5171 K 2 dr • „, s ‘ l . lll FOR REFLECTING MEN. t'4IIF A, u I/ r. The Frespeetref RebelsSebaflagiiis "Secretary Seward's lettstr b NAV r Adams giving an 50c0n..44,14Ltu Sivids peace otxtferenoa, and _the report of the rebel commissioners to Mr. Davis, coincide' in defining • very shandy_what, rebels may expentif they should submit to .the lath:nal authority An tkeoakdeititt. main 44-7/. ministration require that it-shall te sub mitted to. llares trtuot . .be cooked be fore they are 0640; nor rebeli htiled for treason till theii. Therefore, Friuli!' dent Lincoln's assurance. to 'thottnnals— i sioners that, so fir isioiver istodged with the executive, he would ality," is of little practical benefit at the present moment'; nor will it ever be of great consequence, for the leaders , Aill i es cape out of the country when the_4ooihil is hopebmiy beaten ; and the led is the nature of the 'ease: subjected to the need of exact:o4n clad- - enoy. , THURSD&Y, MARCH 16th, 1865 ETWAL TI4I4IIZOX,IIt taa Poona a ion Pam or Union lasarn.—buirew Jackson. The next Democratic State Convention has been called to meet at Harrisburg, on Wednesday, the 21st of June next. Erie oottnty is entitled to two delegates, . the Senatorial delegitte belonging to Crawford ' noway this year/ GUBERNATORIAL CANDIOATILE . The Harrisburg correspOndent of . the Pittsburg Post says the public men at Har riaburg,Jaf both parties, are beginning to &soft the question of sin /Scamp to Gov. Coxths, Q 1 the Democratic side, the names of Eton,. Wm. H. Witte, of Montgomery county, Senator Clymer, of Berke, and Gen.. Geo. W. Cass, of Allegheny, are prominently mentioned. On the Repub lican side, the gentlemen who stand the most likelihood of securing the nomina tion are, Col. /Ettore, of Franklin, Sena tor Hall, of Blitir, Mr. Ketohura,of Lo nnie, Gen. Morehead and Thos. M. Howe, of Allegheny, Gen. Cameron and Senator Lowry. Col. 31'Clure is understood to be the favorite of the State Adminislration, and is, by ail odds, the ablest man of the Republicans mentioned. It seems - to us that the next Governor should be conceded by both parties to the uOrthwestern portion \ of the State. This section has never 'been. honored by the elevation of any of her citizens to•the thief magistracy of the Caramlawealt b, and the immense and growing interests of the counties comprising the north western triangle, entitle their wishes to more consideration than has been conced ed to thankheretofore. Erie,county could present a candi late for Democratic sup port, at least, who, on the score of, talents and.perional character, is not ixcelled. by any one in the long line of distitsguisht_ ed ip4n who have occupied' the position. Pas nano BULDIER DILL. The Richmond. paper's gleefully ,an nounce the passage . of, the negro ; etildiei - bill. The opposing members of both Houses of the rebel Congress obtained the paasage of a proviso to the effect that no more than twenty•fivo per cent. of • the stale slaves between the ages of eighteen :and twenty-five, in any State, shalk be called for under the provisions of this act. The bill, in brief, authorises the President of the Confederacy, in order to provide additional forces to repel invasion,. -to. maintain the rightful possession of -the Confederate States, secure their independ ence, and preserve their institutions, to ask for, and accept, from the owners of slaves, the services of such a number of able-boiled men as he msy deem:expedi ent, for and during the war, to perform military service in whatever capacity be may direct. Should a sufficient number not be tendered, the President is then re quired •to canon all of the States for their quotas of 300.000 men. POLITICAL CLIPP/IfitS. —The Boston Post iays that the recent Inaugural' is " Nothing to Nobody" —Although the Vice President an nounced - himself a plebian, he showed be had a good deal of the old . BenrbOn spirit in him. .. • —Says the New York Jun (loyal) : " Really competent men are seldom found in , the public service, and it has almost come to be a reproach -to hold an office under the Government." —.The Republican journals in roik are dumb over itr. Johnson. - The San, however,,says it " pro • •..an indescribable feeling of chagrin in altwho heard it." • —lf Sumner thinks he has exhausted the English language and literature in praise. of the negro, he is mistaken. How the following escaped his notice and quo. Wawa, we are at a loss to surmise. It is from "Love's Labor Last :" . Amin—Most rare Pompey Boyd—Renowned Pompey 1 Zitiron—Greater than great, great, great I Pompey ! Pompey the huge !" —The report that Andy Johnson pass. ed through Bourbon county, Bentricky, on his way to Washington, is denied ; but it is admitted that a great deal of Bonrbott county passed through him. --A story that John B. Gough has, en gaged Andy Johnson to travel with him as a " living example " of the effeota of drunkenness, in illustration of the dis• tinge shed orator's temperance lecture*, is without foundation. .T4TOTTING UM RIM ON 111.•=0.0 Mon. day, on motion of Mr. Wilson, of Massa chusetts, the Senate of the Maited &lates adopted a resolution requiring the Ser geant-at-Arms to remove from the Senate part of the Capitol the sale of spirituous liquors. This maul a hard hit at, the Vice President, Andy Johnson. We fear it will not prove to be more *fleecings than the Maine liquor law. Andy Johnson will . have his whiskey if he has to• carry it to the - Senate chamber in a pint flask, in the tall of his °oat. ingerkibus Bostonian has dim,- ere 4 ► %el resemblance between the 1 hino_ of Banker Hilt and the victim Of. Fort Fisher. Warren and .Butler,• he thinks have this common claim. on the rever ence of Americans- r that whereas the Lot, thing whieh_Warrect +Sinus to die. for his' country, the last thisig which Butler' .sll2 a) will be to die for his country. —Apropos of the apology of the Essaing . for Butler's failure is artucby taint log his merits in Othernspaetn, one.ef which is that he prevailed IT d fellow fever from visiting NeW orreetil - t4hAtei was there," the Providence 4 0tesitys " this phenomenon can only on the ground that there ooiW ifetiii two peatilences in the city at the same time." -Ina recent elaborate letter of Gen. Banks, addreued to the Zibicrini, in de fence of - his labor system in New Orleans, he says r I have Wed silent, been itrong. - boa as Wisest le ono etai, I might him beigLaszaki." Ilfko cask herein , to /-1 --•• lifansaithnsatta Abolitiithista, "Fiji did ao ntnoli by itintipna talk nnitiattiotui . to force *iiin working hard to seta Unit - own - pei; mina paltry - by fining their quota with °litho% swots. • - • _ . _ Stephens, Hunter and Carpi*ll re ported that Mr. Lincoln woijild net" is any case deal with the authorities of the Confederate States, nor. with....itho. States separately, but demanded the entire suh-I mission of rebels in armii and fire restore- 1 tion of the authority of the Constitution and laws - of the United States throughout the Confederacy. and ; " that whatever Can seqnebcps may follow from the re-estab lishment, of that authority must be se : ceisted." So, says Mr. Seward; " the' ,osii. 'pieta restoration of the national antisisrity' everywhere was an indispensable _ Otidi: Lion to any assent on our put ,to what ever form of peace might be . pr4ii•o: sea," and except An this basis, and " pioTis of ;the disbandonment of theJpitnyer . kt . forties." - we could egree to "go o vati on or susipanaionnt hostilities." .10.;ffitia, rl, states, slao.that the anti-slaver); poliey iii the Govern prp.mt, ,was reigewed. _in all'ite: bearings, and that the PresidentNnutunis ed. that he "-must not -be_atistiptediO de-, part front the position -be hid, hiliettofb4 'iusuree4 in 4is Po?c.lo*.b?ti°ft:F!!'t!;-: P 4 4 .4332 , !' 4 . -° 4!fi.01" 1 ,0 4 .4 : ' ' : c.c, tt i , Ths)Refutilicompt4mY en. tlant.. 14 ... e; Poueicsbus . ." l .44:47: PLA: ' ll4loo 4'k l'' P. 'rebel authorities, &surcease not bylayilice, by night to rel,terstretewtherren have pe4iiist.any iiidmitni'by*Oglffiiirr their aririi, going. hot,, and subifiltitow to the s Ational autbOrity,; (A - eirtiriiiiitit tftilikelihOodl,4 such e;dligisidlSl Of the iisurgirbi forces; even 'riftei leiiiiire" de: feat faille ilield. nuchni wsf are noeismeest: ily 4.4siired, it is' essential -VS 'Consider fast witiii,Consequences to thens - all am In dividtiile will follaW' the establish:cienti e! the'nilional authority,' for, to'retseist again the latignage of the rebel emarnissiciners;-- they were informed that" whatever eon.' sequences may follow from the 'establish ment of that authority must be accepted." 'Every rebel at the South hat to ChOoSe tie:;, tweeit the chums of annum and glory by , fighting. on the one handonuithe chance of defeat and these "consequences of the - establishment of the national authority."' • on the other hind. WhsA, then, are these oonsequenoes, from which the President declines to " depart,”.iod which trust be " accepted ''by the rends if . they choose to subaidt ? .' - - J By an act approved. "urged 6; 1861, every 'southern man - or - Woman. -who, in person or= by . proxy, hair h - dught, sold,: er- -giiseu: any property, of any hind what /Miry With intent to use the same, or atiiitiffer it - to be used, in siding_ tho, rebelPon, :or. any person engaged in rebellion; whoever has used, at consentsato stab rivet itis Oro., petty, ". it, shall:be the duty of the ?reel dent of. the. United States to.ceuse the same' to be seized, confiscated, -and con demned.": There is hardly any species of property et.the South which in one way or another has not been used to the rebellion. • The rebel who submits : to the terms of• Mr. Lincoln and his administra: tion surrenders every dollar's we rtks , pf his property to tonfisaatiOn..,iThat 'rebellion deserves such a penalty we are not die. prating.. We simply state ..the fact. that our people may estimate the likelihood of deeming it for their interest to laidowa their arms and disperse. ' . . By an act, approved July 17, 186 Z the punishment of death, and the es4ci* tion of their slaves, is enflames* against all adjudged guilty of treason, or, in the discretion of the court, Ire years' impris onment and not less than ten thousand dollars'fine, "colleetrible on the poperty possessed by thous at the moment of Com mitting the_esizne,.any subsequent sale or conveyance to the contrary notwithstand ing, sa wed, as. the e mancipation ' of his alarm ;.---4:w either othese- parades ,pr both. Every person guilty of the offense named is disqualified from ever' holding any office under the trtaitiod.Sintai. The , President is also reqiited to seise and ap ply to : the supixert of the army ,all the, property- f every description, not merel y of'officers of the Confedersto,ermy ,sitd ' Canfedegastekkammutuutt. bilt.also of. , 01-1 thwafffams, Stateand-tpunisili#4'o,frl64- ~• the States, Pities, towns ." ties, pirishis *Ube Confederacy, aprint??/ Or, elected liana the date ;of seerraran;. or' baring ow n ed allegiance ic;i tiri- -, C° I 4 B C The sixth !eatiat al ,this eareeict f4' IMO -that eiv . eriresbeli .. who does not re:' turn to bii94oo 3l a .7 4 0 1 igli:tralo . after a iwoolannet a i l d,./itid r which produnstion,:wat linueldxbiAllg.. Useols,'Jelyitkaidlididellebloreool4l ,les seisms et aliJiie it5:418144 1 , ' ibiidastAitlir.eitiO=Reskil***l .- . 1 * iliald Ise 'Me 'Pleitedll lid-4*ff* °leech' tberget.::- 1 ..)c niel.- .t.b.usi • What fie aseieskuelkeleit thootlrtm, sale =demigods/ laws reginitU II MI be geld that ';thelsery netsbereti She: 4 02 44'. =ties* satiptsed , waVpOnsettl glikegligit!- bet ens"— Pet — M,. , he la/ t'sbwitittlteit who will issibriiiiad, if be hos !in, ptorlity, diet lie - is pie goblin to r be oil.' lbsidesritiatever. =eke can devise rm*ltiy , earl: ter It dib oada. ,813 - *Tat lx..4 go tr a • ••W . I Is • the, Areesete pisdeimakep a gf , 0 , Osier 8, 1863; tuba. _.. 1: ladtidoi as (ith to abillibboisli lie ~. S i seggy i ptoebigigifigusawaledilipekini n ni. riiit taiw Atildgidliktpetigeo Cledgtogwingle ifit ',. ettbei Mal /WE tam= at Isuague ! 1 1 14 4 0 0111Vtliit: ditAlielaiktilits. eke et iiiiiiiggillablOge fetifilbledi aged we* aloe at belt oe boost, high and le% in the wilds Ghwarsomat of Ms United; States, every rebel and every „ , thiv "t)Litte rebellion. __•s?.,_hilf t t, re Mt err i tti l itubllitit il t o doul ear og lb • efT ionturthe clOrapi*eli., untit could _ , ,_ t NI sit liathotif et thOugllt ! ou thetittesfraxciipt b tteg+s o' by_norlittifrerlf_e_ent down for the put. pose.: i StiirT4ifirii,"flepUblicana or iffeithein negroe:l-__*Al be-theofficers of the few. ~._ of customs, of the postal emit:TT°,-the Arta_ A y n troto, Norfolk toAtte .11.in..Cliaissle; and Me - iiairpoatiesikirs Of whatevar prop (nil they chose to •larliatitivent.` , The filltiliernwh4l3population would occupy a PoOti9n iii mash inferior to the former poiitinn Of their Own black's as' crhaiinal imprisonment is to domestic servitude. . ' 'The Ileppbl kin leaders, men Nice "Gar: ..1, , ,-,. pion, Sumner, And Fhillipj, who are the brains of the party, are now at , work to cliaCtki the last nail, as they call it, in the "0414 of rebellion, by giiing all neginea i Age. • ilisfril'nchising the whites. and Air ing eitivrohip_ to The blacks, they hope :ikt, - .iii4ila c 4,4 the eierMinatinn; or expatriation, or at feast the - total stibjii- - gatitin,.of the whole white population Of _ 'the l Sonth. - , •, ._ Thew; are' Nfr. - Lincola's coeditionii of pesi.e. :Chose who C tit''*y, thinic,that . the rehele - r iiiii be feiled ,so - Chaise te;their - PerlPvisl intereala as to aCcepethese terms,: , disband ) ,Atiaarm, and disperse. But jet: any soak person imagine himtielf i 4 the` condition of a rebel with a wife, children,- and : pr*rti;*iiad a futuje to . )e,, made or marred by ?lie; 4kliiiin ; and:lei:lbn then weigh and compute; the likelilieckl orany thing bliflit:emost: desperate: `deterinin• - • ed, bitter; (Willful resistance le theatres and . authority - 9f 'the UnitectSteteti. , We frankly confess the opinion that no so ef- . fective bloW at the southern rebellion could be delivered as by Congress, if it would repeal the threat, remit every pen alty; revoke every punishment, which has been deirotinced 'against rebels. ;tot that we man, to belittle their crime, but we hell,ieye that itaCh;a folic/ would make it unsucCesiful; Audi? coMpleteStilluie at fends ibis - giant rebellion," , there Is no mohly need of any other - punishment ptiniihnient leither to leaders or people. Oar laws now kte all A 9 to desperation, 'and (ny high-Spirited man among them will Opts fight: WW . would : make it to their 4ntfnist to - siteta - nib. And for Congress line to declare. the clemency of a great ~..,..ple ASA:H - 10er thin for:Clemency to be Atoiciiiild in individuals by it President Who 2 may die the next day au bo reph.eed birall Andre - vr Johnson. - s, As if to assure the South that the ha iied which inspires northern Republicans isili stirvive _the - death of every southern rebel,the .House of RePresentatives has jast 'passed an act repealing the prohibi tion of! the forfeiture of the real estate Of rebels beyond their natural lives. The party founded on great moral ideas thus vielatee ta plain provision of the Constitu tion in order to spit venom at the very infante J ana young children within - the Ciinfesliliff, 93', and to denounce impotent tierromm•,,hennhoin men and women of ft future gene,refion.—Nete York World. lyre* tlii Yaw TinikkwastarAil AdvertiseL3 Serraid announeedz move than 'year ago, that If,. Lincoln must be re.edectad in order that he might be Prerident qf the whole country. it seemed least lwral that Mr. Hamlin should he included' in - the category. The Bala note Convention • thought differently. however. and so summoned Audrey John soh of Tennessee, to the second office, in the government. .00. Saturday he .made his s maiden Ispreich - al Vide l'oesident. When we say 'that this wig the moss dii /meant Utterance ever made by public( reap hi this cannily, are use the mildest term that . - 91112" be implied to it. There can be but' one excuse for this shameful speech, and that is more shameful than the speech Itself. It is' charity, to suppose that " - the spirit of "Old. Bourbon" had apotheosis itt the .Vire President's chair. Mr. Johnson insulted. and outraged all who stOodaroundhini:—the Chief Justitje, the Cabinet, theioreign ministers, and the Scants. " flint of all, he insulted the_peo pie et Mee United States, and degraded the high plias where l the worthiest in the land have..sat: * lliinself he did not degrade. He fell to his z - rbitural level, there to re main four mortal,years. We will not an *lyre this speech ; we leave it to the judg ment. of our readers, who mug, redden with shim at the thought that leadership in this land is intrusted to such hands as these. ' 7'~e]stag~ra! tills t~e~~t K. FlazoW4;ooNnintim nude an iaa karat nddresa fouryears ago ; there is no paiticuEar occasion for another. The public knows as much as I do about the' prOgresa of our arras. • • We base greSt hopes—but we 'make no predictions. [Seward's demitent. J • FocE,:yeste ago all tried to avert the war. Both puttee bated td' fight. War . came. - The slaves .reuse-eighth of.the popuL• Lion, and a " peculiar and powerful" in stitution., " bomelicror" litei caused the war... All pray to the same God. He don't sowto be on tither aide. When He mkei up Hie mind-we silt bevoto stand. it.. - 1 4464w4114,with0c“ malice; let iii cDas continue to ent each ,otiterio thstaiti; talthilt, of any such tinhittuinti_ peophalse long widowl and.orpluuned in order &batiks ma y y not ..iikjure or harm one loather; tint maintain :just and. lasting Ramie among °tweediest aid cotber - - • Has Nature as autisflite for required dis eases?'Abell' i r ltit t et atter believe they ought to , • tour.;•;111 fleau Vitae of Nell,(Torkt 100 .! o. !kith beaoktt i ebtou . oared petioles of 101411;11***Otenese. - tiotti , On** lair Toitite,lthsklag Yareekomeilhilliral-DOv. Wit?, sad hieatulAlewtottaag._•ttuut .aaw Pi ►PI ?ries& "iilailtinf4o4 oiwilegiateig` imatzt. 111061iito baihis kollikoltaMengifPlitiali* VOA_ if(4 l Wisimeri eta* by . „ • Wye s 'Lica iestitfik mmobweiltbsui .tutrwr •Nwww. T mi t p .. . -‘ Z u .t 14.4,4 • Mat: lu* 1111 . 11 Ulm " 11011 . 00 0 i AWN* Mkt Qat 4ip tom a g t =avv il taz, Wyk; behrespookise.—N. F. (Udine di- PM& +.Xs_-,.'a:•.;p:o~.lrs3f+cU.#~Q:`.~7C~^e_r_ . ~.;1':. .:~lwb Apia: --=-.. , 14 - es\tikt yesness ii-:,--.4114.1 um r. : *-! i.-r 7 !- it. 7'"iomt',''• ';-‘4,..-: 1 ' xl 's - -'- thllanilabinclii, - I - -,. - v r-' , ...;111400iitak -2, 112124--ii‘: --"Cos, IL S. Odkitiint,Z6Darr Sr 'Tan 142211422Wilseitthre is tantalite; pis sacl . isfentadall if 1 dograd, is meld 40 0111 - tojeet • doatteatedirtituoar allign,eaceungell-122 to 14.1 421 , 01 t q tbetqlkiplitivaistioso l . : i for more.timkoue yew . •1: 2. Cana 44444 Alas pN4 . s rubstita!fi jay the navy,t , • 3.. Call dotted wi j ou, report at Ridgway, : IMs umninntleap, and put.tU substitutes, protein to the dagg tier as required to . report by thet,r•notheal .4. if a MA'drawit in the hirndrod par cent. puts In iMetitito before the day he ie re• quired to report, and is afterwards discharged, will the etibititute clear' the man on' halite . drafts foethe time for which he was enlisted 1 , 6. Call an enrolled or drafted man belong - ' bag to thia district, go into atitithor , elate or district, pi/icons substitnii, Have him sworn in there, obtain tlie' Prcivast Mirsioo's` eartiii= cats to &bat . effect, - Ind then be credited tow him in youroftioe? ' ' Catenis enrolled essis,-not drafted, go. as a substitute? - (I-sm • told there has been a different order oa - .this point - since I was-at Ridgway,) "7. Willa min who is not enrolled, but who would be habit to woke if be was, be *c ogged au a substitute? 'B. Ai*, aliens who- have - resided ist this Country throw roars: or move, eiempt from military linty? , 9. Ira principal ,to be held Batts for the condict•of hie substitute, after the latter has bees accepted by the Ciovertiment I . 10. What:notion into be taken in regard to persons whe evade the draft, by going to other towns or &silts ? n. What period beyond the day in which they are required to' report wilt drafted men be allowed,_ in which to Obtain substitutes, after they have passed examination at Ridg• way ? It is proper to add, that 'your answers are Intended for publication. I would not treed` Ole you, were It - not for the - fact that on all the queitlons ;UT*, there' are centlicting opinions Matdeqf the people. In . a muter In volving so tea ls - of importance to many of - Dos readers, I am anionithet their notion should -be Inehtentied,tody by isformsdon of the most satheitle obi's/4er. • dt.z.nreltstss aver your • gnatoreiiillietti e - 411 ales dtsplited points, relieve yoisrsilf- And. ledidants frost newly annoyisig:inqUiries, ' the. persons drafted itieltible heals on which to operate. li-Huts;' : . , - _Yours; ItesipeetfellY,- .2". • , . 4 SEW' lii.nrcese„ . PILOVOST MAWCIIM:II 071101, Ridgway, Elk Co., March 14, 18&i. f Beni. WAirnsaii, Et - = Dear Sir In 'reply •to your leti.er of . the 9th - , - I submit the fillbier; iv information Mir its benefit; of tie patio. 1. - kited ntan'can pat a Substitute latter three yeas ; it exempts the principal Ur the term for "blob the trabetituta is not 'liable to draft, not eseeediar the term of enlistment. 2. ilubstltedes far drafted seen was placed I in the user; the substitute must first, how no; benzambeed by the Awed of Enrollment and a eaethlestes .of. ace Wince. issued from this Aloe , 8. IA Will IA be prudent for drafted map to report before the day-required by r their no. tide*. AO lionr V. Pee be examined by the Etardwid theitotel accommodations' of way bold, hare been ordered to repori on MI6 day, If they do report oat of season'; they do it at the risk of having to put - up with poor accomsaiditions end being obliged td wait until their proper day arrives. 4. 41' man drifted in the percentage and 444seiew aireeptable substitute in the service, is cleared from draft • for the term !Cr - whelk. the subetitute is enlisted. 6,, Au enrolled or drafted man cannot go Tube another itate or distriet; procure a sub statist% kwe him mega is there, and return the certificate to Ibis ottice. Bobstimus mut, in eta eases, be passed by the Board of :Enrotl— tient in the district whirs the .priatiol resides. 6. An enrolled man not drafted can go, as substitute, for one that, is ; it exempts ,the principal until the enrollment lisi - wiusro he, is liable is exhautited, when. his name is $0 1 :h placed co the list, the term not to, exceed that for which the principal-is drafted. 7. Amu who ie not enrolled, but sboula be, oannot'enliet As a substitute not liable to draft. 8. Aliens:are exempted , on furnishing the proper Wavle*. ' 9. The principal i t released when 'the sub. stituto is accepted bi - the proper anthoiity ; waist's fetid should be discovered In the trans action, in which latter case 'the principal is held responsible: ' - 10. Perilous who are redrafted and evade it by going to 'other plat es are 'deserters. and Will be wrested as such wbenevet and whom ever they Can bis found. ' ." • 11. rite pert*: ti for re ser/day connect be extend ed beyond the tiati staled its the direet sweet - It is expeded dill the irlTgel essa will Men reiwri with adiatitideforfir Atty. • • -.. • 12.-Is ease - the Wetted per ceett. , ,, ex heisted ?MA .theino fa riot eisakaul, :0124e was* *gift , logLielaor. • . - Very lisspeetietily Tours, - .; • •„,f . at'. ?a. ‘.' Utak. set WOW 1 4 COW."' sesedun4 4 !tor !#l= 4 -1 1 OPOPII , StaIi p Pts94Sy4 l , l rP la • thQ,Preit;if amPPIAPtiIPhI/ eh" following ate ifi . • : oil Im= J am 4101,11111411•4 1 is : Lit p_ .4 pm Qui esvassont of isay fits= tNtt jelm* I*. Itik se dilute 4 don its 1 .511 " tbpt sla t bi ciediiiid tag to -ratOitier ".. - 4641 Do bona on the tasiitec itta - iwit rob. eH daus wit to I Aim #4,46).gw0r1 bilirlllilligfflit 01611;464 11 441.41,ke taitilaikliPiMilaoffeiiiikedibillWlCWl leiN silkimatiWitorgai OslaPtr 'whim iimrAiroid.iihmaiLleut 1 h. smiumehilipi 41111441M451M3Telftile Nit Mimi " OginiPtMit i tkrp lb 71 itersi sc? 4 lo ll 4o4ftig %%Xi 'PVC 441 ..4-4MA l AN a tt a r 40 016_1 1 a. f OA ale itittufk r t"Etvt l it „ t ritarib i set mesas mil ro *,eri a 1 ; _ aiitis. Any United &alai 611Icor who skallutustee in a voluatsee Sr substitute as above dasselb• ea, shall !syllfrtutestial sad, Olt 0111- viatica, b fb• Wyk& La every 1te.41 as Strolled petaea Lae istaiute . * slit Wall be prosesthet at the ti • piWte earths substitute Atirkstartrikibe ittloollool to be 1.94 " IM P"' fogirgis,::9o l l" aitadities of lutosiestios, or 1 ria4srAsSilottworindlotmotit for soi offosoe itgki itilite,ot fislony'al the common law, or - • 4(_-, previous not at Ala eeffyi," unsatinied hy,paidon or punishment, or by reason of any resting infirinity or 'ail nseutphysioally incapable of performing the , orlinarylsfuties of a soldier in solual service ,in We rankti f or minor between the ages of 'itlitesin sad eighttenleare, without the con! isint'of his parent or guardian, or • minor viiiiiii the. age of 'Milian- years, the name of the'prineipat, !t... eta' Occurrence took place rations to sk t draft,.shall again be put iwthe list, and be shall agaio ha liable to conacrip tinni: andin thireave of • conscript who fur• sidles a, euhstitute' as above described, the , loniser sifil'ic . obligetl t 3 serve out the sub stitute's term of enlistment, If. any party furnitlinf; a substitute shall aidllim to desert, the priaolpal will be put into Abe army, and required to serve out the period for which be was liable to draft, dating from the time of the substitute's desertios. The President is authorized to issue a pro l ; 0184440 n, offering pardon to all duarted . who report within sixty days3hereafter, (tkla proclamation was published in the daily pa pers of the 12th lust") and those who Lail to report shall be considered es baying forfeited their rights of citizenship, or to become AU :Zits tiod.be forever incapable of holding any otActa of profit °Pinot, or of exercising -any rights as citizens.. This section applitis also to all may desert hereafter. Persons who tee conitcripted in the present draft, and foil to 'report as required by their notices, are to he regarded as deserters. • • Any person or persons enrolled in any sib district may, after notice of a draft, and be. tore the same shall ban taken place, calm to be- mustered into the 'arrive of the United States, such oomber sf recruits, not- subject tat_donift, as they may deem expedient, which, recruits shall stand to the credit. of the Par— allel thus causing them to be mustered to. sod shall be taken ss substitutes for snob Intranet or so Many of them as may be drafted, to the -.stoat of the number of such recruits, sad 14 the-order designated by the principals at the time such recintits are thus as aforesaid-Mud:: tared in Amiarzettietaq—surgeons, contriat geons, and ,- sargetnis and commies:Mast* • • the enrollihg hoards, while in the- military service of iho United States, shall hereafter_ be exampt - Rata all liability Wbe 41414: The law providlurfor reeraiting llr thin= hellions Stites, for the benefit of loyal Eitateir, • le repealed, -No perhottof foreign birth, who has residad in the United States for three years preceding his arrival at the age of twenty-one yore . ; shall be exempt froai enrollment and drift on ticeount of being en alien. The49lll!* particular s will be of especial .....- isterest at the present time in, this vicinity, whoa_ ; SO ;m a ny have been drafted who will unques onabiy ,be obliged to enter' the ear= vice. A. We nederstand the lair, oonseripii ,and their' relitives are entitled to the Sim . peisieris as irt;lunteers. Those entitled-to pensions' are— 1. fivalids, disabled since:March 4, 1361, In thwaiiitary or - naval service of the United &stai r while in the line of duty. - , i. Widoia of officers, soldier* end seamen, who hire died of wounds received, or disease Oontreieted in service as above. . • t. -Children tinder lateen years of age, Of either of the aforesaid deceased per sons;„ll" 'there is no widow surviving, or from ,the time of the widow's re-marriage. - • 4. *Akers of, officers, soldiers and seamen, ,deoeseed, es aforementioned, and who were dependent upon klie son for support, in whole tor to ,k ." b. Sliders under sixteen years of ego, de pendeni on seid' deceased brother, wholly or in part for support, provided there are none of the last thin(' classes above mentioned. Invalids and friends of deceased soldiers are reminded that, in order to have said pea. elm commence when the service terminated, the application therefore must be nude within ens year of the discharge of the invalid or the decease of the' officer, soldier, seaman. or as the ease may be. Rau of Amston.—Lisuteuant Colonel and officers of higher reek; $3O per month; Major; $25 per month ; Captain, $2O per =oath ; first Lieutenant, $l7 per month ; Second Lieutenant, $l6 per month ; all enlisted men, $9 per month. Only one fall pension will be alloired io the relative of a deceased soldier, end tin the order of ,precedence, as above given. , • Applications from Pennsylvania may be tient to Col: Frank Jordan, Military State .Agent- tot Pennsylvania, Eleventh street,- Washington city—who will attend to them without,charge to the applicant. . , . McCiutr. vs. Cocas-el.—An intermiti . squabble is going on between our Reprisess. Isere in the State Legislature, Mr. Cochrtn,l end ihfgentleman froin Franklin," McClure. The letter is ordinarily onside., Ali Under- on the Republican 'aide of , tha- Hattie but it would'appear that one eloquent. raeld'hern not disposed to concede to him.** dnhitWirlionors of that position. The other dsperhee the famous riverbed bill .wee, / miler emitidersties in the Roue.), Mr. Coaltr• ran 14e1C occasion to idminieter Chelan alert lecture on the latter!smapport. ' of titemeseare., The gallait Colonel was not. prosist ,st Ike time to dsfead himself. but . corsespondeet of his paper, the Franklin /te ytiliterwiekes up the cudgel in his behalf 1!)It4 tilts bats at Mr. CoCiren in the Mest prA4 l l,4til skre. - If the public are in; tamta . 4 . l_4nkatowiag farther about, the oeallial, thecirty, forrn.so*ldes from the 611004 r 11. 4 2 r. 4 r ! s , Cochran o f Erie—Mind. of Erie, farther, is another dochrsn In the House fromlPlEs... risk** who is neither knave nor foof,dtdi. flpd Ala' Manse in general and your NNW. patidifielii - pastieular. by reediacalr treAfeek Irony ape of- my . lettors. , and .making_an as sault an the senior as the author. The' . et.' tract did not please Cochran; of Erie, hetabar rattan ii reeossited the iMmutehle law ointibesisi when. a nu is bora with - Apr* plastisol„vilailky in his heels UM,* in /Alibied. *the" eiticatios aor the mama' of floterie' ******Tern ft. , : Old nature is ei had, Wm.- arable meter. sad Coaltraas st ZS* :doe.. aidimmamt , , -won't undevelaid it, tht Mtn he quarrels with fate. 'llti.)reltiri lut grinned casually earn ' thee until weary of hicew,..a., mitimit, *al seems dote:pined to kt2xt i. pas.patll warn out wln) . his ewe WO - Mee witting to retire to MI aoatistlhl • How sea that UM*, ,lieisfeta-ateatde,te SW& olt Erie prefers monks -An* is thit jadelatilti hills to °prat:Meal' ilk keistitnUenel 'right; sat pm , • wilrl!W Visktift, won't quarrel with 04**."- * • * * * * ',sgi' itaboomplo t PoOTaisk No lariat sta peoFialmed i~urrauiedwith • as postismili—Oss; did lisliblew of Eris, cud irks* hteloskt IBS ma *O W boy Ids vow could b. lot AV CO dr,:tiLli 'goriest . uotice 4 k Used dad. lie bad doer-bed ea thedst loces ustsuustic Is Wl= illtildhothylAls there is u li s d •141,1 jut lir*. tits wets 'osionslit 411 49 01144 " .- • -- • lips, wo WA spa it, that tibia sot le; B=3 IMES Peostopl. =ME /Omit* carfare." lt is not ,' cam:incited upon principles of Christian eifliir4tiOn:" it ri i ls si - o , end•as snob must provoke "se re li rintessures." The •' loyal " people, rio y have a pride in SWltallEl lug liiir rep ti * abroad, is will he seen in am. 'Jet Jaen; they Need to re. 1/1,1111 : Hrelit at Harrisburg, and they will sun 110111111 - t. the imputation that' au) , of their issielatortare " knaves or fools." They are lasulted at . the suggestion about " mookcY'- '41.116.10k4"11".11611a4T0 WS," lad demand •• redress fae-Aetriaces." War is impeediug between Erie sod the Reuse of Resettle, iiiiitmeely Vera the libeler of the R tieing he- »inlets the rase pair veiled' Nutt le !eis very Issue, b e e vengetiese of an' ladigosnt 11**(41tillteve " Loyal League " , warriors, littrelt*titi -s iedostitsble " Coat isa, ' - —We are girl to be OA* to ahhOtthen, that b 7 latest. reports the conflict had aseumei l l a very encouraging aspect, giving hopes of a " short, ibin aid decisive campaign." The member 'teem Eris . 5 444" au the member•froni Franklin eons *f fintficatactunesi," .tardy jitikilliincy say, wide tty Gnat is VittgittiOritttlilit maxi had been completely t•oqt„ off " hiss of sup pile.," wad 4 , oncipe , l up la Rich "—C4amberv• burg--give: evitlaut segos of beiug. ," on the wane," an - I :hard i 4 96 .1)Ihr that h e i s on bet " last legs," A prospective F forward movement,"; , t it- 14- conaieutly believed, will 4. delve hit s VOL" and the "hell born and ilielvjwsysetk.ribeliikin ''' which . he had the andiacit f ttkiiiitittlie against the:virtuttni member trittis,ll - 41,1tte "ernihed.r, —never, we trust, tarkilist_irtn: , bitior to the he role eh sti'ltint.ffights. and liberties-- St I his brow hirlitirtti with -victorious wreaths. The biationaLLoan. The ides appears to beentertained by many, persons that the National Banks are the only ones that are authorized to negotiate, or that bike any • interest in, negotiating the Various Liens int forth by the Government. So own- Mon ijt this notion, that several of our et -changes, in speaking of the new loan 'now generally advertised in the papers, invariably recommend their readers to inquire at some National Brnk for information in regard to it, thus conveying the impression that the pri vets baikidtit hats no authority for selling the 'bonds of the Government. This method of yr' de• to deceive the public, Wile doing the private bankers mach injus. tree. We happen to know that,,in many eases, iiiiislatter have done equally as much, if not more, towards popularizing the Loan, as the" National Banks; and there are some commu• .nitres where they have exceeded them. _ !twit every private beaker in the country has. the 7.30 bonds upon his counter, and the selei itticted by. many of them are enormous. Its Hew York and Philadelphia the heaviest trani sattione are made by the private bankers, and the Government has manitested its confidence in the latter class by selecting one 'of its lead ing nineehirs as its chief agent in managing `the lostrkfor the whole 'country. In this city, the well known firm of Clark & Metcalf have iiiintug the foremost in their efforts to enstais the credit of the Government, through -the isle of its bonds. Their operations cover Ingrylsanit that- has been presented' for the swassptince" Of, the people, and . must have unifonattni in the total to many thousands of ialiatta We feel safe in saying, that while, Felfitsile. , they have not done more, theyhave, at least, done as much, towards enabling our _dam= to avail themseives of the advantages ; okra :by tile Government securities, es any ogierptdAlo or private bankers doing business ins &op' of the same size and wealth as Erie. While. /peaking. of 'this. firm, we cannot Wit to allude' to the spirit which they dis 7 played at a certain memorable period in our loose financial history. It is wellknown with -what distrust_the county currency was at first reeetsett, bet it is not so generally underatcold that it Wei through these gentlemen that a wait prevented from fallin4 into almost total disrepute. They received it en deposit for many months during the most critical stages of its career, constantly urged its . securit y upon their customers, endeavored to buoy it up into the confidence of.the public, and final ly had the gratification of seeing it recognized as its merits deserved. For this act they , are eititled to the applause of the press and the public. . _ . _ 'Amothel Letter from Vulcan. CONNSAVT. Erie C0., - Pa , March 5, T 5 Guys :—Sinc e wrote you last, I have been favored with more intelligence from the theater of war, where my eon, together, with many other. sons of more confiding and . un suspecting fathers than myself, have been sold into service without their knowledge, or 'consent, by loyal " traffickers in human flub." - I, use the word "loyal " in this con nection because all Democrats, 'are called Copperheads, and all copperheads are pro - wilunosd dis-loyal ; , therefore, it is not a sup, ; pliable cue that "the powers that be" would, : under , any circumstances, conMie a ggcu r_ Acted trust, as trafficking in the fleshlf their . %lin 'neighbors' sons; to any but those who Vivi distinguished themselves:for their pro• fenndly. unselfish and intensely loyal devotion to (I had almost said country,—Heaven for &Wm) their party. I will give you below istracts from letters in my possession from ! My 13e, verbatim, and- I trust that you will pablialt them, in order that the fathers, IWO litett, brothers and sisters, friends and rels- Moe' of tbpse outraged, though perhaps hasty °angst's. , may see ro it in season tbst'lizeir galUng position, caused by this (pardon me, Gents, I must eerie) &made, yes damnable, transaction of selling young men whose shoes -these loyal traffickers are not worthy to un )#01:--!Let the publiq read, And reflect, that *pie Youog men, many of them, freely vol. intaired for one year, with the assurance that they would receive the Government howdy, 'kick they are thus far defrauded out, of , The Trustees of Monroe township, Ohio, have moied in behalf of the gallant boys of that section, andrithe documents bare ere &Wilms frqoa the Provost Marshal's office to headquarters, shoving that these boys are sot aribstitutes. All honor and piaise is dos to those Trustees who thus exercise a watch -tut vigilmtee over their brave boys' interest Ono is their coluntry'a service. You will per- Solve the legitimate and inevitable result of iiellistkiigh,spiritttyousg men of the Anglo- Saxon race,whint,,youtiail the - following de freliposestb;, contain& sizi - the - following ex • " - DIXTRACT iron paid off to•day, February 210, pit (haat, garter, - but there was seartiel3 it t ley on board but fell In debt, me among the — rest: "t - have drawn the last 'roc of cloth ing I 4114 while iu the Autry. The clothes sesq,gelt are not 'worth one (Mitt what we are for them. Cloth pahts, withontlining, l itfrffer pale, woolen blankets the same. 1113'AliliNti been only $l4 00," tic, [Thus, Lay one interested will perceive that a young, sound and healthy man -can, by entering the I boil; OASIS one pair . of pants and Arty cents for one months' service. , What there is in• side of Ail* brackets, are wive mimments.) •. • , [tirs4cl2c..] ° Atire:jinti had. s row en board our boat oir loom= of the men not getting their balltitY. ?be 'Captain shot the Boatswain's Kite in the arm fn not obeying his orders. Then sty two* nine men in double irons on the deck of corroossel." - Itoomirsairmo ebb hasty sad badly mitts evem ; for, Goats, if lbws is a man tes desidedty yea& about the it Jo ITVIOLIft L. BROWN Bz CO., • Mato Sento. Hrowa & C 0..; BANKERS AND C0W...1..; )); Military & Naval Clanry„ 2 Park ilace, New 1%.4.!: Correspoadlug how, It, Was to , r or &Co, 414 14th t-ttr,t Ilatinikaa•ltlato* • , of Claws* and ttio aeuoral ft.taAar• I ,n !, V.oololllootilgtts6oootoo3oiit, *0 eat *J.II/: sad e.srimpou outs that all Wallop,' HA , will ba tliturodoir au.' pi (Auptly iitten.N. ',wowed to was 1110nOtd11 upmi %Di • I of claims, fed parenaa. Yaartermaat , it•-. chocks, so Ivan is colloct Lim f Aluain/ • POI:WOOS he luisllas, Widows, Cnildrun. Dountlee for ttloltsts,4lschNr4ed la battle, those ■ho Wive enrie.l heirs of %Is, Piste t,or.cat I.! Uthra. Arr....root per tor 4 ifil,rFri 1 ) , r . of d..c.ased Nary pr , r. ui•ipey fur all e•pt»%.. h a e f peS44l.le Yo d balenta 0: ph) Ace,,ao. of discharged db.er. retth •, dolling return. pr.)p.rly made elastomers obtaihtd , • , z CS 3 Irtemett&uo..tat.q.• t•.r 4t a A. efri per 4: Dr. J. L. STEWAIIT WOLT LD roptictfutiv and the pitthe.tlatt, tat, au ton' )04111, grreat• as tattlzenti in , I Sopa Iga acid Catnrs, LP Lai raadt:l•'l l• proteesion m Brie. Orcial iitt.ntlou given lu opi•rio, • 'artery, kud eeUc in ttini btAticli ..c • bealtewl- to lu thli and the 11.,linz • •. 0 1 / I C4, 2l d Yareitoti BIOCII, U3lll. •,.. sips e,, Emir reath street. next door to rostothoe Orphan's Court Sa te. BYVIRTUE of - AND• IN H•i t , , , aura of sel order of the Ori.A.an'A i • moony of Erie Ltf,ll rxpole to pAit, .11v, -,•- burj, Cr awford'onunty, onifh. tiffe.ith ,1 1 3. Ato94, at 1 o'cloca, p.! o,A: of newt 147, acres from the ii-et aide ofl that Inns partly in Crawford and partly its Rlih croint , , (adorn, to wit : On the north ti do by Gray, Caroline Bakst and 'Lyman Gras • lipon Makurdi's; *oath by lasi of t,rt , t - sad west oy land formerly owned by I.it posed to be good off land. Terms of was— 2-3 of the kurchare milieu of sale; balance to ons year, sr i• 11 - cared by pad/toast bond and Inortits.ze erjaRLF..-; W. b . . Guardian of ui►i a ~: Erie City Steam Baker.;, 'pH E UNDERSIGNED.IIA VI T x coned the Eris City Stella ot 4 take& Ibis opportunity of it:among the R • . cay of Erie that he will tall on tb.tt. the lat of with au excellent .• everything to the Baker's line,lncluding Ralf, and Paella paror'. es le a lrl , bailie! getting a good ornate. an hi.e:or. sod promptly torniehed at their re . bctf 1 • : - ands in Market. 3 0 00 ACRES OF CHOICE situated in Waterfor d , raid, Franklin and Fairview township% 1-r satiable Wars. Some of tbssa farms einlr4•p oil territory located on rollick 1104 - .• • farther information Inciche f WILUAIL rAuttr.s tat, at Wet , nor,l. r J. C. WILSON. at Edinboro. — Election_ Notice. THE IINDEBIiiIGNED WILL I: candidate for re•election at Pleetioa, for the office of Jusifie of fix Foes ward Having ailed the olLoe for isst the estiefsettort or parties entrusting. their . . his hands, be Bettors himself that iron his —; he is competent to till the office. He the,' . the support .of the voters of the r.l , tlr otace, and'llf re-elected be promi CA 1:h !: • . ties with the same fidelity es herctolon mug-4to Administrator's Notice LETTERS OF AD.IINI- fi: on 's the egtato of T. J. C , lter, llttl ettlx4e, Erie county, renn,-,. • beau granted to the coders gat••3, nott... • I. to all 'indebted to the sild estate t tz.• • • payment, sad those lissicit , I"l,m.s,Tm• t present them, duly anthetli,A,ll, t r , r • treAre theist of Jot', •:‘ - goar9V-1310 Notice. Y \N . i I F, i F.TrE !o't wc• S. , • witbo:ii may jut or pr. e. rAtI, n, .1. 7. Miran! , harboring or trtlelingh-r 7'll 111: 113119-3 t CURISTI4,NI Dealer la VacKer.r., 1 %God, aqi V. an, .% Stite Street, vpposate Justice of the Peace, E. EDITOit OF TILEOIERI' • announce I'. P. Llebel as as r.: .• tor Justice of the Peace in tin, • ' he pqmiliss to perform the I. - beet of tile ability r , LAOKIE J. BLAKELY, Arrt.c.Nzi EttC4 ,P• Will alp.] practice in a mares-Lm' Public Sale of Rea) Zs tare. WILL be gold at Publi. Late residents of Ls‘crenee Lo. • .., _ ••• Eftdo Village, on THLIS<DAY, MARCLi e, • o'cloek,p. in., the Real Estate of flo. decor log of a two story frame house and lot, tut. Peach street and 1 0 6 back, *opt ~or with tr..... . outbuildings. Alto a lot situated on •• - feet front and„lBs feet deep. Air,, a lot bout, e: CrOoenbetgees and Adam Jentsera ostlt OS feet trent and 130 feet muninc back Terms made known on day of sale tur'2-2m. PETE it 1,0 F..‘• Erie Co. Mill Again Rutini THE undersigned has taken ch .r: the well known Brie Count, Rill. in tp , two miles from the city of _Erie, on tn.) • Plank Road, and pat it in complete order . P.o - all•kinda of mina the highest market price: 'all orders for etude= work with prompt:Ana aua sortable term.. Being determined to do Lambe+ , satudsction to customers, he respectfully soli. of the public patroneie. UM Creek. Waren 2,1.1365-2 w• Ad ministratoVs Notic LETTERS OF AMAIN NA hay.mg Wen granted to Ephraim e.- targo,opon the estate of Cpros J. Wolf !.• 'tell township, demised, sloth* herAty persons knowing themselves lndehted to mak* immediate pe went, end there against the earns will present them for EPHRAIn c~ilttl. F,Airelew, Feb. 9--- , e3• A - • • City Property for Sale THE UNDERSIGNED OFF sale his valuable property in this ca of a home and lot at the corner of streets. The bonze fronts on Chestnut A— . and a-half high, nearly new, well si ;, • order generally. The lot fronts .165 ••-• and feet on Tenth, has &good barn o p t•.' ,hull and shade trees. The garden yie:.!s berries, and currants in abo oda:les—ha • r• • further particulars, enquire on the prernt“ febl6 .Im* Farm for Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED °Fn.. sale his farm situttod In Stilt Crer. shoot Ova miler from Erie, no tlie 11-at• road, containing aorta o f land; ha.: 4i: a good frame dwelling house, with warn, barn, mad all neemaery out buildings. • orchard of choice fruit. For farther par tie,: of John W. Shannon, Erie, Pa , or of t the pramiseit. TROY A`i • Mtliareek, /eh. 16-rtf. Public Sale. BY AN ORDEit OF THE C( Common Pleas of Erse county, committee of Abijah Beebe will tell at tb. .•. • in the city of Vie, on the lgth shy cf o'clock S. the following Re al K.tat•, t" the Condor et rumens and Soca, Or, r• 1r: 11, Et la, hexing n front on 7th st, eft of 44 GO. nnA items street of 82,14 f,.et—ou nit.ch tin, to is frame building. Also, another piece 84.1 0 j010g, hurtEß a fr. • street oral feet and noising back 152.4 beet, LL. ted thereon • Dwelling Hence and thee. Also, a Vacant lot Os I:6„tialratt street, t above places, fronting on Sastafres street 41 running through thettepth of said lot. Terms of ohs ono th ird in hand Ltd the thrum %sal Mad molars, *errand mortgage On the premises, with annual ir the sawn • . C. B. Wlf,t; . Notice. THEUNDERSIGNED elated themselves under the •t • '• le AVINERI, ter continuo tho ,1/1011 . 5 .1. Goods, Carpeting', and Llouvo Fa, at • t • • t• • • • Erie, Feb. 7, 1665-2ene F The Ninth National Ban ► • CITY OF NEW yot;!, Capital $1,000,000, Paid iIiCAI; 'AGENT 'MK •: • 14`.5•46.1 Agra for Jay emir. • 'WILL DtLIV6II T-30 Nuts . 1 7 R ' brarelliq to all IWU of *be ellUnt'l, .7 pjlumtcheek%oa Nvir York. Phl.s.f•it curets% Silts, sad all two per root • • lutanist to dale Of mtbseniptioo. *• win bo_pro_inptly tined. - ' Cho .11itoestiros the ftectinati of tfu,t...al on Womble tem; also of indir LI York semesals. J-T. KILL. Ciaitlia. • J. C. ogt Imo~ : ~.' v . a -11 ROBFRT ;*r!,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers