BY VV HALEY 81; CAUSER. 1 _ s THE FIST 11400 *IP • - BY JOBN• IT. YATES. . ---.. b a y by and the. I Weekly. Betsey, ie i) s Id like yOU ',• And read the morning's Daily, \V it h its.pages scarcely dry. ' • . 1 . , While you and I were sleepin' they were print , Joe then). today :: • : .; .; ". ::, , . In the city by the ocean, several litindred Miles . away.. . .1 . . . , ilititv!d I get it y" Bless you, Betsey, you need .. . not doubt and laugh,.. ~...... It didn't drop down froM the clbtrs nor co m e by telegraphs; ... • ' .. .. I got it by the' lightnie - mail - we've:itid about you know— - ... . 1 • .-. .•- . . The mail that Jonathan ,got,up.about a month We farmers livin"rOinid the hill *erit to' he .' . town to day,. . •. • . ~ . . To see the fast mail, catch, the bags that'.hung • beside,tbe way •.; ' :. , , -:' , Quick as a flash from thtindering clouds ; whose tempest swept the sky, . , . , :The bags were caught — on board the train as it went roaring by...... ,:... . --. s.. . We are seein' many _changes in our Est declin, years ; • - . „ . „, Strange rumors now ere soundin' in our hard • - ot hearin' earS,' . . Ere the sleep that knows no, wakii. 3. comeslo waft us o'er the Strewn, '• i ' • i . \ SoMe great power, .takof tall the self : • conceit from steam.' • Well do yon retneniherßtitar' when theipocit: • man earrte 'd Ridin' horseback , through „the: forest, long the. lonely ~ • Indiantrani,•- • How impatiently ,we,. Waited-we were eart est , lovers wen—, • , For our letters comin'-- sloWly, many miles 'through wood' and glen. , Many times, you n know,We missed thein,ttor the postman never, came t Then, not . knowing what had happened,We did , each other blame. - • 111,' Long those lore tittaireas: . lasted,.,but. the God - • , who Melts the proud-1 . ., • Brought our .strayin'. hearts together, and let sunshine through the cloud ! Then, at last, the tidings reached ' tts, that the faithful postman fell , Before the forest savege, with his mit% terrific yell • And your letters lay 4 -and moulded, while the • meet birds sang allove r , And I was sayitebitter thingiabotit a Woman's Long and tedious were - ,the journeys, few and far between the mails, - • . In the days when we - :were cciurtin'—when we . thrashed with wooden flails.! Now the while-Vinged cars are flyin"lng , the shores of, inland bees; . And young loveri read their letters 'Mid luxu ry and ease. Vt. have witnessed many changes- in our three score years and ten-} We no longer Sit and wonder at tbe - discoyeries 01 men; In the shadow's of evenin' we rejoice that our bOys, • Are not called to meet the hardship that embit- Acied half our joys. •. Like the old mail through the, forest , riatbtui years go slowly by ; Like the fast .mail of the present, manhood's • years how quick they fly I We are sitting in the shadows, soon shall break life's hrittle cord- 7 1 , Boon shall come' the welcome summoni bytki fast mail at the Lord; TWICE MARRIED. "TTOM.E in good season, mother;" and II the load, clear voice goes ringing,Up into the little chamber *here Ruth Mar ton is stitching away on store work, Oat ought to have beendone that, :forenoon. But•the was tired' sitt4g: up last might for James, he came in so late_ now,' and she could not bear to let him find the room, empty and 'the -fire out. It was her way, she sari, to keep him from bad company, and it seerned to, succeed very well ; for, whether it was a gay, oyster supper, or a game of cards with a friend, James always remembered - she was -wait ing for him, and had i ktolerably steady hand to raise the latch, and an amusing recital Of the evening's adventures for the patient and cheerful listener, his.wid owed mother. ; Huth Norton ~:.made::her appearance , with the vest she las finishing off.hang-- ing over her arm, and. her speatacles pushed back upon 'ber cap. B : he avas a quick; active little \ body, iLot. over tidy in her dress, perhaps; but then, ,'",811 never had any time to attend to these - things." James,was making, goOd wages it was true, but like all Other,rous'rititrei,. he was social' ana.ilked* merry fekws about him., ~, , Sovittrtliztook, of tie house, "and earned just a bit by ;tailor ing". for. her 'own pocket money; <but which oftener. went fOr family expeuses than James *as'ai4Lie Of. "0, is that my best vest, rnothef ?"'l-‘he said, laying : 4o,w*. th4kinalingso al w;.1.593, brought home from the storebeh ,behind the Stove. "Ltorgot, to.„te4 you it wants,a button ; and it'll hav to come in play - to-tight, for there wiltbe the- gran4 frol ic at TOill La:WS neddiDg2l 1 "SO it is to-night. Dear me, I'd quite • forgotten it. was- nonie or 00 , Tom is a steady, young, man, and I hope tie will!get a good wife. A good Wile is '• the making of iiipst younC 'men; in mV • opinion. Set on the teakettle, ~ I tm-gq dear, and you shall sOon hivelostr sup - per. I hope you'll be bringing home, a daughter to .me oue these days." "Not I, mother ; 'liberty If9r tin; •a 8 the play says. .1 haven't o r yet." •, • • , BY MILL/E. - "The:luicker the better,"'was the ready answer.of: -the mother,' "and she .hustred about' to set i thelea. things on 'the fable ; while James, at his toilet..overhead, sang `intitehes - 61 , gay -songs; star he • added a "good voice to . his other advantages. • NO wonder - his' .mother was proud Fof lm, - he can* w - An - the !float--pic turesque of costumes; know - - as :•"shirt - to - .claim. the renovated,.,veSt ; and -closing' . it about -trim he tried `the new baton.' drew himself •Ep to' hisftill iti•heightlr, and ,shook back'Oe cinittering, hair from his trownjace; gay with] good - temper.. • . • - “.INow. , don't - . 'be very •''late - to-night, James'," said,., the ,Proud. tittle. women, holding. the .light as high` she. - corild reach ,iha ghe 'might . .see that .•all Was right hut indulge the foiA7 ness• : Of her, (motherly. eyes ;with' last. glance of admiration. "I - shall want; to know, all abOut it; holw .‘..,the bride looked - and what she had .en..,Be sure lo bring a piece of the cake - •to dream on,;. and - don't drink I to'. the bride's .health'. too often." • :• S •--i.- `,tlsiever 'fear, mother; and I'm bohnd '6i : dance with . the .. prettiest girl in the .room, you may,: - be _sure. Don't. to' .hard or - sit ,up for me .after One - o'cloC,k : -for may be we. shall, be late," He parted her on the shoulder as ..he. said thiS, a caress bt which' lie was very' fond okiid which conveyed more affection ;than One would • suppose.: She .understood I it, andstill - nrOud and .happy *ant back 'to ,"clear up,"as she called. it. • - • • But mother. Norton's tidying - would. not have pleased the most,. fastidious, fot her organ of :okder. had.'neier - beenide veloped in - chiltlhood,.. and old • h - khits still citing to _6r.' Jameahad . a habit : of order , .. that was rather Aroublea -bvi the inn n merable. - catalogne.,Lof .sundries" that littered the itables; :Maritletti and chairs; 'indeed:it 'was the only. point - On ,Which•he ever ventured 'a remonstrance. . She sat sticking quietly for. a long tune ; and when the vest was_ finished she fold ed-up,:her work and read a• - • while M her NOT-.4e'licio4 . the Bible. - Gradually the. ca ndle .grew'dimm r, and the ct eful' glow .nf:Ahe .flre,'MOre book dosed OYerAet_apectacles itithibh: she; had she'fell into a .bdmfortaNe reter*- -- '2'-As- usual, it wkis'ulieat James; what : " great reason she°:be. proud of b 10 4 : . truthful ait. holiest, - he:: had. always I'nel! theii : last ,conversation`'-,was 'Yrainembere , and .she .thought ~hOw pleasaat it :Would .be-to hive. a' good tidy little Cialighter cbritielionie:,sbnie day,. who: Would make James happy and • keep, the house tul and lie - coMpany for. herself. She could. but.' confess that • she wad a little lonesome nowand• then -and she was not , So active and'. young as she - Once was. She certainly had - to go to sleep, - and let the burn dawn and the fire g'o) . out before-James camehOtne ; but :these three things woke' with a, sta4t and , a. chilled,. uncom fortable sensation to 11 . ear, him . 'battling the, 10ck.,... ' • " 'At firit . She - thought it' mud . be' her 'drowsiness that made his voice Sound :so . strange and hoarse; 'hut when she had lighted another candle, his lace ryas so pale and' haggard, his whole , manner, so excited 1 that she could . scarcely ask .the reason. ',He 'did; • not keep . . her bing in suscience. . fle.had been.: tO thitelitiecits tomdd to find ready f sympatiliV in.he love to conceal-the - cause of hissudden,Change. He threw hi self down 'wearily' On - the floor at her feet, and said a . 1:One of Utter .dispondency • "I've ruined usoall, .mother I". . ‘.`.31.Y. son ! JaMes! What db .yotr mean ?" •• .• , • • . . . "Just what'( say. • I didn't mind - you, and I:.drank too much, and, got..e:tcitel; theh..they dared 'me to do .• - 7'What,.. Jimmy, dear ?" I .She. Scarcely -dared. to, fill the spyhe. Made -,,' Sudden thOughts•of robbery and even.o order darted .through her mind • Married, - befOre them - 0.1 1 , to..a girlhave never seen befOre to-night ;, for Toni Lane's uncle-*Crs an alds;rman. 1 iibughiAley w e re' joking - alrthe °while, -13.tit t he says i Vs, real. and her hiother-says so, and swears I tnatit'talce,heritonie and 'take tire of her, for she's . more than' he eau manage; acid ; ,of.-voursOkoione .can marry .her now. . Mother I)siOther • whit shall:: do•:?"•42; • - ,-TOT'e,wasi..a‘weie,ht: lifted first 'from the - heart Of, poor Ruth:; but last words; had ~bropilit th -- ereality - of; the mis fortune before, her.. "Are these things _against her,. Jim my?" 4 .Nobodylvotild'tell me anything:about her, exc , ;pt that th-y laughed And .joked ; and I heard Nat Jones say, 'whaka.take in I' and - I - struck him in the , iace. -::We were aWstanding iu the hall with her brother, for he was the foremost :one to put'me to it .; and I 'was almost crazy with the,thought of what I had done.— Somebody parted us and -Isaict it was too bad And she came flying out- 7 they were all dancing yet—and I heard her call out 'Where's ,my. husband ? to go Off and leavehis - bride 1' I' don't believe: she knowi yet ; but It sounded so light and forsi,rd, and I dashed away from them ; 11 , f6i . TROSL . and 1've ... . - beens ,Street _ever. since, feeling . as I shkluld go craiy."r He wiped his forehead, still heated frorri the e,kcitenent of - feeling and!W quick hurried. Walk. His mother did not know s what .counsel. to offer, and only held iris hand - ind 'looked ddwn into!his face as if,-libe did not yet comprehend is ".I'notided , her- • when • tir . .it wen t ntO the ronin,'",latneS:Said again, as if it waa -a relief toAalk..! "She was cone of Lthe dressed elegantly,' an. danced better . than •aitybolly In. the room. And 'Tom Lane and I must' da W nce W 1 . . her. And it - seems She intdl.made a bet to flirt with: me ; and then tlie r jOked at supper. acid wasn't going to be ant- , done:skid ealled'h.T nty:swee.theart, and said fiftyilly things.; and they . said two weddings Were "better than one, and dared us to be niarriedon the spot. Sine laugh 'd and said 'es and' I.- thought at Was, good fun and i 0 I W . as married ; and Ow it eitiCt- be helped, they all : '•Iia1, •It initis me-ahnOst nate her everyAnneFthinic of it, if she'knewito marry . 4 man she kliiews nothing tib(in t . ,1 a lid had never seen inl . her :life.before. • And I . .was so light hearted - when I wen t : Off, and now if :feel twenty •years . shall I !do, mothefr ? Tell iue." , . • I ; .• • "Go to bed now, jitnuiy - deaf:,and we will talk it overin the "Morning. lI 7 Yr- . haps it Will turn Out attickj afterall . ;nr maybe she's. heard-. 7 abont. von and lo . i . es 'you'—tlie fond, Mother' 'could have Un derstood that and' forgiven.. and she'll:my 'wake-you a good Wife, after alt.; Who knoWs? But go to bed • nO4, for you're out; ankyon'll be isiek— Gerrie, 40' 60* Jimmy.l 'He went , up to the little room by the side of ber own to, please her ; but she' heard hiin walking up and' down 'until she fell into an uneasy siuMber. It was, as James 'said, a reality she camelioine to them after ;the end of a week;'-apparently thinking they shonld be Compensated for all by the' honor of li`er presence, and seeming , nei.her to' knowior care how Much trouble she gave, di how unwelcoine she was. ; Ruth had done 11(4 best to make the b• bright d - cheerful, but the house lookan pluiti ; old-fashioned furniture seemed to Nora a p or exchange- for the " sribwy veneering of her brother's'lparlor. She missed the excitement nidinces . and balls to which she had ilsays been accustom- Jatnes had eo - heart io . :go; and, in deed,'shrank.,from, appealiing anywhere with her. Her chief amusement and employ `tent seemed to be a review of her stock of ,finery, visiting .her old friend§ or ;sitting at the front. window ; watching the .few passers-by, , It was a dreary change lin that; once contented• little, household. Ruth, did her best. 'She bore the imnertinen.ce and ' carelessness of her daughter-in-law with out complaint.; she tried in her: quiet' way, to, make her as - comfortable ortable I could, sharing even her cicithes Ivith her; fot; with all her fineryi-she had,notopm- for,table garments for' the Inclement sea= son, .that hid now set, in. James seemed utterly.broken in spirit. He.never sang 'or:whisled as hac: been his wont. Then ; Meals were eaten , in silence *lien Nora .was, there, nr with desponding complaints when she was .abs-nt. He avoided : her 1 tit every way. t Slinetmes he seemed like himself, when he found a cheerful fire and his mother waiting for him.; but of t-ener he come home with ,a clouded brain , and disturbed temper, too plain tokens that his troubles were driving him into, bad coinpaay. All this was hardest on poor Ruth that is,, the every day" recnring perplex ities mere more wearying.l perhaps .than the unwelcome bonds whit)) the ;young people.had as yet only chaf'-d at 4 Nora would have gone back to her brother'shome, but that was closed;to her, he only saying it was her own - fault and not his if she (lid not get = along . well with' her husband.. 'So 'she: would come back; her eyelfswolen with crying, More sullen;and disagreeable than ever ; and •the mOther was obliged to put up with it, while her son g s alte,red habits were almost breaking herheart, se nd hiii;wife grew daily More hateful' to her - ; as !the cause of- it. Her faith'Was - sadly put to test' in these dark' slays; liit- She' •read the ; Bible . atid the Pilgries Progress more and . More,lnow beginning comprehend! the 'liarsh-im prisbninent of her favorite - hdici in the dungebn - of !Doubting Oastle. Sheiwas sitting in a 'silent, 'diftwndast aft when a !Hit PA., APRIL 5, 1876. moiid,'one 4tterhoon when a Hz.. rap at the door, was'followed by the Sunimilne of a 'faCe ~that tilainly told ofl"rieace Five years ago Rath had lost a daughter, a bright cheerful girl .of lifteen,ijust be ginning to be all the 'world to, her. -She died after &lingering illness, and to the last her bedside - ,was': cheered ,nd the lotiellhnother comforted 1 by the ;visits of Martha's Sunday-School teacher,' 'who had first 'led her to think of 'another hOme; wivre there-would be neither pain_ or wesrineis. Sincethen the teacher hild never forgdtten her, , old pupil, Who had leained inCre <of the; life to: cothei than ever before at her' 'daughter's bedside ; and this was the unexpected hilt most *Moine T isitor. • PO; it is you, Milt Lelia ? Ws a long , I ie • ' '4 time since-you have. tiOn-tn Sep Me. I Boas almost afraid you'would- never[cOme agaiii,"Ruth said eagerly, duSting a chair with her apron.. - .; • 1 "You could not have thoughtl Shopld forget you; Ruth ?" Miss Lewis said, in a pleasant, friendly voice: "But haie• you been sick : this .winter ?, :Why did pu* not let ine• ? ..Youl loos thin and downcag. ! I hope there's nOtbing the. Matter with Jarnes." 1 I It needed but little sympathy tO•draw forththe troubfes •of poor Ruth, and she . hs.d most interested and liatientlisten7, er. • -• • I . "But are .Vou sure - -sheT doesnrt love ..James?" she said. - "Love workS won ders saiiptimis, you know; and sli e may be a comforter to you yer."l. - "God. forgive me, if Pin wrong in say ing -it, Miss Lewis,: but I idon't believe she'll be anything- but a torment to us= and James is breakiilg his! heart Trani • • • ,• morninz till night. • tried to be. good to her, and wou•liim,be -a . ,• inother to her ;'but 81161171.11 in, my boy, my only comfort. nice poor \Martha died:" !i - :!.. "Brit, - you ,knOw, 'good. Came even out of that great. sorrow., Mrs. Norton 4s.yoir .often .told one. .• He !who sends us, trials cari.make them end in blessings ; the premise.-don't' of promise.thin!t! 'forget that ; and besides. I'm 'a great the law.Of kindness. • 'Unless i she! is utterly unWorthy,James.innit in time Win 'her." afraid .Fin not al\v*s • kind,' pOor Ruth.said,self-reproachfully ; ”soMetiineS it's eo hard •to put up. with, and .71 fret: a bit,' and 'then. she's ' quick-tempered; and .so it goes. :she'ta ',there now, I dare say, b:-aiding her hair.iirp*.ingsomd fine ry;; all:'she• does .frotri, morning till night." •• _ • , • • . 1 1int'do you evil her to:help yon ? I should think there was it; great deal she might do, and James see things tidy." • • •••• ; • • "lirde enough, he. does," and-. here a sigh followed' the glance around the dis But I can Hardly get time to have hil'ineals:.ready n0w.....1f it . was *real God.ent•trouble, 'Shouldn't mind it so mach": • "But it. Certainly seenisltole, so," hiss - Lewis answered: trOubles are given . us to•try our strength.:- ..-Take , this ,a 4: a trial of, your patience, Riiih,:as:Martha'a - death..proved your faith., never:do • for James to see vou.give ,:up. . MASS did not as she re turned to. , her. pleasant::hoine, - the good teed that had beeidsowit with' her words of. cheer..• : A8 ; it *as, 'Ruth. w.eut more cheerfully about th,enext . days.task, 'taking "patietiCe"aaheri•talisman and .When she : remembered - that .'Miis;.Leivis. • .had asked: her,- ishe -forckli• :some, notiCeof :the poor:gtrl, whoefrom her heart she pitied. . .1 . • ,• 9youzhave . never otld me anything about - your mother,' igor:a,": she said, al in-her usual idle way,' the, girl - Was Sitting with .fuld6d. handiby !the . :It .was .a. chalk:6\onel'; • but it • proved the right one. y . It did. noti - r. se s i,m _So at first however for theonly ansterwai a sullen Stare, astonished at hear i nig nntarilv -addressed: But Riith .did not seem to 'notice • this, . and .Etnally. was teL warded., by .seeing a more pleasant ex•L piessiou in "her face ; and • afterwards, : when she laid aside her *irk 'and rose to ?et the. dinner.-:table 'Nora- for, the first, - time offered to. help her,: This:was done . 'a little awkWardly, and .not sotheerfnlly. Ids Ruth could have • wished; .who, when! • 78he 'commended' her for: her assistance, was a . little surprised, to hear . her say. "`Don't= tell ' him, though,', as Sullenly as before.-.---i, , This.,waS the : beginning _of pleasante.r • 4imes for Ruth. When :James was away:, =Nora was suoiable.:an.d.,.wllling to. do any thing she could for his Mother, only•she repeated the. injunCtion 'not to tell him. • She -left . off most ofi here rings and hroaches, and:dressed ••thote•:plainly, and. one afternoon - as she. sate : stitching away as fait as she oould-Hfor she had 'taken .a ; fartey'tO‘ Ruth'e trade—Ruth found 'her self telling libotit Martha's death, 'and how ,hard it ;bad. been to.. part with her,' and how Jaines• niisse4 her. • That after -.1 noon • when. she :came :home •Irom her.' brother's she.had 'a little reselind one, of the zhildren, bad . ;given 'her; • Irtilai ho deed "it' When. She passed 'throngh the *m' , When Utiles came down::to tea he had, it in his;: band;`thanked hie: .Bother ifor putting, the...littie vase on. hiS L :biirean. ,Rtith : WOW hays ' Obi-, claimed;, but she 'eatight3 a....quiek 'warning and the blush tin her -faceasishe'placed.,it in his button bole.- Re sat in the kitchen:- a. little.'•W•hjle;after tea, and .eyen 'noticed.. the: improVements_ and eotitPlimented 'mother theta. Ruth 'longed to tell ;hilt. it wua allrNora'S WO and meattiesk .bilt! the theaningl'of that look restrained her : That.night,,Ruth.fonnd -ITOra .sobhing . is-bed : and_asked:if ,she .titts 111,...aad-43he said, "No. not ill, ,only•;ti little ,rierYione.: Ruth did not otieetion . her,. but- .stooped. . down • and . kissed: her for, the first • • 'After this Ruth knew: there ., were brighter days , before :them;;' that is, if japes would return.. the 'lo. e. :that, she knew WApt,springing,:uti., in . .NOra's heart. Tor hini this She bylorig -VOL. 33-N0.,,,14 Nora tales- of his.childhOod, to which- Nora lie- tened eagerly,, and which brought, .the slime tender, -loving light - to her eyes as she .bent_ over - , her :needle: She; would .have iriA, to . w)n • her Ison- : by the earns simple means.; but the. , 'boatt-: of. Istora'i . tidiness and, industry'was*al way,s,eheeked by . the feeling that the time had ' not yet bome.."Jeineeeobld'iiiitliut - haire. notic ed the improvement . in -. her .appearance, but he never spoke of,it.' She earned for .• herself ebtne neaCChinti dresses, for she invariable refnsed :the money, he put in -, his mother's hande, at first froni' obstina cy; and lately from womanly pride.' The broad . cotton-lace • collars - were ~ . replaced by narrow cambric ruffles, and „with her hairparted smoothly over. her forehead, and a Lmile of good . !nature lighting up her lace,-Ruth with' 'never weaiied' of ail- . 1 miring her, Love . had, indeed, , 4orked -.. wonders. Whether, she ' went singihg with her,. iiveet voiceabout the household . :tasks, or sewed :diligently by Ruth's Fide; [lt :Was all the - same.-;• but the instant lit was h e ard c!.oming .tiie ' Ong was . huSh‘-d, the smile.:wee - clotided,i,and , ..slie either . went-to liar own . roOm ' , .or .sat': in B:knee. . ' • The whole house betokened a change. The books . and owmpapers of which James wazi fond were neatly piled upon the bureau, or in the window-'seat ; the brushes and towels, had their appointed places; "chips . of Cloth" no longer litter ed-the.floor. - Though James enjoyed the change, and- ,even brought home anew table-cover add a box of mignonette for the now „open _ m N ora he , never seem ed -to con nect : Nora with the improve ent,. Something of ,hts 'old ohterful ness came Welt 'in the . spring_ 'sunshine, but it , was fitful and easily driven away.' He lie came home: one eveniog., earlier than usual, 'and after tea„ as -if he had. something Important to discloie drew his chair up, in The - old biniilir way. to,, his mother: ' . '- - , . ' ' .. Ruth's 'heartbeat a little quicker. She was sure it was . something about Nora, for he had seemed to watch her lately. She bad noticed it :several times. But , . she was not prepared for-the proposal be mVle, whibli Was that they . should find a' .bonie for hcr 'amoung her, friends., She's not happy here, mother, and no „ I . wonder ; and I think perhaps ',ought to do something for her. The poor girl was . no more to blame. than I was -,` and since it-is as it. is. I ought to..make her as Com fortable as Ican. I 010 she seems dif ferent lately ; and;,at any. rate„she'hain't gone gadding - off with others, disgracing . i me, as Many . 'wofild • have ' done. Thett 'you; wouldn't have 'so :mulch to do; and - oti the ,whole r siticet, we!,etin't --love leach • other, , perhaps )1?8,1:Tat: ; wo,. should ,sepa- , rate." ' , .. , . ~. „ • "Bat why can't'on ,. love' each' other' Jimmy?" • ' ' '' . ' • He looked - upfstartled 14 the , anxiout • tone of t his .mother's voice., , "If I love her.evo somell, she hates me.-- ; She nor-, er would love die:'' ."Did you ever aaklier if she'did ?" , "Oh; mother ran& we worse 'than 'strati- ger& I Could rove a life dearly that yen' know. Any-one who- mould', have cared for me, and tried to help you, and make yow happy, I could love any:, one' that would do that." • ~ Nora's secret could not . , keep longer and Ruth set forth her improiements ' in the most glowing light ; bow i she had taken care o' the roonnkbecause he liked them tidy. . ; how she had earned: two dol-, lariit we--k rather tll an be dependent on him ; and the story of the rose-bud came out now. -, ' - "Oh, James, go tt Ruth,. "and tell her her at any rate." He saw all that 12 be true, And blame covering it sooner. "Go'and tell, her , • "Yei; tu-night, for wilt be tfieluird-, er t6-morrow; I kiwi, and I'm sure- she 4 roves you:" She had not . Yet retired, and Inas leap, ing her bead •On „ler arm,,' and did not,' look` qp • When he' entered the`room but said, tit.a voice that ihoyied rshe had bees weeping "lames canie .fiome earlt e , r . , are dit' b m e,' other ?.t. Lhave laying hcre,listquin co f„ tp.„ hie,voice l ,Ton have been iftlkio;l o U. - !!ye A . Nord, of you, mfr poor 'girl;". kid . ;Tames, .*ith - voice of emotion; he stooped-`down and . raised hefia his wins. , not try, to go sway from A - 6), , nPt Mier!) , pan will i not send me :sways?"' find he drew her head down ariOn Shoulder - as tbq stentthere. "I . Was 'coining to tell yon that you might 'leave us . ; but now I ask you to stay, ;if- you me and, be my wife." • - - - '‘Oh; James; I have loved: you so hail" she' tatd, sobbing;;"and I was contentiot tried to be, to live just seeing you every day and working - for pm—l - know I was Wild, and vain, and soltleh ; but, I, was not„wicked ;,,and cverybody, loyed .;ypo, and bow could I help ?". "Do not "try heir ' it, ,It to whd ,hinite bee n !tong; ' but 1 . .trY ''',;#'Canairs444 war 461.,..u. the poor'girl,",said you, will try to lQve smother said mutt himself for not dui- o;" his mother urged Er _ _ r T -~, t" ti;` ;,fir,,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers