N!c===l m 'DPIPART4-_± AlstightoMive;attle.-1 it.4lity-ii... an 6 ' 6 ' 1";" _ die=iollOwing faiiett Calf-b9AlMertiiinatli , within: Taketstring.putit tumid thelkeast, held/Mee shod* blide ; Mess , **ale thofeet.' the 'Won't is 'a ircalled girth; thew,., wiih lime of the tia 'wh*; t444.4te11e0 or 0 10.4ttoe* „ ; Alit bipkit tha &e.part,of take theolimensions en the foot is the lesagthl• and warit the. following fir: Girth of the bul ; lengthi feet 4Mclunillidk r,--inalte squires =auperfielaln (tiplied<bj.3B { the 'number 3 1 ` , clic "pergola: I Not of Mali ; 'anti , More theaniMil • se 1141 mot ,44 1 11tri girth; 0 1 4 9 1 r, ,-aionid-inessitro-two lee( in 4-1116 which:lindtiplisd ..oquire_feet; dist multiplied by - 11. possmirilkmednich agnate foot of ;It Iselin girth, Maims 44 _jiesifiialiimp,Abc.,, should ioolilS iiirgirtb,and t fatilina.ins -aurae& itipther makes liudtipliedly If', the nimbi p( the in at* IlrviOnd 4 12 .Z .5 _ 8 , 16 44 111 .1 11 akgs 26b poimde leAdth'of * O )4 , Crais:*lrim,maY be knmsianFT EltanrePord4ti°ll" • ilia will atanier exactly Adalting the ofi:0, end which every geia bit *,chalk can easily preform. = ' The Camillo: „held al the 7tli tilt ; the air #tti-istadeet of seine interesting remarks ` - Of which we Publish from tbeininiltes. Worthy president will persevere in his shallhaveklisaireted a Team 1 . /Buie:alnog to the enitiration stated that his attention hid been iaticait rsuommendations of reme d ies• of -tbe ravages of j) Cureidio,..one, pests of the orchard in that "‘ insect invariably takes , nectarines, and plums,, and even peaches. He 'very practicable propOsed ►Caithimself the present were ai:nong those sugges- O sheets under the trees, and tapping and 'Windom with a mallet, the insects -irdi the .beets, and may be caught earl : this is belietMd to be a perfectly effectual, l , thomblaborixot practice; it must be pursued erery morning for two or three weeks from the time tho tn"' •,t. , their flowers. He presented a vial coo l tiff*: rdsty.. ; rine of the insects, which he caught fri*,. i - Aliar*Atreet on* maiming, of the sth of Punt aPrirrte being nearly of the size or — . i • . *ICSka lighted candle under the tree, for two .t hee lours in the evening , in a tub or b&x 1- - - iWbtt' inside. and tarring at the bottom an !-inicez - tiroOf Water. i. ~.'• itOdagoldiranhooptkcir pieces of irenin tiok, los. of tlie teen He had teen at his motheit:' „ ~, „ .... '-‘44 fat a Glenn Gage tree haring an kin: : - entivined among . its branches, and. front 1 $ amp of fruit was always obtained, wbilet i *64, Of . tther, plum trees nearby, 'without thei [ i!***4 l2 atrgea; Dr. S. had Pleaticeed‘ta.hrn 1 fi"4lli - jitziWke4kin with the subject, which, led hint , iltil ' wit some potent effect was attributable to .ti ;#,1. 1 - 1 ,3 r -he IrortilY of a trial. , . • ' I •1K , `iiiiiitthi - roly be fencedinitbY atightboard' aiithl ' : taatiinthillk Alfentletaannnt o 9glainn4. ' . 'perfectly . Zwith his, but he also paves the :Witt tlants his trees,in dwarf, six feet apart`' ~*:, - ' a coal or salt the trees. This sir : "ied s to be ineffeetoal, as he had pertly tried'] ' " - Obtitut iz i , • :: , SWMA 1 t '.:.42-Z * ': - .. , _Au; ground , under the - trees with' r,14;,,, 1114 he' bad it &d m) good. ' ~-,fv. : %'.;:.,: bottles of sweetened water in the ';.*:-, •• ,' , •,, 1 the trees with the frimes oflak i: 1 ..: 1 1:1•#. Washing the trees, andieven the fruit frith :,,- . 47,' '' ' leisocticin-of tobacco and Whale - Oil r 1 ' - wil baie no effcct. ,.. ' , g11:' Swine and poultry; running daily among the .-the'ruit iteasin.aria'-peratanent tut 21zaill-'''lsn.'.' - wati ultimately d rive orgy orAistroy ~'ol. l e :_.',. ,l'he poultry, hoWever, are not a lone .Otiflibiept. -13,ixr• Sr,- the ...bTlt. eLterrahnttn* by d4iiiittiiiii lityst Otibetturectlin the Inii4, a.it .,riaol,ilius: *tat will amid *ties unfavorable to '. tlitiSkrtatieHof iteiraithil into; ,thagnni ' id. - :if' : ''''..:- -'' g 3 4 l ,tain :,Posen nahk ha 1;14 tneikliVrse manure :aargaskliitbout any effect. [He -was inclined-to _,it= . ... 5z.,_ , ..,.„..i..:" , ..,. -,..:.. ..., =.: , ',.•••1 - eistililtrtirW said, that [ ii - Mr.. - Sric - e : , 4*, iriiip,t'Vff iimi:-i4,4'i*"iyia g ::11 . :*'''' 1 eillifilicol givao l 4 l ,Pluik . ireet 4 . • i . - I 2 1 . I l i r . l . l '*; t h ilt-4 witimo 'aroma t h e, 1 tokl, .•:ii !rnalic*ittlf,r!'"4.Prie4 intleatia itittr. V. _.4:7. 4,-, f;.7i.:...;.;. 4: 1 1 ikl4l lo Fl l o l l 4 ,t , the moot' W 0144 /lot attack I S . 1 1 11601 0 111 A irI O ' akisdigkall &quint litelk;t! 1..t, , _,,5 4 .4 4 .-- f -t., , ,•.,1*.--4:. , ...: - .::.":----.-• - - •-- • t-• - ' I : - - -4 1 3- `-_ -- t ab _ _ , ' Yie.7-110411rairrosal—MnieitW.crides to; ' ''''''' '''' 44 - 10 .4 (*portiA lri t i4-6-4, icio:y.* f - iii,e44lldlictilATketAiiiiiitidil-4 J-4 - ::: ,. ::::::7ilinit 7 , !F7 . :%looliAlsiti ii - vv, I.lloPhit -, ="')Fiiii!, - .4e, ?: -- illie4 , l* ' --1 0_ 1 4 - AitialtA* l 4, l ** -- 0 4,41 Wi '''11.1.141-11WW701,818,114011tAirebinsmi- ; -1- 4., - - •. , 4iirk — le 4 t *villa - 0 ilhatiligr' „:7-„ 4 , ...6,4ete.0rrigt - ,--4.-;',..i4%. - 4 • , 1 , - -,,,,,:...- • . • . - • , '• 44 , . , 7- ': '..•:-.. ir .. u ... Wi4i = .44101114,101011111eiW. abeetktof the St. Louis This was believed to .'tats for. 16 , ,1140* Merrill d< Close' aka z,t lust been 'received C,t ‘ veriatyhf new BOolia;' - iaitto47, - which are • ' l4l *lr.l:poß e Nhurv ; • Aide* * , miiiill7; ! - 11U1Wpritiime,hy Itei4;llanhton, .! ... rs ; 4 444: Bibles —s valusblB article ' 141 4 4- rs44B.ilg.oi - jnioi el to $ 6 , ---- WitteeDiii* by, lint pigkotrney,_ 7, . • !: ' ``lbit'Aititileitelestiii.Book • , • Leibies Agricultural Chemistry. BMWs Fan* - VhiiiiimieFiiii - 04turieit, - COnifgOtillaidener and Florist, • • ! Sequel to the Myiteries and Miseries of N. ;York. CoMinon School Spoaker,l • mid Meader, • : Oiiek Grammar ,' • • Davies" - do. I , ' • Macoulev's History !of Wand, 25 cent edition. B~ngtvlton'e Complete Fitmer and ,Morse Doctor, bah ~ gglisten 6 41 i Te*ROmediesi- , • ReadyAt 4 PlE°6-4; . ..,Bear's*ritisrhirDeteriptiou of the united States. • " Wonders of the World. , do . Treasury Of Mcarwledge, • lEstory of the Amer.. Rey4tioa. ' 1 Sunday Book, • • A lam assortment of Btaxic Boosts of almcist er • eVeser . tptidi,ii t o size and shape. ' • titbit; IVraptting, Post Otfcce, and Letter Pa .per,_ Vthetukeor *tam. • • ' I,lk. Plain and Fancy Envelopes,Firehoard Paper s 4 ' ' ALSO,, • A good asiloviment of Fashionabie Fir, Silk Leg , horn' ,and HATS, i just from the city.— Likeirire. CA di variety', Tsui,--Snudl profits, and ready pay or 'short criecttir:' - • ' GEO: FULLER. Bloutrose, - May,tl, 1849. , ' . Colton% Premiain Bee Hive. • 0 . 4 art cektircirlfew refs decided to be the bestnive in use, by these who have used it, and by the' most experienced bee-keepers. It has threeßmtectionseigainst,the bee moth :-1-114, the. bottom is /eon, so that the egg will not hatch under it; 2d, it is so 000structed that the worm cannot crawl above the bottom box, if the egg ehoul,d`hatCh. the room can tv, increased Or di minished, by removing the drawers arranged'upon the sides, and turmoil° bees - in upon the centre, sufficient to keep the comb covered with the bees alltheougit the season, and the bees will protect the comb fromithe miller. This can be used for a swarming or a non scuttling Aire.. • It Is perfectly simple iu its . ennstrurtionrosit vtraslia. ta..e..sseepte,ay...ul.-tor ell to work at the same time, so that they will never lay nut on the outside of the hire.' • The bees will increase 'one third more in this 'than in the other kinds, and make twice the amount of honer. . • The Old comb can be removed at any time u-ith nifety,ty.taking out the separate drawers or box s in which it la contained, without disturbing the work of-thO bees below. The subscribers having purelia:ed" the right for this valuable improvement for Susquehanna county, Offer for-sale inditidual and township rights. A Model of this truly ingenious eontritanre may be seen at the store of J. Ethridge in Ahnitrose, who ycill -explain: its advantagey' and ig authorized to Make Contracts for the.soe of rights.: • WA FAIIiADLEY It GO Great Bentl,May 9, 1849:- Notice IS hereby 'given of the Dissolution of Dayton, Clark; Co's PartnerAtip in the Railroad, Preight tt Commission busine&t, by the retirement of William Dayton from the said - Contpany. Great Bend, Apnl, 1849. WM. DAYTON. W u -Mite* Cnkaat Pterotm," for diseases of the Lungs, $n article of great merit'; and is high ly recommended by inen of eminence in the medi ; cal profession. There' is no quackery about k See ' advertisement in andther column: A. TURRELL, Agent Montrose. :Dlisotuition. 3, THE heretofore existing between _these ler* tinder the firm of Mack .k Rng erx;in-the. e• • innines.s, vitt dissolved t • the 12th inst The - books of the firm are is the • .ds of-R,H. lingers, and all I.havbig Wed: - wre requested to call - and !settle: e. t delay. - • •- ; %JONAS MACK, Montitgai.l4,:lB49. ' E. ILI ROGERS. E. IL., RS 'win cantinue the', business of Carriage kingr in all its branches , at the old , stand lately ossit*ied by Mack ak Rogers. 7,lll**,,liiitiand ;Cap - Stare. rEpiiiri'OClitentrth-e- and vieinity are re-' ~c s IT:jammed that the sulk:et-Own' have cOmmenC4-t the manufacture of Hats and Caps, two doirs bei the Farmer's Store, where they keep cinstantlt on Lind and for sale a ge.neral,nort meat of . ..Mai am( prps of every variety anti:price. MI wlai 1941 to purchase alfirst Intel article in ear hie; areyprtmahtrl_ , y invited to give at a . call before purebasingiellieWhere, Ouristock coexi sts of Bea ver, Nntri4 Brtish,,Moleskm, Silk, Muskrat and Coney,Hats; ahic%Palifemia, , Sporti Wool, Leg,- howStra•Sland.Palelleaf Hats, 417.C.fkr, besides a great variety of Men and Boys'Cloth and Glazed- Caps, chililitutlaney .do.,.,eci de.--in Short, la large assortmeigtolalstarst every article in our line: By a sirict attention to business and a desire to please, we "lope to - merit and receive a liberal sup port,lT and ' 'those - ip want 'of 'Hats and Caps that everl ffort Will be made to get up the neat est-'and kind of an article. ' May 1;' 849. ELDItED ti. NEWCOMB. .. . °reel's); Wangs &sum!, and a 4trgeaerianalatiagl ' I Cash F'nuL I.E undersigned, having been duly apfxiinted nn Agent of the above Company, would .re spectfully tall the attention of - the _public to the numerous advantages this Company have over all other institutions of the kind. They insure none but the infestkinds of (being a Farmer's Company,} and take no risks over 02000. Their policies are made on fair and equitable principles, giting the insumd - nn equal chance with the Com piny, being entitled to the full amount of danuges not exceeding the amount insured, without deduct- iv' , one third, as is customary with some other com- 1 , panes, They are prohibited by their By-Laws in suring in blocks or exposed parts of villages, .or &dm' taking rislut upon any kind of ' Milk Shops, or Machinery, that are considered hazardous; are, responsible for the correctness of all surveys made by their A p oenti -rtirree to arbitrate all matters of difference m the • 1 county where the loss happens and give the insu "r Neiresiods midi New Prices. red the privilege of . withdrawing ., at ally time by IBURRlTThaajust rikeived his general sup- ! 'S' 'pliikottyrbig and Summer Goockleompn- 1 paving his li"Ortion 4- theio - s0 30in - d.hia l sislicy l .. ll,' ii,,,,,,,,,,,..„„,,-„ ith - sssortoient , o f imint.,.., prin ted ! 14 m force. Every loss sustained. by its-mem/ON' l a ', n n,,f g inib i. n s ; &a fl o a t& li nen 1,14, e - g :4 - , - d. -- ,,0,.. 1 has been settled to the satisfaction of the ebdinant er ladies' .;tress • goods. Rich printed CaChernere i and paid before it was due; and the rapid increase avid other . , turner ,shandad Men's Simmer wear, 1 of Inainess i 4 the strongest evidence to prove that broad eru 4,,' NO cvnimetes, Kentucky jeans, 4 the pireetem in 'making this a mutual beuefit,havc hiCeAcli die., and alaal idi: naaatkrge Variety ' bt ' eri fullY appreciated S t _ of roods, fir _a/most every Irma A. trad k i in the i All - bratiness entrusted tO me isr'ill be promptly ,sgent, for susg ß uithanna PATlt coun lCK, t ; coun'ir - finithicitile wont invite the attc6tion of attended t°;" , entli, Vigni4norn ifkl4ation*riact INF WI , eel& as zeheap,hs Mei than the cheap* tor,_ _caehipooduce - - ' 1 Credit:. 1 ' Kew RCP I .' ne. • ... ....--,.. r .... t ? ~-o')ls t rl d 7.,- j __ • .--,z,-, /1_12 1 ,4- g q i n . 144 siste.l .- - .-.' - ~ near Ilse fades of Snake 'Creek tailing 104 .. tO of which is imp6ved land, with .i.,' ~,,. ~ 'house, katied Ism and saw mill, wi., ..,:. . - . `iviaßripp , wei. For luriher particu lars, . , Itsk- l ''" - !WILLIAM WINN. . 14,',.‘. ° Val - . l. .l. 1 A . i _C, ''':_.riPtillit_liii. .. A iiii assort:mato' Bmg.hs of the tricot sip-' - .4 . 7 X..kf w o i , pal/anis cillbedroseiutii - Etibibuntimi; + - r-,.... and yestings, l just .received and for i inillAt .?. .- ; mew,* • j - H. 1193 . rrr. -.. i sow . ' ' '4l '' 40311149: 4- ':'', '-' - ‘ullif % GOO I " wide Colinty ri,o - $ 1 . - ~..,, .., 1 _ , - ~..„___, 0wi.44 25; „. - :17 .= %. ~; `1 - :-,,-.. _ - 7 1 ' I viutzws,i:- ~ .' , -'.s4ll:tbior Seed, pr ' Ude. . t-, ... ,7. ... s'. IS , .4:-.,e,t... V.•':;:;--'r...- -- ”; '.-- --r 'lLp fgs, -7 - , i . , ~, - 8 isle by 4 -:z : - - - ti. --t:,,- , '‘ '-li .4 1-,... , .. ,ca- , as Caiii.-.. ,t, itii,_4, - - 1 . , '-:- • ' '' - *PSFAir's • .„.. • • • 1 ~,,sith....•••l•A E.--- • .... i , - _. _ . MffMM Jritij~etal, Tievort: establishld himself in this Yillagq, :and kW.* I emplo - yed atOrienced Worknien; the subscriber-Would give notice that he iipreparo to do all kinds of house. and sign r painting; pipe!, gritil4B, and wiage piuntvs, - . gild* • 63 * etc, all of will be dam, oh - abort noti. • and in the best :styles Jobs hire the Country • romptly• attended te.— Shop over J. T. litircharcr-Csnr E shop, a few doors l east of Wartfer's 'Hotel us. , Mentreel, April ik 1849, DA L CLARK. • ' Nesst Goa* Again. ! 'FUER receiving another la and splendid stock oof LOrjr/ckid4 Gieceridi; ' Siddle l lr, Tr* lfails,•Creckety, Bonnets. Ribboms, Flnweri, Ckoverik Timothv. seed; Codfish , ds Mackerel, Boots fir Shoes, Palm. Leghorn & Straw Hats, Fur itSilk.l Hats, spring Mut summer styles, Glass, Window Sash, Lamp, Linsteed & Tanners Oil, White 41r Red Lead Ac. dc.., cheaper than the cheapest at Mont : rose & Springville. April 25, 1849, New fiteiie and New Goods. TIM undersigned have entered intq copartner ship in the above business, and have just re turned from New York with an entire new stock of goods,.comprising nearly every article usually call ed for in a count & store. All of which are of a firstrate quality, !Ind will be sold for ready pal' or approved credit, as low , as can be bought nut 'side of New York ' DAVID SUMMERS, Sammeravalle,'n2& TRACY HAYDEN. 'Gold this side of California: TO SI SAVED ST 'MAMBO MIA! Grocery, Confectionary and Oyster Saloon. THE railroad being completed, I now have, and 1 keep a general asts.watznent of cheap —cuch.a.s sugars) molasses, rice, ce and teas, of prices and quality such as will please. Also; nuts, raisins, candy and all kinds of fruit the market can furnish my buyers to suit. ALlo, fresh clanis and oysters received hi the shell, fresh fish too, this weather—they keep very well—l shall get by the railroad a Weekly supply—to please all my custo mers' tastes I shill try. Good oysters on imnd.by the keg or the dish—served up either raw or cook— ed, as you wish. ' All .needed refreshments preps-. red at a wink—call in, all ye himgry, and plank crown_the chink. ' W3L F. BRADLEY. Great Bend, Feb. 13. I:i1rr!I rrr L 1 Tao* anconamomc. r,FLE subscribers having completed their arrange ments are now. ready to receive all kinds of produce at the railroad depot iu Binghamton and forward it to, New York and make sale of the same. Capt. William Clark (who - has bad a number of years experience an the. sale of Fmoduco in the New York market) will attend to -the sale of all prop erty entrusted to our care, which will enable per sona forwarding by this company always to recover Our charges over the regular eight - warise-V small Crornmissioq for sales. The returns will be paid at the store of tr. M. Stowers in Bin,ghamtcin, or in New York if requi red. U. M. STOWERS, WM. CLARK, R. F. JUDSON. 2---6 m Binghamton, Jan. 1,.18-lil First. Arrival. Spring and &warner Goods for 1149. LL who are to of purchasing new goods L. are invited to call and examine' the large and splendid lot of pktin, carnation and stripe silks, plain alpacdas, andlain and figured do lames, a Barge variety of ginghaysand lawns of all descriptions, a large stock of hosiery, linens, handkerchiefs and shoes, diapers, counterpains, laces and edgings, white goods, blue, and green gauze veils, barieges, fine , muslins and Irish linens, a large variety of cal icoes and furniture prints, battings, cotton yarns, carpet warps and table spreads, some beautiful goods for ladies' sacks, cambric, white, colored and black kid gloves, gent's kid gloves, linen and silk pocket handk'fs and cravats, summer cloths, ink, steel pens, holders and wafers, 73 ps. cloths, &lasi niter&s, tweeds and satinetts, satin, silk, wonepd and velvet resting , s, Napoleon cord, suspender,:, boots and •Ahoes, brown linens, checks, flannels and bleach ed muslin,. A large supply of sumiher goods, bonnet satins, and tatfata ribbons, a beautiful stock ladies and mines bonnets, spring and summer fash ions of every style, unusually low, good molasses for as per gallon,: sugars 16 pounds for $l,, fall Rivet nails for S cents,, clover end -timothy seeds, good heavy- sheetings for 61 cents Slvee - tis: iron, nail rods, spring!steel, bawd iron, tire iron, Found,. and . Sitiate bars,the idunkpos-t and best teat s town More bf that cheap tobacco, wheat and buck wheat float, codfiskind coffees, white Sugars, sperm and tallow candles, l ' Window sash and glass, axes, steel shovels and dung forks, etc. etc. ' All of which Will be sold at a small advance for cash, produce or appmved'credit„'at Springville or *intro:v. , LATAROP k SALISIWRY. WASTiTNGTI).X 0:1311'.1 X AT INFLUENZA - .4,ND CO24I7MPTIOA It' is hiao(4.4 matiktoy truth }fiat thousands . fall irk finis to 'cfesumption every( yeat from no MIK ey ilium° than neglected colds; set we find bun-'' nayOliousamlif, whotreat , such comp** with the greateirt indifference, , let them Tun im far rweeks,andi even months, al , thinking of the is pgigt. 1' At Britt yorti. have hat you amulet aa • t cough or cold ; busineT,ldeit saie,.pecnrelessikettoprOent ` on from :Writ - tend*. t en, "Nes 7 61 **- 2b► e 4,10 ; becciaki hwir*lisia poop in. , side" , * elantox-: rfeciotatc,larmuantitigi 09 1 9 6 '!o,Rf .eor mooti*diffictiltilif erumemind . thelar. .arailifiahe,:gthed44ll i4).4t1901*, Walk Veirftned `tine;*lWt trifle *Of ma:: «Akar 'traiitliralypiukck :ric44.*:.typti lii*lfied:t - liniddrOlo4lo:4lw,o or ttitk mous: remedt - .oe. vtaptutirilfsrbittiqiast*Oakeiire sm...l4 l l)*S' a._ t ma yh l 4 l o 6 ,. taYe LIV . 0 60 , Virthic1►4rto. T or , fiXbil IATHROP & SALISBURY. Mid Fite: Fire! anArcti.r.F; r has 'en laid have bestoWed uplin , it imqua li ficd p • as an articld,Oraii irxcellence and.ouelbetter eaten ted to care all - formi of I.tilinottary - disease,, than ' y other retnOy *Own. ' ' .',. : I' :.' • R thin following testimony and ,indg.o - eaten fully - rom it-4t ii from men of known respecta bility, not front persons of 'whom you !bar& never befor heiiid, • j Dr J. V. ifimith,!,Siimiitt!of the Pori of Bo'fttc",. Say ! "It gives iiie tiffiiiurii to, speak with apprii-. bati of such a Medicine it; ia!here' offered to the public. If any prepanition.-cAn subdue diseristti ,of the filings, Cherry - Pectoral can do it," - ' TAO Editor gale LOridoit Led*et says: We can speak With confidence of its intrinsic merit. 1 Dr.l Perkins, thesenenilie President of Castleton Medical College considers it a composition of race and all disc excellence for the moat formidable type of d'al*se 1 7 1 ( 1 , 4 = Piain in min Climate—Consumption: - ' •! ' ; ste_pacii t' ' Pre' Clerielcmd,iof Bothdoirt! Cbliit4, Write.:-L.• • MOW I have witnessed the, effects of your Cherry Neto - t itTeiiis - onl• nd in Iru3,- own family, and that of My friends, !and it may be h. it hasiqiven great satisfactiottiritmisesof bothedults bladder% let and 61.,lzdren. - ; i - named di I" ertrini Mby the ald . o ott; N. D.; Prete. .0j: Surgiry, .It r ew will oulmilde: York , *ty, says :•-1t gives me Pleasure to eAtity larti ag. des; A in raver of this beautiful and truly invaluable rem- : • - - ... edy in diseases of t e Langs. '- • Andrew Comb*, It .11, P. R. S. Physician Sltra ordimarylo the Owen of ikot /and, . writes : , -;This new leclico Chemical adds another proof that the scien&s and arts are 'rapidlYadVancmg in Attierie* The Rt. Rev. Lord Bishop of Neu! Poundland writes in a letter to his friend, who was fast sink ing under the affection of the Lungs —Tr the Cherry, Pectoral and if any medicine can give! you relief with the blessing of God that will. • 1 " 21he ,Canadian Journal of Medical • Sei4nee," stated trust "the prevailing 'Astittna of this inclem ent climate has yielded•with surprising rapidity ite Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, and we cannot too strengly recommend this skillful preparation to the Profes sion and public generally." i The distinguished Prof. Harer,• of the American College of Medicine, says, in the lecture befoie his clan This ale t coin= by. an e ' inert reme fi r iga w irnW n 4 l 4ol - 21rtnfr= i PcW un tie.. By i skillful use, vou can rely upon curin , and often with surpriArig rapidity, the most violent and dang roes attacks of pulmonary disease." _lf here is any value in the judgment of the wise, here is a remedy on whisk the :public , can depend. Pr p ared by ,C. ;AYER, Lowell, Mass., and sold y ABEL TURRELL, Druggist Mont rose, ' April, 26, 1849: I New finny Line et Stages Between ifmarosP and Great- Brnd: FOUR horse stage will leave Montrose every X morning, (Sundays excepted) for Great Bend arriving in time to take the railroad cars, and ena bling, passengers to reaph New York the same ei'er; Returning, leaTe Great Bend on the arrival of the cars from NeW York. Careful and accommodating drivers and first rate teams are employed on this route—:will the prnpri etorsqledge theniselves to use every exottion to make thew line plasant and expeditious. ' • . For seats apply at Searle's Hotel, in Montrose. - A449I I GAN di CO. Daytaii Clark, acta ---- 17 - , 7 Railroad Freightland Conimbisiort liinefio* Grenl , Brnd.. I ' RE subscribers having ,completed' their jar . 7, .mingemants, are now ready to receiv e kinds of produce at the railroad depot in Great Bend, and forward it to New York tmci, make ikaleft, . u. , b oft — mune. ' li ' ' , . e' 4 ; C, t. Win, Clark (Clio has had, a, number, of, ve. . experience in the sale of produce in the,New' 1 3; 'Yor market) will attend to 'the 'sale of all prop. erty ntitisted to our care, which will enable per- . sous mu l ling. by -,tbi,s. company:. always to receive: the ' hest market price fur, their produce. .:,, .0 charge. over over the regular freight. will. be 'al smal commission for sale. . The returns will be paid at - thc• store of Nirm.l Dayton in Great'liend or in New York if required:, Witl. DAY'I'QN, . . , W.M. CLARK, , IL F. JUDSON., . 1 Gileat Bend,j2g 4.. .. 1 Village Lots lerSale. ~ ,t:. 'I TE subscriber offers , lots for sale in the town- 1 ship of Great Bend in the village of Green rillland directlyFoppmtn .tiki- Ai llage ..bf Gi ea t,. Ben located nn the Depot of, the New York sitai t Eripirailmad, and the Great Bend and Cochectore part ?* Turnp&e, in the valley, of the Su: hamsriver.l The railroad craving the said turn e, thence taro. mug in a curved line nearly el with the vitae at the. distance of a few hundred feetrwithtlhod grounds gradiudly . rising above railroad and. turn, Fe pike overlooking . river and the beautiful vats ley, Compared. von its healthy climate, renders it, i a trust desirable location for "building pur4os4-- , The depiot grout:of the railroad company beim; I locattql in the-ceil illr'of nrich and eittensive tart ' cultural district, ie r unding it on every side with it its ninny roads 7 -ceMerin in,And'all ntheradvanta, des combined; affitni every advantage to a"busihes4 roop4ttion, ' • . , ' ' • -' • 1 ..' t ..du Extensive W f xter Power ' .1' can be brought from the":susquelianna riVer,i ad;• joining the depot - krounds of the said rail r6141,i, auf , ' ficient for the erection of ail' numufacturing &Alb ; lishthent% ig PAY 11010400 0PRoBlifed• _o . ° l 4l ll end; Agi - Y.l r PrE •; - . , Pill4:44olllectfulli grifilan 4.i,,thettfriendaotrktbe,- pnWia -thittE) 1 7d f partnershii nktlie•Tannii4,:,Ctnrymg and S mahmg .Intitioens.- . They flatter themselves that by strict attention to business to merit a share of blic patr011110.14: i" i''' -• t;;; .C , h ';;; : •• , t ; % 1....f.,;.%,---: • .I i WM.'B. - lANDRICK, - . • j ,.. :- Di -'1 i' MERW-, T.-H.IIORK! cq . $. - - Val lage i 'al ti , , ,-.1. - !. ,?-. 1 , . , ..,1 1. -: ii :I - ' myself Of:this." , . .'..l,loltrtintiy' tIY °V till mi. old ' ors fiat Ltd f leitture an inaiedatn sett einatap-taktin time - P* ,--pirtnership.l I linpn iirindelitylwiyond the first of May. - 1 ; [ • .;,., Midi 13.',.7HANDMICIMO --1- w 6_, . . i it. • • • ..9t,' I. iriA ,I ie - .- 'Os- ,-- . firop t, ' Ak : . P , e, ant flulei' Asp, clo , - - jutpAy3 , iitty , :t 4 efteoortm& Ke 4 ' O tiding a n at!'sfoc Cof ; sr, : i , , -,Fre4l.-lioe,•lawn 4 41c.,1 , • , .yV;ribboot,l , - '4 4 4jetijeejW 4 4 6 ,4 • ' 414-4 * . a n d c 2:O..M T T - 9- 1.1, , which 0041ibtOit''' **"I"TT-4411:' G. a tilluptuvra • • e Lithostripde7 , lltitureji Itted n utedr ii,:coustantly.,lntreasitiLtts - tnany . cu,resit Is niuking t - oysttErt WO RLD t o e omm it id ib ediiiie. '• ' ! . 11110PNIti na standing,. -Sec Passpad k jertabhaway.-= frightaill 411 CHOW**, and the slow and; gm of ttkougniiy, *team; Ike nistiailkii Verideilithe patieut' utterly 1131111 NA dimming teatimes. ,•• •-.; • iimiTarrarcuitanue,- to this Mineity-;-arut Physicians omit pub,: tely with perfectsuccess, ,Let any•ohewitio•• syniptoin of Dmpsy, of any cluinicter, - lety - them and - lf they would'avoid'thswait , CATION OF THE 'RACEME argon -sad let Me socimaidala.milerAir till up again, andllually sail is a dreadjal • just etc this remedy In season; add a le, - let them try It at any stagd ofthis dhease,' certain. if,they will give iva Air trial., ,•. GOIAITEL4 • - 'Pr thei:littnari Orgailk; fOr : these distress-, Vegeto Toby It has now Is ptaUtuis Ai sager oft ler Of hair Thiadiaease dreadful ;01; degree' w Ic bees one of 1 I It now Fle es liely and pri has ever h ' keep this nignra. APPL to peerage um, only death, let the unary 12, op' and a cure : it seas& alms t• po all& irticie caillr,lleire,: cities - testified to wfil"etttivinte - the - roc* -- ! sulfa milria_painful ecomplabit.amd-Stirrz Cure. You, may aiik you haye gravel when.. [ nfkunniation=there - May be talent l'and'yel - - • (Hy , fantretlit - may - . even , be Wolin:. itf, tilt , : II you . arelute of a' cure :in ail but? the:list ,And ,if stone _An the.bl.l4LlC T , dOes.COV's this medicine nil in dannnation e:auliettbk it and unlesstho formation•iintyeanr stand. , ' , fis diasolved. and ,brought away licjina:, I wages of this disease has teen.eured.try this , e ertkelrat'fitedical ' lion' to fie Stet* `iir 4 ! awed, of eraoll ,by - this , -**Miciiiso - see‘ INTER .00111IPLAINTe t . ... ~: ::: inixture:. Oi Nis York iv Paimphift.. lie. Bilidiu•,Dimases--.To:the Great ,wheirer.thew c1,pr,P 1 4: 1 . 1 t 3 pFcyAil Fever . medicine is • . O 11INERAVAGENT' , eimpoisid is &rare Of air inithrsi, it Curti ' 1 with certainty araceierity, , and does 'not See PisisphteL tly does this mixture act lo.this. disease, that . mire IS'made. All other remedies" aria now htgreat vegetable preparatibtr, sills,. (for it. . heinous mineral, which lathe basis of all .. gue and remedies,), . , EDY AND EFFtCTUAL, ~.• healing I medieine„ and is . daily : Curing its 'he secret of its re-building the entire eon t it is compounded of '4 distinct vegetable. clr root, a reuiedt distinct by itself. . . • 19LLEes .f a moat painful character, is , 1 311 ,4 , TEL . N..R.E14E_,IiEDvi. IlowsbzeirigOgyll _Mc - alibis :article ; It 10. y Wirer panarano4 porsktrira.a f ijor, focanr, Orlepati!i;/ - froin See7Pasi-;. se debdcri" these (1* leave, the s So Shorou a i an immedia set aside; as contains no other Fever EIP It is the - gra j thousands.. seitution is, properties, • a complaint . - "cfM , Othiir dist: This di - L_ this metticin nal or enteral Hundreds, fectly curet tore, Anita' panacea uno than any em DE a l weak back, don of wit this wsdic' i stands as !Is purely one of.-the blood the =lieu AO speedy that Me Ides, whether , titter;, fat, will be cured I y, its use in a few weeks,— '• chaps we Can say thousands have been pee; - n the With OF two-or three - bottles. of 41115 is cure , i . s j yfoduceti from the action of. this the 'blood; is more likely to helkirthatient, produced roll* external remedies: - 11LITYOF•Viig SYEITEAIi veakneee of the Kianettr. &c., or intlamma -is,imsterlialely ?slava 'by a few days use of iand a Sure is always , a result of its use... It AL . csArrAnkr REMEDY " Ipraint:4'4tlii 'll4o for "derangements of the Ca nllm3 ' • Ibr iamb male frame, IREEG paintatinen , except Lids .1t may be did we feel , 1 . - AItrIHIES4 SUOPRESSIONBg i. Mations. , No arliek "ins' ever !keit offered' ; kick waidd touch this kind of dcrangemextc:' ied upon as a sure and e ff ective remedy, and [ ratified lo•do so could give vuouEMND' NAMES . as proof of Sec pampil frouvhe eft% this article eradicated The 21 nanirestib , compound. head this the north of CER which in al obstrnetio effected a.c round'in , stands, will in the pre ever given tea: will'be Ewes in this distressing alas! of cotoplaints.— Aftbroken dotal, debilitated coast ititions t of mercury, will find the 'gracing power at • act imtnediately, and the poisonous mineral j • m the system. ad-properties which compose this article. • selseetsuticularly.hr the aPPlictition of lice or the disifeising class of complaints which ragraph. Foreaatkries Mere Iwo bees used Li Europe, a • ' AIN BOTANICAL AGENT, • diseases or deieneementeof the female frame. ii,ifatlfics. Ramis/ ~r etufraiatiStts.. ikc.. has re. Tills root is intimenous to our soil,. and - quantities, - and as it medicinal' pokily • - ut an equal ; .it forms one of the couipoundi • Lion, which .as a, whole is the best, remedy • a debilitated_ fiSnale its is s ure, and the sys restored Ito health by its twe. RCP - FIVE — DISE ASSES alierathesiropertitm of this article Will llnd • ITRIFY THE DifiltKODi • • :eh aril** worm the sy*em. See Ornspiart or•sums. in nil .diyeases„ which the limits of iient , will not permit tet named • lions many; they efiniain pagen,and'perti& - , .ehartieter, and a'strtimrr and drive - for terattnot an adv 6 Agentagir rates of hi lARUAY OF PROOF . ` Ora inediebie. re' vet t appeated. it Ili asie. ;r' feature,Mir aridek tkatit Newer fails • hay C 49 4 .4111 if boleti isit'd meads are 70 Ur 114 I essmilieta lied liNterifit istrislid:'- - - , . 1 • ' ilo'PE ONi " ' ' '• i. ' ' ' ` "`'-., ng the medicine -in iorig as iherelis'titt lat• iThe priVrictot wc4114, I. • „..;.„ ~ . _ - 1 . UTION, THE PPOL . XO2:. - :1 , :-. i 4- or. A rt ic l es sitiChiccl4,9u...entier,*- i '., ' .. : - ,. ' , , 5 . 4 7 ApAluptAg, **itirlisVipteii - V' l a Dromi-,rpfavel;& - e.- T4eOirc'eeofiN.l.lA 10 thennwakyvi , - I' TOUCH THEMWOT. of the vi qf the peest to benefit t build rues; , and keep to provement. against a n !rad of 1914 R as toye . 9l is and c Their hive this article pidet is ea Agents tors never.thouglit ofeuring such diseases tilt lad done-it. A Wig dat ehemiell theskiele[aret. t LAO TO .C,l.ltct ,,, LATE.: -. . Put ; pp in 40 oz. lin; • at $2; iloc the larger' felditrg 6 oz, i hie* than crittalui*ieget baptised - Every bot- . aughrds Ye^e, utble Lit*mplicAnintire:ki ,tire teeit' lea] Rignature,oe,kg. C.sl the - direct on‘eind "a4C. Vaughn; fluflhlolti the - eork: None otherciee'een'atlei:' Vaught!, and sold at,the trincips[ollle43ol and:retail. No:sttea- Orderi"ftain tame-;" 'ost, paidz. litters, of •ice,., promptly Wit ; ttaldeXtultelts4" gratuitous' at el each bottles tie has 1 blown u,o Vat:lo'l 4 o stamped or by Dr. G. Ms n • 4 1 :7 " ; . i., ilhllllh2l.le•4hiostrtaaed-h l l t i t a Ps - d l :r . t . r a ti e h cr' ea'srib9uk ilT4i t i t e en i t w l 4e d t t ' : e ifo'allltoi4(l%e;rlpO i' a4iit •iine4itsrli,it„4'. 6 ,m•4e; r:lilAt km Si'svi4 ' hihlanu'f rdattiehtg.p.Pa i; l .toebicit .. Ttremeit Matta' marl itreaterlittrtar WV late 'imantreatle rs ~ , :;..ri: ;dt1.. 1 . -. 11 :2*A - E.,• , 34 , .. Z•c7:4, • F 4 44 ~,,-;: Tihreicaad theespiditY Ite 1 :111tittli. 40 mita, whelks& beett.e Ilk ~,- , - ---- ,... 110 .: phiklitiotet- for tt p,„.,, , i ipaullotlip - - es'lLigolliTeeh tiend . tw at i o si d - 'i si i i ur i tt itig 41114.711 ". 4 . 'at tell the " tit Woe. *Pt IP' i;r: ii9WAZit , ffistilia, init. theAliver..... end r - ' i treiV&l' ti g ie e ir I "? t j i ' i n.•• OF loggia . l lk, q_:- ta CbetteaWatniail Req. baaw' lit:s ::::whosciermi, PleWarruld4W-44.1111 Wa: ~orgsflckyr-eaty of--1 ii zoP - 4c.,11 - Is - 011TMEDIT, ;RALlriu PDXER ir;i d e mmr wa ii ",, aid finiacieraf thcobte4 ta Shi•lrm ateilatOacNstie . villa ;1 New' 3epey,- VIINAMILIAIrriec - wit , 1 TROPStort, aidecoo.samew Too liptios uo., _ ! ~ IltAnik,C: a ltre ftTtayed Atli _ahMttia sAmet,.., i Ohs am • c.Ke!sois:ii -.004 'm am & 1 7 kA;i4dt' I lea 1; . Nat•-• ci" - vßead, tifit43# l l l 4 same' ht . • 'i. d r a;r4 l ;by, . v ,Aii,Vetoot:irtret i htS:QMO-11,3e4cf":' J. LYONS; 4,.. , .. I' ~ ... - - f!77 -, . AkUS , kr,kitillirilibLe I 0 l • i6z.:.11 li.of. it pi sip,iy ~. pii ii l mA a 4 7 o f 44 4 4* * , eeter;ffeemilari.ei;tiieet(4r; :lekli say silt '.lt ctiikiriluist" t 'i'' -1., poriing;.. sieheittl,r.in'iiiiebitig. 1 -- ~ gi - - , I 'lo,PlfrfiSgii, , rwl. l ... - ,; /1 1 0 1 d. liOts*isd . :listi,t4l.4* l4 i-..1 4 .C. - 414:,iletleter. 1 over ell, 'other eteilleinee *Ohm., yleihe lit emit. i 'tie disease; it hirijoitfithi lit4:lliitt;VF , !l'4',/ ttee et 1 1 ryi . best . .:: i'L: 7 ~6,, ; , 1 11 -i - ; :11 . 1 4 - 4! 1 4-.f.r‘!; - ;,''•4 • , arftiNG . ANIO - SUMIOO.7r;INEDIGIN eau ;Mier.; 12 'iliag - ..'ilittY , .%'plieilliar Ftliti.9is '7 ''systm timid • Ittrepligtelts ..11setiriwytiti,',Itittit':'*flieftit'. , /1 Vr. pyre sad. eh ItlatiCt a powsr 2 paresatal.,kt.ith%rit r, o h ms., 'eine. - - And ,: in; this - lies 'theltrath4.3eetet;si.tte Irowier. lIIE- eee.ls.- - . , !Chin lterftilieteFliitliittllti , teelt b fern I 11 tune them 100,000 cure. of .tet!ire isitsw. , .'itilieleee; le least 15;000: mertC.esasideured ...imeittelsl4l4.:! At bee eared : the wee °Umbra-, than 40,000.ehltdyesi,.thitimAII0 OF ;twits lie the City of Nile -.lrot:k iddie:U/.51,.. - , ,- • 19,60: essar"fi ist,i. Aeisen.l.(.oll.ll . ol, Lai • 4'l' i awed, ai(Norteiiiiis It steratir;,,,7; ..; _J -- " .--, I: i';',Ttivreseitirellifeepsiitte:ria , 44tileteillie:lsliala sys 'tem Oirlilll neatly. TO lltoie ! . irhsJ• 3ll l:v l 4l 4 - 4 • 16111 *fin' e9 l Keivirgulii—eriftiegestsjikAii..ng Of 'tir-JejfefAlims ienneittedl iti'yeitfir itielEt. erielhAeirtieee Of ilia Plo,faai4lllall - ,ltteitilit.satiti)phyalaitynamaillkia)puthe totr V ua , valeta, laitattoths, }taut ,otlatishittosi, , Itaiatiag `saint dons ' premilitis — die"): "siiiitlllaelliit: Itimitning„ d idea • [that' 1.1.1 • tliaiiiiii Csasitiaiiltati.eiti*Saltretr rests ell by . this Omani tetwelyA.Tliivierearuilla . . : icf *Sports' la tot/ 1,.,...1,.., , , ,• , i , - ,: -. 1.1 - ,,,551 - .::` 1 4,, ~. .. :.,..,-.. i', ; Ii saaliagraqtiosg, : . Vie* tali..::;. li . •-, ha It ?Saps. au!!.,istlyarafets 'he:a/elent:theta eetietty to the theta, mot , stretigtlt,. ta,.ittic itaraloit,,,,artthia _'is , 'a 'aithi'liatiaapliaarl'ilasfas:' : 41, '-',-'' ' '' . q 7 r<1.4C"2 - f.tg,..l; , ;ti: r..4k - -,-5‘.`31 -. -I; ',R, . tc(11"4' , 7 r _ . . . . • I • ,-•". .." ,c.f.f,";:, -- g. - ... '.• _... . t9kiiiiriilittilliPC - .. ,.liiiiti;^ ,tasesni -Stierigtheir.. sissiostipria can lie said. ,ron4kitis,...,Csossatpli:4l,, I.ir,er, V l oyot a i n t, odd,. liginifri. ciiis'i! 4stsiiier ,SPtlesil cad Sarcasm ilth,l. Chest; fassliS. #.7tiikfikalti'ospeata.:i././iltralt tri oft4C'EfieeiyiOttrii!, rata ' iselthi "Aida, '}e, tire tre jai. ce,t he iiiiss• t,, , : .:.:1;,-:„.f. .. ..: , ... 1 1 • ! spitting' 111i4.1.', -- i- - • , 1 ... , . . :j.. .„ lfs* Yer 4 e,Agralla Jett . I. i'inortiiii. - Pki),--1 ve r ily - Joalieire - year ilarsapo , Itit kiren , tite awaits, Itiroiigli'rriividetieS;' of aortas fe. : I hare for! 4.rer.i ;years lout a had i:ostrii. It is; worse -1 au/ s itorSeL'llt 101 I . ti rp / raised , tags tilts of .100,4,; luau night lorests,./..-was- greedy. tiinted and - redeeed, heat di.t•-:ta, ~a eaieet la live. I only used your ..ttlastutpatilia. 'a Shore tins, sad tuts a wooJetful. &image been Wrought- ikuitl. J ttom able to wont- all aver: - the city. 1. raise .4 I ;in/ 'my conch hall tat , ,, ~, Too he CIS' well , tii,it 4 'ems lltauktilr "(air i time, saliallta. 'Tear tab sot-Saul, - , . -. 7— --- , 71`r,--- .. .• . .. I IV V. t 4;8854.1., 15,Ceptialee st. 1 .. 0 1 7 -.-- :7 h u 1 . 7 .--- , ii, --;1 .1 . 4 .:,,,,,uulimniu&"..irari .i , ,Pa.rair'im i ll'illit ki:s a e lai si. eieso 'severe. tic.]: chrotaiele e tts ° cif' air: Itablitti ► indie g abit is extraordinary eirtater4 I . i ,-..-, 4..'-i •• - heeric Catutettsga..- h'...q., _Om of:. di. ;aemitAtittli. in do mile Amy tea k - Illaeliereirs ' Heitela lafthik jemilain hes Of is the rolleiiing•Ntrai. '" " • '`' , 2..,- 1..•: .. 11, ; •,,_ -i DiseitiSiditiclasie4,-..Dept4 , lt 1917. '0- I*.ivroeed—Desr -8it.F., , 1: Weis -,sidfssesk.z ierrihis lane etin itith the Rltatututtlet*p Out - 44*W 5i11.. , I cont.' not eat,l.leep or walk:: 1 had tiii:iiiitti' t db. .ittg Ovine,- and 1 niE. iiiiilie.erfire - litrible.. I 1,10014 ti k ilibiltja r ll s o(ylitt i r Sartmtploiti.ast.klitorlolit. 1 teesuure theeethousattil. dothisstietorth - efil,itifial i , leo tut:!.!bet,ttx,-inittitit Y ititi . elitiiity.t•enitiol.-Tett a! , . 'two. to Ilse. tide Toi.ih.i.itot Oftfailiir ''. 1 : TOM'S' respettally; .- ,3411111131-1: MINDS - 1 - —• -Is . - • • , Y'l _ , - .4. .. ' - ,T, " . ; • • , J.- -:,- 1 , 11 0 +seislstik airlOotaigt-. , 9 - -. , 1 .11.. ropotehirelitryttpatithriiriA:`..see ' ' oisl th ,i,, 1 .tibi.- fur lecipftent..,,CeaseatetplyaWilla siert,- . tiptoe:limit or Volit!crtY Om - WAimit, CitiOt atito,'Pliso -, Ledfidiielirff.i.:liii. "whites- obeirietroe'illitio Messtnes fir) . , tioi.l-InkOtitiiietec' i oetreis4..44.' iiirottiliiii ' dilehair° - : site of, 'ko.l,- -Do:Aiiiter4ersli prostekti**r . sYstest"' . ' 'nit nintstr wiiether theiresolAotiqiertit ea .or now . pr !teed hy',ltititilskikYr, illness cit : - - Rabbit ea Ile finite 4urpriehtg - th4itiiiiii gitriAittg . treett spas the hilfriertirreille; - -!remOsii 'of all *obit's". lassitude f AnkinCitid ortee-,bece ,e ietteelk..,eleaj r. I or ea e t n a u l ta ote its .stithiettee.,. Atleareetliatelrcritte enacts t utfreeloseisesel - drltbit';feitile- frathe- -which. the min ..1 - 't ' 'II not lie cFrt' IY.f:' , .lict,enneast, apr i ~,,, ted of , irt:IMAIM. °C.O. -deliest or ll ii ß kliTti, II zbibit certificates ef curs' tierforincillvatLiWe tilllll, use the , artled. tha t Intlie.le:toriaileile- hare ...bitea:,re Unit( Ait it. roo. so, it or ootoo.,,,fitete; rdueities 4 Iree,s ' )theel chul. ' digs,. 'Dot. itstsF korai , . bottins,of- liiir.iiiilltdde:, Die& - efit;:hrtteiiten- Moils - id 4it!i:tise;,7healthy oliNiriod. It lies . beett istprerfriprepare t l leize wes ;to Filmic' ow playlets : , Nitifoiusilit , wiiii.,%iiiiiirei td silo - ism she ie ...: lip : nia4log , that; priciest Podia; '!':;: .TACSP OIII 4 il i t '! . ''idi •• ulraisleit 'IS leitt‘e it; as - it' is `ii, esitlis ‘ ptorestire -'' Is - isly' . tit - thi ntitatereit-iiht hit?* Ithtedbiiiiim lii lellith 020 • 1801 stillinetieeAcat. thiii-iiiiit (I , liOCl ! . tiiis 'period mor,..lie ,delayid; for iesterst fearljr,.osisir ail, sitki.J cis::,' Itfoiffiltlist r ielnidds - fprelii*stios-srsSproul , ' trosiatiliOod; it iC d.feitio fie, seiiii .. - notoffo If 4:31j elieSisli. tbs. tflogiti , sod. liovjgoi Dis I Die .iystass be ;,...,ds 4' 2 . tbicolidrichtiAiOntitltt4i7 "ft,* , deka' diseases-. tt Co lifib iivoisis:areiseb f;,'. ;;. li t e . , . 001 es laii,ll-40e140,1441111.. -: . . 0 . T,46 , lfte.; l. J.k.OlisotCiloili.reetdolist , ti in 44 ' 0 4° 1 009 a:slifittlit4lll4C tkok.ell*g ' ',.;F:;; .. •- rifi . :lll 3 3ii,t iltilt, Anhilimt ' '•i:Olip 1 le ii :r d irti4 ti t e f lt- -T i o ' ;soe it tr a s Y l'D 'b l i iiii tal : 11'.- i t - -- . 4"l ii tri,effiii of tife.meost•phislili:prop . • lithe sesi - , .. - 1..ti.r4-,eL1 ., .. ".. ~,., ql,ODlV4o, l klt . ,:itzgrillgtitialielli ..." ,, ,T , _,--." , I , • L.l , - -:[.-; :::-F.:- ,7, .1 , ; , :illtrasy AptifilitlT. 1 d -,i I . ~.7 , -;.- i ..k... :1 7 ....i...,..... '.. .. • ..,,,, yri re " . We iiii iitiier.lr4l_ ai A, lia 5 ... c . .Isaf e :__ i t!rsi 1101ES-81TII I IIMIli'tc niakiriat `'*lair tift_ e , ;fir rip stir ' Agestev - !tail. ' Ow lane. psicillS)--ktrivoisAilitirs;', Ditteirs,Litim•smi.-:,SCONN•Fi. .:-. nak, , fitti , tiiey lgoterilty / !1 , kit - .4 free Imii# 'Aar - , . 4 •44. tiettleij skid:some of Oleo!. lisiroliistaii!. iiiii-Liorld: :,-;tes sdifertiseiiietits, they :Ire mkt!. worth §iiiiiiiholl' . ' t 4. IPA *I4 . - k e 'lv,PN`l.', , ^l f # ,n AM.liittl.'.., ~440 40111 1 •... - foliiiTtai: . • ` -. 1 . 4 1. 4 ;.. ...4.. 4 .: p,.,:..., ....., '- , -• , ' , .•_ax‘: .1-14iPt4P1 - _ , c• - ' I --- . ..i.t.r I j . - .1...• . .t.,0•4-.t3 1 (',1.4k.•:•.- '.:••••• • ~.., ^ •.'..,:. • ' • ~ • .• 'l4 ~',;•_. ' , l-;• , :i•,,V-k-,; 1. :-,--. ,• - '••••=2 -',, ''' ;ll,cip.i onfai: J- iteiilmiitcl ' '''',-. Vic • 10+ -1 4. m g N. v • ~!ted.liutiCCitel*W,..." • t '- :',.- '0 off Iglopui.Tl* flitri. oVto 4 4o. o Mitigr 011 .Ph a ' ':.. C. ;3.,lfinteiez:Difiii"4 Belt,. .. . Os., tOeiV•Wikilit'.4e.l,4 irsk' Aion n i,acjim, .. t. 011 . 4 , :. ..„„. ~......-........,„,,,,„—......... :.. ~.,__Allite*lasitti7-o*.timillifiosemset• the, !! ! ' - titisii, .west tisdietllikaVelides t ,!•'-ii- - -.... ,e ..: .'--- , 4 ._.. D ;TswisiSt. f,i,101111674410tt ONt '• ;iv' 4: 1-1111 Cl i ttwlir 00 1 4 9001.44!4 . 0v;*00..... 7, jrill -1• 1 saw IV. 114 , 10 - ril ' - 'TO' ;..,Tlifo ;win illitiod. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers