THE HONESDALIC CITIZEN" : THURSDAY MORSItfGK AUGrUST 27, 1908, THE CITIZEN H. Tiuois, 1 Kdl tori and I-nbllrtK, C A. PasrstlatA". I XBUItBDAT MOItMlNG. AUOUaT 27, 1W HRPUUtilUAN TIOKKT. NATIONAL, roe- reniDinT. WM. UOWAIH) TAFT. of Ohio, roa vict rimmtxTi JAMES H. MIIKllMAN, ot New York. tnn ItKIOM AT LARUE. UOHIII1 r CLOTH IKK, of Philadelphia, UENJAMIN F. JUNKS. Jr.. of Pittsburg, ron nuTmcr t.ctow I John Hurl 3-n. A. Davis J-r. T. Chandler t-K. A. Ultnbel t-K W. l'llou 8-0. J. F.lllott Tll. fi linn-1 2 .' V? 011.. ..m.n a J. F. Downing i?kNK,,,-V:t?,wi1?ron 3n T Mc"be W-O. A. Ilabrook lt-tieo. W. William. 31-A. It 'e,,t iClJk JOVll. Jr. W-U. U William. 8TATK. ron jbimi or DT-aiort codbt, WM. I). PORTER, of Allegheny. "Frodoesrs and Comnmen." Col. Hrrau lia raised the long yell tor eatupatgn wib, la a manifesto beaded "Wanted Catupalirn ooutrlbutlous from eltltetu ot tho republlo who favor these Detuooratio proposition." And the first of the-e propositions I the followlug: 'TaflU revision by representative- of the eouttiniere of the prodtints, bikI uot by the aiiftite of tliofi whj mukn exorbi tant iroUln by tunUUfaelii'H and sale of blttbly proteai-il produots." Here Col. Uryau adopts tbe exploded theory that a nation li divided Into two hostile sections, or classes prixltin-rs on the one hand, and consumers on the other. Thli le a fallacy that even llrltltli free tradera lontf ago abandoued. Obvl nr. n nilla 18-Robt.aNeat.Pr. ID-J.C8tlneman 20-Tbomu Shipley HW. F. Ilemolds S.-A. W. McCuMouRh Sl-jucirej.r. ouily, every pro.luo.erli also a oousiituer, f ,,,.,, nf lh, llur Hi.ip, ' Help and tbe consumer who Id not also iv pro dueer innit be supported by the pro.ltto er. The work by wbloh a nation li uialntalued Is the work of production, anil all who do any part or tills work are either dlrcotly or Indirectly producer. Whether a nation consumes Its own pro- duou directly, or ciohanKee tlie for the mslo J by tho titillior Uier-of DISTRICT ron uoitORtee, UUARtiKU C. PRATT, ot Busquehanna. COUNTY, ron RirRFTATiv. W. R. PEIltlAM, of Mount Pleasant. roB snxnirr, U. LEK DRAUAN, of Uoneedale. ron rRornovoTARr, rro., WAt.LACF. J. BARNES, ot Berlin. run tniitii akd bkoruih, ALritF.ll O. BLAKE, ot Uetbany. Jron codktt coMnlseiomiw, . K. HORNUKCK,otE.pilnunk, 10UA8 0. MADDEN, of Dreber. roa ootntrr AtrnrroE, Ullt W. LARRAREE, ot Starucra, W. UHOCK LKSIIF.ll. of blelllns. roB niSTBlCT ATTOBKBT, UYRON E. MMONB.of Uoneedale. NLdultlonal Nearly Forcotten Facts- Krahklln Chester, n wiIIit tor tho dun day MnRCtinoot the Nfw York TrlbU'r.-, contributes to tho muo ot tbu current wcok n very voluablii oHiy ou 'The Qeutlo Art ot Mn'lni? KrimidH." It wnn nn articlo thit nppc ilod vory dlrco'.ty to tho writer ot Ihid neries ot "Nearly iTor Kottca l'astn " L'orhnps no om- in " other callirK. tir i rotiesloti oi buntu t In llfo iH nj opt to Hike cnrmli-J ptoplonK'.lusi. v'Iiom hn I.n5i'l thj kI kI ; - oat ill frclmjr, o.- fili'tid, without, Uno Inn that lin h'i ' over dono thi'in u (;n'i turn, m n country c.h'.or. Mr. Chester n.U8. It rou wnnt to upon tho wntern with n return en sudden Court PrcxecJlDRs. n i. km uti?xpcct-M. in ion in in "a fnw dny," nn express wuroo dollvorod ' a', iho wrltorV dor a loii of loft", cof (, i-usirn, ounuod nooU, mid kindred aiiwUtiM fiillleient to ptoclt a msll nori, "villi tho coTipllmontfl ot tho ilnpjrr." Ail tint vn'i tho bt;lniiln(r ot n h m-i .-hourt f rindlilp which, Inch) J ini; mi'iy n raiUr epi'iJi. lastoJ un i j i-1 until wo 'viTooallol to mourn li" ai m 1 nntim ly drmth. Adjourned (Cfelon, Aug. 2ttb. Ktnto of Mary B. Contey, Ulinton. Auditor' report ot distribution vlis llichnrd HoynolJs, croJItor, 1C5; Fran cil T. Olvor, creditor, 1 126 25, as legatee, 18 ; Ktocst V. Olvcr, Klwln M. Olvcr and Adclioo L. Kcynoldt, rceiduary lcgali'Cj, each $7. Cjntlrmcd see. re?. ICatutn ot Minaret L-jonarJ, Oinniic. To'cph Marfan nnd John Muogovca np In Memorlam. Mrs. Louise Ustenailerdled In the Danville Itisnne asylum, Ann. ), 19D8, aged BO years, 3 months uud 4 days. Mbe was for rainy years a resident of Cherry Itldffe. She leaves three married daughters and two sons. when you cm, and keep him chciud up and liu'tllim;." Wihq wnnU. nnd tugtoitlvns for it tlmfly help Is bino- llcial, it in fnir to Inter Unit nn untircv- eary orunjitcrillolfimmiy b.-lrirmtul lar beyond tho possible co i(TO,ucr.LVf produots ot other nations, It can have no more value than It produoes. Hence the vital problem for each nation Is to make Its labor most productive and necure for It the largest return. There oan be no real antagonism ot lu Tho writer Inn vivid recollection of his own experiences illil'truivo ot thin fact in hlj halt century in the rdltori .1 horncoc, nnd In dl'poccd to congrutul'i'o hiitincU ou tho fact that (mjoeglht' earli est Kesiun(i berne home fi hl eallnvr if. terests between men a produoers and tellect wna ono ehowing Iho folly of il l the same meu as consumers of their col lective products. It they pay less as aouttiuiers.they must receive correspond ingly leu as produoers. Whatever re. duces the return for the produot ueoes earlly diminishes the producer's meaus of buyiug, and his power to oousume. Thus tariff revision "iu the luterest of the consumers," collectively, would real ly prollt them nothing, tluoe It would nf. feet them adversely, In au equal degree, as producers ot the commodities con sumed. Tbe consumer of woolen, cot ton, glass. Iron, leather, or other manu factures, tor lustanoe, might prollt by n reduction In thetr prloe, but lu such case HIT MilllTI AIIV lit' l-itn. V tun ki'ifttun Ilii'ti.tlin-y li. llitmr S illllli-l II 'BI1 .lu Ixe .l-mit It. Ilii-Ksnti i'Ii irh I'orliis tr.uiiiiiii) (it'll. .. II. t'lllhli'llll Willi tin -1. Kullir At n . II I'o.ti r I'liilnt-iplier r.uir. tiilierri llUlh 11 iitllliell l,huini) .. Wiliiim I.. II ilii'ort ,ln..ili l.i ij Ml. h it I llrt'lilu II ll'lliltuill. . .1 ru-s lliiah .1 iiti.ih iu .liHiiilngi ill) lii.rr) i -nliilll ill M'Viii' (iitli in) ). lji(irii. i uim' inn .. .K. li. SI, 'iJ ...Mnteh . ITi ....Feb. K. IW .. .Inly it, i-;o .....Niiv. ai. IM4 ...April In, l'H (linen. 11 . ...Ili 10. l'i.' ..Aug. Ill, b-ll ...Iuiim .111, Kll .. Vlll!. -1. I'll .H..ll. Ill, I'llJ ...IVti. 1.', KM ... prll a, lll) .H.ifit SI. I Ml ,..!;., s'j. I'll Mli li II, Kl Klllieth Ulllon, widow of Geo. flnnen, illfil In Uoaesdnle, Aug. A lwwj, of eanver, need 4 years, 8 months and Tdays. She Is survived by two daughters. Misses Mary J. mid Vlrginln N. anil a son, Thomns J, Her hiifunml died June IS, 1007. lutermeut In pointed njiptBlfcra of SCO to decedent's al. John's eemetrry, .children. AMENDMENT TO Tlln t'ONSTlTUTION PHO Hi TlH-1 L-11 IZKNH D1- 1 IllM CUM- MUNUEAI.TH IXIII TIIUlll AI'I'IIUVAI, Ull IU. JKUTIUN IIV TIIK IlK.ShllAI. AS?i:.M III.V ul HIK LIIMMONUKALTII 111' I'HNNM I.VA.NIA, i't'Hi.i.-;iii:ii n iiiiiiKit in-- nn: mxiii:tak OF" HIK l OM.MONWHAl.TII, IN I'l ll!UANL'i: OK AKTICLU XVIII OI-' Till: L'O.NSTI TUTION. .Numlur one. A JU1NT IlKSdl.UTIO? ProposinK Aluoiidnicnts lu the L'nur-tltutlon ot ttic UMinmoiicnun r rt-ntisjivntila so ns 10 won sollilalc the Courts of (.'imtnon I'ltns nf riilll delrhta nn.l AlliRbiny t'liiuitlis, nmt to tll Old (Iplirrnl AlsttuMy 1'owir 10 K-tnMlstl n s.pnrntn Court In I'lillniUli-uIn Counly, with , riiiiinni uuii .um rimni mis jiincill ilxll lla.n nti oi. tl'iiuii. Mnitr. lUnn, Apui i, i"i. IVU-i- Pilill .latin's l,inrKii.y .l-tl rim. K. Ilntilu-'KI.... .Ini-. 7. Itili-kurxll .... t'urlns I'. Ritilii'im ... ...llH'i'inlier ID, lW Jiiuuuy .". 115 ..November 1 1, 1111 ....Jiiuiury II, mr s,.pt. 3, 1SIII verso critlriem when no possible com racnt could chmiw the utatua ipie. It wanawny back in tho early dust""! the war, and ono ot our townetneu had b. c n favored with tinhonoriibleond dnuMli e d -served promotion It happrn. d ilmt hi family wn a rich mid inlliinitinl one; of opposite politico of C3urf nud in our judgment (airly oulj"cl 1 1 ionic sort ot nn untavoritblu panigraph. o wo fiisiiiuntcd that the "iiilver upo u" instead of merit iiifght lm tlinnlnl tor his odviinciMiii l.i. himI Unit ho wis un justly decorated with tho IntnKtiii cf rank, while olh'r uml worlhirr nun Sir ill tlt.vensiill t('m Sill Jill. SI. 175 his own produot, whatever It might be, among our volunteers iveru -itill firied Simocratle Journals tor Tad. Ths Ualtlmore Sun, wbloh In 1890 op posed Bryan, but In 1W0 supported blu., haa now some oat strongly In opposition to bis election. It gives the following well considered reasons for the course It haa ad on ted : It Is tbe judgment of "The Suu" that the material welfare of tbe people ot the iTnlixl Htmtes Industrial and Unauclal would be promoted to a greater degree by ths election of Mr. Tail than by tbe election of Ur. Ilryan ; that their rights would be salegnarueu as careiouy uj Ur. Tat t as by Mr. uryan. Mr. Tafl's experience lu Important ad mlnlatrallva iosts. his ludlolal tempera- mant- his natleuce aud thoroughness in Investigation, justify the belief that as Jtreslaeni ue wouiu execute iue ibw muu rniiv ami wall, but not siiectacularli , And while this type of man ought to be Id the White House all tbe time, be Btein4j2 be especially needed now, when that eonntrv la emenrlns from an Indus trial and fluanclal depression which brought distress and suffering Into many hAm... The greater part of the wealth ot this nation Is not "predatory." It Is invested In lawful enternrlses. and upon tbe sue jimj of these enternrlses denends the tiros perlty of the nation. "The Hun" believes that "predatory wealth," so far as that phrase acaus capital engaged in combi nations that oppress tbe public, should he curtailed bv nroner regulations and Banished whenever It Is lawless. Tbe looffhtful voter should vole bis honest onvlottons, with Intelligent regard lor his own welfare In the economic as well as tbe political sense. Fine phrases do not inultlnlv the avenues of emnlovment. Epigrams butter no bread and start no factories. Repartee and ready debate do not ralsa tbe scale ot wages. Tbe nroduots ot the farm are uot marketed by eloquence or One diction. We do not Question Ur. Hryau'n slnoerlty or his de votlou to tbe Interests of the people. Bat we believe that the mateilal welfare of the nation would be safer In the bauds of a President ot Mr. Tafl's tcmnera- ment and calm judgment, and for this reason we lavor ins election 10 iue rresi denoy. These are the oonoluslons wbloh we have reached alter mature consideration and with the sole desire to promote the food ot tho nation aud tho welfare ot be people, The Brooklyu Ktgte, also, one of the ablest Demooratle journals lu the couu try, Is strougly opposing Bryau. The BprlugQeld Uepubllcan, which, as a so called "independent Journal," has here tofore supported Bryau, now advooates the election of Tatt. The Cincinnati En quirer, ooe of the oldest Democratic Jour nals west of the Alleghenles, predlots the election of Tatt. Iu addition to these, the Fiuauolal aud Commercial Chronlole, of New York, wbloh has voiced In viru lent terms tho hostility ot Wall street and the trusts to Koouevelt and the Boosevelt policies, and a few mouths previous to the Denver Convention de scribed llraii as safely conservative. now views him In a dlllereut light, and declares that he "falls to Ull the require. ments of those who think that the as saults on corporations, railroads, capital and wealth should cease." This Is, In deed, lue Wall street Judgment, In one aspect, aud farther than this, the Chron icle holds that Ur. Tatt, from his judi cial .tsmperament, aud his record In pub llo dffloe and on the lieuch, would Inspire the moderate classes with ooutldeuoe lu bis tendency to aot cautiously aud con servatively. For some time past, Oeriutn uiauu- (aoturers of patented articles have taken a peculiar advantage ot the British pat ent laws aud British tree trade. The) have obtained patents In Ureat Britain, to prevent competition in that country, and havlug thus secured the British market, supply It with goods uinuufac tared lu Ueriuauy, tree from tariff re atrlctlous. In order to bar this practice, an aot ot the British Parliament, that went iuto effect yesterday, provides that the bolder ot a British patent must, with In tour )oam alter It Is grituted, luanu (aoture the patented urtlole lu ttiu United Kingdom, or forlelt the protection of the patent ; nud the manufacture must be carried ou "loan adequate extent." Both Ueriuauy aud Frauoe have restrlotious of this obaracter, aud In this amendmeut of Its patent laws tireat Britain only follows their example. must suffer a like redtictlou lu the lu teres! ot Its oousuuiere. It the people collectively prosper as produo ers, they will uot collectively sutler as con suiners u( their own products. Under no eoo- uomlc system cau they oonsuiue more, lu value, thau they produce. The aim ot the protective polio y is to tualutalu na tional prosperity by making produoers prosperous as such, by expaudlug aud diversifying borne Industries, nud shut ting out torelgu competition that would fill our markets at prioes below the cost of home production. Tint pure food law ot this State, ap proved June 1, 1907, Is found to bnve a serious defeot, according to tbe view taken by Judge Bell, ot the Blair county court. Tbe constitution (Art III, sec. 4), provides that "No law shall be revived, amended, or the provisions thereof ex- Jns nil S hoil-I t Alimtimi "5nrt (lt. .tnli i H. 'Irii v H .liLU-l I'l iii-y Atiinini Vt'iiiliin IS a V I I It llltmi run .lh- N V 1 1 . . . - lam I Vi-lliin t 1 1, 'i. .hit I m ....l-Vb. Ill, li7 I.ill. I, lM ,.1 S.', wir U.-lolw IS. I'M . .M i 1-, t'Ul Jul) I'll ....Jul) i;, issi to bear the burden mid hent of .'. Ilia in tho ruuka. It is duublful it f. rvi r escaped Irom tbo ndveiuo impr. wi' n :rratcd nmung mnny ot our beet well- wishers by Ihiil entirely tinneecnjr) nud puerile ptrngruph. Wo know thai it confronted tin )curA nfterivatd, mm may well believe that on ninny nern- siione of which we knew not, 11 wan the eourco of more thau one retaliatory thrust which hurt nono Ihn cen beeuuei- Us origin wan obscure. Htill, "experience tencho," it we iia believe the old Latin proveih, tin mistako the writer made then nm) lmc had a salutary inlluer.eo nn hu lite iu tbo multitude of ycarm.lterwurd vnueh- eufed him At the recent annual ba.i quel of "The Wiiyt.e t'ouutj I'tuuaj Ivi. tiia ri.icie'.y" in Now Yorl: city, ho . i i in eomo eort of jtistillcatlou of the erur tesy shown him in b:ini; luvii 1 to Bc Ball. I lm Ilonrediil" Itidiunn added n Moo "I - o. lp lu their Imndlo on Saturday nfi'tnoon. Hut for nn error in the iiini'i it rvoiil l Irivo been a shut out. rmiewirutno on b ici and two out, wlii n Mulr oney ilravu na.vift onu to in, win) Bt.itp .t th- bdl, but It ,: i ii from i l'.i and Milcd unlcr 1 1 i' -iMiid b ig. ki I b-.'toro It cjiiU bo ,uti' n out iwo n i) oro-i-iM mo rubber. ,viri ticiv) hiltiiig on both elJet", mil Urn visitoru eeaicroJ, whilo I loured ile wan pi f.irttiiiuti) ne to hit hi u hits would produc; rut.H. Teo li, t " Into weni iivnleby Weaver, Oulh- eii, talwiinlri 't!, (lilbrailh, ltcyi.oldu mid Miilrouney. lliHling hud ten triL" oulo, Bavo ono walk, nnd allowed ni'ii. V'lt.'.owH in hid leu iitriltii ouls, two pri-'St's and nllowod s hitu, ry player o i ill II )u ij di'.a Ulatn rv :t tSJiuiLr, goi n nil. ino run wi re made by Woivcr, Kupfor, Mur- phv. Holding imd Stlmon. I.uia up: tended or conferred by reference to Its title ouly, but so much thereof as Is re- epenk, that if ho could in hie lirnr' or Vlved, amended, extended or conferred bcnrls cloitn auy right In Mieh n UIh shall be re-enacted aud published at length." The act iu questlou. known ss the "Tustln Act," appears to violate this provision. With Intent to establish con fortuity, at certain points, with the Fed eral "Food and Drugs Act" ot June 30, 1900, It refers to tbe latter, instead of dl Unction it must bo ou the ground that wilh n raro exception, ho hud u. .ri failed to epcak a good word for any fi : low nutivo of V ue, who errmcd to be in Iho lino ol ornblo promotion or distinction, ml .it regard to acx, poll u- .r. .n: ..11...1 ,i,i,i cow, ruBifims ... ,,.iv....,.r n,l.. ,lh,t(l,e,,in Btandputnt alono this may bo admitted points. This, Judge Bell holds, makes the State law unconstitutional. Tbe Dairy and Food Commissioner may carry the ease to tbe appellate court, but at all events an effort will be made, during tbe legislative session ot next winter, to enact a statute free from iho defects ot that enacted last year. Tbe act now under consideration relates only to "all articles used for food, confectionery or condiment by man, whether simple, mix ed or compound." It also expressly ex cepts from Its effeot any act heretofore passed "regulating the manufacture, sale and leallug In milk, cream, butter, oleo margarine, butterlne, aud all other sub stltutes lor butter, oleaginous or dairy produotr, and to fresh meats, poultry, game, Usli, cider, vinegar aud fruit syr ups, all ot whioh acts shall remain lu (ull foroe." Nothing within the scope of to havo been a claim worthy of com mondation und to have porhapi juilillcd tho ovidenecs ot approbation which greeted Itj but tt "Iho truth, tho who'o truth and nothing but tho truth" were to bo told, it would havo involved the confession that the policy indtcnted had been largely based on tbo untoward ex- perienco of tbe writer in the excep'.ioi.u' caeo la whioh bo nct'.'d upon a ilillerr-m conception ot bis intercut and duty That n eoft answer turneth awn) wrath" was notmoro true in Uiblo iiiihh than it is to-day. Iu 185S, when tho writer wus a oietlt in tho Uonesdalo pnat cfllso aud fi 're man of Protection Kugiiio (J i.npjcj , it wag tho custom ot Lloue lul 1r io 1 1 lit t tlli po-llloll llifsling pitilur Millph) i-Htrher t iivi r i'l hush llimill SJ Kllpler -II " i.iliti. ll shnrl stop mil. in It-It llil'J Mima)- i ' HI' I " '-i li. i I I, ill! " i urn by iutnnt;n : 'l,,-io " o U 0 2 Ti.e Tii) lor ltcdd next ciituriluy. I'.ictitcr Itos-i, ot Tjlcr Hill, who po n 0 il 1 will liifinuesen v. Iluchwnldcr Master's snlu in partition, to Joseph K illfhop, (or II, Silo. Approved, and distributiou ordered, l.uke P. ltichardeun v. KJword F. nud Mury Hlchardeon. Itulo ou defen dant! In ehow causa why they shall not Ills bond lu tl.UOU, with good security, on appeal to Supreme Court, rrttirnublo .'I I Monday of October. Kstatu ot UlwlcB K Cllft, Bterllng Aliis order niado fcr tale of real esthlc tor piymi'iitol legaclen. Toledo L' imputing; tjjilo I'o v. II. 1.. II iloerl. Huln to open judgment, rc turi'tiblo next to rm, nnd wntetacd un til turlher order. Amanda Kockwcll v. 0. Hock wcll. l.ibel in divorce. Itulo to show ciiiiho why order ehnll not bo mado on respondent fur nn iillowaucc for libel Iiii.i'h inainteuanco nnd counsel food; re turnable urxt term. Jennie I. Hubbard v. Hurry 8t. Cluir llui'biird K. II. Muintord appointed iiiuHtt r. 8 V Swiuglo appointed Supervisor of Eolith t 'Allium, vico Harvey J, Daniels, resigned Bond in Cherry Iiidgo nnd Bouth Canaan No. 'Jd. Petition for public road, beginning on road from Bouth Canaan to llonofdale, near O cor go Outlier, in r'oulh L'niiaaii, aud thence to ro i J from Mlddlo Villoy to Aaron (,'iirin place, near foHo' Line's Hill in t'Oerry Ittdgc. I. S. Colliui", Ueorgo Krk and A. . Kno appointed viewers, Bridge, iu Lake-No. 21U K. P. Jonie, A. 8. Keyesnnd Qeorgo W. Ferris op pointed inspector!) of concrcto arch bridge, at Maplawood, built by Chap in.iii ,t Bell. Bridge in Scott-No. 211. CD Bonds August WoiJlcr aud Chris. Marcher appointed inspectors of concrete arch bridgo near Wmterdalo, built by Hark I 033 & Co. Kjnra 10. Iliiddcnhngen v. John Bud dcnhr.geu. Divorce grunted. Anna Louisa Bodcrbcrg r. John A ...,.. I Soderbcrg. Libel in divorce A. T .Miithi'nsoii uoario nppoinica toaster. Ueorgo Harvey v. Diana Harvey. Libel in divorco. O. L. Itowland bp pointed maetcr. Cira. v. Joseph H. Charles W. Dodgo. charged by reason of ineunity bo paid by county. Koad in Damascus -Nc. un. l'ctitioi for roi.d to take the piece of portion cf nmi ending on tho old Btato road, neur tho Delawiiro river, recently acetroyed Inliti llolhson died sudileiily, at his home III I'oieU Citv, Aug, H, 11108, of hemorrhage of tin, liiiuts, aged 47 years nnd 4 months He wns born In Pmtnpton. He Is survived by bis wife, formerly Miss Ella Ilucklandi of l;ilntou township, and a daughter, Mrs, Aelsoii Monroe, of I'lttston. Also by bis mother, Mrs. I,ut-lnda Itolllion, of Promp- tnn, one sister, Mrs lteuben Uelt, of Car liondale, and four brothers, Warren, Arthur and Ueorge. t'harlra It, Ileberllog, a former Wayne ii'iunty resident, died In 8t. Luke's tlospital, 1'lillaileliilila. Aug. 11th, 1S, aged M years lie bid been lu the hospital about tbree weeks, under treatment for unemle trouble. Ills remains were taken to Punxsutawney, Jefferson Co., l'a to tbe home of his sister, Mrs. ('. P, Jones, at which plaee tbe tuneral services were held Friday, Aug. 14th, Itev, 8. T. lllues, of tbe First Lutheran churoh, nlllflntUig. Interment lu Aulta cemetery, while his brother. Addison, was burled eleven years ago. lu addition to Mrs. Jones hols survived by one brother, Durton Ueber- ling, ot ifiltii, ('tillfornla. Reynolds l-.iiwiiriis Williams Mt'Aiidrnw Mulrnoney lillliiultli Miiliimne) Ci mi. tun Hnrah, widow of K. C Nichols, of Tre- inonl, Ohio, dleil In a hospital UiHprlngneld, Ohio, Aug. I", lHOS. Hhe was a daughter ol ltii)tiolils Cole, formerly ut Honesdate, and iiii4 born here Dee. 11, 1845. making ber ago OS years, 8 months and 7 days. 8he was twlee married, her llrst husband having been Chnrles Menner, for a uutnber of years the well. known and eflleleut l'rothonotary ot Wayne Co. lie died In Texas, In Octo ber, lMl, Some years alter bis death she bu- cume the wife ot Mr, Nichols. Ue died Mnrih 10, ltRH. Shots survived by abrolbir, J elm cole, ol lariey uiook, tuiseouniy, ana l-ter, Mrs. Kills I.nncb, of Allanllu City, N.J. liilermeiil In tbe Mprlngfleld, Ohio, cetui-ttry. Haplewood. Ai:ti. 24th. The United Evautzelloal Boutlny school wilt hold their annual n cu lu in itiv oaiuu crounus. innrsuay. Aug. 27lh. The scholars will meet at the church Hud march to the Erounds. A new Itiiilo class is ueing lormea lor the coming year. Those wishing to take the course of study can receive the tinners from Rev. J. 11. Uosenberizer. .). r. aunriiu will soon open a six weeks' Kerb-sot lueetliic at Dutoh Flats Mrs. M. I,. K.-ei.e nml Jennie beeue snetit MiiiiiIhv in Hcrauton. Hl't. I'.iihs iiihck is siowiy recovering from her reoeut Inluries. T. N. Joue.i has some splendid post curds nf the oamn meetlnir. , Clarence Ferris leaves next week for State Col ece The couuty nritige is completed ami the grading Is ueing uurrieu along. Yarns. Com. v Djfendauts dii- ; costs tn A cheering example, "to encourage tho others," has boon sot by a Cubuu court tn sentencing to ten years im- orisontncnt and in ono case to lilo lav iirisoninent a gang of "revolutionists" Alio nua at urflt ncen eentencea tor -.eni.B of throo years and eight mouths, itid who baa appcaiea against tooso sentences as excessive. Tbo uext cul- .... ... .. .... .... . . .i..i bv a cloudburst, and to vacatn tho nor- P" 01 ln.B' .K DU .w,.".ou mal0 "S.? m ,ui ini)m inc. uiim iui .ioii,i.u - ... i no content wim wnui tney koi ai urst. vcur, viii.-i a gut-ut of tho team onrjatur- "u" " oupwmw. oua,pj, ... u. uuiiuok uuu .vtii. xittusr aypjiubuu viowers pl..y u 2- II x . hero on iu nud watched tho gamo from tho iiluiere' bench. Mr. Boss will go to Wilmington, Del., Sepl. 3th, whoro ho '.in on excellent position iu tho city 'lelioolt! these net', therefore, will be nITeoted by play b.vio boll in what was tneu 'ho Tub- ll.) Squaro, now Central Park. Thu fa- vorito gamo wus a livel) und txei u p one, with chosen sides, covcruu', tiilclu r, catcher, busemen, nnd an lodttliu'o number of chaaors. TIhho clinsera wt ro charged mainly wilh tho duty of recov ering tho bull when lilt by the bitter, cr thrown by a player ut a baiin ruiioT; u plug" on tho wing scoring tr out. A thoro wero many nnmef, llicro wn Ami nnw er(.ln l.,..vlv ula DeiUO SUtintlont WOrg Itlf I U0 ClllCere, Cepi Iff arats deny that Bryau originated the 'y as aor-ous oi mil rrj-cieu. wm u n the uuouustltutlouallty of the Tustln not. Judge Bull's decision, lu the case betore him, was uot that a pure food law Is un constitutional, but that tho Htate can not annex federal rules and regulations to tt without expressly euaotlug them. Tbo same question Is pending before Judge Hmlth In Clearfield oounty, and hlsdealslou Is awaited with much luter est. campalgu oonundrum, "Shall the peoplo rulef" K. D. Kelgler, Dotuooratlo candi date for Congress Bn the 20th district (York and Adams), has produoed a pam phlet wrltteu several years ago by the late Chauuoey F. Black, entitled, "Shall sides werOBolectOil, rovenged tlienndvcH whon tho ball reachml tho ouUlelJ, by throwing it hero nnd tlw ro Mil of the reach of those immediately eonei tni tl in tho gamo. Thin practice became no annoying ono dny that it win ai;ie tho peoplo rule, or shall tho people bo I rtmong tho chiBors to "get even"iwth ruled t" to show that Bryan borrowed the overshadowing Issue," from tho for mer Democratic Lleutenaut-tioveruor ot Pennsylvania. Co I.. BllYAN appears hopeful ot the South. Be last week cauceled his en gagements to speak lu lieorgla, saying that he considered, the State oertaltily Deuiooratlo, and that It was more Im portant to get In hl work where the result was doubtful. If he feels thus en couraged about Ueorgla, he may enter- tain hopes ot currying Texas, Tint Democratic State Couveutlon ot Minnesota, controlled by Htate oftlolals who wished to stay "ou tho job," has haiighnled Hot, Johnson Iuto auother uomluatlou for tlovernor, In dellaucaof Ills vehement klckliigaud protesting that be would not ticeept the Humiliation. This Is doue with u view tn aiding llrjan but It cannot bo depended ou very tar lu this direction. Johusou was elected (iuv ernor lu l'.UI, by a majority ot ll.SDJ ; but at the same eleotlou ltoosevelt received a majority of Ull, 401. If tbo people of Minnesota preler Johnson, as (tavern. ir, to his Itepiibllaau opponent, they may eleot him again, hut this will uot prevent them from showing a stronger preference lor Tall as President. any offender who might bo emight win! flooing from tho wrath lo com . li chanced on thatocctiFton that tli" v.-ntir found himself in hot pureuit of P .vid Lewi, then a clerk in Iho etoro of bin brother-in-law William Wcisn. V,'lu-n tho final collision came, young Lcivi hr.d a bad (all, but, jumping up itutne Jiatoly, administered a retaliatory kick the memory whereof still remaineth. A crowd immediately gathered about tho belligerents, nnd moro decided liOHtilities eenniod unavoiiable, when it waidi -covered tint Lwi wm bl ling very profusely from a neulp wmind of cm sideraule extent, nnd li win hurried to Marsh's drug store for tre .t tu-'nt. Mcanwlulo rinnorH h"giu to tl jit about that tho bjy nil been hit with aetone, or Itnifo, or stilett), or Ariel. At '. iMih.-Thn cool weather during tho ...o iv... k r,. no lids us 1 hut tin. si hi is I:i'l ilniHlliu tuinlose. Ill uuotliel' tit-i K mil colli go pniintiitlou will bo depart tor th, ir i ill ionic tin, ili-uilty wn the rcctii. of ii ronple of iii-i lili-ui s lust week, In which tbo otilotno i.iie iii-iiu-il c'liisiilciioiisly. Tim llrst acei- .1. ,.. .,. fiirreil In n I, mil belllllUltll! tit W. K Curtis, "ur Iivi I ) tii'iti, whllo helng driven i,vii., n-Ulniit. 'Iho hoises wero irlghleu- . I u - ,i it-,, .it-ii e. Ull 1 mil HWilV 'itU Itijili nil! ot,i ol the uliillllils, be'l'lts I mi,-: i .nii-i 1. lulu e .lllili Ue to the llHtlle'S il., .in. l- i lm uli It Mr. Instil lllli) i Un i nt i ii,i tuts ot t lm t.Ci an agent ol , - . . i...i.ii,ii imi.titt. 1 ill. i.thi-i ui- 1 1. ut wu-i by the , ... ti.ii..., 1,1 iiiti. til rutilt Allies ll , .not : liiisliieiit '1. iiii.tnng uuti), and I .ut. .n olll Mr. Alll H hi.- tlitlllllltel ll.. Iii. mi I- Sllstlillle.l ll seillll Wltllllil, HIU i., i .n.-t ,l iitilv iritctiiri ,1 collar bout i Amu l bung iiiredloi at tlioSciar.' i,L lll.UMIt.ll. Ii-isii lull teiitn fiifTenil n tlefeat last ei'iinluy iilt.'i tu im, nt Itin ininiis oi Boum -luliiu. out i'iehei liml nu tilt ilay, nitii nu- lot quite In 1 1. Ho) I'ross, lite opitos pi i.' lilo nils ei-i.iii'ii-u, until mr- I o-i H. nn -,mIi ! t on t 1 mn wciti n-ciin u i i n in n .mi bus. rbc lliml store was 1. i 1 1 i .i- ...ihIiw. :-i. Mutt, ii .i rrn. ui-uu. in,. I Un- initial "I Hi" Ulniry M. I. clmu'h, ..i .....ii. ,,i .sun, hit-. II Iiltllill It V 1,1,1, ,1, 0 li) It-V. II. ItellVllli. nt tUUlU i oi. i iii. in the t in it 1 1 1 iu:. uml li) llev, Mr, ii. it-. -t. oi Miitil.-nuo.l. in Iho t vt-nitu, Mis NniiiuiColili, ot .Mount Vernuu.Ohiti, is I , nn inr h -r Miiiiiiinr t ,ti':iii,tii. j r. k.oiiii hat leiiiincil, uml will com in., I.e., Ins IllKII tell, nil illllles 111 itlioiu i..t. ..nt- lt.lilii. iiiliit-ml nt the West IMii-ti.n lugli Nliiiul, with Ms family. Is iij. i.ii l.u iiniiii ll v.icilinn at (hi' M.iple Hi tun . . ., Mi-. Iliifer (,iii lie uml family, nf Hones .1 ,.. . r, en - t. nl i, -lllli-i li-lii Itlil wecr. Wn. i! Mm i i. nt llostnli, il'ic.. it the iiim of ins liioi.i. i. lte. ttiiiii. I Muriii) I . . I. ,. i-.-t.-i- t ie Mill lull 111 i... ... u tl. nt 1,14 a,ii. It-iv liutl bc.'ll Ullbwl .... tn.. in at New orlv t it), lie .,i mr, it in the iterliiniiutle of Ills , in, w bi-.ilit-muii. and In entne manner I, II iimler the tt In cut ut Urn train, iin l ha I Imlli 1,.,-t He hvol only ii snuri ...-th. ,., ..i. ..nt. ?lr. Stlllllll uusine Kimimth) nl tho entire loiiiuiuiilty iu his llill-i lion Bethany, Am 2-Hh. The Sunday Sclioul nlc iiIok, Inst week, were very mtioh eiijoyt-tl ny an. At iue rresuyieriau union iue ulc. ut Wlhuarlh's (trove, over two hun dred ntedluuer, aud Ice cream was served to all. Tree. Mr. aim Mrs. iteuneii unapei ami two scimitar, or snickersnee, or s imo other sous, of White I'la ns, ., are Hpenil- a,,adi,. w,,aD0ti. ntl ns miv bn imm-lnn.l. ingalew .la) s Willi iue miter s minor, joiiu n. Dirougman. Bridgo in Damascus -No. wxl Peti tion (or bridgo over Uolliotor Creek, whoro Btato road crosses road to Abro- limvilln. Istaa II. Sinicrcock, N. IS. jponcer nnd Fred, iiickort nppointod viowers. Bridgo in Preatoa No. i0. Petition tor bridgo ovor Ktjutnunk Crock, on rjitJ from High Liko toComo. Frank X. Sjoto, jr.. Joel Q. Hill and C. P. 8)urio nppjiotod viowers. llule tj rovoko appointment nf Frank Stark u3 guardian of Tholmu Uorton. Attor hoariug tbo evidence rulo dis- Investment by IIonciJalo C'metcry V u" iiioiioyo ot Win. T. Ujjro und I micj A. Uigirt, of foiicsdale, torpsr- pttuil euro o! lots in Otoi Dyborr) Comelory. Approved. Ordered that the trial list for October Toim bo made up on Monday, August 3lilt. Steenc. Al'u 2ltli. Mr. Brown who said there wouul bo trntt tbe "ill of Mi'ptcuilii'r, is liehiinl t lit) llui--. .it itiKt l-ridu) u.uriiiug, tbu early uera lu tills st-otlou tlltniivcrcil that Jack l iosl had ulri-iuly iiut In Ins ttiiiicitrituoe. r in no ttt iik ihsiiii i iiitirovi in? ins nest by nutting on another itililitlou. the link suvsas the )0ilug links begin tu HtiKi- hi lioin nil itlreatloiis durliig the sittumer moutlis, there ts hardly room for cull. flirt. The net proceeds tioiu the box social last week were &j oO. .luscptiluo l'eriy has a lieu of tho nun (Jo 'Inn variety that deposits lu a nest every oilier day, a egg lueasurlug f bv lit luulies, which is lar tiiii-au ui uir'-i famous lu tnr bent. Mr in., I Mrs, Samuel Wright, of Cur liontluii . were visltur Hem lust wet k Allien tide s tlo iil' the Oiirtieiiter work lor n l.trirn wiigou house, beslili s an addition to the rt'sl.leuce ot J Iv llnli-v. lliero Is now .js riiiscti luwurti iue rooll.ig ot the chapel, which requires if-M) t) puretiiise iue luatermi. Tllero are several inrius in I ills seciion Transfers oi Heal Estate. Wlnwood Dalrv Association to Wm. Itouers. JulviT. 1008. Preston. I1.S00. Ilenry B. Neefl and wife to a. C. Bortree and Fiord F. Bortree. July 2a, 1008. Lake, III). .loseiib SlrEolus and wife to Joseph Mar cine, July SS, 1008. Ulinton. 11.300. r-t.nKl.. ll li'Utnn Ht nl. to Wlllifttn Fuec leln and wife. July 7, 10U8. Sterling and alelu. si.Kts). Win. II. MoMInn nna wireio uiaucne r, ronlt. Julv IS. 1008. South Canaan. tl.SOO. Win. II. McMInn and wife lo Ellen Cur tis. July 15, 100-1. Boulli Canaan, rsou. William Kxan to William 11. Tamblyn fntv tt mitt. Ilvhitrrv. 11. 11. u. Itower BUU wile to ucu ii, ueu&ri, July SO, 1003 Uonesdale. U.C00. Marv Ilernsdorf et al. to Marcaret (Iran oer. JnlT T. 1008. Ilerlln. tl. Josepniiitt ireaoweu to uirnaei rsuiofii- sen. jmy 7, hub. uawiey. sasi. Minor Hrnwn nntl wito lo u. iu liii. Is. HUH Tinas. .'il). II. r . Klmiiieanti wile to t-.uimei u. uen. nls. Jul) -':, list. Damascus, ssu. Henry 11. Ne.ltto V. 1). Hanloro and R I.aiiibonttt. July SO, 10.18. Like. t . w. Iliiutiell aim wile lo jonn a., iicck -, July 1. 1005. Texas, fwo. Oliver Kltnortt und wife to Ueo, I. C I 1.1. 11)08. Damascus. 11.000. Charles Markey and wife to Jobn W. HoJ vman. Julv II. 10.H. Texas. tl.UKI. John l.i'iiz to James Mundy. July', 1008, Texas. f,,s.iu. I.- Iiasseu el in. to wm. it. oampson July 0, UHM. wavinart. fooo. Kllztbetii A. Walerson et al. to Char W. Ilofiniinu. Julv 17. 1003. I'autiaeK. tl. Marv June smitn to ruomis. uoio juiy t iihn. Wu marl. S100. Abraiii lleiiiiettto Joun It. uauasly, July I'.'llt Manchester. 1. 100. Ttiinnus Colo nml wile to Ira Case. Is- le nl ( a.n uud Itus'ell K. Case. July S, 1008. Mouth Caiman, fo.&lio. Kiuiikliii 11. VareOH et nl. to Thomas Cole. July .1, 10 8. ivtiyniari. ii.aou. iietirv it. nctiu ati'i wut. to rreu. i Dill-moth. Julv 0. 1'JOt.. Dvberrv. 13. m. aienlieii Slrobl lo Joseph Uoirad and Jobn lllirtt. Jllty-, llti.-.. iiiuiai't, ,,w. Abram tlennelt aim wire to iioya , Mitchell. July 0, 1008. Damascus, isjo. Sprtlnn 1 lie It tti-ulK,! In- ihr K, n ,tp mwl llouso tif lr,rr"enlntil( - III tl. i. A-., nittl) met, Thai tin- fnllottln nn.tltilnitnts to tin- t.'iiti-' stltiilloti of rtiios)ltnula t,e, ntnl Hie minir nn- nericr. ,roiii-e,i in nri nriinui o wnn tl.o itsn t.cntti ttrtlrli. Ilurtur - Thst section slK of nrtli It- flic be nmrinli-i strlklns out Ihr snl,j sii.inn nnl Insulins In Itlnro Ihrreof the folio htk- rtloII t. iu ins tnuutie- or I "It 1 1.1.1. Inula nnu Allt sthc ny nil lite Jurl.ttli tint, nml iutttri nnn vestt-d lu I lit? setrrnl nulultrnl tourtit of eiitiuuon tilens shall l,e ittteil It. ,iit. .oiirt ot lotuiuou I'lsts In rnrh t,l snlil niuiiUes, tutno-til i,f nil tho judge in i nniiuitsliin in sulJ. t-nurts. JurlHtllctlou ninl iu,ers ihnll . xtrn.l to nil ,ro reeaiDgs st lati nint III tiiilt) nulih thill hate been lustlluliU In the sittrsl iiuuittrril cnurls. and sunn ne sunjet i to tnniiKts nt mur ts roads t,y la, nml suhjeit lo th.uitic of tiiiur ns lirovldt-d b) lati Ihe l-resl.lrnl Juilite fif tmh of the aald courts ilinll be stltiteil (is (,ro l.lcl l,y law. Tho iiuuitxr of Judges it. i nt h ot sal,l i oiirtt may be. by Ian. inrreusid frnni time to l hue. This amendnunt shall lake cff.ct nil Ihe llrnt Monday or' sunteill.iK us mlt-i linn, sertlon 2. Thill nrtlile lite, scrllon rlnht. to amended by tonkin nn n'Miliou thiitto an Hut the aims shftlt read nt fnlliitis Si-etlon s The KJll.l tniitts In tho routines or 'hllndelrhl-t und All, Kb. nr. rt s,erllt. I) , -Oinll. front tltuc lit time, In turn, detail otu- ir more of thtlr Judges lo hold the rutirlt of o),r nnd It-rntlnrr nnd tho tourls or .itiartrr trsitlnns or the brace of said rouiilles. lu six 1. ln.mliir ns mar bp din tied l,r Lit. I'rovol, .1. Th.-it In Ihe county of rhltndellihla Ihe tlrnrral At.rinblv shnll oate puwrr tu tKiinui-n n Mi.irnii' inuti, itin blslhiR nf nut more tlinn four Jtiilgt-p, tthkh hhill havo rsilu.lve Jurlidlelloil lu rilmllint rases and In sutli othtr tuatlrrs nt ut.iy ,o rotl,ltil by law A iruti ro)y et joint iir.oiinmn .n .. tiin.r.ii t mcai i.r., Ferretary of tho Commonnralth. A MRSrtMI'.NT Til TIMI CONSTITUTION l'llll ,' rtlSIIll 111 TIIK I'iriZKNS 111- THIS . tlM- .M.i.-itt i. i.i ii i -tin i mint , ai. till un- jkctius uv Tin: ui:Ni:itAi, assi:miii.y up TIIK CllI.MI)NWi:l.1ll III' I'llNNSHA IN'll. rr u.isu i uv iiitiu:it n ptiii: si i u :r ui til' TIIK fllMMIlNWIIM.TII. IN I'l ItSI'XNCi: Oh' AllTICI.K .Will of Ihe t'UNSTITl 1 ION. number Two. A JOINT linSIII.l TION ITopotlnK nn Atnetidtilrnt lo the Constitution of ino l otnnionnrnun, Allonini; tuuntlrs, l ltlts. norutisnt, rmtQanipt, scnooi lusirins, or Ulhtr Municipal or Incorporated lllslriitt, tu Inrrtnso Thrlr IndebtrdnrBB. lie It rrolird br Iho Prnato nnd Ilou.e of Itrn- rrsrntatltfs of tho Contmotinoalth nf rinn-tl- tnnl.t lu Oeneral Assembly mil. That sirltnn elcht, artlrlo nine, of the Comtuotittcalth of rrnn- s)ivania, rrauinR ns lounns: "Sictlon 8 Tho dtbt of nny rounty, city, borough, tottntnlp, school ditrltl. or mtur mu tilclriailly or Incorporated dlplrltt. tx,rpt nr herein provided, shall nrter etttct s.ttn irr erntunl upon ino osscsseu tnlue ur the i.ttaiiie proptrty therein; nor shall any such munli limllly or district Incur any new debt or Increase Its In- ueiiteoticss to nn n.nouni rTcceuiuK tno per centum upon sum nssestea vniiiauon or property without Ihe nssent of the electors Ibrrrof nt . nubile elerllon. lo surh manner ns shall be t ro vlurd by law; out nny city, me ucni ot which now exceed seven per centum of such nstesscl intuition, may bo nuthorlred by law lo lnrrtae ihe samo threo per cenluni. In ihe nceriK.ile, nt any ono time, upon such taluallon." be amended. In nccordnnto with tho proil-iliint of the eighteenth arlltlc or snld roiisiituiion. so that said section, when amended, shall read ns follow Section Tho debt of nny tounty. city, bnr ouxh, tow-nshlp, school tllstrict. or other munici pality or o.siriet, nt nere.n tirovlded. shall never rxcrcd Irn per centum upon the a'ses-cd value of Ihe taxabto property flit ri - n tier than nnv turn munic na tty or iii'iriei Incur any new debt or Increase Its Indebtedness la an amount exceeding two per centum upon such ntsestsd valuation of property without the a-ent of tho electors thereof nt a public elec tion, In such manner ns snail ,o proviucj t,y law A iruo copy ot joint iirsmiition .u. . KIlllKItT Mc.M-r.K, RecreLirv of the Commonwealth MRNIIMRNT Ttl Till: CONSTITl'TlllN THO - PI1SKII Tt) Till: C TIZKNS tie' TI IS CtlM- MIlNWKM.Tlt Itllt THI'.IR AI'PHOVAI. tilt UK JKCTION IIV TIIK CKNCUAIj ASSKMIII.Y III Tllf. t'.IMMIlNWKAl.TIl 111-' l'KNNSYl.VANIA I't'lll.ISllKI) I1Y Ultl.KU til- Till! snt ltNI.Mlt Or' TUB COMMONWKAI.T1I, I.N rills IJAnut. Ol' AKT1C1.C. XVIII lie 1111-i lU.NMIIl 1 1U. .-sumocr mrce. A .HUNT ItRS.lI.llTION' I'rnnotlne Amendment to Set Hon Klcht nn, nii.t Twelvo of Article 1-tv'e. Sections Two. Three and I'ourletn of Article Klght, ScLtlon tine of Article Twelve, nnd Srrllont Two niut Seven of Articlo Fourteen, of the Con--tltutloii of Pennsylvania, nnd Providing n Schi-dulo for Carrying tbe Amendments lntu Kfftct. sprtlnn I. lln It rcMoltcd bv the Senate nnd IIpiiha of Itpnreaentatlve of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In General Assembly tntt, That the following are proposed ns am.ndments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, In accordance wilh tho provisions ot the clgatcemn articlo tnereoi:, ns I- m,w txrrilsid by ntibrmrn, sul.Jei-t tn K.i.h i li.i.igi -. nut iiiMilvina nn increase oi tivll Jurlstlli llun ir i ii.itinliis iKiliiii-nl duties, n- iiuiy be nii.ile by litw. la I hilndt Iphlft Iho oi.Wo of nit. noun l .ihoibhc-t, sn , to rend ns follows- In Phlhtiltitihl'l tin re slit, I t-t- tstublistied, for mill thlit) liiotisatid liiliiil.ii.oiti , otu court, not of record, or pnllu nml iltll uiusti., with Jurls t'lilliin lint txiieditiK nm bundled dollars, such . tiiurlt shnll le htld ty manlt-tralt whoto term id oHltc shall be six enrs, o-id thty shall be tliitid nn geiierul ti-hel at the munl.lpnl 1 1, - -'.mi. ly Hit iiunltltc-l tnti.s nt large; nlnl In tbn tliitloii e( llie -all u.i.i.-i-ir.ii s no xolcr shall , inn- li r lie ri tlinn ti' thirds of the number of ' pi nt, in in- ulitit inure tb,.l. out -iro to I i, ,lu,iii He) iiiili in nii.pitii'iitid only ,y, A Business Educitlon. A buuneaj education has enabled ntanv nennln tn ntt'iin lliirh salaried no- vitiotia ilookkoeuine una ctaortnana kIiou hi ha loarnod in a wclI-cautDDea sshnol. l)y tho thoroughness nf its courtsf. und couiplotcuosa of its equip meiit. tho 1,'iukawaniia iiusiness uoi- lego has hoc. mo tho largest school ot its kind in this section ot tho country. Over f,00 students in attendance laet year. A post curd will bring our now Amendment One To Articlo Tour, Sprtlnn Rlchl. Qppllpn S Am,nt ftpptloll rlltllt Of article four of Ihe Constitution of Pennlvanl.-i, whith reads as follows: .-l.A -tint, nnmlnaln nnd. hv and will, tho nd' vice and tonscnt of two-lhlrds of alt the members ot tho senate, nppoini a secretary ot me iuui' ......ntpni.t, nnd nn Attornev-dcneral durlns blcts ure. a Suticrlnteudent ot Fubllc. lustructlon for ...... .a... nn,. mint, other offlcera ot the Com monwealth' aa he Is or -may bo nuthorlied by the Constitution or by law to appoint; ho shall have power to Oil alt vacancies that may happen, It Ur to Kttlch ho m.iv aDootnt. during the ri ce or the senate, oy granting iuiumiiu,i. which aball cxptro at tho end of their next ses sion; ho shall baio power to fill any tacancy that may oappco. aunug luu tenon ...v . ... tt... mp.; p. Aitolinr riener.iL state Trtasurcr, Secretary of Internal Affairs or Superintendent of I'UbllC instruction, IU a juunwi umnr, " ...... -.i.-ii.n pm.p uhlph ho It or nm- bo nu thorued lo nu. It iue vacancy nuan iiniu-tt. ..U,..,H tho sestlon or tno E-cnaio. too ijoti-riini bii.hi ....... i....p ip ,i,a s..nnip before the r flnnl ndlourli inent. a oroncr person to fill said vaennry, l,tit In .,,1-v. rntn or viipiini v. In an tlretltc ollk person shall bo ehosta to said office ot tho next gelltrai eieiiiuii. .uc . T.... unt.i., ,.,r.p pn months immcd atlll preceding such election, In which case the election I... ..u pm, n nhnll l,p held nt tho scioud SIIC- teedlng general election. In ncllng on exciutlte nomlnHtlona tho Senato shall sll wiiu open uu irs, .... In .nnflrmll,. Ol rplectlllC tllO naliOI.I of the Governor, tho vote shall bo taken by Ji.ta and na)s. nna snan no euitrei. uu iu, Juu,.,u,, an as to reau a lutitiKo. .... .I..II nn,lnnl. nn l,v nnd Willi It.C Bdl 1, and consent of two-lhlrds ot all Iho mt.nbera ot the senate, arpoiui a oevrinti .-. ".. i.t. nnA ,. A.iortiev tleneral dur nc p ens ure, a Huperintcnucni ot t-utuic .ttDtm. .i.-.. four years, ana sucn otner nuit-vto i ... u..i,h na lip It or msv be nuthorlrrd by the Const tutlon or by law in appinut; uw .iwii ti...w powir to nil oil vacanucn iuui titay ,i..,i, .. oinies to which ho may appoint, during the rece nt the senate, ny gruntum iumiu, p " .1..11 .....ii-,. i,t Hit. i-u,l of the r next Btsitlnii, shall havo power tu nn any ,nL.iiii-y .u-.t .....j h.ii.o.n. durlni: the rinsa of Iho htnate, in iue m. .. of Auditor tleneral, statu Trtasur, r. Sc. 1'uliUe lnstruttlon. In a Judicial oulte, or In any other ilectlto olllie which ho Is or may lie au-:.'- , nn i, inp nh.ill,nen dur. log the session ot tho Scuate, tho tlovernor shall tiomltiaio to toe otuum, u,i.i .u.., ,, - . nt . n.pnpp ..ppBnn tn OU nld vacancy but In any such cao ot vacancy, In an ilectlto omce. a person shall bo ihoseu to sold olllce on ' . .. ..I noronsltla tin 1 1 I'll C, III ft?. H?f. .1 ' Sll. V .lilntwo eaUn- s- al. IntmAitlnlalu tirsl-ii In IT RUCh t U CtlOtl day. In which caw the oUtlon for saldo0ns5:l'! annronrlatfl to nurh offlio. In nctliiK mi "cutiV' nomlnatloiiH tho tenato nhnll mi n tho GoLrnor. tho vole fhaJI he taken it'lK and na)tt. nnO shall w emen-u un iu ju. ...... AiiituJmeDt To to Aructo i uur, ot'imu Section 3. Amend nectfon icnt-ono of article four, whlcn riad as rollowii: "i he urni of tho Secrtwry of Internal Aff-iira hall Lo lour yiar; o. mo uiiv, tu l imlli l nilJ (.unity, mil k i ii ri ! ulh jin imiu iitin, Mvil nnd trim i. ii1. iii id iiiroln rovi(ltd, ni Is im cxrr iv iiidtiiji'ti, nuttjt't tu nut li cliuntfn, not ,hi ni i Ml juriftJIrtlntl rf mn I r 1 ii .itit(. .tl .ti in i tit i ,i tiiiulf- t y law, In 1 iiin f IU i tin ii ' of Him rm, m In nt.n.lslioii. AiiiiLdHH i'l Si lo Artiilu I.ltfUt, ftiittou llirtf. , Civ Hon Aniuid -nik-n two of article clplit, Uch rtflds ti tilK. " llu m-mral i-ledlMi ulnll bv luM nnnimlly nn th- tMnlv ml ft'llottlliK Hip tiM of Nor!iiii. r. Mil Un' I., in ml . - ntl ly tn i l.y law tl it iliJlituil dny, two IhtnU of nil the niunbtTi cf inch Ili)iist (ini"tntlni; thr to." tut n tn rend: Thp ptntrnl (Uctlrti flitill I r litM I Irlinlally rn (he luttday he it lollunlup Itu- tlr-l .Monday of .Nocmttr in iacIi (vn-nunit4r(il )enr, liu. tho tiiutrnl ,tmt'ly may hy In IU n illtTcrcnt day, tHo-tMrd4 ot till br uu nil i m vt nt h IIoiit ron -4 ntl nit tin nt". iT'iMdrd, 1 hat udi rloitlon elm 1 1 hIwh)-- le htld In nn tvin-ntiml'iri'd yenr, Ai.HiMlmi ni six -Tu .rllili i:iht, Soitlon Ibrcp. s i i ii'ti 7 Ann ti. pi (Hon Ihrvf of nttti lo eight, tthl" Ii r i I- ni fi'llons- All l Itoni for c it r, .rrd, hormiRh nnd inwulilii iii.'ir-, for trtn of nrvlce, 'nil tr Ixli in tho third Tutrday if IVtruary," -u tn tn r-n-l - Ail jldts ilnlid ly tlm tln'tnr ff tltf Ftnlo u.i' mn) ! tiiricil ni tuiur n citxrai nr mill ii-iit f Ir. t ion. n circ iittittntii ri mnr nnulrr. .Ml tin tloim for Jii'lKrs r'' tho court for the prv iral jii.lii lal dihtrh tn. nnd fur (niitils. rllr. w.ird. l.utouuli, und tovti-hii nHhrrd. fur Hcular tcrmi nt pint' r, Mi.iii i-o in id on llio inunii'ifni i irtiinn i1.i , nntnt I) , the 1 ut Hy nt xt folio h) tho -i .Mm it ij oi sMjvriniHr in tarn on ! -u utt' tiUt l lio (iitirrnl An-ttntilv miv nv J.i tlx n iltf(i rent d.iy, two-lhlrdt ot nil the rmtntcr ot .n n iinui tiuincniiiiit iinriio: itoiiHiI, i line tin h In lion fhnll nlunyg bp held In An odd iiiimrnTt'il jur ,tuf tinmeni cn io .inicie i.irhi, frrtion imirtttn. ilnti Amrnl -i-'tiiiti fiuriicn ot nrtltto milt, V i. h t, .id II (nil. v, Pli-uitt tii Muni inn r-unu ron in n n Ilu hikI two tif-t-t ' tur-n who nhall ht thonrti mn unit v Lv tlic i Itli int. L'niti li i tor thull na the rlfilil to tlc for Ihr Jitdne nnd one lttretior, itnl .nth Inrpfiti-r hh.tlt npptdni ono clrrk. llio tlr-t (Intion t'Oird fur nny tirw dlstrlit hMI ho hil, nnd varum in iircuon I'lisirtis mitu, . i, ;.ii t.i itmlilttl lv l.nv. i:ic(tlon omrern -In 1 1 bv rllUsid trom nrre-t upon dat of tloc i.mi. mid hllo tiiR.iK"! In uiaMiiK up nnd trnns- iiiiuiiis rituiti. xu-pi upon vinrrnht or n rouri f rnord or Jtnlito ttnrroi. irr nn umn'ii iihuu. r f lutiy, or for wanton brmrh of the encc. In itin tin v may t.ilrii cxniti.tlon fiom Jury . duty .lurintt Un Ir ti rtnt t f t-onti v, ' p nn tn riad: In trl t ilritton nnrn -nnu ronii m juurh id linn. In-pi - t'-r-. )n nhnll Io choein I It if ni.illy. I Hie (Itiitir- nt tin tnutitclpal t lection J hut th. ii-tH-rnl A'-minhl) m.iy ti'iulre nld Uurdi t iipinlntid in nun innnner ni u majr ojr i-ivv i rm hie UTWft iritunnnR ino npponuouu. f n.itil tn ard may I'O t nnni'H i nppiy iu vuii nlj iTiiviil il, inai t-ui n laws oo mil"1"" twi in.. ..r iim wntni' ihm l'.ich diftor fhall nave lw tliiht io "ti fur ihe Judt-'o nnd one tupctor, Hid i h hifpietnr phall npj olut ono rierk, ino ,iit tii.tlf") t'oard fur nny new dlnirlit Mian ho liottd. nnii Munni'ios in ikcuuii wmrun um-u. Khtill lo proMld ty la. Klociioti otucerj hall l0 priviieuru inim urn-pi iinim u.o i rtlon. tuu miuio engipv'td in mnhiiiK ui iiim rii"mlttln rtiurnp, txnpt upon warrnnt or a ourt oi Ittnni, or jhuro incn-oi, mr mi unu ui fraud, for fihrny, or for wnnton treaeh or tno prni e. In fUU' they tnny tl.itni exemption from jury duty durlnc tin Ir icrmn of frrlce. sMlUIIUUIVlli I.ISUi .wi-tviv- .".I'll M tlon One Sfction ! Amend nation one, nrtlclo tftelre, )ii'h rend.-, ns follows r otl rrrfi. wlui-i Eiirriton is nov pruo-ra for In thH I'oiir-tUutiiin, f-hall ho clotted or op tiled ii" may io miccit'u vy iav, - im rend . . .... ,ll ofJirera. wnopo t-riertton is noi provuca ior thin fonstUutton, fhall bo elected or nppolnted lo dlneied ly In l'rold(d. That tlec- i'f St.itc otllirrn Finn no mm on n ncncrni li . tlun day. and Lltclionn ot loeni o.uctrs fuhii -i hld ou n tnunl. Ipal tloitloti day, except when, ti rlthr-r rn-o. Mm Ini iKctlotn may ho required iu nil um-vplrid terms. Atlli litimtni. .-iiic io rtriivio i wurii'vii, Hoi tlon Tnn. srrtion li). Amend t-ertlon tno ot articlo four tot it, which rends follows, County oliirirs snail lie ciccien ni ine Bcnrrni Icitl"iin and halt hold their oillcea for tho term if iiirt- i lifchtnluc on tbo first Monday ot tniiuat) next nfur thdr election, nnd until their ("soi' -nan ir uwiy quiiuni'i, un nu.iii.ns otlicrwlhe proltlid lor flinll ho filled In nuch iiannir ns may lo rroMed oy law, no ns io re id , , , County omi rn umii io riccun ni ino muuitipiii Itttluiis nnd Khali hold their oillces for tho term .c ,.,r t.iLTiniiliic on iho llrst Monday of Innu try next after their election, nnd until their u ra thrill l.o st it 1 v miallllfd: nil vncnnclcfl not cjilierwlso i loaded for, shall ho tilled In such auuer n- may ue iruMuiu oj i.i". Amcndmtnt Ten To Articlo I'ourtccn, Section Seven, Srcllon 11. Amend iettlon seven, articlo four teen, which reads ns roiiows: "llirro county commissioners nnu iwrra rouuij nudltor Bhall bo elected In each county whero nurli oniccrs tiro rnoacn, in itio jiur ouu iiiuumiim eight hundred nnd scventy-tlvo nnd every ihtrd jear thereafter; and In the election of pnld oIDecrs caih eiuallfled elector shall vote for no moro than tuu p,r on", nnd llio threo prnon having tho hlRht'Bt number ot otes rhall bo elected; nny ittttual at amy in tho otuce ot eounty commts Hloncr tr rounty auditor thai! ho filled, by tho i ourt of common pitas of iho county In which suh vacau.'y dull occur, by iho nppolntment ot fliTlor oi ino proper fount) un puuh voted for iho eommliiflloncr or nuiijior wnoso Is lo he filled," so as to read Tlinn .niintv i niiimlas.limprn and UireO COUntT nuditorn shill be elected In each eounty where nurli olllciTs arc elic-cn. In Iho jer ono thousand mnc liuiuircd nna eicen nnu i-.tiy mmm jim il,. srafi.s nml In tlm i If L't loll uf Ftlld OlIUl fS cnCU nualilltd elector shall oto for no moro than two IU rOIl,,, (luu IIMJ 'llliu I'tiruiis nm no .ut number ot otca shall ho elected, any casual JtliUiy III tlie Olllfe OI roumy lummmamiu ommon vUas of Ihe eounty in which such va .111. v Mi.ill oi mr, by Iho appolnliiunt of nn r of the I roper tounty who Minn nao voiea 1 . . . . . . . . . . . " . I ahnll III. lillir Villi. Ol ll.U AUH11UI u"1'"' ... Mici I'ttiim Siuttnis r lidwii'), wan lion tmvo uoi h tiroi ui water iu meir ijouriiui. nhowinK tno various aow omce I Mi of ato Treasurer two jenrs ti Stimt.i), lUo Kumt ut Mi, votix bi- Upriiiui tit tlm proteiiit lime, Tlie far uppHtinoos uoil for iufltruotlon. Uei-o offlrers shall bo nou,pn7Pn"tl',gU1 IllDllP l'irt MilU't I t'U't, (h'orLro r.oklmrt. of New York, urrlvoil Hrttunlttj, tu MUMii. two wteko' vticatluti v It li hlit wife nutl iliuihter, at Mtt-t KiMlIlt H llUIUP, Flurvuoe MauntncU vltltlui her cousin lu Hoelyvllle. ticliool wilt opeu on Monday, Auk Ult( wiin tui t-s aiauy as ipaouer. A otMiiniuk' party, coiunoeed of tho fol IowIuk youutf ladle Ella Qamuii'll, Kva uanut'p, liiumu Auuroti, t;arrio ami Dullv CoiW. MarJorlo Umiiier. Iltatioho Htariiof, Flon'Udo ltlak, Maraarnt Mttu iilnu', Hdua Hlftko, aud Frt-ilu Uo-f, of i;h rry uuie, ouaperoned uy alien ohrlot, left ou Mo inlay for a weoKV ftii at tho Club Iloitfie, at Upper Woudx I'omi. William nouocr ic aito in hi tern i HUCl', deadly wnapon, ntl un miy bo imnpinod, Krjatly to tlid fright and a'jnidhmnt of tho youth who w.u, InwuvtTiuno o?ntly, rcspaiidibln for youu Imi's knockout. Thon cnmcthrcU of proar.-uiii):. Rnd l omnimod Uio lituo barn of Ji-.-m . laL wtt k. Ncvily all i'l llio eon- Ml..iii,iitii' tin. rifHuonV tdoi.uf liny, ,4 oli.. Wi renl.ifli.ijoil. Ttlt loa Wild r , sum. i,.-.. ii. i t.illPT. . r "un l con Ui.ot Hipvli-y, v n-t;iieits ilit . u'urul A.L M lllXt Wl't'lti U I-tai.f'f i mtimiy ill. tvinl eii, ..... ....i. ri.ini. il tin her ri'i-nvt rv. V.nii Kutie, "I nirK'n iniimii, i i m c( Dr. nnd Mr, ll. u. um I'ddniK bulla euoiii t' utt of n i Mi- sltll Milanvillo. lm Ollli .l.(tll llltilHII. Of ItOtttOU. Mr , i hit iidiutr his vac.'itluii with hi iu it Ii-t, Mm Abuui. lilmmi. Mr. Ill ui it i . i u i tn ' j Uarvuid I'liivi'mliv tliif ye-ii Dumiil! bi iu-t jeitr at the col ,'Jr itiul Wr. i:ibrteini' i'ar, ..uitcr, uf u . s,... Mus.. ni-. . iiii.ftK of Mrt. i) H d'jrmuda for damnes on (he p.irt if tho j t, ttLail ,t 'n'J Mapli." ). J. WctJullotisll reinrm'U irum niuu- KkkicI KukkI KitKKt -Tbo I'hiUdclDht'i l'rcdri rocontly completed a hindfotne nund taipt'iymont lj fio tt Auk for AIUmi's ln)t Kaio. A iinwilur for swollen. Ilrml. hot. timrt tnjtftfet. Hatnplf vent FUr K. Aim Kin llio KiMtTKiR MTAHV t'OKV- i'AO, now tttii uliiin, A ltltsMt Alltit ri. OhuMfttd. U Uoy, N. V. Dromium catulocuo which tlun uro dis tributing frco. It you aro alrnady n renanr ot n rniiuut'ipnia uauy nowu f taper, writo to-day for premium cut a OiEiio and uot uext to iho twentieth cm turv wnr uf pedum beautiful nronu uma. olTored topofplo who pubaenbo by tiinil. Addrorfri Tho Treca Circulation Department, 7th and (JUectnut etrccte, ruiiaacipiim, When Uiolwvliy l itom and hai ynu wor. rio,i a.nA witni nti will lint l tut a llllh iu.'aiwe-i, Ihn wiU known ictiuiU fur Iml.utmi tlilldrn, will illl, t 1,1 " OI1" in n Imri tun.-. Tho imin-Hini nro I'liul- ti pUlnlyun lh botili. t'ontaln iioupmt v. bold b) i'Mi., nu' i.riipktui. Uw and iho withdrawal frum tho fire esmpviy of youtij? Lnwi and hi, with other terribly nlHnR ovi denceo of enmity, whi"h mnln Iifn f r tho writer eocm foru?hilo hnr My worth tho living. Thia catranRmant la-tod fuv iniu yenru, but ovontutiiy tin aiui;'vn.'8 found thoinstilvea nuohorcJ in Itfo work, Tho writer bocuni elirorofn lots tl paper nu 1 bn ivp tront "it -iny t v t'1 it .N.'w i a ut.if, iuii-i. , j,,,,,.!,,! with tii.'ir noultrx. with Mr. 1). VaU'titliu', ui iwiiiw.ifcPF . - , irm- - i,,.,.. or l'r.l?t'' i-i . t i uMitin Kktunor have I Wesley UobtrtH ami i-UtPr, KlUaboth, Mv. ii h lua aiid LortMm b tinner imt i " . 0f tt ro'iinu d nttcr a pleasant trip vUlM Vv, Mill ' wi lif.i.inMiuHr.Hunr inw. "MliWil HwIul ha returned home I s . -r N.i I .ri. ill Mill ii l4.r. HI lirilllKI IJ. ... . i x " .' '.. "y ' rr. "ir, li , ,.l,.v. lo hi.. il n Rtter a two weoKi.' in Li.irt.ou.iaie. (o ilis- Alt I. In' ii'i.'Il', Miirl.ui llrown. ... . X... -J... ..... ..P X...L' lll.l-ril. .,.", u',.,1 in.'-M. mIhii.'.-i l. iii. r.-t uml "Oi ccurn." nid tho visitor, "yhon Vii ' r, (it hi'tt iii-. ill, nil" 'lonnilliis you Ptl ro lltl u,ifiio un juur 11.10 ui illlf-r ou npver iukii iiiu iurKv.-tii nun, (iuyoul Mriit nasurcdlv not. ronlioJ tho lit lo lljoton boy. "Thrro bcuiK ''ut two lalvca lo u u apple, thoro aa no no lorRcat iihts iii-iui,' ooiupi'llt'il to ilrlvu their out- tin uml ilruw water ft loui; illsttmce. I'liitrlcs D.-uiili' mul ilmilitt'r, I'lor i-iic-, lm v. nturiiod frum i; two wx-oks, x-sit Airli frl.-iiils at Altmnv. I'otiitui iir.. iibout a tlilril of u crop tlituiiitlioiit Wii)u.' county Wll'iimi l'i. ft, of Uiirboiiilitli', Is visit In . frii.1j.ll lll-r.i. I !lilrki-M tllll'V."' Imvo liouii iiulto lmsy in ili x-loliiitvof l'roiutiton. John Wliitu win, l. iinw lu I ni ut llooesiliile. liml mitt) ii novel wny ot his ....ii.lilnifs' nlilakeus. but whs CAUuht lu the net. Ho would titko 11 illsb ot com ,.,l ,-n na lismr us possible without lielui; m-eii b Ills lieUlibor and eontlor coru nil t ... wax- llfinK ill ins own uini-ni-u iiuui-u ,,.,1 (.r.-.-iiiiii.- to throw tileiity liisldt. th" I tliL.ii Iuv mid wmt for his ltiiiiiu whlull In) lilli-w uoillil soon nil on int. treil, mul if th.' trull I'liili'.l lnslilv the ilili.lxeli lioin-.' door, the lives of the l iwls soon elidi-d Ilmt pusi-i-il hejolul ilu. norliUs of the dnor. It is rumored Unit inu't of llio poultry ruisi-rs nre now LACKAWANNA UUSINE33 COL- LKQI-: ail! Wt.bhiiiatOQ Avenue. Bcrno- ton. Til iuwz Yorls est ibluUraaiii o! Thurbir ll.-oi , whero ho uiiln hmmlt sj uitf..l flnnlly to Kivcn tin inU'ret in ihe 11 r in, niiJ ovcntually t) wilh.lriiw wilh IIihi.ooj to tho 03d. ll was duritiR tlm upward an J onwiird proreeB ot Mr. I.iwi that tho roforrod to nt tho benli.iiInK ot tlm urliclo boro fruit, llo win nlvoti, without warninK, or o.'en n "mirtod cop" of tho paprr, n enmpli mentarv natico - n "bao.t," ns Ur. I'hre lor mya In tho best ItltipuiKo the writer wm nblo to imploy. H3 nsstir. d Hi tho courtesy proved to bo brcrtd cant iiuilfioiuuib'. bold by l' Kll.Tlie l)tiifi;i.t. wui ilrs .Mi-noi'. 'i-i , .. I .mi H h' Aid H.wlety will hold lli,ii,-r in tin- I'lii-timt llrove near Mi" t'U, ii SMi.iur'i pmperti, onweilms. .1.. . ... I I.IH XVl't 1. Jlr. I'rmill ll'iyiu-nid, who hits lirvii '.loiirilint! ut "The 1,'iivrenco" for the imtt tlui'o wri'kn will return to llrook ln on U'edtiinl iy. ii.ix. I'l.nrles 11. hU liner, lit nreeent niistor of the Trinity M. K. ehiiroh t Aiiteirn, N- 1 -, ban HOc. ple.I lli nnll In Mil luu p-ioiliiin oi rresnit'iii oi L-nzeijo-1 in 1'repiir.itory Suliool. Lyric Theatre HK..NM. II. IIITTItlfJU, Lessw. & ManaRer I Wednesday Evening SEPT. 2d. Vl.-ler Herbert and Glen MuDonouRh's I f lore-tout Musical Extravagant, . n K onkif .ninrr Tnwi sini"i dAUljID IUILuM) An Kii i-lli'llt Cast. euperb Singing Chorur, 1'IIOIIU'CTION COiU'I-ETE, a. iilayed 18 Months in New York, i: Months in Chicago. PRICES, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 lllinimiii opens al Ihe Uox Office alD a. UI., l uesuar. rriueu.ocr Uotli Pboues. Tlieni ore nnny inillatloiu nf ll.Vltt's , 1X-....I. II.. .. U.I.-.. I. Ill l.i., ...... omkiiiii 7x.iii.iiiK i-i... is in. i ii it io.i, in. sisl nil DiiiYill. It Is ill un. Nik. i-iiiiIiiik PUIll.IO NOTIOK OP DISIOIiUTION p ! AllTNKllSIUP.-Notice is here- l,y elvi'ii that tbe partnonhlp heretofore ..;i.Vin i,iwiu.ii Jsnoh K. Kate Win. J. Kmz and ttamiiul Katr, under Ibe arm name nf Kalx tiroinera, wasuissoiveu uu mo iou.u h.v n Ai.uiui. li r tnututl consent. , il ..u-i, i. in nAlil nsrlnTshln are re Ket p me siouia.'ii iii un" i xi.ui-i iikm i .xi, ,i.-..r ,1 j-;-- - ' i Wm 1 i courts sbsll m nem 07 biiiih.;" ,, w 1.x- kx.-iuim u lioltleot Koitol in the n..Tal.le by sa d Jaoob F. Katx and Wm. , J. b. Bte rears, and tn "Hall be liuii.e ull the tliue. hut rspn.lally durlnir Kalx. who will oonliniie ine uusiness unucr slsctetl on xsnsral Uckct to m qua iinra Toisrs lb s mount. . -nan ixonui nia.iit-vt'r you 1111 1 uu. 111 iu n.M.. . '".r;"!'' r., ifiT that inu nee.1 It. That Is Jim only limn you alsn nil i-lalms and demand, agalu.l Kalx Hummer i-n.nlilalnts nn 1 other Serious all nm.nmi In hut can lie lrae cil tn the itiiinat-li ninn times mil of len. Ki-tp 1110 stomacu 111 huo 1 orut-r nnui iu.w .Kilors of tho Stats at KPiural elections. No trson fleclsa to tho office ot Auditor Ofneral or Slito Tn-asuri-r shall lie laimhlo ol lioldlug the same omce ior i.u rt'i?..".. , ihn srrflnrr of Internal Affairs, 0... Audlior Ucneral. nn.l tho Mate Trcinurcr ohall each ho four yfarsi and In'r."'"" . ... .... .I.rlnrn nf the StntO sn.riil 'licllons. but n lilato Treasurer, elected In tho year ono thousand ntno liundrud and nine, shall Versa for three ears, nnd his sucr.s.ors ahall be ili-ili-'l at Ihe Kuurnl tiiiiioii 111 iu tiar one moiii-aiin mm ---( in ex.ry fourth ior then-alter. No rer;i. . : .... nf Aii.lllnp llenernl or Klalo Treasurer shall bo caj.atile of holding tho lame utllie for tu conlecutlVB terms. Amcndiuint Tnree-To Articlo live, beclion Section I. Amend section eleven of article five, hlrh reads as follows; "Kxcept as otherwlso provided la this Constt- nii.n i.i.iina nt lha enpA nr ntjermen shall bl ileilel In the several ards, districts, boroughs and tonshlis at Iho time 01 tno tiecuon 01 con Btntiles, by the iiuallAcd electors thereof, In such manner as snau 00 o.recieu vj iiw, BUu .u.n m.iiinlanlnnr.i1 liv Ihn llfivemor for O term a... . V. .....1,1. wnr.l ...c.rOl IIT httT ougb. shall elect more than tno Justices ot tho peace or niu.ruien niinnui , "..n.u. - t..i. n. fl..USn.l al, u.lllln SUCQ tOw.n shin, srd or borough: no rerson shat ho Heeled lo such omce unliss lio shall hivo resided xilthln the tounihlp.. borough, rd or district for one rear next iin-eedlng tils ilyttlon. In cities con taining our ntty thou.and Inhabitants not moro than ono alderman shall be elected In each ard 0,K.ce"t .. oi.r"wl..r"roVld,d If this Con.tltu ..ri .r:..... .... mi,, n, Idermen shall bl elected In the several wards, districts, boroughs or town.hlr.s, by the quallned electora thereof, at tho municipal election. In such manner as shall be directed by law, and shall bo commissioned by tbe aovernor tor s term of sis years. Nj l.'wnshlri. ward, dl.trlct or borough shall elect moro than two iustlcis of tbe peace or aldermen iiinnui th. consent of a ma orlty of the.qualllled I electors within such township, ward or borousni S. m0Dh.,. eJld.'d within th. township. Lor. ouib. ward or district for ono year nexi preceo. 5ni his election. la cities conialnlng over ntty iboussnd Inhabitants, not moro inau ooe -mer man shall bo e ected In eacn waroor oisioci. Amendment Four-To Article ve, Section Section I. Amend section twelve of article flvo 0r.A"0AuO.V.'"VV.'.h. nksll iVeslabll.hed. for each thirty thousand Inhabitants, one court, not " record of police and civil "'i7'"..-.;'lt diction nit exceeding one hundred dollars! such ?ourls shall b. held by magistrates whose term lUHHl iit tiikti Knclol. Jut whi n you iivihI Ilrotht r t.n io y pruf iui ; r J'"''"; ' it t lhn im will not l trotilili-., will. our i I'lr .i.ui. hi Ii. lifli Iiliitf. i!Htf nn tuu alouiiiill.l btoiillllL', !bIifp-U ImllUVitloil. ul't at I.r,.; and p lh, el lo ' L-: llilrSl of Urn number ot ptnant to to clfttM h i mora tbio on are lo b ehoien; liter hll HAMl.'KL Ilout'i.laUs Ttv, Aug. IU, ItWH, KATZ. h camceiiiatcd only by -A'""- .. !! lloo, cl.U ana crlHilnal, eicept m btreln pre- of the l rii.r touniy vuo sunn nao fur the (omiuUmoncr or ouJitor whoio placo is to Id lined. ..... , Ptitlon 12. Thut no Imonvinlinto may nrlto from thr rltntiBfn Hi tno iinimiunoii m inu itiuinnwrauii. ana in ormr iu .; !"' into iuiiii'Ilio opcrnuon, u is ncrtny ui-imivu, Vn the tnw of nlRrrrn f lcrtnl by Iho rcoplc, nil urtn nf uiTlit n.l l-y na or AMciumy ni nn ii Mimlirr nr jtars Mian nu n iu """-'k- U nuth i.r tin- tirm, jnnMrd tho tinnn Tor which xtirh fiillrcrh nro elttcd hall nlwnB bo for nu imii iimiiM-r ii jtar The at'ovo cxuilon of ofllclai Itrnn shall not ..tTcft olIltcrM clcctnt nt llo gciural election of ..ue tlinuBauil nine liumlml nml ilnlit; nor nny , Uy warJ, tiorouRli, township, or clcdlon dl vlMon ollWcrp, whoie lemiH of unite, umlrr ox-i-ntiti l.iw. I'ltd In the )car one thousand nlno l,iiinlr d nnd ten. , In tin ar one thoiifnnfl nine hurnirfil nnd len uu 11 i-lt-itloti -hall le htld on tho third Tmsday of Pebruary, us hentororc; hut nil illi,ri thoBin nt that clrdlon to nu njiiro tho i.uinr it rm of uhhh Ii jrnr. nnd lo all 1ft tlon olHiera nnd ntsnmora rhoaen nt that il.iilon. hhall 8tro until Iho Ana Monday of lk ember In thejenr ono thousand nino liundrra nnd tUvcn. All ofilctra ruot-en nt that election 10 nillna Hie "tnn or whlrh U now four yea ri, nr n- made four ear ty tho operation of theno nm. tidmi nta or this seludule, shall iervo until the tlr-t Mniiihy nf Hcttmhcr In tho year ono ilmn-niid nine hundred nnd thlrtern. All Justices ..f the lenn', maRlatrnten. nnd nldrrmen, ehojen nt that ilutlon. i-hall nrvo until tho first Monday .f Dceunbir In the yenr ono thousand nlno hun Jrr.i nn.l tirteLii Alta tho jear nineteen nun ?' 1", and uutll Iho Uealslature sU-.ll nihcrwl.e iroxl.le. -all terms of ctly, word, bor-..II1.-II'.hir. nnd .leellim dlilslon onicers shall l-eclu on Ihe first Monday ot llicembcr In an "' All""rw'lird't'ioroush, nnd township otneera hi,lill..K tilllre nt Ihe dale of the approval at these inii.iiliiii ni-. whose lerros of oinie may end In tho i.-nr one thousand nlno hundred and eleevn. hall i-mitlnuo lo hold thtlr nukes until tho first Monday of lleecnitur of Hint car. All liidces of tho courts tor tho several ludli-lal .lli.trl.ts. nnd also all inwity omccrs, holdlnB mill o at Ihe dale of tho npproxal of Ihcso nmend mrnts, whoi-e terms of olllce may end In tho year thousand nine hundred and ; lex-en. shall rnnllnue In hold their ofllees until llio first Mon day of Jnnuory, ono thousand nlno hundred and "a'uuo cony of Joint Secretary ot tho Commonwealth. SIIKltlFF'SSA.t.K cf VAIiUAIUiK ItEAIi KSTATE. Uy virtue ot proposa Issuorl nut of thoCoiirtof Common l'lnasof Wayne founts', nml stat. of l'lMinsylvanla, and to me iliriie'tnii ami ili-llvprivl, I liavo levied on uml will nxpnsii to publio sale, at the Court llouee. f lonoselnt.i on FllIDAY. SKIT. 11, 190, nt 2 r. u. All of iletomlant's rlKht, title an 1 Intorst in IheiolloKliisdoic-rioi)! propjny. io win All that obtain Dinoi nr-nirsor ni-j-in situate in the township ot Canaan, County of Wayne, state ol Pennsylvania, ,bouncled and rti-d' as follows i "nF.UINNINaattheUlltorit and Oweso Turnplkei thenci south seventeen degree! west al. out twenty-sevon rods and twanty two links; thnncw sixty-four desreei pisl about nlno rols nml six links i thanoe north seventeen degrees east twenty.four rols to tholurniilltii nfoiesildi thnoe west alonp; s lid turnpike nbnut elsht rods nnd six links tn tin. place nf lii-nluulnn. CONrAlNlNQ one unil one half nT.n ot land more or less. Helm; same liml whtoh alortlinore Tuthlll 1'ouveycd to Truman Sprapjue by deed dat ed reoorded In Deol Boole No. 07, poire ICS. Upon said premlsns is a ono and a halt story house and frame baru and other lm. provemt-nt. Seized and taken In execution as the prop erly nf Truman at the suit of U. ll. (luther. No. 11 June Tirm 19W. Judgment trOOsrtal debtl." 65. Miitnford, Attoruoy. TEllVta OF BALK, OA3U. l'urehaser lo pay tl. for deed as In Sheriff'. (UK'S. WM. D. HOADKNlanT, Bhorlff. Sherlfl's uluoe, Uonesdale, I Aug. 15. 1DU7. f DU. A. tl. UAMFOUI), DENTIST. Will occupy tho house of K. tl. Til AVI 8 KQU1NUNK. PA. From August 1, IMS, nutll lurtber notice. DeWltt's Little F.arly UlJers. late, pleas nut, sure little pills. Hold by I'KlU The lliuuglst. m i m i Dn. ti. It. nit t)V, Dentist, flonesdalf, P OFF1UK IIOUItrt-A. m. lo5p. M. Any evenmij by aupoltitment. Citizens' phono M, U-sl.lfiiox', No. M X
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers