SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLIN TOWN. PA. WEDNESDAY, DEC 13, ZSW). B.F.SCHV7EIER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. The President tntoreagots a good sized pbamphlet. The Boen have captnred Bnth ish Army of over six hundred under OaUcre. Prehil'KXT McKinley's message is favtrable to the maintenance of the gold standard. Pbesident McKinlf.x's no engage fa vors more stringent laws to prevent 1 the trade combination on trusts. ! The admission of Senator Quay haa not yet been accomplished. The comroitlao that has 8-ich casa as his in charge tas not reported. Goebel is the name of the demo cratio candidate m Kentucky defeat ed at the rtcent election. His inti - mate friends call him "Go Bill. - President McKinley in his mes sage favors the independence of Cu ba. He favors free trade for Porto Rico and Hawaii, and a local govern ment for both these islands. J he state toara oi elections in Kentucky has determined that it haa HO power to go behind the returns, The state board of elections in i and it finds that the republican nom ioee for Governor, General Taylor was elected. AoaiN.u.DO threatens io torture American prisoners to force a recog nition of bis Government so des patches say. It is scarcely probable that be is a man of such smll intel lect as that would indicate. Pbesident McKinley says that con sidering the facts surrounding the Phillipine Inlands situation, there is only one course open to pursue and that is the prosecution of the war till peace baa been brought about. , Should Cuba, Porto Rica and the Phillipine Islands become annexed to the United States, free trade inter course would take place just as it does between the states of Pennsyl vania and New York and all the oth er states of the Union. The people of Utah are talking of electing Mrs. Mat tie Haghes (Jannon a member of the United States Sen ate, which if done would make Utah a political novelty unsurpassed by any state cf modern times. It would be a spectacle to pee, a Polygamist LOCgressman and a woman United States Senator from one and the same State at the same time. The first letters' from soldiers in the American Army in the Phillipine Islands were written when (be army lay close around Manila. The uader tone of the letters were against the Filipinos as a people in every par ticuUr. But letters that have come sicce the Army has been moved in to the interior of the country give another and better Bide to the habits of the people. They indicate that . thepeopleare much attached to home, are cot rovers and are industrionp, all of wb?.h it is hoiw'- KTrue for -v me .nn that the opportunities to be given them by the American government are better than.ihey have ever bad. The Filipinos wten the American moves on tbem run a-vay to fight some other day. I-, is different with the Boers when the British move on them they stand to fight and slay. Young Englishman are getting their training in South Africa for the wars of a generation to come just 86 the young Americans received their training at -Manila and Santiago for the wars of a generation to come-. The American Generals who fought the Rvolution of 1776 received their training in the French and Indian war. J it had not beea for the train ing of the Americans in the French and Indian war, the American Rev olution could not have taken place and become a success. The Ameri can generals and naval commander, who defeated Spain were trained in the war of the slave-holders' rebel lion. So in such cveDts as in other events history repeats itself. There is a great deal of talk among some people about the hu manity or rather the inhumanity of the war in the Philippine Islands. The man who talks that way con scientiously is to be respected, for war is the essence of inhumanity. The noncombatant, the man who is conscientiously against war is of a higher type of manhood than has lieen able to bring himself forward as a controli ng factor in the manage ment of the affairs of nations. There .a a professed abhorance of war among nations who claim to be civilized, but their profession goes no further than an expression of regret. In practice thejr are warlike. What hypocrits the American people are when they denounce expansion. They came to America with the Bible and the rifle, and during the period of almost three hundred years they have leen using the Bible for their text and their rifle for their expan sion. They have exterminated the native nice and taken their poses sions. So it may le just as well to keep quiet on the question of fight ing the Filipinose, for it is simple keeping up the manner of expan sion and tjouquest thot the Euro lean race started in with wheu they came to America. A horriblti account of man eating comes bv way of Australia from Ad miralty Island tbat are located north of German, Naw Guinea. The lia tivt 8 of Admiralty are cunning and treacherous. Two young Germans n-tmed Metzk and Molte opened a trading station among tbem, and ap peared to get on very well with tbem. "The two traders decided to purchase the inland- Molte went to New Britain to arrarge the deal, leaving Metzk with ten Solomon Is laud boys. Upon AloJte'a return be found tbat Metzk had been murder d together with four of his boys, and the bodies bad becu cut up, coktjJ an J att2 by ibo savages. , HANDLING FERKET& HOW PROFESSIONAL RAT CATCHERS USE THE ANIMALS. a'keae Plerr Eyed. Razor TMtheal Little Bculi Arc Kffrcllre Vkcrt Trmata mmm I'oiauu Fall Tkrr Ai Oeaerslly Worked Wit a a Msmalsr. weasels and ferret, ttaid a pro fessional rat catcher, "are about the dame thine. The imported ferrets t rallied to the business are larger thun the weaseL that is all. After 1 am through with rat catching I use my fer rets to hunt rabbits oit of brush piles, hay and straw stacks, which is a prof itable business wbcu rabbits ere plenty. What you call rabbits orer here we iu England call hares. w neu a man once starts iu as a professional rat catcher and gets to understand training aud working fer rets, there is such au attraction iu the trade that he never willingly gives It I up. It's a prolitable business withoat too much comiH-titiou." "Do the ferrets ever bite yout" "It's a very careless and awkward man that gets bitten by a trained fer ret. Wlieu one is bitten by an enrag- . eu ferret, the bite is or a very severe 1 character, extremely paiuful and slow , to heal. As the rat catcher talked a C-inonth- old ferret, his fiery little eyes gleam ing like living gems, was crawling over his lap and trying to get Iu under his coat. -This fellow," said the rat catcher, "is as gentle as a kitten aud ' likes to have his back ruhlcd aud to . bo caressed as well as any cat you ever saw. When the ferret bites a rat's ' neck, he knows exactly what lie Is do- lug. and his front teeth, cutting. like razors, go right through the Jugular. "Of course we generally imir.zle them when we send them In after rats, aud we always muzzle them when we send them in after rabbits. If their teeth wer! at liberty, they would ki'.l the first rat or rabbit they met and would remain in the hole suckiug its blood. Wheu we put a ferret iuto a house aft er rats, we stop up all the holes at the outside of the house except one or two. Over these we place bugs, and the fer rets, driving the game before them, run the rats into the liags. We keep the ferret without his ordinary meals before using him, aud this makes him keener iu his chase. "It's mighty easy to sitoil a ferret. After a young ferret has lieeu badly bitten by a rat, as sometimes happens, you can't get him to go into a hole muzzled. Itut wheu a ferret is full grown and has the skill and courage that he should have he is a holy terror to rats and Is a valuable animal. I would not sell a well trained ferret for $50, the price of a good horse. Such a ferret I should be willing to put in a pit with 50 rats, and he could in a short time kill every one of them. Hats are great fighters wheu they are cornered, but no other animal of the same size has as much courage as a ferret or weasel. "In England the largest ferrets are called polecat ferrets and are a cross of the two animals, which are much alike. In this country the word pole- cm is uppneu io mc skliiik, an entirety different animal. The word polecat Is supposed to be an abbreviation of Polish cat, and the animal abounds all over Euroiie. The mink isnuch like the weasel, except that it Is larger. aud many depredations that are at tributed to the weasel are committed by the mink. All these animals prowl by night, and they frequently go many miles In search of food, even coining into towus Of") the suburbs of cities." Audubon..,, ' a cl(er student wcaseir-w erica n ferret. fiexible-4Mtd.Vr-f(s extraordinary length T of neck, the closeness of its fur, its keenness of scent. Its wonderful agili- ty and quickness of movemeut, all ex cited his admiration. An American writer says: The com mon weasel has sometimes been caught and carried off by large hawks and owls. Sorry was the experience of the captor in such cases, lie has caught a Tartar. The. captive will bite into the sides of the enemy, so that both will fall to the ground, the bin mortally wounded and the wearel usu- j ally comparatively unhurt. The weasel's courage in defending It- ' self when attacked by birds of prey Is ! universally admitted, nor is it deficient I in fierce opposition to dogs and even ! men wheu its nest is invaded by el- j tlier. It usually kills for food, biting ' through the Ticail Into' the brain with ' sucii expertuess that its victim can scarcely utter a cry of pain. It usually cats the brain first; then the rest of the liody follows. In pursuing mice, rats and moles it follows them into their runs or holes. A weasel's proximity to a poultry yard Is not to lie desired. But in barns, hayricks niul grain stacks it is decidedly ad vantageous, ns It will surely extemi nate or drive away rats and mice." The weasel's characteristics are not ed in two American sayings, "Catch a weasel asleep" and "Sooner trust a weasel with eggs." Stories are told j that a weasel will w.itclr a hen on the ' nest for an hour, waiting for a freshly I laid egg. Indianapolis News. i-A .4 Freak Of the? I.lichlnlna;. A ctirlous case of lightning destruc tion took place at Cntcliina, an Im-IH-rial summer residence not far from St. retersbttrg, where stood a stone column r0 feet high, held together by Iron ancles. When rain fell, more or less water pentrated the stones in the Interior of the monument. One day it was struck by lightning, and instantly the whole column iMsap)eared from view, killing a lone sentry on guard. The only explanation is that the heat of the lightning instantly generated team on coming iu contact with some of the water, and the terrific explosion r t A Candle Trick. Let a caudle burn until it baa a good long snuff; then blow it out with a sud den puff. A bright wreath of white smoke will curl tip from the hot wick. Xow. if a flame lie applied to this smoke, even at a distance of two or three inches from the candle, the flame will run down the smoke and rekin dle the wick in a very fantastic man ner. To perform this ceremouy nicely there must lie no draft or "banging" doors while the mystic spell ia rising. Tns Towersi Students of architecture may have ofteu wondered why the two towers of Notre I wine at Paris were not of the sitnie size. It appears that when the cathedral wit.4 built it waa the cathedral of : piiffragan bisliop, who w.t,s not entitled to two towers of equal height, ii nd for centuries the bishop of 1'arfs was suffra$:.iii to the bishop of Sens. A Haste SaanceBtian. Great Actress That's an atrocious portrait! Is that the liest yon can do? j Is there no way you can improve upon It? Suggest something. Photographer Madam, yon might permit your understudy to alt tor yon. Cleveland I lain Dealer. PftAYEIt TO OKT HIS HORSE. A singular ' transaction took place in Lehigh county .court. It was a prayer to recover a hone. Therr was a suit pending in the court about the horse. Babert F. Thomas had. brought suit to recover the part payment he had made on a horse. He bought the animal from Peter Ger man of Heidelberg township for $80; paid $50 on biro and the I bal ance $30 was to be paid in sixty days. The horse was guaranteed sound. Later Thomas returned the horse and wanted his 50, say ing the horse was not as represent ed; that the animal "knuckled." German denied this and refused to give I ack the money. Thomas then brought suit. The case came up before Judge Albright. Thom as took the stand, took the oath, and before answering the first ques tion as to where he lived, turned to the learned 'tfiidge and asked whether he could" offer prayer. "Certainly," said Judge Albright with a quiet nod, and while on the witness stand Thomas prayed alound. "O, Lord, Thou who rulest over all and art'illing that all shall have justice, we appeal to Thee in this our trouble to lend ear .and, give Thy presence, all of us to tell the Guide us and truth to this1 honorable court and to this jury: that I liought that dark bay horse for s()i that German said he. was soli I and sound; that I paid 50 ou him: that the horse was not sol id aud sound as repsented, and that by right aud justice this court and jury should compel German to give me my money back and re ceive his horse back again, as the liorse is now just as 1 bought him. () Lord, we hold no grudge against German, aud we don't want him to have iny enmuy against ns; aritv v v . a uruv i viva, iv ause we are entitled to it. Thou hast said that brethren Should ueu logciuer iu unity ami it is .1 11 A- 11. 1 !1 Ki.c.-Mi rucuucB, s"" deliverance in this trial, and bless this good Democratic Judge who has just been indorsed by the solid Republican party of Lehigh Co." Thomas went on iuhis prayer for ten minutes, and at its conclu- sioutbe trial gravely proceeded. j m-j hi j uaui-uny nsieueu io uu me; ci lutrm-v. iuc parties ere our uesire to uu so, inn e cam uu k jhi on ( fie ri,iroad on West New it, if German does'nt take his ton; daughter, lielle, murdered by horse buck aud return my V0. one Xeilx?rt, who committed suicide S'oMen his heart towards ns; for- at the g.ime time. mn Thomas, man tieais m norses. liic jury mills Pittsburg; son-in-law, Wil biotight in a verdict for the defen- liam slrebig, engineer, crushed iu daut, and apparently Thomas' ;a smash-up ; Mrs. Brnndage'sson. prayer had not been answered as Mark- brakem. tilled l.v mN ot Jbe "desired, German the defendant iiavingsiiownt iii uie norse was Hot --KHUCKiea, UUI Was lllg-lion- . ed and sound, as represented THE ONE SURE THING. There are sounda of lautilitrr ind ringing And aouiMU that of woe make part. Aa the earth to ill fate ir" ra-iocing. But love is lord of the lirart. And cloudy or fair the weather fimne aoula will le dtifting together - And aoufa be drifting apart. Park eril may lurk in the bywayi. .... .4nTa . a. jnd the ternar leap forth un the highways ' of the awoni from its scabbard withdraws. But cloudy or fair the weather Some souls will be drifting; together And souls be driMing apart. Though unmoved by the post's dreanung, klen tarry too long in the mart And grow cold in the pride of their scheming. Yet lore is lord of the heart. And cloudy or fair the weal her Some souls will be drifting together And some ba drifting aart. W. T. Talbott in Washington Star. A COTTON PLANT. The Story of One Skuws the Kew York Kukaase. There is- a story still told to visitors to the New York Cottou Exchange which always amuses its tellers quite as much as its hearers. It concerns a very superb specimen of the cottou plant which was brought Into the ex change one October morning years ago and placed in the ccutcr of the pit around which gather every day the men who buy nud sell millions of bales of the white staple every mouth. There had been bail weather iu Tex as that season, with reports of irrep arable damage to the crop, but this suiHM'b plant, laden with bolls through out Its six feet of height and coming, as It did, from Waco, in the most Im portant cotton section of the Ine Star State, was exhibited as conclusive proof that the stories of a ruined crop were certainly false. All New York's big cotton operators came to look at it anil to admire it, and most of them remained to sell a few thousand bales. "If that is what Waco can produce. Jhey said, "the Texas crop alope will ! be oig enough ' to put cotton dowu a ! cent or two per pouad." Late in the day, however, there strolled into the exchange a shrewd old farmer from oue of the cotton states east of the Mississippi. lie bad heard of six foot cotton plants from Texas, and he wauted to see one. A single look at this specimen was suffi cient. "Humbug." he said. "That plant Is made of wax, and It grew in South Fifth avenue." And so It proved. The hoax had demonstrated what its authors assert ed, that very few iieople in New York, even among cotton brokers, would know a cottou plant if they saw oue. New York Mall and Express. Haw the Oak Will (inn. There are trees which would seem to substantiate the theory of some sci entists tbat there ia no reason why a tree should ever die unless destroyed by unfavorable conditions or accident. The oak, for example, will live as a sapliug for ages until given opportu nity for growth. There ia an old say ing to the effect that if a pine forest is cut dowu au oak forest will grow, and this Is said to lie literally true. Many of the acorns carried into the pine woods by birds and squirrels are left to sprout in the ground. As the tiny saplings grow browsing natives of the forest shades nibble off their tender leaves. Again and again new leaves are put forth, only to serve as food for hungry deer or moose or, oth er marauding creatures. And so, hid- ! den from sunlight, deprived, as it would appear, of every essential of life, the little plants live on. and when at last the pines are felled and the sun light reaches them they begin their era of growth. " , .j a F-iaaia aTt. ! Spurgeon's tabernacle dozeu in;: in streets all SaararaM Near where stands half a rreet at or." i -yr't Tlrj ; a drinking fountain there, which has stood tnere tor many years. It was one very hot summers evening, ana the aruuunv fountain waa In strong aeaiand. wauted drink myself, and In a happy sort of way while waiting my turn said to some of the people standing by: "Hurry up. I'm parched. Some body patted me on the back and said: "Thank you, my man.. Von have given me my text for tonight." at waa Mr. Spurgeon's text. The guard added that he waa on his way to the tablernaeje at the time. and Spurgeon preached one of the fin est sermons he bad ever beard on the words: "Hurry up. I'm parched." Home Magazine. Tkt Earliest Beast. Probably the ugliest beast in the world is a monkey, a grewsotue look ing animal called the bearded saki. This Is so utterly grotesque a beast that it would scarcely tie safe to let a child or nervous person see it. The ugliness is not of au amusing kind, but of an evil, sinister nature. The beast has a sort of beard and a countenance unlike anything else in shape and lines. The monkey Itself is not particularly savage, but Is so hideous tliat the na tives of Its country. South America, say that no beast of prey, however hungry, will tackle It. Even a hungry Jaguar will starve in a cageful of sakis. DREADFUL FAMILY MISFOR TUJfE, The G reonsbiirfr. Vptm.rel:inl County Press, mentions a long list of calamities that have come down nrton the Rohliiiitl faniilv in West moreland county: Xo less than thir- teen of this family have met singn lar disasters. The branches pf the original family to which the unfor tunates lielouged or were closely related are three brothers, Albert, George and William, and their ; three sisters. Mrs. Brundasw. Mra. Kyle and Mrs. Strebig. Here is the list: Albert Rohland, conduc- tor on the Baltimore aud Ohio rail- mnfl L'illil hv liift nat-a of Aim. ' ville: his son. Emmitt 'killed bv pars of ComiellsviUe- 1W than two I - - t 7 .7 I ' ; weeks asro Gcorce Kohland was murdered his wite and-is now in jail. William Ohr, brother-in-law, hanged himself; William Rohlaud, diexl a natural death; his son, i FriUlce, fojmd dead in several feet of water at the foot f port 1oyal !8liaft with a wound in his head; ' son-in-law, James Hamilton ,brake- limU) kiUe,i hy eomjng in contact with a lcam while riding on his tain through Jones & Laughlin's Bessemer: another son Edward killetl by t.ars at Grapeville; Mrs KvI' inn. Vnrmn,, kill An Rttsbnnr and Lake Erie railroad. AX ILLUSTRATED TEMPER AtfCE LECTURE. On Sunday evening Dec. lfitb, Rev. A. X. ltaven will give a tem perance lecture in the Presbyter ian church, illustrated with stere- ptican . The from start to finish ish will le fully il-T lustrated together with the evils that attend the drunkard's family. Trowbridge's ''The "Vagabonds" will be recited and pictures illus trating the poem exhibited. The choir will sing: "Where is my wandering !oy to night? Down in the licensed saloon!" . Yon are invited to attend. MlLUON GITEIW AWAY. It U certainl gratifying to the pnhlic to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needv and nftrin. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Dineoverr tor Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten mil. lion trial bottles of this crest medicine; and have the sotisfahtian ot knowing it bos absolutely cured thousands or hopeless rases. A'hnin, Bronchitis, Hoaraeoess and all diseases of tie Throat. Chsat and Lungs are sueely cured by it. Call on M. I. Crawford, ard get a free trial bottle. Regular sin 60c. and $1. Every Dottle guaranteed, or price refunded. A FIEXD BURNED. A co'ored man was burned at stake at Maybville, Ky , on the inst., for outraging the wife of the Gtb his employer; The fiend waa employed by James Lasbbrook. On the day above mentioned d.s employer wa awhy from bis ! o ise in the fi !d". Tbe bUck ri quested Mrs Lasbbiook to come into a shed mar th9 house to tell bim about some work tbat was to be done. Ho knock d her down and assaulted br. He knocked ber t'own with a stick of wood. She gave n outcry. The devd then went to the bouse, cbtnit-ed a r?zor rnd cut bcr throat and then coolly went to Mr. Labhbrook and informed bim tbat someone bad murdered Mrs. Ltsbbrook The murderer waa not at first suspected of tbe crime, but blood spots were seen on bis clotbts and he was taken into ouatody. He wis jmprisoncd, but on the date above mentioned wben the Sheriff and his porse were taking him to tbe Conrt Howe where tbe trial was to take place, a mob cf 1000 men bore down on the Sheriff and his posse. The husband of the outraged and murdered woman was in the lead Dick Coleman the fiend was pulled away from the Slit riff. The mob dragged tbe fiend by a rope that had b en put aronnd bis neck. Dick was clubbed, stoned and his eyes were gouged out and vitrol had hastily been gotten ont of a drug store, was poured into the sockets of bis eyes. It was barbernua justice meted out to a nend. He was tied to a tree and wood piled around bim and he was burned. Ti e Superintendent of the county infirmary put the ashes of the burnt negro in a baking powder box and buried in the Potter's Field. BR ATE MEM rALl. Victims to stomach, liver and kidney trooblea aa well aa women, aad all feel tbe resalta in loss of appetite, poiaors in the blood, backbone, nervousness, headache ; and tired, listless, run-down feeling. Bat . there's no need to feel like that. Listen to ; J. Wt Gardner, Idaville, Ind. ' He aays ' Electric Bitters are jnst the thing for ;a man wben be ia all ran down, and don't care whether be Uvea or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite tboa anything 'I cooid take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease lifo." Only 60 cents at If. P. Craw lords Drag Store. Svery bottle gnaran- teed. WORKIXO MIGHT A WO DAT The boiiert aad m'ghtlaat litte thing tbat ever waa made is Dr King's Nsw Life Pita. Ere.y pill Is sogsr coated globule of health, tbat ebsogs wesAnaas to to strength, luttlcssnesi Into energy, brain-tag hat meetal power. They're wonderlai Iu bruding np the health. Only 26c per box. Sold by U. P. Crawford. TAKE NOTICE! Why go with cold f et when felt boota can be.bought at S. A. E lis'a store at $1. 75 up to $2. 90: Alao, a complete line of lumbermen's stock ing, t lowest price". RED HOT FROM THE GFJM Was the ball thrt bit O. B. Stead man, of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. I caused horrible Ulcers that no t-eatment helped for 20 years. .Then Bucklon'a Atnca 8lva cared him. fores Cats, Bruies. Barns. Boils. Velons, Corns, 8 kin Eruptions- Best Pile care on earth a box. Core goaraoteed. Sold by Crawford, Drnggist. 25c. M. P AociSALDO baa proven himself a foxy dodger. Ho dodged through tl e line of the American Army and appears a4ong distance in the rear of the American Army tbat was chasing bim. He is back not far from Man ila in the province of Ctvite. The America o Army north of ManiU ia broken into small bodies and are chasing Aguinaldo's scattered army in all directions. MEETING APPOINTMENTS FOR - THE BRETHREN OF JUNI ATA AND MIFFLIN COUNTIES, 1900. Jan. 7, SwampS. H., S. Lyder, (eve. ) " 21, Red Rock, S. H- Feb- 4, Pike Meeting House. Feb, 18, Swamp S. H., W. Cleck, (eve.) Mar. 4, McVeytown. - " 18, Pike Meeting House. Apr. 1, Swamp S. H., J. Book, (eve ) " 15, . Jacob Shirk. 29, Pike Meeting House. May l3,Swa'p S. 11., D. Book, (eve.) " 27, ' McVeytown. June 10, Pike Meeting House. " 24, SwampS. II., S. Lyder, (eve.) July 8, Red Rock, S. H. July 22, Pike Meeting House. Aug. 5, SwampS. H., W. Cleck, (eve.) " 19, McVeytown Sep. 2. Pike Meeting house. 16, Swamp S. II., J. Book, (eve.) " 30, Oct.H, Jacob bliirk. riKe Meeting nouae. " 28, Swamp S. II., D. Book, (eve.) Nov. 11, McVeytown. " 2-5, Pike Meeting House. Dec. 9, Swamp S. H., S. Lyder, (eve.) " 23, Red Rock, S. H. WIDOWS AND ORPHANS. Hazleton, Pa., Dec. 11. The an nual report of Mine Inspector Wil liam Davies for the Fifth anthra cite mining district, shows that lorty-two miners were killed in the mines in this section during the past year, leaving twentY-five windows and eighty orphans a BUMP HEADS AND MARRIED. The Forum, in speaking of ma trimonial customs in the Philippine Islands, says, the young man who Qtaolra b tri fi xa f -k Vif nine tliA i'nw catchinT her in hiTaTrns. She catching her in his arms. She breaks loose and runs, and does not yield until he has caught herj several times. Finally he leads' her in triumph to her home. Here j her father drags the youth up a' ladder to the floor of their hut. i The mother drags np the maiden. T I. . . . . . 1. 1 . . , , , i They are then made to kneel, and i the father pours overthem a cocoa- i . f c iw.n Ti l ,.f ..... . ir. o. U.oUC.a.Ua " tueu ..H...J.C i it 11 ivficmc! nuu i Lie , ceremony is completed. lhey spend their honeymoon in the depths of the mountains and , i five days and nights are iwbi to I sight, after which they come back to everyday life. There is another marriage cus tom which is worth describing. Instead of the youth and maiden being dragged, up the nut ladder, they are made to climb two sap lings that grow near each other. Then an elder of the group grasps the saplings and draws them to gether until the heads of the young couple touch, with a kiss or a bump, according to the force used. This makes them maa and wife. TI1G LATEST FLIT. The Newport ( Jirl Cadets, Grand March for organ and piano. Com posed by P. A. Miller; 20cts. Ad dress Prof. Paul A. Miller, Eox 73, New Bloomfield, Pa. 3t. LEOJIL jinrERTlSINO DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby elven that letters of Administration c t. a. in the estate of Philip Swartz, late of Monroe township. Juniata county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, resid ing in said township. All persons hav ing claims against the said estate will present the same for payment to. HARVEY A. rOLTZE, Administrator, Knousetown, Pa. MPTLINTOWJT i?1U4 VARKK1S M I FFLINTO WN .' DEC. 0, 1899 Wrrat new b2c, old 66 v.rn in exr.... ...... .... ..... 40 n. .... new 20 Re 15 Clo ew $2 toS2.50 Butter . Eftfrs..., a a 18 20 10 12 8 7 1 40 60 70 ..85c to 90a 90 76 Hsm Sliou'der.... Lard . Sides. .... . Timothy seed F a seed.. Bran...... ...... Chop Middlings.... Gronnd 'n Salt Amarican8a't.... 60c Philadelphia Markets, December 11, 1899. Wheat 71c, corn 37c, oats 32c, tobacco, Pennsylvania fillers 8 to 12 to 14 to 18, best wrappers 40 to 60c, tallow 4c, batter 17 to 27c, eggs 22c, live chickens 7c, ducks 9, turkeys 9c, potatoes 47 to 50c, apples $2 25 to S2.75 a barrel, beef cattle 3 to 61, hogs 4 to 5, sheep f 1.50 to 4,40 a bead, calves (7 to $7.50. ijmu K. Amasoa. F. -. ATBimON at PBOTiEI.sU, , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, TigrUMTUWW. FA. - ' n u.t- .isaat tn alaee of m'ZTwZTi. a AtkfaaoB. Baa., oath Bridgettreet. rOetM.lBW Oy-ColleetiBg an CoBTeraaclag proa, ly attended to. friLBERFORCE CHWETEH, Attorney-at-Law. sar-Collectiona and all legal buai ness promptly attended to. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. Da.D.axtAWoaD,Ba. DAKwm Mxaawroaa h. D. K. CRAWFORD ft sun, have formed a partnership for the praeth-e of Medicine and their collatteral branch. Office at old stand, corner ot miru ...(. Hlfflmfnarn. Pa. One or botn thm , ill ha found at their office at all times, unless otherwise professionally ea- gaged. April 1st, 1896. He P.DERR. PRACTICAL. DEHTIST Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental Pna nffiaa at old established to- HwiAat, Street. ODDOsite Court House. fifflin!own. Fa. ZF" Crown and Bridge work; Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD- Schedule in Effect Nov. 19, 1899. WESTWARD. Wav Passenjrer, leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 a. m: Harrisbure 8 00 a. m: Duncannon 8 35 a. m: New Port 9 05 a. m: Mlllerstown io a. m: inirworu 9 21 a. m: Thomnsontown 9 26 a. m; Van Dvke 9 S3 a. m: Tuscarora 9 30 a. m: Mexico 40 a. m: Port Roval 9 44 a m: Mifflin 9 50 a. m: Denholm 9 55 a, m: Lewistown 10 13 a. m: McVevtown 10 38 a. m: Newton Hamilton 11 00 a. m: Mount Union 11 06 a. m: Hunting don 11 82 p. m: Tvrone 12 20 p. m: Al tonna 1 00 p. m: Pittsbunr 5 50 p. m. Mail leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m Harrishurar at 11 48 sr. m; Mifflin 1 11 p. m: Ijewislown 1 30 p. m; Hunting don 2 29 p. m: Tvrone 3 12 n. m: Al- toona 3 45 p. in: Pittshurs' 8 40 p. m AltiMtna Accommodation leaven Har- risburtr at 5 00 p. m; Duncannon 5 34 n. m; Newport 6 02 p. in: Millerstown 6 11 p. m: Thompsontown 6 21 p. m; i tuscarora " P. in: Mexico o a p m pnrt ROVal ft 38 n. m: Mifflin 6 43 n. m: jieiihoim o 4: p. m: liewistown 7 07 p. m: McVevtown 7 aw p. m: jNewton I Hamilton 7 50 p. m: Huntingdon 8 20 p. m: Tyrone 9 02 p. m; Altoona 9 35 p. m. Pacific Kxpress leaves Philadelphia at 11 20 p. m: Harris! nine at 3 00 a. m. Marysville 3 I t a. in. Duncannon 3 29 a m. Newport 3 52 a m. Port Royal 4 25 a. m. Mifflin 4.30 a. m. liewistown 4 52 a m. Newton Hamilton 5 33 a. m. Huntingdon 0 03 a. m. Petersburg 0 19 a. m. Tvrone 6 52 a. m. Altoona 7 40 a. m. Pittsburg 12 10 a. m. Oyster Kxpress leaves Philadelphia at 4 35 p, m. Harrisbunr at 10 20 p. m. . Newport 11 00 p. m. Mifflin 11 40 p. m. I.en istown 11 58 p. m.: Huntingdon 12 55 m- Tyrone 1 32 a. m. Altoona 2 00 a. ill. riunuuiK '' n. ill. Fast I,ine leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. ni. Harrison rg 3 45 p. m. Duncan non 4 10 p. m. Newport 4 30 p. m. Mif flin 5 02 p. m. liewistown 5 22 p. m. Mount Union 6 03 p. m. Huntingdon 6. 22 p. m. Tyrone 59 p. m. Altoona 7 35 p. m. Pittsburg 11 30 p. m. EASTWARD. . Altoona Accommodation leaves Al- 1S?Jlt t-5 0Q a. m.Tvne o 2i a. m. Petersburg 5 45 a. m. Huntingdon 5 57 a. m. Newton Hamilton 6 21 a. m. Mc Vevtown 6 37 a. m. Tewistown 6 58 a. m. Mifflin 7.18 a. m. Port Royal 7 22 a. m. Thompsontowti 7 37 a. m. Millers- town 7 4H a. m. Newport 7 ao a. m Duncannon 8 20 a. m. Harrisburg 8 50 a. m. Sea Shore leaves Pittsbunr at 2 50 a tn. Altoona 7 15 a. m. Tyrone 7 48 a. m. I Huntingdon 8 30 a. m. MeVevtown 9 15 a. m. I ,e wist own i H- a. m. Mi mm 9 55 a m port Rova, 9 rt9 g , Thornpson. town 10 14 a. ni. Millerstown l 'Sz a I m. Newport 11 32 a. ni. Duncannon 10 i 54 a. m. Marysville 11 07 a. m. Harns- uiirtf 1 1 i-i a. in. rniinaeipnia a isi p. m t;iiu T.ine K.tnriHW Iphvm rMttaKiiitv at n m a. m. Altoona ll 40 a. m. Tvrone 12 03 p. ni. Huntingdon 12 35 p. m liewistown l an ni. "imin laup m. Harrisburg 3 10 p. ni. Baltimore 0 00 p. ni. Washington 7 15 p. m. Philadelphia 6 23 p. m. Mail leaves Altoona at 2 05 p. m. Ty rone l' 3.) p ni riuiititiguou 3 17 p m. Newton Hamilton 3 47 p. ni. McVey town 4 20 p. m. liewistown 4 33 p. m. Mifflin 4 55 p. ni. Port Royal 5 00 p. m. Mexico 5 20 p. m. Thompsontown 5 18 p m. Millerstown 5 28 p. ni. Newport 5 39 p nr Duncannon 6 08 p. m. Har risburg 6 45 p m. Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 12 45 p. m. Altoona 5 55 p m. Tyrone 6 27 p. ra. Huntingdon 7 10 p- rit. wcVey town 7 51 p. ni. liewistown 8 10 p. m. Mifflin 8 30 p. m. Port Hoyal 8 34 p. m. Millerstown 8 57 p. m. Newport 9 05 p. ni. Duiicaunou 9 29 p. m. Harrisburg 10 00 p m. Philadelphia Express leaves Pitts burg at 4 30 p. ni. Altoona 9 Oo p. m Tyrone 933 p. ni. Huntingdon 10 12 p. ni. Mount Union 10 32 p. nu Lewis town 11 16 p. m. Afifllin 11 37 p. m- Har risburg 1 00 a m. Philadelphia 4 30. At Lewistown Junction. For Sun bury 7 50 a. in. aud 3 40 p. iu. week days. For .Milroy 7 55, 11 45 a. m. aud 3 00 ! p. m week-days. At Tyrone. For Clearfield and Cur wensville 8 20 a. ni. 3 20 and 7 20 p. m. week-days. For Bellefonte and Lock Haven 8 10 a. m. 12 30 and 7 15 p. m- week-days. For further information apply to Ticket Agents, or Tbonins K. Watt, Paasengea Agent, Western Division, Corner Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street, Pittsburg. J. B. HUTCHINSON, J.K.WOOD, General Man'g'r. General Pass'r. Agt. WONDERFUL are the enresby Hood's tai-6ap:iril!a, and yet they are simple and natural. Hood's Saraa pariila siakea PURE BLOOD, Tradc Marks rtf COPYRIOMTS AC Anyone Mttdlng a sketch and deecHpttnn may Vnlcklr ancartain nor opinion free whether aa InTenttnn tn probubly patentable, .rnmmunlca Handbook on Fatrata sent free, irldest asency for ttecarma patenta. Pateuta taion throntrh Mann Co. rtceiv special notice, without chtwge, in the Scientific JlneticaHs A handsoinelr fllnstntod weekly. Lanraat dr. eolation nt any scientific ioajrnaJ. Tema. $S m rear : fnar monttas. (L Hold brail newadaalasa. Branca Offlca. OS Y U Waahtnatm. IL ( IUasta.D.C. Bl jOd and Xcrves are very dose ly related. ' Keep the blood rich, pure and healthy: with Hood's Sarsapavrilla and you wilt luive no nervousness. H:od'S Pills arc besi after-dinnnr j pi!la,aid digestion, prevent constipatiop . lt44 BO YEARS' aV EXPERIENCE W i -HOLLOBAUGH fc Sn The only up to They sell none goods. - . They sell more Hats and Caps than all others oombinod' Why h they keep tbe Latest Blocks and bay from Rickert, who sells no Mond,,, Bur THR SABLE BRAND WE Tbe Douglass Shoe is another of their specialities. It talks for itW( We carry twioe as many dress overooats as any othsr bouse. Ve have tfo largest and best Line of .Men's, Boy's and Children's Suits The very UIHt out We are ageats for the 8weet Orr Overalls. We buy ly the case fron Sweet Orr Co, not by the dozen pairs from second-hand. We are head qu. tera for those goods. Tbe other fellow is Hind quarters. -Selah! All we ask is a comparison of Oar Line, and if the line is not superior pTioe, in finish, in Qaality of Material and in fit, we won't ask you to boj We take plaasure in showing oar goods, bectaie we have them to show i new, all up to da'e. CVT.i. AND BE COM V INCED. HOLLOBAUGH & SON 116 MAIN STREET, Patterson, Penna. McOLINTIC'S HARDWARE and House-Furnishing STORE THIS STORE SETS THE I'ACE. THAT'S WHY YOU LIKE IT. Things are never dull here; never stupid. The full life of the More al ways has a cheerful welcome for all oomers, and shoppers are quick to decids in favor of tbe Great Values to be found in our new A Specially Selested Stock of Ranges, Cook, Parlor and shop Stoves. Horse Blankets and Lap Robes. LAMPS, large and small. Come in and look around. We'll make yon feel at home. We have tbe largest Stook and Store io thtf county. OTJR INTAJVIE GUARANTEES QUALITY. ient, Stylish, Inviting TORE. K. H. M'CLINTIC, HA. E 100 MONEY-TO DEPOSIT I ARE YOU A BORROWER I CALL AT T8fi PIBST -t MlrTLWlOWN, r. THREE PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATE'S, Money Loaned at Lowest Bates. March 5, 1898. - - - 7 THE Juniata Vallev National Bank. -O- Capital .... $60,000. LOUIS E. ATKINSON, President. T. V. IRWIN, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Iioula E. Atkinson. John Hertzler. H. J. Blxjllenberger. T. Van VV. C. Potneroy. J. L. Barton. W. N. Sternstt. Irwin. Interest allowed on time deposits a' tbe rate of three per cent per ana am. January 11, 1890. Th Safer of Hood's are the largest in tbe world j we cure Dy uooc'a wonderful, perfect, pe Hood's Pills are the bet tmtT cathaitic and hver medicins. sfto. date CJIothiert. but up to datf c "V HAVE IT. MIFFLINT0WN. ' SEVENTY-SEVEX"-("77.") 77"h Dr, BumplirtYR' f.nuous Specific ft-r tbe cure of Grip end Colds, and tbe prevent irti of Piitumo nia. All druggittF, 2.5c. Subscribe for tbe Sentinkl a Rkpubucam, a paper tbat contains choice reading matter, full of iuform tion tbat does tbe reader good, and in addition to tbat all local new that are worth publishing find p!ficrs in it? columns. if. HUMPHREYS' No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 IO 1 1 12 Cures Fever". " Worms. " Infants Disease. " Diarrhea. " Coughs. Cures Neuralgia. " Headache. " Dyspepsia. " Delayed Period. " Leucorrhea. 13 Cures Croup. 14 " Skin Diseases. 18 " Rheumatism. 16 " Malaria. 19 " Catarrh. 20 Cures Whooping Cough No. 21 Asthma. General Debility. No. 24 No. 26 " Sea-Sickness. No. 27 " Kidney Diseases. No. 28 Cures Nervous Debility. No. 30 " No. 32 " No. 34 " No. 77 M Da. Hvuphbets' Urinary Disease Heart Disease. Sore Throat. Colds and Grip. Homeopathic MancI or D is ian eh Mailed Fiiek. Small-bottles of pleasant pellets, fit the vest Jier Joll by dniKKiHtii. or sent preiwiJ uooO receiptor price, as centa, exiropt Niw. a. andS are made $1 00 size only. Humphreys' Me ctoa Company. Ill William St., New York. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL THE PILE OINTMENT." BarPOi Mala ike tell i.t.lM.1 BHmI m 1 mil laTl tlBABA! lMhwDl!ni..tti.Rw4aai 1 selleC la Itnmwllaltfi lln mm certain. saUOX, 80 OT. TRIAL SIZE, 2SCTV i - - "aa. I F fSlsla,l mnt aiM, p.H on mb ml sfS aUaVCaV. Ill a liafnuaaa at., nw TsS t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers