his mother was is total The .wer, ib the rabic sowed good seed; but 'IY inetitleientl, woman. lAt home, he; received with: :thite,e; ly Which fell epee] good grout' bore fruit : int tit : it blovrb,''l9ind abroad nothing letiabiiee. . His had tJ e thottns ,been rooted out, and the soil en- Lai paesionstwere therefore all excited :mil foster- inched w ! 'I not the other fields have yielded a ect i ;tand his .- txrd-onee!were never- called "out. -He !mitt , alio :1 have eeen a. teacher make his en aloulfkways elliqted that his teeehers would-hate him, trance into school by reading•a list-of ruler; of • atilie - whdtte r . anew hie combative powers to op- two o 4 thine feet in length: "You inn-it do this ; Bose thetb, ... • !he- ha4'made up his_ mind to turn yen on'ast sot de that," without a single remark up the " new sHmill-rna!sin? - out of doors. When, on the prepriety or impropriety, the why or the therefore, Hits Wescott declared that she wati glad wbereroref - cl' the thing, but onfy "lit must do re" 1,- tohalt : et - 111min I ; her sehoel, lie was twinned; and , You might, 3:1 well, vet to curc.a man of stea l- that she should nitinitbst an • interest , for hhn, and i ll by pelting : him,With ,Bibless Th e teuth eer gh'e him a's* of newibooks• was;PerfoOtly. hansom- -tamly hitslhard enough-and so would stones: let I • sPre - hensibre fth him." Xlsel . ..Vtrest einderetood•lds , a man fee the beauty ,well as the violence Ot ' ' position andeharacter and -tieterMinedelp modify thaw, and lie will' IN qu i t.e ," an t . 4 o: l, ro at, ))y , it, - ''':: tliern: - ghe Telt thatt he vets eoupy 'capable _of - Julia !irile..ife, ; -- 3 ,4.. iih o t r i,tccid - j u i l ij a ,:fiaolet. - „ - . She go'od- and hailiticAmS,llhOufli the WdllOw _ 1 3 .'odool''. ; ' de Jitalitioly - ,' a4'beerjr.bilieltfee.-iough - t tit. do.-,-; -mated- • gh•it - kneW Oat his active 1104 Ologl•-bO liiiiii . out eiliiiltrid prejudice '1..0 afthendriii iilL4y ; one tight . as ticoa think of ; t eltlitilling'e the . ou dis; - E,tio - vvircl .theta, the -- e il 'OF sin . cried. it lightning as *mince diewn biiforce that wi.W : Eleiir.'. 'C.. iiiiii[the;sidiatitageaCf 'eduCatiaia,' and; lit tialia.boOklt - - Sho*oitlil - give:him employment , ' hinCeSOnigrainOiee :tan lit' thei'47.llteli;; h4t"Oichlts'* ' 4 , -ftlX out, 411:1:07', set 'of ideas'-sand ' 4 i4iiiiktliey. a4apted. - , instructions tbOno.' - '. 1 that he'iratttleing:gotitt s '"t4 and ricioSisitio - t , idstlititt,'She -- , eakei and"' t-ti was iv* "-eittinele i 41.11311. ._ `‘A ~ New 4 ,F..4gland Blembries: 1 - SiIOHOOL Is.IISTRES§. . I t t 'l. arks. r., N. stralorra. 1. 50 2 00 2 50 PEOPLE; Mni INA - - , . ' , '. • t I ... . , , • ....., ' . ' ~,,.. ._ , -, , .....,:" '-'i't'" r, '" -''''' - '''' -...''' ''. ' . . ....._,,,... cz.i - , ~....,- . .`- -,f "- : - : . - " ..-. 1"..ct•:..-----t-ta.,--..v-r .. -- : -,1-.,.--. , , 7,.E . n. ,--- Tft:t'v: , :,7Tz -, =..:5: , 1 - ...:,-g' - i: ,, :' , .7t .-- f=;ifif-_:':TF'' - 1-.-1 ' - 'F••:t 4 "7 - !' . l•'-fltrFt;' . ...•;., -7 •';'!": 7 ;•• • •';•;(d; t --"'', t • _ 4' ' '' -• :!. '. • - '! ' 1 I-- - I H .. i ; :„. ....;., !-.;!, . • (.:!--,;.! 1 - A " ..,,,,,, ~,,.,,,,--,- .-: :1i.,:,/, , Th. , ...,:1t -,. 1:" '', i ,1 -- -' - ''..- ''' -,, .. k.- l• I - - •' :- j- '-: , ' . - , )„., - ,1..!...1. ; . ".-...- E.t , -'.;`,• , ' . .3i _ .„..- . ,?;• ''"..;-1 -.:'.'; --='; -' , -1 - ' , '1••• , -!-,.! ' '-';,-.J. , ,,y ,, ,'.-,,,- -.4 - ~, ‘, -?..:-. ,t...: .. , -t, 't'it. ~: -tb-, , :' C:. .i. --,, ''. - ,i ,- ...i-- - . 1 -Vi:‘. - ;.,.>•.,;:;;-'' . 4 .'',..-„ ': :-':,,• -:, -•si,i , tk"-r• - 't , :# -.. ~ 1 .44 ; , . . ,'•-• - ';... -- :,....*'4.,.:-. .- - .. - -.. 1 ' ~ ~. -t.',. -.I • lit. • ',-.-." ~,, ~,,:,,, i , -'.. .i ! '1• 1 , ' --t ::- -.,',`... A ~•„!.., '.=`,0.0-- -..':.-..:,• -1;.. ''':;. 4,, , , '2-ilir- d•-ta 4- d. . • ~,... '''',,,,; -' J .k .. 4., ;. .:. I . - .. ~r, e,if ..',,..',.. :.-, , r.f',.,! - :-.4.1;.' . .;4- -- 'YK;' :: ,- .'.'it.,..' .:.A41,: ' .....' , f.' ,:'-. 1:7! . : , '-., • '1! • ..,-. , f:-.. :',r - ' ..."... , ...',': , 5- , .• •,,, T.rts.. .1 ~,.. : , ,, , ..;-,t,t , '' •,..:-- .'..', Ti.'?:., ~ •.,,', • * i L ' ,... "1 , : , '•: - 1 - -•;-•2!"..;?!...s=d.V.' - ....•-4c,..• , d. . •;• t • . - ,_.:..,"....tard.d - fittiXi. , !...o: - •-_,- , .....•.1;4 •; - 'e . "; '''TtE(.'"f- s ,'KE . - -t..";!;:•..fi? .12- : ', - .4 , . [4:7.',.V . :,..:,... - z - .....:: ' ,..t . ,; . ... -- .„. • --.. ; ; ;t . .i'zV , -:',;' , •.'.;, , :::: . ; . - .. f.....,.. , ''' ... , ;D4 l Y. l -.AIIGUSZ 30; - .1 - • - •''-- - ' . - --•---- --f F•i•;'..---' - - - ~-, ---.. ,, :•7 , --Ntru . i; - N I - 1 . ; .., I .. -- v..; ,! „•r: - .. . ..,.! l• :., -.. ''';:.'i'f ' 4" - ',F , .1. , :! . . , ,,y . -.Vt f,. ', , ,:,:1 : . hers her with - more grateful affectinf, than i To es," nliO.filled; with ernihent ability, one i il( ril ;,.., I AN tl l tromei.-r ax-.5 . - na. •MI ..- •(..•. .saw's% !the:27th 'Contain:l(4'44f • :s, .; .e ate higiest judicial offices in the union, and who d packet ihipllititiinia i *- ( Wi " ..-... aclMowled,ges.tbat he ores his presient char- ' m ot e-• mid! position entiroly.to her, treataeast and Je ocrr 1 erpool, rota whiehd.i...e • tidte.Al,:,•,: ' ctitnis. - '' " fM th 1 Oa It'e euirain‘i 3 Of!! - Siitidalt I doecnrrt.' !.!Which,'-indas.':•:44a*O i,-.., tly, 4 ` he that goeth forth weeping) bearing Jo' ly luau:" be deareett-ntf*Ortli a , the ,us Ceti, shall come again•rejoitang,,lbsdinging *t ,iio, •', The hip was.go,ing,:tiritit)g - ,•ther . s!.f - l" - eaves with him." . : ; .it ew' 1 ons rat • under -a .piel&dbf.."•;~ fit i*:".' 1 ; . h I __, t „,,,,,. ; . • t ' er b-ee-e froristbe We*.i•dbeni ' ••••! .-?!.!• - Bow she' Led her- Lover. • i . 0t._41 9 0 bra - SO.:was: eaxestedd. .dt - aslniiis , ~ Franklin A 4.--- - , who was a gentleman of ,• slnidtiC.l running , ihreilthlb . ii-4-kw, -,, 3 11•0 ; ....:tri,,:t4tioxve,3 ia. goielt save ''rig,... pasta and infinite humor, Ted with; much At the tame inottatmtil'!",,,l•d : ', 4k - ':•'• intry to relate the following anecdote; 4 . h..,,,,/ :l el-"'A Whale=-a- , Wli.itiiP..• , d'l.` -: •:' ; cl•nrred to himself when a young Man:" A i ! • Instil:skin ove „r4 r tn . aty.: ! ;,,, : ,, ;5 4 ;;; ,:. , 4 „.;-pst--- . • • , ' lads: M the neighborhood had won Isis affii.e- Fishkr• to the ( t . ratl.o*.°; .0• -, , . Ind lie had commenced paying her imlldre(ssea. but ,nrn i ang.Was;t#(ldie#4.l, ...,;.;,...., • . _ ...•,, 3 g• courtship he sometime; : stipped Tali'. the tea. 'W:V•er piisaiiid*ltiff WO -- tiir,••?' ';'!-;PdL. , .•; - "v . ninillv, whet' he was r.b.•.tays regalml I;Titli a I etir:: - Cilet..Witi.ke&4•44,i4 . 'l. :::g‘i.,,7'& y di'sli of biusli and milk, and being oi a re- -'d -"Al' ikai n r ••:,t;-.3"dis ";---....? -, ...,-...-• ;"`•••-•-"*.-.••• turn [was rrenderall rinvi.ed ditcoden:Y - -gracie - over. I-r4M °A , 4 - 0 -'.-..." 1 ,'•••.- ti • o•l4atekdrv---- 1**44 7 0*-;* 1 .44c.,,,',..,....... •. . ~,....,"d _ cal. " The supper, Fianky tlirl i tl'ot take inmi:ii.". i Of. tlio!i74.:liri , t - e:Lkolok -, ..r:•T.1 , ,g7, fentily of the fair one was v ia bat,motlerate ; I! .sailant - ,witli:l4::eabriittia,;;;; ; d'';..,! -- .1;I 1.. i-tadd„.dis, and beln,s-liini;elf, poor he 'admired ! , -,....e.5rt. • 1 - •,d -.7 1 !.... ivliole:XCe.ife iistri'-'.' . witilw.scroft.; ••d • - • • I;•mti,:stic economy; besides, lie was :sa!tisfied d • foreettslo,:whodWerci . :::.,. pri; ‘ .. .11,• It•I be could obbiiti thct affections of, theclul- 1 Whalen t uat••hiver;tienfi••iustaiiitidlin, .. 4 - - •.••••., 'Die course of trne love, .it is. said, I never 1 ter all, motind the ;dhiP_'•a;att . Ortslitstast,,"; • • • • mouth, and Franitv cleineed tothave a rival . blood' And oil).-.-. - "Oliteptitinpa: - .14fe,'"1 , 7.•• .- 'us Mitch richer Allan Ili:use:lf_ One det•euing, ; but the insfyinjardykiaidataifted !bgthe'•7"tf - - '' bi it - a; visitinglii; charmer, after the !board 1 edta4gistclieen'ontheside.of-thOtak. ,-.. , en trend with the fragal ducal Of moth and.; :Planks, it 's welPknown„ared,'64!•;•;' 7 "'"' , ) , IL I,, i r( a - o . the family 'had taken thei; seats . the 'cltip's ‘ktdes by th - e. blows '.(dirkatf. ;-:: •• ' table, some one espied Fraulty's rivid.riding although at other. tunes it is 4,1feky'.... - • - • .., --' innihtliately a change carat: over. the sub - , . : inoffengve fiddr; It is sappoi2, -- th a ! -.71 - - . .d 4 . of ?he local. As ifby magic.-the bible was ' struck •aa.either ill - ` or - al :''''•-• ;dr,, l -• ;thil.•s .-, , i ofi its' lud, and iinudAit re:oat:U.4i !di beti the The ol - eat seinieft in the,4ll•',liir it the clemi white cloth. In the course of a. ~,,,,A * hoard•..of. hi• - •:n - imillilf - 1;:!tl - ,-'''''•I biled h,nvever, the table. wa,.... rigs ti forMshed, d before, but with the uuitahle appenda,„4e; for. rev in Fr Sind .eur •ressel. atidifititktliit'd tett, :Ind with warm br.ead sut•li .i. LA Irasti- searei of his iii - afaiitifeiiam ,- -',.:-,f ,-, 4: - . „I. In common parlance c:d!cd ; bliort , l - .4ke.---, - .f - Cairn: . a car,H,l4÷••••Eor"Qciilyialt%i; a ll 7..-a; reidy,.a..l v.-1-1; Rid !cti-sturn, brother' i • trill,. roil elf to Fay-grace, who, with due g - I get off a iv lintr;dsid'Oldaltokeritt . ..thdi.' '' 141 i I. folded, ey C 3 close;;!, pronottneed the 1 'he saw 'a iv. - 9 . --liitadred end'Afty4lo44 ng 'impromptu benediction t .; d his ne.! „. ventilated ; Castor:',.";:bfilF, - *ial_, : d - ; •• -;[i•lie Lord be Arai el, 1 , an an, ; lant expressiori;batthe, - - dr: ..I' ~ Illow I'm amazed, - • seetni.ei justny it.- A rieW.littir-WituTli, - 1 ,7 - 7" :;, . , . . ..-.)24.• how thing,: have m;:oned. • ; lids existence, and this - itiiirtia#3,Of,'Aldinifiit. here's short-rake and -tea, ; Recove(ing himseli; and:i)raii:449i , a:'‘ . .." - 1 114. 2 r§upper, I see,. • , and ."r ~ , ~, ..... best he kinight; liisLerfastheCtile•,...Writil4 .. hers! mush and mill: was it , Plainly ~ ..pparerit;l- 6 "C.tintilitiellit ';!'........!---=:::-.... -, •,....•:-. , :ls•••• alnio--t unnecessary to ad I, that after this - ' I Ittldn't • tiliject-toyourilt7ing...ltdap i ',xi: tit:ye!. relurned to WOU ilia ladY love, r were t re the lea.st•charm•e:tetsl4o44 - It her to the nadisturh.dd possessMit of his • evident .that it is4 : - ..large !Orteir.gliiiftest otubate rival. Itatwo iti I•ltha„.trdsvity• before, atid'llle• .•; -I.; -; ____ . .._ ____i,._ • ; • - 1 " fufhish e - tti;,eitiertineat•tipithioititiel-N.P.'iii' as-r Tr.r.icncar.-A young' man travdellin,g 1 1- : -::', ...,-;,.. . - '... 41 ‘ - _,..• 1.,i; . ......„1:•_„_;• -1 !...- - 1 ,;;. • Snot Cost - imisaa7oN.The ! • ! getittOMityk,, .; )f tile public eoaches in Idrigirini, trai .much I . t; : petrate3 the folltiwing,tilegyetair.:.• ea by the accounts of rubberie; ,vhieli his ! ilia 'on ' the first boae- - -I ; :tXtrie.:;';;;- - " , ! - '' ; ;...;tt N vi,eu,, , ers were detaihng. An old gentle. ; . ' Mid. ISprigginS;!TiviShi itYttritildle.llrd . intione.l that he al wais took file precaution : bovs - tollitive thetngl in • id4 , foi s ikiefo. .tini ! hi; money in his boet., merely keeping I the country this eyening."..•'l'.l . :, -;.•!..•id".'•11 , ...(1. fur his incidental cailen ;es in In; pocket-- 1 • "My dear,•you -can't hay_thitti*d;,... • I ir.an appeared to be captivated by the po- ' I shall be oblig,ed:to ride • nit" - ktrateral: and intelligeame of the youug man, to whom - •.,l : Adttays !••some -- exeliat.,ld'Aft: , 'S ;71,4, d notch of his conver..ation ; who was • never ;g tan --cipprßtunity4O - , ve• : iliis: 7,," wolf plea se •1 with the kintlne_ss and erban- • Nyouldn t -go . to lay funeral •;1.,1,''- ; .7k4 - 1.;,...• i.; elder compata.M. ! , Thus - some_ hours were ".Nti' dirr (stiddeidAtrikli - - stii)!..; ' ar.,nl:ea",,iy-, kite" Pt - at. nightfall. as they .nie: On; "terfplOaste% - '1'04:4 - ititetnvl , •sjsa,,,; a .1-, :Id and lonely natior,..l4.o,potieb„ i .„....."..b.,-......a..:...........,_...1. •r...--- 1 --- -.5.t...0r - I•lltrng' igsitik 7 fleft'•l"-'.".1.!• - ,it:if:' , ,' - ,•;4...,,i , :r, mailcst'thesn. giving the old man a hearty - d , --- •• • ' '•••- .- ---•-• ;!• . - - .::' , 1,t.d. too •p,",,r haying, his-purse so badly fun - sidled,. ; " Vfe.l4 1 tayther guess'. I'll take :that etc be 'A , •oNactous „MoN-4,naix.4)redr ~, •....: . . young ma". v ' tho '''''' here captings, (turning to; the (landlOrd) hold • was - ays eery, fontla•tef di •• tiotatitikik;;; •• 1... at last to the ;a the Ltr corner, an I de:snap:led his, 'um. 1, . . ..„ -.. , ~., , p . .., I .__ ~ gener4 N , termanted. the . d 4.• iOn-d: ..t. • ; sada:es, arm ins e'en jest meat one, na_r a saw i 1. , vet' earry say nion_dy," said he. , , 1 . in less•thlin rib time.' , t • -• his :int..' onist aralkielmghtssi_ •••;•"!*: - .; • NV,tir not take cuter word for that," , • sairl his • tddl--• • I I The,- ; :pirties ! deposited an X apiece - , awl( Wore di poselteafiteriato'Oitt*ents. • . as. , ~. ; on his inisit - dit, but in a short time returnee Oise dit ..whietche;'vras - tina',liiiiiiel:thiiii:•i 77 . posed I f tudeir - riiniaiiirti. idisteti-Oiii* iedi,l dtaft," said die young , man,: my tai- i :: Wadl,l . ' valor, what's - it sticking in ?" - .tys Mays for both, and there ; he is, icontinn- In the handle," rephed th . e*Staitherr why he idnot Yeutaiein . glyod,- ; t ,; , .. , .. , 4, , ”.iditing, to the 01.1 g,eutleman, "and he has pitrticial Vet ? -drdt.ls.:lcti; t . : o. !rig... -; ; mo icy in hi; boots." I reached out lli.; hand for the stake.. • • " Guesi no ; jest wait a while said , egy,"' the replyt ll to - ..e.tp!resa - ,1441 , ;;;, ,hr gentleman teat dragged from tith Coach, as he held u t h e &hoe of hi; k r .' a soy ' ho basaticliyei7atOriir,;; ;; ;: -- s pnllt-t1 off, and three tell pound notes; ;were b! ?, , ,,,,,. "-i halkicate the • blade :es who tiyarz euchlla4.l.46lBl,is:',;-'4-'-A-:',-Vitzs, lie, was then suffered to re:-unit his scat, 1 tayalle.-whea?tes driven dean rip li •.•• . t ', I ' 4 r .': • d ' , '4.'72 ...,.., . I „olcii drove on. • Ilot was his anger, and 1 . ~,- aside of ver risdad out there." - r - - ypondramal rrerst. -;; va.:llns upbraiding:, against hi; betrayer. i •Jonatlutn ilif course wen tli• to the publisher • Ofsit'd'acnyispti•Per;iliti"-f,.-• e did not hesitate to accuse of treachery t I Southerner sloped to parts to exceedingly am g t -to. l tirra:.-*dorAlo! !. illitnimitv. The young. man listened ;in 61- I • of t„ i, , , i.,- we, on read to dlinilitS • t4pealtt'.,• ....t litutr L iter. ; . if b..-linined and corfsoterice stricken; l'hey ! _ •-.- i __,_...L......__ I . :Ishii:001:4e par.ty,. t;:iiiieliine(Of....iliii - 4 . 1.; I rivizir some mile .. and at length reached inn d . _ . ... , permit "es teasthe "Duke of. Orliltd i •l:4C:' he luau side_ 'The travellers alightbd, and :WA i-'ebd t l r . ' 1 tench." it ini tIM voting man requested that !the old tit° °t 1 1 4ise 1 1 001 , t'OleFted per latefy gaVe ! a tire leeril lint".7e7 mvs of ihe Court:of. orS(flear - irk• - e, , ' ' tern pa rcont.niaing "into . , - --. an Iwoul.l allow him • a tett. word; ,in pri- wrote down rite qu estion hex.ratir-•••1-L - od---•••••*--” , •• 4 7 -0 •-••• -1. 4 ” - - ---- . 1,'4 1 %; 4 ,--`.. d 9..t.',1-Vt •Atroetts alkibliciltit-..-'• -d5.....'.4i!:;- - -.?•i"•z.?.:••::- •,. itot t icly to ask your pant , 41, nny' dear : 11 ° 2 ' "• ! ,., I .', , ,, e cduttF•,..ot oo -.- ! .• ---. t I- ..,... --,,.... ••••• ..•.-....s ..:2,1;.. - ..,...-•-„ti ..,„„ A r r ,„„ 4: I Ill,: yomig man, - * but to thank ,y,,,,0 fri one. , . 1 " .P 1 7.'s law} Tyr!" •• , LS•osiie - !f:* ; 4iii'aina•Alfitwitii :diem .•.drith which your crallickence furnish- rittn,ed, and all w English Mobletain I 1 ,1 4 ,•• ; . id.avrik/tAttl?y; ! . ~ • : the ahsentee wh , eri 'do you belied:o ? tic hadhetamich '" l. (t i' . .f;q4c..a.i . itf4t;t : !..d_d . sail to ha0..1 vOil the 11i1i..,1 of thirty potinds f tlist wkicit'l alipeare..l so miceritaoisions- 1 \chichi otwithsta • &lg . --- 0u...r. , :. e .-., '-!., - ..r'• To. lint t. the rs.bber=. I :Int.:nada 4.10 a will ! rant ;eat - , wit . flot; theirs, b ye somcir C,,..th4•';";• - '4 t .•" . tic 4 ''. .: ne,; when I tell can thi.t the . note:_li..o in a" \ C ' '' ' ' ll 4 l,." I-'ilar ttmasitig l ly. - Save r •;itdieit.,. . ,_,•,,,,..!;;;:,, , ~;•• et t:--, ri taine: I eta the teaelle . over the list . - ,. - _"..; ; sid'iis', :r Uidlitiltrit -% '• :.• f•f Svlii.M 7:0'11.1 11:11:e been ruin.Als to,mc:" ! P° l •e ‘ ', lll ,l, l3 ° ., ...no Boron.. suclid(a .• u , ty,7iitirkj, d!: - .+4 .1 - 614i.ii,; d reels 1.1 adile.l that the adopted un- I smell nui,,-,2, exile:mita the. ; "'neut.-, l 'i ! ,, , , i . i! .caiesi a f.: I tn tteri., ll Als ! 1 1 ! ; '; !• ',b a l.; e00 ff .i .03. 2 ,• with hi.: 3ming actin:tint- I ..•7 '7:1"-•••• you Seem to . flay, "f• • ::_dis ..-,-', !!..-.. - amidA - ..,,,,..., ; (..„ - .',2 I tfmk hits into more wanted Favor than • °u thet:•, : "4ll.l.tistba,r =fugtail/471m0. 17, i , • 1 that bctl; wa.s..th. ireplyi -' -• ' !;'. -I . "" - (1:ilc" ! ; • ?;14 -- •TV I school ' ---I , •'-d - I - ...-:, . .. _ . ;; ,,,, L ... ~...,..?adc...4.•••de ' 'll4Stitarattlrittto - • ' - .-•=..',•" - Islt. ; rio ; tt' , 7 . n . 40rEk.vrinx,--- Halloo there, Cu l i ng !" Votfter Jonatlirm to a captain of A Canal ' l ' Sr••'' gen(ltsidn(titiadVc.rea ...• e..4 . ; .., ~ . •in. he Erie canal, " What do you charge . : t"11 a thereilitary . d4itibilit':•:"An.# • 7-ididtd4tid." I Brit ge " poiteriiii,,i) . 4j,itifitti: f,:iitCO3c. *ilia' 916' • t' ata per inilJ; and boarded," said the ' e c! cent for their d...:seryt , 5 - , tp,. , .- , 1,,,., ,•„,!! .: 4 ,,,...*.,,, , ,„ ; •• , ; I pw r ierif , „y•Sliinldit'otij..,*..!•:thnjt i tir..;••• ; !• . ! • , I guess FR take • pas;nge, eapting,lseing, thenidaldaretaid - for their'-'e i inen't-A.*-- f:-"•Afdt•'•iliti,':Sala.oll' "'ii.d4-:.titAlai".4o"..' l a in tiq t.h k ., ing. he le v r ;:i o n n o bo ut n w id al i ti t g a sc s : th fu e r. s " i i ,( l %.a, hatigedltoriltie.Mlidio• ••••;-41, - -i 4 d , •:t h' • sing the bell for dinner. Jonathan hanged:App.:: p..,..(:-.„....-: .. 1 ..••;!:•'t:.,d-.-.:•,f•d..5 , ,tiil•••••-.41t'. 1 bezatt to demolish the "fix-in i " 10! ' '', "' - ...1 . -, . .:.^-,- - -:' " ..;'•• .", ''l4 o g' . , , Lit ruction of, the captain, until be The:Ye ' lisiiiing enr•••init'd.'tit.."i'l • Otivik. 11.% die able of all . that wad>: eatable, w' one Of Iliedeel i bkatiei ?:!-Itiallie',44li,t"g"-eiOfd id cut -on deek,•Pitking,his tee t .. . , wer4 .- - '- -- ' - iii -, '' - ' '-' -- iiiit - /;:: - . - F,.._,:. sty en ..•; • 'bent:, 4._ . „ 4 „, Al* . , ' hero:min:Wool -ht• - , - OA. t• •• I s ~.., ~t6,:4 4 -9,..„..,..•, _ s-, ..; .• . m r •fisr is it., capting„from hero .t.r " Without . . er • ts;:- -4e. •,. d •- . .; . . •••-..... -;: ..9.-t11.0.-9 -04 .- , -;...,, .;;..,. board?" ; scarce attiele ven . .tol eake:at rig 4-, 4-,- , ,.,.... , - • :: ~..:( ~ i, ,- . ..,,;:cd- ,- ya.y ;! "•;,•• Ey t One and a hill miles," suit ...4. - .... :.-:`;!;•,.I].."";•.."1", ~....., ,-!,.....,.!. ~77- '',' -- ,4c - mt!' - said ;Jonathan. " that • 00.57.41014;. .o*.. t. F)"11 lli' -•'' ' - . a Italf"cents;. but ticver r elected Judge! • f !the: 1 ,fOXl4t- ' l., d'd d•.,' •i' ~.. snialli. here'a five cents, • in....0e0r„,,, , na. - !lic_rc , : ,,, ,ki4iiirisql ' , lntr4pak , • ,re l F i nless Fit go asho• wife 7 ,6idliti - • - ••••A" -- -N• ;I•littiy:: • •-• A - -'"' ,'• k,•..,';'::.i whi_tlat4 , - -11,i" :.•:' .. ,1,.. ; f, .:: 1.- , -, !::. 1- -'3" ',-,_-Z.;:;,1*,. " ..: . '_r;g l T o n u j i . pin caromed for th '":-Thelotita -•- Od - - .1d • fo4l, d . •. ; ' t :More. 'The mph tbe•tani. teplY.„'y.'-',' ' ;.-Spi ~..".".. ~..?:'.,'. ? - s" „,,; ' . ty I.4sengent" the .. , ;• 1 - a!(- - d.::.,1.-....ie.,,..d • ;.--; ' 2 •••'.. -. '• •'d - d''' •* , • . .•''''".'•.!;•WS',s* - • .81atle. - j o,'.' - ~.-. A.-.ooritspou ekttlit , Eroltlesdi. •• . _ ..._._a_....- antedetti.o. -: '• : - .04 -I ,'Av' - ' itOw'' - ,$F• v . :. - -'..:• - :1‘114 1 .._. • ': JC ta.S.V.--Not 5ai 41 ,:t.0 . 4 1 0i1 - !!: *WM 0, 47 - ...•:-..41,4- --i• ansion not • - ! "Sitst4i..ao , 1 ? -4 P07.•0 1 . - .::•4.. P -54 - z ,er mother. •i ....“ Ve..4l,. l Deacq j . „ i Pi : , .1:- . feet' . ,i,f* , ,,.. :4 4•: ;ti l i ef • .l l -Z i p y; e, f corn r t -.1!, 4 ...o' , .!. ..; .r. .! .... - till.';'(;•;d4t- • - :..,: -- .4:4Y:• . 3... a q% ' :ft.' 7::::7::!!"::...d.'„,:' 1 71' ; :i.,..' - ' . -' 1 ,.,•:::..' 7 . - ;:', : '„ - fr,' . ,1,, : :::' .--- ... _oft bob's' Dem;l.4l. . : - • - •!;:.;•-;;' , ,-'aidt-4. ; „'„ , t-4.701-'.- -.. tip' opt/ 7 ' 4 ! . : MA i4.-?ee4. 414'.41'!11.-7.E. 7,.i i .t,1.!hic,,,A .-,- , ...••••• ,;obje ' ~I`.Wo.ll,ldaleMe--..onedi#i:itlfr • ; !. ; •, ;. „ . 7 .. : , . t . -. 4 7, ..,- -tdoch:-.7?.Kavow'‘ - : . 7 ,, ,, • -..43 , ..5. , -.,., , .... - ..,t2'.- ; • , ' , '-'-2,'";1 4 " --f -• .t. -- , -----' , '4 ,; - i-• :- FiF• - rd -- I.ic - t! ! i" .- iiniAtite i V . ro ela ; o rs 4 a , t,t o l, ; k , t . .. , -..., ..-. ,-1.,-L,.4' ^.'v=s J: batiteo4*#it4,:7:ffl7,,,eA t 1i,::•,4 . 4iiiiitiglii. .i44* . , , - , .4-i. ,- ~., „ , --*:-..er •..,...., ;f rc . ). i i #2'.' , ..i4J.ii, , ,•\. 4 , - 'l, -- -,.„1, --- ',.' . .5 ~.. .1' ..„, lO ...; 1 41 0.:1 1 /1 .. ..., ,,:..x l , t , t.. „ .: ;.. ...it t . ,- z..A_ „ : , ..,::.,... i m ,.. .. „ . Itmolsl - 1-0!"I ~- ikTrtifyielW, , C; . ,p --, ... iitti* • I,* ..' ..,.• ,-- - . . A.c4, sg.: '- " .41:s• .. “I - rw 5 4C,,v4,.. , , , , , J4.-, - . ki p.t.4.l- ~ r.,..... i A:, F - ---- , Alt7o - gAig . ~4..,1 * ~'..q°`.:-P .,' ..,,,.....•,,,,,...... ......- .i.. ..,., .•.• ' , - , ,i.',? - 9.g.TP .. E •,-0 ~ `, . ,k . .';;;',."l'ii-. , ~, ,*gi 4. trq .i... ~... *''''. ~ `,"-`':;'. 1 . ..;;. , .Z.:r ., ;, ,, ' , •''' , ' ,4 -- • • ,' - -, : .::,.. • members Ti , her wilh more grateful alfectionf, than "Toni To es," who.filled; with emihent - ability t one of the highest judicial oflices in the union, and who freely aclMowled,ges that he ores his preseut char acter andj position etitirely to her, treat and inititictimis. Truly, 4 ' he that petit forth weeping) hearing precious !pe4.l, shall come again.rejoicing,„lbinging ibis sheave. with him." ! , t - , I, - Bow she' Lost her- Lover. 1 l Mr, Frapkliii A 4 . -----, who was a gentienian of i ' ; parts and infinite humor, tiii.--ed witk much i i easantry to relate the following anecdote; 4,..h.,,,,/ r : ore:irked to himself when a ynnog *IL: A I v anti ladt..- in the neighborhood had won his tan ! 'ti is 'and ho had commenced paying her ad.d i lie, q; :e.l, `,Li , itteg ciltlrt , iiiip he sometimes ~ s upped Tali. the ILu ,-'s famkly, when he was always regalel 11vith a ‘ I hoMely di l tdi of mush and mill:, Auld beingi of a se riou,terolwaalteaerallyslnvia.4 lfeeirat i rgrade over. .i the treat. r i , The supper, Fianky dirl i ttot take iamiss, • cs tlr, fa-Mily of the fair one was y dn bat, moderate ere i t 9-tami.es, and beln,g-liituself poor he plinired raelz dernikic economy; hesidei, be was :sdtisfied pi:m.oyd he coon obtain thd' affections of. the'dul . Linea., Tye course of true love, ~it is. said, l never ! tans anoolh, and Franke chanced toillave a rival who Was thcch richer Allan himself. One ••efeuing i whit beits., visitinihis charmer, aftft the (board 1,, i .1 'heist trend with the friatal meal of ntutli and. ' mi,k. (tut befiwe the family had takerl their seats i,f., tl:o table, some one espied Franks's rival r idi n ir I.p. Inimhdiately a change cattie over. ilt sue -ranee of the meal As ifbv ningic.-the table was cleared ...,flits' load, and nouribt rem:ll:red to tell the -tale brit the clean white elgh. In the course of a ..iiiir...limei however, the table. wa,.• again furnished, not as Lefore, bat with the suitable appenda,„„•tres fur; waking tea, and Ruth warm bread suchus LS Irasti ly. 1 , 1-ii.J. il common parlance eallcd ; short , chke.—, - ..i la a ail ‘7.. - as ready,;as was time 'clisturn, brother' A -- writ' invited to Far grace, who, with due so i cariiia-, 110 I- folded, eyes e10a.4, pronounced the fulkwilig 'impromptu benedic:iont ...ilay Lord be prai el, 1 (low I'm amazed, Tu .-4 how things have mi . :tali-al.' • Ik r ,cre's short-cake and tea, flor§upper, I see,. • 117hel4r mush and milk was i4tended." It un:ree , ,ary to ad that alts this never relurued to latl-N 4 love, but left her to the uzilsturb.ta possei,iou of his more fortunate tival. Tr.E.ien =Y.—A young man tritrellin,g in onelofthe public coaches in England, was .much interested by the accounts c-f rubberie; ,vhieli his fellow pas, eugers were delniling. An old ;:eritic man mentioned that he always took the precaution 'of --ecreting his money in his boort., merely keeping si:vcr .for hi; incidental expeu , es in his pocket.— The old tr.iu appeared to be captivated by the po lit,Cilll=F: an 4 iraCiligetlee of the yowl; mau, to \ l diom he a.i.hT-t-F-ed much of his eourt.7.-ation; who va, ' e T ;2l.ly with please ;1 with the kiniln s and Urban ity of his et,der companion. T41116 some hours were pissed agreca'oiy, wilen jIT4 - at nightfall. as they a cll.l and ,lonely moor„,,thegnch wa; 1; • I"." r - :4Am-a tht.7,o neaiiest . the..n. giving the old man a hearty ' execramin 'p:or haying his-purse so badly furnished . . They c.o..ei at last to the young man, who was seattd io the Lir corner, - anl desuanded his ppr.c. " I ilevei.yuirry arry men_ty," said he. w,ti not take your word for that,7,s4i 1 his 7.-Iz:6:ants. itileed4 dent," said die young man, my un clo always ' , pays for both, and therehe Continu ed Itt.iututg, to the old gentleman, "and he has got our money in his bootss." Thelold gentleman was dragged from the mach, his boots pilled off, and three ten pound :lowa were found. lie was then suffered to rc-urne his seat, and thedrove on. Hot was his anger, and titter -was . ? his upbraidingc, Against his betrayer. whom lie did not hesitate to accuse of treacher , y and pusillanimity. The young man listened 'in 61- knee, as if it-]horned and con%cwriceFtrickem They passed over come mile.. and at length reached tin inn fly the- Way side. 'The travellers alightbd, and ' on going ink the young man requested that the old gentionan lwrzul•l allow him a few words ,in pri %rata. , Th,..m.r.ltir-..- 1 -is - s*---•••••*-""= 4 .r --.0 .--' , • • " I ha , . e lint 3.hly tb usk your parti.4l, Tgly dear 6 -," said 0:..! young nvip, -but to th:;n1; , the ei:pedient ,vrith which your ci4didence furnish ed one, and to ILtild you the ..tun ().1 thirty pounds In Len of I aitpeared so uneurcnionious . le to p , point but to die robbers. I ariv.:Altre Aloe will (Org . ! Vt 4 1t1C.,k14101 I tell yon that the nottlr_rse in Re...iet vita:ale:l :rite,' for live hundred polandg, the LOS , y,f t4v.16....h y:ould have been ruin-ills tome t. need 4earcely bjt adde-1 that the adopted un 14niz c,.6lffally will his Young acqiiaint atter. an-I tix:k him itrto more marked favor than ever. I • L A Cunt.ifirEr...trinx,-- - halloo there, Cappng !" raid a Brother Jonathan to a captain of t canal paeltet on. he Erie canal, " What do you charge c, , . for jrvsage " " Ilitee . ats per Leib; and boarded," said the eaptairi. •• Wall. I jtuess TR take pasmge, capting,[sCeing as howl I am kinder gin out walking so far."( . Acor.tlingly he got on boned just as the stvivard was ringing the bell fir dinner. Jonathan sat down and began to demolish the "fix-in," to, the utter coastt nation of: the captain, until lie'` had cleared the iible of all . that was' eatable, wlittil he got tip ; and . eat on deelt,•PiLking,his teeth ft-cry comfortablyi, . % . • " kluW•gr is it, capting,,from here to where I came op board I" " Nearlyjne and a kill miles," said4he captain. " Let's st)ft:.' Said ;Jonathan, "that would be just . four „ind a halccents ;. but never mind, ettpting,.l: wont he snialli. here's five cents, which paysi my fare to.herc i :Isgucss 11l go ashore now; rua kind er rested ou " r • I l' The ' l eap in camosed for the allan, mull drops than went :hore. The captain did.not, tultlti any.[ i more "way liSseng,ere the rca4inder orthe ittria; user.—Ya • .81adc. - Timlauc. jiandsoipe cinilati,!a.y what eonstit went to her luaintonee, attentiox =4-seer •S- OP THE PEOPLE. THE. TRUE INISZ—Not many years .a anion not a thousind miles foga Cin . Jug lady, who 1110 'WO notfolls i " of tea Tespectability, , expressed a4otti-11- mother that a youug huly of their ae f eonside,.oble, weal h, Mould ire s - of a yoarig carpenter imi.l joiner. --- upright aittlintelligent p l an , t , lections:'!,said-thernother. •e," returned iledaugh4r, "I Ixrhuid thdatreet with him." I '.•• • x be *Awned. to be seen with your frietr- inquired the mother; ouask that, mother.! ' ": .'4.. ria;s *lieu ltei?a,f this ra4efe • .., 1. =II Itzi g i rl ' ' i .e ote is ocr izc (n a lc : ly 4; t f!F' At lii" .11 1 , • - 1 Election erg. - Anecdote.-- - 1- . • The Ifitrkville "" ie star" 'is r,eSpciti-41ila rot_ the full Sing ane ote • of the non.i Jelin ALHar manson, the !Da ocratie candidate for -re-ideation to Congrins 1" M the Third Disiriet.in Louiiiana .. cur • -It is gnc ` I . y conceded that oar hero is. 4 clever adept iw, t .4seienze 'of •electioneerilig--in 14eti he has but. awl:equals . fur . ptct anchindustry in- : .that branch , hifeiliicition, which he has by rat means z negl! 'ea; diul to notice; him particularly- on pub liciocca-sionsi• st• persen would suppose 'he -never stefidiecl lamttlting ehe."- •t , . -. During. the 1 ts.t, canvass for Congress, lir, Hat , manzon 11.1:4- a tour through the Dina - wetals of Catelniula, Mid stopped all.night at an old man's' house,' sto 4ometimes,-imo. small wa y , ntanufac tureol Spa4ll saddle-trees:"l and who had a son about twelve years of age. i Mr.. Hannan-son very soon, as 4 matter Of course, convinced the told .MIIEI . that he was .4ls ,particular_ friend,tuati,ehatakb heard, " yeopie lalli!so much In ;Iti's prahie; foCliii,hirriesty.. and gencfne4, that he had coMe 1 all Tife-YVidr tread. l,', into Cfitipi!e to see him, and get acquallited In the rat-autime, the ell man watt net'slowin corn ing to the coitclusion that , lfurinanson hansW.wasi • some pUmffkirs," and an '' all-fired'sniartAalker,' and what h4ersay about my 'son Dick's ~4;4` Iti. he a 'atinguillitel i wan; is party eigh.true, for Fie-lon ger ago 'an three N..;eeks, he told bully.JaclerrardS - plump W . ' kis face; that lie was a r . , rambra...stidl'' I Ilarmansdp poured I) ou thick,, and told hint jus4 scud IA A& to 11r, Digg's Acadertiy, or to klexan- dria, to "Bare Latin." and he would some tiny go to Congress is sure as t• falling off a log." - After a Limn tilde, die old man'and old woman curfeluded; its Mr. Ilttrulatron '- Imow'il• all about such ihings,T . they would iitrapa up, a little, and start Dielttelf,to Rnpides to leani Latin. And so! they - did.f 4 Atiet [ a month or Ow° the young ptudiky returned-home 1 ; to reportiprg6rress.' 'Dining one cold nigllin. Dei. I 'ceinher, bail:: a gr4eful fire of pine,-roc ts,elc4 the follotingco;:curred: - ' ,: f.. . ' I .. Weir, Diek, my se`,l)," said the old matt ; "hoot did l nu Come out laming Latin r , t• . t • -*Mi , ,iity Weil, daddv • I larut a heap . OriLatiu 'I , . I an , wered Dilt l " Now ;let's. hear yoil talk some Latin for ;Pie and . yer old no' othe ~ ; 1 • . ' r." 1 ' ifi This put 'lick somewhat to histrunws, Init final.; Iv straightemns up, after a pansi.- 4 J ha commeiteul—i " Oac-rialarmo3n-nrln. thine-risen :tight-zip talti ilt»t pine itaz here-uznAiri-unz." . .", f 1- The old bidv- exclaimed, With up-lifted eyesk " my stasis)"- t , - f - -. i ,The old n4n, with a knowing wink, and patting , the old lady ;on the shotilder, exultingly 'e*elitimi ed: "Ak wife, 'pend upon it, th.e're3 anoth er lireri.4 na an ion, ' and rho mistake,: " '4' ' : A REopLAR.StIck. - —A' clever cOrrellandent of. the " Ylitike6 Blade,' writing from Alabama, is re.pottilble f.>r the following *whislolught . to be stereotyped: "C. -R - -.13 a tite chtwn eat:ter—a. real lii-e.Yanitee —alwaYs reedy for a joke, and hard-to 114 at ;he was one day in a country tavern, down Soitth,where several persons were a,.;serebled when one-dl them said' • , • Air. Ch if 'lyOu go and ;;stick -stony :penl62 - ge into yu-4 come backf *bat' 7 wly. , edicldTruit " - Von *ail do no such:6 thlng,"! " bit y4e ten dollars of jt,' raid the et ler. " Vv - al4 I iayther guess' riftake that efe bet . ; here eriptingt (terninir to- the JantliUrd) hold the stakes, and 01 e*eit just make one, half tiesav horse in less . thlin rib time.' 'fhtt-:pdrtieo, deposited no X apiece, and C_ went on his inOstoU, but in a short time returned:it:tying,. Wall.l tinker. what's - it -i•ticking in t" ) " the bindle," replied the'Snutherner-L, as he reached ciut Ilia hand cur the ..,tnke.. . . "Guesi no,; jest wait a while ,fai;i• the 1 ankee, as he hehl u the kindle of his knife, mintis the Vade. "-I ktikicate the 'blade :can't:he in the handle, whenlit's driven clean up an an oftl-FStutop ivide of vet - ruail out there." 1 , Jonathan couree Avii.n the wager:;-.n.ll:l,the Southerner sfope.tl to parts unknown, 'anti psnrs of laughter:' it,N' A '..sc , teacher preparing for an exinnina• tihn of his l fselibol, selected 'a class . ofjlnpils and wrote doWn the questions, and answi*tixtlie t jtoids.l put to then.on .e.aniiiiathiliklay.7--- The 'day "ellino. and so came the liifetiits4ll - lia one. 'the pupils took their placeS, as hadlpOn ar : ranged, and all went glibly on till the ,quStkialor. the absentee when the teacher asked. ••• do you believe, r The papil trlia sat next-the cant .es', .without noticing whose!,,lnOtion Napoleon Bonaparte."' . ‘ - f No,'? eirchilm ed the teacho, " In whom do von believer :,!` Na: rxileon !Bonatiarte." Here the !teacher • east to the rat,iand hastily said, " the Holy Glickt, do you not "No 'said. .thipupil,- amid roars 'of, tineontrollalile '!"The boy' that belleics : in the-Holy bliost , haSn't. - coine ".to school to-iday4l, HO'S at home sick la . _ ! . . A li '' V ' 'tea STOP! MG IFENV$l!.ll7...2.S.—___ C__Lve, i 0 -; tOttee . / _ touchy peOplo; who stop oewspap& , 3'6a tieec3ttat, of any petty pitralreph that displeases:lll4, are. cleverly rif oiled by an exebange a .folloWs.F.The parable trlionqi be kept befOre the, pOple._ .1.- r '..... .' A certain ;'ni.an hit his 'toe. agauista pe.lible st.f.me andiifelr heailloagl to ;lily • gtonntl:' , 14 *as . vexed, oact wider tho iallneace of edger.. aid' self- Rufficieilit2,l hel;kieked.old mother earth..righireauei... ly. With i•naperturable gravity, lie loketl•io.'see , ,.l the ' vast globe itself - dissolve. and 'pale to ktit4g4t.'. But earthiremained, and only his lioorfiAtVas: injured in Oelenepunter. This i3 , thcway of man. An. article tapriear3 in, the netv-vt..*r, tintehink him. , 1 - ) in• a iveill; I4e, and. straightwayrhe ado' delyintl:to '40014 p. pett,;: , :With .great! self-aohOseendy, 'ha • leoks on o sae a :cralli, wheail 'objeet:, of . hie" Pleca-s.hall 'etise. :olio. Ponr fool,lhe iii-Cottly hit, his own to 6 against a wotiTtl that, doessio( - 7-tr- - . ceptibli. feel 'pie shek, antlinjures,::to(noOxtent,3 any one bat Ittra...elf." , - 't - Y...•.!--.' , . ~,.t :. - ' ! ..----- - !It.• • r "1 - 71Siri Vritt , , r. . lititurr.r• lise-i,Thi . ‘toilciw. n:.ing w. founCitinfingitho pos4uirrimispap . '. - Fail elderly- singic*eritlenpm, so pursed to , 134v0,_ :op 1 0 1 l ossification:pi •the;,llpart.. The world is AS-7 =iti, mistaice• the t?,,tio' , eluiris,ct4n. 'tit baasolors'at hii4' . chins are tlia - fiiiinso§, of Ithei# p.itibn4: "•'''=-=.':''.. "I with I ';xereirt - thartied main; ' - . At Ilia' it little baby;;: ..1 , .":". --- 1:= -..', t-:• -•,.•'., a rd bay arlittke -.wagon cart, , A,.. .',: 'l'l '.: `.'An4 - diit it rquid scone,lnay te."{". toi l in I? C A T i oso : i4- oro 0 e, legion ofour- accitaint'. ir' -. ' itt , k - Tt awe wore ;,:or4 - glinsentin; each otLer on •theiti !lab— iti oftonorsauce;::: o ,latid -y9ll ~4*. zeigbbot, sae, Me with =Fe' iVari reidid„carri r kid • ~ * - I! '. . ': 'j t o'-' e. , J..:, , --'1•••,••1 11 in 464" *Li Old ma abut Tta , 4iean yoti:w ok TiVioiigli v iot ha -bettir have 1046 tiiee! ftOriitTr , ill i. i-; - f•-:'' . ' '-:-'?, ,- denrAott., tenter 11111 w 7 1 1)r. kn q,ren-'77 N e n .- otf mare Pel' mato; -in* 'S 0001k5 iDer- FIYS? "'',• • 1aWA'.1.43-41.,,, , 1 k • '.••••-• - x'_ _:~:: , .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers