The Honesdale Citizen. R H o, VOLUME XL. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., THURSDAY MORNING AUGUST 20, 1908. M. SALMON, ATTOKNEY-AT-bAW. race Next floor to Port Office. Formerly occupied by Hon. V7. II. INmnlck. Ilonesdsle, r.. April. ,908- W rTOUN KYktlOlTrfSElOB-aT-LA W on otw Port omoe. All legal business promptly attended to. Uoneedkle, Ju. 1, 1WK. yl Eo. HnMFonn, . ATTOUKIT OOOTIW)II-T'LAW Office Lilierty tlsll bulldlug, opposite the Pout Office, Uoneedale. l"s- 3yl HUMAN HAK14K8, ATTORNEY ANOCOCNSKLOR-AT-bAW rttonU and Pennons secured. Office In the Court House. Honesdale, Pa. 7yl CHAIU.ES A. McOAKTT, ATTUHNKT fcOOCNSKLOB-aT-LAW HokbbdsM, I'dtr'a. Special and prompt attention given to the ulleellon of claims. Office over Keif's new tor My I pBTER n. IIiOFF, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOII-AT-L.A W Office 2d floor Old Savings Bank building ayl UoicnnALa. Pa. jl P. KIMBL.E. ATTORNEY aicn OOITN8KIAJB-AT-LA W Over tb Pott Office, Honesdale Mar M. T. EARI.K, ATTORNEY AND OOUN81CLOB-AT-1.A W HonasDiLa, J'sra'a. At tbe on co late of Waller fc Searle, U. ROWUAND, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, Honesdale. Pa. Otto orer Pott OBii-e. Jan. 1. ISM. 71 OVER QREICKB, ATTORNEY k COUNSELOR AT LAW Office over Rolf's New store. Eonesdale, Ta. Myl nr vri' sow, attornkt n a-j COUNSELOR AT LAW EOKOD ALB. Offloe lluonlo building, 2d Boor. j. H. WHITNEY. LIVERY ANDOUNIRUS LINE. Roar of Alien Home Honesdale, Pa. Deo. 1, 1902. lyl DIl. K. T. DROWD, DKNTIST. Offloe lit Floor Old Havings Iiank building HoKasDALX - Pa. 8Cyl DIl. H. B. SKARIiES. H0KE8DALE, PA. Office and Residence 1110 Church it re I opposite Baptiit Church. Telephone. Offloe Hours-2.00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to IfcOOr W. T. McOOMVILIi, PHYSICIAN ANt SURGEON. Offloe 616 Second street, formerly ooou pled by J)r. J. J. OTonuoll. Honesdale, March 13. 1802. tSyl Niw Malay OiiiimGHrt Being Distributed Free by a Hew York Society. Co-operating with missions in Malay, sia, the Windsor Laboratories of New York have secured a supply of the won derful combretum plant, which has done so much to revolutionize the treatment of the opium habit. A Rcncrous supply of the new remedy, together with full instructions for its use, trad United States consular reports bearing on the subject will be sent to any sufferer. To obtain a free supply of this remedy and the consular reports, addrcssWindsor Laburatt irics.Hranch 23, 134 East 23th Street. New York City. Joseph N. Welch, FIRE THE OLDEST FIRE IRSURAHCE AGENCY IN iVAYNE COUNTY. Onice: 2nd floor Masonic Building, over u. u. jaawin s arug store, lloueeasle. How Are Your Eves? With a praotiral experience of many rear ' am able to make a arif ul. pel entitle) exatii Dttlionoflhe eye. which will reeult In tbe application or a glaos that will relieve and tieip you. If you feel tbe need of aid for your eyes, aeiay 11 lowy. BLIND. Vou are blind to your own 1 Meruit If you neglect to take care of your eyes. It inn't everv one who can nronerlv fit vou with glasftnn, and when you put .tb era you nhould not think they will do, iut tiecauvH you fie a little better. You MUST know they are exactly right. Wo are headquarters for All lenes duplicated and framed solde on snort notice, cheaper than elsewhere. C. F. SPENCER & CO , JEWELERS. Post Office BuiMine Uonesd ale Pa The New York Dailv Press Week Dav Edition cn vf? t l' Honesdale Citizen, cm ca. . . BOTH PAPERS TO ANY ADDRESS FOR 86 BO AddreM Tbe Cltlten. Hour.dale, Pa SATURDAY BANKING HOU R S After June 1st, 1908. 9: 00 A. M. to 12 o'clock noon EVENINGS: 7:30 P.M. to 8:30 P. M. HONESDALE H1TI0H&L BiHK Here la llcllel fur Women. Mother Gray a nurse In New Vork, dls covered an alouiatiti, pleasant uerticure for women's Ills, called Australian.Leur. it Is the only citain reculatnr. Cures female weaknesses and Ha kache, Kidney and lllndili I and Urinary troubles. At all Druit aists or by '"all Mc, Sample FREE. Ad dress, Too Moilie Uray Oo., L Uoy, N. V RRPORT OF Tit P. CONDITION or TH Honesdale National Bank, T HOrESDaXX, WATXK CO., FA., At tbe clow of liusinets, July 11, 1904. Mflotmczx. Loans and Dlsconnts t"J04,ei; 18 Overdrafts, secured and titisecur ed 1 75 U.S. Bonds to secure circulation, U,on 00 I'remlums on U.S. Uonls 2.800 00 Bonds, securities, etc. 1..K13.M0 M nanlclwr-liouse, furniture, Itxtures 40,ini 00 Due from National Hanks mot Reserve Airents) 3,1177 16 Due I'm State llanktaiid Hankers ft M Due from approved reserve as'ts HJ.273 t"hekB and other cah Items.... W Notes of other National Banks.. loo U) Fractional paiMrcuireucy, nick els and cents ftjo Lawrci. Moxet Rtsmri tv IUkk vu. Specie f3,3.l 00 Lefral tender notes.. ,0 oo 8311 00 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer, 6 tht cent, of circu- lauon 2.7MI 00 Total I1.U,7 01 UAB1LITICS. Capital stock paid in f IMI.ikki 00 8uqlus fund IKi.oki on UnalvliliHi profits, less rifiensf and tales paid 10 National Hank iiotoulsland!Ti tS,(NM) 00 Btate Hunk nnts oulstandluc... lsi 00 Hue to ottier National llauks I .14 Due to CUatu Hanks and Hankers Ips lu' Individual deposits sulijtn't to chts k tl,4.VMM r-' Demand cTtitlcate of deposit tU""4 00 CVrtlHed hecks .... JOi li (lashler's cIhh ks nut- stanillnE S.P11 M-l,47fl.7ir. 4' Houds Wurowed None Not4i and lulls rcdiscounted ... None Hills payable Itiiludlne wrtin- ites ot deposit fur money Imr rowtd None Liabilities oilier than those above taud None Total tl,MU,7M 01 State of Pennsylvania, Ocuntyol vu)im. ss 1, Kdwni F. Torrey. Cashier of the llcnee dale National Hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the !t of my knowledge aud belief. KHWIN F. TUKRF.r, Cashier. Subwrilied and sworn to bclote me this Mill day of July, IDO-t. W. II. STONE, N. P. Correct Attest: 11. X. ltL'S-.h.I,U 1 ANDREW THOMPSON, Wlinttor J. C. U1KDSALL, ) Pt:m.lC NOTICK OK DISSOLUTION UK PAItTNKllSIIIP -Nullcel- here by (Jlveli, that the Jiartlielshlp heretofore existing between Kbeu tl. Clara and Cli'iilefl F. Hullock, under the llrra name of Clura X Bullock, has been dissolued by the death of Kben II. Clark, All lull due the hrm should tie paid to ihe surviving patlner, Charles F. Bullix k. who will conttnuettie buistiess tin der the him name ol Claik .V Iliillock. CllAltl.K.S F. I1UI.UK-K. Honesdale, Aup. 10, li.w. IS',3 H. C, HAND, iTOBiatlll WM. 11. HOI.MK-S Vice Prwident, U. S. SALMON, Cashier, W. J. WARD. Ass'l Uathler After nil ssvino i iMTflely n m.llr ol hablu Culilv.tAthehnlit,iiomittter bow mticli you mitke-lt i. the on .lira way to inde pendence. You will find courteoua treatment end smpla Mcurltv at tlie WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PENN'A. UKAl) THb FlliUUV'.S: OAPITAIj STOCK, - $100,000 HIIUI'MIM. .... :io(t,IOO UNDIVIDED RAIIMNGS, IO.(lH2 TOTAIi CAPITAIi, $4IO,(IHJ Total Assets. - $2,680,000 SAVINGS DKPOSITH mHrte on or be fore the tenth day of any month will draw Interest from the first day of that mouth. INTKKKsr will be paid for all Calendar months on moneys remainiui; on deposit thre Can ndar months 01 longer. INTF.Htbrt .IMPOUNDED IN J ANL'ART AND JULY. Small safes to rent In our HL'KOl.All PROOF STEEL VAULT. Special auention given to MERCANTILE ACCOUNTS. Deposits may be made hv mall. DIRECTORS: H. CIIakti, w. n. lloi.ti,c, J. Smith, A, T. SlARLI, F. P. KlUIILt, W. F. SDTUAII H J. CVlNUIU, II. 8. SAt HON. T. R. CI.AHC. Time Card In Effect June 21st, 1908. SCRANT0N DIVISION 1 a in i dlVl.TN Y.W4MKI Ar ' 11 (A 1 Mat i ui.r-it i.. : in ni 4 ' StnrllifLt 10mi8a I'rertoii rark ,111112 81 Uliiwruvi l 10101210' ..1'ujHUlc fc Sti ll 89 I'ltRfiSTjt Vt " v ii Sri iiiiitiiifiaift.. 3311 2 M Fnrct ritr r isnna " r-rfnameVii iloii in" -ariKiinaif " t " U tiiti itrldm 0 OA 11 (-4 ' .Mh)fleM Yd rr.4ins9 .Itrmyn " h tl H M f VllftM .. Wlnton. " I'PPkTUla .. oin hunt .. 44H47i 4il0 4T h 4 10 4) HSilOSH . Thrnnp ., s 81I an . ram V.kra S.vno W.Lt ..hcrautrm ...Ar lA If 4 M1 AflaitlonM trains lwn rir&HKlfilo for ht. Dsld Yard at (i iw a in daily, aDdA.snpm duly ficopt bundar Adaniniiai tr&iiia Mh. field Yard ivr Parbondale 6 fis a m flatlj' and l l. m dailr exn'pt Huudar J. C AwitKno, J V. Wrun, Tramc Mauar, TraTeiins Atrent, U litaver 8t., New York, BCToiitou, i'a NOTICE or ADMINISTRATION. Krtatc or FRANKLIN 11. ItoniNbON, Iate of llonettlale. decnaKed, All perttons tni1etitHl tonaid mutate are no till tl to make iiniiiHtliat payment to tbe un drnipinil j nnrt tho-w havinp clalmH atramt said iiUitf arHiiolltltol to iuitiit t hem, duly hlttetid, 01 nflllfini-nt. MA Hi; tl'tlUNsON, llmift-tiaU-, Wa., Jul I. l'.xiv Kx'r. VTOTICK OK ADMINISTRATION. a?TATK or r.LI.4.11ETII SEA II. Ijiteot Proniplou borough, deceased, All persons indebted to said estataare no lifted to make Immediate payment to the uudersigned ; and those having claims apauisl said estate ate notified to present theiu, duly attested, ftu settlement. THE 8C1UNTON TIIL'ST COMPANY, Administrator de bonis tion. cum tcstaiuento anuexo. All tiajmenls 10 lie'HIliI Hit bills to lie sent to hhi.1 Cniii.Hiiy. Nciantori, l'a., 01 to A. T sEAICLE. Atloruey. 13kG Honesdale, I'a. LGT US TAKU CARE Ol YOUK RVIiSV It will p.iy ou to call at the finely equipped GOLDEN'S OPTICAL PARLORS 11 boutti Main St , rARHONDAI.F. l'FNN'A, The little attacks of stomach trouble and stomach disorders win uuuoijtite.iiy lead to chronic dyspepsia unlc 1011 take somt. thine for a sufficient tune to strengthen the stomach and iriveit a cnuiice to pet wi-u. If you take kohoi in tlie beKinuine the baa auacas oi iiypepsi. win uu avuiueu, nui if lou allow these llltle attacks to CO un heeded It will takek'odola loneer time to put your stomach in jrood nditiou acaln. (id a bottle of Kodol to-day, Hold, by 1'KIL xue uruFgut. The Ship That BUjed la Um Air. Count Zcppclln'e spectacular trip along the Rhine nU-y In his frrcst dltitrllile airship waa notable for two thlnca the t.hlp stayed In tbe air and thus earned Its right to be called an airship, and It yielded to the will of the navigator at a ship should. And' the voyngc wan really a practice scout of Importance to military uses, al though Hint this was intended has l-cn denied. It was reported thst the dirigible's course as originally laid out v-n. from a point on tbe boundary l tween Germany and Switzerland to Stuttgart, a place In Germany of no strategic Imjiortance; thence to Metz, on the new frontier, where a great battle vaa fought between the I'rcnch and Germans In 1K70, and from there to Maycnco, a region of the Rhine favorable to the crossing of troops. Instead of following this conree tiie airship hovered over Hie volley of the Rhine where It separates Ftxltr-orland from Germany and then turned almost due north, aa the Rhine runs, following It so closely as to pass directly over the towns and cities on Its ImnVs. In time of war this wonld I the senlec Germany would want ftn airship scout to terform to see whether the lench might tie crossing Hint barrier. The fact that tbc whole of the valley available for crosaliig troops wns overlooked ltetw-een 7 a. m. and S p. m. Is Important on the mili tary side. Count Zeppelin's machine falls dis tinctly within the 'lighter than air" class and lins m.iny of ttio faults of Hie bnlloou which has bin under de velopment for centuries. Hut in this trip along Hie Rhino the aeronaut np Ienrs to bnvc controlled It admirably, for be skipi-ed no towns fin the route find encircled cathedral steeples. If he didn't take the trip originally In tended there wns method in his varia tion of the route. Whether tbe "lighter than air" mn- chine has possibilities greater than the "heavier than air" machine Is n ouestlou upon which experts differ. but Hie flight of Count Zeppelin's air ship over the Prnnco-German frontier whs au tmprosslte performance. It showed that long distance scouting with free lialloons is jNieslblc. Alcohol and Psychology. Now and then Profi'S-ior Hugo Mun- (-terlicrg, iycliolnglst at Harvard, turns the light of his science ujion current conditions hero in Amerlci Just now- the prohibition movement lntcrcts him, and he trcnts of that In connection with social psjclmlogy In McClure's Magnzlnc. The professor holils n brief for those who stand for tomi-rotM use ns ngnlUKt abuso on the ono hand and enforced teetotallsm on the other. lie puts wine In tbe clnss with music, with reading, with tea, coffee and tobacco and other ngents for soothing or exciting Hie faculty's Oi' man. All mankind, he f-ays, demands and must have some sort of relaxation find social pleasure find the fil-.litlon of wine and llijuor would result In sulistitutlons much more baneful The tnlshlon of alcohol as a factor In chlllzatlon Proftsor Munsterbcr dilan'S to Ik? the same as that t liojrf. r.r faith or enjoyment or en thusiasm Like these psjchologlcnl tmnlfestntlons, it re-enforces certain mcnTol stntc-s, with cirrtifiidlng pa ruljsls of r.pposlte Mens and mani festations, a process which the man In the Mreet calls Jollying. Turning his butteries against prohibition, tbe professor, whoso Euroitean modes of thought are every where disclosed, fignln bafn-s his case upon psycholog ical and social asiwets. Prohibition, ho declares, docs not prohibit and lends to a form of drinking which Is worm for the Individual and for so ciety than drinking at restaurants anl clulm. To many ieople the arguments on ItoHi phuscs of the question will appear unconvincing liecauso of the gaps In the logic. To Swim and Not to Swim. At the end of the lioatlng and swim ming soason, if the record from Hie ls.glnnlng is maintained, there will have liocn several hundred Uws snc rlfiivd In accidents due to Inability to swim or to want of caution nlsmt hwlmmlng. Most llvs are alahtc. and esirf'elnlly the llvi of los and girls or men and women who have the gumption to go lu or uion the water Kven foollinnllncKs Is only stn-nnous. tics, cnrrbil too far. I'nlng out M-ntlmcut, It really sterns worth while to go to tho trouble mid expense, If inHHsiiry, of teaching tlio oung hovv to sulm. KiH plng ntlont nnd paddling around Is not a ry difficult accom plishment to master. Hut there Is more to tho art of Muiiiiinlug than the mere floating and nrm plowing and leg kicking. Deep hilcncc is Involnsl in tho making of n water duck out of tho human Islng Water Is n treacherous clement to man. It bnojs up tho lsly and makes swimming seem easy once the stroke are mastered. Hut swimming is an cxhnu.stlns everdse. Tor a hu man liclng to Mny In the water with out any ccnNe whatever U an ex hausting process. The net of swim ming Is at first exhilarating, but all the time the swimmer Is pnlng for tin' pleasure cnJii.Mil by drafts upon the lungs iiml heart. Many exTt swimmers conic to grh f Un-nuse they are not exi it water ducks. They ci ther don't know how to rest lu the water when the are tired or do not know or do not accept the unfailing elgns of fatigue when they come. Hi ImiKtlon will mcrtakc the strongest Milmmcr suddenly, and It is utisafe to Ignore wiirnlngs mi,) try to btnvo It out anil get tlnoiigli the usual stunt of so tunny jurda straight ahead or many times across und back. In oth er words, knowing when to stop is as Important ns knowing how In this matter of swimming A Scream, Pong Wrltcr-IIenid my latest linger ing lilt, old tuatiV It's making tho hotrlilcht kind of 11 lilt Willi the girls. V.iudct lllinn- What's it surnamedt Rung Writer "How'd You I.Ike to lie the lllnmcy SI0110V" Puck. The Effects of Circumstances. A lady whom, vnlan wns ciulte mallow Altntclcil to liu- u nlcu ft-lluw, Till one ilny a cow Slie thriuchl raised n row. Fur In r ftii.iw she ci),.il with a tiellow, lut!Umor Ainvrlcan. CELEBRATES SHERMAN DAY. Vice Presidential Candidate Notified at Utica. WHOLE CITY IN GALA DRESS Senator Julius C Burrows Make the SpeMh of Notification, and Other Prominent Public Men Deliver Ad dresses -Elaborate Decorations Ev erywhereBand Concerts A-plenty. Outdoor Programme. rtlca, N. Y, Aug. 18. -Sherman day" was ushered In with the Incom ing of cannon, A salute of nineteen guns announced that the ceremony of notifying James S. Sherman of his nomination for the vice pti'.ldency by the Republican party had licgun. The programme arranged was most clatKirate, aud no event In the history of VUoa brought out more elalsirate decorations. iH-tinls Klynn, former territorial gov ernor of Oklahoma, was the first of JAMI.S s. sinn.MAX thf iiiciiilN'r- iif tin- notification 'f,ni mlttco tt iirrlv- He was follim,M li TlminiiH linn lptn of tin rhllii'iiliM' Two liourn lifter tlio (run salute ii pfffit iiHriiilf was forimtl, mid tin route of nmrrli led throupli tlit? citV priiidpul HtreftK. Ni't tin notification cornmlttw f cirtoil tiylhe OmklltiR UncoiiilltloiiaK tin' uiHrcliinff cluli wbirh mtr-tl cn-Mt-riiMo attention lu Waslilnctoii at tlio Inauguration of 1'resKlent Uoi!fvlt, iirocfciliHl bt'liliij a inasacHl l.;mrt of 110 picc-os tit tlio home of Mr sSlnTnum, on 45eiH"iee strft AiTniipMnentfl were made for tho u-o of tin Majestic thoator for t lie notification ccTemouies In the eont of The notification oven-No ooourrel feliuinly aftvr tho noon hour. A l.latfonn was orertetl at the Shor man home, where the ilit-oratlons were Iirofuaf. lln. Julius C Hurrow ol Knliitiuizoo, tlit chairman of the notlti ration committee. iuldrvssit5 Mr Sher iuhti, mitl the latter rcspoutltil to Sti ntor Iturrows Stcretury of State KII liu UiNtt, a warm friend of Mr. Sher man, likewise delUered an address as did Hon Thotmis Wheeler, major of Vtica; Charles S Synionds, chairman of the tltizwis reception oniraIttee. and Vroftldciit M. W Striker of Ham ilton oollcRe Tln'-.e and InvItfM cuests were enter tulned at IuihIiimii follow lug the cere- SKNATon jrurs lirnuows. monies Chairman HlUhc.Kk of the UVpuhllrau iititloiiiil coiuinlttee wan a lute nrrinl. The pnKT.nnimo of outdoor nttrne tiiuis had Imi'i; widely heralded throuchout the btate, and had weather was the only thluc that could mar it Alnontr these scheduled outdoor at trm were a Mrlo of events at 1 lira paik, tnr-tudlup a Stiite lea (file li.iM'tiall came U'twecti the I'tica and irniitoii ItHtiih. IrottliiK and pucinjt niies motir ejele nice, uutomoltlle nut: IihIIouu iisceiislou, mnnintj race ..I -itlila! ti-,iiia In rnsnitirti of the Slate league team Imse runttlun, tint line, tmll throwing, etc. ('Imml htlcctloiiH at the park were mniounoed to Ik rendered hj the Ilajilu male chonw. the rhUharmonlcn ind the Vtica Muennerchor. l'our hand)., one of fifty-four muhlclaiiri of 1 Ilea, tlie riflj fourtlt Uek'lmeitt hand of KiM-iiOhter, 1 loiiu'i, hand of 'J roy and (iaitlandV hand of Albany, cave coiHt'lth. l'or the truest weie reserv ed H)cm in trout of ihf tiratid Maud, and arranccmcutM were made to take them to the paik In a .tody In fifty Jie autoiuohileH w hit h had Iteeu chur tereil for the ticcaxlou. Isiiter Mr. Slieiman cave a dinner to tho iiotlUculii'n roiuiultteo and Invit ed cucstH at the Yahuundiodi Jlf c-luhhoiiMo. Hand concert!, an elec trical display, fancy drill by the Conk I'licondltloiift'i and tlrcworkti add d tf the sceill'l. of ITHyetJ. Tho clty'a detHirutlnuu caused wide cominent, ns they were unusually tiandomc. Kery trolley lole on each side of tlie M I'ce I fmui ItacK'x auare to Mr. Sherman's home, nearly two 1 le away. Ure a larfe Auierlrtl tln jHpaiieso I mi turn with Incani flt'fi'eiit lljrlitt In them were nii"lHrd ld 111 Uouhle rous alt alouc lcliese strtatL A luik'u trluiuidiul urcU Lm4 Ixhti erected orer th trldc wh Mtatia the nrie nnal and the fnmt of the nuildlnc and husne4 Mok were n toa; of color Tle elctric display waa l.rilllant, strlnc of llcht lKinc used on tho hulldinc and atro the street. Many of the mill nnd lulnu places closed durinc the day. and th afTalr proved n irrand holiday In honor of Mr Sherman. KEENE GETS TWO RACES. Melisande Wins Dtmoltclle Stake at Empire City Track, Yonkers, N Y, Aug is At the Em pire City track Jamiw it Koonc on his wcond race of the afternoon in the ItviuoUelle stakii for two- car-old fil lies, the first v,1n coming vihcn Toot pud took the ojienlng cunt Melisande lookeil like the real good filly she Is all through the lcmo!si.ic stake race and held her field s.tfe at all times, coming In ahead by alut a h-ngth, with Nutter easing her up all the why through the Mretch. Ootjtto as an easy sunond. Talcada and Tuny Honcro were equal choices in the third race, and the two fought It out in the stretch, the former proving tho Kt. Tlie winners- Tlrst nace. I"K.tpad. first: lllrd of night II, momd; Kllemii. third. Si-cond Itiice. Woodcraft, flrt: James n Ilrady, second: Urlmnldi, third Tlilrd Race rnlcnda, flrt: Tony nonem. second; Golden l'carl. thlnl. rourth Itnee -Melisande fitt: C tylto, second: Arondnck, third Kirth Itiui.. -;owan. first; Cymbal, second; Itoonia. thlM. SUth Itiici- - ;oldcn Shore, first; Itockstoue, Doeiind: Liilly third. BASEBALL Gama Played In the National and the A me ri tan League. NATIONAL, LKAOL'H At fit Iulr-t w York : St IxmiU I. ( tnnlncs) HilKrl. n Mn'h, wjir.n anfl ItrwiHhan. Snllee Tv N nn-1 l"nt At CMcaco-OhicKo C. rhiliiiV-lphla. 1 n&tterl.'fl-Iteultihuli hrnl Mnrfin, roxen Itlchle a n 4 Iior.ln stanhino or Tim ci.rns riltl.ur 4 2t CZl Olnctnnalira.1 C3 r.'K. NwYorlcC 42 ,SW Dntnn V- Xfi 4 CMfvtsa. 69 4Z Drooklj-n. 3 M 372 Philn-phialiG 45 .tfc St Iuti 3. I'JJ ,2 AM HR I CAN LXAGUi: At New Yt.rk-Clivelanfl. F, New York. 1, TiHtterleH and IVmls. I-akc Ioj-Jt an.l Klulnnw At TUllaflflMiiii-rhllaflelrhta. 2; St. louK 2 M lnnlnpr- llattrrl n and Brhreck. Howell and Stepluns At IstonIctroit. 1. Huston, a liat-terl..B-Willett and Schmidt, and Crteer. At Waahlnirtcm Chlcapn, 4, Wafhlnc ton. 4 a InnlriRs). IJatttrlfd-'Whlto. Walih, Pullhan and Shaw; Juhnsxn, 9trct and Kahoe STANHINO Or THE CLUBS. w u r c w i r c Detroit.... C4 40 rhila phla 49 f3 St Lrftuls lit K 4 llofcton tt M 1T2 Cleveland Q 4 .1775 Wafchtrm 41 fi2 2'k Chicago... Z9 47 .K7 New York 23 Tl .217 Cheti Match For World's Title. Jnesseldarf, Ans. is. Tlie thes match of ellit Ramos up Itetwtvn the world's champion, Kmanuc I.avkor of New York, and Sleclert Tarnihcli. the 4ernian champion, for the champion ship of the world Itetrau In thK tty In-fore a jrreat assembly if i'iithuslasts The flrfct pnme was left tluliuNhcd at the thlrty-wiK'ond move after more than four houiV day. HEROIC WOMEN FIRE FIGHTERS. Fair Visitors at Lake George Endanger Their Lives. Olen9 rails, N. Y, Aug. is -starting from nn ini-rheated Hue in one of tin- cottages and i-picadlng rapid! de-pite heroic efforts, by a Inn ket brigade made up of guiM to ipjcncli it. lire destroyed the Kant-kill House, In the Kantsklll bay. Uike (Jeorce. and three cottage. Some of tlie omen visitors JoIih-1 the fire brigade aud reociriil l.uni. and lutx on lug to the tliirlng they exhibited In trlng to saw- proi erty. Several men nNo were ln.1urtsl. Tlie loss villi approximate over flli,- IK HI, Tlie Mayflower cottage, owned by Mrs. N. r. Nelson, was the point of origin of the fire The tlilrty-flve guests of the cottage viere res'iiforiiil b guilts from the cottages and from the hotel, but soon tile fire was l,co!iil i-ontrol and nuiikly spread to Ibe cot tages of John Alliu of Ilrooklyu and James Wing. Those also noon woio eiivelo)ssl, nnd the tire then spread to the KiiatsklM House, which was com. pletely dcstrnisl. To Appeal to Editers For Funds. Oiloago, Aug 1s-lMltors nf ciery Iicmociiitic and Independent newspa per tluougliout ihe rnltcd Static villi lie npi.alisl to by the Democratic na tional comniltiec to start sul isciij it Ions for the Deliim latle ciililpaigli fund in their nes,.,,.r, ti,!, ,,! ,,1,1,., was ninde klioiMi by 1'ololicl Moses ( Wctniore, clialimim of the finance com IlllltlS'. Is disttii, 1 ti'.ci the .Tort al ready lhnui:utiiifd b , 1! inm nilttis. to oliialn nioiii- i 1 .- ilium clal represeiilatUes unilci Hi.-iliiiKtii.n of the tintloii.-il iiiiimlttis.ui.iii In e.uli of the states lu i,c country Simpion Suet Mother-in-law, Nen York, Aug Is. Dr. .l.uncs y. Simpson, 11 dent it of this illy, who wns slml and m rimed woiinilcl n few s ks ago b hu iiiotle r lu-lnw, Mrs Illhi Horner of Noitlipoii, N. y., has brought suit ng.ilust her for Mii.iiiiii daiuiiges. Dr. Simpson shut ami Wiled his aged futlicr . lt.iitle T Hor ner. Passaic Steil Mortgage. Tieiitou. S .1. Anq. is William Itlauxcll, as inistii-. lias liioiiulii a suit lu tlie I'lilted States district court for peimts-loii to foris lose a mortgage of i.,'iii,iiii mi the plant of tbe 1'assaic site ! cnmpuhT of rntcrsnn. N. J. New Turkish War Minltter. Constautltioplc, Aug 17. Osninn Nl zaml Pashu has lnn appointed minis ter of war tu succeed Iledjeb I'lisba. who dlisl suddi-nly of apoplexy, llcil Jeli I'lishu's death occurred while lie was sitting at his desk nt the war min istry. Scleral of the otllclnls rnlsis susplcjuus as to the manner of the war minister's death, nnd as a result a pot mortem exumlnnllon has Ikh'U ordcriil. Accident to Parseval Balloon. Berlin. Aug. IS. -As the Tarseval dirigible 1ml l. in was approaching its lundlng place here It was fornsl sud denly duwiinnrd by 11 current of nlr while at a height of sixty fHt. The gondola of the ship struck tlio ground tlolriitly, brcaklui; the left arm of Cap tain Vou KrogU. PROCLAMATIONS BYJ1ENEEN. Offers Money For Evidence to Convict Rioters. DEAD NOW NlLYiBER SEVEN AWIlam Bowe, Chief Clerk In County Treitjrert Office, Now Dying In Hoapittl Eighty Arretts Have Al ready Deen Made SomeHf Rmgleaa era Ceught. Sprinxrfiol-1, 11U Anc is. iovernmr Ivnccn hni lx pnclamatlonx, one for entli l'Hiit Oeath durlns the riot, oiTerine larjro money rL'wals for evidence which would lead to tlie con viction of the frailty pwons. William llowu, chief clerk at the county tirasurer ottlii K tljlnc at St .luhn' bdtn1 from w .ids iviviv4d In the deadly race rjotlnc Tho -tate'a attonH'j 1- a dcathtod tate mont 45. W. Sfsttt. whf fhnt In th luncs. 1 dead at the tiop.tal. mnVtiic the total 4M of dead 'Von. Alttiettier .ituie fifty or more cases will lie ItiiMicht Itfoie the Jury, and If the i'Xpictatlon of the state attorney an fulfilled several hltlx-rto renoctHd c Jtlzens will find themM-lves culled upon to face serious charges In the criminal court Confidence In Grand Jury. The crnnd jury ha already won tht roiindotief- of the rtnto and county au therltM-- hy Its notion. , It is Mated that many citizens known to haw important testimony repardlnj; tho nioh and leaden have Iven de torrisl from oftYrlnj; thi to the ttatei attorney tHcaue of thn-fltfl of violence made nc.'tltist thoni anonymousdy. "1le riot could carcly ha tteen prevcntisl, and real dNoac will yine only If the trullty are allowed to eaic" i- the opinion of the authtritics. Sn the civic ldle! are to urpe all c"-! cltjzn. to rorenl fnely what r of te-ttmony they may Niksss. (lnlj "iH-cr eleht i.f oldcTHv N like ly to .m-.ik thtuph the hcn prejudice and assure eelit lttloiis accvrdluR to the J n. lice Tin Lml'erlii2 'f oldenoo haJ l-opm. In t'.-iniet rolleetiien In plain clothe were -out lo M-.'ii'eh the 1ioum of prls tints, .nid iisHts. jind a- n nsult the itt.llee -tati"tii lii like peiieral low. Groceries. Liil):ile, clithlnc, drj' :imnK and -JrtK's v-n reNo.cn4l in .Teat qnaulitle., niiwi f them le.irin he piieo 1n t.f the looted liusliiesi JiOllKiS, Many arrest f dlnweii. Klchty pris onei. wore nrnt'isl into the Mn.ill vll rtmm nt the police statlttn. with -only the cement floor avallalde for fclecpliiR. The of tho irrcMs made iv recard h1 as iiiijfortaut hy the police It "na In tin- homes tf i1km men that most nf lhe lo.t wa found. A slxih iH-rson N K i.. oiihi ,y the ollce. who aver liu t when 14 U unvMed nil of tbe ilnM .old. -f the mo!t will lc In cna toH U'-y Vo'His, 1 woiiiy-two year old. one of ihe pri-oiiers taken, has con t statiiim a huiiiIkt of fin, liu mi1i. e k.ij M:il'eh of hi- rimius n. ih 1 a iiinuHtj iif new o oralis, -sh- I sh its and other articls of Hpp.irl JAPS STEAL AMERICAN SEALS. Armed Poachers Resist Captors With Knives and Rifles. Seattle, Vnh.. Aug. ll.-Cable ad vices fioin Vnldcx s.i that tbe Vnlted States ieeiiiic (utter Hear has arrived at I'tig.i, Alaska, bringing seventy-five Japanese seal poachers from Seal is land. 'Hie prisoners are a part of the crews of two Japanese schooners captured while stealing iuid killing seals on American ii-nliory. The Hear lias started out again to bt lug the remainder. I'liltis Stales O.iiinilssloner Driffield has onlcicd twent hie prisoners held lo tlie federal grand Jury for oiumb nation. One of the captured schooners was rigged to resemble the cutter McCu! loi h It was heavily armed, and the crew showed marked animosity toward tbe Americans. Sewral of tbe ioach ers oftensl reltancc aud stanoil to at taik Ihe Auii ricaiis w ith scaling knives anil piiwerfnl rlttes The knHes hud blades ten Inchi"! long. All were nvcrpowen-d without blisl slasl. howi-Aer. liy the men of the reve nue i-utter. The itisoners are nearly all middle ngisl men. and tlins' atv Is lliisl to lie Japanese 4 rlnilnals. Editors In Section. St. l'.iul. Minn.. Aug. IS-IMitors from all mir the I'uitisl Slates, tu the uiuulH-r of scleral hinnlrisl, met for the iweuty thlnl annual isinicnllou of the National lMltoilal ass,N-lMtion Tin mis ting was called to order b Ilenr ltr.inseu arinr of l-xlnglon. N. t.. presldi-nt of the as..k iatloii The next pris.l,eut will probal.1 U- Will n. Minis, of the liiviu'iiuood iTex.l llullf. tin. who Is the tu. lice prcsldml. Live Stock Markets. CATTl l: Siiiti, lli-hl mjirkst lowfr: li .1 I l." it. priiii. I.'. nsb 10. ilsI 1 1. IT iT ' 1 liti; 11.-I-, 1ik filr. ninlk. t hluler. i. hilllliM V lu TTIi-illlilMS, 17 liifiT IF,, li'Mi -iik. is i:m liti.t ,.rkirs. i,:i 1.7 j.tcs I', i. J. M. r..uKl... 8in:i:i' anii lamps Surpiy light; mirkit si 1 .ul i . prime ithrrs. lllfisii, i-ull. an1 c.iinnion. I2a3, lnuil.u, XSumu. General Markets. LIVE IWl.THY-Mteady. fowls. IJiia IBn ; old ronsnrs, luc. 3 sprlac chlckrns, Hal fie. HIinsSED I'Ol'l.TnT-Stiady and In fair 1I1 irifind, flesh killed fuule, (hole, IKSaHc , do , fair to guo,l, KVtalXr ; olil roustirs, t(V: , ncarl.y broilirs, ltianc; wt-sti rn tiriillers t'ilsc. llfTTI'.U Creamery. si-rlsls. asc: extras 28c . tlrsis. UkSr., state dairy, rood to fin. t .nane . precise, sislale. 21. . txtrsK. Snujnkc . Imitation cresmiry, frsts 1!V.. . la.lli s ltrfts, iltiil!o l psrk-li.s- si .. k N.i s tTH-c CllnnSK State, full cn-tm, siiecUts, lstnlSc . fsncy. sniall 12c . fancy, late. HHo. . good to prime, UaHV ; sklme. m priutiil sM.clals tfic . fine, "a: noos-rnsli galliircl. iilrn., Jto.: tra tints. w:Tc , flists psillic , wcoriil., ICulTHc : fllrtlr-.. fresh gatlnrtsl. No I, candied. lbittc . 0 t. l&illc . tliiske. HnlSc Mll.K-Tli. whnW.ele prim Is IU1 per In guars can. SPECIAL JURY IN HAINS CASE. Charges Against Brothers te Be Rushed to Trial. MRS. HAINS MAKES DENIAL Wife of Accueed Army Captain and Al leged Cau.e of Shooting Says She Has Made Ne "Confession," as She "Had Nothing lo Confess." but She Signed a "Document," She Says. long Islam! city, X. Y Aug. IS A special grand Jury will is- Inuanclisl within tbe next flw days. It wm an nounced, to Indict Optaln IVIer f Ilalns, f. S. A, and Ids bmtlier. T. Jenkins Halns, fur the killing vt Wil liam i:. Annls at the llaysldc Yacht clnb Captain Hatns will 1 lndkKsl fot murder In the first degnv and his Iirother a. an iicixs&ory tsfore the munlor. csjiltal Ttmes. A s. rial term of the riminal br.tnch of tbe supreme court will then la- f unrated, atid the two men will la- plains! on trial within a month after tin- com mission of tlie murder, almost uupreoc dentisl swiftness of Justice In this state Tills course was decided upon by Iltrlct Atloroey Ira I) Harrln ol Qui-ens county He said he was In fa vor of tbe siavdlost trial Iisslble. aud owlug to the press of other legal busl lies. w b,m the regular grand Jury om vm in Ortidwr the two men onll narily would not come to trial Iiefore Iecem1 r at the earllvst. Mrs. Hains Will Help Mrs. Annis. While the authorities were thus plan ning to exiasllte the trial Mrs. Ualus, wife of the army officer, was In New York, determined to help Mrs. Annls. the wife of tlie dead man. In ewry way she could to further the prosecu tlim Mrs. Ilalns, over whom the shooting Is said to have tKx-urrisl, was asked if It was true that she bad made what was dcscrllied as a confession of la-r knowledge of the matters leading to the crime. She said: "There Is no confession In exlt ence. I bad nothing to confess. I did sign a document tlie contents of which I knew nothing, but did It Iiecausc I was forced to. "I had Us-n kept without food for two days, and in this wcakcmsl condi tion whisky was forcisl ujsm me. Then they brought me a donmicnt and made me sign It. This must 1 tbe confession' that they sjicak of." EVA BOOTH MAY DIE. Salvation Army Commander Collapses After an Address. Warsaw, In.l, Aug. lS.-Ovcrcome hy Intense beat after addressing an andlence of l,Ufl0 is-rsons at Winona Lake Bible conference. Miss Kvi KVA HOOTH. Booth, commander of the Salvation Army of the I'lilted States, collapsed Just after lernlng the auditorium and is now under the care of physicians, who fear that she Is in a very critical condition. Miss Ih Kith Is at Ilungalow village, the home of Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman. SHERIFF TO HUGHES. Saratoga Official Asserts He Enforced Anttbttting Law. Albany. X. V.. Aug. IV. -Attorneys for' ii llr.idley, Jr, sheriff of Sara tie siuiit. tiled with Governor Iln.nes the sl.cilfTs upl 1o diarges that he bad failiil to eiifonv the anti gambling law at the Saratoga race tr:u k. 'I hose chiirgi-s were prcfcrtiil by Walter IjiIiIIhu. clniriiian of nn or gaui2.itiou of (lilzcus who s,. them seH.s the aiitlrais; track gjinl,UnK OollllllltUH' Tbe isiiiiiiiiltis- allegtsl that during the present lining sc.lsoll public lct- tlug had lsii openly comlm-iisl with nut IlilelfelVlov b the shililT and bis d plltlisi Mm lit! llraillej's ilefcnM' Is a gen denial ot the ihnrgcs. and he sets foith thai he has enforced the law. as he understands It. to tltu last of his information and alalllty. No such warrant has la-en given to Iiliu, liinidds, nur lias a violation of the law Us-n i-ommltlctl In his presi-nce. Railroad Utuea Ultimatum, Mouti-eal. Aug Is 'I he i' 1a ellle railHny oiII.ts Ih ic state dclliilie 1 that an strikers who do nut iv turn to wink at ouis will not Imi n--iiu-pluod. To till their ila(s the railroad has os-Uil lalau- bureaus throughout Canada. Those oatied Include fine tuiih In tbe following cities: Montreal, Toronto, Haiiilltoii, Windsor, St. John, N. II., and Kingston. Several hate also la-en oja-ncd In Great Ilritaln. New Brooklyn Bank. Washington, Aug. IS. The comptrol ler of the curreucy baa Issued a ccr tlticate to the 1'is.ple's Natiutial bank of Ilrooklyu anthoritltiR It to la-gln I.usIih-ss with a capital stock of $i?i. Tbe president I (iwrge W. Sjiclrce; vliv pri'sldent, tjiorge C. Mil ler; cashier. J H Konisdorfor, Serve Thomat With Warrant, Long Hianili, N. J Aug. 1H.-MIV llonalre 1". It. Thomas, who Is lu the Monmouth Memorial hospital here with a dislocated knee, reiilnsl In an automobile. s Idisit, was sr4sl with a warrant charging him with reckless driving, He furnished ball for spi-ear- auiti at bearliuT oa cent. 21. NUMBER 16. MOTHER POISONS THREE CHILDREN Then Mrs. Spooler Slmfe Herself. ONE YOUNG BOY IS DEAD. Poverty Stricken Woman, Married Twice, Grew Despondent Over Many Troubles and Left Letter Saying "Life Holds Nothing For Me In the) Future." PougTiVoople. S Aug. IS. Oss- nt the fa' child the had Is. toned as dead In his bed. Mrs. Ida S .meed a revolver to lier bead V jot btraclf. She fell across tbe le Just as UorrU, another Imy to whom sbe had admlalstarad morphine, sprang from hi bed to strike the revolver from hur band. Her daughter. Mettle, who bad re fused to take the adson her mother nffcrcd her In the iralac oC medlcloe, ru.bisl out and called neighbors, wbo told the isillce Mrs. Simooer tu found unconscious, Gardiner, tlx years old. was dead, holding a bmae ball In lils arms; Morris, slxteca rear oltt, was suffering acutely from the poison, and IZaslman, nine yaara old, was unconscious. Tbe mother and tbe two thlldrcn were taken to Vaaear hospital The 1-sly of the dead child was removed to an undertaker's. Care Made Her Despondent, Mrs. Siskt had tiern married twlis. Tlie canrs f brlnirlrig up her family had made her d-sondnt, and a letter she left sbow-ed that the mur der and suicide had been carefully planned. Tlie rooms In which the fam ily lived were rly furnished. In her letter Mrs. SiKwoer said: "rve always been an expense a4 n trouble to those wbom I should oars for Instead of they for me. Life has held nothing for me for tbe put two years and holds nothing In tbe fatmaji so far as eye can stretch, only wort and care and resions!btl!ty of brlnfs Ing up a family all alone." SULTAN AZIZ MURDERS 2,500. tiers War PrtSHKS SM. Tangier, Ang. 1R tteporu yoat re ceived from tbe army of Abdul Asht, tbe sultan of record, say 200 prison ers captured In the recent encteemeot with the forces of Mulal land, the pretender, were massacred by hie trooits as the "roost convenient" way of disposing of them. The helpless prisoners were lined np Icfore cannon aud mowed down. Several foreign officers wbo are fight ing with tlie sultan protested strongly against such a tartaric course, bat Alalul hlm-elf. It Is said, ordered their dentil in retaliation for tbe tosses hie army sustained In the early stag-es of the liattle. The Utile, which will undoubtedly terminate tlie war In tbe sultan's fa vor, was fought near Marrakesh, nnd It was at first reported as a sweeping: xictor) for tbe pretender. Such It would have l"ti had not a heavy body of re-enfonvments come to tbe sultan'a aid after his army had been put to route. Tbe arrival of re-enforcements was unexpected, and tbe tide of battle turn ed wholly against Mulal. Abdul Arts resirts that 30 o tbe pretenders forces were killed a d 5.2U0 wounded and so much tawity ti ten It was neces sary to nil it for lit V or nothing be fore the army could move. Congressman Burke 8peke. New Salem, 111, Aug. 1& Congress man James 1'rancls Burke of Plttslairg delivered an address at a "Iteputdlcan day" celebration here. Tbe subject of Mr. Burke's sjas-ch was "Tbe Tower of the President." ARMED NEGROES DEFY WHITE MEN. A Violent Race War la T nessee. Knoxvllle. Teuu, Aug. 18. Negroe are driven out of two mining illstib ts mar Jelllisi b au armed band of white miners mid mountain eers. Three hundred tiegna-a men. women and children- have tied In ter ror Into Jclllco and other towns. A band of se cut sine negroes took refuge lu a isunpiny bouse lu Autraa, scleral inlli- from Jellli. and, armed to the tistll, atv bidding dctlauce to miner, and mountalni-crs estimated at from ii"i to !i lu iiuiula-r wbo hive tumiuiiihsl iIh plai-e and are thrcateo lug tu kill ami bum tin in and tbe en tire Clllllp. Tbe band of whites, heivlly armisl. quietly isillis-tisl all tbe tiegrias at Kings Mountain mine, lour tbe T. -tiessis Hue. anl dime tlielil like sheep all .In) in tie- illns lloii of Jrlllra. Tlie IiegriH-s Irmilisl 4 Ighlis-ti miles. At nltht the whiles pcnulttisl the women iiml children to camp nnd eat what tiny iiuld isillist. but foixasl tbe aea tu tuo e on. Magoon to Viiit Roosevelt. Havana. Aug is In rvsanse to riesliltut l;,.s. icH's IVgwat to Mt blm at Ulster Hay slsl dlM-uss the Cuban situation .wiiior Magia-.n, ac rompanlcd by aptalu J. A. It) an of the riftconth cavalry, baa b ft Havana for v" York Three Race Betting Arretts. Yonkers, N. Y Aug. IH.-Three ar. rests for nlleged gambling were made at llm Empire City rate rack. It ts tbsrgis that the meu were taking Iiet In xlolatlou of tbe law. using a code system to represent tbe borsei the ' ds atid tbe amount wagered. Heart of the Stork. Tbe Arabs bare superstition that tbe stork baa a human heart. Wheat ne of these birds builds lu nest on a housetop they believe the happiness of that household la Insured for that fsxr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers