ECIREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. :4K JANIES CLARKE'S Celoliratjd Faniale Pala. J LEI l K 3 H.\ Al. 1,74 PA ft.NT ! • - ,1 d Proterspleua if Air J Clarke, M. I), }llbilai Ei:rourrdinury 1. ae Queer. itimliclne I. it of+lllog In the core p i t all awl •03 iau.ioroax diwwwe to which the &ante It toodcr..leo ell 'DIN. and re• t.tru, t,ou•, auJ .lard? cane slay be mile 111 ti ‘ICHIED 1.411111101 ull.:;.)11,1 It grill, ill a shoKt UM% bring on .r.tLit irrfo.l Rllh reKttlarity. • ratio, rt•'r ltne Golltr, titan the Government 6re.t to ovvent ioutitorfeita • Itni• taken by Frmairs during' Gie 1' Jilin ,(li.lYrll J Pregnivacy, u tag, ." • •• 11.9,,r4apt, Dist at wiy other tune they, • J. +tt..etwur., Malaita .„.• t) 61 betta xertnu, talpita- H .r - 11,..t.; , ••• Wba , a, lhrer NIP will Last fallad • and al. I. 4 p -‘, ,• I is,u"tc+c lan iron, ealomid, : I. ttfill to lte t r dattutin, 1 • eVh p • tilt% Itil, 0'4..14 ..."1 . 4 1 ALI, ilia-6414 p: rLit.l 4til/P0 eilitAklS, itCl %4,14, o,,rtiotOt `kt , New York $4,L.., eudoio.l to 111.1 . so A. •nt, win a). ottle, collfitilling 50 rills 914-Iy. Irtit.icit.e..4l•4 P 4111{11 WtiltiFlee—This. .r 1.14 La• tt.frou.-Lif pror.d dwell ta he the beet Ctl %rd. COO. IN ii,jtu• /I i..• joug.l au ewe Ikut remedy —r r...ri!ri bee Leeu et, uorea k • t.i • t. t.t.. 14..)- grvatly Improved by llt .- east gives 'ilp• • t 1,1. ri used by Mums.' It,. L. ,4eti,,e-.vier ualeg tt are delightful rt “pc“. •41 purgoa out all oh ,c,,,LL,L.rtb 0. tt, alit., a boaltby L. atft Att , sale 1.1,! . ./11P11 of Pr 'Marshall's Ilet.lsthr prore4 its great value u Nialll.ll the fiend, and at thla Leo -1.410s torhrr t hau erer before 1i la iseovatuead ,,,,,, of Lest i‘h) siciaas, sod la used with groat F •t1.57: 1 . a ev-ry • here Reid that Certificate • io I • h'` •"r (or ccaoy years beep facsittalo ta rrh sad Heade• he d ant, and n c r • • Leerfull• state that sre Le kc.ery respect, to the wow:nada g••, t r o.ra of Catarrh Auestionsa, sod de,lelly the lest artlele we have eve, ktiowo of the Head. Pr:), Hee 1, Austin k Co , Brown, Lassson & Ca kra Co., Seth W. Foyle, W item; Fairbatik & Co., H. H. Hay, 151,%k Ranee & Park, A B & 11. Sautte,Stopben Co ,leryel 8.%a0r & Co , IleCeason & Robbins, A. , V Ward. Mee & , Buell k Gala, Pule by %II iirvoath Try O. • JyVl44y, ettiltETll • ei t 1.%.--Ther expel the pot -ht •`1 Mt, tire. Every time le sick per. plr{,l by this vt.;•tabte t,ta•tiy, he has leas vi 14111,1'4 NI/ Itfr aril vrior, LA WU 000 CID toT t iLltiZ a .4 , 4 , ereotis of spare halite ob aid attetxtb eking them. Every time t a fry .14,a ut we,s4 from this purgatioatre =he frolt" nor la • 1/telA rept veJ the uninanti thr Lure etuted to be ererusted• Mich rew:t p•a•-1. or expel rarthe: quantities . h 44%19 raptace4 by dutchfeu and A`ort time, by CJotinning.this th 4 whole mats of flat& or it° thnt Nt.t.• pliritf which constitotaa health,' t.tki ew.q tomors wbkh are , ~., . ter, to madtelars r=ice hihts are extuaguuthed wheat • •,,;;; :a o too), and the incontestib fact , , . trap, red et sandy to • glori- Ci t'• .0. •ter than the champlino changes !rvalon nt Cristaioro'fi:::Haar Dio. • ~it Ataericack cobtinear. It „•, „• improvta the litres, • . 4.1 Iwh g color , any shade r • Atlas., ',biased is endorsed by .1 cr.emleta iu theiJolted I Otilit4oOßEll, i.e! 8 Attor Holm, t .11 9rnypsta and ks.plletl by all Hair marl'BB-Im. I INDIA) ENT. —You eau procure of Jr..zr,..; ~, ill.. city and vicinity Ut. It • .ore. and `speedy core for t athazhe. chronic rhoumst in the limb. We advise every 13.* expense is a wens tsiflis-25 21e c oindeat no person Ira:lever be with- .bould hare hott , e in the horse iull n ar :idouts, ouch se cuts, burn., scalds, P• tam rrl.e ring yushhea Ara Miniciaions. Al for Lai hundredo, we hate the certificates 61 by all druistate. tf.trilt Street. New York. Virmenith & Co., of ISaffski, Sieve discovered eaetbod, by which-all diseases WI be cured by the patteat, witinaat the ti iticciack. - Lr. F. Is tha author of a medial i9w pager, price $ 00, giving a fall azpbanation treatiniot, They also publish a monthly ii , arara, of which Beni* numbers will be mot Drs. J FIRMENICH & , Bulato, N. Y A Card to the Suffering: kt. Lew two three hogeheads . of .Einctiu," 'Tae: Bat-re.' "zareapaolba, „ .NetTotta .antl "n:, az , , and after you are nattalLed with the tt•cyran.Lot of OLD DOCTOR Bean eN'S PILL-3—and be restored to !teeth ;rtto ‘e•ln than thirty dare They are purely as 0.44L0t to lake, prompt and salutary to their the ttolea dos n mod ',battered coulditution. ',.toot co 9 vita them with advantage. , Impor- I 4 - )Il to the Chitral ,f.tate• only by FT' f1,F.12, go 4n Broadway. New Yarn, A gt. ct for the Milted States. em., -ecurely•pwelted, will be mail • zu m.v..tet" , f price, "hies is One Dal . plud.--ccro3er reloaded by the Agest, if satire ^too t. '0 , 4 oven. i 123-3131. KkOEU.MIICE 91 . NERVOLT/3 INVALID. t-LeEt awl aa a taatioa to P• 1121 16 e4ffer from NseiODS Debility, Pre •• I .-,/y 11x/.1.0 ,1, aupplyiag at the saw zn.sco c,: k d.curd. ily oms/rig/hat cured himself , /e/. tinsel/D/7. Pr tueloaio4 Fa`' acklo pada& copies, may 6a 4°l .01L4117AZIN • ei 1. -rr>oklyn, Hinge Co., N. Y. • kATEEIIt irtd of Nitenai Debility, In and Youthful error, a to tmarnt 4,thOrP, o ill - Le happy to hn, a'l t,e, I , t, fror of charge,' the recipe •ract ,,, ta for mating tl n ohnplo remedy need In las to p:ndt by hie esperieode, and • v•ino.• it«rtivt ) , lat:1 rec.oyol the s.ixte, by hcant.illy 6 , 4 1 .4,1 by Ldara4l4 l loi tOBN B UtIDEN, N" a 1 Na4, au 'Mr rot, N. Y. BM THE NEl(l'ti4s, DV. II II.IT4TICU AND SF,Xt4 -A great aut Ibr•ilia al ate. days, altar }.,14 4.t to 1.1•16 I tee aalrerizat tkue rocelpt of • rLt elope lIr,DI (Jibe Prima o r, J 100; tul% Hoz 1.33 Pula Office, Brooklyn, N. T. - - vllNtdi`l2ll4 I Eut.—Tto uudersigneul itittlagy t. -<o t helllllll3 111Pft wrap, by • Teti Lx7, r.ntrrod tesenat yours with •a••toli that lresd Moe tee, Coa t, t to •wn to btu rwltow•usd7 salt ....Lid i C4p) of tlto pro wall the 31rteilloso fof r. 4 wt.gtell they will Med s I 1 tettrae, grnsehl cam., 7 r,' Tllf 1..1 , 0 1 je , l f IL• ad roallarr is pitcol- L• I,,r` te.eeht the afilietwiand spread. loci, L.. to b. Invaluable; and b. Ico -I eul'eh<r tee ki.s r,soodr, as-it will coat Lotti:ng, KEA war prole a I,leiudog 1,. ll4e prelcrlotto,lo, will please bia ria her .F.DWAIII.I A. WILSON, Wlllteelebtlill, ESE -K.ap Couut,. New Yak - _ K. x•P SFriETIAN 1147U,51L. LIAM - atlit.—!3;,at tAiles price 60 cools. 1.40 Main Sr. Hartfued,:coe"• l~Oj , ••• r Fbara lwou to the lifer) haal• .t.t reau , and during that time tt i - r•rlOualiutruouto and lotions of the "' ht. a !i , unil on ar tl.le equal to your VrU• !rwl... I luau-to I Lore fairly toritedir It 00 mV 4 6 It ftpr c,to. the Ai:, u alio ibi rheumatism on myself, sad balm wo t It •1i w r0111.1%Y. rrmcdr hri,orAfrair urctunEt,o ,:rir,,,t•tA °dos, ortliuoit Strot, illin • 7111"111,0.' %Vitt +lt Et" , ork wevt I ,'tkiskeis or Mn ustechea ? Gar e,ll fore. Melt' to grow on the •-tLttior ~ ion, or hair oo bald head la #le k z.• Si 4.1., ' , eta by Walt irtrf Where, Chilly rOcr: f pie" (PSER & Box 111 i, aiooklyw, kf. T E Alit; oFFERING Liale kaguttment of Rabb. 'Goods, Como; pool, Doll Ettada, gum sad anassosale Ibr 4 7 4/ 12 1isis, Pole Monaair, hens% adtma ghe erii-attildtfbseritit. ERIK PA.. lIATICH•I6Ib, 1805. e a r Just es we iro to Prise, n tenwwilust Clark Me.Sperren. Beg., Yer eoasessad rite f sawn Independent candidate fee Maio,. Yount Ken's Candidate. We have barely time to amasses that s number of influential citizens, held s meting on Thursday ifferoooa, and emulated Col. J. B. Thcmpson, as the Tetuti lies"s tad= date for Mayor, • m A of Coafiwilat far the several Wards olatß4oss Thompson, Esq.. as Wodaesdai stye.y,o4, and bollokd fur a aaadidaie far Mayw o od& the folio COE testa:- Matthew R. Barr Grorir• lt:Cleitai;- - P. P. iParrat• Mr. Barr was declored duly nominated. He is a Repnlslietn in politics, and is understood to be an oplimeot of bounties for ad null of those liable to !be draft. Mr. Ban's nest. nation is not popnlai &mon 'be younger alias of our citizens, and if limy present maim candidate, as they talk. of doll •.' t- contest will become quite interestieg. CURIOUS Cats. —A stranger in this city, a few days ago, attracted much totalities by attempting to give away his potshot-book to every person he met. Re stepped up to the side of a person" who was purohuing somethiug in the market house. vied dropped the pocket,•boot into his baaket The gee tleman:retturaed it, to him, end biefterifirds E offered it td other parties, who refuted it. The man was plainly instinct, cad wee liken hand by one 'Of our citities, eh.? .abtahiled lodkingi - for him at the hotel of Mr: Beet. Several hundred dollars le grettebacke'were found about tile person, and some two hvAdrest dollars ilk gold. Under the kind - trsateattat ,received at the Mansion - House, the siva jraii . recovered sufficiently to give as intelligible cc count of himaelf. He is from New Haven, Coen:, and was on his way to St. Louis. The hock to his mental system has been so great, that it is feared he will die: Anorasit Darr.—Now that the Federal officers have oompleted their draft, Waft like• lihood it will shortly be followed up by m— other Oit _Asa Dirt of• the State, to Prom troops for the defence of the border. It la well understood that a law for this purptiew passed the last Legislature, ant that the Stets . authorities have been madding preparations to enforce it. The enrollment tree •ade last fall, and all the arrangements for its execs tion have been in readiness for some time past, but as Pennsylvasia, through the cour— tesy of Gov. Curtin, is a mere province of Abraham Lincoln's, the draft, of course, was obliged to be suspended until the litter bad finished up his "j )1) " The public may oon— fidently-look for it now, within s tew Tooke, and make such prep ►rations as they think the circumstances require. The following is _ structions, sent by Inspector General Todd, to the Commissioners of the various sensitise of the State, will be perused with interest:. - " Exemption from U. S. service .by mower having rut in a substitute, baring paid esP• mutation; or having served over two yelled% the army or navy of the U. 8., under the nets of Congress for enrolling and calling out lk national forces, does not relieve a party front (he service he owes the State under her mili tia laws. 'Persons who have perforated active service for three years_ in a volute*r com pany from this State in the present war, ire exempt from the ordinary datietof militiamea; but should be enrolled as they are liable to military duty-in cue of invasion, Lo " Certificates of disability given by the U: 8 board of - enrollment are not to be received as evidence of die inalification ; the obaricter and extent of the physical defect or boditt infirmity should be set forth in the - 4540U of the applicant. " I am, gentlemen. Very Respectfully. " Your ob't servant, " LEMUEL. TODD, " Inspector General:" LOCAL BOLTNTIIII.-A bill has, passed her Legislature, authorizing the seismal tewnshtps of this county to pay • bounty of $3OO tto volunteers and conscripts ire Dave not reoeived • copy, but, as we understand the act, a drafted into cin got the sum whether be put* in a substitute or_gotte in person. The bill leaves it to the option of the township authorities whether they will • pay the bounty or not. A State bounty law was 61110 nadir oonsideration, and, we ails informed, will un doubtedly pass. It allows the paymeat local officers of four hundred dollars to vol. unteera, drafted men and substitutes, - aid provides for levying a tax of $2O on all male inhabitants between the ages- of 21 and 46, whether subject to - military duty or not. If it is adopted, we shall lay its-chief featans before our readers at the first opportunity. Is case of its passage, the township officers of this county can pay $3OO or $4OO, as they think hese. . - , .M 039 AND ELY CANDY .— This article, menu factored by Benet & linrgess, of this oily, is attaining a reputation almost unexcelled for the relief of Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness; The proprietors have extended their facilities for its manufacture, and are now shipping immense quantities to anarly every town is this part of the State. The best test at its merits is the fact that wherever it has been introduoed, there has never beet a failure to order more. We recommend the NON sad Elm Candy eels mild, pleasant and effeetsnl remedy, to all troubled with affeetleasat the. throat. i" If* - A POPULAR blanidins.—ln passing by Mr. Carter's Deng Store, we were atUsited by as imams* pile of empty bozos stasdlig es the pavement in front of it. Os istrairh wa: wsn i *formed that they were used la sesdiatot ihe Extract of Smart Weed, the Iseisesse popularity of that medicine regal:lag a he r :. large number of them in the course et ahm year. This fact of itself is =limiest eviaesee of the virtnb of the medicine. With very littli advertisieg. sad none of the ordinary paaei us3d generally is get tip a reputatioi articles; the Extract •of Smart Weed- 1 1* - worked its way into as popular eau more effectually than any ether, medicine in this section.: We 'eottgratslate My Carter es the sitcoms that - has attended his ifforte. " Jost.lesusto.—uleaves frets thasiet• beilt of a New York detective." It * iteartis tou . of Dr. Joha B. W il liams, lime Dick and Fitsgersld. 18 Ana 131 . ,. New. York. The stories to be found ta_ this boot ors of 'I . beater ekes than we tonally lad is wo.b of th i s character. AU tie stories are atersetive and interesting. Their a , Leaves" twill- he lotisitarry:aceeptable. tad se eilehicall who wish to While sway s pleassat hoer. tit seed fcir 114 b3ok— price 76 oasts. It *lll_4 heat by mail. 3 Beowies-Biosowtat Tsoeittir.—Frm Medical DirtetOr ,Of OR GIN* ,liospilat. Bolos ilikerioke, par St.. Louis, Kuck • 1862 : Messrs. John Brown & Oak 101119 "• Ilea of taw filr 4 lami 61141 Ilt " Mr: ricotta, Troches! is beim' made is tholeen pita' of which I hare °harp, and with very beneficial as decided regalia 'II .allayiag bronchial irritation aid morbid gessithaagge of =goose membrane of glottla nal& • raft adjacent. &Awe =Wr it ialli atr nif It u rs e r . ovaes Nom t Toast 2 MEM ITEkiS" 0iL,4z40.-*Te Al ihiVAWC Y Pr!!, on the .As sio saki sayi die trot ,okeiripapar .0- 164 berg itiraiis ea& .fositulithi i;i3eirsiLite sail Joshua orditst /km Artesian Went think, it is altard'Aing Sot, to base e Wife ; no , guide heart : in , get tip 1$ the, morning and build a Ore.' . • Those of our friends wanting tickets for the ideation on Friday, wilt And nit ;ready to at- tend to - Them promptly and on the wet rens enable terms. Vinernt, Bailep . d. Co. havtradopted tie sew twain system, sad 001111114111004- operatiosi ander the Me of 4 ' *arise Battened Bask of Brie." This Mikes the fourth National Bask of, hum is this oity. A committee of influential sea &Cate ladies sad geotlemen has keen appointed, to devise measures for the establishment of 1 "Soldier's List." near the Union depot. bill bas passed I the Legislature, author ising the contraction of a n ilroad boat traioa to CsaterSille, of the same gunge and making connectinowitht the P. & E. railroad. The completion of this - road will add largely to the prosperity of Union. Col. 'b.- W. McCreary, of the 146th regiment, who has been a prisoner in the hands of the Onifederstes for many months, bar been es— t:bengal, and is on his way home. • Our friends in the various election districts are'requested to send us complete returns of the result iia chair respective loc a lities. They should reach us by Monday evening. The Prevost Marshal/of the Crawford dis trict received orders toldraft oa Wedasedikf. the 16th inst., and we; presume the wheel of tale was wet ie motto.- accordingly, at ou, that day. The quote of Crawford count was mach less Ilan ours. American silver is such - a " nuisance" in Cased:Viet the proposal is made to put edit. count of 20 or. 25 per cent on it to drive it bolo cir r aulatiOn. The people of the Northern Statesare,troubled with no " nuisances " of that SOK. - Ttuly were abolished directly attar Ilaocda's brat election. An exclaims-says there is a " marked des- Mallow. of. 2 veligion in the oil region, and sesoky accommodations for bolding religious noivlees in that famous region of country." I :ifhiteas elegant field for missienarles I! The sermon delivered by Rev. G.F.. Cain, in Park church, on Sunday evening last, was, yithout exception, the most polished and elo quentwe have heard in this city for a number of years. 19 trust Mr. Cain may be prevailed upon to repeat it on twine early, otossien. The ixonearlpts for this city ire required to report at Ridgway on or before the 23d inst.; three of the rest of the county, on Carious days, extending from the 25th of March to the 6tb of April. All who fail to report on AO day fixed in their notices, will be regarded deserters, and forfeit their right to obtain substitutes. An impioutroil well in Pennsylvania flows from' thirty - ft forty gallons week days, and 'sixty to seventy gallons on bandays.—Boston Post. , Wby Cavil it impious' Don't our very preach-- elm overflow zu,st on Sands; !—Loairvale Joirrtal. • • Wikais a darkey in this oily, whom We • against any. in the Union for minims, itabinshing lying. Be can falsify with more dexterity than even the imps of Satan. We 41 - aimed him overthres months ago, to per-. a, •tea trifling job for us, and he has prom -11nd hicror, three times every week since to oSonts to time," bnt when the day arrives he is Itch est.' ?he public of this city will venally nnilerstand who we mean, for then is hardly it** of our sequaintanoe that the 11111101 - Itlei ketavei - has not hoaxed - in the way. A young lady was overtteard midair the cossack the other day, that she did "wish thine ugly_ rebel, would give up soon ; be cause, if they don't, all the young men will be:killed off, and thee what'll uc girl* do for h4sbands I' It's so humble, you know, to thint . ef beeOntint te old maid "--and here she gave a pliintive sigh, that expressed bet per than words, the doleful prospect imagi nation plitured out to her. The "ugly rebels" would have subsided at once had they wit weisedeine: The election for city officers occurs on Fri day, the 17th inst., ant has excited even is. th” ordinstyinteroat. From present appear - awe's, it will *lutist go by default." A Large portion of our citizens are too deeply ecretr , cio jot now, on account of the draft, is providing for their own iattirssts and those .af thole families, to think or acre much about elnotioas. So- far as any feeling is expresso& oh thelithltiet, it it generally in favor of sir leolisg a • Mayor and Councilmen who will adept some measure of relief for the drafted men, ami endeavor to avoid any further drafts this city. That there is oil in the vicinity of this city we have no doubts whatever, but whether, it will eieletsellutedin paying quantities of sot, tinifiliis to be discovered. We have a 101 l in the rest of the Ossravga office on which.cii is constantlyiiiiug. in blubbers—not. to any otonsidesiblit amount, it - is trum-bst witticism tS jortprefeitM the genuine article exiOsta. Bev. asst liu'ailiii` of our sop - Mistimes, liiing on -Fifth street, have fora long time t,awa unable to Wes the water is their wells swing to the oil Which impregnates them: may be that become as faissoas an oilseeds's ii is the cons tri' rm . Provost .Idarahal of Crawford eswaly gitie"bnOte . 41. "every drafted nuts who, :after havitis been drafted, eatiea eliewlerit, is alert/vier •froto the drift. He net be helik iad _imaged in the district where he is 'drive, sad if be obtains a bounty from &ei ther totality, the selisttesst is tibial tad the boutity . fratidalaitly obtained." Lief Hairslfy evening, while Miss ..11Isjor", l'anllati_Cnshman was playing her part in Tkie &IRV Daf,", at dm Tremont Theatre, takes tuiddini*ill; and . fell We ft di the end of the third set. Dr. Clerk wet idle& ant she was removed on a stretch • ir to a hotel t ieheieshe .was itiiinnht to be is a somewhat eritical condition. The Demon papers do. of tell to the name of the "Hs joioir itemplitint. People about these parte friweerent cotemporary ways: "It. Is 14- letedJesnib that when he took up qineeteu in the whale's belly, be wrote home to kis down immediately, se be bed dieciovand niplendid opseinktor the ell Ms sees,--Th•-aesi, day he telegraphed the old gentiMill!..11111 1 0 1 0: 'POW, lim i t 'claw I'm badly sucked in. Plenty of oil. bat no mailiot-r• This' Is the first *Allah-a carman! kletorians sissy Alin linsteset." hliniesabi exhibited in Farrar Hall, on Ttildit - vorcening, and will re heit►~~itttwteiaatest ail the aisle plini . ea L lwriday ilidleint, the . 171 h. We was not pvisesil , but sonie•op bits," wheyere, reViiiitbeeibine " the abid aid NA trees '19.3" It wok is ban • a ttritiCs.4.l o •Nties whs Was Ike umber drafted. boo IPOstsea a visit to Ridgway. sad awrimp ApAp last lasso thet A der obvious Abliole IthlisteiPsf tk Beard; gave ht* 4e:empties papers; Bo re lates :so well pleased witriteresult et his tri P : /AI - % .4 -Zitir a r4 . 6 000 • ' ' mad that may be raised for the• parpeee et Mining those held tor' =rile to precut sabsUtateio -ilkeffignitliti#wkak:' , ra skys. added to the =oasts already gives wad lateidid err lee el TIM the wir, . the amount secessarY to seam* each ooe to ottaiit a wabstitate, with the aid the pro-: Paled eiti • fter~b .s ospimUy, bat yet with as earnest wish to It." -~ r'-~c - ~.~ s...._.ia~a Mr. John B. Genet delivered his , lecture en" Fact sal Plotien,"' la Parrs, Elall;•ei Wedusday evening. It need hardly be *died, loan enormous audience., Aside from his pi diseertatiosa :there were many good pans in his remarks :—he set off the follies end fashions of society in an inimitable man ner, and doubt*, ,left an impression ont he minds of minty that will not lota be effaced. 1 We have never regarded Me. Gong* is Ike Vaal orator his friends claim for him—he is not an orator, either iu - veice, spies:en ca musters or maUer—bat as a capital react or ant anecdotes and incidents he certaialy has few eqn Os His dl-natured allusions to these *bo disagree with him politically reflected far more discra tit on himself than they injured the parties ainta , i at, sad were a contradigtion of the maxims whiob the mein .portion at Dia discourse was it tends.l to ilhistrate, • A committee of the Soldier... Aid Society hale invited Bev: J. E. Pettresler, formerly of this city, tad sour residing in Aurora, 111., to denser a ledge' fur the '6eits6t of that as - 'Gelation. lie replies that his engagements prevent him from complying with their re. quest at pr sent, hat hopes tole ablate visit Erie during the coming season, when he will deliver his lecture ea Edward Everett. The appropriation bill of this year gives to Mr. Hill, of Wattaburg, who has served in the double cap icily of Representative for thii coaaty and Chaplain to the House, the sum of $3OO for the latter duty. This, In addition to his regular salary or - $1,000 as • member, massy, pay $1,300-1 pretty good sum.for less than three illOrntille work. We would not begrudge it to him, though, if vie could see that his prayers hail in any way improied the morals of the Legislature. . A meeting ,of oitiseps is the SeeondDistriet has placed 11 timsdittlitia the follOwinrtlcket Select. Council—John - W. Kuhn. Common Council;--Joseph Richtscheidt, F Giegenbaucli Judge of Eleetion—Henry Albrecht. Inspectors of Election—Phillip Liebel, J. J. Flossier. • • • , Assessor—ThOnb. Hirt. • *. 2 -2 Constable r -Adam' Schneider. The . drafted men of this city bate bold several meetings to endeavor to arrange some lan with the Councils fi3r their relief. Their Ciente have thus far Diet with no success, and the feet is•ttall i.Wed softie otent,drafted man's mind that tbsdosainant Tartles is par city government are determine' to render them no assistance. We felt satisfied from the first that such Would be the case. We are pleased to nodes thtArettaro of Me. George W. Arbuckle to ibis oily. aftei-as ib ises' of three para.'. for &bout eightoes mouths of Arial be pekormed duty io the army. He baa obtatasd a situation is the wholesale store of, liders : ANipl, Carlow & Co.. where his trisodsitill &brays 1144 him to business homy, 'ready to wood to any cans in his lime.' . The &Um of % I I tewhohip arc re quested to meet tits it Oemmiesianins is the Towa Hakim y, the 16th bet ; , at II) o'clock a. sa., for theiipaipose of devis— ing mean, for din relief of dratted mew By order of Commiesloinrir —" ' The effort to . obtain a impair, eimoill of the Provost btarstist's ethos to this city for the otiaveatimao• of the itieftiemeit is Iris county. bis resulted unsaccesd'alty. Wail! be renewed after Ake moist com pleted, with w view of saying the permits** , local!** 'Of tie office M. either this city oe Warren. The Harrisburg correspondent of she Pitts burg Post says the " right of euffrege," alias negro equality party, :ilium Senator Lowry as the Republican noudaee for Goveraor. We are willing to bet, ettr GNI -es jti that if Lowry has aay ambition for the position, he will get the nomination. • • Mr. W. J. Bur* wire has 'Purchased the lerie City Otan Bakery .of P. P. Adieu, la terite the pabik that tio ad after the Ist of April he will deliver Bread; Palms. Rolls and Bake daily through. the city. Families wishing to be supplied wilt do well to lave their orders wittrhiswateeer. - Boat and venlig . ' OsinntiThe*: and • large lot of paints, oils- and brushes at the stare of Ifalfkirsifed: It will 'be 41;1`their Wee's" to give these gentlemen • cell. The friends of Mr. F- F. Farrar have aao teededin getting a large number of citizens of both Wilts to sip a cri 2 untiiii6 Lis to be a candidate for Mayor. Mr. Farrar has iirelootastlyr sad: with agpropriaus mod esty, coaseiteit.' - -• ' • •••-• • " Extra copies of e ,ihit Oisaaysz t containing Colllftala t tiraftektpliri_fitrati' le at this office. • Tie Lroture Course in MO city w brought to a stew with Mr. Gousbla lifort waWeaatta: day oveuiag.. Judge Sterrett ►w been re•sf+poiat*d Post master of tide city, sad buss confirmed by the Suite Dealiltid 'Wien. At all enema, they look uniformly blue deer they are stanarred tato the triirfos. mimic tW Tasisee‘esiiiimil brirds. _ FRIDALY,M.VWCOMMINWO. -,•,; • ; ; t aNP . S.W 1 41/ 1 7”e k i i 4, 1 . 1116141111 r_-, - • 41 • .111101:0WD CRAWL) Per the siNgel 1%) a • - WM Ai Illi . ttie _OW* 01 7 . cllramWssim.mmoor• ,) 1 1191010 . :11 1 1 4:11 .*: 1 1 .41 1 1':01*- , - 1 . lioimairize.ain:A l '' . 7 : • dip st 61111211 size 4, Wow - , .7' Istbelise - • s mobsidlosimil-idali Art Aft ; is ,•• 4, iws.lisill awl ebrissksit. m - Ifrse=sakimpdmit ,-- , - t",, — :-(i i • i rr .04 , T .- 4 - • 1 - •- '-. ii'l W2:74 ll = ol " l" ititr ~ like 0 1 1:1110.0. 1 0 1 01 4 0 4 41 _ . p.tlii= ta wasterried el Ildepese. 5140 adFaiiitalinttt, & FA L - FOR ONS Niti FrOalwizlir.,-. Administrator's Sale. )3Y VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE - elan enter Glebe Orplan's of gra COUidn vet atabee Se ado at paths *sad.* oa at the lakes Istels'amisegisi bp Janus Grant. th the Mee.{* alt Ode% ad* Peare, es the day et April, 11111101 IS egad. a. ms., the flaillartag der sedbee.rod anal% bao the west& of AINIPI tenonall. Alf that entaiss paw de pleat of laid j ey Wyelelitthaineshlead, at; of bande wned do talleir4 to eh thenottil last of Beery AMA* aa the seek by lead of Jaws alas. ea the meath by hails et Nelson!, sasses, sad oa the vast by load. at ham liars eoltuaniagtltt ammo( f had los the sane hat* „•. , , ekes et laid Steals thaw her stntea wady; Pa, boasted sad iimmalbsd Ibl *it : Odassaseeleg en the Ptiladistabla 1 Snit • • so a floe parallel with Vostees stag alummest northertr howarte littgb dna bra _lad Ise Oast hem Ultiollateillt OWN, of Foster'. Obob. cet Wen ttlarm tralfarlY eit • line sordlel frith the aoribeed ornmerof saloon ea a direct use kw fat her odd sow nen Ware southerly Oa • use wand wqh the mot old of the edema to the 1.11144•10 LI• t CAI esibmi; I e* wady dean the tlaro et add adroit a the Pim" se 461 = Tome is head sad' the Yasuo I than wog psinalibt with teased to be paid satnially, to be awned it jettaset bead and aborbraire en tbe two 10110-404 et t/P1 option of ths parchsar, the perdu'.. say all be paid is hand. -7. I. MITI. . 1 41.1 t • adoldstrater of Jas. Great, latd.. Houses and Lots for Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED uFFERS FOR solo the prop wtr ow How s*% Lot is the city of lb* Maned so ilbusoins Oren. meth of ass railroad depot. Ciao Ham owl nine Ulf lobo with a &sends sus embed timmoos, snouted la that port of hilt Crook fp. Dams on tiarstoos. Tin banding* sadism an is vod ore:, sad amnia • dm well o• the pnadion. bet bass manor pram of superior trait apes IR Oat-ist Ifs. 110, is Walt li Ut Crook, math of Libonl stmt, without improvements. For water portiosion isqslrs of 11:11•011.L . , loadll-4t - glow, tio town Dd sad alo atO. To Boat and Vend Owners. ,W E HAVE IN STORE AND POD eau wr a p stock of to of all Wads sad *slots ; also; s Wee store of I.eod. Ott, both row sad boded. rho belied oil I. well amid for bast and Wend past*, bodies beta prepared with strain ( ditip i tl parties to overeseis datopsees tsar; lied materiels. brushes, ke its ars arm st lovas marks pita, and wit tblut t h e • loterest of all what &boat to bay roots sad ells will to proswied by girlie. as • call. waseit4m HALL k U. S. 7-30 LOAN. Sy authority of the Boynton , of tie misery, tie •c. docahrood has ausesed the Closers! Subscription Apaey for thank at United States treeenry Notes, Waging maven and Um* tenths per cent., leteivet, per sanest. keorm am the r SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. I tut l Thom Nots• • lased ander daft of august lath. /Me and are payahl three rare from that tinno, la nereeety , or are eon ble at the option of,tbe holder Into U. 525-20 SIX PER CENT COLD - BEARING BONDS. These bonds are cow worth a premium of else pee rest, loctsidieg gold interest trot... November, which makes the actual prutit oa the I-30 Ipea. at rani{ rates, (winding letereat, about ten wand. per sauna. follicles Ha este toles Jr.. Rau er essadeieel Laratiee rnl frames* to three per rest. sure. wording to the rate levied on other property. The Interest to pay able Joint amittelly by crayons ettached to etch Dote. which may be cot of and sold to say book or %maker The Interest seenuot• to Oue rent per day as a $ 60 note. Vero onto " • H 100 " Teo ". 100 •• ItIN) II " " " " 6000 "' Nolas of all the &Dominations turned mill be prompt torniabed upon npeolyt, olsabscriptions. This Is lb, THZ ONLY LOAN IN KARIM wow ollbred br the Gowiesamost, wad it /a aimAiketly er! piloted that lii miperior .4reatag se will male It ttis Great Popular Lou of file People. Lees than fiOY,OOO,OOO remain tumid, which will probably be dispoeed of with in the nest 60 or 90 days, when the not e will undoubtedly command a premium. is has uniformly two the care on ce.onog the subscrip • times to other lams. In order that cltiz•aa in town sod section of the country inky Is afforded faciiltlee for tieing tbe loan. the National Ba nta, Seat. Banks. and Private Xanksrs itroughoot lb• wants; have cosmically agreed to ramie. sat acriptiowa at par. Subacribors will select their one moats. hi whom they bars coalldesee, and who may aro to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for wti ri they receive onion. .11Y COO][t r , - • Sussoikirttox Phiketillphili. Babseripd3os •ill be rocoirod by lbo VDU Natkrola Soak of Corr., Corry Mottos'' Bank of Carry, - Virg Notional Book of Vie, Snood Hattood of Ede. toystooo Nationd Sauk of Ibie, First )(enema Bask of Girard nod Yint National Bank of North Lut. narTOStl. Reeves' 'Ambrosia. roK TEM aOR. THIS EXCELLENT HAIR DRESSING and vronderhol Hair intoratire still status Its preoedente In fultionabis cingsa. sad Is supersedtsm other pmparations, ant fatly in this country bat also in tarsus and South America. Thosnuids of hottlei-ars anneally nod In the Court dram at Perky _London; At. Paw Mgt said Iladrid,ol4 _timp Cu b a is 1111111 . - Moss. AXE Tar 4111 to coarpsaadlat an oily •••• tract from barb, of wonderful glass, sad Is Willy awe tad with • misty of emulate perfeines. It allantnallr preveititim hair Mhos oat. and cause it to grow thkk and long.- it snakes the bait earl sad &es It a glossy appearnacc No tonal Ii oomplete irk-Ust it. Price 76 amts pa Mtge bottle. Sold by druggists and des6re in fancy roods in all carte of Um elylised world. Whalen'', by all wholesale drugalida miry atty. and at RIMY -11 ft• AMMON A ORPOU, • N 0.611 Patton Street, N. ll. • MIMI,. /IMAM k CO., Philadelphia, Ognemi Agents for Pennsylvania. nitl-1136m. V YOU WANT TO 16.110 WA, LITT% II OF I STERTTEING relatlaw to tho Wawa aystael, Inaba tad fonuils; Um came and trastrosnt at disiewis; the mambo customs of th• world; how to marry well, and a thousand Wags ewer gablioted briars, road the re- Timed and inilantod •dltliarrot Know. Como. $11444 a MAIM book Ike various poop* and a tood boob for may owe. 500 yam 100 Illastretioes. bite $1 54. Costeshi tables rot free to any address. looks Noy be had at th• book dotes, or will bo went by null, post paid, on receipt of till, price. Afton, B. 700/It, X. D., Go 1130 Brow:Nay, New York. Executor's Notice. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY ON THE adobe of P. P 1. Brows Ws of Or 000• tovisobio oloomalod. boots( boon plata - to Alto_ laboatboir t an pones" tadialta to gold fetes 14Z• mouthed to - alio-ha ambito mom; and thaw having Milos soLut gall mum will prawn them, property authenticated, fo r aittleatat L VILA" NOUN. West °moo, Feb. 23. 18435.44 - NEW FURNITURE STORE. J. H. RIBLET it CO., Weald tempeettolly Inform the pulpits that they WA utmost a IMMIXTURE WARE-SOON, IN GABINB BLOM *tenonBth sad 9th Streets, on Unto. i h . r . r a., Jetted tommbat? is Mad • AU t tot law UP WELL sasselis nanirour, try, lo g nitehr oollatt • than ot Aothille pole noose ' J. U. JoallM•tt Fit W. 8111=1t— mils BM=DAL CHADIBIK, &allow af Warn. fag aad laarradlos tar Taaag Ataa—rddlabad log tho Bogard Isirociallea,sarrent fropo of charge la oulaill analopos. .Id4raaa, Dr. J. SKILLIN 1101141WPOIN. flifladriphia, - Pa. LO grin DIADIC NIC W.—A propkist esti*. O familiar to /soda: ammo sight sad giro up dot tar at Eardielas. S,at by' nail, Ina; oa *soap Or le, atats. • Addross DAL DOOM Se D 1 M 1171 Srdadwag, Nov Tali Publics". Bala F "VALUABLE CITY. PBCPER % J r- mu tonsil rebk__llllB4 l .LA Awn' alby Sau t es WWDIIIII ' a sederbgelse 30144583.0 •, I usage& liesetW4 MI MA Clink umbel Jobe -W. Arm eel Alba 81111.1iiik "-: • ei= es =tielr.. eisaike Mt: Ake ea Wettemsestril~/ mAupprelib s gaol Wen elowl exiii vonilic ih : Abserkus4 , B, umpire*. bob try t t o f se Ualis ew esezeg. wet War ftik Weigle iet. the P. - k Z. It lbw sad esiormAtau atugift Olio city sad il Main of - A died set AI will le Ebbe ea ibb litAbY Sr tee.tbiets et Ow yellikub feelog mar et semis suand as tie ~Op, ler ass sr tee yam u Auen4lollA penbauy. - brememoir 4-sourp. 0.44141r401,1•Wail WM. 1t.11.--Penees ',tabu le •Asir Or purity etil it Wu. M. WIMUsy, ibeese. mg-be ES rTai ow 00111BEVIR--Thian Ss •-lf ilk .- yserlioi psnoilrnim I Ida Is Dm im WOW WM sem Mgt SoM / win Nam" mink moo, az 1 • Mk. aim) a. irtallva. loft Jun limosligas ,W mai as awl Wow s lasi, Va imb llfilp. tilairaillbille , ii ,i i is bia ems, itielkblll. ta w Mill • sima al Imiarhise Of tie lonia. Go NMI MIIMMte serrelli sail bastliaL I. WI Wm mil hap te. Asa boobs hill lei lON :limo ism, Mogi dirisMies M llikuidisii SO IM aillelleateslia • IMO plink 111.Lir /11" V lIIMMISSJIIIMMMOMMOMMAMAMMIUMIAF . • c,,A1l applketimo sousiiii4 Apr Max WI 1, 411116 ' ' p - 11 . 9 aatiEhLuolooki =11•111. • sum liesitgadliew T• Ili. . - ' HUBBEL'S COLJNEN BITTERS. A PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC. -- , , . WPM/ MW * SIIISNOTtIittiLWG, !' 'llietilles * tbe *tom egotist Um all ellocts of sairlitio , WM aim ' ' • 1 * ' . , WM se - w seirosso. * * l' MI own timed Debilttr. ' . • 1• Moue Resntemi. • , h Will illile Hoedoebo. AIM len Liver Orsepisirit: ' = Nolte sod snots a Math, apputite •-- Ulle OMB of &ration Sid ino‘arsto• 41= 111111 W i ldmiquestozo of tbo body sad the Rao, o• dalbyy 1a ha da agonise' oortobosoat ottiv. Itrutosomilimaillig do poischsous dregs. emelt. f TER Illin P 0199 Bantus IN MX WORLD. • Ilk MO id asisirdtly 'GROW. 1 . .010: 0. thnIRRI. a W., Proprietors, '1 . limbos, N• T- Contra _._ll4,_Asooriose Itspress SWUM( MI sp. WI sr. 'gyro= . • Pee isle bp ell Dretrists. brows, te. ! 1 NELVIIIMN a HOULDLXT,_ iris, Illgtherie Vali,' oft bp Mal i Wexibir 'ftrier * Cann a" !ll' Mos a loott. merit . . E GEORGE DEMERIT ac C 0.," - JEWSLEKS., 303 Broadway, New York (eolusiumasa trassf,) IN,NII Wetcbes,,Ciales, Geld Pete, PENCILS. &C., NC WORTU $600,000! ro at .. apka . t Arunit lowoLLa 2.41C13, WIT toter • " Malta TO VA LUC dad not to 6epaiti mita you know 'chat you 'win receive • ' SPLENDID ILDIT .OP - ARTA:LES, ' Au to to sold ler ONll DOLL alt each NO 001 d Ilsottug Costs Watches, each... $lOOOO DO 0.14 Watefier . 10.00 200 ladles' Wiachadl6 00 ' Slow Wetehat $1 . 6 00 to IP 00 600 Gold *set mod Vest Chains =0 to 16.00 160 Chatekla and Guard Chaise .. 100 to 16.10 MO Vest and Week Cholas 140 to 1200 4000 Solltalie Jet and Geld 8r00d5,... 100 to $OO 4000 Oorat. Dors. la"s"t km., Broacher... 3.00 to SAO 2000 Gold. Jet. Opal. liar Drops 3OD to 00 1000 Geste' &seat and E auf ham . ' S 11010.. 5.00 doee Owl Dead Jhaneieta 3 talto SOO 3500 Chemed lirsollets 4.00 to 10.00 36.0 Calllarala Dimmed Pins sad Maio._ SAO to 100 IMO Geld Walsh L,. 60 to 100 hOOO Salina» Shane Belton" sad 20011 100 3000 veld Tltuablie • 4.110 to 6.00 $OO3 atialatare Locket. 600 to 700 $OOO Violators Leolsets. Nagle-- • 400 to SOO 2500 Gold Toothokk., Crosses, ac 2.1.0 te 600 Peboi • d Italtboo fUldes 2.50 to 6.00 2020 Mead Gold Duns.. 2 00 to - 400 4000 Stow gat Lags 2.6010 100 $OO6 Bete LOW Amery—Jot and Gold.. 6.00 to MOO MO Sete Ledioe Jewelry--meted stoop.. soo to 16.00 tilelltibast,levere Dire sad P05e11.... 4.00 n SOO MOO Reid Vine: Meow Bolder one Mae.. 6A6 to 10.00 Übe Gold Poss, Moulded Bolder 100 to 6.00 tbe 'Ash. In die oboes LW trUl be sold, without untioulton. Poe OUB DOLLAR LACU. Certificates of alt-the mime anielos are planed la eleallar ounstopos, mated and solzed. Thine envelope will Os rat by lull or dellorent at ass ease *Moot regard to abates. Oa vsnolvlng OetinissAa. yew will see what arta" It repro sostitaudi ills ”Oomal wan yen to mod one dollar sod reeeirr. the *stole mad. or soy other in the 114 of the sante ly 'alio. this sods we ohs seseetioas from a Veiled stock of Merle, of Sho best mike and latest @tykes, sad of ln "oath, at nonstnal while ell bases shines ei oteortve &Akan of tbe very Wittiest value. lanntsmonetlamby_soaxe_ekSW_for Rriranibte the Ilettllloale t , raying prole, and dein/1110 totilaass; 26 essta seek. rale cerNicatte will be sat for $1;- LA "fee $ 2 ; Thdrider $ 5 ; sixty for SW; and Os. aw ibeclice $l5. REASONS" WHY "' should supply year waits; oar tecillites are =Far owed; ow wort of unrivalled • excel/essee; our promisee pnaellealtuateerved. Oar otatrel lotat:on brings as near the sod ornate points Oar goods are new troth the asandeetarers.ead of the latest and most desdrelde styles. The pods =MP be sold, and the terms are ossequelled.— AU articles ordered are breasted W retara W• Imitates stirs , satiaketioa Is essay lastmate, sad Others shoald be say serum diaastteesd with any article they may remise, they will immediately return sad the pre • will be refuudoell. 4011/Tll-.4r• alb' those acting as agents ten ousts on each thelithate ordered. - ps °tided OA" remittance althea* to o se daub,. !boy will outlast 26 crate br army Carttlasts, sad no- Wein 10 swats, malt to asl6 mats for sash. addroolks • Wig. DILIIIMILIT dr, VO., amf.isw• '• • lot ReDiewsh Tort - F.. H. ALIIICTIMFY .Sr, CO.. • lialafactarers of Photographic Material', . WOOL/AUX AND RETAIL, 601 BRoADWAY, NEW YOBS in, addition to oat main dames. or PROTOGIUMBIO Mk ss an Headquarters for th• Stereoscopes aM Stereoscopic Views. Of these Ire nave so Impooso usestatut, facia War`Bron4u, Ameriesucumel i forage Cities and Lo frugal, groups, etatairy,/he ito Also. Ravolviug sicoscopcs, for public or private eihibitiou. Our est, Worm viii be out to soy culdroce oa receipt of stamp PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBIIIIIS. w• wets the hit to introdnee lima into the Wilted Steno, and wa sembutare itiasesoe quantities in great variety. raagiag In prise front 60 They cantata $6O each. Oar Albano lova the reglatatloo Wei superior la tar W durability to all abort. sill be seat by matt, nee. es u s, of rift. gar not Alltoloo mod* to 0ri0t,4112 Card - PtiotoFrapha. • Oar 'Malaga, imbrues seer n tkommaad dlls reat asibjecte, - (to which additions are saathiuslll beiag awes tot portraits et sailitent Anismall" its., els. about 165 *aJor Oars als, 650 littabsonsa, 120 Brig. Genera* 720 276 Colonel; - 126 Authors. NOLlwatesmat Colonels. 10 Artists, IMO Other Mars,l26 Stags,- 76 Nary aftems. 1 60 Proadarat Woman. 150 Prominent Foreign Portrait . Times thousand copies of works of art, baobab* rt• =as .t the most asiebasted migrating, pilot. tam. OINOPis• mat int oratipt of stamp. Aa order ter ow taw pletereetrois eat.ustalogue will be ilia& so the mosipt of $1 S 0 and rent by mail, hoe. ritisbegimpbers. an& Oat= ordain good, Al 0 D., will plasm remit twenty-6re Jar pint. at the amount with their coder. & 11." T. ANTHONY & liwagladerers CO., qf Pielortrjrate Miderirds, boy 1120ADWAY„ N. Y. or The to prim and quality of our goods manor tail satisfy. tele Col • - - - - - - • • - R. S. MORRISON & SONS Deg leen 'to !alma the eltileia of lad victidt, thk4iiker . bave reinoirtdtkitt •tur► DRY GOODS To the Rllllllll . BLOCK, Is , tie banding lezzietly oeea pied hy MOM B.Yii b W L.Tit. tam they basal kends's i kV' war tacit of Thus Goods, Fancy Silks iiiikOVES;..IIQUIERT. acce Iltataralag Osaka' to- oaf =Mamas for theft put naafi satriesee. nigalablall 0* a apitisuaso• at Übe mos. • _ • . ... _W A- X, . It 1.,L. Y:; -- • UM oraou' .0311111 M= ENOINO _ VI IN, Deth-1::2104. . illemataatistasbobase tea batioulag Isar., - - _ , .. ._ 01- -. • -, • •- •• liihnirdVou—Depar.- : Teals Ne. 14 . ' _ 10 1 0 a • at. al. a-111......—... • ie - ' 4;..«--- . .... --..... ttaia 111r - ..";..7 . .; z_ - _: - . ..... .; ... I 36 1. ;a. :11111/111.1110111enas.;:rir? ifi' r '• . .0:,3: :... r ... ..,,.- - ~1111.11.41001. 0•401 .48 et _.....—_ lILIMMI VISITRaiII tif,Co I,4loollllltrosugin iss CO:In& ~11 Pp .. ern" • T. ct. Aux*. Sew Wilrinitrilittlk VIM 00111PA1T, • • -'IIANNIPPRii.c4 it:Wig/Wm OINXURPOILIIISD NM • S u iIIVTAL WWI • . Wl3ll.llrest. C. C. w/.12111.1•4* vistragq—as is 2=14 fedti• asiMs-Vm47l!. iiivigliii*N . In: - Iturepep, - IR gittowavo. sie.PA4lO4 11,111.wers lee amisikirines• ,;;:svg; ,gilts; -mole VW PAL ... t s i ' ' '4 Zs -eedt tb s iet to UN"- ."--- por 9 P ll l 1 = lOt s; Pommels* isor*Millloss. Ikea tee oirmilme the - WagemrPreelglermoilliss.. riiig lS Ot a i , w 7"7"'"`" • 7' : Tiiririal'otaiiessiutissiso tivirpoe. isiaimmeama. mem um meeenle lest airporieuelemseakest 1116. voefrilmereblimee se IVO llenosissfroseilloto rie s i , . . .4...ellefilliiliabjgaNlVOW lino II Ain sooliosit 'lifter 11=.11111111011% • 14 ' 431114001. MIII EIES A.y43r's• '44111-RSA.PARTI m 'muds QUA! =UM 1111 Borcdtda and ectrofttlaus Disessos. Pront Emery :des, a ord se-known merehast Oa f, Maine. “ I hays sold lugs quantities of your BA.iiiiere =but arra yet one bottle which Ailed of tile elect and MI satisfaction to those who took it. As (miss our people try it, they agree them Oat hem so melleine Like It before In our community." ituptione, 'Pimples, Blotches, Pliiitulee. 01. . ours Sam, and all Diseases of the MO. PlOm Bee 80/4. Stratton, Bristol, England. only do my duty to you and the public, when 1 add my testimony to that you *Nish of the me dieted skftes h ad fm SARdArARILLA. Mydaogh ter, aged ten. an selleting humor la her *ark Wes, and hair fir years, _which we wore usage bw MPS until we tried your ear._urAitiLLA. She bean well for some months.' Prom Mrs. Jane E. Eke. a tosti-lainsu and meek asesewsd lady of Den , Cape May Co., Y. .r. lie . rol la ne danglita. has suffered for a year miat with a , which was very troublesome. Nothing =our relief until wo tried ”or auturauur, 'faith soon CoTWAT cured WO" Ayes Marks P. Gage, Esq.; of Ms Gaps, Murray (J. Co., sumufauturers= Mlfis Nashua, 2 4 /. f. 1:1 for several years a very troublesome humor In my face, which grew constardly worm anal It di fttrod my features and became an Wel arable MA. , on. I tried almost every thing a man could of both advice and medicine, but without any nod whatever, until I took your SALSAPARILLI. It haniadlataly mado my faoe worse, asyou told me a It im bra time ; but lo a few weeks the new slita bqr= to ibrui_under the blote.het. and egn- Void until my face_ is as smooth as any bodes. and I am without any symptoms of the disease thiN 1 know al: I enjoy perfect health, tad wkihmit a daubs owe it to your Seitsszaiuti.s." Zkryaipehte —General Debility—Purity. tho Press Dr. nob*. Salvia. ITouston St., Fero York. ATEA. I aside= fail to remove sad Set ,nliti; T lSores by the persevering = Bassara , and I have last now cured an attimic of ifalfguaxl Erysipelas with it. No altersiivs Ws possess equals the SARSAPARILLA you hare sup plied to the profession as well as to the people." Arose J. Jr. Johnston, Rai., iraixma tt vio. *.Yet twelve years, I had the yellow sMelas ca te xatt arm, during which time I all the physicians I could reach, and took hun dreds of dollars worth of medicines. The nicer. were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. I began taking your SARSAPARILLA. Took two boa ties, tad eonse of our Prt.i.s. Together th hare eared me. lam n o w as well and sound as any ey body. Being in a public place, my case is known to every WZIn this community , and excites the weeder o? Prom Hon. Renal /foam Af. P. P., of NMeeastle, C. Fr., a beadino member of the Canadian Parlia ment. 0 I ban used your SARSAPARILLA my family. for -genenl d&Wy, and for purttiting the blood, with beneficial results, and fool confidence to eotamenamg It to the afilletaL" BR Anthony's Biro, Rose, salt 'Rheum, Scald• Head, Sore Eyes. _ Fro= Harvey Biekler, Esq., the late editor of Cite TUAthannock Democrat, Pen rtsulvankx. ' "Our only child, about three years of age, was Method by pimples on his forehead. They rapid; spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent eereorhich covered his Ace, and Actually blinded =es for some days. A&' physician applied of ullver and other remedies, without any eppercol effect. For dfteen. days we be ar ded his hands, lest with them he should tear open the ter tettog and corrupt wound which covered his whole Cace. Having tried eval f thing else• we had any hops tront ‘ from w e iodide o potash lotion, as you v r e began giv your SARSAPARILLA. cod appl direct. e sore began to heal when we had given the Ord bottle, and was well when we had Bibbed the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again and be Is now as healthy and fair ass say oth childer. The die." wholo neighbeclaood predicted ththe must &Aglaia and Mercurial Disease. Prose TDr. /Dram Stoat, of St. Louie, Stusouri. "I And your Samar ABUJA a more effectual remedy foe the secondary symptoms of Syphilis mad Dar ssyyppblttte disease than any other we pones. The psopsidon are indebted to you for some of the best medicines we hare." Fives d. J. French, M. D., an eminent physician of Lawrence, Mass., alto is a prominent member of the Legislature of Massachusetts. "DL ATER. My dear Sirs I have found your litutuirsautut an excellent remed de Syphilis, both Of the primary and secondary type, and efeo. teal In some cases that were too obi, to yield to other remedies. Ido not know what we an em ploy with more certainty of success, where a power- Ad alterative le required.' Or. Chad, S. Pan Lime, oy :Veto Brunswick, S. J., had &maid ulcers on We legs, cursed by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more ,aggravated for years, In its of tray remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the persevering use of Aunt's EIAZAAPARLI.LA relieved Rini. Few eases ma be found snore inveterate and inantlannff than this, end it tOok sereral dotes bottles tO cure hi= . Lonoorrhosa, Whites, Tremolo Weaknites, • azinerally produced by internal Scrofulcms V aud are very often cured by the alterative effect of . this IMRSAPARILLA. Some cases_regmire , however, in aid of the Sassaresu.l4, the application of local remedies. From the well-known and Dr. Jacob Morrill, RlsOWneati. " I hue found your B..anal a sKuLa an excellent alterative in diseases of f eh. Many cues of =l , tz t, Leueorth fr ot k l th ternal f ial o o t lar s ation, and have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, whealts effect Is properly aided by local treatment." lady, unwilling to allow the publication of her aam4 ter/let • My daughter and myself have been cured of a very debilitating Leacorrhcca of long standing, by two-bottles of your SARSAPARILLA." Ithenunatlam, Gout. Liver Complaint, I)7s. pepsin, Heart lPisesae, Neuralgia, when caused by Scre_fuia in tho system, are rapidly cured by this Err. MARS.4.PARILI-1. AYER'S • -CATHARTIC PILJaS possess so many advantages over the other purgatives in the market, and their superior yirtues are so universally known, thin we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever bat been, and that they may be depended ou to do all that they have ever done. by, J. C. AYDR, M. D.,C0., Low e& Mass., and sold by v. rAR, N.E.Liwirtarnr: CURE WARRANTED nat IF DIREMONA ARE. FOLLOWED. -Cali /or 4 2 Circular Dest:ril,in . all Symp toms. The symptoms of Catarrh as the; generally appear WY at Snit very alight Perrone hod they UT@ ►O2l that they hare frequent raise's.% and si e more sensitive to the ekangea of temyerm nu, In the condition the nom easy be dry, or is alwht etacbsese, thin and aerl 1, afterwards beeoming Web and edheatee. As the die eW beCOmes chronic, the aiacharges ate inctemed in quantity and clumged in quality ; they are now thick sadhmely, and aze hawked or coughed up. The seem• thus' are offenslre, cauemz it bad treath ; the voice • e thieltand amid ; the rye' are weak ; the epee of ti e meld te iessened or destroyed; d-ainees frequently tab, lie.Asotlar t0=11:14 , 0 awl Important' elgsptuan of h it•Abatthe pure"' .0 ..hlle.rd to claw his throat to thi morning of a thick or slimy miteue,7 which lir Allen down from the bead during the sight. Wit n WI Mime Rive the yersou may be sure that big disease is oa its way to the lunge, sid abenld toes no thee= serest:WS it. The edam sea lat a Jew of tde =any Catered amp. Ibis,Jos. 4 2*. A Atingle Bottle will last a Month— to be need three times a dad. Alm Rm. Theme J Terser. Irs-Ntother of Coloirron oft=i4d• sPookor of /*win liaise ellaspoo ento4 Nagar of 4. F. Ml 4. At, or the "at DII. D. H. SULK . Dam Sts:—le reply to your oaks of the UMW*, I wodid may that I was onnuoly tattled with Climb per_eeser nbea 1 become eurqualated with you, d booOt two bottles of your Liquid Catarth Remedy. LF ibre I had said one bottle. Om otneibly beercmtd. asd ben* tee "mond bottle !as &abed. vie oomplotetv tend. I cis recommend iho okodietue to aD *Meted kith Ostenti. - • Reopeettelly 'Mrs, . THOS. J. ?LUNE& DB. D.:- EL_ 13,13.131Y1A & CO., - ' -aux Pooriarrous, Md.." Moil. arLeboistirry strtoorort* - unsels• . -'- •- , 41111NIMAlt AGIIIIIIII t MONO & A5K05&0N0............... Clirealaitt: to MIN 04 1 0....... .. ........:.—: Owns& Ob so U. JO W., ...N... &VON • omits $ cliTtprif a ic. it. name APDLLl___rr. . anallihrtßALL Dimming. _A Luau LOT Moue Mao oaf limei l itre i a l l s 1404 1 . • Blood. DEALERS EVLitYWESt F ?,Z1.1117E: Eivaxiviptcorta e 3 : , Testimonial : F arzrorr, Oct. 21, 1111111 El
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