SENTINEL & HSPIJBL10AK V'l'FLTN'TOWN. WEltfKSOAT, AUG-SI, 1S!5. B. F. S C H W E I E R cmi-ok aud ranrsiiTos.. The combine that havo orauizscl to tnru dowD Q icy, represent one hundred million dollars watered stuck in Philadelphia alone, and tUe people we expected to pay the inter est oa that watered stock to the corabica thieve. Pooplo Lave gone into violent revolution for lees out rao upon their rights thaa that. Qcav carried five of the six coun ties that votoi liwt Saturday. Ches ter, 5 for Quay : Cameron, 1 for Quay; Mifllin, 1 for Qa:iy; Fnlton, 1 for Quay. Total, 1) Lr Quay. Hastings carried one county for Gilkeson, tliat of Lycoming, which gives the com bine three delegates- Saturday's work sums up delegates for Qoaj; 3 delegates fur Hs stings, Gilkeson. Peter Fbeuericx Kothermzl, a Pennsylvania artist, who was born at j .Nescopeck on trie norta brand) of the .Sii.-qnelir.nna, Jul 8, 1813, died of cancer in his m.uith on the night rf t.'.e 14th of Adjust, lla painted the great pictun ''Battle of Gettys burg, 32 feet long, 13 feet wide, for the Stafe of Penasylvanip, and nctiv ed .25,000 for the work. The paint ing is in the State Capital at Harris burg. When you go to Harrisburg, go and see the painting. DOES THIS FIT YOU. Aa exchange asks: "Mother dees this fit ycu.' A girl of our acquaint ance recently foiled a package of love lett'is in an old trunk thai Lad been written to her mother by bc-r father belt re t!;ey had been married. The dutiful daughter saw that sho could havo a little eporf, and read them to her mother, substituting her own name for that of her mother and htr line oung man for that of her fatutr. The mother fairly raved and seemed utterly disgusted and forbade her daughter having anvtbing t- do w:th a young man who would write such j sickening, nonsensical staff to a girl. S'jc then bande.l the let tern to her. mother to read and the houso became so still mid the at.-uosphera eo op pressive that tho grass could be heard growing ii the back-yard. Three Cattla Daad- Thrce o )v.. -i belonging to Chides Gieckler uf Irter township, have died withm ho list ten days of a dis ease r'st-:nbling Texas fever or r.leuTo pneuiifonia, a:id two others are in a bad way. Mr. Gaeckltr does not know how bis cattle contracted the cliser, a they have been kept at le:i.t il m ie from those of his nearest neiq!j!i;r;.. Ths theory lhat Sir. Grur's cattle at lirmii:giiam caoght the Tr-xis fevT by graz'Tg alert? the railroid, whs-re the microbes of tho disease were left by cattle going through on st.:ck trains, does not ap ply in the present case, for Mr. Gaeckler is situated fully three miles from the P. Ii. II , and tho origin i-f the disease must therefore be attrib ute! t-i some other source. One of the c ws thnt died, bled freely at the lioalriia. Tho others broke orit in sor s c-n their backs abont the size of a !eii-etnt Silver piece, and they ap peared tj 19 in great agony. Mr. Gaeckler is treating tho two remain ing cows of the herd himself and hopes to save them, bat the hot weather is very much agiinst them. Uuntiugdon Glob;-, August 15. A Doctor's Account Book- Tho Franklin Repository of Aug. m. 14, 18!o, gives the following de cision of Judge Stewart, which is rel ative to the manner in which a Sbip-pen-sburg doctor kept his book of ciiargos upon which he roi'ls a largo ebiim for m-idic -l attendance. Catharine Subively was an old lady in ill health who lived for a numbar of yoars tit G-fetnviilao in uis coun ty. She wos a sister of Dr. J. B. Schivt'ly's mother of Shipponsburg. Aftor tbe death of the DjcLoi's moth er, CitLiiriuo Sis-iivelv married the DjcU.r's fiith!r: 30 that the decadent was at onw ilu aunt and step-mothfer I of tb.3 Doctor, j Catharine Schively became very ill j in February 1891 and died in Slay j 1801. From 1887 until he.r death, ! oi,.. Cz ., tt.....i ..1 i. 11. r,. u ! presented at tvj audit of her estate, a largo cUiru for medical service. The claim wus resisted upon Siv cial groti'iils, among others that dur ing a part of the time for which com pensation was chained the Doctor a membor of the decedent's fam ily, and that during that time no compensation therefor could be claim ed unlees an express contract to pay for them was shown. It was con tended din that tbe book which the Doctor presented as evidence in sup port of his claim wai not a book of original entries, but was only used by the Doctor as memoranda frcm which to make Lis charges. Ju lgo Stewart fn dlsv .wing tha claim s '-The book submitted in fi'ippjrt of tbe claim is not r book of orig:uaI entries. It has still fewer of the requisites of whit is known as a blotter or counter book. It contains memoranda intended to serve until the proper entries could be made: and such of thftm ns were 'made at the time of tbo particular service charged for so moagr? as to be unin telligible to anyone except to the party who mad them or by his help; thj entries not being charges, but simply u.ata from which charges were to te tn.ida subsequently, they can not bo used in evidence in the way I ropored. 1 be ! :ok is what is known as a I'hrsicir.iis Visiting List, correepond exac 3 ho far as we can see to the book which was offered in evidence under similar circumstances in Ger man's estate. In that caae it was disallowed as u book of original en tries in an opinion by Judge Ashman which presents the entire argument and leaves nothing to be added. In the present case tha book has less to support it than in that inas much as Dr. Schively himself testi fies that the only charges made at the time of the services were render ed ore the strokes made under' the days of tbe week; the amount on the right Land margin of the page are made when the book is posted; it mav be at tbe end of the week; some time during the following week: and sometimes two or t.brei wefk-. Il wc-nld t an UnprceedLnlsd liberal ity to allow such lacuioiT-n'Sa fho force of original entries as m'ttteri of evidence. Since tbe claim was un supported by other evidence it must fall." fOMBlXE'S Quay Sweeps Chester County at the Primary Election. CAMEEOff AND FULTON ALSO. The Senator's Election as State Chairman Positively Assured. MITFLIN JOINS M0KTG0MEEY. Th Indication Are Saw Tlit nattlngs anil GllkMoa Will Mot Hava Store Than a Itakera Dozen of Couutie In the Con entioa Qnaj'e Manrolotu Tietory Over the Combine of PlillaiXelphta and Pittsburg. Philadelphia, Aug. 19. Senator Quay on Saturday scored a big victory. Pri maries were held in flvo coiintleB.Chester, Lycoming, Mifflin, Cameron and Fulton. In all 11 delegate were ehosen and ol these Quay captured S, winuing every county but Lycoming, which is tho home of Attorney General McCormick. Chester has 6 delegates and the other three carried by iUo ISoavcr man havo 1 each. These TlctorlfS, with Montgomery, Schuylkill, Lancitxter oad tho torty other suro Quay uouutles, absolutely insures the eloctlon ol Quay oj state chairman. BIG VICTOUT IS CHESTE3. A rtUpateh from West Chester says: Tho vote cast at tho Republican primaries in Chestorconnty wai a record breaker, and Quay sweeps everything. j Iu We.t Chester one of tho largest votes' ever counted was out, and in every pre cinct the contest waged bitterly. In tho country districts an exceptionally large vote was also out. In many town ships returns will bo late in gritting in. EiK-h lotion has a cart-fully made up table, howoviT, aud from these a pretty correct estimato may bi gathered as to the ultimate result. The combiuo forces aro greatly disap pointed at the showing made by them. They are running away behind their cal culations, and Quay will sweep the county. There ras 6 stiff fight In tho recorder ship contest between T. L. Eyre, of West Chester, the Q'iay candidnte, and Thomas D. Grover, of I'liwilxviile, the ll.uilins candidate. While Eyre Is ruuuiiiir close wltPQuay he will fall behind him prob ably 10 delegates In tho convention. All tho delogctes tu the state convention elec ted arc not only Q.i:iy men, but ore In structed for him for state chairman. They ore H. C. ISuckwaltrr of West Chester, Pavls Menou;;! of Oxford. ir:uivill Prlzer of Lionville, F. B. lirakmau of Coatesvilio and G. Koswoll Merrick of Pkocnixviile. Ql'AV'S H1STRICTS. Contesvilla Kyre cirries nlmost entire. In West Chester ho wins 14 of the 18 dele gate. Quay carries all but one precinct In West Chester. There was a great lighi made aaiust him here. ITis friends are jubilant over this result. Out;ic!o of West Cho.iter the districts carried for Senator Quay are JJinninghani, East Bradford, Cain, West Cain, Coates vilio, West Uowiiinglon, Iluiicybrook, Kew Garden, Newlin, Kast Nottingham, Wt Kottingbam, l'eunsbury,' Third ward of riiiLiiiivillo, Fourth ward ot Pboenixville, ixth ward of Phienixvillo, Sadsbury, W.;st Sadsbury. Spring City, Uwchlr.n, Valley, Kast Vincent, West WHitelanu, Atglcu, hjistX.-uituical, Hope well, Oxford. The combine districts heard from arj West lir.mdywine, l-'iftli pre cinct of CjuIi-sx lUf, West Goshen, Chat bam, West Xottingu;im, Liov.-tr Oxford and Westtown. With twf-rhlrtl"! of the county heard from, tho lmiiiMtiona arc t!i!t Quay will have 110 ujleimtes in the convention, and Eyre 10U, while 8 are necessary to a choice. HS WINS l.V FI LTOS. A dispatch from McCounellsbiirg rays: "No fifht letween tho old timo political parties for many years has been attended with inoro activity on tbe part of tbo con testants than that within thu ranks of the Republicans at tho primaries in Ful ton county. While the watchwords Lnvo been Hastings and Quay, yet the real fight coDalfted in the opportunity for the local politicians to settle old scores. Trusted messengers scoured tho rural dis trict, and each fnclion manifested a de termination to win that showed too plainly that they felt that defeat iu this contest means political annihilation. Re ports from Tod, MeConncllsburg, Thomp son and Ayr, the last fie homo of Repre sentative Pattsnoa, leader of the com bine faction, show thnt Quay has swept everything, and there is no doubt but that he carries the entire county. Dr. A. 11. Pal bey will likely be chairman of tho county comi.'iittce, and the election of delegate to the state convention will be between M. R. Shaffuor and Dr. W. I. McKibbln." bfCCESS IS S1IFFLIS. A dispatch from LewUtowa says: "Sev enteen out of the nineteen districts give Quay a majority of 300, and the other dis tricts will probably increase his majority. The contest has been tho most bitter ever known hero. The administration mode a most aggre3sivo uphill fight. The Woods faction supported the cause of Gilkeson and the Culbcrtson faction that of Quay. Two emissaries of the administration have been in tho county for two weeks, aud ths sinews ot war were not wanting. The victory of tho Culbcrtson faction is complete II. J. Culbcrtson has secured the nomination for president judge. Alex ander Read, tho state delegate, will be In structed for Quay." i QL AT W1R CAMERON COUNTY. ' A dispatch from Kmporium says: "Re publican primaries were held in Cameron county and passed off quietly, and Quay 'will certainly havo tho state delegate. Thcra did not eppcar to be a serious con 'test put up against him." ' WTOMIXO SOW FOR QUAY. 1 A dispatcn from Wyoming, dated Sat urday, says: O'.vln r to tho dispute about btato Delegate R. P. Northrop, tho Re publicans of Wyoming county today held another primary election. Tho Gilkeson followers remained away from the polls and there was no opposition to tho Quay candidate. The convention of Monday will be of ficered the same as the former conven tion. Northrop will be given an oppor tunity to face the convention, and, failing to pledge himself for Quay, a new dele gate, fully instructed for Quayr will be elected. Northrop is strongly opposed to Quay, and was chosen a state delegate before the fight began. He 6ince refuted to bo bound by Quay instructions. V II UI j Menders of tin State Gommittsa i Demand a Meeting of TLxt Eodj. HO TAMPiXIiJCr Vli'H TUB EOLL. Gllkeeoa RafBMa the) Request, Bat the - Coiumittoo Will Omt Together tm Spite or Hi Obstruct! Tactics Tbe Chair man tho Creature aad Mot tho Master mt tbe Party Fair Play All Around. Hakkisburo, Aug. 19. Two letters were sent to chairman Gilkeson, of the Re publican state commiMeo, a few days ago. Ono, from "Jack" Robinson, calls for aa audit of his accounts in the last cam paign, and tbo other, Glgnod by thirty or forty members of tho state committee demands the Issuance of a call for a meet ing of that body In Harrisburg on Aug. Cu. It has freely boon said that tbo Gilke son faction Intend to doctor up tbo rolls by shutting ont Quay men and substitut ing dummies of tho combine in quarters where "fake" contests bavo been organ ized. THE MEMBERS WAST IT. v The letter from the members of the com mittee asking for a mooting is as follows: II. F. Gilkeson, Ksq., Chairman Repub lican State Committee, 1231 Wuluut street, Philadelphia, Pa.: Sir Wo, the undersigned members of tbe Republican state committee, duly chosen and representing our respective counties, and at large, respectfully request that you call a meeting of the Republi can state committee, to be held at Harris burg on Aug. 23, 13Jo, at tho Lochlel hotel, at Si o'clock p. in. It is our opinion thnt thorn nro several mutters requiring the serious attention and direction of the couimlttco, and wo believe thnt in the opinion of a great ninny Republicans and members of the commit tee such action might be taken at a ::i sett ing of the committee as would harmonize tho present disagreeable factional differ ences existent In tho party and which if not settled before the holding of tho stato convention 111 ly lead to still further un fortunate aud disastrous divisions In the ranks of tho party. Vory respectfully, JosErn O. Hornr, How William H. Asu::ews, Hon. Samuel A. Davenport, Hos. Thomas V. Coorn:, Members at L-irgo. Allegheny John R. Murphy, b J. Tor rance. Armstrong Williani W. Fiscus. Beaver J. R. Harrah. Berks J. B. fj. Fenstennachor. Butler James M. Carson. Chester Charles H. Speakmnn, Cbarlea C. Wilder. Carbon H. F. Kuntz. Crawford Frank P. Ray, Joseph 21. Blnss. Cumberlond Jr.mcs M. Weakley. Dauphin Allwrt Miller, J. Gilbert. Delaware Harry Hugueuolle, John B. Robinson. Klk William E. Sapp. Krle William J. Robinson, P. V. Flower. Fayette Frank M. Fuller. Forest W. T. Thompson. Frnnklin M. A. Foltz. Fulton Abel O. Griflith. Huntingdon H. C. Chisholm. Ltu kawonna F. M. Francis, S S. Jones. Lancaster A. B. Hassl.-r. J. P. MUler, Dr.vW Witmer, J. R. Stobcr. Lawrence 4fcorga B. Berger. Luzjrno William J. Harvey. And twenty-flvo other me'iiliera. THEY MEAN Bl'SINTSS. ' Mr. Robinson, when asked about the "twenty-five otherc," said: "I say twenty five other members. Wo really have mora by letter and wiro who signed, but I do not wish to give all the namos. as It would disclose who bavo joined In the call. If Gtlkeson refuses the 1 -Jt of the members they will issuo th 1 .;.ul and meet anyhow. Then If h stiil p-rsislsin refusing to have the rollcf di-.outos prop erly prepared we will go into court and compel him to do It." THAT SISETY THOUSASD DOLLARS. Congressman John B. Robinson has sent auothor letter to Gilkeson, asking him what be did "with the fJO.OOO col lected In the lust campaign." Tho 000 grcssman says, among other things: "Yon have although been given several weeks, so far rof used to give me any in formation or reply to my lost letter. "I havo tried to ascertain from the var ious committeemen and otherwise whether any consideri'.blo sums of money weruseut into tbe various counties of tho stat: to assist in the legitimate work of organiza tion and election of the Republican can didates of last year. I can only ascertain that here and there In a few localities you sent a few hundred dollars for this pur pose. Tho county of Delaware, which 1 hare the honor to represent in part on the state committee, did not receive a cout, although our majority lost fall for tbo head of the ticket was 6,500, the next in size to that ot Philadelphia, Allegheny and Lancaster counties. I have ascer tained in ono instauco from tho commitr tcemen from Berks county that you re fused, after repeated calls, to send a small amount ot monoy there for organization, which might have resulted in tho return of a Republican eongroasman from this strong Democratic district. If you had contributed (1,000 to each of tbe several counties in the state tbeie would have still remained of tha amount stated as contributed $23,000 unaccounted for. "It Is important that there be a meeting of the state committee to set this matter right between you and me, and, what is of far greater importance, to place the party In its proper relation toall its mem bers; as any wrongful acts of yourself, being chairman and at tho headship of of the executive committee of tbo party, would bring it Into a disrepute that would militate against its future success. Republican Newspapers ef PeonsylTanla Score the Governor. Tbe Republican newspapers cf tho state continue to severely score Governor Has tings for his course iu the present fac tional contest. The People Against KxeentiTo Interfax enee la Fatlonal Polities. The governor roust be able to percblre by tnis time that wherovcr tho Republi cans have been under the least restraint from personal and official influences they have cast the largest majorities against the combine, and Indirectly against exec utivo Interference iu a contest entirely foreign to the function of tho guberna torial ofllce. Pittsburg Commercial Gr sette. Bastings Has Fallen into a Dsn of Thieves and Plunderers. Tfie triumph of Quay in this fight will bo a victory for tho pjoplo. The success of the comblna will mean further degra dation, more corruption aud abject politi cal slavery for the masses. The common people ar.- :rry Governor Hastings has iU-md ilieiii and fallnu into a den of thii-M' -n-i.l ;li!.'i'l.-r.-i-s in order to assist ii; .'..!... 13 tii-ji-.i. Harrisburg Nows. Tlid C-i:;iTj.uo r-ni.-i'a A: Afraid to Go t tile i'roplc One of the 111.1st significant "straws" in the present battle within tbe ranks of the Republican ;..rty is II10 fact that in every instance where the Quay pooplo have asked that an expression of opinion on the stats ohairraanshlp question, by Tote, be allowed, tbe present state chairman and candidate for re-election, Gilkeson, has refused. Hollidaysburg Register. The Cameron Bngabe lent Catting Unoh of m Figure. The Cameron bugaboo Isn't cutting much of a figure in the factional tight in i state politics. There ore many men sup porting Quay who would not be for Cum I eron under any circumstances, and vioe j versa. The trouble with the combine is ; they have no issue. The fight made on j Senator Quay is yet to be Justified. ' Wellsboro Advocate. CliU.esosj Co'iM Kut IIa1i tha Ma J'irit of JLaftt Tmrr It Is miliar amu-lug t-) sue tko combine oreaitio'i Gillnston with lasttyear' Ko publicurt iii.ijurily iu Pennsylvania. Why, ho couldn't have prevented it if ho tried. Tho Mntiro country went that way, a-id it was like olwyiug the lvw of grivici-.ti-n to have Pennsylvania's great majority go tha way it did. Scruutoul'ruth.. Quay Has Made a Clrau Sweep of Weet era PannkjlvMata. Senator Quay has made a clean sweep of western Pennsylvania, always excepting Allegheny county, which wm "c up" by Magce and Flinn before tho chairmanship fight began, and if another vote oould be taken in this county his vote in the west would be almost unanimous. Pittsburg Leader. "Show Km Quarter to tha Combine," Is tbe Cry of Quay's rrleads. If Senator Qay follows tbe ad rice of his friends In this suction he will not listen to any proposition to compromise. - He hns friends hero who will stand by him at all times and who would rather see him defeated than show any quarter to tho combine. Armstrong Republican. Combines Must be lteatcn for the Good of tha Party. The fact that our state politics Is domi nated by tho combinations which exist in Philadelphia and Pittsburg is suflicient reason why tho voters of Pennsylvania should nnito In the matter of putting into practice the policy announced by our junior senator. Warron Mirror. ! t.aimMm Hllkltinil "lniT Ilia FoViF for Candidate Gilkczoa. The state committee ought to prepare the roll of delegates, not Colonel Gilkeson nor any other individual working solely in tho interests of tho combine. Quay only nsks for fair play. McKocsport Times. A Utile Query for tha Comblae Men to Coosider. If tho success of Quay moans the ascend ency of Cameron tho combine organ ought to explain why nearly all the newspapers supporting Quay aro antagonistic to Cam eron. West Chester Republican. Quay a Sore Winner Please Stick a Pin In This. Quay is a sure winner. Tho result of the primaries held lust Saturday domon stratcs his success beyond all reasonable doubt. Chester News. AN ELECTMC BLUFF. HOW A GENIUS REASSURED THE HO TEL MAN AT JAYV1LLE. Quick Work at tha X.0113 Distance Tele phono, Which tho Landlord Had Not Bern Acquainted With Very Lonx lnaft Cashed and Ulaner Thrown In. "Did I ever tell you about tho great bluff I invented and worked off on a conulry hotel proprietor?" ausked Meek in, tbe lazy inventor, as he tjJted back his chair and lit hi.i pipe. 'Ut would havo been blamed inconvenient for mo if I hadn't bronpht my inventive facul ties to bear on tho subject, and if I had neglected to observe the new telephone. It caino abont like this: I was making a flving trip through the west in search of a man who was naid to hav irtvmtcd a process for tempering copper by electric ity. One evening abont dinner time I rettched on Indiana town which I'll call Juyvillo, us tho town is still there, and so is the hotel proprietor. I rushed into the ouly hotel in the place, asked fot some dinner and was shown to the din ing room after I had registered. I want ed to catch the 0 :13 train for Indianap olis, so I could spend the night there. When I had finished my meal, I fished around in my pockets far a dime to tip the waiter with. I found I hadn't a blooming cent in my clothes. Yon know I'm cureless abont monoy matters, and never think of lucre until I'm out of it Well, I hadn't any cash, bnt I had a $50 draft on New York in my pockctbeok. I let tho waiter go without his tip and walked out to tho office, where I found the landlord. I ostentatiouslyook; up.a pen, asked the landlord his name, and made the draft payable to him. " 'Now,' said I, 'if you'll kindly take oux the price of a dinner and give me the balance of this $50 I'll be obliged. ' "The landlord read over the draft for ward, backwtird, sideways aud upside down. Then he held it np to tho light. At last ho looked at mo sharply and said: " 'Your namo MeekinP " 'Euro thing,' said L " 'T. J. Meokiu?' " 'Snrtj.' " 'How do I know it?' " 'You don't, bnt I'm telling you, said L " 'How do I know you ain't one o thet-ij yere Aim fiainniers?' "'You don't. Do I look like a Aim flarnmer?' " 'Waal, ye monght an ye monirhtn't,' was the landlord's encouraging reply. It was getting iinar train time, and 1 v?as getting nervous. In glancing around the office with the faint hope that I'd see some one I knew, m.v glance fell upon a long tlisUi'ico if!;!ph&!C over in tbt' t or-n'-r. R.;ci:t Lrro wa:; vi.e-e Ii:naited mv -a-i ii . a! p. in. " tx-ohcrparr. M :n.'I m'.A V tho huidlord. 'y..-.i t.tiuw n bank lr:.ft v. ::ea y.-.n Fyj it, 3 ::!'t ?.a? V .'!, t.'r-t.'s a biu.k tlrnft. Kmv, it- (.-.n't n-.J.o any uit'oicnco to you who I am if I can prove that the draft u good, dons it? All right. I see you havo a telephone. Can I use it?' " 'Yo can if yo know how to work tbe thing. Just put her in yistiddy, an I ain't on to the gaino yit "'AH right,' I replied. 'Now you come over here to tho telephone with, m'e, and I'll soon satisfy you that - your suspicions of me and this draft are all wrong." "We went over to tho 'phone; the landlord leaned up against t'?a wall watching my every movement. Luckily no one was around bnt an old man asleep near tho stove and a stupid Qer man porter. I picked np tho receiver without ringing, and this is what the landlord heard : 1' :HojIo, central! ! Gimme New York. Hello! This New York? Giuinie 8833 Cortlandt Hollo! 3833 Cortlandt? Manhattan Exchange National bank? Mr. Craudell there? Hello! This you, Craiidall, old man? Till; is Meekin. M-donble-e-k-i-n. Yes, Meekin, T. J. How are you? Say. I'm iu Jayville, Ind. Hotel man says your draft number 847 on my account is no good. How about it? Well? Good for $."i,000, is it? Sure? You arc, eh?. Good joke ou your old bank, ain't it, Craudell? Cost yot a bottlo v. hen I get back. Sore it's good, aro you? Ha, ba ! That's good. Well, so long. See you next Monday. ' "With that I hung up the receiver without ringing off, aud turned to look at the landlord. His eyes were bulging out, and when I asked him if he required any further proof he gasped ont : " 'Waal, I swum to gracious ! Ef that ain't tbe finest thing 1 ever see! Talk ing to New York, eh ! Waal, I never thought to see it. Here, come over here and get yer cash. Tbe dinner's on me. Never see anything so wonderful since tbe circus was here last. ' "I took the money, thanked him and nearly laughed myself into hysterica all the way to Indianapolis." Electrical Review. An Old Apple Tree- F.oi-ablr the oldest ar.d largest t:u:s tree in tbe towr, if not io the ooonuv, star.;ls on the lot of of our to -.vassal), Mr. Samuel Eyder, and ib oiia el the few remaining landmarks i, the town. It measures nearly to'.-.i- f . ct in .tiameterand its brunches at ono iirie mfrapared 180 feet nr.r cun,r.roiice. " l sagn can be dated back 140 yenrs and it is even older than that. Mr. B. thinks that it sprang from a seed that was drop ped by bird or fow I or probably by ome lone Indian, omoDg the forest trees that tta occupied tho ground where the c.'d Monarch now stands. Mobt of the original limbs have de cayed and have been removed by ax and saw, but young and vigorous branches have taken their place and are now losd-d with Urge and healthy apples, which are famous for their bilking q-ialitie-T. It was a remarsa ble bearer in its timo. Mr Ii. re n.embeiB the crop of 010 year cspec i he says, "it produced enough appU-s for a barrel of snits, two boil-i-jb of baiter and 20 bnshels forwin ttr use." What a Listorv that old trco rasy have, and were it possess ed of the pofver of speto'i it might relate an in ten s( in j chapter of events. l.f-sib!y foniij lone Indian on bis way to tho Mtt?ng sun may have rested his veary limbs bsnealh its shade, vihilEt repairing an i replenishing his block of arrows, and Gen. Wayne as he passed tLrou;;h th's neck of woods luay Lava been attracted by its iavit-ir-p- nnnoarnnce and mav hava eniov O " 1 j . sd for awhile its shade and delicious fruit. Wayuesburg Zephyr. fEUutOlQ "Celluloid" Coliars aht Cuffs arc made by covering a linen collar or cuff with "celluloid," thus making tbcin strong, durable and waterproof. Wbcn soiled they can be cleaned by simply wiping off with a wet cloth. No other waterproof goods are made with this interlining, consequently no other goods con possibly give Satisfac tion. Do not forget that every piece of the genuine is stamped as follows : TRADf Insist upon goooa so marked and re fuse anything else if offered. If your dealer docs not keep them you can procure a sample from us direct by enclosing amount and stating size and whether stand-up or turned-down col lar is wanted. Collars 35c each. Cufis 50c pair. Tbe Celluloid Company. 427-429 Broadway Hew York. JEGWTEB'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby giren that the following nsmed persons have Hied their accounts in the Register's Office of Juniata county, and the same will be presented for conflrrostion sod allowance at an Orphans' Coort to be held at Mifflintown, Ps., en Tuesday, the 17th day of September, A. D., 189-5, at 9 o'clock A. M. 1. The tirst and fiosl account of Wn. F. Longscre, Administrator of Joseph Long acre, late of Delaware township, Juniata ccunlj, deceased. Atkinson k. Pennell, tt'ys. 2. Tbe iirst and partial account uf Rob ert Innis, executor of the last will and tea. lament of Philip S. Zendt, late of Tnsca rora township, Juoiata county, Pa., dee'd. 'John J. Patterson, Att'y. 3. Tha first and final account of II. Cloyd Horning, administrator of the estate of Charles S. Wiretm, late of tbe borough of Pattersnn, Juniata county. Pa., dee'd. Neely, Alt'y. 4. Tha first and final account of James K. Huffman. administrator ol Samuel Huffman. j late of Lack township, Juniata county, Pa., 5. Tbe first and final account of David Scale, ad aiiniMratur of tho estate of Mary Peck, ljfs ot Tuscarom township, Juniata county. Ph., deceased. Neely, Att'y. 7. The first and final account of W. P. fiell, auuinislrator of the estate of Joseph Bull, late of Lack township, Juniata coauty, deceased. Neely. Att'y. Anson B. Will, Rtguter. Register's Office, Mifflintown, Pa., i August 19, 1895. S mnuu will prepare a person FOR COLLEGE IJf LESS TIME ' and FOR LESS MOJVEY than any other school in the State. Try next year. 40 weeks cost $100. J. Hobby DraoroxB, Principal, HiffliBtowa, reana. P.u res Sick Headacto Gorfiold Tons BUS. Saauuafma, GuuuIuO&.lliW.SallJI.L Mr. At. a. HyM Hamilton, Ohio. The Same as Bread Hood's Sarsaparilla on the Tabl at Every Meal "la my opinion Hood's Sanaparfila has not an equal aa a blood puriflor. I doc tored 6 months for stomach trouble audi Neuralgia of the Heart without any good and then took Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every spring and fall since I hare used it and it has done me lota of good. I have not been attended by a physician for the last four years. My wife was suffering with water brash and Feeling All Tired Out. She was severely afflicted bat upon my prevailing upon her to take Hood s Sana parllla and Hood's Pills she felt differently in a ehort time. Now she la quite well. We have great faith In Hood's Barsapa- flood's Cures rills and pat it on the table at every meal the same as bread." Al O. Htams, with T. V. flowKM, & Sons, residence, 428 North Third Street, Hamilton, Ohio. Hood's Pills ea.,m'S8ectSTa1efk LEOJIL. E XECDTOR'S NOTICE. Kttate of Geo. W. Smith, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters Tes tamentary on tba estate of George W. Smith, late ol the borough of Mifllintown, have been granted in dne form of law to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims will please present them for settlement. Wn. G Surra, June 15, 1895. Extattor. jpiXECCTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Joseph B. Kauffinan, deceased. Notice is hereby given thst letters Testa mentary on tbe OHtate of Joseph E. Kauff man, 'ste i f tbe tt.wntbip of Fayette, have been granted in due form of law to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate aie requested to make payment, and those having claims will please present them for settlement. Lewis Pros, July 8, 1895. Executor. N OTICE IN PARTITION. In the Orphans' Court of Juniati County. Estate of Samuel Lotidenslnger, deceased , I.oudenslager, deceased; David Louden. To Hettie Loudenslager, widow of Samuel sla;er,James Lndenslaeer,Louiss Rodger, Susan Wert and Joseph Wert, her husband, all of Junista county ; Henry LoudeusUgc r, Joseph Loudenslager and Samuel Louden, slager, of Maze, Sedgwich county, Kansas, and Ephnsm Loudenslager, of Bellevue, Huron county, Ohio, children and heirs ot said decedent, snd all others interested. Tou are hereby notified that the Orphans Conrt of said county of Juniata awarded an inquest to make partition and valuation of certain real estate of Ihe said Samuel Loud enslager, deceased , consisting of two tracts ol land, situate in Walker township, Joniata county, Pennsylvania, No. I containing about thirty acres, and No. 2 containing bout fifty-six acres, snd that said inquest will be held on ssid premises on Wednes day, tbe 2 1 at day of August, A. D. 1895, at 11 o'clock A. M., at which time and place yon ore requested to attend if you think proper. J. P. Calhoun, Sheriff. SaEKirr's Orrics, Mittliutown, July 8, 1895. EXECUTOR'S SALE -or- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE- The undersigned executor of the last will and testamaot of Elizabeth Leonard, late of Favette township, Juniafa county, Pa., de. ceased, under and by virtue of an order of an order of the Orphans Conrt or Juniata couny to pay debts, will expose to sale by public vendue or outcry, on the premises in said township, on SATURDAY. ACQ. 34, 189, at 1 o'clock P. M., or said day, tbe follow, ing described Real Estate, to wit: All that certain farm and tract of land, situate in Fayette township, Joniata courty, Pa., bonnded and d-cribed aa to I law r; On the north by pnblic road and lar.da of Jer sey Leonard; on tbe east by lands of Henry Shellrnberger; on the tonth by lands of G. W. McAiater and Martha Book and on tbe west by lands of Jarsey Leonard, con taining EIGHTY-NINE ACRES, more or less. This is a very considerable farm. conven iently located to churches, schools, store, mill and blacksmith shop, being situated 1 miles Irom Afc Aiatercille, niilo from Oakland Mi'a. Tbe land ia very fertile and under a high state of cultivation, is well watered, having a NEVER FAILING SPRING Ot" WATER at the door and a stream of water running through it. It is in the center of the Lost Creek Valley. It has erected om it a LARGE BARK BARS, Wagon-abed, falily good Dwelling Honse snd other out buildings. It has also erect ed thereon a FIRST-CLASS CIDER PRESS; Also an Apple Orchard of over 600 trees and a Peach Orchard and 90 pear trees, all in fine bearing condition; also 200 grape vines and a large lot of , raap-berries and black berries; also a largo number of tbe finest grafted Cherry Trees. This farm will be sold in parts or the whole aa is most ad van tag sou a to the pur chaser. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid on day of sale; 25 per cent, on day ot confirmation of sale by the court; 85 per eent. oa April 1, 1896, when deed will be delivered snd possession given, and tbe balance April 1, 1897, defer, red payment to be secured by judgment and to bear interest from April 1, 1896. Posses sion will be given earlier, il desirable to purchaser. Attendance will be gives on day of sale by J. B. If . TODD, Executor of Elisabeth Leonard, deceased. FRAZERoBEasE BEST IM THE UroRUk. aswailaaqaUttaarna-jrri'iiaja.aetnaTlf nUaatlaa- two towot. V braaa. A fiastad br baa. (aVGET TH fel OEJa DUB. FOH HALE BY DCAI.F.H8 OENFSAIXY. Itrf Bookk.piaa. PALMS TanthTaae. !i!"fin?5i"' I COLLEGK. TBototura, Individual Comroorcial I BIS Chartnat 8k, laatractton. Bitnsuoaa Faraiahed. nrmnebtta. a ruuaaauuua. TbaataiiniBniotknovMsaattlM muauw ofooat. STEEL ROOFI&1C and SIDING. eaefca Patent.) Ltg.ta.iif. Firt and Storm todi. Senator Tno cauuagn. af prices. TOSILVAKIA COLLEGE. GETTf SBCBC, PA- a a-a IU44 fjirre Faculty. Two fa I conrt es of study Classical and Scientific, Special courses in all deport ments. OOtervaiory, Liaoorniurrea new Gh muasinm. Seam best. Lioraries, an AAA .l.ina IT.TnAnial low. Dt)Drt- sent of Hygiene and Physical Culture in charge of an experienced physician. Ac cessible by frequent railroad trains. Loca tion on tho BATTLEFIELD of Geitvsburg, most p'essan snd healthy. 1'Bt.rAlt- Tno v ncPinTHKHT. in separ- . h.iMi... in. him and vounc men pre paring for buainesa or College, under spec ial care of the Principal ana tnree ni snts, residing witb students in tbe building. Fall term onens Seotember 5th, 1895. For Catalogues, sddress President, or REV. O. G. KLINGER, A. M., Principal, Getttysbarg, Pa. WOOIj bought. H. L. COOPER, KO. 8NORTD FROST ST., Correspondence Solicited. Pkillelphia Long Distance Telephone M9- RAILROAD TIME TABLE. J3ERRT COFNTT RAILROAD. . The following schedule went Into effect Nov. 19, 1893, aod the trains will be run as follows: p. m a. m Leave Arrive a. m p. m 4 80 9 15 Dnncannon 8 40 8 60 4 86 9 21 King's Mill 8 84 8 44 4 89 9 24 "Sulphur Springs 8 81 8 41 8 41 9 26 "Cormsn Siding If 29 3 89 4 46 9 29 Montebelle Park 8 26 3 36 4 46 9 81 . Weaver 8 24 8 34 4 61 9 36 'Roddy 8 19 3 29 4 64 9 89 Hod'man 8 16 8 26 4 56 9 41 Royer 8 14 3 21 4 59 9 44 'Mahaooy 8 118 21 6 10 10 00 Bloomfield 8 05 8 15 6 17 10 07 'Long's Road 7 52 2 45 6 22 10 13 "Neilson 7 46 2 39 6 25 10 16 "Duru's 7 43 2 86 6 28 10 19 Elllotsbnrg 7 40 2 33 5 24 10 2ft Bernheisl's 7 84 2 27 I 6 86 10 27 "Groen Pirk 7 32 2 25 6 41 10 32 Montour Juno 7 27 2 20 6 0911 20 Landisburg 6 65 1 60 p. to a. m Arrive Leave a. m p m Train leaves Btoomtleld at 6.10 a. m. and arrives at Landisburg at 6.47 a. m. Train leaver Landisburg -at 6.14 p. m., and arrives at Bloomfield at 6. 60 p. m. Trains leave Loysville for Dnncannon at 7. 220 a. in. , and 2. 15 p. m. Returning, arrive at 10 37 a. m., ar.d 4.50 p. m. Between Landisburg and Loysville trains run ss follows: Leave Landisburgfor Loys ville 6 65 a. m., and 1 50 p m., Loysville for Landisburg II 10 a. m., and 5 09 p. m. All stations marked () are flag stations, at which trains will come to a full f top on signal. Louis E. Atkmsos. F. V. M. Pbmnell ATKIXSOS At PES.1ELL, ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. fiy Collecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Orrtcx On Main street, In place of rest dence of Louis K. Atkinson, Esq., south Bridge street. fOct 26, 1892. WIL.BER FORCE SCHWEYER, Attorney-at-Law District Attorney. M1FFLINTOVVN, PA. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. Da.D.MXBAWroBD, DE. DADWIS X. CBAWrOSD D1 R. D. il. CRAWFORD & SON, have formed a partnership for the practic4 of lledicine aud their collatteral branches. Office at old stand, corner of Third and Or ange streets, Mifflintown, Pa. One or bolL ot them will be found at their office at al: times, unless otherwise professiornlly en gaged. April 1st, 185. JJP.DERR, PRACTICAL DENTIST, (Graduate of tbe Philadelphia Dental Col lege,) formerly of Iflffiinburg, Ps., has lo cated permanently in Miftiintown, as suc cessor to the late Dr. 6. L. Derr, and will continue the dental business (established by the latter in 18CG) at tbe well known of fice on Bridge street opposite Court House. rr?" TEKTHBXTRACTED, ABSOLUTE LY WITHOUT PAIN. JVe CMoroform, Ether, or Gas used. No Sore Gums or Dissomfort to patient, either dnnng extraction or atterwarus. All these are Guaranteed sr ro charge will be made. AU work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Terras, strictly caf 3. H. P. DERR, Practical Dentist CAUTION- TRESSPASS NOTICE. Tbe undersigned persons have associated themseves together for the protection of Willow Run Trout stream in Lack town. ship, Juniata Co., Pa. All persons are s trick ly forbidden not lo trespass upon the land or stream of the said parties to flsn aa the stream has been stocked with trout Persons violating this noice, will be pros ecuted according to law. R. n. Patterson, T. H. Csruthers, J. P. Rob't A. Woodside, W. D. Walls, Frank Vawn, Dyson Vawn. April 23, 1895. TRESPASS NOTICE. Tbe undersigned persons have formed an Association for the protection of their re. spective properties. All persons are here by notified not to trespass on the lands of tbe undersigned for the purpose of hunting gathering nuts, cbiping timber or throwing down fences or firing timber in any way whatever. Any violation ot tbe above no tice will bo dealt with according to law. John Micbad, William PuSenberger, Gideon Sieber, Beasbor A Zook, Mary A. Brubaker, Joseph Rothrock, John Byler, Pamuel Bell. September 6, 1896. CHAUTAUQUA NURSERY C0-, OFFER LIBERAL TERMS TOT AGENTS. Salary and expenses or commission High grade Stock at low prices. New specialties. Seed Potatoes, feo. MEN WANTED ia every town. Steady work. Pay Week ly. Andress, rl. is. WILLIAMS, See'y rortiona, n . i . sep. io, law, SAWHUEUECIES A wonderful Imnmvcnifrt In PrbilM I til-Hark. Back motion of Carriage 3 rinra as fast as any other In Ui. market. FrletiniintehFerd, eauauig all thefeed gearing- to uuuirt atill while U-k-uik: arrrnt aavina In mm ..J 4cectHlusuunrjaforlanteCaulonieand prices Aim 2r"""rrnwi, ir Kakr t-nltlvntora, T'.rnPlnnUsra.Sbellrra.etc. JUmttOH IhU pui-.: saaanvsa a WBWSavHMaU. MUks., Tswaw W PENNSYLVANIA RAILKOAD. On and after Sundav, Mav 2(1 1895, trains will run as follows: V WKsTAKU. Wav Passenger, lesvei Philadeln'.i. ., 4 80 a. to; rlarrisbiirp 8 18 a. m; Danran. nonSoia. m; New Fort 9 24 a. m, uiu leratown 836 s. m; Durword 9 43 a. m Thompson town 9 4? a. in; Van Dyke 955 a. m; Tnscarora 9 69 a. m; Mexico 10 02 a m; Port Royal III 07 s. ui: Mifllin 10 14 m; Denholm 10 '21 a, rr; Lewistown 10 4ri a m; aicveyiown 11 io a. ni; newtr.a Hamilton 11 3 S s. m; Mount Union II 40 a. uij Huntingdon 12 10 p. in; Tyrone I 02 p. m; AHoona 1 45 p m; Piftshurg6 50 p. m. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7 00 a. m, Harrisburg 11 20 a. m; Dunrannoa 1 1 50 a. no; Newport 12 14 p. m; Mifflin 12 52 p. m; Lewistown 1 12 p. m; McVevtown 1 33 d. ra: Mount Union 1 66 p rr; IIiintioEJon 2 17 p. m; Petersburg 2 30 p. ni; Tyrone 8 05 p. m; Alfoona 8 40 p. m; Pittsburg 8 10 p. m. Altoona Accommoaaiion leaves Harris burs at 5 00 p. rr.; Dnncannon 5 84 p. il: Newport 6 02 p. ro; filltrstown 6 13 p. m; Thompsontown 6 24 p ni; Tuscarora 6 35 p. m; .Mexico G 37 p. m; Port Koyal 6 42 p. m; Miinin 0 p. m; uennoim o 03 p. m, Lewistown 7 13 p. m; JWeVeytown 7 38 p. m: Newton Hamilton 8 00 p. ni; Hunting don 8 32 p. m; Tyrone 9 16 p. m; Altoona 50 p. m. Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at 20 p. m; HarrUbtir 3 10 a. ru; Marts. v Ic8 21a. m; Duncanuon 3 38 a. ni; New. poit 3 69 a. m; Port Royal 4 31 a. to; Mif flin 4 37 a. in; Lenistown 4 58 a. ro; Mc Vevtown 5 SO a. rr; Huntingdon 0 0? a. m; '1 yrone 6 55 a. m; Altoona 7 40 a. rnj Pittsburg 12 10 p. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4. 40 p m; Harrisburg at 10 20 p. ui; Newport II 00 p. ro; Milnin 11 u p. m; Lesistown 12 58 a. m; HuutiDgdon 12 55 a. m.; Tyrone 1 42 a ro; Altoona 2 00 a. at; Pittsburg 6 30 a. in. Fast Line leaves PhilsdelnMa at 12 '2 p. ni: Harrrisbnrg 3 60 p. ro; Duucanon 4 l j p. in; Newport 4 37 p. ni; Itifiiin 5 10 p. m. Lewistown 6 29 p. id; Mount Union 6 09 p. ru; Huntingdon G 28 p. in; Tyrone 7 00 p ru; Altoona 7 40 p. ra; Pittsburg ll il) p. m. EASl'WAKU. Ilarribbure Accommodation leaves AI. toona at 6 1)0 a. m; Tyrone 5 28 a m; Hunt ingdon G 0i a. m; Newton Hat.iii oi 6 Si m; McVevtown a. m; Lewistown 7 15 a. ra; Midi in 7 38 a. m; Port Royal 7 44 a. in; Mexico 7 48 a. m; Thompson- town 8 02 a. ni; Millerstown 8 12 a. Newport 8 22 a. ni; Duncannon 8 49 a ; Hamsbnrg 'J 20 a. ra. Sea Shore leaves Pitttsbcrg 3 10 a m; Altoona 7 15 a ru; Tyrone 7 48 s m; Hunt ingdon 8 80 a ro; &icVeytown 9 15 a m; Lewistown 8 85 a m: Mifflin 9 65 a ru; Port Royal 9 59 a ra; Thompsontown 10 14; Millerstown 10 22 am; Newport 10 32 a ni; Dnncannon 10 64 a ra; Mary sville 1107 a m; Harrisburg 11 25 a m; Philadelphia 3 00 p m. Main Line (xpresa leaves Pittsburg at 8 00 a. ro; Altoona 11 40 a. m; Tyrone 12 03 p. m; Huntingdon 12 35 p, m; Lewis town 1 33 p. m; Mifllin 160 p. ra; Harris, burg 3 10 p. m; Baltimore 4 15 p. 111; Wash ington 7 30 p. ra; Philadelphia G 23 p. m; New Tork 9 23 p. m Mail leaves Altoona at 2 0J p. m, Tyrone 2 85 p. in, Huntingdon 3 20 pro; Newton Hamilton 3 51 p. m; McVevtown 4 12 p. m; Lewistown 4 38 p. m; Mifflin 5 03 p. 10. Port Royal 6 09 p.m; Afexico 6 13 p. m; Thompsontown 5 2" p. m; MillerMown 5 38 p. to; "Newport 5 48 p. ni; Duncannon 6 20 p. m; Harrisburg 7 00 p. m. Mail Express leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p. m; Altoona 6 05 p. ro; Tyrone 6 "7 p m; Huntingdon 7 20 p. ni; McVevtown 8 04 p. at; Lewistown 8 26 p m; Af.fllin 8 47 p ni Part Royal 8 62 p. m; Millerstown 0 07 p. m; Newport 9 26 p. m; Dnncannon 9 50 p. in; Harrisburg 10 20 p. ra. Philadelphia Express leaves rittsbur at 4 30 p. ra; Altoona 9 05 p. m; Tyrone 9 33 p. ni; Huntingdon 10 12 p. ra; Mount Un. ion 10 32 p. in; Lewfetown 11 16 p. in; Mif flin II 37 p m; Ilarrisbiirg 1 00 a. m; Phil- adelphia 4 30 New York 7 33 a, m. LEWISTOWN 1I VISION. Trains for Sundnrv at 7 35 a. 111. and b W p. m., leave Sunbnry for Lewistown 10(15 a. ni, and 2 25 p. tu. TYRONE D1VISON. Trains leave fur Bellufonto and Lo ; Haven at 8 10 a. ni., 3 34 and 7 25 p. m. leave Lock Haven for Tyrone 4 30, 9 10 p. ru. and 4 15 p. m. TYRONE AND CLEARFIELD R. R. Tratna leave Tyrone lor Cleartk'ld and Curwensville at 8 30 a. nr.. 3 15 7 :0 p. m., leave Cnrwensville tor Tyrone at 4 33 a. ra , 9 15 and 3 51 p m. For, rates, maps, etc., call on Ticket Agentr.or address, Thos. E. Watt, P. A. W. D., 110 Fifth Avenue, I'ittg. burg, Pa. S. II. I'kevost, J. R. Wood, Geu'l Manager. Gen') Pas. Agt VJEWrORT AND SHERMAN'S VAL ll ley Railroad Company. Time tublo of passenger trains, in effect on Monday, October 1st, 1891. STATIONS. I Wcst I ward. East ward. 3 r ! 6 05, 6 08 6 12 6 15 6 25 22 6 31 6 39 6 61 6 54 7 15 7 12 7 17 7 23 A M 10 00 A M 0 16 6 19 6 6 35 40; 6 44 6 M 6 5! 7 10 7 20 7 05 7 S3 7 41 7 3; 7 45 7 43 7 52 7 65 r x 4 00 3 57 3 53 3 60 -'! 4 3 41 3 88 3 32 3 15 3 10 3 04 264 2 49 2 45 2 40 2 83 2 24 2 20 Newp-- rt , Buffalo Bridge Juniata Furnace ... Wahneta Sylvan Watr Plug Blootntluld Junct'u, Valley Road Elliottslmrg Green Park Loysville ......... Fort Robeson . . . . . Center Ciena's Rnn ....... Andersonbnrg ..... Blain . Mount Pleasant ... New Gerraant'n ... 10 03! 10 07' 10 10 10 17 10 20 10 26 10 84! 10 451 10 49 11 00i 11 07! II 12; HI 18 7 27 11 221 1 1 un: 7 85 j 1 v 7 41 II 00 1 11 40 7 45 D. GRING, President and Manager. C. K. Miller, General Agent. WANTED SALESMEN. We want a few men to sell a Choice Lin of Nursery Stock. We cannot mako you rich in a month but can give yon tfeady employment aud will pay yes) well for it. Our prices correspond with the time. Write for ternn and territory to TUE HAWKS NURSERY CO. July 14, 1896. Rochester, N. AGUE ndSSTER $35 ttnaraatead same as agonts sell for rs to tTOO, ACME ROAD RACER, 25 Ibi. 00n WOOD-RIMS, wUUl Prrct line, perfeet mearlnir. usrfect sdjnfuaent. r.ranVevd"'"'' agents tX tor , w-ltta!i warranty with every aiarbtnc. ' riTi,VeS if,n bS? a bieycle through an agentyou Par!'11, more than our wholeaala prloe for "",q?'iIi!S rroTwaoont aa much to sett hl-cle f.irougj Lr.-nu aod dealers aa It doo to mnK t!ie.-. 9 udenea and economy suggest the I tr TSna Illnstratad Catalugus tree. Acme Cycle Company"" ELKHART, KSft asacnUiM-:if rS;i,cors nttM aame aentMU fcrl.oilrs attal w oti-rima, 16 Iba.. aaoia aa acj Siwticel. r-'brylestUtoibX
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers