. , „ 1 , . • °, , . i - . . ' ' ••0 :insimmermogrir> 7• T a L it c ri Dz at u lT . 4 --- 7, --- ,"st • , EfA r .. . Arti- , ItS a kt - i ,i , tracw „,. 4 ,7 1 7 -- i g i ... 1 ,1 ~ fr - i,s, 0...--Fre-vv4.l;s7 5.r. . - /e - g. •.1 e. •••••• , ,a) ar.0:11 , t-:.:43' ' ...t"X.2A A' .fr.ftt 1 . 11.- r - virt-rf4 . 3 . ' `..traiiP ••••.c --- "c") - •• , OLi ,-7 7. ...v r .rizxt:Kl ------- :7 , , 0 • •_,.• ~/ ~. t., ...• :..1.: ~•:' ..ar ,• i, t.e Aiki; .g./ ci-r , s,„il - t-;',l 4 ,a'94l 1 0 , 14 ' 't.,. ty - ,- Oil; ' Pt' t' ni ''' ''• -c.<, Ittt Y ) it . .ts IF '0 , 41 , A I: , • :R+ .'Y -,le". , it kV. 4 ‘ 11 " ''. . I''' • , ' t I .l''' C : I _ , ' '. 7r ! , „ , : :,1„ it ' s - ",1 ' 1 ! ,, , 1 T, ~1 1 :,.: :'• :t'', 1 , , ". 4 .. 111 • 4 1 ' - ,n , ': , i, .11., . . , i „ :, ,„ , 0 ,, ~,1 . .., ~i „{ ~,„ , , A , ‘ , l l .„ , tri .,, .. v t ar, T 1.:. ...0 , • .. lti ;11 I tt' - ii t ,I• it • I''' ii.: £;-t.e• ,• -:14. . - - r• i [ .fit --.' 4. •s' • .• S r . ,t - "Ls •,, • It" I 'it' I , 1 •• it! 4t' 1 'iti •••• `t: • . ~. . „•. ..,„ , - .. , : i 1 ', 1 t'' ' ' 4f ,„ mnekr, ril... 0f • - r ''' '''" 1 ' Vitt I,- " 11 - - kt:i :qtr "2,' )1:1, , ..4. ....., , , , ,,0 1 ,.... , .."..0.410. :n'' .'2' ' " q' '''''t . 4- 1 '1 t I r'CI;',PTIFT , , , !-..., ;r, „ 4 11 i tt t ' te.• ..01 , -,z 4 ' 3 * -- - '- v • 1 . •„. .., .0. , ‘'ll' 41 1 . Pt , : f t t.. . 11' i •••4nV.40,12.4.10,-Vter ' •.. • - _ 4 , , „„) _.. , , ~.0 ii. ,„, • ;,-, ~,- t,. , , t.; : 1L1.... It. , ... -A . -•- I _ * ..., ••• ,• 4 5i . „• , ':•,•5 •,, . f,l is , •••• - t k. ' : 1 , ~.• - ~ ,; ... - . - . —,.. I.P10•••7 .:•••••- C •-'.'•' '.1 , 7' ... ' I , t lllit f ActICIO , A.... •(,, r k ibi" t tt liginilli '••• a: ,_ 11 :. ': tton iiht the it. _ - at midi. fn -. Otitionin --:, .* • '''', 'to ner. ; ,zP , , . if s - 7 - a'4, ivit'. di,l., . n4f-' t iuhl tt '.. AI, L ',IN ' .• gin % wee i n 0 i weal , 4.1„ mit returni . tbiliSfawki , . - fliers . • ile p Y. l he w . -e ban. , &airs tor; '-r. of th ) bur ._ , g 3 • 1.. idere. „initu .. dud' on conel ,''. .4 with w , t .ablenee;thi to the.M Ivo* .. . ,! 'the ad, .`," tt wad tan -,-, onto ten; 3tl ?7 , .. . ~.. ' A eggPmi ' ' .1 --.. . A ..• I r • 19 1. ir - Asian. -: -=`Dirlfeit , Ane—lldnie t '''", tgreair , ~, l==l VOLUME XXIV Tin REGISTER. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY James W. Chapman. - - Advance rtyment in Cash per venr, *I, 50 If paid within the par, , 3 (X) If not the end of the. year, - • 50 The Songs of Yore.. Alagl the good.old songs of yore - - Have gone quite out of date- Surpa .w.,ed by " Old Icruginia's Shore," And the-" North OarilnieStale:: No moil are heard the gelteing notes' Of " Coming'Throug*thelkke ;" But turn you Avltcre you nay, youll.hear Susanna, Don't 1 ou cry.' To sin , ' the song of " Home, Sireet Hume," A girl could not be red; J3un ask her fur some " favoritetune," . She'll strike up " Fnqle Ned ;" Then finish off with "Buffalo Gal,," Or else with,"Deamit Mae ;" Fergetting that she ever knew S*'ute mere heart-breathing lay. 141, give to tne t e L:ongs of yore:, • 'That ci)uic warat from ; That toake each ivalze throb wait And bid the pa,,,i0n,..:-,tart. me,ibe Fong of "Hours Them NVere." rut vo not what beluit , toe Ii 4of - nie,g..r"—pshaw I In 'all ** fa:46.1/1:0)1c( song To-Day ,and TO-Morrow Doift tell me of to-morrow! Give me the man'who'll say. Th.l7, '1 1 ; en a good,t3ecd's to be done, 1.4 Cs tlie deed m-ri ar . al! cornoand the present • ye and-never wait, •; , pent.mce 1-. the phantom t): the pa-t, that conies too late ! iloit't tell ine of tp-nierrow! Te'iz much to do to-day, allot Wever be If we Carew tla Ipatt• 21 way Every Wits duty—, `Slaithe fiiturts end fetteteltr , ••• • Then why put -off till to-atorituf , What to-ility cin do so well ? Don't tell me of to-mormw ! If we look upon' the past, How much t h at we Imre left to do We cannot do at last ! To-day ! it izz the only time For all on this frail earth; t takes nn are. to forth 'n life, A moment gives it birth. rc Tout:in:NG Inquirer ha, the fol ., .ntr: A latl)—re,xicling in England,w'holulil a nupt , of rentale sen - unti-: in, her finnits::ftnd erc:tai"n..he gade to •yzieh a . pair of east off rn :hoe:, found' the fulluwing.iirnpromptu t.hen:ber, mantel, the Fut:cc-4)&1:g mowing: co - eftil eten.0.4.1 IniAresb :11:7 171111 , t , her A i • i'ro-ideflt of a z..tal t).•.:...'Nlyrcurs.• • :Julia ii‘e] a TTtnliranx maid. it,:te•ititie, night and morn ; ,• ••di 1 r tcickcd i.eighbnrq sati•l pleilOo! twd too. r , ! following 11 , -4 • 7 4 V 01'", ::1114 , 11illte q • II I- ht• 10 the mns oT • `t - e'il gaily Thaw dull care away Aigi trait rte ory • gorrow ;N.:l),er ; tiers pay yqur, Int 11 'My CttiPS ;0 - 1130 Mtn": , . , vA.--The hYtt linielterbeAer i ; a poets witleied -- •;'l - rate wolmind how f d i your lot, r-:ezlets are red, &143 your po , eltlii are hut." ::•. n THERE.—A. son of Erin (Thee ac ; reverend di-eiple of Strecleoburg-tlin.: • l‘; 7 , von Fay we are to follow the Rattle •;. --in heaven that we do in this world r . timt is in perfect aemrilance with reason t.reat-or himself i nut idle, and why should • • .i.ture- lx r ea. then, yor honor, do paple die there r nainly not—they -are immortal its the Crea- I shnuld like to know, y‘tr 'honor, what • for me't4i do, 1,4- fin ;jra , f diggPr in •-• rid." Evrr onnitry zrave yani in Jer,ev. there i, a plain 14011 V creete.lurc,:r •- , s • f a )asuutiful your s:: lady. with thi, ,inswrip=s • • .Lilt a Achuns, diod ,•f thin shoes, April 1111 i ' •:19, aged 19 years." 'hie atone more emispicuous than the reat,• hasJ tun inscription upon it : • • s Here lies the body of John Jones, IrhO neier ! ield an office. An honest man.' A -Ken PatamtAirevr.—A young parson lost his 'u al a forest, and it being vehemently cold. and lizar, he happened upon a poor cottage, and do ,ri-ii a lodging or hay loft to stay hi, and some fire to warm him. 'The man told him that' he and iii, wife_ had but one bed, and if,he pleased to lay tun, them, he should be welcome. The parson thanked him, and kindly accepted of it. LI the morni n g the manarose to go to market, and meet: viz ...ine of Lis neighb orF. he fell a Imitating. "They: 4.k , - , 1 him whae'lnade him so merry about - the 11 , ftltli I Why, gap iii), 1 .tan't help but think. how 4 •411!1C11 the patron 04(40 W he n h e B A4 O I lO ~f iolitsell alane okr44, 44r.i ' 6 .6'. . 4',_b M.uns.-71witighaess tiu ' ng people ilehtfth, idaiong fun of old suaidi... , ''A'little•conslderation wkiulii teacli therm. bah:D.''' . Some isf; ,fhe- kinale,t, trui . m and best women te,hay.e. el,yq Itlt o- Ora .u'liry n , :di 'welds It is a pity. ita,y, it is cruel tk"',..PonFal the_ ' largest woo one . i . a generous heart tilA, not ' 1 " ',1:: ptedsfe especalllftf 'that one'lxY)iti Aro 'ila,,,' . how little ao. - we luaidw iaf iibeArutila \ fir vie Aiitings of many who are smeeriiltglY 41 4 4 1. 11 1,, ". toted_ old maids-f ~A.'erbapathe coaatanpy or t y9qn -, ii.l a tt,,,,,,, ; the ; ure an a -ilep devtitiesk o *ftret :::, wit . ) lore, has - kept aiaily a Wonlan ii*, e `Yoe' I.r, A Dotrx Arr*nox.- -- .A.snenAigr,ol tiA • er Legiklature,:at tbpi,iato Ann previded Unit iiidirshoVdd ti 6 'Mar except in the town where - 14w . yellidie • An-, 'ter member knocked it in the head, 1;r-offering tun4lacirneut, requiring people to die in, the ttm ' , hell v. en• burn. ~„ From Po,ttely . Liqx% , tittiNG' /Lll4-01rik. - I 111" - • GRACIE' 4.ll4.EitigOOD., • I . • . i tabet*, Morns „waa i riming Pltiladelpitip, 4 'family, 'Wealth,' fine 4iltin't; onuSiderabld 'beatify ithd;•iiiirtiW dftWil "iiiitli:wll:`the:sie, ini'linnett; letting heart', tneutd 'i'ternolglity, ' and' . pure; . c•cirrect and moral principles. It clumeesl thud , one- stomiri4erno9r l 4 1 1.°0 41 .b. er , this unerjeptionable_yettng hero of ours was saun tering down Cliesunt'4., {n alligtlo.ss, or rather un happy mond, hitt:browa 'lnwerlirg. an& his 'eyes glancing aiilmt !OLIVA look of romtli..ls,4l.*.tutttut•-."-- tf,P.W,.. ,tVlittt ,1 1 1 1 # Arrible :CT,i l Xl.ll9YallE could w i &Alio' liiiircso elititining and fdifittiate aye' ' nitu'i t ite itadliittitafy 'i‘eturikd front •a, 'ltitig,',' mister boar; sot over-Weatitict, withpleatrird and,tk citentent,aMi with theNuernlouit' qui-beam upon his lit\s; but hi had come bailie t , a.ple- , --titt l'ina ily cwele, 'herein he lull iiitee , Home, a his: g reat:mt. haPplites - k AIL r may as well tll the secret -of i his heart, though he ant thatliine. hiitlnerertold •it —there, was one who' bail net returned front, her ' :impact journeying to her ciWAmiPei one whos.osOr riety lie missed' there, though the l had not puss,- ti s eti heavily. , upon his spirits 'else -here. -Now, to ' walk alone, where he had often t'allreti With her, Or th visit those places of amuse mint' whither he hail been wont to, aceompany her, 'filled. hint with t*,,,,li ug . ; ~t tautest and lonelines4 itliii.olutely uppre-- ,ive. ' ' lie 1i..J.11, to i'y'reeirls thatie not at. tuallyln love. he - Wag on the dreamy confineg!,ifileit realm, taking in the'first intoxicating breathing's of its delicious athmi-pliere. lie fait that t*e was a,yowig plant -pitinted far down in his heart, tiourelhed long by the, rids soil of p 4 eir: and the pure dew of romance, which needed but to hare thc clear sunlight of gyinpath'y let in upon it to raki, a deep, - warni col or. anti , expand into a ,gmcious flow - hr. Mortis had first met Miss itirootl at a brilliant party given in ber honor en her retirt, front Europe where she had sp.sititearly two years ~ and he was first delighted tiffinil that, unlike waist young tour- Ms,she. could converge without letting her *eaten. eds -of good, hearty. English, become' ilisjointisi by Aennan, go rain nervous: spasms of yreneli, or faint away tote Ititmaii.., -, , Miss Atwood wai'an undeniable %mutt-, and a belle of mach -colebrity.: - Her taste in d‘rc.i..s was eicllttlitawthettga hither bat ttilhU fic.clitioriler. 'SEW ht.34.nartny acedrplishrucuts,,A4 . , wit, And` eutpe geui,ll:3_',;4?.it il tittlf, N•. 130•14 • at,,aa far t its , lii 4.p..k...f.rivi....K.41,.,•...,e1f,..,1..a,•iei1efinid1if; fri'ili plit;fical rind' siiinewhar imp '. siblenilibeit Morrhr. , It was, spring when they' rst-irect.: 'and before.theirboth le:hi-Mg the city Iva the, suntnier. dreams, wondrous pleasant, in which the pPeerless Belle alwaya appeared, begone oeritkusly frequent with 'hirli ; and in the flay time I amt riot' sure 'but hes'flihbgltrof hdr 'eyed efftenerthan 'IW his beloved sister; oneetisidaily companion i tbut i - now ma:Tied to ca officer in, the army ;. rotimmirred in a fort on ; the frontier. wile.ra grouts,aione, cguerv, a select libmyy; a f i ne Land, n' 'charming .14sbaial, and a ebertilY child, preserved her irend;ds-itt,g of erraci. ' ' ...And bliss -- -iiti ; -WIT, qiiie:sittilett , :swiantly on ail Itedilid, or did.. Andhra herself aliglithy fir vied liirei v 2l. l%. , AlightlYilrotn tir pedestal of her pride. pith a host (..nr:Afortalilt , fail: in I-.T own wr& - istatlenms, she evidgittl - codsidereS rd. liert - ri of every man slic , mist iuili kited Of frair, very' ripe and very soft, and only waiting the least possible shake un her parr. to tall into Ler ham/ ur az. her --feet.. . , But let retain: tv th.:ll v. ark of uuT la. c. tlov.n Cln;:mut stre,:f. Staldenh he have anroprer look-fi.rward, his eve brWitimed:. his 'cheek thele:d., - and hisosiep ,44-piel ened 1 I:it:rely he r• old,ina mistake that.form-thaL 1 gait, that, air-,--latt, 4 4. , ,..5: Clara ,C..ty,•001l i ,til.s i - drLl ;:')1 see 1 1:. , 'O4 :,'-i-.„.•rt:' , ..'. 1 ? ' I,i_iciilt: 'taut: tilr'rer -merle' tillno't MC': 1. faeli'' Then die -toiled, 1444- ed.- and rao..ieit a lama-lit, as Morn-, liftiug lizsd r at, ' inquired with la. j,,yiel. air when she arm etl: in tow U- ' •. • 1 - Onlv• lait iiight," the replied,' and after a 'ilia , • word 4 niere:„ . pa,sed on. :Morris'. his heart filled with indiseribabk cam titp,involuntarily turned hi , heath n look aftor'her. .fts he did:A : lie reniark.ed that, as she su - Fptalmig withiler_Juilf-isnant, liall-litughty got , the filiwe - other rich nOtillit•mright On the edge of, a ba-ket borne' lir''it poor oh) n-dtaari, Whii leas hob bliii4utortg• with a eittek ? -net basket was, :filled and piled up with Largt oranges, and as Ati.'s At wool gale an impatient pull to extricate the fringe, she half upset tins basket—purpcmly, it was evi dent '-: 7 4tnil out:rolled a golden shower of at'angeft. With no expression of repet, but With a frown like midnight, and a:cool - " :lon shouakeep out of the way I" she passed majestically on and entered, Lc xy's inviting doors. The old woman stood - the im ago of desixiir, a poor feehle'cripple,jostledby the, •fashkaiable throng, she cotild nut help hanger in .this • - rarl extrenity. Fturprised, indignant, and .shocked beyond exprp„,:sion.,Notria,. with tee of his /qui* lummrie iwpul'es, turned hack to assist her ; but he, was too, late,—fur a s light ~graccful figure sprang forward, and two. bah. dear white-gloved hand-'bean pits .411:4 up' the oranges and replacing them in the baslet•of the grateful okl drunt.„-and u sweet, kind voice said. - till, do nut thank me; ,it '.is nothing," am), then :Maxis paught a glimpse of a fair yOunglace--not a btatitiful face, butane fre4;h and sunny, and wowing : an expression pure end no ble and good withal-,Ale ?tow large, brown eyes, filled' trith.soul,,ao ,riralri red lips, tmuulow with fePting,..wl , A cli-mr brt.s4brow,, stein with in-, . !clink, ii-etOileli wavedlidi of a dark rich shade. 'All thane IC' 4.* iiiitlernath a littief Cottage4gonet of Wldte silk, unadorticabv ribband, • lace or doW ers, for the yinnig : beingibe . forehimwasthat sweet, *„of ifrltfrmtttim, a pretty Phikdelphia-.Q„iitiker • :At &A mein - tint- the•imalleis'itattie Albert bad itill defied Ity Itivedcairirt - hontagtiv foil !froth , ' FiedeitaV and in d airitideat !of; .woriatnlyjovelin esocticeed:4,goodotwiv.#lln*?4: trI444Oi4ISKYI .; its 0 10 *(• 1, . --- ` , .-i ,•-!; 't •. +. :Y- DO you iiiridemniiiiy ber iiel "I 'itiol• Mitt' Ili.. followed at a respklfifiAlitilute behind - the young' Quakeressiai slinaralkodpp chefflnit ,titr9::,t, • then tai l turned laid puiiSuti; pp, .§gt-thth ,to. Archi arid up Arch alOn o .A.fOltilri4P Filtal4- - ' f lie inn - oi)• t* tiazilitig.white iiiiirtld'ict* and• . : entkited te•pl : ' but elegant-looking initttrom -4 As iblrirria • Tweed. he glanced' at- the ' door-plate.;‘, ,),t' bv4; his; 9.911 "'mat', and, with 444.1eling,pff41fi,Rjerisuic halil ltride,li.roeollcrATLitatee resilalii diStriiit io- l ' httive of Ida frithqs." ~rliqa' fad'imi t t i 'be'ell . giit/ib differeno lieti*rthe'farnilfit‹:terii.l Al iiittaTtrarle IktWeen did tarrifiieehaddieeri 10144titti.,LirinAnni ' As . priight ha' '''il v :thr ' *. 11 . 1 10W . ~„1, , , ~. Yfi , 11 11141C1pa 1 , Albert "kOrro fiwidetily llocailf&rail atiire'l;si - Md.i.isaiii. Ifiktitaill6 6 .lagi,nrnstrangAitetittbetW.cetetbask ,49,4igioithd:Oithe'ties'nf, ida0tett%06,.444 '- 4trtt el>liatiniii #l4 nutlikt:Pa- )ownerto„e#4 l .. „ ,4,5`.. -V i rgi'Mnxt tl Ar (PY avfido*)4a Ifs ifiC.o 1 ) ~,int***citaiOair V llls g was raketti ape-. aiisfigi and tosinl4o - -kgrftiedia. ti1ie.:04 1 04„4 1 .. teen* ticgreaiNguigi may, 44 Ovift-. . ~- 'MAIO 44a48 its; .0* twp rapplips b'aiflogothieel uc.ltgitaiiais itallis arid iide4,4lrid then i.' , • Mel able evening gatinititigs fair all sorts of innocent aitid 4 , THE PEOPLE IS THE LEGITIMATE SOUTiersi AND-THELRAPPINESS OF THE EOPI . M.,TECEPTaI.TE END .01`,.G 1 1 14311DAYi JULY ,19 7 :1:849. M9NTROSE I PENJVA:'Ji sensible enjoyinenttlered, it was muelliderisatif snatchh gup hip liacthe 'stranger,: lalititritig dot en andbetter„ and it was more deligliOd 'et erl I his, care, u-alit'ed-biit of the room: ''• r" way than I can 'tell. " . ' 7 - ... Tlienifigon undid the roll it Ciintained :£3OOOl ..IStirely,neeihnOt say Ithir, glad was Albeit in It stern-heartObarilierr—lbr ',Alf 'bankers irtust - hti his heart,4)lo he listened daily: to the'Prais& of stern- - Murat into tears Thedirint did not 'tiiqaire 0 dear,.gille'd COnsin Atuile,''friiin his affectionate this prop ; but tie - make was ip;n o ble, th a t' even sisters and.,entlinsiastic yonng brothers, and 'even a rhillhinaire eolihotl—he could lint help it.'"llie fivialits thenglithil iitid aftecti*te, mothe.: -. 'Ali, firth is itillintie sifilhe' . firit lo L 011461.— • ' atc: little 11Wileik:#iinitfilxkiithe 'sometinio has Ilse . .tfi 3 Otti4the titinpike biiy Vi non...grOirti smooth "Salling, say iritat - the'i tifilf.'' - into 50me4200,000. - Fortune has well dispoSed of .lt . hoOpend,iliiit Annie'itlis•dopt, m the P:tudY hergiftk-4.Viiiti!r§joiiroor, ' .• '' r a Akf,tiet-ma:ti 'itt thaf thoe, and 'Albert : pri4eutls , , ~, .. • diScoveredilitit',4e reallipust rab'siplihi reeollee. thin; latter After'this, What' 'ep chanted "lung morniiio ? what Cliarining jaw-dis lOcatk lionrs, theY, spent iiV'ef:XltZeite, end Rich er; and lionier, an a - SchePing, and Schlep!, 4-c., Put, the ,time came 'rlicii it. Was ' ati-ad - Witb these ad. fellows ! andilet the heart-We:4l , , ' trirough UP' , pluteYek4,, and `•Utile utiobierre4 pats," 'n poetry iti*ro &Wiens, fill eloquence more subduing. . *, • •. * * ii , • i . ," My dear Albert" said 4iiiie,gorris, now two months a wife, wluitmssosse.d thee to smal l home that enormous orange tree t, I. could scarcely fool room for it in our conservatorv,t ; ~, • ." Ab,Anni,e," he replied , " . .l love the „orange i it is.saered. fruit to me:' " Now what can't thou mean r said the little wife, with some .surprise. Listen to me, ;then, my love; he rejoined.," As by the apple Admit lost his paradis t e, so by the or ange lutve I found mine. What,,still mystified ! All, bless von, and bless all ; crippled ; old „or,inge women, say L" " Ali, Albert r cried Atutie deep', mai smiling through lair tears, as she wound her aruts round the neck of her young husband.„.".did.A thou see that t I was a little a.-hauled at the time, there was so tunny looking at we—but I could. nut help it" " sure yon could not help it ; your hands go about sueli work on their own amount. Help it. incleAti *. , * On tie morning after the little greet incident wag.- the steppinwstone to the happy fortune of .N.lll2rt Morris*, lama -Clum Attrotal was seated in her nstAt graceful attitude on a purple velvet sofa no , t•lotssot. ,err -ame gentleman. There came as ring at the door, and presently t a-ortat4 entered ,bfariug a baeket, a pretty lite% tr64llAFFittl,filiM tritlinturt6, , tmoand a card on ks-Web-vas scritten "'IV/ Jf.". ; ~• The theekvneek, and brow of tholtaughty bmau t-rhecaine crisnion aveho-,thatiheti the significant of fering, to the floor. Izukt winter else Watt ITlMTW.—srell, all the . world faith Slupliad ti large bouse - ke Walnut- street, a Core eraniirir s...ea.t, a tnagnifieet* , c.arringo,itind bet servanteiti sport azighin g -iiverr ichtirt,,luxu rs ant displa y Iblloired; her:. She ls:stilit benuti fill.brillia tit, -iv; ittv, gtty, unti.it; may be liappjr,:beit do not think thilt dret-Pheictattittattaoningejtreeg in her conservatoriea ; • ' .• . it wnq during Are lemic of 1826 that a .gentle man, whom We rhall! hfrl Thompren, 'amy gee etl witht.ntitithifr* of anitentichsil!ilookikiliii•drea ri. bock room. watching :Ids, dialog' raying tawny thccuquais of point& lanlrly. ;woo banker of excellent! credit; there existed. perbap4, in the city of Ittii,loti no rafer concern than that of Thompson ttr t. 10.; but at a moment such as. I speak of, nu rational refits:6.o was admitted, no former stability VMS' looked ; a gvuoral distrust tra:t felt. and every-one rtwnigl banker's, to withdraw his hoard, fearfnl that the next in-mat wonld,be!.too.late. forgetting entiitiv that this step Aram Licit of all v: hers the tinist hkelY to insure, the ruin he sought to avnitt • . Ltue to return. The wealthy - eitizen-sat &homi ly it atchmg the outpouring of his gold, and with a grim smile listening to the clamorous demands on his cludder ; for althouglolie felt perfectly easy and 'earn° tothe ultimate. strength: of his resources, vet he could-lint repress a feeling -of bitterness as lie saw constituent _lifter. vinuttitugtit. real in, !and thaseiwlaorn be fondly invag,intal to- be lila dearest frientit, eagerly asniating in the run upon.his strong baoc - • Presently.the , donr•openecl,:arul a stranger was usiteredini vbo,-a.fter Jain* Cora naananit-at the bewildered trail:en; .eiiolly• cirvir a,ebair,,and üb ruptly eddrcr.ed You will pardon nie, for a,king a stranga question : but. I ion a plain man, and I like to come i..trnight to the point." " ell. it r • impatieurly interrupted the othor. " 1 hurt?: hettrd that you hare a ninon your bank, wour if it true r "Itealh, sir, nmst decline replying to your Yen- extraordinary query: If, howt•ver,. you. have any; money •in the tank, ycm had better at once draw it out, mid so satisfy yourself ; our cashier will , instantly pay and thedianket rose, as a hint for the stranger to . withdraw. ,• . far from it, sir L have- not one sixpence in your hawk." i ' ". Thews:Kw- I-ask:wise: is your .busitmgs Here F “ I wish to know if 'lsmail sum 'would aid you. stt this moment 1" • "34'4 do ;you ask the question r . • " Because if it woultlHl should glatlly pay in Man ' deposit." • i -. • ' The mouor dean_ stared; • - . . -'• You seem ,zurprimdlY you tionliknow my per sontoor my motive. .1'11;qt - mce .explain.- Do you recollect wrap twenty .year ago when you resided in Ewer P I . - • , • t " Perfectly."..:. , • " Well, then, if ir, perhaps, you liav,e sot forgotten the, turnpike gate thp.mgh ;which you pa.yed. &Idyl My:Sather kept. aka g*,,tuld cata ,often Januored °byy a few. aniutate,4 chat ,wilb : ,dna- cittiAttilai, morning my ~„d,i t i a ttehd4l4o toll: bor. ,On that tiay/yu_allo-i4c4 -thmughr.P l 4- ( 1 ,. 'opened the ,gutOor-,Yri .-IP4,Yetkx : 4l l t4 :Itbtf• tay friend. ; . „. Nt i „ailr .4 . few encli ‘ j,nen ,rezlPPlikb,ei:Vic... l ir "it' deeds, but those , who itt . e banefittelliOeta 35400 ,forgatrthem. im perbqmProlix,l* l 4 er r only a few, inotaeni.,4l44 ,have, ; The'hanker began to feel-interested, and'ut,QoFF assented. • 4 [ ' • Welt Said 'heroin, =I .threw open' the I' Vito- Ibr Itsvitud [myailt in duty I 'ekninit'l Wished vowatimOy yton:-;-! tinugulymi; andlthe stile to you: be i 4 a-tilfle In, mai:gib . ; so ft:Aunt. lon [a:kin ine' at fit*it 106110 y I, elvtir aObr44ooll win,not.d..;shaikl ;ditty on [re?eivitigit; Dr kouridualsuil&im I,lone,;ritsilied[itiz.andid4 X Ina' bY;kif.'TO 10 1 tliatjwti]otihhi - countryf -y* , .: l Y62ll.; l ,boareverol yoiiriiroeobrimtptitoodfortOwwith [ [ 7, - I' nlil iforito3ilintiatWily Ault; and o yir eon- sider I owe Alllti . " l3l :rA tarw re twaku. tbatAberO - Was aleati - on yOutboalcr all my cap it a l, a l'abrp t ieit ititolodglithyou, it gin be! of Anyl4se Vberwit , ,-.:.and he haadeil - g. bundle of ,banlmoteis: to the: agtai4. Thompson. uln a few days I'll agaiu r aria The Seri,n!.M4Mig'''Bge.e:. From lixt:llubtuu,.clronotype. ' A soy - of Ellen -.Crittts, • Ina city abowtnite' ehunty s ed miles south of Ma son, and Dixon'a line, • Ella Crafts was held as a shire. •Beenwa! 30,0 find her in ibis degrading con dition, let. it not be understood that she is•a negro,. Ellen 'Crafts, though a slave is white ; or, rather to be strictly eorrects,a hruaette. tille is „now about nineteen or twentT years of age,sand will ,readily pass in airy Circle ,as a dark-color tdwhite'girL— Gfil, dark as Med, are as often !met witlras , three of fiiirer;skins. We. are not desoribittrthe ehief ab - traetiortbf ballirisam, but Kauetling more, when we - say - thrit *taroks, intelligence-and perseveranee are distiriellv and impressively !Marked upon . . her ctiunterienctS: Her hair•is log, 'straight, raid dark . colereit . nose Tirentinent, eves dirk, large and preiive: We are itlitts particular, to show her con nectinn` eith the Anglo-Saen, and to show hoiv little tlieee Is, ofiit feature by which the enslaved raiw are . sp reatlily rect*nized. ; Tn the dity from which Ellen -Lied, 'he• acted as m t Y sawn& or slave to another young woman, >ably her enter!—for ourtnoWletlge-of the Tut , triarthal institntioe leads reitdil and naturally to that info-61er. While in this sittintien she married. It hirer the profit of thenisters thitt evilly marriages should be a law of tnstumi The union Contracted by El lett proved tti be a..,fitippy one. The lictsivind, Haiti—slareA hare 'no right:to other orimei-itas proved himself to he every way worthy of her. liy his industry, and tip. turning nighty Otto dnv. tie con trived to procure etlougi money to pirrehnse a per thin of his time' front the num wliO claimed to oat him. It .!•-•••••‘i 4 4 •••• PrOrarell nifty go-4 wlitat enable() linn, by asAdtions ap pliention,i to lay hy.iinother store,--a larger portion of which; the lions shore,' went to swell the mas ter's . new. and dear-bought pririle.,„ ' 'By dill erf emit and stirring, William coot hived to accumulate - for himself 'and wife, ericitiOt teturehaSie. for each •many little cmnforts and pnr ilegeS. They were thus etuibled toartietiorate their condition; acid were for a time happy. Thoughnot permitted• to see each other oftener than once a week, they had many secret tneethri. • . .Thespe•stailen intertietts - were sweet and precincts. Werelbey net, 10e wbolore the wife of your i affee lietiii . Tlicinlits of itheir condition, their hard lot, mingled' Withi" unavailing regrets' ' luithottt doubt, were the'principte ones exchang4between them. But this condition trey were'eonstrained toendure, obit* jor'fitily, in view of the oreater deprivation MKTi•ruffe;ing , s of their-fellcrty slsees - • Priraeges' like there, howerer were destined to bear their f.ch' harvest.' Thougl.ts of liberty ore never long absent friinthe'slare nrprisviner.• 'Hope beelcons:' &eh `ltiretigir sorest ills. -This teas the gri'.r.it ciilifa CQ het' eell Ellen and-William Lytle !Ong., lone hits .tif the night; that were trot itsherina in, to them, tmothtt day of bondage, the Spirit oi libett7 visited them. .114. t inappronriate to their C011flitt)11 is the exclumn Sion of David: As the heart 'pante% after the water-brooks, so pant eth my soul aftet they, tt God r' It i , A tilt certainthey hare escaped from the city in *Lich they 'were. But whithei &add they, flee ! ithotit place, without means of support, hunted by every sin ve-eatelier. " like a pat ridge-4pm the mountains.° uided 1w enemies, their capture wes cerilthi and stripes, ;el...oration, aticiamtilated woes, Nve.ttlil toil-heir lot. crtividertitiong filled their hearts with sad- But`liberty, everbrightand Intr, bade them hope en. For runny tveeki titer thought over ev ery plan afticape Ituccequ, but could find none. Thev had hearzl Vaguely, to,* the ARyttitiouists of the Nf;rth; but they hia I hi-c.. topre-tinted to them aQ'tnon4ter 7TWPC to :he (bonded thin) the -slave driver Itiin,oll; the'a• }tripes Id& them not that wat tlitl would ing u i t ie exm c erv i l ' ig then]. and arie:dity A-0 Dion . , crai•learne,cl to doter mine their iNxirs6. They , would flee to the Atoll tioniytq. • Th .:star in the easeliad indeed nr*.c.ni. but Low could they follow its glorious path t iThe nearest city to them' was Philadelphia, a distance of Low mites, a weary 'way for fugitives Omni slavery. ; - But atiia forms', e . ery obstacle was to be overcome. Accordingly t eir sleePlug and waking though, tst; were given t find. net the way to the spot where Liberty .dwoltl ! „ The first ob s tacle toibe overcome ulna. to secure the necessary funds for the pmpaseditlight. , ,By double toil, by more thin Miserly saving, a sufficient gIMI was =gaited. They were, for saving, really rid); alid now freedom or death, rather than sla v'ery, was their ],ant hingunw, .1. tie plan adopted diSplitys a degree Of ingenuity, which eximild =those been acquired -*der any .er (Unary cireun]stattces of life. ,ialitar.y confinement or a life of perpetual bondage are themily incen tives which b •n , out nit the lattint.isigenuity of the man. • The thoughts of the captive ato,upen one i t po i nt. . Th e „l e g e , enerer y em l strengt.l of his utind are directed to cane . aim. ~ Let such an na, sec' but the slightest probability of success, tho - , 1 it be but' 'the fainting glimmer, and that faith, vliich - over comes Mountains, lifts the. meant into the araclisehu ,world gain.' That faith secures the bcmlon. • . - - • It was (leaded that !Ellen should •Orsonate an invalid' young man, tinitthat William si ottld. repre sent the whrstuat.• Theiplan. proposed Unsolved tt ;large expmaliture; since young tisetC elo %travel With their servants are supposed to 136 - 1, _rich. , (hut it: secured - this great; this-abounding 'asiXtutiagq.. By this dit'uise they mild take the poldieltighway,. And thumost rarld'conyeyancea. I. 7 44=id.as the very :boldness, the orignialit4 r of the plain *.i' tk.40.0 lobe their.greatclit.sa card, fey who :I'.otilil 1 ..,,,0hk :for a fugifit! , froMpdasery under to hii , of 'c faced, iitlkivmur/4,.purslo4;lii. way Nat'Ai, in (19-44 oficalth,-ationdoil by aiserving , tuan f .. . 1 , -- " ' . ...Et) for .the plia„ . lts..execation ve t s aoit .. the great palm., -CouhttA.climuin inimelrable to the c -.tlameatcher,,Nlaisirsc..ee,t is liku.thc 111 • Buituars • aril wiiiiitlie..hloo*upu.., he,prucuyed f" vert* titaLquestilin.oll2l and William ponder I tlaY•idtl - -Mght,•: v i iititipdpitating hearta.' But, t.l it gpaiat, -which garreptlie,),44 , sehenie birth, *Ai: .i.ft - -'rt!,ip . , ... „ A inXei , einteest -4141- f1r.304a- NY/U l s Igl-. i.gT--P1 .ir -full tur.olup4slm4Fl4,-. -':1 ~ • , • •'''.l . . • ' ' - There wwi no point, hOwgrer..mithic . .t:i.lio'hit: ' lllll nuatkqtra49l4 l g guill ,, 0 - 4 ,,,it W 4 4, /,9! 4 4 4 " t *Jtil 44 ilitiel! (AIL as (*(1 ..0,0W,t99: br .AeVv 6,1 1 4 4 ACidif 4 'OA flea cum '.-llLlP.l:waii.. o *4 ,'.0 1. -1 Yo u ng Wcita; ll 44'l4.o o- aktfajlita;:tha , al LO, gr-4,‘ iwy I* 'giro to : : be ,deitmVeietlat the . - .first, V 40,:b..Y om.nceetato a w ev q r,,,tr l izici,, Mai neets :4 otlitl• 'l5 , 'in , Isar otw,,gaFhool4PP:!jaab° ol6 c:t! ' l *, l • 4 •T truiao3.. I _., •or ~, ci1...1 .- ' - l' : -: ; _: .T . ,..b. 1 But tetheArr ,,,; itse , If.. j 4. slave ca!?n4: ur•-•.t— , 0 suit unquesf il as - 1 *other pen* ~, niay.÷.: t vzpiNKLrsT.n •11 Therefoielexti ...yt 4L utto r pbee l iw4tro cem i n ty" ; -el s e the cherlshetL - heir* ofintatithsi w uli hare/been disc chTerett 4 1 44 et'erhml). e..T)tert,thel PiPit for ",if h'Ope. At arid differene eti;•and - undetatinterouStpreteidi botight;thereq retterticles. -:,The,hat Amery high helilFow a,04 , 4i,‘,"ti,001e14k ry hat.' Ner.t . houglii sea, ivietkoti being put en, proved ," a iviirld foie ilk'," thin di:Wires;no, ko i'eetiiiiiitrts l4- teteirs never fit r The vestiproved - to very long onek . eaviiinglielOti ' the . hipaAnt • .hietrablit;ent; *fall thO go,": typteci4ithitutdetner,dlias the taciocotild' !....battountloveit antr , hide propertion(cif t-Theh;lthejparsbanonalvere of nawtobberak enaioitio and troutty, rtiore - ..es.* obtitinedoaothp • tett this - part of the vrardrohe.;:i4 pair of green eteweierectiretiforthepmliose . -of making : Met lotik bider,-for, when fitted ottin, her now , m, azh , loc,ltedvieetilhrgly her features: tt -be l recogrqzed , bruD4l)erson vhorrytheyini.ig - •nteeri , thateltiew.themPtchileug* 'their j ourtio • . r ~",. • ,- • lieaa:jjireimr tiaihrjhaiing been ' appointed - for. • fileoto! , ' Putt ,dar,.!so fraught ,with all , their,w i* hope*, arrival- , liothing•hiui been omitted. Tato-trunks "4%114 'obtained, suffi ciently iltn!tiena 4...forra young man on hi,: (ravels. NutlifhP taulche Ofiiigtotteri.; As it' became neees -sary to moister tame: at-hotels and, sie a certifi cate for. th% slam • 41theservant raccoiiipailiell young trui-tec,n , bandage and a' Sing n.g' . aim Ix as 41 ii hti - of; whyo ib. She -eatiliftiot read nor write: • Askinrpertinentqtravelers • might riu'u tirmttio elbsely, a convenient equired. poulticing, envehiped her We: l ton] inqui'sitive tea velem-in - tea in their inquiries, sickness, .fatigde .11ml:swelling; would •be -sufikient xlenhPs for not answering: = . • • •.` , having nerved hiqcour z ilyf to the ticket office and fur• ticitee' for " young toaster" anti ify.7 Xo questions were asked ere• obtaiiiA lie fearful und tiangertiuslxwkage Ellen was not Tec- Actin the-ytatrag4 13trellirtg,! which., cheat., ' 'AA yell I N t )1) partigala of traveling and exesm against rt TbnA equippts age t;p, Irvin 4 . tso classed a 4 ' , tirrou myself to `..tilatt and the tickets ti Next morning, 'Was .corn in 0 , -- - ' there, one " conn 7, Along 111 c " SIC for his li lEEE! they de ''flier '; _ - breadth eAelifieg; fail, nor her initnitl ranee - and per.e7 r kTrney,throtigh , tl Left taliiinore for with arisfety and sleep In the " Jim ro s deella it illiom , t4 1 ii?nstet- - it ir,tti hi vnusly. Nick 'at e writing maker 'ten tentiim, lie.rtieeiNit sengers, and 'AA r And Wit from . hin nei:s to his iiii.,:tei'd etil ' Northern . g& eleige'liorid. itfee and awe.. ..: We left William 4 At l, Halle de (rac Willimo ri , maiLled s" I' travel as " big : buip:: iiiiiigh many petits and" fair tit 4 tfot onee'did - Ellen'ti coarse , bl 4 'and unapproachable enda -14.; give. Waif diging.4l4Kir e SIIIVC.St4es, Aite; .the car i Andelphil; Itiliiaiti; .t he witichin,ttiiiictitiiiiiklif - &nil 'to E-row-ear," where he invariably PA Alq!..pn*lnne to Tide. Fithlus r i s . 5 jo -artal*.: .. pntotipi ntn ner r e i slopping,:pt* 'to 's.,ee th - nt : e , Per ti&nffettiordteat etip approbation 'otnatibli , pis . Alirdeil .witb eer,eral.presenta, tor* Ital , t4non.. , his,Apypteid ietiffb wa , : , i;6inted putt t'd sei•- ti&ie - O 114 tri''evidiiiieiv Of the ' 'ort sulaiting batirethi4mster 1; ; -'''' '---i , e - ... ;, ~..5.,, Ai:':leepiug in the " dim .Ccow cot: 11 ) wre the Ferry 'i,-: cro-led, eel log. If.llen Ni-1,.. , calletrorion :' 'chni)go ears. ;But wbet-'e lior.eAwn sge begun to fail and 14:1,.. 'She, ; ,rea•leti t)..• vit•mt, i pr{lt, f.... 0 lic:111 . the imil„nc}ker 1 ,; t : be c ,, mf:..ri,csl i:ntil lbe bag l' 116 i, - bi- - ?tillel.f'"ii-itkihit 'llit . n ,, negloeSed. his -iiirtsteti.l.:We ei:ribe, Elleu' ftyliot, , ,tylleti i 1! , ...1- cOtrs. , ; , ill4 , 1c11: ! liia. on ::•!_;ibbittli.mor-. h clqy of.:te., , :t. - to them, froM ti'll*s ! • What: ttn .OpprOpri joitruey. It -S commenced 1w . v...c.0ti,•-egnently traveled one ' tit1.1 3 1 1, 4a. /toil, Ihrqnglr - the 1.,P1-c.ope.„;‘ , 3, difficult,—;mil to 17,;tlion . 11,1tuip tirte;'s jeltroex 'eOrt-,t-attel serti - sttithictl. nth. 1, :- •• ,' . ' - ;,, ... , ~ : wm. her hie:band, de:pair to svize upo l ,ttioeful tle.-ares. She could relierd " black rticear Arlin will not attempt to. Diu Wab relieved fro '4lny arrived in PI to Owl's day of Itheitibili'and. sii on Wetine,:tlay. and tiro: 48(14R/ mil,. 3 in fu, enquiy.'s country. tilepl far mom- glorio fForh throilei thu ,l llriti:th flevt. ' *Amu • La's..--41 fe-u- ladies of WA - tend iti.the city of fit. r iisit, ,whoa the (000-wing ) oCcurred : .. * • MY Mommt Nrsi lAul met at, the lion*e Louis,. for au ereriii scene and cow-et-sad . ° 'The child of one of old, Was guilty of rut] per ion all oecattions, a ger'o house. - - ZTlie-ntof Trah, rou raust child soon fort; ails to ever,. The "arch, if sni do But nut long after, 'ti lridies; abo4 five fears noisy conduct, very ittipro niticnlarly so at a strap-„ i iiifillidlfiVritacd licit • :go 50,7, ,t the reproof,. and I;ecaitie as. loilQr'firrrity suid-- ,: •-: 'aide, twill imolai, :foie' , ' attals did so again.. Whim et ty veparate _the mother 's IMOsle,mtendh*.to ?item lei absence tha thought_ of the mind Of Sarah the ruo ei- told her Ale might ex -1 turned . her rudeness mid A-voting-1.3040e51' l ' • thlicitutiPi in„ainfer to :4 1131iriitOtheritOt to whit. 1' '. 2, I t irill•dopotoodzrmynto ! •• :,, t ~ . ~. ...„- umteateo tue,aoovecion me ~ -I'l - leanted , a lassntrinini yhtehl shall nevem:forge+ ,tho traiviog.of,, .'sa fluid.fluid.to, Imig, ler never tells hes" , l, , i.. 1 ~ . the Fornpauiy Nyere a' in stepped into n'tiOigli " kir t. eliaitct - 'During "gOits- home readied' t islunent wiiiChi . icr . spect. 'The recollectio thintglitlextments into . eat Obiertingitiluxile 4 6 4' , 4eriAaxat - . ... is ever ininB,l wtll vou?' - lk 0:7 vi il e tSand4 it t h 'ffiPriP 3- YitrA9, l 4eV , 'l4<. writer, \sli 44 d conic L l 9ul.3osldiefsli',* fhb *Ora Ali& child, it,is otortkeveviltiutOi 414 k jt A 'l'k:sr, qr nerd ono of , tliO4kto:Att,, MlOrAmilolli lll l l 4-°A Irish really are more m oot. The contest ran It' pattiqs 4)eitig the, rooner, ;art tnan done. Fbiithis:klon; Mirth of Erin, opparentlylfret 4 h " Oixxl Jay, friend," • • I !.o 4 ',kott (443'. t l i o PlickTi n .4,P104 - 91 rt- , 1 ,411 rd .I,t! Stu Fr oov4 40 , ;/Nrvi* ".s l . l 4tr e4 4o44 l, P f ;, t l ie : o i ne of sgbP ot ". !‘' 3O) Y. 11 0 i 1 6 A XliAli, . 47 .t ~ .1 . 41 d ,L444 .4ti'ki - r , " if%P1Qwq;4: 44 4 1. 40 Wm.!! ; _ ThU dub adiouructi=4 At., teti..geir ner n , ked upon him tOPPing Pte. '3.smgs- of many fiat :6oiel~rfur ttiw - inbliflA '4iitel4. a's a ''6rimit4trarantid, n. • "`ight.giw?f PAYAI I , the 1 A),(l t (Deem ;41,effier . 'the Ibriti'bibei: -. lkoftYdl6l . h or - Meta& and 04: id , it)9:4 ll Mtia.tictikst , •In tuat upplEcct 'No , beHa by , ea.lllo—kastm te4ral the ,bitgri d Vine. of the company . pf til..lll o .rniatr,tp vtr yiiviilg • ,z Tic • i• r;i:e 9Tt`t..) l4 araitilota lie,. • ' :-.,:-: -. :1 ., 1 i, , , - ',,. -,,, 4',,Ti"::i7::',.:,';;-. MIME IMMR=I ~ . .• . 1 ..........,............ •' ' ' - I '". "TY rtanulaiNah:; ..ti.. -.. , , ....L.,.::t....1 - ' Oue Reuben llouz., a! ~IrgiMath..... : . 4 vial abeit 0 0e..th° 14 40 ;i0P514. While' Preiitletit on o of Ida agentiimnikaititkii the mono • judgment .. wateiii4l,-.t•tiaii:' WO SV.thttliftir~A*losifkl taken lo j I, q.}le %tot ciesii&tablettabli f 'this:kind Cpropertj. caaniPtbatteitil*N If# l ., At: thO,Alisetßt.hl9 -0--Ilhefi largeltiraili;iniil foi gie'r4ti of - his:r ferrestlyi4,Th jailqd - '4.54 el ig,W Mated to ldin "that ' General knOw anythiOg• of the e, .. * . Toile 1,,, Pp.:70 1 40 ,kLI higra ": OP * l l4 l ClrelpilStA C. lie-di eo , -:-alittett PliiladelPl ! ' •after'ilie • ..'iat 6 114 city, brou g ht tint -in ',. ' , er; feribisiO.Tii With a Jful •disBuit4i,,„e...,:, iiCtieeicet frOt twat for ..taripg acted, it s •,sae4:a.lralr, ,ltelti!.,}l lilts., consevontly,sept4est_Ao Wlia never iltild iloWn their - 'Wadi - 4* - firsi. preienting • prayere to hiiiitriktlftor: loved . Wsl i bingtote : ProTidimeleatiaile*•. t,,,,,, lalsa: ef, ...0 gr41ef 1 4, 1 Tr. 12 4,' .0 1 5. 1 i*1'4 , 4 Ratiy: enj Yed tbee..ro . q le p . l4sure;o4 to pay Alai money,. wi ,jbe'uttiiiitAiYA gl to I ce gr*::4 l / 1 .1 .W I V-Alirl P.i; el l4Zia°4iliiw i, 4.14,-;ni.il -. 4tged. , „1.1*.r01ip404,ti. : blshfi'lllll3 . V to - the 'fat 4 er 'or liii-OMirY, pii,server.' l•Aheir_pardat;-. 7 cooliflihielfio getl . l and., le ;Gettetal4 to *MAO 44taks toNtunitY •4 10 .gri40f41 - ,K ' .."' 1 - •.!..kgr* loe denied' . , pted the "alone y,Aplit ilivideit a iiongll6l7,ra -l i.jhl&tili j 'irla be 1 di a tt,ty di,p , .I_,-..• .t ..4• - • ; Frtr3O.l-0 IVNTp...:t. ~, ~ • .: '' I' r -7-- - -. 4 It ..a ,;.tans ost.erf:otrisdPr§ delilAe)is r .ineafter- aalli6644prb: -. sliikk'At: -tier,- which ppeareit in i'der 'Ctilitiraisql-fett . ago, ai ha{ ig • been recentlyperpetrate& County of 1 3 tuant. Mr. David• Ross; a ycry ti'-at' prom in .nt eitizertof that CoiiiitY;We , -• 3 ,0 &Italia fa tory oil the. jOconeolivet, , t re,:idence, 4 at 1 / 4 1g- A, , Ilaile, F.,: three:,4Anne t taut, pi ain o'clock (~/4 : Ala* night. ..„...74i1 .4.iiirg' throt4 ' .ti i'A SlN'tilii - -ii:lil IVO( AACIILTOiIe, I 5444 deed with •o'daubl . liarreTetrifiti;bitlii of. soms. persoa. unktiown.!.!;.One•othe claim ogftek iir-tlte heao,f4+4• tlite oilier jni-the•,ktOd.r,, deeetts.e(l.. Ile asswssin ,atoodso,neares.to liis''t - letiniwttli - the*Oer.'. - Ite• cortAiiits_ after a patio t atllaboribog.hrieitiktitkin, rem ,tl,:i4r.dict,:c ..,ing , a,soMof,Mr.....RoariNvith thrf 4 erf, :We :le , fre 2 44;lt."44it e n 0 ,P-Ontur! r of the 'cire.u' .ices Which led to lthis . . a Nil6 - tlid c'xa ninat4cin of dne of ,tho.ira'clifi the' dim WAS healed. " It - 6ppettrediii4- the. decease. was the snbseilliti ‘ Teleqaph ' ins meighl)othoodi.an4itt) • eamumation 't was.tlisc!wre . itthat %leo! • ir4A:totitpk• d of 'piece toni'frdW.4.hat . Acid .ice - I' from another. tiOttatt, that b ey 9f We: • • r from which: ll o ik4d7 . fOusid, in a sh tistg *inch had..bee4t.'nrjei 111;n:on the , ' , o, q (14 iti,iiiiinier'ivas. ,tl s Ili&:piece s'Cimiparittranalitiiii ikriSmiii tofsittisff••th pry thati , thie4a itad'hetri. from the-pa p found la ,Ple shot-bag.- . 'll understand; as one of the strongest 44rfa . that settled s . *ion On,the:yeonq'utttLf• (.9a). A'afge, - e, , rtr§t: Ink : er,ititmsnAtfoe'cip- • dkiewiewhav airisen :and Iluive ,lEioe., Of t 1 is de,sc.ri titl4far(l lll o./eRM 1 4.31. i% siCkties-;., ,:T ll 9 lel;r9Vri PPSar'4,.; lo liay. f) huttjii th 6 nio4: dif'enhtv'e favagei - tufiallai4lt“ hAtAtas 'creel iii4olelY 'kit.' iti relief. It beet tie. ilviter.ti lhtliugitout I.'urope in • , therelftk.ittil: Wry, aid is' 4 . ppp,0.44 to 4lay4-.been,ixoptniedi)j . the ern. , attorg.: lt - has n4l3e9n known in . gnropc since the beginuilq of thgtikiedhil; Vetil.*:. Miii3 Sw i enting t..i,Snoss is suppowd to_insyls, been if intici;_' Tnec4 into Enathtl'hy tilii :arrity \lifeliiiivito*.l it: , tinder ileni'v ibetivelitii. 1 1 It pii*aireilfriniel4B6l ta.ls6l,Lana, iulsonie Tea/: Awing . brie Inontl l :#'. au tuuln,,ua, opal in. iatA„ty . ...to . ' tha,p4 1 . '.,llP,( ll ' l CavAli• m . : l4l 4irai_F4r/so..buttim.ol4* , npmil.red; iii . 6tiiioni4l,laci tWiite4stWfseilitiO,. i , another :- , liitagionit nil',43 , hilktr-TlitniihAttn-'ex:; , hrt . z'perik , d cannot be ItnO*lliere:ognnerclitea' stiik; tihich have, prqivailetrilh,..vai7iow - i , tlegrqo,4,,,fter] at uenFT an 4 t:atjt,liiv at different pezt?ids, lArN i pl , , dysexitor . y, intertiiti' te ror,' ifiNag - 1061',. Atiintrifoi.;: syvhilist,•,..curry, and rickets! Tile fiAttligite , tvtier in,i.:3o, the_tast ili which itast - epifinnue Imo ftriA 41 qoi ItOva* I tYr'tki ill A cl 4 11 44 1 "frOsa, 47 .iq's ito Init. as ,161-9, Intqual 'ft<y 'ai.:-A.: sc;ust ontnryitna . rivg'pts t 'a 'o aro declliSf lint"y' '-.' 6i•TSt'feirili, tonstunption, gout, thi)p..4y, pal; ithihill*ristiss . di-ewes, tease . iucreasetl.—Dunetnic Bully t ltivul ifisc.ellany: "4: , -,-, '.. i. - . - '. , ',:t• , -.1.,i:r. -40.- - - Pioqußsii OF . ralintovmiivr--141.Ottigri-7:41.1ked a, six foot gawkoy, after two,. lie h ura,ol,lirOnoilikt ~. slidt'. aid . yon an& dlid i0:, , 0 lc; dii, WhO,n he, _e a ceratini 'you t" ".(40 - od'airt litidlietied *bat doh you mean, ...laderliail" , : tt W yr .f. , Avoilt w...cnurtiar luiCk;undity -night :, 'l' wept--,,topeoceo,lkicaiithes,w see. Peggy„ and, he old Alll, I didift, know ; lkini to court. - r weed her to- slew- Me 'how, and ileli3i)la Me tti:ni'Myiniini... SdineW r *lint to lam* whit .you and father diti. 7 % ~"- La, Sim li.-.Why,.--Jed, , ,,we ised to set bythe sire and oat mast, tarkAr-and mince., pie% and drink eider,• , ' it watch the - make . rutird' round the birth.' " eed'traciatifiltdhaei ~, c. aint as they weir to was, mo er, • thacc iiirtiii,': I. usu.!! slicked up to kill; and ked tearite•scratap• scliaS, Mid the only thing te„ggygimMe'wailiitaw' cold pickle 1 7 1.. .., _ ' ' ' - J ::• ,...,-,1,1 , 4,:zi , ., , ,-..i' Ws&ii LyxGINATICO te.-4n elderly la ili One' af-e , Nick' :twills . . edited''eaentk - eit tehVict. Williams, to.makO a few t sea ik/Y,ttic3loo%, . lt, appeared to be t ong of al' :ffiy .143%0 siektim: tee, have bad a inami . thi..44; O, arelthi 64144.. ut i iii . 3- , ixoiti She carn;•6n-riiiiv - 16 - - - siiiioiaale; :nuirkikt how cerchgly. iiNitlis,'-hailltidid - # , Ohair, anti scathel, Mlfroatiof, c lui'g ,miulauiuodet.. safe,wherc..slm.o4 .144,,warkpA..*PiaL.ontnei f fiVf; teen Ont l W3ihdli' l ‘ns , aixicw' zi zacaoio . - R16 , . st4thrdiArx'Aiiitill IA juld Ni*iiiii . ' llll *.k il l aiiirtheh, inter feelOcting , hohni Vitals. Sa l ii.r4iiu.' : 46r the* thiitAsta#o;,* kiatoriMws. ftit4l 'l,vioit:,,* a,:-' **filo itkla% "cold tbiy:' A, Glill klietlie ' fife- tomb i Lthefelitoo ~ ksoT:eitypilla WciAit .I Pr t rOni 4 itneq, IS , else tair*lgter - lAA 4 ' , 10 eh* Afav .g . faresoimA,ll. l ) ChAera'aibl vemin was give# nail : ha gukontido tioieAirKedlficello toatukri:4, MCI Lot.. L1.7:1 atic tine e;* ttegel vial- the e -"Otatzei. 444 11 0 166411 ,0 6 : 44 , 31 1 1 :71.1' , thumbto, tktii4b. s ocsitfaitYaerli.t4s 04.4therse34-est.:t -' , ' - i . ,' - • - ii . ' , . , t;,..,,,,,,,)-, t ip t'xii,,,,..L.1.0 oretm, litOti.'4 11 . 0"1101 ' A i t , l , l . 74 4 q , 1 , 00. - ... , . -..r.Al* sciryikeHL — :-Rynivais. ;;;‘ ,..- thit g0ti0nmw.0444,t9 . 9,5, .t..l* nc ,,,,,, ~ t , c , 1 i 1r i4 1 Y.fi1i..,,,,i 5 _T . , , „ 1,,i,,,,,-,-„m.,ha ri Main iinay: I Tti ye liir r se l e iii a ' ,sa ci:J in. l'ife is . ni Prd - elisf: , o o ,. # o , 177 . 4; aaPan-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers