f. : 54, : • 4:-11K-CILIUMWM4( intfflYirlUtitl2'l.B49.: . . . ''-;7" • Li' • very independent. manner if pretty' rialt;teh everyone tuna aliin!?ln:;* An effort 'made at. the 'Sabbath School' teach 'tuber in ;the forenootr; and Ate &niches- and -rtifresli 4Werethe dnai 4,einf,',6seepting the Ames -firiti'hy-ispother arta' of tri)l)efoi:e ivith \ SOiPe!Tevgrazice 4- ' eveai.ithowever,-Aho pa ,ottrrialineti* (or their:, fond. s4 l ol ;r3 4 ag) ll) sq high ea , ht SaN and a number Of broke AO _otherwise corona, 'l' but: of all these doings wa- have, attempted. to give for .txrznono.--Our ,neighliers of 441* yiun g e -of 10110:xna in the'COunty, moa to 4th, of aay if•L'e in 0 4 e eederetanti.theY;4o hero. 'To fa te:the mat ..442passengers rlbe ea- baek and 'forth that (1.4 jeoac* t umbers froni ;;Bendiaricillie iu termeillidn i i • rii~ie deiced ,fo turn out We should have 4 . nnitiy,tate4thistiotiee'to the public through the imil - 1141 1141 iecel*94:ginSeason, and still more would=;;detl4iiii)intitteaded from here. WC t . Teokt'‘ici;ii;:ii Binghamton'p4pers that a Owes ' • ' 1 3,0trUi101tiril - liiimboro at ten o'clock, and ICOqirlieil : s4ii:lieatitiftil.grove near the Starrucea tet*ivfiercialter other ceremonies the Deelar ,***deliendenee. was read by. G. A. .GroW, *l4l.!iirilk.hinti.ese,,and an oration delivered by Hon. litilriAtronTof OwegO, and a short adcire,qs to Revolutionary soldiers by lgr. Grow, bath of , nrespf -of as being very able, interesting ar itoopki* And on the whole the celebra. .finitilikiakh(Obave passed off very pleasantly; tisr\ Acinsatr.-7The Exhibition of the: - .rant at Harford on the sth inst. ati 4:40d -a very large concourse of people from oth,. ' kr.pirtif . ,of county, and• although we were tin•T'l ithleiolbe - pr&-ent:to tide note of the affair, we tirideritand it excited an unusual degree of interest Atiringthose who did. • We gife on our first page r au address delivered by a member of one of the • i cwizoir so c ieties connected with the institutioni thelnierits of which it is unnecessary to speak ? 'ttij'Abo..prodaetion will speak for itself. In'another ,Column found a communication relative to the: ‘kilitatra 'from one who hits formerly been ~isitd6it'elthei x . istitiitionhhitself, and is fully coin': ,t 'p,tent, to speak of subject. -lar Who among our suscribers in Gibson en. eloscd two to us by mail a few weeks ago ;. ti ,1" excuse for not sending us some money ipsd -credit for thikbut forgetting •:isr.tgn ile rerci natne •to the - letter,so that We might 'hem to give credit r Foexo.—.on Tuesday of last week, iift(4 . *PaPer hadgo ne to press , announcing the ' s tiKeape of Mra.`Bnapp from her friends in Spring l • it*te of mental derangement, we leame4 • it Aiart -- been fotimi concealed in the barn of nearthis . e. She is of course • care and prOection of her friends. • • S' ' lf:%Tarioi, - of 13priniville, h Printer well many of our readers, we see is to be as. - „ henceforth with Mr. Lathrop in die pubh 't F 'T,pti:ol'; the Wyoming Whig at . Tunkhan t uoc :114 f ' 'Juts": .both, the ability and the exmience ~ for citing up an interesting paper. , &in : as . will be seen by -=• .4.7;: Dtictor ali*7-nnirit! offers -a ;minable improvement m ;7ti e4l `4ifig*itt:Orbfs9l443ll/g teeth. liis ails Prof laceana on lendered - lo the citizens of p 1 -"4 4 ;4 41 . Tuesdays' of ,eweek at S'mule l 4 those who nee 4 -::Pt4.)446rit'Y'ile attention tho titioner in the art 01 '::i* iii.4.*- 11±r'ingft!ic4/s•Prac goodcrit - And 13 abroad is reason b fromons =hour - 411147113 v. 's p re r trod ' practitioner at home - who ran ofj lete'stimonials of his work. ' L :_ .a.t r A yen sr Cnommt.—lntelligenee ! ' yT e i % m t ph some days since 11 1 1 ;„47 ""-; rxr,as attacked by the preca a ----c • On Tuesday of last week , and 6 the h ) 1- of the maim, if we may so :14-e!ift an d fearful tip- :'"-::imel4ote of ilia iesult;thousa)ads of prayers and 744 ... 1 4t,.i.s:Phittion's have gone up to Bin Who • - _4•::,;444d#,..,thO r issite, a. of life," that Lv. might be ..yet country. - - W-e Are happy to loom by ';.-#:**7o'Of.-y4riorliiig; *at be has otol:/- *,41 3 4:444e k ; . 04 114014,h4.rec"017 are celfll --iOOLOY-4giroo fFot bY - • •.; ' '' r - 1 ' '' followmg was eOrciminicated - for titr '"The . ':•••"•,-',- . _-.. ii . i f • .. ,, p .... F . E li d not reem i re d in tmeo ~ _,l . z- ~ ratalsecideni; /. , : ~ • i i ,: i i • 'ober of -- '':'"Val l r, 4 anesda,,....,, Y • bona .r of Jo h n, ivdb.r., , ':5-4.iiiiikikf - *., 4 " 15 the ." -• - bathing , aild ''l 4 ni '''' ''' - Um ter til of Puirs9' • al - 124c i ••. .. 5 , 00/ -,-.. 4 )4.: ~ ^of Dr. J. W. Brun I, , - -4(,-;4l7l:i!:krsaa' sr ' a. The alarm ;,_,14. 7, ..itie,4(4, - vabd was 13rPwnewild 4 ,,z.......irp9,1:! . _ri• ....4 1.. - --... e i i . b et a exerts to get '"'-‘-. 41-. '"- - g i7 ••"--'' tpe hapse of one h 6 q• ' ' ' j-l iri4'*i.4 , iruitieii .41 nta ' site !' - , " little Henry :• 4 144„iall . iiip .31.T0653-14 '•- '•thiti / ;,ein r and his lan# lii* l A.,lti!ik*-(--!-- mte - iii4e6ek4 -to .14"c'n- ,liii444l,ilY -:••• ir,..,:r• „•,,,••••:•,13iiht.)042:4.,,4,1 , , ~.., _.,. 5: ~ -.:„. : ".,:t . ,..1 4 , : -T itlitiiiv::.2 - ...1-,, ,4 :.... - •.. ,',..,• •L •. - ~.t, ••••• •- 4fiailtir#lloll-fm_4-7. --: ce.,-:L...;7431•;7#4-1=4 16 - 4im ind•*mr&Xison',l6W,_t : F114144411-414;' =4:inlieiidaY'telliug•Y•,:i k. - " ; 4 l qPil '1641 e0 i1.-- • --- T. , ' '.;siAli alivet‘'o4ol '''' f ' . .... , „__( ; )•;,!. ;Aeibithai - - -- -- - —Jiliail*lts. 2 ., - • -- ; ''':,.-':;,:,,-. :.. 4._Uff - lii ; ,-:_i'lt itug'-'l',-?r"' l!jitnV'4‘-i*":4,-,14:A.,,1RP,agA1.: -,'• rtrls"l'''4;;ll7.6.l"%"L":llsilrif '. .17'11411#11-•:•-.1b tologit.., • •.. • ' „; , ...,2-,,,4 -ze 4134,-- icar" jit ~,4 - .• , .L . , -. .ir -, ,„,v----,Austok - **m ica timesait - 0 ,130 ,,,,,- _ .: .-: 14 tli ' Wimlf:trtOrt rieu, _ • 1 Iy eXTR4ted tof u ll . 1 1 , - ..... • 1 ..4% .._,_,..:,,,,,,....,,,,..:,-.i,",",. ,--,_',„,.,,,,..71-,,,,,,,,,,-*`. 1 ;.';-?"' ; - 1.:;',7.- - -- :7 • ..- . ..,..1.. . ti-4 4..;. :. ..,...-,- riisi , .4 . icri4i-kl*t47ioi AA "L 1 4 1 0 1 .1 14: "p . ~ j " T• ".. • ar*Ommtittiiiiii Wh**STit'4llV. ^Z -1., , - ~ ,, ,e • ..... Preit44l. 441314 foist kin wledgi to be4tok.otalar dicta ' ibY: 4 K.74*:sPrlit4f*rotlo... l 4 l lotexikit* - , 4in h'lllytaiipropriate latA . gulag . e. .., y those who - believe i'i)l3Se:riatice'oriu li a liiiiitili;:', . . , . . ~ , atiou otounelves : "llefcirellthe Dord our' Maher," this ractitratiftmaation will* reeeited ith due de feretteel . i .:. - '., - I , .i By the President of Unit "••• ''l''''' '''' .. - liit;NIDATI 1 . I, • A ,*ECO •• • _ 011. At a ettsiirt when the Pitovpmcn, or Got, has manifested itself in the visiiiition-of a" fearful, pes-' tilenee,iv hi 'h is spreading !its raragei throughout the land it s fitting that a!petiplO, wl cie• reliance 1 has eveibc n on His I. 2 tio•racriox,. should humble themselves laefore His Tinton • Ml, while ac- Inowledging past transgresshins, ask i c!intinuance of.Divnta Alr.acr., . ! .I.t is, thinfore-,•earnstly recommended that the' first Triday :hi August be obseived throughout the United States as a day of/firs/big, Heimiliati9n and Prayer. Al business will be strvmett in the va rious branches orthe publicl. service on that day ; and it is recoMineede'd to 'persons of 'all religious denominations to abstain, as far as pra4ticable, from Secular occupations, mid torassenible rim their re spective places of Public INTorslrip, tirknowledge the - IN - FisrrE GooMvass which his.. atched over ourexistencp.as a nation, and 50f..1.611g! crowned us with•manifold blessings; and to—imploq the AL- M:MUTT, in Ips own good time, to .stay the destroy ing . hand i•rifich is now liftdd up against ~... r - - •• . •,• Z. TAlLOR. .WushitiOrn, July !I, IrBko-. Aftxrxa 12r.r.--A: movement has rcceutly been on foot in the State of New York to ;reifunite the hostile factitns . of LecofocoiSm called Hunkers and Bar.nburneri or " Free Boilers." - Tliose , who are laboring to bring about this Ire-nt4on by 'means of a.pmposed State Conventioh of both tactioris have apparently qiscovered all tti once putt the differ ence between extending Owl area of shivery just as far as‘the Slaveocracy clio4e, and oitig against, the admission of more territory :unless it be free, about whieli they have been so fiercely oppOsing and abusing each other; Cis a year or two, is no thing more ilian the diffet*ce befWeeit tweedle dum and twbedledee, after lan. It is some great " principle" they pretend . tbat Is at stake liammonnt to the extension of slavery tn. Free tofritory. But their great "'principles" trip be found to be those which John Randolph desire ated as aura in num ber—viz,,,fivi3 loaves-and tr.-6 fishes. -L -i TIIMI; IN THEM OWN COIN:-.—±riio-alkiladel-4 phi/H:11,61y -.14.-a-pralzan. tb-iitec,of!the ..T.Boenro co• brawlers! alwut " Proscription" 'at the. official chariges male -by the new administration, the fol hinting at:licle from the Wasihing,ton Union in 1E145, justifying President Polies political changes, NViI)I thct subjoined continents : The removals whit]) have been made have been imperiously Catlett for hy a llocidell and irresistible pntlic sentnoent. Other refuovals will, no doubt, be necessary, end will not: be _prevented by the sci4scleft3 c4(unor of this. Justification Of a m4asure is uncalled for when overwhelming popu lariapproversanctionsir. An administration placed inpower by the voluntniyFiuirrages of the people., and industriously engdged i carrying ,out Mc will of (that übijority sccurdp res t s its con fic3wc in the honesty and inteili.o . ente of t he masses,' and in the pOsent case, is in no danger of being-diverted from -its! purpose by the intercatil rccilingsof bitter op poueuts." 1 Ouch was the language of the Washingion Ila imron the -2th of Jitly, 16.45. These removals were 'justified, and wlatterbr was said against it was "senseless clamor.". Now things have entire lv !changed; and for every-removal that is; made a howl is raised, and theicry-lof "proscription" ech oed from one end of the coUntry to the other. • The Har'risburg Intelligebeer corrun‘nting on the same extract from the Vnion; says: ! - Such was the Court doctrine, as a,nnouneeft through its organ, the Vnioh, in 1845, just after. Lir. Polk came into power./ t The Cincinnati Chronicle' says, that If the doe trine was orthodox and denkocratic then, it. is erpial lyt so now. His the . Unicin never approved the classical proverb relating to sauce for the goose and gander t Have. his literary explorations never conducted him to the fiumats story of the Lawyer and the Farmer settling did utcuni and to-rum in a easaof goring between a Hall and au: Ox I It is ,to be found an a very recondite work, entitled " Webster's Spelling Bouk.T I. • AvotoEn 17..- irt.b..—lilejor Holibie,who is still retained in the Post piricb Department as First Assistant P.. 1.1. G. gave the following toast in Jan. 1.82.9- when Gen. Jackson was just. icontio; into power. .1:1 - ow would he like the principle he then invoked to be applied to lvtia surd his party now "Tow er THE Hoc. NII. ident Elect—May his !supplicated niagnanirnity be ingtructcxl by the Cable of the MAN and the Fab n- CONDENSED ITEMS. Hon. A..H. Stephens, the fearless' defender of right principles in Congresi from Georgia, is repor ted to be critically iIL The oppoof CoL,llenton, on account of his, cow ..--e in favr of. Free Soil, 'lave called meetings to denounce him in rissoirri;", in two instances where his friends outnumbered his opponents, and " Old Bullion'," as they call him, Eeems likely to be sus tained al bone; • t ' The bill to!restore Thomas W.. Derr, to the right -- - t of citizenship ,I,zaa passed the House in the Rhode Island Legishaure. , • We presume he will be per ihitted tebe4m - iti a citizen by taking the oathsof allegiance.l ' •-• •!, The Honeadtde. Herald sacs that a little boy was rtna over by waggon and killed in that place .re -ientiv7 • 11 • - ~. 1- ~ !Several small boys -while bathingin the Susque- Itanna at Ilateopixty , lately, got, ikito . a .deep hole *hen one of beamed Jennin.gt tvdrowned. • ! -- TWO tabol-hig nietkdieil 'Ft thO'off ,t of 41,0 t Cunt tind',lMd., iiiN4 ip. fow Alp pftst;t(otni nng e.ce r ton -freely difitohl.Water, '. N.: ... ~,-,..„ " 1 ii -- g - :salti tkit-thC.re - *Ore . 095 drat xiiii''C'hiritinliti'aiirink, ilio ln *nth a would'averar near'n (111'11;4. . •• - - '.: - --, -- ny,ticedijrl4' o : (ling pooseripir-Ir.,_ei_laY.,l, . s ix, . 43041 .ed :to Press, gult. our4P 3o-01- i": _ '''' .-._ -,.. , :af ; •- I it ; , :64 tcvepgmagttu_,. r,. .; h:. . i . - -' -- :verysenst to, L '.43ilits untlibi: - 4strz • . ijo ii, - ' fi x . - '' - '' `" - e truly ! .O , k . ,ble 4 i 0 x .' 4.0 4 .15 . V70. 4 * o a ! . ... -,- vikkind.f. 134.11 A...x... , ,-,- -,; - • '4; ';‘-itiiittxr tAte, ' -..- - --, I -*tak:,: .n• - , r , ' :. he i.,„: dl i ii e ; .l*e; it a e ' '4/.l*ttl'-.'o-- -' 11,44 74:plig Avilb - '-- : , 101979ilim e•- .A' e 4 - t gli 1,h,.., .1.1........,tiiii..4deptica "FttAlre. *liiii7o4;:f9i Y-ql4, 4 : . sktig b. 14 , .)3eakiitisedlyvta?„ , 4.6_, lise.. ei , Veva al ' l.' ir- ' la to*" aF a ..---c i k: ;re Idliqs nianar` •. . e l lh ' . from the Animal- I=ll3=ll • 'l4lOcosoco Ncixtsgitim.--The Ade l CoMventiinj beta Pdisbutr, 9po :Ith Snst , .m ~ n omated:ardhrt amble. of I..,ye9miin g, couhtyinn (..td tetlidt, as , 1 kb* candidate, far, Canal. Commissioner ., The !: aidriis• of, the Ninth - Branch section orthe 'Mate are - .. therefore -apt . thrown overboard for this year.— _0°1.0: F. idasoa of Bradford, had 24 votes,7Col. Asa :Dirnoeli 17; and. Maj. 'F. L. Bowman of En- acme, 10 on the first ballot, but on the second Gamble laid 70 to 341br Bowman and 10 for Broad head of Pile !•1 State& Ys - no doubt such, a feeling - , of eiroluo:s if not absolute hostility to this selection among a pop. tion of the party .as will probably render it a diffi eirlt matter to u;hip them all in to his support. We heard one of *Most prominent individuals of the party in Northern Pennsylvania expressing appre hensions some weeks ago that Gamble would be nominated, and his opinion of the probable sucedCs of . the Whigs with such a man as H MIT M. Put t= of Lunme its their candidate, if he should be. For the Susquehanna Register. Franklin Academy. Ma. Cttrltax—Will you allow an 'old arquain- I tauce the privilege of intruding hiniself, with a, few remarks in relation to Franklin Academy, upon the notice' of the goed people 'who read the Register I It is•not often that I pturticulerize,nor that I select one from among the many excellent institutions laround uz, to descant upon ; but my attention has, ben more espedially called to this, by being pres ent at its last Jtnnual Evhibition ; and I think all who attended, in common with myself, will agree, with me in this, that if success (low not coctinue to mark the progress of this school, it will not be for want of strenuous efforts upon the part of the Teachers, nor .!,jr lack of interest to be found with the Trustees. ' • Franklin Academy for years has, I believe, en joyed an enviable re.putation among its Sister:: ; not only because of the advantageous situation, and the excellent management of instructors,—but because of the harmonious combination of all that makes such an institufiteva desirable one for the educa tion of sons and daughters, at a slight expense,— During the last three years, obvious and commend able changes hard taken place--chimges, many of which have beee the result of happy and sucessful experimenting. One, (to particularize) is the lev eling down of the Aristocraey—formerly prevalent at this institution, and still s-o..at others—and the rearing up in its stead and sustaining a pure and - vs,e”. the result of the formation of distinct and slightly antagonistic Societies among the students; which elevates . the Sever_al members to an equal standing with their fellows, and brings into busy and invig- orating action the dormant powers and ,untried strength of modest and unassuming minds, which otherwise, in tdo many cases, would continue to sleep;;Ain in irokeility and inaction. Another is the stimulus thus given for redoubled action to minds already powerhil and industrious. It is true that emulation is sometimes carriczko that excess which renders it yes desirable than'mental inertness; - yet this is one of those abuses ,against which it is not wise to guard by an abolition of all that 71111 y pro duce them ;but .a,,, ,, ainst which we should find seen nit- in a noble watchfulness for universal good, and by holding d slight cheek upon personal gratifica tion. This abuse of atnoble principle has found its wary into larger cohnnunities than that of an acad emy ; and it would be strange indeed, if among youthful and it students, Whose-souls until now seem almost to have slept in refreshing them selveijfor the present glorious struggle for fame and usefulness, it had surer had a home!. Man is not yet inperviovs to circnmstance and impulse— and nothing but " sad experience" can prepare him to resist their influences. That experience. Hearn, the students of Franklin Academy have already bought, paid for, and lately sold at a discount. \ ATotc„ - Ipelfect hannohy and unity of action seem. to actuate them as a body, although they bear the distinetFnames of AlphaEpsilotts and Antphiciponi. Nor are the gen!.ler sex unrepresented in till:, little Democracy. All who were present at the late Ex hibition mast bear testimony to the uniqu s e and well-wdoug,ht bann4r of the Ph ilomat heaus4 and must 111 : , , 0 have ttotid the tasty little motto - Men tal Beatify," that adorned its centre, thus foreshad owing the rich treat they had for us in store, and preparihg the -Minds of the audience for: the suc cessful klisplay of female talent that follow-ed. For lae, I could but - be surrtdsed at the deep intere4 of each student fur his or her-particular so ciety, and yet mark upon the countenance the aux : ions icilicitude , for the whole.—lt was this that stampLO the Exhibition a glorious rivalry for the greatesit good. ; 1 Theirs is a Thimocracy which wells up the heart with love, rivalry, and youthful thoughts of flue —and where :these arc the presiding deities, we' have thtle to fear of:intellectual success. Each Soctety bassi room fitted up,.with a small librar,H; and to which latter, additions are still be ing mole. Ft man examination of books already obtained, I nin i inclined to the belief that in-the se lections they are guided -more by a desire for what is tisefui than fur what will-simply please. Biographic:, and out hest Facts stand side by ,side upon their shelves, and, from a week's sojourn at the institution, I am satisfied that each find* its way into the rooms of the several students, and is talked, With, face to face,. by - ruby lips and heatiled f rups, in titrn:.; At present there area large number in Classics; and by the association of Mr. Willard Itiohardson, the former sold, Proprietor (whose great secret of suede**, in rnY, hunible, opinion, is; hood manage ment)is • now-„enabled to give that thorough in struction which - so delights anitript4iohed student, and is 4 - oi - sfektory i to an old--t3shioned Classid by lune ' 1"11 , . now. Chemical and Thilo-Tplkal Apparatu4 is ab4lEtt be ing PirClaeed tikd efforts are being made t 44, iir . ecttre, ibrA...triMotheitl classes. • legular - dotteue CL!st•es gill Vereitter be funned, givlng;itnden4.irlio bdend graltting at aome C4ege,atiiiigoverottitteaitierp . 8 c 1 "s 46041h° result; * l hatts•unt; the •Yfrt•-23'24:- the 1 1 *r*'- 0/ 1 1W i 023 of c l ,o l elk n'Al#4 • - -kergO - Alq irittliitn#24 , at Rome:446l;e fails,. triliAlre*ajr*S: 'tie* liockiAt*jl:6oei; 4114:, with to 4 4. '0 4 ,0 4 1 , i414 0 °8'4 . 15 : 43 ; 1 0` 1; )T41 443 ,lud&P#-i4* -piPa l 4 , rotrengtk! 3 Y A - • •-` - - • - nd behrbigabdued, ire built :me -.lfarford, July 9, 1849. A. C. A. or : :t - hip' arthopgaroi:k - Pe 4 #t , ..90k 1 1-}TOOA wr• Publii*a.coPcnupkation, of *.400. 1 1:',.i4 04 r '*ht? .-$4 , .ftc" 11 4i0a04 to i:iiii tl f e fajneir:celebration of thb otgrefki f ik„ a t,,lT,onHlyi . fi, '9o.fk. T. ..•.•4f wleiniiiire • .e . ; 1 : t 6 o,,,iirth ir illik , eiSat;.;iit the - abolttlaao# S - i very in the- ~ate,,_ of '..lsiew York... : - , -,tiew it • a Hgreat!da.katning them. • " .....1: '''' - ':;ii . , : l.: , _ .I'll.- : i.• ' 1, ' s -- I The, Celebration; ' ' - i -ella; Enrioal• hay() taken :my pen ' :in hand to iaorni y ou of '.lto Celebration .at Unkitycsithe, Oh 1 , • ii -,- ,' r. , -.: - _• , •-! 1 ,- ~ j of July. 1 Fellow citi4ns--In pursuance of a Call" of the Empire State to hold a sacred tneinorialoflhe.gto : rinus advent (4 that day when the galling 3 7 cike • f. Slavery fell by the hand .of God, from the limbs bf our fore fatlicip, tve met at Union by the !solicita- I ' tihn of the On4go brothers. Our anticipatiOnsWee great, but w hen we realize the-importance of the occasion, we cannot express in suitable language ; the feelings in iced by this day ; yet it is obro•iri-, tory Upon us to believe that there is a God in 's il reel whose IxaVele do move towards the sable so • of oppression. - Who could have held their.peaCe 'at the belching- toith of the Liberty cannon; and : who did filet cry aloud at- the tolling of the bell fbr what it spoke that the sons of oppression could hail each other at the golden altar of Freedom, date- to be raressed. ' - • 1 The procession formed 'at half past 11 sick:qt. After the salutation of 3 rounds of the Liberty can non, we had 3 cheers from the friends of Liberty: And We thanlMod that we are enabled to say that this day divest4d every trace of prejudice. ;tIY 13emuse our white friends who have thought we are re 4 a pebiile white the oppressor's foot was kept open odneeks, when they see we are merry they join in with us in ?rasing the God of Liberty-. We went tot the Chitral, and the house was opened by prityer by the right Rev. Mr. Johnson from Ithaca. Then we had singing by the 'choir of OWege. Then the beelaration of Independence wa3 read by the right HO. Mr. Luther 'Johnson., Theh singing by the choir. Then-an adgess wai'delirered by the Hon. Mr. Joshua: Johnson of Towanda,-Pa. Then singing hy - the choir. Then followid an address by the Lion. Mr. ,limp son of Dinghantiton, N. Y., who was cordh rc eeiv ed. And then Nr4 had a Large dinner at which. ono ; 400F4 t-down;kund after dinner a vote or.thrutk4. benevolence tnirard us, and their sympathy for the-friends of liberty. After this we Itihd a fide discussion upon the various topics of.LiburtY. At was then moved by Mr. Simpon that our neXt 'celebration be in Montrose on the stli day of July. The Rev. Mr. Sulmson moved for it to be at Ithaca 'next year, but jibe majority for Montrose woo. too strontr. So our celebration will be next year in montriw. . _ - N. Y. & E. Railroad going ahead. . We understand that it is now the iutentifin Of the New York Erie Rail Road Company, tolutve •the Road completed to Comity , by the feoth of September, and that the work is to be prosecuted westward, without cessation, until the connection .is completed 134 tween New York and Lake Erie -by the great Scinthem Route. The following from the Tribune in relation to a recent purchase of rails in Europe, exhibits the financial skill and energy of its direction in a mast favorable light, and shows :conclusively that the work has no more difficulties to eneOunter:!Owego Gazette. , The contract tor rails made by the Eric Railroad Co, to which We diluded yesterday, was for $,OOO tons. and not 1)0 tons, as printed. The, contract --is witlithe etni tilt iron house of Wm.. Crawshavi; and the cost bete, gill charges and duty paid; will not exceed $42 a top: 'MIS is lower than any ' contract has yet been made for cash. The pat ment for: this I 'ige amount of iron being ,ma in the second Ido gn,gt Bonds at par, hasappreciated • these bonds in his market. This iron will all be i used in the extension of the Road beyond Cdrning toward Eninkirk. Notice of the completion of fir other contract fbr 5,000 tons on the same terms will probably' be received by the next steamer. These two contracts will iron the road to the Lake: The road from Coming-to liernellsville will be pnt tin= der contract, pr ably within a few weeks. Prq pck,al§, have been received; we understand,' from strong parties, Offering ib make the road, bed and superstructure ready for the iron. receiving pay ment in the secOnd Mortgage Ronds of the compa ny. The Companv are now beyond financial want, and can accomplish the cadre - work with the meant; now at their , tlillxisal. When a connection. with ,the Lake, and se with the whole West, is had, by the completion 6f this immense enterprise, the work will lelecome of intense value, should we ever be come Involved i a war with any marine power:* The exchange f commodities between the: Eat and the Southa d West mast then be carried on mainls by our internal channels of Connection, and lof these the Erie Road will be of the greatest val, UV. - C ., Slavery Expiring. can slavery continue its miserable , existl once much long r, with. the. moral sentiment bf the North solidly *eyed against it,and bold .11.Aau..ti - Ci..,%rand the indomitable BiLvrox trarupling it uM der-foot in the very " house of its friends.?" The severest blows It now receives are in the Slave States. lb... Robinson of-Frankfurt, Ey., in a speech delivered in theqate Emancipation Convention at Franlifort, Kv.,Nit off, the defenders of Slavery with a good de:4 - . of humor and point: , ! • " The opposition to Our views is inconsiderable if we have a fat' . hearing.' :There are' but few who admire the slavery of Kerklucky ; and -with ;many ii t. of that, few it iA a sentiment rather than a, prinee : pie. Their birt I place is . ..oldViiginia-.Ltiterit they spent tlieir. yout ..-Slavery was there and . 'evety thing in Virgin' .wail perfect- . Yon knowcAr, . the siren th of th' --- feeling , ' among Virginia:lv. T 1 `The emigrant from i 'even - those . portions of it,'WhiCh i l slaveqy has d ' ' lasted--frOM the eastern sand.' hills -:-where the - - ple subsist-One- half _tha:YOtr:snti Sill nuil oyster- ,and,the other -half mit. paSt4 . ooll 1 !dein , -;id I -the fertility of..the".:westg4 1 flirth sand 11', ` and fib and oysters 0f..014- . Vi f .gtnia.. . With- . orS this:love of slavery' ia!n i r tt!sen " 'at noilprinciple-.--they„from mere I b t.,;". cry ci t againit in; abolition lithinger top!p rt' 1 i h oe -4-aneftbnooir . . cry,. iondtist are . .41080- *llO inever had negr la ' *dish, ancLOntesi',:thek,,lnlgtn;pf ind. ::'ohall ; ~ ly-changeoo+orlvill.; w , lotlii , .', i Wit,- " , , rtioni. / .' - the huo?ftra- Of* Y., 'l' p,Oliti ..,. ; offecti; . „for * . u.Oftnorn.party: . - -,•=i;lfi , , 04 .- 4 '11,04; ; • - '7:..i' - .-r , ./ ..'''';i .- -.: - "'..... -. • i , :•-•1: . t i i• - •-••••:,•; .. .':, , ' .:n•,...,1:. '..l;q ;, n; vii tt 2 . .,... [ poii . tirriqiidi a n r ,,,i - , ...-..,. .:. -,--.':•:* of , :.::coi;:,...riiirOnndnoted, iniir:;,: - I 'inn41 r . 1, - , " ;NThij i " . ' 04416,4iittiicarif likyi-; ~ ii - ri'l•J•:' . 'ilit.' ';'; '`4o - ft :siettliii*OOnifiii*ilue-0. - V l i ',x i '-,*: F . , ..,,I. ' : ti4) , , , ;..;:,vieta.44*4..t0t . ;4i....,. .:., ~aiiiuiuit ;'::. • ,t •• ii*,.._ . !,,,,, .... , !,- 'lOph:.'ot4ir . ,.l%!%•.:o':' .-; 1.41t4f6f.. - ':!:* . re ` , i iiiikapt and 4itfe - tOlav - ..t ? : .< 4 *.*0, 1 4 : 0 11- r . -- ; S' . ..4 10 4:* . -thit*is, l oool4l4.). lo '. l Plak 1 Nit , o,ip - pos..§4 1 7446#: - 141( . 000 , 41-:** - ,1, - 1 * ' ... - 060kei ' ,- -Thelr:.ol44oo`oloo'''' - _ 1 . .,.. , -. toof ' hour . peach fro. eaci—inziking in all thioe flour . '... I =CM .iatel ', fliitiA - 1' .. *.iiar.tr4lie .distin.l - ~ - 7 I n. ev -- ' 7 ll ' t '' OW le' ht a 1 - 1.• ' i'., s: . .. • - r, -. ..:o:i.wisf„.. - ~., --,.. -;#.:Ne. - *; :York on-, fi r th - _ - .- :00WisiatKitt iLixQuar-, ees . ' yiiii: - . l 4ana're(iiiiA4 '': 1 1 . ' ,. "ini ' ‘-iinteitiOd toi'tlattjtinrixsec, t 'Ai 3 bliinotictitYlVelliikadOe'-'selt;' :ActiCtsil.aaide - nifie*As 4gOtt ad.- 1 Ottlic .C . ommon - Council, by Al .- wini"litteleonied Sin. to. t4c (city, : - . 1 . In -erend gentleman 'expreksed his gnat':! ing able to m6et 14 American friendiii them for. their . -lriridness, anti regret ,-, th vented hiil:- addressing thpM Ile proimssye We'n-formedl6o; i to ..tlm,frs Mg Etoast,t, Vi11ret,'.4.;.13.1 t mmitten and thetil guest sat, down t,.s . net• Mayot Woodlnill-prOiditig.•= l : t.trseveral speeches were, Madei.the • t t relying to a sentiment; _oop)1 • and passing in turn tit) ,1i m 4,1! y.—paily I‘li Sews. 1 _ .. ..., . 1:. • cor .4114 a bide.diK 45 1 44 U theseyeial nd ivizia' upon. =hi dressed in derman Ha •' eply, the ification in . ti that :Who ought wns condo o'clock, the sumptuous After the • Reverend t, mentary to I of the con 4,1 man by tho' name , of lltmselt in the Jail at tine pbwe fOrAi,oro; friona confinement. only the n*lit r ..ot ,Ccie4 is represented uS a 'duet. about of ai,,tre; is some 5 rfeet-8 or 1 9: inchei ter •Ide,nder made, dark eyes, :black" irows4 and luta a slight stoop. when he fected Ids escapeby digging around: )e lock: andforeing 'tbe bolt ; Re left . note', }stating that be round "iio ilf, - hitfamily, or his board- The tbl." , had important bOiness offered. a reward of s'4so for his ap- Ewan JAI Cook, ftfin stealing, e the 4th inst. 2 or 28 yea in height, ra. hair and, eve walks: 'lite the front of a very OM with the she low probalk The sheriff li prehension. takbn from the stable of Jante-El - luta timnship, on'tbesame tight; and . have been stolen by Cook.--.Bradi A horse Ar! liott,•in To* i-3 supposed ford Argits. F Lancaster Erntweshyg. • resent State Treasurer is engaedzin, '..rt to jfrovide the-,'Preasury.with,thn t the 'August ink:AA prgraptly,arid in -e haN 4 l e c reason to believe th tt the Lo sing every effort to 'entbarr44 . ltiriti he ddpartment over Whieh he, ia - tre,:. Odium 'on the State itdmittii:ttan,on: i 'Canal Commissioners , nre_i drawing the trehsurytameeewarity eit;we are Locofpco vice-holders have drawn up time; mid in sonic tirtstanceslhave nef their three. mouth J_ slin advance. NT , g that these gentlemen will siieceect iu or when Mr. BATE" wills to di) a. thing; finds a, way ; but -it . is mortifying tci -.portion of oar people could.be - so in a conspiracy ,agliinst the character . the State." , • . Stuscitr. "While the laudable off means tome good tp...1., • cefocog are And through siding, throw The Locof largely upon • assured ; th e to the preye Nally. draw have no fear I their 'efforts, he generally think that s base as to f a and credit ii . IF flll3-, STnAloo.it.--=Arrived'af this: y evening last Steamboat Wyoming,' ,ze, direct from - Tunhlempeek, with . a gore'', ladle§ and gentleuen,,,frorn the: -41m - W,onling. leftLber ,trionitagaf,*; .. tt , iflcir 4 . , *l l .,.o'CWl":„; - -44 - zrei&lit., ,, plaeccat 6. Deductirig.*Thi'vetoppa . - g.6 . 4 ! .t 241 Mars malting the trip, It, is .4 it, and atte4tc the eperf„,..)-, enterpfize i 1 irit, of the Citizens ,of Tuntlranneclt, ' a gentleman xrhe eameHdoten on St\ encountered no impediMents,, UM' its present- low '. - stage, being., : almin,. et to admit .of the Wyoming. - nariga-.. i nelianna between th r e poinNitieritionl, I l i ifiieulty.— Wilkes ./iar - ?e Adi*cite.• '''' ARRIVAL Port on Mon Capt. Convel j owl of pass latter place. rived at this she was abo. , beautiful and public's We learn fr the boat, ilint water even i dantly- suffiei ting the Su. • oil, Without • E,--4?,igleteous Ter lirt. In - n`. libel th ult, beforesJudgClStrou oll'hihi . I uryi:Ounci for the &trend:int:o6 cause recoinniended 'that the lanlicr, v the casts of prosecution: We sub ,e6ple whether a law ought : pot to be onext•pession of the Legislature em= Jury to put the costs on 11ie . ./wcifei tion was brought Without silt • y for spite. - --Blue Hen's C'iiickaia. C, cage, tn .- ed. W. delphiO, the_ of actien), Lawrence, p mit it to the , enacted at tl poweiing where the cause, or me Got.--The total value of : the gol.l its of:the world, according. to -a, re of Professor Allstealt, of King's Cel -1 is put at. £6,500,000, or about. :53:* cale.ittatiCin, 'allows but ,51,000,000 'erica, leaving California ertir6ly out resources have not , yet,;be. : . to allow'a definite -fie'ter t • ..-._ Srrrtr o mined in all cent estimat loge, London 000,000. TI for North•A; of the come appointnient 'of Le • Embassy at. England; as A reword for partiian tlieJoutnal" ofeOmmerek Pies 'to -oeh sort ..of cavil, aifol; An, lir. }ins 134 happily rei lows no last 80 years lie hasbean.the 'merit irt..buililing ilp American . ers; •lie has thus given employ,- competence to ,thousands , who rwise • have languished,in`Wanti; "es ;, founded schools; ;. established id giv=en a strong impulse to" , the of. every 'section of the country,, can no more be rewarded, by to . Encrland ' than he, is, affected - A - w .- acks of nespaper writers:: ~.. ~-..i, Dtcring. : chief , inst I.lanufactu ment ands would oth has built ci railroads ; prosperity Snell 'a. in; the einbass by such al UTIONi FOR THE New _York - called upon tibe.:Cok dioem), on S'iuln , ehe - ve the ' present Atains'ofctlie.. ea:' . As. the Pope is truing: luxury at 1 ' Gaeta,— money potty: hini, from the 'eroivned 'heads theloutribtitions gnist:tii? l 'siit• hi in- restor:a , k ll4 l ,34iFiesslo ;icon at Hotne :Is it.not ; n- Shaine cans; ? 4 " . of native or , ] - foreign , 'birth. l , l asked to aid is ire estnblisliin_ 9 1. 4e 1 fl. l ,:the 1 If - the- cathOlie'lAish 13:ntiibitte, 1 1ec them bestow - their 1 wit the 3-1 and' COrrnui l Hughes of Olies of hi,; tribute to ' Holy Fat overliowin ing in upo , all quarto licit& to temporal p tbo.-Amer should. bo (ksAtism Romans ? thing, to benefattio country me tats tern ri4lol'l:4 ?Is Penii- Of tliesßi thirv-five. will, b(s North - Eles - OT 3 - 6 6 1 0 1 . `to - rittp,-4i 9- .ssouc97l,lPToP32.s9 - epkitiV,of 4. mintt S tory potty g forty.s4 a sylvanin. of 843 deft. at:o'4)l4lf Statds,itip Iinol:013e „ - 'd lti'd• • I r I I " - - - .. , : 7-":- .. .?,7' . ..-........, '4,rorg - , ,- .'110.:..- . .;:4f:;:*tennent3- l ast:ivekiliO: ' . l, ailii*iiiie 280 ig`e . ,l2l3oTEK t t : e.*1:10 . 1**11;:f that tlia t 4ll P4gt_t49•WviPtta:''ate ~:- 0 ii [ t PhYsicianCiepo" 444414iititittay 88 [ Tl4.42lll P a thgi - snn[dttixin.t 3 s and [ 11$ ;") 1 9,0 4 lay,,,168tinIiiinidliiideatlist y 54 - -60, 0 0, - Ett id:leudi 41-4.)[4: - §4.)-1 , .t. • [ 1 - ~ , •. i, a .. i[•:. ~.-• , ec„ineilaei,4-ii-ooltSolera, Pit..iji. fe' itgaihrdiffiiii,titic4iiiths in 9T] ;_'Oty ikm4s - 41it i Ltik44) - ish, . ndingl . eriod-i k k'llit=iii'iii#''' the) ted 0, 4 40 zu i ; r , . i otrV.3 - to _, 4 Slli P: °tt Y*nCi*tifi*lncV c liitifed -17 9 1 kIroal"L*: lice.. ..io :l l;tur,adtg of . 8c) Aritit_ l 7't) einitriaatekhaanthzi. ie„ -- ,deatha'ft6M- Motet: kOillthe pas. .i. I,- - :[.,,--,•--.7i,,. hilidetpl4J.lte:Mitla4y,As - diythe in "..'-‘aricl-,-I)idf*.e4:4o.' ,be/ii!onillgnant i - as --. ! l :o,‘Wia..74ionng the ii . ,"414!)Ti'401114y - PKiliii* *ere iu 1 .#14i4 9 2:4 04i 51 e ve : O'r- 0*: yiii0,41194-044iiiyesent . ; Ai** 1 1 0,t 0 -14 1 ** Iit Y, from efis6.-'63 1 Oinii4tilierol**l4 22 eases 1 deltt44:-41titkiday053: - and 25 and on -, Tiiesaa 6l :!' OR); and 21 - - I -.. • i..,.i.-- , ...,• , • ,, ,y..? - ,VI-P",-; - : ToOklYrk,' Al_ bailYi'-', "treal "cities: of Utiii:.,^4c),,o 1, tyi7moN ot• tile dfs'e_'optitin, itoftio preVail. 4 Louis aid - TilleiltOtt;ihßse as no eukin,the:Ajrt!lepo:,ot4f.."*alady,-- gthg in the Toral'at'elt3i**iabOuit 100 i ..`anditi 'tii:' latit6i:oo4iiki - lity„lins cii , tili'liiii4n* - 4eck444411is larg e ioillaii k Pb l'ekg - .&it.l:''!-TY - Y , - -— -— 1 . -0. 1 ..['f '.....-''''"- 4 3 ' .l .1 ' :4 1* ) 41 0.°70 1 titflEYIgt; them •deatir4 fiii:'Se-qaonoA)fci;nliiCit 133' ' i - atoaii: ,f :Tiiii , 4 14 1 1 . 4 . 4 1; Ave,' weeks rraffatcintelifelit4:inittnit:iity :mount ic 'of win g t ,. 60 ,:s3re i.eV in , 0 . totem 2. a tei - ' great es t ! '' .-- 11 'fit' t' • • or. 1, y;,,is .arnoa,.... e orogil UiS vita.',Yar.,?':ol.,._'nn*nfiY,'llo).lA in, 'fit -IV,lticliintriveti at "ii 04 'tlie4 Otli" - fili:ifthia i nit : Orleans L . ' 's .lk . inigl . o4f 'il i s ,;:fiitlY;.4.olo l i (4 of t t 0 .ttli3 pasattge,; , .ll- ! [-; • , %.,---...,..:,.:.!-,- ---.--; ter ti , 'sltt'Aff,i'"garioi.: 4 - Ake - ilsion in t (I, ii4-e..i': iiiir,*bottilt -!)('•,,, the'-:recent in • That itaMedia 4 3, , ,i , iletttitafrbfA ( -)' ). Niee..''', Ibiafil f i [s.+4 4Art•?, ,- :,,-7 i: itaiii:oiliVe n,45 remonito sj IL, They„fOrelrel4r ;,•,,., knes:- B. atlit.in'[tk''' , 4 o #fa l. .iWEo,deltd!' '• - I nAtier'l 4 larr . 4ll,o,l',:ohliting. t. tii-to seefliovi thoYdroi demi in , the 1 t one , rney r i ik t: ,i li m *,tty" :veil and. ryl 1)y tlie' tir.ne ' : t,hey i . l are ,carried to, :e they ar i erno mor&H: iEi;erynioming .e a nutnt4r-I•eptirteg dead on the planlatio'n.s.- 'llitiBlmorning there •ee at Nirt. , ltiCa,ll7o. - -One'at'l.k. 'Dui d . eight Oot [ of Li =Clc at -Dr.• Bren t;.will say, 'ak) InO ?. im,this Object ; it to dwell !upon : As: et; [no, white have biien kitfeetcl."A „ ',. ' ''' ' yl ii aiitiana pia ter - lind_plisiitian, itate., ef that he. Itinklit prObAlethat the has destro gii one-terlth of ,hd slaves . State. -,1 ; , . ,i T.,ouisi death- toms. the, I- Tliey It is a.'" field heart -3, flip ho tl*re diftere were ti fell's, nerls. I av persot in a . l choler' of tit, ,Lette] 'Satin. IV ffill ews fr this in , onienio 7 F4nillielil;ht.,n;:s.:aii,the other the. St. LtiNirepe4.4ll4 - 41J:iities„ ipt it that`il ';Tis - e'ole - 1 • an:. 1 9se ~. , ~1?, u , rill;D ni. a 4:lead. te.p..r?ePnrOio-p-Oc_itil/2ECatin qw- llniut‘Yielc; tt; ,`:ii.4::44:-::-.4‘rolit.thr esinutry.„'eeins,'ean4,lt,-pr_4l4).l)ld. ' thoie - protine,_es &witty li.i'ilit'n *les into e Pei - dent; natibn; 'lin. - li_n . ernnneuzi .r IlnionT ' rtbitik., - 'o,l4.ol.Nitility i, InLfaYet of ..til'e-I s itter•:, In my jildl si. Ini interest br I.iotl 131§ won ( .! dr 6mcte 41 by initlain toii l :—tli&several i - ':s kT coming intollin niOn On equal v_ith oar p'resentH thi' y ,iiate.i. The hviOtion Of the St.:liPavrenee is al -4 nrimensi iinfiOrtaiio to:perhaps a eui present poliiil4 : i66;iiiid - would be the. T . • , 1 sitle_o; a litti ~ ;1 few.yc das, moth Art 1 cal inc. : with di erreatl , meat much Proii i term, ; .tree , I ready 9 third' 1 of - gr I ;tit valve- to', ihd'reficiallider. - Mier an. _neva 413,, tWOrlleke,lllld utyrsybalow, Q I bee; tOußl:give - 14-n•b tteTi t seenriiy ngaiust t smug Jink Ahnii , 60,00 - i ; Customhouse em ploye MOTO- the line Tit'Veparatei as from thd,B Wish' „ilosse.44olP ''Puittur Continent.— lam fe11 , ... acquainted witlit - ilia line, and know a kretit deal :of the interest and charac ter of the'proviniau.- , iTh:o'uvi. opposed to into oratilt-ivitll2•4 anyit&nitriet dowdy -pe?pl, &witli the , :111exi1-:inee, I should to most happy ifY : .fraterri"* . jotli. our kuth enate '3ungliblirs.:: I''''' 1^',..3W - . ' I W I at inay. ..the -bo the Niel 9f - tl.bizr Executiv Bove ,irtnnt Im. subje ctt know absoluteh • 1 hethi. g; but i l tliiiiii,lean4 . oT-ia wipe I that t co I thirds 4£ ;oui.fii . 411,4 would .rejoin 1 atth ineofpotatiopi--tinagßat* r irdsool? Vreei 6- 'ts' benefit B c-F:p:ff' : §V* . c . ' -- 'Of t' lll o 7 l'cr . # l l: . !'±iipi* , ,ib - to*t• :.under•' band P10.5111.042ii4 :our p art of tilt] 'Peas e,'Or 41Y„ ; (kbei . iici of .b G.oa,t , grita'h,L:,,g9y.;*4,-*V:;ii;lny view a # 1; ~/*t hi l4 .l 4 Ol i b r i " 6: l*L :l4 i il 14 °l. ' 4 / 4 4 . 4.v.i ci*A o . l : 4 i9tvPs.o l :qo A th 6 tomer, 81 1 1 1 .11hein 24 4 1 .7tt *Oat er-. oll oitlerittg ile ils es4iitcarqsw t *ot' • *Adit*: 6 kclujir , .„,-,- ,., , ~ . .- --, :%, - ,,...4---- tA:9 100 ~ -i ', : -.F,Pt.,- * *- a 9uPivx-, ,' ,4*,,:- .- --`--Th Ntgoni - t - v - 1 6 va f 41*Plig:-• b . (sel l in tlic b . Vi1t.9( 4. 1: 4 ' 6 • 441 .*1 1111 .; 01 * / * l t li°ll t I ers; 'oiri tii ion fo'r what th , eiiiio,b,ii -- wQrtli. 1 ' Fa' ' fit iftsi,- - , '., ....,-, ' ---I , i - ,:' , .. , , - R' i t i t il - 6,i i , i ~ ..-,-.2-_,, , ,-;.,,,,,..p4,, ..v ~.m:-.......,„, • 1 . . q .t.ce,. • sur.falio7,•Tvl4l o ; , .., -. i g i iyiiik or ‘*iinftliit'f-k 'l ill,gik-W-Tligiiiiiiili**or- -4 48 Utiariiliii*C7la l ol lol4 l i n. Stilt& .O4itikaiite**o4o4 aira : tigl.:cul ti. .446 4 *Oc l t*TStkiiitCriiigiiinitirtera tee kifill , 44 11 ,::./i'1tr16'.414.17, tiliiiaating .). „ fpfikAl k eitijWilij s . OUthe stalk z *rainte• , ~......,--4,4,-,..r.; 54, laifisai, -0 —, ',ere . . --.1 ~,......- .s i t , -.. , .,..,.: , .. , -- , ..-„,, the *V. '"*-iii'tliebtqf: 7— 's ' r tit7iii: - tl ' uTin:: . 'dion: 1,6-0-: .s..i. t , ,- - , , .; . —Le 4 . %4513: to . rim _ . 1.4.17 , t4tl:-,be* (detos I ) thd iuk* t l WfO tretoo 7. e z 140tlik ?1 4t11; 1, i 4 Ig r alik; TS. ._.•• • tt EiJ in antda. .line:23, ( 18 40. P ] ::ol4illeht f i:of, Great
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers