M.M"M If IPJflUMV SBNTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLTOWN: WEDMSBlT. 1PBIL 1, 1897. TKKH8. gabecriptlon, $1.60 par mini If paid Ib aiTaaeaj $2.00 If sot paid fa advance.' TMnaleat adTartlaeaaenta I nam ted at 60 ,asata par inch for each inaartloB. TTaaatant business notice ta local eoi rju, 10 eeati par liae for each laaartiom. Dad actios will ba made to than daairtng le aOertiae by the year, half ar qaartrr fear. SHORT LOCALS. Altoona is to hay tha Stat fair this year. Tha price of wheat has an upward tendency. The Easter flower eraze is a beau tiful craze. This April is hard to beat for showers of rain. "AUgeld's Globe Sayings Bask" is Chicago has failed. Oats sowing is late on account of the frequent rains. The oat-iid of the National Bank has been repainted. Miss Catharine Mathers is visiting friends in Lancaster. Dr. Harry Patterson has gone to Lexington, Kentucky. Memorial Day is in sight and ora tors are being selected. Seventeen persons joined the Lutheran church on Sunday. Captain Degen of Fayette was in town on business on Saturday. Trout fishing 'stories and snake stories are coming to the front. Wilberforce Sehweyer was in Washington last week on business. J. N. VanOrmer of Fayette, paid the county-seat a visit on Saturday. The prospect for a large crop of peaches in New Jersey ib first rate. They can't be beat for style and low priced clothing at Hollobaugh's. Three women served as Judges at tho receat election in Wallace, Idaho. The ear load of horses sold on Mon day by L. B. Wilson averaged $73.50. Philo Bmfcs is at horns from at tending medical lectures in Phila delphia. Judge Doty of Greensburg, West moreland county, spent a day in town this week. It has not yet been learned which one of the jail prisoners is working the ghost racket. Matthew and Andrew Allison of Tyrone spent Easter Sunday in town with their parents. Htrry La tab, fish salesman, sold an eight pound shad in this place one day last week. Charles Adams has secured a clerk ship in a drug store in Newville, Cumberland county. Jesse Howe's early potatoes peep ed through the ground on Good Fri day morcing, April 16. A ttraog4 wotnaa lectured in the Presbyterian church for women only last Thursday evening. Mrs. Oden C. Oortner and her two bright Jittle children are visiting her parents in Union county. The Town Council turned down the proposal to buy a chemical fire engine oa Saturday evening. Jacob Witmer of Fayette town ship, sold his farm of 100 acres to George Hcckman for $4,000. The public buildings in Philadel phia have cost four times the amount estimated for thair erection. M'sa -Vauil Bnreb field who has baen in the Danville Hospital is vis iting her parents in this town. A company of young people enjoy ed a hop at the National House on Saturday evening t'H midnight. There was a heavy frost on Good Friday morninjr, but the day was graadly clear and full of sunshine. Tha finest assortment ef cigars, to bacco, pipes, &c, in the county, at Howard Kirk's store in Patterson. Easter Day was a bloody day be tween Greek and Turk. The whole fight is between religion anl politic J. Grant Kauffman has the ex county office house on its new foundation on Washintoa street. It was quite an achievement in house moving. Mrs. Joseph Burchfisld with her grand-daughter -Miss Josephine Rob iaon from Tuscarora Valley, visited friends and relatives in town last week. There is a talk ef a mad dog hav ing passed through town, which talk may only be talk, but it is best to keep an eye on the dogs for hydro phobia signs. Ex-Sheriff Noblo has reraodled one of his store rooms on Main street in to a comfortable dwelling which he and family havo moved into. The store front was also taken out of the building and replaced with a dwell ing house front. The annual re-union of the First - Defenders' Association was held in Beading, Pa., on the 17th iust. Of the 530 men who responded to Pres ident Lincoln's call in 1861. Only 60 were present at the meeting on Saturdey, and of the original number only 123 survive. About noon on the 16th insi, two men entered the Great Falls Nation al Bank at Somerworth, N. II., knock ed down and cut the throat of Cash ier Joseph A. Siiokney and gathered up six thoasand dollars cnah and then fled. The murder and robbery was not discovered for almost an hour, which gave the marderers time to get out of the town. The migration of wild ducks into the Valley of the Juniata was not the only valUy in the State that the fowles flew into by thousands this spring. The Valley of the Susque hanna was invaded by unprecedented numbers. The fowles traversed the entire length of that valley and as here hundreds of them were bagged by sportsmen and furnished many a savory mel for those whe were for innate enough to seeure on or more. R. Lonia wignt a carp in the Jamato on a certain day recently, pojndt! eanwenand eight Tranlr fnm.. rt t tt- ... of Newport, was struck by a local freight engine last week and pain folly hurt. y The letter. nn flintown post office on April 19, were for -Visa Jiuy Barnet, John Hase, Voong Marshall. Suicide statin! im fmm a . w iTiAiUU say suicides in that country are 5 per eent. higher on Tuesdays than on any other days of the week. Maior Parian snil J.nkt.. u: Pidge Patton, visited the family of t uuvnurce ocuweyer on Tuesday. Mrs. Sehweyer is a daughter of .Major OS the 15th of Anril a. Ttnatnn Alice Manon Wilson 22 veara' old! married a Chinaman T W.k r,A 22 years. It is reported to be a eren uma love match. The banks in thia tnwa AM link aK. serve Good Friday. Thev had nlnntv of work and plenty of money and did 1 1 i , . . ... uut im co lose tne time to use both time and money. Henrv C. Havmvr of Na Ynrlr President of the Sugar Trust called John Bercen a liar niil TUrcren hu sued Havemyer for libel and slander. n wants ten tnousand dollars dam The barn on the Samuel A. Tvson farm, adjoining Union cemetery, south of town, was destroyed by fire on Sunday, about midnight- It ia believed to have been an incendiary nre. For Osborne Farm Implemants. Buckeye Corn Workers, grain drills, pumps, water pipes and fittings. call on F. W. Noble, Mifflintown. Pa. A full line on hand for your in. spection. 3t. Merchant Schott while driving from Lewistown on Monday, found a 7 pound snapping turtle on the road. A good thing like that was not to be passed and Mr. Schott took it in and brought it home. The new weather man who has not a past weather record is puzzled over the question whether an early Easter brings an early spring. He says the question puzzles him as much as tho ground hog question. Three hundred and seventy-eight persons were in attendance upon the Lutheran Sunday School on the 18th inst. It was net a Christmas or pic nic boom, but tha even-tide of Sun day School prosperity. The Sprinsr weather of Eiater was followed on Monday night by real winter weather. The thermometer dropped to 26 degrees. Ice three Quarters of an inch thick was mn.da and a general concern for the fruit is felt. The collections in the Lutheran church on Sunday amounted to two hundred and eigntythrao dollars. This is not counting the Sunday School collections, and tw.-i Snndava previous a collection of five hundred ana ioriy.six dollars was taken. A large delegation of Amish peo pie from Mifflin county, attended the horse sale on Monday. The Amish are among the most substantial peo ple in the State. Wherever they lo. cate order and sobriety and industry flourishes. Real estate always com mands a good price wherever they are Charles Hollobaugh of Pittsburg eame home on a short vacation last week. He made it a special point to be in Juniata for the opening day of the trout fishing season, April 15, but unexpectedly it rained that day, and the waters have not been in first rate condition since. A member of the Illinois Lsgisla ture beats them all on libel law. He proposes a law to punish editors for praising men beyond their merits. He tikej the position that people are often deceived into supporting unfit men by the good character that news papers give unworthy men. "Anotner fatality irom excessive rope jumping is reported from Read ing, in the case of Annie I. Delcamp, aged 7 years. She skipped the rope fiftv-8BV(n times without stopping, and died in great agony. Too many of our young girls engage in this pnstime to the detriment of their health and well-being." It does not sound like the most pleasant thing that L. A. Whitmire, a Muncy shoe maker has been engag ed by a Williamsport doctor to make 3 pair of slippers from human bide. The leather is from the leg of an un identified tramp, who was killed on the railroad at Williamsport six months ago. The leather was pre pared by a Williamsport tanner. Chambersburg News, April 16. A boy while digging out a chip munk-, near (Jaledonia Furnace, a few days ago, dug up a large Indian bat tle axe, measuring eight inches in length and weighing four pounds. It was a fine specimen of Indian workmanship and was as perfect as the day it was made. It ia now in the possession of Dr. L N. Snivel y cf Waynesboro. Tho Greeks can only muster an army of 80,000 meB. Turkey can raife an army of 200,000. The Greek steamer Athens was sunk by a Turkish Torpedo boat in the gulf of Salon ica. Later reports from the seat of war say the Turkish General Edhem Pasha was defeated at Reveni and was nearly taken pris oner. The six powers are keeping up the cry "don't fight!" but there is no peace, and the six powers can't stop the fight and if they step in with their armies they will be into the fight with Greek and Turk. The coal oil pipe line across the Susquehanna near Shenk's Ferry leaks and is playing havoc with the shad and other fish, driving them out of the stream. The fish Com miesioners who quickly pounce upon a luckless man who violates the fish law in some away off by stream, sit back with their thumbs in their mouth, when a corporation like an oil company or other corporation de populates streams of their fish by whoksale by allowing the corpora tions to dump tLeir leakage and waste material into the fish world. The fish law is a farce as applied now and should be repealed. The fall (!.. Presbytery will bo held in the Pres byterian ohuroh at Bell wood, Blair county. A new Ci. A R Pa.1 ku Ranii started at Markelsburg, Huntingdon county, it is a ntue late, bat the boys think better late than never. A man with explosives to axtin guish fires, held forth on Water St., the other evening, and showed how a fire may be put oat by aid of explo sives. Something of the intellectual ac quirements of Middle Age kings of Europe may be learned from the fact that Henry I was called "Bsanclerk," because he was one of the few kings of bis time who could read and write. New pension bills are being offer ed in Congress. Why not pass a general pension bill and be done with pension legislation. Pension every one who was in the service against rebellion for a long or short period of tim9. "With the assistance of the latest machines, a piece of leather can be transformed into a pair of boots in thirty-foar minutes, ia which time it passes through the hands of sixty three people and through fifteen ma chines." Now comes the tug of war. Turk ey has declared war agaiast Greece. Fighting in the Karya district took place : on Saturday and Sunday. About 50,000 troops were engaged. The advantage of the battle was with the Turks. It is many years sinca wild ducks came into tho Juniata Valley as they did last week. Thousands ,yf ducks frequented the river last week and handreds of sportsmen from the mouth of the river to its head were shooting ducks. Merchant Barley is now east and by next week will have a stock of new clothing for men and boys. You know the place, corner of Bridge and Front streets. The old reliable place. Always up to date, with new styles at prices to suit the times. Altoona Tribune: It used to be the young fellows who sowed wild oats;. New it's the old chaps. It would be no difficult task to name a half dozen men in this community, who were models in youth, who have gone to the dogs after the gray hairs came. The State Fishery managemeut are urgent to catch the violators of the fish law in the bye way places. But where corporal ions kill fish by the hundreds and where they depopu late streams of fi3h the management say nothing. Who can understand the fish management. The religions feeling and devotion of a number of church member fe males, were sadly out of tune last Sunday, because they had not a new Easter bonnet, and that kept them from going to preaching. Many sisters, however, attended church and never onca t nought of au Easter bonnot. Perry county papers report the Newport Deposit Bank caso as set tled. It is stated that a settlement has been m ule by the payment of fifty cents on thn ninety cents due the depositors, which with the ttn per cent, paid some months ago, makes sixty per cent, of their entire deposits. Sometime on Friday night or Sat urday morning, thieves entered the Howe store on Main street by way of the cellar window. From the cellar it was an easy way to the etore room above, where they helped themselves to such things as suited their taste from a stock of goods in a grocery and confectionary store. The wild ducks that entered the Juniata Valley ten days ago did not stop goiag up stream till they reach ed the head of the stream in the back bone of tho Allegheny mountain ba yond Altoona. Tha last heard of the tail end of the great flock was that Altoona hunters were shooting them in the reservoir at Horseshoe Bend. The organ grinder as a rule is the first music man to leave bis winter quarters iu some city and start on a spring and summer tour in the coun try towes, but the first music people to strike this town this year came last week and were a couple of men the one with a harp tha other with a violin. They played the town for pennies- The bushel basket that was taken with Jesse Howe's chickens and corn some nights ago, has been returned. The brace and bit and other tools used by thieves to work their way in to Howe's store some nights ago were obtained in Creswell's black, smith shop. Creswell identifies a cumber of the tools, and too Is that he found lying outside of his shop, fit the work done on the cellar door. Lowisburg Chronicle. The good wife of Dr. W. D. Heiser of Miffiin burg, is a firm bsliever in certain kinds of dreams. About ten days ago she lost a valuable gold watch and a thorough searoh by all hands failed to find it. The other night, however, she dreamed twice in suc cession, that if she looked out a cer tain window she would see it. She looked, saw it in an adjoining lot to their home and is again happy in iis possession. The General Grant monument will be dedicated next Tuesday, April 27, with great demonstration in New York City. 50,000 troops from the several states are expected: to be present. "Ir is one of the grandest monuments in the world. Such is fate. 40 years ago Grant was haul ing cord wood with a mule team from his farm that he called "Hard- scrable" 11 miles to St. Louis. He drove the mules; sold and unloaded the wood himself. One had better be careful about the name they apply to a neighbor as may be learned from what took place in Reading, Pa. In that city, last Thursday, April 15, a jury in Jndge Ermantroat's Court, returned a verdict of $151.62 damage for Miss Maggie senhcter, who bad been call ed a "chippie." Mrs. Julia Esterly called Miss Schlictor a "chippie," and Miss Schlictor sued Mrs. Esterly for calling her by that name and the jury found a verdict in favor of Miss Schlictor to the amout above stated. Mrs. Esterly, hereafter will be more guarded in the use of names. Easter day was a beautiful day and handreds of people walked oat of doors to snjoy the delightful spring day. "The 16th annual re anion of the 49th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun teers, will be held at Port Royal, Thursday and Friday, October 14 and 15." "In Ireland a belt of a woman's hair is placed about a child to keep harm away, and garlic, salt, bread and steak are put into the cradle of a new born baby in Holland." Joseph Strode has been re ap pointed post master at Strode's Mills, Mifflin county. He has held the of. fice continuously 52 years. He was first appointed by President J E. Polk in 1845. "Does your mother like her new neighbors, Jennie?" "Very much. We borrow butter of them and give them oleomargar ine in return. They seamed pleased over it." Detroit Free Press. She "Why is it, when physicians are ill, they never attend to their own cases?" He "I don't know, but I should say it was because they can't charge themselves anything for it." Boston Traveler. "At Norfolk, Vs., a plant has been established with capacity for five tons of peanuts daily, for tha manu facture of peanut oil, peanut flour and stock feed, the estimated com bined yield representing more than $400 a day." Town people are getting on their metal and are loading their shot guns to warn the thieves that are playing their games at night. It would be no surprise to hear of some of the thiev ing fraternity, baing found dead on some other man's property any morn ing. "The town authorities of West Chester have undertaken to deal with the tramp nuisance. Their plan is a model one. First catch your tramp. This is made the duty of the consta bulary. Next, attach to his leg a twelve pound iron ball with chain. Then give him thirty days at the stone quarry breaking stone. If he refuses to work, don't feed him." "A thoughtful woman living in Annville, a small village of Lebanon county, has been keeping count of the number of tramps she feeds, and reports that during the year ending last month, she furnished meals to no less than 419 knights of the road The number was smallest during June, when but 16 were accommo dated, and largest during February, when 67 were given food. During the fjur winter months of Djcembar, January, February and March, mora tramps were fed than during trie re maining part of the year." People laugh at the decision that prevented Dr. Swallow from going into the ruics of the burnt Capitol as, Harrisburg. If the doctor felt anxious to take the risk of having a brick drop on his head from a crum bling wall, why not allow him to take the r:tk. No harm could come to the rubbish pile by his prying in it, and if ha succeeded in finding any thing to Eustain him in his belief, well and good fur him, but if he fail ed it would ba most unfortunate for the doctor- Giva the doctor an op portunity to tea all he knows. Huntingdon Globe, April 15. A revolver in the hands of Arthur Heck- ard, who was in the offica of the Adam Express at Mt. Union on Mon day evening, accidectilly discaarged. The ball went through the office window, passed to the residence of Thos- A. Appleby, about 110 feet away, and going through a window of the dining room, it struck .Wrs. Appleby on the forehead, rendering her insensible, oho is recovering from the shock. It is very fortunate that the ball had spent its force, otherwise the accident might havs been attended with fatal results. Who began the war bat ween Greece and Turkey is the question. They have both been disclaiming war purposes, but both have been fighting each other in Crete. Both have committed great barbaiities in Crete. Both Governments have de nied omcial recognition oi the war that has been going on in Crete -the past many weeks. The six nations have stood, making threats that nei ther Turkey or Greece shall Le al lowed to carry on a war to dispo6ess the other of territorial or other rights, and that they shall not fight. But war between the two nations has been begun. Now what are the six nations to do. The sympathy of Christendom is with Greece, but can she win against Turkish odds. PattersoBi nia-h School Com mencement. The commencement exercises of the Patterson High School will take place in the Court House, May 6, 1897, at 8 P. M. Motto: "We are Aiming still High er." Class flower White Lily. Class Roll: Lola M. Kelly, L. Ed na Landis, Sarah C. Gues, Ella K Hench, Dora V. Fritz, Mary A Hibbs, John I. Zeiders and Cha? Goodale. Easy to Take, Easy.to Operate Yon will find a true friend in Hood's Pills. When yon take them, you will not be disagreeably remind ed of the fact bv griping and agon izing pains. They contain none of the drastic drugs formerly so exten stvely employed. Every ingredient used in Hood's Pills is selected with care. They will break up a cold. prevent the grip, and are especially valuable to regulate the liver. They cure s;ck head-ache ccd indigestion. LADIES. The attention of ladies is request ed. Mrs. M. A. Diehl has a stock of handsome millinery goods at her place of business on Front St New goods just in from the millinery em poriums of 2 the Quaker City than whose fashions there are none more elegant. Millinery trimming , done on short notice. The Misses Diehl made the selections of the large as sortment of novelties in the .Millinery line and are satisfied that they can satisfy the patrons, who favor them with a call. Their goods will give satisfaction in style, quality and pnee. Bargain Days! Bargain Days! AT "SCHOTT'S STORES." A Reaplesa Spender generally gets a poor bargain. Beginning, Thursday, April 22a d and 'continues to Saturday avaning, May 15th. Monej is to scarce to be tbrorn away. Thrift is the ordar of the times. Buyers of merchandise, who know the value of a dollar want to make that dollar go as far as rofgible in tfae purchase of goods. Schott iraaraBtees to thrifty buyers that one dollar or ten dollars will boy more bubstantial values in merchandise at bis Mammoth Storea tban it will bny anywhere or at any other Store in Juniata eounty. Every day dnriog (Lege Bargain Days ws sell: Jean Waists for children, sizes 1 to 6 far 10c; worth 20o. Ladies' Cornets for 31o, 39o, 45o and 50c. 33 per cent, below thair value. Snromer Csrsets at 44o and 49c; worth 60o and 75o. Amorside Corsets at 85c; worth $1.00. Dr. Ball's Corsets; Dr. Warner's Corsets; high bust corsets for 90o. Ladies' Corset Covers, faooy embroidered for 23c; worth 35o. Ladies' Fancy night cowos and material. 10 yards of Cue uDbUaibed muslin fur 34o. 10 yrds of better unbleached mutilin at 38o i.nd 45o. 10 yards f.f luavv ui.hlpsiched ans'.in, rd wi e at 50c 10 jrds ! ben Ai plttm A , oot i' su' td 37 ir.cb uuslinfnr 5So. Best jard wide, Hill bleached muslin at 6c a yard. I Good 36 inch bleachf d fine muslin for 4Jo, 5o and 54?. Be&t Lanaiiiile liravy bleached 36 inch uiulin for 7c; worih 10c. Lansdale Cambric, finest make, 10 yards for 98o. I Good Aprob O ughains at 3Jo a yard Better Apron Gingl ams ot 4c a yard and best Apron Ginghams at 5ds for 24c. Best Calicoes iu Indigo Blue, turkey rtd and light chintz, 10 yards for 48o. Fancy Bar or striird and Dimity effect in wbit? goods fer⁣ worth 10c. All our white gocda and wab g cds at ppecially reduced prices. 10d; t of German knit torcben laces at 10c, 12c, 15c and 20c: worth double. yards cf fancy, bet embroideries, 39o, 35o and 45o. We have the finest assortment cf t mbroideries tbat ever was been in Jun iata county at extra low prices. 10yds of Fancy Dreas GingLama at 55c. 10 yards of finest Parkl.ill zephrs ginghams for 75o; worth $1.25. Fine effect cf Novelty Dress Gcodf, all wool, and silk and wool for 25o. Fancy woo), finest novelty cress goods plaid at 12c. Our Fine Assortment of Fancy Dress Henriettas Goods, Drap TeTete, mo air, ailks, &o., at specially reduced prices. 10yds of black Sateen at 89c; Fine French Sateen 10 yards for $1.15. 9-4 and 10-4 bleached and unbleached sheetings at 12c, 15o and 18o. 42 men bleached pillow casing, 10yds for 95o. Men's 60o unlanodriad shirts for 39o. Good summer vesta for Ia lies and ohildren at 5o and all tb3 finer grades at reduced prices. Men's heavy shirtings at 5c, 7o, 7lo sod 8o; worth 10c Chaff ticking, 9 yards for 69o, 89c and 98o Pants goods for 12o, 14o, 18o and 20o. 9000 yards of all kinds of Carpet at specially low prioes; 18c striped carpet fer 12o; 20o carpets for 15o Home made rag and good domestic carpets at 25o; 45o iDgrain Carpets ot 25o. 75o Brussel Carpets for 50c; C0o Hrus-e! carpets fer 69o. Lace Curtains, bound all around for 49o a pair and finer lace curtains for 75o, 90o, $1. and $1.50. Laoo curtains by the yard, bound on botb bides 10yds for 90c and lace curtain scrim 10yds for 49c. ' English Floor Oil Cloth at 19c a tqaare yard. Table OilCIoth at 13o a yard; worth 20o. 2 good felt stades for 25o; spring roller oil shades for 25a, and all tha finer window shades at reduce,! prices 1000 rolls of wall paper at reduced prices; fine 12e Wall Papors for 7 ots a double roll of 16 yards and borders to match. A bottle of fine machine oil for o. 3 eakes of good toilet soap for bo and 3 cakes of butter milk soap for 8o. Ladies' Shirt Waists and ladies' dress skirts, tea gowns and wrappers at specially reduced prices. Ladies' silk and velvet capes at very low prices. Cloth capea for 65o, 90c to $1 50. Trunks an 1 satchels at reduced prices. 8000 Pair of Men's, Ladieb' and Children's footwear at specially low and and ex'ra reduced prires. Cnrtain Poles , Brass Fixtures for 21c Stair Rods at 50c a doz. Don't forget tbat if you want honest money stving prices, you will be more than repaid by buying here. Commencing April 22. No premium tickets with muslins, gioghatus and calicoes. 103 to 109 Bridge Street. Mifflintown, Pa. SCHOTT'S STORES. 1865, ESTABLISHED. 1880. Special Invitation To The Public To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLEY. It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who nave money to invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUL STYLES of ISu.'ts and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fail to give him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY MIFFLINTOWN !Pl. Reduced Kate t New York via PemnsylTania Railroad, bccohsi dedication of Ciiaat Moanmeat- For the dedication of the Grant Monumental Tomb, April 27, the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company will sell tickets from all points on its line to New York, April 26 (and from points within one hundred and fifty miles of New York, April 26 and" 27), grtod to return until April ,29, inclu give, at rate of a fare and a third f.r the round trip. Tickets for military companies in uniform, numbering fif tj or more, traveling in a body on one ticket, will be sold at rate of sin- gle fare per capita for the round trip. The parade on this occasion will be the grandest military demonstration since the war. Thousands of veter ans, United States regulars, and State militiamen will be in line. muslin underwear at less tban price ef wuRsrarennr(i:0i QUI U ICS l lsamfeandproniptTYme4; I Vor bo euro of dlat-rbtru. ! a V aterr eollc, cholera F nv tarn and all Tonus oi HU Kr Conplmlat and 1m iiesact the . owels. IT IS rl.EASAXT TO TAKE AKI ESPECIALLY USKlfUii TUB cniLPiuts. f Stratdclndeep. Therearethonsanrtaoflaili'j 1 vrho l.ave regular features anil would trf) m oorUed tb palm of beauty w oro it not for a por ccmclcxton. To all such vrc recommend DH. HEBRA'8 VIOLA CREAM as possessing those. cjUAiitica that qulci:y change tho most eallo- and florid complexion to one ct natural health pnd unblemished beauty. It cures Oily Skin. Freckles, Black Heads, Blotches. Susbtri Tan, Pimples, and all 1m perfections ci t in. It if . not acosmcUc but a cure, yei i.i i-. : lr for that Uilet table than powder. Bold t .. l.Ugsists, or sent postpaid upon receipt of Sfs . O, C SarTNtR CO.. TOtda. :- SPRING OPENING OF MEN'S, BOYS' CLOTHING AT HOLLOBAUGH & SOJV'S CLOTHING STORE- U L ... . .... ' u jom on ouy tne nest ready made clothing or have your measare t,kn and I guaranteed a strictly merchant tailor made suit, sewed with auk throughout and made in any atyle you may wish. All the latest plats to select frorc Over 500 samples. HOttQBMGH & SON'S PRICES FOK SPRING OF 1897. Meu's Suits, site 34 to 42; 200 men's toil?, trown and gray mixed $3.75, men a auiis, strictly all win!, neat pattern 4 75; men's all wool plaid suits, 5.00 aad 5.50; men's all wool plaids, better grade, 6.00 to 8.00; men's still finer, 9 75, 10 00 and 12.00; men's clay worsteds, 5.00, 6.50, 8 00, 10.00, 12 CO, 15.00 and 18.00, men's extra site suit?, 42 ineh to 46 incb, dark 6 00 to 10.00; boy's suits, Orrey mixed, 90s to 1.00; bys' suits, neat patterns, 1.25 1 5, 2.00, 2 50, 3 00; boys' all wool plaid suits, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00 boys' light and dark plaids, finest, 6.00, 6 50, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00 aod 10 00; children's suits, nobby patterns, 50c, 75o, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50; children's Reefer suits, 1.00, 2,00, 3 00 and 3 75; children's double breasted all wool 1.50 to 5.00; children's Junior suits with or without vests 2.80 to 4.50; Uats Cady,. 50e, 75o, 1 00. 1.50, I 75, 2.00, 2 25, 2.75; ctusb bats 25o, 50c, 75c, LOO, 1 25, 1 50, 1.75 and 2.00; bats, all the latent blocks in stiff or soft Over 150 styles to select from; Trunks, 2,00, 2 24. 2.50, 3,00, 4 00, 5,00, 6.00; va lelsts, 35c, 50c, 75c, 1.00, 1.50, 2 00, 3.00, 4.00; Telescopes 50o, 76o, 1.00; umbrellas, 50o, 75o, 1 00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 3.50, 3 00, 4.C0; Men's Unsset in latest toe, 150, 2.25, 3 00; men's undcrweir, 25o, 50o, 75o and 1 00, Per cale shirts, 50 ftyles, 25c, 50o, 75c, 1.00; working shirte, 25c, 50o, 75o, and 1.00 for Sweet (4rr, Sweet Orra Overalls, all sizes 70c 75o and 80; Latestr style neok-wear, 5, 10, 15, 25 and 50cU; collars, celluloid, linen and poper 2, 5. 10 and 15r; cuff celluloid, linen and taper 5, 15, 25c; men's dress panta loons, 1 50, 2., 2.50, 3., 3.50. 4 00, men's working pantaloons, GOc, 75a, 1.00, 1.50; all the Jaicft in csps 5, 10. 15, 20,25 and 5Uc; boys' pantaloons, 5i)o, 75c and 1.00; boys' fine dress pantaloons 1.00 1.50, 2, 2.5J, 3J0; knee pants 25, 50, 75ots and 1.00; Boys' and children's shoes 25, 50 75o, 1.00, 150, 2.00 and 2.50. We advertise nothing but what we have. Call and see for yourselves. Hollobaugh & Son, Leaders in Clothing, 116 MAIN STREET, PATTERSON, PENNA. GRANITE ENAMELED- WARE is as far ahead of other Enameled ware as china is ahead of clay. THIS WEEK REDUCED prices have given a fresh impetus to the sale of this unequaled ware and placed it within reach of the smallest purse. AT OUR FIGURES IT IS CHEAPER THAN TIN WARE Eleven and one.half inch wash basin, 20c; reduced from 30c. Twelve and one-half inch " " 25c, reduced from 40c. Two quart Coffee boiler, 40c reduced from GOc. Fourteen quart dish pan COc; reduced from 90c. One Pint Drinking cups 10c; reduced from 15c jrr K2H.M'CLINTIC'S HAVE IOH KOKEITO DEPGSIT? am: you a borkower I r.(LL AT THE FIRST MIFFUJflOWN, r-A. tOTJR IE R CENT INTEREST J'AID OK TIME CERTIFICATE Money Loaned at Lowest Rates rtie.Q isass. 50 VCASS TRADE MARKS, Anyone sending ft sketch and depcriptlon may quickly ascertain, froe, whei-ber an tnvtuitioQ t probably patent tibia, Conrniuntcatlora Btrtctl7 confidential. Oldest ajrency for securing puteuui In America. ' We have a WaHblnjzton office. Patents taken through Munn A Co. reoelTO special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, bnantlfullr illnarrated. Inrzext ctrrnlatlon of nnr ncieatlfic Journal, weekly, tnna$:t.0u a yepi $1.50 Blx month. Specimen copies and UxjiS Book ox I'ate.vts tent irea. Addreas MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway, Mew Yark. Consumption Surely Cured, Ix Thb Eonoa: Please inform your iel -i&t I have a posttrre remedy for tbe aboTe-nar..)-:'. .i'.i-wa By its ttmolynae thousands ofhow'.(; si- have been pnaaaentiy cured. I sk-i! ' . fiid two botilua of my rauady FItEK b a ;-:-r;r readers who nave ooiiimmptLon if V.tcy v- -.. .ne tbelc Espreas and I'. O. adilreae. l-;s . t X.VeAttIit, M. 181 itsrl tt.. N aael ( UILDBEI'I PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE, CETTISBPRC, PA. Founded in 3'1. Lare Faculty Two tu l conrtes ol ctudy Classical an! Scientific, Special courses in all depart meDta. .. Observatory, Laboratories am", new d ninasiura. Steam beat. Libraries, 2,000 volumes. Expenses low. Depart ment of Hygiene and Physical Culture in cbarge ot an experienced physician. Ac cessible by freqiiit railroad trains. Loca tion on tli BATTLEFIELD ol Geitvuhurir, nifst p'csanf and healthy. PREP4R ATORV DEPARTMENT, in separ ate tuidings, tor boys and young men pre t aring lor business or College, under spec ial care of tbe Principal and three aosist snts, residing with students in Ibebnilding Fall term opens September 6th, 1895. For Catalogues, address H. W. MCKNIGHT. D. D., President, or REV. O. G. KLINGER, A. M., Frincipt Gutttybbarg, Pt. JUNIATA VALLEY BAF'j Off" M1FFLI5TOWS, PI. Stockholders Individually Liab! JOSHPU KOTHROCK, Prendent. T. VAN IRWIN, Cmth tr DIRECTORS. W. ('. Pomeroy, Joseph Rotbroc - John Hertzler, Josiah L. Barto Robert K. Parker, T. V. Irwin. Louis B. Atkir.t STOCKHOLDERS : Georjre A. Kepner, Annie M. ShnllRv, Joseih Kotbrock, P. W. Kat.betK, L. E. A'kinsoa, R. E. PaiKer, W. C. "Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irw'n Jiihn Bertzlor, Jerome. Tborrrshi!, Charlotte Snyder, Jbn M. Blair, F. M. V. Penoell, BamuelS. Kothicck, H.N. Sterrett, James G. Heading, 8. W. Hesps. Samuel Schlegel. T. V. Irwir. Josiah L B-trior. Robert U. Patten -.n, Levi Lipht, Wm. Rwn. H. J.Shellei.beri-- , " If. P.. Schlrgel. ""hrec and Four por cenr. ir.iertmt p paid ''-n cei ;Pr.at s ol deposit. pan 2a, 187--J WANTED-AN IDEAJT thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; ton , v brine you wealth. Write JOHN WV.Ul-' BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, WaabiiKr 1. CM for their fl.HUU prize offer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers