• t • • ( CEEB I EIVIOCRAT. POBEISEISW EVRBY ED . 2 , 194:1 . 101 4 ' • it . ,Mtikiscigp;.sl3 . 6(ei - co.. - • -• 1-1 AWL E. Y;..& .R USE R. EDITORS' ¢s. `PROPRIETORS, . At Two Dollarif per Year in ..Adv,a4e. .1 • TO. ADVERTISERS Dixo6tia r adyei- - tising, medium is Anenrpassed, segtion. relelies the' Farmei, litehattle; - and btildneis'Ynan., _lt 6 Cite illation IN co ns ta t ricreasi n g audits adverti sl rates reasonable. !bites mill be, given at - -otir office or by until. JOB PRlNTlNO:—Our.office ;is - supplied printing presSuS..fogether.with a Jorge vaiiety-of'type, borders. fancy inks,. etc.. with 'mhtetume - ate prepared to do Work in ,the, best style and at •pileol3 lower , then a ny competitors in auy,aection::. liiimplini4lioivn and, estimates cheerfully given at our offlee..' , Work oider ed by mail-willreceive promptattentioni ' E. B. - • CRUBER. 331;rozw,%msE??!3 - toA.mt:rois. , ATTORNEYS. I ITTLES AND ,BLAKESLEE -AT . ) torne.ys at Law,hiputrose, , Pa.•• 01ace' opposite, the Tarhell Honse - R. B. LITTLE, (IRO. P.LITTLE, Montrose ,Oct. 15,1872. • B;L, BLAKESLEE. . - F I. LOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • Montrose, Pa. Collections promptly attended to. Special attention given 2to Conveyancing and Or: pbans' Court practice.' ' Office on Public Avenue over. First National Bank, back. • [march 29, '76.] QCOVILL AND DE 'ITT, ATTOR- 1 neys at Gals , 'and Solicitors in Bankruptcy.' Offic , N 0.49 Court Street , over City National Bank, Bing na mt on. N. Y. WM. 11. SCOVILL, June 15t.h,1878 . JEROME DEWITT.' EDGAR A. TURRELL, COUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. 179 Bioadway, New York City. May 12. '7s.—(Feb .11. 1574.1 y) A 0. WARREN, ATTORNEY, AT /3, Law; BOUnty - , Back ray, 2- Pentsion and Hi.; etatr,:on Claims attended to. Office flrr. oar below Boyd's Store, Montroie.PE LF. FITCH, ATTORNEY' AND • Councellor-at-law. Montrose, Pa. Office ' . as heretofore, below and west: of the Court House. • Montrose, January 27,1875.-Iy. - 117 M. A. CAOSSgON, ATTORNEY T at Law. Offico over the- First .Nation Bank, Montrese.Pa. r W. A. CROSSMON ' Montrose, Aprill9; IS76.—tf. lAT 'D. LUSK, Attorney and Conn • sellor at Law, Montrose, Pa. Office over' First National Bank. Montrose, Dec. l l3, 1876y1. 118. &' A. H. MoCOLLUM, AT, • tomeysa_tiLaw. Office over W. H. Cooper & Co's Bank, Montrose. Pa. May 10, 1871.—tf ,E O'NEILL, ATTORNEY. AT • Law. Office over. A. B. Burnes Drag Store ' `Brick Block.' Montrose, Pa. , [ June 9, "75.—U]. W. 'SEARLE, ATTORNEY AT D. Law, office "O'Ver• the Store of M. Dastaner, Italie Brick Block ,Montrose Pa. Laing. 1, '69.1 PHYSICIANS:. 11D. BALDWIN, M. D., HOMED- . pathic Physician and- Surgeon, has located himself at Montrose. where he will attend promptly to professional business entrusted to his care.— all in Carman's building, second floor, front. Boards at Mr. B. Baldwin's, ' I • Montrose, Pa., March 10,1875. -; f.. DR, W. L. RICHARDSON, PHYSl cian and Surgeon, tenders hi sprofessionalser vices to the citizens of Montrose 4nd vicinity. Office at his rcsiderce ,on the corner eastof the-Foun dry. ' 1869. 110MEO- A.:4 • pathic Physician and. Surgeon, New Milford, FN. Cries at the Union Hotel. Aug. 28, 1876.-tf • DENTISTS. , LS, POTTER, DENTIST, WISHES . to inform the people of Montrose andlrielnity, that he is permineatly located, in the second stekryrot B. P. Stamp's new building; opposite Cooper's Bank. All kinds.of Dental Work done in the best manner. N. 8.--Nitrons -Oxide, Laughing Gass; given - Ur the painless extraction of teeth. Montrose, April sth, 1676.—tf DR. W. W. SMITH ; DENTIST.---' Rooms at his dwelling, next door north of Di. Halsey's, on Old Foundry street, where he would be happy to see all those in want of Dental Rork. He feels confident that he can please all, both in quality of work and in price. Oftice hours from 9A. it. to 4 P. X. Montrose.Feb.ll,lB74—tf , DRUGGISTS. A. LYON,' SUCCESSOR TO : Abel 'Farrell, - dealer in Drake. Medicines, - OheMicals, Paints, Oils, Dye-staffs, Teas, Spices, Fancy Goode, Jewelry, Perfumery, dm • Montt:o6e, May 19.1875. • EAGLE. DRUG STORE, IS THE place to get Drags aid keacines,Aligars, To bacco, Pipes, Pocket-Books, Spectales, Yankee No-- tions..tc. Brick . Block A. B. BURNS. Montrose, Pa., May sth, 1876. HOTELS. VALLEY HOUSE, GREAT BEND , Pa. Situated near the Zrie Railway Depot.— Is a large aria commodious kouse. Bas undergone a thorough repair. Newly barnished rooms and sleep- In gapartments.dplendid tables,and all things compris ing a fit st class hotel. ' HENRY ACKERT, Sept. 10th,1873.-tr. Proprietor. E- CITAIN GE fIOTEL. M. J. HAR rington wishei to inform the public that having rented the Exchange Hotel in Montrose, he Is now prepared to sceommodate the traveling pnblic in IlrEt-class style. Montrose, Aug. 284873. MEAT MARKETS.f- MONTROSE MEAT MARKET, 4.Y.a. Public Avenue. First-class meats always on hand at reasonable prices. Sausage, PcThu, atc., season. The patronage of the public is respe_otfully WALLACE HEWITT. Montrose, Jan:1,1877. T HE PEOPLE'S MARKET, PHIL lip Hahn, Proprietor. Fresh and Salted - Meats, Hams, Pork, Bologna Sausage,etc., of the best qual ity, constantly on hand,it prices to suit. • Montrose, Pa., Jan. 14.1873.-11, . SURVEYORS. TC. WHEATON, J. , CiviLENenius AhD LAIID BIIIIVETOS, P.O. address, Franklin Forks, Susquehanna Co., Pa. PRINTING. - } QUICK, - - Job Priating CHEAP, , at iNICE. This 014ce.1 vOB. PRINTING of-all kinds at tkia Office 0t low prices. TRY Ufi. ' TITSTICES AND OTHER BLANKS 41 AT Ts/8 OFFCE. • ' VOL, 34. , 3110EI 4 L,AN'EOUS - . :CARDS. A W. COOLEY, BUILDER, STILL ON THE TRACK !.• Every Style cif , buildings • erected, 'and'everything furnished, at GREATLY REDUCED .PIIICEE, • Contracts cbeeriully furnished. - Stair building a specialty. None but experienced workmen tolerated: jan.20,'75. , hlentrose, biarchl.lB76.-Byl . T.l . • BURRITT, DEALER IN !STA -1-1- • .ple and Fancy Dry Goods', prockety., Hard ware. Iron, Stoves, Drugs, Oils, and Paints; Boots and Shoes, Hate and Caps, Fursißutfaloitobes, Oro ceries.Provisions; &c. New Millord.Pa.,Nov 6, . • - . e . \AiTAX LOii, -will - . h?reaft,,fr .Inrnish i v td peo ple -of .10n,(ro,se . and • . vielnltY„ Oyeters by the pint. Anart or gallon.: Also oysters prepared in every. style. 4 Dining 'rootas over E. O. Bacon's store, south Arabi Street. Jan.10,•1817. - W. A. TAYLOR. B. DEANS, DEALER IN Y• Books, Stationery; Wall Paper„-,Newspa nen,' Pocket Cutlery, Stereoscopic Views, Yankee Notions, etc, Next door to the Post Office, Moutse, Pa. ' W. B. DEANS. pept.Bo, 18'74. - , ILLII~GS • 8 - TIiOUD7 FIRE AND _IV Life Insurance Agent. 'All business 'attended to promptly, on fair terms. Office first' door east of the bank of Wm. H. Copper & Co., Montroge.Ta. Jan. 1, 1877. BILLINGS STROI3D. • TOHN GROVES; FASHIONABLE ty. Tailor; Moutiose,• Pa. Shop over • Chandler's Store. Ali orders filled In first-class style. cutting don4i,tO order on short notice, and warranted to fit. Montrose, June 80, " P:T: PURDY. -bf ANUFACTURER . of wagons of all kinds. Also niakes a specialty of wood work for stile. Repairs promptly attended to. Uses only best stock, and aims to make only first-class work. . [april 26,38711.] LOUIS KNOLL, SHAVING AND hair Dressing. Shop in Searle's new building, below Express Office, Where he will he found ready tuattend all who may want anything in Ms line. Montrose Pa. Oct. 18,:1869. VEW MILFORD MACHINE SHOP. 11. All kinds of machinery made, or furnished to or. der. Repairing' promptly attended to. JULIUS SHULTZ. New Milford,MaTll,lB76.—ly, • GRIFFIS & SAYRE, DEALERS IN Hardware, Iron, Nails, HouseiarpishingGoods,_ Groceries and Provlsiona, Wood, Stone, Jappaned and Pressed Tin Ware, &c., &c. - march 15,'76. W. SMITH CABINET 'AND V • Chairkanufacturers. leoot•sT Montrose, Pa.,. _[ing. 1.1869.] G ILBERT S; t JOHNSON;- AUCTIONEER Address, March 99, . 1876..- Mantras's, Pa AMU ELY _ A.MITIONEKR, Address Tune, 14 1874. Brassies BANKING. BAMIING 1101TSt 002%a KLI) MONTROSE, •'PA. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESSpoxE. COLLECTIONS. MADE ON ALL POINTS AND PROMPTLY ACCOUN TED FOR AS HERETOFORE. Domestic arid Foreign Exchange for €ale. United States and other Bonds bottght and sold. • Coupons and City and .County Bank Checks cashed. OCEAN STEAMER PASSAGE,TICK ETS TO AND FROM EUROPE. INTTREST ALLOWED on special time Deposits, as-per. agreement. , In the fature„as in the past, we shall endeav or to transact all money business to the satis faction of our patrons and correspondents. WYLY/. COOPER & CO., Montrose, larch 10 '7s.—tf: Bankers. FIR . ST NATIONAL BANS. car '3l•!rioatztirconseo. CASH CAPITAL $lOO,lOO. SURPLUS FUND, 49,000. EIUIDIAGEICIIITET/ To their new and commOdiong Bank Building on Public Avenue. Transacts the business of MERCHANTS, FARMERS, "CORRESPONDENTS." . New York, Pint National Bank ; 'Philadelphia, Philo delphia National Bank,: WM. J. TURRELL. PRZOIDINT. N. L. LENHEIM, Cesnicu. - Montrose, March 25,1876. PRINTING. N OTE THIS ! We are doing all kinds of JOB PRINTING In as GOOD EtTLE, and at LO WER IVCES THAN ELSEWHERE, 'N. B.•--Blanks on hand or printed to order. i I ' / _ , STAND 33"4" AT .A.14' ;4 27 COST And Others. i . ','... - Y . ,,, - :, - 4T,i21143 9FFICE. MONTROS& - PAL.,J*N. 31 :18717, THE pE . G,rI,IVI2O- (, s7 :THE:r E. 70), The'hill for:ill:ie. formation' of :a Con-= mission to exatirine and count-the eiecto-, ral vote hayipg4pasi,A both _`Houses of t . Congress and', liKen Signed.,4, phkpyesi 7 dent, has becono,a part of thi laW of the, land ;- of which; it can be - Said , that very' few legislative 4filietrnerits"nal*:ever re i -- ceived*a larget'lrote in eitiher "EfOiise or met With 'a gretir-d egre of : pop u l a r -, , ' e ure only-Valuable as in dicating a ready acquiescence by the'peo ple in the result 'to ' be' Obtained and .de 7, Glared by a tribu,ial as far as'posibie re- , moved from part. prejudice. , . , By- the provisions 'of the. bill the;Coin mission' was to hive been organized yes terday,and fidm'afpPeararices, then, would i g . consist on the'pa" , of the Republicans of. the House, of G a. ell of Ohio, and Hoar. .of kass. The mocratic members not yet having been; , reed upon. Bayard and Thurman wiitbe chosenhy the DOCI-• ()crate of .the Seitate and probably', the Republicans will : ; select Murton, Howe, and Edmunds.. The! four - -judges inen tioned in :the. bill, iTlitford, Field, killer, and Strong,are alsd to select a fifth., Then on Thursday at ole o'clock; in- the hall of the-House f Rtpresentatives, 'Presi dent Ferry presiding, the votes will be counted. The presiding officer will open the certificates in th:e alphabetical order, of the States and:pass themip the tellers, - who will read them ; and mat& a list. .. In, the case of but_4m - e - return it is net • probable' that anY-ObYetion•will be made., But in the case, of ,'doable .returns; Flor-, ida would present, 484V:first for the ac tion of the electoral commission. Tne two Houses w!ll then diiiSolve the joint meeting and await 'itie action of the cominission.l If the deciSion in Florida's `case is for Tilden,, then. all interest-will : be lost-in Louisitinadltriertaii; or: ,e 'ubber" will hive been won. The strong . point for Tilden in the first case before the commission is the decisiOn 'of the Suprenie Court of the State as to the manner of canvassing the vote.. Miran undoubted fact that if the vote 'should be canvassed , as ordered by the Supreme Court;Tilden. would have the electors. Proceeding-in alphabetical order the next disputed state will be Louisiana where the Demoeratic cause is gaining strength daily. - • , In any event we are confident of being able to announce in our - next, that the 'victory whichwas acheived by the Dein- Ocrats on thelth of November, is at last a fact:accomplished. , • . . Since the above was . written . : both Houses of Oongress' have agreed upon the members of the joint commission. They are as follows: Senate.: Messrs. Morton, EdMunds , and Frelinghuyscn Republicans, and Bayard and Thirn2art Democrats. House: Messrs. Payne. Hun ton, and Abbott Democrats, arid Gar ,field arid Hoar, Republicans. * ' ;John A.,Logan ,has gone to meek Bout well, and their political demise, which is due to the same eauses, will aerie as a warning and , example. They are both raticorous opponents of any honest and. • • - honorable plan of settling the, electoral dispute, l:ltelieving, in the . ability of the conspiracy to . count in Hayes in spite of the protests 'of the majority-of the' peo ple. The election of Judge Hoar over . Senator Boutwell by the Republican leg islature of Massachusetti showed the un mistakable drift of public opinion, and the election of Judge *Davis, the trusted friend of Lincoln, is an echo of the same mighty sentiment from the west. 'These two events prove that there is a point be yond which 'demagogues like Logan and Boutwell dare not go, in trifling with the public conscience. The election of Judge Davis will probably remove him from the ,list from whom the fifth judicial member . Of the tribunal is-it 6 be ,selected. But this makes no dinerence. There . are' enoughleft. The Democrats are so strong in the justice of their cause and in their faith in the integrity of the supreme court that they are willing to take any of its justices for arbitrators to settle this dispute, Without regard to their present or pest political relations.--Phira lbws. Oameron and Morton *dant that be. fore a body of fair minded men the Democrats would have the, best of it. That settles it 1 - , ' 1 1 ) 1, ..• . .“! - :C - ' . . • , . .. , .. , , 1,......1. .., ',.' •-',', ..., • ,'. ' ' ‘. -: ~'‘ . .; :‘ :1- i ::' •• ... ',-" , , , WM= S'IMON'S The Lan caiter lip if co tn n t he: 'Afiee tit 'Fi),'o,cteioAhle t i larp*tie fhp:OW f ence • -; ex- .; traits: - :in foitttnedo which brought 'Our ' ancient' Sibidn 'to hif feet in' the 'Semite; fivi : a 'ili?e" '‘iiiiiiiiiele;l:ii3iecli ii t is 'a griie one and the ,010 ina,h4 soul - must have i been deeply! EnOved, tii,ithiMate him' till', such an jun ishat it-tfort':i . he Senate` hailUot, Pr. Yeiiie,' : 'been f ar ed 'With - Shell: an exhibition;' - IYe.reiii4ber ~ . , _; _. „....., that . s?me' two years ago,. wpen ; he i st:light an appropriation to .purchase.la lot', 6 ground in Harrisburg, on 7 which. to:binild . . . s post offiee,Senator Cameron was,in4ved 'to make a little speech.„*4it,ou,:yinr inan had objected to the Appropriation, and our - senator arose to'fiave. itiT. Ile' ‘tnacle so pathetic' an appeal for, thiltion; ey for - what he . dectiired,.',Wat the,, it one ewe lamb" i 'of hit 'affeCtions, 464 1,14 as tunished- Thurman weakened an4r_ with drew his objection: ' His laEit Oratorilil ef fort was prompted by a. detireliosaVe t the. many lambs ivlioni , our' senator'sbeliere. The safety of lick-,whole l ,flOek ,of 13 1 AeP was in, question.: ' And; alas! he lErtkw erless to save . them ; he can iiti longer succor even ' the' ewe lambs, .buti'll'oi a brave old ram, be does what 'he can-and gives them the benefit 2 of his. best,,elo ' quence - and efforts. ' _- : ,:-: , _..- Our senator frankly :tells' its iiht he doe's not like the coiritiiltteA l hill. 1 1'it - is, Le says, because it, is calculitek :to m Oect Tilden *president The:;venerable ;Win nebago is not troubled as Co its, contittitr tiorialit. It quite ' inough,-Air , lii, to believe that itis :a' E 'cnoticc_t6 'iiitit7: to himiself and all:- his - Weathers .ax4,,ra t ins and pet lambs. ; z That-ik. is that;:griiges , hirqt sjt2eLbAr , -.ltitiotiumsebaityl; '4"Mi. clarinm ' He dcirA like' it . 'either because it is a c o m promise. He 'objects :to &km promises "because they aredestructive to the party making them.'"' He .warr. : a his fellow Republican Senators: of this fact Which 'his long experience bas taught him, and bolds .` s - hp before Senator - Ed munds the fate of the author of the Nib- - soul compromise,: whom our Cameron declares to har,been - . mitledAhereby.' It doea . not MAT to him ."perhaps that §en ator EdmundS - would haVe.reason to.be content with a fame such as that Hen ry. Clay. It 'is 'not conceivable to ' the 'Cameron mind that it is better to be right than to be' president ; to:risk pies eat, gain , for future ,honor. In their judgment the only aim of the politician should.be the spoils of office. 1 136 inca pable is our senator of, conceiving .' that the. people's rrpresentat!ves pan be ani mated by : any other motive 'in acting:ldr them, that he declares that the five-sena tor 3, five represintatives 'and Sire judges, who are to be selected to determine the electoral ..vote 'will pat , all their 'soni-in. laws and relatives in office Under the • President whonv heir action puts into office..:With this notice. of the 'spirit with which .he would - enteibpon the corn. mission, it is to be'presumed'that his-fel low senators will not select him as one'ot their "representatives therein. - We trust 'that they will be able to find five of .their number possessed of the antitype of the Cameron mind, and who are. such: born .fools that they will incline to decide the the matters submitted to them according to their duty and the right uninfluenced by considerations of its effect upon their fortunes or those of their SOU ! Pedal% too, the judges .who will sit on the corn. thiEbion are more feelish and licinest than our senator ~.thinks, and will return a oonscientiouexerdict. We believe they are and that they mill. Astounding as it is to'' the Cameron comprehension that fifteen men can be charged with a high duty, without betraying it for their own advantage, we believe that they exist in the. Senate and House and on the bench, and that they swill be found." The editor of a Turkish journal 'at Constantinople has been whipped to death for telling the truth. Such a system would have few terrors for the average party organ in this glorious country. Dissolving viers—The Hays, majori itea in Florida and Louisiana. Nov for an honed Count. MIME =MEI 3:: 31 . 3 'Nth' 5. The llarrislmirg:Patiqot - claiins . for.the venerable senator 'from!' Peniiifyliania the merit or openink a line of argument en ti'rely' unique,: oiposed the for fear after : its .'fies.sagei: the judgesrof the 'hanging et the heels of thelaiesr, ,, president "asking for pladea, tor'their sons'and`sonsin-lhw and cousins and s4her - relations." Mr. Ed .munds,Watt-cletit and cogent;:Mr: Morton Was fervid, 10 Sheinyin was turbulent and; turgid, and Mr . o~kling strbngland m'etigg'efitiVe, to oir owe Cameron the credit of diging to the heart of -the - . Matter. BY'sjioke for the administion, 2114 ho cmitrived in one 'sbcirt l itentOce - bare the how, the vi hy-and i .wherefore , of all-thniis sor did, tertneii6• - tiO ,disgritoeferiiiv, ; p9litice. From:; the rumen was never advanced . than Y fell from the Mr‘lcatiierob.` r: ' The inland ice in. Pi-remlandienow en croaching On.: the' laid; thonizll,stt one appeArs•.-to have covered many - portions of the country -at preseili bare. This advance and retreat 4:?1, the, inland . ice may` :dne,to ,the - change:Of to -, theispididvance of • the' Ice'.ftkcm the interior, or.'tO!, the. iiSe ; . andfallpf the land. There.are traditions *that : a great inlet once stre c re n nd not far front Jakobshaven,. as represented on i lltome :of the old maps, , :but' 'that" it has also now ,go,t.phoked•Ao yvith,con4tlidat ed former times the-natives 'need to Spealeof ,pieces Of, . ino out of , , this inlet, and even : tell of • people coming across rand" stories yet linger among them of, the former. occur enCe'estich proofs of the oppei p ess of the. inlet. • The Mercer county grandjury recently made the'slolls*ing terrible repocti . "We haye . iiiited`the. -county poor house in a body, - and, find eighty-five inmales,there in without. „ Stfri6etit clothing bed ding for ti!eir - comfort, there being but four or five good beds . , in , the bpi:o, era, two of: th:e,'hest.reseryed for the directors. The prison department is fn a(terrible filthy and. unhealthy condition.„ The idiotic dePfir . tment, is in s anti_ otlpetinteit, and mid!' less for 'unfortunate' 'lndian beings.: We_. therefore recominend our honorable `j4clgea to appoint a, committee of five good citizens to investigate the condition -and report the iamei, to the court." In voting-. '4n the Electoral Inn. our Senators divided, Mr. -. .Wallabe Mr;.:,Cameron against, the bill. In the House Abe'. vote 'was as follows: Yeas-184' Semi. J.: Randall; Spkr. _ William D.,XelleY, 'John lkitilAivi-11 Washington Townsend, R. Hiestt.r.,__Cly.. mer; D. Mtitchler, D, W. Stan. ton, 1). -James B. Reilly; D. Joseph 'l3ow ell, D. John Reilly, D. W. S. Stenger, D. Levi Maish, *D. Mackey, ,D. Jacob Tur i ney, D. James-H. Hopkins, D. ; Alex. G. Cochrane, :- George A.Jahl e, D James Sheakley, -N aye---6. Clyipman Freeman,, R. .4hilles' O'Neill, Alai Wood, Jr. R. A. Heir . 1 - John ,B. Packer, R. John W. Wallace, B. Absent or:not voting-3.- Pranli D: Col ltne, D. Sobieski Ross, R. - Albert G. Eg• bent, D. . ' ' ' , • , Rigardlesti of t he.Setion•of Congress on the electoral vote, our State Legisla ture, which seems to be, given ovei "ta blindnesa of Mind and hardness of-heart," keeperigiit on indorsing .CiunerchAtior ton da: Co. pits witness the following res olution pasted by theui last Frida, Reedited, etc., That, the voleiicait for President and Vice President by the au thoriied electors, indicates the election of Hayes and Wheeler ' and that therought to be inaugurated,by the constitute& au thorities on the ensuing 4th of March.. The Harrisburg Patriot, discussing the . . question of removing the State Capital from an ethical Oita of view, says : '"No such Smell matter -as the locality. of the State Capital would stand in the way of the misskinary desire of, Athe people .if they could be satisfied that Philadelphia might thereby 'be impregnated with a tolerable notion of morality." The 'vote on the passage of the 'electo ral opmniission bill in the Senate stool 47 to 17. , Only one Democrat (Won of Conn.) voting against it. " In the Homo the vote wag 191 yeas and 86 nays. ',Of the yeas, 159 are Democrats and 33 Re. pablicann;.of the nays, 68 are Republi-, cans and 18 Democrats. It is not one of the least signs of whe will be. inaugurated Presilent on the stb of March that ex-Seoretary Belknap in. vista on being tried immediately. ' A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers