VOL. XLIX. MIFFXJNTOWN , JUNIATA COUNTY, PENNA.. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 23. 1895. NO. 6. CHAPTER Y I. Con tin ad. "It is or no use waitin? fop GeraU dine," quoth Cecil, calmly rising at la to go. "1 expect she has bet n ordered back to bed. She is an excita le littl thing, aud ha 1 no business to bo up ul this hour. As to her aroinr with us. I knew my grandmother would novel hear of it." I'oor child. I hope I have not got her into a scrape." replied Uellenden, But he had forgotten all about it when he came home at night, and Jerry needed not to have wasted a sin gle moment on the oft-ro eated cjuer 'What must he have thought.?" She had had a bad day. but it had borne so.ue fruits, even such fruits at she could herself appreciate: for granny reflecting that the child had been lest to blame than appeared, and that it had been only natural that she should jump at a projiosal so entirely in ac cordance, with her taste9, felt pitiful and compassionate, and set about speedily to consider what she should do to '"make up" to her darling for tne past. Then the bright idea occurred tohei that Jerry should sit up to the late sunuer. should bo exherted to be very quiet and sedate, and told that she would thus prove to Capt. Bellenden in the most satisfactory manner, that she was emerging frmn the chryalis state, and was. in fact. Uou the vert contincs of butter '. hood. Jerry wied her eyes, which had be gun to brim afresh at the first words, arben it came to this point. To sit ui to the late supper would certainly be a great thine, next best If not quite as good as going out on the moor, and though, to be sure, the lat ter might have entailed the lormer. there was no absolute certainty that it would have dune so. Had she been allowed to go with her cousin and hia friend, it was quite possible that granny might have sent for her about midday, in which case she would as suredly have lost all chance of the evening' treat, since she could hardly have faced her grandmother with twe unwonted re guests in one day. The point would then have been, whi.h to choose between; Hut here was granny herself propos .ntr the supper, ana proposing it in the kindest manner, placing, as it were, the gentlest of lingers on a tender 5J)Ot. Cranny was sure, she said. that Capt. Bellenden had meant no harm: he has only been thoughtless: he had no little sisters of his own, and din not know a!x)ut them, dranny was sorry she had spoken so strangely, and hocd no more would be thought about it- It had been quite right of Jerry not to go down again. And now she should not say anything to their guest immense relief on Jerry" part , and nothing more need be heard of the matter. fc.A small hand stole into hers at this point. The oi l lady fondled it, and understood its meaning. A sense of s .bdued cotn'ort and glad ness stole into the child s brea.-t. and tilled it to overflowing, presently. Tha agony of shame, vexation, and nisar .ointment haa le't it sore an ' ach ng. even when the first throes had passed but now. as evening approached, hoe again lilted up its hcid. sihe was to sit up late, and have her place laid at table. She wa to put on her longest frock, and bo in the drawing-room I y granny's side when the gentlemen came in. and she need not give any explanation of her not return ing t the breakfast table, a-, it wo .Id be quite sufficient to reply to any in-1 quiry that granny had not wished her to go out. To all this Jerry meekly assented; and presently granny had tfcersatisfac tion of hearing her cheerful little tongue prattling away again as if noth ing had happened. A piece of white heather from the ptarmigan peaks," cried Bellenden, gaily, coming in in the dusk with it in his hand. "From the very topmost aight of your lands, fair lady," holding out the sprig towards Geraldine. "1 know that I should lind some, though Kaymond said not. Will you then ac cept as a gift what you cou d claim as right?" bhe took it shyly. "We have had surh a day, Mrs Campbell," continued the speaker w iii animation, "sui h a glorious, un reeled day. A (lav ever to be remem bered. It'has made up for a hundred Via weeks such as the last. We have lain our thousands, and we have walked our leagues, and have seen such sights, such stretches of moor upon moor, and mountain upon.moun- tain, and so many sea lochs, each like a separate ocean, with its own little fleet of herring boats, and its own vil lage of fishermen's ottages on: we have bad a grand day altogether. 1 eball never forget it. lean never hop or such another." Then he glanced at his other auditor, who was mutely listening, but not look ing at him. All at once he recollected . n iinflArsf.nod. "1 am afraid there is no doubt that X w:ls in the wrong aliout your coming; Jerrv. " he owned frankly. "You see; I had no idea of what it was going tij be like. The ground we went over wal juucli too rough for any pony, and wai pretty severe even on Ilayraond ami sue. I hoie vou did not think me very ra'y to have proposed it, Airs. t'am4 bell," turning to the old lady, "butyoj sen moors differ so. and that at Kin4 cralg was easy walking. Just where, we had our luncheon. However, there) was a path, and I believe the boy anl pony ame up by it. We are to lunch; at the same place to-morrow. Sow .-ould we not induce you to come up' That would atone to my little friend here for my unfortunate suggestion o' Mie morning. What do you think?" 'I will think about it Capt. Bellec den." He looted round, then walked fclraight up to the little girl's side. "Was it very bad thi9 morning?" he whispered. "Did I let you in Ior scolding, Jerry?" Her bosom heaved. 'Poor little thing!" said he peni tently. "I am so sorry. It was all my f.iult. They were auite rjght, you know, your irrandmamma an 1 cousin. It -ould really never have done, an! I. ought never to have set you on to ask hem. I am awfully sorry " Oh, it it doesn't matter." ".No one is angry with you, I hope?" "Oh, no not now.'" "I am so sorry, so awfully sorry. JTou do forgive me, don't, you, though?" continued Bellenden, who really Had no idea how softly ani ten derly he was speaking. He was, as he l saia. so very sorry; ana ho had a strong suspicion mai nis sorrow was not un deserve I. He coul 1 perceive traces of a struggle and emotions not yet en.ire ly "Within check upon the childish countenance eat-t down before him. an 1 felt sure that more had happened than he wojld own. Involuntarily his land took hers and held it. ' Yoj do forgive me, don't you?" he said again. She had barely time to whisper Yes," ere voices were heard, and ste, s approached, and the hand was caught away. C1IAI1TKK Til. GOLDEN DAYS. "So glides tb. metsir throuzh tt sky. And s-nsd iluu a glldrd train ; In wi.eu it lUuri-liva! gloria uia, ltetolves 10 common air again. So it went on. Bellenden was not blameless: but he was less to blame than perhaps ap pears. He was really fond of children, vhether boys or g:rls: and bad he pos sessed either sisters, or nie es, or daughters of hi-own. wouli haveshown as an atfectionate relation. There was a simplicity in his disposition anl tastes which made him the most ile lishtiul of i ompanions to the very young; they never bored him; in their sports an l pastimes he was deeply, truiy, and seriously interested as them selves: he could go a-nestinr or a nut ting with tne enthusiasm of a lad: he womu spend wnoie mornings in con structing a l.ri ge, tr d. imming a stream, or making a minnow boa: he would re quite pettish it called away to attend to weightier matter. .ow Cecil lUiyiuiind cared for nonet these things. Gerakiin-i had long ceased to bring o.it for his inspection her drawers full of birds eggs, her shells, und her sea weeds. She hal heard his 4-v ery pretty'' so often, hail instructed his ignorance so often, and hai seen him yawn behind h.s hand such times innumerable when she had endeavored to interest hiin in hers m ple spoils and treasures, that she had 'est all heart for showing them. Indeed she had almost given up bringing them out foranybody till Uell enden came. She had found that so many of her grand .-other's visitors would look to pK-a-e. her, would admire when told to aaruire, and listen in order to seem complaisant, that she had learned to suppo-e no grown-up peop o really loved such pursuits for their own sakes. and' that it was only because she vas still young that she clunto them. Hut Uellenden had dispersed that idea- "You do ride, I know," continued he. I saw your excellent pony in the stables yesterday. Oh, he would carry you up that path." "Granny has often been up it," in terposed a small voice, unable to hold back any longer. "Granny and I have had our luncheon often at the very place, haven't we, dear? And sue does not mind any mountain path, I can toll vou. Capt. Be.lenden." "It certainly sounds very pleasant," sub oined granny for herself "and il to-morrow should be as tine as to-day "Cf course fine weather is a nece ity for such an expedition." assented its pro; oser readily; "but we are going to have a long spell of fine weather now, every one is agreed, to we mav hope for the best, and he went gaily ofl to make ready for the evening. When he came back only jerry wa? in the drawing room: Mrs. l i p'.l had been called away, and Cecil had not yet come 'nw lie had not only explored ever jorner of her cherished collections, and bandied deliberately each separate acquisition, but he had displayed an amount of knowledge and interest that was at once novel and entrancing. More, he had informed her that he. too, was a collector. Not that he "had been 'she had known "had beens" before several elderly gentlemen had been laboriously anxious to assure her of their having at some remote period of s hcolboyhood themselves collected and arranged, but her new friend was her tontemporarv on this ground. He had, he said, his collection at homo, and whenever he went home he looked it over, and when he ha,? a chance he added to it. His collection was of eggs, and if he were at home at the nesting season, he invaribly got some new eggs, he did not approve of exchang ing eggs w.th other people. He liked '.o"have them all of his own findintr. It wa- stupid to have other people's tind incm lei'rv had "ot some that he nua no?, Dut it was rar oetter loreacn to keep their own. It made a variety. He was quite soher and serious over it, and promise 1 his young friend that if she ever came to his home, she should lee his cabinet, when she could have one made on the same principles, if the approved ol the design. With re fard to the shells and seaweeds he was nol SO learneu, ior ue naa never nveu uiion the sea. But he picked up a smattering of knowledge fast, and then it was quite a treat to behold the pains he took to assist the little conchologist 'n her travels round about the shore. There happened to be very low tides all the- time he was at Inchmarew. and at such times, he was informed by Jerry, much could be done in the way of augmenting the shell collection. To the little girl s great joy, the fine shooting weather had proved to be of brief duration; and, during the un settled off-and-on wet days that suc ceeded, Bellenden found no better oc cupation for himself than poking about among the long reaches of sea-weed and briny fools in the bay, in search of anything that might turn up. The shore at that point was fruitful; ana gorgeous sea-anemones as well aa many humbler beauties, besides shells and weeds innumerable rewarded their pains; and day by day the two lrlends the tall gra7 figure and the small white one, for Jerry's white . frocks wont on every morning now, and it was quite a business for the laundry-maids tn ret them iin ouickiv enough would -,aily forth in the early hours ere the j (Ida had Degun to return, anu nave long delightful hour or two investi- gating and discovering. Later on there might be the moor, or the burn. The afternoon would probably be claimed for one or the other by Cecil; but he was nothing loth to have hif mijt imiical and tuirnn off his hands tn the interval between breakfast ant I luncheon. h. .hid not. a after time he found OUVuchiocommpo with Bellenden, who was at once too old and too young for him. Bellenden was either a com plete man ot the world or a boy Cecil was a youth: and it was doubtful whether he ever wo-ild become the one or could have been the other. At present he was all Oxford and Ox onians; ana he had hitherto felt that his prattle concerning these was scarcely sufficiently strong meat for i he swell life-guardsman, who was "up" in everything of the day. Then to h.s astonishment, it had appeared that the veriest milk for babes was auite pal atable to this fine gentleman, for whom he had teen straining all his faculties to provide fare, and he had experi enced a curious sense of niortiticatior and reaction. hat was he tosuppo-e? Whv. that Bellenden was after all, but a shallow fellow, who did very well on the sur face, but of whom a reading, thinking o.xonian very speedily got to the ena, I he longer that Bellenden stayed at menmarew tne Deiier indeed was Cecil pieasea. .not a note went out to a friend, tutor, or relation but what it contained some mention of the per- sonara men oa a vkis to fits grsSu mother, and the reports ot the inchma rew Dags during that week were sent to more papers, far and wide, than they had ever been before. But, proud as he was of the honor thus conferred upon one and all, young havmond could not but rejoice that the burden of it should sit easily on hia individual shoulders. He had really none of the trouble o. entertaining the Jguest. Jerry, as we have said, had the most of him, while Mrs. Campbell found the voum? man delightful company durin? the meals when all were together and she had herself never been seen to greater ad vantage than when, all animation, she revived the scenes, friendships, and stories of her youth for his benefit. As tne two talked. Jerrv would stand by drinking it all in, and wondering why she had never cared to listen to any thing of the kind before, and whether it would not be rather nice after all to know something of the great world. about which both her grandmother and Bellenden waxed eloquent. une day tne latter surprised ber. "Don't you over do any lessons, Jerry?" inquired he, somewhat sud denly. "Oh, yes, 1 do. But these are the holidays, vou know. 1 have been hav ing holidays ever since you came." "So 1 supposed. But what do you do rhen you are not having holidays? i never hear you speak of lessons. Have you not a governess?" IS no. ror a moment Jerry wished she could have said "yes," felt as if it ought to have been "yes," and that she ought to have been able to produce the inflexible, spectaclei pre ceptress, who had ever been the bane of her imagination; but present'y she plucked up spirit to vindicate her xsi tion. "I go every day for two hours to the manse." she said, "or else Mr. Mackenzie comes here for two hours. He comes here three times a week. and I go there three times a week. Granny rays I could not have a better master, and that It is extremely kind of him to spare the time. I have of ten heard granny say how fortunate I am." she added: out a glance at her auditor's face impelled her to throw in, as it were, carelessly, "I shall have a governess some day," at the close "On, you will?" said ho. "Oh, yes, I suppose so. Most girls do, you know." said Jerry instructing him. .My aunts worry poor trannv to death about it whenever they see her. Aunt Charlotte that is i.aav Kay mond especially. She thinks her girls are perfection, and they are with their governess all day long: and she does go on at poor g anny abent mo." aflirmed the lil.le girl, shaking her head and knitting her da. k brows tr ami.lisio the statement. 'Are they, your cousins, much b tore you in ever) thing?" "In French and Cerman." conceded Terry, with contempt. "They jabber French to their maid, and (Jerman to their governess, and that is about all Ihey know of anything. One girl I met at their house," she continued, "could speak four languages. Thev told me so. VT hat do you think I said? 1 said: 1 don't beliee she ever says a word worth hearing in any one ol them.' .And I don't. She was the very stupidest thing in the world, that firf." 'How had she learned the four lan fua.res?" "By going about. Her parents bad been'obliged to live in diflerent conn tries, and so they had to speak dif ferent languages; and her mother was a Kustdan, or something of that kind ' Bellenaen laughed. "Something at that kind '" he repeated to himself. I' must be owned he found Jerry gooc company. "Even my cousins' governess said it as no credit to her." proceeded sho; 'of course, if you have to do a thin, you can do it. Now wouldn't yot. rather i e a nice girl in one language than a stupid in half a dozen?" "Veiy much rather.' "But I suppose you do care abou ihem a little?" said she next. Sin was not altogether satisfied herself ol '.he subject. "I think it is a pity not to know something of French, for instaa.ee,' he confessed. "Becarse when yw e abroad '" "1 never mean to go abroad. "Never mean to go abroad? Nevtsv jieun to see any of the great sights o the world? Never to travel?" "Oh. to travel, of course. But that'i not going abroad." At lenght, however, Bellenden won his point. It was granny who had set him on, as may have been divined; and his preparatory ignorance of Gerald line s scholastic arrangements hat been merely assumed. He had under taken to bring her round on the gov ernesc project, as to which Mrs. Camp bell bad in vain striven with the re tractory miss. A couple of hours with Bellenden, a w arguments, and a few expressive looks did what the poor old lady could not by her own unaided efforts have efiected in a lifetime. Yes, she would have a govern. is, a good English go erness against a French one the little girl still made a stand, and in his hear Bellenden agreed with her but she would allow granny to look out for one mu .UKlinu U11D. air uuvc. nuu ouv vw.w show Ethel and Alicia how soon she tt- . 1 I. couid catch up with them once she I were seta going The thing was done ere the two se toot within doors again, and even the successful strategist, knowing what he did, was astonished at the esse with which he had accomplished it. He had now been some time at the castle for the week had lengthened out intc ! lurimgiii, uuu naving once urunoi I through the plan of hs autumn cam I paign, and finding himself less and lest . disposed to resist the hospitable press ure put upon him, there is no saying to how much further the extensior i might have proceeded, had not the iDost that barer of evil tidings- brought one day a hasty summons tc him to return noma as speeany as might be. his father-a hale and vigor- pusSir John, who haa scarcely, ever known an ach or an ailment in his Ule having all at onca given way, anl been taken seriounly ill. A telegram was handed in as he wai ji the act of reading the letter, to the effect that there was no improvement, and that the worst was apprehended It was 7 o'clock ere either reached Bellenden's band, he not having re turned from the hill before; had he been in the house when the post cam in he might and would have left forth south that evening, on the instant: but at 7 o'clock, although be might havi started and driven a dozen miles or st across the n oor, he would have fount himself stranded for the night at tha point, and it would not in any way have assisted to expedite his journey tha' he had left Inchmarew. Bellendei was a fiiirly dutiful son, entertaining for bis father that sort of respectfu goodwill usual among the better sor of young Englishmen, when no closet tie exists between parent and offspring than indulgence on the one band, an? dependence on the other. He waf struck, he was sorry, he was ready a once to do anything required of him wocn the ill tidings arrived; but since there was positively nothing to bt done, for that night at least, save tt telegraph his return on the morrow be did not make himself miserabli ftliout remaining. He looked out hi trains, consulted Cecil about tin chances for catching the most import ant. made arrangements for leaving bi the first steamboat which touched a the Kerry i'ier, and when all wasdnni went down to dinner, rather mora grave than was bis wont. :md by n( means inclined to in'hct his trouble ui on any one t's;. "He will Imrdly enre to go fishini to-night, however;' suggested Mrs Campbell, aside: tor a fishing party or t-" h h-i 1' c "t-t.c 1. : nJ or tcr T.TonTit- t:-.r rs'.'ng1 .en run no changed their morning suits, while Jerry was also arrayed in a frock suit able for the occasion, permission foi her to accompany them having been previously obtained. She was now anxiously searching the faces all round. She had heard th bad news, and had listened w.th . Iharp pang at her little heart, but i bad been almost immediately after ear s fol.owed up in a still sharpo: after-pang. Wou d then the night' Wa-Ashing Ive to be abandoned, also! Etenenaen must go, but she had known he would have to to some day, any day: and so, although the suddenness of his depiirttre was ha.-d to bear, stili it could be horn, if onlv-c'v she might have this one evening pleas ure first. It was something to find that both her cousins and bis guest were in morning costume. lhat, in itself, meant that the plan had not been ut terly thrown aside. It mitrht not have Keen taken into consideration, per haps but at least the fiat for the con demnation thereof had not gone forth. If only granny had not taken it for granted that the boat and fishermen would not be needed, and counter manded them! Granny was capable of doing this, lor her ideas on the score of propriety, though titful. were oc cas onally strong, and Cecil too was a stickler for the proprieties. Supposing and then she caught the aside, and waited breathlessly for the result. 'He wi.l hardly care to to bshing to night." Oh. I don t know wby he should not, grandmam i n." "liut it nis lather should oe dying.-" "All the same, he has to be here among us. Ana we mi:st talk, and we must do something: and, upon my word. when a poor fellow is in trouble, J should think he would rather be sit ing quietly in a boat, not obliged to keep going, you know, and that sort of thing, than in a room. Ycu would have to talk to him and be cheerful i he stayed at home: whereas, if we all go out, he can be as silent as he pleases. And it is Buch a glorious fishing night too. The last argument was unanswer able Kven the former ones had their weight; and Mrs. Campbell owned that her grandson was In the right, when she perceived that their guest made no demur of any kind, and even rose from the table with decided alacrity when an early ad.o-.irnment was pro pesed. CPArrut Till. "GOOD-BYE, PEAK CHILD GOOD-Ulr,. "Til but silk tbat Mrd.tb thee, Stiftp tie tbreid, and tboa art rra.; ftut 'tia otherwise with mu.' It was a lovely, peaceful summer evening, and the last golden gleams of the sinking sun were lighting up mountain and sea when the little party sallied forth from the woodlands sur rounding the old castle, and found themselves upon the shore below The tide was on the turn, and only a snort stretch ol sea-weed, interspersed witn rocK-bound sea-pools, still glow ing with reflections ot the heavens' expiring glories, lay between them and the boat, which, with its two at tendants, showed a dark ob ect against the gorgeous background. "My last night's fishing- on Loch Marew," said Bellenden. looking round with a sigh, -'my last night in this be witching spot, and" His eyes fell upon the auditor at hia side, aad he said no more. Perhaps something in her upturned gaze and parted lip warned him to eause. Perhaps he feared to pain. !e could tell that the little heart was already full. It would be hardly fair tc seek to excite further emotion. But Jerry had heard enough. .She felt that he cared, knew that he had looked with a pensive eye, and heard that he had spoken in a tender tone it needea nothing further. She was willing now to hold her peace, rather glad than otherwise that nobody seemed disposed for laughter and jesting, and was conscious that the silence also suited the friend to please whom was at the moment all In all. He was more thoughtful than shft had ever before held him. And, in truth. Be lenden had a great deal to think about. It was not only that at any moment he might be losing, or that already he might have lost a parent; it was not on.'y that he could picture to himself a mourning household, his mother, brothers, re lations, servants, all gathered in wait ing on a dea-.hbed: it was not only that he had never before seen himself , - w. " - - ' - passed, the young man may perhaps be summoned to attend one; but, as time paraoneu ii oiner suggestions and con siderations involuntarily rose be.'ore hi in. He was the eldest son and his father's heir. Up to the present hour it had never seemed in the least probable that he would succeed to the title and estate, until Sir John, at a ripe old age, should have been gathered to his fathers and Sir John was barely past the prime of life. He had taarried early, and was now in his fifty-fifth year; to all intents and purposes little older than his 30-year-old son, and neither cne nor other had contemplated a change of dynasty for many a long day. All his life the father had been a healthy, hearty and .ul :."' fZTZ 22 himself; more likely, indeed, in some respects, since Sir John had led for some years past the simple, placid, routine-like life of a country gentle man, whereas Captain Bellenden moved about the world, and fell in with its hours, habits, and customs. The two were excellent friends; dihed with each other at their several clubs: voted on the same side at elec- 'una- naitl nmm anntliai- amp,l rmnlL menTa.-amrieTen m privnro roiaom or never quarreled. They did not, to be sure, often meet but that was noth ing. bellenden was now not only unfeign ediy sorry to hear of his parent's state, but exceedly astonished to find himself on the brink of a new stand point in life. True, after a vague and general fashion, he had been wont to observe, as young men and eldest sons will, "1 shall do this or that," in reference to the property which might one day be his; but haa he been a young merabe of the family, he would probably hav merely substituted for "shall' the word "should." and have had quite as much intention of carrying the vague proposition into practical effect. But now, and all in a moment as it were, he found bitrself likely to be placed in full possession of the power to carry out every idle humoror vision ary plan. His mother would, he knew, defer to him in everything: his brothers, with whom he had always been equally om nipotent, would nave no say; no one, lmleteu. would have any say, as no one Dad had any say with the one now passing, or passed, trom teh earth. As Sir John had ruled, so would Sir Fred erick rule, supreme, and who could have been altogether insonsible to juch a prospect? It said somethin for Bellenden. tha', he had never give hitherto any serious consideration to it. During his father's lifetime be had neithe- intruded nor interfered and it had indeed been a complaint in the neighborhood that he had been so lit tle seen there. No one would have guessed how de lightful all at once appeared the old ancnstral halls, the country life, rural pleasures, peace, power, and plenty in the eyes that had been wont to cou- it all only from a distance. He had not wished to care, and that was the secret. Of a happy disposition, he had wisely been wm content with his own lot - no hardtfife, certainly-and might have gone on being so; but, be it remera bered, he was no longer in his tirs! youth, and. be patient with him, kin 1 readers, if the new prospect opened to nis now mature vision did appear in lescribably tempting. And then again wouid sLcal in more olemn and atfecting thoughts. At that sunset hour who could tell vhat might be passing within the old laminar home of his childhood? were tney a. ready beginning co :ount the hours until he should arrive? Was all over in that darkened room? Should he find only the cold remains of one who had so lately glowed with life and health, well, strong, buoyant as n:-r.sei-He could almost see the scene await- in him now. The long line of veiled windows, the somber domestics with iheir subdued, important faces, the reverent hush of every sound, and svery eyo turned upon himself in inxious expectancy. To him all would furn. On him all would lean. He must Le the heal, the front, the center of pverything soou. No wonder that, wrapt in contempla lions of such a nature, he hung over the boat's side in profoundest silence, the monotonous thud of the oars in the ow-loeks, and the faint lapping of th tartad waters against the prow foiling ireauiiiy upon nis ear. No one broke in upon his reverie. He was alone with Geraldine. as it were: for Cecil, at the other end ot the boat, was completely separated from Ihem by the two mute figures who plied their oars between, and who at no-time loquacious, even in tbeir na tive dialect, were on such occasions ibsolutoly silent, unless especially ad iressed. "How beautiful it all is!" exclaimed 3ellenden. rousing himself at length jrith another sigh. "How beautiful: I shall often think of this night." Could ho fail to do that? Whatever befell hiin. whatever the future mi'ht have in store 'or him, would not that :alm, still August evening on the ElighlanJ loch, with its strange at '.endant circumstances, its novel moughtsand emotions, stand out in i:s memory to all time? It seemed as if he had been months -almost years, where he now was. Che place and its surroundings had frown so famili.-ir to them, he had so fallen in with everything, cast anchor, ts it were, so fiercely in the soil, that lie could scarcely believe, it seemed well nigh incredible, that, until with in the past few short weeks, he had lever even beheld it. And then this dear little girL How lice and affectionate she had been to him! How completely he had won ber crood-fellowship! She would miss him he was sure. He must send her something, some .emembrance, some really handsome. acceptable present, suitable both for her to receive and for him to give, as loon as he could get up to town and see about it. Of course he should have lo go up to town before long. Indeed. Immediately, most likely. There would be so much to be seen to, and done and then his thoughts wandered off again far away from poor little Jerry, sitting wistfully sorrowful and sympa thetic by his side, far, far away into ill the intricacies and possibilities of lis own future untinged by hers. At last they reached the whiting sank, and a little more animation itirred the party. ine oars were drawn In, and laid engthwise at the bottom of the boat. The handlines were taken up, and un rolled. Bait was produced. , TO BE COOTINC" News in Brief -There are 380,000 mile3 of tele graph in the world. The mosaic on one Pompeii floor is known to have cost $72. . The first shipment of iron ore from the United States to Europe was made in 1608. Schnebile, the new explosive, is composed chiefly of chlorade of potash. The average yield of corn, per acre, in the United States in 1894 is 19.7 bushels. It is the lowest since 1881, when it was 1806. Canadian Indians have the old Boman habit of alternately gorman dizing and sleeping when there is a moose at the fire. A scientist proves that typhoid and cholera bacilli or germs will liye many weeks in a vac urn, and can endure some five or more months sf complete dryness. REV. BR. TALMAGE. VHX BROOKXiYX DIVOT'S SOW' DAT Ol. Subject: "Tomb and Temple. Text : "From India oven unto Ethiopia." -Esther L, 1. In all the Bible this Is the only book la which the word India oconra, but it stands for a realm of vast interest tn the time of Ewher. as in oar time. It yielded then, as dow, picos aad silks and cotton and ric and indigo nnd ores of all richness and preclom stones ot all aparkla and had civilization of its own aa marked as Egyp tian or Grecian or Boman civilization. It holds the costliest tomb ever built and tha most unique and wonderful idolatroas tem ple ever opened. For practical lessons In this, my sixth discourse in round the world series, I show you that tomb and temple of India. In a Journey around the world It may rot be eay to tell the exnet point which divides the pilgrimage into' halves. Ifnttherewas one structure toward which we were all the time traveling, and having seen thnt we felt that If we saw notDtng more our expedition would be a success. Thnt one obiect was tha isj aiaii.il or in ha. It is the erown of the whole earth. The spirits of architecture met to enthrone a ktmr. and the spirit of the rannenon oi Atriens wns there, and tnospint of Bt. Sophia of Constantinople was thrre. and the spirit of St. Iaaak of St. PeteraburK was there, an 1 the spirit of the Baptistery of Pisa was there, and ihespirlta of the pyramid and ot Luxor obelisk, and of the Porcelain tow-r of Nankin, and of St. Mark's ol Venice, and the sp rits ofallthegreattowers, great cathedrals, great mausoleums, great sarcophagi, gre.it enpito's for the living and of gr-at necropolises for thedead ware there. And the presiding genius of the throng with gavel of rarian marblx smote the table of Bussian malachite, and called the throng ot spirits to order, anl called for a vote as to which spirit shoald wear the chief crown, and mount tha chief throne, and wive tno chief scepter, and by umin: moiis acelilm the cry was: "Long live the spirit or Tni. king of all the spirits or archi tecture! Ihine is the Taj Mahal of India I' The building is about six miles from Agra, and as we rode out in the early dawn we heard nothing but the boors and wheels that pulled and turned us alongthe road, at every yard or which our expectations rose until we hail some thought that we might bo dis appointed at the first glimpse, as some say they were disappointed. But how can any one be disappointed wlththe Taj is almost as great a wonder to me aa the Taj itself. There are some people always disappointed, and who knows but that having entered heaven they mny criticise the architecture ol the temple and the cut of the white robes, and say that the River of Life is not quite up to their expectations, and that the white horses on which the conquerors ride saem a liltle pring bait or spavined? My son said, "Tnere it is!" I said, 'Where?'" For that which he saw to be the building seemed to me to be more like the morning cloud blushing under the stare of the rising sun. It seemed not so much built np from earth as let down from heaven. Fortunately you stop at an elaborate! gate way ol red sandstone one-eighth o! a mile from the Taj. an entrance so high, so arched. so graceful, so four domed, so panned and chiseled and scrolled that you come vc-r graouany upon tne lal. wnlch structure l enougn to intoxicate tne eye and stun th imagination and entrance the soul, ne gi up the winding stairs of this maiestio en- trance of the gateway, and buy a few pic tures, and examine a few curios, and from it look oft upon the Taj, and descend to the pavement of thegarden that raptures every thlngbetwren the gateway and the ecsracr of marble and precious stones. You pass along a deep stream of water in which all manner of brilliant fins swirl and float. There are eighty-lour fountains that spout and bend and arch themselyes to full in showers of pearl in basins of snowy white ness. Bts or all Imaginable flora greet the nostril before they do the eye and swm to roll in waves of color as you advance to ward the vision yon are soon to have of what hu man genius did when it did its best ; moon flowers, lilacs, marigolds, tulips and almost everywueretbe lotus ; thlokets of bewilder ing bloom ; on either aide trees from many lauds bend their arboresoence over vour head or seem with convoluted branches to reach out their arms toward yon In welcome. On and on yon go amid tamar.nd and cy press and poplar and oleander and yew aud sycamore and banyan and palm an l trees ot such novel branch and tear and g!rh ysa eease to ask their name or natlvi'y. as you approach the doorof the Tai on experiences a strange rsnsation of awe and tenderness and hUTdllty and worship. The nuiming is only a grive, but what a gravel Built tor a queen, who, according to some, was very good, and according to others very bad. I ohoose to think she was very goo I. At any rate, it makes me feel better to think that this commemorative pile was set up for the ljimortaiizitioa ot virtue rather than vise. The Taj U a mountain of white marble, but never such walls facei each other with exquisiteness ; never such n tomb was cut from block of alabaster : never such a congregation of precious stones brightened and gloomed and blazed and chastened and glorified a building since sculptor's chisel lut its first curve, or painter s pencil traced its nrst ngure, or mason s plumb una measured its first wall, or architect's com pass swept its first circle. ine lai has sixteen great arched win dow, four at each cornar ; also at each ol the four corners of the Taj stands a minaret 137 feet high ; also at each side otthls build ing is a splendli mosque of red sandstone. Two hundred and firty years baa the Taj siooj, an. i yet not a wan is orackea, nor mosaic loosened, nor an aroh sagged, nor panel dulled. The storms ot 210 winters have not marred nor the heats of 250 sum mers disintegrated a marble. There Is no story of age written by mosses on its white surtace. Montax, the queen, waa beautiful. and Shah Jehan, the king, here proposed to let all the centuries of time know It. She was married at twenty years of age and died at twenty-nine. Her life ended as an other lire began, as the rose bloomed tht rosebush perlsned. lo adorn this dormitory of the dead, at the command of the king, Bagdad sent to this building Its cornelian and Ceylon Its lapis lazuu, ami i-uniao us tasper. and Persia its amethyst, and Thibet its turquoise, and Lanka its sapphire, and Yemen its agate, and Punna its diamonds and blood stones, and sardonyx and chalcedony and moss agates are as oommon as though they were pebbles. You find one spray or vine beset with eighty and another with 100 stones. Twin y thousand men were twenty years In bunding it, and although the labor was slave labor, and not paid for, the building cost what would be about CG0,0O0,000 of oar American money. Some of the jewels have been picked out of tha wall by Iconoclasts or conquerors, and substitutes of less value have taken their places, but the vines, tha traceries, the arabesques, the spandrels, the entablatures re so wondrous mat yon leel like anting the rest ot your life from tbe day you first saw them. In letters ot black marble the whole of the Koran is spelled out in and on this august pile. The king sleeps In tha tomb beside the queen, although he intend ed to bnild a palace as black as this was white on tbe opposite side of tbe river for himself to sleep in. Indeed the foundation ot such a necropolis of black marble la still there, and from the white to the black tem ple of the dead a bridge waa to cross, bat the son dethroned him and imprisoned him, and it Is wonJerful that the king bad any piace at an in wnion to D boned, instead of windows to let In the light upon the two. tombs, there is a trellis work ot marble. marble cat so delicately thin that the sua shines through It as easily as through glass. Look the world over and And so much tran luency. canopies, traceries, laaa work. ana. broideries ot stous We hal heard of tha wonderful resonance of this Taj. and so I tried it. I suppose here are more sleeping echoes in that build ing waiting to be wakened by the human voice than In any building every constructed, I ottered one word, and there seemed de scending Invisible choirs in fall chant, and there waa a reverbration that kept on long after one votilt have expected it to cease. When a line of a bymn was sung, there were replying, rolling, riaing, falling, interweav ing sounds that seemed modulated by be ings seraphic. There were aerial sopranos and -basaoe, soft, hi daan, Xraxculouj, emotional. omrotngmiff. It was Vks an ah' tlphonal of heaven. Bat there are four or five Taj Mahals. It haa one appearance at sunrise, another at noon, another at sunset and another by moonlight. Indeed the silver trowel of tbe moon, and the golden trowel of the sunlight, and tbe leaden I rowel of the storm build and rebuild tha felory, so that it never seems twioe alike. It haa all moods, all complexions, all gran deurs. From tha top ot the Taj, which is 250 feet high, springs a spire thirty feet higher, and that is enameled gold. Wbal an anthem in eternal rhythm I Lyrics and elegies in marble. Hon I Dt area nosanna. Masonry as of supernatural bands. Mighty doxology In stone. I shall see nothing to equal it till I eee the great white throne, and on it Him from whose face the earth and heavens flea away. The Taj is tbe pride of India, and as peek ally of Mohammedanism. An English offl- eer at the fortress told ns that when during the general mutiny in 1857 the Mohamme dans proposed insurrection at Agra the Ing- iian uovarnment aimed tne guns or tne rort at tha TJ id. ru make Insurrection, and tui suie day we will blow your Taj to aTo-ns, ana tnat tnreat ended tne disposition 'jot mutiny at Agra. But I thought while looking at that Dalaea ior ine aeaa an mis cons trusted to cover handful or dust, but evxn that handful has probably gone from the mausoleum. How mu"h better II would hays ben to expend t'50.000,000, which the Taj Mahal cost, for the l.viug. What asylums it might have built tor the sick, whit hous-w for the homeless 1 What improvement our century haa made upon other centuries in lifting In honor ot the departed memorial ohurohea, memorial hospitals, memorial reading rooms, me morial ol servatoriea. By all possible means let as keep tbe memory of departed loved ones Iri-sl In mind, and lot there be an ap propriate nevistoceor monument m the Oerneierv. but there is a dividing line be tween reasonable commeasorArrbn and wicked extravagance. Tbe Taj Mahal baa its uses as an architectural achievement. eclipsing all other architecture, but as a m mortal ot a departed wile and mother it ex presses no more than the plainest slab in many a country graveyard. The best monu ment we can any or us nave cunt lor us when we are gone Is in the memory of those whose sorrows we have alleviated, in the wounas we nuve neaied. In the kmdnei we have done. In tbe ignorance we have lightened, in he recreant webave realaimsd. in tbe souls we havn saved. Such a mom. ment is built out of miteri.il more lasting than marble or bronze and will stand amid the eternal splendors long after the Taj M- nnioiinna snail nave gone down In tha ruins of a world of which tt was tbe ooitllest adornment. But I promised to show you not only a tomb of India, but a untqu beathen temple, and it is a temple under groun 1 With miner's candle we had seen some thing of the underside or Australia, as at Glin pie. as with guide's torch we had seen at different times something of the underside of America, as In Mammoth cave, but we are now to enter one of the sacred cellars of India, commonly called the Elephants cavea. n e had it all to ourselves, tbe steam yacht mar was to take as about tut sen miles over the harbor of Bombay and between enchant ed Islands, and along shores whose curves an I gulches and pictured rocks gradually preparen tne min i ror appreciation ot tbe most unique spectacle in la iia. The morn ing bad been full of thunder and lightning and aeiuge, but tbe atmospheric agitations bad ceased, and tbe oloudy ruins of the storm were piled up in the heavens, huge enough and darKly purple enough to make tbe skies as grandly picturesque as the larthly scenery amid whicb wa moved, After an hour's cutting through the watei we came to the long pier reaching from the island called i-li-pa into, it la an island small of girth, but 603 leet high. It declines into the marshes of mangrove. But tbe whole island Is one tangle of foliage and verdure: convolvulus creeping the ground ; mosses cumuing tne rocks ; vines sleeving the long arms or tne trees ;raa nowent nere and there in the woods, like incendiary's torch trying to set tbe groves on Are cactus and aaacla vying as to which can most charm the be holder ; tropical bird meeting particolored utterny in jungles pianiei the same sum mer the world was born. We stepped out of the boat amid enough natives to afford all the help we needed for landing and iruid- ano. You can be carried by coolies in an, "wi u.mu, jruu mu wittK, ii you are blessed with two stout litnos, which the psalmist evidently l icke l, or he wouli not have so depreciate! them when he said "The Lord taketh co pleisuos in the legs of a man. e pass-id up some stone sti-DS. and between the wills we saw awaiting us a coora, one oi tnosa snakes which great the traveler otttimes in In-iia, Two of the guides left the cobra dead by the wayside. They must d.ivi neen .ionatnme-ians, Ior llindoof uever kill that sacred r ptile. An 1 now we come near the famous temple hewn from one rock of porphyry at least 800 yenrsago. ua eitner side or the ohief tem ple ia a chapel, these cut out of tbe same stone. Si vast was the undertaking and to the Hindoo was so great tbe human impossi bility that they say the gods scooped out this structure from tbe rock and carved tha J pillars and hewed Its shape Into gigantia luuis buu ueuicaieu it to an ine grandeurs. We climb many stone steps before we get to. the gateways. The entrance to this temple has sculptured doorkeepers leaning on sculptured devils. How strange 1 But I have seen doorkeepers of churches and au ii toriums who seemed to be leaning on the demons of bid ventilation an 1 asphyxia. Doorkeepers ought to be loauing on the angels ot health and comfort and life. All the sextons and janitors ot the earth who bnve spoiled sermons and lectures and pois oned the lungs of audiences by inefficiency ought to visit this cava of Elephanta and be ware of wutit these doorkeepers are doing, when instead ot leaniug on tbe angelic thej 'ean on the demoniac. In the-,e Elephanta caves everything is on i Samsonian uu t Titaniaa scale. With ouis ls that were dropped from nerveless hands it least eight centuries ago, the forms of the .ro-1b Uraiirna and Vishnu and Siva were out into the everlastingroek. Siva is here rep resented by a figure sixteen leet nine lncbet high, one-half man and one-halt woman. Uuu a line from the center of the forehead riight to the Hoar of the rock, and you di vide this idol Into masculine and feminine. Admired as mis idol is by many, it was tome tuout the worst thicg that was ever out into porphyry, perhaps because there is hardly snvthing on e.irtu so ohjectionabje as a be- ng nan man ana nan woman. Do be one or jtner. my bearer. Man is admirable and wo. nan isadm.nhle, but either in flesh or trap xvk a compromise of the two is hideous, javo us from effeminate men and masculinf Yonder Is the King Havana worahininiL fun ler is the scultured representation ot rhe marriage of Siva and Parhatl. Yonder is D.iksfia, the son of Brahma, born from tha tnutnli of his right band. He had aixtv laughters. Seventeen of those daughters were married to Kasyapa and became tha mothers of the human race. Yonder Is a god with three heads. Tbe center God has crown wound with necklaoes of skulls. The right hand god is in a Daroxvam of rams. with lorehead of snakes, and In its hand is a cobra. Tbe left hand god has pleasure in all its l eat u res, and the hand has a flower. Bui f ereare go Is and goddesses in all diree- lons. The chief temple of this rock is 13d leet square and has twenty-six pillars rising to the roof. After the conquerors ol other 1-n-ls and the tourists from all lands have defaced and chipped and blast, ed and carried away curios and memento for mn-oumi and nomes. coera araenon jh emplacements left to detain one Unless he is cautious until he is down with some ot tbe malarias which encompass this Island or get bitten with some ct its snaces. T"es, I felt the chilly da-npness of the place And left this congress of gods ; this p mde- nonmm ot demons, this pintneon ot indif ferent deities, and cntne to the steps and looked off upon the waters which rolled and flashed around the steam yacht that was I waiting to return with us to Bombay. AS I we stepped aboard, our minds filled with the idols of the Elephanta oaves, I was im pressed as never before with the tbooght that man mast have a religion of some kind even if be has to contrive one himself, and he must have a god ev-in thougb he make it with his own hand. I rejoice to know the day will come when the one God or the uni verse will be acknowledged throughout India. That evening of our return to Bin'my I visited the Young Men's 'Christian Associa tion with the lime appointments that yoa And in the Yoaag Mn's Christian Associa tions of Europe and America, and the night after that I addressed a throng or native children who ace in the aohoola of tha Chxia- tian missions'. Christian anl versifies" gather unier their wing ot benediction a host of the young men of this country. Bombay and Calcutta, tbe two great commercial cities of India, feel the elevating power ot an aggresaiva Christianity. Episcopalian liturgy, and Presbyterian Westminster cate chism, and Methodist anxious seat, and Bap tist waters of consecration now stand where once basest Idolatries had undisputed awar. The work which Shoemaker Carey inaugu rated at Serampore, In Ha. translating the Bible inte forty different dialeo-s. and leav ing his wornout boiy amid tbe natives whom he had come to save, and going np In to the heavens from which hs can better watch all the field that work will be com pleted in thesilvatlon of the millions of In dia, and beside him gazing trom the aims high places stand Bishop Heber and Alexan der Duff and John Scudder and Maokay, who fell at Delhi, an I Monorleff, who fell at Oawnpnr, and Polehampton, who fell at Lucknow, and Freeman, who fell at Futtl trarb, and all heroes and heroines who for (Christ's sake live 1 an 1 died tor the Chrfstl tifsatlon of India, and their heaven w II not be completo until the Ganges that washes the ghats of heathen temples shall roll be tween churches of the living Go1. anl the trampled womanhood of Hlndooism shall have all tbe rights purchased by him who amid tbe cats and stais of bis own Anami nation cried out, "Behold thy mother!" and from Bengal Bay to Arabian Ocsin, and rrom the Himalayas to me coist or Corom- andel there be lifted hosannas to Him who died to redeem all nations. In that day Elephants eave will bs one ot tbe planes whore idols are "oast to the moles anJ Ws." If any clergyman ask me. as an unbe lav ing minister of religion once asked tbe Daks ot Wellington, "Do you sot think that tha work ot converting the Hindoos Is all a practical farce?" I answer him aa Welling ton answered the unbelievai minister. 'Look to your marching orders, sir I" Or If any one having joined in ths gosnsl at tack feels like retreating I siy to bim, as General Havelock said to a retreating regi ment. "Tbe enomy ars in front, not In tbe resr. and leading them ciii Into tha fight, though two hones had been shot nu tter him. Indeed tbe taking of this world tor OhrKt KiB be no holiday celebration, bat as tre mendous aa when In India daring tbe mutiny of 1867 a fortress manned by sepoys was to bs captured by Sir Colin CamDbell and the army or Britain. The sepoys burled npon ths attaoklng columns burning mis siles snd grensdes, and fired on them ahot and shell, and poured on them from the ramparts burning oil until a writer who wit nessed it says, "It wis a picture of pande monium." Then Sir Colin addressed his troops, saying, "Remember the women aad children most be rescued I" and his man re plied : "Aye, aye, Sir Colin 1 Ws stood by you at Balaklava, and we staad by yon here. An 1 then oame the triumphant assault of the battlements. So In this gospel cam- faign, whloh proposes capturing tbe very ast citadel ot idolatry and sin and hoisting over it the banner ot the crass ws may havs hurled ooon us mighty opposition an I scorn and obloquy, and many may fall before tas work is done, yet at every call for new onset let the cry of the ohurua be t "Aye, aye, great captain of our silvatlon I We stood by thee in other oonfilcts. and we will stand bv thee to the 1-st." And then. If not In this world, then from the battlements ol ths naxt, as tha last Apoolyonla fortification shall crash into ruin, we will join la the shout, "Thanfcs be unto Go 1, who giveth us tbe victory V "Halleluiah, for tha Lord Go J Omnipotent relgneth 1" 11 ow Soap Cleanses Most persons have verf indistinct fdeas of the manner in which soap acts in removing dirt. This is not so sim ple a matter as it may seem, for even chemists have been more or less nuz zled by it; although there is now sub stantial agreement among them as to the chemistry of the process. One of the explanations of the cleansing ac tion of soap is due to a suggestion made by no less famous a man of science than Trof. W. Stanley Jevons. it is generally considered that the eflicacy of soap depends mainly upon its decomposition, when it is mixed wif.h vater, into an'alkali and a fatty acid. The alkali thus set free dissolve the crease by which the dirt i3 attached to the surface to be cleaned, and the wa ter then carries the dirt off. But this is not all; the fatty acid from the soap neutralizes any free alkali remaining ' after the loosening of the dirt, and thus prevents the alkali from attack ing the cleansed surface itself. This is very important khen soap is applied to the skin, and the painful effects pro duced by some varieties of soap are due to the fact that they possess an excess of free alkali, more than the 'atty acids can neutralize. Lut there are other factors concered in the action of soap. Its cohesive (lower, upon which the formation of soap-bubbles and lather depends, en ables it to gather up the dirt as it is loosened by the alkali. Then, too, the process is assisted by the curious prop erty which soap possesses of produc ing a great agitation among solid particles suspended in water. 1 his, of course, tends to the ready removal of the dirt after it has been detached from the surface, and it is this action that Trof. Jevons has pointed out as being one of the ele aientjj of the cleansing power of soap Do Fatal Falls Burt? far as all available evidence troes the answer is certainly not. Horrible is the idea of a fall from a great height :s the experience is not only painless but even delightful. Hundreds of peo ple have experienced what ought to iave been fatal falls, and have escaped by a miracle. Their experience is unanimous in showing that' serious falls are painless. Xot only is their o pain, uut there is even any terror. The victim knows exactly what is eo- ing on, and actually hears himself fall ing from point to point, although he loes not feel the concussion. Jlr. Whymper, who has perhaps had more bad falls than any living man, says that he once fell and rebounded from rock to rock in the Alps, and felt abso lutely no pain, though he heard him- jeit strike. The mind acts so rapidly that the experiences of a fall of a few moments will sometimes take an hour to describe afterwards. As in drown ing, the whole previous life seems to Sash with dream-like rapidity through the mind, and this gives place by de lightful stages to dreamless uncon ciousness. Among the ancient Norse men, an old warrior, who had had the misfortune not to fall in battle, usu ally threw himself from the toD of a 'Hff. to pain admittance to Valhalla Plin TllcqcriTlt AVAMAnnna v V. V. uu 1'n.HMUlV CAJICIlCULCa Ul 1111317 WHO I lad fallen and escaped alive may have lad something to do with the practice tnd belief. It is said that the gold product O Montana for 1894 shows an increase of seventy five per cent over that of 1893. A Sew York woman is charged with training her twenty months old baby to toddle into the rooms of a large boarding house and steal money and ewelry. r 1: ! i ( v 6 i i 1 - I il ill e. -,..vis
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers