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( ~. 4- - ; y .„ .......- ,, ::;..''1. :1: - i .e; ' .'. : • t-.'ES I 1 .;:, 1. •,: 1 . 1\...,.,....L•.;.. •-: ".,.! , i , • o szi ' .l A.,. 4 k' r . ,:•it"l•.: .t. . e.. ~: •,. • I \ ( .--1';;' - - ', Ili N- , !..I , •••• . ••• ' • Ir. - 0 `;'!'l,.l s C.k 'J . ; ,t.1 , :et3::.-;••.1 , r., ~..„ . • • e": , re , i r 're, . . # . 4-4 k • -.. k # 47 ,: j';:l ' •', y.-H)e.t(v..: t. , . , ''l . )'. ' -"" ?waft s "; 1 .ii —t• - (1.. •, - ...- -••‘i 1- . i. , 7 \• ..',:'.. ':-:,,,,•:: ..i.•.... ~.. \ . ~ . . ~:: :,,,..-, ~,.... •••=, '!,tt.,,,1-;. • ,1.: :r , .•V - rlii7• • • rtnlC N 194 w..PI .4 i_ll'-ton:ri•'"l -.., _, .. ~..., ~.. - . 4 ..:1‘ :t..1, -\, . . ;: : ',., - :i It , l - . -- „. -,;:. f ::. \ gi.,- J •.r.lill.f l a .;; , ,truic•-...,: - 3 ,'.. , ••;`-.)l'. ...•' "/ 1 ••• •.: .: •• , . !'; -. '•••'. i.• • , 1 •.'' • •.•'• ['' ,''''•-•`;-;'" l '''''' '{' l' ''' Fi' 11 •; '.. fl tl.. '': ''' . 1 . i ti'-14-1 1" .... 1 ..' ';:' j"'":. ''“f;:i ''. ' ~ . .),...1.0,. ; t,: - -1 . , , , - C. - :4; Pr'-'; , t L ....7'.:\'>..;., ~.;;:,,i "t' I:: , ,Vi: 4,i ZiCt• irrl'ii`",,it•*s".:l4o.: , '•"""'''' ••"•••• ..A , , . 77, 7 r; '''' ::t ' ' •'' r ~ :. ~., :,. f ~;-: r..i 1 , i: 1 - tr.la MEW ByC R USE R , . •• 1 A rogicl. =: =x1::: , - 1 ji VOLUME of the-New- York- .Mirr o r of 1847 contains the following poem, 'written by %Psi e g i i bruari,; • A. , note• states' ctbatit: iVitiSlittritten on seeing a *lute of o• peasant boY,,with a rpOe on his shoulder, trudging to . his daily t u n, • Its perusal will satisfy. that lady's nutner-. ous admirers that she was . not only au map . - proachable reader, ane,„an 5 4cn . 41ed actrps, , but a ! . veet...o?et as %t! . i.- , ' ;,,,,,,,f ; 41, :,' THE il'Ell£WW I {it i il.4', ..- 4 , ' , - , 7 - ','. There's 1 \poetry, boy, in that step of thine, I Firmly and tree on the green sward pregs ed • : . Il i '\ . And the locks' that'OVer 'thy*. te file k Shine • -• Blow wild in the wind oh' the sole soli west. II ' Care lurks not, tiny, in that laughing eye2;._ - ' No'frOWns o'ettast thy fOrehead'SztroW ~ • ' w And the mello tin tsTot . -the morning sky.. • Lend to thy - clieek"ati Vfortitent glow: • . • _ Tliy heirloom i4Alturc, unbroken . health, • • '. A cheerful heart to , endure thy toih; - •:-.. And :111 thou.meetiest of this !world's wealth . . Thou can* sturdily., y hkfrim: the, grateful , - ; soil, . -- •'• , :.- •J ••N -• . ...,.,.._, , i - • i, With the' lara's first song thou mit up and . . • away,' • • ,••,, -''" . ' 01 '"i' 4-' Brushing the deW: iro , 4 thel listnintsna , And chtutiig the sittiple-'iOttiide*- l'' \ Which iLnocence sings to the ear of God. From the,ardent sun nfclondle,sa Oocut ••, . -. , . Thou ; seeheati t tit, ; Oplter ~ cet I :ar sheltered Miik, . ,',. ~ , • . 1 ' , r the ring-dove murmurs it _arc Where . ring-aor‘, tune . . To the answering:soung . of - the gtishing brook. There resting thy limbs on the mossy brink, Thou takest in peace thy poor repast, . Bending-thy feverish to; drink , • . From the wave that glideth so. cool and Then to labor again . . till--the waning sun Fadeth away in the western sky, • • And the shades of are' creeping -MI,. • • While, the nirds'nestiellOw in 'the covert ig;11. • • . • : :1;3 • 4':i! , • They are Coining to meet thee, the peasant • • band. The fairbaired,girl and lawily.boy, While, the baby. prattler clasps thy band • And breathes thy Hanle in , lispingoy: To the cottage away I •ia , thy ,mOther'sknee,. To thy father's , sidethou art welcome therei - yr.; ifd That mother's smile isever for thee,l That father give thee' his warmest prayer. • . -• And thou shalt resCiti.Taltimb iti:Veet; • . Pilletred betteath'theiaftered eaves, • "‘ While the ,sum !led nips, gently beat And the night-wind stirs! the woodbine •• :•• • TherVi petiy,'hoy; in that form of !lape l And theigar4 rivets thy paitileis tre Would tlinttly •stxithilesOot were Inine . , . • Pass.ionleas;ctirelefis and strife: • KEEPING UP ICI3fiIDE'S 8131El1TS. BY dIiA:6E:TitORTON. , "I‘TOW LET tie do our utmost to keep up .1.1 Neily:s spirits 'and 'Make - 4er wed ding a truly happy one," f it!'d . aunt Ange ha Wetherell, to her nieces;': Kate Mid Lin. "You knowshe . is your ,orphan cousin and having . spent most-Of her life at school she scarcely knowti what home means. Of course I need ii t jell you how anxious I am to keep up,her spirits. Your poor mother means well,, but she never was very lively; and you two girls are so thougtless, that I feel 'the great weight and:responsibility Of the oc casion tests on me.' 'Miss Angelina, an ancient and-very 1, fussy spinster; bridled up arid . looked most impOrtarit tlB `she sioke. • _ "Well, auntie, I don't itake Such &eil solemn view of it," answered Kate, latig)t-, ing. "Nellv lier Self -doesn't: seem to he depressed or lowspirited; on the contl she appears verv„hopefult iind:eVidekirtl. 'looks on Alfred Psthe sum total of het: earthly joy, and the-one in whom alllier hopes are cJitered..'," 1 . , ......„ -I , L , ,. "That's - very' . prObable - inf di;:tir,', re lined aunt Anglin% , - !firoting people in their deluded trame of mind ,Make frequen t • inistakii,' and I • don't mean to sa anything against Alfred Zirgan, who, as far as - I koiow; is 'a very good sort of p,rson ; but it is a brides iriendk:Hher old and tried friends=whO support her through the painful' Ordeall'of a weddilig. Oh, dear, I pity the , child ' when'. I ' think ~. of it. I do, indeed l'' ''. . 11 It was Ai ii ii-: , Viretherellti 4i bit --it) pity any one who made the mistake to which, as she declared,. She.-.herself had always been superior—namely.,, the one of giving her affections into the keeping of a Mein , her of the male sex. She always . sighed and shook her head foretiodingty, whet the name of a deluded . victim' pf - Bich . a weakness was mentioned ; :and her Os ehievoui neice,*.well 'aware Of her' peeti.: liarity, - had laughed heartily over it Lino, was not so gay lisilit-r sister:: She was a sincere and affectiOnate kirl';' She liked Alfr , d Morgan thorouglily, A wl. mid, with some serionsries's : . ' '''' .', "Welly has made a very' good choice. I think we have:only got-Ito see that the Preparations go op properly . , .and leave , the lovers to themselves. li They tire sure to e, njoy each others' eiscietY the' best of, all." ' "Oh, Lim, how cau yoti be sOlielfishr Cried her aunt, with emotion. : "Yohr poor cousin 'Welly has a sensitiv heart, and yearns for consolation: '' r ttine been sitting ealking to her for the 144 : ,three hours, and the dear child was, diekoll"et to tears mod of tbetinie ~,,,.1.,,- i ~, .-- ' ``Oh, auntie, and Alfred came t 4 drive ` I=lE3 0 , "3.! , ('.. + l= ~ • I I . her ontfind - had to' ttway.DOn't you suppose 'her weeping came from dia.- iAppointment l ?" 477; "Kate: ,ypginu)st dis4eireii ,y,o(ir 76,haracter,,:' .Raid severely:. And ' With this reprOotilPelere tfie room with it diSpleiSed ( 1 4 Wish aamm a bad r time witk Aunt Ari gel rikies,.Atbsixrd. 4atigE.. She; cannot= resist the ternitAtion,'ito fit , men t, .001 i Nell with ',her 41'04 .bodings, just because ; she, patr,4 Opite ag4i4ost'lticktikind fortheir neglect' of her. I be r ard,her tell the poor' th mg fait' tiliht, tfilit it was a. terrible mistake to chilose‘a lover . whose name ,began with the same lettiet;_lis her own: ,< Yliforya g i and Meade,' she'i•e‘,# : rated,-, 'are -,toti "A . the - nzime`. an' not in the letter, is a change foi . thelvosse,„and. not for the better!. • Mit - I do h'ope - Nelly Won't mind , ' her." ‘,l,,hope ; iasat lain as la as you,say„, 1 iiiti4orrY that' minima -ni - -so abidtlied ,in the stfpper and .all-that,' becauae j ahe Ta'tlie r prdper °nil', - to '.reprove anti t An gelina if she keeps this up," said Lina, earnestly, - ;` ..'ci- -- ....,:.- - ..'2.1:..-... .2 - ‘ ; ‘Let z tattry our:, best to laugh'. down her absurd faneies. - We can do if, I am sue," cried Kate.- - .. ust, then, Nelly Meade, the bride el trintred, the room She,-litokednitl., a's:rani serious and dispirited, and sighed; as she seated lieiself I:l l ,eside the work table at which bet. tWO cousins were busi ly employed making up, laces and assi .ting iirithe -important task of -hastenin ' the trots ecru *toward comPletion. "Pray,.girls,,do not - tire yourselves on ' thosetbi4s,".2.begged Nelly, in a despon 7 dent tone; and then , she added: . ' '"Yon I are as kiad as you can nossßbly` be, but . _ . . • 1 93tit what, cousin r demandedikate. 'iron look as if you had quarreled with Allred, a i ld that all hope was at an end." I mih. d i ". ar, what, a dreadful expression st wear !" cried Selly. "1 have not seen Alfred to . - - Ay: Aunt • Alikelina made nre,. l seint him away; while she Was engaged in advising me abont My future. Dear - me, girls ! do' you really -suppose married life 18 so very dreadful ?" `‘llis auntie told. you Itia ?" . 'asked Lina. , . _ . 4 ,tes T that is she said.-...it‘.was"full of disapncintw-tits , and trek:l;l4; and that I must bid farewell: to peake and enjoy ment Wteu I beeame a wife- , . - , - Katrbtirst out - laughing, but Lina looked quite solemn., , . "Now,J Nelly, I see the'- ceeded in making/you' tinbotirMititlile,and my advi4cle talon', is ~to' think' how can she speak sOlonfidentially on, a _subject of which' - ihe ,hfrs had no experience ;. and if ' tkfiV iidelanbt convince you that she is not able to admonish or advise you, look, at mammt!, ,rind, see, „ bp! , ~ ropy l and bal - tpylihi. Seems, and be convinced: that there are some very happy marriad peo• pie in the ivorld-at least,' ,". -.. ."Oh,t be sure, I know there is I".exi si claimed 1 elly, throwing, off he: depresk., sion and; beginning ~ to laugh. . "It was ..orilV for \ lthe moment ril she made - e feel badly.. .13at you Inow she found out that Alfeed'alname began with a'wrong letter, and then she discovered that his hair and mine-weFe the same shade, though 1 urn sure our, cortiplexions are vets much un, like." - , . "Row silly to think that such trifles influenc our happiness; but poor'at(titie dm no' like men, and' as they are nee. essary t weddings, ,shP. doesn't 'e.are for weddin s either i 'li•aid Bate. . , :.,.' • The next-day 'Miss Wetherell 'entered the seiving-room and , 'found her three ' niecOabusv over the wedding dress that had "just been sent.' home.' It,was `white silk, trinimed with tulle,, and as— Nelly had'exqflisite taste in the arrangemen't of dreaso3he had critically surveyed the gar ment, and found it not -qiilte Bfl,isfact,o,ry "I cduld db the alteriti l Ons tivOself ,bet ter than wait fa' hive her- makO tlmni," she had isaid, ' orous „.. • . • So. with- her .c.ousin's \ Aid; S}W.,,ivent t 6. work tiikitiange - Afe trimming,. Anfaii.o: just coMpletedit . to,Atim, united' C..elight wnen slie:,,entered: "Oh,,that is:lovely:I": cried Kite. -`, "Ard so very becOmitig ,exclaimed Dina. , Alva Angdina threw up het arm in atnazenient and alarin: "You don't - mean to iity.tfiat you have committed the.,painful mistaked‘.of. Sew ing on ,our Oirn iveddihg•dretia, 'Eleabo - r . Meade," exclaimed 3fiss Wetherell; in tone of 'horror. "butt it roily needed the alteration," Said Nelly,-much startled by her aunt's tone, bUt anxious to.defend her act. "It iiiiil3 , Very stiff and clumsy, and the girls say that this . is a great, improvement." 43ukhave you' thought of the ; oriel- Auences, my unhappy ?" cried aunt ngelin, a, pathetically: - "N0,1.n0 t whit are they r' exclaimed Neliy, in a frightened tone. "Tir4ri a bride sewir. j oja , her , own:we& ding ruhe, it signifies` .t hat it will be, used as her sbroua,",aaid th 6 tool, fin a set). -(. "Ohtinercyl 1,111 rip : it out -'st)onec,", cried NieHp st once proceeding to dioso. A I; t,.-/ - 41: ,:4,3,17,...--7..;! t C.. 0, tl• • - moNrirßosEt„,,ykk„AßC i. E • =Jiff ' 0 "'At el, . -LC" II kr. : I. , . • ; " -1; `.TW •10,1 Alow ' 11‘'.1 . `• , ~ -,, ~....! ~i, i lt ''-;•,:l 1.,t, ; !.., ? i!.' :11.„,..-,.-1. .. • ~,...,-:, ~,,f.l .qi„ "I 8 this Ole way, you; keep i tipthe poor I,lgikh pe . tfecta:afety and. : .,14 forty gar si ll y th'ng's spirits'?" - whisPered Kate re- i dr ,- (ip,oon'eyou crow, „they Is,lta,” \ pro 'ch fully,' in 1 her our ta' ear. ' '' ' - '-. ~* *g6 lii contraries F l' - ", - ` . * . ', , :"Yon .silly - child r 'cried Milli - Weilier- ' 1 i'Do'they ?"'ejkiilitted . lligiliikeliiiii :ell,.reprov;ng beret ."I -kniaw•Triy , ;.duty:Wetherell; with a':very...'signifibitiitliiiiiff. and do not shrink. ; from -it i; hut ;you: al The girls kept quiet but they.dalloved :lo**hei . .tO,dO such dangerons,things.and 4i,elly to. her. rooter did -„their best to then sit: lintho - iee ' : ', - ' ' ketV t,le : hr i spri,te and destroy pH:Algot:11 -', Speaking loud, she retharked : . ':'" -i ' of their alint'i - foielicklingS. ' •• - - -,;.. "I:scarcely know whether , ' it '4lll de - 'lt litit3' the' 'bridal'' eve. 'AIPAVits . .--dotie any goodt,q rip ,it, t: now that :it .1a done, - and Complete'and - only.llelfrsowhitechip bat, let ualiope- for thebest."„ , ~; - bridal-bat was ~yet ;to-be ::sent,. bon* Nelly kicked • frightened, and wofited Therc l had' been thiee o ielerams froth energetiCally; while Kate' and Linz. en- Bo4on all reperting favorable of , Mr. deavored to latigli at their' atineti - htiPeil- 4ratiain'is ' (the Y giiiirdian) 'health.' ' - .11.i,S stition.: . ---A ' ~ . sudden attack- had yielded" pierriPtly- to "I am sure I hope.there may be troth remedies ; he was able AO be,fipoindlin ink in it, 'but it is best. to; he, on the safe detld there seemed, no.reasokfor Alfrors. side'; and she-looks 80 . ' foreboding any- remaining 'longer: "Excent,''„ as',attut 'how,- thaf,it le, "rather &pressing to have Ai(gelina shkgeited, - it be tor a 'nere her prophesy evil.' *,, '' - r,' wHyn,, and there . 'neier -, was a' man who A few days later,, when:the dressmaker- would sicriercea. , women'a-coinfjrt.to;hi and her cousins combined-had restored oWit whim any-day..!! , ,-,,,,1; 7 1 !,. i ±..;tit, the ripped-off • trimming, ,to its proper ~Vfitliout,i? h aringi t his, view,,Nelly ; won A state, - end ~early' eVerYthine, wiAs. i•rwly ti e red 444, and when the servant :for the grand 'occasion; Ml.'S.* Oakford - 7 - 'brailight in; a squire -.0, ; 1,iii4-boi, ' With a. Kate ,and Lina's :mother---Trimearicfld fashlohahle--Millinees .. name On , itli'toli; herliospitable preparations completed, the night. befirre the-Wedding,: she icried and said they were sure to have -good -out: ~ „. ~i„ ti ~ „ • -I, !,, !' ,;,-' r, ii M . weather, and she t certain thateiTery- '' ''Ati;.. herefi . nly, , w.4 . 4 4 ing, b 4 I, ~, .A,nd thing would go otr'deliitiffull T . . there's' nothing: Wa i nii * ng"btit the bride'- Nelly took spirits and began to - SMile., graom tb'rnakelit'itTrceitriPlete Tr 4, ,-' '-'' -4 , "Pm' , sure. I have 'Eyerythirig"edilie , •_'Shel'opened-i :.the. ' . 3ialidtioxi,' -land :all thankful.f9r at home," she said'affection:- crowded:roulk .tO.l survey 0 tbei treasure. -atelv. ' "You, have all been solnielT=?..-. AtiP:t.-A,Pgoio , )Fasi.se!AriPtisl4 l , l ,4l.ilqerfi' "Nrell,.iny dear, I'm sure don', t know eite'd aS:any one,.iiiit 'she pre fe r T d. l t o , re 7, how 'pin 'can. say'so,' remarked anat.A.4 7 iiiiii4feeglootny `tiasiiit'eiiesS;'l and !iii 0- gelina,. interrUpting - ,at ii 'this •iiiht.' '''l ` ed) """- - .1 . 1 " r"'ij `3"' , 'H ' '-' 'i* have been somewhat out of spirit 4 td•klai '. = :All at e,9 ace keverybody•kmt tered 44 W.= owing to a.dream ? Iliad last night—about Y, r 9l9l4NY : (47l4f,Wargi 0,04 ~ditlinay;) for your wedding--ii,wai—and,. N. , §Are: I . t , iis 2 : Nel - ! ri r s t'rP, e d;flPY'la,t9 4ii,'W - P ',tt•!lr; thin% know how you've kot .alongiyitlil loYtq' fab'rid Of *Chip, ,iaee and orange' ou t ine,.for I'neier saw ,kids `SO oi.:Ctipid fkifeit; ' 'ihei Oak, 0 1:4 . : instead;'' A I 'di*. with their own...nonsense as - yiingiilifitie. blink trepe•l i bon net, 'lWitb "' it; 'ldrie ertipe They haven% said a , word that- war dOrn= vPl,l;fluitened , , , t&its, crown, fandi:fall4niti ki forting or air,staining to you to-day." ; :. 1 i sti ff gloomy ;folit9.- OP fificl.:4:',..jdi .1119:1 "l'haie been very merry with them, at, The poor ;br ide'shndderel and i drop any rate'," cried Nelly in a tone lof con- ning it, bufAtilllO : tears. Moth her cons cern ; "but pray tell me, whaf drea'ni •Of ins tried to latiglr e ,,and . Allyo,ker' spirits, my weddina• made you so unhappy, aunt but the Mourning-hat being stibstitated Angelina ?'-", ,' -'. .i , i -:-' - fortiliemeddink !one' seethetla an'''titilidni; ;In , vain di :Mrs. Oakford-lfroiVii' . tiirl 01e,...0.14:rhi andt.,4heylCould'lliotAhrow off % wink at her, maiden siSter ;, i a vain Aid its effec t-in,} ia 4, Tpple A tt:.„ i x i it : ep , : it. i ;lAA Kate and Lir a look th l reatening,and Am, was t - 07) litte 4 , for.„poOr . I;sy.y,, ~..,§,lie ~hAcl, plorffig .hy iar o t ? . , Apsi Wetherell Vortieit.bi'aireW nridcl'o r iiuntltn;goitia'ti her head and Sighed, and then 'Said' beg- trattifold,l'atteiticilik.'fiht w th'is itlisNi 6 . - '' ' ' d Chilled her ' •'• h . - ' - * sight statingly :. ': ''-,- ' •. - - ..,.: -.'''"'' ha lfeartp,a di, otily , ''a • ,"Bad dreams:dO not alwayS. some' true; ofyiier , ,toveeetico;couii:ht4staretiei•P ~;s:: lsl . elly ;at least I hope - not, bfit -this was , . 4 ! . .4infa i:don't,:wo,oect74l4i4l,4proilaidr, an uticommOniyid,one, to, be sure,',' .. ,en aunt., " .one but . tke ,pujv,l i fee t 4,qeck ` lust at 'that !Moment 'the- door belt ' tvOnittge* 1 '' ' '',-: "l.' 4, (.: ' s:' 1 . rang; and the serviin t announced that a . Sie had fOrced het warto Nelly'S'irtitii mesSenger.from 'Mr. lifdrgau had . brought the , next morning, ', where . .the podti-.'girl a. : letter ; ifor 4.110, 'Meade.. Nelly ',Could reglained ii;q bed to avoid ; her; undtr.vet scarcely open it, , and . ' ~in reading she. tense of 'a, Isevere beadache,,..and. i .stood changed color .several .times, and seemed leottiriar on -and explaining 'signs and greatly "perturbed. - At last she said; ,8 .t , ometis,l whi l e her victim; writh,etV'hisi dressing 'he: Oakford : - ' leace. i - - 1 , 1 1 -. '.- , i ' .1‘” '' - "Alfred -is gone I to `Boston. 'He W s i"Of course; the ,w i edding will ~ ave - to telegraphed for, ,and had barely time tobe po,stponed,"' proceeded, 4liss An elina„ get off on the only train that leaves to- coMforablyt , "I'll . write the not s my night. It was from his guardian, who is seitarid . I = • I ill ,He has always 1 been like i'father, to :"It isnq, necessary," cried Kate iiiyfull'y, , him, and he naturally feels much distres- bursting into the morn. "Alfred'acome I ed, and, yery, lvery_auxiorm . , Ite'd down Stairs , w,aiting.to see yoU, Nell. ' "Certainly, my ' love,' said Mrs: Oak- Get up, quick! He's all right,, and is .tord, soothingly; but we , are often need- justlessly alarmed—let us hope it is so in thiacase, and, that , , Alfred will soon err And with delight ; for'k Mi. Gya - ham'S come} withhim ,t b the ,weddin . g And only look here ! he has brough, t'You I turn with good news," . - ' ' this.- set of magnificent 'iliaiziondB. "Oh, I. hope so," said Nelly itr a trem- Aren't they splendid ? Ah, I thought , 'ling VqiCe ; "ut itl really seems as it that) would cure yOurhea49he and make YY A ' . you/all. right !" . i -' - - . - ' - 7 1 • "I know wmat you are going' to say," isTelly gave one glance' at. her princely interrupted Miss, Wetherell, in a doleful' Present - front Alfred's Wealthy gnitrdian,' tone ; , "and I,am - sure . r feel so too. S o but her s- heart .wa with : her loviii, and many • cfark omens., you know ; and now his Pleashre in seeingthe presenceiof•tbe this dream of niine;- I - declare,. is quite man .he had such reasons to honor, be, startling, for, - as I- was just about _ to, say came her pleaStire, too. She Was soon when. - the belFrang,; I thought I saw Arr. down stags, being introduced to the cen- Morgan broughtin 'on a` - stretcher; white valescent, who received .herliket a'datigh and deathlike; and,covered with blood.- ter. - Oh, it, was sh9c4mg ! and these constant railroad sccidents• made it stranzely.stig gestive, Em 'sure I" "Olvi , nutit, how can youl" J erled Lina, indignantly, as poor Nelly turned ver white and, hid her fAce,in her bands. 4 Whilido yoh. mean, Lina?" reorted Miss., Wetherell.; "TS it' not my duty: o' express my , feelings ? Some people are not encunihered,by any caiotionP ,ny y 18 Of sym. pathy, she added;, with an angry 44.4 the.speaker but-I than heaven lam all heart, - even though rsaffer frotri:sensi. bilityl". „ , Early .in the...lforenoon of following day Nelly's mind was some what reliev e byi a telegraiii Her lover fiad ed safely and found - his - guardian 8011i0 VtitAtrt t eptter but tre' - - would be dettipik lotiOilhati the day he, named for;his , re:, turn; in fact, he might not be able to leave until the evening before:; the wed ding, which would bring him home with in a few hours of the ceremony. Nelly'cotinunieated this neWs rather cheerfully, bud:Min Wetherell's :stifled groans told on her spirits perceptibly. "'twill be so dreadfully inconvenient to have anything altul occur while the very guests were assembling. My, advice to put off the cerernOny indefinitely, until you are . assured' that all is well, and that Mr. Morgan will- 1 really be in time in be married; she,said.. "How foolish you are, Angry 1" cried Mrs. Qahfo4 .trying to laugh, and frown ing- on -her sister_ at the - same time. "Peopleiroil all Dyer ; , the world. andjoy 7a 8 C°lPPle4 t , '. so - watt. Sate Lina''S ; 4 but 'ahnt,,..Arigeliti,a. was tempered 'w i th some leis_ qreeable feel: ; inig.' '-', t' . .".' . ''''.- ' ' i flhe.-rriillineee boy, left ionr- li t• With) that .taidillop aged-: . widovi. that- liveß., next dOor, by , mistake, .whqn. ; he, brOutiht Ipti' here, NellY," spud'K4e.. 4 :1., ‘yquder.Al- she took it as a Ain 'she ' would be a'brlde' scion'?" . - '- ' ' .. t•I 4 " '' .-! -'-' - I ‘ 4 ,.Th ere's .plen tin Of itirfie ' lot, uac NAV : . is )ust, Ding her Ts."! her aunt acrunoriiotts)y. laughed saying : • take my happiiiess can gehtt 1., s' • - • • /.• The other ;day a ~ Vieksburg father fiuding it.necessary ,to• reprove gently said i "Don't stuff victuals ) ,Into, your rriOtith thit way,; nly son •••oeOrie' .„ Washington didn't eat :after that fash ion." The, boy accepted - the 1r proof Without,cornment, and after pundering for a while, he remarked to,bimsol4,"aad Idon't believe George Washingtot? liek6d his boy for tlnding a bottle' of - vellisky , in the Shed, when he was hurtling after= a dUrned`old horse shoe, eithe'r." "Patrick," said au old,. gentl,4man 'to his servant, "we are till creatures Of fate 4 Well, it-Wasn't for fate hOW the devil would we walk, sure?' I 1 "la that cheese_liell r asked M. B logg of groiep - " Tee ivii;thoiosiA rye ti 7 "there's million• in it." • rgeltt MUM 41111. AM.- . 2. Avl4irtr 4 F . ffy.;14...0.1 1 tt, r o at.s a -yr • • 7;=.a CI . tie: : viii FTI-41- ; :i. , a tz.1_47.?1, Mr1100;011W4i 4 watnin were eae catit anil matter;. of fact as r' l l3itt sthonsand. She .Was .4ver'i tat •Mr& Moodfarnn--31aoentb—street,---therot-her day, her iron:gray_ hair',9mped down flat and her spedtach ( s . !aqjusted -to gossip range ) , when , sh e„sudti en ly , rose: and 'add : 41.rs.Afoedy, 4e'-caltn...,Where,docyatf keep 'the" cianpliur bottle' "?" aikcd ' the - Stiarisied ' , Moody. Li ; ; “Because they arelbringing - yonr band Ortmgli. the gate. on •it board I think ,he'.4 /wished dead„ but he.calut it,!''' 111'44 'righfhere a nd '.see to thing's'!" " Mira; Moody ; threw up' . : ; ber Artns_, and MI down in; a, dead falai, and lefra..tStuns open! d,th,e door ; aa,the nienAajd,* body on 'the, porch. • 4 18'tie dead .P."l ,eaa sue ' as, 'tft tone;.- th ati asiered 1 , ' one' •• of the men ; ; 4oct9Wil abe ilhere.iina min,: ;-; ‘ uter qlie - 466iV„.. camp up, ;9piceu,Lt the", "HiB back -'ll4" . 'fibi are ``.'.l34.t.!'s BP! sitile,; Stu m gazing it.t.,.t,4c:(l4Retc!r 4 . : iu ipjratior,l c*, - a AllO his iddifa Ily • u lea , acid would , hitvif:videiiokil td tal k •Migi t .largtx,; the 'arteriee. ,•I the 'optics; erveiis agd d itigrkg4lB4z i !helot deathitlt . . . . , some eatitife i ctip k n„ to. t k n ow ; i.v_liat liq l 4ipd, (Id: . Well, Dig Ili- pie body and sen d a, bok ., a f t iti. gif , ti n r e i.t a kA..i7 - . F .i.) 1.1.-,t , t.,,,,r ', hemeti isarriedithe.-botir tbri. - ugh to' a i bedrontri;auti MreiiStum,wentt back to' Agth. - Itletuly-Ffh,g. pad revived l and 'Not wailing and famintin& l ~ I ~ „,,, ; , 'llYon't;'Jtiita---dt.in i t take iiiii,i' con drilled Mill? ffiu;ii. ''''"liit 6obitieloil t ieelk badlypatrdi t hist interferes yeah' takt frit , ti p elirPqt.Eii Mut I clashing Ithouse; :but!):itle ille4 o4 lt IYeArY'R ger(A iißlifFalr,l l4 l)4 k thii'i`t e corpse win look as uttt,icid as, ,lite:cso; 10 ~.- I ,iy, ) I:, :,.4.,_ ~- , , , .... 'f'Oh r - Parrieri Pier htisiiiiidX *ailed: - Mis. , 3tioodylf,.!7;ll: 1 ~,‘, ..1-..,:firiri i;t. , ...ii . : 1 .,1 -, rt!gfe!Yffis Ar 0 0 4; 44,18.0 and, I,!, ,:ewear:to t 114 tr.g 94ti r44 , - M AT . Atn , TPO v hs, wis areadruity ciiiok3B to 'house fall i ii on -' 11 ittii' , •Be" .0 Min; lire: • illoo41"I'iii: Sent tor 4)4E' of'filyStibestrAttidtirtikers'iii- Det-oit, and ,, ,,you'itl tie , suri)riad4 at: the 137:9,1„ . he'1L,hz Rp ttie,deceased. - 11 ... i : -,,,,. Wlieti the..,undrtaker, . came . in,, M. Stun shcigk r hands - and' - Said thatdeatii wits stire`tii'jbvettakii"every livtlikthini . soon4i or later:l She , meutioned'.tlie king al, coffin she wanted, stated thelluinbei . of.hacks l the,hour fur the , f i nneral, , ,en4 ; hetid tle end ,of !Ili tape-line,Whilem heea-, cured, thetiddY., Several other' neighbors -crania in and' she , ordered them. 4iroundviand , - soon bid everything working smoothly.;:, The wid ow, WAS sent to her room. to weep out her grif, i doors and windoWs were 'opened, and aiMrs.Stum built up a good baking fire 'she said': ' • - "Now t . then, we want pie and cake and sauce and raised, blicuir and floating lands. ; have watchers, and the watchers 'Must haVe plenty to eat." When 'the baking had. been ,finiab.ed the coffin and' the undertaker arrived.aud the body was placed in its -receptacle.— Mrs. Stain agreed, xitli the undertaker • that the fade wore a: natural expressiiin,, and when hr was going away she said : around ~ou time Don't :put, in a ny sivondfdlass hacks, and don't have 'any:hits h 21w_ the-iiproceedings at 'the: grave,!" •.0 ~ • Vl9lll t4t. hour Aptil 2 o!clockof, the second day, tben:affer bhe hid The boduet,'d crape , shawl s -etc4')thif watchenr found:plantYitcreat; ministertiwas sent. were.for;{ engtlteeen , Cl~aia tAufihA;froXS.; netObor's,_ and ever ping s ?pork , along like dock -work. must' bear "rit)," 'Eliii3Aept 'saying . to the wid w. House-cleaning 4nbert be done, the back yard- uniat , belxaked of < the pen stock , RAIL .be thavielk out r ank y9u hayen't % to sit do w n acid TM, *as insuTed,lind sieltr i . go dew 4 next weekend select sonct6 inotirn.• ing good& • Everybody ; - whor attoadetUteitid ihes: never . saw s a : fangral pass,off nzpoth - apd, ; , Fh p. the hack had latipo„tlr ow - and` Mrs Starri at her door agaligiii. Stpm asked : • " • '‘govi; didn't yotfiejillr Oijottbi - after all'?" ' =- „-., 'And the' , widow said:she , woulan't have' believed th4Bl;lo:4Quld , have I stood it *ell. "It's Horrible to economical;' said proty, woman to (Inf,_ . with the utmost plainiivenesitieie's no Elio of living if 'you can't dregs. well:. What la a. wo. man auyhow, Without her, Clothesr :And ' Quiz laughed a little, chocked It him =; eel t c and hluehe, d; and &dirt' auayeer; • .r 4 ,1 • • ,X,11.14 gpon 4eitlt Ole Acu_ecleaari,ol !ziqr conetit4tione 8 eleep. W__ Alialty4iik Yetieehed in tlle 'mernii3e-4e4i. 4 1 11rnik.„' . 01 stl I=l= 47,3:1" r • V „.1713. most= ‘k , ed.in an even • %fi;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers