. . HIErrOZIOAL IIECOSDEL-4i Will im : Onembered that Gen. Scott, at the capture of the city otillexi , co, 'seised and brought home some JsotOollii* of historical winks in the archives of. MakAN:]...all in the Spanish language. Some of these aia-gooyears old, and contain a perfeet history of . tiiitt ccaintryr from ite origin. It Is the intention of tip United States Government, as we learn 'fitriMilie . ',Nair York 'Franc , to extract from this hlarlOY -*ll-3 t may be useful in forming a complete liiiffiney o f th e poso saluos which at have aexpure&by the - treaty, to be retained in our own archiica'andithe boob will then be sent back to Mexico+ The right to bring the books awn Y is perhaps undoubted, but it evinces liberality in his GoVernnient to return them. The work of . translating seclC'portions' . of them as will aceomtilisli the object We have.in view will occupy si . year in all protabilitY, arid a compe tent person i 5..... ci3 ..... n.goged t° filfil Ns duty. Ma. Doranir, one of the expatriate& chiefs of the late inn:meta:min Ireland, made a 'speech to a large and r espectable auditory, in the court h o use, on last Monday evening. His main design was-to vindieste the leaders of the revolt from the charge of incapacity and cowardice, and admirably did be accomplish it It was a work of onperogfatoO, nev ertheless ; for Irish valor and genius have oft.imes been illustrated on memorable battle fields. Div: failure of the scheme of revolu • is deeply de t plored; for there is s io t, a freeme the world over, but-would exult to Ireland ver itinational ity and =h i e , . among the pOwdisi-Uf the earth A Parsiax.—t-D. 'an* one of the • excessively hot days last meek,- a.: Lime; .a, powerful , - and finely formed animal, employ ed on the Company's works in the issin v cotacetve the notion that hydrupathic treatment Would do hith good. AcCordingly he • sought an opportunity when he was detached' from the cars, and plunged, a distance of twenty feet or more,into the water.i Evidently'surprisid at the effect of the experiment, he snorted rind pawed the element furiously. With theaid of a plank or two, the men soon drew hint out, when he again mount call° works, nothing damaged by the leap, and well pleased with the adventure TersSrre S.kw K i nd as Burr Savr,—A letter received sometime since fmm Ireland, mentions that a coast officer of Ark lov, in the count ,- _Of Wieldow, after going his round, entered inZair . y ` that he had seea nothing but one ship male aeght. • Tin ONTO SThTJ JOLTBNAL says that Ma'Ritchie, of the Union, &Kent of last year in saying, that General Taylors was not a Whig; and it 'appears likely that he 'will spend this year in ascertaining that he is nothing elset State Convention—Canal Commissioner. To the following resolution we call the attention of our friends, in the hope that early action will be had in the premises ii!<[.iolred That the [friends of the National and State administration:, in Penwylrania, be requested to meet in the several cities and counties of the State, and'select deleontes equal in number to their rviire=ilitatiocn in th:Statolature, who shall meet Convention at the court house in Barris burg. at Al 'o'clock...A:ll, onThunaley the 16% day of Autrust next, forlhe purpou - of selectu • a can didate for Canal Conunissioner, and to do such oth er business as the interests Of the country inay re quire. [By order of the Committee.] ' GEO. ERETY. Chairman pro tern. LANESSORO, PAL CHEAP 'CASH STORM. On the I.Vele York cf; Erie Rail Road and Susque hanna .Tlirer, 260 milesfrom 4Vsee York, 25 miles from Binghamton, and 10 miles from Montrose,— surounded by Noantalns and the Railroad Bridges. T ourgtore the folio:ring may be found: lish, French . and itint:ncan Dry Goods, Bon nets and Riblxul.: Parasols Unciltrelizci,Darpet Bags, Hats and Caps, Luoking Glasses, Boots' and Sh9e , , Crockery, Gla..ssWare, Hard Ware, Window Glass and Sash, Drug and 31edicineg,Grpeeries„ :waeseret, coungn,' Sid Ail: York, • Siiiperfme Flour, Nails, Stone Ware, Jappaned Rare, Paints, Oils, IP\,• Stuff., Butter Firkin., Candles, Sind's and Toe-nsend's Samtparilla, Books, P!aper, Inks and Quill, Cooking, Parlor and Shop Stores, Stove l'ilw and Stove Trimmings: (hi hand or made to order, Eagle Foundry Plon4hs--warranted: Trunks and Traveling Bags, Siting/es Clover Seed, Carpet and Cotten' Yarn, Axes, Handles, Buck Saws, Shovels, Roes, Rakes, Srytb, • Per the cry liberal patronage 'which • we base received the pact year we tender .our`;sineere thank, and trust ne shall reward a still larger share of public patronage the present season. Having re duced the price of our'.good's about 25 per cent. from last year's prices, our motto is now— r onalli profits and quick turns. Situated as ice green the lZailroad, we can selllower than any other !estab- INliment in the county_ .B. H. LYONS Co. Lanesborn, July 4, 1849. ____ • Eagle Steam Foundry & Maelump Shop Firm BLAST. T Eariluld r ole w ete , ctfall y i j ' e in ii v l t an th t e o r t i . ttention ery of or Castings of any . pattern, MI Geerings, Ploughs of various patterns, Straw Cutters, Cooking, Parlor shop stoves, Iron & Stone . Ware, shingle, Ma chines, Wood •VEngitie Latbes, steam Engines, l filers Iron Fences, tt.c..dic., to give us call, as ye are confident we can suit the most fastidions. All work done at•our Fotuadry warranted. Proprietors, Wm. Jesstr, B. It Lron, C.) WY. J. MuLrono, F. B. Orwcor.Es, > IL S. WrxsoN,! - B. S. Bm-rcrr, y. O. G. BAr.narrr. • Eagle Foundry, Montrose, (P Crockery and W E or? meei ery ve m d S c l i t Z tlownlieil :felt .raid at eatremely low prices ; many articles ; Same as New York wholesale prices, and some. evenjess. A large lot of Printed covered Dishes at;44,eents each , -250 setts of Flowing Blue, Light Bine, White Granite, and common *TS and sauces--much tow er than they are sold generalL ALSO, - • A very superior lot of Novaseotra grind-stinps, with regard to both shapd and grit, very deal* U. BURROWS e 00. Gibson, June 29, 1849. Xiss Blackman's Class Tom' sing term vill'eommeneel on the 9th of Jo - 4 - TERN& F or term 0 . 1 . 2 irfeke„ or '44 lemma on Piano- Forte, oike hotli Am* $10,00: A tbbrough tome Par 414 lemons 1} lanai 4l Pi o, with 'Singing in conneetii*-: , 1 " . - • 1 5 ,0 0 0 tee of Pisan, • • = ' 2,001 Tee Books—Barrowee hog's Juvenile — Inetrueter, Hanten't ellebrated tioetrosTi.,Aime 27;1849., l'" Casirpaid tor - • • - 2000 pounds of ,irC,IIIL'A In =d* foripasTr. eR Infant June 26, 1442. - ' • Tie Steam 'Wise 111111 S now in anneeioldlordle, o; The ilnb inci ;ii ted 179""-- incited to givelt P es 1414 , talitly-tu bana, be At the ' w " l` P;l7 ric Superfine 111*, Me 4 • et% Shorts and Ban: ' T ' Cash paid tor_vbei t t. Xontrose, lune Iklllo.' , r•• If r • - • '•• • - .8E140, 1 RmAnVE TO ITRE . Resolved by the!Senate: ond Sense of ,ikeetenia does of gAe Cantimutteattl‘ of Pewee. in general, Assent/4i met, That the Constitution of this Com- Manwealth be arnmended in the second section off the fifth article; so that,it shall reed as , fo llows : The Judges Of the Supreme Court, of. theltevertil Courts of 'Common Pleas, tind of such other Courtii of Record , as are or shall be established, by lacy; shall be 'elected . by the 'qualified' electors of the Cemmonweilth in the manner following; to wit; The Judges of the Supreme Court, by the qualified elector's of the Conimonwadth at large. The PlNS dent Judges of the 'several Courts of Common Pleas and; stitch other Courts of Record as are 'or shall be established' by la* sod all other Judges required to be learned in the law, by the qualified electors of the respective' districts over. Wich .. they are to preside or ant as Judges: And the Associ ate Judg es f the. Courts of Common Pleas 13 14 :ie w qualifiedelectors of the Counties respeetir -. The Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold ' offices for: theiterm of fifteeteyears if they so long behave themselves well : (subject to the allotment hOeinafter provided 'for, subsequent to the 'first election i) The - President Jndges Of _the sevenil Courts of Common PI s, andef such other courts of ißecord as are or .shsllbe •established by law, and all other Judges required to be learned in the lair, shall hold thdir offices for the term' of ten years, if they shall so long behave themselves well : The-Associate Judges of the Courts of Com mon pleas shall hold their' offices for the term of five years, if they shall so long behave themselves well: all of - Whom Shall be ' commissioned by the Governor, but for any reasonable cause which shall not be sufficient growls of impeachment, the Clov er sludl remove any of them - on the address of two-thirds of each branch of, the Legislature.. The first election shall take place at the generale-led-ion of this Commonwealth next' after the adoption Of this amendment, and the -commissions of all the Judges Who may be then in office shall expire on the first Monday of December' folloWing, when the terms of the new judges shall commence. The persons who - shall then be elected Judges of the Supreme Court shall hold their offices as- follows; one of them for three years, one for six years, one for nine years one fin twelve years, and one for fif teen yegs ; the term of each to be decided by lot by the said judges as soon after the election ste co* venial:it, and the relult' certified by them ,to the Gevernor ? that the commissions may beiisued in acconlance thereto. 'The judge whose comniission will first expire shall be Chief Justice during his tern, and thereafterieach judge whose commission that] first expire shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more Commissions shall expire on the same day, the judgei holding thern shall decide by lot which shall be the Mier Justice. Any vasarLl cies happening by death, resignation, or otherwise, in any of the said courts, shall be filled by appoint s meat by the Governor, to-continue till the first Monday of Dee-embo succeeding the' next general election. The Judges of the' Supreme Vourt,aud the Presidents of the several Courts of Common Pleas, shall at stated times, 'receive for their servis ces an adequate compensation, to be fixed by law, which shall not be diininished during their continu ance in Office, but they shall receive no fees or 'per quisites of office. norihold any other office of profit under this Commonivealth, cir under the govern ment of the United States, „or auy other State of this Union. The Judges of tlieSuprettie_Court du ring their continuance in c.ffice shall reside within this Commonwealth, tend the 'other • J trites•daring their continuance in Offiee shall reside within the district or county for which they were respectively ' elected. • --- 1 - In the Senate March 1, 1849. Re.oolred, That this resolution pass.--,Yeas !Z, Nays 8. Extract from. the Jimrnal. SLIM W. PEARSON, Clerk. ••••r••••- In the Hokse of Rltresentotires; :Orel 2, 1649. Revolted, That this resolution pass.—Yeas ,58, Nays 26. " et from the'Joura IV3L JACK, Clerk. Screary's Oda. Filed Apzil ! 6, 1649. _ A. L RUS S ELL, •• it 1.- 111). Sec. of the Can. Seerrtarye•Offtee. Pentisy/rznia.),a: t _ I ru•'; itEarrrir that the above and foregoing is 'a true and' correct earl* of the;Original Resolution of the General A s sembly, entitled " Rlntion relative to an Amendment of tie Caastitutien," as the same remains on gle.in this office. . • 1 - In testimony whereof I have here ! CS_ unto set my hand, and caused to be • a affixed the seal Of the Secretary's Office at Harrisburg, this elventitdaY of Junk , , ktkoo Doinini, one, thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. TOWNSEND HAINES, ( Beery of the. Corn. Harrisburg June' 14;1.4849—Am. "Amnia ei Senate. " Reso 188, entitled' Resolution rela tive to an amendment of the Constitution,' was read a - third time. On f' the question, will the Sen :ate agreee to the reSolution ? The Yeas and ;Nays were taken agreeably to the' Constitution, and were as follow, viz : Yets.—Messre Boat, Brawlpy, Crabb, Cunning ham, Forsyth, Hugusi Johnson, Lawrence, Levis, Mason, Matthias, ArCeilin, Rich, Richards, Sadler, g r attkey, Savery, Small,Smvcer, SterrettitStine-21. NArs-Messrs. Be 4, brum, Frie.k, Ives, King. lioniguutcher, Fotteiger: and Darsie, ,61peaker-8. "kto the question trot-determined. in the affirms- _ "Aoornal of the EiCe439 of sepresexitati . von. ' "6hsill the resolution Vass I heyeas and nays *ere tabor agreeable to the •prinriskso 'of. the tenth article of the Constantino. and.are as follows, viz : " YEAS...4ISMS. Gideon J. Da11„-David J. Bent, Craig „ Biddleil Peter. IP. Bloc*: Daritl M. Mole.' Thomas S. 8011, Jacob Cort John Ii DieldrNa thaniel A. 'Mat, Joseph Ernery;Darid G. ..E.42le man.; Wagon Rnms, l ileho Fausad, Simnel OffielY., Joseili IC risher,, 'l4erY, M. I . 1411 /4y, , Mrale§ Grover, Robert Hampson, George P. Money, Thomas 4.-lEten*, Joseph Higgins, Charles Bats, Joseph B. Hower. itqber, 4lll X 2l lEani'm P. ;a lllll, Am Xambertea, James J. Lewis, James: W. Long....acob *Cart* ',l• John F,t arcuu6a lipoi WlLeh, John Main' Martin, Samuel Marx', John C. Mieis, Edward llickleson;twiait Pearc e, Jameal, Porter, ;Henry 0.• Pratti - APinwo 1 Aohli, George Rupley,"Tbeodore;Wrnan, Be_....rnerd, 1 S. Selaxmover, !Wand Seibert, *M a yr' , Umrls " tian f4nively, Thomas C. tatiml, Jermnial B.BtObbi, a • J J. 'Stilts:man, Mgt EiwarSivieWer, Sairimel _ George T. „Nicholas Thorn, /LOMA W . Simnel W ' Monis C,i. lardeax, Dim ad iv - Athun F. - Packe r, ,—.4K.' , -‘, im — .M.ws Agaittug K. Wrap Diva K. Ctie' Apes. / pilifkEyasii, FlNiTie. Erins,':tobli. ga l lon; Aibislr..,lliorga„ Mamas 'Clalespue, John' )I.'l3track Wriiiirs Ile 6 4: 4 Ames J. ILK Joseph o ` - ,l,Attbaleb, RehirMLOAle, , ii, il.lifegibnont, J virse. Willbee 1 Millha, 'ilsish maw.= wow:l it: lforrisall;lellpipa. , 1 * .. ; \within r`P>tkiertg: CONSTITUTION: WILLIAM F. PACEER, Speaker nj f 1 House of Repreeentati res. • . GEO. DARSIE ; Speaker of the Senate. John W. Rose , Jetasl3.itatite4 ' al Smith', John S ' 4einiSonder, tek: W 'and DOW " I nts,r4t4;:, • Ele the question wee ;, • • ..," • 7 ' , inneevrAnT 171 , ..4, rr!iburg, June 115,;' no catnirr -that the elVe e g to:4 truehiltl the "-Yead'' 'and "fiarr, l4 *ffli ettl - _ " 1143114)1W:ion relative to arrnmendm . • pt-the ,Coustitationi",, as :tho same 1 pears onAbe ..rearnidator c tie - ,YrD . B9Ma?f iGet T ivo k sxontay pptir 941* - 01i*OlPis J 9,3 sesmon Of 1849:• 4 -` , • ' vainiktietaandencltlliaalloritaid AS* fiftec i eth-1 4 1ret 4 W4:9PajliOPPaPli *WIPP( and forty-tune. TOWNSEND HAINES. ISec'ry of the Commonweal! • • ' • Late .Akirrival AT LATHROP & oSALLS,BURY'S , THE great rush still,cmtimics. , Goods arriving A.. daily by S. Y. 4.. Another splen did assortment of Prints, Lawns, Ginghams Tae ton Lawns, a beautiful, style of goods. • ilotor49l Bonnett Ribbons and Flowers of all 'desrriptions Sheetings, Men's Summer Stuffs, Cashmeretts, Ca4yoierce, Satinetts. and Cloths, a good varietyr-- Thelargest.stock of 31.e6 andl4l4n,BOots tk,ShOes in t qk v • u r • - - • • Arriving emistantly,iiiii. or all cleacllP Ulm& A good stock' of Carpeting juit, in. Crock crY, iron, Steel., Nails, Molasses-soul 'Sugars--rof the. best qurlity— r Largest„and beat lot of - Fishlin . the country.._ , l4ore.of that 'shillingTobacco. - i• 15 lbs. Codfish for ttl. Be.stlkiew Orleans and Porto lieu Sugars for Ciic. -ChettPest and best Teas in town. More} of that six shilling Tea. • More goods corning next week Call and see., charge for showing'yoods. LATH.BOP & SALISBURY.' Montiose, June 28; 1849. Grocery Store. (One dodr South of Mills' et Knapp's-in ae Stare formerly occupied by- W. M. PostCk TH'subscriber - has received a „large and ex 4- sive stock of Groceries, consisting of Teas,'Sugani, *hisses, Coffee, Tobac co, Rice, Ground. Spices andTepper, Starch, Cloves, Saleratus, Ginger, Nutmegs, Indigo, Cigars, Cheep late, Sperm and tallow Candles, Codfish, Mackerel by the barrel, half and quarter barrel and kits. Herring by-the box. Raisins by the •box or pouild, Salt by the sack or barrel, Clocks, stone Ware, Willow. Ware, Flour, Pork, 4i-c. de ikc. Wholesale dealer in all kinds .of Wines and Liquors. He can and will sell his goods cheaper thjn they can be bought at any other store in Mont reader, if you don't believe it give 11 0 n eut ? - we'll convince you. Don't formet the place.. eRASTVS ROSS. nitetir lijorit," June 28, 1849 To mp Creditors. SAKE NOTICE that I have applied to the Co urt Z. of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County fdr the benefit of the Insolvent Laws of this Common wealth ; and the said Court have appointed &tail.- day the 18th day ,of August next, at the Count House in Montrose, to hear me and my creditors. June 14; - 1849. • ' ALANSON LUNG. alstrereialro44!. r_i_nAss - - - ,,ScV4W,Malie,i;:ei Crest ILA 114 Ise; Rifles, Quitiiii&w Stones, a *Mend superior tmsortment, just received and wall be sold at the most reduced prices by New Milford, June 19,18 , 19.] U. 10.71211117. ' cheap 'Goods. - WE are receiving a latge supply of ,gooff , bought at the present extremely low tr i which are offered at correepondiug price. tJ BURROWS tk. Co. • 9 ibson, June 15, 1449 Prinied, Lawns! i t LARGE lot of Dress Lawns, good styles au4 1 quality, nt 12). per yard, at the store of June 15, 1849. • IL - BURROWS 4: CO. Cheap Sugar 4 d A Goo trality of Portorico -Sugar, dry an • hglateolored, at 61 ei.e. per pound. ' June 15. U." BURROWS' ,S; CO. 60 HAY FORKS at 22 eta. each. • - • 60 SHOVELS "44 " " June 15. . U. BURROWS 41:. L'lTOVES—Cooking Stoves, Air Tight, a 414 31 most 'approved kinds. .Cornmoii do do. Par tor do. Russia Pipe, Conunop do.: Stove Furnii ture, Sheet Zinc, dre., 4Ec., at very low prices. : • BURROWS Co. Dr. A. Trank's Magnetic Ointment! t FOR the cure of inflammatory diseases; such a& inflammation of the lungs, bronchites, sore throat, inflammation of the bowels, inflamed sore eyes, cancers, ulcerated sores, salt rheum, fever sores, scald head, • piles, spinal irritation, sick head E ! ache, tooth ache, ear ache, corns, burns, frozen limbs, Ike itc, in bottles for 2 and 3 shillings, at • I June 11i, TURRELL'S. SAITFORD'S HAY FORKS, the best' in the 176 world; *.alsO Straup"Forks, treittbes, Snaths, ; Rakes, Hoe 4, Shovels, ttc., 4c.. at TtiRRELL'S. AUDITOB'i NOTICE. AVDIG been appointed by the Orphan's Court of Stisquehanna County, an Auditor, to ap portion theassets remaining in•tho hands of Cha s. Avery. Esq.; Administrator of the estate of Olive Kendall; dead; among; the heirs and legal repre sentatives of said decedent, I will attend to that duty, at my office, in Montrose, on Monday the 28d day of July next, at 10 o'clock A.M. June 23.! 1849 EX‘X.ittOr's Notice. A LL peisims interested in, the. estate of Corne. Xt. lies .R . ynearson, late of ;.ettoz township, deed., are reQuested, to call at the E.teentor's hoyise in Clifford and make immediate paymment, and all those havi4 demands against said estate to pre sent there duly attestedfor settlement. . - A. HALSTED, E'er. .Vane 2Z, ,184 e... . . Cliffori, ADlllllliiirristAtowb NOTICE. -A"-Oertinut indebted to the estate - of Hiram :F. Mort,into of ForieiriAl i deressett su:P re quested tOlinidreininkiiiiiite yrtiOnt`inni , bay* doninnife'ligninist itaidistat, ~it-pietred idrsittelitell for isettleine4 ,. i • - • MOTT, jr., 11iILLINERVI , -,• respectfully an -111 nosing* to the Ladish of -Friendsville and vi cinity that she has opened a A/wt./Ili/liner" catwsting otißooneta;l4bbons. Plovers, -ClidLe and Hied Dream , -Also; Isulies and Gentlemen's Leghorn lists' done-in - er at the shortest notice; ' FriendsvUle;Jaie.l9,4B49. ViAttw4o4:4(sio,i2:l cents' fin lately itirwassgs arTUTP - ii o6lYo74cen to Par in: kin kejskily , . LYO -411130 - _ '2'll rrEl4. ' pfn.ed and for B i ds I,:* I; .101,9. • wed P= ' 'Ur jJ ~havjpg. * - 061, - ;:1031 . 4 .nz is for clod 01E11i:boo d44-ipton r , sale of :it, are riafoinied 4 that so it'd Fadthry of ,thaanti•Orili the,t ei,,itt ?Taw tall, open the folloisjo ;o g'ndithin: - Triad, of - 'Wool 6,614 16 to 31 cents, IflnadOptlis from 431,501 to 132:25 4)0- Ytt . hiht mixed, Ricep's grU , 4n-Palt . t t §hkk e ti4 6o , l o4 , 3vr plain,: ae, or striped ' t 40, emits 4 pq 7- r ready at the time of delivery o ,the - - 11111:AM PHILLIPS it: CO. New 'Hanapton;.-June '1847e , Fl-6*. dr ..._ l Sitiutuelijau a, Acatehiny l w: , ••-• trillEllSutruner term o this Thatit tignyfaPorn , • ./... mama , under-the reition.ot , I ...,,Vtircli, on Mondam i June..2lSth, 480., • - -...;. .._ 1 .i..!,.1 . -., ..• ,'' freria's of 2'uition l rr Chiftrten r ' ::• •., ' Oithogmphy. Iletling,-IYritaqf Anithtneyo and Onogritpliy ; ~, ), . $2-00_ English and Latin Granunar, Latin + Greck - ' Leason.%! Chemistry; Philosophy, IBOtany and liiitory, I. , . ,•,_ • - 3 9 0 Latin, Algebra,. Survqinz, ,. 'Geornetry . and . • Astronomy:: •r. 4 14 '" •.' -`-.- ' ' -- I . ' ''4 . 90 Brortlei of the Eciird: of "Traitees. - .' I - b i Monfrose, June' 18 'I `.t9. ' ' • ' '. . ' SherliVa Sale.i _ BY tirtue.of avrrit. of nia. issued bt-of the e' Courtof Common Pleas-in ant. the County ; b of SusqUeluuma,tind to.medirePtqA „' 1 4 0 4.- -02 . ‘Pur • to publit; pale - at the Curt 'louse in Motittose,,:ottA 3 ./ Monday:the - 9th day; lot :July next, t bejollowing 1 Firopertv. viz; Alt that certain piece or parcel of .; e land sitiatteirs.Gilson:tmenship;rm , oo Ciamtir o f 1 C Susquehanna and State of Pennsylyania)—dh;gin- ling at rspost the North corner Of binds ia )pob-aes- z sion -of Charles 'Benda; and, Col: i.WelLz o thenCf e 'Sonth4si deg.: East 11101perchca risi a:.angttr tree; a thence Sarah 3Ott dcv.,: - West.9o:poncheslo widow Denney's corner, thence by-tile- said , widair -Den-; t e aper's land South 1.54 deg:, East to i alpyrna , of land , e witich Amos Taylor conveyed,-by afulease to Ira Taylor, thence by said Ira Taykir • lanai to the- t' highway, thence by the said highwa to Solomon a Taylor's lands, thence,along said Se on Taylor's land to Levi Bennett's line, thence along said Levi a , Bennett's line-to Preserved Pickering's land; thence along said Pickering's land to a piece of land co u- 4 Mining 8 acres, (which was conveyed by said Amos , , Taylor to Ros Well Gillett, to a stottes,donaer; theme' c t along the South side of said 8 acrel. lot to stones e corner,) thence along the west side 4 said 8 acre; lot to Wro.-PahneterlAnW therieeraloicg'llie'Said• a Pahneter's land to Charles Bennetri line, and theoco„ along the said Bennett's line to the place 'dr I:iegin;. , r. ning; emitaining.lB4l.acres more orl less, With -.thd a ...appertentince:, a small4mnied NM* 2' framed barns, a small orchard,- and from 80' to -160 acres , - improved—late the estate of Amos . Taylor, Taken.% execution at the snit' of Mut Blanding I ~ to the use of Silas B. Guile, against 'Amos' Taylor. I _ C. M. 'GEftE, Sheriff. ' . • Sheriff 's Office, Montrose,l : June 12, - 1849. ' I ' • ' : , ' ._ _ _ ivapaii - Aric.sh.e.,•imet-l-s-evetvi l d at the e,.., ' Book Store. Areaulity's Ili story of Fofslantl, NLAssteisi Die- I s tionary ho 1 4 ol and pocket, Authoa'a tin LW3Olial. 7 Plionogra Sic- Readers, Burn-=' P 14.7115, Bunters c celebrate Instructions for the piano forte. Here a , ti Little anal There a Little; Rearin,, ,, train Ilusine”, Duty versus Will or, Decision inalur,l the :Ilan, gilt Letter,Paper and plain Cap, vvllite Letter Envel opes. Bible Dictionary,. a mear s sup P ly Exchange Cards, painted mottos; Sc.• I a 23 Merry's 3111SCUIll and Parley's inaymate,• • . A few numbers of this highly poptilar and- in strecfive periodical for yomtip -just received; b, and for wlach subvriptions will be received at the - t. Book Store. Price one dollar per *lam, in ad- S ranee. G. F. .1 • Spring Goods. , Jdit r4ceieed, a large sup i ilg of .Th-eas Good& b PltlNTzi, printed lawni, de lain", F linen gingirnai, unatairluitre4,4 kx. Also, e . Shatris aralloplutS, I bonnet ribbon, and otlx:w nnillinery igo4:11, all of which, with our 'entire stuck, we offer ; on •tbe most favonible.tcrtas. Ilaay articles of o Ire -offer at . . Great Burimia.s!, Viz: prititei,• ,, iiwittuus, &c. &v., man , o 0 - less; that) cu it: U. BI: RAO Gibson, in2o - . . Jewelry, Clock and Watt Ibihment: L ipor AVE vou the True time? - .1 - 1 ' ILA, vOu can _.. JUL. havOi.by calling at the'.fimt door above the r l Stage Hothl;where repaking tuia adjiistinm.Lcver,' , i ` c 1 Cylinder, Escapement { and : konunon i \ "Metes . and. "' all ?drills lifetime keepe.:o;',,TewAry in Atusicann-. ~r t‘ struments,!gic., are dime in 'astyle. th i Cannot fad Sro suit the most fiistidintis. ' Ali Vitria ted to per- '' form accordmg . to . the 'titibliky of the icie.. i. , . ~-,,, Just xeceivett, a gOod assortnient of fashionable .",` Jewelry- abd Watches, winch Will be replenished " 4 every two months, consisting.of gold - and silver , r ;1 Lever and,L t epitic'Watclies, - .Quartiers, 4hc., from 7 ,", to 80 dilllars,l silver. Table , and "Tea Spoons, G9kl „,"1 L Rings, Ear Hoops, Cluster, Jet and .Stotib fins, i l l Wristlets, Silber and Geld Pencils, Go d frens, Pen se 'Knives, Scissors, Silver Thimbles, go d, Sill: and ( „',, T Steel Chains, sly. Keys, Pard_Cases, -.tier Fold; c r a t ' ers, Tooth ricks andßnishes, and manY other nAo- `, ful and ornamental articles, which will sold very cheap for old and new silver and gold. . , ', ( in Pay down and small profits is my wintto: ` Montrose, May 30, 1840. WM. MI . ..TRITE. , . . „ .. .. . : Irks and Capii. , , i t LAR9rand sitlierioraortinentts Dra,' Fyr, , A Fir 'Xi/plied and 'Call/Oran ; {Tool r ilots, Vii - i Leghorn aid Patin L;.al',dp„ and ;Sea ,r Cam i ol l c 1 New Sts/lea. Also, • Coar,tie and F7nlßoOt.: . and Shof3 Se for Ladies:, O'costlemen, Yongot and cub ! , ii, 4ili , assortment, just receteived and will be sold lower than ever by • ' I-1 ItiIRIIITT. New Milford, 'May 14th, 1349. - • It. II LIME. SPINNING mid . 84 for Bale by IL B New Milford, May : 2B,lBo. - • 1. Dave erreanliiniattit ', WB.. ERNS desire.s to state ilia ,e, ken. roowkrover the Store of $. dr. Son, Where he is preparqd to furbis i : 1 ty' to those i who will favor bin - twit:l ving. trudea . Wl:welt . of .the lates,4 F lin rtnnt irnprOvemehts iu ;he nrt,..he- . ' his. Pictures wil . lriot *lto plensey.. 11 but a short ltitne, therefore • call nt o )conveniense. h „., . .;.. .. --, .•...- ' .. • ; WISTAgf,PALSAJI.OP, WILD, eItHRRY: I What time establishe3 aqiiegesegrAte w4 ll B ex- Cl ti i . rrieucc ailopt4 atuitontirins,srliat, all., eiik,,inAl En] 'places unite in saying iivi6(l4ino "valna le, is so, itc ino doubt' ' A popularity - nfitliis,Sort in snClity i . at, i c its roots sti strong that timbconaitdas YU-. ;, 1 1 1 F , uocess which hiisattA-niaa this naediri - 6,rsill-Cr? ---: rais OA illaS overOthp' Ae,firclnd ep pr aft esiloctabin ritSii,:ancitlte iirtigle :Imi tc a a a l ,bind. among the ' t class' Of 'disci - km:10 - , bleilfings i f the age_;, . - d l*ll'its.* , ,i P), 1 0 s :04 er,a l 4 - , tes , the '43 for whichjt As i4iiniiin 0114,1 N . • ' .; 'rota the 134310,P05t: li . Dr. S. F , 13 tNiebiaideP.etteek . 49, an ar" • ' aistitlitt'' aticni„ which ; Scii helies'e *- the, bat txr , ieswaticri Afidert.ii diicopeloi thi iii :pi i afikOthti‘ 04 10 ,Pielie C Or i fO ili t ' lrti ii .... lid 'this medieiee;*o ..eaa, !foga :with. eali ti e t o, INr*aliitikrYtirst B , l a: o4l4 .o , ..g l 4ll: = B „; . 4Pl i f : F complaints=elli4i9=l,4l'h ; 'I 'Fi* ilal'O'OELMltraqe , Al°4: : ii •---' BLFISHE& A_sidimg , ar de Fee i er nehnitivnerniz • • 4 ' „.. B• •• • • • P ... . , Le 'II , IITIO 8 k:01- fra4- - ,1411 1 !0.1 6 ,1 k ' 4 rikf'li ' Itrinlitkits *W:74: WO ~,...,, L 3 / 4 ;14 4 .04-0Mu11it1 1 .44,4*." -,. ' Anita::;,* --'---- -,:,, -!.---- ':Dii-.45 1 6«ii:- 1 IA , .' stock ic co* , ‘,-cosisiersv i knits : *di, Kentucky zeiktii,"B:utit.*:o4l4.t. ack and Fanc7So3oabw*./8 13 Tkiedi MS, Organdies' O'utibik,, , Li!*4l4 lll6 ooC- TO aabla ms, Miapits„Bifcliaye,Tittnint]c. Lid andPhini"aingifini tiifa, . ':„. Moleskins, ,ritids,.....rrintli:ii itar ~ , agluunsi Plain Tu*,,Redaitliiiti ri - 04* - D Ripkin Jeans, Mikeld "Siittine,teeilW::, Mars, d 4. CitErsjaneu:4 4 .9.irr, i lain, and Silk ack ,-, .1.-z , .4,:,; , ,-L.ii - 1 ,1,-; . ! -,..1 I- ', ,1 t'0,414Z 4 :g",,,, - z ..:,=4 -:,,,, Lt . - inland, -Flordinie; - Feirl, riitoit. .!ii.ip:ii -, U ena, Ltl large and' Veltutifid.:4vrt.inen, 7 - . 11: . buns, grape and ,Tisatie Lisinw;',.',..ppitairikim . . R ..lies. - 21-. .-. • _ .'. '.„. - '•:] 1 -,"•••2".: - 7 ,:. e had added to, ouf stock thil,li, It.. kof Vrit., rib., itk, ukairis4iwoi, ~ -,,, .p and f 'aln Leaf, or any . ytiritity?'o44:l? di spring; faShions. - - -- - v. , 47-7:-L • •L•.,- • 13 . 0 .0 11 . 4 2, 4 - .5h0' 48 .• 2-1- t ,sits Finn Freifeli'llants,piiiters' , 4*- .11 dien'S' i nfid hnsies* - -, Ladi es Pon(poo*:. olli . kr . gl and' Black Gaited and Eicb'elifo:.fif.l*,), mt.§-tock fof_niceShoe-a :Ant 9an.heifOund: • - • 1 : 1:,, Atl'aos;,-; a lieiniff O ul - aszoinnent,',hin 4ry •. . ' ' ' • '. '""'''' - -- '--', 1 l• 1 ,. (44 ,..4,. eice :. 1, ,. 0 , / ..i, ex .--. w 'r ::t. . ari u,.2 4avi r A kr i 4. e , 4 flies isind - de - iir.i,.,li4Wenii Lisle,": 74 yes. Idosiery, of:all f;inds...;,•_, . --- ,--i: : •-•,;,,', 'ufailibin 11 4 0 .t - ii i ici:-Die:.'4 4l l )- ; ii i 'rra ' 31) 1 'ancl.liCorp,. Side -•slo.," piriip4,,a4F, et * , Lri iladl'il Canon; till: and,Cdnibilfii, .. is bo:ce, ' stock of FancY:GOods• as cavil* toniii fdi - 'hii-ie of Stage Goofs is . hirgii . o:l,'Ciafk i ., and G 1 35 ware--ChiLta,..as ttsualigtiddntne n , 11. if ,n , E superior .to Op in ,t-oyr. -, - , - ,t..,.,..i,: . rocerieft," grail )74i7k----a lam! 4t,delr:Ttnit,in,pnr_? is ',art alio, Ctiffie3, 'Rice; Tap ant ioniy thing tc rim e ..Valla, Stnel,_Nail Rods, Spring glte4,*Juni., n Rciudi4 Iron, Crowbars and LogAnin4 , - .- •'• fanitoa)te, a largi stock: StdetßnOfeliik rnjiis 7c and *ast -every article in thit link - 4'-'•:•= :::'• ,addle diut H4rness Ware, Oil CArtiet, imid_ftn Cloth itirnininv in. variety, Fly Nett andTriti U : bag's; - ~ , - 2.,• ' -- ' 1 ._' Mood Ware, heelers and Camayolfittk -, r n ! Tin wrire,• DruiA, - - . olls i oke. , •,' s — :' , .-.l'lN''..%'''. '. t ,kful Rir - patronve lrereofore i weednittlint 2 r , ope °lit we are- in•ft eoaditlon- to offal; •'‘.- is for sin increased business. - ' -- .. ,- ir • . y, 18 1 1 19: •• - • : L.L.-POST ilt-i7O, • New Groodn.,'', :', ;; .-,:-- - , l ust 1 1 TURRELL! ' -:-:' r '' l AS iust returned from the city of, Ne*Yor 1 with la well-selected and.destrable aisi*tmen of e , ads, comprising a greater variety than ;is nsu 11 kept id a country store, bought exclasi'vely fo r • -lig:rig - int the lowest rates, for the quality -o . . is, and will - be sold-as -Asap. sa.the cheapest, -- ,e best i quality of Sugar at 6,d. per pound . e ound iii Susquehanna county . , Pititf'flavore 'e. - azodd - varrety. - - . Molasses, good.-anct elietyp' , 7o ,ee Of the be3V.kirid. --- 'Spices of every amen io , - Saleratni, Raisins; Rice, Irish, and all - otht. •'. .s of,Groceries,,goodtmd cheap.: , •-.:::-- .---- , , licoes !front-4 to 4,4 cts.'per yard; Ginghants ire ..lin del Lanes,. Alpaccas, Plaids, Diapetl. Ate. like - RI eting (4 br.-st quality and some very - lovriSiti rig, brown :and bleached; Vesting'. Handkdrchie . , tucky jeans, 31ixed Denims, Corduroy hlol ki , Cas4itiere,. Linens, dm. dm.; Broadcloths fro ,1 2: as 4 per yard. . . • ' `.: -' ' .I' . : / dies and gentlemen's:Gioia" and llosieiyt trio - Iro ,g,-.Coittbs, Brushes,-Silk, Thread; Twiat, , Bu - on , Suspereri,latting, Wadding Cottoir V ite -1 Good 051:11113; and: a ...general astortine o iii -ee 110 Ow. ' ' - . • ~- - . , 1 clocks, IVatclirs, -Gold, Steel and BrasitWattli [e- s, Gold; and Silier Pericili, Gold Pena:, Thini , I' Lncliei and Gentlemen's Gold. &w in Pins, il rfoopit,iFinger Itings, dc. dm., embracing sten ,ra ASSortment of - Jewelry. Speetaeles with -sill -er bows., Mier. Plated, German Silver . 4c.; Silver ml other kinds of Spoons. 1,,, I - iolins, 14 robin 13uws and Strings, flutest' Fifes, . inets,.Alecotdcons„ dr.c., Instruction 800 -s,Ta il]. Forks; Ilaic Viol Strings and Biwa. • 1:' : • rdwar4, Clitlery, Pails and Tub;,Stone Ware m. Good 'ti.ted Oil, and paints of every. (;• - ies.orip. , .- L , Parris Sp'ts. Turpentine, and Paint lElth 's, 1 ails, G l a ss, Sash and Putty. 7 general and complete Assortment of led calinstruments, Trusses, SapportersAa 'Thy; ie . : , :.,-. supplied -with, good:articles :ottlnodenite 3111 , '. . Choice Liquors for medicinal-Purfasset add' : le. its; Dye„Stutfs, hz.„-. ',._..f,..., - ..: .-. 4, ~-;.C.. „ ,G , - .-ware,ufieverv , ,doseriptexi. -Aetnik Chls, an ers OiLldatalles,..eondld Nick; Candledtieks, riu . • rsiTntys„ Lamps de. • ' • ying Teets, abet Shovels. Axes - '.and -Heliiii, is • ts,-,Clothes Pins,-liroouts,: Boot BliL^king,., •kc. 6EO. FULLER old stock of them at j P 3 & I; eirtab- tibl-Elesit; /tRITI'. • - i et "• ; 1 j- Its has in- • it aguernir palL • • and mak ustaittat- I ,lll:remain earlieit [ll2OO Jots 14 1-• • mare ;.164'. . 4 eL . i ... i • . a, Slams, Upper Leather; 31irrera,_Tea 7, itella, • •of t); turfs, ripq!, Souk candy, §po_we, , Ilcalis,lBditic Alton,' OilioefakiraftdVMaw, 1 r • . ,u; Arrow hoot' Ike. . - E3sen - Oils:iuA'Fai t . of I all kinds Patent ' toOdieloel . of descriPtirn. • Illastin; PoWtI 'and Safety= 'Rifle •Nw.ler, Bar Le.ad,- Shirt,'. Perot on Pistolf4i. — publie tltt invited to call guukewnur..t4, S arid Price§ of gods' •.' .• '' • -''• '' ,11 - •• ' ': 'ABELTIIPRE.Lie. - • treee, -' me 13,.15#2 '. - ''./.:' ' -.;'•::f1 - : '''' i 1 . ." Iliiitek AU Sianplemil .. ~. 1 - i - s: --1. - E. Irani reeeivintr a large ?addition,4ceit k : 1 . of ,Grdedi,..ixitlight @int* the:Olit'Ale,- - priec, in NO.wiYork,•und 'which:, thep wilt' r cash* ready pay at lower &if* tbout tker.; , e 5,1 S . , , • • , t. 1 -`AI• . . , mid . itor. . 's . - , litotice,:,, - ,,,,• -,i;!,.,....-,..-, l'E . -iiiicklivrgn'eti 13 4 1 57ii4,1 I teqn Appoilifalt:* l aclitor ! by the .Coartref Conuetni,JlSew of, •• amp I county to _ distribute the .:: "heeds. . . from i the sale of she real 'estsste'oCross: 4,44 4lottatyiwill,atteisckto thefs*,sit '' .0: 11 : 31011 frxici-oliAtirsda.r*A2th.Absyiefi • o'4; a(est. o'clock. in. the,ferepooli c itt•4lseh -- , • iSSI i phOe. ill ilersona _arc:, reiriteslAreake • I.lL . *i.sti.he slebarred fcca4smessaciictOssiki • ~._:, [June -7„184-9.] . - .. G. A. 011.0W...E. - 15 k 0, 000 Il Wool *anted" 1: , W o V t re. :*'lll3F aid in vk 4tapd od e " 7: 7,.."49•l'LAtifil,grit' gAL!sPtflti* N . 6 (filOifi' l • - troliastiog_of Dar 1300a0; &Was: tm , ' t ;Guncaatiyeaspfaahaaakiwout,Nikrur . ch-theY:Plf4.l%7- 8 4 1 .4 4 , 0 11 6 -O CP/AN° 4 b 0 10twast pfico . . 3.. • . , v_; • • •• 3,141*, 3itts-2P , . • 1 '':', ; I .lLkc i jrn - itlift,ec'' 'Olieill - 1 •;::; - ::1 7 ,41.'''sf: . < 1 ' , ;:';.1'i''',.'' tir-• : lll.6*Tteckti -/3001L STORS, AitiOClrreili;. a& , ' ery..i0. 1 ,7- _#4,40.?'....ra** -- :? . .- ide . • • -.•.'• , 1 < 7...! -,.17,..*:<';',:•::-Alai-29,4840.71',., ,I_,facltaa.viAt the . addp~ai = 3lpiii: Italk*Ajed6, S•• w w ;of Odads,,.plishusd deduced paces ; anaifir-114 ,- in all variotytCrockilyAlp e. Pudgy. Hama%Wags •_Tnimillaw_. a utt r illftre*tricito 4 4:744, Booniktikitt'*;`.!' - '!"` • ' MalA 184 P *Widebf - MONTAOSWlntalligki . ..,. • 1 ~- • . ;Vb. ilVillita t ream* - lati 7 a "4 'l- dooal atmet,6l-thulinalp)Pirot - - woes . , ''` a - -,4*.9. - J upp, *law 11.. *ll briiiek. 10,c.i irKlielllN - Q ***. ip tl4* 0 . s p E { a k i d s fa cet lifiliaictitite'.:4l:libiek 4 _t ea: 1341i4D71 , 13sitand trittp4k I 1 1 64);. Cro 16- nk 4 t '%ialAlk 'aker, - gver- ' B4110;45141,1,1M /-, 3Oluilblgst Win; P r y Goodor9.os** ELDRED_ di,' lIIEVIP PriMitircdii,lciotrof gni Lifitrai4 -mil' be tontod'rWil .10.satinakirigW I ‘ nert .ok Fi4leff,P4OL*Oetta*ki ; a style : iunwita INIUMERATEVIIMt islet smi I,IIZONW-, -DgldertiC - 7 Crockery,. arK.Crovoic.f %Also; _ :-A*twor•it-i4k, N.. 104 , jit f ev i, dei cn 4 ial!"P'-Tr'PO.rt4P.Pe»V` iperirillsir *lax GixidsAhr4i,l46*hafa,,, turdware,Crockery - AW", elry,Silver,Spoimealei ABEL•TURRELI icines, amnia' tIS, Phini eeries, Dry cieogltr' • were,Oleelt4W,itetr -SPectaaleil , 1 14 81401 cal .• InitruFfiniftiii Stafion'ary; Bnis)kes, ' d1__:,,,,, - ,--,- ~ : •:., ' i:- . V. .te;;tf:1; ." - i , NEW :+-AAA'AE2I44FI,I7:-41411'1N, Fireiight - aridfccohitidint. ~,, - , Trio: With 1141rtitl-Eite Piiil P001 ' .. ...- CAPT.' I, 0. TiirartY and, wa1**;.',44.0t,- tor:Dias par14.!q 8111 14 01 7:4,A0 tit freight eilkiroatico. `Or r ill..kWlietw4Ok, l „ , Bentihr4NeW - roAt - by'lliels i r . m.. ,i., lar preightt lin4'whieW/0 'q11.4 . :1,r, !!. 4 ,..tJ,,. 4 , ) ! I r''.. ) -; morning at oclerk s.':-'' '''''' 4 .l'iji' , '-' l i ii -,:4 - ', Qaptani Tlif.'%4Ys '100..ha4..:bec,42 < , ~,1 1 4, .. •,-.4 pears erigiiigA in the ` Itflithagq, CPIs . _Bak ° F.LFOauCt.. , in the `- New ' Yorlertiarkete, - willn no, "Ifeltii, York' and give his} 'personal attent ion-to ` , 4±l_:Z. ,.. eirttod,.;.: i sal of All properly, committed tuel#Pire4'..,,..,-.. returns as.soon as 'the rOprerty,;* .„,. ,„; !of . A , e. , ..'.. Mr..Fiillet Will beat Montrose ?, .., Oft#M.l!_et,,,A . *, afterwately.i. °tilers. 'the the ," .; , . *et . VI ; Freight, may .be sent to him . at either I .. ilftevinkj: . `will receive. prcanilt.'uttentio4._: Otzir.t.itant,ori.l.!:.l the regular freight will be a llllccauniiiiiiiy; i i- t f • 1 .L. 6. TEFFOT:_,,- -. ,, • Montrose,May 8,'49. - ; Yr.ALTEXTO:I4.frJ - ,_-2_,,,N , t. A4lrgt lot of Oinillanurilli°4 4 - I ° ll _ Casa/tier*, Boots, and S cosh for Clish if offered tiOn,:bi - €60614:*t New Arra*Fesatietiti lirce.trwq urchases' tbe;uiremt Of 1.1.1ei in the p business Chandler, Co:, the 811'131173.':irivuldj attention of purclilt . eers•to Tin Wale, Dry'ffood4 Gmerleiclfieg and shoes ? d ;=&c ' feeling - assured tbata aunt Witt eeil'innyort of.tkeik statiealt . 000clei cal! AM? , of New York. and'see ' if 'ylou Want tilsivn inopey. 11 8 W.l maP 4; 1;849. saps( • Utest - Tet4ei ge#read e ,,..,l. • A lit*iind-b4iitifid stock of ' e~ .11 mer gtode; iewest, atpiiyy of PRINTS fit colds Per yard ; icneli 12eeilts;14413 drels iWit r ill ' 9 - CIOTT,O4 Oct hattn i igiodiriei:Ainalard' - ‘ .l Ivi "iYPi) 4 o:*: 43 ale,.EV!. - • . • , , ~ J. fIROCERIE.S-2, (mit ehroply, with the FIJI est, teas; in town. for evilsb CDoNNETS, ribbpits, artificial tkr+6l47usawsiAik -LI 4494; 41,3 V at the etoiP.of ./-.UOIIIC* , • CiAßO' , 44,o l *,44Fge, - stocki 3134 NA andlor *sae .fiLTOPfk::.4 k .- - -. i -1.: ': ' 73 f Onlieftgi , ----' 4-v-'44-:-5 . 4?-: ; :;-.1. - •:: UST Teeeivek a lango-stoe.kibt, Irew-pciamagkv ~ .Tuscan,_Mut, I) , 4 sar4 ,l 4 l =**4: l lll' `: ald*Yreila /ace, 4"c•Ac.. .-" 4,-, ~,, -c , .;,'..A-, ,1 1;:3!-., :-- - :Paid_ Ripiiis!; ' ' ' .-- -: ."..-' .6 , , , '... i beautiful as4ortiiierit,' tied milhaeiiiiiiiiditrier:PA tIIY-iK 04T Aisa ., ,aij great 'variel7 -.ol ltlifric*'. Sad', aid,Aress godakta gteakrahoty azid ' ' -,"?.. : all (*Which Pusl;!bo 8 04 , , fn4 VP' 7,1 V e lowest niiirk# 'prim: ' -, : 1 _ _,_,' :- "- ,- - 7 - <: - , :' oibson, Ali; ' I , ' _ tr. BURROWS le '•' - R. IL. Stitoweer."o"4.l . TT,Avgi 6C264 B .aleattkrogn_l*M444, i ,44, Other'dritegoodo: 1 1 ; 1 ' !SPPittif &Al 1p144 hPollicotton mid shoes - eOY I , 4 . 14 4. to Olt& frie* 1 1 11 4 , = - MOO iiitED'ottlki lute WoOthy. — ieekkr salekr, Nevflioltoriliz-,25qr sec -AClt i lttig • . l * . , likytic;.ll4+ 4 ....;•5.:fit ..—.,, •„,1 -.**-11:10i - ---- •-.1,4,-,=,-fi.. i• - ,1,. vow ic,iiii „,-,,, t-t'w -.T.l3oodiammr -viis r jeAlaoilent4_,l.ZiaarowAlr' ifs: .'% •.: . - Turiell*,,ieurigr• • , - , vow ~. • 1,, it'liow ' .. • - -.. .., ,: 7 - ---; 4 = ~,,- .7 • 1 *motif ~ .. 4iii torarzeloeo - t : 0 4 1 3. , 41 ' ~ . 016 m— 1 ~ 167. 4,,114., •, .-1 .1 .. --:-...,. ,•., ,• ~~:.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers