1HK HONESDALE CITIZEN; THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 9, K()8. THE CITIZEN Terms: 81.50 per year In advance r- 1 . . - . I.. IT ....... I a I .. P.... Vol t Offlca bUICMI fc ..iu ... - ' as second clin mall matter. CENT A WORD COLUMN. 11 u L 3 .,iBnn Inner with JobU Wall' maker. Philadelphia, will b- In llouesrfale Ibe ween nt-ginning Juiy mu. i . . .. ., . ... . kiim InnllnH nn 1 Faat Citiii' tire!. Ennulre of IUonts 8MAU. Ill Main itreet, lloncedale. TCI . .. 1 n. Bnrwii llnnri and I II MBIIIUICUI V-. . . urtmliiw HftM.na nt fl. Walt f. itl Unl stadnof Totlland Ceinent and Bewer l'lpe 01 li. wail s. Our Sllrer Crt-emt It I be bett on the markel and will mam- our mrer mine. - U. Pa-nanE Cut glaai and I'rontli glait. odd plecei and socouas, a uww iuk. At Peterse fc WALL PAPKR. IwrdeM and artlitlo dec orations. In great variety, and of the latctt natlrrna. Painting and paper banging in the best el If. JOHN (IKItllY. hot lit berry Place. Becond band furniture for isle, cheap, at 307 lblh ilrwt. Alto cnoiee plants, lernt, etc., for nale, cheap, at 307 lilh itreet. for Mule Oullts In great rarletv of ml term, with lancy work of vanoili tlyles. urn. I. N. Korinan, 10, touage tirrei, lloneAdale. Personal and Impersonal- Thcro was a large attendance oo tbogolf grounds, on tba afternoon of tho4th. Bupper and o most excellent ono wtw served to 1.11 members. It ia decidedly unfortunate that a man's obituary notice always comes too lato to get bim a job. The Cottage and Cliff streets Im provement Association, of lionosdale, will hold a Bhoro dinner and datiro at Bunnell's Like, oo Friday evening, July 17th. First table at 8 o'clock. Everybody welcome Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Bentley, of North Main St., on Wednes day, July 8th, 1903, a ten pound daugb tor. Tho East lionosdale Improvement Society netted t?10 by their recent dance and supper. Tho young pooplo bad a dance in tho Golf Club liouso. lost Friday even ing, somo thirty participating in tho enjoyment. Tho alarming doath rato by con sumption in tbo slate region of North ampton county is attracting attention. At least ninety per cent, of tbo recent death a in that section bavo been caused by tuberculosis. This fact is all tbo more surprising when it is considered that tho air and water are exceptional ly pure in these mountain town. From reports so far received from throughout tho Btato by tho departmen t of Agriculturo, unusually fioo crops of bay, wheat, corn and apples are expect ed to bo gathered in Pennsylvania this year. The Pennsylvania Educational As sociation mot at Btato Cjllcgo this year, the three days' sasiions closing to-dy. The attendance baa been unusually large, and a floo program was carried out. Many fraternal bsneflcial organlzi- itions will be surprised to learn that they are exempt from paying the four mills 3tato tax on investments, a .law having been papscd tbreo years ago exempting bom from such payment. -The Misoni of tbo State of Wash kton hire plicnl a bin on tho liquor yainoss as a rrraiw of livelihood for embers of tho orJor. Th9 Grand flgo, at a recent nnotiug, inido an Ironclad rutiug prohibiting trains in whisky by M nans within its jurislic- tion. Hereifter to engago in the liq-ior trifJl; is to ornmit a .Hwni; ollirm, punishable by oxpuUijn, from which there shall ba no appeal. Lettors uncalled for in the Ilooes dalo post ofllco: Mrs. John Addams, Goo. Conners, Miss L. Uoltborn, I.twsou M'f'g Co., Grant. A. Miller, E B. Mosber, Mrs. Lewis M. Kobotbum. It will probably bo an item of nows to most readers that postmasters are not compelled to make change when you mako purchases at Uncle Barn's ofllco. This ia a queer rule that not one in a thousand persons know. Buyers of stamps or any purchasers at a post ofllce must furuieh their own chaDge; that is, the postmaster could insist on tbo buyer furnishing his own change if be sees fit to do so; but usually tho postmaster is glad enough to got rid of his "chicken feed," and ho is always willing and ready to accommodate tbo public by making all tho cbsngo it asks for. If a man wishes to buy W) cents' worth of stamps and has but a silver dollar, be would bo compelled to buy a dollar's worth of stamps or go and get his silver dollar changed or do without the stamps it tho postmaster was stubborn and re fused to mako change for bim. This is the law and a queer ono, so many think And postmasters aro not compelled to take more than 25 pennies at one time if they do not wont them. At tho flvo o'clock Bright Boar Service, next Sunday aftcrnouu, Dr Wm. II. Bwift will speak upon the topic "What is this Community's Greatest Problem t" Ofllcor N. B. Sponoir picked up a hobo on Monday morning last and tak ing him bsforo Justice of tbo Peace Bobert-Ar Smith, preferred a charge of (ramping and bogging, on tbo strength of which tho Wonry Willie was locked up in jail. Callicoon, receives 12.831 CO and Tusten, fl 5U2 21 in the distribution of the Sullivan county, (N. V.,) highway moneys this year. Tae Unitod Stitoj Dapartmont of Agriculturo hai issued a pamphlet of warning objut tho White Pins Blight which has appoared in New England, and some of the Middle Btutes. It says that in Now York tho eastern part of tho State is affected, In Pennsylvania the law gives tho podestrian the right of way ovorthe automobile and if there is anything left of tbo pedestrian after tbo chauf feur gets through with bim, bo may as sort the right. Tbo Adams Exprosx Co. recently had a sale of unclaimed packagoe at its Altoouu ofllco. Oao individual inado a lucky investment for 35 cants, when a suit case was knocked down to bim, Upon breaking ic opon ho was most agreoibly surprised to nod in tt, wrap pod up in a pioco of nowspaper, (125 in goo J 'currency of tbe realm, besides a full sot of burglar s tool, lie has not yet announced what be will do with pe latter, Tho Frank A. Itobbins, so called circus which exhibited hero on Baturday wm an unmitigated fake and fraud from tbo first poster placed on the bill-boards to the pulling of tbs last tent staice. Nothing, substantially, that was prom isod in tho advance announcements was done; and very tittle tbat was done at all was well done. Tbe showmen came hero with a fake story of a wreck which had destroyed much of their specialty apparatus : but later explained tbat tbo management had eont to headquarters about half of the show on account of bad business. Yot notwithstanding this confession of their crippled or inefficient condition, they had tbo nerve to charge tho hundreds of pooplo who had been allured bv their Ivine statements to tramp through the mile of dust ro Free thy's flats, just double thi almittanoe foe demanded in all other towns. In stead of ten and twonty-flvo eontu for tickets as elsewhere, here tbey were twenty-five nnl Ufty; insteod of ten cents for reserved seats, tho cnargo was twenty-fire, and tho commonest palm leaf fans were sold for ten cents. There was no apology even, for an elophant. and tho few moth-eaten beasts tbat were put on exhibition were so forlorn in ap psaranco at to excite pity or dorieion rather than interest. Tho di'gusttng antics of four or five degraded monkeys wero better adapted for exhibition in a tenderloin jungle than a civilized com munity, and their noar relatives tbe tbreo alleged clowns, instead of provok ing laughter, drovo most of their audi onco into a settled rx-!ancho!ia. Tho three cowboys, hoaded by "Nebraska Bill," wero so ludicrously bad as to bo almost good It wni certainly amus ing to witness Bill's frantic attempts to jump through tho loop of his lariat, ro reiving a whack ncrois tha face at cv cry trial. As for turning the running horses, it is doubtful if he could have roped one if It were walking; and whon t came to picking up the scattered rg from tbe ground, while the bioncbos were in motion, the rulo seemed to be to miss twelve out of ovrry dr reo. In fact f thero ever was n rank counterfeit bill was ''Nebraska Bill." Such of the sidysbows ai were not made up of tooth-le-H snakes, fakirs mid gambler, were composed of gumblsrs, fakirs and tooth less snakes; but in lieu of the usual canal woter and lemon peel generally served as lemonade at only five cents u glass, en) could got river water and shavings for tho same price. The only redeeming feature of tbo whole falui wes tbe mcnago act of an old timer. ho handled her handsome horse and wbito doves very acceptably, but who looked so decidedly out of place as to suggest tbo old story of "Good Dog Tray Caught in Bad Company. Tho weather under the tents was simply stilling, and it was small wonder tbat when finally released from tbo fiery furnace, tbo on- tire crowd bunched their criticism of tbo show into tho ono cxprcesivo word. 'Stung I" Tho Unitod States in 19(17 produced 19 10(1 012 short tons of coal valued at t-0U,K:U,MD. Great Britain's production Of coal in 1908 was 299,9C9,Ct!9 short tons, and Great Britain is tbo second coal producing country in tbo world. Tbe ci.il production of tho United States in 1907 exceeded by ISO 4S0 373 short tons. or more than CO per cent., tbat of tho British Isles. It was moro tban doublo that of Germany, and was equal to 40 per cont. of tbo total coal productiou of tbe world. on. Charles B. Staples, President Judge of tbo Pike-Monroe district, hoar ing recently that a strong eilurt was bo ingmado to securo a pardon fcr four Luzaruo county men, who wero tried and convicted for ballot box etufliug, and sentenced by bim to a torm of im prisonment, mado a u.roug pleu against tb jir release, claining tbat the criminals should serve out their eontonces. Tho result was tbat tbo Board of Pardons refused to act on the case, ltight. Charles Markey, tbo down town plumber, bas sold bis property, com prising an aero of ground, bouse and barn on Union Uill, to John Bodcmcr, of West street. Possession to be given Oct. l.'.th. Consideration, private A Norwich, N. Y., butcher, having hi i delivery wagon doalroyod in a col lision with au auto, purcha-iod a hoarse at a low rata, aal ouiauujoi to sorm bis customers from it. Wonderful to relate, ho lost bis trade at a most alarm ing rata to him, but at last tho truth dawned upon his thick intolloct, and bo abindonod tba vehicle which bad bean ussd for transporting boJios to come torios, and is now looking for a now and improved butcher's wagon, Pennsylvania produces over f lB.Oiw- 000 worth of vogotnbles annually. Ouly one other State makes a better show- ng in tbo valuo of garden products. Philadelphia county enjoys the rcputa tution of being tbo second county in the United States in tho average valuo of garden produco psrucro, and Allegheny county ranks fifth. As tho season of thunderstorms is on us, attontion is called to somo pop ular orrors as to tbo danger from light ning. A widespread belief is that dur ing a thunderstorm safety may bo found undor a beoch troo, and tbat tho danger from lightning is 15 timos as great undor a resinous treo and SO times as groat uuder an oak. Careful obser vatiou Bbows that this viow is entirely without foundation. Tbo beoch is not avoidod by lightning which solocts one species as readily as another, but tbo tullor trees in tho neighborhood appoar to be tbo ones liablo to bo struck. Tho effects of lightning aro also commonly misundorstogd. Too cells of a t rco aro not ruptured or torn by tba formation of steam, as is often statod, but tbey collapse, or shrink up, without tearing. Tbe roots seem to escapo damage. Orders have b-jen issued from Wash ington for repainting of all the letter boxes throughout the country a bright rod. First grey was tried, then green, and now tbe department decides that these colors are not conspicuous enough to attract attention of those looking for them on tbo street. Eight young men were ordainod to tbe priesthood in Bt. Potor'd Cathedral, Scranton, by Ut. Itov. Bishop M.J. uo ban in tho prcsanco of a largo number of rulatives and friends, un Friday morning last. A lurge number of priests wore prosout m tbo sanctuary during tho celebration of tbe mass, among tbem being Itov, P. C. Winters, of ilawloy, and Hev, Thomas Jordan, of Iloneedalo. At tbo conclusion of the mass, tbe nowly ordainod priests gave their blessing to their frlonds and rela tives, who came forward to tho altar rail. Frank G. Carpenter, a staff corrc pondent t-f the Philadelphia Press, if wrltins a most Interesting scries oi or tides deecriptlvo vl travels In Africa, In that Journal of July Sth, writing from Zinxltur, be saj s that 66.000 tie nbanu wore killed in Africa last year, and mnrn than a million and a bait pounds of Ivory were taken from them and shipped off to Europe- JI tuts iui If one-third came from Zioiibar. au other third was from Portuguof o East and West Africa, and a lnrgo part of tbe balance was from the valley of tbe Congo. While paying a visit to ber friend Mrs. Martin, on Union Uill on Satur day last. Miss Tillio Schoonovcr, aged nineteen, employed in tho family of Jacob Katz, Church street, was pros tratod by a sudden attack of acute ap pendicitis. Dr. McConvillwas called, and under his advice tbe girl was taken to the Port Jervis Hospital for treat ment nn Sunday, after remaining at her friend's houso over night. Dr. Mcuon vill accompanied Mrs. Martin and her charge as far as Lockawaxen. All fligs now made for tho use of tbe government will contain 46 stars to conform to the present number of States, tho additional star, added July 4tb, being for Oklahoma. Oao of tho largest dividend ever declared by a National Bank in tbe United Slates was declare! a fow days ign by tho First National Bank of New York. Its capital is 110,000.000. audit declared a 10) per cent, dm Jcnd. This dividend of tlO,0 i,oo.) was taken from its surplus, and will be used to pay for tbe capital of tbe First Security Company, which tbo stock holders of tbo bank have established. fnis is tbe second very large special dividend declared by the First Nation it Bauk within tbo last ten years. Vbont eight years ago tho capital stock of tho bank was increased from t.'iOO,- oihi to (10,000 0(M, and in conuoclion ith this increase a special cash divi- iend of 1,900 per cent., said to ba the largest ever declared by a bank, at least in ibis country, was paid to stock holders. Three persons unitod with the Pres byterian church lust Sunday morning, tud ono infant was baptized. flic Equitable I.ifo Assurance So cio! bas plans drawn for a 02-Jtory dili ;o lu Now Yore City, to cost (10, 000,000. It will bo 909 feet from tbe to the top of tho tower, upon wbicb will bo a flag pole 150 feet in length. Tbo ball on tho flagpole will be 74 ft at higher than tbo 985-foot steel K;ffi 1 tower. Tbo annivorsary of tbe Wayne Joumy Bible Society will ba held in the n. E. church, Honcsdale, on Wedne- Ji evening, July 15th. It will boa uuioa meeting of the various liouosdalo churches. In tbo cstato of Charles W. McKin ncy, of South Canaan, in bankruptcy, u dividend of twenty nino per cant, bas b'en declared, payablo after July 20tb, ualcis exceptions aro filed on or beforo that dato. The following comprise tho advance detail of Oo. K, who will leavo for tbe Gett)sburg encampment, noxt Monday afternoon : Sergeant Ambrose Kellam. Corporal Ernust ilartman, Artificer Chss. Kualz, Privates Richard Heed. Frunk Tice. Samuel Doney, Thomas McKeou, Wm. Fiynn, Ueorge bcbields, Leo Tarkett. Cooks, Frank hitter and Micbaol Stabl. A benefit musical will be given in Lyric Hall, this, Thursday evening, for t most worthy object. Tickets, 26 cents. Thero is at present (Dt2 95 in tho borough treasury. -Tho new Spring strrot sewer is to be connected with tho largo one al ready in East street, at tho corner of H'b. -Tbe thunder etorm which visited this section on Tuesday afternoon last, was quito violent in Cherry Itidgo and Canaan townships. James Moylan, of Fermoy, with bis son and daughter, was at work in tho bay field wben tbo rain began to fall about 2 o'clock, and hastened with tbo team to tbo barn. The children put in tho horses, white bo wont to tho houso and seated him self on tbo porcb. Bbortly afterward a blinding flash of lightning accompanied by it terrific pool of thunder fairly lift ed bim from bis beat. Tbo boy and girl bad just reached tho bouse, wben Mrs. Mo Ian rushed out and told them that tho birn bad been struck and was on fire. Mr. Moylan and tho children hastened to tborescuo of tbo loam and a valuable cojt which wero in tba burn ing uuiraing, uau, largely mrougn inn efforts of Miss Alice, they were all eav ud; nut tbe barn and largo shed adjoin" ing with throo tons of hay, half a ton of oat straw, a lot of oats, top buggy, buck-board, plows and other farming machinery and implements wero entire ly consumed. The barn was insured for (100 in tho Wayne County Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company, of which Mr. Moylan is a local agent. - Tho lloncslale National Bank de clared its regular dividend of live per cent, and a special ono of two and a half per cont., on Monday. Tho Wayno County Savings Bank gavo its stockholders, on Monday, a dividend of ten per cont. from its earn ings for tbo past six months. Texas No. 4 Chemical Engine Co. cleared nearly fisoby their picnic in Biiltovuo Park, July 1th, which will bo appliod towards tbo erection of their n iw two story brick quartors, 'M by ti feet. Tho town ball, including tbo coun cil room, firemen's quarters and dwell lug, aro to bo put in good repair. Header of TilK Citizk.i, does your copy have a penny stamp attached f If so, it denotes tbat you aro in arrears for a year or moro. Kindly romit bo I ance duo, and then tho postal laws will permit us to omit tho stamp, Jamas Mundy, for somo time pro priotor of the Beely villo hotel, has pur chased tho Hotel Dolmonico, at East flonesdalo, of John W. Lenz, and is al ready in possession. Consideration, (7,500. On Tuesday afternoon Dr. II. B Ely bad a hurry call to tbo home of William Hoo, in Cherry Itidgo town ship, Mrs. Hoo and two daughters hav Ing boon prostrated by a stroke of light ning, which bad put tho telephone op paratus out of commission and shaken tho household up gonerally. The ladios wero thrown to tbo Cocr in an uncon sclous condition by tbo shock, but they all ovontuully rocovered their seosos, and no permanont injury is thought to bavo been inflicted, See to it that your horses, cows, fowls, does and cats aro plentifully supplied with pure water during this hot weather, oa they suffer terribly without It Mr. II. A. Odayli confined to ber borne, nurting a badly tpralned ankle. Mri. A. K. Harronn returned on Tues day from a brief Tint In Beranton, -illisS E, Dicklnion, of Scranton, l be- log entertained by Mri. E. A. rennlman. Vance Htarne. of Betbany, li enjojln a Tint with hit mother and titter In Cblraxo, Mri. Wm. 11. llolmet sare a "ltote' party hut Friday afternoon to lady friendt, Merrill VanCampen It tbe principal o the Ilamateut bleb ttbool for the rominc year. Mitt Ann Hpettlgue, of Eait itreet, I eriouily 111, and It being cared for by two nunet. Wm. 0. Dlakney and O. Wm. I'eil and families are at Dloomlne Urore, for a few dart. Ilev. A. L. Wbltlaker will eonduetter. vice In White Millt on tbe eoniing Hunday at .1 o'clock. John T. Dall It at Heading, I'a., attend Ine a meetlnir of the I'eon'a Htale Chritlian Kndearor Uociety, MlM Orace A. J ad win, of Morrltlown N. J., It trending her Taeatlon with her parent! In llonesdale. Mr. and Mri. Wm. II. Pragnell, of Rait llonesdale, welcomed a little sou to Ibelr family circle, July Tib. Mlri Jeitlca A. Ilobinton, of New York oily, it at Ibe borne of ber parent!, Mr. and Mil. J. A. Itobinton, of Weil itreet. Married, In Luke C'omo, July 2, 1D0S. by tbe Iter. F. F. (JlbUs, Mln Mary A, Clemo to Wayne V. Ilazen, both of Bethany. N. II. Bchumau ia at Uale'hurf, Illinois, where he will remain two or three weeki". nj lying avid! with hltnou.lt. K.Bohutnnn Charlen S. llurger, a foreuiau In llor- lliueer A. Hunt cut factory, ill White Mlllt, ia liiLahujc ocean breeze at Atlantic IMy. Iteuben Ilodle. of Ka.t tit,. It laid up for, reptiis, (he reiultof a fall through a trap d.inr in tbe bum of hit eiuployei, Thou. II I'.ark. Mri. Fred. U. Cronley. of Cbicaco. for. inerly Mm Sunn K. Jeiikiut, of Upmidiilc, fell latt week and broke both boiiei of ber It arm. Mini llaliy Young, of Albany, will ar- rive III New York city, to-day, on the Ad. mlic, alter a iileatant Irm nt three munlhi n Kurope. Dubolt 11. Weatoii. II. C. (Inborn. Aia F.. lli)HUt and S. P. Frailey ure vicmiiik the nhtiof New Voik cily and Coney Iiland. hi week. Iliich A. Lancaster, one of the moil iromllii nt rcuidelltl of South Sierliiur. In aiixerouily ill, with hul iIikIiI hone, of hit recovery. Mri. Wm. II. Lee and dauchten. Mi..-. Loulieaud Kthel, of Eal itreet. are mm - lut-ring ul Point Pleuiaut, on the New Jer icy coait, Mri. Catherine K. Drink, of tbn nlaco i n j-vititiiii; frieudsln Port Jcrvn and ill r will make au exteuded vim with re,. lues in Walerliury, Conn. --SiarrleJ, In Hiroudiliurs, .limn sr. 19cW. ' llieltev. Wm. PiiBlik, MiiSuie Kell7, I Trttinertville, Monroo county, lo ileorue II. Correll, of Southern Wayne. Mm Katberluo II. Minor, who la hIIIiik u important portion in oie of tho Yon- cm, ft. ., icbooli, it paaiinK ber vacaliun mill her mother and eluter in lloueidale. Mil. Wm. Hahcock and daughter. Mlta .N'ellie, and Mln Alice Parioni, all of Peck- Hle, aro among the uuiuBroui people v, hi, " pamus the heated leatou at Ucrnb Lake. Chief of Police, John J. Canivan. com menced bin Foul th of July celebration early Ililt year, a ul-w baby boy coming to glad den hla borne ou Independence Dav eve. JvlySd. Winlleld Buih, ofMerlden. Conn., who lia been vliltlng old frieudi iu Honeidale, Ibe part few dayi, left ytiterday for Scran- on, wnero he will visit hn mother on hi wuy home. ilri. Corlrieht, of IStb street, whu haa bein a helpleaa, but patient invalid for yein. c-elcbrated ber 88lh birthday, July i, wnen ine received many culls from ijiiipathlzing friendi. -Mlia F.dllh K. Bwlft wai stricken with Pliendlcltii latt Thunday and waintonce taken to I)r. Uurni'i hotpitalfor treatment. She wai operated on Ibe next day, and is now rapidly recovering. Horace I). Weiton, a traveling taleaman for tbe Durland, Thompson Shoe Co., while lijihliUK from a car at Bhavertowu, N. Y.. one day laal week, fell and broke hit right leg jiiat above the ankle. Mri. Thoi. C. Key and daughter, of Wllkei-Ilarre, have returned honm altera hiee weeki' visit at the home of Mri. Key'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank U. Haw. ken, of North Main itreet. Married, at tbe residence of the bride'i mreuti, in Buranton, July 19,18, by the Key. II. U. Harried, stepfatborof Ibe bride, Mln Iloianna O, Lenli, of Soranton, Ic Thomas Jobnt, of Vandling. M. und Mri. Frann P. Kimble, who have ic-n away for several weeki, are now al Iniunt Clemens, Mich,, trying the noted aths of tbat town, for the cure oi iheuma- tiiin. They are expected home next week. Hev. F. I.. Brooks and family are tem porarily itaying at the home of his wife's parent', in Scranton. A number of hit llnnesdale friends presented him with a IMtlled nurse, prurioui to his departure, laet week. Mr. and Mri. Thos. U. Clark and guests, Mr. and Mri. Dithridgo, of New York city, left ou Monday In Mr. Clark's auto, of the Stoildard-Daylon pattern, for Cooperstown and Itichlleld Spriugi, N. Y,, returning ou ueiduy evening. Mis. C. J. Uilletple and Miss M. Louise Keefer, of IJunesdale, and Mist Jessie (1, Keefer, of Suratitou, left ou Monday ufter noon last, for Thorald, Canada, where they will spend about three weeki as the guests of their cousin, Mrs. Annie Illaokstock. Monroe W. Welsi, of New Yerk city pasted u few days with his sisters, the Mines Wein, and on Tuesday left for a visit with another titter, Mrs. S. J, Strauss, who with her husband and children are ipendlug the iiimiucriii their cottage at Harvey's Luke, near Wlikes-lJarro. At an adjourned meeting of the Lacka wanna Presbytery held at Camptowu, llimllonl county, last week, Hev, Joaeiih Freed, pastor of the Boo It church at riheriuan, Ihli county, uiked for a dissolu tion of his relations as paitor with that i liurcli, to accept a call from the church nt llerulee, Sullivau county. Bernard O Hourke, of Wayinart, for inuny yean au employee on the Dal. it. Hud. Uravity Railroad, but of late years working for the Lake Lodore Co., died in Ibe Emer gency hospital, Carboudale, on Tueilay evening, after a brief illness, of heart ale vuse. lie was about &0 years of age, un married, and with no known near living relatives. W, O. DoWItt denting, of New York city, is spending a part qt bit vacation with Uonesdale relatives and friends. Mr. Oe nung is connected with tbe Ooodyear Rub ber concern, and hat become a tboroueh New Yurker, but ttlll Undt It pleasant to greet bis boyhood friends iu tbe town of hit birth. It It needless to say that the pleasure it reciprocal. Ilev. u. F. Bweeny, who during bis uiay in uonesdale as assistant to Iter, Thos M. liauiey of St. John's (It. (J.) church, made many friends, has received a well meilted promotion, having been appoint. ed by lllshop lloban attlttant at tbe Catbolio Church at Athley, I.uiurne Co. lie It tucceeded here by Her. Thomas Jor dau, of llunmore, who was recently ordain ed at Ml, Mary's Seminary, Kmmlttiburg Ud, John H. Strongman, of Bethany, one of the most enterprising cibxeniof Wayne Co. does not Intend to leave thli vicinity, all re ports tlT tbe contrary notwithstanding, al though he hat given away and told a poi tlon of hit property in tbat town Graham Watts the Uonesdale bard ware dealer, had good caute to remember latt Baturday, July 4th. It being the ISth anniversary of hit Imprisonment on Belle III, Va.he having been captii'ed by the Confederalrt at tbe battle of inchetter, Va , June li, lffij, while lervlng a a Str ceant In Co. C, OTth Penn'n Volunteers. The greater proportion of tbo regiment were taken priionera at tbe tame time. Ilev. Dr. Henry Wheeler and wife e-ele brate l their Wth or golden wedding annb veriary, at their home, Ocean drove, X. J. ou Tburslay, June 25th. Thli will be plotting newt to the clergymcn'i many friendt in Wayne county, but more ctpecial ly to lo tbe turrlvors of Co. M, Kill Cava). ry, an organization wholly recruited In thli Immediate vicinity, Dr. Wheeler having been the regimental chaplain. Mri. Fred. U. Whitney, Mri. Charles It. Brady, and tiller, Mist Antoinette 6. Dur land, all of Honeidale, and Mita Nellie Far uum, of Port Jervis, compriio a parly who leave to-morrow morning for Niagara (alia and Buffalo. From the latter port Ibey will take one of the palatial steamer! for n tour of tbe great lakes to Iluluth, Minn. Upon ttielr return trip they will atop for a week in among tbo Mackinac lilands, located be tween Laket Huron and Michigan, and mott delightful tumtner letort. JohuTorrey Fuller and family, who re cently returne' from the diamond mines ni South Afncf here Mr, Fuller hat been em ployed for, le five yean, asa iiiieiiuieu- dtntfortbe DcBeeri Co., are now at the home of tbe latter'i futher-iii-law, Aulrew Thompson, of Uoneilale, ami do not expect lo return. Mr. Fuller has hccii tendered n timllar position in the ouly diamond mine in the United Slatet, whUh ! now being developed. It It located In Arkanaat. Mr. fuller is boiling the matter under advise, went. We note in our Mllanrlllu correspon dence the death of I). W. liaj, long i. reti- lenceof Dainatctia township. Mr. (,ny was abrulberof Mia. Kh Heat li, anil au uncle of Hon. J. Howard Beach au I hla brothels and sisters, all of whom hate been conspic uous ill the cudul Hlld political circled ut D.uuHsiua lownthlp. The writer speaks from experience when heiays that on the ciccaiion oi hla many visits to Milanrllle, yianugo, uotwitbsta.idiug his too gener ous receptions by all, h nn onewahe more warmly uud cult i taming!) welcuuicj than by Mr. Uay. (ieorge T. Spettlgile, uf till tlly. la pending a fortnight with hla brother, O. M. Spcttlgue, of Hast stti-et. Another brother, Iheodore, of Jcriuni. uamn on Saturday for a brief week-cud viait with hla relatives, lelurilillg lo hla home oil Suu day evening. Ueorge T. Is a veteran ot Co. M, irth Perm a Cavalry, having cnliatci in Uonesdale under Capl. Coe Durland. He whi UlUlteled ill Sept. Si, IMM; promoted to Corpoial, July I, l?9lj to Sergeant, Nov. 1,1, iK't, and diacharged June lSili, lpil. When Capl. James Ham vyai n-uuiided ut Five Foikl, a., Apill 1, INK, SelgeantSpettlnue, who was his intimate friend us well as i om a le, was detailed to take him to the hn-pi-al at City Point, Va , and with bun hell he die!) on the cars the lievl night, Horace U, Young has ritircl fmm Ihi '.eaidiney of the Albany fiu-t Co.. lo liible lillli In hate iiii.i u till)., lor iei.lii. pl-atuie und liavi I, it well as to give mm, attention to Ins own private aiTairi. II will continue to act in (li.iliiuiu of ih B ard of Trustee!. Ilia suec.. ,r is tjeorg- C. Van Tuyl, Jr. We take the Pillowing from an Albany dally, of lat week: "lie veiopmelllsol more th in ll-llil interest Wet. seen in the Albany banking Meld during Hi past week. Horace (i. Young, whose name and standing have beeiia tower of strength to the Albany Trut Co., retiied from tin active duties of the iciiousilile head of thu liialitutinu. Hla predecessor saji of Mi Van Tuyl that he regar.ls bim 'ua one ot Un belt practical bankets in this territory ; oi i whose capabilities uiesiu-h hi lo warrant in my juugruenia very succeieiul career in u banker.' " A Happy Golden Wedding. Tho golden annnivcrsary of tho wed- ling of Joseph C. Meutirr and Mir rah Goodman was celebrated at tbe residence of tho bride and groom of lilt) curs, on Last street, Ibis borough, on rViturday lust, July ltli, about fifty rela tives and immcdiato friends participat- ug in Iho festivities. Two platers of Mr. Mennor, Mies Mary Mcnncr and Mrs. John l. James, who witnessed tbo original ceremony, which was performed by Itov. li. It. Clark, July 1th, ls58, wero present at tbo golden wedding. It was an evening party, Mr. and Mrs. Mennor, looking much more youthful than their long married life would sug gest, receiving their guests at eight o'clock. At ten, after two hours of eo ciul intercourso, tho party gathered about a most inviting table and onjoyed choice repast. Itov. . 11. llillcr then voiced the sentiment of all present iu an address ot congratulation to host and hostess, a tcudor of warmest wishes for their futuro; and hopes tbat their well-spent lives may b; prolonged for many years to come. Of the thirteen children with which tho pair bavo boon blessod, throo only aro doceasod. Tho remainiug ten, who were all present nt the goldon jubilee. aro .Mrs. Tillio Hector, ot New York city; William, of Jersey City: Mrs Itobert Ace, of Stroudsburg; Mrs. John Meyers, of lionosdale; Uoinco T., of I'eckvillo; Mrs. Herbert Jnmep, of Lanes boro; Qcorgo, of Montcluir, N. J., l,ouis, of New York city ; Charles md Krninn ut homo, Thero uru alsj twonty-tbrc grandchildren and twi greaf-rand children living Amoi. '. . e near relatives present wero h Uein the only surviving bletcr im ..lis. Men nor, who celebrated her fiftieth wed ding anniversary in 1002; Miss Mary Monner, Mrs. l,ouieo James und Horace T, Menner, sisters und brothers of Joicph O, Menner, Tho other guests were Mrs. II. T. Mon ner and children, Miss Dorothy, Henry uud Robert, of tho Brooklj n Navy Yard; Mr. and Mrs. U. H Menner uud two children, ltobcrt and 3irah;Mrs, Bar bara Ilnif, Mrs. W, U. Hitler, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Itobinson, Mrs. Emma 11, Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. II E. Bassctt, Mr. and Mrs. C. W, L),!in and daughter, Miss Hazel, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Sher wood, of Itocky Uill, Conn,; Miss Elor enco WarQold, of I'eckvillo; Mua 10'izv betb Morgan, of Htroudsburg; Misses Orace Itoitcnauor and Mabel Heed. Mr. and Mrs. Menner wero iho recipi ents of a number ot appropriata and cosily gifts, including gold coins, silver, cut glass and docoratod waro, china, linen and furniture Mr, Menner bas charge of tbo delivery wagons of tba Monner & Co. depart ment stores, a position which he has held for several years. His earlier mat ried lifo was spent in farming iu Berlin township, and as Btoward of the Uoues dale and Texas almsbouso and farm A statistician recently dcclaroJ that it was more dangerous to no a railway brakeman tbau to bo a murderer, and proved bis assortion with elatistics showing tbat ono murdoror in eovontv throo was hangod, wheroas one brake man m thirty was killed. In Hemoria:n. Charles II M'-ari, ton of the late Justus Bears, of l'roiiipton, aid belter known In this county as llawlgy Sears died In New York on Thursday lait,Juit after having been received at the Oppmhelraer Inttllule. in that cily. It was at lint reported that 1 the death bnd occurred under luch unutual I and peculiar circumstances as to Indicate the possibility of foul play i but the autopsy I which the coroner felt justified In ordering. ir-uneu iu a tciuici iiiai ur. sears aied oi natural causes, pneumonia, heart disease and Bright'! disease being factors. Mr. Sean wat a resident of Capoute Avenue. Scranton. but had large builneft tnterettt in this county and elsewhere and was tho proprietor of grlttmilU at Clark's Summit and Chinchilla, Lackawanna oounty. He wai taken III at the Clark's Summit mill on Tues, I ay of latt week, and bis son. Drover Sean tummoned bit physician, Dr. Samuel Lynch. After consultation also with the family physician, Dr. F. M. Davenport, of Scranton, the three decided that tbe belt tbrbg to do wai to remove tbe patient to tbe Uppenbeimer Inilllute for treatment. All realized that Mr. Bean's condition wai orltl cal ou acconnt ot hit advanced age and Ibe weakened condition or his heart. It bad been known tor some time that the patient wat tuITerinc from heart trouble, but there teemed uo occasion for Immediate alarm Accompanied by bis son, and tbe two phy sicians. Mr. Bears started tor New York Tbe trip wai mille fatiguing and, as Mr. Seart't heart action wai not ttrong, tbe pnyticlani administered, bypodermloally one thirtieth of a grain ot ttrycbnlne as a stimulant shortly before reaching Hoboken, Within an hour, while tbe party wai being' conveyed from the ferry to the Inttltute In n carriage, the dodo, i administered another dose of the stimulent of the same propor tions, but their patient wai in a slate of complete collapse and twenty minutes after being placed oua rot at tbe Institution be died. Tbe autopsy and other unavoidable dilayt prevented the return of the party with the body until Friday night. The init ial services were held at the home of tbe deceased cn Sunday, and the remains were brought lo Promplon tcr Interment ou Monday morning. Mr. Bean wai born in I lliiton townttip, this county, about six ty years ago. In 187U be went to Soranton and secured a positional liainman on tbe Liiikuwauna ruilioad, and later aia train dispatcher al Clark'i Summit. lie then embarked In the grain business In lhat place, stalling a mill mill, which proved so riuciastul lhat he started another at Chin- . hlll.i, both of which he was operating when seized willi his fatal illness. He alto in heiited a large Inrtune from hit father. He survived by his widow, two inns, I). D. jp.ui, formerly manager ot tbo Dixie Tbea- ie, Scranton, uud drover Cleveland Bean- tin was a member ot the Kits, Ibe Hoysl Arcanum und the Ileptasopha. Mr. Bears had the inialorluiio to lose one of bu legi by it ir.ilii.ui iiccidtiit many years ago, but be came so m customed tuun artlUclal limb as i wulk with a reiy slight limp and ho ap. partnt inconvenience. Franklin II. Ibiblnsondied at his home on ittage street, tlouesdale, Monday, July 6, li.w, aged Cs years. For some years he bad ecu In pri carious health, with occasional iiccule attacks which caused bii family and nuns much uppiehensloii; put It was not mill the Illhof March last (bat bit ailments i id so far progressed as to confine him to home. From that time onward be was a great though patient sufferer, from general i, i.i .it v. und the linal outcome of his Illness, huugh uiuib deplored, wat not unexpected. lr. Uoliiuson bus born in Manchester, Fog- til l, Hay lislll. the sou ot James Robin- ou uud hla wife, formerly Miss Mary Ann lull. Hi IM1 thu family came to this coun lynud located In Lehaaon township, this iinly, developing a line farm, on wbicb the el.ltr Mr. Robinson died at tbe ago ot 83 cuts, his wife following at tbe age of 65. )n the farm so acquired the subject of Ibis Ui Ich spent his poyhood and youth, acquir- u good practical education in tbe public chools uud Bethany Academy. In June. Nil In, enlisted In Ibe Union aim v. Iu F, tilth Regiment New York Enslneeir. lleers'a Biographical Record gives tbe fol lowing account of hii services: "Uli com mand was llrst ordered to Washington. II eubitipjenlly they were ilatloned for a l.nrt liinu at Fairfax, Va., and then joined the command of Generals McDowell and McClellan. They were under Ure at tbe battle ot Yorklown, and hit regiment bad barge of the possessions sent to Harrison's Hiding und pontoon trains. Being taken ill, Mr. Robinson was an Inmate of tbe Chesapeake Hospital near Fortress Monroe until August, wben bo was discharged' uud sent homo." Mr. Robinson wai twice mniried. December 3, lBfij, he wai united to Miss Olive Oliyer who died ten yean later, earing lour cunaren, namely : Samuel A a resident of Lebanon township ; Mark N., of Scranton; ,1. Beuham, of Uonesdale, and Albert C ot Canaan, N. Y. Mr. Robinson's cond wife was Miss Lydla Soantleherry. who survives him. Tbe funeral lervlces will b" held at liiehouib this Thursday after noon at i o'clock, Rev. W. U, Uiller offloiat- ug. The Interment will he in Rlrerdale c metery. Mrs. deorgiu Vail smith died al tbe home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Bagley, In miucs-narru, I'a., on Tuesday. June 10. 1'JIH, after u brief Illness, aged S3 years. rhe remain! were removed to tbe home of her sister, Mrs. Mary E. Bonesteel, In Da mascus, this county, and the funeral ser vices were helif on the following Friday, Iter. 1. A. Hell, of tbe Presbyterian oburoh, Cocbecton, and Her. J. M. Coleman, ot the Methodist church, Damascus, oiloia(ing, Interment was made In the Baptist oeme tery, where her husband wai buried twenty yeuis ago. Mri. Smith who was a daughter of tbe lute Samuel L, Vail, of Lebanon township, was born In Florida, Orange county, N, Y Junet), 1639, and oame to Wayne couniy with ber father's tamily when she was nineteen years ot age. She is sui lived by a daughter, Mrs. Bagley, lueutnnicd above, and two ions, Charles V. Smith uud Thomas F. Smith, both ot Bing- hauilcu, N. Y, Shu also leaves three broth ers uud three sisters Charles I. Vail, of lllalratow-ii, Iowa; Samuel II, Vail, of lloruell, N. Y., und Walter 8. VH, of Riley villu ; uud Mrs. Spencer M. Pulls and Mrs, Charles W. Bulkcom, nt ltlleyviile. und Mrs. Mary E. Bonesteel, of Damascus, whose husband, Leioy Bonesteel, establish ed the Semi-weekly Democrat In Honeidale in 1S6U. Mrs. Smith i permanent residence was in Uuighamtou, where she wat a con s'slent and falthtul member of tbe West Presbyterian church, and very highly re gardeu ua a modest und unassuming, yet helpful and actively benevolent Christian lady. 'oily Uoadley, wife ot Ueorge Frost, died ul thu family residence iu Duumore, July .1 1'JiM, aged 78 years, - months and 11 days. Ducciscd was a native of South Canaan, this louuty, hut forsomullfty-tlre yean bad beeii a resident of Duumore. She bad beeu for many years an active and useful mem ber uf the M. K. church. Deceased Is tur vived by her husbaud and a brother, Sol omon Cuitls, of South Cauaan. The efforts made by the Anti-Duol iiug Lioaguo iu Austria to check duel- ling iu tbe empire have finally been successful, for the imperial sanotlon to a decreo prohibiting duelling in tbe empiro without tbo consent ot a mill tary court ot honor has been obtained, A duel without this consent will here- utter be a breach of regulations and Bovoreiy punisnod. DeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve it good for lite, bums, brinies aud scratches.. It li es pecially good for plies. Reoommended and sold by Phil, The Druggist. Use DeWitt's Little Earlr Risen. Dle&s. ant little pills that are easy to take. Bold by PKIUTbe Druggist. -THE CHILDREN LIKE w-f KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP t These Hot Days are creating a demand for Wash Skirts, Wash Dresses and Shirt WaistsT:. We offer tlu greatest Styles at 33 per cent, less Everything Ladies' Under-Muslins, made of good materials, the best workmanship, I KATZ MENNER & CO.'S STORES aUPTODATE-- Summer Goods FOR 1908 Stylish. Nobby and Comlortable Wash Suits All Shades. 8321 1 Walking, Traveling and Evening Separate Skirts. New Spring and Summer Single Jacket.. Black and Leading Shades. ' Jumper and Shirt Waist Wash Dresses. Newest Styles and Colors. Fancy Styles in Tailor-Make Shirt Waists at enner & Co.'s YOUR INVITATION If vou have never had any dealings with us, please to consider this an in vitation to aive us a trial. Farmers & Mechanics' Bank, HONCSDALE, PA- Hymeneal. Tbe marriage of James ahepard Warfleld, ot Uanoook, N. Y and Ulss Laura K. dall ooourred Tuesday evening, June 80, 1908, at the home ot the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Hall, at South Dranob, near Equlnunk, Rev. John T. Gardner, tbe bride's paitor, officiating. About one hun dred gueitt were preieut. Mln Nina Ball a litter of tbe bride, and Charles Warfleld, a brother of the groom, were brldeimatd aud groomsman. Little. Bernloe flail acted as flower girl. Tbe wedding gifts were numer ous and beautiful, consisting ot out glass, china, silverware and furniture. Among those present besides Equlnuolc friends were : Mrs. Horaoe Menner aud son, Rob ert, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Warfleld, and Miss Jeanelte Uabcook, ot Peokvllle ; Frank Warfleld, of Ileaoi Lake, Mr. and Mrs. II. (I. Lester, of Mounlalndale, Mr. and Mrs. Cbaunoey Fuller, of Autumn Leaves, and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Dlx, of Wlnwooa. Fol lowing a few days' stay at tbe home of the bride'i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warfleld will be at borne to their friends In Uanoook. Use Your Lkibubk Tint If you bavi an hour to spend each day don't idle it away, for time ia valuable. It will puj you to write to tbe Circulation Depart ment nt Tbo Philadelphia Press, men tioning this paper, and tbey will send you an interesting book of advice, tell in); how to make use of your spare moments and bow to mike a consider able sum ot money for a littlo work you can do very easily, A postal card will bring this information to you. Dou put it off; write alonoe, for It will mean dollars to you. Address Circulation Department, Tbe Press, Baventb aud Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, . Tub conviction of an automobile own er in Seattle ot manslaughter for run ning over a child ia an example worthy ot imitatioo. The actual sending to jiil ot a few persons responsible for the injury or death of pedestrians would do more to make speed maniacs care ful tban all tbo laws limiting speed that could be passed. Acgordikq to tbe Seattle Post-In-telligenoo all records of tbe quantity of lumber sawed from one tree, from one acre and from tei. acres, have been shattered by tbe cut made from a ten acre tract of land on the north shore of Puget Sound. The log scale shows tbat n,luU,7CU feet were obtained from 561 trees in a ten-acre tract, or an average of 510,076 feet to tbe acre. Tbe record acre of the ten yielded just 685,018 feet, as compared with a normal average of 25,000 feet to the acre. On this partic ular acre a single fir tree scaled 21. Hi feet, or leas than 3,000 feet under the average yield of an entire aore oi ground. Wash Suits, assortment of New Summer than the regular price. in WWtewear at matchless prices. BROS. V"' Dept. Stores, Sterling. J uhb 6th. James A. Bortree surprised bis friends by returning to Sterling last week. He has bnllt fnnr home tn Orlando, Florida. Earl N. Cross returns to Perklomen Seminary, to day. , ut. . a. uroea. of Buranton, Is spend ing a few days at his old borne. Dr. and Mrs. C. Catterson and children, of Franklin Forks, are at bis parents', J. U. Catterson's. " We are very sorry to report that tin. John Stevens expired on the moraine; ot the Fourth, and will be burled at 3:30 V. U., to-day. She Is survived by a husband nd three sons and three daughters. Mr. rjteveus's health Is not good, and one son Is but five years old. The family have the sympathy of all tbe commu nity. W. J. Musgrave still lives, but there Is no Improvement, and he eats compara tively nothing. Mrs. Mary Megargle Gorman and two children, of Philadelphia, are at A. O. Megargle'. Tbe Sunday sebool plonlo passed off very pleasantly, and although there was uothlug very exeltlng, all appeared to enjoy themselves, and tbe onlldren had a good time, wbloh was one ot tbe prin cipal objeots In having It. Emery Gilpin and family from LaAuna, were prtaeat. and qnlte a number from a distance. Several couples ot young folks drove to Mooslo Lake. Tbey bave a yonng son at 11. U. Bo backer's. Congratulations I Mary llobaeker Is home again. George Howe and Wlliard McLaln are living at Mooslo, but are now tpendlng a few days at borne. A number ot George Howe's young friends oalled on him Fri day evening, and bad a good time. Misses Lulu llouck, of LaAnna, and Loretta Augenstein, of Panther, are guests ot Katie Cross. Nelson Frantz, of Strondsbnrg, Is In town. Lenora Stevens, of Scranton, is spend ing a few days with her Sterling friends. We bave bad rain all around us, but much more would be very desirable bare. Tbe bay arop Is very short. Mr. aud Mrs. W. 11. Lesher returned from a visit with Mow Jersey friends, re cently. Rheumatism Cared In Tare Day N. 11. UngleV Madison, Wis., nay at ( .as almost helpleaa with rheumatism for s nosUui. luui it in my neck so 1 could not turn mr head, aod au through mr tody, 1 tried tone doctors ana many remedies without any relief whatever untu l nro cured nr. DtrrcilUN'a ltilUKr ror ltUKUMATlsH. la a few hours the pala was relieved aod la uuee days the rheums.Uw.iQ was completely cured and 1 was at work. Hold by ucai. Donas Dranut, nonesdsle, fa tsui ns.au. BRADY, Dentist, Eloneedate, Pa. Any evening by appointment. Clllzem' phone S3, Rusldenoe. No. M X. New Parasols, up-to-date shapes, ck. MKNNEB & CO.'S CW, mssm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers