GEN. MILE. :VICTORY. CHICAGO, gebruary 6.—A St. Paul diapatch, received to-day . officially at mil -4arg-4adquarteri here, says Tli6 follciwing has lust been received via Bowman and 'Helena : '• HEADQUARTERS, 62tI1AND ON THE IrELLGWSTONE, January 20.-4 have the honor to report that the command fought hostile tribes of Cheyenne and Ogallala . Sioni under Crazy Horse in skirmishes, on the Ist, 3d and 7th of January, and in a five Mara' engagement, on the Bth _inst. Their camp, consisting pf some 500 lodges, I extended three miles along the valley of the. Tongue river, below Hanging Woman's creek, They were driven through the canyons of Vie Wolf or,Painter mountains' n the direction of the Big Horn mountains. Their fighting_ strength outnumbered mine by two or three to. one, but by tak ing advantage of the ground we hadd - them at a disadvantage, and their loss is known to be very severe. Our loss is three kill ed and eight wounded. They fought en-' tirely'dismounted jind charged on foot to within fifty yards of Captain Casey's line, but were taken in ,front and flank by Capt, Butler's and Lieut. licDofiald's companies. They were whipped at every point, 'and driven from the field and pursued as far as my limited supplies and worn down animals would • carry my command. The Indians appear: to have plenty of arms and ammunition; but otherwise are in a destitute condition. Some of the • prisoners l now in our hands were captur ed with frozen limbs, and were living on h6rse meat. The weather has been very severe -and. the snow from one foot to three feet deep. The command, is in . . good condition. • NELSON A. MILES, Commanding. There were 55 deaths in Pittsburg las week: Adiertisements New This Week. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Wilson J.Tnrrell having assigned all his estate to the undersigned in trust for creditors, all persons indebted by book account or otherwise are requested to make immediate settlement, and all having claims against the estate will please present them to A. H. MeCOLLUM._ assignee of Wilson J. Terrell. Montrose, Feb. 8, 1877. 7w4 A DIitINISTRATORS' NOTICE.—In . JAL the estate of James Cooney, late of Friendsville dec'd. Letters of administration in the said estate hav ing been granter. - to the undersigned, all persons ow ing said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and all persons having e:aims against said estate are requested to preient them without delay, q i iITHERLS CrOOICKY, MART COONEY, Feb:l4. '77. 7w6 Administrators. PUBLIC SALE: r The undersigned will offer for sale on his ; premise" in Dlmock. on the Me ehoppen Creek, on Wednesday, February 21,1877, The following property : One yoke of oxen, 6 cows, yearling bull, brood sow with ides lumber wagon, plow. harrows, ' cultivator, and other articles not mentioned. sumaidilder $5 cash ; $5 and over, nine months' credit with , interest and approved security. JOHN Iii.ROSBNCHANTS. Dimock, Feb. 14 ,lfaTpd. R lIPTEGROVE Wishes to inform the public that he has made such a 'REDUCTION IN-PRICES ON WORK, se to meet the pressure of MEWS Fins Boots and Shoes $1 less pm pa , and - o repairing in the same ratio. • •s!Thie only guaranteed for money down: C. E. UPTEGROVE, Ag't. Montrose,lreb.l4; ASSIGNEES' SAE OF REAL ESTATE. • Notice is hereby given that the subscribers, Assignees of Sidney Finn, for the benefit of his credit ors, by order of tae Court of Common Pleas of Sus quehanna County; will expose at public sale to the highest and best blader,at the residence of Sidney Finn in Lenox, on Tuesday, the 20th day of March, 1877, at 1 o'clock p. m., the three following described pieces of land, all in Lenox, said county, to wit: • • - First. the piece known as the Shick Farm, bounded northerly by land of Deßarr Hinckley,Besjamin Hinck ley:and B . P. Halstead, east by public highway, south by land now or late of I. S.. Little, and west by land of H. P. Halstead and 8. L. Tiffany, containing 85 acres, more or less. 50 acres improved, with frame house,barn fruit trees, &c. Second . bounded northerly by lands of Philip Mc- Bane and Frank Shick. easterly by land of D.W.Clark, southerly by public highway. and westerly by Solomon Taylor, containing:iro acres. more or less, 25 acres im proved. with franie house, barn and fruit trees thereon. Third, bounded northerly_by lend of Deßarr Rinck ley, easterly by lands of E.Rinckfey and G. W. Walker, and westerly by land of Thomas McLoan, Wm. McLoan and the public highway, excepting and reserving al ways therefrogfabout 100 acres off the south end of the same sold by Sidney Finn, Dec. 2,1872, by contract in writing to Oseate. Finn: as follows : Beginning at the road line Oflauds of Thomas McLoan - , Win.". McLean and the tridowilltouton. bounded on the south by their lands, on theeast by lands of S. Taylor.ou the 'north by other lands of Sidney Finn, and on the west by the public road—leaving the part to be sold 167 acres,more or less, on which there is a dwelling house, barns, Etc. TERMS—Upon the first and second pieces $250 each down on day of sale, s2bo each on finalconfirmation of sale and giving.deed and the balance on each piece one half in six months and one-half in twelve months with interest from final confirmation of sale. Upon the third piece $5OO down, $5OO on final confir mation of sale, and balance with interest from that date, one-half la six months and other, half in twelve months. The amount unpaid oneael: piece at final con . lineation of sale and giving deed to be secured by first judgment or mortgage lien upon the premises, with in terest. S. TAYLOR. 1. EDWIN , STEVENS, I Assignees. Lenox, Feb.l4. 1877. 7W4 A% Mil • Fancy Cards 15 styles with name 10 - tts. - 4 a44,0 Post paid. J.B.linated,lilaaemi,Rens.Co.N.Y.7. Tyr ric•sut Milton Gold Jewelry Combination out. Consisting Of elegant 'watch chain, ladles' handsome brooch,and ear drops,pair elegant gold stone 'sleeve buttons; set spiral studs, collar button. heavy plain wedding ring, and gents' Parisian diamond pin.— Tbe time articles sent, post-paid, for 50 cts., have been retailed for is. Bankrupt stock and must be sold. Solid Hilton Gold Watches, $lO each,for speculative purposes go od timera i equal in appearance to a $2OO gennit e gold. His reputation for honesty, fair dealing and lib erally is unequaled by any advertiser in this Y. Hay Book, Dee. 16,1876. PiPIITA.G2 STAMPS TAKEN MI CASH. F. STOCKMAN, SI Bond illy New Work. Dimelur & Go. ", ANNUAL • STATEMENT • .• • • • _ „.. . - • • RECRTPTS., & • ..EXPENTIDITURES . • ~ • . OF • • .. • .. . , • . .•.. • ~,,••.. • -•-: #.noquthitunt --- ..-• - - , • •, . For * • - • ,*! -•:•-• • , • - " . • , •• . , • • • kade and published , in!puituance of an Act of Assembly of ..thel2th,'Of L . „. , ' , - - • -• TABLE SHOWING'-:THE BALANCE OF COLLECTORS' ACCOUNTS FOR . COUNTY AND STATE TAXES _ FOR THE YEAR 1876. . , . , C7colizzive3r. , Eaterter. , . . . Townships and . . Collectors' .ti • t/.• "hi :1 1;:i ts• hi m' • • • No c) ° el 15 1 .. o .- " Is g . .. 31 CD 0 • . ; ti Pf a .- F, a Boroughs Names.- .... * 4 ' 6 • .1 = .. tig g , V CP \ • . . • $4 , . - s. g .. 5 , 1 : 1:6 5 , : 1, • . r . • . • . • . . i ....,..._... - - Apolite.on . Richard Rooney..' $ 497 '74 $ 463 48 $ll 984 28 28 $ 17.66 $ 15 64 $l3) $ 'B2 Auburn .... W C Lowe 1.685 92 1,587 70 I'7 29 80 93 56 63 52 52 . 140 271 . Ararat -Wm H Barnes .... 397 77 374 99 305 . 19 73 16 55 14 97 70 79 Bridgewater Jeremiah Baldwin .2,318 76 2,181 86 22 08 114 83 58 - 90 •„58 95 - 2.11 284 Brooklyn E 8 Eldridge 1.269 28 1.202 49 '3 51 - 63 28 ''4s 70 42 89 108 228 Clifford . . ... .. .. ..... M A Gardner 1,471 07 1,879 63 18 83 72 61 50 96 44 95 365 286 C•aoconnt... ' E M*Divitt 592 94 558 99 460 29 41 .. 20 97 •18 57 142 93 Dimock .. L W Bunnell ' 1.289 05 1,205 54; 20 07 68 44 66 44 60 01 382 2 61 , Dundaff E Davise' 169 75 160 461 85 -8 44 424 871 27 20 Franklin D I H D B a l v owers ' 1,039 89 981 47 - 6 '77 _ 51 65 84 00 30 70 168 162 Forest Lake W G Small. 1,157 84 1.096 96 315 57 '73 42 88 89 34 97 207 Friendsville AndrewMinnehan 183 89 .. 164 56 017 866 8 41.6 60 146 85 Gibson 13 P Pope - . 1,681 45 1,592 20 545 83 80 '9l 39 84 42 ' 253 - 4 44 Great Bend Twp A 0 Fox . . .... ... 993 92 935 64 904 49 24 29 54 -27 04 108 - 142 Great Bend 80r0...... R Ferguson 485 411 407 63 683 21. 45 16 79 15 09 91 79 Gt. Bend Village Boro .L B Croon • 226 99i 21417 .. 155 11 27 - 764 679 49 36 .Harmony Noble Thomas.... 1,193 861 998 04 148 30 52 52 . 81 36 86.66 4277 193 Harford H J Tyler. . 1,860 88 1,280 14 13 87 67 87 45 62 42 28 117 222 Herrick EJ Thomas . 928 06 875 56 642 46 08 82 71 29 92 122 157 Jackson ..... A S Bingham 1,390 36 1,313 135 787 69 ; 14 47 f 5 43 93 81 .2 81 Jessup.... Lucius Smith 992 oo , 864 01 365 44R4 33 80 • 81. 58 53 166 Lathrop Ansel Merrill 872 93 822 59 705 43 29 80 24 27 82 96 146 Lenox T D Payne 1,528 60. 1,442 58 1010 - 75.92 • 63 64 . 58 81 173 810 Little Meadows C C Fox . 170 88 l6O 71 1 '72 845 52 - 464 82 24 Liberty ., T L Smith 968 53 900 70 .20 43 .- 47 40 41 '7B 39 00 73 205 Middletown '' Wm Lee - 875 55 1 824.46 770 43 39 84 92 •33 17 -..- 175 Montrose : . Harvey Tyler 1,795 601 1,695 85 • 1050 89 25 97 25 90 18 212 416 New Milford Twp.... 0 M Shelp - . . 1,926 03 1,814 71 15 81 f 95 51 52 57' -47 88 211 262 New Miliord Boro J B Dean 801 30 752 07 965 ;.! 58 86 50 82 95 182 173 Oakland. S H Estabrook.... ' 749 54 - 672 45 41 '7O 85 1 1 9 16 40 1896 1 .71 73 Rush D H Devine 1.124 62 1,056 25 R 2 78 55 59 42 78 89 25 147 2'06 Silver Lake Thos Rogers, jr... 1,008 . 94 048 96 10 04 49 94 84 05 • - 8625 221 159 Susquehanna.. ..... .Wm G Leslie 1,418 16 1,830 97 .1714 70 05 58 60 50176 617 267 Springville E B Scott 1,955 08 1.278 29 14 78 67 01 68 71 48 50 266 255 Thomson C L Wrighter 601 71 564 67 733 29 71 21 09 19 57 50 102 ' _ 1536,333 80.534,039 56 $50496 $1,789 28 $1,887 47 $1,2`37.71 $95 26 $64 50 • , . . • Total amount of Duplicates.s36,3B&3o 6, 44 - paid .... $34,089 . .i6 , " ' " exonerati one 504.96 ~ i !, percentage i- , 1,189.28 —586,838.80 Total amount of Duplicates . $1.387.47 • - •• 4 A pa id $ 1 , 227 - 7 / exonerationa . ~. 95 26 percentage, ' "•'-' ... 64.50 . . - . —51,327.47 EXPENDITURES OF SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. 1876. Commonwealth costs $ . 794-.50 Road and bridge views 6510 Road dama,ges .... 1,110 00 Er 0 Ball. County Commissioner . 362 20 D 0 " 61. 860 00 31 13 Ryan' " " 250 00 G B Eldred, Commissioners' clerk 'lOO 00 ' Constables.... . 1,211 32 Grand and Traverse Jurors 4,267 01 General. township and Special elections.-- 1,470 61 Court House and jail, fuel and lights .. 245 . 28 Court House • 254 89 E Baldwin, Court Crier and Janitor.. 353 00 Assessois 1,516 00 Printing .551 63 Interest on temporary loans 156 91 Interest on bonds outstanding......... ..... 440 65 " " " redeemed . • -889 66 State Lunatic Asylum 1,166 05 Insurance 199 00 Jail— _... . . , 'l4 82 Stationery... . 166 61 Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts... ...... .. 1 96 6 13 90 coroner's inquests.. District Attorney ... • 473 00 Town. Clock .. 25 00 • D D Latbfop. 5ten0grapher.............. 273 75 Eastern Penitentiary 608 03* Justices of the Peace. 7 00 State tax, 1876 ' 2,116 13 C C Halsey. Jail Physician 49 00 Teachers' Institute . . 180 00 Agricultural Society 100.00 Postagelo 05 Registry 598 15 Jury Commissioners • 100 00 Wm A Crossmon, late clerk .. . • 184 00 Wni A Crosamon, Auditor's Clerk and in aking County Statement • , 62 50 Fraser & Crossmon, Counsel. 1875 . 185 00 Wm 'A Crossmon, drawing oath of office for ' Commissioners etc 3 00 Counsel, 1876 . 800 County Auditor • 45 00 Bonds redeemed ......• ~...'. ... ... . . ...... 6 900 00 M. B Reline, late Sherif . - 224 14 Wm White, Sheriff 1.093 22 Public Records 834 90 HENRY C. TYLER, TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY. 1 1876: • To amount received frOM E G Taylor, late ° Trei surer. . .$ .4 000 84 TO amount received from Rush Pocr District . 182 55 4, • H W Tiffany. taxes.... .. 75 W Wayman " ........ ...... . •90 " R B Little, " 4 • , 462 " James Murphy, " ' 55 " Charles Riilel " • 169 • " F Beman, rent of Court House 12 00 " New Milford poor district • 9008 .44 .6 4111 44 40 "Elijah Snell , taxes 244 ~ _ I' Coinmonweilth vs Dundon 775 " Fines and jury fee 5............... 64 02 `.— Unseated land taxes. 1 240 36 Duplicates for 1876.... - 36 313 80 " 8 mills tax on personal property... 1 887 47 1 • " Blakeslee, et al., late C omits. . '99 00 " additional tams.... . 252 99 Tot Bl-,...... $43,671 28 . WM. WHITE, SHERIFF, IN ACCOUNT- . FOR. FINES AND JURY FEES FOR 1876. • • To amount of fines and Jury fees as per certifi- By amount uncollectable $2lOO rates of the Prothonotary, and Clerk of the •By 8 per cent: retained for. collecting $66 00 - 198 Court. of quarter Bessions..v' .$B7 00 By amount paid Treasurer and charged in his ac • count ~ 64 02 Total... - .$B7OO l PITULATION:—CouxTY. RECAPITULATION.-STATE. $30,728 09 'The above account audited January 6,1877. The aboie account audited dannizi .6,18??, • , , . L. CATLIN, __ • O ' DOWD , Anditoril. WI,=MOM JL U. L, CATLIN, L. B. 0' DOWD,. .}Anditom WK. NEMER, Jig. . CATLIN. L.B. O'DOWD, Auditors. , WM. MEEKER, Su. By coonty orders xedeemcd,. 1304 99 09 len. - # Cr. By amount of 12 refunding' orders $ 62 28 ‘• County orders redeemed 83 728 (9 Exonerations to Coll.'s co. tax... . 504 96 . Percentage - 1.1 i • a.*a 1 789 28 Exonerations :. * 4 State tax.. 9.5 26 Percentage " ".. 64 50 By commission to Treasurer (less amount received from State) 288 29 By balance in Treasurer's; hands " . ......- 10 138 57 '54 88 7 1 23 T0ta1...:...:.: X. L. CATLIN. . . L. B. O•DOWD. Auditors. WM. mamas, Js. Total ' sB7 00 STATEMENT_ :ok. SUSQUEHANNA COUN'it:TEgASUP,Y, JANUARY lßt, 1877 Available funds.... ... . . ..• .. ... d Uncurre,ut funds oi,pievione years about -...... „. $10,15557 Notee taken for coats, but which , are uncolleetable, out 450 00 The present ixidebtednego of theeanity is nine:thousand one Minorca 'uo VI, With interest from November : - . , - . - • - • , , .We certify thei,foregoing to be a tree statement; Bh , • G. - BALL,_ , D. O. 'MINKI.F.N.; County Cotomissioners. ALB. ItY/a4„,_. , • AttEpt cominusionere 914ce. 1877„- AUDITORS. REPORT.' - =' We the undersigned AnditOriiit'and for the county of t usq neliatina.'innt, In pursuance et our dutiet i at.the Auditors' Officicin Montrose, on Tuesday, the 2d day ot Nbinualy, A. D.,1877, and did audit and adjust and settle. the several accounts of the Commissioners aiid Treasurer of said.connty as follows, viz: We find, u_pon a thorough' exathination, in the bands of Henry C. TYter, Esq:, county Treasurer, Ten Thdusand One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Dollars and Fifty- Seven Cents ($10;138.51) county balance ; and upon a thorough investigation , of the Commission ern' accounts, we are satisfied that our present board of Commissioners are making every effort - in their power to reduce , the expenditures - of the county. We find that for distributing the elec tion papers, Assessors duplicates and papersoind the registribooks and papers for the year 1872 cost the county $646, while in the year. 1876, for distributing the same, cost the county $197.50; and_notwithstanding the above encouraging facts, we find that many of the Assessors of the county are charging exorbitant prices for making the assessments; and especially the borough of Montrose. , We find also that the charges ibr county advertising are exorbitant for the times, and *would suggest to our Commissioners that they use every' means in their power to reduce the same. And .while we find the present board of Commissioners' have made a large reduction in the salary of theirtlerk we would recommend a still further reduction if practicable. • M. L CATLIN, • Coanty Auditors. WM. MEEKER, Ja., f Auditors' Office, Montrose', January 1, 1877. D ISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm name of Outtenberti Rosenbaum & Co., Montrose, Pa.. is this day dissolved - by mutual consent. • All accounts, ddb bills, notes,judge tnents, contracts, &c. or any obligation due said firm, or contracted with said firm,at their former place of business at Montrose, Susquehanna county, .Pa., are assigned to M. S. pessauer, and will have to be paid to hira,!who is authorized to receipt or cancel the same. • All claims against said firm oftluttenberg, Rosenbaum & Co., Montrose, Pa., are assumed and will be paid by said M. B. Dessauer. Montrose, February 15t,1777.' Montrose, Pa., will continue the business. as heietefore. Thanking the public for past liberal favors, he hopes by, strict'attention to business , and the wants of trade, to retain the pat. ronege and confidence of the public placed in biin as managing partner of the late firm. Retaining all former business advantages, he hopes to be able to please and satisfy the trading 1876 • • FOR TIIIC--- New England Mutual Lite Ins. Co. The oldest mutual In the country. Chartered 1885. MABSTON. & WAHELIN General Agents, 138 South Fourth Street. Fhthulelphia, 7 MUSIC BOOKS. i 7 Each book may be safely reeePred as among the very beat.* - , (1.88 ; $l2 per doz.) By L. O. Emerson. First Class Church Music Book. (75 cts ; $7.50 irr doz.) By L. Q. Emerson. First Class Singing School Book. WORLD OF SONG. ($2.50 Bds ; $3 Cl; 84 Gilt . ).Unriva l ed : Collection of Songs. GEMS OF THE DANCE. (42.50 Bds ;I $8 Cl s4 Gilt.) The most Brilliant Plano Music.. ' OM= $80,728 09 MEM =MEM M. M. TZ/MBIELELICI.IOEL, GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM & 00., Montrose, February 14,1877 NSURANCE MEN , TAKE NOTICE. '4 " ) AGENTBMANTED LIBEEtAL TSRMS THE SALUTATION. THE EONORE.- PERKINS' ANTHEM BOOK. ($1 50; $13.50 per doz,.) An easy Anthem for each Sunday in the year. PERKINS' GLEE & CHORUS BOOK. Superb Collection. $1.25; $l2 per doz. MALE VOICE GLEE BOOK. • $l. Perkins. Brief.New,Spirited Glees In abundance. EMERSON'S CHORUS BOOK. $1.25; $l2 per doz. The ;Best Sacred - and Secular Choruses. Either book mailed, post-free s .for Retail Price.. OLIVER DITSON 4; CO., BOSTON:. C. C. H. Ditson &Co., I.E. Dition &Co, 711 Br •adway, Successors to Lee & walker, New York. ' Phila. TRIENNIAL COURT OF. APPEAL. The Commissioners of Susquehanna county have fixed upon the following days and dates! respectively. for hearinpappeals, from the assessments for the year 1877, at the Commissioners' Office in Montrose to wit: Montrose on Wednesday, February 2180877. - • Great Bend Borough, apd the Borough of Great Bend Village. on Thursday Feffruary Jessup and Rash, on Friday February 23d. Apolacori and Little Meadows, on Monday February 26th. Bridgewater.on Tuesday February 27th. Auburn, on Wednesday February. 28th. Silver Lake and Liberty, on Thursday March Ist, Chocoriut and Friendsyille, on Friday March 2d. Springirille, on Monday March sth. Susquehanna Depot, on Tuesday March .6th. New Milford township and New Milford Borough; on Wednesday March Ith. Oakland and Harmony, on' Thursday March Bth. • Forest Lake and Middletown, on Friday March 9th. Thomson Borough and Thomson townshlp,onMonday March 12th. Gibson and Herrick, on Tuesday March 18th. Ararat and Jackson. on Wednesday March 14th. Clifford and Dundaff, on Thursday March 15th. Lenox and Harford, on Friday March 16th, Brooklyn. on Monday March 19th: : Dimock and Lenox, on Tuesday March 20th. Great Bend Township and Frahklin, on Wednesday March 21st, N. B.—Appeals closed eachday at 4 o'clock p. 112. B. G. BALL. • D. O. MINKLER, Commissioners. M. B. RYAN. Montrose, January 19,1877.-518 . NEW FIRM,. The undersigned have formed a co•partnershlp under the firm name•of Read Brothers & Co. - ***Goods will be sold at etrictly_cash pr ices _ for cash. C. IC REA D . R. F. RBA BILLINGS STBOITD. - Montrose, Jan. 1,1877. 6w2 TiISSOLITTION. L. . • The firm of Read Ait' Stroud is dissolved by mutual consent. K. RICAD BILLINGS EilitOlTO. 614 Warm, ;lin. 1..47. .Ikdvertiseinents new this Week. SIICOESSOR.TO N„'GIITTENBERG, L, ROSENBAUM; • Comprising the' JOSEPH WITTENBER, former firm of H. EiSMAN , Guttenbew, Ros- L. HOLZHEIMER, enbattm & Co. Ms& R.,WITTENBERG, I . M. S. DESSAUER, J STATEMENT OF THE - RECEIPTS AND . Expenditures of Silver Lake Township : Amount special road' duplicate CuHector's percentage Orders paid ? Balance in Treasury Amount of poor duplicate Collector's percentage Orders paid Balance in,Treanry Amount of town duplicate• Collector's percentage Orders paid Balaucein Treasury Amount of dog duplicate Collector'spercentage Orders paid • Balande in Tresettry • L 'STONE. t - C. DBI;RANTY,_ Auditors. • J. J. DONOVAN, • Silver, , Lake, Feb. 14.1897-It. • ASSIGNEE'S, SALE OF REAL ESTATE. .. 1 Notice is hereby given that in , pursuance and by.virtne of an order of the Court. of Common Pleas of Susquehanna County,to me directed, I will expose for sale at public vendee at the mill on the premises in Franklin Township, Susquehanna County, Pa., Tuesday, March 20th,1877, /410 o'clock a. m., the real estatetof N. W. Eastman, assigned to me in trust for benefit of creditors of said Eastman. viz: An equal undivided one-halt interest in the following described piece or parcel of land, Be ginning at the highway, the northwest corner of lands late th e estate of said .Eastman, recently sold to John East Man, thence south and east along the line of said lands to the 'west line of lands , of Itenjamin Merritt, thence south on said Merritt's line'to the south bank of the mill race running to the law mill formerly owned by*David Fisk,thence westerly along said south bank so far thit a line running north parallel to the first men tioned lines to the highway shall include three acres of land, thence along said highway to the place of begin ning. containing three acres of land, more or less, on which is one steam saw, lath and -grist mill, one dwell ing house,bani and out houses.and nearly all improved. TERMS OF SALE—SIOO down on day of sale. $2OO on final confirmation and giving deed, and the balance with interest one-half in six months, and the other half in one year from final confirmation of sale.— Amonnt unpaid on final confirmation and giving deed to be secured by first lien on the premises sold. A. LATHROP, Assignee of N. W. Eastman. 7w4 February 14,1577. 1231LTIRL.PLITT, Would call attention - to hie New Stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Now on sale, in new .DR 9.00D2 LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND: COLORED, ALPACAS, NEW STYLE OF PRINTS, SHAWLS, WATER-PROOFS, FLAN NELS, BALMORAL, AND HOOP SHIRTS, VELVETS, HOSIERY, _ 11EAVIn. WOOL GOODS, CARPETS, 011 CLOTHS, PAPER HANGINGS, BUFFA LO AND LAP ROBES, FURS, HATS - AND CAPS; BOOTS AND. SHOES, lARDWAREJRON,NAILS, STEEL STOVES AND GROCERIES, ETC. in great vanety, and will be sold on the most favorable terms, and lowest prices. .; H. WIWI% rieW Milfora, May Ist, 1875. TOB WOBJE ; AT Titsonnevasap DEssAuEs. $3OB $l5 47 44 80 00 • $51938 $1506 $205 95 $ 1029 105 27 115 56 SSW 91 874 41 400 37 $ll9 01 $ 9029 'moo tom • 8500 4015 . $62 86
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers