v ; -j, 7 ;?NTj'NEL&REPDBLICAN MIFFLINTOWK: WEDNESDAY. Jiff. It, 18M. TERMS, gabssrlptioa, tl-M par niu If paid S edvaava; $2.00 If aat Mil to ad'sace. Trmimt adTertiswMaU tasartad at M cam par sock for each tassrtioa. Trsnateat baslnaas aotlOM la Ieal eat an-a. It mgU m Uae for aaoh insarttoa. Dedaetioas wfll be mads to those) desiring io advertise by the year, half er qjurtrr rear. Sal f-ltr Jannary 22. At 10 a. Jacob Zendt Kill Mil cow and young cattle at his barn aboot mile eerta-west ot Vaa Wart ia Worker towaabip. '- Jsauary 26 J. B. M. Todd, executor ef tb estate of Elisabeth Leonard, will tell at tbo late boae of aaid decadent, 1 mile eaat ei' Oakland Kills, cows, borios, farai ma. cfciacry and boaaebold goods. Sale at 10 A. M. SHORT LOCALS. Tha new bridg at MoVeytowa cost $8000. Dr. Hollowaj went to Middletown on Monday. Edgar Musaer ia on the eick list in this place. Col. Showers aid wife spent last wk in PhiliJelpbia. K'mrr North has been on the sick jilt with a severe cold. J udge Lyons is ho ding court in Blair county this week. Governor Hastings was inaugurat ed yesterday, Tuesday. The Lord's Sapper was celebrated in tLa Lutheran church on Sabbath. Suae one desires to know why - there is, always, a thaw in January Christian Con r ml, of lows, is 115 jeara old. He was born in Pennsyl vania Some stranger has been trying to tart a creamery at Van Wert, this winter. a ' Senator Woods is a member of the Senate Committee on Judiciary Gen eral. - Governor Hasting was inaugurat ed co Tuesday with, imposing cere mony. , J. H. Simons has been - Treasurer of tbc Mifflintown Sabbath School 21 year". , Some weather wise man predicts a grr at storm about the time of Wasb ingtou's birthday. ' Grip is epidemia in New York City, and a good many people . are dyia or. tne. disease. - : Tiecorder, Brady CarenT, has been BousiaatFtl for Alderman in the 4 th Ward, Harriaburg.. To keep the smell of boiling Bauer Iraut from penetrating the whole )ouie, eat the kraut raw. At Bellefonte last Friday evening, s parting reception was tendered (lev. rut r elect Hastings. A mounted Golden caele in the --indow of the Hollobaogh clcrthifig -lote : a sight wortb beeing. Oa t j Harriaburg to the inaugura tion was the watch ward of many citi zen on Monday and Tueeday. VT. W. Tcylor, State Treasurer of Suutl. Dakota has lft for parts un knoiii, owing the State $370,000. ' That a good, big, fat hog is worth as tu'ich as a horse is owing in a great measure to electric railroad. John Jacob of Patterson ia, the sew ifti'l carrier between, the rail- ron i ad the Mifflintown post office. Te Tested boy choir of St. Steph - c church, Harrisburg, sang in the aS Port Episcopal church aeveral even?nge ago. J. Banks Kurtz, Esq., formerly a resident of this' county, but now a citizn of Altoona, visited in the couiity last week. Neither poverty or riches will send a man to heaven or hell, his future state depends upon his belief and 4c j(!aas cf heart. The work of scheming men in the rhumb, does not affect Christianity. The Lord con never be cheated. He atoays gets his own. Dentists can fortell storm and bad Htlier days ahead by the nnmber ui pnople that call upon them for tooth ache treatment A fantastic parade is. being organ ize! for Washington's birthday under th? auspices of the Friendship Hook ti ! Ladder Company. Wo. Braltan and Samuel Hersb, of Patterson, are in the fish selling Hn.ie.asa. They will take your order and supply you with fish. Dr. Banks, Robert McMeen, Wash ington Jfforth,- John Patterson ana wife and .Miss Maxj Patterson, all went to Lancas er on Monday. Opossums are plenty in certain parts of Snyder county. The an imals has almost entirely disap peered from the woods of Juniata. Representative H. L. Wilson has Keen appointed a , member of the ComttiittM on Congressional Appor tionmeot and Constitutional Reform. A four year old son of Samuel Earner, who liver on , the Espen- cchade farm, died of croup last Fn 3y. Interment in Union cemetery on Sunday. Since the 1st of the new rear, S ei: ..orr of new subscribers have been ii-ul!. d upon the subscription list of ie Sentinel And Kavtucm. the Bcwuieat paper in Juniata. A four var rAA enn nt TJCm . Tktinn cf C-i!..i Mills, a mile and a half nor..n ot town, while crossing the ice on tl. crcrk below the mill, last Fri-di-.y evening about 5 P. M., slid into an i:r hole and was drowned. The :;u of the reighborbood turned out to search for the body. Tho body of tha unfortunate lad 'was found a short oisUnee down the creek- from here it was drowned. Mr. Mid rs. Dunn have the sympathy of the ' oaamunitv in this the day of their toreavement. Interment in Union metery on Sunday. The Juniata County. Farmers! X? stitnte will convene in ' the court house on Tuesday, the, 12th of Feb ruary, and continue ta session durina; Wednesday the 13tb. The Sutuikii iin RanmLicAM many No. 1 anbecribers who always keep themselves in advance. JBbn. Wm. Hertzler leads them allUhs year, having paid up to JanuaryIst, 1898. - Scrofula, humors and all diseases caused or promoted by impure blood or low state of the system, are 'cured by Hood's Sareaparilla. There is a bill before the Legisla ture to authorize the establishment of a high school by two or more school districts with two, three and four years course of study. The bill provides a limited State appropria tion for such schools. There are jet living twelve revoln tionary pensioners widows, who when young girls married old sol diers. So it will be seventv-five years after this with the young girls inai now marry old soldiers aeainat the slave holders rebellion. The torture of drsDensia and sick headache, the agonizing itching and pain of aalt rhem, are removed by Hou J s Sarsaparilla. The weather phenomena of this winter, is the cold and snow coming from the south. The cold wave that struck Pennsylvania on Satur day night came by way of the south. At Louisville, Ky., on Saturday, the thermometer there, registered 1 J de grees below zero. staggering horse that Dr. Hol- loway was driving on Sunday, ran the sleigh on a bank to the side of Jhe road and upset the sleigh. The )r. fell on the lefc side of his head and shoulder and was hurt, and when he reached the Licking Creek preaching place, he was not able to preach. His friends were all rejoic ed on Monday morning when they learned that the affect of the shock bad passed and the Dr. was himself again with the exception i f a left black eye. During the hot weather impnrit.ies in the blood may seriously anuoy you. Expel them by taking Hood's Sarsa parilla, the great blood purifier. ,. A well-known Washington- horse man baa discovered a fact in natural history which may not be generally known. It is that all four foot beasts in making the first . movement in walking, running or any sort of for ward motion, always employ the left hind leg as a starter. Even a child if put down on all fours and bidden to advance in that position, will make the first move with bis left leg, his hands at the same time occupying the same place of an animal's fore legs. William Jones, a wealthy farmer, living near Anderson, Indiana, has not slept for 111 days, His is the most noted case of insomnia ever re corded in that state. He has gone without food part of the time. He does, not suffer any particular incon veoience, and is able to Le np and around his farm. He lies down often to rest himself. He thinks that the sleeplessness is brought on by tne use of tobacco. Xnree vears agpje went ninety' days without sleepT He says he does not think that sleep will come to him for some months jet. - What do you take medicine for Because you are eick and want to get well of course. Then remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures. .bast lnursday Wesley fawling, a farmer in White Deer township, Union county, entered his wife's bed room, urew a revolver and shot their four weeks old babe through the head dead. Then turning on his wife shot her. To escape a second shot she grappled with her husband and took the rovolver from him. He left tne house, got out his carriage: drove to the home of his mother-in- law, and told her to go to his house, that the baby had been shot He told other neighbors that both wife and child had been shot and then drove .home. He soon disappeared, and when found he was dead, nan ing bjr his neck by a rope in his blacksmith shop. Mrs Pawling is not expected to live. ' Do you have headache, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of appetite and oth er symptoms of biliousness? Hood's Sarsaparilla will cure you. Eclipses oftti Mou la 1899- During the present year there will be five eclipse three of the sun and two of the moon. The latter two only will be visible to the residents of .W.fflintown. Both are total eclipses, and come at times favorable for ob eervation. I he brst will occur on March 10, beginning at a few min utes before 8 in the evening and ending at 1.21 the next morning The other takes place on September 13. The moon will enter the shadow at exactly 11 p. m., and emerge at 2.45 on the 14th. Five aree Dead- Elliott Groninger who owns the Professor David Wilson form at Port Royal met with a loss of five horses last Thursday- Some ailment sf flicted the animals. A horse doctor prescribed medicine to kill the worms which he said troubled the horses. A week after he gsve the worm med icine, he pronounced the worms dead in tha horses', stomachs. Then he preacribed Flaxseed oil and Croton oil to expel the dead worms. Before the worms were expelled the horses died. It is a heavy loss for Mr. Groninger. Under SJnow Slides. Our enterprising friend down town, who runs the greatest paper on Earth, was astonished when he was informed that a snow slide beyond Lock Haven, buried a train or cars, and tnat several nunared men were required to shovel the track clear of snow to get the train out. If that was a puzzler to him what affect will the statement from Williamsport have, when be is informed that last Thursday, January 10, the railroad track west oi wunamsport, was brought to a standstill, seven of the cars were completely buried ' in an avalanche of snow. The crew had a Barrow eeoape.-.No.86Vafaat train, following a few henra Inter. was sent to poll No tU out'f the snow bank, ndtt abjobejetma enow bounds' No. 27Ta IoeaT freip-ht. was baeJJsSFt sent to relieye No. 85, and while trying to reacue the other train, was also engulfed in the snew. A number of Mifflintown people went to Lancaster, Pa., on Monday to participate in the election of TraeS tion Railroad officers. Tohu J. Pat. terson was elected President of two Companies, namely, the Pennsylva nia Traction Company and the Lan caster Traction Company. John S. Graybill was elected President of five railways, namely, The Lancaster and Philadelphia; The Lancaster and Lit itz; The Lancaster and New Holland i The Lancaster an 1 Terre" Hil, an 1 the Lancaster and Susquehanna. Honaoaad Abroad It is the duty of everyone, whether at home or travelling for pleasure or business, to equip himself with the remedy which will keep up strength and prevent illness, and cure such ills as are liable to come upon all in every day life. Hood's Pills are hand made, and perfect in propor tion and appeance. 25c per box. SHERIFF'S SALE. The Sheriff will sell in the court house in Mifflintown, Friday, Febru ary 1st, 1895, at 1 P. M; A house and lot in Mexico as the property of Robert E. -McMeen. A tract of 80 acres more or less. log dwelling house, log stable, spring no use ana other outbuilding in Mon roe township as the property of Elias Ramp. A tract of 795 acres more or less in Fermanagh township as the prop erty of Aaron Singerly; and a tract of UU acres in Fayette township as the property of Aaron Singerly, and a tract of 150 acres in Fayette town ship as the property of Aaron Sing erly, and the undivided one-half of 150 acies in Fermanagh township as the property of Aaron Singerly. All mountain land. Semethlaar About Coart. Talking about the ten weeks ef court, tho Perry Caunty Freeman says: Another ; misunderstanding arising with the publication of the 117 cases list, was the statement that there would be ten weeks at court. The way courts are held in Perry county from half past -ir;ht in the morning to ten at night, court, lawyers, court crier-and even the old tip staff would all be dead with a court of that duration.' It was .nev . er intended to hold ten weeks of court. The law dors not allow the holding of a court without publica tion of a notice of it A court can not adjourn to a time of which 'the public has not been notified. Hence to adjourn from week to week tiil it is necessary to set a period of time over which the court will from time to time sit by adjournment. Ten weeks period was selected, and out of this ten weeks, three weeks were selected, during which the court will actuallv sit. vTashlag-toa, D. C Special Ex . Catalans via Pennsyl vania Railroad. There is probably no place that of fers so much in the way of sight see ing and other things of general in terest as Washington, D. C. Apart from being the Nation's Capital, the magnificent Government Buildings, beautifully planned public parks, and tne citintry through which one passes in journeying to Washington would make the trip an ideal one. With the object in view of allow ing everyone to visit Washington at a very reasonable outlay, the Penn sylvania itaiiroad company has ar ranged for four special excursions to that city on January 16, February 21, March 21, and April 11, 1895 Excursion tickets, good within ten days, and permitting stop over in Baltimore in either direction within limit, will be sold at rates quoted be low, good for uee on dates above named on all trains except the Penn sylvania Limited. Special train of parlor and dav roaches will be run on the following schedule: Train Leaves. Rate Pittsburg 8.05 a. m. Johnstown 0.22 " Hollidaysburg 11.10 " Altoona 12.05 t. m. Tyrone 12.27 " Huntingdon 12 55 " Bedford 9.50 a. m. Mt. Union 1.15 p. m. McVeytown 1.35 " Lewietown Juno . 1 50 " Mifflin 210 " Port Roval 2.14 " Newport 2.41 " Duncannon 2.58 " Washington. Ar . . 7.45 " $9 00 7 35 7 35 7 35 7 25 6 85 6 65 6 30 95 5 60 5 25 5 15 4 60 4 20 Ran Tana. "The hand that rocks the cradle is the baud that rules the world.' is a handy saying: buA iu Washington it is being ss d that although tte Free ident of tbo United States is a high ana mignty cugnuary, were is one individual, and she of the opposite sex, who s a "bigger man than Mr. Cleveland This is the nurse who has cbargo pf his children. She is curious character, and the only per son about the White House, and pos sibly in Washington whom the Pres ident is really afraid of. She is as much an autocrat of the White House nurserv as the President ia of the Cabinet room. The President is very fond of waking bis children after they have been put to bed for the night, in order to exhibit them to some particular friend who may be dining at the Executive Mansion. To this the trouble of putting them to sleep again, and, besides, she says, it is not good for the children. The last time Ambassador Bayard visited tne uieveianas, wmcn was just pre Tioua to ms return to .England, be was escorted to the nursery by the President. The Ambassador hissed the baty as it slept in its cradeL The child awoke crying. The nurse happened to be out of the. room at the time. The President instead of trying to soothe the childj called out to the Ambassador, a if greatly alarmed: --Run, Tom, for your life! If the nurses catches us there will be nrder." They just managed to 4e as the nurse raenoaded ta th eriea of the baby.lNew Orleans Pic- sjfToae.;-. . A BoottorOiiTho lai. . . This from the Bloomfield Deiao erat of January 9, 1895. A rooster belonging to Apanr Rider who re sides near the P. C. B. R. station, in this place, was missing last .Thurs day At Landisburg, on Friday eve ning, be was found calmly sitting on a bar under the tank of the locomo tive. . And had traveled backh and forth from Bloomfield, Doneannon, Loysville.'and Landisburg, a distance of one hundred miles, befor ne was discovered. 'Engineer- - Welcomer tenderly removed him from' hujperch and fed him. .His comb "had teen frosted. After, having been placed on the tank he brightened up and hearing some one say that the Dem ocrats had made large gains at the election in Georgia last week, - he flapped his wings and crowed lustily. Rheanaatlsat Cared la a Way. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgiarradically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the syetem is remarkable and mvsterious. It re moves at once the cause, and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents Sold by L. Banks &'Co., druggist . Mifflintown. Jan. 9, '9G.s, That Tired Feeling; is a dangerous condition directly due to depleted or impure blood. It should not be allowed to continue, as iu its debility the system is especial ly liable to serious attacks of illness. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the remedy for cucu a condition, and also for that weakness which nrevailn - at ' th change of season, climate or life. Hood"i PUU are purely vegetable, carefully prepared from the best in- greaients. z&c. A tieed Apppetlte always accompanies good health, and an absence of appetite is an indica tion of something wrong. The uni versal testimony given by those who have r ed Hood's 3arsapariIIa, as to its merit in restoring the appetite; and ns a purifier of the blood, ( .con-1 stitutes the strongest recommenda tion that can be urged by any. medi cine. Hood't PUU rum all linr illn Viil. iousncss, jaundice, indigestion, sick- neaaacue. aoc. f- Harriet E." Hall' of Waynetowni lnd.. says: "I owe my life to the great South American Nervine. I hail been in bed for five months from the effects of an exhausted Stomach, Indigest ion, Nervous prostration and A general shattered condition of my whole system. Had .given up all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors with no relief. The first bottle of the Nervine Tonic im proved me so much that I was able to walk about and a few bottles cur ed me entirely. I believe it is the best medicine in - ie v. jrid. I can not recommend it to highly." Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mit flintown. Pa. , . Feb. 9 "93, ly. MARRIED-. ". Siebeb Mhxer. On the 3rd inst, by Rev. Eelley, George Sieber ana LizzieMiJnr, both of Juniata county. Dott Cesska. Oa Jan. 3rd, at Bedford. Pa . bv Rev. K. TCromcr E. Southard Doty, Esq., formerly of this place and JU. JStta Cessna. FiKousoN Moetz. On the 2nd lBst.. bv Rev. Bierlv. L. W. Fermi son of Juniata Co., und Belle Moretz of lerry count v. Deppek Swar. Near Van Wen-t on the 3rd inst., bv Rev. Bierly, W. Li. Ueppen of bnyder county to Jen nie L. Swab. Pontics Menole. On the 3rd inst , by Rc-v. Bierlv. L. S. Pontius and Minnie M. Mengle, both of JJimmsviue. Shelly Welt. On the 6th inst by Rev. J. Landis, Wr. Erasmus K. Shelly and Miss Mary E. Wert, both of Uiast Salem. Gratisii.l Mcsser. On the 8th inst., at tbe home of the brides par ents, in Lost Creek Valley, by llev. J. Landis, Mr. Eli W. Graybill, of McAhstersville, and Miss Emma J. Mupser. Thurston's PILLS Are prfgt health Jewel, mevt er known to lli(tres but InfaJ- ii-ih to relieve, wnen evt-rr-tlitng-elfle ha felled to brlnr -on relief for headache, bil-onfnt-aa. stomach and river lUl'(i(i!ST for TIICKftTONK per i MfFKLINTOWN MARKRTS. Mrrrunewa, JJao.le 19r5 Hiifter Fet Ba-w g'lon.rler, ........ L' )- . . S - , 20 v.'-'.V....... 24 18 12 U :'PL!MOW6HAlN KAf rBT WW-:- 60 v.-- n ear..... ' E ( --. d 60 32 60 T .i. tr seed .2.u6 r ! veed m 60 Bran. ...... ........... i,?!.': )"-2fl' a hnndred " Middlings ... ........ ..- - - q - Ground A'ntn sj.nt.. ..;... . - A.encan Sail 80e to 76 Philadelphia Markets, January 11 1895. Wheat 61 to 63c; Corn 49 to 68 nents; Oats 36 to 38c; Live chick ens 6 to 9c; Turkeys 8 to 9C; docks lOcj geeae 9 to 10c; butter 11 to 27c; egga 21 to 22c; apples 75 to 80c a bush; potatoes 50 to 65o a bush; on ions 55 to 65o a bush.; clovw hay $10 to $12 a ton, timothy har $12 to S14 a ton. East Liberty, Pa.. Jan. 10. Cat tie. Prime $5 fci-25; srood 450 4 75; batchers $3.904.15; rough fat $2 65t3.10; fair light steers, $3. 30a3.45. Hogs, heavy hogs; heavy Philadelphias, $4-554 65; medium; medium Philadelphias, $4 45)4.50; best Yerkers 4 354 45, common to fair, $4 204 30: pigs t4.l5a4.30: roughs $34.-8heep, extra $33.20; fair $1 4?1.65; yearlings $1.6003; est lambs $3 80(cWL10; ' hommon to fair lamb $2.0t3Q... ' BARGAIN DAYS! . . . ;.. w ...... , . v ' iTSCHOTT'S STORES. -oOo- Commeneur. MONDAY, J ANUARr ur day evening Jan. 19tb. Uver twenty thousand dollars in fresh sold at specially reduoed prices. -The, goods were bought lor cash and ere sold tor easn in tne pmnue inter est. The; myriads ef Personal and Household needs daily arising in this eossmun- 4ty,'ahuld make their announcement We ask yon to read our Bargain rnees with Bpeoial attention to every item :Atl6cnUa yard. Best Patterns -Table Oil Cloth 16 patterns, worm site At 44c a vard. 4000 vares of. beat Lanca ater and Amoe K.aag Singbaa. worth 9c . At c Appleton A, unbleaofaad maalin, 17 inches wfdei worth Sc At 44 cents, 5000 yards or beat Indigo Blue, ; and other fancy calicoes; worth Be At 6 cents, Bill, I J wide bleached noslia worth 10c 21 yds for $1 00, Fine nnbleacbed muslin north $1 60 At 5. cents, outing flannel; worth 8c ' At 21 cents, Turkey Bed Table linen; worth 86c - At 23 cent, . All Linen Table Cloth; worth SSc - At 25 cents. Imported Turkey Red Table Cloth At 15 cents. Ladies Swiss Ribbed vests; worth 26c At 25 cents, Mens Underbbirts and Drawers; worth 40c At 85 cents, Afe'n Natural Wool- Undershirts; worth 60c At $1 60 to S3 60, A large Lot of Ladies Coats; Former price $4 to $8 At $4 00, ; Ladie Coat; Former price $6 to $10 AS Si 00 to $3 00, Children and Afisses Coats, Former price S3 to S Blankets, Haps and all Winter Cuds at one half the usual price. AND E ERYDAY DURING THIS BARGAIN WEEK FROM 10 TO 11 0CL0CK IN THE MORNING- l-'AVw will sett you Lancaster and Amos Keag Ginghams. a, .3 cents a yard; eaoh'beradn limited to 6 yards.- ..One yard wide, fine nnbleaoLed muslin at 3e.; eaeb person limited to 10 yards. ii - Hill bleached rauslin; one yard wide; only 10 yards to eaeh person at 4io. Caliooes Indigo Bine or Faaoy Colors; 10 yards to eaoh person for 35 eeats. - Only,. to one parson, 3 cakes toilet soap 3 eents. -i'ju,j" j ?.- . . Don miss yonrepportanity, eommencing January 14th to January 19th. During ftis whole week at Sohott's stores:-, . . . - . 103, 105,107, 109 BRIDGE ST., H0LL0BAUGH & SOW, THE CLOTHIERS of the 1 J uniata Valley. -We can fit a man with a Good Substantial Suit, Overooat, Hat, Shoes Stocking. Shirt, Suspenders, Necktie and Suit of underwear for $10. A BETTER OUTFIT FOR $15; a still better for $20, $25, $30, $40, and the Best Clay Worsted Suit latest cut; a Satin lined Blue or Blaok Beaver Overseat, latest style; Latest Blaek Dei by Hat; a pair of Douglas, finest Kan fraroo Shoes; pair of extra fine suspenders: our neck-tie: pair Silk Hose, and a Suit of .very Fine All-Wool underwear for ($50.) If jou can ret as fine an outfit for the money anywhere eUe we will present you with ours for nothing. All our stock is new, and tbe prices sre as low as tbe lowest. Boys' Pants from 20 cents to $3.75. . Vei.'s pants from 50o to $5.00. Boys' Suits from $1.25 to $10.00. Men Suits from $2.50 to $18.00. Boys' Overcoats from $1.50 fo $7.00. Mn's Overcoats from $3. to $18. nets irom cents to QZ.iO. caps troin la cents to $1.50 . Neckties 5 cents to 50 oents. We carry a fine line of Gent s Underwear. Gloves. Snsnendera. Cnffs. Col lars. Valises, collar and cuff Buttons, finest lide of Trunks in tha county. ana snoes , particularly tbe Douglas oboe. MEN'S GUM BOOTS, LIGHT, HEAVY AND HIP- Men's4Gum Overshoes. Alaskan and Artie, &c. Extra Sizes in Pantaloona. Suits sod Overalls and Overcoats. If you want wit TaUor Made, you reriect r it. It costs nothing te examine Our Stock. S. S. Ruble, Practical JEmbalmcr and Funer al Director. I shall from now on use the IN DESTRUCTIBLE BOUGH BOX or outside box to last and be in good , condition for ages, which will certainly be A GRAND THING for people to use to preserve the remains of their friends. : It also is an exterminator of all vermin. CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY OR NIGHT. ; SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN ALL CASES. Bridge Nt,, Mifflintown, Pa. I BARGAIN DAYS 14TH, and eoatinues until Sat and first class aaereaaadise will be vitally interesting. At 4J cents, Canton Flannels; worth 6c At 6 cents, Canton flsnnels; worth Se At 7 cents, Canton flannels; worth 10c Clarke O N T, Spool cottoa at 4c 12 spools for 45c At 7 cents, liens Heavy shirting; worth 10c At 25 cents, Lsdies skirts; worth 50c Carpets and Floor Oil Cloth, At Specially Bedcd Prices Felt Boot with Boston, or Woonsocket Overs; at $2 10 Felt Boots, with plsin heavy overs; at $1 66 Ladiea Dress Clolh, Former price 76 cents; now 37c Ladies Dress Cloth, waa 6 cents; now S5e Lsdies Dress Cloth, Former Price 60 cents; now 25c Lsdies Serges and Henriettas, all wool; Former price 65 cents; now 33c Ladiea Henriettas wool. Former price 35 cents; now 18c Lsdies Dress Ginghams, Former Price 10 cent; now 6c Fine Zephyr gingham. . Former price 12J centii; now 7c $40IO Wortb of Men, Lsdiea and Children boes, boots and rubber goons All shoe at specially rsduced prices. Chains, Watch Rings, Neckwear and the We alse carrry a full line of men's boots cbn save $5 to $15, and be sure of a , MEYER SV- ANNUAL CLEARING SALE ffill VomKiene? SAT., JANUARY I2TH. The wise merohsnt is he who carries no stock from ene Season to another. We are determined to CLEAN UP, and here are prieea that will do it! HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. That's tbe way we sell Clothing and (jest's Furnishing Goods now. Clothing for less than tbe eest of Raw Material.- MEW'S OVERCOATS. Our N tc t ( $15 10 8 9 4 Overcoats BOYS' OVERCOATS. Oar $9 8 6 5 Hoys' Overcoats Men's Our $15 Men's Suits are reduoed to $9 50 " 12 .... a g j3 8 f 5 50 5 " ' 3 50 4 " " 2 87 BOYS' SUITS- Our $10 Boy's suits are reduced to $7.25 8 " " 6 25! S 3 76 8 . . 1 751 Hosiery, Suspenders, Neckwear, Jackets, Gloves, and all those lines have 25 dosen Men's Natural Wool Undershirts oulr. made with pearl button. silk cat-stitched neck and ribbed tail; 25 dozen Men's Camel's Hair or sold at $1.25 and were worth it, clearance price 1 50o- 32 dozen Men's Natural or Fancy clearance price 18 dozen Men's Pure Wool Derby Clearance Priee GLOVES. 35 dozen Men's fleece black or fancy mixtures; regular price Now is your TIME to save DOLLARS at ' -.' MEYERS' : WHOLES AIiE& RETAIIi f CLOTHING HOUSE, NO-115 BRIDGE STREET, . MIFFLINTOWN. V 1865, ESTABLISHED, 1889, Special Invitation T 9 The Public To attend the Attractive Sale oi Clothing that goes on daily from THE IMMENSE STOCK OF D. W. HARLBT It will be TO THE ADVANTAGE OF ALL BUYERS Who have money to invest to examine the Stock of Good? in, MEN, BOYS' AND CHILDREN It is truly marvelous to See THE BEAUTIFUJL STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't fai to give him a call if in need of Clothing D. W. HARLEY MIFFLINTOWN FA.. HATE IQ1J HONEY TO DEPOSIT ? ARE YOU A BORROWER 1 CALL. AT T88 FIRST allFFLINXOWM, TA. FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, Honey Loaned at Lowest Bates. FBAZERonEtsE BUT IT tHK WSBLB. t1 "-iri-sssiinnm .nimTl. aallMIInc two bens a(arotKr besad. Kes ssiiun. by bee. orcKT rSioiSctsZ Q AJLESMEXT M W ANTED .ll LVMAli UK TKAVELLIMG. to s ell onr and Dwaoy smpioymeni guaranteed. CHASB BR0THER8 COMPANY, Dec. 8, 91. Rochester, N. T. - J " . j j uApvuvca The 8etxtl mad hrUu-m aiCca ia tha place to get job work done. Tiyiu It wfll fU yan If yoa ased anything ia that line. reduced to 99.50 6 50 63 3 37 2 87 u tl are reduead tt to $5 63 A 25 ,350 390 suits. CHILDREN'S STITS- Onr $5Cbildien's suits are reduced to t 76 " 3 ' " ii 2 00 "4 ct .. i i. .t 2 7 Handkerchief, Overshirts, Gardiraa been reduced 50 per eent. regular price 75 oents, clearance priee .......370 Natural Wool Underwear., goods that Colored Underwear; cheap at 50 oents; 34c- Bibbed Underwear: rezular crioe $1.25 : r ryK - e u lined, imported Jersey Gloves,' come, in 50 eeota; clearance price. .. .t..33o- JUNIATA VALLEY BANK. OF HIFrLMTOWK, PA. Stockholders Individually Liable JOSSFR ROTHROCK. PrenJnt, T. VAN IRWIN, Cmtku, DISECTOS.S. W. C. Pomeror. Joseph Roth rock, John Herrsler, - Joiiah L. Barton, Robert S. Parker, Lonf K, .tkiasea T. V. Irwin. STOCS BOLPKSS : ''' '' George A. Kepner, (Annie Iu. SbeTiet, Joseph Rothrock, P. W. Msobeek.' t. E. Atkinson, R. E. Parker, W. C. Poroeroy, J. Holmes Irwia -. Msry Knrts, Jerome, N. Thompson. Jr. John Hertzler. m rr r . - ' Chsrlotte Snyder, Jobn M. Blair, r.U.W. Pennell, Sainnet S. Rotbrock, at. N. Sterrett, A. v. 1TW1D. Josiab L FUrton, ' Robert H. Patterson, Levi Llsht, . ! ,. Was.. 8 warts. . . B. J.Shslleooerjsr.. Three and Four per eeat. interest wl a paid on certificates of deposit. fjan 23,-18fl4 ft., . TO 17EAK im eT. WMtlaa wiibr us. Ine imabnod. eto.. 1 wit Ba4 a Tshwbi tlwtte (rW rocUlntac fail mrWniUrrsBre. FREgot chMa. A f iiu. ilium woo; Sr&iJf gaawao Is mrreu mai debtHieW. -Addisss, la sT C VOWICB, Hoodua, Cstnav i a - ' - Consumption Surwly Oured. To THB brnn -MM . . jwu rawier Sbrt I ban a powtlvs rned7 tor aeabore-njti.1 MS bam beem n i i i II I k.-it '''k , to end te bottles of mr iamdw WRVW t. row Msdasa who km mmiSsi u thee.m ' are - i. r A' V s I If Ml H X v ; 1 1 : in 3 ; ? : 1 is'.-:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers